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和 祖 先一 起 工 作来 提 升 : 和祖先一起工作来提升自身及周围大地并收集人类历史

的记录,祖先将为此生服务于提升者做什么,意想的力量 2003-9-22


和祖先们一起工作 来提 升

The Earth Mother through Karen Danrich “Mila” September 22, 2003
地球母亲透过 Karen Danrich “Mila”来传递,2003 年 9 月 22 日
Translated by 流星似火

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


The Earth Mother wishes to make some

suggestions of how one can work with one’s
ancient red ancestors to foster healing of
oneself through ascension and healing of
the land upon which one resides. All
humans are associated with a gigantic
tapestry of ancestry that is holographic in
nature and comprises the records of billions
and billions of lives. Such lifetimes go back
in time to the original seeding some 75,000
years ago; additional ancestries and
lineages were added as the Grand Masters
were seeded 50,000 years ago, and with the arrival of the Pleiadian Anu family some
45,000 years ago. We are speaking in earth years and so one must multiply these
numbers by four to understand it in human timeframe.

并包含有上百亿生命记录的。这些生命时期在时间上最远可追溯回约 7 万 5 千年前;然后当
大师们在 5 万年前被播种时,有更多的祖先与血统被加入进来;而新的祖先与记录又在 4
万 5 千年前昴宿星 Anu 家族来到地球后得以加入。关于年份,我们这里所谈及的是地球年,
所以你必须将这些数字乘以 4,以按照人类的时间尺度来理解。

Each human born in present time with 2 strands of DNA chooses 25 lineages from one’s
mother or father. For those that are choosing to ascend in this lifetime, one’s inheritance
determines one’s fate in terms of how far one may or may not ascend. At this time, all
humans may ascend in biology to roughly 1800 strands of DNA and a crystalline form.
Those perusing deeper spiritual goals and evolutionary pathway to Bodhisattva and
beyond must have Grand Master inheritance in one of these 25 lineages, or one can go
no further. Why is this so? Ascending any further requires the biological ability to
transmute DNA into a more ancient biochemistry, and if one has not such innate
knowledge, then one simply has not the capacity to ascend any further.

当代出生的每个人都携有从父亲或母亲那里选择来的 2 股 DNA,一共带有 25 条血统。对那

都能不受限地提升到约 1800 股的 DNA 及水晶形体之中。那些追求到达菩萨或更高级别之
更深入灵性目标和进化旅途的人们,则必须在这最初的 25 条血统里拥有大师遗传,否则就
无法进一步前进。为什么会这样呢?因为任何的进一步提升都需要你具备转化 DNA 到更古


虚假提 升的性质

There have been many forms of “false ascension” in human history. A false ascension
occurs as the biology fails to ascend in genetic materials to create a fourth dimensional
form, and the light body ascends nonetheless. The outcome of this is that the form
combusts from internal fission as the light body attempts to ascend into a fourth
dimensional reality. Alas this does not work, and nuclear warfare along with many forms
of disease has been the result due to the scarring of the form in such attempts of false
ascension. As a result of this, earth has outlawed false ascension altogether, and will
prohibit the construction of a light body beyond 3 to 8 segments of initiation over and
beyond what the physical has mastered in biological ascension.

地球已完全禁止了虚假提升,并禁止光体超过身体生物性提升的 3-8 段而提升。

There have been many as of late united in false ascensions number one million humans,
half from the west and half from the east. These attempts created such massive
wobbling of the entire solar system that solar counsels have recently blocked any further
human ascension of this nature. Alas such humans most likely do not understand how
they are being used in the physical by forces of the dark, and the level of electricity
running through the form as the light body builds to such a high vibration is exponential.
Such electricity only fries the nervous system and cellular structure leading to disease
and an early death. For some it has also lead to insanity or a nervous breakdown if the
excessive electricity shattered the crown chakra.
最近(2003 年 9 月),有半数来自西方、半数来自东方的 100 万人在虚假提升中纠集成团。

Mila and Oa have had numerous examples of those associated with the false light body
ascensions and have witnessed several literally going insane from such energy
movement. They were pleased when solar counsels chose to take action and shut such
attempts down, as they were only harming physical form. Physical form has been
harmed enough through the dance of the red and white false gods from Mila and Oa’s
point of view, and this is their last attempt to retain dominion over earth pushing her into
an extinction cycle. Alas they have failed, and earth is taking charge of ascension in a
new manner never before available. (See “The History of the Human Dream” for more
information on the red and white false gods.)

Mila 和 Oa 已看到无数卷入虚假光体提升的这类事例,并已见证了一些因这类能量运动而
而依 Mila 和 Oa 之见,这也是这些虚假神的最后一次企图,试图保留对地球的继续统治并


新的全 球神圣几 何形被启 动

Within the past week, a new sacred geometry

for the flower of life pattern that initiates run in
their subtle bodies, light body, auric field and
dream has been launched. This sacred
geometry pattern includes the Language of
Light, whereas up until now a triple lotus
pattern (a figure 8 or infinity symbol with an
added loop on the end) had been the primary
sacred geometry of ascending initiates and
earth alike. Alas this geometry was easy to
manipulate by dark forces emanating from
Sirius, and so a new pattern has been
launched encompassing all 48 symbols of the
Language of Light into a flower of life
patterning. Such patterning changes now as it moves and is more spherical in nature,
less elongated appearing much like a field of daisies as it rotates. (See Language of
Light for more information.)
就 在 上 周 ( 2003 年 9 月 15-22 日 ) , 一 个 生 命 之 花 图 案 的 新 神 圣 几 何 形 ( sacred
何形图案包括了光之语;此前,三莲花图案( 8 字形或无限符号上再加一个圆圈)是提升
操控,因此新图案现已被启动,它包含了由 48 个光之语的所有符号组成的一个生命之花图

Earth offers this new sacred geometry

pattern to all ascending humans global wide
that have mastered 2200 strands or higher in
biological ascension. 2200 is the baseline
as it is as one masters this that one has
embodied the 10 base notes of the
Language of Light. One must have
embodied the new sacred geometry or one
will be hard pressed to run such tones of
creation in one’s field. However as one
accomplishes this task, one may alter the
sacred geometry to include the Language of
Light in the subtle bodies, light body, dream
and greater auric field. Each may attune to
earth and request this alteration of energy flow, and so it will be.

地球提供这一新的神圣几何形图案,给全球掌握了 2200 股或更高生物体的所有提升人类。

2200 股是掌握底线,因为只有到这时,一个人才融入了光之语的前 10 个基础音调。你必须


提升和 祖先

Each ascending humans is drawing upon their ancient ancestry in order to ascend. All
humans whether they be white, black, brown or yellow will find one’s ancient ancestors
related to one of seven red root races seeded upon earth 75,000 years ago by the Sirian
race. The Language of Light is a unity-based language that parallels the original
language brought to earth from Sirius, with some minor modifications that allow it greater
stability. (See “The Dance of the Underwater Worlds” from our Nature Inspiration section
for more information on the 8, 9 and 10-note scale of the Language of Light.)

种人,都将发现自己的远古祖先与在 75000 年前由天狼星族播种到地球上的 7 个根种族之
加上了一些小调整以使它更为稳定(关于光之语的 8-10 音调,更多信息请看网站大自然的

As one ascends, one accesses both ancestors and genetic information from long ago.
Long ago one’s ancient ancestors held a different biochemical structure that did not age,
did not die, lived 2000 years, and held great wisdom. Humans lived in relative peace and
unity together at this time in history. As one intends to ascend, one pulls the ancient
genetic records forward into present time and embodies them through conscious freewill
choice. As such, one’s biochemistry begins to change increasingly into the “Crystalline
structure”. For one’s ancient ancestors only understood the crystalline form, and it is for
this reason that they lived so long and lived in peace. (See “Ascending Into
Regenerative Biology” in Ascension Transmissions IV for more information on the
crystalline form.)

