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March 2011 PTO Minutes:

Septe mber 15, 201 1

Principal's Report:
School Culture Mr. Lyons welcomed all attendees to the first P TO meeting of the year. With town wide school redistricting, Pine Glen now has 303 students vs. 397 in 2010-2011. The average student/teacher ratio in Burlington is 18:1. It was noted that there are several classes/grade levels at Pine Glen that currently have a lower than 18:1 student/teacher ratio. Several new staff members have been added to Pine Glen for the 2011-2012 school year: Julie Particelli Special Education, Laura Delia Librarian, Ashley Parziale RTI tutor, Lindsey Bourgault Speech Language Pathologist, Leah Garneau School Psychologist. Curriculum Mr. Lyons highlighted several components of the current Pine Glen curriculum: o Lexia provides additional practice with word decoding for reading o Symphony Math provides additional practice for math o Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention System reading program provided to each kindergarten teacher o Being a Writer supplemental writing program now available in all grades K-5. Teachers will participate in curriculum councils and grade level meetings with Mr. Lyons, as they did last year. These meetings provide teachers the opportunity to look at curriculum, instruction, and assessment across the district, and at individual grade levels. Instruction/Assessment Burlington elementary schools will be using a new common core curriculum report card for the 2011-2012 school year. Bob-Carts, which are 4 terminal computer stations, have been added, making them available to all Pine Glen classrooms. 60 IPads have been added at Pine Glen. TouchIT interactive whiteboards are being installed in all classrooms. i-Ready will be the online universal language arts and math screening tool that will be used this year. This tool will highlight areas in which teachers may need to focus their instruction and/or provide interventions for students. (i-Ready replaces the DORA and DOMA assessment tools used in 2010-2011). Facilities As a result of redistricting, and subsequent lower enrollment at Pine Glen, several learning spaces were moved within the building over the summer. For the 2011-2012 school year, Pine Glen now has a bigger computer lab, larger library, music room in close proximity to the stage for performances, and improved space for intervention teachers.

Dan Callahan, Pine Glen Technology Specialist:

Dan Callahan, Pine Glen Technology Specialist, introduced those present to IPads and their role in student learning at Pine Glen. As a former special education teacher, Dan works with the teachers and students in facilitating use of technology to support the curriculum.

Burlington schools have been receiving national recognition for the use of technology with students (i.e. 1:1 IPads at BHS). 60 IPads are now available for use at Pine Glen. Individuals present were each given an IPad to play with, in order to explore apps currently being used at Pine Glen. Practice apps, such as Dino Math, and Creation apps, such as Toontastic, were highlighted. These apps, which are not only popular with students, encourage students to access the curriculum in non-traditional ways. It was noted that higher order levels of thinking/reasoning are promoted through the use of the IPad apps. Students levels of engagement are extremely high with IPad use in the classroom. Dan thanked the P TO for the contribution of gift cards with which Apps were purchased. Looking ahead, Dan would like to add headphones and stylus to the technology dept. for student use.

Presidents Report:
Co-Presidents, Maria Woods and Carol McDonald-Macri, welcomed everyone to the September P TO meeting. P TO handouts, which were sent home with students the first week of school, were displayed. Special thank you to Catherine Gillespie for revising the PTO brochure and Nancy Keddy for providing brochure printing. Parents were encouraged to join the PTO, if they have not already done so, as a means of supporting Pine Glen and the education of their children. Perks of joining the PTO for the 2011-2012 school year include: email updates of PT O events, Pine Glen student directory, and Pine Glen magnet. Campbells labels, Box Tops for Education and Coca-Cola rewards programs were highlighted as three free ways to support Pine Glen. Details provided via handout and website. Opportunities exist throughout the year to volunteer for P TO events. Special thank you to recent volunteers - Denise Desmond (kindergarten play dates), Joanna Defrancesco (kindergarten playdough), Carol McDonald-Macri (kindergarten orientation), Deb Murphy (I-Party charity days), Catherine Gillespie (kindergarten orientation, military flags for Heroes Assembly). P TO is looking for a volunteer to chair a Pizzeria Uno fundraiser. Please see Maria Woods for additional information. Genevieve Fall Fundraiser kick off Thursday, Sept. 22 nd Look for information to be brought home with students. Thursday, Sept. 29 th Annual Ice Cream Social. New this year, families will be invited to bring and play board games together in the cafeteria. Volunteer sign-up sheet circulated. More information to follow. Annual Pine Glen Halloween Dance Date to be announced. Additional information to follow. A binder of thank you notes written by students to the P TO for their contribution to field day was circulated. A request for funds submitted by Librarian, Laura Delia was circulated. An amount of approximately $400 was requested to purchase cushions for the students to use during library time. Item to be voted on during member time.

Vice Presidents Report:

Vice President, Catherine Gillespie, announced that at the end of the first week of school, P TO membership for the 2011-2012 school year was 40% of families. All in attendance were encouraged to join, if they have not already done so. In addition to the free ways to support Pine Glen mentioned in the Presidents report, the Used Book Store has placed a donation bin at the student drop off/pick up door of the building. Used books, cds, dvds, videos may be deposited in that location. Pine Glen will receive a monetary contribution from the Used Book Store based on donations received in that bin. October 14 th was noted as the initial redemption date for Box Tops for Education. Although Box Tops will be accepted at any time, those present were encouraged to submit any box tops they may have for this first redemption. An additional redemption date will be set for the Spring. A PTO suggestion box was circulated. Any and all suggestions, comments, ideas are welcomed.

Treasurer's Report:
Adrienne Mattson distributed the Treasurers Report as of May 19, 2011, highlighting standing expenses as well as fundraising events.

Teacher's Report:
Mr. Callahan represented the teachers at this meeting. His iPad/technology demonstration is noted above.

Member Time:
A motion was made, seconded and was voted unanimously to fund Laura Delia, Librarians request to purchase cushions for the library. Deb Murphy inquired about the possibility of a vendor night, as a fundraising event for Pine Glen. Mr. Lyons raised the concern of business on school grounds. Deb Murphy to investigate further. Deb Murphy asked if 5 Star General Program taking place this year and if there was a special award for those who have achieved 5 Star General status for all 6 years at Pine Glen. Mr. Lyons confirmed that the 5 Star General Program will take place this year, but as of this time, there is no recognition program for 5 Star General for all 6 years.

Attendance: John Lyons, Maria Woods, Carol McDonald-Macri, Catherine Gillespie, Monica Brown, Adrienne Mattson, Dan Callahan, Denise Desmond, Lillian Mahoney, Jill Giles, Joanne Shortell, Deb Murphy,

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