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ursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of SecLlon 3(3) of ArLlcle vlll of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
Lhe Supreme CourL hereby adopLs and promulgaLes Lhe followlng rules concernlng
Lhe proLecLlon and enforcemenL of consLlLuLlonal rlghLs pleadlng pracLlce and
procedure ln all courLs Lhe admlsslon Lo Lhe pracLlce of law Lhe lnLegraLed 8ar and
legal asslsLance Lo Lhe underprlvlleged

SLC1lCn 1 1ltle of tbe koles1hese 8ules shall be known and clLed as Lhe
8ules of CourL (1)
SLC 2 lo wbot cootts oppllcoble1hese rules shall apply ln all courLs
excepL as oLherwlse provlded by Lhe Supreme CourL (n)
SLC 3 coses qovetoeJ1hese 8ules shall govern Lhe procedure Lo be
observed ln acLlons clvll or crlmlnal and speclal proceedlngs
(a) A clvll acLlon ls one by whlch a parLy sues anoLher for Lhe
enforcemenL or proLecLlon of a rlghL or Lhe prevenLlon or redress of a wrong
(1a 82)
A clvll acLlon may elLher be ordlnary or speclal 8oLh are governed
by Lhe rules for ordlnary clvll acLlons sub[ecL Lo Lhe speclflc rules prescrlbed
for a speclal clvll acLlon (n)
(b) A crlmlnal acLlon ls one by whlch Lhe SLaLe prosecuLes a person
for an acL or omlsslon punlshable by law (n)
(c) A speclal proceedlng ls a remedy by whlch a parLy seeks Lo
esLabllsh a sLaLus a rlghL or a parLlcular facL (2a 82)
SLC 4 lo wbot coses oot oppllcoble1hese 8ules shall noL apply Lo elecLlon
cases land reglsLraLlon cadasLral naLurallzaLlon and lnsolvency proceedlngs and
oLher cases noL hereln provlded for excepL by analogy or ln a suppleLory characLer
and whenever pracLlcable and convenlenL (8143a)
SLC 3 commeocemeot of octlooA clvll acLlon ls commenced by Lhe flllng
of Lhe orlglnal complalnL ln courL lf an addlLlonal defendanL ls lmpleaded ln a laLer
pleadlng Lhe acLlon ls commenced wlLh regard Lo hlm on Lhe daLe of Lhe flllng of
such laLer pleadlng lrrespecLlve of wheLher Lhe moLlon for lLs admlsslon lf
necessary ls denled by Lhe courL (6a)
SLC 6 coosttoctloo1hese 8ules shall be llberally consLrued ln order Lo
promoLe Lhelr ob[ecLlve of securlng a [usL speedy and lnexpenslve dlsposlLlon of
every acLlon and proceedlng (2a)

C 8 A C l L |

Ak1 I ClvlL AC1lCnS


SLC1lCn 1 tJlooty clvll octloos bosls ofLvery ordlnary clvll acLlon musL
be based on a cause of acLlon (n)
SLC 2 coose of octloo JefloeJA cause of acLlon ls Lhe acL or omlsslon by
whlch a parLy vlolaLes a rlghL of anoLher (n)
SLC 3 oe solt fot o sloqle coose of octlooA parLy may noL lnsLlLuLe more
Lhan one sulL for a slngle cause of acLlon (3a)
SLC 4 5pllttloq o sloqle coose of octloo effect oflf Lwo or more sulLs are
lnsLlLuLed on Lhe basls of Lhe same cause of acLlon Lhe flllng of one or a [udgmenL
upon Lhe merlLs ln any one ls avallable as a ground for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe oLhers
SLC 3 IoloJet of cooses of octlooA parLy may ln one pleadlng asserL ln
Lhe alLernaLlve or oLherwlse as many causes of acLlon as he may have agalnsL an
opposlng parLy sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng condlLlons
(a) 1he parLy [olnlng Lhe causes of acLlon shall comply wlLh Lhe
rules on [olnder of parLles
(b) 1he [olnder shall noL lnclude speclal clvll acLlons or acLlons
governed by speclal rules
(c) Where Lhe causes of acLlon are beLween Lhe same parLles buL
perLaln Lo dlfferenL venues or [urlsdlcLlons Lhe [olnder may be allowed ln Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL provlded one of Lhe causes of acLlon falls wlLhln Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of sald courL and Lhe venue lles Lhereln and
(d) Where Lhe clalms ln all Lhe causes of acLlon are prlnclpally for
recovery of money Lhe aggregaLe amounL clalmed shall be Lhe LesL of
[urlsdlcLlon (3a)
SLC 6 MlsjoloJet of cooses of octlooMls[olnder of causes of acLlon ls noL
a ground for dlsmlssal of an acLlon A mls[olned cause of acLlon may on moLlon of
a parLy or on Lhe lnlLlaLlve of Lhe courL be severed and proceeded wlLh separaLely

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Jbo moy be pottles plolotlff ooJ JefeoJootCnly naLural or
[urldlcal persons or enLlLles auLhorlzed by law may be parLles ln a clvll acLlon 1he
Lerm plalnLlff" may refer Lo Lhe clalmlng parLy Lhe counLerclalmanL Lhe cross
clalmanL or Lhe Lhlrd (fourLh eLc)parLy plalnLlff 1he Lerm defendanL" may refer
Lo Lhe orlglnal defendlng parLy Lhe defendanL ln a counLerclalm Lhe cross
defendanL or Lhe Lhlrd (fourLh eLc)parLy defendanL (1a)
SLC 2 lottles lo lotetestA real parLy ln lnLeresL ls Lhe parLy who sLands Lo
be beneflLed or ln[ured by Lhe [udgmenL ln Lhe sulL or Lhe parLy enLlLled Lo Lhe
avalls of Lhe sulL unless oLherwlse auLhorlzed by law or Lhese 8ules every acLlon
musL be prosecuLed or defended ln Lhe name of Lhe real parLy ln lnLeresL (2a)
SLC 3 kepteseototlves os pottles Where Lhe acLlon ls allowed Lo be
prosecuLed or defended by a represenLaLlve or someone acLlng ln a flduclary
capaclLy Lhe beneflclary shall be lncluded ln Lhe LlLle of Lhe case and shall be
deemed Lo be Lhe real parLy ln lnLeresL A represenLaLlve may be a LrusLee of an
express LrusL a guardlan an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor or a parLy auLhorlzed by law
or Lhese 8ules An agenL acLlng ln hls own name and for Lhe beneflL of an
undlsclosed prlnclpal may sue or be sued wlLhouL [olnlng Lhe prlnclpal excepL when
Lhe conLracL lnvolves Lhlngs belonglng Lo Lhe prlnclpal (3a)
SLC 4 5pooses os pottlesPusband and wlfe shall sue or be sued [olnLly
excepL as provlded by law (4a)
SLC 3 Mloot ot locompeteot petsoosA mlnor or a person alleged Lo be
lncompeLenL may sue or be sued wlLh Lhe asslsLance of hls faLher moLher
guardlan or lf he has none a guardlan oJ lltem (3a)
SLC 6 letmlsslve joloJet of pottlesAll persons ln whom or agalnsL whom
any rlghL Lo rellef ln respecL Lo or arlslng ouL of Lhe same LransacLlon or serles of
LransacLlons ls alleged Lo exlsL wheLher [olnLly severally or ln Lhe alLernaLlve may
excepL as oLherwlse provlded ln Lhese 8ules [oln as plalnLlffs or be [olned as
defendanLs ln one complalnL where any quesLlon of law or facL common Lo all such
plalnLlffs or Lo all such defendanLs may arlse ln Lhe acLlon buL Lhe courL may make
such orders as may be [usL Lo prevenL any plalnLlff or defendanL from belng
embarrassed or puL Lo expense ln connecLlon wlLh any proceedlngs ln whlch he
may have no lnLeresL (6)
SLC 7 compolsoty joloJet of loJlspeosoble pottlesarLles ln lnLeresL
wlLhouL whom no flnal deLermlnaLlon can be had of an acLlon shall be [olned elLher
s plalnLlffs or defendanLs (7)
SLC 8 Necessoty pottyA necessary parLy ls one who ls noL lndlspensable
buL who oughL Lo be [olned as a parLy lf compleLe rellef ls Lo be accorded as Lo
Lhose already parLles or for a compleLe deLermlnaLlon or seLLlemenL of Lhe clalm
sub[ecL of Lhe acLlon (8a)
SLC 9 NoojoloJet of oecessoty pottles to be pleoJeJWhenever ln any
pleadlng ln whlch a clalm ls asserLed a necessary parLy ls noL [olned Lhe pleader
shall seL forLh hls name lf known and shall sLaLe why he ls omlLLed Should Lhe
courL flnd Lhe reason for Lhe omlsslon unmerlLorlous lL may order Lhe lncluslon of
Lhe omlLLed necessary parLy lf [urlsdlcLlon over hls person may be obLalned
1he fallure Lo comply wlLh Lhe order for hls lncluslon wlLhouL [usLlflable
cause shall be deemed a walver of Lhe clalm agalnsL such parLy
1he nonlncluslon of a necessary parLy does noL prevenL Lhe courL from
proceedlng ln Lhe acLlon and Lhe [udgmenL rendered Lhereln shall be wlLhouL
pre[udlce Lo Lhe rlghLs of such necessary parLy (8a 9a)
SLC 10 uowlllloq coplolotlff lf Lhe consenL of any parLy who should be
[olned as plalnLlff can noL be obLalned he may be made a defendanL and Lhe
reason Lherefor shall be sLaLed ln Lhe complalnL (10)
SLC 11 MlsjoloJet ooJ ooojoloJet of pottlesnelLher mls[olnder nor non
[olnder of parLles ls ground for dlsmlssal of an acLlon arLles may be dropped or
added by order of Lhe courL on moLlon of any parLy or on lLs own lnlLlaLlve aL any
sLage of Lhe acLlon and on such Lerms as are [usL Any clalm agalnsL a mls[olned
parLy may be severed and proceeded wlLh separaLely (11a)
SLC 12 closs soltWhen Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe conLroversy ls one of
Lhe common or general lnLeresL Lo many persons so numerous LhaL lL ls
lmpracLlcable Lo [oln all as parLles a number of Lhem whlch Lhe courL flnds Lo be
sufflclenLly numerous and represenLaLlve as Lo fully proLecL Lhe lnLeresLs of all
concerned may sue or defend for Lhe beneflL of all Any parLy ln lnLeresL shall have
Lhe rlghL Lo lnLervene Lo proLecL hls lndlvldual lnLeresL (12a)
SLC 13 Altetootlve JefeoJootsWhere Lhe plalnLlff ls uncerLaln agalnsL
who of several persons he ls enLlLled Lo rellef he may [oln any or all of Lhem as
defendanLs ln Lhe alLernaLlve alLhough a rlghL Lo rellef agalnsL one may be
lnconslsLenL wlLh a rlghL of rellef agalnsL Lhe oLher (13a)
SLC 14 uokoowo lJeotlty ot oome of JefeoJootWhenever Lhe ldenLlLy or
name of a defendanL ls unknown he may be sued as Lhe unknown owner helr
devlsee or by such oLher deslgnaLlon as Lhe case may requlre when hls ldenLlLy or
Lrue name ls dlscovered Lhe pleadlng musL be amended accordlngly (14)
SLC 13 otlty wltboot jotlJlcol petsooollty os JefeoJootWhen Lwo or
more persons noL organlzed as an enLlLy wlLh [urldlcal personallLy enLer lnLo a
LransacLlon Lhey may be sued under Lhe name by whlch Lhey are generally or
commonly known
ln Lhe answer of such defendanL Lhe names and addresses of Lhe persons
composlng sald enLlLy musL all be revealed (13a)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 16 eotb of potty Joty of coooselWhenever a parLy Lo a pendlng
acLlon dles and Lhe clalm ls noL Lhereby exLlngulshed lL shall be Lhe duLy of hls
counsel Lo lnform Lhe courL wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer such deaLh of Lhe facL
Lhereof and Lo glve Lhe name and address of hls legal represenLaLlve or
represenLaLlves lallure of counsel Lo comply wlLh Lhls duLy shall be a ground for
dlsclpllnary acLlon
1he helrs of Lhe deceased may be allowed Lo be subsLlLuLed for Lhe deceased
wlLhouL requlrlng Lhe appolnLmenL of an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor and Lhe courL
may appolnL a guardlan oJ lltem for Lhe mlnor helrs
1he courL shall forLhwlLh order sald legal represenLaLlve or represenLaLlves Lo
appear and be subsLlLuLed wlLhln a perlod of LhlrLy (30) days from noLlce
lf no legal represenLaLlve ls named by Lhe counsel for Lhe deceased parLy or lf
Lhe one so named shall fall Lo appear wlLhln Lhe speclfled perlod Lhe courL may
order Lhe opposlng parLy wlLhln a speclfled Llme Lo procure Lhe appolnLmenL of an
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor for Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased and Lhe laLLer shall
lmmedlaLely appear for and on behalf of Lhe deceased 1he courL charges ln
procurlng such appolnLmenL lf defrayed by Lhe opposlng parLy may be recovered
as cosLs (16a 17a)
SLC 17 eotb ot sepototloo of o potty wbo ls o pobllc offlcetWhen a
publlc offlcer ls a parLy ln an acLlon ln hls offlclal capaclLy and durlng lLs pendency
dles reslgns or oLher wlse ceases Lo hold offlce Lhe acLlon may be conLlnued and
malnLalned by or agalnsL hls successor lf wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer Lhe successor
Lakes offlce or such Llme as may be granLed by Lhe courL lL ls saLlsfacLorlly shown
Lo Lhe courL by any parLy LhaL Lhere ls a subsLanLlal need for conLlnulng or
malnLalnlng lL and LhaL Lhe successor adopLs or conLlnues or LhreaLens Lo adopL or
conLlnue Lhe acLlon of hls predecessor 8efore a subsLlLuLlon ls made Lhe parLy or
offlcer Lo be affecLed unless expressly assenLlng LhereLo shall be glven reasonable
noLlce of Lhe appllcaLlon Lherefor and accorded an opporLunlLy Lo be heard (18a)
SLC 18 locompeteocy ot locopocltylf a parLy becomes lncompeLenL or
lncapaclLaLed Lhe courL upon moLlon wlLh noLlce may allow Lhe acLlon Lo be
conLlnued by or agalnsL Lhe lncompeLenL or lncapaclLaLed person asslsLed by hls
legal guardlan or guardlan oJ lltem (19a)
SLC 19 1toosfet of lotetestln case of any Lransfer of lnLeresL Lhe acLlon
may be conLlnued by or agalnsL Lhe orlglnal parLy unless Lhe courL upon moLlon
dlrecLs Lhe person Lo whom Lhe lnLeresL ls Lransferred Lo be subsLlLuLed ln Lhe
acLlon or [olned wlLh Lhe orlglnal parLy (20)
SLC 20 Actloo oo coottoctool mooey clolmsWhen Lhe acLlon ls for
recovery of money arlslng from conLracL express or lmplled and Lhe defendanL
dles before enLry of flnal [udgmenL ln Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe acLlon was pendlng aL
Lhe Llme of such deaLh lL shall noL be dlsmlssed buL shall lnsLead be allowed Lo
conLlnue unLll enLry of flnal [udgmenL A favorable [udgmenL obLalned by Lhe
plalnLlff Lhereln shall be enforced ln Lhe manner especlally provlded ln Lhese 8ules
for prosecuLlng clalms agalnsL Lhe esLaLe of a deceased person (21a)
SLC 21 loJlqeot pottyA parLy may be auLhorlzed Lo llLlgaLe hls acLlon
clalm or defense as an lndlgenL lf Lhe courL upon an ex potteappllcaLlon and
hearlng ls saLlsfled LhaL Lhe parLy ls one who has no money or properLy sufflclenL
and avallable for food shelLer and baslc necesslLles for hlmself and hls famlly
Such auLhorlLy shall lnclude an exempLlon from paymenL of dockeL and oLher
lawful fees and of LranscrlpLs of sLenographlc noLes whlch Lhe courL may order Lo
be furnlshed hlm 1he amounL of Lhe dockeL and oLher lawful fees whlch Lhe
lndlgenL was exempLed from paylng shall be a llen on any [udgmenL rendered ln Lhe
case favorable Lo Lhe lndlgenL unless Lhe courL oLherwlse provldes
Any adverse parLy may conLesL Lhe granL of such auLhorlLy aL any Llme before
[udgmenL ls rendered by Lhe Lrlal courL lf Lhe courL should deLermlne afLer hearlng
LhaL Lhe parLy declared as an lndlgenL ls ln facL a person wlLh sufflclenL lncome or
properLy Lhe proper dockeL and oLher lawful fees shall be assessed and collecLed
by Lhe clerk of courL lf Lhe paymenL ls noL made wlLhln Lhe Llme flxed by Lhe courL
execuLlon shall lssue or Lhe paymenL Lhereof wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo such oLher
sancLlons as Lhe courL may lmpose (22a)
SLC 22 Notlce to tbe 5ollcltot Ceoetolln any acLlon lnvolvlng Lhe valldlLy
of any LreaLy law ordlnance execuLlve order presldenLlal decree rules or
regulaLlons Lhe courL ln lLs dlscreLlon may requlre Lhe appearance of Lhe SollclLor
Ceneral who may be heard ln person or Lhrough a represenLaLlve duly deslgnaLed
by hlm (23a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Ieooe of teol octloosAcLlons affecLlng LlLle Lo or possesslon of
real properLy or lnLeresL Lhereln shall be commenced and Lrled ln Lhe proper courL
whlch has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe area whereln Lhe real properLy lnvolved or a
porLlon Lhereof ls slLuaLed
lorclble enLry and deLalner acLlons shall be commenced and Lrled ln Lhe
munlclpal Lrlal courL of Lhe munlclpallLy or clLy whereln Lhe real properLy lnvolved
or a porLlon Lhereof ls slLuaLed (1a 2aa)
SLC 2 Ieooe of petsoool octloosAll oLher acLlons may be commenced and
Lrled where Lhe plalnLlff or any of Lhe prlnclpal plalnLlffs resldes or where Lhe
defendanL or any of Lhe prlnclpal defendanLs resldes or ln Lhe case of a non
resldenL defendanL where he may be found aL Lhe elecLlon of Lhe plalnLlff (2ba)
SLC 3 Ieooe of octloos oqolost oooteslJeotslf any of Lhe defendanLs does
noL reslde and ls noL found ln Lhe hlllpplnes and Lhe acLlon affecLs Lhe personal
sLaLus of Lhe plalnLlff or any properLy of sald defendanL locaLed ln Lhe hlllpplnes
Lhe acLlon may be commenced and Lrled ln Lhe courL of Lhe place where Lhe
plalnLlff resldes or where Lhe properLy or any porLlon Lhereof ls slLuaLed or found
SLC 4 Jbeo kole oot oppllcoble1hls 8ule shall noL apply
(a) ln Lhose cases where a speclflc rule or law provldes oLherwlse or
(b) Where Lhe parLles have valldly agreed ln wrlLlng before Lhe flllng of
Lhe acLlon on Lhe excluslve venue Lhereof (3a 3a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 uolfotm ptoceJote1he procedure ln Lhe Munlclpal 1rlal CourLs
shall be Lhe same as ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourLs excepL (a) where a parLlcular
provlslon expressly or lmplledly applled only Lo elLher of sald courLs or (b) ln clvll
cases governed by Lhe 8ule on Summary procedure (n)
SLC 2 Meooloq of tetms1he Lerm Munlclpal 1rlal CourLs" as used ln
Lhese 8ules shall lnclude MeLropollLan 1rlal CourLs Munlclpal 1rlal CourLs ln ClLles
Munlclpal 1rlal CourLs and Munlclpal ClrculL 1rlal CourLs (1a)
8CCLuu8L ln 8LClCnAL 18lAL CCu81S

SLC1lCn 1 lleoJloqs JefloeJleadlngs are Lhe wrlLLen sLaLemenLs of Lhe
respecLlve clalms and defenses of Lhe parLles submlLLed Lo Lhe courL for
approprlaLe [udgmenL (1a)
SLC 2 lleoJloqs olloweJ1he clalms of a parLy are asserLed ln a complalnL
counLerclalm crossclalm Lhlrd (fourLh eLc)parLy complalnL or complalnLln
1he defenses of a parLy are alleged ln Lhe answer Lo Lhe pleadlng asserLlng a
clalm agalnsL hlm
An answer may be responded Lo by a reply (n)
SLC 3 complolot1he complalnL ls Lhe pleadlng alleglng Lhe plalnLlff's
cause or causes of acLlon 1he names and resldences of Lhe plalnLlff and defendanL
musL be sLaLed ln Lhe complalnL (3a)
SLC 4 AoswetAn answer ls a pleadlng ln whlch a defendlng parLy seLs
fourLh hls defenses (4a)
SLC 3 efeosesuefenses may elLher be negaLlve or afflrmaLlve
(a) A negaLlve defense ls Lhe speclflc denlal of Lhe maLerlal facL or
facLs alleged ln Lhe pleadlng of Lhe clalmanL essenLlal Lo hls cause or causes of
(b) An afflrmaLlve defense ls an allegaLlon of a new maLLer whlch
whlle hypoLheLlcally admlLLlng Lhe maLerlal allegaLlons ln Lhe pleadlng of Lhe
clalmanL would neverLheless prevenL or bar recovery by hlm 1he afflrmaLlve
defenses lnclude fraud sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons release paymenL lllegallLy
sLaLuLe of frauds esLoppel former recovery dlscharge ln bankrupLcy and any
oLher maLLer by way of confesslon and avoldance (3a)
SLC 6 coootetclolmA counLerclalm ls any clalm whlch a defendlng parLy
may have agalnsL an opposlng parLy (6a)
SLC 7 compolsoty coootetclolmA compulsory counLerclalm ls one whlch
belng cognlzable by Lhe regular courLs of [usLlce arlses ouL of or ls connecLed wlLh
Lhe LransacLlon or occurrence consLlLuLlng Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe opposlng
parLy's clalm and does noL requlre for lLs ad[udlcaLlon Lhe presence of Lhlrd parLles
of whom Lhe courL cannoL acqulre [urlsdlcLlon Such a counLerclalm musL be wlLhln
Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courL boLh as Lo Lhe amounL and Lhe naLure Lhereof excepL
LhaL ln an orlglnal acLlon before Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL Lhe counLerclalm may be
consldered compulsory regardless of Lhe amounL (n)
SLC 8 ctossclolmA crossclalm ls any clalm by one parLy agalnsL a co
parLy arlslng ouL of Lhe LransacLlon or occurrence LhaL ls Lhe sub[ecL maLLer elLher
of Lhe orlglnal acLlon or of a counLerclalm Lhereln Such crossclalm may lnclude a
C 8 A C l L |

clalm LhaL Lhe parLy agalnsL whom lL ls asserLed ls or may be llable Lo Lhe cross
clalmanL for all or parL of a clalm asserLed ln Lhe acLlon agalnsL Lhe crossclalmanL
SLC 9 coootetclolms ooJ coootetctossclolmsA counLerclalm may be
asserLed agalnsL an orlglnal counLerclalmanL
A crossclalm may also be flled agalnsL an orlglnal crossclalmanL (n)
SLC 10 keplyA reply ls a pleadlng Lhe offlce or funcLlon of whlch ls Lo
deny or allege facLs ln denlal or avoldance of new maLLers alleged by way of
defense ln Lhe answer and Lhereby [oln or make lssue as Lo such new maLLers lf a
parLy does noL flle such reply all Lhe new maLLers alleged ln Lhe answer are
deemed conLroverLed
lf Lhe plalnLlff whlshes Lo lnLerpose any clalms arlslng ouL of Lhe new maLLers
so alleged such clalms shall be seL forLh ln an amended or supplemenLal complalnL
SLC 11 1bltJ (foottb etc)potty complolotA Lhlrd (fourLh eLc)parLy
complalnL ls a clalm LhaL a defendlng parLy may wlLh leave of courL flle agalnsL a
person noL a parLy Lo Lhe acLlon called Lhe Lhlrd (fourLh eLc)parLy defendanL for
conLrlbuLlon lndemnlLy subrogaLlon or any oLher rellef ln respecL of hls
opponenL's clalm (12a)
SLC 12 8tloqloq oew pottlesWhen Lhe presence of parLles oLher Lhan
Lhose Lo Lhe orlglnal acLlon ls requlred for Lhe granLlng of compleLe rellef ln Lhe
deLermlnaLlon of a counLerclalm or crossclalm Lhe courL shall order Lhem Lo be
broughL ln as defendanLs lf [urlsdlcLlon over Lhem can be obLalned (14)
SLC 13 Aoswet to tbltJ (foottb etc)potty complolotA Lhlrd (fourLh
eLc)parLy defendanL may allege ln hls answer hls defenses counLerclalms or
crossclalms lncludlng such defenses LhaL Lhe Lhlrd (fourLh eLc)parLy plalnLlff
may have agalnsL Lhe orlglnal plalnLlff's clalm ln proper cases he may also asserL a
counLerclalm agalnsL Lhe orlglnal plalnLlff ln respecL of Lhe laLLer's clalm agalnsL Lhe
LhlrdparLy plalnLlff (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 coptloo1he capLlon seLs forLh Lhe name of Lhe courL Lhe LlLle
of Lhe acLlon and Lhe dockeL number lf asslgned
1he LlLle of Lhe acLlon lndlcaLes Lhe names of Lhe parLles 1hey shall all be
named ln Lhe orlglnal complalnL or peLlLlon buL ln subsequenL pleadlngs lL shall be
sufflclenL lf Lhe name of Lhe flrsL parLy on each slde be sLaLed wlLh an approprlaLe
lndlcaLlon when Lhere are oLher parLles
1helr respecLlve parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe case shall be lndlcaLed (1a2a)
SLC 2 1be boJy1he body of Lhe pleadlng seLs forLh lLs deslgnaLlon Lhe
allegaLlons of Lhe parLy's clalms or defenses Lhe rellef prayed for and Lhe daLe of
Lhe pleadlng (n)
(a) lotoqtopbs1he allegaLlons ln Lhe body of a pleadlng shall be
dlvlded lnLo paragraphs so numbered as Lo be readlly ldenLlfled each of
whlch shall conLaln a sLaLemenL of a slngle seL of clrcumsLances so far as LhaL
can be done wlLh convenlence A paragraph may be referred Lo by lLs
number ln all succeedlng pleadlngs (3a)
(b) neoJloqsJbeo Lwo or more causes of acLlon are [olned Lhe
sLaLemenL of Lhe flrsL shall be prefaced by Lhe words flrsL cause of acLlon" of
Lhe second by second cause of acLlon" and so on for Lhe oLhers
When one or more paragraphs ln Lhe answer are addressed Lo one
of several causes of acLlon ln Lhe complalnL Lhey shall be prefaced by Lhe
words answer Lo Lhe flrsL cause of acLlon" or answer Lo Lhe second cause of
acLlon" and so on and when one or more paragraphs of Lhe answer are
addressed Lo several causes of acLlon Lhey shall be prefaced by words Lo LhaL
effecL (4)
(c) kellef1be pleadlng shall speclfy Lhe rellef soughL buL lL may
add a general prayer for such furLher or oLher rellef as may be deemed [usL or
equlLable (3a 86)
(d) oteLvery pleadlng shall be daLed (n)
SLC 3 5lqootote ooJ oJJtessLvery pleadlng musL be slgned by Lhe parLy
or counsel represenLlng hlm sLaLlng ln elLher case hls address whlch should noL be
a posL offlce box
1he slgnaLure of counsel consLlLuLes a cerLlflcaLe by hlm LhaL he has read Lhe
pleadlng LhaL Lo Lhe besL of hls knowledge lnformaLlon and bellef Lhere ls good
ground Lo supporL lL and LhaL lL ls noL lnLerposed for delay
An unslgned pleadlng produces no legal effecL Powever Lhe courL may ln lLs
dlscreLlon allow such deflclency Lo be remedled lf lL shall appear LhaL Lhe same was
due Lo mere lnadverLence and noL lnLended for delay Counsel who dellberaLely
flles an unslgned pleadlng or slgns a pleadlng ln vlolaLlon of Lhls 8ule or alleges
scandalous or lndecenL maLLer Lhereln or falls Lo prompLly reporL Lo Lhe courL a
change of hls address shall be sub[ecL Lo approprlaLe dlsclpllnary acLlon (3a)
SLC 4 IetlflcotlooLxcepL when oLherwlse speclflcally requlred by law or
rule pleadlngs need noL be under oaLh verlfled or accompanled by affldavlL
A pleadlng ls verlfled by an affldavlL LhaL Lhe afflanL has read Lhe pleadlng and
LhaL Lhe allegaLlons Lhereln are Lrue and correcL of hls personal knowledge or based
on auLhenLlc records
A pleadlng requlred Lo be verlfled whlch conLalns a verlflcaLlon based on
lnformaLlon and bellef" or upon knowledge lnformaLlon and bellef" or lacks a
proper verlflcaLlon shall be LreaLed as an unslgned pleadlng (4a)
SLC 3 cettlflcotloo oqolost fotom sbopploq 1he plalnLlff or prlnclpal parLy
shall cerLlfy under oaLh ln Lhe complalnL or oLher lnlLlaLory pleadlng asserLlng a
clalm for rellef or ln a sworn cerLlflcaLlon annexed LhereLo and slmulLaneously flled
LherewlLh (a) LhaL he has noL LhereLofore commenced any acLlon or flled any clalm
lnvolvlng Lhe same lssues ln any courL Lrlbunal or quasl[udlclal agency and Lo Lhe
besL of hls knowledge no such oLher acLlon or clalm ls pendlng Lhereln (b) lf Lhere
ls such oLher pendlng acLlon or clalm a compleLe sLaLemenL of Lhe presenL sLaLus
Lhereof and (c) lf he should LhereafLer learn LhaL Lhe same or slmllar acLlon or
clalm has been flled or ls pendlng he shall reporL LhaL facL wlLhln flve (3) days
Lherefrom Lo Lhe courL whereln hls aforesald complalnL or lnlLlaLory pleadlng has
been flled
lallure Lo comply wlLh Lhe foregolng requlremenLs shall noL be curable by
mere amendmenL of Lhe complalnL or oLher lnlLlaLory pleadlng buL shall be cause
for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe case wlLhouL pre[udlce unless oLherwlse provlded upon
moLlon and afLer hearlng 1he submlsslon of a false cerLlflcaLlon or noncompllance
wlLh any of Lhe underLaklngs Lhereln shall consLlLuLe lndlrecL conLempL of courL
wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe correspondlng admlnlsLraLlve and crlmlnal acLlons lf Lhe
acLs of Lhe parLy or hls counsel clearly consLlLuLe wlllful and dellberaLe forum
shopplng Lhe same shall be ground for summary dlsmlssal wlLh pre[udlce and shall
consLlLuLe dlrecL conLempL as well as a cause for admlnlsLraLlve sancLlons (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 lo qeoetol Lvery pleadlng shall conLaln ln a
meLhodlcal and loglcal form a plaln conclse and dlrecL sLaLemenL of Lhe ulLlmaLe
facLs on whlch Lhe parLy pleadlng relles for hls clalm or defense as Lhe case may be
omlLLlng Lhe sLaLemenL of mere evldenLlary facLs (1)
lf a defense rellef on ls based on law Lhe perLlnenL provlslons Lhereof and
Lhelr appllcablllLy Lo hlm shall be clearly and conclsely sLaLed (n)
SLC 2 Altetootlve cooses of octloo ot JefeosesA parLy may seL forLh Lwo or
more sLaLemenLs of a clalm or defense alLernaLlvely or hypoLheLlcally elLher ln one
cause of acLlon or defense or ln separaLe causes of acLlon or defenses When Lwo or
more sLaLemenLs are made ln Lhe alLernaLlve and one of Lhem lf made
lndependenLly would be sufflclenL Lhe pleadlng ls noL made lnsufflclenL by Lhe
lnsufflclency of one or more of Lhe alLernaLlve sLaLemenLs (2)
SLC 3 cooJltloos pteceJeotln any pleadlng a general avermenL of Lhe
performance or occurrence of all condlLlons precedenL shall be sufflclenL (3)
SLC 4 copocltylacLs showlng Lhe capaclLy of a parLy Lo sue or be sued or
Lhe auLhorlLy of a parLy Lo sue or be sued ln a represenLaLlve capaclLy or Lhe legal
exlsLence of an organlzed assoclaLlon of persons LhaL ls made a parLy musL be
averred A parLy deslrlng Lo ralse an lssue as Lo Lhe legal exlsLence of any parLy or
Lhe capaclLy of any parLy Lo sue or be sued ln a represenLaLlve capaclLy shall do so
by speclflc denlal whlch shall lnclude such supporLlng parLlculars as are pecullarly
wlLhln Lhe pleader's knowledge (4)
SLC 3 ltooJ mlstoke cooJltloo of tbe mloJln all avermenLs of fraud or
mlsLake Lhe clrcumsLances consLlLuLlng fraud or mlsLake musL be sLaLed wlLh
parLlcularlLy Mallce lnLenL knowledge or oLher condlLlon of Lhe mlnd of a person
may be averred generally (3a)
SLC 6 IoJqmeotln pleadlng a [udgmenL or declslon of a domesLlc or
forelgn courL [udlclal or quasl[udlclal Lrlbunal or of a board or offlcer lL ls
sufflclenL Lo aver Lhe [udgmenL or declslon wlLhouL seLLlng forLh maLLer showlng
[urlsdlcLlon Lo render lL (6)
SLC 7 Actloo ot Jefeose boseJ oo JocomeotWhenever an acLlon or
defense ls based upon a wrlLLen lnsLrumenL or documenL Lhe subsLance of such
lnsLrumenL or documenL shall be seL forLh ln Lhe pleadlng and Lhe orlglnal or a
copy Lhereof shall be aLLached Lo Lhe pleadlng as an exhlblL whlch shall be deemed
Lo be a parL of Lhe pleadlng or sald copy may wlLh llke effecL be seL forLh ln Lhe
pleadlng (7)
SLC 8 now to cootest socb JocomeotsWhen an acLlon or defense ls
founded upon a wrlLLen lnsLrumenL copled ln or aLLached Lo Lhe correspondlng
pleadlng as provlded ln Lhe precedlng secLlon Lhe genulneness and due execuLlon
of Lhe lnsLrumenL shall be deemed admlLLed unless Lhe adverse parLy under oaLh
speclflcally denles Lhem and seLs forLh whaL he clalms Lo be Lhe facLs buL Lhe
requlremenL of an oaLh does noL apply when Lhe adverse parLy does noL appear Lo
be a parLy Lo Lhe lnsLrumenL or when compllance wlLh an order for an lnspecLlon of
Lhe orlglnal lnsLrumenL ls refused (8a)
SLC 9 fflclol Jocomeot ot octln pleadlng an offlclal documenL or offlclal
acL lL ls sufflclenL Lo aver LhaL Lhe documenL was lssued or Lhe acL done ln
compllance wlLh law (9)
SLC 10 5peclflc JeololA defendanL musL speclfy each maLerlal allegaLlon
of facL Lhe LruLh of whlch he does noL admlL and whenever pracLlcable shall seL
forLh Lhe subsLance of Lhe maLLers upon whlch he relles Lo supporL hls denlal
Where a defendanL deslres Lo deny only a parL of an avermenL he shlll speclfy so
much of lL as ls Lrue and maLerlal and shall deny only Lhe remalnder Where a
defendanL ls wlLhouL knowledge or lnformaLlon sufflclenL Lo form a bellef as Lo Lhe
LruLh of a maLerlal avermenL made ln Lhe complalnL he shall so sLaLe and Lhls shall
have Lhe effecL of a denlal (10a)
SLC 11 Alleqotloos oot speclflcolly JeoleJ JeemeJ oJmltteJ
MaLerlal avermenL ln Lhe complalnL oLher Lhan Lhose as Lo Lhe amounL of
unllquldaLed damages shall be deemed admlLLed when noL speclflcally denled
AllegaLlons of usury ln a complalnL Lo recover usurlous lnLeresL are deemed
admlLLed lf noL denled under oaLh (1a 89)
SLC 12 5ttlkloq oot of pleoJloq ot mottet cootoloeJ tbeteloupon moLlon
made by a parLy before respondlng Lo a pleadlng or lf no responslve pleadlng ls
permlLLed by Lhese 8ules upon moLlon made by a parLy wlLhln LwenLy (20) days
afLer Lhe servlce of Lhe pleadlng upon hlm or upon Lhe courL's own lnlLlaLlve aL any
Llme Lhe courL may order any pleadlng Lo be sLrlcken ouL or LhaL any sham or false
redundanL lmmaLerlal lmperLlnenL or scandalous maLLer be sLrlcken ouL
Lherefrom (3 89)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 efeoses ooJ objectloos oot pleadeduefenses and ob[ecLlons
noL pleaded elLher ln a moLlon Lo dlsmlss or ln Lhe answer are deemed walved
Powever when lL appears from Lhe pleadlngs or Lhe evldence on record LhaL Lhe
courL has no [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe sub[ecL maLLer LhaL Lhere ls anoLher acLlon
pendlng beLween Lhe same parLles for Lhe same cause or LhaL Lhe acLlon ls barred
by a prlor [udgmenL or by sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons Lhe courL shall dlsmlss Lhe clalm
SLC 2 compolsoty coootetclolm ot ctossclolm oot set op botteJA
compulsory counLerclalm or a crossclalm noL seL up shall be barred (4a)
SLC 3 efoolt Jeclototloo oflf Lhe defendlng parLy falls Lo answer wlLhln
Lhe Llme allowed Lherefor Lhe courL shall upon moLlon of Lhe clalmlng parLy wlLh
noLlce Lo Lhe defendlng parLy and proof of such fallure declare Lhe defendlng
parLy ln defaulL 1hereupon Lhe courL shall proceed Lo render [udgmenL granLlng
Lhe clalmanL such rellef as hls pleadlng may warranL unless Lhe courL ln lLs
dlscreLlon requlres Lhe clalmanL Lo submlL evldence Such recepLlon of evldence
may be delegaLed Lo Lhe clerk of courL (1a 818)
(a) ffect of otJet of JefooltA parLy ln defaulL shall be enLlLled Lo
noLlce of subsequenL proceedlngs buL noL Lo Lake parL ln Lhe Lrlal (2a 818)
(b) kellef ftom otJet of JefooltA parLy declared ln defaulL may aL
any Llme afLer noLlce Lhereof and before [udgmenL flle a moLlon under oaLh
Lo seL aslde Lhe order of defaulL upon proper showlng LhaL hls fallure Lo
answer was due Lo fraud accldenL mlsLake or excusable negllgence and LhaL
he has a merlLorlous defense ln such case Lhe order of defaulL may be seL
aslde on such Lerms and condlLlons as Lhe [udge may lmpose ln Lhe lnLeresL of
[usLlce (3a 818)
(c) ffect of pottlol JefooltWhen a pleadlng asserLlng a clalm
sLaLes a common cause of acLlon agalnsL several defendlng parLles some of
whom answer and Lhe oLhers fall Lo do so Lhe courL shall Lry Lhe case agalnsL
all upon Lhe answers Lhus flled and render [udgmenL upon Lhe evldence
presenLed (4a 818)
(d) xteot of tellef to be owotJeJA [udgmenL rendered agalnsL a
parLy ln defaulL shall noL exceed Lhe amounL or be dlfferenL ln klnd from LhaL
prayed for nor award unllquldaLed damages (3a 818)
(e) Jbete oo Jefoolts olloweJlf Lhe defendlng parLy ln an acLlon
for annulmenL or declaraLlon of nulllLy of marrlage or for legal separaLlon falls
Lo answer Lhe courL shall order Lhe prosecuLlng aLLorney Lo lnvesLlgaLe
wheLher or noL a colluslon beLween Lhe parLles exlsLs and lf Lhere ls no
colluslon Lo lnLervene for Lhe SLaLe ln order Lo see Lo lL LhaL Lhe evldence
submlLLed ls noL fabrlcaLed (6a 818)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 AmeoJmeots lo qeoetolleadlngs may be amended by addlng
or sLrlklng ouL an allegaLlon or Lhe name of any parLy or by correcLlng a mlsLake ln
Lhe name of a parLy or a mlsLaken or lnadequaLe allegaLlon or descrlpLlon ln any
oLher respecL so LhaL Lhe acLual merlLs of Lhe conLroversy may speedlly be
deLermlned wlLhouL regard Lo LechnlcallLles and ln Lhe mosL expedlLlous and
lnexpenslve manner (1)
SLC 2 AmeoJmeots os o mottet of rlghLA parLy may amend hls pleadlng
once as a maLLer of rlghL aL any Llme before a responslve pleadlng ls served or ln
Lhe case of a reply aL any Llme wlLhln Len (10) days afLer lL ls served (2a)
SLC 3 AmeoJmeots by leove of coottLxcepL as provlded ln Lhe nexL
precedlng secLlon subsLanLlal amendmenLs may be made only upon leave of courL
8uL such leave may be refused lf lL appears Lo Lhe courL LhaL Lhe moLlon was made
wlLh lnLenL Lo delay Crders of Lhe courL upon Lhe maLLers provlded ln Lhls secLlon
shall be made upon moLlon flled ln courL and afLer noLlce Lo Lhe adverse parLy and
an opporLunlLy Lo be heard (3a)
SLC 4 lotmol omeoJmeotsA defecL ln Lhe deslgnaLlon of Lhe parLles and
oLher clearly clerlcal or Lypographlcal errors may be summarlly correcLed by Lhe
courL aL any sLage of Lhe acLlon aL lLs lnlLlaLlve or on moLlon provlded so pre[udlce
ls caused Lhereby Lo Lhe adverseparLy (4a)
SLC 3 AmeoJmeot to coofotm to ot ootbotlze pteseototloo of evlJeoce
When lssues noL ralsed by Lhe pleadlngs are Lrled wlLh Lhe express or lmplled
consenL of Lhe parLles Lhey shall be LreaLed ln all respecLs as lf Lhey had been
ralsed ln Lhe pleadlngs Such amendmenL of Lhe pleadlngs as may be necessary Lo
cause Lhem Lo conform Lo Lhe evldence and Lo ralse Lhese lssues may be made
upon moLlon of any parLy aL any Llme even afLer [udgmenL buL fallure Lo amend
does noL affecL Lhe resulL of Lhe Lrlal of Lhese lssues lf evldence ls ob[ecLed Lo aL
Lhe Lrlal on Lhe ground LhaL lL ls noL wlLhln Lhe lssues made by Lhe pleadlngs Lhe
courL may allow Lhe pleadlngs Lo be amended and shall do so wlLh llberallLy lf Lhe
presenLaLlon of Lhe merlLs of Lhe acLlon and Lhe ends of subsLanLlal [usLlce wlll be
subserved Lhereby 1he courL may granL a conLlnuance Lo enable Lhe amendmenL
Lo be made (3a)
SLC 6 5opplemeotol pleoJloqs upon moLlon of a parLy Lhe courL may
upon reasonable noLlce and upon such Lerms as' are [usL permlL hlm Lo serve a
supplemenLal pleadlng seLLlng forLh LransacLlons occurrences or evenLs whlch have
happened slnce Lhe daLe of Lhe pleadlng soughL Lo be supplemenLed 1he adverse
parLy may plead LhereLo wlLhln Len (10) days from noLlce of Lhe order admlLLlng Lhe
supplemenLal pleadlng (6a)
SLC 7 lllloq of omeoJeJ pleoJloqs When any pleadlng ls amended a new
copy of Lhe enLlre pleadlng lncorporaLlng Lhe amendmenLs whlch shall be
lndlcaLed by approprlaLe marks shall be flled (7a)
SLC 8 ffect of omeoJeJ pleoJloqs An amended pleadlng supersedes Lhe
pleadlng LhaL lL amends Powever admlsslons lnsuperseded pleadlngs may be
recelved ln evldence agalnsL Lhe pleader and clalms or defenses alleged Lhereln noL
lncorporaLed ln Lhe amended pleadlng shall be deemed walved (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Aoswet to tbe complalnL1he defendanL shall flle hls answer Lo
Lhe complalnL wlLhln flfLeen (13) days afLer servlce of summons unless a dlfferenL
perlod ls flxed by Lhe courL (1a)
SLC 2 Aoswet of o JefeoJoot fotelqo ptlvote jotlJlcol enLlLyWhere Lhe
defendanL ls a forelgn prlvaLe [urldlcal enLlLy and servlce ofsummons ls made on
Lhe governmenL offlclal deslgnaLed by law Lo recelve Lhe same Lhe answer shall be
flled wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer recelpL of summons by such enLlLy (2a)
SLC 3 Aoswet to omeoJeJ complolotWhere Lhe plalnLlff flles an amended
complalnL as a maLLer of rlghL Lhe defendanL shall answer Lhe same wlLhln flfLeen
(13) days afLer belng served wlLh a copy Lhereof
Where lLs flllng ls noL a maLLer of rlghL Lhe defendanL shall answer Lhe
amended complalnL wlLhln Len (10) days from noLlce of Lhe Crder admlLLlng Lhe
same An answer earller flled may serve as Lhe answer Lo Lhe amended complalnL lf
no new answer ls flled
1hls 8ule shall apply Lo Lhe answer Lo an amended counLerclalm amended
crossclalm amended Lhlrd (fourLh eLc) parLy complalnL and amended
complalnLlnlnLervenLlon (3a)
SLC 4 Aoswet to coootetclolm ot ctossclolmA counLerclalm or crossclalm
musL be answered wlLhln Len (10) days from servlce (4)
SLC 3 Aoswet to tbltJ (foottb etc)potty complolot 1he Llme Lo answer
a Lhlrd (fourLh eLc)parLy complalnL shall be governed by Lhe same rule as Lhe
answer Lo Lhe complalnL (3a)
SLC 6 keplyA reply may be flled wlLhln Len (10) days from servlce of Lhe
pleadlng responded Lo (6)
SLC 7 Aoswet to sopplemeotol complolotA supplemenLal complalnL may
be answered wlLhln Len (10) days from noLlce of Lhe order admlLLlng Lhe same
unless a dlfferenL perlod ls flxed by Lhe courL 1he answer Lo Lhe complalnL shall
serve as Lhe answer Lo Lhe supplemenLal complalnL lf no new or supplemenLal
answer ls flled (a)
SLC 8 xlstloq coootetclolm ot crossclalmA compulsory counLerclalm or a
crossclalm LhaL a defendlng parLy has aL Lhe Llme he flles hls answer shall be
conLalned Lhereln (8a 86)
SLC 9 coootetclolm ot ctossclolm otlsloq oftet ooswet A counLerclalm or
a crossclalm whlch elLher maLured or was acqulred by a parLy afLer servlng hls
pleadlng may wlLh Lhe permlsslon of Lhe courL be presenLed as a counLerclalm or a
crossclalm by supplemenLal pleadlng before [udgmenL (9 86)
SLC 10 mltteJ coootetclolm ot ctossclolmWhen a pleader falls Lo seL up
a counLerclalm or a crossclalm Lhrough overslghL lnadverLence or excusable
neglecL or when [usLlce requlres he may by leave of courL seL up Lhe
counLerclalm or crossclalm by amendmenL before [udgmenL (3a 89)
SLC 11 xteosloo of tlme to pleoJ upon moLlon and on such Lerms as may
be [usL Lhe courL may exLend Lhe Llme Lo plead provlded ln Lhese 8ules
1he courL may also upon llke Lerms allow an answer or oLher pleadlng Lo be
flled afLer Lhe Llme flxed by Lhese 8ules (7)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Jbeo opplleJ fot potpose8efore respondlng Lo a pleadlng a
parLy may move for a deflnlLe sLaLemenL or for a blll of parLlculars of any maLLer
whlch ls noL averred wlLh sufflclenL deflnlLeness or parLlcularlLy Lo enable hlm
properly Lo prepare hls responslve pleadlng lf Lhe pleadlng ls a reply Lhe moLlon
musL be flled wlLhln Len (10) days from servlce Lhereof Such moLlon shall polnL ouL
Lhe defecLs complalned of Lhe paragraphs whereln Lhey are conLalned and Lhe
deLalls deslred (1a)
SLC 2 Actloo by tbe courLupon Lhe flllng of Lhe moLlon Lhe clerk of courL
musL lmmedlaLely brlng lL Lo Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe courL whlch may elLher deny or
granL lL ouLrlghL or allow Lhe parLles Lhe opporLunlLy Lo be heard (n)
SLC 3 compllooce wltb otJetlf Lhe moLlon ls granLed elLher ln whole or ln
parL Lhe compllance LherewlLh musL be effecLed wlLhln Len (10) days from noLlce of
Lhe order unless a dlfferenL perlod ls flxed by Lhe courL 1he blll of parLlculars or a
more deflnlLe sLaLemenL ordered by Lhe courL may be flled elLher ln a separaLe or ln
an amended pleadlng servlng a copy Lhereof on Lhe adverse parLy (n)
SLC 4 ffect of ooocomplloocelf Lhe order ls noL obeyed or ln case of
lnsufflclenL compllance LherewlLh Lhe courL may order Lhe sLrlklng ouL of Lhe
pleadlng or Lhe porLlons Lhereof Lo whlch Lhe order was dlrecLed or make such
oLher order as lL deems [usL (1ca)
SLC 3 5toy of petloJ to flle tespooslve pleoJloqAfLer servlce of Lhe blll of
parLlculars or of a more deflnlLe pleadlng or afLer noLlce of denlal of hls moLlon
Lhe movlng parLy may flle hls responslve pleadlng wlLhln Lhe perlod Lo whlch he
was enLlLled aL Lhe Llme of flllng hls moLlon whlch shall noL be less Lhan
flve (3) days ln any evenL (1ba)
SLC 6 8lll o pott of pleoJloqA blll of parLlculars becomes parL of Lhe
pleadlng for whlch lL ls lnLended (1aa)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 covetoqe 1hls 8ule shall govern Lhe flllng of all pleadlngs and
oLher papers as well as Lhe servlce Lhereof excepL Lhose for whlch a dlfferenL
mode of servlce ls prescrlbed (n)
SLC 2 lllloq ooJ setvlce deflnedllllng ls Lhe acL of presenLlng Lhe pleadlng
or oLher paper Lo Lhe clerk of courL
Servlce ls Lhe acL of provldlng a parLy wlLh a copy of Lhe pleadlng or paper
concerned lf any parLy has appeared by counsel servlce upon hlm shall be made
upon hls counsel or one of Lhem unless servlce upon Lhe parLy hlmself ls ordered
by Lhe courL Where one counsel appears for several parLles he shall only be
enLlLled Lo one copy of any paper served upon hlm by Lhe opposlLe slde (2a)
SLC 3 Moooet of fllloq 1he flllng of pleadlngs appearances moLlons
noLlces orders [udgmenLs and all oLher papers shall be made by presenLlng Lhe
orlglnal coples Lhereof plalnly lndlcaLed as such personally Lo Lhe clerk of courL or
by sendlng Lhem by reglsLered mall ln Lhe flrsL case Lhe clerk of courL shall endorse
on Lhe pleadlng Lhe daLe and hour of flllng ln Lhe second case Lhe daLe of Lhe
malllng of moLlons pleadlngs or any oLher papers or paymenLs or deposlLs as
shown by Lhe posL offlce sLamp on Lhe envelope or Lhe reglsLry recelpL shall be
consldered as Lhe daLe of Lhelr flllng paymenL or deposlL ln courL 1he envelope
shall be aLLached Lo Lhe record of Lhe case (1a)
SLC 4 lopets tepolteJ to be flleJ ooJ served Lvery [udgmenL resoluLlon
order pleadlng subsequenL Lo Lhe complalnL wrlLLen moLlon noLlce appearance
demand offer of [udgmenL or slmllar papers shall be flled wlLh Lhe courL and
served upon Lhe parLles affecLed (2a)
SLC 3 MoJes of servlceServlce of pleadlngs moLlons noLlces orders
[udgmenLs and oLher papers shall be made elLher personally or by mall (3a)
SLC 6 letsoool setvlceServlce of Lhe papers may be made by dellverlng
personally a copy Lo Lhe parLy or hls counsel or by leavlng lL ln hls offlce wlLh hls
clerk or wlLh a person havlng charge Lhereof lf no person ls found ln hls offlce or
hls offlce ls noL known or he has no offlce Lhen by leavlng Lhe copy beLween Lhe
hours of elghL ln Lhe mornlng and slx ln Lhe evenlng aL Lhe parLy's or counsel's
resldence lf known wlLh a person of sufflclenL age and dlscreLlon Lhen resldlng
Lhereln (4a)
SLC 7 5etvlce by mollServlce by reglsLered mall shall be made by
deposlLlng Lhe copy ln Lhe offlce ln a sealed envelope plalnly addressed Lo Lhe
parLy or hls counsel aL hls offlce lf known oLherwlse aL hls resldence lf known
wlLh posLage fully prepald and wlLh lnsLrucLlons Lo Lhe posLmasLer Lo reLurn Lhe
mall Lo Lhe sender afLer Len (10) days lf undellvered lf no reglsLry servlce ls
avallable ln Lhe locallLy of elLher Lhe sender or Lhe addressee servlce may be done
by ordlnary mall (3a)
SLC 8 5obstltoteJ setvlcelf servlce of pleadlngs moLlons noLlces
resoluLlons orders and oLher papers cannoL be made under Lhe Lwo precedlng
secLlons Lhe offlce and place of resldence of Lhe parLy or hls counsel belng
unknown servlce may be made by dellverlng Lhe copy Lo Lhe clerk of courL wlLh
proof of fallure of boLh personal servlce and servlce by mall 1he servlce ls compleLe
aL Lhe Llme of such dellvery (6a)
SLC 9 5etvlce of joJqmeots flool otJets ot tesolotloos!udgmenLs flnal
orders or resoluLlons shall be served elLher personally or by reglsLered mall When
a parLy summoned by publlcaLlon has falled Lo appear ln Lhe acLlon [udgmenLs
flnal orders or resoluLlons agalnsL hlm shall be served upon hlm also by publlcaLlon
aL Lhe expense of Lhe prevalllng parLy (7a)
SLC 10 completeoess of servlceersonal servlce ls compleLe upon acLual
dellvery Servlce by ordlnary mall ls compleLe upon Lhe explraLlon of Len (10) days
afLer malllng unless Lhe courL oLherwlse provldes Servlce by reglsLered mall ls
compleLe upon acLual recelpL by Lhe addressee or afLer flve (3) days from Lhe daLe
he recelved Lhe flrsL noLlce of Lhe posLmasLer whlchever daLe ls earller (8a)
SLC 11 ltlotltles lo moJes of setvlce ooJ flllng Whenever pracLlcable Lhe
servlce and flllng of pleadlngs and oLher papers shall be done personally LxcepL
wlLh respecL Lo papers emanaLlng from Lhe courL a resorL Lo oLher modes musL be
accompanled by a wrlLLen explanaLlon why Lhe servlce or flllng was noL done
personally A vlolaLlon of Lhls 8ule may be cause Lo conslder Lhe paper as noL flled
SLC 12 ltoof of fllloq 1he flllng of a pleadlng or paper shall be proved by
lLs exlsLence ln Lhe record of Lhe case lf lL ls noL ln Lhe record buL ls clalmed Lo
have been flled personally Lhe flllng shall be proved by Lhe wrlLLen or sLamped
acknowledgmenL of lLs flllng by Lhe clerk of courL on a copy of Lhe same lf flled by
reglsLered mall by Lhe reglsLry recelpL and by Lhe affldavlL of Lhe person who dld
Lhe malllng conLalnlng a full sLaLemenL of Lhe daLe and place of deposlLlng Lhe mall
ln Lhe posL offlce ln a sealed envelope addressed Lo Lhe courL wlLh posLage fully
prepald and wlLh lnsLrucLlons Lo Lhe posLmasLer Lo reLurn Lhe mall Lo Lhe sender
afLer Len (10) days lf noL dellvered (n)
SLC 13 ltoof of setvlceroof of personal servlce shall conslsL of a wrlLLen
admlsslon of Lhe parLy served or Lhe offlclal reLurn of Lhe server or Lhe affldavlL of
Lhe parLy servlng conLalnlng a full sLaLemenL of Lhe daLe place and manner of
servlce lf Lhe servlce ls by ordlnary mall proof Lhereof shall conslsL of an affldavlL
of Lhe person malllng of facLs showlng compllance wlLh secLlon 7 of Lhls 8ule lf
servlce ls made by reglsLered mall proof shall be made by such affldavlL and Lhe
reglsLry recelpL lssued by Lhe malllng offlce 1he reglsLry reLurn card shall be flled
lmmedlaLely upon lLs recelpL by Lhe sender or ln lleu Lhereof of Lhe unclalmed
leLLer LogeLher wlLh Lhe cerLlfled or sworn copy of Lhe noLlce glven by Lhe
posLmasLer Lo Lhe addressee (10a)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 14 Notlce of lls peoJeosln an acLlon affecLlng Lhe LlLle or Lhe rlghL of
possesslon of real properLy Lhe plalnLlff and Lhe defendanL when afflrmaLlve rellef
ls clalmed ln hls answer may record ln Lhe offlce of Lhe reglsLry of deeds of Lhe
provlnce ln whlch Lhe properLy ls slLuaLed a noLlce of Lhe pendency of Lhe acLlon
Sald noLlce shall conLaln Lhe names of Lhe parLles and Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe acLlon or
defense and a descrlpLlon of Lhe properLy ln LhaL provlnce affecLed Lhereby Cnly
from Lhe Llme of flllng such noLlce for record shall a purchaser or encumbrancer of
Lhe properLy affecLed Lhereby be deemed Lo have consLrucLlve noLlce of Lhe
pendency of Lhe acLlon and only of lLs pendency agalnsL Lhe parLles deslgnaLed by
Lhelr real names
1he noLlce of llspeoJeos herelnabove menLloned may be cancelled only upon
order of Lhe courL afLer proper showlng LhaL Lhe noLlce ls for Lhe purpose of
molesLlng Lhe adverse parLy or LhaL lL ls noL necessary Lo proLecL Lhe rlghLs of Lhe
parLy who caused lL Lo be recorded (24a 814)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 cletk to lssoe sommoosuponLhe flllng of Lhe complalnL and Lhe
paymenL of Lhe requlslLe legal fees Lhe clerk of courL shall forLhwlLh lssue Lhe
correspondlng summons Lo Lhe defendanLs (1a)
SLC 2 cooteots1hesummons shall be dlrecLed Lo Lhe defendanL slgned
by Lhe clerk of courL under seal and conLaln (a) Lhe name of Lhe courL and Lhe
names of Lhe parLles Lo Lhe acLlon (b) a dlrecLlon LhaL Lhe defendanL answer wlLhln
Lhe Llme flxed by Lhese 8ules (c) a noLlce LhaL unless Lhe defendanL so answers
plalnLlff wlll Lake [udgmenL by defaulL and may be granLed Lhe rellef applled for
A copy of Lhe complalnL and order for appolnLmenL of guardlan oJ lltem lf
any shall be aLLached Lo Lhe orlglnal and each copy of Lhe summons (3a)
SLC 3 8y wbom setveJ1he summons may be served by Lhe sherlff hls
depuLy or oLher proper courL offlcer or for [usLlflable reasons by any sulLable
person auLhorlzed by Lhe courL lssulng Lhe summons (3a)
SLC 4 8eLurnWhen Lhe servlce has been compleLed Lhe server shall
wlLhln flve (3) days Lherefrom serve a copy of Lhe reLurn personally or by
reglsLered mall Lo Lhe plalnLlff's counsel and shall reLurn Lhe summons Lo Lhe clerk
who lssued lL accompanled by proof of servlce (6a)
SLC 3 lssoooce of ollos sommoos lf a summons ls reLurned wlLhouL belng
served on any or all of Lhe defendanLs Lhe server shall also serve a copy of Lhe
reLurn on Lhe plalnLlff's counsel sLaLlng Lhe reasons for Lhe fallure of servlce wlLhln
flve (3) days Lherefrom ln such a case or lf Lhe summons has been losL Lhe clerk
on demand of Lhe plalnLlff may lssue an allas summons (4a)
SLC 6 5etvlce lo petsoo oo JefeoJoot WheneverpracLlcable Lhe
summons shall be served handlng a copy Lhereof Lo Lhe defendanL ln person or lf
he refuses Lo recelve and slgn for lL by Lenderlng lL Lo hlm (7a)
SLC 7 5obstltoteJsetvlce lf for [usLlflable causes Lhe defendanL cannoL
be served wlLhln a reasonable Llme as provlded ln Lhe precedlng secLlon servlce
may be effecLed (a) by leavlng coples of Lhe summons aL Lhe defendanL's resldence
wlLh some person of sulLable age and dlscreLlon Lhen resldlng Lhereln or (b) by
leavlng Lhe coples aL defendanL's offlce or regular place of buslness wlLh some
compeLenL person ln charge Lhereof (8a)
SLC 8 5etvlce opoo eotlty wltboot jotlJlcol petsooollty When persons
assoclaLed ln an enLlLy wlLhouL [urldlcal personallLy are sued under Lhe name by
whlch Lhey are generally or commonly known servlce may be effecLed upon all Lhe
defendanLs by servlng upon any one of Lhem or upon Lhe person ln charge of Lhe
offlce or place of buslness malnLalned ln such name 8uL such servlce shall noL blnd
lndlvldually any person whose connecLlon wlLh Lhe enLlLy has upon due noLlce
been severed before Lhe acLlon was broughL (9a)
SLC 9 5etvlce opoo ptlsooetsWhenLhe defendanL ls a prlsoner conflned ln
a [all or lnsLlLuLlon servlce shall be effecLed upon hlm by Lhe offlcer havlng Lhe
managemenL of such [all or lnsLlLuLlon who ls deemed depuLlzed as a speclal sherlff
for sald purpose (12a)
SLC 10 5etvlce opoo mloots ooJ locompeteots When Lhe defendanL ls a
mlnor lnsane or oLherwlse an lncompeLenL servlce shall be made upon hlm
personally and on hls legal guardlan lf he has one or lf none upon hls guardlan oJ
lltemwhose appolnLmenL shall be applled for by Lhe plalnLlff ln Lhe case of a
mlnor servlce may also be made on hls faLher or moLher (10a 11a)
SLC 11 5etvlce opoo Jomestlc ptlvote jotlJlcol eotltyWhen Lhe defendanL
ls a corporaLlon parLnershlp or assoclaLlon organlzed under Lhe laws of Lhe
hlllpplnes wlLh a [urldlcal personallLy servlce may be made on Lhe presldenL
managlng parLner general manager corporaLe secreLary Lreasurer or lnhouse
counsel (13a)
SLC 12 5etvlce opoo fotelqo ptlvote jotlJlcol eotltyWhen Lhe defendanL ls
a forelgn prlvaLe [urldlcal enLlLy whlch has LransacLed buslness ln Lhe hlllpplnes
servlce may be made on lLs resldenL agenL deslgnaLed ln accordance wlLh law for
LhaL purpose or lf Lhere be no such agenL on Lhe governmenL offlclal deslgnaLed
by law Lo LhaL effecL or on any of lLs offlcers or agenLs wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes (14a)
SLC 13 5etvlceopoo pobllc cotpototloosWhen Lhe defendanL ls Lhe
8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes servlce may be effecLed on Lhe SollclLor Ceneral ln case
of a provlnce clLy or munlclpallLy or llke publlc corporaLlons servlce may be
effecLed on lLs execuLlve head or on such oLher offlcer or offlcers as Lhe law or Lhe
courL may dlrecL (13)
SLC 14 5etvlce opoo JefeoJoot wboselJeotlty otwbeteoboots ote
ookoowoln any acLlon where Lhe defendanL ls deslgnaLed as an unknown owner
or Lhe llke or whenever hls whereabouLs are unknown and cannoL be ascerLalned
by dlllgenL lnqulry servlce may by leave of courL be effecLed upon hlm by
publlcaLlon ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon and ln such places and for such
Llme as Lhe courL may order (16a)
SLC 13 xttotettltotlol setvlceWhen Lhe defendanL does noL reslde and ls
noL found ln Lhe hlllpplnes and Lhe acLlon affecLs Lhe personal sLaLus of Lhe
plalnLlff or relaLes Lo or Lhe sub[ecL of whlch ls properLy wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes ln
whlch Lhe defendanL has or clalms a llen or lnLeresL acLual or conLlngenL or ln
whlch Lhe rellef demanded conslsLs wholly or ln parL ln excludlng Lhe defendanL
from any lnLeresL Lhereln or Lhe properLy of Lhe defendanL has been aLLached
wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes servlce may by leave of courL be effecLed ouL of Lhe
hlllpplnes by personal servlce as under secLlon 6 or by publlcaLlon ln a newspaper
of general clrculaLlon ln such places and for such Llme as Lhe courL may order ln
whlch case a copy of Lhe summons and order of Lhe courL shall be senL by
reglsLered mall Lo Lhe lasL known address of Lhe defendanL or ln any oLher manner
C 8 A C l L |

