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Please ask an ATI/PRO professional if you have any questions about this exercise program.


. Wellspire's Fitness Program: Swiss Ball Program

Exercise Diagram Notes Client Notes

Ball Biceps Curl

Sets Reps Weight

2 10

Make sure ball is supported against a sturdy surface before beginning this exercise. Support and steady yourself with your arms on the floor. Lift hips off floor and raise one leg off the ball. Shoulders should be down and back.

Ball Hip Lift With Alternate Leg Lift

Sets Reps Weight

Arm Lift on Ball

2 10

Sets Reps Weight

Ball Push-Up

2 15

Sets Reps Weight

Ball Squat and Lift

2 10

Keep hips and ribs level throughout. Keep consistent bend in elbows and thumbs facing each other. Place ball in small of back. Stand with feet hip width apart. Shoulders down and back, belly to spine. Squat with knees in line with first and second toe to 90 degrees. Start on your knee. Roll out onto your hands. Slowly walk away from ball until ankles rest on ball. Hold 3 seconds. Slowly return to start and repeat. Keep abs contracted with spine and neck neutral throughout. GO RIGHT INTO JACKKNIFE With your chest on ball and feet on platform, raise onto toes. Reach to the opposite knee with your hand on the ball. Contract your abs and rotate your torso in one smooth motion.

Sets Reps Weight

2 10

Ball Walk-Out

Sets Reps Weight

2 14

Calf Raise Against Wall

Sets Reps Weight

Crunch With Oblique Ball Roll

2 10

Sets Reps Weight

2 10

Appx. total time:


Appx. program calorie expenditure:


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. Wellspire's Fitness Program: Swiss Ball Program

Half-Squat With Ball Biceps Curl



Client Notes

Sets Reps Weight Sets Reps Weight

2 10

Position ball on middle of your back. Squat and curl in one motion. Feet should be a little wider than shoulder width in order to provide stability. Keep head in line with spine and press dumbells up towards ceiling. Postion ball under lower back and make sure you are stable on the ball before beginning this exercise. Kneel on ball. Arm should be in line with shoulder, shoulders down, and belly to spine. try to keep back from arching excessively.

Incline Overhead Dumbbell Press

2 10

Knee to Chest on Ball

Sets Reps Weight

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

2 10

Sets Reps Weight

2 10

Prone Ball Hip Lift With Hamstring Curl

Sets Reps Weight

Lat Pulldown on Ball

2 15

Sets Reps Weight

Leg Curl on Ball

2 10

Keep feet together and belly to spine. Pull elbows across and down. Pull belly into spine and keep shoulders down. Pull tube toward ball Kneel on ball. Arm should be in line with shoulder, shoulders down, and belly to spine.

Sets Reps Weight

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

2 10

Sets Reps Weight


2 10

Try and increase the number of sets and reps that you do as the program becomes easier.

Appx. total time:


Appx. program calorie expenditure:


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