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FAQ By Youth

Q. Does forgiving someone imply forgetting the offense done?

Forgiveness is an active response from the one who is being offended. It is
not as an easy task as we think. Even the apostles of Jesus were faced with
the same problem. In fact, Peter himself approached the Lord asking him the Don Bosco Utume November 26, Sunday: Issue 11
number of times one needs to forgive. Jesus knew what was in his heart and
gave an answer that really challenged him and the rest of the apostles. In • Jambo You(th) is a weekly news letter aimed at helping the Youth in molding their daily
lives in Christ.
short what Jesus wanted his disciples to do was to forgive unconditionally.
Who will have the patience to count seventy times seven to begin retaliation? • Our vision consists in two phrases: ‘GOOD CHRISTIANS’ and ‘HONEST CITI-
Another occasion, Jesus taught the disciples to pray and insisted the need to ZENS.’ Features
forgive others to experience the forgiveness of God himself (Mt.6:14-15).
Pep-up : Stories for reflection, food for thought
In us there is a tendency to keep a detailed record of all the offences and hurts Young in the Bible : An Unforgiving Son
we have received. We mention them with all the details when we get an op- Facts of life : Case Studies
portunity. We may declare that we had forgiven that but the present one can- Site Seeing : Introduction to a new Website
not be tolerated. In reality we haven’t forgiven even the first one. That is the Questions : FAQ by Youth
clear reason we bring it out when an opportunity come along. As St. Paul re- Last Drop : Forgiveness
minds us in 1cor:12:6 love never keeps a record of wrongs. In other words
true forgiveness stemming out from true love never keeps the offence done. True Forgiveness!
Though we may not forget the offences done to us, we make a personal deci- One Yogi (a renowned seeker of spirituality) was one day having a bath on
sion to forgive. the edge of a swollen river which had flooded. It so happened that because of
the flood one scorpion happened to float by. On seeing the plight of the scor-
Last Drop pion that it might die, the Yogi picked it up in his hand but immediately had
Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime, to do away for the scorpion gave a piercing poisonous sting. Unmindful of
Therefore, we are saved by hope. the sting the Yogi again picked up the scorpion and again the scorpion stung
Nothing true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immedi- his hand. This happened thrice. One passerby who was aware of the spiritual
ate context of history; accomplishments of the Yogi could not contain himself and coming near to
Therefore, we are saved by faith. the Yogi enquired from him why he was trying to help the nasty scorpion.
Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone. The reply by the Yogi made the onlooker flabbergasted. It was not to be be-
Therefore, we are saved by love. lieved for the Yogi had replied, "when this poor scorpion (a much lower level
No virtuous act is quite a virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or of species on the plane of evolution) is not able to let go of his habit of sting-
foe as from our own; ing one, how could the Yogi let go of his habit of helping one. What a great
Therefore, we are saved by the final form of love which is forgiveness. practitioner of compassion and forgiveness this Indian Yogi was. In spite of
Reinhold Niebuhr being stung thrice, he was able to practice forgiveness owing to the feeling of
compassion within. This is how forgiveness can be truly defined.
Lesson: A true practitioner of forgiveness never thinks of the results of the
NB: Send your questions, comments or feedback to acts by the other but remains concentrated on the end goal of his life... al-
For further information and back issues of Jambo You(th) please check on our ways and ever! This helps one develop the power of forgiveness... true com-
website: passion to be practiced in daily life. Jambo You(th) 2006 Jambo You(th) 2006
Editors: Anastasio Sdb & Shyjan Sdb
Young and the Bible Case Studies
Would you forgive?
Unforgiving Son
Below are two case studies about young people who went through very tempting mo-
“Now his elder son was in the field; and when he came he heard ments in their lives. As you go through each case study, try to imagine that you share
the music and dancing. He called one of the slaves and asked what was going on. He the same situation with this young person. The names have been changed.
replied, ‘your brother has come and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he
has got him back safe and sound.’ Then he [elder son] became angry and refused to Muthoni comes from a middle class family. She has just completed her form four this
go in. His father came out and started to plead with him. But he answered his father, year and waits eagerly to get good results. Throughout her life, she has been very
‘listen, for all these years I have been working like a slave for you; and I have never enthusiastic about her family. She has always loved and respected her parents. She
disobeyed your command…” (Lk. 15:25-32) had very hopeful dreams about her future life. Recently she has discovered a very sad
story [according to her] about her life. Her father is not the real father. He is only a
Dear young people, the above parable may reflect our own story. This young man step-father. When Muthoni learnt this fact, she was very angry not only with her
could not forgive his younger brother. He was not ready to accept him back. Surely, step- father, but also with her mother for not revealing this issue to her. She finds
he had his reasons for doing so. We too have our difficult to forgive her parents. She particularly hates her step-father who has been
reasons when we fail to forgive others. When we ‘pretending’ to be her real father.
fail to forgive others, we carry the burden of unfor-
giveness within us. We become bitter, restless and “I have always thought I will become a lawyer.” She exclaims bitterly! “All my fu-
sometimes stressed. We feel bad within ourselves. ture dreams are gone! O God, curse be the day I was born. I will never forgive Job!”
Just like the elder son in the parable, we cut our- Jane has just been tested HIV positive. Job, who has been her boy friend, has never
selves from others. We are unable to celebrate life been open to Jane. He has been living with the virus for the last 6 years. Therefore,
with others. In short, forgiveness brings peace into he has maliciously infected Jane with the fatal virus. When Jane visited the counselor
our life. last week, he insisted that she needs to forgive Job for his offense. But Jane remains
with her position, ‘I will never forgive him.’
Let us look back into our lives and ask ourselves:
• In what way does this parable resemble my life?
• Do I have someone that I have not forgiven or decided not to forgive? Site Seeing
Recall some moments in your life when you felt so hurt, offended and misused. Does
this ‘hurt’ still disturb you? A site for Forgiveness
Pray ‘our Lords Prayer’ and as you say the words, This site is founded by Colin and Joann Tipping in 1998, the Institute for Radical
‘forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tres- Forgiveness Therapy and Coaching is a registered corporation in the State of Geor-
pass against us…’ recall the people whom you find gia, USA. The Institute provides a variety of workshops and online programs, and
difficult to forgive… [May be your friends, family offers training and certification in Radical Forgiveness Therapy and Coaching for
members, your father, your mother or even yourself]. both existing professionals and people without prior qualifications. Their goal is to
Ask the Lord to give you the Grace and the courage to train as many people as possible to be able to articulate the principles of Radical
forgive. With courageous faith pronounce these words: Forgiveness to others in a simple and clear way so that more and more people have
I FORGIVE! the opportunity to raise their vibration and shift their consciousness towards an
alignment with spiritual principle.
Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. John F. Kennedy
Wrongs are often forgiven, but contempt never is. Our pride remembers it forever. Jambo You(th) 2006 Jambo You(th) 2006

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