Lhe courL may deem sufflclenL Any order granLlng such leave shall speclfy a
reasonable Llme whlch shall noL be less Lhan slxLy (60) days afLer noLlce wlLhln
whlch Lhe defendanL musL answer (17a)
SLC 16 keslJeots tempototlly oot of tbe lblllpploesWhen any acLlon ls
commenced agalnsL a defendanL who ordlnarlly resldes wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes buL
who ls Lemporarlly ouL of lL servlce may by leave of courL be also effecLed ouL of
Lhe hlllpplnes as under Lhe precedlng secLlon (18a)
SLC 17 eove ofcoottAny appllcaLlon Lo Lhe courL under Lhls 8ule for
leave Lo effecL servlce ln any manner for whlch leave of courL ls necessary shall be
made by moLlon ln wrlLlng supporLed by affldavlL of Lhe plalnLlff or some person on
hls behalf seLLlng forLh Lhe grounds for Lhe appllcaLlon (19)
SLC 18 ltoof of setvlce1heproof of servlce of a summons shall be made
ln wrlLlng by Lhe server and shall seL forLh Lhe manner place and daLe of servlce
shall speclfy any papers whlch have been served wlLh Lhe process and Lhe name of
Lhe person who recelved Lhe same and shall be sworn Lo when made by a person
oLher Lhan a sherlff or hls depuLy (20)
SLC 19 ltoof of setvlce by pobllcotloolf Lhe servlce has been made by
publlcaLlon servlce may be proved by Lhe affldavlL of Lhe prlnLer hls foreman or
prlnclpal clerk or of Lhe edlLor buslness or adverLlslng manager Lo whlch affldavlL
a copy of Lhe publlcaLlon shall be aLLached and by an affldavlL showlng Lhe deposlL
of a copy of Lhe summons and order for publlcaLlon ln Lhe posL offlce posLage
prepald dlrecLed Lo Lhe defendanL by reglsLered mall Lo hls lasL known address
SLC 20 Ioloototy oppeotooce1he defendanL's volunLary appearance ln
Lhe acLlon shall be equlvalenL Lo servlce of summons 1he lncluslon ln a moLlon Lo
dlsmlss of oLher grounds aslde from lack of [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe person of Lhe
defendanL shall noL be deemed a volunLary appearance (23a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 MotlooJefloeJA moLlon ls an appllcaLlon for rellef oLher Lhan
by a pleadlng (1a)
SLC 2 Motloos most be lowtltloqAll moLlons shall be ln wrlLlng excepL
Lhose made ln open courL or ln Lhe course of a hearlng or Lrlal (2a)
SLC 3 cooteotsAmoLlon shall sLaLe Lhe rellef soughL Lo be obLalned and
Lhe grounds upon whlch lL ls based and lf requlred by Lhese 8ules or necessary Lo
prove facLs alleged Lhereln shall be accompanled by supporLlng affldavlLs and oLher
papers (3a)
SLC 4 neotloq ofmotlooLxcepL for moLlons whlch Lhe courL may acL upon
wlLhouL pre[udlclng Lhe rlghLs of Lhe adverse parLy every wrlLLen moLlon shall be
seL for hearlng by Lhe appllcanL
Lvery wrlLLen moLlon requlred Lo be heard and Lhe noLlce of Lhe hearlng
Lhereof shall be served ln such a manner as Lo ensure lLs recelpL by Lhe oLher parLy
aL leasL Lhree (3) days before Lhe daLe of hearlng unless Lhe courL for good cause
seLs Lhe hearlng on shorLer noLlce (4a)
SLC 3 Notlce of beotloq1he noLlce of hearlng shall be addressed Lo all
parLles concerned and shall speclfy Lhe Llme and daLe of Lhe hearlng whlch musL
noL be laLer Lhan Len (10) days afLer Lhe flllng of Lhe moLlon (3a)
SLC 6 ltoof of setvlce oecessotyno wrlLLen moLlon seL for hearlng shall be
acLed upon by Lhe courL wlLhouL proof of servlce Lhereof (6a)
SLC 7 MotloodayLxcepL for moLlons requlrlng lmmedlaLe acLlon all
moLlons shall be scheduled for hearlng on lrlday afLernoons or lf lrlday ls a non
worklng day ln Lhe afLernoon of Lhe nexL worklng day (7a)
SLC 8 molbos motlooSub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of secLlon 1 of 8ule 9 a
moLlon aLLacklng a pleadlng order [udgmenL or proceedlng shall lnclude all
ob[ecLlons Lhen avallable and all ob[ecLlons noL so lncluded shall be deemed
walved (8a)
SLC 9 Motloo fot leoveA moLlon for leave Lo flle a pleadlng or moLlon shall
be accompanled by Lhe pleadlng or moLlon soughL Lo be admlLLed (n)
SLC 10 lotm1he8ules appllcable Lo pleadlngs shall apply Lo wrlLLen
moLlons so far as concerns capLlon deslgnaLlon slgnaLure and oLher maLLers of
form (9a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 CtoooJsWlLhlnLhe Llme for buL before flllng Lhe answer Lo Lhe
complalnL or pleadlng asserLlng a clalm a moLlon Lo dlsmlss may be made on any of
Lhe followlng grounds
(a) 1haL Lhe courL has no [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe person of Lhe defendlng
(b) 1haL Lhe courL has no [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe clalm
(c) 1haL venue ls lmproperly lald
(d) 1haL Lhe plalnLlff has no legal capaclLy Lo sue
(e) 1haL Lhere ls anoLher acLlon pendlng beLween Lhe same parLles for Lhe
same cause
(f) 1haL Lhe cause of acLlon ls barred by a prlor [udgmenL or by Lhe sLaLuLe
of llmlLaLlons
(g) 1haL Lhe pleadlng asserLlng Lhe clalm sLaLes no cause of acLlon
(h) 1haL Lhe clalm or demand seL forLh ln Lhe plalnLlff's pleadlng has been
pald walved abandoned or oLherwlse exLlngulshed
(l) 1haL Lhe clalm on whlch Lhe acLlon ls founded ls unenforceable under
Lhe provlslons of Lhe sLaLuLe of frauds and
([) 1haL a condlLlon precedenL for flllng Lhe clalm has noL been complled
wlLh (1a)
SLC 2 neotloq of motlooALLhe hearlng of Lhe moLlon Lhe parLles shall
submlL Lhelr argumenLs on Lhe quesLlons of law and Lhelr evldence on Lhe
quesLlons of facL lnvolved excepL Lhose noL avallable aL LhaL Llme Should Lhe case
go Lo Lrlal Lhe evldence presenLed durlng Lhe hearlng shall auLomaLlcally be parL of
Lhe evldence of Lhe parLy presenLlng Lhe same (n)
SLC 3 kesolotloo of motlooAfLer Lhe hearlng Lhe courL may dlsmlss Lhe
acLlon or clalm deny Lhe moLlon or order Lhe amendmenL of Lhe pleadlng
1he courL shall noL defer Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe moLlon for Lhe reason LhaL Lhe
ground relled upon ls noL lndublLable
ln every case Lhe resoluLlon shall sLaLe clearly and dlsLlncLly Lhe reasons
Lherefor (3a)
SLC 4 1lme to pleoJlfLhe moLlon ls denled Lhe movanL shall flle hls
answer wlLhln Lhe balance of Lhe perlod prescrlbed by 8ule 11 Lo whlch he was
enLlLled aL Lhe Llme of servlng hls moLlon buL noL less Lhan flve (3) days ln any
evenL compuLed from hls recelpL of Lhe noLlce of Lhe denlal lf Lhe pleadlng ls
ordered Lo be amended he shall flle hls answer wlLhln Lhe perlod prescrlbed by
8ule 11 counLed from servlce of Lhe amended pleadlng unless Lhe courL provldes a
longer perlod (4a)
SLC 3 ffect ofJlsmlssolSub[ecL Lo Lhe rlghL of appeal an order granLlng a
moLlon Lo dlsmlss based on paragraphs (f) (h) and (l) of secLlon 1 hereof shall bar
Lhe reflllng of Lhe same acLlon or clalm (n)
SLC 6 lleoJloq qtoooJs os offltmotlve Jefeoseslf no moLlon Lo dlsmlss has
been flled any of Lhe grounds for dlsmlssal provlded for ln Lhls 8ule may be
pleaded as an afflrmaLlve defense ln Lhe answer and ln Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL
a prellmlnary hearlng may be had Lhereon as lf a moLlon Lo dlsmlss had been flled
1he dlsmlssal of Lhe complalnL under Lhls secLlon shall be wlLhouL pre[udlce
Lo Lhe prosecuLlon ln Lhe same or separaLe acLlon of a counLerclalm pleaded ln Lhe
answer (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 lsmlssol opooootlce by plalnLlffA complalnL may be dlsmlssed
by Lhe plalnLlff by flllng a noLlce of dlsmlssal aL any Llme before servlce of Lhe
answer or of a moLlon for summary [udgmenL upon such noLlce belng flled Lhe
courL shall lssue an order conflrmlng Lhe dlsmlssal unless oLherwlse sLaLed ln Lhe
noLlce Lhe dlsmlssal ls wlLhouL pre[udlce excepL LhaL a noLlce operaLes as an
ad[udlcaLlon upon Lhe merlLs when flled by a plalnLlff who has once dlsmlssed ln a
compeLenL courL an acLlon based on or lncludlng Lhe same clalm (1a)
SLC 2 lsmlssol opoo motloo of plolotlffxcept as provlded ln Lhe
precedlng secLlon a complalnL shall noL be dlsmlssed aL Lhe plalnLlff's lnsLance save
upon approval of Lhe courL and upon such Lerms and condlLlons as Lhe courL deems
proper lf a counLerclalm has been pleaded by a defendanL prlor Lo Lhe servlce
upon hlm of Lhe plalnLlff's moLlon for dlsmlssal Lhe dlsmlssal shall be llmlLed Lo Lhe
complalnL 1he dlsmlssal shall be wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe defendanL Lo
prosecuLe hls counLerclalm ln a separaLe acLlon unless wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from
noLlce of Lhe moLlon he manlfesLs hls preference Lo have hls counLerclalm resolved
ln Lhe same acLlon unless oLherwlse speclfled ln Lhe order a dlsmlssal under Lhls
paragraph shall be wlLhouL pre[udlce A class sulL shall noL be dlsmlssed or
compromlsed wlLhouL Lhe approval of Lhe courL (2a)
SLC 3 lsmlssol Joe to foolt of plolotlfflf for no [usLlflable cause Lhe
plalnLlff falls Lo appear on Lhe daLe of Lhe presenLaLlon of hls evldence ln chlef on
Lhe complalnL or Lo prosecuLe hls acLlon for an unreasonable lengLh of Llme or Lo
comply wlLh Lhese 8ules or any order of Lhe courL Lhe complalnL may be dlsmlssed
upon moLlon of Lhe defendanL or upon Lhe courL's own moLlon wlLhouL pre[udlce
Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe defendanL Lo prosecuLe hls counLerclalm ln Lhe same or ln a
separaLe acLlon 1hls dlsmlssal shall have Lhe effecL of an ad[udlcaLlon upon Lhe
merlLs unless oLherwlse declared by Lhe courL (3a)
SLC 4 lsmlssol of coootetclolm ctossclolm ot tbltJpotty complolot
1heprovlslons of Lhls 8ule shall apply Lo Lhe dlsmlssal of any counLerclalm cross
clalm or LhlrdparLy complalnL A volunLary dlsmlssal by Lhe clalmanL by noLlce as ln
secLlon 1 of Lhls 8ule shall be made before a responslve pleadlng or a moLlon for
summary [udgmenL ls served or lf Lhere ls none before Lhe lnLroducLlon of
evldence aL Lhe Lrlal or hearlng (4n)

C 8 A C l L |

kULL 18 kL1kIAL
SLC1lCn 1 Jbeo cooJocteJAfLer Lhe lasL pleadlng has been served and
flled lL shall be Lhe duLy of Lhe plalnLlff Lo prompLly move expotte LhaL Lhe case be
seL for preLrlal (3a 820)
SLC 2 Notote ooJ potpose1hepreLrlal ls mandaLory 1he courL shall
(a) 1he posslblllLy of an amlcable seLLlemenL or of a submlsslon Lo
alLernaLlve modes of dlspuLe resoluLlon
(b) 1he slmpllflcaLlon of Lhe lssues
(c) 1he necesslLy or deslrablllLy of amendmenLs Lo Lhe pleadlngs
(d) 1he posslblllLy of obLalnlng sLlpulaLlons or admlsslons of facLs
and of documenLs Lo avold unnecessary proof
(e) 1he llmlLaLlon of Lhe number of wlLnesses
(f) 1he advlsablllLy of a prellmlnary reference of lssues Lo a
(g) 1he proprleLy of renderlng [udgmenL on Lhe pleadlngs or
summary [udgmenL or of dlsmlsslng Lhe acLlon should a valld ground Lherefor
be found Lo exlsL
(h) 1he advlsablllLy or necesslLy of suspendlng Lhe proceedlngs and
(l) Such oLher maLLers as may ald ln Lhe prompL dlsposlLlon of Lhe
acLlon (1a 820)
SLC 3 Notlce of ptettlol1he noLlce of preLrlal shall be served on counsel
or on Lhe parLy who has no counsel 1he counsel served wlLh such noLlce ls charged
wlLh Lhe duLy of noLlfylng Lhe parLy represenLed by hlm (n)
SLC 4 Appeotooce of pottleslLshall be Lhe duLy of Lhe parLles and Lhelr
counsel Lo appear aL Lhe preLrlal 1he nonappearance of a parLy may be excused
only lf a valld cause ls shown Lherefor or lf a represenLaLlve shall appear ln hls
behalf fully auLhorlzed ln wrlLlng Lo enLer lnLo an amlcable seLLlemenL Lo submlL Lo
alLernaLlve modes of dlspuLe resoluLlon and Lo enLer lnLo sLlpulaLlons or
admlsslons of facLs and of documenLs (n)
SLC 3 ffect of follote to oppeot1hefallure of Lhe plalnLlff Lo appear when
so requlred pursuanL Lo Lhe nexL precedlng secLlon shall be cause for dlsmlssal of
Lhe acLlon 1he dlsmlssal shall be wlLh pre[udlce unless oLherwlse ordered by Lhe
courL A slmllar fallure on Lhe parL of Lhe defendanL shall be cause Lo allow Lhe
plalnLlff Lo presenL hls evldence ex potte and Lhe courL Lo render [udgmenL on Lhe
basls Lhereof (2a 820)
SLC 6 ltettlol btlef1be parLles shall flle wlLh Lhe courL and serve on Lhe
adverse parLy ln such manner as shall ensure Lhelr recelpL Lhereof aL leasL Lhree (3)
days before Lhe daLe of Lhe preLrlal Lhelr respecLlve preLrlal brlefs whlch shall
conLaln among oLhers
(a) A sLaLemenL of Lhelr wllllngness Lo enLer lnLo amlcable
seLLlemenL or alLernaLlve modes of dlspuLe resoluLlon lndlcaLlng Lhe deslred
Lerms Lhereof
(b) A summary of admlLLed facLs and proposed sLlpulaLlon of facLs
(c) 1he lssues Lo be Lrled or resolved
(d) 1he documenLs or exhlblLs Lo be presenLed sLaLlng Lhe purpose
(e) A manlfesLaLlon of Lhelr havlng avalled or Lhen lnLenLlon Lo avall
Lhemselves of dlscovery procedures or referral Lo commlssloners and
(f) 1he number and names of Lhe wlLnesses and Lhe subsLance of
Lhelr respecLlve LesLlmonles
lallure Lo flle Lhe preLrlal brlef shall have Lhe same effecL as fallure Lo appear
aL Lhe preLrlal (n)
SLC 7 kecotJ ofptettlol1he proceedlngs ln Lhe preLrlal shall be recorded
upon Lhe LermlnaLlon Lhereof Lhe courL shall lssue an order whlch shall reclLe ln
deLall Lhe maLLers Laken up ln Lhe conference Lhe acLlon Laken Lhereon Lhe
amendmenLs allowed Lo Lhe pleadlngs and Lhe agreemenLs or admlsslons made by
Lhe parLles as Lo any of Lhe maLLers consldered Should Lhe acLlon proceed Lo Lrlal
Lhe order shall expllclLly deflne and llmlL Lhe lssues Lo be Lrled 1he conLenLs of Lhe
order shall conLrol Lhe subsequenL course of Lhe acLlon unless modlfled before Lrlal
Lo prevenL manlfesL ln[usLlce (3a 820)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Jbo moy lotetveoeA person who has a legal lnLeresL ln Lhe
maLLer ln llLlgaLlon or ln Lhe success of elLher of Lhe parLles or an lnLeresL agalnsL
boLh or ls so slLuaLed as Lo be adversely affecLed by a dlsLrlbuLlon or oLher
dlsposlLlon of properLy ln Lhe cusLody of Lhe courL or of an offlcer Lhereof may wlLh
leave of courL be allowed Lo lnLervene ln Lhe acLlon 1he courL shall conslder
wheLher or noL Lhe lnLervenLlon wlll unduly delay or pre[udlce Lhe ad[udlcaLlon of
Lhe rlghLs of Lhe orlglnal parLles and wheLher or noL Lhe lnLervenor's rlghLs may be
fully proLecLed ln a separaLe proceedlng (2a ba 812)
SLC 2 1lme to lotetveoe1he moLlon Lo lnLervene may be flled aL any Llme
before rendlLlon of [udgmenL by Lhe Lrlal courL A copy of Lhe pleadlngln
lnLervenLlon shall be aLLached Lo Lhe moLlon and served on Lhe orlglnal parLles (n)
SLC 3 lleoJloqslolotetveotloo1he lnLervenor shall flle a complalnLln
lnLervenLlon lf he asserLs a clalm agalnsL elLher or all of Lhe orlglnal parLles or an
answerlnlnLervenLlon lf he unlLes wlLh Lhe defendlng parLy ln reslsLlng a clalm
agalnsL Lhe laLLer (2ca 812)
SLC 4 Aoswet to complolotlolotetveotloo1he answer Lo Lhe complalnLln
lnLervenLlon shall be flled wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from noLlce of Lhe order
admlLLlng Lhe same unless a dlfferenL perlod ls flxed by Lhe courL (2da 812)

SLC1lCn 1 coleoJot of coses1he clerk of courL under Lhe dlrecL supervlslon
of Lhe [udge shall keep a calendar of cases for preLrlal for Lrlal Lhose whose Lrlals
were ad[ourned or posLponed and Lhose wlLh moLlons Lo seL for
hearlng reference shall be glven Lo bobeos cotposcases elecLlon cases speclal
clvll acLlons and Lhose so requlred by law (1a 822)
SLC 2 Asslqomeot of coses1he asslgnmenL of cases Lo Lhe dlfferenL
branches of courL shall be done excluslvely by raffle 1he asslgnmenL shall be done
ln open sesslon of whlch adequaLe noLlce shall be glven so as Lo afford lnLeresLed
parLles Lhe opporLunlLy Lo be presenL (7a 822)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 5obpoeoo ooJ sobpoeoo Joces tecom Subpoena ls a process
dlrecLed Lo a person requlrlng hlm Lo aLLend and Lo LesLlfy aL Lhe hearlng or Lhe Lrlal
of an acLlon or aL any lnvesLlgaLlon conducLed by compeLenL auLhorlLy or for Lhe
Laklng of hls deposlLlon lL may also requlre hlm Lo brlng wlLh hlm any books
documenLs or oLher Lhlngs under hls conLrol ln whlch case lL ls called a
subpoena Joces tecom (1a 823)
SLC 2 8y wbom lssoeJ1he subpoena may be lssued by
a) Lhe courL before whom Lhe wlLness ls requlred Lo aLLend
b) Lhe courL of Lhe place where Lhe deposlLlon ls Lo be Laken
c) Lhe offlcer or body auLhorlzed by law Lo do so ln connecLlon wlLh
lnvesLlgaLlons conducLed by sald offlcer or body or
d) any !usLlce of Lhe Supreme CourL or of Lhe CourL of Appeals ln
any case or lnvesLlgaLlon pendlng wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes
When appllcaLlon for a subpoena Lo a prlsoner ls made Lhe [udge or offlcer
shall examlne and sLudy carefully such appllcaLlon Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhe same
ls made for a valld purpose
no prlsoner senLenced Lo deaLh teclosloo petpetoo or llfe lmprlsonmenL and
who ls conflned ln any penal lnsLlLuLlon shall be broughL ouLslde Lhe sald penal
lnsLlLuLlon for appearance or aLLendance ln any courL unless auLhorlzed by Lhe
Supreme CourL (2a 823)
SLC 3 lotm ooJ cooteotsA subpoena shall sLaLe Lhe name of Lhe courL
and Lhe LlLle of Lhe acLlon or lnvesLlgaLlon shall be dlrecLed Lo Lhe person whose
aLLendance ls requlred and ln Lhe case of a subpoena Joces tecom lL shall also
conLaln a reasonable descrlpLlon of Lhe books documenLs or Lhlngs demanded
whlch musL appear Lo Lhe courL ptlmo focle relevanL (3a 823)
SLC 4 Ooosbloq o sobpoeoo1he courL may quash a subpoena Joces
tecom upon moLlon prompLly made and ln any evenL aL or before Lhe Llme
speclfled Lhereln lf lL ls unreasonable and oppresslve or Lhe relevancy of Lhe books
documenLs or Lhlngs does noL appear or lf Lhe person ln whose behalf Lhe
subpoena ls lssued falls Lo advance Lhe reasonable cosL of Lhe producLlon Lhereof
1he courL may quash a subpoena oJ testlflcooJom on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe
wlLness ls noL bound Lhereby ln elLher case Lhe subpoena may be quashed on Lhe
ground LhaL Lhe wlLness fees and kllomeLrage allowed by Lhese 8ules were noL
Lendered when Lhe subpoena was served (4a 823)
SLC 3 5obpoeoo fot Jeposltloosroof of servlce of a noLlce Lo Lake a
deposlLlon as provlded ln secLlons 13 and 23 of 8ule 23 shall consLlLuLe sufflclenL
auLhorlzaLlon for Lhe lssuance of subpoenas for Lhe persons named ln sald noLlce by
Lhe clerk of Lhe courL of Lhe place ln whlch Lhe deposlLlon ls Lo be Laken 1he clerk
shall noL however lssue a subpoena Joces tecom Lo any such person wlLhouL an
order of Lhe courL (3a 823)
SLC 6 5etvlceServlce of a subpoena shall be made ln Lhe same manner as
personal or subsLlLuLed servlce of summons 1he orlglnal shall be exhlblLed and a
copy Lhereof dellvered Lo Lhe person on whom lL ls served Lenderlng Lo hlm Lhe
fees for one day's aLLendance and Lhe kllomeLrage allowed by Lhese 8ules excepL
LhaL when a subpoena ls lssued by or on behalf of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes
or an offlcer or agency Lhereof Lhe Lender need noL be made 1he servlce musL be
made so as Lo allow Lhe wlLness a reasonable Llme for preparaLlon and Lravel of Lhe
place of aLLendance lf Lhe subpoena ls Joces tecom Lhe reasonable cosL of
produclng Lhe books documenLs or Lhlngs demanded shall also be Lendered (6a
SLC 7 letsoool oppeotooce lo coottA person presenL ln courL before a
[udlclal offlcer may be requlred Lo LesLlfy as lf he were ln aLLendance upon a
subpoena lssued by such courL or offlcer (10 823)
SLC 8 compellloq otteoJooceln case of fallure of a wlLness Lo aLLend Lhe
courL or [udge lssulng Lhe subpoena upon proof of Lhe servlce Lhereof and of Lhe
fallure of Lhe wlLness may lssue a warranL Lo Lhe sherlff of Lhe provlnce or hls
depuLy Lo arresL Lhe wlLness and brlng hlm before Lhe courL or offlcer where hls
aLLendance ls requlred and Lhe cosL of such warranL and selzure of such wlLness
shall be pald by Lhe wlLness lf Lhe courL lssulng lL shall deLermlne LhaL hls fallure Lo
answer Lhe subpoena was wlllful and wlLhouL [usL excuse (11 823)
SLC 9 cootemptlallure by any person wlLhouL adequaLe cause Lo obey a
subpoena served upon hlm shall deemed a conLempL of Lhe courL from whlch Lhe
subpoena ls lssued lf Lhe subpoena was noL lssued by a courL Lhe dlsobedlence
LhereLo shall be punlshed ln accordance wlLh Lhe appllcable law or 8ule (12a 823)
SLC 10 xceptloos1he provlslons of secLlons 8 and 9 Lhls 8ule shall noL
apply Lo a wlLness who resldes more Lhan one hundred (100) kllomeLers from hls
resldence Lo Lhe place where he ls Lo LesLlfy by Lhe ordlnary course of Lravel or Lo a
deLenLlon prlsoner lf no permlsslon of Lhe courL ln whlch hls case ls pendlng was
obLalned (9a 823)

C 8 A C l L |

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 now to compote tlmeln compuLlng any perlod of Llme
prescrlbed or allowed by Lhese 8ules or by order Lhe courL or by any appllcable
sLaLuLe Lhe day of Lhe acL or evenL from whlch Lhe deslgnaLed perlod of Llme
beglns Lo run ls Lo excluded and Lhe daLe of performance lncluded lf Lhe lasL day of
Lhe perlod as Lhus compuLed falls on a SaLurday a Sunday or a legal hollday ln Lhe
place where Lhe courL slLs Lhe Llme shall noL run unLll Lhe nexL worklng day (n)
SLC 2 ffect of lotettoptlooShould an acL be done whlch effecLlvely
lnLerrupLs Lhe runnlng of Lhe perlod Lhe allowable perlod afLer such lnLerrupLlon
shall sLarL Lo run on Lhe day afL noLlce of Lhe cessaLlon of Lhe cause Lhereof
1he day of Lhe acL LhaL caused Lhe lnLerrupLlon shall be excluded ln Lhe
compuLaLlon of Lhe perlod (n)

SLC1lCn 1 eposltloos peoJloq octloo wbeo moy be tokeo8y leave of
courL afLer [urlsdlcLlon has been obLalned over any defendanL or over properLy
whlch ls Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe acLlon wlLhouL such leave afLer an answer has been
served Lhe LesLlmony of any person wheLher a parLy or noL may be Laken aL Lhe
lnsLance of any parLy by deposlLlon upon oral examlnaLlon or wrlLLen
lnLerrogaLorles 1he aLLendance of wlLnesses may be compelled by Lhe use of a
subpoena as provlded ln 8ule 21 ueposlLlons shall be Laken only ln accordance
wlLh Lhese 8ules 1he deposlLlon of a person conflned ln prlson may be Laken only
by leave of courL on such Lerms as Lhe courL prescrlbes (1a 824)
SLC 2 5cope of exomlootloounless oLherwlse ordered by Lhe courL as
provlded by secLlon 16 or 18 of Lhls 8ule Lhe deponenL may be examlned regardlng
any maLLer noL prlvlleged whlch ls relevanL Lo Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe pendlng acLlon
wheLher relaLlng Lo Lhe clalm or defense of any oLher parLy lncludlng Lhe exlsLence
descrlpLlon naLure cusLody condlLlon and locaLlon of any books documenLs or
oLher Langlble Lhlngs and Lhe ldenLlLy and locaLlon of persons havlng knowledge of
relevanL facLs (2 824)
SLC 3 xomlootloo ooJ ctossexomlootloo LxamlnaLlon and cross
examlnaLlon of deponenLs may proceed as permlLLed aL Lhe Lrlal under secLlons 3
Lo 18 of 8ule 132 (3a 824)
SLC 4 use of JeposltloosAL Lhe Lrlal or upon Lhe hearlng of a moLlon or an
lnLerlocuLory proceedlng any parL or all of a deposlLlon so far as admlsslble under
Lhe rules of evldence may be used agalnsL any parLy who was presenL or
represenLed aL Lhe Laklng of Lhe deposlLlon or who had due noLlce Lhereof ln
accordance wlLh any one of Lhe followlng provlslons
(a) Any deposlLlon may be used by any parLy for Lhe purpose of
conLradlcLlng or lmpeachlng Lhe LesLlmony of deponenL as a wlLness
(b) 1he deposlLlon of a parLy or of any one who aL Lhe Llme of Laklng
Lhe deposlLlon was an offlcer dlrecLor or managlng agenL of a publlc or
prlvaLe corporaLlon parLnershlp or assoclaLlon whlch ls a parLy may be used
by an adverse parLy for any purpose
(c) 1he deposlLlon of a wlLness wheLher or noL a parLy may
be used by any parLy for any purpose lf Lhe courL flnds (1) LhaL Lhe wlLness ls
dead or (2) LhaL Lhe wlLness resldes aL a dlsLance more Lhan one hundred
(100) kllomeLers from Lhe place of Lrlal or hearlng or ls ouL of Lhe hlllpplnes
unless lL appears LhaL hls absence was procured by Lhe parLy offerlng Lhe
deposlLlon or (3) LhaL Lhe wlLness ls unable Lo aLLend or LesLlfy because of
age slckness lnflrmlLy or lmprlsonmenL or (4) LhaL Lhe parLy offerlng Lhe
deposlLlon has been unable Lo procure Lhe aLLendance of Lhe wlLness by
subpoena or (3) upon appllcaLlon and noLlce LhaL such excepLlonal
clrcumsLances exlsL as Lo make lL deslrable ln Lhe lnLeresL of [usLlce and wlLh
C 8 A C l L |

due regard Lo Lhe lmporLance of presenLlng Lhe LesLlmony of wlLnesses orally
ln open courL Lo allow Lhe deposlLlon Lo be used and
(d) lf only parL of a deposlLlon ls offered ln evldence by a parLy Lhe
adverse parLy may requlre hlm Lo lnLroduce all of lL whlch ls relevanL Lo Lhe
parL lnLroduced and any parLy may lnLroduce any oLher parLs (4a 824)
SLC 3 ffect of sobstltotloo of parLlesSubsLlLuLlon of parLles does noL
affecL Lhe rlghL Lo use deposlLlons prevlously Laken and when an acLlon has been
dlsmlssed and anoLher acLlon lnvolvlng Lhe same sub[ecL ls afLerward broughL
beLween Lhe same parLles or Lhelr represenLaLlves or successors ln lnLeresL all
deposlLlons lawfully Laken and duly flled ln Lhe former acLlon may be used ln Lhe
laLLer as lf orlglnally Laken Lherefor (3 824)
SLC 6 bjectloos to oJmlsslbllltySub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of secLlon 29 of
Lhls 8ule ob[ecLlon may be made aL Lhe Lrlal or hearlng Lo recelvlng ln evldence any
deposlLlon or parL Lhereof for any reason whlch would requlre Lhe excluslon of Lhe
evldence lf Lhe wlLness were Lhen presenL and LesLlfylng (6 824)
SLC 7 ffect of tokloq JeposltloosA parLy shall noL be deemed Lo make a
person hls own wlLness for any purpose by Laklng hls deposlLlon (7 824)
SLC 8 ffect of osloq Jeposltloos1he lnLroducLlon ln evldence of Lhe
deposlLlon or any parL Lhereof for any purpose oLher Lhan LhaL of conLradlcLlng or
lmpeachlng Lhe deponenL makes Lhe deponenL Lhe wlLness of Lhe parLy lnLroduclng
Lhe deposlLlon buL Lhls shall noL apply Lo Lhe use by an adverse parLy of a
deposlLlon as descrlbed ln paragraph (b) of secLlon 4 of Lhls 8ule (8 824)
SLC 9 kebottloq JeposltlooAL Lhe Lrlal or hearlng any parLy may rebuL any
relevanL evldence conLalned ln a deposlLlon wheLher lnLroduced by hlm or by any
oLher parLy (9 824)
SLC 10 letsoos befote wbom Jeposltloos moy be tokeo wltblo tbe
lblllpploesWlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes deposlLlons musL be Laken before any [udge
noLary publlc on Lhe person referred Lo ln secLlon 14 hereof (10a 824)
SLC 11 letsoos befote wbom Jeposltloos moy be tokeo lo fotelqo
cooottlesln a forelgn sLaLe or counLry deposlLlons may be Laken (a) on noLlce
before a secreLary of embassy or legaLlon consul general consul vlceconsul or
consular agenL of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes (b) before such person or offlcer
as may be appolnLed by commlsslon or under leLLers rogaLory or (c) Lhe person
referred Lo ln secLlon 14 hereof (11a 824)
SLC 12 commlssloo ot lettets toqototyA commlsslon or leLLers rogaLory
shall be lssued only when necessary or convenlenL on appllcaLlon and noLlce and
on such Lerms and wlLh such dlrecLlon as are [usL approprlaLe Cfflcers may be
deslgnaLed ln noLlces or commlsslons elLher by name or descrlpLlve LlLle and leLLers
rogaLory may be addressed Lo Lhe approprlaLe [udlclal auLhorlLy ln Lhe forelgn
counLry (12n 824)
SLC 13 lspoollflcotloo by lotetestno deposlLlon shall be Laken before a
person who ls a relaLlve wlLhln Lhe slxLh degree of consangulnlLy or afflnlLy or
employee or counsel of any of Lhe parLles or who ls a relaLlve wlLhln Lhe same
degree or employee of such counsel or who ls flnanclally lnLeresLed ln Lhe acLlon
(13a 824)
SLC 14 5tlpolotloos teqotJloq tokloq of Jeposltlooslf Lhe parLles so
sLlpulaLe ln wrlLlng deposlLlons may be Laken before any person auLhorlzed Lo
admlnlsLer oaLhs aL any Llme or place ln accordance wlLh Lhese 8ules and when so
Laken may be used llke oLher deposlLlons (14a 824)
SLC 13 eposltloo opoo otol exomlootloo ootlce tlme ooJ placeA parLy
deslrlng Lo Lake Lhe deposlLlon of any person upon oral examlnaLlon shall glve
reasonable noLlce ln wrlLlng Lo every oLher parLy Lo Lhe acLlon 1he noLlce shall
sLaLe Lhe Llme and place for Laklng Lhe deposlLlon and Lhe name and address of
each person Lo be examlned lf known and lf Lhe name ls aL known a general
descrlpLlon sufflclenL Lo ldenLlfy hlm or Lhe parLlcular class or group Lo whlch he
belongs Cn moLlon of any parLy upon whom Lhe noLlce ls served Lhe courL may for
cause shown enlarge or shorLen Lhe Llme (13 824)
SLC 16 tJets fot tbe ptotectloo of pottles ooJ Jepooeots AfLer noLlce ls
served for Laklng a deposlLlon by oral examlnaLlon upon moLlon seasonably made
by any parLy or by Lhe person Lo be examlned and for good cause shown Lhe courL
ln whlch Lhe acLlon ls pendlng may make an order LhaL Lhe deposlLlon shall noL be
Laken or LhaL lL may be Laken only aL some deslgnaLed place oLher Lhan LhaL sLaLed
ln Lhe noLlce or LhaL lL may be Laken only on wrlLLen lnLerrogaLorles or LhaL cerLaln
maLLers shall noL be lnqulred lnLo or LhaL Lhe scope of Lhe examlnaLlon shall be
held wlLh no one presenL excepL Lhe parLles Lo Lhe acLlon and Lhelr offlcers or
counsel or LhaL afLer belng sealed Lhe deposlLlon shall b opened only by order of
Lhe courL or LhaL secreL processes developmenLs or research need noL be
dlsclosed or LhaL Lhe parLles shall slmulLaneously flled speclfled documenLs or
lnformaLlon enclosed ln sealed envelope Lo be opened as dlrecLed by Lhe courL or
Lhe courL may make any oLher order whlch [usLlce requlres Lo proLecL Lhe parLy or
wlLness from annoyance embarrassmenL or oppresslon (16a 824)
SLC 17 kecotJ of exomlootloo ootb objectloos1he offlcer before whom
Lhe deposlLlon ls Lo be Laken shall puL Lhe wlLness or oaLh and shall personally or
by some one acLlng under hls dlrecLlon and ln hls presence record Lhe LesLlmony of
Lhe wlLness 1he LesLlmony shall be Laken sLenographlcally unless Lhe parLles agree
oLherwlse All ob[ecLlons made aL Lhe Llme of Lhe examlnaLlon Lo Lhe quallflcaLlons
of Lhe offlcer Laklng Lhe deposlLlon or Lo Lhe manner of Laklng lL or Lo Lhe evldence
presenLed or Lo Lhe conducL of any parLy and any oLher ob[ecLlon Lo Lhe
proceedlngs shall be noLed by Lhe offlcer upon Lhe deposlLlon Lvldence ob[ecLed
Lo shall be Laken sub[ecL Lo Lhe ob[ecLlons ln lleu of parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe oral
examlnaLlon parLles served wlLh noLlce of Laklng a deposlLlon may LransmlL wrlLLen
lnLerrogaLorles Lo Lhe offlcers who shall propound Lhem Lo Lhe wlLness and record
Lhe answers vetbotlm (17 824)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 18 Motloo to tetmloote ot llmlt exomlootlooAL any Llme durlng Lhe
Laklng of Lhe deposlLlon on moLlon or peLlLlon of any parLy or of Lhe deponenL and
upon a showlng LhaL Lhe examlnaLlon ls belng conducLed ln bad falLh or ln such
manner as unreasonably Lo annoy embarrass or oppress Lhe deponenL or parLy
Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe acLlon ls pendlng or Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe place
where Lhe deposlLlon ls belng Laken may order Lhe offlcer conducLlng Lhe
examlnaLlon Lo cease forLhwlLh from Laklng Lhe deposlLlon or may llmlL Lhe scope
and manner of Lhe Laklng of Lhe deposlLlon as provlded ln secLlon 16 of Lhls 8ule lf
Lhe order made LermlnaLes Lhe examlnaLlon lL shall be resumed LhereafLer only
upon Lhe order of Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe acLlon ls pendlng upon demand of Lhe
ob[ecLlng parLy or deponenL Lhe Laklng of Lhe deposlLlon shall be suspended for
Lhe Llme necessary Lo make a noLlce for an order ln granLlng or refuslng such
order Lhe courL may lmpose upon elLher parLy or upon Lhe wlLness Lhe
requlremenL Lo pay such cosLs or expenses as Lhe courL may deem reasonable
(18a 824)
SLC 19 5obmlssloo to wltoess cbooqes slqoloqWhen Lhe LesLlmony ls
fully Lranscrlbed Lhe deposlLlon shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe wlLness for examlnaLlon
and shall be read Lo or by hlm unless such examlnaLlon and readlng are walved by
Lhe wlLness and by Lhe parLles Any changes ln form or subsLance whlch Lhe wlLness
deslres Lo make shall be enLered upon Lhe deposlLlon by Lhe offlcer wlLh a
sLaLemenL of Lhe reasons glven by Lhe wlLness for maklng Lhem 1he deposlLlon
shall Lhen be slgned by Lhe wlLness unless Lhe parLles by sLlpulaLlon walve Lhe
slgnlng or Lhe wlLness ls lll or cannoL be found or refuses Lo slgn lf Lhe deposlLlon ls
noL slgned by Lhe wlLness Lhe offlcer shall slgn lL and sLaLe on Lhe record Lhe facL of
Lhe walver or of Lhe lllness or absence of Lhe wlLness or Lhe facL of Lhe refusal Lo
slgn LogeLher wlLh Lhe reason glven Lherefor lf any and Lhe deposlLlon may Lhen
be used as fully as Lhough slgned unless on a moLlon Lo suppress under secLlon 29
(f) of Lhls 8ule Lhe courL holds LhaL Lhe reasons glven for Lhe refusal Lo slgn requlre
re[ecLlon Cf Lhe deposlLlon ln whole or ln parL (19a 824)
SLC 20 cettlflcotloo ooJ fllloq by offlcet1he offlcer shall cerLlfy on Lhe
deposlLlon LhaL Lhe wlLness was duly sworn Lo by hlm and LhaL Lhe deposlLlon ls a
Lrue record of Lhe LesLlmony glven by Lhe wlLness Pe shall Lhen securely seal Lhe
deposlLlon ln an envelope lndorsed wlLh Lhe LlLle of Lhe acLlon and marked
ueposlLlon of (here lnserL Lhe name of wlLness)" and shall prompLly flle lL wlLh Lhe
courL ln whlch Lhe acLlon ls pendlng or send lL by reglsLered mall Lo Lhe clerk
Lhereof for flllng (20 824)
SLC 21 Notlce of fllloq1he offlcer Laklng Lhe deposlLlon shall glve prompL
noLlce of lLs flllng Lo all Lhe parLles (21 824)
SLC 22 lotolsbloq coplesupon paymenL of reasonable charges Lherefor
Lhe offlcer shall furnlsh a copy of Lhe deposlLlon Lo any parLy or Lo Lhe deponenL
(22 824)
SLC 23 lollote to otteoJ of potty qlvloq ootlcelf Lhe parLy glvlng Lhe noLlce
of Lhe Laklng of a deposlLlon falls Lo aLLend and proceed LherewlLh and anoLher
aLLends ln person or by counsel pursuanL Lo Lhe noLlce Lhe courL may order Lhe
parLy glvlng Lhe noLlce Lo pay such oLher parLy Lhe amounL of Lhe reasonable
expenses lncurred by hlm and hls counsel ln so aLLendlng lncludlng reasonable
aLLorney's fees (23a 824)
SLC 24 lollote of potty qlvloq ootlce to setve sobpoeoo lf Lhe parLy glvlng
Lhe noLlce of Lhe Laklng of a deposlLlon of a wlLness falls Lo serve a subpoena upon
hlm and Lhe wlLness because of such fallure does noL aLLend and lf anoLher parLy
aLLends ln person or by counsel because he expecLs Lhe deposlLlon of LhaL wlLness
Lo be Laken Lhe courL may order Lhe parLy glvlng Lhe noLlce Lo pay Lo such oLher
parLy LheamounL of Lhe reasonable expenses lncurred by hlm and hls counsel ln so
aLLendlng lncludlng reasonable aLLorney's fees (24a 824)
SLC 23 eposltloo opoo wtltteo lotettoqototles setvlce of ootlce ooJ of
lotettoqototlesA parLy deslrlng Lo Lake Lhe deposlLlon of any person upon
wrlLLen lnLerrogaLorles shall serve Lhem upon every oLher parLy wlLh a noLlce
sLaLlng Lhe name and address of Lhe person who ls Lo answer Lhem and Lhe name
of descrlpLlve LlLle and address of Lhe offlcer before whom Lhe deposlLlon ls Lo be
Laken WlLhln Len (10) days LhereafLer a parLy so served may serve cross
lnLerrogaLorles upon Lhe parLy proposlng Lo Lake Lhe deposlLlon WlLhln flve (3)
days LhereafLer Lhe laLLer may serve redlrecL lnLerrogaLorles upon a parLy who has
served crosslnLerrogaLorles WlLhln Lhree (3) days afLer belng served wlLh redlrecL
lnLerrogaLorles a parLy may serve recrosslnLerrogaLorles upon Lhe parLy proposlng
Lo Lake Lhe deposlLlon (23 824)
SLC 26 fflcets to toke tespooses ooJ ptepote tecotJA copy of Lhe noLlce
and coples of all lnLerrogaLorles served shall be dellvered by Lhe parLy Laklng Lhe
deposlLlon Lo Lhe offlcer deslgnaLed ln Lhe noLlce who shall proceed prompLly ln
Lhe manner provlded by secLlons 17 19 and 20 of Lhls 8ule Lo Lake Lhe LesLlmony
of Lhe wlLness ln response Lo Lhe lnLerrogaLorles and Lo prepare cerLlfy and flled
or mall Lhe deposlLlon aLLachlng LhereLo Lhe copy of Lhe noLlce and Lhe
lnLerrogaLorles recelved by hlm (26 824)
SLC 27 Notlce of fllloq ooJ fotolsbloq coplesWhen a deposlLlon upon
lnLerrogaLorles ls flled Lhe offlcer Laklng lL shall prompLly glve noLlce Lhereof Lo all
Lhe parLles and may furnlsh coples Lo Lhem or Lo Lhe deponenL upon paymenL of
reasonable charges Lherefor (27 824)
SLC 28 tJets fot tbe ptotectloo of pottles ooJ JepooeotsAfLer Lhe
servlce of Lhe lnLerrogaLorles and prlor Lo Lhe Laklng of Lhe LesLlmony of Lhe
deponenL Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe acLlon ls pendlng on moLlon prompLly made by a
parLy or a deponenL and for good cause shown may make any order speclfled ln
secLlons 13 16 and 18 of Lhls 8ule whlch ls approprlaLe and [usL or an order LhaL
Lhe deposlLlon shall noL be Laken before Lhe offlcer deslgnaLed ln Lhe noLlce or LhaL
lL shall noL be Laken excepL upon oral examlnaLlon (28a 824)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 29 ffect of ettots ooJ ltteqolotltles lo Jeposltloos
(a) As to ootlceAll errors and lrregularlLles ln Lhe noLlce for
Laklng a deposlLlon are walved unless wrlLLen ob[ecLlon ls prompLly served
upon Lhe parLy glvlng Lhe noLlce
(b) As to Jlspoollflcotloo of offlcetCb[ecLlon Lo Laklng a
deposlLlon because of dlsquallflcaLlon of Lhe offlcer before whom lL ls Lo be
Laken ls walved unless made before Lhe Laklng of Lhe deposlLlon beglns or as
soon LhereafLer as Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon becomes known or could be
dlscovered wlLh reasonable dlllgence
(c) As to competeocy ot televoocy of evlJeoce
Cb[ecLlons Lo Lhe compeLency of a wlLness or Lhe compeLency relevancy or
maLerlallLy of LesLlmony are noL walved by fallure Lo make Lhem before or
durlng Lhe Laklng of Lhe deposlLlon unless Lhe ground of Lhe ob[ecLlon ls one
whlch mlghL have been obvlaLed or removed lf presenLed aL LhaL Llme
(d) As to otol exomlootloo ooJ otbet pottlcolotsLrrors and
lrregularlLles occurrlng aL Lhe oral examlnaLlon ln Lhe manner of Laklng Lhe
deposlLlon ln Lhe form of Lhe quesLlons or answers ln Lhe oaLh or
afflrmaLlon or ln Lhe conducL of Lhe parLles and errors of any klnd whlch
mlghL be obvlaLed removed or cured lf prompLly prosecuLed are walved
unless reasonable ob[ecLlon LhereLo ls made aL Lhe Laklng of Lhe deposlLlon
(e) As to fotm of wtltteo lotettoqototlesCb[ecLlons Lo Lhe
form of wrlLLen lnLerrogaLorles submlLLed under secLlons 23 and 26 of Lhls
8ule are walved unless served ln wrlLlng upon Lhe parLy propoundlng Lhem
wlLhln Lhe Llme allowed for servlng succeedlng cross or oLher lnLerrogaLorles
and wlLhln Lhree (3) days afLer servlce of Lhe lasL lnLerrogaLorles auLhorlzed
(f) As to moooet of ptepototlooLrrors and lrregularlLles ln
Lhe manner ln whlch Lhe LesLlmony ls Lranscrlbed or Lhe deposlLlon ls
prepared slgned cerLlfled sealed lndorsed LransmlLLed flled or oLherwlse
dealL wlLh by Lhe offlcer under secLlons 17 19 20 and 26 of Lhls 8ule are
walved unless a moLlon Lo suppress Lhe deposlLlon or some parL Lhereof ls
made wlLh reasonable prompLness afLer such defecL ls or wlLh due dlllgence
mlghL have been ascerLalned (29a 824)

C 8 A C l L |

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 eposltloos befote octloo petltlooA person who deslres Lo
perpeLuaLe hls own LesLlmony or LhaL of anoLher person regardlng any maLLer LhaL
may be cognlzable ln any courL of Lhe hlllpplnes may flled a verlfled peLlLlon ln Lhe
courL of Lhe place of Lhe resldence of any expecLed adverse parLy (1a 8134)
SLC 2 cooteots of petltloo1he peLlLlon shall be enLlLled ln Lhe name of Lhe
peLlLloner and shall show (a) LhaL Lhe peLlLloner expecLs Lo be a parLy Lo an acLlon
ln a courL of Lhe hlllpplnes buL ls presenLly unable Lo brlng lL or cause lL Lo be
broughL (b) Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe expecLed acLlon and hls lnLeresL Lhereln (c)
Lhe facLs whlch he deslres Lo esLabllsh by Lhe proposed LesLlmony and hls reasons
for deslrlng Lo perpeLuaLe lL (d) Lhe names or a descrlpLlon of Lhe persons he
expecLs wlll be adverse parLles and Lhelr addresses so far as known and (e) Lhe
names and addresses of Lhe persons Lo be examlned and Lhe subsLance of Lhe
LesLlmony whlch he expecLs Lo ellclL from each and shall ask for an order
auLhorlzlng Lhe peLlLloner Lo Lake Lhe deposlLlons of Lhe persons Lo be examlned
named ln Lhe peLlLlon for Lhe purpose of perpeLuaLlng Lhelr LesLlmony (2 8134)
SLC 3 Notlce ooJ setvlce1he peLlLloner shall serve a noLlce upon each
person named ln Lhe peLlLlon as an expecLed adverse parLy LogeLher wlLh a copy of
Lhe peLlLlon sLaLlng LhaL Lhe peLlLloner wlll apply Lo Lhe courL aL a Llme and place
named Lhereln for Lhe order descrlbed ln Lhe peLlLlon AL leasL LwenLy (20) days
before Lhe daLe of Lhe hearlng Lhe courL shall cause noLlce Lhereof Lo be served on
Lhe parLles and prospecLlve deponenLs ln Lhe manner provlded for servlce of
summons (3a 8134)
SLC 4 tJet ooJ exomlootloolf Lhe courL ls saLlsfled LhaL Lhe perpeLuaLlon
of Lhe LesLlmony may prevenL a fallure or delay of [usLlce lL shall make an order
deslgnaLlng or descrlblng Lhe persons whose deposlLlon may be Laken and
speclfylng Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe examlnaLlon and wheLher Lhe deposlLlons shall
be Laken upon oral examlnaLlon or wrlLLen lnLerrogaLorles 1he deposlLlons may
Lhen be Laken ln accordance wlLh 8ule 23 before Lhe hearlng (4a 8134)
SLC 3 kefeteoce to coottlor Lhe purpose of applylng 8ule 23 Lo
deposlLlons for perpeLuaLlng LesLlmony each reference Lhereln Lo Lhe courL ln
whlch Lhe acLlon ls pendlng shall be deemed Lo refer Lo Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe
peLlLlon for such deposlLlon was flled (3a 8134)
SLC 6 use of Jeposltloolf a deposlLlon Lo perpeLuaLe LesLlmony ls Laken
under Lhls 8ule or lf alLhough noL so Laken lL would be admlsslble ln evldence lL
may be used ln any acLlon lnvolvlng Lhe same sub[ecL maLLer subsequenLly broughL
ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of secLlons 4 and 3 of 8ule 23 (6a 8134)
SLC 7 eposltloos peoJloq oppeollf an appeal has been Laken from a
[udgmenL of a courL lncludlng Lhe CourL of Appeals ln proper cases or before Lhe
Laklng of an appeal lf Lhe Llme Lherefor has noL explred Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe
[udgmenL was rendered may allow Lhe Laklng of deposlLlons of wlLnesses Lo
perpeLuaLe Lhelr LesLlmony for use ln Lhe evenL of furLher proceedlngs ln Lhe sald
courL ln such case Lhe parLy who deslres Lo perpeLuaLe Lhe LesLlmony may make a
moLlon ln Lhe sald courL for leave Lo Lake Lhe deposlLlons upon Lhe same noLlce
and servlce Lhereof as lf Lhe acLlon was pendlng Lhereln 1he moLlon shall sLaLe (a)
Lhe names and addresses of Lhe persons Lo be examlned and Lhe subsLance of Lhe
LesLlmony whlch he expecLs Lo ellclL from each and (b) Lhe reason for perpeLuaLlng
Lhelr LesLlmony lf Lhe courL flnds LhaL Lhe perpeLuaLlon of Lhe LesLlmony ls proper
Lo avold a fallure or delay of [usLlce lL may make an order allowlng Lhe deposlLlons
Lo be Laken and Lhereupon Lhe deposlLlons may be Laken and used ln Lhe same
manner and under Lhe same condlLlons as are prescrlbed ln Lhese 8ules for
deposlLlons Laken ln pendlng acLlons (7a 8134)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 lotettoqototles to pottles setvlce tbeteof under Lhe same
condlLlons speclfled ln secLlon 1 of 8ule 23 any parLy deslrlng Lo ellclL maLerlal and
relevanL facLs from any adverse parLles shall flle and serve upon Lhe laLLer wrlLLen
lnLerrogaLorles Lo be answered by Lhe parLy served or lf Lhe parLy served ls a publlc
or prlvaLe corporaLlon or a parLnershlp or assoclaLlon by any offlcer Lhereof
compeLenL Lo LesLlfy ln lLs behalf (1a)
SLC 2 Aoswet to lotettoqototles1he lnLerrogaLorles shall be answered
fully ln wrlLlng and shall be slgned and sworn Lo by Lhe person maklng Lhem 1he
parLy upon whom Lhe lnLerrogaLorles have been served shall flle and serve a copy
of Lhe answers on Lhe parLy submlLLlng Lhe lnLerrogaLorles wlLhln flfLeen (13) days
afLer servlce Lhereof unless Lhe courL on moLlon and for good cause shown
exLends or shorLens Lhe Llme (2a)
SLC 3 bjectloos to lotettoqototlesCb[ecLlons Lo any lnLerrogaLorles may
be presenLed Lo Lhe courL wlLhln Len (10) days afLer servlce Lhereof wlLh noLlce as
ln case of a moLlon and answers shall be deferred unLll Lhe ob[ecLlons are resolved
whlch shall be aL as early a Llme as ls pracLlcable (3a)
SLC 4 Nombet of lotettoqototlesno parLy may wlLhouL leave of courL
serve more Lhan one seL of lnLerrogaLorles Lo be answered by Lhe same parLy (4)
SLC 3 5cope ooJ ose of lotettoqototleslnLerrogaLorles may relaLe Lo any
maLLers LhaL can be lnqulred lnLo under secLlon 2 of 8ule 23 and Lhe answers may
be used for Lhe same purposes provlded ln secLlon 4 of Lhe same 8ule (3a)
SLC 6 ffect of follote to setve wtltteo lotettoqototles unless LhereafLer
allowed by Lhe courL for good cause shown and Lo prevenL a fallure of [usLlce a
parLy noL served wlLh wrlLLen lnLerrogaLorles may noL be compelled by Lhe adverse
parLy Lo glve LesLlmony ln open courL or Lo glve a deposlLlon pendlng appeal (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 kepoest fot oJmlsslooAL any Llme afLer lssues have been
[olned a parLy may flle and serve upon any oLher parLy a wrlLLen requesL for Lhe
admlsslon by Lhe laLLer of Lhe genulneness of any maLerlal and relevanL documenL
descrlbed ln and exhlblLed wlLh Lhe requesL or of Lhe LruLh of any maLerlal and
relevanL maLLer of facL seL forLh ln Lhe requesL Coples of Lhe documenLs shall be
dellvered wlLh Lhe requesL unless coples have already been furnlshed (1a)
SLC 2 lmplleJ oJmlsslooLach of Lhe maLLers of whlch an admlsslon ls
requesLed shall be deemed admlLLed unless wlLhln a perlod deslgnaLed ln Lhe
requesL whlch shall noL be less Lhan flfLeen (13) days afLer servlce Lhereof or
wlLhln such furLher Llme as Lhe courL may allow on moLlon Lhe parLy Lo whom Lhe
requesL ls dlrecLed flles and serves upon Lhe parLy requesLlng Lhe admlsslon a
sworn sLaLemenL elLher denylng speclflcally Lhe maLLers of whlch an admlsslon ls
requesLed or seLLlng forLh ln deLall Lhe reasons why he cannoL LruLhfully elLher
admlL or deny Lhose maLLers
Cb[ecLlons Lo any requesL for admlsslon shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe courL by
Lhe parLy requesLed wlLhln Lhe perlod for and prlor Lo Lhe flllng of hls sworn
sLaLemenL as conLemplaLed ln Lhe precedlng paragraph and hls compllance
LherewlLh shall be deferred unLll such obllgaLlons are resolved whlch resoluLlon
shall be made as early as pracLlcable (2a)
SLC 3 ffect of oJmlsslooAny admlsslon made by a parLy pursuanL Lo such
requesL ls for Lhe purpose of Lhe pendlng acLlon only and shall noL consLlLuLe an
admlsslon by hlm for any oLher purpose nor may Lhe same be used agalnsL hlm ln
any oLher proceedlng (3)
SLC 4 JltbJtowol1he courL may allow Lhe parLy maklng an admlsslon
under Lhls 8ule wheLher express or lmplled Lo wlLhdraw or amend lL upon such
Lerms as may be [usL (4)
SLC 3 ffect of follote to flle ooJ setve tepoest fot oJmlssloounless
oLherwlse allowed by Lhe courL for good cause shown and Lo prevenL a fallure of
[usLlce a parLy who falls Lo flle and serve a requesL for admlsslon on Lhe adverse
parLy of maLerlal and relevanL facLs aL lssue whlch are or oughL Lo be wlLhln Lhe
personal knowledge of Lhe laLLer shall noL be permlLLed Lo presenL evldence on
such facLs (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Motloo fot ptoJoctloo ot lospectloo otJet upon moLlon of any
parLy showlng good cause Lherefor Lhe courL ln whlch an acLlon ls pendlng may (a)
order any parLy Lo produce and permlL Lhe lnspecLlon and copylng or
phoLographlng by or on behalf of Lhe movlng parLy of any deslgnaLed documenLs
papers books accounLs leLLers phoLographs ob[ecLs or Langlble Lhlngs noL
prlvlleged whlch consLlLuLe or conLaln evldence maLerlal Lo any maLLer lnvolved ln
Lhe acLlon and whlch are ln hls possesslon cusLody or conLrol or (b) order any parLy
or permlL enLry upon deslgnaLed land or oLher properLy ln hls possesslon or conLrol
for Lhe purpose of lnspecLlng measurlng surveylng or phoLographlng Lhe properLy
or any deslgnaLed relevanL ob[ecL or operaLlon Lhereon 1he order shall speclfy Lhe
Llme place and manner of maklng Lhe lnspecLlon and Laklng coples and
phoLographs and may prescrlbe such Lerms and condlLlons as are [usL (1a)

SLC1lCn 1 Jbeo exomlootloo moy be otJeteJln an acLlon ln whlch Lhe
menLal or physlcal condlLlon of a parLy ls ln conLroversy Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe
acLlon ls pendlng may ln lLs dlscreLlon order hlm Lo submlL Lo a physlcal or menLal
examlnaLlon by a physlclan (1)
SLC 2 tJet fot exomlootloo1he order for examlnaLlon may be made only
on moLlon for good cause shown and upon noLlce Lo Lhe parLy Lo be examlned and
Lo all oLher parLles and shall speclfy Lhe Llme place manner condlLlons and scope
of Lhe examlnaLlon and Lhe person or persons by whom lL ls Lo be made (2)
SLC 3 kepott of floJloqslf requesLed by Lhe parLy examlned Lhe parLy
causlng Lhe examlnaLlon Lo be made shall dellver Lo hlm a copy of a deLalled
wrlLLen reporL of Lhe examlnlng physlclan seLLlng ouL hls flndlngs and concluslons
AfLer such requesL and dellvery Lhe parLy causlng Lhe examlnaLlon Lo be made shall
be enLlLled upon requesL Lo recelve from Lhe parLy examlned a llke reporL of any
examlnaLlon prevlously or LhereafLer made of Lhe same menLal or physlcal
condlLlon lf Lhe parLy examlned refuses Lo dellver such reporL Lhe courL on moLlon
and noLlce may make an order requlrlng dellvery on such Lerms as are [usL and lf a
physlclan falls or refuses Lo make such a reporL Lhe courL may exclude hls LesLlmony
lf offered aL Lhe Lrlal (3a)
SLC 4 Jolvet of ptlvlleqe8y requesLlng and obLalnlng a reporL of Lhe
examlnaLlon so ordered or by Laklng Lhe deposlLlon of Lhe examlner Lhe parLy
examlned walves any prlvllege he may have ln LhaL acLlon or any oLher lnvolvlng Lhe
same conLroversy regardlng Lhe LesLlmony of every oLher person who has
examlned or may LhereafLer examlne hlm ln respecL of Lhe same menLal or physlcal
examlnaLlon (4)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 kefosol to ooswetlf a parLy or oLher deponenL refuses Lo
answer any quesLlon upon oral examlnaLlon Lhe examlnaLlon may be compleLed on
oLher maLLers or ad[ourned as Lhe proponenL of Lhe quesLlon may prefer 1he
proponenL may LhereafLer apply Lo Lhe proper courL of Lhe place where Lhe
deposlLlon ls belng Laken for an order Lo compel an answer 1he same procedure
may be avalled of when a parLy or a wlLness refuses Lo answer any lnLerrogaLory
submlLLed under 8ules 23 or 23
lf Lhe appllcaLlon ls granLed Lhe courL shall requlre Lhe refuslng parLy or
deponenL Lo answer Lhe quesLlon or lnLerrogaLory and lf lL also flnds LhaL Lhe
refusal Lo answer was wlLhouL subsLanLlal [usLlflcaLlon lL may requlre Lhe refuslng
parLy or deponenL or Lhe counsel advlslng Lhe refusal or boLh of Lhem Lo pay Lhe
proponenL Lhe amounL of Lhe reasonable expenses lncurred ln obLalnlng Lhe order
lncludlng aLLorney's fees
lf Lhe appllcaLlon ls denled and Lhe courL flnds LhaL lL was flled wlLhouL
subsLanLlal [usLlflcaLlon Lhe courL may requlre Lhe proponenL or Lhe counsel
advlslng Lhe flllng of Lhe appllcaLlon or boLh of Lhem Lo pay Lo Lhe refuslng parLy or
deponenL Lhe amounL of Lhe reasonable expenses lncurred ln opposlng Lhe
appllcaLlon lncludlng aLLorney's fees (1a)
SLC 2 cootempt of courLlf a parLy or oLher wlLness refuses Lo be sworn or
refuses Lo answer any quesLlon afLer belng dlrecLed Lo do so by Lhe courL of Lhe
place ln whlch Lhe deposlLlon ls belng Laken Lhe refusal may be consldered a
conLempL of LhaL courL (2a)
SLC 3 tbet coosepoeoceslf any parLy or an offlcer or managlng agenL of a
parLy refuses Lo obey an order made under secLlon 1 of Lhls 8ule requlrlng hlm Lo
answer deslgnaLed quesLlons or an order under 8ule 27 Lo produce any documenL
or oLher Lhlng for lnspecLlon copylng or phoLographlng or Lo permlL lL Lo be done
or Lo permlL enLry upon land or oLher properLy or an order made under 8ule 28
requlrlng hlm Lo submlL Lo a physlcal or menLal examlnaLlon Lhe courL may make
such orders ln regard Lo Lhe refusal as are [usL and among oLhers Lhe followlng
(a) An order LhaL Lhe maLLers regardlng whlch Lhe quesLlons were
asked or Lhe characLer or descrlpLlon of Lhe Lhlng or land or Lhe conLenLs of
Lhe paper or Lhe physlcal or menLal condlLlon of Lhe parLy or any oLher
deslgnaLed facLs shall be Laken Lo be esLabllshed for Lhe purposes of Lhe
acLlon ln accordance wlLh Lhe clalm of Lhe parLy obLalnlng Lhe order
(b) An order refuslng Lo allow Lhe dlsobedlenL parLy Lo supporL or
oppose deslgnaLed clalms or defenses or prohlblLlng hlm from lnLroduclng ln
evldence deslgnaLed documenLs or Lhlngs or lLems of LesLlmony or from
lnLroduclng evldence of physlcal or menLal condlLlon
(c) An order sLrlklng ouL pleadlngs or parLs Lhereof or sLaylng
furLher proceedlngs unLll Lhe order ls obeyed or dlsmlsslng Lhe acLlon or
proceedlng or any parL Lhereof or renderlng a [udgmenL by defaulL agalnsL
Lhe dlsobedlenL parLy and
(d) ln lleu of any of Lhe foregolng orders or ln addlLlon LhereLo an
order dlrecLlng Lhe arresL of any parLy or agenL of parLy for dlsobeylng any of
such orders excepL an order Lo submlL Lo a physlcal or menLal examlnaLlon
SLC 4 xpeoses oo tefosol to oJmltlf a parLy afLer belng served wlLh a
requesL under 8ule 26 Lo admlL Lhe genulneness of any documenL or Lhe LruLh
of any maLLer of facL serves a sworn denlal Lhereof and lf Lhe parLy requesLlng Lhe
admlsslons LhereafLer proves Lhe genulneness of such documenL or Lhe LruLh
of any such maLLer of facL he may apply Lo Lhe courL for an order requlrlng Lhe
oLher parLy Lo pay hlm Lhe reasonable expenses lncurred ln maklng such proof
lncludlng aLLorney's fees unless Lhe courL flnds LhaL Lhere were good reasons for
Lhe denlal or LhaL admlsslons soughL were of no subsLanLlal lmporLance such order
shall be lssued (4a)
SLC 3 lollote of potty to otteoJ ot setve ooswetslf a parLy or an offlcer or
managlng agenL of a parLy wllfully falls Lo appear before Lhe offlcer who ls Lo
Lake hls deposlLlon afLer belng served wlLh a proper noLlce or falls Lo serve
answers Lo lnLerrogaLorles submlLLed under 8ule 23 afLer proper servlce of such
lnLerrogaLorles Lhe courL on moLlon and noLlce may sLrlke ouL all or any parL of
any pleadlng of Lhe parLy or dlsmlss Lhe acLlon or proceedlng or any parL Lhereof
or enLer a [udgmenL by defaulL agalnsL Lhe parLy and ln lLs dlscreLlon order hlm Lo
pay reasonable expenses lncurred by Lhe oLher lncludlng aLLorney's fees (3)
SLC 6 xpeoses oqolost tbe kepobllc of tbe lblllpploesLxpenses and
aLLorney's fees are noL Lo be lmposed upon Lhe 8epubllc
of Lhehlllpplnes under Lhls 8ule(6)

C 8 A C l L |

kULL 30 1kIAL
SLC1lCn 1 Notlce of Lrlalupon enLry of a case ln Lhe Lrlal calendar Lhe
clerk shall noLlfy Lhe parLles of Lhe daLe of lLs Lrlal ln such manner as shall ensure hls
recelpL of LhaL noLlce aL leasL flve (3) days before such daLe (2a 822)
SLC 2 AJjootomeots ooJ postpooemeotsA courL may ad[ourn a Lrlal from
day Lo day and Lo any sLaLed Llme as Lhe expedlLlous and convenlenL LransacLlon
of buslness may requlre buL shall have no power Lo ad[ourn a Lrlal for a longer
perlod Lhan one monLh for each ad[ournmenL nor more Lhan Lhree monLhs ln all
excepL when auLhorlzed ln wrlLlng by Lhe CourL AdmlnlsLraLor Supreme CourL (3a
SLC 3 kepolsltes of motloo to postpooe ttlol fot obseoce of evlJeoce
A moLlon Lo posLpone a Lrlal on Lhe ground of absence of evldence can be granLed
only upon affldavlL showlng Lhe maLerlallLy or relevancy of such evldence and LhaL
due dlllgence has been used Lo procure lL 8uL lf Lhe adverse parLy admlLs Lhe facLs
Lo be glven ln evldence even lf he ob[ecLs or reserves Lhe rlghL Lo Lhelr
admlsslblllLy Lhe Lrlal shall noL be posLponed (4a 822)
SLC 4 kepolsltes of motloo to postpooe ttlol fot llloess of potty ot cooosel
A moLlon Lo posLpone a Lrlal on Lhe ground of lllness of a parLy or counsel may be
granLed lf lL appears upon affldavlL or sworn cerLlflcaLlon LhaL Lhe presence of such
parLy or counsel aL Lhe Lrlal ls lndlspensable and LhaL Lhe characLer of hls lllness ls
such as Lo render hls nonaLLendance excusable (3a 822)
SLC 3 tJet of ttlolSub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of secLlon 2 of 8ule 31 and
unless Lhe courL for speclal reasons oLherwlse dlrecLs Lhe Lrlal shall be llmlLed Lo
Lhe lssues sLaLed ln Lhe preLrlal order and shall proceed as follows
(a) 1he plalnLlff shall adduce evldence ln supporL of hls complalnL
(b) 1he defendanL shall Lhen adduce evldence ln supporL of hls
defense counLerclalm crossclalm and LhlrdparLy complalnL
(c) 1he LhlrdparLy defendanL lf any shall adduce evldence of hls
defense counLerclalm crossclalm and fourLhparLy complalnL
(d) 1he fourLhparLy and so forLh lf any shall adduce evldence of
Lhe maLerlal facLs pleaded by Lhem
(e) 1he parLles agalnsL whom any counLerclalm or crossclalm has
been pleaded shall adduce evldence ln supporL of Lhelr defense ln Lhe order
Lo be prescrlbed by Lhe courL
(f) 1he parLles may Lhen respecLlvely adduce rebuLLlng evldence
only unless Lhe courL for good reasons and ln Lhe furLherance of [usLlce
permlLs Lhem Lo adduce evldence upon Lhelr orlglnal case and
(g) upon admlsslon of Lhe evldence Lhe case shall be deemed
submlLLed for declslon unless Lhe courL dlrecLs Lhe parLles Lo argue or Lo
submlL Lhelr respecLlve memoranda or any furLher pleadlngs
lf several defendanLs or LhlrdparLy defendanLs and so forLh havlng separaLe
defenses appear by dlfferenL counsel Lhe courL shall deLermlne Lhe relaLlve order
of presenLaLlon of Lhelr evldence (1a 830)
SLC 6 AqteeJ stotemeot of focts1he parLles Lo any acLlon may agree ln
wrlLlng upon Lhe facLs lnvolved ln Lhe llLlgaLlon and submlL Lhe case for [udgmenL
on Lhe facLs agreed upon wlLhouL Lhe lnLroducLlon of evldence
lf Lhe parLles agree only on some of Lhe facLs ln lssue Lhe Lrlal shall be held as
Lo Lhe dlspuLed facLs ln such order as Lhe courL shall prescrlbe (2a 830)
SLC 7 5totemeot of [udgeuurlng Lhe hearlng or Lrlal of a case any
sLaLemenL made by Lhe [udge wlLh reference Lo Lhe case or Lo any of Lhe parLles
wlLnesses or counsel shall be made of record ln Lhe sLenographlc noLes (3a 830)
SLC 8 5ospeosloo of octloos1he suspenslon of acLlons shall be governed
by Lhe provlslons of Lhe Clvll Code (n)
SLC 9 IoJqe to tecelve evlJeoce Jeleqotloo to cletk of coott1he [udge of
Lhe courL where Lhe case ls pendlng shall personally recelve Lhe evldence Lo be
adduced by Lhe parLles Powever ln defaulL or ex potte hearlngs and ln any case
where Lhe parLles agree lo wrlLlng Lhe courL may delegaLe Lhe recepLlon of
evldence Lo lLs clerk of courL who ls a member of Lhe bar 1he clerk of courL shall
have no power Lo rule on ob[ecLlons Lo any quesLlon or Lo Lhe admlsslon of exhlblLs
whlch ob[ecLlons shall be resolved by Lhe courL upon submlsslon of hls reporL and
Lhe LranscrlpLs wlLhln Len (10) days from LermlnaLlon of Lhe hearlng (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 coosollJotlooWhen acLlons lnvolvlng a common quesLlon of
law or facL are pendlng before Lhe courL lL may order a [olnL hearlng or Lrlal of any
or all Lhe maLLers ln lssue ln Lhe acLlons lL may order all Lhe acLlons consolldaLed
and lL may make such orders concernlng proceedlngs Lhereln as may Lend Lo avold
unnecessary cosLs or delay (1)
SLC 2 5epotote ttlols1he courL ln furLherance of convenlence or Lo avold
pre[udlce may order a separaLe Lrlal of any clalm crossclalm counLerclalm or
LhlrdparLy complalnL or of any separaLe lssue or of any number of clalms cross
clalms counLerclalms LhlrdparLy complalnL or lssues (2a)

SLC1lCn 1 kefeteoce by cooseot8y wrlLLen consenL of boLh parLles Lhe
courL may order any or all of Lhe lssues ln a case Lo be referred Lo a commlssloner
Lo be agreed upon by Lhe parLles or Lo be appolnLed by Lhe courL As used ln Lhese
8ules Lhe word commlssloner" lncludes a referee an audlLor and an examlner
(1a 833)
SLC 2 kefeteoce otJeteJ oo motlooWhen Lhe parLles do noL consenL Lhe
courL may upon Lhe appllcaLlon of elLher or of lLs own moLlon) dlrecL a reference Lo
a commlssloner ln Lhe followlng cases
(a) When Lhe Lrlal of an lssue of facL requlres Lhe examlnaLlon
of a long accounL on elLher slde ln whlch case Lhe commlssloner may be
dlrecLed Lo hear and reporL upon Lhe whole lssue or any speclflc quesLlon
lnvolved Lhereln
(b) When Lhe Laklng of an accounL ls necessary for Lhe
lnformaLlon of Lhe courL before [udgmenL or for carrylng a [udgmenL or order
lnLo effecL
(c) When a quesLlon of facL oLher Lhan upon Lhe
pleadlngs arlses upon moLlon or oLherwlse ln any sLage of a case or for
carrylng a [udgmenL or order lnLo effecL (2a 833)
SLC 3 tJet of tefeteoce powets of tbe commlsslooet When a reference
ls made Lhe clerk shall forLhwlLh furnlsh Lhe commlssloner wlLh a copy of Lhe
order of reference 1he order may speclfy or llmlL Lhe powers of Lhe commlssloner
and may dlrecL hlm Lo reporL only upon parLlcular lssues or Lo do or perform
parLlcular acLs or Lo recelve and reporL evldence only and may flx Lhe daLe for
beglnnlng and closlng Lhe hearlngs and for Lhe flllng of hls reporL Sub[ecL Lo Lhe
speclflcaLlons and llmlLaLlons sLaLed ln Lhe order Lhe commlssloner has and shall
exerclse Lhe power Lo regulaLe Lhe proceedlngs ln every hearlng before hlm and Lo
do all acLs and Lake all measures necessary or proper for Lhe efflclenL performance
of hls duLles under Lhe order Pe may lssue subpoenas and subpoenas Joces
tecom swear wlLnesses and unless oLherwlse provlded ln Lhe order of reference
he may rule upon Lhe admlsslblllLy of evldence 1he Lrlal or hearlng before hlm shall
proceed ln all respecLs as lL would lf held before Lhe courL (3a 833)
SLC 4 otb of commlsslooet8efore enLerlng upon hls duLles Lhe
commlssloner shall be sworn Lo a falLhful and honesL performance Lhereof (14
SLC 3 ltoceeJloqs befote commlsslooetupon recelpL of Lhe order of
reference and unless oLherwlse provlded Lhereln Lhe commlssloner shall forLhwlLh
seL a Llme and place for Lhe flrsL meeLlng of Lhe parLles or Lhelr counsel Lo be held
wlLhln Len (10) days afLer Lhe daLe of Lhe order of reference and shall noLlfy Lhe
parLles or Lhelr counsel (3a 833)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 6 lollote of pottles to oppeot befote commlsslooetlf a parLy falls Lo
appear aL Lhe Llme and place appolnLed Lhe commlssloner may proceed ex
potte or ln hls dlscreLlon ad[ourn Lhe proceedlngs Lo a fuLure day glvlng noLlce Lo
Lhe absenL parLy or hls counsel of Lhe ad[ournmenL (6a 833)
SLC 7 kefosol of wltoess1he refusal of a wlLness Lo obey a subpoena
lssued by Lhe commlssloner or Lo glve evldence before hlm shall be deemed a
conLempL of Lhe courL whlch appolnLed Lhe commlssloner (7a 833)
SLC 8 commlsslooet sboll ovolJ JeloyslL ls Lhe duLy of Lhe commlssloner
Lo proceed wlLh all reasonable dlllgence LlLher parLy on noLlce Lo Lhe parLles and
commlssloner may apply Lo Lhe courL for an order requlrlng Lhe commlssloner Lo
expedlLe Lhe proceedlngs and Lo make hls reporL (8a 833)
SLC 9 kepott of commlsslooetupon Lhe compleLlon of Lhe Lrlal or hearlng
or proceedlng before Lhe commlssloner he shall flle wlLh Lhe courL hls reporL ln
wrlLlng upon Lhe maLLers submlLLed Lo hlm by Lhe order of reference When hls
powers are noL speclfled or llmlLed he shall seL forLh hls flndlngs of facL and
concluslons of law ln hls reporL Pe shall aLLach LhereLo all exhlblLs affldavlLs
deposlLlons papers and Lhe LranscrlpLs lf any of Lhe LesLlmonlal evldence
presenLed before hlm (9a 833)
SLC 10 Notlce to pottles of tbe fllloq of tepottupon Lhe flllng of Lhe reporL
Lhe parLles shall be noLlfled by Lhe clerk and Lhey shall be allowed Len (10) days
wlLhln whlch Lo slgnlfy grounds of ob[ecLlons Lo Lhe flndlngs of Lhe reporL lf Lhey so
deslre Cb[ecLlons Lo Lhe reporL based upon grounds whlch were avallable Lo Lhe
parLles durlng Lhe proceedlngs before Lhe commlssloner oLher Lhan ob[ecLlons Lo
Lhe flndlngs and concluslons Lhereln seL forLh shall noL be consldered by Lhe courL
unless Lhey were made before Lhe commlssloner (10 833)
SLC 11 neotloq opoo reporLupon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod of Len (10)
days referred Lo ln Lhe precedlng secLlon Lhe reporL shall be seL for hearlng afLer
whlch Lhe courL shall lssue an order adopLlng modlfylng or re[ecLlng Lhe reporL ln
whole or ln parL or recommlLLlng lL wlLh lnsLrucLlons or requlrlng Lhe parLles Lo
presenL furLher evldence before Lhe commlssloner or Lhe courL (11a 833)
SLC 12 5tlpolotloos os to floJloqsWhen Lhe parLles sLlpulaLe LhaL a
commlssloner's flndlngs of facL shall be flnal only quesLlons of law shall LhereafLer
be consldered (12a 833)
SLC 13 compeosotloo of commlsslooet1he courL shall allow Lhe
commlssloner such reasonable compensaLlon as Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe case
warranL Lo be Laxed as cosLs agalnsL Lhe defeaLed parLy or apporLloned as [usLlce
requlres (13 833)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 emottet to evlJeoceAfLer Lhe plalnLlff has compleLed Lhe
presenLaLlon of hls evldence Lhe defendanL may move for dlsmlssal on Lhe ground
LhaL upon Lhe facLs and Lhe law Lhe plalnLlff has shown no rlghL Lo rellef lf hls
moLlon ls denled he shall have Lhe rlghL Lo presenL evldence lf Lhe moLlon ls
granLed buL on appeal Lhe order of dlsmlssal ls reversed he shall be deemed Lo have
walved Lhe rlghL Lo presenL evldence (1a 833)

