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php-nuke: advanced content management system


september 2006: version 8.0

- several cosmetic changes has been made in the news administration
- added a publish now function for all scheduled news listed in the main
administration area
- banners list in advertising administration module now are ordered by position
and banner name
- advertising clients list is now ordered by client name in advertising module's
- forums, members list and private messages modules are now not so dependent from
core system. many files has
been moved from /includes/ folder to /modules/forums/includes/
- added new bbtonuke (phpbb forums port) version 2.20
- removed useless and not working search engine links from downloads and web links
modules search result pages
- added a new function in mainfile called info_box() which creates a nice message
box with a related graphic.
values for the graphic (located in /images/system folder) are: warning, caution,
tip and note
- cosmetic changes to surveys module. last 5 polls block now goes under the
current results block
- minor cosmetic changes to feedback module
- minor cosmetic changes to add new download form display in downloads module
- minor cosmetic changes to ip ban system list display
- several cosmetic changes in submit news module
- added duplicate title and story text check in news submissions
- added a new dos/flood attack protection that prevents multiple pages views in
few seconds
- cosmetic changes to downloads module administration.
- changed the display list method of new submitted files in downloads module
administration by a single selection
with the title and a separated validation page for each new file has been added
- added installation system in /install/ folder. (based on joomla web installer)
- fixed a bug in the client login function in advertising module (thanks to keg01)
- increased advertising client cookie life from 1 hour to 24 hours
- minor optimizations in http referers system display
- fixed a bad use of define(inside_mod) in the mainfile.php that made useless this
- added a new redirection system to be used by admin to not reveal as referer the
admin filename
when clicking on a link

september 2005: version 7.9

- removed engine=myisam fromk the nuke.sql file to prevent mysql errors in old
server versions.
- sql injection vulnerability fixed in modules.php and news module (thanks to
zhen-xjell from
- cosmetic changes in the edit authors administrators section. added graphical
buttons and table field descriptions
- updated bbtonuke (phpbb forums port) to version 2.0.17 (thanks to chatserv from
- added new feature to edit banned ips in the ip ban administration system
- fixed administrators nicknames case bug. admins ids willbe converted all to
lowercase. (thanks to outime)
- fixed a duplicated points information display in your account module
- search module now has a minimum limit of 3 characters in the query
- removed sections top 10 data from the top module
- added missing translation in stories archives module
- added empty fields check in feedback and recommend us modules.
- news associated topics checkboxes has been changed for multiselect listbox in
the news administration.
- removed download and web links title passed as a variable via url call, which
gives problems rendering pages
- added a new variables check all over the system. this will increase security in
a big manner. the filter
will also work good with the wysiwyg editor. also, the entire system now can use
quotes and double quotes
when needed.
- added quotes and double quotes in the search module query
- the constant <!--pagebreak--> has been renamed to [--pagebreak--] in content,
encyclopedia and reviews
modules due to compatibility issues with the new filters.
- fixed encyclopedia search engine to be able to search text with quotes and
double quotes
- fixed a bug for the quotes and double quotes in the title/subject fields in all
forms of the system
- removed advanced wysiwyg editor to reduce load and avoid possible security risks
with many useless options
- added a new varibale to config.php to activate or deactivate the wysiwyg editor
- added two missing translation definitions to the advertising administration in
plans configuration
- fixed a bug for the advertising call method in the default theme
- fixed some bugs in the advertising administration system
- fixed the database connection error message to show the right database server
type you're using. (thanks to nightblade06)
- fixed a bug on modules.php for the users groups system to load the module only
if the user has access.
- fixed some translation bugs in brazilian languages files (thanks to dark_soul).

june 2005: version 7.8

- improved the banners administration system. now you can set ads positions, assig
banners to a specific position,
use javascript and html code banners, use flash (.swf) banners, now you must
specify width and height of your
flash and images advertising. to use the new ads system you should use the
following code:
$ads = ads(1);
echo "$ads";
change the number "1" for the position you want to use in that particular space.
by default, the new advertising
system uses position 0 and 1. position 0 is called "page top" to include ads in
the header and great
for top of the page ads like the standards 468x60. position 1 by default is
called "left block" and is used from
the block file blocks-advertising.php
with this system you can use google's adsense, fastclick, tribalfusion,
doubleclick, etc... etc... in the way
you want. text links ads are also supported. just know that javascripts/html
code and flash banners can count
the impressions but not the clicks.
- important: removed the file banners.php and replaced with two functions included
in mainfile.php
please update your themes and/or modules that makes use of banners.php to start
using the new ads system.
- removed banners configuration from preferences in the administration area.
banners value will always be 1 (active)
and they will show if exists, otherwise the system will just ignore the ads
functions. banners field in the
nuke_config table remains present for compatibility with old themes that uses
- upgraded phpbb forums port to version 0.15 (thanks to chatserv from
- updated all files of private messages and members list modules with the latest
fixes (thanks to chatserv from
- removed the javascript code check if you're in the administration area. admins
should be able to use scripts
code on their sites without any restrictions.
- moved php error control report from mainfile.php to config.php (default is 0 for
no error display)
- removed all @ to the require and include functions to let the error control
works as it should
- fixed a missing $admin_file global varibale declaration in blocks administration
- all blocks in the admin panel can now be previewed (active or not)
- added a new define('no_editor') method to remove the wysiwyg editor if you don't
want it on a specific area
use it as:
define('no_editor', 1);
just before including the header.php. on this way the wysiwyg editor will not
load on that page
- function makepass() has been moved from your_account module to mainfile.php
because it's of common use
- removed the wysiwyg editor for the forums module when you're admin. both posting
system doesn't like each other.
- added estonian translation (thanks to maku from
- news and surveys functions/data in the administration panel home are now
invisible if the modules are inactive
- the included robots.txt has been fixed and it's now 100% validated to work
- fixed parse errors for portuguese language pack in web links and journal modules
- fixed all username fields length (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed a parsing error bug in danish administration translation

april 2005: version 7.7

- added users karma system. this system lets you edit the karma of any user and
restrict content publication to
anyone that's annoying you and your visitors. there are 4 karma values, as
0: good karma (default value for all users)
1: regular karma (marked with a red flag, user activity isn't restricted but you
need to pay atention)
2: bad karma (marked with a warning icon. all comments of this user are
moderated from the admin panel, these
users are notified that their comments are moderated)
3: devil karma (very bad/evil user. all comments from this user are ignored,
never published, without any notice)
additionaly users marked with bad and devil karma can't post comments in
downloads nor web links modules.
moderation of bad karma users comments are done using a new administration
module called: moderation.
it's in your hands and discretion to use or not this system. karma system will
help to have a little more
control over abusers.
- reviews module comments for anonymous users is now subject to the general
preferences of the system.
- ip ban system has been modified to use * wildcard in the last digits of any ip
address. know that if you ban
an ip using a wildcard as the last digit you're banning a complete class c
network (255 ip addresses). be
careful using it and do as an extreme measure.
- journal module textarea fields size increased to fit the new wysiwyg editor
- comments moderation system now works at 100% in both news and surveys modules
- comments moderation form submit button replaced with a block with information on
how to moderate and a text
button instead. this is for both news and surveys modules.
- send to friend function in the news detail pages are now only for registered
users and user name and email
options can't be changed. this to increase site's security and to minimize
possible mailbomb attacks.
- fixed some variables validation in downloads and web links modules
- fixed xss vulnerability in banners.php
- fixed a bad sql call variable name in banners.php
- fixed sql injection vulnerability in top modules
- fixed several xss vulnerabilities in downloads and web links modules
- fixed a http response splitting vulnerability in surveys module. (thanks to
dcrab from
- fixed some minor html issues in topics, feedback and submit news modules.
- fixed an include bug in news and surveys comments system (thanks to anoopjohn
- simplified the module avantgo. file print.php has been integrated into index.php
- enhanced the backend.php output by adding <description> field to the generated
rss feed.
- added new database support for sqlite, which is a database server included with
php5. (thanks goes to phpbb team)
- added new constant (module_file) to modules.php to define a module instead to
check if the module has been loaded
by module.php. old method still compatible but encouraged to use the new one.
for examples see the first lines
of any included module. (thanks to chatserv from
- added a great wysiwyg text editor to all php-nuke's textarea fields. compatible
with mozilla, msie and firefox.
for this was used the great tinymce made by moxiecode systems ab
( tinymce is free
software released under the lgpl. all credits are untouched on the files
you don't need to do anything if you want your module to use the editor, it
automaticaly replaces all and any
<textarea> tags all over the place with the wysiwyg editor. this is what i call
"easy of integration". better
configuration, implementation and cosmetic changes will come in future releases.
- added graphic icons to all administration functions (edit, delete, activate,
deactivate, add, show, etc).
- fixed a bug in headlines function in your account module
- added missing counter when you click on a topic icon to display specific news.
- added graphic security code to the article's rating system to avoid
voting/rating flood attacks
- added last ip address check to article's rating system for extra security to
avoid flood attacks
- article's rating cookie life time extended from 1 hour to 1 day
- added graphic security code to the recommend us form to avoid email robots
- security code image background is now theme sensitive. located at
/themes/your_theme/images/ folder with the
filenames code_bg.jpg and code_bg_little.jpg for login screens and article's
rating respectively.
- fixed a duplicated header file include's call in topics module that gives an
error when non topics are found
- updated the full spanish language translation (thanks to eduardo shelley)
- added bbtonuke forums version 2.0.14 with several fixes (thanks to chatserv from
- added a new feature to blocks administration to add more days to the current
expiration date
- fixed sql injection vulnerability in encyclopedia module
- fixed sql injection vulnerability in faq module
- fixed sql injection vulnerability in search module
- fixed a bug in admin logout function cookie removal (thanks to loris)
- all credits headers in the source has been remade the way they should be. non
big changes to the code will
have their credits on this file or in the piece of code changed instead of main
header. i had files sent by
users that for even a single character it carries a copyright note. if a file
was "based" on others work or if
the file has considerable changes or a partial rewrite it will have the credits
on the header, otherwise the
credits should go embeded on the modified code or in this file. this is to have
a little more order. source
headers were out of control until now.
- all .php files has been indented to make the source code more human readable.
- increased topicimage field length in nuke_topics table from 20 to 100 (thanks to
mtougeron for the suggestion)
- changed/fixed administration bug on forums module that checked for script_name
instead of php_self which gives problems in certain conditions
- added a check in the downloads and web links modules to stop floods attacks
(thanks to flooders :p)
- fixed a bug in 7.3 to 7.4 upgrade file (thanks to marcus maciel
- all themes logo graphics changed to match the new design, same for the powered

