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Access and Success, Breaking Barriers 1hrough Open Schooling In

Central 1ail Raipur(C.C.)- A Case Study

!aper Overview
The Principle oI basic education, now the higher education (secondary) as a human right
has been accepted internationally. Even normal School children have a variety oI barriers
beIore coming to the schools and even within the school, inclusive education is the
solution. This study is based on a very Special group which is socially secluded and they
have psychological, mental, behavioral barriers rather them any outer barriers. The paper
has attempted a response by putting a concept oI inclusive education Ior them, those are
at risk and Irom the disadvantaged reactions, conIronting with themselves. Strongly need
access to study and a positive mind set,behavioural/attitudinal change.
The study shows the success story oI the prisoners in Central Jail Raipur. The biggest
punishment Ior any human being is to get them secluded Irom the society/Iamily.
Psychologically, emotionally these people are much more down lined than the normal
AIter 2-3 motivational interactions they were convinced Ior higher study. With
the help oI the jail- administration all the oIIicial Iormalities were streamlined. Finally 75
prisoners enrolled at secondary level and 06 at senior secondary level.
With the help oI 2 jail teachers academic support helped them to pass
examination. Result was 84 at secondary level and 100 at senior secondary level.
The objective oI the distance learning provided them was not only to get the secondary
and senior secondary certiIicate but to empower them to think and understand the
objectives oI liIe in a positive way.

Strategies and intervention implemented Central Jail Raipur is situated aroud 2
k.m away Irom the collectorate Raipur. It has been established in1885 as district jail then
upgraded into Central Jail. Total area oI Jail is around 8,36,000 Sq.It.
Regular classes Ior Class1 to 8 are running in Central Jail since long by Literacy
Mission & District Education OIIice. Total no. oI Prisoners enrolled up to the middle
level is 241.
IGNOU has started Sanskrit Course in Central Jail. Looking in to this scenario, we
realized the need oI Secondary and higher Secondary courses .we initiated and discussed
about open distance learning system with Jail-administration.Response was very positive
Ior us to step-in , this way ODL System made access in Central Jail Raipur.
Chhattisgarh State open School itselI is new-born,established in year 2008.
Around 45,000 student enrolled in Iirst year. First exam held in June 2009, result oI
which was satisIactory with an average percentage oI 40.
As a result oI sincere eIIorts by C.G.S.O.S. and jail administration 77 prisoners at
secondary level and 06 were enrolled at senior secondary level.First examination held in
year 2009. The Result was 84 at secondary level and 100 at senior secondary level.
Continuous motivation and Support accelerated the activities in academic area.
It is important to mention about their course material which has been developed and
provided by state open school .The study material has been developed on the basis oI
NIOS Curriculum..
Central Jail has a 'Pathshala in its premises.
Pathshala has a big hall, in which multigrade teaching can be seen everyday. Pathshala
also has a small library. Students now developed a habit oI reading books and news
papers daily.
To enrich this library we requested C.G.Text Book Corporation.Thanks toT.B.C. Ior
donating story books, Bio-grapy, Panch-tantra, Hiptopdesh and other books Ior these
students .
These students have a Iixed schedule Ior their daily activities and labour work,we could
make a subject wise time-table with their consent.
Some oI the inclusion strategies are as under :-
O Whole class inclusion teaching.
O Collaborative (Group) learning
O Peer teaching
O Problem solving
O Assessment/examination
D- Out comes oI the intervention -
This group oI students needed special support. Open schooling has demolished
the myth that 'open school must correspond to the mode oI 'distance education where
by students should not assemble daily at a place and learn through
Students here belong to heterogeneous group. DiIIerence in age, diIIerence in socio
economics back ground, diIIerence in inter-personal behavior, diIIerence in
psychological status.
So any small positive out come regarded as a big achievement. Following are the
changes, we consider as achievement:
O Achievement- generating interest
O Achievement- making them sit Ior study
O Success- getting them enrolled.
O Success- preparing them Ior examination
O Biggest success- passing oI examination.

