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Date: 12 Sep 2011 ASSIGNMENT 1 Web Technology

Submitted by: Sonal Maheshwari 205109081 MCA V

Q1. Create an array of five pictures. Use a for loop to display the values stored there. Now add two more pictures to the end of the array and sort the array. (Use JavaScript's built-in array methods.) Display the sorted array. Display the pictures also. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> var arr=new Array(5); arr[0]="a.jpg"; arr[1]="c.jpg"; arr[2]="b.jpg"; arr[3]="e.jpg"; arr[4]="c.jpg"; document.write("<h3>Array of five pictures!</h3><br>"); for(i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { document.write("Picture "+(i+1)+" : "+arr[i]+"<br>"); } arr[5]="f.bmp"; arr[6]="g.bmp"; arr.sort(); document.write("<h3>New Array of seven pictures after sorting</h3><br>"); for(i=0;i<arr.length;i++) document.write("Picture "+(i+1)+" : "+arr[i]+"<br>"); document.write("<h3>Pictures:-</h3><br>"); for(i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { document.write("<img src="+arr[i]+">"); } </script> </head> </html> Q2. Create an associative array called colors. Each element of the array is a string representing the color, e.g., red or blue. Use the for/in loop to view each element of the array with a color of the font the same color as the value of the array element being displayed. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> colors=new Array();

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colors[red]="RED".fontcolor("red"); colors[green]="GREEN".fontcolor("green"); colors[blue]="BLUE".fontcolor("blue"); color[white]="WHITE".fontcolor("white"); document.write("<h3>Colors!</h3>"); for(i in colors) { document.write(colors[i]+"<br>"); } </script> </head> <body bgcolor=yellow> </body> </html> Q3. Create a function that will return the current month by its full name. Use the Date object to get the current month. Months are returned as 0 for January, 1 for February, 2 for March, etc. Output should resemble: The current month is January. Hint: You can create an array, starting at index 0, and assign a month value to it; e.g., month[0]="January" or use a switch statement, e.g., case 0: return "January". <html> <head> <script language=javascript> function getmon(x) { switch(x) { case 0:return("January"); case 1:return("February"); case 2:return("March"); case 3:return("April"); case 4:return("May"); case 5:return("June"); case 6:return("July"); case 7:return("August"); case 8:return("September"); case 9:return("October"); case 10:return("November"); case 11:return("December"); } } var thisDate=new Date(); document.write("<h3>The current month is "+getmon(thisDate.getMonth())+".</h3>"); </script> </head> </html>

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Q4. An invoice is due and payable in 90 days. Write a function that will display that date. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> function findduedate() { var invDate=new Date(); var dueDate=new Date(); dt=prompt("Enter the invoice date details:-Date(dd):"); mon=prompt("Enter the invoice date details:Month(mm):"); yr=prompt("Enter the invoice date details:-Year(yyyy):"); mon=mon-1; invDate.setDate(dt); invDate.setMonth(mon); invDate.setFullYear(yr); //90 days =(90*24*60*60*1000) = 7776000000milliseconds dueDate.setTime(invDate.getTime()+7776000000); document.write("<h3>Due Date for the invoice is "+dueDate.toDateString()+"</h3>"); } </script> </head> <body> <input type=button value="Click to find due date!" onclick="findduedate()"/> </body> </html> Q6. To calculate the balance on a loan, the following formula is used: PV = PMT * ( 1 - (1 + IR )-NP) / IR PV is the present value of the loan; PMT is the regular monthly payment of the loan; IR is the loan's interest rate; NP is the number of payments remaining. Write a JavaScript statement to represent this formula. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> <!-function calc() { var PMT=document.form1.pmt.value; var IR=(; var; var PV = PMT*(1-(1+IR)-NP)/IR; alert("Present value = "+PV); }

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</script> </head> <body> <form name="form1"> <pre><h4> Enter the monthly payment amount of the loan : <input type="text" name="pmt"/><br> Enter the interest rate of the loan : <input type="text" name="ir"/><br> Enter the number of payments remaining : <input type="text" name="np"/><br> <center> <input type=button value="Find loan balance" onclick="calc()"/> </center> </h4></pre> </form> </body> </html> Q7. Using the formula to calculate the loan balance from the last exercise, write a function that will calculate the principle balance left on a loan where the monthly payments are $600, the annual interest rate is 5.5%, and there are 9 years remaining on the loan. Use the toFixed() Number method to format the output. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> <!-var PMT=600; var IR=5.5/100; var NP=9*12; var PV = PMT*(1-(1+IR)-NP)/IR; document.write("<h3>Monthly payment = 600<br>"); document.write("Interest rate = 5.5%<br>Number of payments remaining = 98 (9 years)<br>"); document.write("<br>Present value = "+PV.toFixed(2)+" (rounded to two digits)</h3>"); </script> </head> </html> Q8. Apply the ceil(), floor(), and round() methods to the number 125.5567 and display the results. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> var num=125.5567; document.write("<h3>The number : "+num+"<br>");