的远古祖先持有一个不同的生化结构,它并不老化也不死亡,能活上 2000 年并持有巨大
此长寿并生活在和平之中(关于水晶身体的更多信息,请看提升传授 IV 里的提升到再生的


The outer reality is a reflection or mirror of the inner reality. As humanity retained a
regenerative form in which the cellular structure was disease free and in balance, life
amongst humans occurred in parallel balance. In balance, there were not wars or
starvation; only peace and a collaborative dance amongst and between human tribes. As
the cellular structure degenerated into disease, with viruses attacking healthy tissue, the
outer reality mirrored the inner, and humans began to attack, abuse and war upon other
humans. Furthermore as nature fell in parallel manner, humanity began to war upon
nature. The only way out of such a dance is to alter the biology again through ascension,
and in so doing relations between humans will return to the peaceful unity based
circumstance that was once known in ancient times.


This is the purpose of ascension beloved; and it is an important purpose. A regenerative

biology is the first step towards a self-sustaining biology, which is the biological encoding
required to live within the Great Central Sun. We are headed now for entry into the skin
of the Great Central Sun sometime in 2018; those who cannot master first regenerative
biology shall perish in the times of cleansing ahead. Later and following entry, those who
cannot master self-sustaining biology will perish within the first century inside of the Great
Central Sun.

这就是提升目的至爱的人类,而它也是一个重要的目的。再生生物体( regenerative
biology)是进入自我维系生物体(self-sustaining biology)的第一步,后者是生活于大中
枢太阳所必须的生物编码。我们正在前进,将在 2018 年左右步入大中枢太阳的外层,而那


提升和 掌握

Ascension is about mastery. One masters emotionally, energetically and upon a

biological level. Emotional mastery is about transcending the pain, anger, fear, pain,
suffering and death that plagues current human victim thought-form. As one transcends,
one fights one’s internal demons, or in other terms, those entities that destroyed one’s
ancestry by stripping their genetic materials and thought-form. As one destroys the
destroyer in the nonphysical, one wins, and in the winning one recovers another segment
of ancient genetics and thought-form that one can then ascend into upon the physical
plane. As one recovers the genetic materials, first one’s energy field expands in size and
alters in flow, and then one’s biology ascends into the crystalline structure.


Such mastery is not easy, as one may fight and fight and fight such internal demons each
step of the way. This is why the path of ascension is only for the sincere spiritual warrior;
as if one is afraid to fight, then one will lose and fail to ascend in this lifetime. We have
seen initiates ascend so far in Mila and Oa’s program, and then hit a major battle with a
nonphysical force, and in the unwillingness to take a stand and fight, lose every shred of
genetic material that they had ascended into up until such a time. The body then only
rolls back into the fear and pain that had been transcended. One must take a stand; one
must fight back. One’s ancestors failed to fight, and in so doing, fall after fall in
consciousness resulted. This did little good for humanity or earth, and only lead to a
point that humans remember so little that they have forgotten that there is an end of cycle
time upon us, and that it is time to ascend.
就将在此生提升失败。我们已在 Mila 和 Oa 的项目中看到,有些提升者已提升到了这么远,

Those that do not have to fight to ascend have made bargains with the dark. In the
bargain, the dark do not hunt one down; alas one is only setting oneself to be used in the
dance, and this will lead to a failed ascent in the long haul. It is just such forms of
ascension that lead to 1 million united in a false group light body that shattered your solar
energy flow as of late. The dark had a use for such ascensions, and so such humans
had not to fight to ascend; however those participating now have too much karma with
the solar sun to ascend in this lifetime. Some have even created too much karma to be
cleared in this end of cycle timeframe, and their associated ancestries will be returned to
the Pleiades or Sirius upon death as a result.

败的提升。正是这种提升方式带来了那个纠集了 100 万人的虚假光体群,在最近粉碎了你

Earth has recently told Mila and Oa that she desires more “mature spiritual initiates” to
emerge in human form. Humans are prone to feeling powerless and believe in an
outside god force that is going to save oneself. In such, humans endlessly whine at earth
“save me, save me, save me!”. Beloved, I cannot save you; there is no savior; one must
choose to master oneself through the intent to ascend. In the intent to ascend, the
archives of one’s past karma will open, and one can begin to clear the karma and retrieve
one’s crystalline genetic blueprint. One can then become the spiritual warrior and do
unconscious and energetic battle with the forces that stripped one’s ancestry over time.
In winning against such forces, one will anchor one’s genetic blueprint and ascend into it,
becoming regenerative in biochemistry over time.

地球最近已告诉 Mila 和 Oa,她期望有更多“成熟的灵性提升者”出现在人类形体中。人类


Earth cannot do one’s battle for oneself; earth has enough of her own battle at hand of
parallel forces that stripped earth upon a global scale. Earth is winning her battles and
as such the future entry into the Great Central Sun appears more certain than ever.
Each species, each human and each dolphin and whale must do their own battle; each
must ascend oneself out of the pain, anguish, disease and warfare, abuse, poverty and
lack that has plagued oneself in this life and billions of lives long come and gone before



祖先的 织锦

As one intends to ascend, the tapestry of ancestry opens. Within the tapestry of ancestry
are millions to billions of lifetimes related to one’s current DNA. In the intent to ascend,
one begins to access dreamtime temples while asleep that are set up by earth and solar
counsels to foster human ascension. Such temples will allow one to access one’s
tapestry of ancestry step by step. The further that one ascends, the more that one can
pull forward more ancient ancestral lives and history.

当一个人意愿提升时,祖先的织锦就打开。祖先织锦内是与你当前 DNA 所相关的、上百万到


In the early ascent to 1024, one is working upon recent human history from the last fall of
Atlantis (10,000 years ago or 40,000 human years) until present time. It is only as one
builds one’s tapestry back to prior to the fall of Atlantis that one can ascertain if one has
grand master or red root race inheritance or not within the 25 lineages one constructed
the body from in the womb. If one has not red or grand master inheritance, one is
blocked from ascending any further in this lifetime, as one has not crystalline information
to ascend into.

在提升到 1024 股的早期过程中,你正在处理近代人类史,时间是从亚特兰蒂斯的最后一

次没落开始(1 万年前,或 4 万人类年前)直到今天。只有当回溯到亚特兰蒂斯没落前的时
代之后你才能确定,自身从子宫构建身体所用的 25 条血统里是否具有大师遗传或红族根种
族遗传。如果没有红族或大师遗传,你就会被阻止在此生(超过 1800 股而)更进一步提升,

Even if one has not crystalline information to ascend into, one’s children may draw from a
more extended tapestry that one has constructed in the ascent to 1024. In the ascent to
1024, 123 additional lineages are recovered associated with those humans that lived in
Atlantean times causing the tapestry to expand to a total of 144 lineages. If such
lineages include red or grand master ancestry, one’s children can choose such lineages
in constructing the body in the womb, and take the ascent to the next level of 3000
strands, 6000 strands (Bodhisattva level awareness) or 15,000 strands of DNA
(Mahavishnu level awareness). Some may even take the ascent to Full Consciousness
or 36,000 strands of DNA. Both the ascent to Mahavishnu and Full Consciousness
require physical grand master inheritance to accomplish, as one must know how to alter
the DNA and biochemistry as biological information from birth to accomplish this task.