november 2004: version 7.6

- according with the email number 213080 to dave turner (gpl compliance engineer)
from the free software foundation,
the copyright notices of php-nuke has been changed in order to be 100% compliant
with the gpl license section 2(c).
this copyright notices can't be removed and the commercial license becomes 100%
compliant with the gpl license.
hope this is the end of the story for the people that doesn't understand a bit
of the gpl. again, if you want to
legaly remove the copyright notices from php-nuke generated pages you must
purchase the commercial license, see for more details and stop
complaining about this issue, the
commercial license is legal, gpl compliant and approved by the free software
foundation. end of story.
- fixed administrator edit function that didn't show the authorized modules to
administer. (thanks to jaggura from
- added firefox ( browser support for site's counter that will
show in statistics module.
- added rss feed support for firefox browser's live bookmarks.
- by popular demand and to avoid some administration system non-authorized entries
attempts, now you can just rename
the file admin.php to whatever_you_want.php and set the name in config.php file.
doing this nobody knows what's
your administration filename. additionaly a new method of url redirection has
been added to hide the referer when
you click on a link inside administration system. if you have old administration
modules not compatible with this
new system you'll get "access denied" message. if this is the case, leave the
admin.php file with its original name
while you modify the modules or get a new compatible version of it.
- added a new folder called /includes/custom_files where, if exists the files
custom_mainfile.php, custom_header.php and
custom_footer.php they will be included from mainfile.php, header.php and/or
footer.php respectively. also the
file /includes/my_header.php has been removed and added the new
/includes/custom_files/custom_head.php for anything
that should be between <head> and </head> html tags in the code. with this
feature will be more easy to update
a site without lost your custom changes. these files will not be shipped with
php-nuke to avoid possible overwritting
when updating the code. (thanks to andr� V. escudero for the tip)
- moved forums administration to the module's folder (thanks to chatserv from
- added an extra check to administrators/authors adition functions to grant access
to the superuser only (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed a search results bug in forums module (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed a bug in the 7.3 to 7.4 upgrade file for sections module migration (thanks
to chatserv from
- changed the password generator in your account module. system generated
passwords now are 3 letters, 2 numbers and 3 letters.
- fixed update_points() function call to clickbanner() function on banners.php
- changed anonymous permissions for broken link report and modification requests
in downloads and web links modules.

september 2004: version 7.5

- fixed a language inclusion bug in forums module (thanks to carlos maldonado from
- removed auth.php and all its functions added to admin.php (thanks to chatserv
you can safely delete auth.php after update to this version.
- fixed lot of little possible security issues by cheking each variable value on
all over the system (thanks to chatserv from
more than 300 variables now has some kind of filtering to avoid possible xss
injection exploits.
- added extra checks for users and administrators cookies
- fixed subscribers users only modules display (thanks to studylexis)
- new improved administration system, more modular. now each module in /modules
have an "admin" folder with all
the administration functions on it. now php-nuke modules are exactly that: 100%
- administration section is now splitted into two parts, one for system functions
and the other one for modules.
- new administrators system which lets you select who can administer each module
- each modules now shows an administration panel, if available, from where you can
add/edit/delete content
according to the module selected. the file of the panel should be
/modules/your_module/admin/panel.php (see the
content module for a quick example)
- fixed counter increment when deleting an administrator and reasign his/her
stories to a new author
- fixed a bug when sending a private message to a specified user from your account
- added missing $articlecomm global variable declaration on your account to
display last 10 comments by user
- fixed an incomplete insert query in surveys administration module. (thanks to
chatserv from
- added a missing semi-colon in the stories administration module
- fixed lot of little bugs on search, statistics, your account and web links
modules (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed new user creation in the administration to avoid duplicate usernames
- fixed some cosmetic error in weblinks module
- fixed table display color in review module
- some little cosmetic changes in encyclopedia module
- changed the page generation time to show two decimal values only instead of

july 2004: version 7.4

- ephemerids module/block has been removed from the main distribution but it's
still available at the club (
- sections module has been removed, from the update all its content will be moved
to content module
- updated phpbb forums port to version 2.10 (thanks to chatserv from
- cosmetic changes to comments navigation bar on news
- simplified the comments navigation bar on surveys (now it's same as news
comments bar)
- some cosmetic changes in banners administration system
- active and inactive banners are now in separe tables in banners administration
- advertising customers list is now alphabeticaly ordered in banners
- news submissions now displays more information like username of the news
- little cosmetic changes on news submissions administration list
- fixed lot of bugs on banners.php file that caused ads clients login error
- added ip based ban system fully configurable from the administration panel
- added user's last ip address log to work with the ban system
- fixed a bug in banners administration that always displays 0 on inactive banners
- fixed blocks move down function bug in administration (thanks to codanger)
- added score value range verification on reviews module
- fixed a bug in the your account module when cheking user data against user
cookie (thanks to chatserv from
- added numerical checks for lot of numerical variables (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed lot of potential security holes in administration panel (thanks to
chatserv from
- fixed "yet another time" the stars graphics on the article's rating block
- fixed "yet another time" the delete function for all submissions, broken after a
security fix

may 2004: version 7.3

- added an extra check in autonews function to avoid duplicated automated news
when you have high traffic site
- fixed points update when click on a banner and not when print it on banners.php
(thanks to mrfluffy)
- fixed bad html tag in downloads and web links modules (thanks to chatserv from
- added union tap (thanks goes to zhen-xjell from
- updated russian language translation (thanks to alexander burchak
- fixed a link error on indonesian language translation in news module (thanks to
- added 7.2 patched files made by chatserv with many security fixes
- added phpbb forums port version 2.0.8 (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed last 5 surveys block to show 5 results and not 6 (thanks to cos)
- fixed a security vulnerability in admin.php to prevent malicious img tags to
insert data on the database (thanks goes to zhen-xjell from
for the first quick fix and to chatserv from for the
final patch)
- added missing $articlecomm in global variables declaration in stories archive
- fixed action images width in stories archive module