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document.write("Ceil : "+Math.ceil(num)+"<br>"); document.write("Floor : "+Math.floor(num)+"<br>"); document.write("Round : "+Math.round(num)+"<br></h3>"); </script> </head> </html> Q9. Create an array of 10 fortune cookies that will be randomly displayed each time the user reloads the page. <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> var a= new Array("A stitch in time saves 9","Too many cooks spoil the broth", "Charity begins at home", "Spare the rod, spoil the child", "Face is the index of mind"); function fortunecookie() { r=Math.random(); r=Math.floor(r*5); document.write("<h3>"+a[r]+"</h3>"); } </script> </head> <body onload="fortunecookie()"> </body> </html> Q10. Create a string prototype that can be used to create an italic, Verdana font, point size 26. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> function stringobj() { return ("<font face='Verdana'>"+(this.toString()).italics().fontsize("26pt") +"</font>"); } = stringobj; document.write("<h3>'Hello' in Verdana, 26 point size, italicised<br></h3>"); document.write("Hello".fun()); </script> </head> </html>

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Q11. Calculate the circumference of a circle using the Math object. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> <!-function calc() { r=parseFloat(document.form1.radius.value); var c=Math.PI*2*r; alert("Circunference of the circle : "+c.toFixed(2)); } </script> </head> <body> <form name=form1> <pre> Enter the radius of the circle : <input type=text name="radius"/> <input type=button name=find value="Find circumference" onclick="calc()"/> </pre> </form> </body> </html> Q12. Write a JavaScript program that uses the Array and Math objects. Create an array of 5 sayings, for example: "A stitch in time saves 9", or "Too many cooks spoil the broth". Each time the Web page is visited, print a random saying. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> <!-var arr=new Array(5); arr[0]="A stitch in time saves 9"; arr[1]="Too many cooks spoil the broth"; arr[2]="Charity begins at home"; arr[3]="Spare the rod, spiol the child"; arr[4]="Face is the index of mind"; var ch = Math.round(Math.random()*5); document.write("<h3>"+arr[ch]+"</h3>"); //--> </script> </head> </html>

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Q13. Use the Date object to print today's date in this format: Today is Friday, June 16, 2003. <html> <head> <h3>Javascript Test</h3><br> </head> <body background=Sunset.jpg> <script language=javascript> var thisDate=new Date(); document.write("<h3>Today is "+thisDate.toLocaleDateString()+"</h3>"); </script> </body> </html> Q14. Calculate and display the number of days until your next birthday. <html> <head> <h3>Javascript Test</h3> <script language=javascript> function calc() { var thisDate=new Date(); var bDate=new Date(); var mon=prompt("Enter the month(mm) of your birthday: "); var dt=prompt("Enter the date(dd) of your birthday: "); mon=mon-1; bDate.setMonth(mon); bDate.setDate(dt); if((mon<thisDate.getMonth())|| ((mon==thisDate.getMonth())&&(dt<thisDate.getDate()))) { bDate.setYear(thisDate.getFullYear()+1); } document.write("<font size=+2 color=blue>"); document.write("<br><br>Your birthday is next on "+bDate.toString()+"<br><br>"); document.write("Number of days until your next birthday : "+ ((bDate.getTime()-thisDate.getTime())/86400000)); document.write("</font>"); } </script> </head> <body> <font size=+2 color=blue>

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Calculating number of days until your next birthday...<br><br> <input type=button value="Click!" name=btn onclick="calc()"/> </font> </body> </html> Q15. Create a prototype for the Date object that will print the months starting at 1 instead of 0. Create a String object containing "Jose lived in San Jose for many years." <html> <head> <h3>Javascript Test</h3> <script language=javascript> <!-function printmon() { return(this.getMonth()+1); } Date.prototype.getMon=printmon; var d=new Date(); document.write("<h4>New Date prototype : "+d.getMon()+"<br>"); var str="Jose lived in San Jose for many years."; document.write(str+"</h4>"); </script> </head> </html> Q16. Find the index for the second Jose. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> var str="Jose lived in San Jose for many years." document.write("<h3>Second index of 'Jose' : "+((str.substr(str.indexOf("Jose")+1)).indexOf("Jose")+1)+"</h3>" ); </script> </head> </html>

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Q17. Get the substring ear from years. <html> <head> <script language=javascript> var str="years" document.write("<h3>"+str.substring(1,4)+"</h3>"); </script> </head> </html> Q18. Display the string in a blue, italic font, point size 12, all uppercase. <html> <head> <h3>Javascript Test</h3> <script language=javascript> var str="Jose lived in San Jose for many years."; str=str.fontcolor("blue").italics().fontsize("12pt").toUpperCase(); document.write(str); </script> </head> </html>

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