但即使你没有水晶信息以提升进入,你的孩子却会从你提升到 1024 股时所构建的一个更

拓展织锦中获取血统。在提升到 1024 股时,有另外 119 条与生活在亚特兰蒂斯时代人们有
关的血统被恢复,使得织锦扩展成一共 144 条。如果这 119 条血统包含有红族或大师祖先,
那么你的孩子就得以挑选这些血统来构建自己子宫内的身体,并将提升继续到 3000 股、
6000 股(菩萨水平的觉知)或 15000 股(Mahavishnu 水平的觉知)的 DNA。有些人可能
会甚至提升到全意识或说 36000 股 DNA 的状态。提升到 Mahavishnu 和全意识级别都需要
在物质层上具有大师遗传,因为你必须生来就在生物体信息中懂得如何来转化 DNA 和生化

This is how future ascension shall occur for all humans upon earth. Each human shall
take ascension as far as one can in a given lifetime given the lineages one held upon
birth; then the subsequent generations will take the ascent to the next level by choosing
the appropriate lineages from a more extended tapestry of ancestry. Even if one is not
going to have children in this lifetime, someone else with an identical birth tapestry unto
oneself will have children, as one is related to 2 billion humans global wide. Therefore
one’s future ancestry will be associated with all children born unto the 2 billion with the
same inheritance as oneself.

与你相同的另一个人会有孩子——因为你和全球 20 亿人相关,(从而把提升同样推进到下
一个水平)。故而,你的未来后代也将与那些遗传和你相同的 20 亿人所生下的一切孩子有


意识、 死亡和祖 先

Consciousness carries forward beyond death. Such consciousness is known as the

ancestors. Each human that lives becomes an ancestor upon death related to all who
shared a parallel birth tapestry. Some ancestors are primarily associated with the Anu
from the Pleiades or their slave race. These ancestors shall depart from earth upon
death of all associated in present time and be returned unto the Pleiades, where they will
ascend at another future point in time when their solar system chooses a parallel path of
ascension as earth. Yet other ancestors are associated with the Grand Masters and the
7 Red Root Races seeded upon earth by Sirius. The Red Root Races have not the
information for a self sustaining biology; therefore those of this inheritance and all
ancestors related shall return to Sirius upon death and will ascend at the future time that
Sirius experiences her end of time cycle.

有出生织锦类似的人们相关联。有些祖先主要与来自昴宿星的 Anu 人或其奴隶族相关。这些
未来一个时点选择和地球类似的提升路径时一起进行提升。而其他祖先则与大师及 7 个红族

Only those of Grand Master inheritance shall carry forward with earth into the Great
Central Sun. Why is this so? Only those of this inheritance have record of self-
sustaining biology that consumes nothing to subsist; this is the genetic blueprint required
by the Great Central Sun in order to be resonant. Future generations will continue to be
born within the human species, and each subsequent generation shall draw upon those
lineages requiring karmic clearing for completion, along with those lineages that can
ascend home with earth to the Great Central Sun and from the ancient Grand Masters.
Over time, all other inheritance shall be phased out leaving only Grand Master
inheritance in human form upon earth; such humans will have the ability to ascend to the
fourth dimension and beyond, living to witness the birth of a new era and life within the
Great Central Sun ahead. All are related to such inheritance, and so all shall experience
this future ascension home either in the physical or as a living ancestor following death.


Earth reminds those reading these materials that nothing is lost; each species and each
creation must choose to return home to the Great Central Sun that they left long ago.
One cannot return to the wrong Sun, as one has not the appropriate blueprint to do so.
With human space travel, there are humans existing in many places in present time with
the wrong biochemistry to ascend home to the associated Great Central Sun. So this is
so for current humans incarnate upon Sirius that are much like humans upon earth; a
blending of many genetic structures from many Great Central Suns. Sirian humans shall
face a parallel path of cleansing in order to return home at their end of time cycle as
humans upon earth.


So this is also so for the dolphin and whale species, along with the plant, animal and
mineral kingdoms at this time. Each must trace their ancestry back to it’s origins from
this Great Central Sun, or withdraw it’s life in the impending times of cleansing, returning
as consciousness to the planet or star of origin that does resonate with the associated
biochemistry. This is the time of the grand sorting out of what can and what cannot
ascend home with earth; alas much can ascend, and much cannot.


Many species shall be returning to many regions of origin upon death; however their
consciousness shall carry forward and share the lessons learned here and upon earth.
Perhaps in the sharing, humans shall cease to travel into creations not founded upon the
right biochemistry for ascension, and will cease to carry with them animals, plants,
minerals along with dolphins and whales that likewise do not resonate. For this is how all
species that are non-resonant arrived upon earth; they came upon human spacecraft and
were seeded here at various times in earth’s history.


Dolphins and whales trace portions of their ancestry back to the Great Central Sun, and
portions to the Pleiades. Those dolphins and whales of ancestry from the Pleiades shall
return to the Pleiades upon death carrying the records of this experience upon earth with
them. In so doing, their species within the Pleiades can learn some vital spiritual lessons
necessary to their own homecoming. There are also species from other creations that
shall return home in parallel manner to the Pleiades, Orion and Albyreon primarily.

物主要如昴宿星、猎户星和 Albyreon 星,它们也将以类似方式回家。


和祖先 们一起工 作来提升

As one intends to ascend, one opens the next layer of tapestry of ancestry beyond the
genetic materials one has already embodied in one’s ascent to date. As one opens the
tapestry, a hoard of ancestors will arrive in the nonphysical. Such ancestors will be from
whatever time period one is working upon at one’s current level of ascent. Ancestors and
genetic materials along with soul fractured at different time periods in human history and
were left behind in the vibrational bandwidth associated at the time that they were alive.
Much like layers of an onion, earth is layered in vibrations from the third, fourth and fifth
dimensional life that she once existed within. As one enters the same vibration in one’s
ascent that one’s ancestry fractured in, then the ancestors and souls that were left behind
in such a vibration become available to work with oneself to clear karma, recover records
and recover crystalline genetic information.


Ancestors are not pure. Mila rapidly learned that ancestors have emotional charge and
judgment of their own left over from the lifetimes that they had experienced. As such,
ancestors are in need of purification of thought-form much like oneself. As the emotional
charge is released from the ancestral experience along with the parallel records held in
the biology, both the ancestors and oneself can transcend the associated judgment, pain,
anger, fear, or whatever other emotion is involved. In so doing, one’s ancestors evolve
along with oneself, along with the soul.

祖先们并非无瑕。Mila 很快就学习到,祖先们充满情感负荷,并带有其所经时代的批判。这

Soul likewise fractures in the pain, anger, fear, judgment, or shame along with the
ancestors. Soul ascends by retrieving lost parts of soul through human ascension. As
soul is recast, the emotional charge is released, and in so doing soul grows in size and
knowledge and comes to a deeper level of compassion, unity and non-judgment much
like one’s own consciousness.


While upon the mainland US, Mila worked primarily with the Native American ancestors
associated with her more ancient tapestry. Although her father’s family came from the
Ukraine and her mothers from Austria and Poland, both sides of the family had ancient
red roots and had migrated from Lemuria long ago to what is now known as Europe. As
Mila opened her more ancient archives, the present time Native American ancestors
appeared to work with her in dreamtime as they were related.