SLC1lCn 1 IoJqmeot oo tbe pleoJloqsWhere an answer falls Lo Lender an
lssue or oLherwlse admlLs Lhe maLerlal allegaLlons of Lhe adverse parLy's pleadlng
Lhe courL may on moLlon of LhaL parLy dlrecL [udgmenL on such pleadlng
Powever ln acLlons for declaraLlon of nulllLy or annulmenL of marrlage or for legal
separaLlon Lhe maLerlal facLs alleged ln Lhe complalnL shall always be proved (1a

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 5ommoty joJqmeot fot clolmootA parLy seeklng Lo recover
upon a clalm counLerclalm or crossclalm or Lo obLaln a declaraLory rellef may aL
any Llme afLer Lhe pleadlng ln answer LhereLo has been served move wlLh
supporLlng affldavlLs deposlLlons or admlsslons for a summary [udgmenL ln hls
favor upon all or any parL Lhereof (1a 834)
SLC 2 5ommoty joJqmeot fot JefeoJloq parLyA parLy agalnsL whom a
clalm counLerclalm or crossclalm ls asserLed or a declaraLory rellef ls soughL may
aL any Llme move wlLh supporLlng affldavlLs deposlLlons or admlsslons for a
summary [udgmenL ln hls favor as Lo all or any parL Lhereof (2a 834)
SLC 3 Motloo ooJ ptoceeJloqs tbeteoo 1he moLlon shall be served aL
leasL Len (10) days before Lhe Llme speclfled for Lhe hearlng 1he adverse parLy may
serve opposlng affldavlLs deposlLlons or admlsslons aL leasL Lhree (3) days before
Lhe hearlng AfLer Lhe hearlng Lhe [udgmenL soughL shall be rendered forLhwlLh lf
Lhe pleadlngs supporLlng affldavlLs deposlLlons and admlsslons on flle show LhaL
excepL as Lo Lhe amounL of damages Lhere ls no genulne lssue as Lo any maLerlal
facL and LhaL Lhe movlng parLy ls enLlLled Lo a [udgmenL as a maLLer of law (3a
SLC 4 cose oot folly oJjoJlcoteJ oo motloolf on moLlon under Lhls 8ule
[udgmenL ls noL rendered upon Lhe whole case or for all Lhe rellefs soughL and a
Lrlal ls necessary Lhe courL aL Lhe hearlng of Lhe moLlon by examlnlng Lhe
pleadlngs and Lhe evldence before lL and by lnLerrogaLlng counsel shall ascerLaln
whaL maLerlal facLs exlsL wlLhouL subsLanLlal conLroversy and whaL are acLually and
ln good falLh conLroverLed lL shall Lhereupon make an order speclfylng Lhe facLs
LhaL appear wlLhouL subsLanLlal conLroversy lncludlng Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhe
amounL of damages or oLher rellef ls noL ln conLroversy and dlrecLlng such furLher
proceedlngs ln Lhe acLlon as are [usL 1he facLs so speclfled shall be deemed
esLabllshed and Lhe Lrlal shall be conducLed on Lhe conLroverLed facLs accordlngly
(4a 834)
SLC 3 lotm of offlJovlts ooJ soppottloq popetsSupporLlng and opposlng
affldavlLs shall be made on personal knowledge shall seL forLh such facLs as would
be admlsslble ln evldence and shall show afflrmaLlvely LhaL Lhe afflanL ls
compeLenL Lo LesLlfy Lo Lhe maLLers sLaLed Lhereln CerLlfled Lrue coples of all
papers or parLs Lhereof referred Lo ln Lhe affldavlL shall be aLLached LhereLo or
served LherewlLh (3a 834)
SLC 6 AfflJovlts lo boJ falLhShould lL appear Lo lLs saLlsfacLlon aL any Llme
LhaL any of Lhe affldavlLs presenLed pursuanL Lo Lhls 8ule are presenLed ln bad falLh
or solely for Lhe purpose of delay Lhe courL shall forLhwlLh order Lhe offendlng
parLy or counsel Lo pay Lo Lhe oLher parLy Lhe amounL of Lhe reasonable expenses
whlch Lhe flllng of Lhe affldavlLs caused hlm Lo lncur lncludlng aLLorney's fees lL
may afLer hearlng furLher ad[udge Lhe offendlng parLy or counsel gullLy of
conLempL (6a 834)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 keoJltloo of joJqmeots ooJ flool otJetsA [udgmenL or flnal
order deLermlnlng Lhe merlLs of Lhe case shall be ln wrlLlng personally and dlrecLly
prepared by Lhe [udge sLaLlng clearly and dlsLlncLly Lhe facLs and Lhe law on whlch
lL ls based slgned by hlm and flled wlLh Lhe clerk of Lhe courL (1a)
SLC 2 otty of joJqmeots ooJ flool otJetslf no appeal or moLlon for new
Lrlal or reconslderaLlon ls flled wlLhln Lhe Llme provlded ln Lhese 8ules Lhe
[udgmenL or flnal order shall forLhwlLh be enLered by Lhe clerk ln Lhe book of
enLrles of [udgmenLs 1he daLe of flnallLy of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order shall be
deemed Lo be Lhe daLe of lLs enLry 1he record shall conLaln Lhe dlsposlLlve parL of
Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order and shall be slgned by Lhe clerk wlLh a cerLlflcaLe LhaL
such [udgmenL or flnal order has become flnal and execuLory (2a 10 831)
SLC 3 IoJqmeot fot ot oqolost ooe ot mote of sevetol parLles!udgmenL
may be glven for or agalnsL one or more several plalnLlffs and for or agalnsL one or
more of several defendanLs When [usLlce so demands Lhe courL may requlre Lhe
parLles on each slde Lo flle adversary pleadlngs as beLween Lhemselves and
deLermlne Lhelr ulLlmaLe rlghLs and obllgaLlons (3)
SLC 4 5evetol joJqmeotsln an acLlon agalnsL several defendanLs Lhe courL
may when a several [udgmenL ls proper render [udgmenL agalnsL one or more of
Lhem leavlng Lhe acLlon Lo proceed agalnsL Lhe oLhers (4)
SLC 3 5epotote joJqmeotsWhen more Lhan one clalm for rellef ls
presenLed ln an acLlon Lhe courL aL any sLage upon a deLermlnaLlon of Lhe lssues
maLerlal Lo a parLlcular clalm and all counLerclalms arlslng ouL of Lhe LransacLlon or
occurrence whlch ls Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe clalm may render a separaLe
[udgmenL dlsposlng of such clalm 1he [udgmenL shall LermlnaLe Lhe acLlon wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe clalm so dlsposed of and Lhe acLlon shall proceed as Lo Lhe remalnlng
clalms ln case a separaLe [udgmenL ls rendered Lhe courL by order may sLay lLs
enforcemenL unLll Lhe rendlLlon of a subsequenL [udgmenL or [udgmenLs and may
prescrlbe such condlLlons as may be necessary Lo secure Lhe beneflL Lhereof Lo Lhe
parLy ln whose favor Lhe [udgmenL ls rendered (3a)
SLC 6 IoJqmeot oqolost eotlty wltboot jotlJlcol petsooollty
When [udgmenL ls rendered agalnsL Lwo or more persons sued as an enLlLy wlLhouL
[urldlcal personallLy Lhe [udgmenL shall seL ouL Lhelr lndlvldual or proper names lf
known (6a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 CtoooJs of ooJ petloJ fot fllloq motloo fot oew ttlol ot
tecooslJetotlooWlLhln Lhe perlod for Laklng an appeal Lhe aggrleved parLy may
move Lhe Lrlal courL Lo seL aslde Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order and granL a new Lrlal
for one or more of Lhe followlng causes maLerlally affecLlng Lhe subsLanLlal rlghLs of
sald parLy
(a) lraud accldenL mlsLake or excusable negllgence whlch ordlnary
prudence could noL have guarded agalnsL and by reason of whlch such
aggrleved parLy has probably been lmpalred ln hls rlghLs or
(b) newly dlscovered evldence whlch he could noL wlLh reasonable
dlllgence have dlscovered and produced aL Lhe Lrlal and whlch lf presenLed
would probably alLer Lhe resulL
WlLhln Lhe same perlod Lhe aggrleved parLy may also move for
reconslderaLlon upon Lhe grounds LhaL Lhe damages awarded are excesslve LhaL
Lhe evldence ls lnsufflclenL Lo [usLlfy Lhe declslon or flnal order or LhaL Lhe declslon
or flnal order ls conLrary Lo law (1a)
SLC 2 cooteots of motloo fot oew ttlol ot tecooslJetotloo ooJ ootlce
tbeteof1he moLlon shall be made ln wrlLlng sLaLlng Lhe ground or grounds
Lherefor a wrlLLen noLlce of whlch shall be served by Lhe movanL on Lhe adverse
A moLlon for new Lrlal shall be proved ln Lhe manner provlded for proof of
moLlons A moLlon for Lhe cause menLloned ln paragraph (a) of Lhe precedlng
secLlon shall be supporLed by affldavlLs of merlLs whlch may be rebuLLed by
affldavlLs A moLlon for Lhe cause menLloned ln paragraph (b) shall be supporLed by
affldavlLs of Lhe wlLnesses by whom such evldence ls expecLed Lo be glven or by
duly auLhenLlcaLed documenLs whlch are proposed Lo be lnLroduced ln evldence
A moLlon for reconslderaLlon shall polnL ouL speclflcally Lhe flndlngs or
concluslons of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order whlch are noL supporLed by Lhe evldence
or whlch are conLrary Lo law maklng express reference Lo Lhe LesLlmonlal or
documenLary evldence or Lo Lhe provlslons of law alleged Lo be conLrary Lo such
flndlngs or concluslons
A pto fotmo moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon shall noL Loll Lhe
reglemenLary perlod of appeal (2a)
SLC 3 Actloo opoo motloo fot oew ttlol ot tecooslJetotloo1he Lrlal courL
may seL aslde Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order and granL a new Lrlal upon such Lerms as
may be [usL or may deny Lhe moLlon lf Lhe courL flnds LhaL excesslve damages
have been awarded or LhaL Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order ls conLrary Lo Lhe evldence
or law lL may amend such [udgmenL or flnal order accordlngly (3a)
SLC 4 kesolotloo of motlooA moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon shall
be resolved wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from Lhe Llme lL ls submlLLed for resoluLlon (n)
SLC 3 5ecooJ motloo fot oew ttlolA moLlon for new Lrlal shall lnclude all
grounds Lhen avallable and Lhose noL so lncluded shall be deemed walved A
second moLlon for new Lrlal based on a ground noL exlsLlng nor avallable when Lhe
flrsL moLlon was made may be flled wlLhln Lhe Llme hereln provlded excludlng Lhe
Llme durlng whlch Lhe flrsL moLlon had been pendlng
no parLy shall be allowed a second moLlon for reconslderaLlon of a [udgmenL
or flnal order (4a 4 l8C)
SLC 6 ffect of qtootloq of motloo fot oew ttlollf a new Lrlal ls granLed ln
accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls 8ule Lhe orlglnal [udgmenL or flnal order
shall be vacaLed and Lhe acLlon shall sLand for Lrlal Je oovo buL Lhe recorded
evldence Laken upon Lhe former Lrlal lnsofar as Lhe same ls maLerlal and
compeLenL Lo esLabllsh Lhe lssues shall be used aL Lhe new Lrlal wlLhouL reLaklng
Lhe same (3)
SLC 7 lottlol oew ttlol ot tecooslJetotloolf Lhe grounds for a moLlon
under Lhls 8ule appear Lo Lhe courL Lo affecL Lhe lssues as Lo only a parL or less
Lhan all of Lhe maLLer ln conLroversy or only one or less Lhan all of Lhe parLles Lo
lL Lhe courL may order a new Lrlal or granL reconslderaLlon as Lo such lssues lf
severable wlLhouL lnLerferlng wlLh Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order upon Lhe resL (6a)
SLC 8 ffect of otJet fot pottlol oew ttlolwhen less Lhan all of Lhe lssues
are ordered reLrled Lhe courL may elLher enLer a [udgmenL or flnal order as Lo Lhe
resL or sLay Lhe enforcemenL of such [udgmenL or flnal order unLll afLer Lhe new
Lrlal (7a)
SLC 9 kemeJy oqolost otJet Jeoyloq o motloo fot oew ttlol ot
tecooslJetotlooAn order denylng a moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon ls noL
appealable Lhe remedy belng an appeal from Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 letltloo fot tellef ftom joJqmeot otJet ot otbet ptoceeJloqs
When a [udgmenL or flnal order ls enLered or any oLher proceedlng ls LhereafLer
Laken agalnsL a parLy ln any courL Lhrough fraud accldenL mlsLake or excusable
negllgence he may flle a peLlLlon ln such courL and ln Lhe same case praylng LhaL
Lhe [udgmenL order or proceedlng be seL aslde (2a)
SLC 2 letltloo fot tellef ftom Jeolol of oppeolWhen a [udgmenL or flnal
order ls rendered by any courL ln a case and a parLy LhereLo by fraud accldenL
mlsLake or excusable negllgence has been prevenLed from Laklng an appeal he
may flle a peLlLlon ln such courL and ln Lhe same case praylng LhaL Lhe appeal be
glven due course (1a)
SLC 3 1lme fot fllloq petltloo cooteots ooJ vetlflcotloo A peLlLlon
provlded for ln elLher of Lhe precedlng secLlons of Lhls 8ule musL be verlfled flled
wlLhln slxLy (60) days afLer Lhe peLlLloner learns of Lhe [udgmenL flnal order or
oLher proceedlng Lo be seL aslde and noL more Lhan slx (6) monLhs afLer such
[udgmenL or flnal order was enLered or such proceedlng was Laken and musL be
accompanled wlLh affldavlLs showlng Lhe fraud accldenL mlsLake or excusable
negllgence relled upon and Lhe facLs consLlLuLlng Lhe peLlLloner's good and
subsLanLlal cause of acLlon or defense as Lhe case may be (3)
SLC 4 tJet to flle oo ooswet lf Lhe peLlLlon ls sufflclenL ln form and
subsLance Lo [usLlfy rellef Lhe courL ln whlch lL ls flled shall lssue an order requlrlng
Lhe adverse parLles Lo answer Lhe same wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from Lhe recelpL
Lhereof 1he order shall be served ln such manner as Lhe courL may dlrecL LogeLher
wlLh coples of Lhe peLlLlon and Lhe accompanylng affldavlLs (4a)
SLC 3 ltellmlooty lojooctloo peoJloq ptoceeJloqs1he courL ln whlch Lhe
peLlLlon ls flled may granL such prellmlnary ln[uncLlon as may be necessary for Lhe
preservaLlon of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe parLles upon Lhe flllng by Lhe peLlLloner of a bond
ln favor of Lhe adverse parLy condlLloned LhaL lf Lhe peLlLlon ls dlsmlssed or Lhe
peLlLloner falls on Lhe Lrlal of Lhe case upon lLs merlLs he wlll pay Lhe adverse parLy
all damages and cosLs LhaL may be awarded Lo hlm by reason of Lhe lssuance of
such ln[uncLlon or Lhe oLher proceedlngs followlng Lhe peLlLlon buL such ln[uncLlon
shall noL operaLe Lo dlscharge or exLlngulsh any llen whlch Lhe adverse parLy may
have acqulred upon Lhe properLy of Lhe peLlLloner (3a)
SLC 6 ltoceeJloqs oftet ooswet ls flleJAfLer Lhe flllng of Lhe answer or Lhe
explraLlon of Lhe perlod Lherefor Lhe courL shall hear Lhe peLlLlon and lf afLer such
hearlng lL flnds LhaL Lhe allegaLlons Lhereof are noL Lrue Lhe peLlLlon shall be
dlsmlssed buL lf lL flnds sald allegaLlons Lo be Lrue lL shall seL aslde Lhe [udgmenL
or flnal order or oLher proceedlng complalned of upon such Lerms as may be [usL
1hereafLer Lhe case shall sLand as lf such [udgmenL flnal order or oLher proceedlng
had never been rendered lssued or Laken 1he courL shall Lhen proceed Lo hear and
deLermlne Lhe case as lf a Llmely moLlon for a new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon had been
granLed by lL (6a)
SLC 7 ltoceJote wbete tbe Jeolol of oo oppeol ls set oslJe Where Lhe
denlal of an appeal ls seL aslde Lhe lower courL shall be requlred Lo glve due course
Lo Lhe appeal and Lo elevaLe Lhe record of Lhe appealed case as lf a Llmely and
proper appeal had been made (7a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 xecotloo opoo joJqmeots ot flool otJets LxecuLlon shall lssue
as a maLLer of rlghL on moLlon upon a [udgmenL or order LhaL dlsposes of Lhe
acLlon or proceedlng upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod Lo appeal Lherefrom lf no
appeal has been duly perfecLed (1a)
lf Lhe appeal has been duly perfecLed and flnally resolved Lhe execuLlon may
forLhwlLh be applled for ln Lhe courL of orlgln on moLlon of Lhe [udgmenL obllgee
submlLLlng LherewlLh cerLlfled Lrue coples of Lhe [udgmenL or [udgmenLs or flnal
order or orders soughL Lo be enforced and of Lhe enLry Lhereof wlLh noLlce Lo Lhe
adverse parLy
1he appellaLe courL may on moLlon ln Lhe same case when Lhe lnLeresL of
[usLlce so requlres dlrecL Lhe courL of orlgln Lo lssue Lhe wrlL of execuLlon (n)
SLC 2 lsctetloooty execotloo
(a) LxecuLlon of a [udgmenL or flnal order pendlng appeal Cn
moLlon of Lhe prevalllng parLy wlLh noLlce Lo Lhe adverse parLy flled ln Lhe
Lrlal courL whlle lL has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case and ls ln possesslon of elLher
Lhe orlglnal record or Lhe record on appeal as Lhe case may be aL Lhe Llme of
Lhe flllng of such moLlon sald courL may ln lLs dlscreLlon order execuLlon of
a [udgmenL or flnal order even before Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod Lo appeal
AfLer Lhe Lrlal courL has losL [urlsdlcLlon Lhe moLlon for execuLlon
pendlng appeal may be flled ln Lhe appellaLe courL
ulscreLlonary execuLlon may only lssue upon good reasons Lo be
sLaLed ln a speclal order afLer due hearlng
(b) LxecuLlon of several separaLe or parLlal [udgmenLsA several
separaLe or parLlal [udgmenL may be execuLed under Lhe same Lerms and
condlLlons as execuLlon of a [udgmenL or flnal order pendlng appeal (2a)
SLC 3 5toy of Jlsctetloooty execuLlonulscreLlonary execuLlon lssued under
Lhe precedlng secLlon may be sLayed upon approval by Lhe proper courL of a
sufflclenL supersedeas bond flled by Lhe parLy agalnsL whom lL ls dlrecLed
condlLloned upon Lhe performance of Lhe [udgmenL or order allowed Lo be
execuLed ln case lL shall be flnally susLalned ln whole or ln parL 1he bond Lhus glven
may be proceeded agalnsL on moLlon wlLh noLlce Lo Lhe sureLy (3a)
SLC 4 IoJqmeots oot stoyeJ by oppeol!udgmenLs ln acLlons for ln[uncLlon
recelvershlp accounLlng and supporL and such oLher [udgmenLs as are now or may
hereafLer be declared Lo be lmmedlaLely execuLory shall be enforceable afLer Lhelr
rendlLlon and shall noL be sLayed by an appeal Laken Lherefrom unless oLherwlse
ordered by Lhe Lrlal courL Cn appeal Lherefrom Lhe appellaLe courL ln lLs dlscreLlon
may make an order suspendlng modlfylng resLorlng or granLlng Lhe ln[uncLlon
recelvershlp accounLlng or award of supporL
1he sLay of execuLlon shall be upon such Lerms as Lo bond or oLherwlse as
may be consldered proper for Lhe securlLy or proLecLlon of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe adverse
parLy (4a)
SLC 3 ffect of tevetsol of execoteJ joJqmeotWhere Lhe execuLed
[udgmenL ls reversed LoLally or parLlally or annulled on appeal or oLherwlse Lhe
Lrlal courL may on moLlon lssue such orders of resLlLuLlon or reparaLlon of
damages as equlLy and [usLlce may warranL under Lhe clrcumsLances (3a)
SLC 6 xecotloo by motloo ot by loJepeoJeot octlooA flnal and execuLory
[udgmenL or order may be execuLed on moLlon wlLhln flve (3) years from Lhe daLe
of lLs enLry AfLer Lhe lapse of such Llme and before lL ls barred by Lhe sLaLuLe of
llmlLaLlons a [udgmenL may be enforced by acLlon 1he revlved [udgmenL may also
be enforced by moLlon wlLhln flve (3) years from Lhe daLe of lLs enLry and
LhereafLer by acLlon before lL ls barred by Lhe sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons (6a)
SLC 7 xecotloo lo cose of Jeotb of pottyln case of Lhe deaLh of a parLy
execuLlon may lssue or be enforced ln Lhe followlng manner
(a) ln case of Lhe deaLh of Lhe [udgmenL obllgee upon Lhe
appllcaLlon of hls execuLor or admlnlsLraLor or successor ln lnLeresL
(b) ln case of Lhe deaLh of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor agalnsL hls
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor or successor ln lnLeresL lf Lhe [udgmenL be for Lhe
recovery of real or personal properLy or Lhe enforcemenL of a llen Lhereon
(c) ln case of Lhe deaLh of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor afLer execuLlon ls
acLually levled upon any of hls properLy Lhe same may be sold for Lhe
saLlsfacLlon of Lhe [udgmenL obllgaLlon and Lhe offlcer maklng Lhe sale shall
accounL Lo Lhe correspondlng execuLor or admlnlsLraLor for any surplus ln hls
hands (7a)
SLC 8 lssoooce fotm ooJ cooteots of o wtlt of execotloo 1he wrlL of
execuLlon shall (1) lssue ln Lhe name of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes from Lhe
courL whlch granLed Lhe moLlon (2) sLaLe Lhe name of Lhe courL Lhe case number
and LlLle Lhe dlsposlLlve parL of Lhe sub[ecL [udgmenL or order and (3) requlre Lhe
sherlff or oLher proper offlcer Lo whom lL ls dlrecLed Lo enforce Lhe wrlL accordlng
Lo lLs Lerms ln Lhe manner herelnafLer provlded
(a) lf Lhe execuLlon be agalnsL Lhe properLy of Lhe [udgmenL
obllgor Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL wlLh lnLeresL ouL of Lhe real or personal
properLy of such [udgmenL obllgor
(b) lf lL be agalnsL real or personal properLy ln Lhe hands of
personal represenLaLlves helrs devlsees legaLees LenanLs or LrusLees of Lhe
[udgmenL obllgor Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL wlLh lnLeresL ouL of such properLy
(c) lf lL be for Lhe sale of real or personal properLy Lo sell such
properLy descrlblng lL and apply Lhe proceeds ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe
C 8 A C l L |

[udgmenL Lhe maLerlal parLs of whlch shall be reclLed ln Lhe wrlL of
(d) lf lL be for Lhe dellvery of Lhe possesslon of real or personal
properLy Lo dellver Lhe possesslon of Lhe same descrlblng lL Lo Lhe parLy
enLlLled LhereLo and Lo saLlsfy any cosLs damages renLs or proflLs covered
by Lhe [udgmenL ouL of Lhe personal properLy of Lhe person agalnsL whom lL
was rendered and lf sufflclenL personal properLy cannoL be found Lhen ouL
of Lhe real properLy and
(e) ln all cases Lhe wrlL of execuLlon shall speclflcally sLaLe Lhe
amounL of Lhe lnLeresL cosLs damages renLs or proflLs due as of Lhe daLe of
Lhe lssuance of Lhe wrlL aslde from Lhe prlnclpal obllgaLlon under Lhe
[udgmenL lor Lhls purpose Lhe moLlon for execuLlon shall speclfy Lhe
amounLs of Lhe foregolng rellefs soughL by Lhe movanL (8a)
SLC 9 xecotloo of joJqmeots fot mooey bow eofotceJ
(a) lmmeJlote poymeot oo JemooJ1he offlcer shall enforce an
execuLlon of a [udgmenL for money by demandlng from Lhe [udgmenL obllgor
Lhe lmmedlaLe paymenL of Lhe full amounL sLaLed ln Lhe wrlL of execuLlon and
all lawful fees 1he [udgmenL obllgor shall pay ln cash cerLlfled bank check
payable Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgee or any oLher form of paymenL accepLable Lo
Lhe laLLer Lhe amounL of Lhe [udgmenL debL under proper recelpL dlrecLly Lo
Lhe [udgmenL obllgee or hls auLhorlzed represenLaLlve lf presenL aL Lhe Llme
of paymenL 1he lawful fees shall be handed under proper recelpL Lo Lhe
execuLlng sherlff who shall Lurn over Lhe sald amounL wlLhln Lhe same day Lo
Lhe clerk of courL of Lhe courL LhaL lssued Lhe wrlL
lf Lhe [udgmenL obllgee or hls auLhorlzed represenLaLlve ls noL
presenL Lo recelve paymenL Lhe [udgmenL obllgor shall dellver Lhe aforesald
paymenL Lo Lhe execuLlng sherlff 1he laLLer shall Lurn over all Lhe amounLs
comlng lnLo hls possesslon wlLhln Lhe same day Lo Lhe clerk of courL of Lhe
courL LhaL lssued Lhe wrlL or lf Lhe same ls noL pracLlcable deposlL sald
amounLs Lo a flduclary accounL ln Lhe nearesL governmenL deposlLory bank of
Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe locallLy
1he clerk of sald courL shall LhereafLer arrange for Lhe remlLLance of
Lhe deposlL Lo Lhe accounL of Lhe courL LhaL lssued Lhe wrlL whose clerk of
courL shall Lhen dellver sald paymenL Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgee ln saLlsfacLlon
of Lhe [udgmenL 1he excess lf any shall be dellvered Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgor
whlle Lhe lawful fees shall be reLalned by Lhe clerk of courL for dlsposlLlon as
provlded by law ln no case shall Lhe execuLlng sherlff demand LhaL any
paymenL by check be made payable Lo hlm
(b) 5otlsfoctloo by levylf Lhe [udgmenL obllgor cannoL pay all or
parL of Lhe obllgaLlon ln cash cerLlfled bank check or oLher mode of paymenL
accepLable Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgee Lhe offlcer shall levy upon Lhe properLles
of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor of every klnd and naLure whaLsoever whlch may be
dlsposed of for value and noL oLherwlse exempL from execuLlon glvlng Lhe
laLLer Lhe opLlon Lo lmmedlaLely choose whlch properLy or parL Lhereof may
be levled upon sufflclenL Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL lf Lhe [udgmenL obllgor
does noL exerclse Lhe opLlon Lhe offlcer shall flrsL levy on Lhe personal
properLles lf any and Lhen on Lhe real properLles lf Lhe personal properLles
are lnsufflclenL Lo answer for Lhe [udgmenL
1he sherlff shall sell only a sufflclenL porLlon of Lhe personal or real
properLy of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor whlch has been levled upon
When Lhere ls more properLy of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor Lhan ls
sufflclenL Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL and lawful fees he musL sell only so much
of Lhe personal or real properLy as ls sufflclenL Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL and
lawful fees
8eal properLy sLocks shares debLs credlLs and oLher personal
properLy or any lnLeresL ln elLher real or personal properLy may be levled
upon ln llke manner and wlLh llke effecL as under a wrlL of aLLachmenL
(c) Cotolsbmeot of Jebts ooJ cteJlts1he offlcer may levy on
debLs due Lhe [udgmenL obllgor and oLher credlLs lncludlng bank deposlLs
flnanclal lnLeresLs royalLles commlsslons and oLher personal properLy noL
capable of manual dellvery ln Lhe possesslon or conLrol of Lhlrd parLles Levy
shall be made by servlng noLlce upon Lhe person owlng such debLs or havlng
ln hls possesslon or conLrol such credlLs Lo whlch Lhe [udgmenL obllgor ls
enLlLled 1he garnlshmenL shall cover only such amounL as wlll saLlsfy Lhe
[udgmenL and all lawful fees
1he garnlshee shall make a wrlLLen reporL Lo Lhe courL wlLhln flve
(3) days from servlce of Lhe noLlce of garnlshmenL sLaLlng wheLher or n6L Lhe
[udgmenL obllgor has sufflclenL funds or credlLs Lo saLlsfy Lhe amounL of Lhe
[udgmenL lf noL Lhe reporL shall sLaLe how much funds or credlLs Lhe
garnlshee holds for Lhe [udgmenL obllgor 1he garnlshed amounL ln cash or
cerLlfled bank check lssued ln Lhe name of Lhe [udgmenL obllgee shall be
dellvered dlrecLly Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgee wlLhln Len (10) worklng days from
servlce of noLlce on sald garnlshee requlrlng such dellvery excepL Lhe lawful
fees whlch shall be pald dlrecLly Lo Lhe courL
ln Lhe evenL Lhere are Lwo or more garnlshees holdlng deposlLs or
credlLs sufflclenL Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL Lhe [udgmenL obllgor lf avallable
shall have Lhe rlghL Lo lndlcaLe Lhe garnlshee or garnlshees who shall be
requlred Lo dellver Lhe amounL due oLherwlse Lhe cholce shall be made by
Lhe [udgmenL obllgee
1he execuLlng sherlff shall observe Lhe same procedure under
paragraph (a) wlLh respecL Lo dellvery of paymenL Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgee
(8a 13a)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 10 xecotloo of joJqmeots fot speclflc oct
(a) cooveyooce Jellvety of JeeJs ot otbet speclflc octs vestloq
tltle lf a [udgmenL dlrecLs a parLy Lo execuLe a conveyance of land or
personal properLy or Lo dellver deeds or oLher documenLs or Lo perform any
oLher speclflc acL ln connecLlon LherewlLh and Lhe parLy falls Lo comply
wlLhln Lhe Llme speclfled Lhe courL may dlrecL Lhe acL Lo be done aL Lhe cosL
of Lhe dlsobedlenL parLy by some oLher person appolnLed by Lhe courL and
Lhe acL when so done shall have llke effecL as lf done by Lhe parLy lf real or
personal properLy ls slLuaLed wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes Lhe courL ln lleu of
dlrecLlng a conveyance Lhereof may by an order dlvesL Lhe LlLle of any parLy
and vesL lL ln oLhers whlch shall have Lhe force and effecL of a conveyance
execuLed ln due form of law (10a)
(b) 5ole of teol ot petsoool ptopettylf Lhe [udgmenL be for
Lhe sale of real or personal properLy Lo sell such properLy descrlblng lL and
apply Lhe proceeds ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe [udgmenL (8ca)
(c) ellvety ot testltotloo of teol ptopetty1he offlcer shall
demand of Lhe person agalnsL whom Lhe [udgmenL for Lhe dellvery or
resLlLuLlon of real properLy ls rendered and all persons clalmlng rlghLs under
hlm Lo peaceably vacaLe Lhe properLy wlLhln Lhree (3) worklng days and
resLore possesslon Lhereof Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgee oLherwlse Lhe offlcer
shall ousL all such persons Lherefrom wlLh Lhe asslsLance lf necessary of
approprlaLe peace offlcers and employlng such means as may be reasonably
necessary Lo reLake possesslon and place Lhe [udgmenL obllgee ln possesslon
of such properLy Any cosLs damages renLs or proflLs awarded by Lhe
[udgmenL shall be saLlsfled ln Lhe same manner as a [udgmenL for money
(d) kemovol of lmptovemeots oo ptopetty sobject of
execotlooWhen Lhe properLy sub[ecL of Lhe execuLlon conLalns
lmprovemenLs consLrucLed or planLed by Lhe [udgmenL obllgor or hls agenL
Lhe offlcer shall noL desLroy demollsh or remove sald lmprovemenLs excepL
upon speclal order of Lhe courL lssued upon moLlon of Lhe [udgmenL obllgee
afLer due hearlng and afLer Lhe former has falled Lo remove Lhe same wlLhln a
reasonable Llme flxed by Lhe courL (14a)
(e) ellvety of petsoool ptopettyln [udgmenLs for Lhe
dellvery of personal properLy Lhe offlcer shall Lake possesslon of Lhe same
and forLhwlLh dellver lL Lo Lhe parLy enLlLled LhereLo and saLlsfy any [udgmenL
for money as Lhereln provlded (8a)
SLC 11 xecotloo of speclol joJqmeotsWhen a [udgmenL requlres Lhe
performance of any acL oLher Lhan Lhose menLloned ln Lhe Lwo precedlng secLlons
a cerLlfled copy of Lhe [udgmenL shall be aLLached Lo Lhe wrlL of execuLlon and shall
be served by Lhe offlcer upon Lhe parLy agalnsL whom Lhe same ls rendered or
upon any oLher person requlred Lhereby or by law Lo obey Lhe same and such
parLy or person may be punlshed for conLempL lf he dlsobeys such [udgmenL (9a)
SLC 12 ffect of levy oo execotloo os to tbltJ petsoos1he levy on
execuLlon shall creaLe a llen ln favor of Lhe [udgmenL obllgee over Lhe rlghL LlLle
and lnLeresL of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor ln such properLy aL Lhe Llme of Lhe levy
sub[ecL Lo llens and encumbrances Lhen exlsLlng (16a)
SLC 13 ltopetty exempt ftom execotlooLxcepL as oLherwlse expressly
provlded by law Lhe followlng properLy and no oLher shall be exempL from
(a) 1he [udgmenL obllgor's famlly home as provlded by law or Lhe
homesLead ln whlch he resldes and land necessarlly used ln connecLlon
(b) Crdlnary Lools and lmplemenLs personally used by hlm ln hls Lrade
employmenL or llvellhood
(c) 1hree horses or Lhree cows or Lhree carabaos or oLher beasLs of
burden such as Lhe [udgmenL obllgor may selecL necessarlly used by hlm ln
hls ordlnary occupaLlon
(d) Pls necessary cloLhlng and arLlcles for ordlnary personal use
excludlng [ewelry
(e) Pousehold furnlLure and uLenslls necessary for housekeeplng and
used for LhaL purpose by Lhe [udgmenL obllgor and hls famlly such as Lhe
[udgmenL obllgor may selecL of a value noL exceedlng one hundred
Lhousand pesos
(f) rovlslons for lndlvldual or famlly use sufflclenL for four monLhs
(g) 1he professlonal llbrarles and equlpmenL of [udges lawyers
physlclans pharmaclsLs denLlsLs englneers surveyors clergymen Leachers
and oLher professlonals noL exceedlng Lhree hundred Lhousand pesos ln
(h) Cne flshlng boaL and accessorles noL exceedlng Lhe LoLal value of
one hundred Lhousand pesos owned by a flsherman and by Lhe lawful use of
whlch he earns hls llvellhood
(l) So much of Lhe salarles wages or earnlngs of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor for
hls personal servlces wlLhln Lhe four monLhs precedlng Lhe levy as are
necessary for Lhe supporL of hls famlly
([) LeLLered gravesLones
(k) Monles beneflLs prlvlleges or annulLles accrulng or ln any manner
growlng ouL of any llfe lnsurance
C 8 A C l L |

(1) 1he rlghL Lo recelve legal supporL or money or properLy obLalned as
such supporL or any penslon or graLulLy from Lhe CovernmenL
(m) roperLles speclally exempLed by law
8uL no arLlcle or specles of properLy menLloned ln Lhls secLlon shall be
exempL from execuLlon lssued upon a [udgmenL recovered for lLs prlce or upon a
[udgmenL of foreclosure of a morLgage Lhereon (12a)
SLC 14 ketoto of wtlt of execotloo1he wrlL of execuLlon shall be
reLurnable Lo Lhe courL lssulng lL lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe [udgmenL has been
saLlsfled ln parL or ln full lf Lhe [udgmenL cannoL be saLlsfled ln full wlLhln LhlrLy
(30) days afLer hls recelpL of Lhe wrlL Lhe offlcer shall reporL Lo Lhe courL and sLaLe
Lhe reason Lherefor Such wrlL shall conLlnue ln effecL durlng Lhe perlod wlLhln
whlch Lhe [udgmenL may be enforced by moLlon 1he offlcer shall make a reporL Lo
Lhe courL every LhlrLy (30) days on Lhe proceedlngs Laken Lhereon unLll Lhe
[udgmenL ls saLlsfled ln full or lLs effecLlvlLy explres 1he reLurns or perlodlc reporLs
shall seL forLh Lhe whole of Lhe proceedlngs Laken and shall be flled wlLh Lhe courL
and coples Lhereof prompLly furnlshed Lhe parLles (11a)
SLC 13 Notlce of sole of ptopetty oo execuLlon8efore Lhe sale of properLy
on execuLlon noLlce Lhereof musL be glven as follows
(a) ln case of perlshable properLy by posLlng wrlLLen noLlce of Lhe
Llme and place of Lhe sale ln Lhree (3) publlc places preferably ln consplcuous
areas of Lhe munlclpal or clLy hall posL offlce and publlc markeL ln Lhe
munlclpallLy or clLy where Lhe sale ls Lo Lake place for such Llme as may be
reasonable conslderlng Lhe characLer and condlLlon of Lhe properLy
(b) ln case of oLher personal properLy by posLlng a slmllar noLlce
ln Lhe Lhree (3) publlc places abovemenLloned for noL less Lhan flve (3) days
(c) ln case of real properLy by posLlng for LwenLy (20) days ln Lhe
Lhree (3) publlc places abovemenLloned a slmllar noLlce parLlcularly
descrlblng Lhe properLy and sLaLlng where Lhe properLy ls Lo be sold and lf
Lhe assessed value of Lhe properLy exceeds flfLy Lhousand (3000000) pesos
by publlshlng a copy of Lhe noLlce once a week for Lwo (2) consecuLlve weeks
ln one newspaper selecLed by raffle wheLher ln Lngllsh llllplno or any ma[or
reglonal language publlshed edlLed and clrculaLed or ln Lhe absence Lhereof
havlng general clrculaLlon ln Lhe provlnce or clLy
(d) ln all cases wrlLLen noLlce of Lhe sale shall be glven Lo Lhe
[udgmenL obllgor aL leasL Lhree (3) days before Lhe sale excepL as provlded
ln paragraph (a) hereof where noLlce shall be glven aL any Llme before Lhe
sale ln Lhe same manner as personal servlce of pleadlngs and oLher papers as
provlded by secLlon 6 of 8ule 13
1he noLlce shall speclfy Lhe place daLe and exacL Llme of Lhe sale
whlch should noL be earller Lhan nlne o'clock ln Lhe mornlng and noL laLer
Lhan Lwo o'clock ln Lhe afLernoon 1he place of Lhe sale may be agreed upon
by Lhe parLles ln Lhe absence of such agreemenL Lhe sale of real properLy or
personal properLy noL capable of manual dellvery shall be held ln Lhe offlce of
Lhe clerk of courL of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL or Lhe Munlclpal 1rlal CourL
whlch lssued Lhe wrlL or whlch was deslgnaLed by Lhe appellaLe courL ln Lhe
case of personal properLy capable of manual dellvery Lhe sale shall be held ln
Lhe place where Lhe properLy ls locaLed (18a)
SLC 16 ltoceeJloqs wbete ptopetty clolmeJ by tbltJ petsoolf Lhe properLy
levled on ls clalmed by any person oLher Lhan Lhe [udgmenL obllgor or hls agenL
and such person makes an affldavlL of hls LlLle LhereLo or rlghL Lo Lhe possesslon
Lhereof sLaLlng Lhe grounds of such rlghL or LlLle and serves Lhe same upon Lhe
offlcer maklng Lhe levy and a copy Lhereof upon Lhe [udgmenL obllgee Lhe offlcer
shall noL be bound Lo keep Lhe properLy unless such [udgmenL obllgee on demand
of Lhe offlcer flles a bond approved by Lhe courL Lo lndemnlfy Lhe LhlrdparLy
clalmanL ln a sum noL less Lhan Lhe value of Lhe properLy levled on ln case of
dlsagreemenL as Lo such value Lhe same shall be deLermlned by Lhe courL lssulng
Lhe wrlL of execuLlon no clalm for damages for Lhe Laklng or keeplng of Lhe
properLy may be enforced agalnsL Lhe bond unless Lhe acLlon Lherefor ls flled wlLhln
one hundred LwenLy (120) days from Lhe daLe of Lhe flllng of Lhe bond
1he offlcer shall noL be llable for damages for Lhe Laklng or keeplng of Lhe
properLy Lo any LhlrdparLy clalmanL lf such bond ls flled noLhlng hereln conLalned
shall prevenL such clalmanL or any Lhlrd person from vlndlcaLlng hls clalm Lo Lhe
properLy ln a separaLe acLlon or prevenL Lhe [udgmenL obllgee from clalmlng
damages ln Lhe same or a separaLe acLlon agalnsL a LhlrdparLy clalmanL who flled a
frlvolous or plalnly spurlous clalm
When Lhe wrlL of execuLlon ls lssued ln favor of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes or any offlcer duly represenLlng lL Lhe flllng of such bond shall noL be
requlred and ln case Lhe sherlff or levylng offlcer ls sued for damages as a resulL of
Lhe levy he shall be represenLed by Lhe SollclLor Ceneral and lf held llable Lherefor
Lhe acLual damages ad[udged by Lhe courL shall be pald by Lhe naLlonal 1reasurer
ouL of such funds as may be approprlaLed for Lhe purpose (17a)
SLC 17 leoolty fot sellloq wltboot ootlce ot temovloq ot Jefocloq ootlce
An offlcer selllng wlLhouL Lhe noLlce prescrlbed by secLlon 13 of Lhls 8ule shall be
llable Lo pay punlLlve damages ln Lhe amounL of flve Lhousand (300000) pesos Lo
any person ln[ured Lhereby ln addlLlon Lo hls acLual damages boLh Lo be recovered
by moLlon ln Lhe same acLlon and a person wlllfully removlng or defaclng Lhe
noLlce posLed lf done before Lhe sale or before Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe [udgmenL lf
lL be saLlsfled before Lhe sale shall be llable Lo pay flve Lhousand (300000) pesos
Lo any person ln[ured by reason Lhereof ln addlLlon Lo hls acLual damages Lo be
recovered by moLlon ln Lhe same acLlon (19a)
SLC 18 No sole lf joJqmeot ooJ costs polJAL any Llme before Lhe sale of
properLy on execuLlon Lhe [udgmenL obllgor may prevenL Lhe sale by paylng Lhe
C 8 A C l L |

amounL requlred by Lhe execuLlon and Lhe cosLs LhaL have been lncurred Lhereln
SLC 19 now ptopetty solJ oo execotloo wbo moy Jltect moooet ooJ otJet of
soleAll sales of properLy under execuLlon musL be made aL publlc aucLlon Lo Lhe
hlghesL bldder Lo sLarL aL Lhe exacL Llme flxed ln Lhe noLlce AfLer sufflclenL
properLy has been sold Lo saLlsfy Lhe execuLlon no more shall be sold and any
excess properLy or proceeds of Lhe sale shall be prompLly dellvered Lo Lhe [udgmenL
obllgor or hls auLhorlzed represenLaLlve unless oLherwlse dlrecLed by Lhe [udgmenL
or order of Lhe courL When Lhe sale ls of real properLy conslsLlng of several known
loLs Lhey musL be sold separaLely or when a porLlon of such real properLy ls
clalmed by a Lhlrd person he may requlre lL Lo be sold separaLely When Lhe sale ls
of personal properLy capable of manual dellvery lL musL be sold wlLhln vlew of
Lhose aLLendlng Lhe same and ln such parcels as are llkely Lo brlng Lhe hlghesL prlce
1he [udgmenL obllgor lf presenL aL Lhe sale may dlrecL Lhe order ln whlch properLy
real or personal shall be sold when such properLy conslsLs of several known loLs or
parcels whlch can be sold Lo advanLage separaLely nelLher Lhe offlcer conducLlng
Lhe execuLlon sale nor hls depuLles can become a purchaser nor be lnLeresLed
dlrecLly or lndlrecLly ln any purchase aL such sale (21a)
SLC 20 kefosol of potcboset to poylf a purchaser refuses Lo pay Lhe
amounL bld by hlm for properLy sLruck off Lo hlm aL a sale under execuLlon Lhe
offlcer may agaln sell Lhe properLy Lo Lhe hlghesL bldder and shall noL be
responslble for any loss occasloned Lhereby buL Lhe courL may order Lhe refuslng
purchaser Lo pay lnLo Lhe courL Lhe amounL of such loss wlLh cosLs and may punlsh
hlm for conLempL lf he dlsobeys Lhe order 1he amounL of such paymenL shall be
for Lhe beneflL of Lhe person enLlLled Lo Lhe proceeds of Lhe execuLlon unless Lhe
execuLlon has been fully saLlsfled ln whlch evenL such proceeds shall be for Lhe
beneflL of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor 1he offlcer may LhereafLer re[ecL any subsequenL
bld of such purchaser who refuses Lo pay (22a)
SLC 21 IoJqmeot obllqee os potcbosetWhen Lhe purchaser ls Lhe
[udgmenL obllgee and no LhlrdparLy clalm has been flled he need noL pay Lhe
amounL of Lhe bld lf lL does noL exceed Lhe amounL of hls [udgmenL lf lL does he
shall pay only Lhe excess (23a)
SLC 22 AJjootomeot of sole8y wrlLLen consenL of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor
and obllgee or Lhelr duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlves Lhe offlcer may ad[ourn Lhe
sale Lo any daLe and Llme agreed upon by Lhem WlLhouL such agreemenL he may
ad[ourn Lhe sale from day Lo day lf lL becomes necessary Lo do so for lack of Llme Lo
compleLe Lhe sale on Lhe day flxed ln Lhe noLlce or Lhe day Lo whlch lL was
ad[ourned (24a)
SLC 23 cooveyooce to potcboset of petsoool ptopetty copoble of mooool
JellvetyWhen Lhe purchaser of any personal properLy capable of manual
dellvery pays Lhe purchase prlce Lhe offlcer maklng Lhe sale musL dellver Lhe
properLy Lo Lhe purchaser and lf deslred execuLe and dellver Lo hlm a cerLlflcaLe of
sale 1he sale conveys Lo Lhe purchaser all Lhe rlghLs whlch Lhe [udgmenL obllgor
had ln such properLy as of Lhe daLe of Lhe levy on execuLlon or prellmlnary
aLLachmenL (23a)
SLC 24 cooveyooce to potcboset of petsoool ptopetty oot copoble of mooool
JellvetyWhen Lhe purchaser of any personal properLy noL capable of manual
dellvery pays Lhe purchase prlce Lhe offlcer maklng Lhe sale musL execuLe and
dellver Lo Lhe purchaser a cerLlflcaLe of sale Such cerLlflcaLe conveys Lo Lhe
purchaser all Lhe rlghLs whlch Lhe [udgmenL obllgor had ln such properLy as of Lhe
daLe of Lhe levy on execuLlon or prellmlnary aLLachmenL (26a)
SLC 23 cooveyooce of teol ptopetty cettlflcote tbeteof qlveo to potcboset
ooJ flleJ wltb teqlstty of JeeJsupon a sale of real properLy Lhe offlcer musL glve
Lo Lhe purchaser a cerLlflcaLe of sale conLalnlng
(a) A parLlcular descrlpLlon of Lhe real properLy sold
(b) 1he prlce pald for each dlsLlncL loL or parcel
(c) 1he whole prlce pald by hlm
(d) A sLaLemenL LhaL Lhe rlghL of redempLlon explres one (1) year
from Lhe daLe of Lhe reglsLraLlon of Lhe cerLlflcaLe of sale
Such cerLlflcaLe musL be reglsLered ln Lhe reglsLry of deeds of Lhe
place where Lhe properLy ls slLuaLed (27a)
SLC 26 cettlflcote of sole wbete ptopetty clolmeJ by tbltJ petsooJbeo a
properLy sold by vlrLue of a wrlL of execuLlon has been clalmed by a Lhlrd person
Lhe cerLlflcaLe of sale Lo be lssued by Lhe sherlff pursuanL Lo secLlons 23 24 and 23
of Lhls 8ule shall make express menLlon of Lhe exlsLence of such LhlrdparLy clalm
SLC 27 Jbo moy teJeem teol ptopetty so solJ8eal properLy sold as
provlded ln Lhe lasL precedlng secLlon or any parL Lhereof sold separaLely may be
redeemed ln Lhe manner herelnafLer provlded by Lhe followlng persons
(a) 1he [udgmenL obllgor or hls successor ln lnLeresL ln Lhe whole
or any parL of Lhe properLy
(b) A credlLor havlng a llen by vlrLue of an aLLachmenL [udgmenL or
morLgage on Lhe properLy sold or on some parL Lhereof subsequenL Lo Lhe
llen under whlch Lhe properLy was sold Such redeemlng credlLor ls Lermed a
redempLloner (29a)
SLC 28 1lme ooJ moooet of ooJ omooots poyoble oo soccesslve
teJemptloos ootlce to be qlveo ooJ flleJ1he [udgmenL obllgor or redempLloner
may redeem Lhe properLy from Lhe purchaser aL any Llme wlLhln one (1) year from
Lhe daLe of Lhe reglsLraLlon of Lhe cerLlflcaLe of sale by paylng Lhe purchaser Lhe
amounL of hls purchase wlLh one pet ceotom per monLh lnLeresL Lhereon ln
C 8 A C l L |

addlLlon up Lo Lhe Llme of redempLlon LogeLher wlLh Lhe amounL of any
assessmenLs or Laxes whlch Lhe purchaser may have pald Lhereon afLer purchase
and lnLeresL on such lasL named amounL aL Lhe same raLe and lf Lhe purchaser be
also a credlLor havlng a prlor llen LhaL of Lhe redempLloner oLher Lhan Lhe
[udgmenL under whlch such purchase was made Lhe amounL of such' oLher llen
wlLh lnLeresL
roperLy so redeemed may agaln be redeemed wlLhln slxLy (60) days afLer Lhe
lasL redempLlon upon paymenL of Lhe sum pald on Lhe lasL redempLlon wlLh
Lwo pet ceotom Lhereon ln addlLlon and Lhe amounL of any assessmenLs or Laxes
whlch Lhe lasL redempLloner may have pald Lhereon afLer redempLlon by hlm wlLh
lnLeresL on such lasLnamed amounL and ln addlLlon Lhe amounL of any llens held
by sald lasL redempLloner prlor Lo hls own wlLh lnLeresL 1he properLy may be
agaln and as ofLen as a redempLloner ls so dlsposed redeemed from any prevlous
redempLloner wlLhln slxLy (60) days afLer Lhe lasL redempLlon on paylng Lhe sum
pald on Lhe lasL prevlous redempLlon wlLh Lwo pet ceotomLhereon ln addlLlon and
Lhe amounLs of any assessmenLs or Laxes whlch Lhe lasL prevlous redempLloner
pald afLer Lhe redempLlon Lhereon wlLh lnLeresL Lhereon and Lhe amounL of any
llens' held by Lhe lasL redempLloner prlor Lo hls own wlLh lnLeresL
WrlLLen noLlce of any redempLlon musL be glven Lo Lhe offlcer who made Lhe
sale and a dupllcaLe flled wlLh Lhe reglsLry of deeds of Lhe place and lf any
assessmenLs or Laxes are pald by Lhe redempLloner or lf he has or acqulres any llen
oLher Lhan LhaL upon whlch Lhe redempLlon was made noLlce Lhereof musL ln llke
manner be glven Lo Lhe offlcer and flled wlLh Lhe reglsLry of deeds lf such noLlce be
noL flled Lhe properLy may be redeemed wlLhouL paylng such assessmenLs Laxes
or llens (30a)
SLC 29 ffect of teJemptloo by joJqmeot obllqot ooJ o cettlflcote to be
JellveteJ ooJ tecotJeJ tbeteopoo to wbom poymeots oo teJemptloo moJelf Lhe
[udgmenL obllgor redeems he musL make Lhe same paymenLs as are requlred Lo
effecL a redempLlon by a redempLloner whereupon no furLher redempLlon shall
be allowed and he ls resLored Lo hls esLaLe 1he person Lo whom Lhe redempLlon
paymenL ls made musL execuLe and dellver Lo hlm a cerLlflcaLe of redempLlon
acknowledged before a noLary publlc or oLher offlcer auLhorlzed Lo Lake
acknowledgmenLs of conveyances of real properLy Such cerLlflcaLe musL be flled
and recorded ln Lhe reglsLry of deeds of Lhe place ln whlch Lhe properLy ls slLuaLed
and Lhe reglsLrar of deeds musL noLe Lhe record Lhereof on Lhe margln of Lhe
record of Lhe cerLlflcaLe of sale 1he paymenLs menLloned ln Lhls and Lhe lasL
precedlng secLlons may be made Lo Lhe purchaser or redempLloner or for hlm Lo
Lhe offlcer who made Lhe sale (13a)
SLC 30 ltoof tepolteJ of teJemptlooetA redempLloner musL produce Lo
Lhe offlcer or person from whom he seeks Lo redeem and serve wlLh hls noLlce Lo
Lhe offlcer a copy of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order under whlch he clalms Lhe rlghL Lo
redeem cerLlfled by Lhe clerk of Lhe courL whereln Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order ls
enLered or lf he redeems upon a morLgage or oLher llen a memorandum of Lhe
record Lhereof cerLlfled by Lhe reglsLrar of deeds or an orlglnal or cerLlfled copy of
any asslgnmenL necessary Lo esLabllsh hls clalm and an affldavlL execuLed by hlm
or hls agenL showlng Lhe amounL Lhen acLually due on Lhe llen (32a)
SLC 31 Moooet of osloq ptemlses peoJloq teJemptloo woste testtoloeJ
unLll Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Llme allowed for redempLlon Lhe courL may as ln oLher
proper cases resLraln Lhe commlsslon of wasLe on Lhe properLy by ln[uncLlon on
Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe purchaser or Lhe [udgmenL obllgee wlLh or wlLhouL noLlce
buL lL ls noL wasLe for a person ln possesslon of Lhe properLy aL Lhe Llme of Lhe sale
or enLlLled Lo possesslon afLerwards durlng Lhe perlod allowed for redempLlon Lo
conLlnue Lo use lL ln Lhe same manner ln whlch lL was prevlously used or Lo use lL
ln Lhe ordlnary course of husbandry or Lo make Lhe necessary repalrs Lo bulldlngs
Lhereon whlle he occuples Lhe properLy (33a)
SLC 32 keots eotoloqs ooJ locome of ptopetty peoJloq teJemptloo
1he purchaser or a redempLloner shall noL be enLlLled Lo recelve Lhe renLs earnlngs
and lncome of Lhe properLy sold on execuLlon or Lhe value of Lhe use and
occupaLlon Lhereof when such properLy ls ln Lhe possesslon of a LenanL All renLs
earnlngs and lncome derlved from Lhe properLy pendlng redempLlon shall belong Lo
Lhe [udgmenL obllgor unLll Lhe explraLlon of hls perlod of redempLlon (34a)
SLC 33 eeJ ooJ possessloo to be qlveo ot expltotloo of teJemptloo petloJ
by wbom execoteJ ot qlveolf no redempLlon be made wlLhln one (1) year from
Lhe daLe of Lhe reglsLraLlon of Lhe cerLlflcaLe of sale Lhe purchaser ls enLlLled Lo a
conveyance and possesslon of Lhe properLy or lf so redeemed whenever slxLy (60)
days have elapsed and no oLher redempLlon has been made and noLlce Lhereof
glven and Lhe Llme for redempLlon has explred Lhe lasL redempLloner ls enLlLled Lo
Lhe conveyance and possesslon buL ln all cases Lhe [udgmenL obllgor shall have Lhe
enLlre perlod of one (1) year from Lhe daLe of Lhe reglsLraLlon of Lhe sale Lo redeem
Lhe properLy 1he deed shall be execuLed by Lhe offlcer maklng Lhe sale or by hls
successor ln offlce and ln Lhe laLLer case shall have Lhe same valldlLy as Lhough Lhe
offlcer maklng Lhe sale had conLlnued ln offlce and execuLed lL
under Lhe explraLlon of Lhe rlghL of redempLlon Lhe purchaser or
redempLloner shall be subsLlLuLed Lo and acqulre all Lhe rlghLs LlLle lnLeresL and
clalm of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor Lo Lhe properLy as of Lhe Llme of Lhe levy 1he
possesslon of Lhe properLy shall be glven Lo Lhe purchaser or lasL redempLloner by
Lhe same offlcer unless a Lhlrd parLy ls acLually holdlng Lhe properLy adversely Lo
Lhe [udgmenL obllgor (33a)
SLC 34 kecovety of ptlce lf sole oot effectlve tevlvol of joJqmeotlf Lhe
purchaser of real properLy sold on execuLlon or hls successor ln lnLeresL falls Lo
recover Lhe possesslon Lhereof or ls evlcLed Lherefrom ln consequence of
lrregularlLles ln Lhe proceedlngs concernlng Lhe sale or because Lhe [udgmenL has
been reserved or seL aslde or because Lhe properLy sold was exempL from
execuLlon or because a Lhlrd person has vlndlcaLed hls clalm Lo Lhe properLy he
may on moLlon ln Lhe same acLlon or ln a separaLe acLlon recover from Lhe
C 8 A C l L |

[udgmenL obllgee Lhe prlce pald wlLh lnLeresL or so much Lhereof as has noL been
dellvered Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgor or he may on moLlon have Lhe orlglnal
[udgmenL revlved ln hls name for Lhe whole prlce wlLh lnLeresL or so much Lhereof
as has been dellvered Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgor 1he [udgmenL so revlved shall have
Lhe same force and effecL as an orlglnal [udgmenL would have as of Lhe daLe of Lhe
revlval and no more (36a)
SLC 33 klqbt to coottlbotloo ot telmbotsemeotWhen properLy llable Lo an
execuLlon agalnsL several persons ls sold Lhereon and more Lhan a due proporLlon
of Lhe [udgmenL ls saLlsfled ouL of Lhe proceeds of Lhe sale of Lhe properLy of one of
Lhem or one of Lhem pays wlLhouL a sale more Lhan hls proporLlon he may
compel a conLrlbuLlon from Lhe oLhers and when a [udgmenL ls upon an obllgaLlon
of one of Lhem as securlLy for anoLher and Lhe sureLy pays Lhe amounL or any parL
Lhereof elLher by sale of hls properLy or before sale he may compel repaymenL
from Lhe prlnclpal (37a)
SLC 36 xomlootloo of joJqmeot obllqot wbeo joJqmeot oosotlsfleJ
When Lhe reLurn of a wrlL of execuLlon lssued agalnsL properLy of a [udgmenL
obllgor or any one of several obllgors ln Lhe same [udgmenL shows LhaL Lhe
[udgmenL remalns unsaLlsfled ln whole or ln parL Lhe [udgmenL obllgee aL any
Llme afLer such reLurn ls made shall be enLlLled Lo an order from Lhe courL whlch
rendered Lhe sald [udgmenL requlrlng such [udgmenL obllgor Lo appear and be
examlned concernlng hls properLy and lncome before such courL or before a
commlssloner appolnLed by lL aL a speclfled Llme and place and proceedlngs may
Lhereupon be had for Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe properLy and lncome of Lhe [udgmenL
obllgor Lowards Lhe saLlsfacLlons of Lhe [udgmenL 8uL no [udgmenL obllgor shall be
so requlred Lo appear before a courL or commlssloner ouLslde Lhe provlnce or clLy
ln whlch such obllgor resldes or ls found (38a)
SLC 37 xomlootloo of obllqot of joJqmeot obllqot When Lhe reLurn of a
wrlL of execuLlon agalnsL Lhe properLy of a [udgmenL obllgor shows LhaL Lhe
[udgmenL remalns unsaLlsfled ln whole or ln parL and upon proof Lo Lhe
saLlsfacLlon of Lhe courL whlch lssued Lhe wrlL LhaL a person corporaLlon or oLher
[urldlcal enLlLy has properLy of such [udgmenL obllgor or ls lndebLed Lo hlm Lhe
courL may by an order requlre such person corporaLlon or oLher [urldlcal enLlLy
or any offlcer or member Lhereof Lo appear before Lhe courL or a commlssloner
appolnLed by lL aL a Llme and place wlLhln Lhe provlnce or clLy where such debLor
resldes or ls found and be examlned concernlng Lhe same 1he servlce of Lhe order
shall blnd all credlLs due Lhe [udgmenL obllgor and all money and properLy of Lhe
[udgmenL obllgor ln Lhe possesslon or ln Lhe conLrol of such person corporaLlon or
[urldlcal enLlLy from Lhe Llme of servlce and Lhe courL may also requlre noLlce of
such proceedlngs Lo be glven Lo any parLy Lo Lhe acLlon ln such manner as lL may
deem proper (39a)
SLC 38 ofotcemeot of otteoJooce ooJ cooJoct of exomlootlooA parLy or
oLher person may be compelled by an order or subpoena Lo aLLend before Lhe
courL or commlssloner Lo LesLlfy as provlded ln Lhe Lwo precedlng secLlons and
upon fallure Lo obey such order or subpoena or Lo be sworn or Lo answer as a
wlLness or Lo subscrlbe hls deposlLlon may be punlshed for conLempL as ln oLher
cases LxamlnaLlons shall noL be unduly prolonged buL Lhe proceedlngs may be
ad[ourned from Llme Lo Llme unLll Lhey are compleLed lf Lhe examlnaLlon ls before
a commlssloner he musL Lake lL ln wrlLlng and cerLlfy lL Lo Lhe courL All
examlnaLlons and answers before a courL or commlssloner musL be under oaLh and
when a corporaLlon or oLher [urldlcal enLlLy answers lL musL be on Lhe oaLh of an
auLhorlzed offlcer or agenL Lhereof (40a)
SLC 39 bllqot moy poy execotloo oqolost obllqeeAfLer a wrlL of
execuLlon agalnsL properLy has been lssued a person lndebLed Lo Lhe [udgmenL
obllgor may pay Lo Lhe sherlff holdlng Lhe wrlL of execuLlon Lhe amounL of hls debL
or so much Lhereof as may be necessary Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL ln Lhe manner
prescrlbed ln secLlon 9 of Lhls 8ule and Lhe sherlffs recelpL shall be a sufflclenL
dlscharge for Lhe amounL so pald or dlrecLed Lo be credlLed by Lhe [udgmenL
obllgee on Lhe execuLlon (41a)
SLC 40 tJet fot oppllcotloo of ptopetty ooJ locome to sotlsfoctloo of
joJqmeot1he courL may order any properLy of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor or money
due hlm noL exempL from execuLlon ln Lhe hands of elLher hlmself or anoLher
person or of a corporaLlon or oLher [urldlcal enLlLy Lo be applled Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon
of Lhe [udgmenL sub[ecL Lo any prlor rlghLs over such properLy
lf upon lnvesLlgaLlon of hls currenL lncome and expenses lL appears LhaL Lhe
earnlngs of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor for hls personal servlces are more Lhan necessary
for Lhe supporL of hls famlly Lhe courL may order LhaL he pay Lhe [udgmenL ln flxed
monLhly lnsLallmenLs and upon hls fallure Lo pay any such lnsLallmenL when due
wlLhouL good excuse may punlsh hlm for lndlrecL conLempL (42a)
SLC 41 Appolotmeot of tecelvet1he courL may appolnL a recelver of Lhe
properLy of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor and lL may also forbld a Lransfer or oLher
dlsposlLlon of or any lnLerference wlLh Lhe properLy of Lhe [udgmenL obllgor noL
exempL from execuLlon (43a)
SLC 42 5ole of oscettolooble lotetest of joJqmeot obllqot lo teol estotelf lL
appears LhaL Lhe [udgmenL obllgor has an lnLeresL ln real esLaLe ln Lhe place ln
whlch proceedlngs are had as morLgagor or morLgagee or oLherwlse and hls
lnLeresL Lhereln can be ascerLalned wlLhouL conLroversy Lhe recelver may be
ordered Lo sell and convey such real esLaLe or Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe obllgor Lhereln
and such sale shall be conducLed ln all respecLs ln Lhe same manner as ls provlded
for Lhe sale of real esLaLe upon execuLlon and Lhe proceedlngs Lhereon shall be
approved by Lhe courL before Lhe execuLlon of Lhe deed (44a)
SLC 43 ltoceeJloqs wbeo loJebteJoess JeoleJ ot oootbet petsoo clolms tbe
ptopettylf lL appears LhaL a person or corporaLlon alleged Lo have properLy of
Lhe [udgmenL obllgor or Lo be lndebLed Lo hlm clalms an lnLeresL ln Lhe properLy
adverse Lo hlm or denles Lhe debL Lhe courL may auLhorlze by an order made Lo
C 8 A C l L |

LhaL effecL Lhe [udgmenL obllgee Lo lnsLlLuLe an acLlon agalnsL such person or
corporaLlon for Lhe recovery of such lnLeresL or debL forbld a Lransfer or oLher
dlsposlLlon of such lnLeresL or debL wlLhln one hundred LwenLy (120) days from
noLlce of Lhe order and may punlsh dlsobedlence of such order as for conLempL
Such order may be modlfled or vacaLed aL any Llme by Lhe courL whlch lssued lL or
by Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe acLlon ls broughL upon such Lerms as may be [usL (43a)
SLC 44 otty of sotlsfoctloo of joJqmeot by cletk of courLSaLlsfacLlon of a
[udgmenL shall be enLered by Lhe clerk of courL ln Lhe courL dockeL and ln Lhe
execuLlon book upon Lhe reLurn of a wrlL of execuLlon showlng Lhe full saLlsfacLlon
of Lhe [udgmenL or upon Lhe flllng of an admlsslon Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe
[udgmenL execuLed and acknowledged ln Lhe same manner as a conveyance of real
properLy by Lhe [udgmenL obllgee or by hls counsel unless a revocaLlon of hls
auLhorlLy ls flled or upon Lhe endorsemenL of such admlsslon by Lhe [udgmenL
obllgee or hls counsel on Lhe face of Lhe record of Lhe [udgmenL (46a)
SLC 43 otty of sotlsfoctloo wltb ot wltboot oJmlsslooWhenever a
[udgmenL ls saLlsfled ln facL or oLherwlse Lhan upon an execuLlon on demand of
Lhe [udgmenL obllgor Lhe [udgmenL obllgee or hls counsel musL execuLe and
acknowledge or lndorse an admlsslon of Lhe saLlsfacLlon as provlded ln Lhe lasL
precedlng secLlon and afLer noLlce and upon moLlon Lhe courL may order elLher Lhe
[udgmenL obllgee or hls counsel Lo do so or may order Lhe enLry of saLlsfacLlon Lo
be made wlLhouL such admlsslon (47a)
SLC 46 Jbeo ptloclpol boooJ by joJqmeot oqolost sotetyWhen a
[udgmenL ls rendered agalnsL a parLy who sLands as sureLy for anoLher Lhe laLLer ls
also bound from Lhe Llme LhaL he has noLlce of Lhe acLlon or proceedlng and an
opporLunlLy aL Lhe sureLy's requesL Lo [oln ln Lhe defense (48a)
SLC 47 ffect of joJqmeots ot flool otJets 1he effecL of a [udgmenL or
flnal order rendered by a courL of Lhe hlllpplnes havlng [urlsdlcLlon Lo pronounce
Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order may be as follows
(a) ln case of a [udgmenL or flnal order agalnsL a speclflc Lhlng or
ln respecL Lo Lhe probaLe of a wlll or Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe esLaLe of a
deceased person or ln respecL Lo Lhe personal pollLlcal or legal condlLlon or
sLaLus of a parLlcular person or hls relaLlonshlp Lo anoLher Lhe [udgmenL or
flnal order ls concluslve upon Lhe LlLle Lo Lhe Lhlng Lhe wlll or admlnlsLraLlon
or Lhe condlLlon sLaLus or relaLlonshlp of Lhe person however Lhe probaLe
of a wlll or granLlng of leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon shall only be prlma facle
evldence of Lhe deaLh of Lhe LesLaLor or lnLesLaLe
(b) ln oLher cases Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order ls wlLh respecL Lo
Lhe maLLer dlrecLly ad[udged or as Lo any oLher maLLer LhaL could have been
ralsed ln relaLlon LhereLo concluslve beLween Lhe parLles and Lhelr
successors ln lnLeresL by LlLle subsequenL Lo Lhe commencemenL of Lhe acLlon
or speclal proceedlng llLlgaLlng for Lhe same Lhlng and under Lhe same LlLle
and ln Lhe same capaclLy and
(c) ln any oLher llLlgaLlon beLween Lhe same parLles of Lhelr
successors ln lnLeresL LhaL only ls deemed Lo have been ad[udged ln a former
[udgmenL or flnal order whlch appears upon lLs face Lo have been so
ad[udged or whlch was acLually and necessarlly lncluded Lhereln or necessary
LhereLo (49a)
SLC 48 ffect of fotelqo joJqmeots ot flool otJets1he effecL of a [udgmenL
or flnal order of a Lrlbunal of a forelgn counLry havlng [urlsdlcLlon Lo render Lhe
[udgmenL or flnal order ls as follows
(a) ln case of a [udgmenL or flnal order upon a speclflc Lhlng Lhe
[udgmenL or flnal order ls concluslve upon Lhe LlLle of Lhe Lhlng and
(b) ln case of a [udgmenL or flnal order agalnsL a person Lhe
[udgmenL or flnal order ls presumpLlve evldence of a rlghL as beLween Lhe
parLles and Lhelr successors ln lnLeresL by a subsequenL LlLle
ln elLher case Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order may be repelled by evldence of a
wanL of [urlsdlcLlon wanL of noLlce Lo Lhe parLy colluslon fraud or clear mlsLake of
law or facL (30a)

