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SAY WHAT?! 7-1


become world citizens and take part in the international community, thus preventing their recruitment into illegal groups. The delegate of Bosnia clarified how frequently children from the age of 16 and above, are encouraged to be part of the army and military. To solve this issue, the delegate suggested that these children should only take part in the educational field. After this, the Lebanese delegate pointed out that a medical and psychological check, as well as, the approval from parents or legal guardians should be requested before minors join the army.

Todays session began with the delegations of Lebanon, Bosnia and United States agreeing on the proposals regarding education, which were discussed in yesterday's debate. The delegate of Colombia commenced by asking for more concrete solutions. As a response, the delegation of Lebanon stated that they would use all their power to contribute with education. However, the delegate conveyed that military aid would not be able to be provided, since their military had many issues to deal with. In reply, the delegation of the United States, offered to give military aid and take care of this issue, as it is the third country to receive the most money per capita for military, in the world. Subsequently, the delegations of France and Bosnia proposed that drug trafficking cartels should also be eradicated, as they greatly contribute to the illegal groups recruiting children. The delegate of the United States replied that the DEA is already taking action to solve this issue. However, the delegate requested for more collaboration from the European nations, and for their support to this cause. The delegation of Germany then, suggested creating a United Nations commission similar to the DEA that focuses primarily, on controlling drug trafficking. The delegation, also, pointed out that it is of extreme importance to educate children, not only academically, but as well, to help them



The debate led on to lobby time for 45 minutes, where two different resolution papers were proposed, but only one was passed. For the afternoon session, the second topic arose, and whether it was ethically right to stop the religious practice of suicide bombers, was discussed by the delegations. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also known as NATO, offered help by sending troops to places where this problem is in its most radical form, focusing mainly on Israel and Palestine. The delegation of Colombia agreed, but the Bosnian delegate hesitated, as they believed it could cause disputes between the United Nations and the Palestine government. The delegate thought this solution could be seen as offending to the Palestine government because foreign forces would be placed on their territory. When the second debate was concluded, urgent information from the United Nations was received from its headquarters in France: The illegal groups Hezbollah, in Lebanon, along with extremist individuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina have sent two suicide bombers of ages 12 and 16. One targeted the UN headquarters in New York and the other the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. In response to this the delegate of the United States along with the delegations of Germany, Colombia, France and China declared war on Lebanon for violating human rights and endorsing this practice within the country. The delegation of Bosnia then clarified that their participation in this crisis was a frame, and that in fact; they were innocent of taking part in such atrocious acts. The delegation of France expressed her outrage at this accusation, as it was clear that Bosnia had indeed been acting against France and the United States. After constant arguing and chaotic discussions, the day concluded with the delegate of the United States declaring a third World War, which caused the Russian delegate to threaten them by sending missiles to the White House.


Se abri la agenda del da con las resoluciones de ayer con el papel 3.1 ; con : Liberia, Gran Bretaa, Rusia, Lbano como piases rescatantes y Irak, Uzbekistn, Nigeria, Suiza, Afganistn, Venezuela como pases firmantes. Se lleg a las conclusiones que se mejorara la calidad de los docentes mediante un programa de becas en el extranjero, con la condicin de que los beneficiados vuelvan al pas de origen; se fomentara la creacin de una fundacin que vele por la proteccin y seguridad familiar. Y finalmente se har un llamado a los gobiernos de los pases desarrollados para que ayuden a esos pases menos afortunados. El papel de trabajo paso, la mayora de pases votaron a favor. Despus de esto se continuo con el papel de trabajo 3.2; Con Estados Unidos y Bosnia Herzegovina como cabezas de bloque y Japn, Alemania, Colombia, Sudfrica, Suiza, Costa Rica como piases rescatantes. Se lleg a las conclusiones que habiendo estudiado la situacin global los pases desarrollados deberan ayudar econmicamente a los subdesarrollados. Se Declar la cooperacin internacional para conceder ayuda econmica a los pases con escasos recursos, se autoriza al gobierno a crear un sistema escolar IB en los pases subdesarrollados y finalmente se consider que los colegios necesitan implementar deportes para el crecimiento fsico y mental de los jvenes, y as distraerlos de cualquier actividad inapropiada. El papel de trabajo no paso, ya que la mayora de pases votaron en contra o neutral. Se continu abriendo un debate sobre los derechos de los nios. Se empez con una discusin entre Lbano y Colombia sobre los nios en la guerra, en el ejrcito y los nios traficados. Eu argumento que si se enfoca en un gobierno los nios no sern libres de expresar