当住在美国大陆时,Mila 主要和相关于她远古祖先织锦的北美土著祖先一起工作。尽管她的
父系家族来自乌克兰而母系家族来自奥地利和波兰,但两边的家族都具有远古红族根种族 ,
并在很久之前从利莫里亚(Lemuria)迁徙到今天所知的欧洲大陆之上。当 Mila 打开她更为

Such Native American ancestors taught her many things, including how to bless her food,
to honor the land, to honor her body, and to honor those around her. Mila felt drawn to
Native American instruments and opened to working with the nature kingdoms through
her drum, rattle, pipe, eagle claw and other pieces she was guided by her ancestors to
acquire over time. Such instruments allowed her to retrieve her red power and heal the
rift between her white and red ancestry that was at war with one another within. Such
pieces also allowed her to connect with the nature kingdoms for guidance and
perseverance through the tough emotional times in her ascent.

这些北美土著祖先教会了 Mila 许多东西,包括如何来祝福食物、致敬大地、尊重身体、尊重

她身边的所有人。Mila 感觉自己被吸引到北美土著的乐器中,透过她(北美土著)的手鼓、
拨浪鼓、笛、鹰爪以及其它随祖先指引而获得的事物,Mila 打开到与大自然王国一起的工作

Mila also felt the red ancestors pain and anguish over the loss of their freedom and land
in the United States and Canada at the hands of the white man. Although Mila is white
from birth, over time and in her ascension she found herself more resonant with her
ancient red truth, and came to understand why the white ways are disharmonious,
dishonoring and counterproductive to life and evolution. As Mila released the karma in
her white lineages, over time such lineages were erased and Mila moved increasingly
into her ancient red truth.

Mila 也感受到红族祖先因在白人手中丧失了美国和加拿大的自由和土地而所感到的苦难和
悲恸。尽管生来是白人,但随着提升,Mila 发现自己与远古红族的真相更有所共鸣,并开始
人血统的业力后,随时间流逝, Mila 的白人血统被逐渐擦除而她进一步来到远古红族的真


生物性 变化和远 古祖先

At this time in her ascent, Mila would often look in the mirror and think “I should have
brown skin and long black hair”. Over time her skin darkened as she embodied her
ancient red DNA, and she grew her hair out such that it is long and black in present time.
One will ascend into what one’s ancient red ancestors looked like in present time as one
anchors such genetics fully into the physical.

就在那个提升时刻, Mila 会经常照镜子并想到“我应该拥有褐色的皮肤,并拥有长长的黑

色头发”。当慢慢融入远古红族 DNA 时,Mila 的皮肤变暗,而她新长出来的头发现在也是

It is perhaps for this reason that Oa has such a large “Buddha Belly”. Oa’s more recent
ancestry came from Germany, however his family had migrated from the China to Europe
in more ancient times. Oa has a direct lineage to Buddha, and has developed a form
reminiscent of the large round form Buddha had at the time of his ascent. One will
ascend into the form of one’s ancient ancestors, and if one continues to ascend, one will
embody the same type of form that ascended one’s ancestors in ancient times. Oa is
currently clearing the karma for Buddha along with many other fourth dimensional
ascensions that were incomplete at the time that they occurred so that a new pathway to
a complete ascension can be constructed for all of mankind.

也许正是因为这样, Oa 才具有如此大的“佛肚”。 Oa 更晚期的祖先来自德国,不过在更

远古的时代,他的家系是从中国移民到欧洲去的。Oa 具有来自佛陀的直接血统,并发展了
继续提升,你将融入祖先在远古时代所提升进入的相同体形。Oa 现在正在清理佛陀及许多

As Mila and Oa moved to the Hawaiian Islands, they began to work with the Hawaiian
Ancestors. Hawaii is loaded with fourth dimensional ascension records from ancient
times. Such humans after ascending to the fourth dimension relocated into the inner
earth through pathways now under the ocean where they continue to procreate and
thrive to this day, and are known as the inner earth peoples. Mila tapped into her
ancestors who ascended in the land surrounding the Hawaiian Islands, and began to
embody the type of form that they had at the time of their ascension. Mila has
constructed a less ample Buddha belly than Oa, but it is large and she looks pregnant.

当 Mila 和 Oa 搬到夏威夷群岛时,他们开始和夏威夷祖先一起工作。夏威夷具有大量远古时
并在那里继续繁衍生息一直兴盛到今天,他们就是所知的地心人类。Mila 和她这些在夏威夷
四周大地上提升的祖先得以接触,并开始融入他们在提升时所具有的体形。Mila 已形成了比
Oa 更小的佛肚,但它也大得让她看似一位怀孕者。

The Hawaiian nation carries the remembrance of the crystalline diaphragm, and many of
such peoples tend to have large rib cages and are larger in size and stature than many
other indigenous nations in present time. Mila ascended into the larger size of her
ancient Hawaiian ancestors. Each root race blended with the Grand Masters over time
and in ancient times. The Hawaiians that blended with the Grand Masters carry the
records of non-conditional love in present time. It is out of non-conditional love that the
Hawaiians desire to honor the land. The Hawaiian ancestors remember that they are to
be the guardians of the land; this they also taught to Mila upon her arrival to the Islands.

今天的许多土著民族都更为庞大。Mila 已提升进她远古夏威夷祖先的更大身材中。每一个根
一点,他们也在 Mila 刚抵达夏威夷时就已将她教会。


和祖先 一起工作 来提升大 地

At first Mila was overrun with Hawaiian ancestors. They directed her all over Oahu, and
showed her how the land appeared to be dying, and how the city of Honolulu held high
rises that were abusive to the land in all of the cement and rebar therein. They took her
to the Polynesian Cultural Center and showed her how their ancient dances and rituals
were considered entertainment and not sacred information. Mila cried and cried and

起初,Mila 被夏威夷祖先弄得团团转。他们引导她遍游瓦胡岛( Oahu)并向她展示,大地

摩天大厦。他们把 Mila 带到玻利尼西亚文化中心并向她展示,他们远古的舞蹈和仪式是怎
样被当成娱乐而不是神圣的信息。Mila 对此一再痛哭。

Finally Riza, Mila’s soul at the time, entered the dance, and said “ENOUGH! It is as it is!”,
which is one of Riza’s famous last sayings. “If we are going to change anything, we must
first accept what is. So let us accept the city and the land as it is, and learn to work with
the energy flow so that ascension can take off and the land may begin to heal. Besides,
in due course, Diamond Head Volcano will blow and Honolulu will disappear under hot
lava. Then there will be new land and all will heal.” Indeed earth confirms that this is on
track to occur between 2050 and 2060 at our current pace of global ascent.

最后,Riza——Mila 那时的灵魂,进入舞蹈并说道:“足够了!现在它就是这样!”这是
Riza 最后所说的著名留言之一。“如果我们打算要改变任何事情,那么我们必须首先接受
升启动而大地开始疗愈。此外,在合适的时候,钻石帽火山( Diamond Head Volcano)将
地球也确认,以我们当前的全球提升步伐,这一切都将在 2050-2060 年间按既定计划发生。

The work with the Hawaiian ancestors began a one-year project in which Mila and Oa
lived just on the edge of Honolulu in the Gold Coast region. Mila and Oa worked with the
land to move the energy in the city in spite of the rebar and cement. Low and behold, the
life returned to the land, the land ascended to its now 8000 strand vibrational threshold;
the rain began to fall, and all began to regenerate. Humans responded and felt the love
of the land, and began to make improvements to the city including the addition of new
parks, waterfalls, tiki torches, and bandstands where the Hawaiians could perform their
sacred dance against the beautiful backdrop of Waikiki beach.

