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Q: How to use WinRunner to check whether the record was updated or the record was delete or the

record was inserted or not?

Using WinRunner check point features: Create->DB checkpoint->Runtime Record check

Q: How to use WinRunner to test the login screen

A: When you enter wrong id or password, you will get Dialog box.
1. Record this Dialog box
2. Use win_exists to check whether dialog box exists or not
3. Playback: Enter wrong id or password, if win_exists is
true, then your application is working good.
Enter good id or password, if win_exists is false,
then your application is working perfectly.

Q: After clicking on "login" button, they opens other windows of the web application, how to check
that page is opened or not
A: When your expecting "Window1" to come up after clicking on Login...
Capture the window in the GUI Map. No two windows in an web based application can have the same
html_name property. Hence, this would be the property to check.
First try a simple win_exists("window1", ) in an IF condition.
If that does'nt work, try the function,
win_exists("{ class: window, MSW_class: html_frame,
html_name: "window1"}",);

Q: WinRunner testscript for checking all the links at a time

location = 0;

while(obj_exists((link = "{class: object,MSW_class: html_text_link,location: "

& location & "}"))== E_OK)
obj_highlight(link); web_obj_get_info(link,"name",name);
tl_step("Check web link",PASS,"Web link \"" & name & "\" is valid.");
tl_step("Check web link",FAIL,"Web link \"" & name & "\" is not valid.");

Q: How to get the resolution settings

Use get_screen_res(x,y) to get the screen resolution in WR7.5.
Use get_resolution (Vert_Pix_int, Horz_Pix_int, Frequency_int) in WR7.01

Q: WITHOUT the GUI map, use the phy desc directly....

It's easy, just take the description straight out of the GUI map editor and
all, put it into a variable (or pass it as a string)
and use that in place of the object name.
button_press ( "btn_OK" );
button_press ( "{class: push_button, label: OK}" );

Q: What are the three modes of running the scripts?

WinRunner provides three modes in which to run tests: Verify, Debug, and Update. You use each mode
during a different phase of the testing process.
Use the Verify mode to check your application.
Use the Debug mode to help you identify bugs in a test script.
Use the Update mode to update the expected results of a test or to create a new expected results folder.

Q: How do you handle unexpected events and errors?

WinRunner uses exception handling to detect an unexpected event when it occurs and act to recover the
test run.
WinRunner enables you to handle the following types of exceptions:
Pop-up exceptions: Instruct WinRunner to detect and handle the appearance of a specific window.
TSL exceptions: Instruct WinRunner to detect and handle TSL functions that return a specific error code.
Object exceptions: Instruct WinRunner to detect and handle a change in a property for a specific GUI
Web exceptions: When the WebTest add-in is loaded, you can instruct WinRunner to handle unexpected
events and errors that occur in your Web site during a test run.

Q: How do you handle pop-up exceptions?

A pop-up exception Handler handles the pop-up messages that come up during the execution of the script
in the AUT. TO handle this type of exception we make WinRunner learn the window and also specify a
handler to the exception. It could be
Default actions: WinRunner clicks the OK or Cancel button in the pop-up window, or presses Enter on the
keyboard. To select a default handler, click the appropriate button in the dialog box.
User-defined handler: If you prefer, specify the name of your own handler. Click User Defined Function
Name and type in a name in the User Defined Function Name box.

Q: How do you handle TSL exceptions?

Suppose you are running a batch test on an unstable version of your application. If your application
crashes, you want WinRunner to recover test execution. A TSL exception can instruct WinRunner to recover
test execution by exiting the current test, restarting the application, and continuing with the next test in the
batch. The handler function is responsible for recovering test execution. When WinRunner detects a
specific error code, it calls the handler function. You implement this function to respond to the unexpected
error in the way that meets your specific testing needs. Once you have defined the exception, WinRunner
activates handling and adds the exception to the list of default TSL exceptions in the Exceptions dialog box.
Default TSL exceptions are defined by the XR_EXCP_TSL configuration parameter in the wrun.ini
configuration file.

Q: How to write an email address validation script in TSL?

public function IsValidEMAIL(in strText)
auto aryEmail[], aryEmail2[], n;

n = split(strText, aryEmail, "@");

if (n != 2)
return FALSE;

# Ensure the string "@MyISP.Com" does not pass...

if (!length(aryEmail[1]))
return FALSE;

n = split(aryEmail[2], aryEmail2, ".");

if (n < 2)
return FALSE;
# Ensure the string "Recipient@." does not pass...
if (!(length(aryEmail2[1]) * length(aryEmail2[1])))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

Q: How to have WinRunner insert yesterdays date into a field in the application?
1) Use get-time to get the PC system time in seconds since 01/01/1970
2)Subtract 86400 (no seconds in a day) from it
3)Use time_str to convert the result into a date format

4)If format of returned date is not correct use string manipulations to get the format you require
5) Insert the date into your application

Alternatively you could try the following :

1) In an Excel datasheet create a column with an appropriate name, and in

the first cell of the column use the excel formula 'today() - 1'
2) Format the cell to give you the required date format
3) Use the ddt- functions to read the date from the excel datasheet
4) insert the reteived date into your application

Q: How can with winrunner to make single scripts which supports multiple languages?
Actually, you can have scripts that run for different locales.I have a set of scripts that run for Japanese as
well as English Locales. Idea is to have objects recorded in GUI Map with a locale independent physical
description. This can be achieved in two ways.
1. After recording the object in the GUI Map, inspect the description and ensure that no language specific
properties are used. For ex: html_name property for an object of class: html_text_link could be based on the
text. You can either remove these language dependent properties if it doesnt really affect your object
recognition. If it does affect, you need to find another property for the object that is locale independent. This
new property may be something thats already there or you need to create them. This leads to the next
2. Have developers assign a locale independent property like 'objname' or something to all objects that you
use in your automated scripts. Now, modify your GUI Map description for the particular object to look for this
property instead of the standard locale dependent properties recorded by WR (these default properties are
in GUI Map Configuration). or
You could also use a GUI map for each locale. Prefix the GUI map name with the locale (e.g.
jpn_UserWindow.gui and enu_UserWindow.gui) and load the correct map based on the current machine
locale. Specifically, you can use the get_lang() function to obtain the current language setting, then load the
appropriate GUI map in your init script. Take a look at the sample scripts supplied with WinRunner (for the
flight application). I think those scripts are created for both English and Japanese locales.