sus ideas. Alemania propuso quitar un sistema ideolgico. Bosnia propuso que se use los medios de publicidad para hacer ms pblicos los derechos de los nios y que por cultura no sean violados. Irak propuso incrementar la seguridad para que los nios no caigan en las drogas y la prostitucin, en especial darles seguridad a los nios de la calle y hurfanos que son los ms vulnerables. Liberia y Eu propusieron crear instituciones pblicas para no quitar derecho de los nios. Alemania propone un tratado mundial que si se incumplen los derechos de los nios sean castigados por la ley. Bosnia propuso bajar impuestos de empresas privadas para ayudar a crear instituciones pblicas para nios con menos recursos, y as tratar de crear un convenio con los pases ms pobres. La delegacin de EU propuso quitar el alcohol y las drogas para as evitar la violencia familiar. Casi ninguna de las delegaciones estuvo de acuerdo con la propuesta. Hubo muchas propuestas, pero en conclusin se lleg a que se crearan fundaciones, y actividades interactivas para hablar sobre el alcohol y las drogas y de esta forma hacer a los padres de familia, y a los nios consientes sobre estos, pero que entiendan divirtindose, y se puedan sentir tranquilos hablando sobre estos temas. Se brindara ms seguridad para los nios hurfanos; EU ser el mayor apoyo en cuanto a este tema. Se creara instituciones para darles hogar, y tratar de acabar con los ndices de drogadiccin y prostitucin. Se penalizara a los que violen los derechos de los nios. En cuanto al trfico de nios se puposo no dejar que los nios salgan de su pas sin permiso de sus padres, o con algn miembro de la familia.







In todays SOCHUM commission, the delegates finalized the discussion concerning the child recruitment in the military. The delegations of the United States and Colombia agreed that the minors being introduced into the military should have the right to decide whether they would like to participate in the army, or not. However, the delegations of Switzerland, Venezuela, Great Britain, Germany and Iraq were entirely opposed to the participation of minors in the military. These delegations came to an agreement that children from the ages of sixteen and above can be accepted and take part in the military. In addition, the delegations added that during the first two years in the military, from the ages of 16 to 18, these young adults will have to be trained, and only after, will they be included in the army. Nonetheless, controversy arose which caused the delegate of Switzerland to clarify that a conclusion would not be found due to the same points being repeated by the delegates. After the discussion, the delegates decided to commence the creating of their write their resolution papers. After the delegates finalized their resolution papers, all of the delegations were in favor of having lobby time. Following lobby time the delegates began with a new topic of discussion, which was the elimination of all forms of discrimination among children. The delegates were thoroughly involved in this debate. Various main points such as, the discrimination of homo sexual boys and the suicide percentage rising in the United States, were articulated. This caused tension to rise between the delegations, due to the different perspectives the delegates had on the solutions given. The continuation of this debate resumed todays session.


En el comit de DISEC el Segundo da inicio con una ardua y pesada sesin tiempo de lobby en el cual se lleg a un solo papel de resolucin que paso por votacin unnime. A continuacin los pases se presentaron ante el segundo tema, desmantelamiento de las bases de E.E.U.U. en Latinoamrica. Hubo posiciones muy radicales como las de Rusia, E.E.U.U. e Iraq. La discusin se aplaz hasta el final del receso y al retorno la discusin adquiri proporciones candentes cuando entre el delegado de E.E.U.U. y el delegado de Iraq, que mostraron sus radicales posturas frente al problema y antes de que el tiempo hiciera de las suyas, los pases se dividieron por bloques y se llev la discusin hasta un ambiente de mayor comprehensivo y se empezaron a sentir ciertas conclusiones. Finalmente se escribe un papel de resolucin y las delegaciones entraron en acuerdo.





After calling attendance, the agenda was opened with the delegate of the United States passing a motion to continue the unfinished debate from Wednesdays session. This motion was approved, and the delegate of Colombia began the debate by asking the delegate of United States what the countrys plans were, regarding nuclear energy. However, the delegate of China ended this discussion when he stated, as a solution, that the United States and other countries should begin using hemp-oil, a bio-fuel that derivates from marihuana, instead of petrol, to fuel their vehicles and their industries. As a response, the delegate of the United States demonstrated their concern about this proposal, affirming how it could increase in the consumption of marihuana. Therefore, the delegation of the United States denied China its support for the project. On the other hand, the delegates of the United Kingdom, Libya, Costa Rica, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh expressed their support for Chinas project. Moreover, the delegation of the United Kingdom offered economical support, while the delegations of Libya, Costa Rica, Afghanistan and Bangladesh offered their territories for the plantation of the Cannabis plants. However, this caused the delegation of Uzbekistan to oppose to the project, arguing that Uzbekistans major economical income came from exporting natural gases. The delegate of Venezuela also disagreed with this proposal, as its national income comes from, mainly, the exportation of petrol. The delegate of China attempted to solve these issues by offering help to these two delegations, offering to import their products. However, this was not enough to convince the delegations of Venezuela and Uzbekistan. This was then followed with the delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina suggesting how coal should be used as a


