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Ujian Akhir Nasional

SANGAT RAHASIA Tahun Pelajaran 2002/2003

Program Studi IPA/IPS



SENIN, 5 MEI 2003
Pukul 10.00 – 12.00


02 01-30-D4-P10 03

Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan – BALITBANG - DEPDIKNAS
02 01-30-D4-P10 03


1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 60 butir, setiap butir soal terdiri dari 5 (lima) pilihan
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak
atau jumlah soal kurang.
5. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan.
6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
7. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung

Text 1 This text is for items number 1 – 2

Amyr Klink said that he was going to cross the Atlantic Ocean by himself
in a rowboat. Nobody believed him and some people thought he was crazy.
“I didn’t plan this by myself,”Klink said. “I had some help from scientists
and engineers.”
On June 10, 1984, Klink left Namibia in his rowboat, The Paraty, and
headed for Brazil.
It was not an easy experience for Klink. He rowed his small boat across the
Atlantic for 92 days. His only companions were dolphins, whales, and a few
sharks who amused themselves by chasing after the boat.
One day, he almost hurt himself while he was cleaning the boat. He slipped
and fell into the water. Fortunately, there were no sharks around that day.
His daily routine was very hard. He woke up around 5:30, had breakfast,
and then rowed for about five hours. He stopped for lunch and rowed for another
four to five hours. He only slept for a few hours every night.
Finally, on September 9, 1984, The Paraty arrived in Salvador, Brazil. It
was the end of the journey.

1. The text is about ....

a. Amyr Klink’s rowboat, the Paraty
b. Amyr Klink’s incredible journey
c. Amyr Klink’s hobby
d. The biography of Amyr Klink
e. The daily routine of Amyr Klink

2. Which statement is NOT TRUE according the text?

a. Amyr almost hurt himself while he was eating.
b. Amyr slipped and fell into the water.
c. In the morning he rowed for five hours.
d. Amyr took a rest only for a few hours every night.
e. Some people thought Amyr was very crazy.

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Text 2 This text is for items number 3 – 7

Mt. Vesuvius in Italy and Mt.St. Helens in USA are both famous mountains.
They are both volcanoes. A volcano is a mountain that is open at the top. Smoke
and hot air come out of the hole. Sometimes very hot rocks also come out of the
mountain that can mean trouble for people nearby. This is what happened with Mt.
Vesuvius and covered the town of Pompeii in 79 A. D. Everyone in the town was
killed. The Mt. St Helens volcano did not kill many people. There were no cities
close to the mountain but the hot rock killed a large part of the forest. And a lot of
dirt fell on cities many miles away.

3. Which of the statements is TRUE according to the text?

a. Mt. Vesuvius and Mt. St. Helens are famous mountains in USA.
b. Hot rocks come out of the mountain give a lot of profit.
c. Mt. Vesuvius near Pompeii exploded in 79A.D.
d. Most people lived near Mt. St. Helens.
e. Mt. St. Helens is surrounded by cities.

4. The main idea of the above paragraph is that ...

a. Volcanoes can be dangerous.
b. A volcano is a mountain with a hole at the top.
c. Mt. Vesuvius and Mt. St. Helens are both famous volcanoes.
d. Smoke and hot air which come out of a volcano killed a lot of people.
e. Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Vesuvius both give a lot of damage.

5. The text mainly deals with ...

a. the disasters caused by Mt. Vesuvius and Mt. St. Helens.
b. volcanic explosion in 79 A.D.
c. the victims killed in Pompeii.
d. Mt. Vesuvius and Mt. St. Helens.
e. two dangerous volcanoes.

6. Not many people died when Mt. St. Helens exploded because ...
a. it’s far from the cities.
b. the cities were covered with ashes.
c. it is a famous mountain.
d. the cities were empty at that time.
e. all of the people have been driven away from it.