当年住在黄金海岸地区的檀香山边缘地带时,Mila 和 Oa 与夏威夷祖先共同启动了一份 1
大地提升到今天 8000 股的振动起点,雨水开始降落,一切开始重生。人们感受并响应了大
地的爱,开始作出对城市的改进,包括新增公园、瀑布和 Tiki 火把,还增加了露天音乐台,
可让夏威夷人在怀基基海滩( Waikiki beach,译注:威基基海滩是夏威夷瓦胡岛一个著名

On a recent visit to Honolulu, Mila felt teary eyed at how beautiful it has all become.
Perhaps, she thought, it is not exactly as the ancient ones would like it, but it is beautiful
and alive with love nonetheless. The ascending Hawaiians and others of ancient red
ancestry continue to hold the movement of energy in Honolulu to this day allowing the
land and all therein to continue to ascend.

在对檀香山的一次近期拜访中,Mila 对它变得如此美丽而感动得热泪盈眶。也许——她想,

After Mila and Oa completed with Honolulu, they moved to the North Shore of Oahu,
working with yet another new group of Hawaiian ancestors from even more ancient
times. These ancestors had suffered greatly as there were records of disease, and sad
tales of red priests and priestesses captured by Pleiadian scientists and experimented
upon, eaten for their knowledge or bled to death to sustain the immortality of the family of
Anu. As Mila and Oa lived upon this land, the ancient human history unfolded, as the
land held all records of what had occurred therein.

在完成檀香山的工作后, Mila 和 Oa 搬迁到瓦胡岛北岸,和来自更为远古时代的另一群夏

吃掉以获取其知识,或被吸血致死来维系 Anu 永生的悲惨事件,这些祖先们承受着严重的
折磨。当 Mila 和 Oa 生活在这块土地上之时远古人类史就得以展开,因为这块大地持有着其

This is how the ancient history has been pieced together, bit by bit, in the ascension of
humans and earth alike. As the energy begins to move and the land ascend into a
particular vibrational bandwidth, all that occurred at another time when earth was at that
particular vibration can be reviewed and understood. Many ascending humans therefore
will be guided to live in particular regions for a time to assist in the recovery of human
and global records.


Ascending initiates will also be drawn to visit the land upon which their ancient ancestors
once lived even if one cannot live there. This is important; as it may be only in visiting
the land of one’s ancient ancestors that one may recover the genetic records enough to
ascend beyond a certain point in one’s continued evolution.


For Mila and Oa, it took coming to Hawaii to begin to construct a fourth dimensional form,
as they each have Polynesian root race inheritance from ancient times. Over time, Mila
and Oa have been guided to travel and teach in Europe, Canada, the Mainland US,
Australia and S. Africa. This has allowed them to recover lineages and ancestors related
to such nations. Each workshop has allowed and will continue to allow more ancestors
to be gathered and more records to be understood from ancient times and history that
had occurred upon such land. Although they have not made it to South Africa, the
ascending humans and land have revealed what they required to know to continue their
ascension nonetheless.

对 Mila 和 Oa 而言,他们需要来到夏威夷才开始构建一个四维身体,因为他们双双具有来
自远古玻里尼西亚根种族的遗传。随时间,Mila 和 Oa 已被引导去欧洲、加拿大、美国大陆、
多记录被理解。尽管 Mila 和 Oa 并没有特意对南非这么做,但不管怎样,这里的提升人们和

Over time, Mila and Oa have discovered that the records of each of the seven root races
and all Grand Masters are held in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. It is for this reason
that earth guides them to orchestrate events in this region several times a year so that
other humans may travel to retrieve their records and ancestors in order to continue to
ascend. Hawaii holds records on love and unity from ancient human times. The new
dream for ascending humans calls for a return to a state of being founded upon love and
unity. It is also fro this reason that earth guides Mila and Oa to host events each year in
the islands, so that humans may retrieve their Polynesian ancestors and unity based
records for continued ascension.

随时间流逝, Mila 和 Oa 已发现所有 7 个根种族及所有大师的记录都位于加拿大的落基山

脉(Canadian Rocky Mountains)。正是这一原因,地球引导他们在该地区每年数次举办
这样,地球引导 Mila 和 Oa 在夏威夷群岛上每年举办活动,以便人们可以恢复他们玻里尼

Perhaps it is for this reason that in recent history Hawaiians living upon this land lived in
relative peace and unity together. Records show that there were over 1 million
Hawaiians living upon Oahu before the arrival of the white man; and there was not a
water shortage as is complained about today; interestingly enough, only 800,000 live
upon Oahu today, 200,000 less than in recent history. The Hawaiians lived from the land
and in unity together, until the white man arrived and eventually overthrew their
Monarchy; another sad tale that is only a repeat of ancient times when the red nations in
the region were overrun by the white Pleiadian Anu.

之中。记录显示,在白人光顾前曾有超过 100 万的夏威夷人居住在瓦胡岛,且并没有人们
今天所抱怨的水源匮乏。够有趣的是,今天的瓦胡岛只有 80 万人居住其上,比近代史那个
时期还要少 20 万人。夏威夷人民原本在这块大地上共同生活在统一之中,直到最终白人来
区的红族人就被昴宿星的白族 Anu 人所蹂躏。

History repeats itself endlessly until the karma is released through the act of ascension.
One ascends out of one’s personal history by gathering one’s ancestors, releasing the
karma and records of their lifetimes, and through forgiveness, learns the spiritual lessons
that one’s personal history has to offer. Such spiritual lessons teach one to remember to
honor the land, honor the earth mother as a conscious and living consensus, honor each
species as god goddess in form, and honor one another as god goddess in fully
conscious human, dolphin or whale form. In a state of honor, one would never deprive
another, never harm another, never war upon another, and never pollute or harm the
land. In a state of honor, one loves, and as one loves, life returns to all around oneself,
and one ascends into regenerative biology.


For love commands the elements of air, water, fire and earth to sustain life rather than
disease or death. These are the spiritual lessons that one’s ancient ancestors will teach
oneself. As each returns to a state of honor within, a new golden era of honor amongst
all species upon earth shall be born. This is the time that earth has long awaited for; it is
coming, and each who so chooses to ascend shall make it so, HO!



祖先和 知识

Mila and Oa have discovered that as each group of ancient ancestors are retrieved that
the information that they understood is retrieved along with them. This is how Mila and
Oa not only ascended into regenerative biology, but also have learned to become the
dreamer and the dream again. They have learned conscious dream weaving techniques
from the ancient Grand Master ancestors in particular, and as such, have been able to
hold a dream through their field for their personal ascension, the ascent of their school,
the ascent of indigenous populations, and human ascension; they have held this dream
enough that mass ascension of the human species is now being launched.

Mila 和 Oa 已经发现,当每一群远古祖先被恢复时,他们所理解的信息也就和他们一起被
恢复。这就是 Mila 和 Oa 不仅提升进再生生物体,也学会再一次成为造梦者和梦想的过程。

For each ascending human, each ancestor that is retrieved will hold lost pieces of
knowledge along with lost records of what occurred during their given lifetime and what
occurred upon the land in which they resided. One can therefore intentionalize the
reconnection with each ancestor that one is releasing karma for at this time in addition to
calling the ancient one’s forward to assist one in one’s choice to ascend. One can call
upon those ancestors who understood dream weaving to enter one’s field and teach one
to become the dreamer and the dream again; one can call upon those ancestors with
clairvoyant skills to teach one to see again and navigate through the unconscious
dreamtime planes; one can call upon those ancestors who ascended to the fourth
dimension to teach one about constructing a fourth dimensional field and form.