After taking care of different GUIs for different locales, the script also needs some modification. If you are
scripting in English and then moving on to any other language (say Japanese), all the user inputs will be in
English. Due to this the script will fail as it is expecting a Japanese input for a JPN language. Instead of
using like that, assign all the user inputs to a variable and use the same wherever the script uses it. This
variables has to be assigned (may be after the driver script) before you call the script which you want to run.
You should have different variable scripts for different languages. Depending on the language you want to
run, call the appropriate variable script file. This will help you to run the same script with different locale

Q: How to use a regular _expression in the physical description of a window in the GUI map?
Several web page windows with similar html names - they all end in or contain "| MyCompany" The GUI
Map has saved the following physical description for one of these windows:
class: window,
html_name: "Dynamic Name | MyCompany"
MSW_class: html_frame
The "Dynamic Name " part of the html name changes with the different pages.
class: window,
html_name: "!.*| MyCompany"
MSW_class: html_frame
Regular expressions in GUI maps always begin with "!".

Q: How to force WR to learn the sub-items on a menu...?

If WR is not learning sub-items then the easy way is to add manually those sub items in to GUI map. Of
course you need to study the menu description and always add the PARENT menu name for that particular

Q: How to check property of specific Icon is highlighted or not?
set_window("Name of the window");
obj_check_info("Name of the object ","focused",0ut_value);
check for out_value & proceed further

Q: BitMap or GUI Checkpoints

DO NOT use Bitmap or GUI Checkpoints for dynamic verification. These checkpoints are purely for static
verifications. There are of course, work-arounds, but mostly not worth the effort.

Q: How to to get the information from the status bar without doing any activity/click on the
You can use the "statusbar_get_text("Status Bar",0,text);" function
"text" variable contains the status bar statement.
web_cursor_to_link ( link, x, y );
link The name of the link. x, y The x- and y-coordinates of the mouse pointer when moved to a link,
relative to the upper left corner of the link.

Q: Object name Changing dynamically?

class: check_button,
MSW_class: html_check_button,
html_name: chkESActivity,
part_value: 90
logical name "chkESActivity_1"

class: check_button,
MSW_class: html_check_button,
html_name: chkESActivity,
part_value: 91

Replace with:

Logical:"CheckBox" # you give any name as the logical name

class: check_button,
MSW_class: html_check_button,
html_name: chkESActivity,
part_value: "![0-9][0-9]" # changes were done here

you can use any of the checkbox command like

button_set("CheckBox",ON); # the above statement will check any check
box with part value ranging from 00 to 99

Q: Text Field Validations

Need to validate text fields against
1. Null
2. Not Null.
3. whether it allows any Special Characters.
4. whether it allows numeric contents.
5. Maximum length of the field etc.

1) From the requirements find out what the behavior of the text field in
question should be. Things you need to know are:
what should happen if field left blank
what special characters are allowed
is it an alpha, numeric or alphanumeric field etc..

2) Write manual tests for doing what you want. This will create a structure
to form the basis of your WR tests.

3) now create your WR scripts. I suggest that you use data driven tests and
use Excel spreadsheets for your inputs instead of having user input.
For example the following structure will test whether the text field will
accept special characters :

open the data table

for each value in the data table
get value
insert value into text field
attempt to use the value inserted
if result is as expected
report pass
report fail
next value in data table
in this case the data table will contain all the special charcaters

Q: Loads multiple gui maps into an array

static guiname1 = "MMAQ_guimap.gui";
static guiname2 = "SSPicker_guimap.gui";
static guiname3 = "TradeEntry.gui";
static guiLoad[] = {guiname1, guiname2, guiname3}

Then I just call the function:

rc = loadGui(guiLoad);
if (rc != "Pass") #Check success of the Gui_Load
tl_step("Guiload",FAIL,"Failed to load Guimap(s)for "&testname(getvar));
#This line to test log
texit("Failed to load Guimap(s)for "&testname(getvar));

public function loadGui(inout guiLoad[])

static i;
static rc;

# close any temp GUI map files


for(i in guiLoad)
rc = (GUI_load(GUIPATH & guiLoad[i]));
if ((rc != 0) && (rc != E_OK)) #Check the Gui_Load
return ("Failed to load " &guiLoad[i]);

return ("Pass");

Q: Read and write to the registry using the Windows API functions
function space(isize)
auto s;
auto i;
for (i =1;i<=isize;i++)
s = s & " ";

extern long RegDeleteKey( long, string<1024> );
extern long RegCloseKey(long);
extern long RegQueryValueExA(long,string,long,long,inout string<1024>,inout long );
extern long RegOpenKeyExA(long,string,long ,long,inout long);
extern long RegSetValueExA(long,string,long,long,string,long);

MainKey = 2147483649; # HKEY_CURRENT_USER

SubKey = "Software\\TestConverter\\TCEditor\\Settings";
# This is where you set your subkey path
const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0;

const KEY_ALL_ACCESS = 983103;

ret = RegOpenKeyExA(MainKey, SubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, hKey); # open the
cbData = 256;
tmp = space(256);
KeyType = 0;
ret = RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"Last language",0,KeyType,tmp,cbData); # replace
"Last language" with the key you want to read
pause (tmp);
NewSetting = "SQABASIC";
cbData = length(NewSetting) + 1;
ret = RegSetValueExA(hKey,"Last language",0,KeyType,NewSetting,cbData);
# replace "Last language" with the key you want to write

cbData = 256;
tmp = space(256);
KeyType = 0;
ret = RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"Last language",0,KeyType,tmp,cbData);
# verifies you changed the key
pause (tmp);
RegCloseKey(hKey); # close the key

Q: How to break infinite loop

set_window("Browser Main Window",1);
start = get_time();
statusbar_get_text("Status Bar",0,text);

now = get_time();
if ( (now-start) == 60 ) # Specify no of seconds after which u want

Q: User-defined function that would write to the Print-log as well as write to a file
function writeLog(in strMessage)

Q: How to do text matching?