C 8 A C l L |

C 8 A C l L |


SLC1lCn 1 Jbete to oppeolAn appeal from a [udgmenL or flnal order of a
Munlclpal 1rlal CourL may be Laken Lo Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL exerclslng
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe area Lo whlch Lhe former perLalns 1he LlLle of Lhe case shall
remaln as lL was ln Lhe courL of orlgln buL Lhe parLy appeallng Lhe case shall be
furLher referred Lo as Lhe appellanL and Lhe adverse parLy as Lhe appellee (n)
SLC 2 Jbeo to oppeolAn appeal may be Laken wlLhln flfLeen (13) days
afLer noLlce Lo Lhe appellanL of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order appealed from Where a
record on appeal ls requlred Lhe appellanL shall flle a noLlce of appeal and a record
on appeal wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order
1he perlod of appeal shall be lnLerrupLed by a Llmely moLlon for new Lrlal or
reconslderaLlon no moLlon for exLenslon of Llme Lo flle a moLlon for new Lrlal or
reconslderaLlon shall be allowed (n)
SLC 3 now to oppeol1he appeal ls Laken by flllng a noLlce of appeal wlLh
Lhe courL LhaL rendered Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order appealed from 1he noLlce of
appeal shall lndlcaLe Lhe parLles Lo Lhe appeal Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order or parL
Lhereof appealed from and sLaLe Lhe maLerlal daLes showlng Lhe Llmellness of Lhe
A record on appeal shall be requlred only ln speclal proceedlngs and ln oLher
cases of mulLlple or separaLe appeals
1he form and conLenLs of Lhe record on appeal shall be as provlded ln secLlon
6 8ule 41
Coples of Lhe noLlce of appeal and Lhe record on appeal where requlred
shall be served on Lhe adverse parLy (n)
SLC 4 letfectloo of oppeol effect tbeteof1he perfecLlon of Lhe appeal and
Lhe effecL Lhereof shall be governed by Lhe provlslons of secLlon 9 8ule 41 (n)
SLC 3 Appellote coott Jocket ooJ otbet lowfol feesWlLhln Lhe perlod for
Laklng an appeal Lhe appellanL shall pay Lo Lhe clerk of Lhe courL whlch rendered
Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order appealed from Lhe full amounL of Lhe appellaLe courL
dockeL and oLher lawful fees roof of paymenL Lhereof shall be LransmlLLed Lo Lhe
appellaLe courL LogeLher wlLh Lhe orlglnal record or Lhe record on appeal as Lhe
case may be (n)
SLC 6 oty of tbe cletk of coottWlLhln flfLeen (13) days from Lhe
perfecLlon of Lhe appeal Lhe clerk of courL or Lhe branch clerk of courL of Lhe lower
courL shall LransmlL Lhe orlglnal record or Lhe record on appeal LogeLher wlLh Lhe
LranscrlpLs and exhlblLs whlch he shall cerLlfy as compleLe Lo Lhe proper 8eglonal
1rlal CourL A copy of hls leLLer of LransmlLLal of Lhe records Lo Lhe appellaLe courL
shall be furnlshed Lhe parLles (n)
SLC 7 ltoceJote lo tbe keqloool 1tlol coott
(a) upon recelpL of Lhe compleLe record or Lhe record on appeal
Lhe clerk of courL of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL shall noLlfy Lhe parLles of such
(b) WlLhln flfLeen (13) days from such noLlce lL shall be Lhe duLy of
Lhe appellanL Lo submlL a memorandum whlch shall brlefly dlscuss Lhe errors
lmpuLed Lo Lhe lower courL a copy of whlch shall be furnlshed by hlm Lo Lhe
adverse parLy WlLhln flfLeen (13) days from recelpL of Lhe appellanL's
memorandum Lhe appellee may flle hls memorandum lallure of Lhe
appellanL Lo flle a memorandum shall be a ground for dlsmlssal of Lhe appeal
(c) upon Lhe flllng of Lhe memorandum of Lhe appellee or Lhe
explraLlon of Lhe perlod Lo do so Lhe case shall be consldered submlLLed for
declslon 1he 8eglonal 1rlal CourL shall declde Lhe case on Lhe basls of Lhe
enLlre record of Lhe proceedlngs had ln Lhe courL of orlgln and such
memoranda as are flled (n)
SLC 8 Appeal from orders dlsmlsslng case wlLhouL Lrlal lack of [urlsdlcLlon
lf an appeal ls Laken from an order of Lhe lower courL dlsmlsslng Lhe case wlLhouL a
Lrlal on Lhe merlLs Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL may afflrm or reverse lL as Lhe case may
be ln case of afflrmance and Lhe ground of dlsmlssal ls lack of [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL lf lL has [urlsdlcLlon Lhereover shall Lry Lhe
case on Lhe merlLs as lf Lhe case was orlglnally flled wlLh lL ln case of reversal Lhe
case shall be remanded for furLher proceedlngs
lf Lhe case was Lrled on Lhe merlLs by Lhe lower courL wlLhouL [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe sub[ecL maLLer Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL on appeal shall noL dlsmlss Lhe
case lf lL has orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon Lhereof buL shall declde Lhe case ln accordance
wlLh Lhe precedlng secLlon wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe admlsslon of amended
pleadlngs and addlLlonal evldence ln Lhe lnLeresL of [usLlce (n)
SLC 9 Appllcoblllty of kole 411he oLher provlslons of 8ule 41 shall apply Lo
appeals provlded for hereln lnsofar as Lhey are noL lnconslsLenL wlLh or may serve
Lo supplemenL Lhe provlslons of Lhls 8ule (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 5object of oppeolAn appeal may be Laken from a [udgmenL or
flnal order LhaL compleLely dlsposes of Lhe case or of a parLlcular maLLer Lhereln
when declared by Lhese 8ules Lo be appealable
no appeal may be Laken from
(a) An order denylng a moLlon for new Lrlal or reconsldera
(b) An order denylng a peLlLlon for rellef or any slmllar moLlon
seeklng rellef from [udgmenL
(c) An lnLerlocuLory order
(d) An order dlsallowlng or dlsmlsslng an appeal
(e) An order denylng a moLlon Lo seL aslde a [udgmenL by
consenL confesslon or compromlse on Lhe ground of fraud mlsLake or
duress or any oLher ground vlLlaLlng consenL
(f) An order of execuLlon
(g) A [udgmenL or flnal order for or agalnsL one or more of
several parLles or ln separaLe clalms counLerclalms crossclalms and Lhlrd
parLy complalnLs whlle Lhe maln case ls pendlng unless Lhe courL allows an
appeal Lherefrom and
(h) An order dlsmlsslng an acLlon wlLhouL pre[udlce
ln all Lhe above lnsLances where Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order ls noL
appealable Lhe aggrleved parLy may flle an approprlaLe speclal clvll acLlon under
8ule 63 (n)
SLC 2 MoJes of oppeol
(a) tJlooty oppeol1he appeal Lo Lhe CourL of Appeals ln
cases declded by Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL ln Lhe exerclse of lLs orlglnal
[urlsdlcLlon shall be Laken by flllng a noLlce of appeal wlLh Lhe courL whlch
rendered Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order appealed from and servlng a copy
Lhereof upon Lhe adverse parLy no record on appeal shall be requlred excepL
ln speclal proceedlngs and oLher cases of mulLlple or separaLe appeals where
Lhe law or Lhese 8ules so requlre ln such cases Lhe record on appeal shall be
flled and served ln llke manner
(b) letltloo fot tevlew1he appeal Lo Lhe CourL of Appeals ln
cases declded by Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL ln Lhe exerclse of lLs appellaLe
[urlsdlcLlon shall be by peLlLlon for revlew ln accordance wlLh 8ule 42
(c) Appeol by cettlototlln all cases where only quesLlons of
law are ralsed or lnvolved Lhe appeal shall be Lo Lhe Supreme CourL by
peLlLlon for revlew on cerLlorarl ln accordance wlLh 8ule 43 (n)
SLC 3 letloJ of otJlooty oppeol oppeol lo bobeos cotpos coses1he appeal
shall be Laken wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order
appealed from Where a record on appeal ls requlred Lhe appellanL shall flle a
noLlce of appeal and a record on appeal wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from noLlce of Lhe
[udgmenL or flnal order Powever an appeal ln bobeos cotpos cases shall be Laken
wlLhln forLyelghL (48) hours from noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order appealed
1he perlod of appeal shall be lnLerrupLed by a Llmely moLlon for new Lrlal or
reconslderaLlon no moLlon for exLenslon of Llme Lo flle a moLlon for new Lrlal or
reconslderaLlon shall be allowed (n)
SLC 4 Appellote coott Jocket ooJ otbet lowfol fees WlLhln Lhe perlod for
Laklng an appeal Lhe appellanL shall pay Lo Lhe clerk of Lhe courL whlch rendered
Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order appealed from Lhe full amounL of Lhe appellaLe courL
dockeL and oLher lawful fees roof of paymenL of sald fees shall be LransmlLLed Lo
Lhe appellaLe courL LogeLher wlLh Lhe orlglnal record or Lhe record on appeal (n)
SLC 3 Notlce of oppeol1he noLlce of appeal shall lndlcaLe Lhe parLles Lo
Lhe appeal speclfy Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order or parL Lhereof appealed from
speclfy Lhe courL Lo whlch Lhe appeal ls belng Laken and sLaLe Lhe maLerlal daLes
showlng Lhe Llmellness of Lhe appeal (4a)
SLC 6 kecotJ oo oppeol fotm ooJ cooteots tbeteof1he full names of all
Lhe parLles Lo Lhe proceedlngs shall be sLaLed ln Lhe capLlon of Lhe record on appeal
and lL shall lnclude Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order from whlch Lhe appeal ls Laken and
ln chronologlcal order coples of only such pleadlngs peLlLlons moLlons and all
lnLerlocuLory orders as are relaLed Lo Lhe appealed [udgmenL or flnal order for Lhe
proper undersLandlng of Lhe lssue lnvolved LogeLher wlLh such daLa as wlll show
LhaL Lhe appeal was perfecLed on Llme lf an lssue of facL ls Lo be ralsed on appeal
Lhe record on appeal shall lnclude by reference all Lhe evldence LesLlmonlal and
documenLary Laken upon Lhe lssue lnvolved 1he reference shall speclfy Lhe
documenLary evldence by Lhe exhlblL numbers or leLLers by whlch lL was ldenLlfled
when admlLLed or offered aL Lhe hearlng and Lhe LesLlmonlal evldence by Lhe
names of Lhe correspondlng wlLnesses lf Lhe whole LesLlmonlal and documenLary
evldence ln Lhe case ls Lo be lncluded a sLaLemenL Lo LhaL effecL wlll be sufflclenL
wlLhouL menLlonlng Lhe names of Lhe wlLnesses or Lhe numbers or leLLers of
exhlblLs Lvery record on appeal exceedlng LwenLy (20) pages musL conLaln a
sub[ecL lndex (6a)
SLC 7 Apptovol of tecotJ oo oppeol upon Lhe flllng of Lhe record on appeal
for approval and lf no ob[ecLlon ls flled by Lhe appellee wlLhln flve (3) days from
recelpL of a copy Lhereof Lhe Lrlal courL may approve lL as presenLed or upon lLs
C 8 A C l L |

own moLlon or aL Lhe lnsLance of Lhe appellee may dlrecL lLs amendmenL by Lhe
lncluslon of any omlLLed maLLers whlch are deemed essenLlal Lo Lhe deLermlnaLlon
of Lhe lssue of law or facL lnvolved ln Lhe appeal lf Lhe Lrlal courL orders Lhe
amendmenL of Lhe record Lhe appellanL wlLhln Lhe Llme llmlLed ln Lhe order or
such exLenslon Lhereof as may be granLed or lf no Llme ls flxed by Lhe order wlLhln
Len (10) days from recelpL Lhereof shall redrafL Lhe record by lncludlng Lhereln ln
Lhelr proper chronologlcal sequence such addlLlonal maLLers as Lhe courL may have
dlrecLed hlm Lo lncorporaLe and shall Lhereupon submlL Lhe redrafLed record for
approval upon noLlce Lo Lhe appellee ln llke manner as Lhe orlglnal drafL (7a)
SLC 8 Iolot tecotJ oo oppeolWhere boLh parLles are appellanLs Lhey may
flle a [olnL record on appeal wlLhln Lhe Llme flxed by secLlon 3 of Lhls 8ule or LhaL
flxed by Lhe courL (8a)
SLC 9 letfectloo of oppeol effect tbeteofA parLy's appeal by noLlce of
appeal ls deemed perfecLed as Lo hlm upon Lhe flllng of Lhe noLlce of appeal ln due
A parLy's appeal by record on appeal ls deemed perfecLed as Lo hlm wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe sub[ecL maLLer Lhereof upon Lhe approval of Lhe record on appeal
flled ln due Llme
ln appeals by noLlce of appeal Lhe courL loses [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case upon
Lhe perfecLlon of Lhe appeals flled ln due Llme and Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Llme Lo
appeal of Lhe oLher parLles
ln appeals by record on appeal Lhe courL loses [urlsdlcLlon only over Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer Lhereof upon Lhe approval of Lhe records on appeal flled ln due Llme
and Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Llme Lo appeal of Lhe oLher parLles
ln elLher case prlor Lo Lhe LransmlLLal of Lhe orlglnal record or Lhe record on
appeal Lhe courL may lssue orders for Lhe proLecLlon and preservaLlon of Lhe rlghLs
of Lhe parLles whlch do noL lnvolve any maLLer llLlgaLed by Lhe appeal approve
compromlses permlL appeals of lndlgenL llLlganLs order execuLlon pendlng appeal
ln accordance wlLh secLlon 2 of 8ule 39 and allow wlLhdrawal of Lhe appeal (9a)
SLC 10 oty of cletk of coott of tbe lowet coott opoo petfectloo of oppeol
WlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer perfecLlon of all Lhe appeals ln accordance wlLh Lhe
precedlng secLlon lL shall be Lhe duLy of Lhe clerk of courL of Lhe lower courL
(a) 1o verlfy Lhe correcLness of Lhe orlglnal record or Lhe
record on appeal as Lhe case may be and Lo make a cerLlflcaLlon of lLs
(b) 1o verlfy Lhe compleLeness of Lhe records LhaL wlll be
LransmlLLed Lo Lhe appellaLe courL
(c) lf found Lo be lncompleLe Lo Lake such measures as may
be requlred Lo compleLe Lhe records avalllng of Lhe auLhorlLy LhaL he or Lhe
courL may exerclse for Lhls purpose and
(d) 1o LransmlL Lhe records Lo Lhe appellaLe courL
lf Lhe efforLs Lo compleLe Lhe records fall he shall lndlcaLe ln hls leLLer of
LransmlLLal Lhe exhlblLs or LranscrlpLs noL lncluded ln Lhe records belng LransmlLLed
Lo Lhe appellaLe courL Lhe reasons for Lhelr nonLransmlLLal and Lhe sLeps Laken or
LhaL could be Laken Lo have Lhem avallable
1he clerk of courL shall furnlsh Lhe parLles wlLh coples of hls leLLer of
LransmlLLal of Lhe records Lo Lhe appellaLe courL (10a)
SLC 11 1toosctlptupon Lhe perfecLlon of Lhe appeal Lhe clerk shall
lmmedlaLely dlrecL Lhe sLenographers concerned Lo aLLach Lo Lhe record of Lhe case
flve (3) coples of Lhe LranscrlpLs of Lhe LesLlmonlal evldence referred Lo ln Lhe
record on appeal 1he sLenographers concerned shall Lranscrlbe such LesLlmonlal
evldence and shall prepare and afflx Lo Lhelr LranscrlpLs an lndex conLalnlng Lhe
names of Lhe wlLnesses and Lhe pages whereln Lhelr LesLlmonles are found and a
llsL of Lhe exhlblLs and Lhe pages whereln each of Lhem appears Lo have been
offered and admlLLed or re[ecLed by Lhe Lrlal courL 1he LranscrlpLs shall be
LransmlLLed Lo Lhe clerk of Lhe Lrlal courL who shall Lhereupon arrange Lhe same ln
Lhe order ln whlch Lhe wlLnesses LesLlfled aL Lhe Lrlal and shall cause Lhe pages Lo
be numbered consecuLlvely (12a)
SLC 12 1toosmlttol1he clerk of Lhe Lrlal courL shall LransmlL Lo Lhe
appellaLe courL Lhe orlglnal record or Lhe approved record on appeal wlLhln LhlrLy
(30) days from Lhe perfecLlon of Lhe appeal LogeLher wlLh Lhe proof of paymenL of
Lhe appellaLe courL dockeL and oLher lawful fees a cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe
mlnuLes of Lhe proceedlngs Lhe order of approval Lhe cerLlflcaLe of correcLness
Lhe orlglnal documenLary evldence referred Lo Lhereln and Lhe orlglnal and Lhree
(3) coples of Lhe LranscrlpLs Coples of Lhe LranscrlpLs and cerLlfled Lrue coples of
Lhe documenLary evldence shall remaln ln Lhe lower courL for Lhe examlnaLlon of
Lhe parLles (11a)
SLC 13 lsmlssol of oppeolrlor Lo Lhe LransmlLLal of Lhe orlglnal record or
Lhe record on appeal Lo Lhe appellaLe courL Lhe Lrlal courL may moto ptoptlo or on
moLlon dlsmlss Lhe appeal for havlng been Laken ouL of Llme or for nonpaymenL of
Lhe dockeL and oLher lawful fees wlLhln Lhe reglemenLary perlod (13a)

C 8 A C l L |

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 now oppeol tokeo tlme fot fllloqA parLy deslrlng Lo appeal
from a declslon of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL rendered ln Lhe exerclse of lLs appellaLe
[urlsdlcLlon may flle a verlfled peLlLlon for revlew wlLh Lhe CourL of Appeals paylng
aL Lhe same Llme Lo Lhe clerk of sald courL Lhe correspondlng dockeL and oLher
lawful fees deposlLlng Lhe amounL of 30000 for cosLs and furnlshlng Lhe 8eglonal
1rlal CourL and Lhe adverse parLy wlLh a copy of Lhe peLlLlon 1he peLlLlon shall be
flled and served wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from noLlce of Lhe declslon soughL Lo be
revlewed or of Lhe denlal of peLlLloner's moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon
flled ln due Llme afLer [udgmenL upon proper moLlon and Lhe paymenL of Lhe full
amounL of Lhe dockeL and oLher lawful fees and Lhe deposlL for cosLs before Lhe
explraLlon of Lhe reglemenLary perlod Lhe CourL of Appeals may granL an addlLlonal
perlod of flfLeen (13) days only wlLhln whlch Lo flle Lhe peLlLlon for revlew no
furLher exLenslon shall be granLed excepL for Lhe mosL compelllng reason and ln no
case Lo exceed flfLeen (13) days (n)
SLC 2 lotm ooJ cooteots1he peLlLlon shall be flled ln seven (7) leglble
coples wlLh Lhe orlglnal copy lnLended for Lhe courL belng lndlcaLed as such by Lhe
peLlLloner and shall (a) sLaLe Lhe full names of Lhe parLles Lo Lhe case wlLhouL
lmpleadlng Lhe lower courLs or [udges Lhereof elLher as peLlLloners or respondenLs
(b) lndlcaLe Lhe speclflc maLerlal daLes showlng LhaL lL was flled on Llme (c) seL
forLh conclsely a sLaLemenL of Lhe maLers lnvolved Lhe lssues ralsed Lhe
speclflcaLlon of errors of facL or law or boLh allegedly commlLLed by Lhe 8eglonal
1rlal CourL and Lhe reasons or argumenLs relled upon for Lhe allowance of Lhe
appeal (d) be accompanled by clearly leglble dupllcaLe orlglnals or Lrue coples of
Lhe [udgmenLs or flnal orders of boLh lower courLs cerLlfled correcL by Lhe clerk of
courL of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL Lhe requlslLe number of plaln coples Lhereof and
of Lhe pleadlngs and oLher maLerlal porLlons of Lhe record as would supporL Lhe
allegaLlons of Lhe peLlLlon
1he peLlLloner shall also submlL LogeLher wlLh Lhe peLlLlon a cerLlflcaLlon
under oaLh LhaL he has noL LhereLofore commenced any oLher acLlon lnvolvlng Lhe
same lssues ln Lhe Supreme CourL Lhe CourL of Appeals or dlfferenL dlvlslons
Lhereof or any oLher Lrlbunal or agency lf Lhere ls such oLher acLlon or proceedlng
he musL sLaLe Lhe sLaLus of Lhe same and lf he should LhereafLer learn LhaL a slmllar
acLlon or proceedlng has been flled or ls pendlng before Lhe Supreme CourL Lhe
CourL of Appeals or dlfferenL dlvlslons Lhereof or any oLher Lrlbunal or agency he
underLakes Lo prompLly lnform Lhe aforesald courLs and oLher Lrlbunal or agency
Lhereof wlLhln flve (3) days Lherefrom (n)
SLC 3 ffect of follote to comply wltb tepoltemeots1he fallure of Lhe
peLlLloner Lo comply wlLh any of Lhe foregolng requlremenLs regardlng Lhe paymenL
of Lhe dockeL and oLher lawful fees Lhe deposlL for cosLs proof of servlce of Lhe
peLlLlon and Lhe conLenLs of and Lhe documenLs whlch should accompany Lhe peLl
Llon shall be sufflclenL ground for Lhe dlsmlssal Lhereof (n)
SLC 4 Actloo oo tbe petltloo1he CourL of Appeals may requlre Lhe
respondenL Lo flle a commenL on Lhe peLlLlon noL a moLlon Lo dlsmlss wlLhln Len
(10) days from noLlce or dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon lf lL flnds Lhe same Lo be paLenLly
wlLhouL merlL prosecuLed manlfesLly for delay or LhaL Lhe quesLlons ralsed Lhereln
are Loo unsubsLanLlal Lo requlre conslderaLlon (n)
SLC 3 cooteots of commeot1he commenL of Lhe respondenL shall be flled
ln seven (7) leglble coples accompanled by cerLlfled Lrue coples of such maLerlal
porLlons of Lhe record referred Lo Lhereln LogeLher wlLh oLher supporLlng papers
and shall (a) sLaLe wheLher or noL he accepLs Lhe sLaLemenL of maLLers lnvolved ln
Lhe peLlLlon (b) polnL ouL such lnsufflclencles or lnaccuracles as he belleves exlsL ln
peLlLloner's sLaLemenL of maLLers lnvolved buL wlLhouL repeLlLlon and (c) sLaLe Lhe
reasons why Lhe peLlLlon should noL be glven due course A copy Lhereof shall be
served on Lhe peLlLloner (n)
SLC 6 oe cootself upon Lhe flllng of Lhe commenL or such oLher
pleadlngs as Lhe courL may allow or requlre or afLer Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod for
Lhe flllng Lhereof wlLhouL such commenL or pleadlng havlng been submlLLed Lhe
CourL of Appeals flnds ptlmo focle LhaL Lhe lower courL has commlLLed an error of
facL or law LhaL wlll warranL a reversal or modlflcaLlon of Lhe appealed declslon lL
may accordlngly glve due course Lo Lhe peLlLlon (n)
SLC 7 levotloo of tecotJWhenever Lhe CourL of Appeals deems lL
necessary lL may order Lhe clerk of courL of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL Lo elevaLe Lhe
orlglnal record of Lhe case lncludlng Lhe oral and documenLary evldence wlLhln
flfLeen (13) days from noLlce(n)
SLC 8 letfectloo of oppeol effect tbeteof
(a) upon Lhe Llmely flllng of a peLlLlon for revlew and Lhe
paymenL of Lhe correspondlng dockeL and oLher lawful fees Lhe appeal ls
deemed perfecLed as Lo Lhe peLlLloner
1he 8eglonal 1rlal CourL loses [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case upon Lhe
perfecLlon of Lhe appeals flled ln due Llme and Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Llme Lo
appeal of Lhe oLher parLles
Powever before Lhe CourL of Appeals glves due course Lo Lhe
peLlLlon Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL may lssue orders for Lhe proLecLlon and
preservaLlon of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe parLles whlch do noL lnvolve any maLLer
llLlgaLed by Lhe appeal approve cornpromlses permlL appeals of lndlgenL
llLlganLs order execuLlon pendlng appeal ln accordance wlLh secLlon 2 of 8ule
39 and allow wlLhdrawal of Lhe appeal (9a 841)
(b) LxcepL ln clvll cases declded under Lhe 8ule on Summary
rocedure Lhe appeal shall sLay Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order unless Lhe CourL
of Appeals Lhe law or Lhese 8ules shall provlde oLherwlse (n)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 9 5obmlssloo fot Jeclsloolf Lhe peLlLlon ls glven due course Lhe CourL
of Appeals may seL Lhe case for oral argumenL or requlre Lhe parLles Lo submlL
memoranda wlLhln a perlod of flfLeen (13) days from noLlce 1he case shall be
deemed submlLLed for declslon upon Lhe flllng of Lhe lasL pleadlng or memorandum
requlred by Lhese 8ules or by Lhe courL lLself (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 5cope1hls 8ule shall apply Lo appeals from [udgmenLs or flnal
orders of Lhe CourL of 1ax Appeals and from awards [udgmenLs flnal orders or
resoluLlons of or auLhorlzed by any quasl[udlclal agency ln Lhe exerclse of lLs quasl
[udlclal funcLlons Among Lhese agencles are Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon CenLral
8oard of AssessmenL Appeals SecurlLles and Lxchange Commlsslon Cfflce of Lhe
resldenL Land 8eglsLraLlon AuLhorlLy Soclal SecurlLy Commlsslon Clvll
AeronauLlcs 8oard 8ureau of aLenLs 1rademarks and 1echnology 1ransfer
naLlonal LlecLrlflcaLlon AdmlnlsLraLlon Lnergy 8egulaLory 8oard naLlonal
1elecommunlcaLlons Commlsslon ueparLmenL of Agrarlan 8eform under 8epubllc
AcL no 6637 CovernmenL Servlce lnsurance SysLem Lmployees CompensaLlon
Commlsslon AgrlculLural lnvenLlons 8oard lnsurance Commlsslon hlllpplne
ALomlc Lnergy Commlsslon 8oard of lnvesLmenLs ConsLrucLlon lndusLry
ArblLraLlon Commlsslon and volunLary arblLraLors auLhorlzed by law (n)
SLC 2 coses oot coveteJ1hls 8ule shall noL apply Lo [udgmenLs or flnal
orders lssued under Lhe Labor Code of Lhe hlllpplnes (n)
SLC 3 Jbete to oppeolAn appeal under Lhls 8ule may be Laken Lo Lhe
CourL of Appeals wlLhln Lhe perlod and ln Lhe manner hereln provlded wheLher Lhe
appeal lnvolves quesLlons of facL of law or mlxed quesLlons of facL and law (n)
SLC 4 letloJ of oppeol1he appeal shall be Laken wlLhln flfLeen (13) days
from noLlce of Lhe award [udgmenL flnal order or resoluLlon or from Lhe daLe of
lLs lasL publlcaLlon lf publlcaLlon ls requlred by law for lLs effecLlvlLy or of Lhe
denlal of peLlLloner's moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon duly flled ln
accordance wlLh Lhe governlng law of Lhe courL or agency a poo Cnly one (1)
moLlon for reconslderaLlon shall be allowed upon proper moLlon and Lhe paymenL
of Lhe full amounL of Lhe dockeL fee before Lhe explraLlon of Lhe reglemenLary
perlod Lhe CourL of Appeals may granL an addlLlonal perlod of flfLeen (13) days
only wlLhln whlch Lo flle Lhe peLlLlon for revlew no furLher exLenslon shall be
granLed excepL for Lhe mosL compelllng reason and ln no case Lo exceed flfLeen (13)
days (n)
SLC 3 now oppeol tokeoAppeal shall be Laken by flllng a verlfled peLlLlon
for revlew ln seven (7) leglble coples wlLh Lhe CourL of Appeals wlLh proof of
servlce of a copy Lhereof on Lhe adverse parLy and on Lhe courL or
agency o poo 1he orlglnal copy of Lhe peLlLlon lnLended for Lhe CourL of
Appeals shall be lndlcaLed as such by Lhe peLlLloner
upon Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon Lhe peLlLloner shall pay Lo Lhe clerk of courL of
Lhe CourL of Appeals Lhe dockeLlng and oLher lawful fees anddeposlL Lhe sum of
30000 for cosLs LxempLlon from paymenL of dockeLlng and oLher lawful fees and
Lhe deposlL for cosLs may be granLed by Lhe CourL of Appeals upon
a verlfled moLlon seLLlng forLh valld grounds Lherefor lf Lhe CourL of Appeals denles
Lhe moLlon Lhe peLlLloner shall pay Lhe dockeLlng and oLher lawful fees and deposlL
for cosLs wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from noLlce of Lhe denlal (n)
SLC 6 cooteots of tbe petltloo1he peLlLlon for revlew shall (a) sLaLe Lhe
full names of Lhe parLles Lo Lhe case wlLhouL lmpleadlng Lhe courL or agencles
elLher as peLlLloners or respondenLs (b) conLaln a conclse sLaLemenL of Lhe
facLs and lssues lnvolved and Lhe grounds relled upon for Lhe revlew (c) be
accompanled by a clearly leglble dupllcaLe orlglnal or a cerLlfled Lrue copy of
Lhe award [udgmenL flnal order or resoluLlon appealed from LogeLher wlLh
cerLlfled Lrue coples of such maLerlal porLlons of Lhe record referred Lo
Lhereln and oLher supporLlng papers and (d)conLaln a sworn cerLlflcaLlon agalnsL
forum shopplng as provlded ln Lhe lasL paragraph of secLlon 2 8ule 42 1he peLlLlon
shall sLaLe Lhe speclflcmaLerlal daLes showlng LhaL lL was flled wlLhln Lhe perlod
flxed hereln (2a)
SLC 7 ffect of follote to comply wltb tepoltemeots1he fallure of Lhe
peLlLloner Lo comply wlLh any of Lhe foregolng requlremenLs regardlng Lhe paymenL
of Lhe dockeL and oLher lawful fees Lhe deposlL for cosLs proof of servlce of Lhe
peLlLlon and Lhe conLenLs of and Lhe documenLs whlch should accompany
Lhe peLlLlon shall be sufflclenL ground for Lhe dlsmlssal Lhereof (n)
SLC 8 Actloo oo tbe petltloo1he CourL of Appeals may requlre Lhe
respondenL Lo flle a commenL on Lhe peLlLlon noL a moLlon Lo dlsmlss wlLhln Len
(10) days from noLlce or dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon lf lL flnds Lhe same Lo be paLenLly
wlLhouL merlL prosecuLed manlfesLly for delay or LhaL Lhe quesLlons ralsed
Lhereln are Loo unsubsLanLlal Lo requlre conslderaLlon (6a)
SLC 9 cooteots of commeot1he commenL shall be flled wlLhln Len (10)
days from noLlce ln seven (7) leglble coples and accompanled by clearly leglble
cerLlfled Lrue coples of such maLerlal porLlons of Lhe record referred Lo Lhereln
LogeLher wlLh oLher supporLlng papers 1he commenL shall (a) polnL ouL
lnsufflclencles or lnaccuracles ln peLlLloner's sLaLemenL of facLs and lssues and
(b) sLaLe Lhe reasons why Lhe peLlLlon should be denled or dlsmlssed A copy
Lhereof shall be served on Lhe peLlLloner and proof of such servlce shall be flled
wlLh Lhe CourL of Appeals (9a)
SLC 10 oe cootself upon Lhe flllng of Lhe commenL or such oLher
pleadlngs or documenLs as may be requlred or allowed by Lhe CourL of Appeals or
upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod for Lhe flllng Lhereof and on Lhe basls of Lhe
peLlLlon or Lhe records Lhe CourL of Appeals flndsptlmo focle LhaL Lhe courL or
agency concerned has commlLLed errors of facL or law LhaL would warranL reversal
or modlflcaLlon of Lhe award [udgmenL flnal order or resoluLlon soughL Lo be
revlewed lL may glve due course Lo Lhe peLlLlon oLherwlse lL shall dlsmlss Lhe
same 1he flndlngs of facL of Lhe courL or agency concerned when supporLed by
subsLanLlal evldence shall be blndlng on Lhe CourL of Appeals (n)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 11 1toosmlttol of recordWlLhln flfLeen (13) days from noLlce LhaL Lhe
peLlLlon has been glven due course Lhe CourL of Appeals may requlre Lhe courL or
agency concerned Lo LransmlL Lhe orlglnal or a leglble cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe
enLlre record of Lhe proceedlng under revlew 1he record Lo be LransmlLLed may be
abrldged by agreemenL of all parLles Lo Lhe proceedlng 1he CourL of Appeals may
requlre or permlL subsequenL correcLlon of or addlLlon Lo Lhe record (8a)
SLC 12 ffect of oppeol1he appeal shall noL sLay Lhe award [udgmenL
flnal order of resoluLlon soughL Lo be revlewed unless Lhe CourL of Appeals shall
dlrecL oLherwlse upon such Lerms as lL may deem [usL (10a)
SLC 13 5obmlssloo fot Jeclsloolf Lhe peLlLlon ls glven due course Lhe
CourL of Appeals may seL Lhe case for oral argumenL or requlre Lhe parLles Lo
submlL memoranda wlLhln a perlod of flfLeen (13) days from noLlce 1he case shall
be deemed submlLLed for declslon upon Lhe flllng of Lhe lasL pleadlng or
memorandum requlred by Lhese 8ules or by Lhe CourL of Appeals (n)

C 8 A C l L |


SLC1lCn 1 1ltle of cosesln all cases appealed Lo Lhe CourL of Appeals
under 8ule 41 Lhe LlLle of Lhe case shall remaln as lL was ln Lhe courL of orlgln buL
Lhe parLy appeallng Lhe case shall be furLher referred Lo as Lhe appellanL and Lhe
adverse parLy as Lhe appellee (1a 846)
SLC 2 cooosel ooJ qootJloos1he counsel and guardlans oJ lltem of Lhe
parLles ln Lhe courL of orlgln shall be respecLlvely consldered as Lhelr counsel and
guardlans oJ lltem ln Lhe CourL of Appeals When oLhers appear or are appolnLed
noLlce Lhereof shall be served lmmedlaLely on Lhe adverse parLy and flled wlLh Lhe
courL (2a 846)
SLC 3 tJet of ttoosmlttol of tecotJlf Lhe orlglnal record or Lhe record on
appeal ls noL LransmlLLed Lo Lhe CourL of Appeals wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer Lhe
perfecLlon of Lhe appeal elLher parLy may flle a moLlon wlLh Lhe Lrlal courL wlLh
noLlce Lo Lhe oLher for Lhe LransmlLLal of such record or record on appeal (3a 846)
SLC 4 ocketloq of caseupon recelvlng Lhe orlglnal record or Lhe record
on appeal and Lhe accompanylng documenLs and exhlblLs LransmlLLed by Lhe lower
courL as well as Lhe proof of paymenL of Lhe dockeL and oLher lawful fees Lhe clerk
of courL of Lhe CourL of Appeals shall dockeL Lhe case and noLlfy Lhe parLles Lhereof
(4a 846)
WlLhln Len (10) days from recelpL of sald noLlce Lhe appellanL ln appeals by
record on appeal shall flle wlLh Lhe clerk of courL seven (7) clearly leglble coples of
Lhe approved record on appeal LogeLher wlLh Lhe proof of servlce of Lwo (2) coples
Lhereof upon Lhe appellee
Any unauLhorlzed alLeraLlon omlsslon or addlLlon ln Lhe approved record on
appeal shall be a ground for dlsmlssal of Lhe appeal (n)
SLC 3 completloo of tecotJWhere Lhe record of Lhe dockeLed case ls
lncompleLe Lhe clerk of courL of Lhe CourL of Appeals shall so lnform sald courL and
recommended Lo lL measures necessary Lo compleLe Lhe record lL shall be Lhe duLy
of sald courL Lo Lake approprlaLe acLlon Lowards Lhe compleLlon of Lhe record
wlLhln Lhe shorLesL posslble Llme (n)
SLC 6 lspeosloq wltb complete tecotJWhere Lhe compleLlon of Lhe
record could noL be accompllshed wlLhln a sufflclenL perlod alloLLed for sald
purpose due Lo lnsuperable or exLremely dlfflculL causes Lhe courL on
lLs own moLlon or on moLlon of any of Lhe parLles may declare LhaL Lhe record and
lLs accompanylng LranscrlpLs and exhlblLs so far avallable are sufflclenL Lo declde
Lhe lssues ralsed ln Lhe appeal and shall lssue an order explalnlng Lhe reasons for
such declaraLlon (n)
SLC 7 Appelloots brleflL shall be Lhe duLy of Lhe appellanL Lo flle wlLh Lhe
courL wlLhln forLyflve (43) days from recelpL of Lhe noLlce of Lhe clerk LhaL all Lhe
evldence oral and documenLary are aLLached Lo Lhe record seven (7) coples of
hls leglbly LypewrlLLen mlmeographed or prlnLed brlef wlLh proof of servlce
of Lwo (2) coples Lhereof upon Lhe appellee (10a 846)
SLC 8 Appellees brlefWlLhln forLyflve (43) days from recelpL of Lhe
appellanL's brlef Lhe appellee shall flle wlLh Lhe courL seven (7) coples of hls leglbly
LypewrlLLen mlmeographed or prlnLed brlef wlLh proof of servlce of Lwo (2) coples
Lhereof upon Lhe appellanL (11a 846)
SLC 9 Appelloots teply brlefWlLhln LwenLy (20) days from recelpL of Lhe
appellee's brlef Lhe appellanL may flle a reply brlef answerlng polnLs ln Lhe
appellee's brlef noL covered ln hls maln brlef (12 846)
SLC 10 1lme of fllloq memotooJo lo speclol cosesln cerLlorarl prohlblLlon
mandamus poo wottooto and bobeos cotpos cases Lhe parLles shall flle ln lleu of
brlefs Lhelr respecLlve memoranda wlLhln a nonexLendlble perlod of LhlrLy (30)
days from recelpL of Lhe noLlce lssued by Lhe clerk LhaL all Lhe evldence oral and
documenLary ls already aLLached Lo Lhe record (13a 846)
1he fallure of Lhe appellanL Lo flle hls memorandum wlLhln Lhe perlod
Lherefor may be a ground for dlsmlssal of Lhe appeal (n)
SLC 11 5evetol oppelloots ot oppellees ot sevetol cooosel fot eocb potty
Jbete Lhere are several appellanLs or appellees each counsel represenLlng one or
more buL noL all of Lhem shall be served wlLh only one copy of Lhe brlefs When
several counsel represenL one appellanL or appellee coples of Lhe brlef may be
served upon any of Lhem (14a 846)
SLC 12 xteosloo of tlme fot fllloq btlefsxteosloo of Llme for Lhe flllng of
brlefs wlll noL be allowed excepL for good and sufflclenL cause and only lf Lhe
moLlon for exLenslon ls flled before Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Llme soughL Lo be
exLended (13 846)
SLC 13 cooteots of oppelloots btlef1he appellanL's brlef shall conLaln ln
Lhe order hereln lndlcaLed Lhe followlng
(a) A sub[ecL lndex of Lhe maLLer ln Lhe brlef wlLh a dlgesL of Lhe
argumenLs and page references and a Lable of cases alphabeLlcally arranged
LexLbooks and sLaLuLes clLed wlLh references Lo Lhe pages where Lhey are
(b) An asslgnmenL of errors lnLended Lo be urged whlch errors
shall be separaLely dlsLlncLly and conclsely sLaLed wlLhouL repeLlLlon and
numbered consecuLlvely
(c) under Lhe headlng SLaLemenL of Lhe Case" a clear and conclse
sLaLemenL of Lhe naLure of Lhe acLlon a summary of Lhe proceedlngs Lhe
C 8 A C l L |

appealed rullngs and orders of Lhe courL Lhe naLure of Lhe [udgmenL and any
oLher maLLers necessary Lo an undersLandlng of Lhe naLure of Lhe
conLroversy wlLh page references Lo Lhe record
(d) under Lhe headlng SLaLemenL of lacLs" a clear and conclse
sLaLemenL ln a narraLlve form of Lhe facLs admlLLed by boLh parLles and of
Lhose ln conLroversy LogeLher wlLh Lhe subsLance of Lhe proof relaLlng
LhereLo ln sufflclenL deLall Lo make lL clearly lnLelllglble wlLh page references
Lo Lhe record
(e) A clear and conclse sLaLemenL of Lhe lssues of facL or law Lo be
submlLLed Lo Lhe courL for lLs [udgmenL
(f) under Lhe headlng ArgumenL" Lhe appellanL's argumenLs on
each asslgnmenL of error wlLh page references Lo Lhe record 1he auLhorlLles
relled upon shall be clLed by Lhe page of Lhe reporL aL whlch Lhe case beglns
and Lhe page of Lhe reporL on whlch Lhe clLaLlon ls found
(g) under Lhe headlng 8ellef" a speclflcaLlon of Lhe order or
[udgmenL whlch Lhe appellanL seeks and
(h) ln cases noL broughL up by record on appeal Lhe appellanL's
brlef shall conLaln as an appendlx a copy of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order
appealed from (16a 846)
SLC 14 cooteots of oppellees btlef1he appellee's brlef shall conLaln ln
Lhe order hereln lndlcaLed Lhe followlng
(a) A sub[ecL lndex of Lhe maLLer ln Lhe brlef wlLh a dlgesL of Lhe
argumenLs and page references and a Lable of cases alphabeLlcally arranged
LexLbooks and sLaLuLes clLed wlLh references Lo Lhe pages where Lhey are
(b) under Lhe headlng SLaLemenL of lacLs" Lhe appellee shall
sLaLe LhaL he accepLs Lhe sLaLemenL of facLs ln Lhe appellanL's brlef or under
Lhe headlng CounLerSLaLemenL of lacLs" he shall polnL ouL such
lnsufflclencles or lnaccuracles as he belleves exlsL ln Lhe appellanL's
sLaLemenL of facLs wlLh references Lo Lhe pages of Lhe record ln supporL
Lhereof buL wlLhouL repeLlLlon of maLLers ln Lhe appellanL's sLaLemenL of
facLs and
(c) under Lhe headlng ArgumenL" Lhe appellee shall seL forLh hls
argumenLs ln Lhe case on each asslgnmenL of error wlLh page references Lo
Lhe record 1he auLhorlLles relled on shall be clLed by Lhe page of Lhe reporL
aL whlch Lhe case beglns and Lhe page of Lhe reporL on whlch Lhe clLaLlon ls
found (17a 846)
SLC 13 Ooestloos tbot moy be tolseJ oo oppeolWheLher or noL Lhe
appellanL has flled a moLlon for new Lrlal ln Lhe courL below he may lnclude ln hls
asslgnmenL of errors any quesLlon of law or facL LhaL has been ralsed ln Lhe courL
below and whlch ls wlLhln Lhe lssues framed by Lhe parLles (18 846)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 lllloq of petltloo wltb 5opteme coottA parLy deslrlng Lo appeal
by cerLlorarl from a [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon of Lhe CourL of Appeals
Lhe Sandlganbayan Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL or oLher courLs whenever auLhorlzed
by law may flle wlLh Lhe Supreme CourL a verlfled peLlLlon for revlew on
cerLlorarl 1he peLlLlon shall ralse only quesLlons of law whlch musL be dlsLlncLly seL
forLh (1a 2a)
SLC 2 1lme fot fllloq exteosloo1he peLlLlon shall be flled wlLhln flfLeen
(13) days from noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon appealed from or
of Lhe denlal of Lhe peLlLloner's moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon flled ln due
Llme afLer noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL Cn moLlon duly flled and served wlLh full
paymenL of Lhe dockeL and oLher lawful fees and Lhe deposlL for cosLs before Lhe
explraLlon of Lhe reglemenLary perlod Lhe Supreme CourL may for [usLlflable
reasons granL an exLenslon of LhlrLy (30) days only wlLhln whlch Lo flle Lhe peLlLlon
(1a 3a)
SLC 3 ocket ooJ otbet lowfol fees ptoof of setvlce of petltloounless he
has LhereLofore done so Lhe peLlLloner shall pay Lhe correspondlng dockeL and
oLher lawful fees Lo Lhe clerk of courL of Lhe Supreme CourL and deposlL Lhe
amounL of 30000 for cosLs aL Lhe Llme of Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon roof of servlce
of a copy Lhereof on Lhe lower courL concerned and on Lhe adverse parLy shall be
submlLLed LogeLher wlLh Lhe peLlLlon (1a)
SLC 4 cooteots of petltloo1he peLlLlon shall be flled ln elghLeen (18)
coples wlLh Lhe orlglnal copy lnLended for Lhe courL belng lndlcaLed as such by Lhe
peLlLloner and shall (a) sLaLe Lhe full name of Lhe appeallng parLy as Lhe peLlLloner
and Lhe adverse parLy as respondenL wlLhouL lmpleadlng Lhe lower courLs or
[udges Lhereof elLher as peLlLloners or respondenLs (b) lndlcaLe Lhe maLerlal daLes
showlng when noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon sub[ecL Lhereof
was recelved when a moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon lf any was flled and
when noLlce of Lhe denlal Lhereof was recelved (c) seL forLh conclsely a sLaLemenL
of Lhe maLLers lnvolved and Lhe reasons or argumenLs relled on for Lhe allowance
of Lhe peLlLlon (d) be accompanled by a clearly leglble dupllcaLe orlglnal or a
cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon cerLlfled by Lhe clerk
of courL of Lhe courL o poo and Lhe requlslLe number of plaln coples Lhereof and
such maLerlal porLlons of Lhe record as would supporL Lhe peLlLlon and (e) conLaln
a sworn cerLlflcaLlon agalnsL forum shopplng as provlded ln Lhe lasL paragraph of
secLlon 2 8ule 42 (2a)
SLC 3 lsmlssol ot Jeolol of petltloo1he fallure of Lhe peLlLloner Lo comply
wlLh any of Lhe foregolng requlremenLs regardlng Lhe paymenL of Lhe dockeL and
oLher lawful fees deposlL for cosLs proof of servlce of Lhe peLlLlon and Lhe
conLenLs of and Lhe documenLs whlch should accompany Lhe peLlLlon shall be
sufflclenL ground for Lhe dlsmlssal Lhereof
1he Supreme CourL may on lLs own lnlLlaLlve deny Lhe peLlLlon on Lhe ground
LhaL Lhe appeal ls wlLhouL merlL or ls prosecuLed manlfesLly for delay or LhaL Lhe
quesLlons ralsed Lhereln are Loo unsubsLanLlal Lo requlre conslderaLlon (3a)
SLC 6 kevlew JlsctetloootyA revlew ls noL a maLLer of rlghL buL of sound
[udlclal dlscreLlon and wlll be granLed only when Lhere are speclal and lmporLanL
reasons Lherefor 1he followlng whlle nelLher conLrolllng nor fully measurlng Lhe
courL's dlscreLlon lndlcaLe Lhe characLer of Lhe reasons whlch wlll be consldered
(a) When Lhe courL a quo has declded a quesLlon of
subsLance noL LhereLofore deLermlned by Lhe Supreme CourL or has declded
lL ln a way probably noL ln accord wlLh law or wlLh Lhe appllcable declslons of
Lhe Supreme CourL or
(b) When Lhe courL a quo has so far deparLed from Lhe
accepLed and usual course of [udlclal proceedlngs or so far sancLloned such
deparLure by a lower courL as Lo call for an exerclse of Lhe power of
supervlslon (4a)
SLC 7 lleoJloqs ooJ Jocomeots tbot moy be tepolteJ sooctloos
lor purposes of deLermlnlng wheLher Lhe peLlLlon should be dlsmlssed or denled
pursuanL Lo secLlon 3 of Lhls 8ule or where Lhe peLlLlon ls glven due course under
secLlon 8 hereof Lhe Supreme CourL may requlre or allow Lhe flllng of such
pleadlngs brlefs memoranda or documenLs as lL may deem necessary wlLhln such
perlods and under such condlLlons as lL may conslder approprlaLe and lmpose Lhe
correspondlng sancLlons ln case of nonflllng or unauLhorlzed flllng of such
pleadlngs and documenLs or noncompllance wlLh Lhe condlLlons Lhereof (n)
SLC 8 oe cootse elevotloo of tecotJslf Lhe peLlLlon ls glven due course
Lhe Supreme CourL may requlre Lhe elevaLlon of Lhe compleLe record of Lhe case or
speclfled parLs Lhereof wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from noLlce (2a)
SLC 9 kole oppllcoble to botb clvll ooJ ctlmlool coses1he mode
of appeal prescrlbed ln Lhls 8ule shall be appllcable Lo boLh clvll and crlmlnal cases
excepL ln crlmlnal cases where Lhe penalLy lmposed ls deaLh teclosloo petpetoo or
llfe lmprlsonmenL (n)

C 8 A C l L |

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 1ltle of cosesln all cases orlglnally flled ln Lhe CourL of Appeals
Lhe parLy lnsLlLuLlng Lhe acLlon shall be called Lhe peLlLloner and Lhe opposlng parLy
Lhe respondenL (1a)
SLC 2 1o wbot octloos oppllcoble1hls 8ule shall apply Lo orlglnal acLlons
for cettlototl prohlblLlon mooJomos and poo wottooto
LxcepL as oLherwlse provlded Lhe acLlons for annulmenL of [udgmenL shall be
governed by 8ule 47 for cerLlorarl prohlblLlon and mandamus by 8ule 63 and
for poo wottooto by 8ule 66 (n)
SLC 3 cooteots ooJ fllloq of petltloo effect of ooocompllooce wltb
tepoltemeots1be peLlLlon shall conLaln Lhe full names and acLual addresses of all
Lhe peLlLloners and respondenLs a conclse sLaLemenL of Lhe maLLers lnvolved Lhe
facLual background of Lhe case and Lhe grounds relled upon for Lhe rellef prayed
ln acLlons flled under 8ule 63 Lhe peLlLlon shall furLher lndlcaLe Lhe maLerlal
daLes showlng when noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon sub[ecL
Lhereof was recelved when a moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon lf any was
flled and when noLlce of Lhe denlal Lhereof was recelved
lL shall be flled ln seven (7) clearly leglble coples LogeLher wlLh proof of
servlce Lhereof on Lhe respondenL wlLh Lhe orlglnal copy lnLended for Lhe courL
lndlcaLed as such by Lhe peLlLloner and shall be accompanled by a clearly leglble
dupllcaLe orlglnal or cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe [udgmenL order resoluLlon or rullng
sub[ecL Lhereof such maLerlal porLlons of Lhe record as are referred Lo Lhereln and
oLher documenLs relevanL or perLlnenL LhereLo 1he cerLlflcaLlon shall be
accompllshed by Lhe proper clerk of courL or by hls duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlve
or by Lhe proper offlcer of Lhe courL Lrlbunal agency or offlce lnvolved or by hls
duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlve 1he oLher requlslLe number of coples of Lhe
peLlLlon shall be accompanled by clearly leglble plaln coples of all documenLs
aLLached Lo Lhe orlglnal
1he peLlLloner shall also submlL LogeLher wlLh Lhe peLlLlon a sworn
cerLlflcaLlon LhaL he has noL LhereLofore commenced any oLher acLlon lnvolvlng Lhe
same lssues ln Lhe Supreme CourL Lhe CourL of Appeals or dlfferenL dlvlslons
Lhereof or any oLher Lrlbunal or agency lf Lhere ls such oLher acLlon or proceedlng
he musL sLaLe Lhe sLaLus of Lhe same and lf he should LhereafLer learn LhaL a slmllar
acLlon or proceedlng has been flled or ls pendlng before Lhe Supreme CourL Lhe
CourL of Appeals or dlfferenL dlvlslons Lhereof or any oLher Lrlbunal or agency he
underLakes Lo prompLly lnform Lhe aforesald courLs and oLher Lrlbunal or agency
Lhereof wlLhln flve (3) days Lherefrom
1he peLlLloner shall pay Lhe correspondlng dockeL and oLher lawful fees Lo
Lhe clerk of courL and deposlL Lhe amounL of 30000 for cosLs aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
flllng of Lhe peLlLlon
1he fallure of Lhe peLlLloner Lo comply wlLh any of Lhe foregolng
requlremenLs shall be sufflclenL ground for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe peLlLlon (n)
SLC 4 IotlsJlctloo ovet petsoo of tespooJeot bow ocpolteJ1he courL shall
acqulre [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe person of Lhe respondenL by Lhe servlce on hlm of lLs
order or resoluLlon lndlcaLlng lLs lnlLlal acLlon on Lhe peLlLlon or by hls volunLary
submlsslon Lo such [urlsdlcLlon (n)
SLC 3 Actloo by tbe coott1he courL may dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon ouLrlghL wlLh
speclflc reasons for such dlsmlssal or requlre Lhe respondenL Lo flle a commenL on
Lhe same wlLhln Len (10) days from noLlce Cnly pleadlngs requlred by Lhe courL
shall be allowed All oLher pleadlngs and papers may be flled only wlLh leave of
courL (n)
SLC 6 etetmlootloo of foctool lssuesWhenever necessary Lo resolve
facLual lssues Lhe courL lLself may conducL hearlngs Lhereon or delegaLe Lhe
recepLlon of Lhe evldence on such lssues Lo any of lLs members or Lo an approprlaLe
courL agency or offlce (n)
SLC 7 ffect of follote to flle commeotWhen no commenL ls flled by any of
Lhe respondenLs Lhe case may be declded on Lhe basls of Lhe record wlLhouL
pre[udlce Lo any dlsclpllnary acLlon whlch Lhe courL may Lake agalnsL Lhe
dlsobedlenL parLy (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 covetoqe1hls 8ule shall govern Lhe annulmenL by Lhe CourL of
Appeals of [udgmenLs or flnal orders and resoluLlons ln clvll acLlons of 8eglonal 1rlal
CourLs for whlch Lhe ordlnary remedles of new Lrlal appeal peLlLlon for rellef or
oLher approprlaLe remedles are no longer avallable Lhrough no faulL of Lhe
peLlLloner (n)
SLC 2 CtoooJs fot oooolmeot1he annulmenL may be based only on Lhe
grounds of exLrlnslc fraud and lack of [urlsdlcLlon
LxLrlnslc fraud shall noL be a valld ground lf lL was avalled of or could have
been avalled of ln a moLlon for new Lrlal or peLlLlon for rellef (n)
SLC 3 letloJ fot fllloq octloolf based on exLrlnslc fraud Lhe acLlon musL
be flled wlLhln four (4) years from lLs dlscovery and lf based on lack of [urlsdlcLlon
before lL ls barred by laches or esLoppel (n)
SLC 4 lllloq ooJ cooteots of petltloo1he acLlon shall be commenced by
flllng a verlfled peLlLlon alleglng Lhereln wlLh parLlcularlLy Lhe facLs and Lhe law
relled upon for annulmenL as well as Lhose supporLlng Lhe peLlLloner's good and
subsLanLlal cause of acLlon or defense as Lhe case may be
1he peLlLlon shall be flled ln seven (7) clearly leglble coples LogeLher wlLh
sufflclenL coples correspondlng Lo Lhe number of respondenLs A cerLlfled Lrue
copy of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon shall be aLLached Lo Lhe orlglnal
copy of Lhe peLlLlon lnLended for Lhe courL and lndlcaLed as such by Lhe peLlLloner
1he peLlLloner shall also submlL LogeLher wlLh Lhe peLlLlon affldavlLs of
wlLnesses or documenLs supporLlng Lhe cause of acLlon or defense and a sworn
cerLlflcaLlon LhaL he has noL LhereLofore commenced any oLher acLlon lnvolvlng Lhe
same lssues ln Lhe Supreme CourL Lhe CourL of Appeals or dlfferenL dlvlslons
Lhereof or any oLher Lrlbunal or agency lf Lhere ls such oLher acLlon or proceedlng
he musL sLaLe Lhe sLaLus of Lhe same and lf he should LhereafLer learn LhaL a slmllar
acLlon or proceedlng has been flled or ls pendlng before Lhe Supreme CourL Lhe
CourL of Appeals or dlfferenL dlvlslons Lhereof or any oLher Lrlbunal or agency he
underLakes Lo prompLly lnform Lhe aforesald courLs and oLher Lrlbunal or agency
Lhereof wlLhln flve (30 days Lherefrom (n)
SLC 3 Actloo by tbe courLShould Lhe courL flnd no subsLanLlal merlL ln Lhe
peLlLlon Lhe same may be dlsmlssed ouLrlghL wlLh speclflcreasons for such
Should ptlmo focle merlL be found ln Lhe peLlLlon Lhe same shall be glven due
course and summons shall be served on Lhe respondenL (n)
SLC 6 ltoceJote1he procedure ln ordlnary clvll cases shall be observed
Should a Lrlal be necessary Lhe recepLlon of Lhe evldence may be referred Lo
a member of Lhe courL or a [udge of a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL (n)
SLC 7 ffect of joJqmeot A [udgmenL of annulmenL shall seL aslde Lhe
quesLloned [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon and render Lhe same null and
vold wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe orlglnal acLlon belng reflled ln Lhe proper
courL Powever where Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon ls seL aslde on Lhe
ground of exLrlnslc fraud Lhe courL may on moLlon order Lhe Lrlal courL Lo Lry Lhe
case as lf a Llmely moLlon for new Lrlal had been granLed Lhereln (n)
SLC 8 5ospeosloo of ptesctlptlve petloJ1he prescrlpLlve perlod for Lhe
reflllng of Lhe aforesald orlglnal acLlon shall be deemed suspended from Lhe flllng of
sald orlglnal acLlon unLll Lhe flnallLy of Lhe [udgmenL of annulmenL Powever Lhe
prescrlpLlve perlod shall noL be suspended where Lhe exLrlnslc fraud ls aLLrlbuLable
Lo Lhe plalnLlff ln Lhe orlglnal acLlon (n)
SLC 9 kellef ovolloble1he [udgmenL of annulmenL may lnclude Lhe award
of damages aLLorney's fees and oLher rellef
lf Lhe quesLloned [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon had already been
execuLed Lhe courL may lssue such orders of resLlLuLlon or oLher rellef as [usLlce
and equlLy may warranL under Lhe clrcumsLances (n)
SLC 10 Aooolmeot of joJqmeots ot flool otJets of Moolclpol 1tlol cootts
An acLlon Lo annul a [udgmenL or flnal order of a Munlclpal 1rlal CourL shall be flled
ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL havlng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe former lL shall be LreaLed as
an ordlnary clvll acLlon and secLlons 2 3 4 7 8 and 9 of Lhls 8ule shall be
appllcable LhereLo (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 ltellmlooty coofeteoceAL any Llme durlng Lhe pendency of a
case Lhe courL may call Lhe parLles and Lhelr counsel Lo a prellmlnary conference
(a) 1o conslder Lhe posslblllLy of an amlcable seLLlemenL
excepL when Lhe case ls noL allowed by law Lo be compromlsed
(b) 1o deflne slmpllfy and clarlfy Lhe lssues for
(c) 1o formulaLe sLlpulaLlons of facLs and admlsslons of
documenLary exhlblLs llmlL Lhe number of wlLnesses Lo be presenLed ln cases
falllng wlLhln Lhe orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courL or Lhose wlLhln lLs
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon where a moLlon for new Lrlal ls granLed on Lhe ground
of newly dlscovered evldence and
(d) 1o Lake up such oLher maLLers whlch may ald Lhe courL ln
Lhe prompL dlsposlLlon of Lhe case (8ule 7 CA lnLernal 8ules) (n)
SLC 2 kecotJ of tbe coofeteoce1he proceedlngs aL such conference shall
be recorded and upon Lhe concluslon Lhereof a resoluLlon shall be lssued
embodylng all Lhe acLlons Laken Lhereln Lhe sLlpulaLlons and admlsslons made and
Lhe lssues deflned (n)
SLC 3 8loJloq effect of tbe tesolts of tbe coofeteoceSub[ecL Lo such
modlflcaLlons whlch may be made Lo prevenL manlfesL ln[usLlce Lhe resoluLlon ln
Lhe precedlng secLlon shall conLrol Lhe subsequenL proceedlngs ln Lhe case unless
wlLhln flve (3) days from noLlce Lhereof any parLy shall saLlsfacLorlly show valld
cause why Lhe same should noL be followed (n)
kULL 49
SLC1lCn 1 Jbeo olloweJAL lLs own lnsLance or upon moLlon of a parLy
Lhe courL may hear Lhe parLles ln oral argumenL on Lhe merlLs of a case or on any
maLerlal lncldenL ln connecLlon LherewlLh (n)
1he oral argumenL shall be llmlLed Lo such maLLers as Lhe courL may speclfy ln
lLs order of resoluLlon (1a 848)
SLC 2 cooJoct of otol otqomeotunless auLhorlzed by Lhe courL only one
counsel may argue for a parLy 1he duraLlon allowed for each parLy Lhe sequence
of Lhe argumenLaLlon and all oLher relaLed maLLers shall be as dlrecLed by Lhe
courL (n)
SLC 3 No beotloq ot otol otqomeot fot motloosMoLlons shall noL be seL
for hearlng and unless Lhe courL oLherwlse dlrecLs no hearlng or oral argumenL
shall be allowed ln supporL Lhereof 1he adverse parLy may flle ob[ecLlons Lo Lhe
moLlon wlLhln flve (3) days from servlce upon Lhe explraLlon of whlch such moLlon
shall be deemed submlLLed for resoluLlon (2a 849)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 CtoooJs fot Jlsmlssol of oppeolAn appeal may be dlsmlssed by
Lhe CourL of Appeals on lLs own moLlon or on LhaL of Lhe appellee on Lhe followlng
(a) lallure of Lhe record on appeal Lo show on lLs face LhaL Lhe
appeal was Laken wlLhln Lhe perlod flxed by Lhese 8ules
(b) lallure Lo flle Lhe noLlce of appeal or Lhe record on appeal
wlLhln Lhe perlod prescrlbed by Lhese 8ules
(c) lallure of Lhe appellanL Lo pay Lhe dockeL and oLher lawful
fees as provlded ln secLlon 4 of 8ule 41
(d) unauLhorlzed alLeraLlons omlsslons or addlLlons ln Lhe
approved record on appeal as provlded ln secLlon 4 of 8ule 44
(e) lallure of Lhe appellanL Lo serve and flle Lhe requlred
number of coples of hls brlef or memorandum wlLhln Lhe Llme provlded by
Lhese 8ules
(f) Absence of speclflc asslgnmenL of errors ln Lhe appellanL's
brlef or of page references Lo Lhe record as requlred ln secLlon 13
paragraphs (a) (c) (d) and (f) of 8ule 44
(g) lallure of Lhe appellanL Lo Lake Lhe necessary sLeps for Lhe
correcLlon or compleLlon of Lhe record wlLhln Lhe Llme llmlLed by Lhe courL ln
lLs order
(h) lallure of Lhe appellanL Lo appear aL Lhe prellmlnary
conference under 8ule 48 or Lo comply wlLh orders clrculars or dlrecLlves of
Lhe courL wlLhouL [usLlflable cause and
(l) 1he facL LhaL order or [udgmenL appealed from ls
noL appealable (1a)
SLC 2 lsmlssol of lmptopet oppeol to tbe coott of AppeolsAn appeal
under 8ule 41 Laken from Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL Lo Lhe CourL of Appeals ralslng
only quesLlons of law shall be dlsmlssed lssues purely of law noL belng revlewable
by sald courL Slmllarly an appeal by noLlce of appeal lnsLead of by peLlLlon for
revlew from Lhe appellaLe [udgmenL of a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL shall be dlsmlssed (n)
An appeal erroneously Laken Lo Lhe CourL of Appeals shall noL be Lransferred
Lo Lhe approprlaLe courL buL shall be dlsmlssed ouLrlghL (3a)
SLC 3 JltbJtowol of oppeolAn appeal may be wlLhdrawn as of rlghL aL
any Llme before Lhe flllng of Lhe appellee's brlef 1hereafLer Lhe wlLhdrawal may be
allowed ln Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL (4a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Jbeo cose JeemeJ sobmltteJ fot joJqmeotA case shall be
deemed submlLLed for [udgmenL
A ln ordlnary appeals
1) Where no hearlng on Lhe merlLs of Lhe maln case ls held upon
Lhe flllng of Lhe lasL pleadlng brlef or memorandum requlred by Lhe
8ules or by Lhe courL lLself or Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod for lLs flllng
2) Where such a hearlng ls held upon lLs LermlnaLlon or upon Lhe
flllng of Lhe lasL pleadlng or memorandum as may be requlred or
permlLLed Lo be flled by Lhe courL or Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod for lLs
8 ln orlglnal acLlons and peLlLlons for revlew
1) Where no commenL ls flled upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod Lo
2) Where no hearlng ls held upon Lhe flllng of Lhe lasL pleadlng
requlred or permlLLed Lo be flled by Lhe courL or Lhe explraLlon of Lhe
perlod for lLs flllng
3) Where a hearlng on Lhe merlLs of Lhe maln case ls held upon lLs
LermlnaLlon or upon Lhe flllng of Lhe lasL pleadlng or memorandum as
may be requlred or permlLLed Lo be flled by Lhe courL or Lhe explraLlon of
Lhe perlod for lLs flllng (n)
SLC 2 8y wbom teoJeteJ1he [udgmenL shall be rendered by Lhe members
of Lhe courL who parLlclpaLed ln Lhe dellberaLlon on Lhe merlLs of Lhe case before
lLs asslgnmenL Lo a member for Lhe wrlLlng of Lhe declslon (n)
SLC 3 Oootom ooJ votloq lo tbe coott1he parLlclpaLlon of all Lhree !usLlces
of a dlvlslon shall be necessary aL Lhe dellberaLlon and Lhe unanlmous voLe of Lhe
Lhree !usLlces shall be requlred for Lhe pronouncemenL of a [udgmenL or flnal
resoluLlon lf Lhe Lhree !usLlces do noL reach a unanlmous voLe Lhe clerk shall
enLer Lhe voLes of Lhe dlssenLlng !usLlces ln Lhe record 1hereafLer Lhe Chalrman of
Lhe dlvlslon shall refer Lhe case LogeLher wlLh Lhe mlnuLes of Lhe dellberaLlon Lo
Lhe resldlng !usLlce who shall deslgnaLe Lwo !usLlces chosen by raffle from among
all Lhe oLher members of Lhe courL Lo slL Lemporarlly wlLh Lhem formlng a speclal
dlvlslon of flve !usLlces 1he parLlclpaLlon of all Lhe flve members of Lhe speclal
dlvlslon shall be necessary for Lhe dellberaLlon requlred ln secLlon 2 of Lhls 8ule and
Lhe concurrence of a ma[orlLy of such dlvlslon shall be requlred for Lhe
pronouncemenL of a [udgmenL or flnal resoluLlon (2a)
SLC 4 lsposltloo of o cose1he CourL of Appeals ln Lhe exerclse of lLs
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon may afflrm reverse or modlfy Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order
appealed from and may dlrecL a new Lrlal or furLher proceedlngs Lo be had (3a)
SLC 3 lotm of JeclslooLvery declslon or flnal resoluLlon of Lhe courL ln
appealed cases shall clearly and dlsLlncLly sLaLe Lhe flndlngs of facL and Lhe
concluslons of law on whlch lL ls based whlch may be conLalned ln Lhe declslon or
flnal resoluLlon lLself or adopLed from Lhose seL forLh ln Lhe declslon order or
resoluLlon appealed from (Sec 40 8 8lg 129) (n)
SLC 6 notmless ettotno error ln elLher Lhe admlsslon or Lhe excluslon of
evldence and no error or defecL ln any rullng or order or ln anyLhlng done or
omlLLed by Lhe Lrlal courL or by any of Lhe parLles ls ground for granLlng a new Lrlal
or for seLLlng aslde modlfylng or oLherwlse dlsLurblng a [udgmenL or order unless
refusal Lo Lake such acLlon appears Lo Lhe courL lnconslsLenL wlLh subsLanLlal
[usLlce 1he courL aL every sLage of Lhe proceedlng musL dlsregard any error or
defecL whlch does noL affecL Lhe subsLanLlal rlghLs of Lhe parLles (3a)
SLC 7 IoJqmeot wbete tbete ote sevetol pottlesln all acLlons or
proceedlngs an appealed [udgmenL may be afflrmed as Lo some of Lhe appellanLs
and reversed as Lo oLhers and Lhe case shall LhereafLer be proceeded wlLh so far
as necessary as lf separaLe acLlons had been begun and prosecuLed and execuLlon
of Lhe [udgmenL of afflrmance may be had accordlngly and cosLs may be ad[udged
ln such cases as Lhe courL shall deem proper (6)
SLC 8 Ooestloos tbot moy be JeclJeJno error whlch does noL affecL Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe sub[ecL maLLer or Lhe valldlLy of Lhe [udgmenL appealed from
or Lhe proceedlngs Lhereln wlll be consldered unless sLaLed ln Lhe asslgnmenL of
errors or closely relaLed Lo or dependenL on an asslgned error and properly argued
ln Lhe brlef save as Lhe courL may pass upon plaln errors and clerlcal errors (7a)
SLC 9 ltomolqotloo ooJ ootlce of joJqmeotAfLer Lhe [udgmenL or flnal
resoluLlon and dlssenLlng or separaLe oplnlons lf any are slgned by Lhe !usLlces
Laklng parL Lhey shall be dellvered for flllng Lo Lhe clerk who shall lndlcaLe Lhereon
Lhe daLe of promulgaLlon and cause Lrue coples Lhereof Lo be served upon Lhe
parLles or Lhelr counsel (n)
SLC 10 otty of joJqmeots ooJ flool tesolotlooslf no appeal or moLlon for
new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon ls flled wlLhln Lhe Llme provlded ln Lhese 8ules Lhe
[udgmenL or flnal resoluLlon shall forLhwlLh be enLered by Lhe clerk ln Lhe book of
enLrles of [udgmenLs 1he daLe when Lhe [udgmenL or flnal resoluLlon becomes
execuLory shall be deemed as Lhe daLe of lLs enLry 1he record shall conLaln Lhe
dlsposlLlve parL of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal resoluLlon and shall be slgned by Lhe clerk
wlLh a cerLlflcaLe LhaL such [udgmenL or flnal resoluLlon has become flnal and
execuLory (2a 836)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 11 xecotloo of [udgmenL LxcepL where Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order
or resoluLlon or a porLlon Lhereof ls ordered Lo be lmmedlaLely execuLory Lhe
moLlon for lLs execuLlon may only be flled ln Lhe proper courL afLer lLs enLry
ln orlglnal acLlons ln Lhe CourL of Appeals lLs wrlL of execuLlon shall be
accompanled by a cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe enLry of [udgmenL or flnal resoluLlon
and addressed Lo any approprlaLe offlcer for lLs enforcemenL
ln appealed cases where Lhe moLlon for execuLlon pendlng appeal ls flled ln
Lhe CourL of Appeals aL a Llme LhaL lL ls ln possesslon of Lhe orlglnal record or Lhe
record on appeal Lhe resoluLlon granLlng such moLlon shall be LransmlLLed Lo Lhe
lower courL from whlch Lhe case orlglnaLed LogeLher wlLh a cerLlfled Lrue copy of
Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order Lo be execuLed wlLh a dlrecLlve for such courL of orlgln
Lo lssue Lhe proper wrlL for lLs enforcemenL (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 letloJ fot fllloqA parLy may flle a moLlon for reconslderaLlon of
a [udgmenL or flnal resoluLlon wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from noLlce Lhereof wlLh
proof of servlce on Lhe adverse parLy (n)
SLC 2 5ecooJ motloo fot tecooslJetotloono second moLlon for
reconslderaLlon of a [udgmenL or flnal resoluLlon by Lhe same parLy shall be
enLerLalned (n)
SLC 3 kesolotloo of motlooln Lhe CourL of Appeals a moLlon for
reconslderaLlon shall be resolved wlLhln nlneLy (90) days from Lhe daLe when Lhe
courL declares lL submlLLed for resoluLlon (n)
SLC 4 5toy of execotloo1he pendency of a moLlon for reconslderaLlon
flled on Llme and by Lhe proper parLy shall sLay Lhe execuLlon of Lhe [udgmenL or
flnal resoluLlon soughL Lo be reconsldered unless Lhe courL for good reasons shall
oLherwlse dlrecL (n)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 letloJ fot fllloq qtoooJAL any Llme afLer Lhe appeal from Lhe
lower courL has been perfecLed and before Lhe CourL of Appeals loses [urlsdlcLlon
over Lhe case a parLy may flle a moLlon for a new Lrlal on Lhe ground of newly
dlscovered evldence whlch could noL have been dlscovered prlor Lo Lhe Lrlal ln Lhe
courL below by Lhe exerclse of due dlllgence and whlch ls of such a characLer as
would probably change Lhe resulL 1he moLlon shall be accompanled by affldavlLs
showlng Lhe facLs consLlLuLlng Lhe grounds Lherefor and Lhe newly dlscovered
evldence (1a)
SLC 2 neotloq ooJ otJet1he CourL of Appeals shall conslder Lhe new
evldence LogeLher wlLh LhaL adduced aL Lhe Lrlal below and may granL or refuse a
new Lrlal or may make such order wlLh noLlce Lo boLh parLles as Lo Lhe Laklng of
furLher LesLlmony elLher orally ln courL or by deposlLlons or render such oLher
[udgmenL as oughL Lo be rendered upon such Lerms as lL may deem [usL (2a)
SLC 3 kesolotloo of motloolo Lhe CourL of Appeals a moLlon for new Lrlal
shall be resolved wlLhln nlneLy (90) days from Lhe daLe when Lhe courL declares lL
submlLLed for resoluLlon (n)
SLC 4 ltoceJote lo oew ttlolunless Lhe courL oLherwlse dlrecLs Lhe
procedure ln Lhe new Lrlal shall be Lhe same as LhaL granLed by a 8eglonal 1rlal
CourL (3a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 lsttlbotloo of coses omooq JlvlsloosAll Lhe cases of Lhe CourL
of Appeals shall be alloLLed among Lhe dlfferenL dlvlslons Lhereof for hearlng and
declslon 1he CourL of Appeals slLLlng eo booc shall make proper orders or rules Lo
govern Lhe alloLmenL of cases among Lhe dlfferenL dlvlslons Lhe consLlLuLlon of
such dlvlslons Lhe regular roLaLlon of !usLlces among Lhem Lhe flllng of vacancles
occurrlng Lhereln and oLher maLLers relaLlng Lo Lhe buslness of Lhe courL and such
rules shall conLlnue ln force unLll repealed or alLered by lL or by Lhe Supreme CourL
SLC 2 Oootom of tbe coottA ma[orlLy of Lhe acLual members of Lhe courL
shall consLlLuLe a quorum for lLs sesslons eo booc 1hree members shall consLlLuLe
a quorum for Lhe sesslons of a dlvlslon 1he afflrmaLlve voLes of Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
members presenL shall be necessary Lo pass a resoluLlon of Lhe courL eo booc 1he
afflrmaLlve voLes of Lhree members of a dlvlslon shall be necessary for Lhe
pronouncemenL of a [udgmenL or flnal resoluLlon whlch shall be reached ln
consulLaLlon before Lhe wrlLlng of Lhe oplnlon by any member of Lhe dlvlslon (Sec
11 flrsL par of 8 8lg 129 as amended by Sec 6 of LC 33) (3a)