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7. “There were no cities close to the mountain __”

The underlined word means ....
a. intimate
b. dense
c. narrow
d. similar
e. near

Text 3 This text is for items number 8 – 11

We all read for a variety of reasons. These reasons change with our age, and
the literature we read. Our basic reason for reading is probably pleasure. We read
literature mostly because we enjoy it.
Reading for pleasure may take various forms. We may read just to pass the
time. Or we may want to escape from the four walls that usually surround us.
Reading serves as a jet plane that speeds us away from ourselves into the words of
other people.
We often read for information and knowledge. We find pleasure in learning
about life in the Mississippi River. We find possible solutions to our problems
when we meet people in books whose problems are like our own. Through
literature, we sometimes understand situations we could not understand in real life.
No work of literature has wisdom or beauty in itself. The greatest poem ever
written is only a printed sheet of paper until a reader reacts to it. To make writings
literature, requires a reader. The reader helps create literature by responding to the
writer’s thoughts, emotions and beliefs.

8. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

a. A writer requires a reader when he wants his writing to be literature.
b. There is only one form of reading for pleasure.
c. We read literature because we want to react to the article.
d. Some books do not help their readers to solve their problems.
e. By responding the writer’s thought the reader doesn’t help create

9. The main idea of paragraph one is that ....

a. we enjoy literature
b. reasons for reading are changing
c. we get knowledge from reading a lot
d. we read for different reasons
e. we read for pleasure

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10. The best title of the passage is ....

a. The benefit of reading
b. Art and culture
c. The form of literature
d. Why people read
e. How to become a good reader

11. “Or, we may want to escape from the four walls”. (Paragraph 2)
The meaning of the underlined word is to ….
a. build
b. enjoy
c. admire
d. stay
e. get free from

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Text 4 This text is for items number 12 – 16

Oil is now our most important fuel. But so much is being used that it could
soon run out. This could happen in the next 50 years. Natural gas will not last for
much longer. And in time coal will run out too. What will provide power when this
An alternative energy is the power provided in nature. In the old days people
tapped energy of flowing water with waterwheels. Today, engineers use water
turbines. They direct the water through the turbines. The water spins the turbines,
the turbines turn the generators, and the generators produce electricity. The
electricity produced in this way is from great storage lakes, or reservoirs. The
reservoirs are usually made by building dams across river valleys.
The power in the blowing wind is used in turbines. These are the modern
version of the old wind mills which were used to grind grain into flour. Some of the
latest wind turbines have propellers. The propellers, which are moved by the wind,
spin the turbines. The turbines turn the generators, and the generators produce
The sun pours plenty of energy down on earth, and many homes now use this
energy to heat water. It is difficult and expensive to trap solar energy on a large
scale. But in some sunny parts of the world scientists have built experimental solar
“power-towers” to do this. Hundreds of mirrors reflect sunlight into a boiler on top
of a tower. This heats up water in the boiler into steam, which can then be used to
turn generators.
Many countries now have nuclear power stations. These use a rare metal
called uranium as a kind of fuel. Under certain conditions, the nucleus (centre) of
uranium atoms can be made to split. This is called fission. When this happens,
fantastic of energy is given out. The heat produced in a nuclear reactor is taken
away to a boiler to boil water to produce steam. The hot steam powers electric
generators to produce electricity.
One of the main drawbacks with a nuclear power station is that it produces
dangerous waste. It is dangerous because it gives out radiation that can harm living
things. Nuclear engineer have to make very sure that none of the radiation escapes,
either from the reactor where fissions take place or the waste.