You could try embedding it in an if statement. If/when it fails use a tl_step statement to indicate passage and
then do a texit to leave the test. Another idea would be to use win_get_text or web_frame_get_text to
capture the text of the object and the do a comparison (using the match function) to determine it's

Q: the MSW_id value sometimes changes, rendering the GUI map useless
MSW_Id's will continue to change as long as your developers are modifying your application. Having dealt
with this, I determined that each MSW_Id shifted by the same amount and I was able to modify the entries
in the gui map rather easily and continue testing.
Instead of using the MSW_id use the "location". If you use your GUI spy it will give you every detail it can.
Then add or remove what you don't want.

Q: Having the DB Check point, its able to show the current values in form but its not showing the
values that saved in the table
This looks like its happening because the data has been written to the db after your checkpoint, so you
have to do a runtime record check Create>Database Checkpoint>Runtime Record Check. You may also
have to perform some customization if the data displayed in the application is in a different format than the
data in the database by using TSL. For example, converting radio buttons to database readable form
involves the following:

# Flight Reservation
set_window ("Flight Reservation", 2);
# edit_set ("Date of Flight:", "06/08/02");

# retrieve the three button states

button_get_state ( "First", first);
button_get_state ( "Business", bus);
button_get_state ( "Economy", econ);

# establish a variable with the correct numeric value

based on which radio button is set
if (first)

if (bus)

if (econ)

set_window("Untitled - Notepad",3);

edit_set("Report Area",service);

db_record_check("list1.cvr", DVR_ONE_MATCH,record_num);

Increase Capacity Testing When you begin your stress testing, you will want to increase your capacity
testing to make sure you are able to handle the increased load of data such as ASP pages and graphics.
When you test the ASP pages, you may want to create a page similar to the original page that will simulate
the same items on the ASP page and have it send the information to a test bed with a process that
completes just a small data output. By doing this, you will have your processor still stressing the system but
not taking up the bandwidth by sending the HTML code along the full path. This will not stress the entire
code but will give you a basis from which to work. Dividing the requests per second by the total number of
user or threads will determine the number of transactions per second. It will tell you at what point the server
will start becoming less efficient at handling the load. Let's look at an example. Let's say your test with 50
users shows your server can handle 5 requests per second, with 100 users it is 10 requests per second,
with 200 users it is 15 requests per second, and eventually with 300 users it is 20 requests per second.
Your requests per second are continually climbing, so it seems that you are obtaining steadily improving
performance. Let's look at the ratios:
05/50 = 0.1
10/100 = 0.1
15/200 = 0.075
20/300 = 0.073
From this example you can see that the performance of the server is becoming less and less efficient as the
load grows. This in itself is not necessarily bad (as long as your pages are still returning within your target
time frame). However, it can be a useful indicator during your optimization process and does give you some
indication of how much leeway you have to handle expected peaks.

Stateful testing
When you use a Web-enabled application to set a value, does the server respond correctly later on?

Privilege testing
What happens when the everyday user tries to access a control that is authorized only for adminstrators?

Speed testing
Is the Web-enabled application taking too long to respond?

Boundary Test
Boundary tests are designed to check a program's response to extreme input values. Extreme output
values are generated by the input values. It is important to check that a program handles input values and
output results correctly at the lower and upper boundaries. Keep in mind that you can create extreme
boundary results from non-extreme input values. It is essential to analyze how to generate extremes of both
types. In addition. sometime you know that there is an intermediate variable involved in processing. If so, it
is useful to determine how to drive that one through the extremes and special conditions such as zero or
overflow condition.

Boundary timing testing

What happens when your Web-enabled application request times out or takes a really long time to

Regression testing
Did a new build break an existing function? Repeat testing after changes for managing risk relate to
product enhancement.
A regression test is performed when the tester wishes to see the progress of the testing process by
performing identical tests before and after a bug has been fixed. A regression test allows the tester to
compare expected test results with the actual results.
Regression testing's primary objective is to ensure that all bug free features stay that way. In addition, bugs
which have been fixed once should not turn up again in subsequent program versions.
Regression testing: After every software modification or before next release, we repeat all test cases to
check if fixed bugs are not show up again and new and existing functions are all working correctly.
Regression testing is used to confirm that fixed bugs have, in fact, been fixed and that new bugs have not
been introduced in the process, and that features that were proven correctly functional are intact.
Depending on the size of a project, cycles of regression testing may be perform once per milestone or once

per build. Some bug regression testing may also be performed during each acceptance test cycle, focusing
on only the most important bugs. Regression tests can be automated.
Issue fixing cycle. Once the development team has fixed issues, a regression test can be run t ovalidate the
fixes. Tests are based on the step-by-step test cases that were originally reported:
• If an issue is confirmed as fixed, then the issue report status should be changed to Closed.
• If an issue is confirmed as fixed, but with side effects, then the issue report status should be changed to
Closed. However, a new issue should be filed to report the side effect.
• If an issue is only partially fixed, then the issue report resolution should be changed back to Unfixed, along
with comments outlining the outstanding problems

Open-status regression cycle. Periodic regression tests may be run on all open issue in the issue-tracking
database. During this cycle, issue status is confirmed either the report is reproducible as is with no
modification, the report is reproducible with additional comments or modifications, or the report is no longer
Closed-fixed regression cycle. In the final phase of testing, a full-regression test cycle should be run to
confirm the status of all fixed-closed issues.
Feature regression cycle. Each time a new build is cut or is in the final phase of testing depending on the
organizational procedure, a full-regression test cycle should be run to confirm that the proven correctly
functional features are still working as expected.

