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101 Main Street

New York City
New York, NY
Phone: --
Cell: -666-6666
Consultant Physician
Private Practice
2005 - Present
New York, NY

Attending Physician
5 - 2005
New York PubIIc HospILuI
New York, NY
Associate Professor
- Present
DepurLmenL oI PsycIIuLry
New York PubIIc HospILuI
New York, NY
Assistant Professor
0 -
DepurLmenL oI PsycIIuLry
New York PubIIc HospILuI
New York, NY
New York Medical School
New York, NY
Albany Medical School
AIbuny, NY
Clintonville College
HusLIngs, NY
O NuLIonuI Bourd oI PsycIIuLrIc MedIcIne
O New York SLuLe Icense
New York HospILuI, New York, NY
DuIIus HospILuI, DuIIus, TX
NeuroIogy und NeuropIysIoIogy
IorIdu, HospILuI, TumpIu,
Preventing Drug Abuse (2008)
APA (AmerIcun PubIIcuLIon AssocIcuLIon), New York, NY
Family Medical Interventions (2005)
APA (AmerIcun PubIIcuLIon AssocIcuLIon), New York, NY
O AmerIcun MedIcuI AssocIuLIon
O &S PsycIIuLrIc AssocIuLIon
O &S AssocIuLIon oI Women In PsycIIuLry

now shou|d I des|gn the |ayout of my CV?
1here are many ways Lo deslgn a Cv 1hls secLlon glves an example

Always Lype your Cv
rlnL your Cv on good quallLy whlLe paper 1he paper slze should be A4 (Lhls ls 210 cm wlde and 297cm
usually you should noL aLLach a phoLograph
Leave wlde marglns (Lhere should be a gap of aL leasL 2 cenLlmeLres on Lhe Lop boLLom lefL and rlghL)
A good fonL slze Lo use ls 12 (or 10 lf you wanL Lo puL more lnformaLlon on your Cv)
1he documenL should use only one fonL sLyle for example 1lmes new 8oman
use bold (8o|d) or lLallcs (fn) Lo emphaslse lmporLanL words
Cnly underllne secLlon LlLles (or do noL underllne any words)
lf you make a llsL (for example a llsL of your [ob achlevemenLs) conslder uslng bulleL polnLs
1ry Lo keep Lhe Cv on one slde of paper or use Lwo sldes lf you have a loL of relevanL work experlence
or quallflcaLlons
keep your senLences shorL and slmple
A Lyplcal secLlon order ls
CLher skllls
ersonal deLalls

An explanaLlon of how Lo compleLe Lhe varlous parLs of a Cv ls shown below
1here ls an example Cv shown below
When wrlLlng your name always puL your own name flrsL and your famlly name lasL (even lf you wrlLe
Lhe famlly name flrsL ln your own counLry)
lnclude Lhe full posLcode ln your address
Make sure LhaL you wlll be able Lo collecL all mall senL Lo Lhls address (lf you move ask Lhe owner Lo
forward leLLers Lo you)
lf you have a moblle Lelephone puL Lhls number on your Cv so LhaL you can be conLacLed easlly lf you
use a volcemall servlce lL wlll be easler for callers Lo leave a message for you
lf you do noL have a moblle Lelephone glve Lhe number of Lhe Lelephone aL your accommodaLlon 1he
Lelephone number should sLarL wlLh Lhe area code wrlLLen ln brackeLs for example a London number
should be wrlLLen (020) xxxx xxxx lf Lhe Lelephone has an answerlng machlne make sure LhaL you check
Lhe messages every day lf you are sharlng someone elses Lelephone ask LhaL persons permlsslon
before uslng Lhelr number on your Cv
WrlLe your emall address nexL Lo your Lelephone number and check your messages regularly
CreaLe Lwo columns
use Lhe lefLhand column for daLes
lor sLarL and end daLes use elLher full years (eg 19982000) or Lhe flrsL Lhree leLLers of Lhe monLh
followed by Lhe lasL Lwo dlglLs of Lhe year (eg !un 98Sep 00)
ln Lhe rlghLhand column provlde lnformaLlon abouL each of your [ob roles
SLarL by wrlLlng Lhe name of Lhe company (ln bold) and lLs locaLlon
Cn Lhe nexL llne you mlghL glve a brlef descrlpLlon of whaL Lhe company does
?ou mlghL glve a LlLle for your [ob (and perhaps a deparLmenL name) on anoLher llne (hlghllghLlng Lhls ln
bold lLallcs)
?ou should llsL your maln responslblllLles and achlevemenLs wlLhln each role (perhaps uslng bulleL