In contrast to the barriers oI approach, curriculum and pedagogy in regular school,the
barriers these students Iace are psycho-somatic, mental-blocks, hidden Iears and most
important is the lack oI initiation and interest.
Inter-related out come- a spark oI selI dependent rehabilitation lit in their thought
Now these students, not only contact me Ior study support but also discuss regarding
other courses e.g. vocational courses etc.
Gradually a change in overall behavior, language is clearly visible.
Challenge and lessons learned And the way forward
O There is a need to amend policy pertaining to prison education. We need to ensure
that each prison has the opportunity to support their prisoners` education. There is
a need to earmark separate budget Ior this.
O Open School mechanism should be strengthened to provide relevant education to
these prisoners. Sometimes it becomes diIIicult to get well qualiIied teachers to
teach in prisons due to social taboo.
O In most oI the prisons, the living standards are not up to the mark so to get the
educational climate is also diIIicult.
O Prisoners` motivation to continue their studies is also a big challenge.
O One can do the theoretical part in prison but iI somebody has to do practical or
surveys to get the degree, then it become diIIicult to conduct all such projects &
O Prison psychology is diIIerent Irom the routine one. So we need to make
necessary changes in our course materials to suit their needs & aspirations.
O Many prisons are overcrowded so to provide Iacilities Ior learning is very

This program on behalI oI open schooling has made the department learn many
things. This small program has opened the eyes in a way that we cant claim our
universal education until & unless we reach to every nook & corner.
Providing education to this section may reduce the crime rate & provide
opportunities to such people Ior a better reIorm.
We need to make curricular changes as per the requirements oI these people &
develop the capacity oI teachers to provide good quality education in prisons.
We also need to develop linkages with other departments like Literacy Mission,
Social WelIare departments & various other Non-Govt. Organizations to seek proper
support Ior the program. SCERT should also get actively involved in such projects. Open
School alone can't take this program at its own with its limited resources.
vidence/case studies

1. Yashoda Husband`s name Omprakash, Caste- kurmi,liIe imprisonment (Dhara
302), Aged around 45years, earlier had negative approach towards liIe & study.
Now she is motivated and not only she enrolled in 12
classbut also passed 12

in Iirst division.Her subject were- Hindi, Home Science, Political Science,
English, History. In the course oI a better Iuture and liIe she is now interested in
doing some certiIied course .
2. Iishwari Husbands name Manjul ram, liIe imprisonment (Dhara 302) Age 33
years, looks Iull oI liIe, very enthusiastic and energetic. This year she will be
completing 14
year oI her imprisonment. She has already earned through her
embroidery work .She has passed 12
in 1
division. Now very much interested
Ior some certiIied course Ior Tailoring & Embroidery .
Her admission is in process. she will be released aIter one year .They get
relaxation in release as a reward Ior passing diIIerent exams.
Additional Information

Mr.Salman Ravi oI B.B.C.has developed a story on prison education in central jail

Raipur, which has been broadcasted on 19
Local News-papers also highlighted this innovative step Ior prison education

This paper provides a background characteristics and circumstances oI prisoners, who are
among those disadvantaged groups that are excluded Irom educational opportunities.
Prison is the place where taking no initiative is considered good behaviour. Even
everyday knowledge will be leIt aside: cooking, organising one`s schedule, distinguishing
spare time Irom mandatory activities.
Prison is not a good place Ior education and leads to exclusion and Iamily break ups; this
is why we cannot talk about prison education in terms oI schooling and we cannot avoid
reIerring to the political and social context oI the inmate, or the prison and the state. At
present, education in prison just brings together the prisoner with the learning process.
Literacy courses must be organised in this context, Ior the unrecognised prisoner
population and in the perspective oI liIelong learning and not as a second chance Ior
people who didn`t have their Iirst chance.
Some oI the studies which Iollow a Iew prisoners aIter their release have Iound that the
return percentage oI people aIter getting education is reduced. Prison education,
thereIore, will not only help the prisoner but will also help preserve the public`s saIety as
well. Crime reduction is an indirect result oI inmate education as proven by the Iindings
!resented by - Smriti Sharma, C.C.S.O.S. Raipur Chhattisgarh (India)

Did Masters in ntomology & ducation,nrolled for M.B.A. course through distance
mode.Registered for !.hd.
Entered in proIIession in year 1987 in U.T.D. Dr,HariSingh Gaur
University,Sagar(M.P.)as lecturer.
Joined State govt.service as lecturer in year 1992.
Worked as senior lecturer in C.C.S.C..R.1.,
as Astt.Director in Directorate of ducation),
At present working with.C.State Open C School Raipur
Written 1ext Books for class 11th,12 in Biology and lements of Science

!articipated in writers group for 1ext-Book & curriculam development for.(Class 3-12)
and D.d. course.
Organised/participated in many State/Aational level workshops & seminars.

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