march 2004: version 7.2

- updated forums, private messages and members list modules from version .0.6 to
version .0.7 (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed all faq tables queries. changed queries from faqcategories to
faqcategories due to problems in some systems (thanks to centuryperf)
- fixed all faq tables queries. changed queries from faqanswer to faqanswer due to
problems in some systems (thanks to centuryperf)
- private messages texts lenght reduced to fit many 800 pixels themes
- fixed admin only subscription's text position in your account module
- fixed a security hole in search module (thanks to chatserv from
- removed comments options configuration in the comments navbar from news and
survey modules
- increased the session lenght from 1800 to 3600 seconds
- added your account hack to change the avatars
- all php-nuke's code is now 100% operative with the new sql abstraction layer
- more descriptive error messages added
- removed amazon's block and amazon's products images (the block is still
available in the php-nuke's club)
- removed webmail module due to many security bugs (the module is still available
in the php-nuke's club)
- removed addon_sample, now it's useless
- removed printer friendly page and send to a friend links from news and
categories index
- by several requests removed the php-nuke version number from statistics module
and from meta tags
- included the disallow rule for mediapartners-google in robots.txt to be used
with google adsense

january 2004: version 7.1

- added subscription system. with this new feature you can now manage
subscriptions to your site. mainly
designed so webmasters can have subscribed users who pay to be able to remove
advertising and/or access
to subscribers only modules. the subscription system lets you set any block of
the site to be invisible
for subscribed users, any module can be configured to grant access to subscribed
users only and the
banners system will not show any advertising if the user is subscribed. a new
function called paid() will
check if the user is subscriber or not. if you want to make some part of the
code available for subscriber
users only, you must use the following piece of code:

if (paid()) {
echo "you're a subscribed user...";

you can also check if a user isn't a subscriber using the code:

if (!paid()) {
echo "you're not a subscribed user...";

so, with this you can play a little. but to configure a module for subscribed
users only, just use the
modules administration option as usual, see the new option in the "who can view
this" selection box.
messages system also can be used on the same way. to subscribe a user, he/she
must be registered on the
site, then as administrator go and edit the user's account. you'll notice the
new options to
subscribe/unsubscribe anyone you want in periods from 1 year to 10 years. the
system is created to manage
anual subscriptions only, but i think it's as it must be. also, in your_account
module, in the main
window the user will always know how many time remains in his/her subscription.
remember to edit the
config.php file and set $subscription_url variable with the subscription
information page on your site.
enjoy and make some money with your site! :) hope you like it.
- added subscribed users block with remaining time
- fixed lot of minor bugs on downloads administration module (thanks to chatserv
- fixed lot of minor bugs on web links administration module (thanks to chatserv
- fixed a minor bug on encyclopedia administration module (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed lot of minor bugs on downloads module (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed lot of minor bugs on web links module (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed a bug in search function of encyclopedia module (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed few bugs in forums and user info blocks (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed bad variable call on news send to a friend functions (thanks to chatserv
- added missing $articlecomm global declaration in navigation bar of your account
module (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed save function when editing a client in banners administration
- fixed language selection bug in forums administration
- removed index link in the avantgo module's logo (thanks goes to michael aka

december 2003: version 7.0

- fixed a bug in the banners system that didn't count the impressions and clicks
- fixed an sql injection security hole in surveys module
- fixed an sql injection security hole in reviews module
- fixed an sql injection security hole in search function of forums module
- documentation directory moved outside system's directory
- now any block can expire in a given period of days
- changed rc4 crypt class due to license problem. replaced with a gpl'ed class
sent by the author
- fixed the comments characters from nuke.sql file to be phpmyadmin compatible
- fixed some bad variable references on the modules/blocks documentation
- removed the useless todo text file from the distribution
- added lot of missing language constants on your account module translation files
- fixed turkish language translation
- fixed brazilian language translation
- fixed several sql injection hole (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed some german language translation files
- fixed a security hole (xss bug) in downloads module (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed a security hole (xss bug) in weblinks module (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed a security hole in administration (admin.php file) - (thanks goes to zhen-
xjell from
- fixed a header bug in avantgo module
- replaced all chinese language files with proper translation
- fixed a security bug in the survey module and block (thanks goes to zhen-xjell
- fixed a xss javascript security vulnerability on mainfile.php (thanks goes to
zhen-xjell from
- deleted img tag from get variables verification on mainfile.php
- added a very nice points system to the whole code
done by using the new function update_points($i) where $i has one of the
following values:
1 = journal entry
2 = journal comments
3 = recommend us entry
4 = published news submission
5 = each news comment
6 = news sent to a friend
7 = articles rate
8 = vote in a survey
9 = comment in a survey
10 = forum new thread post
11 = forum reply to a post
12 = reviews comment
13 = each page view
14 = visit to a weblink
15 = rate a weblink
16 = comment a weblink
17 = download a file
18 = rate any file
19 = comment to a file
20 = broadcast message
21 = click on a banner
- added points based users groups (see administration section)
- fixed a bug in the user prefix in stories administration module

august 2003: version 6.9

- by high number of request added the feature to turn off and on the security
code's check on login forms
for more details on how to configure it, just check out the config.php file.
default is to use this
feature everywhere.
- fixed poll edit function to let you change the language in administration
- now you can have theme specific graphic for weblinks module title. to use it
just add a file
called: /themes/your_theme/images/link-logo.gif (your_theme = your theme's name
- now you can have theme specific graphic for downloads module title. to use it
just add a file
called: /themes/your_theme/images/down-logo.gif (your_theme = your theme's name
- fixed some bugs in languages files (main translation and a few modules's
translation files)
- added a missing translation in web links administration module
- added missing $dbi in sql query in the file contactbook.php (webmail module)
- fixed a bug in norwegian translation in web links module
- some other minor cleanups and fixes
- xdmp client removed due to news service shutdown

july 2003: version 6.8

- created and added xdmp client at /modules/news/xdmp.php this is a new system
that lets you fill your site
with news without any human intervention! (see for more details)
- few minor fixes in your account module
- fixed bad userinfo call in your account
- added missing avatars default blank image
- added forums block
- replaced [sid] with ['sid'] everywhere for security reasons
- added missing global variable in stories administration
- fixed bad field value in the settings form
- fixed bad translation constant name in newsletter administration module
- fixed a bug in the ultramode function in mainfile.php
- fixed bad database query variable call in your account module
- fixed a bad link in stories archives module
- apllied all the fixes available for forums module from nukecops
- apllied all the fixes available for private messages module from nukecops
- apllied all the fixes available for journal module from nukecops

june 2003: version 6.7

- reorganization on upgrade folder
- changed banners administration icon due to copyright issue with applescript
- added lot of fixes to forums and private messages modules from the nuke 6.5
fixes pack 3 (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed bad reference to an unexistent field name in journal module (thanks to
chatserv from
- fixed avatar path on your account module (thanks to chatserv from
- fixed a missing ? in lang-catala.php (thanks to chatserv from
- added "docs" folder with the php-nuke howto, a very complete manual. thanks to
claudio erba from
for updated version you can check or
i'll try to update it on each version of php-nuke.
- fixed lot of bad references when article's comments are off, everywhere.

may 2003: version 6.6

- added associated topics in news system (admin and user side)
- fixed a xss vulnerability present on mainfile.php for post variables
- fixed security bug in your account user's information
- fixed missing site name variable after rating a resource on web links module
- fixed missing site name variable after rating a resource on downloads module
- fixed a bug on userinfo function in your account module
- path disclosure bug fixed on your account module (thanks to wb-vortex from
- path disclosure bug fixed on news module (thanks to wb-vortex from
- path disclosure bug fixed on webmail module (thanks to wb-vortex from
- path disclosure bug fixed on downloads module (thanks to wb-vortex from
- path disclosure bug fixed on web links module (thanks to wb-vortex from
- added security graphic check in the user's login block
- fixed custom name module creation when a new module is added and has underscore
- fixed default language bug when creating a new user