Database Testing
Items to check when testing a database
What to test Environment toola/technique
Seach results System test environment Black Box and White Box technique
Response time System test environment Sytax Testing/Functional Testing
Data integrity Development environment White Box testing
Data validity Development environment White Box testing

Q:How do you find an object in an GUI map?

The GUI Map Editor is been provided with a Find and Show Buttons.
To find a particular object in the GUI Map file in the application, select the object and click the Show window.
This blinks the selected object.
To find a particular object in a GUI Map file click the Find button, which gives the option to select the object.
When the object is selected, if the object has been learned to the GUI Map file it will be focused in the GUI
Map file.

Q:What different actions are performed by find and show button?

To find a particular object in the GUI Map file in the application, select the object and click the Show window.
This blinks the selected object.
To find a particular object in a GUI Map file click the Find button, which gives the option to select the object.
When the object is selected, if the object has been learned to the GUI Map file it will be focused in the GUI
Map file.

Q:How do you identify which files are loaded in the GUI map?
The GUI Map Editor has a drop down GUI File displaying all the GUI Map files loaded into the memory.

Q:How do you modify the logical name or the physical description of the objects in GUI map?
You can modify the logical name or the physical description of an object in a GUI map file using the GUI
Map Editor.

Q:When do you feel you need to modify the logical name?

Changing the logical name of an object is useful when the assigned logical name is not sufficiently
descriptive or is too long.

Q:When it is appropriate to change physical description?

Changing the physical description is necessary when the property value of an object changes.

Q:How WinRunner handles varying window labels?
We can handle varying window labels using regular expressions. WinRunner uses two hidden properties in
order to use regular expression in an object’s physical description. These properties are regexp_label and
1. The regexp_label property is used for windows only. It operates behind the scenes to insert a regular
expression into a window’s label description.
2. The regexp_MSW_class property inserts a regular expression into an object’s MSW_class. It is obligatory
for all types of windows and for the object class object.

Q:What is the purpose of regexp_label property and regexp_MSW_class property?

The regexp_label property is used for windows only. It operates behind the scenes to insert a regular
expression into a window’s label description.
The regexp_MSW_class property inserts a regular expression into an object’s MSW_class. It is obligatory
for all types of windows and for the object class object.

Q:How do you suppress a regular expression?

We can suppress the regular expression of a window by replacing the regexp_label property with label

Q:How do you copy and move objects between different GUI map files?
We can copy and move objects between different GUI Map files using the GUI Map Editor. The steps to be
followed are:
1. Choose Tools - GUI Map Editor to open the GUI Map Editor.
2. Choose View - GUI Files.
3. Click Expand in the GUI Map Editor. The dialog box expands to display two GUI map files simultaneously.

4. View a different GUI map file on each side of the dialog box by clicking the file names in the GUI File lists.

5. In one file, select the objects you want to copy or move. Use the Shift key and or Control key to select
multiple objects. To select all objects in a GUI map file, choose Edit - Select All.
6. Click Copy or Move.
7. To restore the GUI Map Editor to its original size, click Collapse.

Q: How do you select multiple objects during merging the files?

Use the Shift key and or Control key to select multiple objects. To select all objects in a GUI map file,
choose Edit - Select All.

Q: How do you clear a GUI map files?

We can clear a GUI Map file using the Clear All option in the GUI Map Editor.

Q: How do you filter the objects in the GUI map?

GUI Map Editor has a Filter option. This provides for filtering with 3 different types of options.
1. Logical name displays only objects with the specified logical name.
2. Physical description displays only objects matching the specified physical description. Use any substring
belonging to the physical description.
3. Class displays only objects of the specified class, such as all the push buttons.

Q: How do you configure GUI map?

1. When WinRunner learns the description of a GUI object, it does not learn all its properties. Instead, it
learns the minimum number of properties to provide a unique identification of the object.
2. Many applications also contain custom GUI objects. A custom object is any object not belonging to one of
the standard classes used by WinRunner. These objects are therefore assigned to the generic object class.
When WinRunner records an operation on a custom object, it generates obj_mouse_ statements in the test
3. If a custom object is similar to a standard object, you can map it to one of the standard classes. You can
also configure the properties WinRunner uses to identify a custom object during Context Sensitive testing.
The mapping and the configuration you set are valid only for the current WinRunner session. To make the
mapping and the configuration permanent, you must add configuration statements to your startup test

Q: What is the purpose of GUI map configuration?
GUI Map configuration is used to map a custom object to a standard object.

Q: How do you make the configuration and mappings permanent?

The mapping and the configuration you set are valid only for the current WinRunner session. To make the
mapping and the configuration permanent, you must add configuration statements to your startup test

Q: What is the purpose of GUI spy?

Using the GUI Spy, you can view the properties of any GUI object on your desktop. You use the Spy pointer
to point to an object, and the GUI Spy displays the properties and their values in the GUI Spy dialog box.
You can choose to view all the properties of an object, or only the selected set of properties that WinRunner

Q: What is the purpose of different record methods 1) Record 2) Pass up 3) As Object 4) Ignore.?
1) Record instructs WinRunner to record all operations performed on a GUI object. This is the default record
method for all classes. (The only exception is the static class (static text), for which the default is Pass Up.)
2) Pass Up instructs WinRunner to record an operation performed on this class as an operation performed
on the element containing the object. Usually this element is a window, and the operation is recorded as
3) As Object instructs WinRunner to record all operations performed on a GUI object as though its class
were object class.
4) Ignore instructs WinRunner to disregard all operations performed on the class.

Q: How do you find out which is the start up file in WinRunner?

The test script name in the Startup Test box in the Environment tab in the General Options dialog box is the
start up file in WinRunner.