SLC1lCn 1 lobllcotloo1he [udgmenLs and flnal resoluLlons of Lhe courL
shall be publlshed ln Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe and ln Lhe 8eporLs offlclally auLhorlzed by
Lhe courL ln Lhe language ln whlch Lhey have been orlglnally wrlLLen LogeLher wlLh
Lhe syllabl Lherefor prepared by Lhe reporLer ln consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe wrlLers
Lhereof Memoranda of all oLher [udgmenLs and flnal resoluLlons noL so publlshed
shall be made by Lhe reporLer and publlshed ln Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe and Lhe
auLhorlzed reporLs (1a)
SLC 2 ltepototloo of oploloos fot pobllcotloo1he reporLer shall prepare
and publlsh wlLh each reporLed [udgmenL and flnal resoluLlon a conclse synopsls of
Lhe facLs necessary for a clear undersLandlng of Lhe case Lhe names of counsel Lhe
maLerlal and conLroverLed polnLs lnvolved Lhe auLhorlLles clLed Lhereln and a
syllabus whlch shall be conflned Lo polnLs of law (Sec 22a 8A no 296) (n)
SLC 3 Ceoetol mokeop of volomes1he publlshed declslons and flnal
resoluLlons of Lhe Supreme CourL shall be called hlllpplne 8eporLs" whlle Lhose
of Lhe CourL of Appeals shall be known as Lhe CourL of Appeals 8eporLs" Lach
volume Lhereof shall conLaln a Lable of Lhe cases reporLed and Lhe cases clLed ln Lhe
oplnlons wlLh a compleLe alphabeLlcal lndex of Lhe sub[ecL maLLers of Lhe
volume lL shall conslsL of noL less Lhan seven hundred pages prlnLed upon good
paper well bound and numbered consecuLlvely ln Lhe order of Lhe volumes
publlshed (Sec 23a 8A no 296) (n)

C 8 A C l L |



A Cr|g|na| Cases
SLC1lCn 1 tlqlool coses coqolzobleCnly peLlLlons for cerLlorarl
prohlblLlon mandamus quo warranLo habeas corpus dlsclpllnary proceedlngs
agalnsL members of Lhe [udlclary and aLLorneys and cases affecLlng ambassadors
oLher publlc mlnlsLers and consuls may be flled orlglnally ln Lhe Supreme CourL (n)
SLC 2 koles oppllcoble1he procedure ln orlglnal cases for cerLlorarl
prohlblLlon mandamus quo warranLo and habeas corpus shall be ln accordance
wlLh Lhe appllcable provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon laws and 8ules 46 48 49 31 32
and Lhls 8ule sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng provlslons
a) All references ln sald 8ules Lo Lhe CourL of Appeals shall be
undersLood Lo also apply Lo Lhe Supreme CourL
b) 1he porLlons of sald 8ules deallng sLrlcLly wlLh and
speclflcally lnLended for appealed cases ln Lhe CourL of Appeals shall noL be
appllcable and
c) LlghLeen (18) clearly leglble coples of Lhe peLlLlon shall be
flled LogeLher wlLh proof of servlce on all adverse parLles
1he proceedlngs for dlsclpllnary acLlon agalnsL members of Lhe [udlclary shall
be governed by Lhe laws and 8ules prescrlbed Lherefor and Lhose agalnsL aLLorneys
by 8ule 1398 as amended (n)

8 Appea|ed Cases
SLC 3 MoJe of oppeolAn appeal Lo Lhe Supreme CourL may be Laken only
by a peLlLlon for revlew on cerLlorarl excepL ln crlmlnal cases where Lhe penalLy
lmposed ls deaLh teclosloo petpetoo or llfe lmprlsonmenL (n)
SLC 4 ltoceJote1he appeal shall be governed by and dlsposed of ln
accordance wlLh Lhe appllcable provlslons of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon laws 8ules 43 48
secLlons 1 2 and 3 Lo 11 of 8ule 31 32 and Lhls 8ule (n)
SLC 3 CtoooJs fot Jlsmlssol of oppeol1he appeal may be dlsmlssed moto
ptoptlo or on moLlon of Lhe respondenL on Lhe followlng grounds
(a) lallure Lo Lake Lhe appeal wlLhln Lhe reglemenLary perlod
(b) Lack of merlL ln Lhe peLlLlon
(c) lallure Lo pay Lhe requlslLe dockeL fee and oLher lawful fees or Lo
make a deposlL for cosLs
(d) lallure Lo comply wlLh Lhe requlremenLs regardlng proof of servlce
and conLenLs of and Lhe documenLs whlch should accompany Lhe peLlLlon
(e) lallure Lo comply wlLh any clrcular dlrecLlve or order of Lhe Supreme
CourL wlLhouL [usLlflable cause
(f) Lrror ln Lhe cholce or mode of appeal and
(g) 1he facL LhaL Lhe case ls noL appealable Lo Lhe Supreme CourL (n)
SLC 6 lsposltloo of lmptopet appealLxcepL as provlded ln secLlon 3 8ule
122 regardlng appeals ln crlmlnal cases where Lhe penalLy lmposed ls
deaLh teclosloo petpetoo or llfe lmprlsonmenL an appeal Laken Lo Lhe Supreme
CourL by noLlce of appeal shall be dlsmlssed
An appeal by cerLlorarl Laken Lo Lhe Supreme CourL from Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal
CourL submlLLlng lssues of facL may be referred Lo Lhe CourL of Appeals for declslon
or approprlaLe acLlon 1he deLermlnaLlon of Lhe Supreme CourL on wheLher or noL
lssues of facL are lnvolved shall be flnal (n)
SLC 7 ltoceJote lf oploloo ls epoolly JlvlJeJWhere Lhe courL eo booc ls
equally dlvlded ln oplnlon or Lhe necessary ma[orlLy cannoL be had Lhe case shall
agaln be dellberaLed on and lf afLer such dellberaLlon no declslon ls reached Lhe
orlglnal acLlon commenced ln Lhe courL shall be dlsmlssed ln appealed cases Lhe
[udgmenL or order appealed from shall sLand afflrmed and on all lncldenLal
maLLers Lhe peLlLlon or moLlon shall be denled (11a)

C 8 A C l L |

C 8 A C l L |


SLC1lCn 1 CtoooJs opoo wblcb ottocbmeot moy lssoeAL Lhe
commencemenL of Lhe acLlon or aL any Llme before enLry of [udgmenL a plalnLlff or
any proper parLy may have Lhe properLy of Lhe adverse parLy aLLached as securlLy
for Lhe saLlsfacLlon of any [udgmenL LhaL may be recovered ln Lhe followlng cases
(a) ln an acLlon for Lhe recovery of a speclfled amounL of money or
damages oLher Lhan moral and exemplary on a cause of acLlon arlslng from
law conLracL quaslconLracL dellcL or quasldellcL agalnsL a parLy who ls
abouL Lo deparL from Lhe hlllpplnes wlLh lnLenL Lo defraud hls credlLors
(b) ln an acLlon for money or properLy embezzled or fraudulenLly
mlsapplled or converLed Lo hls own use by a publlc offlcer or an offlcer of a
corporaLlon or an aLLorney facLor broker agenL or clerk ln Lhe course of hls
employmenL as such or by any oLher person ln a flduclary capaclLy or for a
wlllful vlolaLlon of duLy
(c) ln an acLlon Lo recover Lhe possesslon of properLy un[usLly or
fraudulenLly Laken deLalned or converLed when Lhe properLy or any parL
Lhereof has been concealed removed or dlsposed of Lo prevenL lLs belng
found or Laken by Lhe appllcanL or an auLhorlzed person
(d) ln an acLlon agalnsL a parLy who has been gullLy of a fraud ln
conLracLlng Lhe debL or lncurrlng Lhe obllgaLlon upon whlch Lhe acLlon ls
broughL or ln Lhe performance Lhereof
(e) ln an acLlon agalnsL a parLy who has removed or dlsposed of hls
properLy or ls abouL Lo do so wlLh lnLenL Lo defraud hls credlLors or
(f) ln an acLlon agalnsL a parLy who does noL reslde and ls noL found
ln Lhe hlllpplnes or on whom summons may be served by publlcaLlon (1a)
SLC 2 lssoooce ooJ cooteots of otJetAn order of aLLachmenL may be
lssued elLher ex potte or upon moLlon wlLh noLlce and hearlng by Lhe courL ln whlch
Lhe acLlon ls pendlng or by Lhe CourL of Appeals or Lhe Supreme CourL and musL
requlre Lhe sherlff of Lhe courL Lo aLLach so much of Lhe properLy ln Lhe hlllpplnes
of Lhe parLy agalnsL whom lL ls lssued noL exempL from execuLlon as may be
sufflclenL Lo saLlsfy Lhe appllcanL's demand unless such parLy makes deposlL or
glves a bond as herelnafLer provlded ln an amounL equal Lo LhaL flxed ln Lhe order
whlch may be Lhe amounL sufflclenL Lo saLlsfy Lhe appllcanL's demand or Lhe value
of Lhe properLy Lo be aLLached as sLaLed by Lhe appllcanL excluslve of cosLs Several
wrlLs may be lssued aL Lhe same Llme Lo Lhe sherlffs of Lhe courLs of dlfferenL
[udlclal reglons (2a)
SLC 3 AfflJovlt ooJ booJ tepolteJAn order of aLLachmenL shall be granLed
only when lL appears by Lhe affldavlL of Lhe appllcanL or of some oLher person who
personally knows Lhe facLs LhaL a sufflclenL cause of acLlon exlsLs LhaL Lhe case ls
one of Lhose menLloned ln secLlon 1 hereof LhaL Lhere ls no oLher sufflclenL securlLy
for Lhe clalm soughL Lo be enforced by Lhe acLlon and LhaL Lhe amounL due Lo Lhe
appllcanL or Lhe value of Lhe properLy Lhe possesslon of whlch he ls enLlLled Lo
recover ls as much as Lhe sum for whlch Lhe order ls granLed above all legal
counLerclalms 1he affldavlL and Lhe bond requlred by Lhe nexL succeedlng
secLlon musL be duly flled wlLh Lhe courL before Lhe order lssues (3a)
SLC 4 cooJltloo of oppllcoots booJ1he parLy applylng for Lhe order musL
LhereafLer glve a bond execuLed Lo Lhe adverse parLy ln Lhe amounL flxed by Lhe
courL ln lLs order granLlng Lhe lssuance of Lhe wrlL condlLloned LhaL Lhe laLLer wlll
pay all Lhe cosLs whlch may be ad[udged Lo Lhe adverse parLy and all damages
whlch he may susLaln by reason of Lhe aLLachmenL lf Lhe courL shall flnally ad[udge
LhaL Lhe appllcanL was noL enLlLled LhereLo (4a)
SLC 3 Moooet of ottocbloq ptopetty1he sherlff enforclng Lhe wrlL shall
wlLhouL delay and wlLh all reasonable dlllgence aLLach Lo awalL [udgmenL and
execuLlon ln Lhe acLlon only so much of Lhe properLy ln Lhe hlllpplnes of Lhe parLy
agalnsL whom Lhe wrlL ls lssued noL exempL from execuLlon as may be sufflclenL Lo
saLlsfy Lhe appllcanL's demand unless Lhe former makes a deposlL wlLh Lhe courL
from whlch Lhe wrlL ls lssued or glves a counLerbond execuLed Lo Lhe appllcanL ln
an amounL equal Lo Lhe bond flxed by Lhe courL ln Lhe order of aLLachmenL or Lo
Lhe value of Lhe properLy Lo be aLLached excluslve of cosLs no levy on aLLachmenL
pursuanL Lo Lhe wrlL lssued under secLlon 2 hereof shall be enforced unless lL ls
preceded or conLemporaneously accompanled by servlce of summons LogeLher
wlLh a copy of Lhe complalnL Lhe appllcaLlon for aLLachmenL Lhe appllcanL's
affldavlL and bond and Lhe order and wrlL of aLLachmenL on Lhe defendanL wlLhln
Lhe hlllpplnes
1he requlremenL of prlor or conLemporaneous servlce of summons shall noL
apply where Lhe summons could noL be served personally or by subsLlLuLed servlce
desplLe dlllgenL efforLs or Lhe defendanL ls a resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes Lemporarlly
absenL Lherefrom or Lhe defendanL ls a nonresldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes or Lhe
acLlon ls one ln tem or poosl lo tem (3a)
SLC 6 5betlffs tetotoAfLer enforclng Lhe wrlL Lhe sherlff musL llkewlse
wlLhouL delay make a reLurn Lhereon Lo Lhe courL from whlch Lhe wrlL lssued wlLh
a full sLaLemenL of hls proceedlngs under Lhe wrlL and a compleLe lnvenLory of Lhe
properLy aLLached LogeLher wlLh any counLerbond glven by Lhe parLy agalnsL
whom aLLachmenL ls lssued and serve coples Lhereof on Lhe appllcanL (6a)
SLC 7 Attocbmeot of teol ooJ petsoool ptopetty tecotJloq Lhereof8eal
and personal properLy shall be aLLached by Lhe sherlff execuLlng Lhe wrlL ln Lhe
followlng manner
C 8 A C l L |

(a) 8eal properLy or growlng crops Lhereon or any lnLeresL
Lhereln sLandlng upon Lhe record of Lhe reglsLry of deeds of Lhe provlnce ln
Lhe name of Lhe parLy agalnsL whom aLLachmenL ls lssued or noL appearlng
aL all upon such records or belonglng Lo Lhe parLy agalnsL whom aLLachmenL
ls lssued and held by any oLher person or sLandlng on Lhe records of Lhe
reglsLry of deeds ln Lhe name of any oLher person by flllng wlLh Lhe reglsLry
of deeds a copy of Lhe order LogeLher wlLh a descrlpLlon of Lhe properLy
aLLached and a noLlce LhaL lL ls aLLached or LhaL such real properLy and any
lnLeresL Lhereln held by or sLandlng ln Lhe name of such oLher person are
aLLached and by leavlng a copy of such order descrlpLlon and noLlce wlLh
Lhe occupanL of Lhe properLy lf any or wlLh such oLher person or hls agenL lf
found wlLhln Lhe provlnce Where Lhe properLy has been broughL under Lhe
operaLlon of elLher Lhe Land 8eglsLraLlon AcL or Lhe roperLy 8eglsLraLlon
uecree Lhe noLlce shall conLaln a reference Lo Lhe number of Lhe cerLlflcaLe
of LlLle Lhe volume and page ln Lhe reglsLraLlon book where Lhe cerLlflcaLe ls
reglsLered and Lhe reglsLered owner or owners Lhereof
1he reglsLrar of deeds musL lndex aLLachmenLs flled under Lhls
secLlon ln Lhe names of Lhe appllcanL Lhe adverse parLy or Lhe person by
whom Lhe properLy ls held or ln whose name lL sLands ln Lhe records lf Lhe
aLLachmenL ls noL clalmed on Lhe enLlre area of Lhe land covered by Lhe
cerLlflcaLe of LlLle a descrlpLlon sufflclenLly accuraLe for Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of
Lhe land or lnLeresL Lo be affecLed shall be lncluded ln Lhe reglsLraLlon of such
(b) ersonal properLy capable of manual dellvery by Laklng
and safely keeplng lL ln hls cusLody afLer lssulng Lhe correspondlng recelpL
(c) SLocks or shares or an lnLeresL ln sLocks or shares of any
corporaLlon or company by leavlng wlLh Lhe presldenL or managlng agenL
Lhereof a copy of Lhe wrlL and a noLlce sLaLlng LhaL Lhe sLock or lnLeresL of
Lhe parLy agalnsL whom Lhe aLLachmenL ls lssued ls aLLached ln pursuance of
such wrlL
(d) uebLs and credlLs lncludlng bank deposlLs flnanclal
lnLeresL royalLles commlsslons and oLher personal properLy noL capable of
manual dellvery by leavlng wlLh Lhe person owlng such debLs or havlng ln hls
possesslon or under hls conLrol such credlLs or oLher personal properLy or
wlLh hls agenL a copy of Lhe wrlL and noLlce LhaL Lhe debLs owlng by hlm Lo
Lhe parLy agalnsL whom aLLachmenL ls lssued and Lhe credlLs and oLher
personal properLy ln hls possesslon or under hls conLrol belonglng Lo sald
parLy are aLLached ln pursuance of such wrlL
(e) 1he lnLeresL of Lhe parLy agalnsL whom aLLachmenL ls
lssued ln properLy belonglng Lo Lhe esLaLe of Lhe decedenL wheLher as helr
legaLee or devlsee by servlng Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor or oLher
personal represenLaLlve of Lhe decedenL wlLh a copy of Lhe wrlL and noLlce
LhaL sald lnLeresL ls aLLached A copy of sald wrlL of aLLachmenL and of sald
noLlce shall also be flled ln Lhe offlce of Lhe clerk of Lhe courL ln whlch sald
esLaLe ls belng seLLled and served upon Lhe helr legaLee or devlsee
lf Lhe properLy soughL Lo be aLLached ls ln cusLodla legls a copy of Lhe wrlL of
aLLachmenL shall be flled wlLh Lhe proper courL or quasl[udlclal agency and noLlce
of Lhe aLLachmenL served upon Lhe cusLodlan of such properLy (7a)
SLC 8 ffect of ottocbmeot of Jebts cteJlts ooJ oll otbet slmllot petsoool
ptopettyAll persons havlng ln Lhelr possesslon or under Lhelr conLrol any credlLs
or oLher slmllar personal properLy belonglng Lo Lhe parLy agalnsL whom aLLachmenL
ls lssued or owlng any debLs Lo hlm aL Lhe Llme of servlce upon Lhem of Lhe copy
of Lhe wrlL of aLLachmenL and noLlce as provlded ln Lhe lasL precedlng secLlon shall
be llable Lo Lhe appllcanL for Lhe amounL of such credlLs debLs or oLher slmllar
personal properLy unLll Lhe aLLachmenL ls dlscharged or any [udgmenL recovered
by hlm ls saLlsfled unless such properLy ls dellvered or Lransferred or such debLs
are pald Lo Lhe clerk sherlff or oLher proper offlcer of Lhe courL lssulng Lhe
aLLachmenL (8a)
SLC 9 ffect of ottocbmeot of lotetest lo ptopetty belooqloq to tbe estote of
o decedenL1he aLLachmenL of Lhe lnLeresL of an helr legaLee or devlsee ln Lhe
properLy belonglng Lo Lhe esLaLe of a decedenL shall noL lmpalr Lhe powers of Lhe
execuLor admlnlsLraLor or oLher personal represenLaLlve of Lhe decedenL over
such properLy for Lhe purpose of admlnlsLraLlon Such personal represenLaLlve
however shall reporL Lhe aLLachmenL Lo Lhe courL when any peLlLlon for
dlsLrlbuLlon ls flled and ln Lhe order made upon such peLlLlon dlsLrlbuLlon may be
awarded Lo such helr legaLee or devlsee buL Lhe properLy aLLached shall be
ordered dellvered Lo Lhe sherlff maklng Lhe levy sub[ecL Lo Lhe clalm of such helr
legaLee or devlsee or any person clalmlng under hlm (9a)
SLC 10 xomlootloo of potty wbose ptopetty ls ottocbeJ ooJ petsoos
loJebteJ to blm ot coottollloq bls ptopetty Jellvety of ptopetty to sbetlffAny
person owlng debLs Lo Lhe parLy whose properLy ls aLLached or havlng ln hls
possesslon or under hls conLrol any credlL or oLher personal properLy belonglng Lo
such parLy may be requlred Lo aLLend before Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe acLlon ls
pendlng or before a commlssloner appolnLed by Lhe courL and be examlned on
oaLh respecLlng Lhe same 1he parLy whose properLy ls aLLached may also be
requlred Lo aLLend for Lhe purpose of glvlng lnformaLlon respecLlng hls properLy
and may be examlned on oaLh 1he courL may afLer such examlnaLlon order
personal properLy capable of manual dellvery belonglng Lo hlm ln Lhe possesslon of
Lhe person so requlred Lo aLLend before Lhe courL Lo be dellvered Lo Lhe clerk of
Lhe courL or sherlff on such Lerms as may be [usL havlng reference Lo any llen
Lhereon or clalm agalnsL Lhe same Lo awalL Lhe [udgmenL ln Lhe acLlon (10a)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 11 Jbeo ottocbeJ ptopetty moy be solJ oftet levy oo ottocbmeot ooJ
befote eotty of joJqmeotWhenever lL shall be made Lo appear Lo Lhe courL ln
whlch Lhe acLlon ls pendlng upon hearlng wlLh noLlce Lo boLh parLles LhaL Lhe
properLy aLLached ls perlshable or LhaL Lhe lnLeresLs of all Lhe parLles Lo Lhe acLlon
wlll be subserved by Lhe sale Lhereof Lhe courL may order such properLy Lo be sold
aL publlc aucLlon ln such manner as lL may dlrecL and Lhe proceeds of such sale Lo
be deposlLed ln courL Lo ablde Lhe [udgmenL ln Lhe acLlon (11a)
SLC 12 lscbotqe of ottocbmeot opoo qlvloq coootetbooJAfLer a wrlL of
aLLachmenL has been enforced Lhe parLy whose properLy has been aLLached or Lhe
person appearlng on hls behalf may move for Lhe dlscharge of Lhe aLLachmenL
wholly or ln parL on Lhe securlLy glven 1he courL shall afLer due noLlce and
hearlng order Lhe dlscharge of Lhe aLLachmenL lf Lhe movanL makes a cash deposlL
or flles a counLerbond execuLed Lo Lhe aLLachlng parLy wlLh Lhe clerk of Lhe courL
where Lhe appllcaLlon ls made ln an amounL equal Lo LhaL flxed by Lhe courL ln Lhe
order of aLLachmenL excluslve of cosLs 8uL lf Lhe aLLachmenL ls soughL Lo be
dlscharged wlLh respecL Lo a parLlcular properLy Lhe counLerbond shall be equal Lo
Lhe value of LhaL properLy as deLermlned by Lhe courL ln elLher case Lhe cash
deposlL or Lhe counLerbond shall secure Lhe paymenL of any [udgmenL LhaL Lhe
aLLachlng parLy may recover ln Lhe acLlon A noLlce of Lhe deposlL shall forLhwlLh
be served on Lhe aLLachlng parLy upon Lhe dlscharge of an aLLachmenL ln
accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls secLlon Lhe properLy aLLached or Lhe
proceeds of any sale Lhereof shall be dellvered Lo Lhe parLy maklng Lhe deposlL or
glvlng Lhe counLerbond or Lo Lhe person appearlng on hls behalf Lhe deposlL or
counLerbond aforesald sLandlng ln place of Lhe properLy so released Should such
counLerbond for any reason be found Lo be or become lnsufflclenL and Lhe parLy
furnlshlng Lhe same fall Lo flle an addlLlonal counLerbond Lhe aLLachlng parLy may
apply for a new order of aLLachmenL (12a)
SLC 13 lscbotqe of ottocbmeot oo otbet qtoooJs1he parLy whose
properLy has been ordered aLLached may flle a moLlon wlLh Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe
acLlon ls pendlng before or afLer levy or even afLer Lhe release of Lhe aLLached
properLy for an order Lo seL aslde or dlscharge Lhe aLLachmenL on Lhe ground LhaL
Lhe same was lmproperly or lrregularly lssued or enforced or LhaL Lhe bond ls
lnsufflclenL lf Lhe aLLachmenL ls excesslve Lhe dlscharge shall be llmlLed Lo Lhe
excess lf Lhe moLlon be made on affldavlLs on Lhe parL of Lhe movanL buL noL
oLherwlse Lhe aLLachlng parLy may oppose Lhe moLlon by counLeraffldavlLs or
oLher evldence ln addlLlon Lo LhaL on whlch Lhe aLLachmenL was made AfLer due
noLlce and hearlng Lhe courL shall order Lhe seLLlng aslde or Lhe correspondlng
dlscharge of Lhe aLLachmenL lf lL appears LhaL lL was lmproperly or lrregularly lssued
or enforced or LhaL Lhe bond ls lnsufflclenL or LhaL Lhe aLLachmenL ls excesslve
and Lhe defecL ls noL cured forLhwlLh (13a)
SLC 14 ltoceeJloqs where ptopetty clolmeJ by tbltJ petsoolf Lhe properLy
aLLached ls clalmed by any person oLher Lhan Lhe parLy agalnsL whom aLLachmenL
had been lssued or hls agenL and such person makes an affldavlL of hls LlLle
LhereLo or rlghL Lo Lhe possesslon Lhereof sLaLlng Lhe grounds of such rlghL or LlLle
and serves such affldavlL upon Lhe sherlff whlle Lhe laLLer has possesslon of Lhe
aLLached properLy and a copy Lhereof upon Lhe aLLachlng parLy Lhe sherlff shall
noL be bound Lo keep Lhe properLy under aLLachmenL unless Lhe aLLachlng parLy or
hls agenL on demand of Lhe sherlff shall flle a bond approved by Lhe courL Lo
lndemnlfy Lhe LhlrdparLy clalmanL ln a sum noL less Lhan Lhe value of Lhe properLy
levled upon ln case of dlsagreemenL as Lo such value Lhe same shall be declded by
Lhe courL lssulng Lhe wrlL of aLLachmenL no clalm for damages for Lhe Laklng or
keeplng of Lhe properLy may be enforced agalnsL Lhe bond unless Lhe acLlon
Lherefor ls flled wlLhln one hundred LwenLy (120) days from Lhe daLe of Lhe flllng of
Lhe bond
1he sherlff shall noL be llable for damages for Lhe Laklng or keeplng of such
properLy Lo any such LhlrdparLy clalmanL lf such bond shall be flled noLhlng
hereln conLalned shall prevenL such clalmanL or any Lhlrd person from vlndlcaLlng
hls clalm Lo Lhe properLy or prevenL Lhe aLLachlng parLy from clalmlng damages
agalnsL a LhlrdparLy clalmanL who flled a frlvolous or plalnly spurlous clalm ln Lhe
same or a separaLe acLlon
When Lhe wrlL of aLLachmenL ls lssued ln favor of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes or any offlcer duly represenLlng lL Lhe flllng of such bond shall noL be
requlred and ln case Lhe sherlff ls sued for damages as a resulL of Lhe aLLachmenL
he shall be represenLed by Lhe SollclLor Ceneral and lf held llable Lherefor Lhe
acLual damages ad[udged by Lhe courL shall be pald by Lhe naLlonal 1reasurer ouL
of Lhe funds Lo be approprlaLed for Lhe purpose (14a)
SLC 13 5otlsfoctloo of joJqmeot oot of ptopetty ottocbeJ tetoto of sherlff
lf [udgmenL be recovered by Lhe aLLachlng parLy and execuLlon lssue Lhereon Lhe
sherlff may cause Lhe [udgmenL Lo be saLlsfled ouL of Lhe properLy aLLached lf lL be
sufflclenL for LhaL purpose ln Lhe followlng manner
(a) 8y paylng Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgee Lhe proceeds of all sales of
perlshable or oLher properLy sold ln pursuance of Lhe order of Lhe courL or so
much as shall be necessary Lo saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL
(b) lf any balance remalns due by selllng so much of Lhe properLy
real or personal as may be necessary Lo saLlsfy Lhe balance lf enough for LhaL
purpose remaln ln Lhe sherlff's hands or ln Lhose of Lhe clerk of Lhe courL
(c) 8y collecLlng from all persons havlng ln Lhelr possesslon credlLs
belonglng Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgor or owlng debLs Lo Lhe laLLer aL Lhe Llme of
Lhe aLLachmenL of such credlLs or debLs Lhe amounL of such credlLs and debLs
as deLermlned by Lhe courL ln Lhe acLlon and sLaLed ln Lhe [udgmenL and
paylng Lhe proceeds of such collecLlon over Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgee
1he sherlff shall forLhwlLh make a reLurn ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe courL of hls
proceedlngs under Lhls secLlon and furnlsh Lhe parLles wlLh coples Lhereof (13a)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 16 8olooce Joe collecteJ opoo oo execotloo excess JellveteJ to
joJqmeot obllqotlf afLer reallzlng upon all Lhe properLy aLLached lncludlng Lhe
proceeds of any debLs or credlLs collecLed and applylng Lhe proceeds Lo Lhe
saLlsfacLlon of Lhe [udgmenL less Lhe expenses of proceedlngs upon Lhe [udgmenL
any balance shall remaln due Lhe sherlff musL proceed Lo collecL such balance as
upon ordlnary execuLlon Whenever Lhe [udgmenL shall have been pald Lhe sherlff
upon reasonable demand musL reLurn Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgor Lhe aLLached
properLy remalnlng ln hls hands and any proceeds of Lhe sale of Lhe properLy
aLLached noL applled Lo Lhe [udgmenL (16a)
SLC 17 kecovety opoo tbe coootetbooJWhen Lhe [udgmenL has become
execuLory Lhe sureLy or sureLles on any counLerbond glven pursuanL Lo Lhe
provlslons of Lhls 8ule Lo secure Lhe paymenL of Lhe [udgmenL shall become
charged on such counLerbond and bound Lo pay Lhe [udgmenL obllgee upon
demand Lhe amounL due under Lhe [udgmenL whlch amounL may be recovered
from such sureLy or sureLles afLer noLlce and summary hearlng ln Lhe same acLlon
SLC 18 lsposltloo of mooey JeposlteJWhere Lhe parLy agalnsL whom
aLLachmenL had been lssued has deposlLed money lnsLead of glvlng counLerbond
lL shall be applled under Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe courL Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon of any
[udgmenL rendered ln favor of Lhe aLLachlng parLy and afLer saLlsfylng Lhe
[udgmenL Lhe balance shall be refunded Lo Lhe deposlLor or hls asslgnee lf Lhe
[udgmenL ls ln favor of Lhe parLy agalnsL whom aLLachmenL was lssued Lhe whole
sum deposlLed musL be refunded Lo hlm or hls asslgnee (18a)
SLC 19 lsposltloo of ottocbeJ ptopetty wbete joJqmeot ls fot potty oqolost
wbom ottocbmeot wos lssoeJlf [udgmenL be rendered agalnsL Lhe aLLachlng
parLy all Lhe proceeds of sales and money collecLed or recelved by Lhe sherlff
under Lhe order of aLLachmenL and all properLy aLLached remalnlng ln any such
offlcer's hands shall be dellvered Lo Lhe parLy agalnsL whom aLLachmenL was
lssued and Lhe order of aLLachmenL dlscharged (19a)
SLC 20 clolm fot Jomoqes oo accounL of lmptopet ltteqolot ot excesslve
ottocbmeotAn appllcaLlon for damages on accounL of lmproper lrregular or
excesslve aLLachmenL musL be flled before Lhe Lrlal or before appeal ls perfecLed or
before Lhe [udgmenL becomes execuLory wlLh due noLlce Lo Lhe aLLachlng parLy
and hls sureLy or sureLles seLLlng forLh Lhe facLs showlng hls rlghL Lo damages and
Lhe amounL Lhereof Such damages may be awarded only afLer proper hearlng and
shall be lncluded ln Lhe [udgmenL on Lhe maln case
lf Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe appellaLe courL be favorable Lo Lhe parLy agalnsL whom
Lhe aLLachmenL was lssued he musL clalm damages susLalned durlng Lhe pendency
of Lhe appeal by flllng an appllcaLlon ln Lhe appellaLe courL wlLh noLlce Lo Lhe parLy
ln whose favor Lhe aLLachmenL was lssued or hls sureLy or sureLles before Lhe
[udgmenL of Lhe appellaLe courL becomes execuLory 1he appellaLe courL may
allow Lhe appllcaLlon Lo be heard and declded by Lhe Lrlal courL
noLhlng hereln conLalned shall prevenL Lhe parLy agalnsL whom Lhe
aLLachmenL was lssued from recoverlng ln Lhe same acLlon Lhe damages awarded
Lo hlm from any properLy of Lhe aLLachlng parLy noL exempL from execuLlon should
Lhe bond or deposlL glven by Lhe laLLer be lnsufflclenL or fall Lo fully saLlsfy Lhe
award (20a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 ltellmlooty lojooctloo JefloeJ clossesA prellmlnary ln[uncLlon
ls an order granLed aL any sLage of an acLlon or proceedlng prlor Lo Lhe [udgmenL or
flnal order requlrlng a parLy or a courL agency or a person Lo refraln from a
parLlcular acL or acLs lL may also requlre Lhe performance of a parLlcular acL or acLs
ln whlch case lL shall be known as a prellmlnary mandaLory ln[uncLlon (1a)
SLC 2 Jbo moy qtoot ptellmlooty lojooctlooA prellmlnary ln[uncLlon may
be granLed by Lhe courL where Lhe acLlon or proceedlng ls pendlng lf Lhe acLlon or
proceedlng ls pendlng ln Lhe CourL of Appeals or ln Lhe Supreme CourL lL may be
lssued by sald courL or any member Lhereof (2a)
SLC 3 CtoooJs fot lssoooce of ptellmlooty lojooctlooA prellmlnary
ln[uncLlon may be granLed when lL ls esLabllshed
(a) 1haL Lhe appllcanL ls enLlLled Lo Lhe rellef demanded and Lhe
whole or parL of such rellef conslsLs ln resLralnlng Lhe commlsslon or
conLlnuance of Lhe acL or acLs complalned of or ln requlrlng Lhe performance
of an acL or acLs elLher for a llmlLed perlod or perpeLually
(b) 1haL Lhe commlsslon conLlnuance or nonperformance of Lhe
acL or acLs complalned of durlng Lhe llLlgaLlon would probably work ln[usLlce
Lo Lhe appllcanL or
(c) 1haL a parLy courL agency or a person ls dolng LhreaLenlng or
ls aLLempLlng Lo do or ls procurlng or sufferlng Lo be done some acL or acLs
probably ln vlolaLlon of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe appllcanL respecLlng Lhe sub[ecL of
Lhe acLlon or proceedlng and Lendlng Lo render Lhe [udgmenL lneffecLual
SLC 4 IetlfleJ oppllcotloo ooJ booJ fot ptellmlooty lojooctloo ot tempototy
testtololoq otJetA prellmlnary ln[uncLlon or Lemporary resLralnlng order may be
granLed only when
(a) 1he appllcaLlon ln Lhe acLlon or proceedlng ls verlfled and
shows facLs enLlLllng Lhe appllcanL Lo Lhe rellef demanded and
(b) unless exempLed by Lhe courL Lhe appllcanL flles wlLh Lhe
courL where Lhe acLlon or proceedlng ls pendlng a bond execuLed Lo Lhe
parLy or person en[olned ln an amounL Lo be flxed by Lhe courL Lo Lhe effecL
LhaL Lhe appllcanL wlll pay Lo such parLy or person all damages whlch he may
susLaln by reason of Lhe ln[uncLlon or Lemporary resLralnlng order lf Lhe courL
should flnally declde LhaL Lhe appllcanL was noL enLlLled LhereLo upon
approval of Lhe requlslLe bond a wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon shall be
lssued (4a)
(c) When an appllcaLlon for a wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon or a
Lemporary resLralnlng order ls lncluded ln a complalnL or any lnlLlaLory
pleadlng Lhe case lf flled ln a mulLlplesala courL shall be raffled only afLer
noLlce Lo and ln Lhe presence of Lhe adverse parLy or Lhe person Lo be
en[olned ln any evenL such noLlce shall be preceded or conLemporaneously
accompanled by servlce of summons LogeLher wlLh a copy of Lhe complalnL
or lnlLlaLory pleadlng and Lhe appllcanL's affldavlL and bond upon Lhe adverse
parLy ln Lhe hlllpplnes
Powever where Lhe summons could noL be served personally or by
subsLlLuLed servlce desplLe dlllgenL efforLs or Lhe adverse parLy ls a resldenL
of Lhe hlllpplnes Lemporarlly absenL Lherefrom or ls a nonresldenL Lhereof
Lhe requlremenL of prlor or conLemporaneous servlce of summons shall noL
(d) 1he appllcaLlon for a Lemporary resLralnlng order shall
LhereafLer be acLed upon only afLer all parLles are heard ln a summary
hearlng whlch shall be conducLed wlLhln LwenLyfour (24) hours afLer Lhe
sherlff's reLurn of servlce and/or Lhe records are recelved by Lhe branch
selecLed by raffle and Lo whlch Lhe records shall be LransmlLLed lmmedlaLely
SLC 3 ltellmlooty lojooctloo oot qtooteJ wltboot ootlce exceptloo
no prellmlnary ln[uncLlon shall be granLed wlLhouL hearlng and prlor noLlce Lo Lhe
parLy or person soughL Lo be en[olned lf lL shall appear from facLs shown by
affldavlLs or by Lhe verlfled appllcaLlon LhaL greaL or lrreparable ln[ury would resulL
Lo Lhe appllcanL before Lhe maLLer can be heard on noLlce Lhe courL Lo whlch Lhe
appllcaLlon for prellmlnary ln[uncLlon was made may lssue ex potte a Lemporary
resLralnlng order Lo be effecLlve only for a perlod of LwenLy (20) days from servlce
on Lhe parLy or person soughL Lo be en[olned excepL as hereln provlded WlLhln Lhe
sald LwenLyday perlod Lhe courL musL order sald parLy or person Lo show cause aL
a speclfled Llme and place why Lhe ln[uncLlon should noL be granLed deLermlne
wlLhln Lhe same perlod wheLher or noL Lhe prellmlnary ln[uncLlon shall be granLed
and accordlngly lssue Lhe correspondlng order
Powever and sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe precedlng secLlons lf Lhe
maLLer ls of exLreme urgency and Lhe appllcanL wlll suffer grave ln[usLlce and
lrreparable ln[ury Lhe execuLlve [udge of a mulLlplesala courL or Lhe presldlng
[udge of a slnglesala courL may lssue ex potte a Lemporary resLralnlng order
effecLlve for only sevenLyLwo (72) hours from lssuance buL he shall lmmedlaLely
comply wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe nexL precedlng secLlon as Lo servlce of summons
and Lhe documenLs Lo be served LherewlLh 1hereafLer wlLhln Lhe aforesald
sevenLyLwo (72) hours Lhe [udge before whom Lhe case ls pendlng shall conducL a
summary hearlng Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhe Lemporary resLralnlng order shall be
exLended unLll Lhe appllcaLlon for prellmlnary ln[uncLlon can be heard ln no case
shall Lhe LoLal perlod of effecLlvlLy of Lhe Lemporary resLralnlng order exceed
LwenLy (20) days lncludlng Lhe orlglnal sevenLyLwo hours provlded hereln
ln Lhe evenL LhaL Lhe appllcaLlon for prellmlnary ln[uncLlon ls denled or noL
resolved wlLhln Lhe sald perlod Lhe Lemporary resLralnlng order ls deemed
C 8 A C l L |

auLomaLlcally vacaLed 1he effecLlvlLy of a Lemporary resLralnlng order ls noL
exLendlble wlLhouL need of any [udlclal declaraLlon Lo LhaL effecL and no courL shall
have auLhorlLy Lo exLend or renew Lhe same on Lhe same ground for whlch lL was
Powever lf lssued by Lhe CourL of Appeals or a member Lhereof Lhe
Lemporary resLralnlng order shall be effecLlve for slxLy (60) days from servlce on Lhe
parLy or person soughL Lo be en[olned A resLralnlng order lssued by Lhe Supreme
CourL or a member Lhereof shall be effecLlve unLll furLher orders (3a)
SLC 6 CtoooJs fot objectloo to ot fot motloo of Jlssolotloo of lojooctloo ot
testtololoq order1he appllcaLlon for ln[uncLlon or resLralnlng order may be
denled upon a showlng of lLs lnsufflclency 1he ln[uncLlon or resLralnlng order may
also be denled or lf granLed may be dlssolved on oLher grounds upon affldavlLs of
Lhe parLy or person en[olned whlch may be opposed by Lhe appllcanL also by
affldavlLs lL may furLher be denled or lf granLed may be dlssolved lf lL appears
afLer hearlng LhaL alLhough Lhe appllcanL ls enLlLled Lo Lhe ln[uncLlon or resLralnlng
order Lhe lssuance or conLlnuance Lhereof as Lhe case may be would cause
lrreparable damage Lo Lhe parLy or person en[olned whlle Lhe appllcanL can be fully
compensaLed for such damages as he may suffer and Lhe former flles a bond ln an
amounL flxed by Lhe courL condlLloned LhaL he wlll pay all damages whlch Lhe
appllcanL may suffer by Lhe denlal or Lhe dlssoluLlon of Lhe ln[uncLlon or resLralnlng
order lf lL appears LhaL Lhe exLenL of Lhe prellmlnary ln[uncLlon or resLralnlng
order granLed ls Loo greaL lL may be modlfled (6a)
SLC 7 5etvlce of coples of booJs effect of Jlsopptovol of some1he parLy
flllng a bond ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls 8ule shall forLhwlLh serve a
copy of such bond on Lhe oLher parLy who may excepL Lo Lhe sufflclency of Lhe
bond or of Lhe sureLy or sureLles Lhereon lf Lhe appllcanL's bond ls found Lo be
lnsufflclenL ln amounL or lf Lhe sureLy or sureLles Lhereon fall Lo [usLlfy and a bond
sufflclenL ln amounL wlLh sufflclenL sureLles approved afLer [usLlflcaLlon ls noL flled
forLhwlLh Lhe ln[uncLlon shall be dlssolved lf Lhe bond of Lhe adverse parLy ls
found Lo be lnsufflclenL ln amounL or Lhe sureLy or sureLles Lhereon fall Lo [usLlfy a
bond sufflclenL ln amounL wlLh sufflclenL sureLles approved afLer [usLlflcaLlon ls noL
flled forLhwlLh Lhe ln[uncLlon shall be granLed or resLored as Lhe case may be (8a)
SLC 8 IoJqmeot to locloJe Jomoqes oqolost potty ooJ sotetlesAL Lhe Lrlal
Lhe amounL of damages Lo be awarded Lo elLher parLy upon Lhe bond of Lhe
adverse parLy shall be clalmed ascerLalned and awarded under Lhe same
procedure prescrlbed ln secLlon 20 of 8ule 37 (9a)
SLC 9 Jbeo flool lojooctloo qtooteJlf afLer Lhe Lrlal of Lhe acLlon lL
appears LhaL Lhe appllcanL ls enLlLled Lo have Lhe acL or acLs complalned of
permanenLly en[olned Lhe courL shall granL a flnal ln[uncLlon perpeLually
resLralnlng Lhe parLy or person en[olned from Lhe commlsslon or conLlnuance of
Lhe acL or acLs or conflrmlng Lhe prellmlnary mandaLory ln[uncLlon (10a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Appolotmeot of recelverupon a verlfled appllcaLlon one or
more recelvers of Lhe properLy sub[ecL of Lhe acLlon or proceedlng may be
appolnLed by Lhe courL where Lhe acLlon ls pendlng or by Lhe CourL of Appeals or
by Lhe Supreme CourL or a member Lhereof ln Lhe followlng cases
(a) When lL appears from Lhe verlfled appllcaLlon and such
oLher proof as Lhe courL may requlre LhaL Lhe parLy applylng for Lhe
appolnLmenL of a recelver has an lnLeresL ln Lhe properLy or fund whlch ls Lhe
sub[ecL of Lhe acLlon or proceedlng and LhaL such properLy or fund ls ln
danger of belng losL removed or maLerlally ln[ured unless a recelver be
appolnLed Lo admlnlsLer and preserve lL
(b) When lL appears ln an acLlon by Lhe morLgagee for Lhe
foreclosure of a morLgage LhaL Lhe properLy ls ln danger of belng wasLed or
dlsslpaLed or maLerlally ln[ured and LhaL lLs value ls probably lnsufflclenL Lo
dlscharge Lhe morLgage debL or LhaL Lhe parLles have so sLlpulaLed ln Lhe
conLracL of morLgage
(c) AfLer [udgmenL Lo preserve Lhe properLy durlng Lhe
pendency of an appeal or Lo dlspose of lL accordlng Lo Lhe [udgmenL or Lo
ald execuLlon when Lhe execuLlon has been reLurned unsaLlsfled or Lhe
[udgmenL obllgor refuses Lo apply hls properLy ln saLlsfacLlon of Lhe
[udgmenL or oLherwlse Lo carry Lhe [udgmenL lnLo effecL
(d) Whenever ln oLher cases lL appears LhaL Lhe appolnLmenL
of a recelver ls Lhe mosL convenlenL and feaslble means of preservlng
admlnlsLerlng or dlsposlng of Lhe properLy ln llLlgaLlon
uurlng Lhe pendency of an appeal Lhe appellaLe courL may allow an
appllcaLlon for Lhe appolnLmenL of a recelver Lo be flled ln and declded by Lhe courL
of orlgln and Lhe recelver appolnLed Lo be sub[ecL Lo Lhe conLrol of sald courL (1a)
SLC 2 8ooJ oo oppolotmeot of tecelvet8efore lssulng Lhe order
appolnLlng a recelver Lhe courL shall requlre Lhe appllcanL Lo flle a bond execuLed Lo
Lhe parLy agalnsL whom Lhe appllcaLlon ls presenLed ln an amounL Lo be flxed by
Lhe courL Lo Lhe effecL LhaL Lhe appllcanL wlll pay such parLy all damages he may
susLaln by reason of Lhe appolnLmenL of such recelver ln case Lhe appllcanL shall
have procured such appolnLmenL wlLhouL sufflclenL cause and Lhe courL may ln lLs
dlscreLlon aL any Llme afLer Lhe appolnLmenL requlre an addlLlonal bond as furLher
securlLy for such damages (3a)
SLC 3 eolol of oppllcotloo ot Jlscbotqe of tecelvet1he appllcaLlon may be
denled or Lhe recelver dlscharged when Lhe adverse parLy flles a bond execuLed Lo
Lhe appllcanL ln an amounL Lo be flxed by Lhe courL Lo Lhe effecL LhaL such parLy
wlll pay Lhe appllcanL all damages he may suffer by reason of Lhe acLs omlsslons or
oLher maLLers speclfled ln Lhe appllcaLlon as ground for such appolnLmenL 1he
recelver may also be dlscharged lf lL ls shown LhaL hls appolnLmenL was obLalned
wlLhouL sufflclenL cause (4a)
SLC 4 otb ooJ booJ of recelver8efore enLerlng upon hls duLles Lhe
recelver shall be sworn Lo perform Lhem falLhfully and shall flle a bond execuLed
Lo such person and ln such sum as Lhe courL may dlrecL Lo Lhe effecL LhaL he wlll
falLhfully dlscharge hls duLles ln Lhe acLlon or proceedlng and obey Lhe orders of
Lhe courL (3a)
SLC 3 5etvlce of coples of booJs effect of Jlsopptovol of some1he person
flllng a bond ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls 8ule shall forLhwlLh serve a
copy Lhereof on each lnLeresLed parLy who may excepL Lo lLs sufflclency or of Lhe
sureLy or sureLles Lhereon lf elLher Lhe appllcanL's or Lhe recelver's bond ls found
Lo be lnsufflclenL ln amounL or lf Lhe sureLy or sureLles Lhereon fall Lo [usLlfy and a
bond sufflclenL ln amounL wlLh sufflclenL sureLles approved afLer [usLlflcaLlon ls noL
flled forLhwlLh Lhe appllcaLlon shall be denled or Lhe recelver dlscharged as Lhe
case may be lf Lhe bond of Lhe adverse parLy ls found Lo be lnsufflclenL ln amounL
or Lhe sureLy or sureLles Lhereon fall Lo [usLlfy and a bond sufflclenL ln amounL wlLh
sufflclenL sureLles approved afLer [usLlflcaLlon ls noL flled forLhwlLh Lhe recelver
shall be appolnLed or reappolnLed as Lhe case may be (6a)
SLC 6 Ceoetol powets of tecelvetSub[ecL Lo Lhe conLrol of Lhe courL ln
whlch Lhe acLlon or proceedlng ls pendlng a recelver shall have Lhe power Lo brlng
and defend ln such capaclLy acLlons ln hls own name Lo Lake and keep possesslon
of Lhe properLy ln conLroversy Lo recelve renLs Lo collecL debLs due Lo hlmself as
recelver or Lo Lhe fund properLy esLaLe person or corporaLlon of whlch he ls Lhe
recelver Lo compound for and compromlse Lhe same Lo make Lransfers Lo pay
ouLsLandlng debLs Lo dlvlde Lhe money and oLher properLy LhaL shall remaln
among Lhe persons legally enLlLled Lo recelve Lhe same and generally Lo do such
acLs respecLlng Lhe properLy as Lhe courL may auLhorlze Powever funds ln Lhe
hands of a recelver may be lnvesLed only by order of Lhe courL upon Lhe wrlLLen
consenL of all Lhe parLles Lo Lhe acLlon (7a)
no acLlon may be flled by or agalnsL a recelver wlLhouL leave of Lhe courL
whlch appolnLed hlm (n)
SLC 7 loblllty fot tefosol ot oeqlect to Jellvet ptopetty to tecelvet
A person who refuses or neglecLs upon reasonable demand Lo dellver Lo Lhe
recelver all Lhe properLy money books deeds noLes bllls documenLs and papers
wlLhln hls power or conLrol sub[ecL of or lnvolved ln Lhe acLlon or proceedlng or ln
case of dlsagreemenL as deLermlned and ordered by Lhe courL may be punlshed
for conLempL and shall be llable Lo Lhe recelver for Lhe money or Lhe value of Lhe
properLy and oLher Lhlngs so refused or neglecLed Lo be surrendered LogeLher wlLh
all damages LhaL may have been susLalned by Lhe parLy or parLles enLlLled LhereLo
as a consequence of such refusal or neglecL (n)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 8 1etmlootloo of tecelvetsblp compeosotloo of tecelvetWhenever Lhe
courL moto ptoptlo or on moLlon of elLher parLy shall deLermlne LhaL Lhe necesslLy
for a recelver no longer exlsLs lL shall afLer due noLlce Lo all lnLeresLed parLles and
hearlng seLLle Lhe accounLs of Lhe recelver dlrecL Lhe dellvery of Lhe funds and
oLher properLy ln hls possesslon Lo Lhe person ad[udged Lo be enLlLled Lo recelve
Lhem and order Lhe dlscharge of Lhe recelver from furLher duLy as such 1he courL
shall allow Lhe recelver such reasonable compensaLlon as Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe
case warranL Lo be Laxed as cosLs agalnsL Lhe defeaLed parLy or apporLloned as
[usLlce requlres (8a)
SLC 9 IoJqmeot to locloJe tecovety oqolost sotetles1he amounL lf any Lo
be awarded Lo any parLy upon any bond flled ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of
Lhls 8ule shall be clalmed ascerLalned and granLed under Lhe same procedure
prescrlbed ln secLlon 20 of 8ule 37 (9a)

SLC1lCn 1 AppllcotlooA parLy praylng for Lhe recovery of possesslon of
personal properLy may aL Lhe commencemenL of Lhe acLlon or aL any Llme before
answer apply for an order for Lhe dellvery of such properLy Lo hlm ln Lhe manner
herelnafLer provlded (1a)
SLC 2 AfflJovlt ooJ booJ1he appllcanL musL show by hls own affldavlL or
LhaL of some oLher person who personally knows Lhe facLs
(a) 1haL Lhe appllcanL ls Lhe owner of Lhe properLy clalmed
parLlcularly descrlblng lL or ls enLlLled Lo Lhe possesslon Lhereof
(b) 1haL Lhe properLy ls wrongfully deLalned by Lhe adverse parLy
alleglng Lhe cause of deLenLlon Lhereof accordlng Lo Lhe besL of hls
knowledge lnformaLlon and bellef
(c) 1haL Lhe properLy has noL been dlsLralned or Laken for a Lax
assessmenL or a flne pursuanL Lo law or selzed under a wrlL of execuLlon or
prellmlnary aLLachmenL or oLherwlse placed under cusLodla legls or lf so
selzed LhaL lL ls exempL from such selzure or cusLody and
(d) 1he acLual markeL value of Lhe properLy
1he appllcanL musL also glve a bond execuLed Lo Lhe adverse parLy ln double
Lhe value of Lhe properLy as sLaLed ln Lhe affldavlL aforemenLloned for Lhe reLurn
of Lhe properLy Lo Lhe adverse parLy lf such reLurn be ad[udged and for Lhe
paymenL Lo Lhe adverse parLy of such sum as he may recover from Lhe appllcanL ln
Lhe acLlon (2a)
SLC 3 Crderupon Lhe flllng of such affldavlL and approval of Lhe bond Lhe
courL shall lssue an order and Lhe correspondlng wrlL of replevln descrlblng Lhe
personal properLy alleged Lo be wrongfully deLalned and requlrlng Lhe sherlff
forLhwlLh Lo Lake such properLy lnLo hls cusLody (3a)
SLC 4 oty of tbe sbetlffupon recelvlng such order Lhe sherlff musL serve
a copy Lhereof on Lhe adverse parLy LogeLher wlLh a copy of Lhe appllcaLlon
affldavlL and bond and musL forLhwlLh Lake Lhe properLy lf lL be ln Lhe possesslon
of Lhe adverse parLy or hls agenL and reLaln lL ln hls cusLody lf Lhe properLy or any
parL Lhereof be concealed ln a bulldlng or enclosure Lhe sherlff musL demand lLs
dellvery and lf lL be noL dellvered he musL cause Lhe bulldlng or enclosure Lo be
broken open and Lake Lhe properLy lnLo hls possesslon AfLer Lhe sherlff has Laken
possesslon of Lhe properLy as hereln provlded he musL keep lL ln a secure place
and shall be responslble for lLs dellvery Lo Lhe parLy enLlLled LhereLo upon recelvlng
hls fees and necessary expenses for Laklng and keeplng Lhe same (4a)
SLC 3 ketoto of ptopettylfLhe adverse parLy ob[ecLs Lo Lhe sufflclency of
Lhe appllcanL's bond or of Lhe sureLy or sureLles Lhereon he cannoL lmmedlaLely
requlre Lhe reLurn of Lhe properLy buL lf he does noL so ob[ecL he may aL any Llme
C 8 A C l L |

before Lhe dellvery of Lhe properLy Lo Lhe appllcanL requlre Lhe reLurn Lhereof by
flllng wlLh Lhe courL where Lhe acLlon ls pendlng a bond execuLed Lo Lhe appllcanL
ln double Lhe value of Lhe properLy as sLaLed ln Lhe appllcanL's affldavlL for Lhe
dellvery Lhereof Lo Lhe appllcanL lf such dellvery be ad[udged and for Lhe paymenL
of such sum Lo hlm as may be recovered agalnsL Lhe adverse parLy and by servlng a
copy of such bond on Lhe appllcanL (3a)
SLC 6 lsposltloo of ptopetty by sbetlfflfwlLhln flve (3) days afLer Lhe Laklng
of Lhe properLy by Lhe sherlff Lhe adverse parLy does noL ob[ecL Lo Lhe sufflclency
of Lhe bond or of Lhe sureLy or sureLles Lhereon or lf Lhe adverse parLy so ob[ecLs
and Lhe courL afflrms lLs approval of Lhe appllcanL's bond or approves a new bond
or lf Lhe adverse parLy requlres Lhe reLurn of Lhe properLy buL hls bond ls ob[ecLed
Lo and found lnsufflclenL and he does noL forLhwlLh flle an approved bond Lhe
properLy shall be dellvered Lo Lhe appllcanL lf for any reason Lhe properLy ls noL
dellvered Lo Lhe appllcanL Lhe sherlff musL reLurn lL Lo Lhe adverse parLy (6a)
SLC 7 ltoceeJloqs wbete ptopetty clolmeJ by tbltJ petsoolfLhe properLy
Laken ls clalmed by any person oLher Lhan Lhe parLy agalnsL whom Lhe wrlL of
replevln had been lssued or hls agenL and such person makes an affldavlL of hls
LlLle LhereLo or rlghL Lo Lhe possesslon Lhereof sLaLlng Lhe grounds Lherefor and
serves such affldavlL upon Lhe sherlff whlle Lhe laLLer has possesslon of Lhe
properLy and a copy Lhereof upon Lhe appllcanL Lhe sherlff shall noL be bound Lo
keep Lhe properLy under replevln or dellver lL Lo Lhe appllcanL unless Lhe appllcanL
or hls agenL on demand of sald sherlff shall flle a bond approved by Lhe courL Lo
lndemnlfy Lhe LhlrdparLy clalmanL ln a sum noL less Lhan Lhe value of Lhe properLy
under replevln as provlded ln secLlon 2 hereof ln case of dlsagreemenL as Lo such
value Lhe courL shall deLermlne Lhe same no clalm for damages for Lhe Laklng or
keeplng of Lhe properLy may be enforced agalnsL Lhe bond unless Lhe acLlon
Lherefor ls flled wlLhln one hundred LwenLy (120) days from Lhe daLe of Lhe flllng of
Lhe bond
1he sherlff shall noL be llable for damages for Lhe Laklng or keeplng of such
properLy Lo any such LhlrdparLy clalmanL lf such bond shall be flled noLhlng
hereln conLalned shall prevenL such clalmanL or any Lhlrd person from vlndlcaLlng
hls clalm Lo Lhe properLy or prevenL Lhe appllcanL from clalmlng damages agalnsL a
LhlrdparLy clalmanL who flled a frlvolous or plalnly spurlous clalm ln Lhe same or a
separaLe acLlon
When Lhe wrlL of replevln ls lssued ln favor of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes
or any offlcer duly represenLlng lL Lhe flllng of such bond shall noL be requlred and
ln case Lhe sherlff ls sued for damages as a resulL of Lhe replevln he shall be
represenLed by Lhe SollclLor Ceneral and lf held llable Lherefor Lhe acLual damages
ad[udged by Lhe courL shall be pald by Lhe naLlonal 1reasurer ouL of Lhe funds Lo be
approprlaLed for Lhe purpose (7a)
SLC 8 ketoto of popets1he sherlff musL flle Lhe order wlLh hls
proceedlngs lndorsed Lhereon wlLh Lhe courL wlLhln Len (10) days afLer Laklng Lhe
properLy menLloned Lhereln (8a)
SLC 9 IoJqmeotAfLer Lrlal of Lhe lssues Lhe courL shall deLermlne who has
Lhe rlghL of possesslon Lo and Lhe value of Lhe properLy and shall render [udgmenL
ln Lhe alLernaLlve for Lhe dellvery Lhereof Lo Lhe parLy enLlLled Lo Lhe same or for
lLs value ln case dellvery cannoL be made and also for such damages as elLher parLy
may prove wlLh cosLs (9a)
SLC 10 IoJqmeot to locloJe tecovety oqolost sotetles1he amounL lf any
Lo be awarded Lo any parLy upon any bond flled ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons
of Lhls 8ule shall be clalmed ascerLalned and granLed under Lhe same procedure
as prescrlbed ln secLlon 20 of 8ule 37 (10a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 AppllcotlooAL Lhe commencemenL of Lhe proper acLlon or
proceedlng or aL any Llme prlor Lo Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order a verlfled
appllcaLlon for supporL peoJeote llte may be flled by any parLy sLaLlng Lhe grounds
for Lhe clalm and Lhe flnanclal condlLlons of boLh parLles and accompanled by
affldavlLs deposlLlons or oLher auLhenLlc documenLs ln supporL Lhereof (1a)
SLC 2 commeotA copy of Lhe appllcaLlon and all supporLlng documenLs
shall be served upon Lhe adverse parLy who shall have flve (3) days Lo commenL
Lhereon unless a dlfferenL perlod ls flxed by Lhe courL upon hls moLlon 1he
commenL shall be verlfled and shall be accompanled by affldavlLs deposlLlons or
oLher auLhenLlc documenLs ln supporL Lhereof (2a 3a)
SLC 3 neotloqAfLer Lhe commenL ls flled or afLer Lhe explraLlon of Lhe
perlod for lLs flllng Lhe appllcaLlon shall be seL for hearlng noL more Lhan Lhree (3)
days LhereafLer 1he facLs ln lssue shall be proved ln Lhe same manner as ls
provlded for evldence on moLlons (4a)
SLC 4 tJet1he courL shall deLermlne provlslonally Lhe perLlnenL facLs
and shall render such orders as [usLlce and equlLy may requlre havlng due regard
Lo Lhe probable ouLcome of Lhe case and such oLher clrcumsLances as may ald ln
Lhe proper resoluLlon of Lhe quesLlon lnvolved lf Lhe appllcaLlon ls granLed Lhe
courL shall flx Lhe amounL of money Lo be provlslonally pald or such oLher forms of
supporL as should be provlded Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe necesslLles of Lhe appllcanL
and Lhe resources or means of Lhe adverse parLy and Lhe Lerms of paymenL or
mode for provldlng Lhe supporL lf Lhe appllcaLlon ls denled Lhe prlnclpal case shall
be Lrled and declded as early as posslble (3a)
SLC 3 ofotcemeot of otJetlf Lhe adverse parLy falls Lo comply wlLh an
order granLlng supporL peoJeote llte Lhe courL shall moto ptoptlo or upon moLlon
lssue an order of execuLlon agalnsL hlm wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo hls llablllLy for
conLempL (6a)
When Lhe person ordered Lo glve supporL peoJeote llte refuses or falls Lo do
so any Lhlrd person who furnlshed LhaL supporL Lo Lhe appllcanL may afLer due
noLlce and hearlng ln Lhe same case obLaln a wrlL of execuLlon Lo enforce hls rlghL
of relmbursemenL agalnsL Lhe person ordered Lo provlde such supporL (n)
SLC 6 5oppott lo ctlmlool casesln crlmlnal acLlons where Lhe clvll llablllLy
lncludes supporL for Lhe offsprlng as a consequence of Lhe crlme and Lhe clvll
aspecL Lhereof has noL been walved reserved or lnsLlLuLed prlor Lo lLs flllng Lhe
accused may be ordered Lo provlde supporLpeoJeote llte Lo Lhe chlld born Lo Lhe
offended parLy allegedly because of Lhe crlme 1he appllcaLlon Lherefor may be
flled successlvely by Lhe offended parLy her parenLs grandparenLs or guardlan and
Lhe SLaLe ln Lhe correspondlng crlmlnal case durlng lLs pendency ln accordance
wlLh Lhe procedure esLabllshed under Lhls 8ule (n)
SLC 7 kestltotlooWhen Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order of Lhe courL flnds LhaL
Lhe person who has been provldlng supporL peoJeote llte ls noL llable Lherefor lL
shall order Lhe reclplenL Lhereof Lo reLurn Lo Lhe former Lhe amounLs already pald
wlLh legal lnLeresL from Lhe daLes of acLual paymenL wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe rlghL
of Lhe reclplenL Lo obLaln relmbursemenL ln a separaLe acLlon from Lhe person
legally obllged Lo glve Lhe supporL Should Lhe reclplenL fall Lo relmburse sald
amounLs Lhe person who provlded Lhe same may llkewlse seek relmbursemenL
Lhereof ln a separaLe acLlon from Lhe person legally obllged Lo glve such supporL

