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SHOOTING Sometimes called the continuation of pass. Unfortunately, all the fundamentals of basketball that lead to the shot or putting the basketball into the hoop or into the basket.

Baskatball Shooting Skills

There are several skills that enables you to score in a basketball game. You can score by performing the basic basketball set-shot, lay-up, and hook shot. After the explanation of each basketball shooting skill is a list of very useful basketball moves using the basketball skill as the underpinning. Basketball shooting is not chucking a pop can into a garbage bin. Let's take a close look at various basketball shooting skills.

Hook shot is deadly in 1 on 1 situations. When executed correctly, it enables the offending player
to separate the defender and the ball by shoulder length. As a result, the basketball shot will have ample time to gain height before the defender has a chance to contest this almost unblockable shot. To do a hook shot,

1. (Reverse everything if you are left-handed) 2. Post-up until you have stabilized in a favorable position 3. Toe-pivot and make a drop step for foot room 4. Heel-pivot and turn your whole body 90 degrees to the left 5. Hold the basketball straight up in a way that makes it farthest from your defender

6. Look at the rim and elevate with both legs 7. Shoot the basketball by swinging the entire arm and snapping the wrist with a follow through.

Lay up gives rise to basketball scoring without halting a burst. Once you get up in the air, there
are many ways to maneuver the ball provided you increase your vertical jump to certain level. Yet, before you take off in the air, there are basically two ways to approach the basketball hoop and lay the ball in. Let's take a look at lay up in a nutshell. Start by dribbling the basketball towards the right side of the basketball hoop with your right hand.

Then you have two options: 1. 1a) As you approach the basket, you may carry the ball and take one and a half steps. 2. 2a) Leap towards the basketball hoop with your left foot and bring your right knee up Or Alternately, you can * 1b) Perform a power-hop towards the basket * 2b) Elevate towards the hoop with both feet 1. Protect your position & the ball with your body 2. Release the ball lightly on the backboard.

Tips on perfecting a basketball lay-up

Doing a basketball lay-up slowly with no defenders is very easy but not so when you are guarded. Here are the tips for scoring in a lay-up under pressure 1. Take BIG strides when you are carrying the ball for a lay up 2. Glance at the hoop while you are carrying the ball towards the basketball hoop 3. If you are driving full speed, convert the horizontal momentum to vertical by jumping higher before release 4. Sometimes, changing your pace when taking the steps or power-hopping works well 5. Place the upper arm of your non-dominant hand on the side to resist defender's pressure

6. When you are about to get up in the air, turn your hip and upper back towards the defender to push yourself away 7. Add a slight spin onto the ball to further reduce the horizontal force it carries.

Basketball moves derived from the lay-up

Finger Roll: The most widely used lay-up method in basketball nowadays Three Pointers: The threes seem to be a blessing when it comes to outscoring the opposition,. Reverse lay-up: two defenders jumps at you on the near side, go to the other side Tear Drop: Oh yeah, make the hoop cry and make your defenders cry Up-and-Under: The move spells out, "I refuse to commit myself."

Basic basketball shot - Set shot

The basic basketball shot is simple and beautiful but by no means simplistic. As pointed out previously, everyone shoots the basketball differently. Yet, there is a general procedure that all good basketball shooters more or less follow

1. Half-bent your knees before shooting a basketball for more potential power 2. Your dominant hand should have its fingers spread out 3. Only the fingertips should be gripping onto the ball

4. Your other hand should support the ball on the side 5. The ball should be brought above the head in one motion 6. At this point, the angles at your armpit, elbow, and wrist is at 90 degrees 7. While extending your knees, extend your forearm and snap your wrist 8. Make sure you follow through with your wrist movement. release, do so. If it feels natural to jump upon

In sum, you are shooting a basketball with the kinetic energy transferred from your legs to your hands. The most optimal case is that the snap of wrist only directs the basketball and adds backspin to it. You should also shoot the basketball as naturally as possible. In the event that the power from your legs is not enough to shoot the basketball, (for example, you are doing a fade-away and a portion of the leg power is directed towards the back.) you are forced to use your wrist in a controlled manner. In particular, do not forcefully use your wrist or jerk your wrist for extra power. This will greatly reduce your shot accuracy. To tap into your wrist power while maintaining control and flexibility is a very difficult thing. You really need to invest into beefing up your wrist. The Shooting Buddy will help you do just that. It is a shooting arm guide that makes your accuracy automatic! You can get them in Amazon for only $19.99 from a listing price of $27.54, and you cannot them in your local sports equipment vendor, Walmart or anywhere else because it is a specialized item. It will guides your arm into perfect alignment with the basket.