march 2003: version 6.5

- fixed a security bug in mainfile.php when using windows systems and
multilanguage option
- fixed a sql injection bug in index.php while getting http referer (thanks to guys)
- added user profile link in news submission
- fixed sql injection hole in search module
- added more security checks for get variables
- added security checks for post variables
- added table format to single comment display when bigger than 4096 bytes in news
- rewritten topics module. now it's very functional and useful with a lot of news
- fixed a bug in who's online information. if an user logs in it will delete
his/her record as a guest
- by popular request changed the user creation system. let new users to select
their password and should click on
a custom link to activate their account in less than 24 hours. this will avoid
any kind of robots and/or people
registering other people.
- added users & administration login graphic security check (to stop any robots
and cracks programs)
- fixed some bugs in faq administration. quotes problem when edit a category and
missing language "all"
- changed all php predefined server variables to $_server[]. php-nuke now requires
php 4.1.0 or better
- fixed users homepage url display in comments (news and surveys modules)
- fixed typo in english translation of recommend us module
- fixed double slash in topics module
- changed all user.php call with its correct module's name
- fixed a bug in automated news which didn't correctly saved the news submitter
- downloads and web links broken links now can reported only for registered users
- added subject text in email user link in submissions administration
- doesn't show anymore the user and/or admin content after logout
- fixed many unclosed quotes in queries of surveys module
- fixed a serious security hole in mailattach.php file from webmail module
- some "nuke_users" table fields renamed. this is a very important change to have
full compatibility with
phpbb 2.x forums modules. original name => renamed fields are:
uid => user_id
uname => username
email => user_email
url => user_website
user_intrest => user_interests
pass => user_password
- added extra features to feedback module
- comments has been reformated and closed inside tables for a better look
- stars order inverted in article's rating block
- added missing username in the user info link in comments of journals module
- deleted some miserable entries from headlines database. slashdot because they
never publish anything
about php-nuke and because they never gave me a reply right when i
asked for it after a very
bad article about me and my project. so, eat this.
- fixed xss injection security holes in search functions of some modules
- articles rating score check added
- added some webmail module's and mail functions security fixes by ulf harnhammar
(i'm watching)
- automatic installation removed due to high conflicts with the new sql layer
(yes, it's a shame)
- included phpbb 2 port (thanks to a great work of tom nitzschner from
- added forums block (phpbb)
- added new feature that let you have a different phpbb forum's theme for each
php-nuke's theme. see deeblue
theme directory. if forums directory doesn't exists into the theme's folder the
system will load the
forums default theme.
- included private messages from phpbb 2 (thanks to a great work of tom nitzschner
- changed members list (thanks to a great work of tom nitzschner from
- changed the sql abstraction layer. old layer is not discontinued but there for
compatibility with old modules.
the new layer is the same used by phpbb 2.x port and you can read about it on
addon-modules text file.
- all modules and blocks migrated to the new sql abstraction layer
- footer text centered on kaput and taditional themes.
- fixed parse error on slash theme.
- fixed center down block display when including a file.
- fixed center down block creation on administration system.
- changed the user.php link in deepblue theme for its correct module's call.

september 2002: version 6.0

- almost all config.php variables are now stored in the database. also added a new
settings section in
administration menu. no more config.php editting and hope no more quotes
problems. to upgrade please
do the upgrade process and then replace the config.php with the included one
since it's new. remember
to configure by hand your database server preferences on that new file!
- added vietnamese translation (thanks to
- fixed months display bug in statistics between september and october.
- fixed regular expresion for topics images list in administration menu (topics
- added default value of '0' in the $nr variable of sql_layer.php functions.
- fixed almost all prefixes calls to users database in private messages and splatt
- added missing _contributedby in all languages files.
- added new private message(s) popup info window. off by default. (thanks to jeff
wagner aka nuitari)
- added domain name after all web/ftp links in comments, as a visual reference for
- added automatic related links in the article's right block. will get any link
from the article's text.
- simplified some links in almost all modules adopted from the old system. using
$module_name now.
- added missing cookies options in the url after vote for an article.
- changed default downloads and web links logo graphics.
- added a new configuration option in downloads config file to have on/off the
links numbers for each category.
- reduced users cookie live time to 1 month.
- fixed non-existent subcategories queries in downloads and weblinks
- added search discusion option in the comments nav bar inside article's page.
- added a new feature that sends an email when a banner finnish its impressions.
- discontinued the variable $banners. still be present in config.php for
compatibility reasons. banners will
display if there is at least one active.
- added alternate text for banners.
- banners administration link is now with the others links and removed from the
top of the table.
- changed all administration menu graphics, now are also theme sensitive and
activated by default.
- added missing spanish translations in downloads module.
- by popular demand added as deepblue theme as default (used at web
- added a nice feature to let you have custom modules by theme. this means that
you can have a totaly 100%
different modules for each theme. how? just create a "modules" directory inside
a theme's directory and copy
your new modules there. for example: if you want the theme nukenews to have its
own custom news module,
you need to have a directory "/themes/nukenews/modules/news" and the news
replace on it. the system will
automaticaly detect and load it instead of the default "/modules/news". remember
to fix all your path in the
module files. see sand_journey theme directory for an example with addon_sample
- added new message check and blinking icon to who's online block
(thanks to paul laudanski of for the suggestion)
- updated splatt forums from version 3.1 to version 3.2
- added a check for empty footer messages. if $footx empty doesn't try to show it.
- php-nuke now works 100% with register_globals variable in php.ini set to on or
off. this solves the users
and admin loops also.
- added new registered users stats/count for today/yesterday in administration
- added a new feature to let you decide if you want a module's name and link will
be visible in modules block
- now each theme can load its own default home module. just create a module.php
file under the theme's
directory with the variable $default_module on it. for an example please see
sand_journey theme. it loads
news module. try changing the default home module from administration and notice
that the news module
continues to be loaded in the homepage only for this theme. if you don't want to
have or use this feature
just don't have any module.php file in your theme's directory.
- fixed headlines bug that did not let you had less than 10 news from a xml/rss
news feed.
- optimized categories block sql queries.
- optimized sql query of is_admin and is_user functions. speed increased with big
- added new variable in config.php to let you decide if you want users change the
number of news visible
in the homepage.
- added new title html tag to all images
- faq administration doesn't show centered text anymore but your original format.
- improved functionality on backend.php with the addition to select the site's
categories if they exists.
you can still use as usual, or you can call it like:
the above url will show the xml formated file only with "themes" category. note
the variable "cat". so
now people from other sites can retrieve from your site only the news they have
really interest in.
of course that this feature will works only if you have set one or more news
categories for your site.
- changed the password generator function in your_account due to problems in some
- automatic installation added. not more sql server shell commands to install.
just edit your config.php
and point the browser to your web site. the system automaticaly will add the
database and tables on the
first run. no questions, no forms, no install scripts, just click and go! ;) see
install file for details.
- removed module check in votes/rating files in web links and download
- fixed all files and directories permissions (directories 777 and files 644)
- message "no comments allowed for anonymous" now shows only one time in news and
- administrators only modules doesn't shows their links in modules block to the
- theme check in your account now verifies the existence of theme.php file inside
the directory instead of just
getting all directories as valid themes. for example, if you have a directory
called cvs, it will not be taken
as a valid theme with this new feature.
- list of users benefits from your account module in new user registration page is
now updated automaticaly
depending on what you have active and for registered users only.
- added new feature to have theme sensitive topic's graphics (in
/themes/your_theme/images/topics/). default topics
graphics need to be on usual place (/images/topics/) but if the system find the
existence of the files in the
theme's images directory it will show it instead. this was higly requested
feature. themes files need to be
modified to have this feature working. please look at the included themes to
have some samples.
- added support for favicon.ico for new browsers (just put favicon.ico file in
/themes/your_theme/images/ directory)
- fixed bad width in two graphics of statistics bars
- fixed a bug in messages administration, bad mixed options between anonymous and
registered users
- your_account navigation bar with icons is now visible in all user's related
- changed all default icons for users page in your_account module. not only that,
but each theme can have
different icons for user's menu and webmail if the graphics files exists and if
not the system will
load the default graphics. refer to some themes like 3d-fantasy, odyssey,
extralite, sand_journey and nukenews
to see the difference and look at the new /images/directory structure. basicaly
/images/menu/ and /images/webmail
will load the user's menu and webmail icons respectively if specific file names
exists. take a look.
all new icons are used with author's permission, please see credits file for
more information.
- added a new link metatag to configure the browser icon for your site. to have it
working you need
to have a file called favicon.ico inside /themes/your_theme/images/ directory.
- fixed all old links in main languages files that call user.php (pointed to the
users module)
- your_account user's menu images moved to the module directory
- added private messages button/link in your_account user's page
- lot of cosmetic changes to private messages
- replaced send/delete graphics buttons with form buttons in private messages
- added administrative functions add/edit for surveys in the survey results page
- added and extra check for modules language. if new selected language isn't
found, then we include the
default language set from config.php
- little cosmetic changes (final br tag added) in search and information blocks
- added content module check for current status (active or inactive) from
- added macedonian translation
- fixed parse errors on dutch and slovenian languages
- due to the new icons added in the user's page, the menu icons have been re-
arranged for a better look.
- added journal zx module for registered users with links from comments (news &
surveys) and user's info page.
it's complete with the sql layer and multilanguage support now. anyway i removed
the original help system.
- fixed user's homepage link from your_account module
- fixed survey announce via news article from administration
- added a pop3 webmail reader (emailbox from there are many
new variables in config.php
to confidure this module's options. pay special attention to the warnings on
activating attachments!
- fixed bad img tag strip from html filter function
- added missing translation for all languages in statistics module
- fixed some bad permissions to see stuff from userinfo page for anonymous users
- added a new feature called my headlines for registered users. from the user's
page anyone can read headlines
of a selected site from a drop down list. very nice and usefull for your users.
- fixed a lot of bugs in encyclopedia module (translations, copyright message,
admin bad links, etc)
- detailed statistics now count and show the new impression when accessing it.
- added a new feature that lets you have decoration in the survey bars. in
theme/your_theme/images directory you
can have three more files: survey_leftbar.gif, survey_mainbar.gif and
survey_rightbar.gif if you don't have them
the system automaticaly selects the usual bars files (leftbar.gif, mainbar.gif
and rightbar.gif). additionaly you
can have another file called "survey_mainbar_d.gif" (see the "_d"). this
graphic, if exists, will be added each
25% in the survey bar. this can help you to decorate your survey bars.
statistics bars are the usual ones. try it!
- fixed user session save function before show left blocks
- solved the looooong dilema about module's copyright information. there is a new
file called "copyright.php"
in the module's directory. please take a look at /modules/addon_sample/ and see
this file. modules/addons
developers can edit this file filling the required data and then copy this file
into your module's directory.
to see it working just go to addon sample module and look the little copyright
stick at the bottom right of
the module's table. if you don't put this file into the module's directory
nobody will see that stick. hope
users play fair on this and solved a big user's issue about the copyright
- added 5 new themes and changed the default one from nukenews to sand_journey
- added a very nice feature to allow registered users to publish public messages
which will be available in any
page of the site to other users for a period of 10 minutes. each message can be
viewed just one time per user
and any registered user can also turn off this feature from its preferences
page. to have this feature working
you need to use the new function "public_message()" located in mainfile.php and
need to be added where you want
it in your themes files. the function returns $public_msg with all the needed
stuff (table, colors, message, etc).
you can see samples of how to use it by viewing the default system themes. all
themes that comes with php-nuke 6
supports this feature.
- fixed banner administration module bug when adding a new banner
- added user info block coded by the cool folks at (very nice
- added new feature to have center blocks up and/or down the home module
- fixed the first user creation from administration first run
- fixed bad story id in categories homepage for print and friend icons
- fixed bad sender data in feedback module
- applied a xss vulnerability patch. (thanks to zhen-xjell from
- footer messages doesn't center anymore, to be controled from themes
- added style classes for footer messages (.footmsg and .footmsg_l)
- updated all theme's css styles files to match the new footer classes
- fixed some missing spanish translation in feedback module
- fixed some bad spanish translations in administration system