Q: What are the virtual objects and how do you learn them?
• Applications may contain bitmaps that look and behave like GUI objects. WinRunner records operations
on these bitmaps using win_mouse_click statements. By defining a bitmap as a virtual object, you can
instruct WinRunner to treat it like a GUI object such as a push button, when you record and run tests.
• Using the Virtual Object wizard, you can assign a bitmap to a standard object class, define the coordinates
of that object, and assign it a logical name.
To define a virtual object using the Virtual Object wizard:
1. Choose Tools > Virtual Object Wizard. The Virtual Object wizard opens. Click Next.
2. In the Class list, select a class for the new virtual object. If rows that are displayed in the window. For a
table class, select the number of visible rows and columns. Click Next.
3. Click Mark Object. Use the crosshairs pointer to select the area of the virtual object. You can use the
arrow keys to make precise adjustments to the area you define with the crosshairs. Press Enter or click the
right mouse button to display the virtual object’s coordinates in the wizard. If the object marked is visible on
the screen, you can click the Highlight button to view it. Click Next.
4. Assign a logical name to the virtual object. This is the name that appears in the test script when you
record on the virtual object. If the object contains text that WinRunner can read, the wizard suggests using
this text for the logical name. Otherwise, WinRunner suggests virtual_object, virtual_push_button,
virtual_list, etc.
5. You can accept the wizard’s suggestion or type in a different name. WinRunner checks that there are no
other objects in the GUI map with the same name before confirming your choice. Click Next.

Q: What are the two modes of recording?

There are 2 modes of recording in WinRunner
1. Context Sensitive recording records the operations you perform on your application by identifying
Graphical User Interface (GUI) objects.
2. Analog recording records keyboard input, mouse clicks, and the precise x- and y-coordinates traveled by
the mouse pointer across the screen.

Q: What is a checkpoint and what are different types of checkpoints?

Checkpoints allow you to compare the current behavior of the application being tested to its behavior in an
earlier version.
You can add four types of checkpoints to your test scripts:

1. GUI checkpoints verify information about GUI objects. For example, you can check that a button is
enabled or see which item is selected in a list.
2. Bitmap checkpoints take a snapshot of a window or area of your application and compare this to an
image captured in an earlier version.
3. Text checkpoints read text in GUI objects and in bitmaps and enable you to verify their contents.
4. Database checkpoints check the contents and the number of rows and columns of a result set, which is
based on a query you create on your database.

Q: What are data driven tests?

When you test your application, you may want to check how it performs the same operations with multiple
sets of data. You can create a data-driven test with a loop that runs ten times: each time the loop runs, it is
driven by a different set of data. In order for WinRunner to use data to drive the test, you must link the data
to the test script which it drives. This is called parameterizing your test. The data is stored in a data table.
You can perform these operations manually, or you can use the Data Driver Wizard to parameterize your
test and store the data in a data table.

Q: What are the synchronization points?

Synchronization points enable you to solve anticipated timing problems between the test and your
application. For example, if you create a test that opens a database application, you can add a
synchronization point that causes the test to wait until the database records are loaded on the screen.
For Analog testing, you can also use a synchronization point to ensure that WinRunner repositions a
window at a specific location. When you run a test, the mouse cursor travels along exact coordinates.
Repositioning the window enables the mouse pointer to make contact with the correct elements in the

Q: What is parameterizing?
In order for WinRunner to use data to drive the test, you must link the data to the test script which it drives.
This is called parameterizing your test. The data is stored in a data table.

Q: How do you maintain the document information of the test scripts?

Before creating a test, you can document information about the test in the General and Description tabs of
the Test Properties dialog box. You can enter the name of the test author, the type of functionality tested, a
detailed description of the test, and a reference to the relevant functional specifications document.

Q: What do you verify with the GUI checkpoint for single property and what command it generates,
explain syntax?
You can check a single property of a GUI object. For example, you can check whether a button is enabled
or disabled or whether an item in a list is selected. To create a GUI checkpoint for a property value, use the
Check Property dialog box to add one of the following functions to the test script:
Syntax: button_check_info (button, property, property_value );
edit_check_info ( edit, property, property_value );

Q: What do you verify with the GUI checkpoint for object/window and what command it generates,
explain syntax?
• You can create a GUI checkpoint to check a single object in the application being tested. You can either
check the object with its default properties or you can specify which properties to check.
• Creating a GUI Checkpoint using the Default Checks
• You can create a GUI checkpoint that performs a default check on the property recommended by
WinRunner. For example, if you create a GUI checkpoint that checks a push button, the default check
verifies that the push button is enabled.
• To create a GUI checkpoint using default checks:
1. Choose Create - GUI Checkpoint - For Object/Window, or click the GUI Checkpoint for Object/Window
button on the User toolbar. If you are recording in Analog mode, press the CHECK GUI FOR