Ancestors come in many forms. Some ancestors will be agents of the dark as this was
their role when incarnate. Perhaps such ancestors anchored nonphysical patterning that
was harmful to earth or humanity. In the release of the karma associated, one will also
remove the harmful patterning that one’s ancestor anchored long ago. This is what has
taken Mila and Oa on many an international journey, as their ancestors were as much
agents of the dark as one’s who ascended to the next dimension. Each ancestry is filled
with light and dark players known as a cast of characters. As the present day
representative of the entire ancestry, one inherits all karma associated. As one clears the
karma, then one is free to continue to ascend.

祖先在很久前所锚定的有害模式。这就是 Mila 和 Oa 在众多跨国旅行中所处理的事物,因为

It is for this reason that it is useless for initiates to perceive themselves as light and loving
only. No one is light and loving; all have ancestors that did very dark things. Some
ancestors were warmongers not unlike the current cast of characters in charge of large
nations today; some ancestors were black magicians that misused spiritual knowledge
for destructive purposes or to control and manipulate the human dream into a destructive
cycle. Some ancestors were simple people subject to the push and pull of those with
great power. Some ancestors went to war out of the belief that they were serving those
who were deemed “right” at a particular time in history, killing thousands of others upon
the battlefield. Some ancestors were the victim to war atrocities or the widow or children
left behind by those who were killed upon the battlefield. Some ancestors went insane;
yet others became ill; some became the doctors and nurses treating those who were
insane or ill. Some ancestors starved, and yet others hoarded resources in excess.


Our point here is that all ancestries have all experiences therein. One is a living
representative of all ancestries one is associated with. One therefore has done all things,
as Mother Theresa pointed out in her article on “The Path to Compassion”, written in the
wake of the 9-11 experience. The point of ascension is to understand each ancestral
experience, and from it move to the middle path of compassion in action, where one
ceases to judge any longer any experience, having understood that one has been all
things in one’s lengthy ancestry. Through forgiveness of one’s ancestral atrocities, one
learns the spiritual lessons of one’s personal history, and moves increasingly towards a
new foundation of unity and honor of all of life.

此你已做下了一切事情,就象特蕾莎嬷嬷( Mother Theresa)在守丧 911 事件中所写通往


情感、 祖先和灵 性课程

As one retrieves ancestors from particular experiences, one may re-experience all of the
emotions experienced at the time that they were alive. If such ancestors starved, one
may feel deprived or starving in present tie. If they were hunted down and killed, one
may feel terror in present time. If they were raped and maimed, one may feel fear and
physical pain where they were harmed in present time. If they were punished and
beheaded, one may feel shame in present time. As one understands that the emotions
one is feeling now is from one or a group of ancestors that held a particular experience in
their life expression, one may begin to process the experiences and heal, moving beyond
the emotions and learning the associated spiritual lessons.

Generally Mila and Oa have learned to send all ancestors that they round up in any given
day or week of ascension for “recasting”. In recasting, the experiences of all ancestors
are cancelled out founded upon extreme opposites. If one ancestor starved and anther
hoarded to an extreme, the two cancel each other out having experienced both sides of
the polarity of have and have not. If one ancestor was killed upon the battlefield and the
other left behind as the widow, the two cancel each other out having experience both
sides of the polarity of warfare. If one ancestor was tried and imprisoned wrongfully and
another was the judge that wrongfully sentenced another, the two cancel each other out
having experienced both sides of the polarity of justice and injustice.

通常地,Mila 和 Oa 已学会将某一天或某一周内所集拢起来的所有祖先都送去“重铸”。在

If one ancestor was the red man who lost their land and the other the white man who
took it away in arrogance, then the two cancel each other out having experienced both
sides of the polarity of ownership and non-ownership. If one ancestor was a slave who
sacrificed itself for the master and another ancestor was the master who demanded that
a slave sacrifice of themselves, then the two cancel each other out having experienced
both sides of the polarity of master-slave. So it goes for each ancestral experience in the
billions of lives lived in one’s inheritance.


It is for this reason that ascension is not always an easy journey. One may feel the push
and pull of one’s ancestors as they surface to be integrated. One may cry and cry over a
series of particular experiences that were tremendously painful, as the pain returns with
the ancestor and records as they are recovered. The point of ascension is to go into the
experience and feel it; it is in the feeling of the experience that one can more readily learn
the spiritual lessons therein.


It was in experiencing the pain of the loss of land of Mila’s red ancestors that she came to
understand that property ownership and greed are dishonoring and harmful towards one
another and earth. It is for this reason that in present time Mila and Oa choose not to
own property or much of anything, but rather to be free to travel as needed by earth and
as required for their own continued ascension. It was in experiencing the pain and
wounds of warfare in their personal ancestry and Mila and Oa have come to the spiritual
understanding that there is never a time to justify physical harm, even the slaughter of
animals for food. This has fostered their choice to be vegetarian and harmless in present

正是在体验红族祖先丢失土地的痛苦中, Mila 才明白到财产权和贪欲是对彼此双方及地球

都并不尊重和有害的。正是因为这一原因, Mila 和 Oa 今天选择并不占有财产或拥有许多
之中 Mila 和 Oa 学会了这一灵性的理解,即:物理伤害永远不会正当,即使是屠杀动物来

It was in experiencing the ancestral pain of disease and deformity from false ascensions
that Mila and Oa choose to have a complete ascension in this lifetime, as anything less
simply perpetuates the current dance into extinction. It is through re-experiencing the
difficulties of one’s ancestral lives that one will learn the spiritual lessons of one’s history,
and transcend to a new day of unity and honor of all living things.

就是在体验祖先们因虚假提升而罹患疾病和畸形的痛苦之中, Mila 和 Oa 选择在此生进行



内在祖 先的重新 聚合

As one’s ancestor’s karma is released in full, such ancestor merges with one’s persona
and carry on in the experience of one’s life as a part of oneself. For a long time,
ancestors were free to roam separate from human form as discarnate humans. Over
time the discarnate humans took more chi than they produced; furthermore as humans
separated from their ancestors, they held no remembrance of ancient times or the
information that they once knew. It is in the separation of humans from their ancestors
that all holographic knowledge has been lost and humans have fallen into such great

而继续体验你的生命。很长时间以来,祖先们作为非投生者( discarnate humans,译注:
或说游魂)可以没有人类肉身而自由游荡。随时间流逝,这些非投生者攫取的气( chi)比

Over two years ago, discarnate human form was reunited with all of humanity. Ancient
ancestors were called forward to begin to take charge of the human dream and lead
humanity towards a new era of unity through ascension. All humans will have the
ancestors therefore associated with their original 25 birth lineages. The return of such
ancestors does not mean however a return of holographic knowledge for all; for many
humans have only slave or Anu inheritance in their original birth tapestry. This leads to
ancestors who did not know much or were harmful at the time of their incarnation. Such
ancestors will only lead to another cycle of extreme warfare and nuclear annihilation if
allowed to dance with human consciousness, and so earth has restrained such ancestors
from reaching physical consciousness at this time.