12. .... is used to produce nuclear power.

a. Sunlight
b. Wind
c. Uranium
d. Natural gas
e. Water

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13. The text is about ....

a. oil, the most important fuel.
b. the propellers moved by the wind
c. alternative energy provided in nature
d. electricity produced by generators
e. uranium as a kind of fuel

14. The main idea of paragraph 2 is ....

a. We can get electricity from the energy of running water
b. Water is the alternative energy provided in nature
c. Water has been used as energy since many years ago
d. Dams are built to reserve water
e. Water is the only source to produce electricity

15. “___ have built experimental solar power towers to do this.” (Paragraph 4)
The underlined words refer to ....
a. to trap solar energy on a large scale
b. to heat up water in the boiler
c. to turn generators
d. to reflect sunlight
e. to flow the current of electricity

16. The water in the reservoir is used to .... in the turbine.

a. trap solar energy
b. turn energy
c. turn generators
d. grind grain
e. turn propellers

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Text 5 This text is for items number 17 – 20

Trappists are monks who are not allowed to preach or to teach. Their lives are
devoted to meditation, studying and reading.
In 1949, one group of Trappists fled to Hong Kong from China, leaving
behind their houses and their dairy industry. They dressed themselves as labourers
and carried only a few possessions.
Here, the monks had to start a new life. They found it difficult to obtain food
and they had nowhere to live; but somehow they managed with the help of the
community and charitable organizations. It was not until 1995 that the Hong Kong
government granted them land on Lantao island.
The monks are not allowed to beg for a living, so they had to work very hard
on the island. They started a dairy farm, kept about five hundred chickens and
started growing their own vegetables.
A large part of the work of the Trappists is concerned with their dairy. The
cows are fed regularly, milked and kept healthy. The dairy, which produces about
two thousand bottles of milk a day, brings the monks their main income. The
monks sell about half of the milk to a large hotel in Hong Kong, while hospitals and
schools buy the rest. The monks also earn some money by selling eggs. Sometimes,
the Trappists sell some of their cattle. The monks themselves do not eat meat,
however, as they are vegetarians.

17. The Trappists are forbidden to ....

a. obtain food
b. grow vegetables
c. work very hard
d. beg for a living
e. start a dairy farm

18. What is the text about?

a. The monks who never preach or teach.
b. The Trappists on Lantao island.
c. The Trappists’ dairy product.
d. The vegetarian monks.
e. The Trappists’ new life on Lantao island.

19. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. Managing the dairy is the Trappists’ main work.
b. The monks provide milk to a large hotel.
c. The Trappists feed the cows regularly.
d. The Trappists sell eggs for a living.
e. Most of the Trappists’ work is related to their dairy.

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20. The Trappists are monks who are not allowed to preach or to teach.(The first
“allowed” means....
a. advised
b. ordered
c. permitted
d. suggested
e. instructed

21. Which is the best arrangement of these sentences?

1. The Rotary Club has long been known in Indonesia.
2. Yet every position is just represented by one member.
3. The president is appointed for just one-year term.
4. The chief of Rotary Club is called President.
5. The members are professionals.
a. 1–4–5–2–3
b. 1–4–2–5–3
c. 1–4–2–3–5
d. 1–4–5–3–2
e. 1–4–3–5–2

22. Linda : I thought I saw you coming along the road.

Benny : What did Linda say, Irma?
Irma : She told me she thought ....
a. she had seen him coming along the road
b. she had seen me coming along the road
c. I had seen her coming along the road
d. she had seen her coming along the road
e. he had seen me coming along the road

23. Ade : When did he call you?

Fendy : He called me when ....
a. I cooked
b. I am cooking
c. I was cooking
d. I will be cooking
e. I have been cooking

24. Betty : You look tired.

Tini : Yes, ... non-stop all day.
a. I work
b. I am working
c. I was working
d. I had been working
e. I have been working

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25. A : I’m sorry. I can’t join you to go to the museum.