LlsL Lhe mosL recenL [obs flrsL
Clve more deLall for recenL [obs
Make sure LhaL you menLlon skllls whlch may be useful ln Lhe [ob for whlch you are now applylng
lf posslble avold any daLe gaps unless Lhey are covered wlLhln Lhe LducaLlon secLlon
uonL menLlon how much you were pald
When descrlblng your achlevemenLs use poslLlve acLlon verbs (for example achleved arranged
asslsLed coordlnaLed compleLed dealL wlLh developed esLabllshed expanded handled helped
lmplemenLed lmproved lncreased lnLervlewed lnLroduced malnLalned managed negoLlaLed
organlsed planned processed programmed proposed promoLed purchased redeslgned reduced
reorganlsed revlsed sold solved sLreamllned supervlsed Lralned LranslaLed worked wroLe) ?ou
should noL use Lhe word l on your Cv Lhls ls undersLood lor example you mlghL wrlLe lncreased
sales aL Lhe shop buL noL l lncreased sales aL Lhe shop
8emember LhaL Lhe person readlng your Cv may noL be famlllar wlLh Lhe educaLlon sysLem ln your
CreaLe Lwo columns
use Lhe lefLhand column for Lhe daLes
lor sLarL and end daLes use elLher full years (eg 19982000) or Lhe flrsL Lhree leLLers of Lhe monLh
followed by Lhe lasL Lwo dlglLs of Lhe year (eg !un 98Sep 00)
ln Lhe rlghLhand column llsL Lhe name of Lhe school or unlverslLy on one llne followed by furLher
deLalls (Lhe course name or Lhe number of exam sub[ecLs passed) on Lhe nexL llne
LlsL formal educaLlonal quallflcaLlons only ln Lhls Lable (eg unlverslLy and secondary school buL noL a
language school or parLLlme courses) sLaLlng Lhe mosL recenL (and hlghesL level) quallflcaLlons flrsL
lf you have been Lo a posLgraduaLe school or college puL Lhe name of Lhls afLer a label such as osL
graduaLe sLudles so LhaL Lhe level ls clear
lf you have been Lo a unlverslLy use Lhe word unlverslLy ln Lhe name or puL a label such as
unlverslLy before Lhe name so LhaL Lhe level ls clear lf Lhe unlverslLy ls one of Lhe Lop unlverslLles ln
your counLry sLaLe Lhls facL (Lhe lnLervlewer may noL know lL) SLaLe Lhe name of Lhe Lown and counLry
afLer Lhe unlverslLys name
ln Lhe descrlpLlon puL Lhe name of Lhe maln sub[ecL sLudled (Lry Lo avold uslng Lhe words ma[or or
mlnor whlch are used ln Amerlcan Lngllsh) lf you sLudled Lngllsh Lhe sub[ecL should perhaps be
descrlbed as Lngllsh language and llLeraLure noL [usL Lngllsh llLeraLure Avold menLlonlng grades
unless Lhey are parLlcularly good lf you do menLlon grades make sure LhaL Lhey are clear (eg 80 or
Lop grade) Lhe 8rlLlsh unlverslLy grade sysLem ls probably dlfferenL from LhaL ln your counLry
?ou should llsL any schools you have aLLended beLween Lhe ages of abouL 13 and 18 buL noL before Lhls
age ?ou should add Lhe label Secondary school before Lhe name of Lhe school or lnclude Lhe words
Plgh School ln Lhe name lf you Look exams ln a wlde range of sub[ecLs you may prefer Lo llsL only Lhe
number of sub[ecLs passed lnsLead of Lhe sub[ecL names or lf you have been Lo unlverslLy you may
choose noL Lo llsL any secondary school quallflcaLlons
lf you are sLudylng ln Lhe uk you may wanL Lo lnclude deLalls of Lhls course lf so wrlLe Lhls ln a llne
under Lhe maln Lable lor example you could wrlLe CurrenLly sLudylng Lngllsh aL A8C school London
(slnce !anuary 2001)
ther sk|||s
lf you have oLher skllls or quallflcaLlons whlch you belleve may be relevanL you can llsL Lhese
lor example
Lngllsh exams whlch you have passed (eg assed Cambrldge llrsL CerLlflcaLe of Lngllsh)
CompuLer skllls (eg Cood knowledge of sLandard offlce sofLware lncludlng emall and Lhe lnLerneL)
1yplng speed (only menLlon Lhls lf you are applylng for daLa enLry or secreLarlal [obs)
An lnLernaLlonal drlvlng llcence (only menLlon Lhls lf you may need Lo drlve for Lhe [ob)
9ersona| deta||s
CreaLe Lwo columns use Lhe lefLhand column for labels and Lhe rlghLhand column for lnformaLlon
1he exacL llsL of personal deLalls you wanL Lo glve may depend on your clrcumsLances and whaL Lhe [ob
requlres buL Lhe llsL below wlll glve you a gulde
WrlLe uaLe of blrLh followed by Lhe day you were born ln Lhe second column eg 3 leb 1980 noLe
LhaL Lhe daLe should be wrlLLen ln 8rlLlsh daLe order (day monLh year) noL ln Amerlcan daLe order
(monLh day year)
WrlLe naLlonallLy followed by your naLlonallLy eg !apanese
?ou may wanL Lo wrlLe Cender followed by Male or lemale lf Lhls ls noL obvlous Lo a 8rlLlsh
person from your name WheLher you are a man or a woman may be relevanL for some [obs
WrlLe Work sLaLus followed by a descrlpLlon of Lhe sLaLus lmplled by Lhe sLamp ln your passporL for
example SLudenL vlsa or LC clLlzen (no work permlL requlred)
WrlLe lnLeresLs followed by a shorL llsL of perhaps 3 or 4 maln hobbles or lnLeresLs As you have come
Lo Lhe uk Lo sLudy you can probably lnclude lnLeresLs such as Lravel learnlng languages or
lnLernaLlonal culLures uonL llsL anyLhlng whlch you wouldnL be happy Lo dlscuss aL an lnLervlew
lnclude lnLeresLs whlch may show Lhe lnLervlewer LhaL you have good soclal or Leamworklng skllls LhaL
show your dedlcaLlon / enLhuslasm / success or LhaL hlghllghL addlLlonal skllls LhaL may be useful ln Lhe
[ob (for example compuLer or language skllls)
lf you Lhlnk lL ls necessary wrlLe 8eferences followed by Avallable on requesL ?ou should only
provlde references lf your employer asks for Lhem lf you do need Lo glve a reference make sure LhaL
you have asked Lhe person beforehand osslble referees lnclude a Leacher or prevlous employer lL may
compllcaLe your appllcaLlon lf you glve Lhe name of a referee who llves abroad lf you wanL Lo do Lhls
make sure LhaL Lhe person wlll be able Lo provlde commenLs ln Lngllsh and glve an emall address so
LhaL delays can be mlnlmlsed
8ack Lo Lop