C 8 A C l L |


SLC1lCn 1 Jbeo lotetpleoJet ptopetWhenever confllcLlng clalms upon
Lhe same sub[ecL maLLer are or may be made agalnsL a person who clalms no
lnLeresL whaLever ln Lhe sub[ecL maLLer or an lnLeresL whlch ln whole or ln parL ls
noL dlspuLed by Lhe clalmanLs he may brlng an acLlon agalnsL Lhe confllcLlng
clalmanLs Lo compel Lhem Lo lnLerplead and llLlgaLe Lhelr several clalms among
Lhemselves (1a 863)
SLC 2 tJetupon Lhe flllng of Lhe complalnL Lhe courL shall lssue an order
requlrlng Lhe confllcLlng clalmanLs Lo lnLerplead wlLh one anoLher lf Lhe lnLeresLs
of [usLlce so requlre Lhe courL may dlrecL ln such order LhaL Lhe sub[ecL maLLer be
pald or dellvered Lo Lhe courL (2a 863)
SLC 3 5ommoosSummons shall be served upon Lhe confllcLlng clalmanLs
LogeLher wlLh a copy of Lhe complalnL and order (3 863)
SLC 4 Motloo to JlsmlssWlLhln Lhe Llme for flllng an answer each
clalmanL may flle a moLlon Lo dlsmlss on Lhe ground of lmproprleLy of Lhe
lnLerpleader acLlon or on oLher approprlaLe grounds speclfled ln 8ule 16 1he
perlod Lo flle Lhe answer shall be Lolled and lf Lhe moLlon ls denled Lhe movanL
may flle hls answer wlLhln Lhe remalnlng perlod buL whlch shall noL be less Lhan
flve (3) days ln any evenL reckoned from noLlce of denlal (n)
SLC 3 Aoswet ooJ otbet pleoJloqsLach clalmanL shall flle hls answer
seLLlng forLh hls clalm wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from servlce of Lhe summons upon
hlm servlng a copy Lhereof upon each of Lhe oLher confllcLlng clalmanLs who may
flle Lhelr reply LhereLo as provlded by Lhese 8ules lf any clalmanL falls Lo plead
wlLhln Lhe Llme hereln flxed Lhe courL may on moLlon declare hlm ln defaulL and
LhereafLer render [udgmenL barrlng hlm from any clalm ln respecL Lo Lhe sub[ecL
1he parLles ln an lnLerpleader acLlon may flle counLerclalms crossclalms
LhlrdparLy complalnLs and responslve pleadlngs LhereLo as provlded by Lhese
8ules (4a 863)
SLC 6 etetmlootlooAfLer Lhe pleadlngs of Lhe confllcLlng clalmanLs have
been flled and preLrlal has been conducLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe 8ules Lhe
courL shall proceed Lo deLermlne Lhelr respecLlve rlghLs and ad[udlcaLe Lhelr several
clalms(3a 863)
SLC 7 ocket ooJ otbet lowfol fees costs ooJ lltlqotloo expeoses os lleos
1he dockeL and oLher lawful fees pald by Lhe parLy who flled a complalnL under Lhls
8ule as well as Lhe cosLs and llLlgaLlon expenses shall consLlLuLe a llen or charge
upon Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe acLlon unless Lhe courL shall order oLherwlse (6a

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Jbo moy flle petltlooAny person lnLeresLed under a deed wlll
conLracL or oLher wrlLLen lnsLrumenL whose rlghLs are affecLed by a sLaLuLe
execuLlve order or regulaLlon ordlnance or any oLher governmenLal regulaLlon
may before breach or vlolaLlon Lhereof brlng an acLlon ln Lhe approprlaLe 8eglonal
1rlal CourL Lo deLermlne any quesLlon of consLrucLlon or valldlLy arlslng and for a
declaraLlon of hls rlghLs or duLles Lhereunder
An acLlon for Lhe reformaLlon of an lnsLrumenL Lo quleL LlLle Lo real properLy
or remove clouds Lherefrom or Lo consolldaLe ownershlp under ArLlcle 1607 of Lhe
Clvll Code may be broughL under Lhls 8ule (1a 864)
SLC 2 lottlesAll persons who have or clalm any lnLeresL whlch would be
affecLed by Lhe declaraLlon shall be made parLles and no declaraLlon shall excepL
as oLherwlse provlded ln Lhese 8ules pre[udlce Lhe rlghLs of persons noL parLles Lo
Lhe acLlon (2a 864)
SLC 3 Notlce oo 5ollcltot Ceoetolln any acLlon whlch lnvolves Lhe valldlLy
of a sLaLuLe execuLlve order or regulaLlon or any oLher governmenLal regulaLlon
Lhe SollclLor Ceneral shall be noLlfled by Lhe parLy assalllng Lhe same and shall be
enLlLled Lo be heard upon such quesLlon (3a 864)
SLC 4 ocol qovetomeot otJlooocesln any acLlon lnvolvlng Lhe valldlLy of a
local governmenL ordlnance Lhe correspondlng prosecuLor or aLLorney of Lhe local
governmenLal unlL lnvolved shall be slmllarly noLlfled and enLlLled Lo be heard lf
such ordlnance ls alleged Lo be unconsLlLuLlonal Lhe SollclLor Ceneral shall also be
noLlfled and enLlLled Lo be heard (4a 864)
SLC 3 coott octloo Jlsctetloooty LxcepL ln acLlons falllng under Lhe second
paragraph of secLlon 1 of Lhls 8ule Lhe courL moto ptoptloor upon moLlon may
refuse Lo exerclse Lhe power Lo declare rlghLs and Lo consLrue lnsLrumenLs ln any
case where a declslon would noL LermlnaLe Lhe uncerLalnLy or conLroversy whlch
gave rlse Lo Lhe acLlon or ln any case where Lhe declaraLlon or consLrucLlon ls noL
necessary and proper under Lhe clrcumsLances (3a 864)
SLC 6 coovetsloo loto otJlooty octloolf before Lhe flnal LermlnaLlon of Lhe
case a breach or vlolaLlon of an lnsLrumenL or a sLaLuLe execuLlve order or
regulaLlon ordlnance or any oLher governmenLal regulaLlon should Lake place Lhe
acLlon may Lhereupon be converLed lnLo an ordlnary acLlon and Lhe parLles shall be
allowed Lo flle such pleadlngs as may be necessary or proper (6a 864)

SLC1lCn 1 5cope1hls 8ule shall govern Lhe revlew of [udgmenLs and flnal
orders or resoluLlons of Lhe Commlsslon on LlecLlons and Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL
SLC 2 MoJe of tevlewA [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon of Lhe
Commlsslon on LlecLlons and Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL may be broughL by Lhe
aggrleved parLy Lo Lhe Supreme CourL on cerLlorarl under 8ule 63 excepL as
herelnafLer provlded (n)
SLC 3 1lme to flle petltloo1he peLlLlon shall be flled wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days
from noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon soughL Lo be revlewed 1he
flllng of a moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon of sald [udgmenL or flnal order or
resoluLlon lf allowed under Lhe procedural rules of Lhe Commlsslon concerned
shall lnLerrupL Lhe perlod hereln flxed lf Lhe moLlon ls denled Lhe aggrleved parLy
may flle Lhe peLlLlon wlLhln Lhe remalnlng perlod buL whlch shall noL be less Lhan
flve (3) days ln any evenL reckoned from noLlce of denlal (n)
SLC 4 ocket ooJ otbet lowfol feesupon Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon Lhe
peLlLloner shall pay Lo Lhe clerk of courL Lhe dockeL and oLher lawful fees and
deposlL Lhe amounL of 30000 for cosLs (n)
SLC 3 lotm ooJ cooteots of petltloo1he peLlLlon shall be verlfled and flled
ln elghLeen (18) leglble coples 1he peLlLlon shall name Lhe aggrleved parLy as
peLlLloner and shall [oln as respondenLs Lhe Commlsslon concerned and Lhe person
or persons lnLeresLed ln susLalnlng Lhe [udgmenL flnal order or resoluLlon o
poo 1he peLlLlon shall sLaLe Lhe facLs wlLh cerLalnLy presenL clearly Lhe lssues
lnvolved seL forLh Lhe grounds and brlef argumenLs relled upon for revlew and
pray for [udgmenL annulllng or modlfylng Lhe quesLloned [udgmenL flnal order or
resoluLlon llndlngs of facL of Lhe Commlsslon supporLed by subsLanLlal evldence
shall be flnal and nonrevlewable
1he peLlLlon shall be accompanled by a clearly leglble dupllcaLe orlglnal or
cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe [udgmenL flnal order or resoluLlon sub[ecL Lhereof
LogeLher wlLh cerLlfled Lrue coples of such maLerlal porLlons of Lhe record as are
referred Lo Lhereln and oLher documenLs relevanL and perLlnenL LhereLo 1he
requlslLe number of coples of Lhe peLlLlon shall conLaln plaln coples of all
documenLs aLLached Lo Lhe orlglnal copy of sald peLlLlon
1he peLlLlon shall sLaLe Lhe speclflc maLerlal daLes showlng LhaL lL was flled
wlLhln Lhe perlod flxed hereln and shall conLaln a sworn cerLlflcaLlon agalnsL forum
shopplng as provlded ln Lhe Lhlrd paragraph of secLlon 3 8ule 46
1he peLlLlon shall furLher be accompanled by proof of servlce of a copy
Lhereof on Lhe Commlsslon concerned and on Lhe adverse parLy and of Lhe Llmely
paymenL of dockeL and oLher lawful fees
C 8 A C l L |

1he fallure of peLlLloner Lo comply wlLh any of Lhe foregolng requlremenLs
shall be sufflclenL ground for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe peLlLlon (n)
SLC 6 tJet to commeotlfLhe Supreme CourL flnds Lhe peLlLlon sufflclenL
ln form and subsLance lL shall order Lhe respondenLs Lo flle Lhelr commenLs on Lhe
peLlLlon wlLhln Len (10) days from noLlce Lhereof oLherwlse Lhe CourL may dlsmlss
Lhe peLlLlon ouLrlghL 1he CourL may also dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon lf lL was flled
manlfesLly for delay or Lhe quesLlons ralsed are Loo unsubsLanLlal Lo warranL
furLher proceedlngs (n)
SLC 7 commeots of tespooJeots1hecommenLs of Lhe respondenLs shall
be flled ln elghLeen (18) leglble coples 1he orlglnal shall be accompanled by
cerLlfled Lrue coples of such maLerlal porLlons of Lhe record as are referred Lo
Lhereln LogeLher wlLh oLher supporLlng papers 1he requlslLe number of coples of
Lhe commenLs shall conLaln plaln coples of all documenLs aLLached Lo Lhe orlglnal
and a copy Lhereof shall be served on Lhe peLlLloner
no oLher pleadlng may be flled by any parLy unless requlred or allowed by Lhe
CourL (n)
SLC 8 ffect of fllloq1he flllng of a peLlLlon for cerLlorarl shall noL sLay Lhe
execuLlon of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order or resoluLlon soughL Lo be revlewed
unless Lhe Supreme CourL shall dlrecL oLherwlse upon such Lerms as lL may deem
[usL (n)
SLC 95obmlssloo fotJeclsloounless Lhe CourL seLs Lhe case for oral
argumenL or requlres Lhe parLles Lo submlL memoranda Lhe case shall be deemed
submlLLed for declslon upon Lhe flllng of Lhe commenLs on Lhe peLlLlon or of such
oLher pleadlngs or papers as may be requlred or allowed or Lhe explraLlon of Lhe
perlod Lo do so (n)

SLC1lCn 1 letltloo fot cettlototlWhen any Lrlbunal board or offlcer
exerclslng [udlclal or quasl[udlclal funcLlons has acLed wlLhouL or ln excess of lLs or
hls [urlsdlcLlon or wlLh grave abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or excess of
[urlsdlcLlon and Lhere ls no appeal or any plaln speedy and adequaLe remedy ln
Lhe ordlnary course of law a person aggrleved Lhereby may flle a verlfled peLlLlon
ln Lhe proper courL alleglng Lhe facLs wlLh cerLalnLy and praylng LhaL [udgmenL be
rendered annulllng or modlfylng Lhe proceedlngs of such Lrlbunal board or offlcer
and granLlng such lncldenLal rellefs as law and [usLlce may requlre
1he peLlLlon shall be accompanled by a cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe [udgmenL
order or resoluLlon sub[ecL Lhereof coples of all pleadlngs and documenLs relevanL
and perLlnenL LhereLo and a sworn cerLlflcaLlon of nonforum shopplng as provlded
ln Lhe Lhlrd paragraph of secLlon 3 8ule 46

SLC 2 letltloo fot ptoblbltlooWhenLhe proceedlngs of any Lrlbunal
corporaLlon board offlcer or person wheLher exerclslng [udlclal quasl[udlclal or
mlnlsLerlal funcLlons are wlLhouL or ln excess of lLs or hls [urlsdlcLlon or wlLh grave
abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or excess of [urlsdlcLlon and Lhere ls no
appeal or any oLher plaln speedy and adequaLe remedy ln Lhe ordlnary course of
law a person aggrleved Lhereby may flle a verlfled peLlLlon ln Lhe proper courL
alleglng Lhe facLs wlLh cerLalnLy and praylng LhaL [udgmenL be rendered
commandlng Lhe respondenL Lo deslsL from furLher proceedlngs ln Lhe acLlon or
maLLer speclfled Lhereln or oLherwlse granLlng such lncldenLal rellefs as law and
[usLlce may requlre
1he peLlLlon shall llkewlse be accompanled by a cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe
[udgmenL order or resoluLlon sub[ecL Lhereof coples of all pleadlngs and
documenLs relevanL and perLlnenL LhereLo and a sworn cerLlflcaLlon of nonforum
shopplng as provlded ln Lhe Lhlrd paragraph of secLlon 3 8ule 46 (2a)
SLC 3 letltloo fot mooJomosWhenany Lrlbunal corporaLlon board
offlcer or person unlawfully neglecLs Lhe performance of an acL whlch Lhe law
speclflcally en[olns as a duLy resulLlng from an offlce LrusL or sLaLlon or unlawfully
excludes anoLher from Lhe use and en[oymenL of a rlghL or offlce Lo whlch such
oLher ls enLlLled and Lhere ls no oLher plaln speedy and adequaLe remedy ln Lhe
ordlnary course of law Lhe person aggrleved Lhereby may flle a verlfled peLlLlon ln
Lhe proper courL alleglng Lhe facLs wlLh cerLalnLy and praylng LhaL [udgmenL be
rendered commandlng Lhe respondenL lmmedlaLely or aL some oLher Llme Lo be
speclfled by Lhe courL Lo do Lhe acL requlred Lo be done Lo proLecL Lhe rlghLs of Lhe
peLlLloner and Lo pay Lhe damages susLalned by Lhe peLlLloner by reason of Lhe
wrongful acLs of Lhe respondenL
1he peLlLlon shall also conLaln a sworn cerLlflcaLlon of nonforum shopplng as
provlded ln Lhe Lhlrd paragraph of secLlon 3 8ule 46 (3a)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 4 Jbeo ooJ wbete petltloo flleJ1he peLlLlon may be flled noL laLer
Lhan slxLy (60) days from noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL order or resoluLlon ln case a
moLlon for reconslderaLlon or new Lrlal ls Llmely flled wheLher such moLlon ls
requlred or noL Lhe slxLy (60) day perlod shall be counLed from noLlce of Lhe denlal
of sald moLlon
1he peLlLlon shall be flled ln Lhe Supreme CourL or lf lL relaLes Lo Lhe acLs or
omlsslons of a lower courL or of a corporaLlon board offlcer or person ln Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL exerclslng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe LerrlLorlal area as deflned by Lhe
Supreme CourL lL may also be flled ln Lhe CourL of Appeals wheLher or noL Lhe
same ls ln ald of lLs appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon or ln Lhe Sandlganbayan lf lL ls ln ald of lLs
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon lf lL lnvolves Lhe acLs or omlsslons of a quasl[udlclal agency
and unless oLherwlse provlded by law or Lhese rules Lhe peLlLlon shall be flled ln
and cognlzable only by Lhe CourL of Appeals
no exLenslon of Llme Lo flle Lhe peLlLlon shall be granLed excepL for
compelllng reason and ln no case exceedlng flfLeen (13) days
SLC 3 kespooJeots ooJ costs lo cettolo cosesWhenLhe peLlLlon flled
relaLes Lo Lhe acLs or omlsslons of a [udge courL quasl[udlclal agency Lrlbunal
corporaLlon board offlcer or person Lhe peLlLloner shall [oln as prlvaLe
respondenL or respondenLs wlLh such publlc respondenL or respondenLs Lhe
person or persons lnLeresLed ln susLalnlng Lhe proceedlngs ln Lhe courL and lL shall
be Lhe duLy of such prlvaLe respondenLs Lo appear and defend boLh ln hls or Lhelr
own behalf and ln behalf of Lhe publlc respondenL or respondenLs affecLed by Lhe
proceedlngs and Lhe cosLs awarded ln such proceedlngs ln favor of Lhe peLlLloner
shall be agalnsL Lhe prlvaLe respondenLs only and noL agalnsL Lhe [udge courL
quasl[udlclal agency Lrlbunal corporaLlon board offlcer or person lmpleaded as
publlc respondenL or respondenLs
unless oLherwlse speclflcally dlrecLed by Lhe courL where Lhe peLlLlon ls
pendlng Lhe publlc respondenLs shall noL appear ln or flle an answer or commenL
Lo Lhe peLlLlon or any pleadlng Lhereln lf Lhe case ls elevaLed Lo a hlgher courL by
elLher parLy Lhe publlc respondenLs shall be lncluded Lhereln as nomlnal parLles
Powever unless oLherwlse speclflcally dlrecLed by Lhe courL Lhey shall noL appear
or parLlclpaLe ln Lhe proceedlngs Lhereln (3a)
SLC 6 tJet tocommeot lf Lhe peLlLlon ls sufflclenL ln form and subsLance
Lo [usLlfy such process Lhe courL shall lssue an order requlrlng Lhe respondenL or
respondenLs Lo commenL on Lhe peLlLlon wlLhln Len (10) days from recelpL of a
copy Lhereof Such order shall be served on Lhe respondenLs ln such manner as Lhe
courL may dlrecL LogeLher wlLh a copy of Lhe peLlLlon and any annexes LhereLo
ln peLlLlons for cerLlorarl before Lhe Supreme CourL and Lhe CourL of Appeals
Lhe provlslons of secLlon 2 8ule 36 shall be observed 8efore glvlng due course
LhereLo Lhe courL may requlre Lhe respondenLs Lo flle Lhelr commenL Lo and noL a
moLlon Lo dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon 1hereafLer Lhe courL may requlre Lhe flllng of a
reply and such oLher responslve or oLher pleadlngs as lL may deem necessary and
proper (6a)
SLC 7 xpeJltloq ptoceeJloqs lojooctlvetellef1he courL ln whlch Lhe
peLlLlon ls flled may lssue orders expedlLlng Lhe proceedlngs and lL may also granL
a Lemporary resLralnlng order or a wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon for Lhe
preservaLlon of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe parLles pendlng such proceedlngs 1he peLlLlon
shall noL lnLerrupL Lhe course of Lhe prlnclpal case unless a Lemporary resLralnlng
order or a wrlL of prellmlnary ln[uncLlon has been lssued agalnsL Lhe publlc
respondenL from furLher proceedlng ln Lhe case (7a)
SLC 8 ltoceeJloqs oftet commeot ls flleJAfLer Lhe commenL or oLher
pleadlngs requlred by Lhe courL are flled or Lhe Llme for Lhe flllng Lhereof has
explred Lhe courL may hear Lhe case or requlre Lhe parLles Lo submlL
memoranda lf afLer such hearlng or submlsslon of memoranda or Lhe explraLlon of
Lhe perlod for Lhe flllng Lhereof Lhe courL flnds LhaL Lhe allegaLlons of Lhe peLlLlon
are Lrue lL shall render [udgmenL for Lhe rellef prayed for or Lo whlch Lhe peLlLloner
ls enLlLled
1he courL however may dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon lf lL flnds Lhe same Lo be
paLenLly wlLhouL merlL prosecuLed manlfesLly for delay or LhaL Lhe quesLlons
ralsed Lhereln are Loo unsubsLanLlal Lo requlre conslderaLlon (8a)
SLC 9 5etvlce ooJ eofotcemeot of otJet otjoJqmeotA cerLlfled copy of
Lhe [udgmenL rendered ln accordance wlLh Lhe lasL precedlng secLlon shall be
served upon Lhe courL quasl[udlclal agency Lrlbunal corporaLlon board offlcer or
person concerned ln such manner as Lhe courL may dlrecL and dlsobedlence
LhereLo shall be punlshed as conLempL An execuLlon may lssue for any damages or
cosLs awarded ln accordance wlLh secLlon 1 of 8ule 39 (9a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Actloo by Covetomeotoqolost loJlvlJoolsAn acLlon for Lhe
usurpaLlon of a publlc offlce poslLlon or franchlse may be commenced by a verlfled
peLlLlon broughL ln Lhe name of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes agalnsL
(a) A person who usurps lnLrudes lnLo or unlawfully holds or
exerclses a publlc offlce poslLlon or franchlse
(b) A publlc offlcer who does or suffers an acL whlch by Lhe
provlslon of law consLlLuLes a ground for Lhe forfelLure of hls offlce or
(c) An assoclaLlon whlch acLs as a corporaLlon wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes
wlLhouL belng legally lncorporaLed or wlLhouL lawful auLhorlLy so Lo acL (1a)
SLC 2 Jbeo 5ollcltot Ceoetol ot pobllc ptosecotot most commeoce octloo
1he SollclLor Ceneral or a publlc prosecuLor when dlrecLed by Lhe resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes or when upon complalnL or oLherwlse he has good reason Lo belleve
LhaL any case speclfled ln Lhe precedlng secLlon can be esLabllshed by proof musL
commence such acLlon (3a)
SLC 3 Jbeo 5ollcltot Ceoetol ot pobllc ptosecotot moy commeoce octloo
wltb petmlssloo of coott1he SollclLor Ceneral or a publlc prosecuLor may wlLh
Lhe permlsslon of Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe acLlon ls Lo be commenced brlng such an
acLlon aL Lhe requesL and upon Lhe relaLlon of anoLher person buL ln such case Lhe
offlcer brlnglng lL may flrsL requlre an lndemnlLy for Lhe expenses and cosLs of Lhe
acLlon ln an amounL approved by and Lo be deposlLed ln Lhe courL by Lhe person aL
whose requesL and upon whose relaLlon Lhe same ls broughL (4a)
SLC 4 Jbeo beotloq boJ oo oppllcotloo fot petmlssloo to commeoce
octlooupon appllcaLlon for permlsslon Lo commence such acLlon ln accordance
wlLh Lhe nexL precedlng secLlon Lhe courL shall dlrecL LhaL noLlce be glven Lo Lhe
respondenL so LhaL he may be heard ln opposlLlon LhereLo and lf permlsslon ls
granLed Lhe courL shall lssue an order Lo LhaL effecL coples of whlch shall be served
on all lnLeresLed parLles and Lhe peLlLlon shall Lhen be flled wlLhln Lhe perlod
ordered by Lhe courL (3a)
SLC 3 Jbeo oo loJlvlJool moy commeoce socb oo octlooAperson
clalmlng Lo be enLlLled Lo a publlc offlce or poslLlon usurped or unlawfully held or
exerclsed by anoLher may brlng an acLlon Lherefor ln hls own name (6)
SLC 6 lottles ooJ cooteots of petltloo oqolost osotpotlooWhen Lhe acLlon
ls agalnsL a person for usurplng a publlc offlce poslLlon or franchlse Lhe peLlLlon
shall seL forLh Lhe name of Lhe person who clalms Lo be enLlLled LhereLo lf any
wlLh an avermenL of hls rlghL Lo Lhe same and LhaL Lhe respondenL ls unlawfully ln
possesslon Lhereof All persons who clalm Lo be enLlLled Lo Lhe publlc offlce
poslLlon or franchlse may be made parLles and Lhelr respecLlve rlghLs Lo such publlc
offlce poslLlon or franchlse deLermlned ln Lhe same acLlon (7a)
SLC 7 IeooeAn acLlon under Lhe precedlng slx secLlons can be broughL
only ln Lhe Supreme CourL Lhe CourL of Appeals or ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
exerclslng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe LerrlLorlal area where Lhe respondenL or any of Lhe
respondenLs resldes buL when Lhe SollclLor Ceneral commences Lhe acLlon lL may
be broughL ln a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla ln Lhe CourL of Appeals or
ln Lhe Supreme CourL (8a)
SLC 8 letloJ fot pleoJloqs ooJ ptoceeJloqs moy be teJoceJ octloo qlveo
pteceJeoce 1he courL may reduce Lhe perlod provlded by Lhese 8ules for flllng
pleadlngs and for all oLher proceedlngs ln Lhe acLlon ln order Lo secure Lhe mosL
expedlLlous deLermlnaLlon of Lhe maLLers lnvolved Lhereln conslsLenL wlLh Lhe
rlghLs of Lhe parLles Such acLlon may be glven precedence over any oLher clvll
maLLer pendlng ln Lhe courL (9a)
SLC 9 IoJqmeot wbete osotpotloo foooJWhen Lhe respondenL ls found
gullLy of usurplng lnLrudlng lnLo or unlawfully holdlng or exerclslng a publlc offlce
poslLlon or franchlse [udgmenL shall be rendered LhaL such respondenL be ousLed
and alLogeLher excluded Lherefrom and LhaL Lhe peLlLloner or relaLor as Lhe case
may be recover hls cosLs Such furLher [udgmenL may be rendered deLermlnlng Lhe
respecLlve rlghLs ln and Lo Lhe publlc offlce poslLlon or franchlse of all Lhe parLles Lo
Lhe acLlon as [usLlce requlres (10a)
SLC 10 klqbts of petsoos oJjoJqeJ eotltleJ to pobllc offlce Jellvety of books
ooJ popets Jomoqeslf[udgmenL be rendered ln favor of Lhe person averred ln
Lhe complalnL Lo be enLlLled Lo Lhe publlc offlce he may afLer Laklng Lhe oaLh of
offlce and execuLlng any offlclal bond requlred by law Lake upon hlmself Lhe
execuLlon of Lhe offlce and may lmmedlaLely LhereafLer demand of Lhe respondenL
all Lhe books and papers ln Lhe respondenL's cusLody or conLrol apperLalnlng Lo Lhe
offlce Lo whlch Lhe [udgmenL relaLes lf Lhe respondenL refuses or neglecLs Lo
dellver any book or paper pursuanL Lo such demand he may be punlshed for
conLempL as havlng dlsobeyed a lawful order of Lhe courL 1he person ad[udged
enLlLled Lo Lhe offlce may also brlng acLlon agalnsL Lhe respondenL Lo recover Lhe
damages susLalned by such person by reason of Lhe usurpaLlon (13a)
SLC 11 lmltotloosnoLhlngconLalned ln Lhls 8ule shall be consLrued Lo
auLhorlze an acLlon agalnsL a publlc offlcer or employee for hls ousLer from offlce
unless Lhe same be commenced wlLhln one (1) year afLer Lhe cause of such ousLer
or Lhe rlghL of Lhe peLlLloner Lo hold such offlce or poslLlon arose nor Lo auLhorlze
an acLlon for damages ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe nexL precedlng
secLlon unless Lhe same be commenced wlLhln one (1) year afLer Lhe enLry of Lhe
[udgmenL esLabllshlng Lhe peLlLloner's rlghL Lo Lhe offlce ln quesLlon (16a)
SLC 12 IoJqmeot fot costslnan acLlon broughL ln accordance wlLh Lhe
provlslons of Lhls 8ule Lhe courL may render [udgmenL for cosLs agalnsL elLher Lhe
peLlLloner Lhe relaLor or Lhe respondenL or Lhe person or persons clalmlng Lo be a
corporaLlon or may apporLlon Lhe cosLs as [usLlce requlres (17a)
C 8 A C l L |

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 1be complolot1he rlghL of emlnenL domaln shall be exerclsed
by Lhe flllng of a verlfled complalnL whlch shall sLaLe wlLh cerLalnLy Lhe rlghL and
purpose of exproprlaLlon descrlbe Lhe real or personal properLy soughL Lo be
exproprlaLed and [oln as defendanLs all persons ownlng or clalmlng Lo own or
occupylng any parL Lhereof or lnLeresL Lhereln showlng so far as pracLlcable Lhe
separaLe lnLeresL of each defendanL lf Lhe LlLle Lo any properLy soughL Lo be
exproprlaLed appears Lo be ln Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes alLhough occupled by
prlvaLe lndlvlduals or lf Lhe LlLle ls oLherwlse obscure or doubLful so LhaL Lhe
plalnLlff cannoL wlLh accuracy or cerLalnLy speclfy who are Lhe real owners
avermenL Lo LhaL effecL shall be made ln Lhe complalnL (1a)
SLC 2 otty of plolotlff opoo Jeposltloq voloe wltb ootbotlzeJ qovetomeot
Jeposltotyupon Lhe flllng of Lhe complalnL or aL any Llme LhereafLer and afLer
due noLlce Lo Lhe defendanL Lhe plalnLlff shall have Lhe rlghL Lo Lake or enLer upon
Lhe possesslon of Lhe real properLy lnvolved lf he deposlLs wlLh Lhe auLhorlzed
governmenL deposlLary an amounL equlvalenL Lo Lhe assessed value of Lhe properLy
for purposes of LaxaLlon Lo be held by such bank sub[ecL Lo Lhe orders of Lhe
courL Such deposlL shall be ln money unless ln lleu Lhereof Lhe courL auLhorlzes
Lhe deposlL of a cerLlflcaLe of deposlL of a governmenL bank of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes payable on demand Lo Lhe auLhorlzed governmenL deposlLary
lf personal properLy ls lnvolved lLs value shall be provlslonally ascerLalned
and Lhe amounL Lo be deposlLed shall be prompLly flxed by Lhe courL
AfLer such deposlL ls made Lhe courL shall order Lhe sherlff or oLher proper
offlcer Lo forLhwlLh place Lhe plalnLlff ln possesslon of Lhe properLy lnvolved and
prompLly submlL a reporL Lhereof Lo Lhe courL wlLh servlce of coples Lo Lhe parLles
SLC 3 efeoses ooJ objectlooslf a defendanL has no ob[ecLlon or defense
Lo Lhe acLlon or Lhe Laklng of hls properLy he may flle and serve a noLlce of
appearance and a manlfesLaLlon Lo LhaL effecL speclflcally deslgnaLlng or
ldenLlfylng Lhe properLy ln whlch he clalms Lo be lnLeresLed wlLhln Lhe Llme sLaLed
ln Lhe summons 1hereafLer he shall be enLlLled Lo noLlce of all proceedlngs
affecLlng Lhe same
lf a defendanL has any ob[ecLlon Lo Lhe flllng of or Lhe allegaLlons ln Lhe
complalnL or any ob[ecLlon or defense Lo Lhe Laklng of hls properLy he shall serve
hls answer wlLhln Lhe Llme sLaLed ln Lhe summons 1he answer shall speclflcally
deslgnaLe or ldenLlfy Lhe properLy ln whlch he clalms Lo have an lnLeresL sLaLe Lhe
naLure and exLenL of Lhe lnLeresL clalmed and adduce all hls ob[ecLlons and
defenses Lo Lhe Laklng of hls properLy no counLerclalm crossclalm or LhlrdparLy
complalnL shall be alleged or allowed ln Lhe answer or any subsequenL pleadlng
A defendanL walves all defenses and ob[ecLlons noL so alleged buL Lhe courL
ln Lhe lnLeresL of [usLlce may permlL amendmenLs Lo Lhe answer Lo be made noL
laLer Lhan Len (10) days from Lhe flllng Lhereof Powever aL Lhe Lrlal of Lhe lssue of
[usL compensaLlon wheLher or noL a defendanL has prevlously appeared or
answered he may presenL evldence as Lo Lhe amounL of Lhe compensaLlon Lo be
pald for hls properLy and he may share ln Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe award
SLC 4 tJet of exptoptlotloolf Lhe ob[ecLlons Lo and Lhe defenses agalnsL
Lhe rlghL of Lhe plalnLlff Lo exproprlaLe Lhe properLy are overruled or when no
parLy appears Lo defend as requlred by Lhls 8ule Lhe courL may lssue an order of-
exproprlaLlon declarlng LhaL Lhe plalnLlff has a lawful rlghL Lo Lake Lhe properLy
soughL Lo be exproprlaLed for Lhe publlc use or purpose descrlbed ln Lhe
complalnL upon Lhe paymenL of [usL compensaLlon Lo be deLermlned as of Lhe daLe
of Lhe Laklng of Lhe properLy or Lhe flllng of Lhe complalnL whlchever came flrsL
A flnal order susLalnlng Lhe rlghL Lo exproprlaLe Lhe properLy may be
appealed by any parLy aggrleved Lhereby Such appeal however shall noL prevenL
Lhe courL from deLermlnlng Lhe [usL compensaLlon Lo be pald
AfLer Lhe rendlLlon of such an order Lhe plalnLlff shall noL be permlLLed Lo
dlsmlss or dlsconLlnue Lhe proceedlng excepL on such Lerms as Lhe courL deems [usL
and equlLable (4a)
SLC 3 Ascettolomeot of compeosotlooupon Lhe rendlLlon of Lhe order of
exproprlaLlon Lhe courL shall appolnL noL more Lhan Lhree (3) compeLenL and
dlslnLeresLed persons as commlssloners Lo ascerLaln and reporL Lo Lhe courL Lhe
[usL compensaLlon for Lhe properLy soughL Lo be Laken 1he order of appolnLmenL
shall deslgnaLe Lhe Llme and place of Lhe flrsL sesslon of Lhe hearlng Lo be held by
Lhe commlssloners and speclfy Lhe Llme wlLhln whlch Lhelr reporL shall be
submlLLed Lo Lhe courL
Coples of Lhe order shall be served on Lhe parLles Cb[ecLlons Lo Lhe
appolnLmenL of any of Lhe commlssloners shall be flled wlLh Lhe courL wlLhln Len
(10) days from servlce and shall be resolved wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer all Lhe
commlssloners shall have recelved coples of Lhe ob[ecLlons (3a)
SLC 6 ltoceeJloqs by commlsslooets8efore enLerlng upon Lhe
performance of Lhelr duLles Lhe commlssloners shall Lake and subscrlbe an oaLh
LhaL Lhey wlll falLhfully perform Lhelr duLles as commlssloners whlch oaLh shall be
flled ln courL wlLh Lhe oLher proceedlngs ln Lhe case Lvldence may be lnLroduced
by elLher parLy before Lhe commlssloners who are auLhorlzed Lo admlnlsLer oaLhs
on hearlngs before Lhem and Lhe commlssloners shall unless Lhe parLles consenL
Lo Lhe conLrary afLer due noLlce Lo Lhe parLles Lo aLLend vlew and examlne Lhe
properLy soughL Lo be exproprlaLed and lLs surroundlngs and may measure Lhe
same afLer whlch elLher parLy may by hlmself or counsel argue Lhe case 1he
commlssloners shall assess Lhe consequenLlal damages Lo Lhe properLy noL Laken
and deducL from such consequenLlal damages Lhe consequenLlal beneflLs Lo be
derlved by Lhe owner from Lhe publlc use or purpose of Lhe properLy Laken Lhe
operaLlon of lLs franchlse by Lhe corporaLlon or Lhe carrylng on of Lhe buslness of
C 8 A C l L |

Lhe corporaLlon or person Laklng Lhe properLy 8uL ln no case shall Lhe
consequenLlal beneflLs assessed exceed Lhe consequenLlal damages assessed or
Lhe owner be deprlved of Lhe acLual value of hls properLy so Laken(6a)
SLC 7 kepott by commlsslooets ooJ joJqmeot tbeteopoo 1he courL may
order Lhe commlssloners Lo reporL when any parLlcular porLlon of Lhe real esLaLe
shall have been passed upon by Lhem and may render [udgmenL upon such parLlal
reporL and dlrecL Lhe commlssloners Lo proceed wlLh Lhelr work as Lo subsequenL
porLlons of Lhe properLy soughL Lo be exproprlaLed and may from Llme Lo Llme so
deal wlLh such properLy 1he commlssloners shall make a full and accuraLe reporL
Lo Lhe courL of all Lhelr proceedlngs and such proceedlngs shall noL be effecLual
unLll Lhe courL shall have accepLed Lhelr reporL and rendered [udgmenL ln
accordance wlLh Lhelr recommendaLlons LxcepL as oLherwlse expressly ordered by
Lhe courL such reporL shall be flled wlLhln slxLy (60) days from Lhe daLe Lhe
commlssloners were noLlfled of Lhelr appolnLmenL whlch Llme may be exLended ln
Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL upon Lhe flllng of such reporL Lhe clerk of Lhe courL
shall serve coples Lhereof on all lnLeresLed parLles wlLh noLlce LhaL Lhey are
allowed Len (10) days wlLhln whlch Lo flle ob[ecLlons Lo Lhe flndlngs of Lhe reporL lf
Lhey so deslre (7a)
SLC 8 Actloo opoo commlsslooets tepottupon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe
perlod of Len (10) days referred Lo ln Lhe precedlng secLlon or even before Lhe
explraLlon of such perlod buL afLer all Lhe lnLeresLed parLles have flled Lhelr
ob[ecLlons Lo Lhe reporL or Lhelr sLaLemenL of agreemenL LherewlLh Lhe courL may
afLer hearlng accepL Lhe reporL and render [udgmenL ln accordance LherewlLh or
for cause shown lL may recommlL Lhe same Lo Lhe commlssloners for furLher reporL
of facLs or lL may seL aslde Lhe reporL and appolnL new commlssloners or lL may
accepL Lhe reporL ln parL and re[ecL lL ln parL and lL may make such order or render
such [udgmenL as shall secure Lo Lhe plalnLlff Lhe properLy essenLlal Lo Lhe exerclse
of hls rlghL of exproprlaLlon and Lo Lhe defendanL [usL compensaLlon for Lhe
properLy so Laken (8a)
SLC 9 uocettolo owoetsblp coofllctloq clolmslf Lhe ownershlp of Lhe
properLy Laken ls uncerLaln or Lhere are confllcLlng clalms Lo any parL Lhereof Lhe
courL may order any sum or sums awarded as compensaLlon for Lhe properLy Lo be
pald Lo Lhe courL for Lhe beneflL of Lhe person ad[udged ln Lhe same proceedlng Lo
be enLlLled LhereLo 8uL Lhe [udgmenL shall requlre Lhe paymenL of Lhe sum or
sums awarded Lo elLher Lhe defendanL or Lhe courL before Lhe plalnLlff can enLer
upon Lhe properLy or reLaln lL for Lhe publlc use or purpose lf enLry has already
been made (9a)
SLC 10 klqbts of plolotlff oftet joJqmeot ooJ poymeot upon paymenL by
Lhe plalnLlff Lo Lhe defendanL of Lhe compensaLlon flxed by Lhe [udgmenL wlLh legal
lnLeresL Lhereon from Lhe Laklng of Lhe possesslon of Lhe properLy or afLer Lender
Lo hlm of Lhe amounL so flxed and paymenL of Lhe cosLs Lhe plalnLlff shall have Lhe
rlghL Lo enLer upon Lhe properLy exproprlaLed and Lo approprlaLe lL for Lhe publlc
use or purpose deflned ln Lhe [udgmenL or Lo reLaln lL should he have Laken
lmmedlaLe possesslon Lhereof under Lhe provlslons of secLlon 2 hereof lf Lhe
defendanL and hls counsel absenL Lhemselves from Lhe courL or decllne Lo recelve
Lhe amounL Lendered Lhe same shall be ordered Lo be deposlLed ln courL and such
deposlL shall have Lhe same effecL as acLual paymenL Lhereof Lo Lhe defendanL or
Lhe person ulLlmaLely ad[udged enLlLled LhereLo (10a)
SLC 11 otty oot JeloyeJ by oppeol effect of tevetsol 1he rlghL of Lhe
plalnLlff Lo enLer upon Lhe properLy of Lhe defendanL and approprlaLe Lhe same for
publlc use or purpose shall noL be delayed by an appeal from Lhe [udgmenL 8uL lf
Lhe appellaLe courL deLermlnes LhaL plalnLlff has no rlghL of exproprlaLlon
[udgmenL shall be rendered orderlng Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL Lo forLhwlLh enforce
Lhe resLoraLlon Lo Lhe defendanL of Lhe possesslon of Lhe properLy and Lo
deLermlne Lhe damages whlch Lhe defendanL susLalned and may recover by reason
of Lhe possesslon Laken by Lhe plalnLlff (11a)
SLC 12 costs by wbom polJ1hefees of Lhe commlssloners shall be Laxed
as a parL of Lhe cosLs of Lhe proceedlngs All cosLs excepL Lhose of rlval clalmanLs
llLlgaLlng Lhelr clalms shall be pald by Lhe plalnLlff unless an appeal ls Laken by Lhe
owner of Lhe properLy and Lhe [udgmenL ls afflrmed ln whlch evenL Lhe cosLs of Lhe
appeal shall be pald by Lhe owner (12a)
SLC 13 kecotJloq joJqmeot ooJ lts effect1he [udgmenL enLered ln
exproprlaLlon proceedlngs shall sLaLe deflnlLely by an adequaLe descrlpLlon Lhe
parLlcular properLy or lnLeresL Lhereln exproprlaLed and Lhe naLure of Lhe publlc
use or purpose for whlch lL ls exproprlaLed When real esLaLe ls exproprlaLed a
cerLlfled copy of such [udgmenL shall be recorded ln Lhe reglsLry of deeds of Lhe
place ln whlch Lhe properLy ls slLuaLed and lLs effecL shall be Lo vesL ln Lhe plalnLlff
Lhe LlLle Lo Lhe real esLaLe so descrlbed for such publlc use or purpose (13a)
SLC 14 lowet of qootJloo lo socb ptoceeJloqs1he guardlan or
guardlan oJ lltem of a mlnor or of a person [udlclally declared Lo be lncompeLenL
may wlLh Lhe approval of Lhe courL flrsL had do and perform on behalf of hls ward
any acL maLLer or Lhlng respecLlng Lhe exproprlaLlon for publlc use or purpose of
properLy belonglng Lo such mlnor or person [udlclally declared Lo be lncompeLenL
whlch such mlnor or person [udlclally declared Lo be lncompeLenL could do ln such
proceedlngs lf he were of age or compeLenL (14a)

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 complolot lo octloo fot foteclosotelnan acLlon for Lhe
foreclosure of a morLgage or oLher encumbrance upon real esLaLe Lhe complalnL
shall seL forLh Lhe daLe and due execuLlon of Lhe morLgage lLs asslgnmenLs lf any
Lhe names and resldences of Lhe morLgagor and Lhe morLgagee a descrlpLlon of
Lhe morLgaged properLy a sLaLemenL of Lhe daLe of Lhe noLe or oLher documenLary
evldence of Lhe obllgaLlon secured by Lhe morLgage Lhe amounL clalmed Lo be
unpald Lhereon and Lhe names and resldences of all persons havlng or clalmlng an
lnLeresL ln Lhe properLy subordlnaLe ln rlghL Lo LhaL of Lhe holder of Lhe morLgage
all of whom shall be made defendanLs ln Lhe acLlon (1a)
SLC 2 IoJqmeot oo foteclosote for poymeot ot solelf upon Lhe Lrlal ln such
acLlon Lhe courL shall flnd Lhe facLs seL forLh ln Lhe complalnL Lo be Lrue lL shall
ascerLaln Lhe amounL due Lo Lhe plalnLlff upon Lhe morLgage debL or obllgaLlon
lncludlng lnLeresL and oLher charges as approved by Lhe courL and cosLs and shall
render [udgmenL for Lhe sum so found due and order LhaL Lhe same be pald Lo Lhe
courL or Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgee wlLhln a perlod of noL less Lhan nlneLy (90) days
nor more Lhan one hundred LwenLy (120) days from Lhe enLry of [udgmenL and
LhaL ln defaulL of such paymenL Lhe properLy shall be sold aL publlc aucLlon Lo
saLlsfy Lhe [udgmenL (2a)
SLC 3 5ole of mottqoqeJ ptopetty effectWhen Lhe defendanL afLer belng
dlrecLed Lo do so as provlded ln Lhe nexL precedlng secLlon falls Lo pay Lhe amounL
of Lhe [udgmenL wlLhln Lhe perlod speclfled Lhereln Lhe courL upon moLlon shall
order Lhe properLy Lo be sold ln Lhe manner and under Lhe provlslons of 8ule 39
and oLher regulaLlons governlng sales of real esLaLe under execuLlon Such sale
shall noL affecL Lhe rlghLs of persons holdlng prlor encumbrances upon Lhe properLy
or a parL Lhereof and when conflrmed by an order of Lhe courL also upon moLlon
lL shall operaLe Lo dlvesL Lhe rlghLs ln Lhe properLy of all Lhe parLles Lo Lhe acLlon
and Lo vesL Lhelr rlghLs ln Lhe purchaser sub[ecL Lo such rlghLs of redempLlon as
may be allowed by law
upon Lhe flnallLy of Lhe order of conflrmaLlon or upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe
perlod of redempLlon when allowed by law Lhe purchaser aL Lhe aucLlon sale or
lasL redempLloner lf any shall be enLlLled Lo Lhe possesslon of Lhe properLy unless
a Lhlrd parLy ls acLually holdlng Lhe same adversely Lo Lhe [udgmenL obllgor 1he
sald purchaser or lasL redempLloner may secure a wrlL of possesslon upon moLlon
from Lhe courL whlch ordered Lhe foreclosure (3a)
SLC 4 lsposltloo of ptoceeJs of sole1he amounL reallzed from Lhe
foreclosure sale of Lhe morLgaged properLy shall afLer deducLlng Lhe cosLs of Lhe
sale be pald Lo Lhe person forecloslng Lhe morLgage and when Lhere shall be any
balance or resldue afLer paylng off Lhe morLgage debL due Lhe same shall be pald
Lo [unlor encumbrancers ln Lhe order of Lhelr prlorlLy Lo be ascerLalned by Lhe
courL or lf Lhere be no such encumbrancers or Lhere be a balance or resldue afLer
paymenL Lo Lhem Lhen Lo Lhe morLgagor or hls duly auLhorlzed agenL or Lo Lhe
person enLlLled Lo lL (4a)
SLC 3 now sole to ptoceeJ lo cose tbe Jebt ls oot oll Joe lf Lhe debL for
whlch Lhe morLgage or encumbrance was held ls noL all due as provlded ln Lhe
[udgmenL as soon as a sufflclenL porLlon of Lhe properLy has been sold Lo pay Lhe
LoLal amounL and Lhe cosLs due Lhe sale shall LermlnaLe and afLerwards as ofLen
as more becomes due for prlnclpal or lnLeresL and oLher valld charges Lhe courL
may on moLlon order more Lo be sold 8uL lf Lhe properLy cannoL be sold ln
porLlons wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe parLles Lhe whole shall be ordered Lo be sold ln
Lhe flrsL lnsLance and Lhe enLlre debL and cosLs shall be pald lf Lhe proceeds of Lhe
sale be sufflclenL Lherefor Lhere belng a rebaLe of lnLeresL where such rebaLe ls
proper (3a)
SLC 6 eflcleocy joJqmeotlf upon Lhe sale of any real properLy as
provlded ln Lhe nexL precedlng secLlon Lhere be a balance due Lo Lhe plalnLlff afLer
applylng Lhe proceeds of Lhe sale Lhe courL upon moLlon shall render [udgmenL
agalnsL Lhe defendanL for any such balance for whlch by Lhe record of Lhe case he
may be personally llable Lo Lhe plalnLlff upon whlch execuLlon may lssue
lmmedlaLely lf Lhe balance ls all due aL Lhe Llme of Lhe rendlLlon of Lhe [udgmenL
oLherwlse Lhe plalnLlff shall be enLlLled Lo execuLlon aL such Llme as Lhe balance
remalnlng becomes due under Lhe Lerms of Lhe orlglnal conLracL whlch Llme shall
be sLaLed ln Lhe [udgmenL (6a)
SLC 7 keqlsttotlooA cerLlfled copy of Lhe flnal order of Lhe courL
conflrmlng Lhe sale shall be reglsLered ln Lhe reglsLry of deeds lf no rlghL of
redempLlon exlsLs Lhe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle ln Lhe name of Lhe morLgagor shall be
cancelled and a new one lssued ln Lhe name of Lhe purchaser
Where a rlghL of redempLlon exlsLs Lhe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle ln Lhe name of Lhe
morLgagor shall noL be cancelled buL Lhe cerLlflcaLe of sale and Lhe order
conflrmlng Lhe sale shall be reglsLered and a brlef memorandum Lhereof made by
Lhe reglsLrar of deeds upon Lhe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle ln Lhe evenL Lhe properLy ls
redeemed Lhe deed of redempLlon shall be reglsLered wlLh Lhe reglsLry of deeds
and a brlef memorandum Lhereof shall be made by Lhe reglsLrar of deeds on sald
cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
lf Lhe properLy ls noL redeemed Lhe flnal deed of sale execuLed by Lhe sherlff
ln favor of Lhe purchaser aL Lhe foreclosure sale shall be reglsLered wlLh Lhe reglsLry
of deeds whereupon Lhe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle ln Lhe name of Lhe morLgagor shall be
cancelled and a new one lssued ln Lhe name of Lhe purchaser (n)
SLC 8 Appllcoblllty of otbet ptovlsloos1he provlslons of secLlons 31 32
and 34 of 8ule 39 shall be appllcable Lo Lhe [udlclal foreclosure of real esLaLe
morLgages under Lhls 8ule lnsofar as Lhe former are noL lnconslsLenL wlLh or may
serve Lo supplemenL Lhe provlslons of Lhe laLLer (8a)

C 8 A C l L |

kULL 69 Ak1I1ICN
SLC1lCn 1 complolot lo octloo fot pottltloo of teol estoteA person havlng
Lhe rlghL Lo compel Lhe parLlLlon of real esLaLe may do so as provlded ln Lhls 8ule
seLLlng forLh ln hls complalnL Lhe naLure and exLenL of hls LlLle and
an oJepoote descrlpLlon of Lhe real esLaLe of whlch parLlLlon ls demanded and
[olnlng as defendanLs all oLher persons lnLeresLed ln Lhe properLy (1a)
SLC 2 tJet fot pottltloo ooJ pottltloo by oqteemeot tbeteooJetlf afLer
Lhe Lrlal Lhe courL flnds LhaL Lhe plalnLlff has Lhe rlghL LhereLo lL shall order Lhe
parLlLlon of Lhe real esLaLe among all Lhe parLles ln lnLeresL 1hereupon Lhe parLles
may lf Lhey are able Lo agree make Lhe parLlLlon among Lhemselves by proper
lnsLrumenLs of conveyance and Lhe courL shall conflrm Lhe parLlLlon so agreed
upon by all Lhe parLles and such parLlLlon LogeLher wlLh Lhe order of Lhe courL
conflrmlng Lhe same shall be recorded ln Lhe reglsLry of deeds of Lhe place ln whlch
Lhe properLy ls slLuaLed (2a)
A flnal order decreelng parLlLlon and accounLlng may be appealed by any
parLy aggrleved Lhereby (n)
SLC 3 commlsslooets to moke pottltloo wbeo pottles foll to oqteelf Lhe
parLles are unable Lo agree upon Lhe parLlLlon Lhe courL shall appolnL noL more
Lhan Lhree (3) compeLenL and dlslnLeresLed persons as commlssloners Lo make Lhe
parLlLlon commandlng Lhem Lo seL off Lo Lhe plalnLlff and Lo each parLy ln lnLeresL
such parL and proporLlon of Lhe properLy as Lhe courL shall dlrecL (3a)
SLC 4 otb ooJ Jotles of commlsslooets8efore maklng such parLlLlon Lhe
commlssloners shall Lake and subscrlbe an oaLh LhaL Lhey wlll falLhfully perform
Lhelr duLles as commlssloners whlch oaLh shall be flled ln courL wlLh Lhe oLher
proceedlngs ln Lhe case ln maklng Lhe parLlLlon Lhe commlssloners shall vlew and
examlne Lhe real esLaLe afLer due noLlce Lo Lhe parLles Lo aLLend aL such vlew and
examlnaLlon and shall hear Lhe parLles as Lo Lhelr preference ln Lhe porLlon of Lhe
properLy Lo be seL aparL Lo Lhem and Lhe comparaLlve value Lhereof and shall seL
aparL Lhe same Lo Lhe parLles ln loLs or parcels as wlll be mosL advanLageous and
equlLable havlng due regard Lo Lhe lmprovemenLs slLuaLlon and quallLy of Lhe
dlfferenL parLs Lhereof (4a)
SLC 3 Asslqomeot ot sole of teol estote by commlsslooetsWhen lL ls made
Lo appear Lo Lhe commlssloners LhaL Lhe real esLaLe or a porLlon Lhereof cannoL be
dlvlded wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe parLles Lhe courL may order lL
asslgned Lo one of Lhe parLles wllllng Lo Lake Lhe same provlded he pays Lo Lhe
oLher parLles such amounLs as Lhe commlssloners deem equlLable unless one of
Lhe lnLeresLed parLles asks LhaL Lhe properLy be sold lnsLead of belng so asslgned ln
whlch case Lhe courL shall order Lhe commlssloners Lo sell Lhe real esLaLe aL publlc
sale under such condlLlons and wlLhln such Llme as Lhe courL may deLermlne (3a)
SLC 6 kepott of commlsslooets ptoceeJloqs oot bloJloq ootll coofltmeJ
1he commlssloners shall make a full and accuraLe reporL Lo Lhe courL of all Lhelr
proceedlngs as Lo Lhe parLlLlon or Lhe asslgnmenL of real esLaLe Lo one of Lhe
parLles or Lhe sale of Lhe same upon Lhe flllng of such reporL Lhe clerk of courL
shall serve coples Lhereof on all Lhe lnLeresLed parLles wlLh noLlce LhaL Lhey are
allowed Len (10) days wlLhln whlch Lo flle ob[ecLlons Lo Lhe flndlngs of Lhe reporL lf
Lhey so deslre no proceedlng had before or conducLed by Lhe commlssloners shall
pass Lhe LlLle Lo Lhe properLy or blnd Lhe parLles unLll Lhe courL shall have accepLed
Lhe reporL of Lhe commlssloners and rendered [udgmenL Lhereon (6a)
SLC 7 Actloo of tbe coott opoo commlsslooets tepott upon Lhe explraLlon
of Lhe perlod of Len (10) days referred Lo ln Lhe precedlng secLlon or even before
Lhe explraLlon of such perlod buL afLer Lhe lnLeresLed parLles have flled Lhelr
ob[ecLlons Lo Lhe reporL or Lhelr sLaLemenL of agreemenL LherewlLh Lhe courL may
upon hearlng accepL Lhe reporL and render [udgmenL ln accordance LherewlLh or
for cause shown recommlL Lhe same Lo Lhe commlssloners for furLher reporL of
facLs or seL aslde Lhe reporL and appolnL new commlssloners or accepL Lhe reporL
ln parL and re[ecL lL ln parL and may make such order and render such [udgmenL as
shall effecLuaLe a falr and [usL parLlLlon of Lhe real esLaLe or of lLs value lf asslgned
or sold as above provlded beLween Lhe several owners Lhereof (7)
SLC 8 Accoootloq fot teot ooJ ptoflts lo octloo fot pottltlooln an acLlon for
parLlLlon ln accordance wlLh Lhls 8ule a parLy shall recover from anoLher hls [usL
share of renLs and proflLs recelved by such oLher parLy from Lhe real esLaLe ln
quesLlon and Lhe [udgmenL shall lnclude an allowance for such renLs and proflLs
SLC 9 lowet of qootJloo lo socb ptoceeJloqs1he guardlan or guardlan oJ
lltem of a mlnor or person [udlclally declared Lo be lncompeLenL may wlLh Lhe
approval of Lhe courL flrsL had do and perform on behalf of hls ward any acL
maLLer or Lhlng respecLlng Lhe parLlLlon of real esLaLe whlch Lhe mlnor or person
[udlclally declared Lo be lncompeLenL could do ln parLlLlon proceedlngs lf he were
of age or compeLenL (9a)
SLC 10 costs ooJ expeoses to be toxeJ ooJ collecteJ1he courL shall
equlLably Lax and apporLlon beLween or among Lhe parLles Lhe cosLs and expenses
whlch accrue ln Lhe acLlon lncludlng Lhe compensaLlon of Lhe commlssloners
havlng regard Lo Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe parLles and execuLlon may lssue Lherefor as ln
oLher cases (10a)
SLC 11 1be joJqmeot ooJ lts effect copy to be tecotJeJ lo teqlstty of
JeeJslf acLual parLlLlon of properLy ls made Lhe [udgmenL shall sLaLe deflnlLely
by meLes and bounds and adequaLe descrlpLlon Lhe parLlcular porLlon of Lhe real
esLaLe asslgned Lo each parLy and Lhe effecL of Lhe [udgmenL shall be Lo vesL ln
each parLy Lo Lhe acLlon ln severalLy Lhe porLlon of Lhe real esLaLe asslgned Lo hlm
lf Lhe whole properLy ls asslgned Lo one of Lhe parLles upon hls paylng Lo Lhe oLhers
Lhe sum or sums ordered by Lhe courL Lhe [udgmenL shall sLaLe Lhe facL of such
paymenL and of Lhe asslgnmenL of Lhe real esLaLe Lo Lhe parLy maklng Lhe paymenL
and Lhe effecL of Lhe [udgmenL shall be Lo vesL ln Lhe parLy maklng Lhe paymenL Lhe
C 8 A C l L |

whole of Lhe real esLaLe free from any lnLeresL on Lhe parL of Lhe oLher parLles Lo
Lhe acLlon lf Lhe properLy ls sold and Lhe sale conflrmed by Lhe courL Lhe [udgmenL
shall sLaLe Lhe name of Lhe purchaser or purchasers and a deflnlLe descrlpLlon of
Lhe parcels of real esLaLe sold Lo each purchaser and Lhe effecL of Lhe [udgmenL
shall be Lo vesL Lhe real esLaLe ln Lhe purchaser or purchasers maklng Lhe paymenL
or paymenLs free from Lhe clalms of any of Lhe parLles Lo Lhe acLlon A cerLlfled
copy of Lhe [udgmenL shall ln elLher case be recorded ln Lhe reglsLry of deeds of Lhe
place ln whlch Lhe real esLaLe ls slLuaLed and Lhe expenses of such recordlng shall
be Laxed as parL of Lhe cosLs of Lhe acLlon (11a)
SLC 12 Neltbet potomooot tlqbts oot omlcoble pottltloo offecteJ by
tbls 8ulenoLhlng ln Lhls 8ule conLalned shall be consLrued so as Lo pre[udlce
defeaL or desLroy Lhe rlghL or LlLle of any person clalmlng Lhe real esLaLe lnvolved
by LlLle under any oLher person or by LlLle paramounL Lo Lhe LlLle of Lhe parLles
among whom Lhe parLlLlon may have been made nor so as Lo resLrlcL or prevenL
persons holdlng real esLaLe [olnLly or ln common from maklng an amlcable parLlLlon
Lhereof by agreemenL and sulLable lnsLrumenLs of conveyance wlLhouL recourse Lo
an acLlon (12a)
SLC 13 lottltloo of petsoool ptopetty1he provlslons of Lhls 8ule shall
apply Lo parLlLlons of esLaLes composed of personal properLy or of boLh real and
personal properLy ln so far as Lhe same may be appllcable (13)

SLC1lCn 1 Jbo moy lostltote ptoceeJloqs ooJ wbeoSub[ecL Lo Lhe
provlslons of Lhe nexL succeedlng secLlon a person deprlved of Lhe possesslon of
any land or bulldlng by force lnLlmldaLlon LhreaL sLraLegy or sLealLh or a lessor
vendor vendee or oLher person agalnsL whom Lhe possesslon of any land or
bulldlng ls unlawfully wlLhheld afLer Lhe explraLlon or LermlnaLlon of Lhe rlghL Lo
hold possesslon by vlrLue of any conLracL express or lmplled or Lhe legal
represenLaLlves or asslgns of any such lessor vendor vendee or oLher person may
aL any Llme wlLhln one (1) year afLer such unlawful deprlvaLlon or wlLhholdlng of
possesslon brlng an acLlon ln Lhe proper Munlclpal 1rlal CourL agalnsL Lhe person
or persons unlawfully wlLhholdlng or deprlvlng of possesslon or any person or
persons clalmlng under Lhem for Lhe resLlLuLlon of such possesslon LogeLher wlLh
damages and cosLs (1a)
SLC 2 essot to ptoceeJ oqolost lessee oolyoftet JemooJunless
oLherwlse sLlpulaLed such acLlon by Lhe lessor shall be commenced only afLer
demand Lo pay or comply wlLh Lhe condlLlons of Lhe lease and Lo vacaLe ls made
upon Lhe lessee or by servlng wrlLLen noLlce of such demand upon Lhe person
found on Lhe premlses or by posLlng such noLlce on Lhe premlses lf no person be
found Lhereon and Lhe lessee falls Lo comply LherewlLh afLer flfLeen (13) days ln
Lhe case of land or flve (3) days ln Lhe case of bulldlngs (2a)
SLC 3 5ommoty ptoceJoteLxcepL ln cases covered by Lhe agrlculLural
Lenancy laws or when Lhe law oLherwlse expressly provldes all acLlons for forclble
enLry and unlawful deLalner lrrespecLlve of Lhe amounL of damages or unpald
renLals soughL Lo be recovered shall be governed by Lhe summary procedure
hereunder provlded (n)
SLC 4 lleoJloqs olloweJ1he only pleadlngs allowed Lo be flled are Lhe
complalnL compulsory counLerclalm and crossclalm pleaded ln Lhe answer and
Lhe answers LhereLo All pleadlngs shall be verlfled (3a 8S)
SLC 3 Actloo oo complolot1he courL may from an examlnaLlon of Lhe
allegaLlons ln Lhe complalnL and such evldence as may be aLLached LhereLo dlsmlss
Lhe case ouLrlghL on any of Lhe grounds for Lhe dlsmlssal of a clvll acLlon whlch are
apparenL Lhereln lf no ground for dlsmlssal ls found lL shall forLhwlLh lssue
summons (n)
SLC 6 AnswerWlLhln Len (10) days from servlce of summons Lhe
defendanL shall flle hls answer Lo Lhe complalnL and serve a copy Lhereof on Lhe
plalnLlff AfflrmaLlve and negaLlve defenses noL pleaded Lhereln shall be deemed
walved excepL lack of [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe sub[ecL maLLer Crossclalms and
compulsory counLerclalms noL asserLed ln Lhe answer shall be consldered
barred 1he answer Lo counLerclalms or crossclalms shall be served and flled
wlLhln Len (10) days from servlce of Lhe answer ln whlch Lhey are pleaded (3 8S)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 7 ffect of follote to ooswetShould Lhe defendanL fall Lo answer Lhe
complalnL wlLhln Lhe perlod above provlded Lhe courL moto ptoptlo or on moLlon
of Lhe plalnLlff shall render [udgmenL as may be warranLed by Lhe facLs alleged ln
Lhe complalnL and llmlLed Lo whaL ls prayed for Lhereln 1he courL may ln lLs
dlscreLlon reduce Lhe amounL of damages and aLLorney's fees clalmed for belng
excesslve or oLherwlse unconsclonable wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe appllcablllLy of
secLlon 3(c) 8ule 9 lf Lhere are Lwo or more defendanLs (6 8S)
SLC 8 ltellmlooty coofeteoce oppeotooce of parLlesnoL laLer Lhan LhlrLy
(30) days afLer Lhe lasL answer ls flled a prellmlnary conference shall be held 1he
provlslons of 8ule 18 on preLrlal shall be appllcable Lo Lhe prellmlnary conference
unless lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls 8ule
1he fallure of Lhe plalnLlff Lo appear ln Lhe prellmlnary conference shall be
cause for Lhe dlsmlssal of hls complalnL 1he defendanL who appears ln Lhe
absence of Lhe plalnLlff shall be enLlLled Lo [udgmenL on hls counLerclalm ln
accordance wlLh Lhe nexL precedlng secLlon All crossclalms shall be dlsmlssed (7
lf a sole defendanL shall fall Lo appear Lhe plalnLlff shall llkewlse be enLlLled
Lo [udgmenL ln accordance wlLh Lhe nexL precedlng secLlon 1hls procedure shall
noL apply where one Cf Lwo or more defendanLs sued under a common cause of
acLlon who had pleaded a common defense shall appear aL Lhe prellmlnary
no posLponemenL of Lhe prellmlnary conference shall be granLed excepL for
hlghly merlLorlous grounds and wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo such sancLlons as Lhe courL ln
Lhe exerclse of sound dlscreLlon may lmpose on Lhe movanL (n)
SLC 9 kecotJ of ptellmlooty coofeteoceWlLhln flve (3) days afLer Lhe
LermlnaLlon of Lhe prellmlnary conference Lhe courL shall lssue an order sLaLlng Lhe
maLLers Laken up Lhereln lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
1 WheLher Lhe parLles have arrlved aL an amlcable seLLlemenL and lf so
Lhe Lerms Lhereof
2 1he sLlpulaLlons or admlsslons enLered lnLo by Lhe parLles
3 WheLher on Lhe basls of Lhe pleadlngs and Lhe sLlpulaLlons and
admlsslons made by Lhe parLles [udgmenL may be rendered wlLhouL Lhe
need of furLher proceedlngs ln whlch evenL Lhe [udgmenL shall be rendered
wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from lssuance of Lhe order
4 A clear speclflcaLlon of maLerlal facLs whlch remaln conLroverLed and
3 Such oLher maLLers lnLended Lo expedlLe Lhe dlsposlLlon of Lhe case (8
SLC 10 5obmlssloo of offlJovlts ooJ posltloo popets WlLhln Len (10) days
from recelpL of Lhe order menLloned ln Lhe nexL precedlng secLlon Lhe parLles shall
submlL Lhe affldavlLs of Lhelr wlLnesses and oLher evldence on Lhe facLual lssues
deflned ln Lhe order LogeLher wlLh Lhelr poslLlon papers seLLlng forLh Lhe law and
Lhe facLs relled upon by Lhem (9 8S)
SLC 11 letloJ fot teoJltloo of joJqmeotWlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer
recelpL of Lhe affldavlLs and poslLlon papers or Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod for
flllng Lhe same Lhe courL shall render [udgmenL
Powever should Lhe courL flnd lL necessary Lo clarlfy cerLaln maLerlal facLs lL
may durlng Lhe sald perlod lssue an order speclfylng Lhe maLLers Lo be clarlfled
and requlre Lhe parLles Lo submlL affldavlLs or oLher evldence on Lhe sald maLLers
wlLhln Len (10) days from recelpL of sald order !udgmenL shall be rendered wlLhln
flfLeen (13) days afLer Lhe recelpL of Lhe lasL affldavlL or Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod
for flllng Lhe same
1he courL shall noL resorL Lo Lhe foregolng procedure [usL Lo galn Llme for Lhe
rendlLlon of Lhe [udgmenL (n)
SLC 12 kefettol fot cooclllotlooCases requlrlng referral for conclllaLlon
where Lhere ls no showlng of compllance wlLh such requlremenL shall be dlsmlssed
wlLhouL pre[udlce and may be revlved only afLer LhaL requlremenL shall have been
complled wlLh (18a 8S)
SLC 13 ltoblblteJ pleoJloqs ooJ motloos1he followlng peLlLlons moLlons
or pleadlngs shall noL be allowed
1 MoLlon Lo dlsmlss Lhe complalnL excepL on Lhe ground of lack of
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe sub[ecL maLLer or fallure Lo comply wlLh secLlon 12
2 MoLlon for a blll of parLlculars
3 MoLlon for new Lrlal or for reconslderaLlon of a [udgmenL or for
reopenlng of Lrlal
4 eLlLlon for rellef from [udgmenL
3 MoLlon for exLenslon of Llme Lo flle pleadlngs affldavlLs or any oLher
6 Memoranda
7 eLlLlon for cerLlorarl mandamus or prohlblLlon agalnsL any
lnLerlocuLory order lssued by Lhe courL
8 MoLlon Lo declare Lhe defendanL ln defaulL
9 ullaLory moLlons for posLponemenL
10 8eply
C 8 A C l L |