june 2002: version 5.6

- now you can have banners in a block (like "supporters" block in
- minor cosmetic changes in the default information block
- users can't see option to change theme if we have only one (1) theme available
(obvious, no?)
- fixed copyright notice in content pages and very little cosmetic changes
- changed $nuke_url with $nukeurl in avantgo module
- added amazon block (no db needed), read instructions on the block's file and if
you want to help in some way the
php-nuke project, leave it as is, thanks.
- added explicit copyright notices in their places (if you remove it, you'll die)
- first attempt to fix the statistics table's duplication bug (thanks to carlao
- fixed bad font tag in mainfile.php
- modules block now order by custom title
- fixed private message bad link in the submissions function
- replaced old forums with splatt forums (thanks to splatt from
for his help!)
- added check for empty admin cookie (thanks goes to blurtoad)
- fixed some mistakes in the db queries in counter.php
- fixed number of stories in home when addin a new user, now it takes the
config.php variable
- changed $user_prefix variable instead of $prefix in private messages, auth.php
- fixed a bad $user_prefix in upgrade file (5.4 to 5.5)
- fixed & character in backend.php
- some sql_layer corrections
- $prefix added to statistics tables creation in upgrade file (5.4 to 5.5)
- fixed inclusion of voteinclude.php in downloads module
- removed the multidimensional array in article.php in news module (after an
audit: too much cpu load)
you can still use related links based on topics (in topics manager)
- fixed a missing "); in the dutch language file in news module

february 2002: version 5.5

- added a very cool function to check if a module is activated. call it:
returns 1 if active or 0 if not. use the module "title" in the database to make
the check
this will help in the future to really integrate all modules with the core
system and to establish
some dependencies between parts of the site.
- added send private message to any user from your account page, also check if
user exists
- removed some unused variables in user's system when edit home and theme
- fixed morelink structure
- fixed comments inclusion and comments bar show in article's page
- fixed the random headlines block to correctly select the topic
- fixed quotes bugs in search module, downloads search and web links search
- administration online manual has been removed because it became too obsolet (pdf
detailed manuals in
the future)
- removed the check for "(" and ")" from mainfile.php because problems with some
- fixed slashes bug in search module
- fixed surveys votes results in article's attached poll
- fixed to solve bad url entries in user's page
- fixed bad variable name that prevents to view comments according with your
cookie options
- added voteinclude.php file in downloads module
- modularized all translations. the new schema: administration texts are in
/admin/language/, core system texts
including all blocks' texts are in the usual directory /language/ and each
module has its own language directory.
this is more annoying to translate but the performance gain is great. there is
anew function to call translations
from a module, you can use the following syntax:
$module_name = basename(dirname(__file__));
- added translation text file with translations credits (reason: too complicated
to strip the credits from each
translation with the script that modularized them, anyway is much more organized
on this way and we can save
previous translations credits in a more easy way)
- private messages has been converted into a module
- changed printer friendly page and send to a friend icons and added icons to
options blocks
- fixed query limit bug in stories archive module
- fixed content block link to open specific page and not the index
- removed default administrator. the system will create one with your info on the
very first run or admin.php
(and since this can be security issue, the best is to do this as the first step
on your fresh installation,
this warning has been added on install file and in the default system message in
bold fonts.)
- topics module now opens a new index instead of search page (search option
enabled at the top of the page)
- fixed a typo in the downloads module and in the top's page (downloads stats)
- added article's rating system
- added most voted and best rated stories in top's module
- added score information in $morelink
- added score information in stories archive
- fixed some english translation typos in web links module
- fixed links and downloads categories parentid fields type, changed from
tinyint() to int()
- added gz compression to increase the load speed (this function requires at least
php 4.0.4 compiled with zlib,
so if you want to remove it, just delete the first code line in mainfile.php
where you read: ob_start("ob_gzhandler");
thanks for this suggestion goes to andrej lesjak from
- fixed encyclopedia bug that show terms only for admins
- fixed bug to prevent anonymous user to act as a registered user in some parts of
the site
- removed <br> tag from banners.php when show banner's image
- added the use of getimagesize to automaticaly set width and height for some
images on the code
- now you'll not see "send private messsage to yourself" in user page but you can
see it if you browse another user
- added private messages block on the user's page
- fixed surveys total votes sum in the top page
- fixed a bug when editing an encyclopedia
- changed, at last, alltopics.gif image (for search engine)
- search function has been converted into a module
- fixed a table bug in old articles block
- little organization in the admin case files
- added all categories link to the categories block
- removed feature to include files from index.php due to a high vulnerability risk
(will be available in a future module)
- removed default author and created default super user creation on first login
- added restrictive .htaccess on some directories
- changed automated news publication time from the last hit to the real programmed
- surveys converted into a module
- added a new file /includes/my_header.php so you can put a custom header between
both "head" tags
- added additional detailed statistics based on nukestats (thanks to harry
mangindaan from
- added sql_free_results function in the sql_layer file (thanks to harry
mangindaan from
- added center block feature (uses same blocks files in /blocks/ directory but
remeber that not all blocks
looks good on center, just a matter of creativity by your side. look at block
"last 5 articles" for an example)
- fixed bug in admin that changes the stories author's name after edit and admin
- added functionality to remove user from session after user's logout
- fixed smilies in forums (thanks goes to cyberpuke from
- fixed newsletter administration bug when assign it to a new author
- fixed some bad file permissions (thanks goes to cyberpuke from
- fixed a bad db query in forums administration (thanks goes to cyberpuke from
- fixed all modules links in language files
- added missing close table html tag in older articles block
- added some missing translations for forums
- changes all $prefix"._????." for ".$prefix."_???? in all files (believe me, took
me 3 minutes ;))
- changed $description to $cdescription in web links
- added missing admin db queries in administration main (for multiple admins)
- added missing translation to downloads administration system
- added news redirection if story id doesn't exist
- changed $prefix to $user_prefix in members list module (thanks to duke from
- counter.php file moved to includes directory
- fixed login block load inside article's page to math the new blocks distribution
- removed $myip from config.php and banners now check if you're administrator to
not count impressions
- added categories for content manager (if you don't want to use it, just don't
add categories)
- fixed alignment on post comment buttons (thanks to exodus from
- added missing globals on index.php for referers function
- fixed some bad switch's variables calls into downloads and web links
- cosmetic changes and translations added to feedback module
- changed credits file to credit only non-visible hacks/scripts, otherwise credits
are on each script header
- fixed footer messages quotes bug in settings.php under administration section
- minor cosmetic changes in web links administration (bold text that should be
- added new unlimited deep for downloads categories (thanks goes to paladin from
- uncommented the sql_debug variable on sql_layer (thanks goes to angelnegro, the
first to remember me this issue)
- fixed index file include check for ":" to not includes complete urls
- fixed random selection on random headlines block
- little cosmetic changes in the administrator's block only for a fresh install
(added more links)
- added functionality to select what module do you want in the homepage (forced to
be active and for all visitors)
- main menu block removed and replaced with modules block by default
(due to the new features added on modules block you may evaluate the possibility
to rename modules block to main menu,
anyway, this is a personal decision you need to take)
- default home module has a link to home in the modules block
- news, users, submit news, stats, top and topics converted into modules
(remember to change all the links in your custom themes!!!)
- current poll in admin main screen doesn't show anymore article's related polls
- fixed who is online data grab when block isn't active or is admin only
- fixed survey errors when multilingual option is enabled
- added slovenian translation
- added turkish translation
- fixed missing image in forum images directory
- fixed typo in languages for forums translation
- fixed type in forum administration module
- fixed printer friendly page and send to a friend links for articles in homepage
- fixed edit user link in user's page
- fixed newsletter subscription bug (a missing variable pass in the saveuser
function of user.php)
- a note for the 5.4 release: printer friendly and send to friend graphic links in
homepage are visible only for users