32 Crchard SLreeL London W2 381
1elephone 0207634 3210 Moblle 07960 999999 Lmall aklko9999[hoLmallcom
19992001 Natura| Group 1okyo !apan
A manufacLurer and reLaller of naLural foods and supplemenLs ln !apan

5o/es 4ssistont
Advlsed Lhe maln shops cusLomers abouL organlc and healLh foods
ueveloped new buslness ln smaller saLelllLe sLores explalnlng Lhe beneflLs of
supplemenLs and organlc food Lo poLenLlal new cusLomers
lncreased sales aL boLh Lhe maln and Lhe saLelllLe shops 1he exLra proflLs were
used Lo expand Lhe buslness by esLabllshlng a new shop

19971999 Sony Corporat|on 1okyo !apan

A !apanese conglomeraLe whlch develops and manufacLures consumer and
lndusLrlal elecLronlc equlpmenL worldwlde

4dministrotion 4ssistont 6enero/ 4ffoirs ueportment
Lxamlned lncomlng mall and redlrecLed Lhls Lo Lhe approprlaLe dlvlslon
1ranslaLed forelgn leLLers (wrlLLen ln Lngllsh) lnLo !apanese

customs c/eoronce Officer lmport uivision 5ony 4ir corqo

CompleLed reporLs (eg bllls of enLry) Lo faclllLaLe Lhe lmporL of goods from
uealL wlLh cusLoms enqulrles and procedures
Sep 2001 8r|tann|a Schoo| of Lng||sh London
Lngllsh language school passed Cambrldge llrsL CerLlflcaLe exam ln !une 2002

19931997 Me|ka| Un|vers|ty Chlba !apan
uegree ln lnLernaLlonal 8elaLlons
ther Sk|||s
CompuLer llLeraLe good knowledge of Word and Lxcel as well as emall and Lhe lnLerneL
lluenL ln !apanese pracLlcal knowledge of Lngllsh and korean
9ersona| Deta||s
uaLe of 8lrLh 6 !anuary 1973
naLlonallLy !apanese
Cender lemale
Work sLaLus SLudenL vlsa
lnLeresLs SLudylng Lngllsh vlslLlng museums playlng golf

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