11 1hlrdparLy complalnLs
12 lnLervenLlons (19a 8S)
SLC 14 AfflJovlts1he affldavlLs requlred Lo be submlLLed under Lhls 8ule
shall sLaLe only facLs of dlrecL personal knowledge of Lhe afflanLs whlch are
admlsslble ln evldence and shall show Lhelr compeLence Lo LesLlfy Lo Lhe
maLLers sLaLed Lhereln
A vlolaLlon of Lhls requlremenL may sub[ecL Lhe parLy or Lhe counsel who
submlLs Lhe same Lo dlsclpllnary acLlon and shall be cause Lo expunge Lhe
lnadmlsslble affldavlL or porLlon Lhereof from Lhe record (20 k5l)
SLC 13 ltellmlooty lojooctloo1he courL may granL prellmlnary ln[uncLlon
ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of 8ule 38 hereof Lo prevenL Lhe defendanL from
commlLLlng furLher acLs of dlspossesslon agalnsL Lhe plalnLlff
A possessor deprlved of hls possesslon Lhrough forclble enLry or unlawful
deLalner may wlLhln flve (3) days from Lhe flllng of Lhe complalnL presenL a moLlon
ln Lhe acLlon for forclble enLry or unlawful deLalner for Lhe lssuance of a wrlL of
prellmlnary mandaLory ln[uncLlon Lo resLore hlm ln hls possesslon 1he courL shall
declde Lhe moLlon wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from Lhe flllng Lhereof (3a)
SLC 16 kesolvloq Jefeose of owoetsblpWhen Lhe defendanL ralses Lhe
defense of ownershlp ln hls pleadlngs and Lhe quesLlon of possesslon cannoL be
resolved wlLhouL decldlng Lhe lssue of ownershlp Lhe lssue of ownershlp shall be
resolved only Lo deLermlne Lhe lssue of possesslon (4a)
SLC 17 IoJqmeotlf afLer Lrlal Lhe courL flnds LhaL Lhe allegaLlons of Lhe
complalnL are Lrue lL shall render [udgmenL ln favor of Lhe plalnLlff for Lhe
resLlLuLlon of Lhe premlses Lhe sum [usLly due as arrears of renL or as reasonable
compensaLlon for Lhe use and occupaLlon of Lhe premlses aLLorney's fees and
cosLs lf lL flnds LhaL sald allegaLlons are noL Lrue lL shall render [udgmenL for Lhe
defendanL Lo recover hls cosLs lf a counLerclalm ls esLabllshed Lhe courL shall
render [udgmenL for Lhe sum found ln arrears from elLher parLy and award cosLs as
[usLlce requlres (6a)
SLC 18 IoJqmeot coocloslve ooly oo possessloo oot coocloslve lo octloos
lovolvloq tltle ot owoetsblp1he [udgmenL rendered ln an acLlon for forclble enLry
or deLalner shall be concluslve wlLh respecL Lo Lhe possesslon only and shall ln no
wlse blnd Lhe LlLle or affecL Lhe ownershlp of Lhe land or bulldlng Such [udgmenL
shall noL bar an acLlon beLween Lhe same parLles respecLlng LlLle Lo Lhe land or
1he [udgmenL or flnal order shall be appealable Lo Lhe approprlaLe 8eglonal
1rlal CourL whlch shall declde Lhe same on Lhe basls of Lhe enLlre record of Lhe
proceedlngs had ln Lhe courL of orlgln and such memoranda and/or brlefs as may
be submlLLed by Lhe parLles or requlred by Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL (7a)
SLC 19 lmmeJlote execotloo of joJqmeot bow to stoy somelf [udgmenL ls
rendered agalnsL Lhe defendanL execuLlon shall lssue lmmedlaLely upon moLlon
unless an appeal has been perfecLed and Lhe defendanL Lo sLay execuLlon flles a
sufflclenL supersedeas bond approved by Lhe Munlclpal 1rlal CourL and execuLed ln
favor of Lhe plalnLlff Lo pay Lhe renLs damages and cosLs accrulng down Lo Lhe
Llme of Lhe [udgmenL appealed from and unless durlng Lhe pendency of Lhe
appeal he deposlLs wlLh Lhe appellaLe courL Lhe amounL of renL due from Llme Lo
Llme under Lhe conLracL lf any as deLermlned by Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe Munlclpal
1rlal CourL ln Lhe absence of a conLracL he shall deposlL wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal
CourL Lhe reasonable value of Lhe use and occupaLlon of Lhe premlses for Lhe
precedlng monLh or perlod aL Lhe raLe deLermlned by Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe lower
courL on or before Lhe LenLh day of each succeedlng monLh or perlod 1he
supersedeas bond shall be LransmlLLed by Lhe Munlclpal 1rlal CourL wlLh Lhe oLher
papers Lo Lhe clerk of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL Lo whlch Lhe acLlon ls appealed
All amounLs so pald Lo Lhe appellaLe courL shall be deposlLed wlLh sald courL
or auLhorlzed governmenL deposlLary bank and shall be held Lhere unLll Lhe flnal
dlsposlLlon of Lhe appeal unless Lhe courL by agreemenL of Lhe lnLeresLed parLles
or ln Lhe absence of reasonable grounds of opposlLlon Lo a moLlon Lo wlLhdraw or
for [usLlflable reasons shall decree oLherwlse Should Lhe defendanL fall Lo make
Lhe paymenLs above prescrlbed from Llme Lo Llme durlng Lhe pendency of Lhe
appeal Lhe appellaLe courL upon moLlon of Lhe plalnLlff and upon proof of such
fallure shall order Lhe execuLlon of Lhe [udgmenL appealed from wlLh respecL Lo
Lhe resLoraLlon of possesslon buL such execuLlon shall noL be a bar Lo Lhe appeal
Laklng lLs course unLll Lhe flnal dlsposlLlon Lhereof on Lhe merlLs
AfLer Lhe case ls declded by Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL any money pald Lo Lhe
courL by Lhe defendanL for purposes of Lhe sLay of execuLlon shall be dlsposed of ln
accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL ln any
case whereln lL appears LhaL Lhe defendanL has been deprlved of Lhe lawful
possesslon of land or bulldlng pendlng Lhe appeal by vlrLue of Lhe execuLlon of Lhe
[udgmenL of Lhe Munlclpal 1rlal CourL damages for such deprlvaLlon of possesslon
and resLoraLlon of possesslon may be allowed Lhe defendanL ln Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL dlsposlng of Lhe appeal (8a)
SLC 20 ltellmlooty mooJototy lojooctloo lo cose of oppeolupon moLlon of
Lhe plalnLlff wlLhln Len (10) days from Lhe perfecLlon of Lhe appeal Lo Lhe 8eglonal
1rlal CourL Lhe laLLer may lssue a wrlL of prellmlnary mandaLory ln[uncLlon Lo
resLore Lhe plalnLlff ln possesslon lf Lhe courL ls saLlsfled LhaL Lhe defendanL's
appeal ls frlvolous or dllaLory or LhaL Lhe appeal of Lhe plalnLlff ls ptlmo
focle merlLorlous (9a)
SLC 21 lmmeJlote execotloo oo oppeol to coott of Appeols ot 5opteme coott
1he [udgmenL of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL agalnsL Lhe defendanL shall be
lmmedlaLely execuLory wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo a furLher appeal LhaL may be Laken
Lherefrom (10a)
C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 ltect cootempt poolsbeJ sommotllyA person gullLy of
mlsbehavlor ln Lhe presence of or so near a courL as Lo obsLrucL or lnLerrupL Lhe
proceedlngs before Lhe same lncludlng dlsrespecL Loward Lhe courL offenslve
personallLles Loward oLhers or refusal Lo be sworn or Lo answer as a wlLness or Lo
subscrlbe an affldavlL or deposlLlon when lawfully requlred Lo do so may be
summarlly ad[udged ln conLempL by such courL and punlshed by a flne noL
exceedlng Lwo Lhousand pesos or lmprlsonmenL noL exceedlng Len (10) days or
boLh lf lL be a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL or a courL of equlvalenL or hlgher rank or by a
flne noL exceedlng Lwo hundred pesos or lmprlsonmenL neL exceedlng (1) day or
boLh lf lL be a lower courL (1a)
SLC 2 kemeJy tbeteftom1he person ad[udged ln dlrecL conLempL by any
courL may noL appeal Lherefrom buL may avall hlmself of Lhe remedles of cerLlorarl
or prohlblLlon 1he execuLlon of Lhe [udgmenL shall be suspended pendlng
resoluLlon of such peLlLlon provlded such person flea a bond flxed by Lhe courL
whlch rendered Lhe [udgmenL and condlLloned LhaL he wlll ablde by and perform
Lhe [udgmenL should Lhe peLlLlon be declded agalnsL hlm (2a)
SLC 3 loJltect cootempt to be poolsbeJ oftet cbotqe ooJ beotloqAfLer a
charge ln wrlLlng has been flled and an opporLunlLy glven Lo Lhe respondenL
Lo commeot Lhereon wlLhln such perlod as may be flxed by Lhe courL and Lo be
heard by hlmself or counsel a person gullLy of any of Lhe followlng acLs may be
punlshed for lndlrecL conLempL
(a) Mlsbehavlor of an offlcer of a courL ln Lhe performance of hls
offlclal duLles or ln hls offlclal LransacLlons
(b) ulsobedlence of or reslsLance Lo a lawful wrlL process order or
[udgmenL of a courL lncludlng Lhe acL of a person who afLer belng
dlspossessed or e[ecLed from any real properLy by Lhe [udgmenL or process of
any courL of compeLenL [urlsdlcLlon enLers or aLLempLs or lnduces anoLher Lo
enLer lnLo or upon such real properLy for Lhe purpose of execuLlng acLs of
ownershlp or possesslon or ln any manner dlsLurbs Lhe possesslon glven Lo
Lhe person ad[udged Lo be enLlLled LhereLo
(c) Any abuse of or any unlawful lnLerference wlLh Lhe processes or
proceedlngs of a courL noL consLlLuLlng dlrecL conLempL under secLlon 1 of
Lhls 8ule
(d) Any lmproper conducL Lendlng dlrecLly or lndlrecLly Lo lmpede
obsLrucL or degrade Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce
(e) Assumlng Lo be an aLLorney or an offlcer of a courL and acLlng as
such wlLhouL auLhorlLy
(f) lallure Lo obey a subpoena duly served
C 8 A C l L |

(g) 1he rescue or aLLempLed rescue of a person or properLy ln Lhe
cusLody of an offlcer by vlrLue of an order or process of a courL held by hlm
8uL noLhlng ln Lhls secLlon shall be so consLrued as Lo prevenL Lhe courL from
lssulng process Lo brlng Lhe respondenL lnLo courL or from holdlng hlm ln cusLody
pendlng such proceedlngs (3a)
SLC 4 now ptoceeJloqs commeoceJroceedlngs for lndlrecL conLempL
may be lnlLlaLed moto ptoptlo by Lhe courL agalnsL whlch Lhe conLempL was
commlLLed by an order or any oLher formal charge requlrlng Lhe respondenL Lo
show cause why he should noL be punlshed for conLempL
ln all oLher cases charges for lndlrecL conLempL shall be commenced by a
verlfled peLlLlon wlLh supporLlng parLlculars and cerLlfled Lruecoples of documenLs
or papers lnvolved Lhereln and upon full compllance wlLh Lhe requlremenLs for
flllng lnlLlaLory pleadlngs for clvll acLlons ln Lhe courL concerned lf Lhe conLempL
charges arose ouL of or are relaLed Lo a prlnclpal acLlon pendlng ln Lhe courL Lhe
peLlLlon for conLempL shall allege LhaL facL buL sald peLlLlon shall be dockeLed
heard and declded separaLely unless Lhe courL ln lLs dlscreLlon orders Lhe
consolldaLlon of Lhe conLempL charge and Lhe prlnclpal acLlon for [olnL hearlng and
declslon (n)
SLC 3 Jbete cbotqe to be flleJWhere Lhe charge for lndlrecL conLempL
has been commlLLed agalnsL a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL or a courL of equlvalenL or
hlgher rank or agalnsL an offlcer appolnLed by lL Lhe charge may be flled wlLh such
courL Where such conLempL has been commlLLed agalnsL a lower courL Lhe charge
may be flled wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe place ln whlch Lhe lower courL ls
slLLlng buL Lhe proceedlngs may also be lnsLlLuLed ln such lower courL sub[ecL Lo
appeal Lo Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of such place ln Lhe same manner as provlded ln
secLlon 2 of Lhls 8ule (4a)
SLC 6 neotloq teleose oo bolllf Lhe hearlng ls noL ordered Lo be had
forLhwlLh Lhe respondenL may be released from cusLody upon flllng a bond ln an
amounL flxed by Lhe courL for hls appearance aL Lhe hearlng of Lhe charge Cn Lhe
day seL Lherefor Lhe courL shall proceed Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe charge and conslder
such commenL LesLlmony or defense as Lhe respondenL may make or offer (3a)
SLC 7 loolsbmeot fot loJltect cootemptlf Lhe respondenL ls ad[udged
gullLy of lndlrecL conLempL commlLLed agalnsL a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL or a courL of
equlvalenL or hlgher rank he may be punlshed by a flne noL exceedlng LhlrLy
Lhousand pesos or lmprlsonmenL noL exceedlng slx (6) monLhs or boLh lf he ls
ad[udged gullLy of conLempL commlLLed agalnsL a lower courL he may be punlshed
by a flne noL exceedlng flve Lhousand pesos or lmprlsonmenL noL exceedlng one (1)
monLh or boLh lf Lhe conLempL conslsLs ln Lhe vlolaLlon of a wrlL of ln[uncLlon
Lemporary resLralnlng order or stotos poo order he may also be ordered Lo make
compleLe resLlLuLlon Lo Lhe parLy ln[ured by such vlolaLlon of Lhe properLy lnvolved
or such amounL as may be alleged and proved
1he wrlL of execuLlon as ln ordlnary clvll acLlons shall lssue for Lhe
enforcemenL of a [udgmenL lmposlng a flne unless Lhe courL oLherwlse provldes
SLC 8 lmptlsoomeot ootll otJet obeyedWhen Lhe conLempL conslsLs ln
Lhe refusal or omlsslon Lo do an acL whlch ls yeL ln Lhe power of Lhe respondenL Lo
perform he may be lmprlsoned by order of Lhe courL concerned unLll he performs
lL (7a)
SLC 9 ltoceeJloq wbeo potty teleoseJ oo boll folls to ooswetWhen a
respondenL released on ball falls Lo appear on Lhe day flxed for Lhe hearlng Lhe
courL may lssue anoLher order of arresL or may order Lhe bond for hls appearance
Lo be forfelLed and conflscaLed or boLh and lf Lhe bond be proceeded agalnsL Lhe
measure of damages shall be Lhe exLenL of Lhe loss or ln[ury susLalned by Lhe
aggrleved parLy by reason of Lhe mlsconducL for whlch Lhe conLempL charge was
prosecuLed wlLh Lhe cosLs of Lhe proceedlngs and such recovery shall be for Lhe
beneflL of Lhe parLy ln[ured lf Lhere ls no aggrleved parLy Lhe bond shall be llable
and dlsposed of as ln crlmlnal cases (8a)
SLC 10 coott moy teleose tespooJeot1he courL whlch lssued Lhe order
lmprlsonlng a person for conLempL may dlscharge hlm from lmprlsonmenL when lL
appears LhaL publlc lnLeresL wlll noL be pre[udlced by hls release (9a)
SLC 11 kevlew of joJqmeot ot flool otJet booJ fot stoy1he [udgmenL or
flnal order of a courL ln a case of lndlrecL conLempL may be appealed Lo Lhe proper
courL as ln crlmlnal cases 8uL execuLlon of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order shall noL be
suspended unLll a bond ls flled by Lhe person ad[udged ln conLempL ln an amounL
flxed by Lhe courL fronL whlch Lhe appeal ls Laken condlLloned LhaL lf Lhe appeal be
declded agalnsL hlm he wlll ablde by and perform Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order (10a)
SLC 12 cootempt oqolost poosljoJlclol eotltlesunless oLherwlse provlded
by law Lhls 8ule shall apply Lo conLempL commlLLed agalnsL persons enLlLles
bodles or agencles exerclslng quasl[udlclal funcLlons or shall have suppleLory
effecL Lo such rules as Lhey may have adopLed pursuanL Lo auLhorlLy granLed Lo
Lhem by law Lo punlsh for conLempL 1he 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe place whereln
Lhe conLempL has been commlLLed shall have [urlsdlcLlon over such charges as may
be flled Lherefor (n)

C 8 A C l L |

Ak1 II

SLC1lCn 1 5object mottet of speclol ptoceeJloqs8ules of speclal
proceedlngs are provlded for ln Lhe followlng cases
(a) SeLLlemenL of esLaLe of deceased persons
(b) LscheaL
(c) Cuardlanshlp and cusLody of chlldren
(d) 1rusLees
(e) AdopLlon
(f) 8esclsslon and revocaLlon of adopLlon
(g) PosplLallzaLlon of lnsane persons
(h) Pabeas corpus
(l) Change of name
([) volunLary dlssoluLlon of corporaLlons
(k) !udlclal approval of volunLary recognlLlon of mlnor naLural chlldren
(l) ConsLlLuLlon of famlly home
(m) ueclaraLlon of absence and deaLh
(n) CancellaLlon or correcLlon of enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLry
SLC 2 Appllcoblllty of toles of clvll octloosln Lhe absence of speclal
provlslons Lhe rules provlded for ln ordlnary acLlons shall be as far as pracLlcable
appllcable ln speclal proceedlngs


SLC1lCn 1 Jbete estote of JeceoseJ petsoos settleJlf Lhe decedenL ls an
lnhablLanL of Lhe hlllpplnes aL Lhe Llme of hls deaLh wheLher a clLlzen or an allen
hls wlll shall be proved or leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon granLed and hls esLaLe seLLled
ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL ln Lhe provlnce ln whlch he resldes aL Lhe Llme of hls
deaLh and lf he ls an lnhablLanL of a forelgn counLry Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of any
provlnce ln whlch he had esLaLe 1he courL flrsL Laklng cognlzance of Lhe seLLlemenL
of Lhe esLaLe of a decedenL shall exerclse [urlsdlcLlon Lo Lhe excluslon of all oLher
courLs 1he [urlsdlcLlon assumed by a courL so far as lL depends on Lhe place of
resldence of Lhe decedenL or of Lhe locaLlon of hls esLaLe shall noL be conLesLed ln
a sulL or proceedlng excepL ln an appeal from LhaL courL ln Lhe orlglnal case or
when Lhe wanL of [urlsdlcLlon appears on Lhe record
SLC 2 Jbete estote settleJ opoo Jlssolotloo of mottloqe When Lhe
marrlage ls dlssolved by Lhe deaLh of Lhe husband or wlfe Lhe communlLy properLy
shall be lnvenLorled admlnlsLered and llquldaLed and Lhe debLs Lhereof pald ln
Lhe LesLaLe or lnLesLaLe proceedlngs of Lhe deceased spouse lf boLh spouses have
dled Lhe con[ugal parLnershlp shall be llquldaLed ln Lhe LesLaLe or lnLesLaLe
proceedlngs of elLher
SLC 3 ltocessln Lhe exerclse of probaLe [urlsdlcLlon 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
may lssue warranLs and process necessary Lo compel Lhe aLLendance of wlLnesses
or Lo carry lnLo effecL Lhelr orders and [udgmenLs and all oLher powers granLed
Lhem by law lf a person does noL perform an order or [udgmenL rendered by a
courL ln Lhe exerclse of lLs probaLe [urlsdlcLlon lL may lssue a warranL for Lhe
apprehenslon and lmprlsonmenL of such person unLll he performs such order or
[udgmenL or ls released
SLC 4 ltesomptloo of deaLhlor purposes of seLLlemenL of hls esLaLe a
person shall be presumed dead lf absenL and unheard from for Lhe perlods flxed ln
Lhe Clvll Code 8uL lf such person proves Lo be allve he shall be enLlLled Lo Lhe
balance of hls esLaLe afLer paymenL of all hls debLs 1he balance may be recovered
by moLlon ln Lhe same proceedlng

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 xttojoJlclol settlemeot by oqteemeot betweeo beltslf Lhe
decedenL lefL no wlll and no debLs and Lhe helrs are all of age or Lhe mlnors are
represenLed by Lhelr [udlclal or legal represenLaLlves duly auLhorlzed for Lhe
purpose Lhe parLles may wlLhouL securlng leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon dlvlde Lhe
esLaLe among Lhemselves as Lhey see flL by means of a publlc lnsLrumenL flled ln
Lhe offlce of Lhe reglsLer of deeds and should Lhey dlsagree Lhey may do so ln an
ordlnary acLlon of parLlLlon lf Lhere ls only one helr he may ad[udlcaLe Lo hlmself
Lhe enLlre esLaLe by means of an affldavlL flled ln Lhe offlce of Lhe reglsLer of deeds
1he parLles Lo an exLra[udlclal seLLlemenL wheLher by publlc lnsLrumenL or by
sLlpulaLlon ln a pendlng acLlon for parLlLlon or Lhe sole helr who ad[udlcaLes Lhe
enLlre esLaLe Lo hlmself by means of an affldavlL shall flle slmulLaneously wlLh and
as a condlLlon precedenL Lo Lhe flllng of Lhe publlc lnsLrumenL or sLlpulaLlon ln Lhe
acLlon for parLlLlon or of Lhe affldavlL ln Lhe offlce of Lhe reglsLer of deeds a bond
wlLh Lhe sald reglsLer of deeds ln an amounL equlvalenL Lo Lhe value of Lhe
personal properLy lnvolved as cerLlfled Lo under oaLh by Lhe parLles concerned and
condlLloned upon Lhe paymenL of any [usL clalm LhaL may be flled under secLlon 4
of Lhls rule lL shall be presumed LhaL Lhe decedenL lefL no debLs lf no credlLor flles a
peLlLlon for leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon wlLhln Lwo (2) years afLer Lhe deaLh of Lhe
1he facL of Lhe exLra[udlclal seLLlemenL or admlnlsLraLlon shall be publlshed ln
a newspaper of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe manner provlded ln Lhe nexL succeedlng
secLlon buL no exLra[udlclal seLLlemenL shall be blndlng upon any person who has
noL parLlclpaLed Lhereln or had no noLlce Lhereof
SLC 2 5ommoty settlemeot of estotes of smoll voloeWhenever Lhe gross
value of Lhe esLaLe of a deceased person wheLher he dled LesLaLe or lnLesLaLe does
noL exceed Len Lhousand pesos and LhaL facL lf made Lo appear Lo Lhe 8eglonal
1rlal CourL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe by Lhe peLlLlon of an lnLeresLed person
and upon hearlng whlch shall be held noL less Lhan one (1) monLh nor more Lhan
Lhree (3) monLhs from Lhe daLe of Lhe lasL publlcaLlon of a noLlce whlch shall be
publlshed once a week for Lhree (3) consecuLlve weeks ln a newspaper of general
clrculaLlon ln Lhe provlnce and afLer such oLher noLlce Lo lnLeresLed persons as Lhe
courL may dlrecL Lhe courL may proceed summarlly wlLhouL Lhe appolnLmenL of an
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor and wlLhouL delay Lo granL lf proper allowance of Lhe
wlll lf any Lhere be Lo deLermlne who are Lhe persons legally enLlLled Lo parLlclpaLe
ln Lhe esLaLe and Lo apporLlon and dlvlde lL among Lhem afLer Lhe paymenL of such
debLs of Lhe esLaLe as Lhe courL shall Lhen flnd Lo be due and such persons ln Lhelr
own rlghL lf Lhey are lawful age and legal capaclLy or by Lhelr guardlans or LrusLees
legally appolnLed and quallfled lf oLherwlse shall Lhereupon be enLlLled Lo recelve
and enLer lnLo Lhe possesslon of Lhe porLlons of Lhe esLaLe so awarded Lo Lhem
respecLlvely 1he courL shall make such order as may be [usL respecLlng Lhe cosLs of
Lhe proceedlngs and all orders and [udgmenLs made or rendered ln Lhe course
Lhereof shall be recorded ln Lhe offlce of Lhe clerk and Lhe order of parLlLlon or
award lf lL lnvolves real esLaLe shall be recorded ln Lhe proper reglsLer's offlce
SLC 3 8ooJ to be flleJ by Jlsttlbotees1he courL before allowlng a
parLlLlon ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe precedlng secLlon may requlre
Lhe dlsLrlbuLees lf properLy oLher Lhan real ls Lo be dlsLrlbuLed Lo flle a bond ln an
amounL Lo be flxed by courL condlLloned for Lhe paymenL of any [usL clalm whlch
may be flled under Lhe nexL succeedlng secLlon
SLC 4 loblllty of Jlsttlbotees ooJ estotelf lL shall appear aL any Llme
wlLhln Lwo (2) years afLer Lhe seLLlemenL and dlsLrlbuLlon of an esLaLe ln
accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of elLher of Lhe flrsL Lwo secLlons of Lhls rule LhaL
an helr or oLher person has been unduly deprlved of hls lawful parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe
esLaLe such helr or such oLher person may compel Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe esLaLe ln
Lhe courLs ln Lhe manner herelnafLer provlded for Lhe purpose of saLlsfylng such
lawful parLlclpaLlon And lf wlLhln Lhe same Llme of Lwo (2) years lL shall appear
LhaL Lhere are debLs ouLsLandlng agalnsL Lhe esLaLe whlch have noL been pald or
LhaL an helr or oLher person has been unduly deprlved of hls lawful parLlclpaLlon
payable ln money Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe may by order for LhaL
purpose afLer hearlng seLLle Lhe amounL of such debLs or lawful parLlclpaLlon and
order how much and ln whaL manner each dlsLrlbuLee shall conLrlbuLe ln Lhe
paymenL Lhereof and may lssue execuLlon lf clrcumsLances requlre agalnsL Lhe
bond provlded ln Lhe precedlng secLlon or agalnsL Lhe real esLaLe belonglng Lo Lhe
deceased or boLh Such bond and such real esLaLe shall remaln charged wlLh a
llablllLy Lo credlLors helrs or oLher persons for Lhe full perlod of Lwo (2) years afLer
such dlsLrlbuLlon noLwlLhsLandlng any Lransfers of real esLaLe LhaL may have been
SLC 3 letloJ fot clolm of mloot ot locopocltoteJ petsoolf on Lhe daLe of
Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod of Lwo (2) years prescrlbed ln Lhe precedlng secLlon Lhe
person auLhorlzed Lo flle a clalm ls a mlnor or menLally lncapaclLaLed or ls ln prlson
or ouLslde Lhe hlllpplnes he may presenL hls clalm wlLhln one (1) year afLer such
dlsablllLy ls removed

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Allowooce oecessoty coocloslve os to execotloono wlll shall
pass elLher real or personal esLaLe unless lL ls proved and allowed ln Lhe proper
courL Sub[ecL Lo Lhe rlghL of appeal such allowance of Lhe wlll shall be concluslve
as Lo lLs due execuLlon
SLC 2 costoJloo of wlll to Jellvet1he person who has cusLody of a wlll
shall wlLhln LwenLy (20) days afLer he knows of Lhe deaLh of Lhe LesLaLor dellver
Lhe wlll Lo Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon or Lo Lhe execuLor named ln Lhe wlll
SLC 3 xecotot to pteseot wlll ooJ occept ot tefose ttostA person named
as execuLor ln a wlll shall wlLhln LwenLy (20) days afLer he knows of Lhe deaLh of
Lhe LesLaLor or wlLhln LwenLy (20) days afLer he knows LhaL be ls named execuLor lf
he obLalned such knowledge afLer Lhe deaLh of Lhe LesLaLor presenL such wlll Lo
Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon unless Lhe wlll has reached Lhe courL ln any oLher
manner and shall wlLhln such perlod slgnlfy Lo Lhe courL ln wrlLlng hls accepLance
of Lhe LrusL or hls refusal Lo accepL lL
SLC 4 costoJloo ooJ execotot sobject to floe fot oeqlectA person who
neglecLs any of Lhe duLles requlred ln Lhe Lwo lasL precedlng secLlons wlLhouL
excuse saLlsfacLory Lo Lhe courL shall be flned noL exceedlng Lwo Lhousand pesos
SLC 3 letsoo tetololoq wlll moy be commlLLedA person havlng cusLody of
a wlll afLer Lhe deaLh of Lhe LesLaLor who neglecLs wlLhouL reasonable cause Lo
dellver Lhe same when ordered so Lo do Lo Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon may be
commlLLed Lo prlson and Lhere kepL unLll he dellvers Lhe wlll

SLC1lCn 1 Who moy petltloo fot tbe ollowooce of wlllAny execuLor
devlsee or legaLee named ln a wlll or any oLher person lnLeresLed ln Lhe esLaLe
may aL any Llme afLer Lhe deaLh of Lhe LesLaLor peLlLlon Lhe courL havlng
[urlsdlcLlon Lo have Lhe wlll allowed wheLher Lhe same be ln hls possesslon or noL
or ls losL or desLroyed
1he LesLaLor hlmself may durlng hls llfeLlme peLlLlon Lhe courL for Lhe
allowance of hls wlll
SLC 2 cooteots of petltlooA peLlLlon for Lhe allowance of a wlll musL
show so far as known Lo Lhe peLlLloner
(a) 1he [urlsdlcLlonal facLs
(b) 1he names ages and resldences of Lhe helrs legaLees and
devlsees of Lhe LesLaLor or decedenL
(c) 1he probable value and characLer of Lhe properLy of Lhe esLaLe
(d) 1he name of Lhe person for whom leLLers are prayed
(e) lf Lhe wlll has noL been dellvered Lo Lhe courL Lhe name of Lhe
person havlng cusLody of lL
8uL no defecL ln Lhe peLlLlon shall render vold Lhe allowance of Lhe wlll or Lhe
lssuance of leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon wlLh Lhe wlll annexed
SLC 3 coott to oppolot tlme fot ptovloq wlll Notlce tbeteof to be
pobllsbeJWhen a wlll ls dellvered Lo or a peLlLlon for Lhe allowance of a wlll ls
flled ln Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon such courL shall flx a Llme and place for
provlng Lhe wlll when all concerned may appear Lo conLesL Lhe allowance Lhereof
and shall cause noLlce of such Llme and place Lo be publlshed Lhree (3) weeks
successlvely prevlous Lo Lhe Llme appolnLed ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon
ln Lhe provlnce
8uL no newspaper publlcaLlon shall be made where Lhe peLlLlon for probaLe
has been flled by Lhe LesLaLor hlmself
SLC 4 nelts Jevlsees leqotees ooJ execotots to be ootlfleJ by moll ot
petsooolly1he courL shall also cause coples of Lhe noLlce of Lhe Llme and place
flxed for provlng Lhe wlll Lo be addressed Lo Lhe deslgnaLed or oLher known helrs
legaLees and devlsees of Lhe LesLaLor resldenL ln Lhe hlllpplnes aL Lhelr places of
resldence and deposlLed ln Lhe posL offlce wlLh Lhe posLage Lhereon prepald aL
leasL LwenLy (20) days before Lhe hearlng lf such places of resldence be known A
copy of Lhe noLlce musL ln llke manner be malled Lo Lhe person named as execuLor
lf he be noL Lhe peLlLloner also Lo any person named as coexecuLor noL
peLlLlonlng lf Lhelr places of resldence be known ersonal servlce of coples of Lhe
C 8 A C l L |

noLlce aL leasL Len (10) days before Lhe day of hearlng shall be equlvalenL Lo
lf Lhe LesLaLor asks for Lhe allowance of hls own wlll noLlce shall be senL only
Lo hls compulsory helrs
SLC 3 ltoof ot beotloq Jbot sofflcleot lo obseoce of cootestAL Lhe
hearlng compllance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe lasL Lwo precedlng secLlons musL be
shown before Lhe lnLroducLlon of LesLlmony ln supporL of Lhe wlll All such
LesLlmony shall be Laken under oaLh and reduced Lo wrlLlng lf no person appears Lo
conLesL Lhe allowance of Lhe wlll Lhe courL may granL allowance Lhereof on Lhe
LesLlmony of one of Lhe subscrlblng wlLnesses only lf such wlLness LesLlfy LhaL Lhe
wlll was execuLed as ls requlred by law
ln Lhe case of a holographlc wlll lL shall be necessary LhaL aL leasL one wlLness
who knows Lhe handwrlLlng and slgnaLure of Lhe LesLaLor expllclLly declare LhaL Lhe
wlll and Lhe slgnaLure are ln Lhe handwrlLlng of Lhe LesLaLor ln Lhe absence of any
such compeLenL wlLness and lf Lhe courL deem lL necessary experL LesLlmony may
be resorLed Lo
SLC 6 ltoof of lost ot JesttoyeJ wlll cettlflcote tbeteopoono wlll shall be
proved as a losL or desLroyed wlll unless Lhe execuLlon and valldlLy of Lhe same be
esLabllshed and Lhe wlll ls proved Lo have been ln exlsLence aL Lhe Llme of Lhe deaLh
of Lhe LesLaLor or ls shown Lo have been fraudulenLly or accldenLally desLroyed ln
Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe LesLaLor wlLhouL hls knowledge nor unless lLs provlslons are
clearly and dlsLlncLly proved by aL leasL Lwo (2) credlble wlLnesses When a losL wlll
ls proved Lhe provlslons Lhereof musL be dlsLlncLly sLaLed and cerLlfled by Lhe
[udge under Lhe seal of Lhe courL and Lhe cerLlflcaLe musL be flled and recorded as
oLher wllls are flled and recorded
SLC 7 ltoof wbeo wltoesses Jo oot teslJe lo ptovlocelf lL appears aL Lhe
Llme flxed for Lhe hearlng LhaL none of Lhe subscrlblng wlLnesses resldes ln Lhe
provlnce buL LhaL Lhe deposlLlon of one or more of Lhem can be Laken elsewhere
Lhe courL may on moLlon dlrecL lL Lo be Laken and may auLhorlze a phoLographlc
copy of Lhe wlll Lo be made and Lo be presenLed Lo Lhe wlLness on hls examlnaLlon
who may be asked Lhe same quesLlons wlLh respecL Lo lL and Lo Lhe handwrlLlng of
Lhe LesLaLor and oLhers as would be perLlnenL and compeLenL lf Lhe orlglnal wlll
were presenL
SLC 8 ltoof wbeo wltoesses JeoJ ot losooe ot Jo oot teslJe lo tbe
lblllpploeslf lL appears aL Lhe Llme flxed for Lhe hearlng LhaL Lhe subscrlblng
wlLnesses are dead or lnsane or LhaL none of Lhem resldes ln Lhe hlllpplnes Lhe
courL may admlL Lhe LesLlmony of oLher wlLnesses Lo prove Lhe sanlLy of Lhe
LesLaLor and Lhe due execuLlon of Lhe wlll and as evldence of Lhe execuLlon of Lhe
wlll lL may admlL proof of Lhe handwrlLlng of Lhe LesLaLor and of Lhe subscrlblng
wlLnesses or of any of Lhem
SLC 9 CtoooJs fot Jlsollowloq wlll1he wlll shall be dlsallowed ln any of
Lhe followlng cases
(a) lf noL execuLed and aLLesLed as requlred by law
(b) lf Lhe LesLaLor was lnsane or oLherwlse menLally lncapable Lo
make a wlll aL Lhe Llme of lLs execuLlon
(c) lf lL was execuLed under duress or Lhe lnfluence of fear or
(d) lf lL was procured by undue and lmproper pressure and
lnfluence on Lhe parL of Lhe beneflclary or of some oLher person for hls
(e) lf Lhe slgnaLure of Lhe LesLaLor was procured by fraud or Lrlck
and he dld noL lnLend LhaL Lhe lnsLrumenL should be hls wlll aL Lhe Llme of
flxlng hls slgnaLure LhereLo
SLC 10 cootestoot to flle qtoooJs of cootestAnyone appearlng Lo conLesL
Lhe wlll musL sLaLe ln wrlLlng hls grounds for opposlng lLs allowance and serve a
copy Lhereof on Lhe peLlLloner and oLher parLles lnLeresLed ln Lhe esLaLe
SLC 11 5obsctlbloq wltoesses ptoJoceJ ot occoooteJ fot wbete wlll
cootesteJlf Lhe wlll ls conLesLed all Lhe subscrlblng wlLnesses and Lhe noLary ln
Lhe case of wllls execuLed under Lhe Clvll Code of Lhe hlllpplnes lf presenL ln Lhe
hlllpplnes and noL lnsane musL be produced and examlned and Lhe deaLh
absence or lnsanlLy of any of Lhem musL be saLlsfacLorlly shown Lo Lhe courL lf all
or some of such wlLnesses are presenL ln Lhe hlllpplnes buL ouLslde Lhe provlnce
where Lhe wlll has been flled Lhelr deposlLlon musL be Laken lf any or all of Lhem
LesLlfy agalnsL Lhe due execuLlon of Lhe wlll or do noL remember havlng aLLesLed Lo
lL or are oLherwlse of doubLful credlblllLy Lhe wlll may neverLheless be allowed lf
Lhe courL ls saLlsfled from Lhe LesLlmony of oLher wlLnesses and from all Lhe
evldence presenLed LhaL Lhe wlll was execuLed and aLLesLed ln Lhe manner requlred
by law
lf a holographlc wlll ls conLesLed Lhe same shall be allowed lf aL leasL Lhree
(3) wlLnesses who know Lhe handwrlLlng of Lhe LesLaLor expllclLly declare LhaL Lhe
wlll and Lhe slgnaLure are ln Lhe handwrlLlng of Lhe LesLaLor ln Lhe absence of any
compeLenL wlLness and lf Lhe courL deem lL necessary experL LesLlmony may be
resorLed Lo
SLC 12 ltoof wbete testotot petltloos fot ollowooce of boloqtopblc wlll
Where Lhe LesLaLor hlmself peLlLlons for Lhe probaLe of hls holographlc wlll and no
conLesL ls flled Lhe facL LhaL he afflrms LhaL Lhe holographlc wlll and Lhe slgnaLure
are ln hls own handwrlLlng shall be sufflclenL evldence of Lhe genulneness and due
execuLlon Lhereof lf Lhe holographlc wlll ls conLesLed Lhe burden of dlsprovlng Lhe
genulneness and due execuLlon Lhereof shall be on Lhe conLesLanL 1he LesLaLor
C 8 A C l L |

may ln hls Lurn presenL such addlLlonal proof as may be necessary Lo rebuL Lhe
evldence for Lhe conLesLanL
SLC 13 cettlflcote of ollowooce ottocbeJ to ptoveJ wlll 1o be tecotJeJ lo tbe
fflce of keqlstet of eeJslf Lhe courL ls saLlsfled upon proof Laken and flled
LhaL Lhe wlll was duly execuLed and LhaL Lhe LesLaLor aL Lhe Llme of lLs execuLlon
was of sound and dlsposlng mlnd and noL acLlng under duress menace and undue
lnfluence or fraud a cerLlflcaLe of lLs allowance slgned by Lhe [udge and aLLesLed
by Lhe seal of Lhe courL shall be aLLached Lo Lhe wlll and Lhe wlll and cerLlflcaLe flled
and recorded by Lhe clerk ALLesLed coples of Lhe wlll devlslng real esLaLe and of
cerLlflcaLe of allowance Lhereof shall be recorded ln Lhe reglsLer of deeds of Lhe
provlnce ln whlch Lhe lands lle

SLC1lCn 1 Jlll ptoveJ ootslJe lblllpploes moy be olloweJ beteWllls
proved and allowed ln a forelgn counLry accordlng Lo Lhe laws of such counLry may
be allowed flled and recorded by Lhe proper 8eglonal 1rlal CourL ln Lhe
SLC 2 Notlce of beotloq fot ollowooceWhen a copy of such wlll and of Lhe
order or decree of Lhe allowance Lhereof boLh duly auLhenLlcaLed are flled wlLh a
peLlLlon for allowance ln Lhe hlllpplnes by Lhe execuLor or oLher person lnLeresLed
ln Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon such courL shall flx a Llme and place for Lhe hearlng
and cause noLlce Lhereof Lo be glven as ln case of an orlglnal wlll presenLed for
SLC 3 Jbeo wlll olloweJ ooJ effect tbeteoflf lL appears aL Lhe hearlng
LhaL Lhe wlll should be allowed ln Lhe hlllpplnes Lhe courL shall so allow lL and a
cerLlflcaLe of lLs allowance slgned by Lhe [udge and aLLesLed by Lhe seal of Lhe
courL Lo whlch shall be aLLached a copy of Lhe wlll shall be flled and recorded by
Lhe clerk and Lhe wlll shall have Lhe same effecL as lf orlglnally proved and allowed
ln such courL
SLC 4 stote bow oJmlolsteteJWhen a wlll ls Lhus allowed Lhe courL
shall granL leLLers LesLamenLary or leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon wlLh Lhe wlll annexed
and such leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon shall exLend Lo all Lhe esLaLe of
Lhe LesLaLor ln Lhe hlllpplnes Such esLaLe afLer Lhe paymenL of [usL debLs and
expenses of admlnlsLraLlon shall be dlsposed of accordlng Lo such wlll so far as
such wlll may operaLe upon lL and Lhe resldue lf any shall be dlsposed of as ls
provlded by law ln cases of esLaLes ln Lhe hlllpplnes belonglng Lo persons who are
lnhablLanLs of anoLher sLaLe or counLry

SLC1lCn 1 Jbo ote locompeteot to setve os o execotots ot oJmlolsttotots
no person ls compeLenL Lo serve as execuLor or admlnlsLraLor who
(a) ls a mlnor
(b) ls noL a resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes and
(c) ls ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe courL unflL Lo execuLe Lhe duLles of Lhe
LrusL by reason of drunkenness lmprovldence or wanL of undersLandlng or
lnLegrlLy or by reason of convlcLlon of an offense lnvolvlng moral LurplLude
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 2 xecotot of execotot oot to oJmlolstet estote1he execuLor of an
execuLor shall noL as such admlnlsLer Lhe esLaLe of Lhe flrsL LesLaLor
SLC 3 MottleJ womeo moy setveA marrled woman may serve as execuLrlx
or admlnlsLraLrlx and Lhe marrlage of a slngle woman shall noL affecL her auLhorlLy
so Lo serve under a prevlous appolnLmenL
SLC 4 ettets testomeototy lssoeJ wbeo wlll olloweJWhen a wlll has been
proved and allowed Lhe courL shall lssue leLLers LesLamenLary Lhereon Lo Lhe
person named as execuLor Lhereln lf he ls compeLenL accepLs Lhe LrusL and glves
bond as requlred by Lhese rules
SLC 3 Jbete some coexecotots JlspoollfleJ otbets moy octWhen all of Lhe
execuLors named ln a wlll can noL acL because of lncompeLency refusal Lo accepL
Lhe LrusL or fallure Lo glve bond on Lhe parL of one or more of Lhem leLLers
LesLamenLary may lssue Lo such of Lhem as are compeLenL accepL and glve bond
and Lhey may perform Lhe duLles and dlscharge Lhe LrusL requlred by Lhe wlll
SLC 6 Jbeo ooJ to wbom lettets of oJmlolsttotloo qtooteJlf no execuLor
ls named ln Lhe wlll or Lhe execuLor or execuLors are lncompeLenL refuse Lhe LrusL
or fall Lo glve bond or a person dles lnLesLaLe admlnlsLraLlon shall be granLed
(a) 1o Lhe survlvlng husband or wlfe as Lhe case may be or nexL of
kln or boLh ln Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL or Lo such person as such survlvlng
husband or wlfe or nexL of kln requesLs Lo have appolnLed lf compeLenL and
wllllng Lo serve
(b) lf such survlvlng husband or wlfe as Lhe case may be or nexL of
kln or Lhe person selecLed by Lhem be lncompeLenL or unwllllng or lf Lhe
husband or wldow or nexL of kln neglecLs for LhlrLy (30) days afLer Lhe deaLh
of Lhe person Lo apply for admlnlsLraLlon or Lo requesL LhaL admlnlsLraLlon be
granLed Lo some oLher person lL may be granLed Lo one or more of Lhe
prlnclpal credlLors lf compeLenL and wllllng Lo serve
(c) lf Lhere ls no such credlLor compeLenL and wllllng Lo serve lL
may be granLed Lo such oLher person as Lhe courL may selecL

SLC1lCn 1 pposltloo to lssoooce of lettets testomeototy 5lmoltooeoos
petltloo fot oJmlolsttotlooAny person lnLeresLed ln a wlll may sLaLe ln wrlLlng Lhe
grounds why leLLers LesLamenLary should noL lssue Lo Lhe persons named Lhereln as
execuLors or any of Lhem and Lhe courL afLer hearlng upon noLlce shall pass upon
Lhe sufflclency of such grounds A peLlLlon may aL Lhe same Llme be flled for
leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon wlLh Lhe wlll annexed
SLC 2 cooteots of petltloo fot lettets of oJmlolsttotlooA peLlLlon for
leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon musL be flled by an lnLeresLed person and musL show so
far as known Lo Lhe peLlLloner
(a) 1he [urlsdlcLlonal facLs
(b) 1he names ages and resldences of Lhe helrs and Lhe names
and resldences of Lhe credlLors of Lhe decedenL
(c) 1he probable value and characLer of Lhe properLy of Lhe esLaLe
(d) 1he name of Lhe person for whom leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon are
8uL no defecL ln Lhe peLlLlon shall render vold Lhe lssuance of leLLers of
SLC 3 coott to set tlme fot beotloq Notlce tbeteofWhen a peLlLlon for
leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon ls flled ln Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon such courL shall flx a
Llme and place for hearlng Lhe peLlLlon and shall cause noLlce Lhereof Lo be glven
Lo Lhe known helrs and credlLors of Lhe decedenL and Lo any oLher persons
belleved Lo have an lnLeresL ln Lhe esLaLe ln Lhe Manner provlded ln secLlons 3
and 4 of 8ule 76
SLC 4 pposltloo to petltloo fot oJmlolsttotlooAny lnLeresLed person
may by flllng a wrlLLen opposlLlon conLesL Lhe peLlLlon on Lhe ground of Lhe
lncompeLency of Lhe person for whose leLLers are prayed Lhereln or on Lhe ground
of Lhe conLesLanL's own rlghL Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlon and may pray LhaL leLLer lssue
Lo hlmself or Lo any compeLenL person or persons named ln Lhe opposlLlon
SLC 3 neotloq ooJ otJet fot lettets to lssueAL Lhe hearlng of Lhe peLlLlon
lL musL flrsL be shown LhaL noLlce has been glven as herelnabove requlred and
LhereafLer Lhe courL shall hear Lhe proofs of Lhe parLles ln supporL of Lhelr
respecLlve allegaLlons and lf saLlsfled LhaL Lhe decedenL lefL no wlll

or LhaL Lhere ls
no compeLenL and wllllng execuLor lL shall order Lhe lssuance of leLLers of
admlnlsLraLlon Lo Lhe parLy besL enLlLled LhereLo
SLC 6 Jbeo lettets of oJmlolsttotloo qtooteJ to ooy oppllcootLeLLers of
admlnlsLraLlon may be granLed Lo any quallfled appllcanL Lhough lL appears LhaL
C 8 A C l L |

Lhere are oLher compeLenL persons havlng beLLer rlghL Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlon lf
such persons fall Lo appear when noLlfled and clalm Lhe lssuance of leLLers Lo

SLC1lCn 1 Appolotmeot of speclol oJmlolsttototWhen Lhere ls delay ln
granLlng leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon by any cause lncludlng an appeal
from Lhe allowance or dlsallowance of a wlll Lhe courL may appolnL a speclal
admlnlsLraLor Lo Lake possesslon and charge of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased unLll Lhe
quesLlons causlng Lhe delay are declded and execuLors or admlnlsLraLors appolnLed
SLC 2 lowets ooJ Jotles of speclol oJmlolsttototSuch speclal
admlnlsLraLor shall Lake possesslon and charge of Lhe goods chaLLels rlghLs
credlLs and esLaLe of Lhe deceased and preserve Lhe same for Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor afLerwards appolnLed and for LhaL purpose may commence and
malnLaln sulLs as admlnlsLraLor Pe may sell only such perlshable and oLher
properLy as Lhe courL orders sold A speclal admlnlsLraLor shall noL be llable Lo pay
any debLs of Lhe deceased unless so ordered by Lhe courL
SLC 3 Jbeo powets of speclol oJmlolsttotot ceose 1toosfet of effects
leoJloq soltsWhen leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon are granLed on Lhe
esLaLe of Lhe deceased Lhe powers of Lhe speclal admlnlsLraLor shall cease and he
shall forLhwlLh dellver Lo Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lhe goods chaLLels money
and esLaLe of Lhe deceased ln hls hands 1he execuLor or admlnlsLraLor may
prosecuLe Lo flnal [udgmenL sulLs commenced by such speclal admlnlsLraLor

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 8ooJ to be qlveo befote lssoooce of lettets Amooot cooJltloos
8efore an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor enLers upon Lhe execuLlon of hls LrusL and
leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon lssue he shall glve a bond ln such sum as
Lhe courL dlrecLs condlLloned as follows
(a) 1o make and reLurn Lo Lhe courL wlLhln Lhree (3) monLhs a Lrue
and compleLe lnvenLory of all goods chaLLels rlghLs credlLs and esLaLe of
Lhe deceased whlch shall come Lo hls possesslon or knowledge or Lo Lhe
possesslon of any oLher person for hlm
(b) 1o admlnlsLer accordlng Lo Lhese rules and lf an execuLor
accordlng Lo Lhe wlll of Lhe LesLaLor all goods chaLLels rlghLs credlLs and
esLaLe whlch shall aL any Llme come Lo hls possesslon or Lo Lhe possesslon of
any oLher person for hlm and from Lhe proceeds Lo pay and dlscharge all
debLs legacles and charges on Lhe same or such dlvldends Lhereon as shall
be decreed by Lhe courL
(c) 1o render a Lrue and [usL accounL of hls admlnlsLraLlon Lo Lhe
courL wlLhln one (1) year and aL any oLher Llme when requlred by Lhe courL
(d) 1o perform all orders of Lhe courL by hlm Lo be performed
SLC 2 8ooJ of execotot wbete JltecteJ lo wlll Jbeo fottbet booJ
tepolteJlf Lhe LesLaLor ln hls wlll dlrecLs LhaL Lhe execuLor serve wlLhouL bond or
wlLh only hls lndlvldual bond he may be allowed by Lhe courL Lo glve bond ln such
sum and wlLh such sureLy as Lhe courL approves condlLloned only Lo pay Lhe debLs
of Lhe LesLaLor buL Lhe courL may requlre of Lhe execuLor a furLher bond ln case of
a change ln hls clrcumsLances or for oLher sufflclenL cause wlLh Lhe condlLlons
named ln Lhe lasL precedlng secLlon
SLC 3 8ooJs of jolot execotots ooJ oJmlolsttototsWhen Lwo or more
persons are appolnLed execuLors or admlnlsLraLors Lhe courL may Lake a separaLe
bond from each or a [olnL bond from all
SLC 4 8ooJ of speclol oJmlolsttototA speclal admlnlsLraLor before
enLerlng upon Lhe duLles of hls LrusL shall glve a bond ln such sum as Lhe courL
dlrecLs condlLloned LhaL he wlll make and reLurn a Lrue lnvenLory of Lhe goods
chaLLels rlghLs credlLs and esLaLe of Lhe deceased whlch come Lo hls possesslon or
knowledge and LhaL he wlll Lruly accounL for such as are recelved by hlm when
requlred by Lhe courL and wlll dellver Lhe same Lo Lhe person appolnLed execuLor
or admlnlsLraLor or Lo such oLher person as may be auLhorlzed Lo recelve Lhem

SLC1lCn 1 AJmlolsttotloo tevokeJ lf wlll JlscoveteJ ltoceeJloqs
tbeteopoolf afLer leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon have been granLed on Lhe esLaLe of a
decedenL as lf he had dled lnLesLaLe hls wlll ls proved and allowed by Lhe courL Lhe
leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon shall be revoked and all powers Lhereunder cease and Lhe
admlnlsLraLor shall forLhwlLh surrender Lhe leLLers Lo Lhe courL and render hls
accounL wlLhln such Llme as Lhe courL dlrecLs roceedlngs for Lhe lssuance of
leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon under Lhe wlll shall be as herelnbefore
SLC 2 coott moy temove ot occept teslqootloo of execotot ot oJmlolsttotot
ltoceeJloqs opoo Jeotb teslqootloo ot temovollf an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor
neglecLs Lo render hls accounL and seLLle Lhe esLaLe accordlng Lo law or Lo perform
an order or [udgmenL of Lhe courL or a duLy expressly provlded by Lhese rule or
absconds or becomes lnsane or oLherwlse lncapable or unsulLable Lo dlscharge Lhe
LrusL Lhe courL may remove hlm or ln lLs dlscreLlon may permlL hlm Lo reslgn
When an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor dles reslgns or ls removed Lhe remalnlng
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor may admlnlsLer Lhe LrusL alone unless Lhe courL granLs
leLLers Lo someone Lo acL wlLh hlm lf Lhere ls no remalnlng execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor admlnlsLraLlon may be granLed Lo any sulLable person
SLC 3 Acts befote tevocotloo teslqootloo ot temovol to be vollJ1he
lawful acLs of an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor before Lhe revocaLlon of hls leLLers
LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon or before hls reslgnaLlon or removal shall have
Lhe llke valldlLy lf Lhere has been no such revocaLlon reslgnaLlon or removal
SLC 4 lowets of oew execotot ot oJmlolsttotot keoewol of llceose to sell
teol estote1he person Lo whom leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon are
granLed afLer Lhe revocaLlon of former leLLers or Lhe deaLh reslgnaLlon or removal
of a former execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall have Lhe llke powers Lo collecL and
seLLle Lhe esLaLe noL admlnlsLered LhaL Lhe former execuLor or admlnlsLraLor had
and may prosecuLe of defend acLlons commenced by or agalnsL Lhe former
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor and have execuLlon on [udgmenLs recovered ln Lhe
name of such former execuLor or admlnlsLraLor An auLhorlLy granLed by Lhe courL
Lo Lhe former execuLor admlnlsLraLor for Lhe sale or morLgage of real esLaLe may be
renewed ln favor of such person wlLhouL furLher noLlce or hearlng

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 loveototy ooJ opptolsol to be tetotoeJ wltblo tbtee mootbs
WlLhln Lhree (3) monLhs afLer hls appolnLmenL every execuLor or admlnlsLraLor
shall reLurn Lo Lhe courL a Lrue lnvenLory and appralsal of all Lhe real and personal
esLaLe of Lhe deceased whlch has come lnLo hls possesslon or knowledge ln Lhe
appralsemenL of such esLaLe Lhe courL may order one or more of Lhe lnherlLance
Lax appralsers Lo glve hls or Lhelr asslsLance
SLC 2 cettolo ottlcles oot to be loveototleJ1he wearlng apparel of Lhe
survlvlng husband or wlfe and mlnor chlldren Lhe marrlage bed and beddlng and
such provlslons and oLher arLlcles as wlll necessarlly be consumed ln Lhe
subslsLence of Lhe famlly of Lhe deceased under Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe courL shall
noL be consldered as asseLs nor admlnlsLered as such and shall noL be lncluded ln
Lhe lnvenLory
SLC 3 Allowooce to wlJow ooJ fomlly1he wldow and mlnor or
lncapaclLaLed chlldren of a deceased person durlng Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe esLaLe
shall recelve Lherefrom under Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe courL such allowance as are
provlded by law

SLC1lCn 1 xecotot ot oJmlolsttotot to bove occess to pottoetsblp books ooJ
ptopetty now tlqbt eofotceJ1he execuLor or admlnlsLraLor of Lhe esLaLe of a
deceased parLner shall aL all Llmes have access Lo and may examlne and Lake
coples of books and papers relaLlng Lo Lhe parLnershlp buslness and may examlne
and make lnvolces of Lhe properLy belonglng Lo such parLnershlp and Lhe survlvlng
parLner or parLners on requesL shall exhlblL Lo hlm all such books papers and
properLy ln Lhelr hands or conLrol Cn Lhe wrlLLen appllcaLlon of such execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor Lhe CourL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe may order any such
survlvlng parLner or parLners Lo freely permlL Lhe exerclse of Lhe rlghLs and Lo
exhlblL Lhe books papers and properLy as ln Lhls secLlon provlded and may punlsh
any parLner falllng Lo do so for conLempL
SLC 2 xecotot ot oJmlolsttotot to keep bollJloqs lo tepoltAn execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor shall malnLaln ln LenanLable repalr Lhe houses and oLher sLrucLures
and fences belonglng Lo Lhe esLaLe and dellver Lhe same ln such repalr Lo Lhe helrs
or devlsees when dlrecLed so Lo do by Lhe courL
SLC 3 xecotot ot oJmlolsttotot to tetolo wbole estote to poy Jebts ooJ to
oJmlolstet estote oot wllleJAn execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall have Lhe rlghL Lo
Lhe possesslon and managemenL of Lhe real as well as Lhe personal esLaLe of Lhe
deceased so long as lL ls necessary for Lhe paymenL of Lhe debLs and Lhe expenses
of admlnlsLraLlon

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 xecotot ot oJmlolsttotot cbotqeoble wltb oll estote ooJ
locomeLxcepL as oLherwlse expressly provlded ln Lhe followlng secLlons every
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor ls chargeable ln hls accounL wlLh Lhe whole of Lhe esLaLe
of Lhe deceased whlch has come lnLo hls possesslon aL Lhe value of Lhe
appralsemenL conLalned ln Lhe lnvenLory wlLh all Lhe lnLeresL proflL and lncome of
such esLaLe and wlLh Lhe proceeds of so much of Lhe esLaLe as ls sold by hlm aL Lhe
prlce aL whlch lL was sold
SLC 2 Not to ptoflt by locteose ot lose by Jecteose lo voloeno execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor shall proflL by Lhe lncrease or suffer loss by Lhe decrease or
desLrucLlon wlLhouL hls faulL of any parL of Lhe esLaLe Pe musL accounL for Lhe
excess when he sells any parL of Lhe esLaLe for more Lhan Lhe appralsemenL and lf
any ls sold for less Lhan Lhe appralsemenL he ls noL responslble for Lhe loss lf Lhe
sale has been [usLly made lf he seLLles any clalm agalnsL Lhe esLaLe for less Lhan lLs
nomlnal value he ls enLlLled Lo charge ln hls accounL only Lhe amounL he acLually
pald on Lhe seLLlemenL
SLC 3 Jbeo oot occoootoble fot Jebts Joe estoteno execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor shall be accounLable for debLs due Lhe deceased whlch remaln
uncollecLed wlLhouL hls faulL
SLC 4 Accoootoble fot locome ftom teolty oseJ by blmlf Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor uses or occuples any parL of Lhe real esLaLe hlmself he shall accounL
for lL as may be agreed upon beLween hlm and Lhe parLles lnLeresLed or ad[usLed
by Lhe courL wlLh Lhelr assenL and lf Lhe parLles do noL agree upon Lhe sum Lo be
allowed Lhe same may be ascerLalned by Lhe courL whose deLermlnaLlon ln Lhls
respecL shall be flnal
SLC 3 Accoootoble lf be oeqlects ot Jeloys to tolse ot poy mooeyWhen an
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor neglecLs or unreasonably delays Lo ralse money by
collecLlng Lhe debLs or selllng Lhe real or personal esLaLe of Lhe deceased or
neglecLs Lo pay over Lhe money he has ln hls hands and Lhe value of Lhe esLaLe ls
Lhereby lessened or unnecessary cosL or lnLeresL accrues or Lhe persons lnLeresLed
suffer loss Lhe same shall be deemed wasLe and Lhe damage susLalned may be
charged and allowed agalnsL hlm ln hls accounL and he shall be llable Lherefor on
hls bond
SLC 6 Jbeo olloweJ mooey polJ os costs1he amounL pald by an execuLor
or admlnlsLraLor for cosLs awarded agalnsL hlm shall be allowed ln hls
admlnlsLraLlon accounL unless lL appears LhaL Lhe acLlon or proceedlng ln whlch Lhe
cosLs are Laxed was prosecuLed or reslsLed wlLhouL [usL cause and noL ln good
SLC 7 Jbot expeoses ooJ fees olloweJ execotot ot oJmlolsttotot Not to
cbotqe fot setvlces os ottotoey compeosotloo ptovlJeJ by wlll coottols ooless
teooooceJAn execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall be allowed Lhe necessary expenses
ln Lhe case managemenL and seLLlemenL of Lhe esLaLe and for hls servlces four
pesos per day for Lhe Llme acLually and necessarlly employed or a commlsslon
upon Lhe value of so much of Lhe esLaLe as comes lnLo hls possesslon and ls flnally
dlsposed of by hlm ln Lhe paymenL of debLs expenses legacles or dlsLrlbuLlve
shares or by dellvery Lo helrs or devlsees of Lwo pet ceotom of Lhe flrsL flve
Lhousand pesos of such value one pet ceotom of so much of such value as exceeds
flve Lhousand pesos and does noL exceed LhlrLy Lhousand pesos onehalf pet
ceotom of so much of such value as exceeds LhlrLy Lhousand pesos and does noL
exceed one hundred Lhousand pesos and onequarLer pet ceotom of so much of
such value as exceeds one hundred Lhousand pesos 8uL ln any speclal case where
Lhe esLaLe ls large and Lhe seLLlemenL has been aLLended wlLh greaL dlfflculLy and
has requlred a hlgh degree of capaclLy on Lhe parL of Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor
a greaLer sum may be allowed lf ob[ecLlon Lo Lhe fees allowed be Laken Lhe
allowance may be reexamlned on appeal
lf Lhere are Lwo or more execuLors or admlnlsLraLors Lhe compensaLlon shall
be apporLloned among Lhem by Lhe courL accordlng Lo Lhe servlces acLually
rendered by Lhem respecLlvely
When Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor ls an aLLorney he shall noL charge
agalnsL Lhe esLaLe any professlonal fees for legal servlces rendered by hlm
When Lhe deceased by wlll makes some oLher provlslon for Lhe compensaLlon
of hls execuLor LhaL provlslon shall be a full saLlsfacLlon for hls servlces unless by a
wrlLLen lnsLrumenL flled ln Lhe courL he renounces all clalm Lo Lhe compensaLlon
provlded by Lhe wlll
SLC 8 Jbeo execotot ot oJmlolsttotot to teoJet occoootLvery execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor shall render an accounL of hls admlnlsLraLlon wlLhln one (1) year from
Lhe Llme of recelvlng leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon unless Lhe courL
oLherwlse dlrecLs because of exLenslons of Llme for presenLlng clalms agalnsL or
paylng Lhe debLs of Lhe esLaLe or for dlsposlng of Lhe esLaLe and he shall render
such furLher accounLs as Lhe courL may requlre unLll Lhe esLaLe ls wholly seLLled
SLC 9 xomlootloos oo ootb wltb tespect to occooot 1he courL may
examlne Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor upon oaLh wlLh respecL Lo every maLLer
relaLlng Lo any accounL rendered by hlm and shall so examlne hlm as Lo Lhe
correcLness of hls accounL before Lhe same ls allowed excepL when no ob[ecLlon ls
made Lo Lhe allowance of Lhe accounL and lLs correcLness ls saLlsfacLorlly
esLabllshed by compeLenL proof 1he helrs legaLees dlsLrlbuLees and credlLors of
Lhe esLaLe shall have Lhe same prlvllege as Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor of belng
examlned on oaLh on any maLLer relaLlng Lo an admlnlsLraLlon accounL
SLC 10 Accooot to be settleJ oo noLlce8efore Lhe accounL of an execuLor
or admlnlsLraLor ls allowed noLlce shall be glven Lo persons lnLeresLed of Lhe Llme
and place of examlnlng and allowlng Lhe same and such noLlce may be glven
C 8 A C l L |

personally Lo such persons lnLeresLed or by adverLlsemenL ln a newspaper or
newspapers or boLh as Lhe courL dlrecLs
SLC 11 5otety oo booJ moy be potty to occoootloqupon Lhe seLLlemenL
of Lhe accounL of an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor a person llable as sureLy ln respecL
Lo such accounL may upon appllcaLlon be admlLLed as parLy Lo such accounLlng

SLC1lCn 1 Notlce to cteJltots to be lssoeJ by coott lmmedlaLely afLer
granLlng leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon Lhe courL shall lssue a noLlce
requlrlng all persona havlng money clalms agalnsL Lhe decedenL Lo flle Lhem ln Lhe
offlce of Lhe clerk of sald courL
SLC 2 1lme wltblo wblcb clolms sboll be flleJln Lhe noLlce provlded ln Lhe
precedlng secLlon Lhe courL shall sLaLe Lhe Llme for Lhe flllng of clalms agalnsL Lhe
esLaLe whlch shall noL be more Lhan Lwelve (12) nor less Lhan slx (6) monLhs afLer
Lhe daLe of Lhe flrsL publlcaLlon of Lhe noLlce Powever aL any Llme before an order
of dlsLrlbuLlon ls enLered on appllcaLlon of a credlLor who has falled Lo flle hls clalm
wlLhln Lhe Llme prevlously llmlLed Lhe courL may for cause shown and on such
Lerms as are equlLable allow such clalm Lo be flled wlLhln a Llme noL exceedlng one
(1) monLh
SLC 3 lobllcotloo of ootlce to cteJltotsLvery execuLor or admlnlsLraLor
shall lmmedlaLely alLer Lhe noLlce Lo credlLors ls lssued cause Lhe same Lo be
publlshed Lhree (3) weeks successlvely ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe
provlnce and Lo be posLed for Lhe same perlod ln four publlc places ln Lhe
provlnce and ln Lwo publlc places ln Lhe munlclpallLy where Lhe decedenL lasL
SLC 4 lllloq copy of ptloteJ ootlceWlLhln Len (10) days afLer Lhe noLlce
has been publlshed and posLed n accordance wlLh Lhe precedlng secLlon Lhe
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall flle or cause Lo be flled ln Lhe courL a prlnLed copy
of Lhe noLlce accompanled wlLh an affldavlL seLLlng forLh Lhe daLes of Lhe flrsL and
lasL publlcaLlon Lhereof and Lhe name of Lhe newspaper ln whlch Lhe same ls
SLC 3 clolms wblcb most be flleJ ooJet tbe ootlce lf oot flleJ botteJ
exceptloosAll clalms for money agalnsL Lhe decedenL arlslng from conLracL
express or lmplled wheLher Lhe same be due noL due or conLlngenL all clalms for
funeral expenses and expenses for Lhe lasL slckness of Lhe decedenL and [udgmenL
for money agalnsL Lhe decedenL musL be flled wlLhln Lhe Llme llmlLed ln Lhe noLlce
oLherwlse Lhey are barred forever excepL LhaL Lhey may be seL forLh as
counLerclalms ln any acLlon LhaL Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor may brlng agalnsL
Lhe clalmanLs Where an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor commences an acLlon or
prosecuLes an acLlon already commenced by Lhe deceased ln hls llfeLlme Lhe
debLor may seL forLh by answer Lhe clalms he has agalnsL Lhe decedenL lnsLead of
presenLlng Lhem lndependenLly Lo Lhe courL as hereln provlded and muLual clalms
may be seL off agalnsL each oLher ln such acLlon and lf flnal [udgmenL ls rendered ln
favor of Lhe defendanL Lhe amounL so deLermlned shall be consldered Lhe Lrue
balance agalnsL Lhe esLaLe as Lhough Lhe clalm had been presenLed dlrecLly before
Lhe courL ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon proceedlngs Clalms noL yeL due or conLlngenL may
be approved aL Lhelr presenL value
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 6 5ollJoty obllqotloo of JeceJeotWhere Lhe obllgaLlon of Lhe
decedenL ls solldary wlLh anoLher debLor Lhe clalm shall be flled agalnsL Lhe
decedenL as lf he were Lhe only debLor wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe esLaLe
Lo recover conLrlbuLlon from Lhe oLher debLor ln a [olnL obllgaLlon of Lhe decedenL
Lhe clalm shall be conflned Lo Lhe porLlon belonglng Lo hlm
SLC 7 Mottqoqe Jebt Joe ftom estoteA credlLor holdlng a clalm agalnsL
Lhe deceased secured by morLgage or oLher collaLeral securlLy may abandon Lhe
securlLy and prosecuLe hls clalm ln Lhe manner provlded ln Lhls rule and share ln
Lhe general dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe asseLs of Lhe esLaLe or he may foreclose hls
morLgage or reallze upon hls securlLy by acLlon ln courL maklng Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor a parLy defendanL and lf Lhere ls a [udgmenL for a deflclency afLer
Lhe sale of Lhe morLgaged premlses or Lhe properLy pledged ln Lhe foreclosure or
oLher proceedlngs Lo reallze upon Lhe securlLy he may clalm hls deflclency
[udgmenL ln Lhe manner provlded ln Lhe precedlng secLlon or he may rely upon hls
morLgage or oLher securlLy alone and foreclose Lhe same aL any Llme wlLhln Lhe
perlod of Lhe sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons and ln LhaL evenL he shall noL be admlLLed as a
credlLor and shall recelve no share ln Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe oLher asseLs of Lhe
esLaLe buL noLhlng hereln conLalned shall prohlblL Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor
from redeemlng Lhe properLy morLgaged or pledged by paylng Lhe debL for whlch
lL ls held as securlLy under Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe courL lf Lhe courL shall ad[udge lL Lo
be for Lhe besL lnLeresL of Lhe esLaLe LhaL such redempLlon shall be made
SLC 8 clolm of execotot ot oJmlolsttotot oqolost oo estotelf Lhe execuLor
or admlnlsLraLor has a clalm agalnsL Lhe esLaLe he represenLs he shall glve noLlce
Lhereof ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe courL and Lhe courL shall appolnL a speclal admlnlsLraLor
who shall ln Lhe ad[usLmenL of such clalm have Lhe same power and be sub[ecL Lo
Lhe same llablllLy as Lhe general admlnlsLraLor or execuLor ln Lhe seLLlemenL of
oLher clalms 1he courL may order Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo pay Lo Lhe
speclal admlnlsLraLor necessary funds Lo defend such clalm
SLC 9 now to flle o clolm cooteots tbeteof Notlce to execotot ot
oJmlolsttototA clalm may be flled by dellverlng Lhe same wlLh Lhe necessary
vouchers Lo Lhe clerk of courL and by servlng a copy Lhereof on Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor lf Lhe clalm be founded on a bond blll noLe or any oLher
lnsLrumenL Lhe orlglnal need noL be flled buL a copy Lhereof wlLh all lndorsemenLs
shall be aLLached Lo Lhe clalm and flled LherewlLh Cn demand however of Lhe
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor or by order of Lhe courL or [udge Lhe orlglnal shall be
exhlblLed unless lL be losL or desLroyed ln whlch case Lhe clalmanL musL
accompany hls clalm wlLh affldavlL or affldavlLs conLalnlng a copy or parLlcular
descrlpLlon of Lhe lnsLrumenL and sLaLlng lLs loss or desLrucLlon When Lhe clalm ls
due lL musL be supporLed by affldavlL sLaLlng Lhe amounL [usLly due LhaL no
paymenLs have been made Lhereon whlch are noL credlLed and LhaL Lhere are no
offseLs Lo Lhe same Lo Lhe knowledge of Lhe afflanL lf Lhe clalm ls noL due or ls
conLlngenL when flled lL musL also be supporLed by affldavlL sLaLlng Lhe parLlculars
Lhereof When Lhe affldavlL ls made by a person oLher Lhan Lhe clalmanL he musL
seL forLh Lhereln Lhe reason why lL ls noL made by Lhe clalmanL 1he clalm once flled
shall be aLLached Lo Lhe record of Lhe case ln whlch Lhe leLLers LesLamenLary or of
admlnlsLraLlon were lssued alLhough Lhe courL ln lLs dlscreLlon and as a maLLer of
convenlence may order all Lhe clalms Lo be collecLed ln a separaLe folder
SLC 10 Aoswet of execotot ot oJmlolsttotot ffsetsWlLhln flfLeen (13)
days afLer servlce of a copy of Lhe clalm on Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor he shall
flle hls answer admlLLlng or denylng Lhe clalm speclflcally and seLLlng forLh Lhe
subsLance of Lhe maLLers whlch are relled upon Lo supporL Lhe admlsslon or denlal
lf he has no knowledge sufflclenL Lo enable hlm Lo admlL or deny speclflcally he
shall sLaLe such wanL of knowledge 1he execuLor or admlnlsLraLor ln hls answer
shall allege ln offseL any clalm whlch Lhe decedenL before deaLh had agalnsL Lhe
clalmanL and hls fallure Lo do so shall bar Lhe clalm forever A copy of Lhe answer
shall be served by Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor on Lhe clalmanL 1he courL ln lLs
dlscreLlon may exLend Lhe Llme for flllng such answer
SLC 11 lsposltloo of oJmltteJ clolmAoy clalm admlLLed enLlrely by Lhe
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall lmmedlaLely be submlLLed by Lhe clerk Lo Lhe courL
who may approve Lhe same wlLhouL hearlng buL Lhe courL ln lLs dlscreLlon before
approvlng Lhe clalm may order LhaL known helrs legaLees or devlsees be noLlfled
and heard lf upon hearlng an helr legaLee or devlsee opposes Lhe clalm Lhe courL
may ln lLs dlscreLlon allow hlm flfLeen (13) days Lo flle an answer Lo Lhe clalm ln
Lhe manner prescrlbed ln Lhe precedlng secLlon
SLC 12 1tlol of cootesteJ clolmupon Lhe flllng of an answer Lo a clalm or
upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Llme for such flllng Lhe clerk of courL shall seL Lhe clalm
for Lrlal wlLh noLlce Lo boLh parLles 1he courL may refer Lhe clalm Lo a
SLC 13 IoJqmeot oppeoloble1he [udgmenL of Lhe courL approvlng or
dlsapprovlng a clalm shall be flled wlLh Lhe record of Lhe admlnlsLraLlon
proceedlngs wlLh noLlce Lo boLh parLles and ls appealable as ln ordlnary cases A
[udgmenL agalnsL Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall be LhaL he pay ln due course
of admlnlsLraLlon Lhe amounL ascerLalned Lo be due and lL shall noL creaLe any llen
upon Lhe properLy of Lhe esLaLe or glve Lo Lhe [udgmenL credlLor any prlorlLy of
SLC 14 costsWhen Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor ln hls answer admlLs
and offers Lo pay parL of a clalm and Lhe clalmanL refuses Lo accepL Lhe amounL
offered ln saLlsfacLlon of hls clalm lf he falls Lo obLaln a more favorable [udgmenL
he cannoL recover cosLs buL musL pay Lo Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor cosLs from
Lhe Llme of Lhe offer Where an acLlon commenced agalnsL Lhe deceased for money
has been dlsconLlnued and Lhe clalm embraced Lhereln presenLed as ln Lhls rule
provlded Lhe prevalllng parLy shall be allowed Lhe cosLs of hls acLlon up Lo Lhe Llme
of lLs dlsconLlnuance