january 2002: version 5.4

- added a new feature to select who can view whatever block you want (all, users,
anonymous, admins)
- added a new feature to select who can access whatever module you want (all,
users, admins)
- fixed the author's name/link for "posted by" text in the articles for old themes
(for new themes please call the function get_author($aid) instead of
formataidheader($aid) where
the difference is a return() instead of an echo.
- removed newsletter subscription from new user registration form to avoid
possible unwanted emails
- fixed missing read more link in categories page
- added options block in article's page with links to admin functions
- printer friendly and send story to friend added in options block in article's
page without graphics
- fixed bold fonts in downloads administration
- fixed some table's colors in private messages
- fixed some "for" statement for poll options
- fixed escape \ in html template files of nukenews theme
- fixed bug that prevents to show the first system's poll in the main admin screen
- added phpbb forums integration as a module (this requires more work yet, but it
works and only with mysql for now)
- added who's online information in the main administration page
- fixed bad topic images path in 3d-fantasy theme
- changed bbcode graphics buttons in private messages system
- removed the filemanager. too many security bugs to handle
- removed deviantnuke theme uppong request of deviantart owner
- added missing _ in msnm translation in user.php
- fixed new user registration email check to allow longer first level domain names
(max 6 characters now)
- added missing globals in web links functions
- added title html tag on each article's page (will be added in more files)
- removed an old translate function call in stories administration module
- fixed css (cross site script) security vulnerabilities
- added section articles block with last 10 articles
- added reviews block with last 10 reviews
- removed all topics images and text but php-nuke to give a clean installation
(also that stupid amd logo)
- fixed a topics list selection bug when creating a new poll
- added new two columns theme (odyssey - thanks to trevors from for
cool tips on his bluetrevor theme!)
- added custom_title field in modules table to customize the title in the module's
(useful for some language's special characters not accepted in directorie's
- added encyclopedia generator module (useful for whatever alphabetical listing
content, enjoy!)
- changed addons switch variable name from $op to $mop (by popular demand !?)
- added md5 password encryption for authors/admins table
- added md5 password encryption for users table
- removed $system variable from the whole code
- modularized sections script
- modularized reviews script
- added database optimization module into administration menu
- added database backup utility in administration
- removed send to friend and printer friendly page graphics/links from homepage
- printer friendly and send story to friend in the home page can bee see only by
registered users
- fixed some css classes and added some missing classes as well
- added content manager to create static pages (maybe this will replace sections
in the future)
- fixed the "readme more" line links (index and categories)
- fixed the topic image in the story page of nukenews theme
- added missing $user_prefix in user's database calls in some files
- added new stories archives module, multilingual compatible
- blocks administration re-designed and re-organized
- active/added blocks doesn't show in the "add new block" block's list, will
appear again if you delete it
- inactive blocks can be previewed now before activate it (just to make your life
- added function to fix blocks weight conflicts
- created some new blocks in /blocks/ directory
- replaced some fixed blocks by block's files
- added new system block's category
- fixed a bug in messages (inverted anonymous with registered users)
- email notification for new submissions has been extended with all the story data
- added web links hack with unlimited sub-categories (thanks to ptilou from
- little re-organization on the past article's block generated code

november 2001: version 5.3.1

- fixed bad/broken links in top.php for downloads
- added missing $dbi in a database call on comments.php
- fixed bad variable name in sql_layer.php
- fixed bad/broken links in downloads module
- removed duplicated _language translation definition from language files
- fixed a read more text bug for the articles
- fixed a bad sum in polls list
- fixed top voted polls in top.php
- added topics path to show topics graphics in config.php
- added footmsg() function in footer.php to make old themes compatible
- now old themes really works 100% (more css dependant themes in future versions)
- added broken link report to downloads & links sub-categories
- fixed author's name and link on articles (posted by)
- added missing line break tag in faq.php and some minor cosmetic changes
- added new theme based on kaput
- decreased the login box fields size to avoid problems with some themes
- added links to edit/add polls from main administration page
- fixed users database's calls in users administration to use the shared table
- added newsletter and massive email functions (new options in user and admin
- little cosmetic changes in users page (plus admin functions to edit selected
- removed that annoying "a problem ocurred" message by validating user's cookie
- fixed a parse error in dutch language file
- web links now fully support sql abstraction layer and 100% modular
- downloads module 100% modular now
- fixed author's rename to also rename them into stories table

november 2001: version 5.3

- fixed blocks weight change when editing
- fixed security holes in admin.php (upload functions)
- created html templates for themes. (yes! new themes system!) old themes are 100%
compatible ;) see the
new html templates on the nukenews theme.
- added sql database abstraction layer with support for 8 database's servers (see
- added different table prefix for user's table, this lets you share users
database in the same server
- changed all mysql database calls to match the new sql abstraction layer. to use
it declare $dbi as
global and be sure your database queries looks like:

$result = sql_query("select uid from nuke_users", $dbi);

list($uid) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi);

pretty easy and transparent to use and implement, valid for fetch arrays,
numrows, object, row, etc. you can
take a look at sql_layer.php file in /includes/ directory. addons and blocks
authors, please start using it!