OBJECT/WINDOW softkey in order to avoid extraneous mouse movements. Note that you can press the
CHECK GUI FOR OBJECT/WINDOW softkey in Context Sensitive mode as well. The WinRunner window is
minimized, the mouse pointer becomes a pointing hand, and a help window opens on the screen.
2. Click an object.
3. WinRunner captures the current value of the property of the GUI object being checked and stores it in the
test’s expected results folder. The WinRunner window is restored and a GUI checkpoint is inserted in the
test script as an obj_check_gui statement Syntax: win_check_gui ( window, checklist, expected_results_file,
time );
• Creating a GUI Checkpoint by Specifying which Properties to Check
• You can specify which properties to check for an object. For example, if you create a checkpoint that
checks a push button, you can choose to verify that it is in focus, instead of enabled.
• To create a GUI checkpoint by specifying which properties to check:
• Choose Create - GUI Checkpoint - For Object/Window, or click the GUI Checkpoint for Object/Window
button on the User toolbar. If you are recording in Analog mode, press the CHECK GUI FOR
OBJECT/WINDOW softkey in order to avoid extraneous mouse movements. Note that you can press the
CHECK GUI FOR OBJECT/WINDOW softkey in Context Sensitive mode as well. The WinRunner window is
minimized, the mouse pointer becomes a pointing hand, and a help window opens on the screen.
• Double-click the object or window. The Check GUI dialog box opens.
• Click an object name in the Objects pane. The Properties pane lists all the properties for the selected
• Select the properties you want to check.
1. To edit the expected value of a property, first select it. Next, either click the Edit Expected Value button, or
double-click the value in the Expected Value column to edit it.
2. To add a check in which you specify arguments, first select the property for which you want to specify
arguments. Next, either click the Specify Arguments button, or double-click in the Arguments column. Note
that if an ellipsis (three dots) appears in the Arguments column, then you must specify arguments for a
check on this property. (You do not need to specify arguments if a default argument is specified.) When
checking standard objects, you only specify arguments for certain properties of edit and static text objects.
You also specify arguments for checks on certain properties of nonstandard objects.
3. To change the viewing options for the properties of an object, use the Show Properties buttons.
4. Click OK to close the Check GUI dialog box. WinRunner captures the GUI information and stores it in the
test’s expected results folder. The WinRunner window is restored and a GUI checkpoint is inserted in the
test script as an obj_check_gui or a win_check_gui statement. Syntax: win_check_gui ( window, checklist,
expected_results_file, time ); obj_check_gui ( object, checklist, expected results file, time );

Q: What do you verify with the GUI checkpoint for multiple objects and what command it generates,
explain syntax?
To create a GUI checkpoint for two or more objects:
• Choose Create GUI Checkpoint For Multiple Objects or click the GUI Checkpoint for Multiple Objects
button on the User toolbar. If you are recording in Analog mode, press the CHECK GUI FOR MULTIPLE
OBJECTS softkey in order to avoid extraneous mouse movements. The Create GUI Checkpoint dialog box
• Click the Add button. The mouse pointer becomes a pointing hand and a help window opens.
• To add an object, click it once. If you click a window title bar or menu bar, a help window prompts you to
check all the objects in the window.
• The pointing hand remains active. You can continue to choose objects by repeating step 3 above for each
object you want to check.
• Click the right mouse button to stop the selection process and to restore the mouse pointer to its original
shape. The Create GUI Checkpoint dialog box reopens.
• The Objects pane contains the name of the window and objects included in the GUI checkpoint. To specify
which objects to check, click an object name in the Objects pane. The Properties pane lists all the
properties of the object. The default properties are selected.
1. To edit the expected value of a property, first select it. Next, either click the Edit Expected Value button, or
double-click the value in the Expected Value column to edit it.
2. To add a check in which you specify arguments, first select the property for which you want to specify
arguments. Next, either click the Specify Arguments button, or double-click in the Arguments column. Note
that if an ellipsis appears in the Arguments column, then you must specify arguments for a check on this
property. (You do not need to specify arguments if a default argument is specified.) When checking
standard objects, you only specify arguments for certain properties of edit and static text objects. You also
specify arguments for checks on certain properties of nonstandard objects.

3. To change the viewing options for the properties of an object, use the Show Properties buttons.
• To save the checklist and close the Create GUI Checkpoint dialog box, click OK. WinRunner captures the
current property values of the selected GUI objects and stores it in the expected results folder. A
win_check_gui statement is inserted in the test script.
Syntax: win_check_gui ( window, checklist, expected_results_file, time );
obj_check_gui ( object, checklist, expected results file, time );

Q: What information is contained in the checklist file and in which file expected results are stored?
The checklist file contains information about the objects and the properties of the object we are verifying.
The gui*.chk file contains the expected results which is stored in the exp folder

Q: What do you verify with the bitmap check point for object/window and what command it
generates, explain syntax?
• You can check an object, a window, or an area of a screen in your application as a bitmap. While creating
a test, you indicate what you want to check. WinRunner captures the specified bitmap, stores it in the
expected results folder (exp) of the test, and inserts a checkpoint in the test script. When you run the test,
WinRunner compares the bitmap currently displayed in the application being tested with the expected
bitmap stored earlier. In the event of a mismatch, WinRunner captures the current actual bitmap and
generates a difference bitmap. By comparing the three bitmaps (expected, actual, and difference), you can
identify the nature of the discrepancy.
• When working in Context Sensitive mode, you can capture a bitmap of a window, object, or of a specified
area of a screen. WinRunner inserts a checkpoint in the test script in the form of either a win_check_bitmap
or obj_check_bitmap statement.
• Note that when you record a test in Analog mode, you should press the CHECK BITMAP OF WINDOW
softkey or the CHECK BITMAP OF SCREEN AREA softkey to create a bitmap checkpoint. This prevents
WinRunner from recording extraneous mouse movements. If you are programming a test, you can also use
the Analog function check_window to check a bitmap.
• To capture a window or object as a bitmap:
1. Choose Create - Bitmap Checkpoint - For Object/Window or click the Bitmap Checkpoint for
Object/Window button on the User toolbar. Alternatively, if you are recording in Analog mode, press the
CHECK BITMAP OF OBJECT/WINDOW softkey. The WinRunner window is minimized, the mouse pointer
becomes a pointing hand, and a help window opens.
2. Point to the object or window and click it. WinRunner captures the bitmap and generates a
win_check_bitmap or obj_check_bitmap statement in the script. The TSL statement generated for a window
bitmap has the following syntax: win_check_bitmap ( object, bitmap, time );
3. For an object bitmap, the syntax is: obj_check_bitmap ( object, bitmap, time );
4. For example, when you click the title bar of the main window of the Flight Reservation application, the
resulting statement might be: win_check_bitmap ("Flight Reservation", "Img2", 1);
5. However, if you click the Date of Flight box in the same window, the statement might be:
obj_check_bitmap ("Date of Flight:", "Img1", 1);
Syntax: obj_check_bitmap ( object, bitmap, time [, x, y, width, height] );