在 2 年多前,非投生者得以跟人类全体重新聚合。远古祖先被召唤来开始掌管人类梦想,并
领导人类前往统一的新时代。故而,所有人类都将拥有和最初 25 条血统所相关的祖先们。不
里只拥有奴隶或 Anu 人遗传,这只带来了那些懂得不多或在其投生时期有害的祖先。这些

Those who are ascending are generally a blending of red, Anu and slave inheritance, and
sometimes grand master inheritance. Each ascending initiate clears karma for whatever
ancestries one has. It is through ascension that the karma for the era of the Anu and
their slaves shall be cleared in full, allowing the consciousness from such humans to be
returned to the Pleiades where it originated in due course. Most of those in current
positions of power and leadership in the human dance are of Anu inheritance, as these
have been the only group to attain such power since the original incarnations of the Anu
over 30,000 years ago. Such humans shall be leaving earth through the upcoming times
of cleansing, allowing a new form of leadership with greater remembrance of unity to
begin to emerge. Earth anticipates that such leadership shall step forth after 2015 and
prior to the entrance into the Great Central Sun.

通常而言,提升的人们融合了红族、Anu 和奴隶遗传,有时候也有大师遗传。不管祖先是谁,
每一个提升者都将把相关业力进行清理。正是藉由提升,Anu 和其奴隶时代的业力将被完全
势和领导地位的人们大多具有 Anu 遗传,因为这就是 Anu 人自 3 万年前最初投生到地球后
式领导层开始出现。地球预期,这类领导层将在 2015 年之后、在进入大中枢太阳之前步入

The only ancestors therefore available to human consciousness at this time are red
nation or grand master in origin. One can look at the vast anti-war momentum in Europe
and most other nations surrounding the Iraq crisis as a reflection of the return of ancient
ancestors into all humans global wide. Such ancestors are offering their understanding
and wisdom to begin to guide humanity into a new day of unity. Such ancestors know
that warfare only leads to further falls in consciousness and therefore cannot be an
appropriate choice at any time. The journey ahead is not an easy one; there is much
karma for dissonance that must be cleared. Primarily such karma shall be cleared
through disease, as warfare would only lead to the possibility of the non-ascent of the


Those with red and Grand Master inheritance will feel the presence of their ancestors in
present time. One may call such ancestors forward to assist with one’s current life
predicament, and to guide one’s current level of ascension forward. Much like Mila, it will
be one’s red ancestry that shall teach one about honoring the land again, and honoring
the food, and learning to live in harmony with all other kingdoms along with one another
again. As one allows one’s ancestors to step forward, one may recall one’s ancient
inheritance, and ascend out of the current dance of disunity and pain.

脱离当前的生活困境,引导你在当前提升水平上继续向前。如同 Mila 一样,将会是你的红


全息知 识和祖先

Ancient ancestors have access to holographic knowledge. Holographic knowledge is

associated with the holographic planes that contain all DNA that has ever existed within
human form upon any dimension of life inside or outside of each Great Central Sun. As
ascending humans access holographic knowledge, one will have all information one
requires to ascend at any given level. Accessing holographic knowledge requires an
ascent to a bare minimum of 4200 strands, after which enough modification to the heart
chakra region opens the 1000-petal lotus to allow holographic knowledge to begin to flow.
The human hologram sits within the heart region, but enough chi must be able to flow
through before one can access the associated knowledge.

任何生命维度之中、所有人类形体所曾存在过的一切 DNA。当接触到全息知识时,提升人类
就将获得任一级别提升所需的一切信息。要接触到全息知识则需提升到至少 4200 股,此后,
对心脏脉轮的足够调整将令它打开到 1000 瓣莲花,允许全息知识开始流动。人类全息图就
位于心脏脉轮区域,但在可接触到相关的知识之前,你必须有足够的气( chi)能在其中流
For those with ancestry that allows one to proceed to the initiations to Bodhisattva level
evolution (6000 strands), one can call one’s ancestors forward that had holographic
knowledge as a part of their life experience to teach one about accessing such
information in present time. Holographic knowledge is not learned knowledge;
holographic knowledge allows one to suddenly know whatever one’s ancestry knew at
the time that they were incarnate.

对具备能令自身提升到菩萨级别( 6000 股)的祖先的人们,今天你可以召唤那些曾具备全


If one’s ancestry was a gifted medicine woman or medicine man, one may suddenly open
up to information on how to heal or how to work with herbs to heal the form or field of
others. If one’s ancestry was gifted at crafts or art, one may suddenly find oneself drawn
to creative self-expression of related kind. If one’s ancestry was gifted at leading others
in a spiritual capacity, one may be drawn to become a leader in the ascension
movement. Perhaps such holographic knowledge will even become one’s new
ascending preoccupation. One will not require learning anything; one will simply know
and out of such knowing follow one’s truth allowing the gifts and talents to be expressed
in one’s life dance.


This is how Mila became a leader in the ascension movement; no one had to teach her
how to guide others, as this was a part of her ancestral inheritance. Her grand master
ancestors lead many an ascending group in a group ascent to the fourth dimension.
However something went wrong that lead to a fall in consciousness amongst those left
behind. Alas the consciousness fell so low that it was not capable of being recouped in
future ascensions, and fall after fall in consciousness followed by nuclear annihilation
was the result.

这就是 Mila 如何在提升运动中成为领导者的过程,并没有什么人来教导她如何领导他人,


Now Mila in the examination of these records is correcting what went wrong so very long
ago so that a new day of restitution may emerge. In so doing, she is healing her Grand
Master karma in present time, and fulfilling upon her soul mission in this lifetime. So this
is so for Mila, so this can be so for each reading these materials. One simply requires
the intention to ascend, and to open to one’s holographic knowing, and then allow the
expression of such knowing to occur upon the physical plane.

现在,Mila 在对这类记录的检查中,正在修正很久前所出错的地方,以便复原的新明天可
以出现。这么做,今天她正在疗愈她大师的业力并实现此生的灵魂使命。对 Mila 如此,对每


行动中 的全息了 解

Mila has often desired to give something back to the Native American and Polynesian
ancestors that have guided her so in her ascension. She understands that each of these
nations is living in difficult circumstances either upon reservations, or they have lost their
land due to manipulations of the government in present time. However it is not Mila’s
role to emerge as a leader of these nations. Instead her ancient ancestors have told her
that Mila’s knowledge will simply become their knowledge as they ascend beyond 4200
strands, as suddenly they will open to holographic information in so doing. As such, all
indigenous peoples shall awaken and remember how to consciously dream weave and
command their own future in a new direction.

Mila 一直很想给北美土著和玻里尼西亚祖先一些回馈,因为他们曾在她提升中给予了那么
要么因政府操纵而失去了土地。然而,要作为这些民族的一名领袖而出现,这并不是 Mila
的角色。相反,Mila 的远古祖先已告诉她,当这些民族提升超越 4200 股时,她的知识将变
成他们的知识——因为突然之间,他们将因提升到 4200 股而打开到全息知识之中。这样,

In a recent Big Island Journal, a beautiful article was offered that showed that
holographic remembrance was beginning to emerge again amongst the local Hawaiian
people. A small group of Hawaiians gathered upon the land that is currently being
demolished to build yet another resort and expensive set of homes. This group held a
24-hour prayer vigil in which they called upon the ancestors to anchor space so that the
land would cease to be harmed, and so that the bones of their relations would be left
untouched. Low and behold less than a week later the courts ruled in their favor, and the
entire building project is to be shut down. This is conscious intention and dream weaving
in action beloved; and the more that gather to focus in a particular direction, the more
power the group shall have to alter the dream in the direction that they have intended.

方,进行 24 小时的昼夜祈祷来召唤祖先们前来锚定空间,以便大地停止被伤害,而他们亲

Mila recognizes in this that she need not educate Hawaiians about anything; or any other
of indigenous inheritance. As each opens to holographic knowledge through ascension,
each shall simply know what to do to realize a new day of unity ahead; suddenly each
shall remember how to consciously intend and consciously dream weave, and then begin
to focus either individually or collectively in the direction that one or the group wishes the
dream to flow. In the successful outcomes of such experiences, each ascending human
or group will retrieve their power to command their own dream, seeing a new day dawn
of greater equality and restitution ahead.