major fuel source. This proposal was criticized by the delegations of China and United States, as they reminded the delegate that coal is one of the major emitters of carbon dioxide, therefore it would not be seen as a solution for sustainable development. Subsequently, 30 minutes into the debate, the Secretary General, Juan Felipe Daz, came into the room to continue the challenge that was issued against the delegate of Portugal on Wednesday. The delegate of China spoke against the delegate of Portugal, which caused the delegate of Portugal to defend his delegation with no other support. Afterwards, the Secretary General, asked several questions to clarify some of the points being discussed, and reminded the delegates that it is not up to them to decide whether a delegate is stripped of his vote or not. Since there was not enough information to make an objective decision, the Secretary General decided he would not strip either of the delegations votes. After this intervention, the debate on sustainable development was resumed, and the topic shifted to nuclear energy. The delegates of Switzerland and United States agreed that, even though nuclear waste is a very delicate subject, nuclear energy is still a necessity, as no other form of massive electricity production exists. Then, the delegate of Bangladesh pointed out that hydraulic energy production is a viable option for a solution, as it is less harmful to the environment. The debate on this topic continued and resumed a day filled with debates.





The commission WHO began the day with a formal debate only on the youths consumption of alcohol. The delegation of Great Britain wanted to eradicate underage drinking by having better security on liquor stores, as well as preventing the creation of fake identification. The delegate of Lebanon stated that 59% of its population is not allowed to consume alcoholic drinks, considering they are Muslims. In addition, to deal with the remaining 41% of their population, a year in prison to those who sell alcohol to the underage would be given as a solution. The delegation of Portugal also wanted to solve this issue by raising alcohol taxes to decrease the number of people purchasing it, as well as, by banning advertisements concerning alcoholic beverages. Furthermore, the delegates of Bosnia and Herzegovina suggested, as another possible solution, rehab centers and life sentence in jail for those selling alcohol to teenagers. During lobby time, the delegates divided themselves into three different groups to produce working papers. Group, who's heads of block were Great Britain and Bosnia, proposed a solution which included, increasing the security in liquor stores, creating rehabilitation centers, and for those convicts who do not pass the evaluation of their case, to be sent to jail. Additionally, they strongly encouraged education regarding this topic, to children as well as their guardians. Group heads of block were Venezuela and Liberia who proposed to extradite criminals to the United States, and to place those in need of it, in rehabilitation centers. In

addition, minors who consume alcoholic beverages will be obligated to get help from psychologists. Finally, they proposed to include random drug tests in schools, and to take those who sell alcohol and drugs to special state facilities. The third group,, had South Africa and Costa Rica as head of block, and suggested drug addicts to attend high security rehabilitation centers, and then to be taken to prison. Moreover, they proposed that everyone should receive an education on this topic, and discouraged medias that promote alcohol. Working Paper was passed, and chosen to be read in tomorrows general assembly.






-The delegate of Lebanon does not like the delegate of Bosnia



-A la delegacin de Irak , y a la presidenta se les vio muy emocionadas bailando en la hora del lobby time -El delegado de costa rica le brinda apoyo mandndole notas a Rodrigo de la campa diciendo Paspi ! espero que ganes la guerra!! -El vicepresidente perdi su paciencia hasta tal punto que les pidi a las delegaciones que usen su imaginacin!!!


-The delegate of Switzerland was taking pictures of herself using her computer. -The delegate of Portugal is in love with the delegate of Colombia -Delegate of Switzerland and delegate of Colombia were playing on their computers.




-The session began today with the glorious sound of a Jedi light saber that belonged to the delegate of the United States. -The delegate of Lebanon hacked into the delegate of South Africas facebook to write I like it from behind. Upon getting notification the Chair decided to give a warning to both delegates, offended by this delegate of Lebanon answered the Vice- Presidents claim by saying I did not like it from behind, maybe you do.

-La delegacin de Nueva Granada en Security Council le pide al vise-presidente de DISEC que le tome una foto a la delegada que esta atractiva. -La delegada de Bosnia y Herzegovina parece tener un interes personal hacia el presidente. - La delegacin de Nueva Granada parece tener un interes personal en saber la opinion de la delegacin de Nigeria.



-The delegate of Afghanistan kept stealing lances at the delegate of Uzbekistan. -The delegates of South Africa and Bangladesh are dating.

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