Q: What do you verify with the bitmap checkpoint for screen area and what command it generates,
explain syntax?
• You can define any rectangular area of the screen and capture it as a bitmap for comparison. The area
can be any size: it can be part of a single window, or it can intersect several windows. The rectangle is
identified by the coordinates of its upper left and lower right corners, relative to the upper left corner of the
window in which the area is located. If the area intersects several windows or is part of a window with no
title (for example, a popup window), its coordinates are relative to the entire screen (the root window).
• To capture an area of the screen as a bitmap:
1. Choose Create - Bitmap Checkpoint - For Screen Area or click the Bitmap Checkpoint for Screen Area
button. Alternatively, if you are recording in Analog mode, press the CHECK BITMAP OF SCREEN AREA
softkey. The WinRunner window is minimized, the mouse pointer becomes a crosshairs pointer, and a help
window opens.
2. Mark the area to be captured: press the left mouse button and drag the mouse pointer until a rectangle
encloses the area; then release the mouse button.
3. Press the right mouse button to complete the operation. WinRunner captures the area and generates a
win_check_bitmap statement in your script.
4. The win_check_bitmap statement for an area of the screen has the following syntax: win_check_bitmap (
window, bitmap, time, x, y, width, height );

Q:What do you verify with the database checkpoint default and what command it generates, explain
• By adding runtime database record checkpoints you can compare the information in your application
during a test run with the corresponding record in your database. By adding standard database checkpoints
to your test scripts, you can check the contents of databases in different versions of your application.
• When you create database checkpoints, you define a query on your database, and your database
checkpoint checks the values contained in the result set. The result set is set of values retrieved from the
results of the query.
• You can create runtime database record checkpoints in order to compare the values displayed in your
application during the test run with the corresponding values in the database. If the comparison does not
meet the success criteria you
• specify for the checkpoint, the checkpoint fails. You can define a successful runtime database record
checkpoint as one where one or more matching records were found, exactly one matching record was
found, or where no matching records are found.
• You can create standard database checkpoints to compare the current values of the properties of the
result set during the test run to the expected values captured during recording or otherwise set before the
test run. If the expected results and the current results do not match, the database checkpoint fails.
Standard database checkpoints are useful when the expected results can be established before the test
Syntax: db_check(checklist_file, expected_restult);
• You can add a runtime database record checkpoint to your test in order to compare information that
appears in your application during a test run with the current value(s) in the corresponding record(s) in your
database. You add runtime database record checkpoints by running the Runtime Record Checkpoint
wizard. When you are finished, the wizard inserts the appropriate db_record_check statement into your
Syntax: db_record_check(ChecklistFileName,SuccessConditions,RecordNumber );
ChecklistFileName ---- A file created by WinRunner and saved in the test's checklist folder. The file contains
information about the data to be captured during the test run and its corresponding field in the database.
The file is created based on the information entered in the Runtime Record Verification wizard.
SuccessConditions ----- Contains one of the following values:
1. DVR_ONE_OR_MORE_MATCH - The checkpoint passes if one or more matching database records are
2. DVR_ONE_MATCH - The checkpoint passes if exactly one matching database record is found.
3. DVR_NO_MATCH - The checkpoint passes if no matching database records are found.
RecordNumber --- An out parameter returning the number of records in the database.

Q: How do you handle dynamically changing area of the window in the bitmap checkpoints?
The difference between bitmaps option in the Run Tab of the general options defines the minimum number
of pixels that constitute a bitmap mismatch

Q: What do you verify with the database check point custom and what command it generates,
explain syntax?
• When you create a custom check on a database, you create a standard database checkpoint in which you
can specify which properties to check on a result set.
• You can create a custom check on a database in order to:
• check the contents of part or the entire result set
• edit the expected results of the contents of the result set
• count the rows in the result set
• count the columns in the result set
• You can create a custom check on a database using ODBC, Microsoft Query or Data Junction.

Q: What do you verify with the sync point for object/window property and what command it
generates, explain syntax?
• Synchronization compensates for inconsistencies in the performance of your application during a test run.
By inserting a synchronization point in your test script, you can instruct WinRunner to suspend the test run
and wait for a cue before continuing the test.
• You can a synchronization point that instructs WinRunner to wait for a specified object or window to
appear. For example, you can tell WinRunner to wait for a window to open before performing an operation
within that window, or you may want WinRunner to wait for an object to appear in order to perform an
operation on that object.

• You use the obj_exists function to create an object synchronization point, and you use the win_exists
function to create a window synchronization point. These functions have the following syntax:
obj_exists ( object [, time ] ); win_exists ( window [, time ] );

Q: What do you verify with the sync point for object/window bitmap and what command it
generates, explain syntax?
You can create a bitmap synchronization point that waits for the bitmap of an object or a window to appear
in the application being tested.
During a test run, WinRunner suspends test execution until the specified bitmap is redrawn, and then
compares the current bitmap with the expected one captured earlier. If the bitmaps match, then WinRunner
continues the test.
obj_wait_bitmap ( object, image, time );
win_wait_bitmap ( window, image, time );
Q:What is the purpose of obligatory and optional properties of the objects?
For each class, WinRunner learns a set of default properties. Each default property is classified obligatory
or optional.
1. An obligatory property is always learned (if it exists).
2. An optional property is used only if the obligatory properties do not provide unique identification of an
object. These optional properties are stored in a list. WinRunner selects the minimum number of properties
from this list that are necessary to identify the object. It begins with the first property in the list, and
continues, if necessary, to add properties to the description until it obtains unique identification for the

Q: When the optional properties are learned?

An optional property is used only if the obligatory properties do not provide unique identification of an

Q: What is the purpose of location indicator and index indicator in GUI map configuration?
In cases where the obligatory and optional properties do not uniquely identify an object, WinRunner uses a
selector to differentiate between them. Two types of selectors are available:
A location selector uses the spatial position of objects.
The location selector uses the spatial order of objects within the window, from the top left to the bottom right
corners, to differentiate among objects with the same description.
An index selector uses a unique number to identify the object in a window.
The index selector uses numbers assigned at the time of creation of objects to identify the object in a
window. Use this selector if the location of objects with the same description may change within a window.