Mila 从中意识到,她不需要教导任何事情给夏威夷人民,也不需要教导任何事情给原住民


为人类 的统一新 梦想

Your ancient ancestors remind humans that are ascending that you are not powerless.
Ascending thought-form has great power, far greater than the thought-form in the current
paradigm, to sway the collective dream in one’s favor. All that is required is that one
intends the dream in the direction of unity and ascension, and so it will come to be so.
One may intend for oneself the dream that one desires; one may also intend for the
collective of humanity a new dream of non-violence and unity to emerge. Such intentions
will begin to override the masses focused upon violent themed movies, canceling out the
possibility of warfare and violence in the future human dream. One must however
abstain from such preoccupations oneself, or one is only adding their ascending thought-
form to the future manifestations of such violence otherwise.


Earth can weave a dream of non-violence and peace for humanity, along with a dream
for mass generational ascension; but humanity must choose this dream in order to
anchor it into the future. There are always many possible futures ahead; as those with
ascending thought-form intentionalize a dream of unity, peace and joy, so this will
become the collective dream for the entire human species. As those with ascending
thought-form intentionalize a dream of ascension into regenerative and self-sustaining
biology, increasing numbers of ascending children shall be born. As those with
ascending thought-form intentionalize a dream for cleaning up the toxic mess, big
business and governments alike will support the cleanup of their own waste.


As those with ascending thought-form intentionalize a dream for new ascending

leadership, so this too will become the collective dream for the entire human species, and
new leadership with a new vision of unity shall emerge. As those with ascending
thought-form intentionalize a new era of peace, peace amongst all nations will become
the collective dream for the entire human species, and war shall come to closure in the
human dance. The larger the ascending groups that can gather to make such intentions,
the more power that one shall have in realizing such a dream. This is the purpose that
Mila and Oa’s events hold, and we invite more who read of our materials to join us at our
annual Masters Conclaves as one can. (See “Intentionalizing a Future of Unity and Joy”
from the Dolphin and Whale species for more information on suggested personal and
global intentions.)

越强大。这就是 Mila 和 Oa 举办活动的目标,而如果可以的话,我们邀请更多的读者加入到


来自远 古祖先的 一则信息

The ancient ones stand at the side of each who so chooses to ascend at this time in
history. We will assist each in resurrecting and retrieving their lost knowledge and
ancestral inheritance. We will strive to provide insights into the karma that one has
inherited so that it may be cleared through forgiveness. We shall strive to assist each in
clearing their personal karma enough that one may free oneself to live upon land and in a
circumstance that supports one’s continued choice to ascend. We shall also provide
guidance in accessing the dreamtime ascension temples and maneuvering through the
unconscious planes that surround oneself, which often can be very confusing.


Each ascending human requires souls and angels that know what they are doing to
ascend the biology and field. Many problems in ascension have occurred due to souls
attempting to manage ascending fields with other agendas other than ascension. Some
have already ascended into disease as a result. We will work with each to anchor a
dragon soul to command the ascension and angelic souls to manage the ascending
blueprint of field and form. This shall require that one give up their worship of the red and
white false gods and cease to pray unto them, as they will only lead one astray. We will
also assist each in releasing their karma with such nonphysical forces so that they cease
to interfere enough to allow for continued ascension.


The forgetfulness of the human species is great; the forgetfulness of soul just as great.
Perhaps these souls or red and white false gods knew something of value at another
time. In all of the massive falls in consciousness, such souls have fallen into the same
thought-form as the human species. As such, these souls are in judgment, arrogance
and corruption at this time and cannot be worked with in our experience or earth’s
experience. Therefore such souls shall be cleansed from earth and reunited with their
source so that they too may heal.


Nothing is beyond healing; this we bear witness to in the ascent of those mastering full
consciousness and beyond along with the ascent of earth and your solar system. All can
be reversed; all can be healed. However one must be in the right creation to heal at this
particular end of cycle timeframe. Therefore one must have the correct biological
inheritance to ascend into the Great Central Sun. Although we will assist all humans in
ascending as far as they can go, we will not perpetuate lies about how far or high one
may or may not master in this lifetime. There is enough karma to continue to clear
patterning regardless of how high in genetic materials one may climb. As long as one
has a moving kundahlini energy flow, one can burn off karma, and there is enough karma
to preoccupy oneself with until the end of one’s life from our point of view.


Each layer of karma has a spiritual lesson to offer that can be embraced and
transcended. Karma also has repeated itself so extensively that one may learn the same
lesson at many different bandwidths of genetic material. It matters not what vibration one
learns a particular lesson within as long as one learns the lesson. As one learns any
spiritual lesson, the lesson is added to the holographic knowing of all other humans. As
humans attune to the holographic planes, they will suddenly know what one has
spiritually learned in one’s given ascent. Therefore regardless of how far any one initiate
may ascend, each may contribute to the collective spiritual lessons of the whole of the
human species.


We will not participate in competitive games that humans wish to play. Such competition,
whether it be in relation to spiritual preferences or practices, or beauty, wealth and
lifestyle patterning are obstructions to the path of spiritual evolution. Most
preoccupations in the current paradigm take humans away from one’s own inner knowing
and opening to dreamtime. In particular the preoccupation of watching the television or
focusing upon the media, or spending too much time at the computer or upon the internet
numbs the field to the dreamtime that surrounds oneself so that one can no longer
perceive it in great enough clarity to ascend. Therefore we guide those that wish to work
with us to give away the television, and limit the time in front of the computer to the bare
minimum necessary. We will not waste our time upon those who waste time upon such
things that could be focused upon ascension instead.


There are lessons in all things, whether it be an encounter with an animal or insect in
one’s walk, or a piece of news that one reads about in passing the newsstand, or an
encounter with one’s friend, family member, spiritual advisor or acquaintance. All things
are mirrors for one’s own internal state of being. We will assist each in paying attention
to the mirror that one’s life presents to provide the necessary insights as to what one is
transcending in the unconscious in one’s daily ascension. In so doing, the spiritual
lessons can be learned perhaps before the karmic two by four hits in one’s life

供必要的洞见。这样你也许早在生命历程 2-4 次的业力攻击发生之前,就学会灵性课程。

We will assist ascending initiates in learning to live in honor with one another and in
honor of the land again. In so doing, the land upon which one resides can begin to
regenerate and ascend. As the land ascends, it shall better support one’s own ascent
and the ascending children yet to be born surrounding oneself. There is much to do to
launch the coming changes in the human dream, and we are dedicated to foster this
evolutionary leap ahead with all of our heart and consciousness. For those dedicated to
the same, we stand at your side and will assist you in becoming the spiritual warrior that
is required to master and ascend in this lifetime.


The Ancient Ones
Namaste 合十致敬


来自地 球的结束 语
We thank you for attuning to this information today. We invite each who is ascending to
invite the ancient ones to assist in one’s evolutionary path. Times of great change and
possibility are opening up and presenting themselves unto all of humanity. All that is
required is for humanity to choose a blessed future, and a blessed future is the one that
shall unfold. Perhaps more than not are simply too unconscious to make such a choice.
For those who are conscious, now is the time to intend the future you would like to see
unfold for yourself along with your human brothers and sisters. Now is the time to intend
the future you would like to live to experience in the times of cleansing ahead and in the
entrance into the Great Central Sun. In so doing, so it shall come to be so . . .


The Earth Mother

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