- changed polls votes sums to properly match the new sql abstraction layer
- modularized the user.php page. separated pages for login, password lost and new
user's registration
- modularized downloads script with independent configuration file
- modularized web links script with independent configuration file
- created modules administration system to activate or deactivate it with some
options for admins
- separated modules block from main menu block
- optimized a lot the huge $morelink variable construction on index.php (from 136
lines to just 15!)
- optimized a lot the huge $morelink variable construction on categories.php
- ephemerids block replaced by modules block on database
- ephemerids included now as independent block
- fixed br tags bug in submit.php
- added missed global variable declaration in submissions function for "delete
all" link
- fixed submissions translations bug
- fixed voters sum counter on table nuke_poll_desc (not used now, maybe in the
- fixed a bug in pollbooth.php for article's polls display
- fixed security hole in index.php to prevent the inclusion of any file outside
web root
- added total hits block (author: c. verhoef,
- a lot of minor bug fixes

august 2001: version 5.2

- submissions form now checks for allowable html, plain text or extrans format
- removed that stupid and useless duplicated comments check and the troll check
- submissions delete function set only for superuser
- fixed display of memberslist homepage url link
- fixed a misconfiguration with automated news
- added extended text field on submission
- fixed more anonymous comments stuff when deny it
- anonymous posts $anonpost variable in config set with "0" by default
- added feature to attach a poll with an article
- pollboth now show general poll and article's attached polls
- removed poll cookies, all the duplicate votes check is made by ip
- fixed table align on poll block options
- polls order changed. newest polls goes first now in pollboth.php
- added feature to announce new poll as article
- added missing enctype to all stories.php form in admin for images uploads
- fixed blocks weight bug when edit and change the position
- fixed topics manager images selection box
- fixed backend html special characters bug
- fixed html validation problems with the new poll html table and language
selection block
- fixed banners bug when adding with unlimited impressions
- added the possibility to load plain html files from index.php by using the url:
http:/ or
you need to add "?file=" after index.php followed by the html format filename,
for your security all "." and "/" at the begining will not be accepted.
- fixed blocks position selection when editing
- changed font size on submission completition message
- fixed quotes problem on stories.php in administration
- fixed quotes problem on submit.php
- printer friendly page now show centered content
- added avantgo module (author: tim litwiller -
- fixed a typo in languages files, replaced "downloads.php" with "download.php"
- added language definitions on all translation files

august 2001: version 5.1

- removed anonymous user entry from members list
- fixed a bug in headlines
- added $system variable check in edit users on administration page to crypt the
- fixed a syntax error on links.php and download.php (changed mathod with method)
- fixed the useless javascript load on all pages, will load only when needed
- added multilanguage content support (by john de jonge aka crocket from
- topics images now are automaticaly loaded when adding/editing a topic
- polls edit function added
- added new feature to blocks, now you can have php files added as normal blocks
(see /blocks/ directory)
- added two sample blocks, one for top10 downloads and other one for top10 links
- added feature to prevent comments on certains articles
- added upload image for each article stored in /images/articles/ directory
- added config variable to completly remove comments from articles
- added a table to poll items to align it
- added some new translations
- fixed a big on the preview stories that will not go in homepage
- removed "post anonymously" when anonymous posts are not allowed
- fixed login block show on article.php file when you have it active at the left
- many, many little bug fixes

july 2001: version 5.0.1

- fixed the useless javascript load on all pages, will load only when needed
- extended default css for each theme, declared some classes
- removed all hardcoded font sizes and added css style to all scripts
- created a "delete" button to delete all the submissions in one step
- submissions reordered descending by date
- fixed a bug on headlines language error messages
- fixed old translation on nukenews theme
- added missed quotes on downloads administration mysql function
- removed a bad global declaration on comments.php
- fixed some colors on comments.php
- fixed a language bug on the headlines that stored incorrect "read more"
- added missing submissions link on administration main section
- fixed an unclosed b tag on download.php
- fixed anonymous block option for links and downloads scripts

june 2001: version 5.0

- konqueror and opera browsers now get the hit on stats page
- all database tables now has the nuke_ prefix to avoid conflicts with other
- new $prefix variable in config.php to setup multiple nuke sites sharing one
- new and improved download system (based on web links)
- improved security on user.php in save* functions
- ephemerids variable removed from config.php, activation now controled from
blocks system
- members list is now modular, same for faq section
- better users authentication check (appending &user=x on the url doesn't work
- comments deletion functions now removes all childs comments (thanks to [dark
pastor] from
- optimized a little the code on stats.php
- changed the search results format, more informative and complete
- added robots.txt for search engines
- new registered users page, eliminated all english graphic buttons
- added messages system
- changed == by >= on referers automatic deletion code
- added multiple languages selection box
- added multiple pages on sections articles (thanks to leonardo teo from
- added multiple pages on reviews (thanks to leonardo teo from
- 100% working web links (at last! based on journeylinks hack on the original
- new themes system. all in just one file, more easy, efficient and fastest
- added message system with usefull options to publish important stuff in the
- unused priviledges table removed from downloads
- admin menu alphabeticaly ordered
- removed $site_font variable from all scripts to let css style file setup it
- now each theme has a file style.css on /style/ directory for css configuration
- new translation system created, more efficient and fastest
- automated news administration are now part of story administration
- fixed almost all html bugs on administration interface
- new blocks system created (100% configurable and user friendly, just amazing!
- headlines grabber has been moved to the new blocks system
- added random headlines block. last 10 news on random selected topic (inactive by
- removed blocks administration for multiple admins, only super user can do this
- other site's headlines are now integrated on the new blocks system
- added timeout and error detection on headlines grabber
- created modularized administration system
- fixed a lot of bugs on multi-admin system (100% working now)
- admins can now edit/delete their own stories only
- delete authors now check for author's published stories and let you re-assign
its stories
- all password fields now are masked with "*" on edit users and edit authors
- added some more option on the user's pages
- admin stuff now pass thru is_admin() function to check if you are really an
- text filters now works, and deleted two filter unused variables from config.php
- little improvements on private messages scripts
- added ability to send email or private message to users in news submissions
- programmed stories queue are now visible on admin home page
- fixed bad global variable declaration on pollcomments.php
- added a modular addons system (see addons-modules or /modules/readme.txt for
more info)
- link to an addon module is automaticaly added on main block
- removed javascript scroller on articles page
- added a multidimensional array that puts automaticaly related links on articles
- little cleanup on backend.php file (eliminated <image> from backend)
- fixed security vulnerability on user.php, cookiedecode() function (thanks to
- fixed a little bug in upgrade43-44.php file (thanks to mr. kl0nk manson)
- fixed a bug in banners.php to prevent anyone to change a banner url
- fixed a lot of hardcoded text (missing translations)
- removed all <li> tags from blocks and html code to fit standards. <li> tags has
been replaced
with: <strong><big>&middot;</big></strong>&nbsp;
- submit news (submit.php) has changed to fit themes colors
- little changes on the send comments and reply function's look
- themes selection now are alphabeticaly ordered (thanks to
- language selection in settings.php now check for files on languages directory
(thanks to amigaphil)
- removed an extra "," on the sendstory function in friend.php
- removed graphics vote and results buttoms from poll block
- important: added graphics for polls and stats bars for each theme, black bar by
default. the bars
graphics names are leftbar.gif, mainbar.gif and rightbar.gif and are under
directory. please check this out and customize your bars.
- added $uimages missing global variable declaration on comments.php and
pollcomments.php in modthree()
- changed mysql_pconnect with mysql_connect in mainfile.php, the result is a
fastest pages render
- fixed user comment post on reviews.php
- removed advanced stats (os's compatibility reasons)
- fixed a lot of html code on sections.php
- fixed horrible bug in poll results html tables
- all pages now are html 4.01 transitional compatible
- a lot of cosmetic changes in whole site including administration system
- fixed hundreds of little but annoying bugs
- filemanager need some more dedication to work 100%, anyway it's functional
- themes developers just look at nukenews theme. html compliant and simple
february 2001: version 4.4.1
- $band changed by $title on admin/reviews.php
- download bug for categories list fixed
- removed div command on allowablehtml array in config.php
- fixed quotes and html commands for reviews.php
- fixed global variable declariations on comments.php when comments is too long
- send to friend now send the url instead of the whole story (you'll get one more
page view ;))
- fixed security hole on all save functions on user.php file to prevent other
users modify our info
- fixed blank spaces for download description field on downloadedit function
- fixed authors.php under admin to prevent other admins change the info
- fixed the barscale on the polls
- fixed some missed translations on some forums files
- fixed security hole on file manager to prevent the admin to view others
directory on server
- only superuser can now edit authors table
- check and strip for img tags on check_html funtion in mainfile.php
- fixed security vulnerabilities on bbcode_ref.php and bb_smilies.php files