Q: How do you handle custom objects?

A custom object is any GUI object not belonging to one of the standard classes used by WinRunner.
WinRunner learns such objects under the generic object class. WinRunner records operations on custom
objects using obj_mouse_ statements.
If a custom object is similar to a standard object, you can map it to one of the standard classes. You can
also configure the properties WinRunner uses to identify a custom object during Context Sensitive testing.

Q: What is the name of custom class in WinRunner and what methods it applies on the custom
WinRunner learns custom class objects under the generic object class. WinRunner records operations on
custom objects using obj_ statements.

Q: In a situation when obligatory and optional both the properties cannot uniquely identify an object
what method WinRunner applies?
In cases where the obligatory and optional properties do not uniquely identify an object, WinRunner uses a
selector to differentiate between them. Two types of selectors are available:
i. A location selector uses the spatial position of objects.
ii. An index selector uses a unique number to identify the object in a window.

Q: What do you verify with the sync point for screen area and what command it generates, explain
For screen area verification we actually capture the screen area into a bitmap and verify the application
screen area with the bitmap file during execution Syntax: obj_wait_bitmap (object, image, time, x, y, width,

Q: How do you edit checklist file and when do you need to edit the checklist file?
WinRunner has an edit checklist file option under the create menu. Select the Edit GUI Checklist to modify
GUI checklist file and Edit Database Checklist to edit database checklist file. This brings up a dialog box
that gives you option to select the checklist file to modify. There is also an option to select the scope of the
checklist file, whether it is Test specific or a shared one. Select the checklist file, click OK which opens up
the window to edit the properties of the objects.

Q: How do you edit the expected value of an object?

We can modify the expected value of the object by executing the script in the Update mode. We can also
manually edit the gui*.chk file which contains the expected values which come under the exp folder to
change the values.

Q: How do you modify the expected results of a GUI checkpoint?

We can modify the expected results of a GUI checkpoint be running the script containing the checkpoint in
the update mode.

Q: How do you handle ActiveX and Visual basic objects?

WinRunner provides with add-ins for ActiveX and Visual basic objects. When loading WinRunner, select
those add-ins and these add-ins provide with a set of functions to work on ActiveX and VB objects.

Q: How do you create ODBC query?

We can create ODBC query using the database checkpoint wizard. It provides with option to create an SQL
file that uses an ODBC DSN to connect to the database. The SQL File will contain the connection string and
the SQL statement.

Q: How do you record a data driven test?

We can create a data-driven testing using data from a flat file, data table or a database.
Using Flat File: we actually store the data to be used in a required format in the file. We access the file
using the File manipulation commands, reads data from the file and assign the variables with data.
Data Table: It is an excel file. We can store test data in these files and manipulate them. We use the ‘ddt_*’
functions to manipulate data in the data table.
Database: we store test data in the database and access these data using ‘db_*’ functions.

Q: How do you convert a database file to a text file?

You can use Data Junction to create a conversion file which converts a database to a target text file.

Q: How do you parameterize database check points?

When you create a standard database checkpoint using ODBC (Microsoft Query), you can add parameters
to an SQL statement to parameterize the checkpoint. This is useful if you want to create a database
checkpoint with a query in which the SQL statement defining your query changes.

Q: How do you create parameterize SQL commands?

A parameterized query is a query in which at least one of the fields of the WHERE clause is parameterized,
i.e., the value of the field is specified by a question mark symbol ( ? ). For example, the following SQL
statement is based on a query on the database in the sample Flight Reservation application:
SELECT Flights.Departure, Flights.Flight_Number, Flights.Day_Of_Week FROM Flights Flights WHERE
(Flights.Departure=?) AND (Flights.Day_Of_Week=?)
SELECT defines the columns to include in the query.
FROM specifies the path of the database.
WHERE (optional) specifies the conditions, or filters to use in the query. Departure is the parameter that
represents the departure point of a flight.
Day_Of_Week is the parameter that represents the day of the week of a flight.
When creating a database checkpoint, you insert a db_check statement into your test script. When you
parameterize the SQL statement in your checkpoint, the db_check function has a fourth, optional, argument:

the parameter_array argument. A statement similar to the following is inserted into your test script:
db_check("list1.cdl", "dbvf1", NO_LIMIT, dbvf1_params);
The parameter_array argument will contain the values to substitute for the parameters in the parameterized

Q: What check points you will use to read and check text on the GUI and explain its syntax?
• You can use text checkpoints in your test scripts to read and check text in GUI objects and in areas of the
screen. While creating a test you point to an object or a window containing text. WinRunner reads the text
and writes a TSL statement to the test script. You may then add simple programming elements to your test
scripts to verify the contents of the text.
• You can use a text checkpoint to:
• Read text from a GUI object or window in your application, using obj_get_text and win_get_text
• Search for text in an object or window, using win_find_text and obj_find_text
• Move the mouse pointer to text in an object or window, using obj_move_locator_text and
• Click on text in an object or window, using obj_click_on_text and win_click_on_text

Q: How to get Text from object/window ?

We use obj_get_text (logical_name, out_text) function to get the text from an object
We use win_get_text (window, out_text [, x1, y1, x2, y2]) function to get the text from a window.

Q: How to get Text from screen area ?

We use win_get_text (window, out_text [, x1, y1, x2, y2]) function to get the text from a window.

Q: Which TSL functions you will use for Searching text on the window
find_text ( string, out_coord_array, search_area [, string_def ] );
win_find_text ( window, string, result_array [, search_area [, string_def ] ] );

Q: What are the steps of creating a data driven test?

The steps involved in data driven testing are:
Creating a test
Converting to a data-driven test and preparing a database
Running the test
Analyzing the test results.


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