I’ve got a stomachache.
B : You should go to a doctor right now. I’ll take you there.
The underlined sentence expresses ....
a. advice
b. order
c. instruction
d. anger
e. irritation

26. X : Have you heard that Roy got the first prize for a speech contest held in our
Y : Oh, really?....
a. It’s impossible
b. I am sorry to hear that
c. I am fed up with him
d. It’s out of the question
e. His parents must be proud of him

27. A porter : Excuse me, ...?

Mr Andri : Thanks a lot, I can manage it myself.
a. would you like me to carry your suitcase
b. would you mind bringing my suitcase
c. would you like to bring his suitcase
d. could you bring my suitcase
e. may you bring my suitcase

28. Lastri : Can I go to the movies with Burhan tonight, mother?

Mother : Oh, sure. But don’t go anywhere else.
In the dialogue Lastri’s mother gives her ....
a. agreement
b. suggestion
c. permission
d. objection
e. conclusion

29. Dad : Have you got any news from Andi, mom? I miss him very much.
Mom : No, I haven’t. I hope I’ll get one soon.
Mom’s expression is telling us about her ....
a. worry
b. opinion
c. expectation
d. complaint
e. request

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30. Putra : Anggi, you look so pale! Are you sick?

Anggi : No, I am not. My father was hospitalized last night. I am broke now, and
I am still jobless
Putra : What a terrible situation you have.
The underlined utterance expresses ....
a. worry
b. greeting
c. bad luck
d. sympathy
e. preference

31. Hendra : Let’s go out tonight. I’ll show you the best restaurant in this city.
Lilis : All right. I have some work to do, but I ... it by eight.
a. finish
b. finished
c. was finishing
d. have to finish
e. will have finished

32. Andi : ... the package?

Rena : Yes, please. Thank you.
a. Should you carry
b. Must you carry
c. Why do you carry
d. Aren’t you tired of carrying
e. Would you like me to carry

33. X : We’ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
Y : ....
X : I hope you have a nice trip.
a. I am thinking of going to Bali
b. Sorry, I can’t tell you
c. It’s not your business
d. I have nothing to do
e. I don’t know what to do

34. Reza : What would you like to be, an engineer or a doctor?

Wahid : ... be a doctor. I want to help the poor.
a. I like
b. I’d rather
c. I prefer
d. I would prefer
e. I would like

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35. Jenifer : Would you come to our workshop tomorrow?

Alison : That would be great.
In the dialogue Jenifer is giving Alison ....
a. an order
b. a comment
c. an advice
d. a suggestion
e. an invitation

36. Jhony : What about going to the concert with me tonight?

I have two tickets.
Melati : ..., but I have a lot of assignments to do.
Which of the following is not suitable to complete the dialogue above?
a. I’d love to
b. It must be interesting
c. That’s very kind of you
d. I’ve no doubt about it
e. I’ll be delighted

37. Lidya : Well, it’s a pity I cannot contact anybody.

Santy : What happened?
Lidya : The pulses of my handphone have run out. I’d like to have another
Mentari card voucher. Is it available around here?
Santy : Don’t worry, such a voucher ... everywhere in town.
a. is selling
b. is sold
c. sells
d. is being sold
e. will be sold

38. X : Would you mind lending me your dictionary?

Y : Oh, yes. I am looking up some words.
From the dialogue we may conclude that the second speaker ... the first
speaker to use his dictionary.
a. allows
b. forbids
c. agrees
d. asks
e. lets

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39. Budi : Anton, will you join our football team for this year competition?
Anton : No, thanks. I ... watch than play football.
a. would rather
b. choose
c. like
d. prefer
e. am keen on

40. Edy : Why do you still ride your old motorcycle?

Emy : I can’t afford to buy a new one.
The underlined words express ....
a. uncertainty
b. disagreement
c. dissatisfaction
d. incapability
e. impossibility

41. Wati : Do you know what his hobbies are?

Afri : He likes doing experiments in the laboratory and he is also keen on
The underlined utterance expresses ....
a. ability
b. denial
c. choice
d. pride
e. like

42. Hanny : Do you think our team has the chance to win the Thomas Cup?
Chandra : I think ... because they have enough practice.
a. it is very doubtful
b. it is really annoying
c. it is realy challenging
d. it is very possible
e. it makes me mad

43. Helmi : I am ... that Indonesia will increase the volume of its export to Europe
since the Europeans rely on our products.
Dedy : I think so.
a. satisfied
b. convinced
c. pleased
d. doubtful
e. afraid

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44. X : What about spending our holiday at Puncak?

