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4 Ao The Human Organism as a Complex Open System Comprehension Activities Name: ___________________ 1.Answer these questions 1.

Does a non-living matter include cells? 2. Are living systems independent? 3. What do the lungs do? 4. Are reading, speaking, and writing automatic activities? 2.True or False

The Human Organism as a Complex Open System Comprehension Activities Name: ___________________ 2.Answer these questions. 1. Can a non-living system respire, reproduce, and evolve? 2. Are all the activities in human organism automatic? 3. Why are living systems called open systems? 4. Where are the main language areas? 2.True or False

1. Cells, organs and tissue interact to form a) non-living systems b) living systems c) both. 2. Living systems are a) independent b) dependent c) automatic. 3. The digestive system perform a) conscious activities. b)automatic activities. c) both 4. A good example of a non-living system is a) a cell. b) a macromolecule. c) a bacteria. 5. The digestive system provides a) nutrients b) oxygen c) none 3.Give examples of conscious and unconscious activities in our body. 4. Extraiga frases verbales, nominales y adverbiales del parrafo 1

1. Insects are complex systems. A) yes B) No C) both 2. The different systems of the human body a) interact. b) are independent. c) both. 3. Reasoning is a a)conscious activity. b) automatic c) both. 4. Awareness determines our a) Intelligence quotient b) ability to communicate. c) degree of evolution. 5. Are we aware of the chemical reactions in your body? a) always b) never c) sometimes 3.Give examples of open and closed systems. 4. Extraiga frases verbales, nominales y adverbiales del parrafo 2

4 Ao

4 Ao

The Human Organism as a Complex Open System Comprehension Activities Name: ___________________ 1.Answer these questions 1. Do living systems have genes? 2. Human organism includes open systems. Which are they? 3. Why is the Humankind superior to other species? 4. What can we find in the left hemisphere? 2.Choose the right answer 1. Learning is a a) automatic activity b) conscious c) both. 2. a)the circulatory system connects the b) the nervous system c) the respirtory system different areas of speech in the brain. 3. The interaction of atoms, small molecules and macromolecules form a) living systems b) non-living systems c) none. 4. the human organism perform a) conscious activities b) automatic activities c) both. 5. Anything that has life is a a) non-living matter b) living matter c) both. 3. Haga un mapa conceptual que resuma lo que dice en el parrafo 1 4. Extraiga frases verbales, adverbiales y nominales del prrafo 3

The Human Organism as a Complex Open System Comprehension Activities Name: ___________________ 1.Answer these questions 1. What do living systems interchange with the environment? 2. What does the digestive system do? 3. Does the blood take the nutrients from the lungs? 4. What can the humankind do that other species cant? 2. Choose the right answer. 1. Processing nutrient is a) a conscious activity b) an automatic activity c) both. 2. the basic unit of life are a) atoms b) cells c) molecules 3. a) living matter b) non-living matter c) both living and non-living matter show capacity to form systems. 4. a) Oxygen b) Carbon is present in all living matter. c) hydrogen 5. A good example of a living system is a) an atom b) a plant c) a molecule. 3. Extract the main characteristics of living systems. 4. extraiga frases verbales, adverbiales y nominales de los parrafos 4 y 5

4 Ao

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