january 2001: version 4.4

- added red hat theme
- added kuro5hin theme
- added freshmeat theme
- added theme
- added aqua theme
- added icelandic translation
- fixed the comments count on polls page
- fixed some missing $slogan global declaration
- added web based forums and more configurable users page (from phpbb integration
by kingrichard)
- added download manager (based on files from myphportal)
- added faq manager (from addon by kingrichard)
- added reviews manager
- fixed all hard coded white tables to match the theme in use
- improved members list (some hacks are from myphportal)
- if you delete a theme the user will get the default theme instead of a bunch of
- fixed more than 100 little bugs: html bad code, quotes, blank spaces after ?>,
variables quotes, etc.
- added quotes on all the html code
- cleaned almost all html code (needs a re-check)
- cleaned some php code (more on future version)
- now $anonpost works 100% on comments.php and pollcomments.php
- fixed bug that prevents to show the poster's name on polls comments
- reorganized admin menus internals (not visual change, just cleaned the code)
- repackage. now you need to download basic code and additional parts like themes
and languages.
- important: removed themepreview() function from theme.php files and added on
mainfile.php, to avoid
a blank page with a "cannot redeclare function themepreview()" error, just
remove the function from
your theme.php files for each theme you have.
december 2000: version 4.3
- created modular admin to facilitate add-ons integration (thanks to pascal riva
for the first idea!)
- added unlimited multiadmin add-on (thanks to kingrichard from
- improved web links, based on journeylinks modifications (needs more work!)
- topics ordered by name instead of id in topics.php and admin.php
- removed all config.php includes and replaced by global declarations (result:
good performance)
- initial html code fixes (added some \n when needed, but there are much work with
this yet)
- fixed bug in send this story to a friend
- new submissions now have a separate section in admin
- improved members list
- added arabic translation
- added barrapunto theme
- added today's big story box
- added who's online box
- added automated articles system
- fixed cookies recognition for articles and poll comments
- moved languages files to language directory and changed the call from
- cosmetic changes in preview function of submit.php file
- fixed all needed updates for ultramode.txt file
- fixed some anonymous post options in comments and pollcomments (global
declarations troubles)
- finaly fixed counter.php to avoid that unknown stats
- added poll title on the navigation bar in pollcomments.php
- fixed some minor translation errors in all language files (thanks to all
- added missing translation text for sections search results
- fixed votes number display for polls

october 2000: version 4.2

- linux mandrake 7.2 includes php-nuke in web development category
- fixed one more bug in the send this story to a friend
- added stripslashes(fixquotes()) to text type inputs in preferences
- removed all config includes from themes
- config.php now stores the data into plain text and not in database
- fixed bug in the preferences: articles numbers in admin selection
- fixed quotes display for scroll bar in related links
- removed global variable on kde theme
- minor improvements in the metal theme
- added newsforge theme
- added analogx theme
- added ethereal theme
- added nih theme
- added sunset theme
- added slackware theme
- added 0ri0n theme
- added croatian translation
- added members list feature (memberslist.php)
- removed some nl2br in comments.php and admin.php
- fixed some visual stuff for comments reply
- fixed the admin graphics path in the database
- all themes now use the same logo.gif filename for logo, but one gif per theme
to match the theme background, texture, colors, whatever.

october 2000: version 4.1

- added missing "related" table in upgrade35-4.php file
- fixed the parse error in upgrades files
- fixed bug in the send this story to a friend scripts
- initial work to fix the multiple includes of config.php
- added a test fix for the high number of unkown browsers and os in stats.php

october 2000: version 4.0

- php-nuke now has its own domain name! (
- changed install and readme files
- fixed double apostrophes bug in comments.php and pollcomments.php
- added $notes in the preview of the submitted news
- added nl2br to the extended text of the story ($bodytext)
- removed spanish gpl license file (saved some space)
- added recommend this site option
- changed lang-english to not translate english from english
- created lang-template.php as translators guide
- random links in web links now count the hits
- increased to int(3) the topicid in topics table
- added 10 last news submissions and comments in users page
- added a complete full featured file manager based in webexplorer
- added advanced stats for admins only on stats.php
- all site configuration now is done in administration script
- fixed tables colors in comments.php
- added search for comments, sections and users in search.php
- fixed error messages when activate banners for the first time
- added headlines grabber to put news from other sites
- all themes changed, first step for the future theme builder addon
- increased to 40 the encrypted password field for users table
- added images upload system
- added control for number of stories to show in the home via config.php
- removed all "<>" in language files comments due to a bug in the headers
- more documented text in config.php
- all links in links.php now open a new browser window
- fixed url to "/cookie.php" in user.php
- fixed "/" url in the themes. now points to $nuke_url
- added possibility to allow/disallow anonymous to post comments
- added administrators online manual with javascript functions
- default theme is now selectable in config.php (many requests for this one!)
- users login box added to all themes
- users login box text added in translation system
- added a little/nice easter egg (you have the code, but can you find it?)
- removed the useless titletag and titlebar from config.php and themes
- added $slogan in config.php
- fixed a spanish hard text in pollbooth.php and in stats.php
- changed bar graphics for surveys and stats, cool aqua button ;)
- fixed wrong width graphic in stats.php
- removed email display for password lost functions, more privacy for users
- banners deactivated by default in config.php
- hits to be popular link upped to 500 by default in config.php
- initial use of css stylesheet code in header.php
- cleaned each themes files to match changes in header.php
- deleted all fonts face commands (reduced 15+ kb from code!)
- site font is now customizable from config.php (yes!)
- fixed some typos in banners.php
- many cosmetic changes in admin html tables
- added related links for each article page
- added related links manager in administration under topics manager
- added javascript scroll box in related links box with last news
- "post your comment" button moved inside related links box
- added "the most read story about" for each article page
- changed to fixed white table color in search.php
- added older articles link in the old articles box
- fixed a bad translation in user.php
- added php-nuke version number in statistics page
- added "send to friend" functions for stories
- removed common header on all themes
- added common header functions in header.php
- added nice style class to all input text forms
- added printer friendly page for each article/story
- $site_logo from config.php now works for printer friendly page
- fixed that "s" for comment plural in index.php
- added korean translation
- added quebec/french translation
- added norwegian translation
- added indonesian translation
- added slovak translation
- added latvian translation + graphics
- added metal theme (thanks to tim litwiller)
- added blackroad theme (first with attempt with a black background)
- added xeron theme (thanks to the folks at
- added missing </select> in events maintenance
- renamed all "events" words to "ephemerids"
- removed important note at the end of readme file, be happy

september 2000: version 3.6

- fixed some very little bugs in index.php
- fixed some forgotten stuff in upgrade files

september 2000: version 3.5

- added events system with full admin menu
- changed font size for survey block
- added polish translation
- added japanese translation
- fixed some language files for typos
- renamed all .php3 files to .php
- removed hits counter for links in stories
- removed redirect.php3 due to high number of problems
- added compatibility for new mysql version renaming reserved words
- fixed more bugs in admin login functions
- fixed a bug that prevents to change sections
- some english language file typos corrected (that "readed" stuff)
- fixed header bug for some languages files
- added important note at the end of readme file
note: this is the last release in sourceforge, next versions will be available
only in the official site at

august 2000: version 3.0

- fixed security bug in admin.php3 that allows anyone to enter to the
admin section without login and password
- fixed themes functions bug reported in php4
- php-nuke is now 99% php4 compatible, thanks god! (report any issue)

august 2000: version 2.5

- added comments for polls/surveys
- posters ip now show full hostname, if not detected show ip number (only for
- fixed bug that prevents to vote in past polls
- added dutch translation
- added simplified and traditional chinese translation and buttons
- added missing links.gif in admin section
- added graphics buttons for german and french languages

july 2000: version 2.02

- added yahoo! like web resources system with categories (reason for the 2.0)
- banner client now can email himself a complete stats report
- some cosmetic stuff in banners.php3 for clients display
- new ultramode.txt news headlines file generator (a general purpose text file)
(you need to chmod 777 your web main directory. file usefull for some things)
- redirect works now, for links in stories don't use quotation marks ("")
(this is good: <a href=>mysite</a>)
(this is not good: <a href="">mysite</a>)
(if you put the "" hits will not be updated!)
- edit user in admin section now works
- fixed "/" in some themes to point to correct path for .php3 files
- fixed a table bug in slash theme
- cosmetic stuff in some themes
- changed the logo for all themes to see the php-nuke logo insteed of linux
preview one
- fixed bug in articles.php3 to point to search with correct topic
- added german, italian, danish, portuguese, russian, swedish and french
- added translation text to no results page in search.php3
- translated some hard words in the code
- improved function to order topics in groups of 5 from admin.php3 and topics.php3
- added more statistics data in the stats.php3
- added a news submissions alert in the home of default theme for admins only
- older articles block now have news divided by day (more elegant)
- added support for locales date/time functions to have better multilingual
(for this function you need to have locales databases installed, most linux
distributions already install all the locales needed)
- more efectively random function for banners display
- added some missing html tables in admin
- added graphics to sections main page and admin (remember to edit
(and remember to add the graphic for each section in admin)
- added one new theme, slashocean based on slash
- fixed some php4 issues (need more tests but it's a first step)
- reduced space between images in the top of slashdot theme
- some more i don't remember...
- for sure added more bugs, or no? ;)

june 2000: version 1.0

first release

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