Basketball moves derived from the basketball set shot

Jump Shot: when given space, this is the most popular way to shoot the basketball in this era. Fade Away: Michael Jordan own this basketball move, know it even if you don't know how to do it. Leaner: A dominant basketball move when you have the height advantage over your opponent. Bank Shot: Duncan's signature basketball move, efficient, effective and easy to execute. Free Throw: Theoretically the easiest shot.


BALANCE means that you have your body parts under control and in a state of readiness to
make quick movements. Quickness is an asset only if you can execute properly. To rush or hurry is different from being quick. Rushing reflects a lack of emotional as well as physical balance or control.

QUICKNESS refers to your speed of movement in performing a skill (not just running skill).
Quickness is specific to the fundamental being performed, like quick movement of your feet on defence, quickly going for rebound or quick release of your shot.

QUICKNESS and BALANCE are closely related to footwork, which is basic to all fundamental
basketball skills. Being ready to start, stop, and move in any direction with quickness and balance requires good footwork. Developing your footwork lays the foundation; effective footwork lets you keep your body under control so you can move timing, deception, and quickness. Developing good footwork is especially important when playing defence. With hard work you can even improve your defensive footwork to the level that you can force your opponent to react to you. Good footwork can enable you to disrupt the offensive poise of your opponent, force low percentage shots and force turnovers.


Pardon my language, but I can't resist it. When your opponent does not have the ball, you should be doing the following. POSITIONING OF YOUR BODY - You should be always facing him but ready to block him out of the paint - At least partly blocking his way towards the basketball hoop - Put yourself close to the invisible track between him and the basketball. POSITIONING OF YOUR HAND - Hands should be widely spread on the side to increase horizontal coverage - Place your hands forward so that you can reach to intercept or strip the ball on sight POSITION OF YOUR EYES Your eye movement should follow a cycle with roughly 6 seconds intervals. Your eyes should repeat those movements continuously until they regain the possession of the basketball.

- The first three seconds, stare intently into your opponent's eyes, this is a mind game to intimidate your opponent - The fourth second, scan the position of the ball-handler and cover the passing lane

- The fifth second, return to your stare to your defender to reinforce the tension in his mind - The sixth second, skim the surroundings for possible screens and position Defending an opponent without the ball is just as important. Defenders want to position themselves between the ball and the defender, where at the same time, he has total awareness of where the ball and his guy is. Too often, defensive players lose track of where their assigned offensive player is on the court. This happens because they're watching only the movement of the ball, not their player. Position yourself to see the ball and their player without turning your head. Have your hand point towards the ball and the other at your assigned player. You must adjust position as often as the location of the ball and your assigned player

Pre-Dribble Stage
When your opponent has caught the ball, he is most dangerous because he is in a triple threat position. In this case, you should: - Assume your defensive stance. Bent your knees and keep your hands out. Reaching in is a lazy way to play and often results in a foul. You are putting yourself off-balance and forcing your teammates to leave their players to cover yours. Instead, keep your knees bent and concentrate on containing your opponent. - Pay attention to his mid-torso. A good offensive player uses his limbs, eyes, head to fake you out. Yet, the human anatomy makes it difficult for them to perform a fake movement with the mid-torso - Anticipate where your opponent is going and get a head start. Use your hand to prevent any passing route for your man. - If you know you have a tall shot guarding teammate behind you, you should pressure your opponent more closely. You should call pick and listen at the same thing. Things such as screen left, help behind you is common call within the court. Dribbling

Dribble Stage
When your opponent is dribbling, he can still pass and shoot. If he is both quicker than you and a marksman. Depending if you have help behind you. If there is help, it is better to stick close to him even though he might dribble pass you. * - Baseline is your friend, force him towards the baseline. * - Keep your left foot forward. You want to take away your opponent's strongest dribbling hand. Focus on concentrating on his right hand and force him to use his weak hand. * - Visualize a dribbler going to the left side of the floor. You want to be ahead of the ball handler by a half step, so if he turned to go toward the basket, you would be taking a charge. * - If he is quicker than you, take a step back. Concentrate on containing him.

* - If he is a sharp shooter within range, stay close to him with your hands up.

Post-Dribble Stage
At this point, he may only move his pivot foot, pass or shoot. Remember you are allowed to jump straight up legally. If you lean towards your guy, the referee is more likely to call a foul. - If the inside man is much taller than you, you will have to figure when he will catch the ball and quickly strip away from him. -If an offensive player in the corner gets the ball, you have to hustle around to the baseline side and prevent a quick pass from the corner for an easy lay up. - Most blocks come when big men help out their guards and forwards. It is easier to reach to the right side of a player with your left hand, instead of torquing your body to get to the ball with your stronger right hand. - Stand firm in the paint. Keep a hand or forearm on his back and one arm straight up. - After a shot is released. Don't assume it will go in, always box out to avoid offensive rebound

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