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All the Messengers of God took great care to see that the definition of God gets a

proper place in the scriptures. Let us see how beautifully the Formless God has

been defined in Balkand of Ramcharita Manas:

‘God is one; desireless; colourless; nameless;

deathless; He is the Truth, consciousness and bliss;

the ultimate destination; all pervasive and cosmic’

( ek aneeh aroop anama …….)

Ramcharita Manas, Balkand

So the so called God

• has to be colourless, name less,

• beyond birth and beyond death,

• the absolute truth,

• super consciousness,

• ultimate bliss,

• origin and the ultimate destination of the existence,

• all pervading and a lot more, never ending list of His attributes.

Holy Quran talks about 99 attributes of Allah. Let us have a look at the compiled

definition of God taken from various scriptures.


1. He is the Creator, Operator & Destroyer

2. He is ONE.

3. He has no beginning , no end.

4. He was never born , and will never die.

5. Fire cannot burn it

6. Water cannot wet it

7. Air cannot dry it up

8. No weapon can cut it

9. Beyond Change

10. Formless and Colourless

11. He is omnipresent,

12. He is omnipotent,

13. He is Omniscient.

14. There was no such time when He was not there, and there will be

no such time when He will not be there.

Just look at the definition given above. It is a part of definition that the God

is ONE. It can not be ‘TWO’. So how can then, my God be different from your

God or from anybody else’s God, for that matter.

Look at the 4th point, that says that God (Nirankar) was never born and

will never cease to exist.

Of course, the True Masters or the avatars, being in physical body, keep coming

and going. Like Lord Ram, Lord Krishna ,Hazrat Mohamad, Lord Jesus, they

came, did their job of revealing the secret of God to their devotees, and went


But God (which is formless Nirankar) has always remained, and will always


Look at the characteristic of being present everywhere, and Always.

This gives us some food for thought. When we say that ‘there was no such time

when God was not there’, what it means is, that God was there even before

Lord Ram, even before Sun took birth, or even before our own Earth came to


Srimad Bhagwat Geeta so clearly defines the indestructible character

of God.

Now we have to apply this definition to the various things that we worship as


In fact, this definition gives us a rejection mechanism.

If we see anything that does not meet these characteristics, we can simply

say that ‘this can not be God’.

This had been one of the oldest methods of revealing the secret of God

Knowledge, by saying ‘Neti- neti’, means, ‘no, not this one; not this one also’.

(2) Let us apply this definition to :

 Sun, Earth

 Paper, - calendars

 Gold, Silver, stones or metals

 Water

 Air, etc etc..

For better understanding of this definition, let us apply this definition to certain

items that we commonly see.

Look at Sun first; is the sun creator of the universe or a mere creation?; is the

sun only one in the whole universe? Is the sun omnipresent? Has this sun no

beginning and no end? Will this remain for ever?

So, the Sun does not qualify to be God. Similarly all other items will not meet

the specifications.

(3) Popular Myths..

• God is only inside the human body.

• He is only in the sky,

• He is only in the mountains, in holy waters.

• He is only in a particular direction,

• He is only in a particular place,

If we carefully apply the definition of God discussed earlier, we can easily make

out that these statements are only myths.

For instance, how can the God be only inside the human body when the

definition says that He is omnipresent, He is everywhere.

In fact, these types of myths emerge out of ignorance about the ‘substance or

tatva of god’.

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