Y : Oh, I don’t come along with that. It costs a lot of money.
From the underlined words we may conclude that the second speaker ... with the
first speaker’s idea.
a. disagrees
b. is fed up
c. gets bored
d. looks pleased
e. is dissatisfied

45. Ilham : You forgot to inform the customer that his request was refused, didn’t
Betty : .... I phoned him two days ago.
a. Not at all
b. I think so
c. Certainly yes
d. I’m afraid I did
e. Oh dear, I’m sorry

46. Andi : You went to the reunion party yersterday. How did you like the party?
Deni : It was very satisfactory.
From Deni’s answer we know that Deni expresses his ...
a. certainty
b. argument
c. contentment
d. opinion
e. pleasure

47. Tanti : Do you make your own dresses?

Intan : Yes, but sometimes I ….
a. make them
b. have made them
c. have them made
d. have to make them
e. have made for them

48. Evy : Does your sister Reny enjoy having two-part time jobs?
Ita : Not really. She wishes she got one good full-time job.
The underlined expression means that ....
a. Renny still has two-part time jobs
b. Reny has got a full-time job
c. Reny doesn’t enjoy a full time job
d. Reny will get a full-time job soon
e. Reny really enjoys her two-part time jobs

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49. A : I was very disappointed that I didn’t apply for a job in a cruise liner.
B : Your English is perfect. If you had applied for it, you would have been
The underlined sentence indicates that ...
a. A must have been accepted.
b. B applied for the job and so did A.
c. Both A and B are workers on a cruise ship.
d. A’s English is so perfect that he applied for the job.
e. A did not apply for the job.

50. X : Why do you look sad?

Y : I got 5 for my English test.
X : ....
a. You should have studied well
b. You have prepared before
c. You may prepare it
d. You have studied hard
e. You can study well if you like

Choose the suitable words to complete the following paragraph.

When the family and I moved to South of Bogor I wanted to rent a house near
a river in the foot of mount Salak, and went to look at one I know which had a big
I (51) … on the front door of the house and a man (52) … followed by an
unfriendly-looking dog. The man (53) … me to look over the house. It had (54) …
of rooms, and it (55) … over an hour to see them all. Then we went to the garden.
There were a tennis court and an orchard with few old durian trees.

51. a. hit
b. banged
c. struck
d. bumped
e. knocked

52. a. came in
b. came to
c. came for
d. came out
e. came from

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53. a. asked
b. offered
c. pleaded
d. pleased
e. suggested

54. a. many
b. much
c. a few
d. a lot
e. several

55. a. kept
b. took
c. used
d. spent
e. passed

56. Everybody will gaze at you and admire you because of the dress you are wearing.
The underlined word means ....
a. see
b. seek
c. look
d. stare
e. watch

57. Brushing the hair increases the supply of blood to the scalp.
The opposite of the underlined word means ....
a. shortens
b. decreases
c. lengthens
d. expands
e. widens

58. In the old of trade, people didn’t use money but they exchanged something they had
for something they needed.
The word ‘exchanged’ is closest in meaning to ….
a. gave
b. offered
c. exported
d. altered
e. bartered

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59. The crude oil has to be processed in a refinery before it can be consumed.
The underlined word means ....
a. made
b. used
c. sent
d. destroyed
e. delivered

60. Adi : Mr. Ferdian would like to get a loan from the bank.
Do you think the bank will accept his house as security?
Fitri : I think so
The underline word means ....
a. the property of the bank
b. a check which is endorsed by the bank
c. something valuable used as a guarantee
d. a bank clerk who pays out or receives money
e. a withdrawal of money from the bank

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