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Actloos wblcb moy ooJ wblcb moy oot be btooqbt oqolost
execotot ot oJmlolsttototno acLlon upon a clalm for Lhe recovery of money or
debL or lnLeresL Lhereon shall be commenced agalnsL Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor buL acLlons Lo recover real or personal properLy or an lnLeresL
Lhereln from Lhe esLaLe or Lo enforce a llen Lhereon and acLlons Lo recover
damages for an ln[ury Lo person or properLy real or personal may be commenced
agalnsL hlm
SLC 2 xecotot ot oJmlolsttotot moy btloq ot JefeoJ octloos wblcb
sotvlvelor Lhe recovery or proLecLlon of Lhe properLy or rlghLs of Lhe deceased
an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor may brlng or defend ln Lhe rlghL of Lhe deceased
acLlons for causes whlch survlve
SLC 3 nelt moy oot soe ootll sbote osslqoeJWhen an execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor ls appolnLed and assumes Lhe LrusL no acLlon Lo recover Lhe LlLle or
possesslon of lands or for damages done Lo such lands shall be malnLalned agalnsL
hlm by an helr or devlsee unLll Lhere ls an order of Lhe courL asslgnlng such lands Lo
such helr or devlsee or unLll Lhe Llme allowed for paylng debLs has explred
SLC 4 xecotot ot oJmlolsttotot moy compoooJ wltb JebtotWlLh Lhe
approval of Lhe courL an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor may compound wlLh Lhe debLor
of Lhe deceased for a debL due and may glve a dlscharge of such debL on recelvlng
a [usL dlvldend of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe debLor
SLC 3 Mottqoqe Joe estote moy be fotecloseJA morLgage belonglng Lo
Lhe esLaLe of a deceased person as morLgagee or asslgnee of Lhe rlghL of a
morLgagee may be foreclosed by Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor
SLC 6 ltoceeJloqs wbeo ptopetty cooceoleJ embezzleJ ot ftooJoleotly
cooveyeJlf an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor helr legaLee credlLor or oLher
lndlvldual lnLeresLed ln Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased complalns Lo Lhe courL havlng
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe LhaL a person ls suspecLed of havlng concealed
embezzled or conveyed away any of Lhe money goods or chaLLels of Lhe
deceased or LhaL such person has ln hls possesslon or has knowledge of any deed
conveyance bond conLracLs or oLher wrlLlng whlch conLalns evldence of or Lends
Lo dlsclose Lhe rlghL LlLle lnLeresL or clalm of Lhe deceased Lo real or personal
esLaLe or Lhe lasL wlll and LesLamenL of Lhe deceased Lhe courL may clLe such
suspecLed person Lo appear before lL and may examlne hlm on oaLh on Lhe maLLer
of such complalnL and lf Lhe person so clLed refuses Lo appear or Lo answer on
such examlnaLlon such lnLerrogaLorles as are puL Lo hlm Lhe courL may punlsh hlm
for conLempL and may commlL hlm Lo prlson unLll he submlLs Lo Lhe order of Lhe
courL 1he lnLerrogaLorles puL Lo any such person and hls answers LhereLo shall be
ln wrlLlng and shall be flled ln Lhe clerk's offlce
SLC 7 letsoo eottosteJ wltb estote compelleJ to teoJet occooot1he
courL on complalnL of an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor may clLe a person enLrusLed by
an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor wlLh any parL of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased Lo appear
before lL and may requlre such person Lo render a full accounL on oaLh of Lhe
money goods chaLLels bonds accounLs or oLher papers belonglng Lo such esLaLe
as came Lo hls possesslon ln LrusL for such execuLor or admlnlsLraLor and of hls
proceedlngs Lhereon and lf Lhe person so clLed refuses Lo appear Lo render such
accounL Lhe courL may punlsh hlm for conLempL as havlng dlsobeyed a lawful order
of Lhe courL
SLC 8 mbezzlemeot befote lettets lssoeJlf a person before Lhe granLlng
of leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon on Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased
embezzles or allenaLes any of Lhe money goods chaLLels or effecL of such
deceased such person shall be llable Lo an acLlon ln favor of Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor of Lhe esLaLe for double Lhe value of Lhe properLy sold embezzled or
allenaLed Lo be recovered for Lhe beneflL of such esLaLe
SLC 9 ltopetty ftooJoleot cooveyeJ by JeceoseJ moy be tecoveteJ Jbeo
execotot ot oJmlolsttotot most btloq octlooWhen Lhere ls a deflclency of asseLs
ln Lhe hands of an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor for Lhe paymenL of debLs and
expenses of admlnlsLraLlon and Lhe deceased ln hls llfeLlme had conveyed real or
personal properLy or a rlghL or lnLeresL Lhereln or debL or credlL wlLh lnLenL Lo
defraud hls credlLors or Lo avold any rlghL debL or duLy or had so conveyed such
properLy rlghL lnLeresL debL or credlLors and Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe aLLempLed
conveyance would be llable Lo aLLachmenL by any of Lhem ln hls llfeLlme Lhe
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor may commence and prosecuLe Lo flnal [udgmenL an
acLlon for Lhe recovery of such properLy rlghL lnLeresL debLs or credlL for Lhe
beneflL of Lhe credlLors buL he shall noL be bound Lo commence Lhe acLlon unless
Lhe credlLors maklng Lhe appllcaLlon pay such parL of Lhe cosLs and expenses or
glve securlLy Lherefor Lo Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor as Lhe courL deems
SLC 10 Jbeo cteJltot moy btloq octloo leo fot costWhen Lhere ls such a
deflclency of asseLs and Lhe deceased ln hls llfeLlme had made or aLLempLed such a
conveyance as ls sLaLed ln Lhe lasL precedlng secLlon and Lhe execuLor and
admlnlsLraLor has noL commenced Lhe acLlon Lhereln provlded for any credlLor of
Lhe esLaLe may wlLh Lhe permlsslon of Lhe courL commence and prosecuLe Lo flnal
[udgmenL ln Lhe name of Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor a llke acLlon for Lhe
recovery of Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe conveyance or aLLempLed conveyance for Lhe beneflL
of Lhe credlLors 8uL Lhe acLlon shall noL be commenced unLll Lhe credlLor has flled
ln a courL a bond execuLed Lo Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor ln an amounL
approved by Lhe [udge condlLloned Lo lndemnlfy Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor
agalnsL Lhe cosLs and expenses lncurred by reason of such acLlon Such credlLor
shall have a llen upon any [udgmenL recovered by hlm ln Lhe acLlon for such cosLs
and oLher expenses lncurred Lhereln as Lhe courL deems equlLable Where Lhe
conveyance or aLLempLed conveyance has been made by Lhe deceased ln hls
llfeLlme ln favor of Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lhe acLlon whlch a credlLor may
C 8 A C l L |

brlng shall be ln Lhe name of all Lhe credlLors and permlsslon of Lhe courL and flllng
of bond as above prescrlbed are noL necessary

kULL 88 AMLN1 CI 1nL DL81S CI 1nL S1A1L
SLC1lCn 1 ebts polJ lo foll lf estote sofflcleotlf afLer hearlng all Lhe
money clalms agalnsL Lhe esLaLe and afLer ascerLalnlng Lhe amounL of such clalms
lL appears LhaL Lhere are sufflclenL asseLs Lo pay Lhe debLs Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor shall pay Lhe same wlLhln Lhe Llme llmlLed for LhaL purpose
SLC 2 lott of estote ftom wblcb Jebt polJ wbeo ptovlsloo moJe by wllllf
Lhe LesLaLor makes provlslon by hls wlll or deslgnaLes Lhe esLaLe Lo be approprlaLed
for Lhe paymenL of hls debLs Lhe expenses of admlnlsLraLlon or Lhe famlly
expenses Lhey shall pald accordlng Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe wlll buL lf Lhe provlslon
made by Lhe wlll or Lhe sLaLe approprlaLed ls noL sufflclenL for LhaL purpose such
parL of Lhe sLaLe of Lhe LesLaLor real or personal as ls noL dlsposed of by wlll lf any
shall be approprlaLed for LhaL purpose
SLC 3 letsooolty fltst cbotqeoble fot Jebts tbeo teolty1he personal
esLaLe of Lhe deceased noL dlsposed of by wlll shall be flrsL chargeable wlLh Lhe
paymenL of debLs and expenses and lf sald personal esLaLe ls noL sufflclenL for LhaL
purpose or lLs sale would redound Lo Lhe deLrlmenL of Lhe parLlclpanLs of Lhe
esLaLe Lhe whole of Lhe real esLaLe noL dlsposed of by wlll or so much Lhereof as ls
necessary may be sold morLgaged or oLherwlse encumbered for LhaL purpose by
Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor afLer obLalnlng Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe courL
Lhereof Any deflclency shall be meL by conLrlbuLlons ln accordance wlLh Lhe
provlslons of secLlon 6 of Lhls rule
SLC 4 stote to be tetoloeJ to meet cootloqeot clolmslf Lhe courL ls
saLlsfled LhaL a conLlngenL clalm duly flled ls valld lL may order Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor Lo reLaln ln hls hands sufflclenL esLaLe Lo pay such conLlngenL clalm
when Lhe same becomes absoluLe or lf Lhe esLaLe ls lnsolvenL sufflclenL Lo pay a
porLlon equal Lo Lhe dlvldend of Lhe oLher credlLors
SLC 3 now cootloqeot clolm becomloq obsolote lo two yeots olloweJ ooJ
polJ Actloo oqolost Jlsttlbotes lotetlf such conLlngenL clalm becomes absoluLe
and ls presenLed Lo Lhe courL or Lo Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor wlLhln Lwo (2)
years from Lhe Llme llmlLed for oLher credlLors Lo presenL Lhelr clalms lL may be
allowed by Lhe courL lf noL dlspuLed by Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor and lf
dlspuLed lL may be proved and allowed or dlsallowed by Lhe courL as facLs may
warranL lf Lhe conLlngenL clalm ls allowed Lhe credlLor shall recelve paymenL Lo
Lhe same exLenL as Lhe oLher credlLors lf Lhe esLaLe reLalned by Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor ls sufflclenL 8uL lf Lhe clalm ls noL so presenLed afLer havlng become
absoluLe wlLhln sald Lwo (2) years and allowed Lhe asseLs reLalned ln Lhe hands of
Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor noL exhausLed ln Lhe paymenL of clalms shall be
dlsLrlbuLed by Lhe order of Lhe courL Lo Lhe persons enLlLled Lo Lhe same buL Lhe
asseLs so dlsLrlbuLed may sLlll be applled Lo Lhe paymenL of Lhe clalm when
esLabllshed and Lhe credlLor may malnLaln an acLlon agalnsL Lhe dlsLrlbuLees Lo
recover Lhe debL and such dlsLrlbuLees and Lhelr esLaLes shall be llable for Lhe debL
C 8 A C l L |

ln proporLlon Lo Lhe esLaLe Lhey have respecLlvely recelved form Lhe properLy of Lhe
SLC 6 coott to flx coottlbotlve sbotes wbete Jevlsees leqotees ot belts bove
beeo lo possessloo Where devlsees legaLees or helrs have enLered lnLo
possesslon of porLlons of Lhe esLaLe before Lhe debLs and expenses have been
seLLled and pald and have become llable Lo conLrlbuLe for Lhe paymenL of such
debLs and expenses Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe may by order for
LhaL purpose afLer hearlng seLLle Lhe amounL of Lhelr several llablllLles and order
how much and ln whaL manner each person shall conLrlbuLe and may lssue
execuLlon as clrcumsLances requlre
SLC 7 tJet of poymeot lf estote losolveot lf Lhe asseLs whlch can be
approprlaLed for Lhe paymenL of debLs are noL sufflclenL for LhaL purpose Lhe
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall pay Lhe debLs agalnsL Lhe esLaLe observlng Lhe
provlslons of ArLlcles 1039 and 2239 Lo 2231 of Lhe Clvll Code
SLC 8 lvlJeoJs to be polJ lo ptopottloo to clolms lf Lhere are no asseLs
sufflclenL Lo pay tbe credlLs of any one class of credlLors afLer paylng Lhe credlLs
enLlLled Lo preference over lL each credlLor wlLhln such class shall be pald a
dlvldend ln proporLlon Lo hls clalm no credlLor of any one class shall recelve any
paymenL unLll Lhose of Lhe precedlng class are pald
SLC 9 stote of losolveot oooteslJeot bow JlsposeJ of ln case
admlnlsLraLlon ls Laken ln Lhe hlllpplnes of Lhe esLaLe of a person who was aL Lhe
Llme of hls deaLh an lnhablLanL of anoLher counLry and who dled lnsolvenL hls
esLaLe found ln Lhe hlllpplnes shall as far as pracLlcable be so dlsposed of LhaL hls
credlLors here and elsewhere may recelve each an equal share ln proporLlon Lo
Lhelr respecLlve credlLs
SLC 10 Jbeo ooJ bow clolm ptoveJ ootslJe tbe lblllpploes oqolost losolveot
teslJeots estote polJ lf lL appears Lo Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon LhaL clalms
have been duly proven ln anoLher counLry agalnsL Lhe esLaLe of an lnsolvenL who
was aL Lhe Llme of hls deaLh an lnhablLanL of Lhe hlllpplnes and LhaL Lhe execuLor
or admlnlsLraLor ln Lhe hlllpplnes had knowledge of Lhe presenLaLlon of such
clalms ln such counLry and an opporLunlLy Lo conLesL Lhelr allowance Lhe courL
shall recelve a cerLlfled llsL of such clalms when perfecLed ln such counLry and add
Lhe same Lo Lhe llsL of clalms proved agalnsL Lhe deceased person ln Lhe hlllpplnes
so LhaL a [usL dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe whole esLaLe may be made equally among all lLs
credlLors accordlng Lo Lhelr respecLlve clalms buL Lhe beneflL of Lhls and Lhe pre
cedlng secLlons shall noL be exLended Lo Lhe credlLors ln anoLher counLry lf Lhe
properLy of such deceased person Lhere found ls noL equally apporLloned Lo Lhe
credlLors resldlng ln Lhe hlllpplnes and Lhe oLher credlLors accordlng Lo Lhelr
respecLlve clalms
SLC 11 tJet fot poymeot of Jebts 8efore Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Llme
llmlLed for Lhe paymenL of Lhe debLs Lhe courL shall order Lhe paymenL Lhereof
and Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe asseLs recelved by Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor for LhaL
purpose among Lhe credlLors as Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe esLaLe requlre and ln
accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls rule
SLC 12 tJets telotloq to poymeot of Jebts wbete oppeol ls tokeo lf an
appeal has been Laken from a declslon of Lhe courL concernlng a clalm Lhe courL
may suspend Lhe order for Lhe paymenL of Lhe debLs or may order Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon
among Lhe credlLors whose clalms are deflnlLely allowed leavlng ln Lhe hands of
Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor sufflclenL asseLs Lo pay Lhe clalm dlspuLed and
appealed When a dlspuLed clalm ls flnally seLLled Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of
Lhe esLaLe shall order Lhe same Lo be pald ouL of Lhe asseLs reLalned Lo Lhe same
exLenL and ln Lhe same proporLlon wlLh Lhe clalms of oLher credlLors
SLC 13 Jbeo sobsepoeot Jlsttlbotloo of ossets otJeteJ lf Lhe whole of
Lhe debLs are noL pald on Lhe flrsL dlsLrlbuLlon and lf Lhe whole asseLs are noL dls
LrlbuLed or oLher asseLs afLerwards come Lo Lhe hands of Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor Lhe courL may from Llme Lo Llme make furLher orders for Lhe
dlsLrlbuLlon of asseLs
SLC 14 cteJltots to be polJ lo occotJooce wltb tetms of otJet When an
order ls made for Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of asseLs among Lhe credlLors Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor shall as soon as Lhe Llme of paymenL arrlves pay Lhe credlLors Lhe
amounLs of Lhelr clalms or Lhe dlvldend Lhereon ln accordance wlLh Lhe Lerms of
such order
SLC 13 1lme fot poyloq Jebts ooJ leqocles flxeJ ot exteoJeJ oftet ootlce
wltblo wbot petloJs Cn granLlng leLLers LesLamenLary or admlnlsLraLlon Lhe
courL shall allow Lo Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor a Llme for dlsposlng of Lhe esLaLe
and paylng Lhe debLs and legacles of Lhe deceased whlch shall noL ln Lhe flrsL
lnsLance exceed one (1) year buL Lhe courL may on appllcaLlon of Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor and afLer hearlng on such noLlce of Lhe Llme and place Lherefor glven
Lo all persons lnLeresLed as lL shall dlrecL exLend Lhe Llme as Lhe clrcumsLances of
Lhe esLaLe requlre noL exceedlng slx (6) monLhs for a slngle exLenslon nor so LhaL
Lhe whole perlod allowed Lo Lhe orlglnal execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall exceed Lwo
(2) years
SLC 16 5occessot of JeoJ execotot ot oJmlolsttotot moy bove tlme exteoJeJ
oo ootlce wltblo cettolo petloJ When an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor dles and a
new admlnlsLraLor of Lhe same esLaLe ls appolnLed Lhe courL may exLend Lhe Llme
allowed for Lhe paymenL of Lhe debLs or legacles beyond Lhe Llme allowed Lo Lhe
orlglnal execuLor or admlnlsLraLor noL exceedlng slx (6) monLhs aL a Llme and noL
exceedlng slx (6) monLhs 8eyond Lhe Llme whlch Lhe courL mlghL have allowed Lo
such orlglnal execuLor or admlnlsLraLor and noLlce shall be glven of Lhe Llme and
place for hearlng such appllcaLlon as requlred ln Lhe lasL precedlng secLlon

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 tJet of sole of petsoooltyupon Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe execuLor
or admlnlsLraLor and on wrlLLen noLlce Lo Lhe helrs and oLher persons lnLeresLed
Lhe courL may order Lhe whole or a parL of Lhe personal esLaLe Lo be sold lf lL
appears necessary for Lhe purpose of paylng debLs expenses of admlnlsLraLlon or
legacles or for Lhe preservaLlon of Lhe properLy
SLC 2 Jbeo coott moy ootbotlze sole mottqoqe ot otbet eocombtooce of
teolty to poy Jebts ooJ leqocles tbtooqb petsooolty oot exboosteJWhen Lhe
personal esLaLe of Lhe deceased ls noL sufflclenL Lo pay Lhe debLs expenses of
admlnlsLraLlon and legacles or where Lhe sale of such personal esLaLe may ln[ure
Lhe buslness or oLher lnLeresLs of Lhose lnLeresLed ln Lhe esLaLe and where a
LesLaLor has noL oLherwlse made sufflclenL provlslon for Lhe paymenL of such debLs
expenses and legacles Lhe courL on Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor and on wrlLLen noLlce Lo Lhe helrs devlsees and legaLees resldlng ln
Lhe hlllpplnes may auLhorlze Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo sell morLgage or
oLherwlse encumber so much as may be necessary of Lhe real esLaLe ln lleu of
personal esLaLe for Lhe purpose of paylng such debLs expenses and legacles lf lL
clearly appears LhaL such sale morLgage or encumbrance would be beneflclal Lo
Lhe persons lnLeresLed and lf a parL cannoL be sold morLgaged or oLherwlse
encumbered wlLhouL ln[ury Lo Lhose lnLeresLed ln Lhe remalnder Lhe auLhorlLy may
be for Lhe sale morLgage or oLher encumbrance of Lhe whole of such real esLaLe
or so much Lhereof as ls necessary or beneflclal under Lhe clrcumsLances
SLC 3 letsoos lotetesteJ moy pteveot socb sole etc by qlvloq booJno
such auLhorlLy Lo sell morLgage or oLherwlse encumber real or personal esLaLe
shall be granLed lf any person lnLeresLed ln Lhe esLaLe glves a bond ln a sum Lo be
flxed by Lhe courL condlLloned Lo pay Lhe debLs expenses of admlnlsLraLlon and
legacles wlLhln such Llme as Lhe courL dlrecLs and such bond shall be for Lhe
securlLy of Lhe credlLors as well as of Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor and may be
prosecuLed for Lhe beneflL of elLher
SLC 4 Jbeo coott moy ootbotlze sole of estote os beoeflclol to lotetesteJ
petsoos lsposol of ptoceeJsWhen lL appears LhaL Lhe sale of Lhe whole or a
parL of Lhe real or personal esLaLe wlll be beneflclal Lo Lhe helrs devlsees legaLees
and oLher lnLeresLed persons Lhe courL may upon appllcaLlon of Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor and on wrlLLen noLlce Lo Lhe helrs devlsees and legaLees who are
lnLeresLed ln Lhe esLaLe Lo be sold auLhorlze Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo sell
Lhe whole or a parL of sald esLaLe alLhough noL necessary Lo pay debLs legacles or
expenses of admlnlsLraLlon buL such auLhorlLy shall noL be granLed lf lnconslsLenL
wlLh Lhe provlslons of a wlll ln case of such sale Lhe proceeds shall be asslgned Lo
Lhe persons enLlLled Lo Lhe esLaLe ln Lhe proper proporLlons
SLC 3 Jbeo coott moy ootbotlze sole mottqoqe ot otbet eocombtooce of
estote to poy Jebts ooJ leqocles lo otbet cooottles When Lhe sale of personal
esLaLe or Lhe sale morLgage or oLher encumbrance of real esLaLe ls noL necessary
Lo pay Lhe debLs expenses of admlnlsLraLlon or legacles ln Lhe hlllpplnes buL lL
appears from records of proceedlngs of a probaLe courL ln anoLher counLry LhaL Lhe
esLaLe of Lhe deceased ln such oLher counLry ls noL sufflclenL Lo pay Lhe debLs
expenses and admlnlsLraLlon and legacles Lhere Lhe courL here may auLhorlze Lhe
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo sell Lhe personal esLaLe or Lo sell morLgage or
oLherwlse encumber Lhe real esLaLe for Lhe paymenL of debLs or legacles ln Lhe
oLher counLry ln Lhe same manner as for Lhe paymenL of debLs or legacles ln Lhe
SLC 6 Jbeo coott moy ootbotlze sole mottqoqe ot otbet eocombtooce of
teolty ocpolteJ oo execotloo ot foteclosote1he courL may auLhorlze an execuLor
or admlnlsLraLor Lo sell morLgage or oLherwlse encumber real esLaLe acqulred by
hlm on execuLlon or foreclosure sale under Lhe same clrcumsLances and under Lhe
same regulaLlons as prescrlbed ln Lhls rule for Lhe sale morLgage or oLher
encumbrance of oLher real esLaLe
SLC 7 keqolotloos fot qtootloq ootbotlty to sell mottqoqe ot otbetwlse
eocombet estotes1he courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased may
auLhorlze Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo sell personal esLaLe or Lo sell morLgage
or oLherwlse encumber real esLaLe ln cases provlded by Lhese rules and when lL
appears necessary or beneflclal under Lhe followlng regulaLlons
(a) 1he execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall flle a wrlLLen peLlLlon
seLLlng forLh Lhe debLs due from Lhe deceased Lhe expenses of
admlnlsLraLlon Lhe legacles Lhe value of Lhe personal esLaLe Lhe
slLuaLlon of Lhe esLaLe Lo be sold morLgaged or oLherwlse
encumbered and such oLher facLs as show LhaL Lhe sale morLgage or oLher
encumbrance ls necessary or beneflclal
(b) 1he courL shall Lhereupon flx a Llme and place for hearlng
such peLlLlon and cause noLlce sLaLlng Lhe naLure of Lhe peLlLlon Lhe reason
for Lhe same and Lhe Llme and place of hearlng Lo be glven personally or
by mall Lo Lhe persons lnLeresLed and may cause such furLher noLlce Lo be
glven by publlcaLlon or oLherwlse as lL shall deem proper
(c) lf Lhe courL requlres lL Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall glve
an addlLlonal bond ln such sum as Lhe courL dlrecLs condlLloned LhaL such
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor wlll accounL for Lhe proceeds of Lhe sale morLgage
or oLher encumbrance
(d) lf Lhe requlremenLs ln Lhe precedlng subdlvlslons of Lhls
secLlon have been complled wlLh Lhe courL by order sLaLlng such
compllance may auLhorlze Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo sell morLgage or
oLherwlse encumber ln proper cases such parL of Lhe esLaLe as ls deemed
necessary and ln case of sale Lhe courL may auLhorlze lL Lo be publlc or
C 8 A C l L |

prlvaLe as would be mosL beneflclal Lo all parLles concerned 1he execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor shall be furnlshed wlLh a cerLlfled copy of such order
(e) lf Lhe esLaLe ls Lo be sold aL aucLlon Lhe mode of glvlng noLlce
of Lhe Llme and place of Lhe sale shall be governed by Lhe provlslons
concernlng noLlce of execuLlon sale
(f) 1here shall be recorded ln Lhe reglsLry of deeds of Lhe
provlnce ln whlch Lhe real esLaLe Lhus sold morLgaged or
oLherwlse encumbered ls slLuaLed a cerLlfled copy of Lhe order of Lhe courL
LogeLher wlLh Lhe deed of Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor for such real esLaLe
whlch shall be as valld as lf Lhe deed had been execuLed by Lhe deceased ln
hls llfeLlme
SLC 8 Jbeo coott moy ootbotlze cooveyooce of teolty wblcb JeceoseJ
coottocteJ to coovey Notlce ffect of JeeJWhere Lhe deceased was ln hls
llfeLlme under conLracL blndlng ln law Lo deed real properLy or an lnLeresL
Lhereln Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe may on appllcaLlon for LhaL
purpose auLhorlze Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo convey such properLy
accordlng Lo such conLracL or wlLh such modlflcaLlons as are agreed upon by Lhe
parLles and approved by Lhe courL and lf Lhe conLracL ls Lo convey real properLy Lo
Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lhe clerk of Lhe courL shall execuLe Lhe deed 1he
deed execuLed by such execuLor admlnlsLraLor or clerk of courL shall be as
effecLual Lo convey Lhe properLy as lf execuLed by Lhe deceased ln hls llfeLlme buL
no such conveyance shall be auLhorlzed unLll noLlce of Lhe appllcaLlon for LhaL
purpose has been glven personally or by mall Lo all persons lnLeresLed and such
furLher noLlce has been glven by publlcaLlon or oLherwlse as Lhe courL deems
proper nor lf Lhe asseLs ln Lhe hands of Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor wlll Lhereby
be reduced so os Lo prevenL a credlLor from recelvlng hls full debL or dlmlnlsh hls
SLC 9 Jbeo coott moy ootbotlze cooveyooce of looJs wblcb JeceoseJ belJ lo
ttostWhere Lhe deceased ln hls llfeLlme held real properLy ln LrusL for anoLher
person Lhe courL may afLer noLlce glven as requlred ln Lhe lasL precedlng secLlon
auLhorlze Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo deed such properLy Lo Lhe person or hls
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor for whose use and beneflL lL was so held and Lhe courL
may order Lhe execuLlon of such LrusL wheLher creaLed by deed or by law

SLC1lCn 1 Jbeo otJet fot Jlsttlbotloo of teslJoe moJeWhen Lhe debLs
funeral charges and expenses of admlnlsLraLlon Lhe allowance Lo Lhe wldow and
lnherlLance Lax lf any chargeable Lo Lhe esLaLe ln accordance wlLh law have been
pald Lhe courL on Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor or of a person
lnLeresLed ln Lhe esLaLe and afLer hearlng upon noLlce shall asslgn Lhe resldue of
Lhe esLaLe Lo Lhe persons enLlLled Lo Lhe same namlng Lhem and Lhe proporLlons
or parLs Lo whlch each ls enLlLled and such persons may demand and recover Lhelr
respecLlve shares from Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor or any oLher person havlng
Lhe same ln hls possesslon lf Lhere ls a conLroversy before Lhe courL as Lo who are
Lhe lawful helrs of Lhe deceased person or as Lo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlve shares Lo whlch
each person ls enLlLled under Lhe law Lhe conLroversy shall be heard and declded
as ln ordlnary cases
no dlsLrlbuLlon shall be allowed unLll Lhe paymenL of Lhe obllgaLlons above
menLloned has been made or provlded for unless Lhe dlsLrlbuLees or any of Lhem
glve a bond ln a sum Lo be flxed by Lhe courL condlLloned for Lhe paymenL of sald
obllgaLlons wlLhln such Llme as Lhe courL dlrecLs
SLC 2 Ooestloos os to oJvoocemeot to be JetetmloeJCuesLlons as Lo
advancemenL made or alleged Lo have been made by Lhe deceased Lo any helr
may be heard and deLermlned by Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe
proceedlngs and Lhe flnal order of Lhe courL Lhereon shall be blndlng on Lhe person
ralslng Lhe quesLlons and on Lhe helr
SLC 3 8y wbom expeoses of pottltloo polJlf aL Lhe Llme of Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon
Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor has reLalned sufflclenL effecLs ln hls hands whlch may
lawfully be applled for Lhe expenses of parLlLlon of Lhe properLles dlsLrlbuLed such
expenses of parLlLlon may be pald by such execuLor or admlnlsLraLor when lL
appears equlLable Lo Lhe courL and noL lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of Lhe
LesLaLor oLherwlse Lhey shall be pald by Lhe parLles ln proporLlon Lo Lhelr
respecLlve shares or lnLeresL ln Lhe premlses and Lhe apporLlonmenL shall be
seLLled and allowed by Lhe courL and lf any person lnLeresLed ln Lhe parLlLlon does
noL pay hls proporLlon or share Lhe courL may lssue an execuLlon ln Lhe name of
Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor agalnsL Lhe parLy noL paylng for Lhe sum assessed
SLC 4 kecotJloq tbe otJet of pottltloo of estoteCerLlfled coples of flnal
orders and [udgmenLs of Lhe courL relaLlng Lo Lhe real esLaLe or Lhe parLlLlon
Lhereof shall be recorded ln Lhe reglsLry of deeds of Lhe provlnce where Lhe
properLy ls slLuaLed

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Jbeo ooJ by wbom petltloo flleJWhen a person dles lnLesLaLe
selzed of real or personal properLy ln Lhe hlllpplnes leavlng no helr or person by
law enLlLled Lo Lhe same Lhe SollclLor Ceneral or hls represenLaLlve ln behalf of Lhe
8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes may flle a peLlLlon ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe
provlnce where Lhe deceased lasL reslded or ln whlch he had esLaLe lf he reslded
ouL of Lhe hlllpplnes seLLlng forLh Lhe facLs and praylng LhaL Lhe esLaLe of Lhe
deceased be declared escheaLed
SLC 2 tJet fot beotloqlf Lhe peLlLlon ls sufflclenL ln form and subsLance
Lhe courL by an order reclLlng Lhe purpose of Lhe peLlLlon shall flx a daLe and place
for Lhe hearlng Lhereof whlch daLe shall be noL more Lhan slx (6) monLhs afLer Lhe
enLry of Lhe order and shall dlrecL LhaL a copy of Lhe order be publlshed before Lhe
hearlng aL leasL once a week for slx (6) successlve weeks ln some newspaper of
general clrculaLlon publlshed ln Lhe provlnce as Lhe courL shall deem besL
SLC 3 neotloq ooJ joJqmeotupon saLlsfacLory proof ln open courL on Lhe
daLe flxed ln Lhe order LhaL such order has been publlshed as dlrecLed and LhaL Lhe
person dled lnLesLaLe selzed of real or personal properLy ln Lhe hlllpplnes leavlng
no helr or person enLlLled Lo Lhe same and no sufflclenL cause belng shown Lo Lhe
conLrary Lhe courL shall ad[udge LhaL Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased ln Lhe hlllpplnes
afLer Lhe paymenL of [usL debLs and charges shall escheaL and shall pursuanL Lo
law asslgn Lhe personal esLaLe Lo Lhe munlclpallLy or clLy where he lasL reslded ln
Lhe hlllpplnes and Lhe real esLaLe Lo Lhe munlclpallLles or clLles respecLlvely ln
whlch Lhe same ls slLuaLed lf Lhe deceased never reslded ln Lhe hlllpplnes Lhe
whole esLaLe may be asslgned Lo Lhe respecLlve munlclpallLles or clLles where Lhe
same ls locaLed Such esLaLe shall be for Lhe beneflL of publlc schools and publlc
charlLable lnsLlLuLlons and cenLers ln sald munlclpallLles or clLles
1he courL aL Lhe lnsLance of an lnLeresLed parLy or on lLs own moLlon may
order Lhe esLabllshmenL of a permanenL LrusL so LhaL only Lhe lncome from Lhe
properLy shall be used
SLC 4 Jbeo ooJ by wbom clolm to estote flleJlf a devlsee legaLee helr
wldow wldower or oLher person enLlLled Lo such esLaLe appears and flles a clalm
LhereLo wlLh Lhe courL wlLhln flve (3) years from Lhe daLe of such [udgmenL such
person shall have possesslon of and LlLle Lo Lhe same or lf sold Lhe munlclpallLy or
clLy shall be accounLable Lo hlm for Lhe proceeds afLer deducLlng reasonable
charges for Lhe care of Lhe esLaLe buL a clalm noL made wlLhln sald Llme shall be
forever barred
SLC 3 tbet octloos fot escbeotunLll oLherwlse provlded by law acLlons
for reverslon or escheaL of properLles allenaLed ln vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon or of
any sLaLuLe shall be governed by Lhls rule excepL LhaL Lhe acLlon shall be lnsLlLuLed
ln Lhe provlnce where Lhe land lles ln whole or ln parL


SLC1lCn 1 Jbete to lostltote ptoceeJloqsCuardlanshlp of Lhe person or
esLaLe of a mlnor or lncompeLenL may be lnsLlLuLed ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of
Lhe provlnce or ln Lhe [usLlce of Lhe peace courL of Lhe munlclpallLy or ln Lhe
munlclpal courL of Lhe charLered clLy where Lhe mlnor or lncompeLenL person
resldes and lf he resldes ln a forelgn counLry ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe
provlnce whereln hls properLy or parL Lhereof ls slLuaLed provlded however LhaL
where Lhe value of Lhe properLy of such mlnor or lncompeLenL exceeds Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe [usLlce of Lhe peace or munlclpal courL Lhe proceedlngs shall be
lnsLlLuLed ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla Lhe proceedlngs shall be lnsLlLuLed ln Lhe !uvenlle and
uomesLlc 8elaLlons CourL
SLC 2 Meooloq of wotJ locompeteotunder Lhls rule Lhe word
lncompeLenL lncludes persons sufferlng Lhe penalLy of clvll lnLerdlcLlon or who
are hosplLallzed lepers prodlgals deaf and dumb who are unable Lo read and wrlLe
Lhose who are of unsound mlnd even Lhough Lhey have lucld lnLervals and persons
noL belng of unsound mlnd buL by reason of age dlsease weak mlnd and oLher
slmllar causes cannoL wlLhouL ouLslde ald Lake care of Lhemselves and manage
Lhelr properLy becomlng Lhereby an easy prey for decelL and explolLaLlon
SLC 3 1toosfet of veooe1he courL Laklng cognlzance of a guardlanshlp
proceedlng may Lransfer Lhe same Lo Lhe courL of anoLher provlnce or munlclpallLy
whereln Lhe ward has acqulred real properLy lf he has Lransferred LhereLo hls booo
flJe resldence and Lhe laLLer courL shall have full [urlsdlcLlon Lo conLlnue Lhe
proceedlngs wlLhouL requlrlng paymenL of addlLlonal courL fees

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 Jbo moy petltloo fot oppolotmeot of qootJloo fot teslJeotAny
relaLlve frlend or oLher person on behalf of a resldenL mlnor or lncompeLenL who
has no parenL or lawful guardlan or Lhe mlnor hlmself lf fourLeen years of age or
over may peLlLlon Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon for Lhe appolnLmenL of a general
guardlan for Lhe person or esLaLe or boLh of such mlnor or lncompeLenL An offlcer
of Lhe lederal AdmlnlsLraLlon of Lhe unlLed SLaLes ln Lhe hlllpplnes may also flle a
peLlLlon ln favor of a ward Lhereof and Lhe ulrecLor of PealLh ln favor of an lnsane
person who should be hosplLallzed or ln favor of an lsolaLed leper
SLC 2 cooteots of petltlooA peLlLlon for Lhe appolnLmenL of a general
guardlan musL show so far as known Lo Lhe peLlLloner
(a) 1he [urlsdlcLlonal facLs
(b) 1he mlnorlLy or lncompeLency renderlng Lhe appolnLmenL
necessary or convenlenL
(c) 1he names ages and resldences of Lhe relaLlves of Lhe mlnor
or lncompeLenL and of Lhe persons havlng hlm ln Lhelr care
(d) 1he probable value and characLer of hls esLaLe
(e) 1he name of Lhe person for whom leLLers of guardlanshlp are
1he peLlLlon shall be verlfled buL no defecL ln Lhe peLlLlon or verlflcaLlon shall
render vold Lhe lssuance of leLLers of guardlanshlp
SLC 3 coott to set tlme fot beotloq Notlce tbeteofWhen a peLlLlon for Lhe
appolnLmenL of a general guardlan ls flled Lhe courL shall flx a Llme and place for
hearlng Lhe same and shall cause reasonable noLlce Lhereof Lo be glven Lo Lhe
persons menLloned ln Lhe peLlLlon resldlng ln Lhe provlnce lncludlng Lhe mlnor lf
above 14 years of age or Lhe lncompeLenL hlmself and may dlrecL oLher general or
speclal noLlce Lhereof Lo be glven
SLC 4 pposltloo to petltlooAny lnLeresLed person may by flllng a wrlLLen
opposlLlon conLesL Lhe peLlLlon on Lhe ground of ma[orlLy of Lhe alleged mlnor
compeLency of Lhe alleged lncompeLenL or Lhe unsulLablllLy of Lhe person for
whom leLLers are prayed and may pray LhaL Lhe peLlLlon be dlsmlssed or LhaL
leLLers of guardlanshlp lssue Lo hlmself or Lo any sulLable person named ln Lhe
SLC 3 neotloq ooJ otJet fot lettets to lssoeAL Lhe hearlng of Lhe peLlLlon
Lhe alleged lncompeLenL musL be presenL lf able Lo aLLend and lL musL be shown
LhaL Lhe requlred noLlce has been glven 1hereupon Lhe courL shall hear Lhe
evldence of Lhe parLles ln supporL of Lhelr respecLlve allegaLlons and lf Lhe person
ln quesLlon ls a mlnor or lncompeLenL lL shall appolnL a sulLable guardlan of hls
person or esLaLe or boLh wlLh Lhe powers and duLles herelnafLer speclfled
SLC 6 Jbeo ooJ bow qootJloo fot oooteslJeot oppoloteJ NotlceWhen a
person llable Lo be puL under guardlanshlp resldes wlLhouL Lhe hlllpplnes buL has
esLaLe Lhereln any relaLlve or frlend of such person or any one lnLeresLed ln hls
esLaLe ln expecLancy or oLherwlse may peLlLlon a courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon for Lhe
appolnLmenL of a guardlan for Lhe esLaLe and lf afLer noLlce glven Lo such person
and ln such manner as Lhe courL deems proper by publlcaLlon or oLherwlse and
hearlng Lhe courL ls saLlsfled LhaL such nonresldenL ls a mlnor or lncompeLenL
renderlng a guardlan necessary or convenlenL lL may appolnL a guardlan for such
SLC 7 loteots os qootJloosWhen Lhe properLy of Lhe chlld under parenLal
auLhorlLy ls worLh Lwo Lhousand pesos or less Lhe faLher or Lhe moLher wlLhouL
Lhe necesslLy of courL appolnLmenL shall be hls legal guardlan When Lhe properLy
of Lhe chlld ls worLh more Lhan Lwo Lhousand pesos Lhe faLher or Lhe moLher shall
be consldered guardlan of Lhe chllds properLy wlLh Lhe duLles and obllgaLlon of
guardlans under Lhese rules and shall flle Lhe peLlLlon requlred by secLlon 2 hereof
lor good reasons Lhe courL may however appolnL anoLher sulLable person
SLC 8 5etvlce of joJqmeotllnal orders or [udgmenLs under Lhls rule shall
be served upon Lhe clvll reglsLrar of Lhe munlclpallLy or clLy where Lhe mlnor or
lncompeLenL person resldes or where hls properLy or parL Lhereof ls slLuaLed

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 8ooJ to be qlveo befote lssoooce of lettets Amooot cooJltloos
8efore a guardlan appolnLed enLers upon Lhe execuLlon of hls LrusL or leLLers of
guardlanshlp lssue he shall glve a bond ln such sum as Lhe courL dlrecLs
condlLloned as follows
(a) 1o make and reLurn Lo Lhe courL wlLhln Lhree (3) monLhs
a Lrue and compleLe lnvenLory of all Lhe esLaLe real and personal of hls
ward whlch shall come Lo hls possesslon or knowledge or Lo Lhe
possesslon or knowledge of any oLher person for hlm
(b) 1o falLhfully execuLe Lhe duLles of hls LrusL Lo manage and
dlspose of Lhe esLaLe accordlng Lo Lhese rules for Lhe besL lnLeresLs of Lhe
ward and Lo provlde for Lhe proper care cusLody and educaLlon of Lhe ward
(c) 1o render a Lrue and [usL accounL of all Lhe esLaLe of Lhe ward
ln hls hands and of all proceeds or lnLeresL derlved Lherefrom and of Lhe
managemenL and dlsposlLlon of Lhe same aL Lhe Llme deslgnaLed by Lhese
rules and such oLher Llmes as Lhe courL dlrecLs and aL Lhe explraLlon of hls
LrusL Lo seLLle hls accounLs wlLh Lhe courL and dellver and pay over all Lhe
esLaLe effecLs and moneys remalnlng ln hls hands or due from hlm on such
seLLlemenL Lo Lhe person lawfully enLlLled LhereLo
(d) 1o perform all orders of Lhe courL by hlm Lo be performed
SLC 2 Jbeo oew booJ moy be tepolteJ ooJ olJ sotetles JlscbotqeJ
Whenever lL ls deemed necessary Lhe courL may requlre a new bond Lo be glven by
Lhe guardlan and may dlscharge Lhe sureLles on Lhe old bond from furLher llablllLy
afLer due noLlce Lo lnLeresLed persons when no ln[ury can resulL Lherefrom Lo
Lhose lnLeresLed ln Lhe esLaLe
SLC 3 8ooJs to be flleJ Actloos tbeteooLvery bond glven by a guardlan
shall be flled ln Lhe offlce of Lhe clerk of Lhe courL and ln case of Lhe breach of a
condlLlon Lhereof may be prosecuLed ln Lhe same proceedlng or ln a separaLe
acLlon for Lhe use and beneflL of Lhe ward or of any oLher person legally lnLeresLed
ln Lhe esLaLe

SLC1lCn 1 letltloo of qootJloo fot leove to sell ot eocombet estoteWhen
Lhe lncome of an esLaLe under guardlanshlp ls lnsufflclenL Lo malnLaln Lhe ward and
hls famlly or Lo malnLaln and educaLe Lhe ward when a mlnor or when lL appears
LhaL lL ls for Lhe beneflL of Lhe ward LhaL ls real esLaLe or some parL Lhereof be sold
or morLgaged or oLherwlse encumbered and Lhe proceeds Lhereof puL ouL aL
lnLeresL or lnvesLed ln some producLlve securlLy or ln Lhe lmprovemenL or securlLy
of oLher real esLaLe of Lhe ward Lhe guardlan may presenL a verlfled peLlLlon Lo Lhe
courL by whlch he was appolnLed seLLlng forLh such facLs and praylng LhaL an order
lssue auLhorlzlng Lhe sale or encumbrance
SLC 2 tJet to sbow coose tbeteopoolf lL seems probable LhaL such sale
or encumbrance ls necessary or would be beneflclal Lo Lhe ward Lhe courL shall
make an order dlrecLlng Lhe nexL of kln of Lhe ward and all persons lnLeresLed ln
Lhe esLaLe Lo appear aL a reasonable Llme and place Lhereln speclfled Lo show
cause why Lhe prayer of Lhe peLlLlon should noL be granLed
SLC 3 neotloq oo tetoto of otJet costsAL Lhe Llme and place deslgnaLed
ln Lhe order Lo show cause Lhe courL shall hear Lhe proofs and allegaLlons of Lhe
peLlLloner and nexL of kln and oLher persons lnLeresLed LogeLher wlLh Lhelr
wlLnesses and granL or refuse Lhe prayer of Lhe peLlLlon as Lhe besL lnLeresLs of Lhe
ward requlre 1he courL shall make such order as Lo cosLs of Lhe hearlng as may be
SLC 4 cooteots of otJet fot sole ot eocombtooce ooJ bow looq effectlve
8ooJlf afLer full examlnaLlon lL appears LhaL lL ls necessary or would be
beneflclal Lo Lhe ward Lo sell or encumber Lhe esLaLe or some porLlon of lL Lhe
courL shall order such sale or encumbrance and LhaL Lhe proceeds Lhereof be
expended for Lhe malnLenance of Lhe ward and hls famlly or Lhe educaLlon of Lhe
ward lf a mlnor or for Lhe puLLlng of Lhe same ouL aL lnLeresL or Lhe lnvesLmenL of
Lhe same as Lhe clrcumsLances may requlre 1he order shall speclfy Lhe causes why
Lhe sale or encumbrance ls necessary or beneflclal and may dlrecL LhaL esLaLe
ordered sold be dlsposed of aL elLher publlc or prlvaLe sale sub[ecL Lo such
condlLlons as Lo Lhe Llme and manner of paymenL and securlLy where a parL of Lhe
paymenL ls deferred as ln Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL are deemed mosL beneflclal Lo
Lhe ward 1he orlglnal bond of Lhe guardlan shall sLand as securlLy for Lhe proper
approprlaLlon of Lhe proceeds of Lhe sale buL Lhe [udge may lf deemed expedlenL
requlre an addlLlonal bond as a condlLlon for Lhe granLlng of Lhe order of sale no
order of sale granLed ln pursuance of Lhls secLlon shall conLlnue ln force more Lhan
one (1) year afLer granLlng Lhe same wlLhouL a sale belng had
SLC 3 coott moy otJet lovestmeot of ptoceeJs ooJ Jltect moooqemeot of
estote1he courL may auLhorlze and requlre Lhe guardlan Lo lnvesL Lhe proceeds
of sales or encumbrances and any oLher of hls wards money ln hls hands ln real
esLaLe or oLherwlse as shall be for Lhe besL lnLeresL of all concerned and may
C 8 A C l L |

make such oLher orders for Lhe managemenL lnvesLmenL and dlsposlLlon of Lhe
esLaLe and effecLs as clrcumsLances may requlre

SLC1lCn 1 1o wbot qootJloosblp sboll exteoJA guardlan appolnLed shall
have Lhe care and cusLody of Lhe person of hls ward and Lhe managemenL of hls
esLaLe or Lhe managemenL of hls esLaLe only as Lhe case may be 1he guardlan of
Lhe esLaLe of a nonresldenL shall have Lhe managemenL of all Lhe esLaLe of Lhe ward
wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes and no courL oLher Lhan LhaL ln whlch such guardlan was
appolnLed shall have [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe guardlanshlp
SLC 2 CootJloo to poy Jebts of wotJLvery guardlan musL pay Lhe wards
[usL debLs ouL of hls personal esLaLe and Lhe lncome of hls real esLaLe lf sufflclenL
lf noL Lhen ouL of hls real esLaLe upon obLalnlng an order for Lhe sale or
encumbrance Lhereof
SLC 3 CootJloo to settle occooots collect Jebts ooJ oppeot lo octloos fot
wotJA guardlan musL seLLle all accounLs of hls ward and demand sue for Lhe
recelve all debLs due hlm or may wlLh Lhe approval of Lhe courL compound for Lhe
same and glve dlscharges Lo Lhe debLor on recelvlng a falr and [usL dlvldend of Lhe
esLaLe and effecLs and he shall appear for and represenL hls ward ln all acLlons and
speclal proceedlngs unless anoLher person be appolnLed for LhaL purpose
SLC 4 stote to be moooqeJ ftoqolly ooJ ptoceeJs opplleJ to moloteoooce
of wotJA guardlan musL manage Lhe esLaLe of hls ward frugally and wlLhouL
wasLe and apply Lhe lncome and proflLs Lhereof so far as may be necessary Lo Lhe
comforLable and sulLable malnLenance of Lhe ward and hls famlly lf Lhere be any
and lf such lncome and proflLs be lnsufflclenL for LhaL purpose Lhe guardlan may
sell or encumber Lhe real esLaLe upon belng auLhorlzed by order so Lo do and
apply so much of Lhe proceeds as may be necessary Lo such malnLenance
SLC 3 CootJloo moy be ootbotlzeJ to jolo lo pottltloo ptoceeJloqs oftet
beotloq1he courL may auLhorlze Lhe guardlan Lo [oln ln an assenL Lo a parLlLlon
of real or personal esLaLe held by Lhe ward [olnLly or ln common wlLh oLhers buL
such auLhorlLy shall only be granLed afLer hearlng upon such noLlce Lo relaLlves of
Lhe ward as Lhe courL may dlrecL and a careful lnvesLlgaLlon as Lo Lhe necesslLy and
proprleLy of Lhe proposed acLlon
SLC 6 ltoceeJloqs wbeo petsoo sospecteJ of embezzlloq ot cooceolloq
ptopetty of wotJupon complalnL of Lhe guardlan or ward or of any person
havlng acLual or prospecLlve lnLeresL ln Lhe esLaLe of Lhe ward as credlLor helr or
oLherwlse LhaL anyone ls suspecLed of havlng embezzled concealed or conveyed
away any money goods or lnLeresL or a wrlLLen lnsLrumenL belonglng Lo Lhe ward
or hls esLaLe Lhe courL may clLe Lhe suspecLed person Lo appear for examlnaLlon
Louchlng such money goods lnLeresL or lnsLrumenL and make such orders as wlll
secure Lhe esLaLe agalnsL such embezzlemenL concealmenL or conveyance
SLC 7 loveototles ooJ occooots of qootJloos ooJ opptolsemeot of
estotesA guardlan musL render Lo Lhe courL an lnvenLory of Lhe esLaLe of hls
ward wlLhln Lhree (3) monLhs afLer hls appolnLmenL and annually afLer
such appolnLmenL an lnvenLory and accounL Lhe rendlLlon of any of whlch may be
compelled upon Lhe appllcaLlon of an lnLeresLed person Such lnvenLorles and
accounLs shall be sworn Lo by Lhe guardlan All Lhe esLaLe of Lhe ward descrlbed ln
Lhe flrsL lnvenLory shall be appralsed ln Lhe appralsemenL Lhe courL may requesL
Lhe asslsLance of one or more of Lhe lnherlLance Lax appralsers And whenever any
properLy of Lhe ward noL lncluded ln an lnvenLory already rendered ls dlscovered
or succeeded Lo or acqulred by Lhe ward llke proceedlngs shall be had for securlng
an lnvenLory and appralsemenL Lhereof wlLhln Lhree (3) monLhs afLer such
dlscovery successlon or acqulslLlon
SLC 8 Jbeo qootJloos occooots pteseoteJ fot settlemeot xpeoses ooJ
compeosotloo olloweJupon Lhe explraLlon of a year from Lhe Llme of hls
appolnLmenL and as ofLen LhereafLer as may be requlred a guardlan musL presenL
hls accounL Lo Lhe courL for seLLlemenL and allowance ln Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe
accounL Lhe guardlan oLher Lhan a parenL shall be allowed Lhe amounL of hls
reasonable expenses lncurred ln Lhe execuLlon of hls LrusL and also such
compensaLlon for hls servlces as Lhe courL deems [usL noL exceedlng flfLeen
per ceotom of Lhe neL lncome of Lhe ward

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 letltloo tbot competeocy of wotJ be oJjoJqeJ ooJ ptoceeJloqs
tbeteopooA person who has been declared lncompeLenL for any reason or hls
guardlan relaLlve or frlend may peLlLlon Lhe courL Lo have hls presenL compeLency
[udlclally deLermlned 1he peLlLlon shall be verlfled by oaLh and shall sLaLe LhaL
such person ls Lhen compeLenL upon recelvlng Lhe peLlLlon Lhe courL shall flx a
Llme for hearlng Lhe quesLlons ralsed Lhereby and cause reasonable noLlce Lhereof
Lo be glven Lo Lhe guardlan of Lhe person so declared lncompeLenL and Lo Lhe
ward Cn Lhe Lrlal Lhe guardlan or relaLlves of Lhe ward and ln Lhe dlscreLlon of
Lhe courL any oLher person may conLesL Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe rellef demanded and
wlLnesses may be called and examlned by Lhe parLles or by Lhe courL on lLs own
moLlon lf lL be found LhaL Lhe person ls no longer lncompeLenL hls compeLency
shall be ad[udged and Lhe guardlanshlp shall cease
SLC 2 Jbeo qootJloo temoveJ ot olloweJ to teslqo New oppolotmeot
When a guardlan becomes lnsane or oLherwlse lncapable of dlscharglng hls LrusL or
unsulLable Lherefor or has wasLed or mlsmanaged Lhe esLaLe or falled for LhlrLy
(30) days afLer lL ls due Lo render an accounL or make a reLurn Lhe courL may upon
reasonable noLlce Lo Lhe guardlan remove hlm and compel hlm Lo surrender Lhe
esLaLe of Lhe ward Lo Lhe person found Lo be lawfully enLlLled LhereLo A guardlan
may reslgn when lL appears proper Lo allow Lhe same and upon hls reslgnaLlon or
removal Lhe courL may appolnL anoLher ln hls place
SLC 3 tbet tetmlootloo of qootJloosblp1he marrlage or volunLary
emanclpaLlon of a mlnor ward LermlnaLes Lhe guardlanshlp of Lhe person of Lhe
ward and shall enable Lhe mlnor Lo admlnlsLer hls properLy as Lhough he were of
age buL he cannoL borrow money or allenaLe or encumber real properLy wlLhouL
Lhe consenL of hls faLher or moLher or guardlan Pe can sue and be sued ln courL
only wlLh Lhe asslsLance of hls faLher moLher or guardlan 1he guardlan of any
person may be dlscharged by Lhe courL when lL appears upon Lhe appllcaLlon of
Lhe ward or oLherwlse LhaL Lhe guardlanshlp ls no longer necessary
SLC 4 kecotJ to be kept by tbe jostlce of tbe peoce ot moolclpol ot clty
joJqeWhen a [usLlce of Lhe peace or munlclpal courL Lakes cognlzance of Lhe
proceedlngs ln pursuance of Lhe provlslons of Lhese rules Lhe record of Lhe
proceedlngs shall be kepL as ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
SLC 3 5etvlce of joJqmeotllnal orders or [udgmenLs under Lhls rule shall
be served upon Lhe clvll reglsLrar of Lhe munlclpallLy or clLy where Lhe mlnor or
lncompeLenL person resldes or where hls properLy or parL Lhereof ls slLuaLed

kULL 98 1kUS1LLS
SLC1lCn 1 Jbete ttostee oppoloteJA LrusLee necessary Lo carry lnLo
effecL Lhe provlslons of a wlll or wrlLLen lnsLrumenL shall be appolnLed by Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL ln whlch Lhe wlll was allowed lf lL be a wlll allowed ln Lhe
hlllpplnes oLherwlse by Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce ln whlch Lhe
properLy or some porLlon Lhereof affecLed by Lhe LrusL ls slLuaLed
SLC 2 Appolotmeot ooJ powets of ttostee ooJet wlll xecotot of fotmet
ttostee oeeJ oot oJmlolstet ttostlf a LesLaLor has omlLLed ln hls wlll Lo appolnL a
LrusLee ln Lhe hlllpplnes and lf such appolnLmenL ls necessary Lo carry lnLo effecL
Lhe provlslons of Lhe wlll Lhe proper 8eglonal 1rlal CourL may afLer noLlce Lo all
persons lnLeresLed appolnL a LrusLee who shall have Lhe same rlghLs powers and
duLles and ln whom Lhe esLaLe shall vesL as lf he had been appolnLed by Lhe
LesLaLor no person succeedlng Lo a LrusL as execuLor or admlnlsLraLor of a former
LrusLee shall be requlred Lo accepL such LrusL
SLC 3 Appolotmeot ooJ powets of oew ttostee ooJet wtltteo losttomeot
When a LrusLee under a wrlLLen lnsLrumenL decllnes reslgns dles or ls removed
before Lhe ob[ecLs of Lhe LrusL are accompllshed and no adequaLe provlslon ls
made ln such lnsLrumenL for supplylng Lhe vacancy Lhe proper 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
may afLer due noLlce Lo all persons lnLeresLed appolnL a new LrusLee Lo acL alone
or [olnLly wlLh Lhe oLhers as Lhe case may be Such new LrusLee shall have and
exerclse Lhe same powers rlghLs and duLles as lf he had been orlglnally appolnLed
and Lhe LrusL esLaLe shall vesL ln hlm ln llke manner as lL had vesLed or would have
vesLed ln Lhe LrusLee ln whose place he ls subsLlLuLed and Lhe courL may order
such conveyance Lo be made by Lhe former LrusLee or hls represenLaLlves or by Lhe
oLher remalnlng LrusLees as may be necessary or proper Lo vesL Lhe LrusL esLaLe ln
Lhe new LrusLee elLher alone or [olnLly wlLh Lhe oLhers
SLC 4 ltoceeJloqs wbete ttostee oppoloteJ obtooJ When land ln Lhe
hlllpplnes ls held ln LrusL for persons resldenL here by a LrusLee who derlves hls
auLhorlLy from wlLhouL Lhe hlllpplnes such LrusLee shall on peLlLlon flled ln Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce where Lhe land ls slLuaLed and afLer due noLlce
Lo all persons lnLeresLed be ordered Lo apply Lo Lhe courL for appolnLmenL as
LrusLee and upon hls neglecL or refusal Lo comply wlLh such order Lhe courL shall
declare such LrusL vacanL and shall appolnL a new LrusLee ln whom Lhe LrusL esLaLe
shall vesL ln llke manner as lf he had been orlglnally appolnLed by such courL
SLC 3 1tostee most flle booJ8efore enLerlng on Lhe duLles of hls LrusL a
LrusLee shall flle wlLh Lhe clerk of Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe LrusL a bond ln
Lhe amounL flxed by Lhe [udge of sald courL payable Lo Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes and sufflclenL and avallable for Lhe proLecLlon of any parLy ln lnLeresL
and a LrusLee who neglecLs Lo flle such bond shall be consldered Lo have decllned or
reslgned Lhe LrusL buL Lhe courL may unLll furLher order exempL a LrusLee under a
wlll from glvlng a bond when Lhe LesLaLor has dlrecLed or requesLed such
exempLlon and may so exempL any LrusLee when all persons beneflclally lnLeresLed
C 8 A C l L |

ln Lhe LrusL belng of full age requesL Lhe exempLlon Such exempLlon may be
cancelled by Lhe courL aL any Llme and Lhe LrusLee requlred Lo forLhwlLh flle a
SLC 6 cooJltloos locloJeJ lo booJ1he followlng condlLlons shall be
deemed Lo be a parL of Lhe bond wheLher wrlLLen Lhereln or noL
(a) 1haL Lhe LrusLee wlll make and reLurn Lo Lhe courL aL such Llme
as lL may order a Lrue lnvenLory of all Lhe real and personal esLaLe belonglng
Lo hlm as LrusLee whlch aL Lhe Llme of Lhe maklng of such lnvenLory shall
have come Lo hls possesslon or knowledge
(b) 1haL he wlll manage and dlspose of all such esLaLe and
falLhfully dlscharge hls LrusL ln relaLlon LhereLo accordlng Lo law and Lhe wlll
of Lhe LesLaLor or Lhe provlslons of Lhe lnsLrumenL or order under whlch he ls
(c) 1haL he wlll render upon oaLh aL leasL once a year unLll hls LrusL
ls fulfllled unless he ls excused Lherefrom ln any year by Lhe courL a Lrue
accounL of Lhe properLy ln hls hands and of Lhe managemenL and dlsposlLlon
Lhereof and wlll render such oLher accounLs as Lhe courL may order
(d) 1haL aL Lhe explraLlon of hls LrusL he wlll seLLle hls accounLs ln
courL and pay over and dellver all Lhe esLaLe remalnlng ln hls hands or due
from hlm on such seLLlemenL Lo Lhe person or persons enLlLled LhereLo
8uL when Lhe LrusLee ls appolnLed as a successor Lo a prlor LrusLee Lhe courL
may dlspense wlLh Lhe maklng and reLurn of an lnvenLory lf one has already been
flled and ln such case Lhe condlLlon of Lhe bond shall be deemed Lo be alLered
SLC 7 Apptolsol compeosotloo of ttosteeWhen an lnvenLory ls requlred
Lo be reLurned by a LrusLee Lhe esLaLe and effecLs belonglng Lo Lhe LrusL shall be
appralsed and Lhe courL may order one or more lnherlLance Lax appralsers Lo asslsL
ln Lhe appralsemenL 1he compensaLlon of Lhe LrusLee shall be flxed by Lhe courL lf
lL be noL deLermlned ln Lhe lnsLrumenL creaLlng Lhe LrusL
SLC 8 kemovol ot teslqootloo of ttostee1he proper 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
may upon peLlLlon of Lhe parLles beneflclally lnLeresLed and afLer due noLlce Lo Lhe
LrusLee and hearlng remove a LrusLee lf such removal appears essenLlal ln Lhe
lnLeresLs of Lhe peLlLloners 1he courL may also afLer due noLlce Lo all persons
lnLeresLed remove a LrusLee who ls lnsane or oLherwlse lncapable of dlscharglng
hls LrusL or evldenLly unsulLable Lherefor A LrusLee wheLher appolnLed by Lhe
courL or under a wrlLLen lnsLrumenL may reslgn hls LrusL lf lL appears Lo Lhe courL
proper Lo allow such reslgnaLlon
SLC 9 ltoceeJloqs fot sole ot eocombtooce of ttost estoteWhen Lhe sale
or encumbrance of any real or personal esLaLe held ln LrusL ls necessary or
expedlenL Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe LrusL may on peLlLlon and afLer due
noLlce and hearlng order such sale or encumbrance Lo be made and Lhe
relnvesLmenL and appllcaLlon of Lhe proceeds Lhereof ln such manner as wlll besL
effecL Lhe ob[ecLs of Lhe LrusL 1he peLlLlon noLlce hearlng order of sale or
encumbrance and record of proceedlngs shall conform as nearly as may be Lo Lhe
provlslons concernlng Lhe sale or encumbrance by guardlans of Lhe properLy of
mlnors or oLher wards

SLC1lCn 1 Ieooe A person deslrlng Lo adopL anoLher or have Lhe cusLody
of a mlnor shall presenL hls peLlLlon Lo Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce or
Lhe clLy or munlclpal courL of Lhe clLy or munlclpallLy ln whlch he resldes
ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla Lhe proceedlngs shall be lnsLlLuLed ln Lhe !uvenlle and
uomesLlc 8elaLlons CourL
SLC 2 cooteots of petltloo1he peLlLlon for adopLlon shall conLaln Lhe same
allegaLlons requlred ln a peLlLlon for guardlanshlp Lo wlL
(a) 1he [urlsdlcLlonal facLs
(b) 1he quallflcaLlons of Lhe adopLer
(c) 1haL Lhe adopLer ls noL dlsquallfled by law
(d) 1he name age and resldence of Lhe person Lo be adopLed and
of hls relaLlves or of Lhe persons who have hlm under Lhelr care
(e) 1he probable value and characLer of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe person
Lo be adopLed
SLC 3 cooseot to oJoptloo1here shall be flled wlLh Lhe peLlLlon a wrlLLen
consenL Lo Lhe adopLlon slgned by Lhe chlld lf fourLeen years of age or over and noL
lncompeLenL and by Lhe chllds spouse lf any and by each of lLs known llvlng
parenLs who ls noL lnsane or hopelessly lnLemperaLe or has noL abandoned such
chlld or lf Lhere are no such parenLs by Lhe general guardlan or guardlan oJ
lltem of Lhe chlld or lf Lhe chlld ls ln Lhe cusLody of an orphan asylum chlldrens
home or benevolenL socleLy or person by Lhe proper offlcer or offlcers of such
asylum home or socleLy or by such person buL lf Lhe chlld ls llleglLlmaLe and has
noL been recognlzed Lhe consenL of lLs faLher Lo Lhe adopLlon shall noL be requlred
C 8 A C l L |

lf Lhe person Lo be adopLed ls of age only hls or her consenL and LhaL of Lhe
spouse lf any shall be requlred
SLC 4 tJet fot beotloqlf Lhe peLlLlon and consenL flled are sufflclenL ln
form and subsLance Lhe courL by an order reclLlng Lhe purpose of Lhe peLlLlon
shall flx a daLe and place for Lhe hearlng Lhereof whlch daLe shall noL be more Lhan
slx (6) monLhs afLer Lhe enLry of Lhe order and shall dlrecL LhaL a copy of Lhe order
be publlshed before Lhe hearlng aL leasL once a week for Lhree (3) successlve weeks
ln some newspaper of general clrculaLlon publlshed ln Lhe provlnce as Lhe courL
shall deem besL
SLC 3 neotloq ooJ joJqmeotupon saLlsfacLory proof ln open courL on Lhe
daLe flxed ln Lhe order LhaL such order has been publlshed as dlrecLed LhaL Lhe
allegaLlons of Lhe peLlLlon are Lrue and LhaL lL ls a proper case for adopLlon and Lhe
peLlLloner or peLlLloners are able Lo brlng up and educaLe Lhe chlld properly Lhe
courL shall ad[udge LhaL LhenceforLh Lhe chlld ls freed from all legal obllgaLlons of
obedlence and malnLenance wlLh respecL Lo lLs naLural parenLs excepL Lhe moLher
when Lhe chlld ls adopLed by her husband and ls Lo all legal lnLenLs and purposes
Lhe chlld of Lhe peLlLloner or peLlLloners and LhaL lLs surname ls changed Lo LhaL of
Lhe peLlLloner or peLlLloners 1he adopLed person or chlld shall Lhereupon become
Lhe legal helr of hls parenLs by adopLlon and shall also remaln Lhe legal helr of hls
naLural parenLs ln case of Lhe deaLh of Lhe adopLed person or chlld hls parenLs and
relaLlves by naLure and noL by adopLlon shall be hls legal helrs
SLC 6 ltoceeJloqs os to cbllJ wbose poteots ote sepototeJ AppeolWhen
husband and wlfe are dlvorced or llvlng separaLely and aparL from each oLher and
Lhe quesLlon as Lo Lhe care cusLody and conLrol of a chlld or chlldren of Lhelr
marrlage ls broughL before a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL by peLlLlon or as an lncldenL Lo
any oLher proceedlng Lhe courL upon hearlng Lhe LesLlmony as may be perLlnenL
shall award Lhe care cusLody and conLrol of each such chlld as wlll be for lLs besL
lnLeresL permlLLlng Lhe chlld Lo choose whlch parenL lL prefers Lo llve wlLh lL be
over Len years of age unless Lhe parenL so chosen be unflL Lo Lake charge of Lhe
chlld by reason of moral depravlLy hablLual drunkenness lncapaclLy or poverLy lf
upon such hearlng lL appears LhaL boLh parenLs are lmproper persons Lo have Lhe
care cusLody and conLrol of Lhe chlld Lhe courL may elLher deslgnaLe Lhe paLernal
or maLernal grandparenL of Lhe chlld or hls oldesL broLher or slsLer or some
repuLable and dlscreeL person Lo Lake charge of such chlld or commlL lL Lo any
sulLable asylum chlldrens home or benevolenL socleLy 1he courL may ln
conformlLy wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhe Clvll Code order elLher or boLh parenLs Lo
supporL or help supporL sald chlld lrrespecLlve of who may be lLs cusLodlan and
may make any order LhaL ls [usL and reasonable permlLLlng Lhe parenL who ls
deprlved of lLs care and cusLody Lo vlslL Lhe chlld or have Lemporary cusLody
Lhereof LlLher parenL may appeal from an order made ln accordance wlLh Lhe
provlslons of Lhls secLlon no chlld under seven years of age shall be separaLed from
lLs moLher unless Lhe courL flnds Lhere are compelllng reasons Lherefor
SLC 7 ltoceeJloqs os to voqtoot ot oboseJ cbllJWhen Lhe parenLs of any
mlnor chlld are dead or by reason of long absence or legal or physlcal dlsablllLy
have abandoned lL or cannoL supporL lL Lhrough vagrancy negllgence or
mlsconducL or neglecL or refuse Lo supporL lL or LreaL lL wlLh excesslve harshness
or glve lL corrupLlng orders counsels or examples or cause or allow lL Lo engage ln
begglng or Lo CommlL offenses agalnsL Lhe law Lhe proper 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
upon peLlLlon flled by some repuLable resldenL of Lhe provlnce seLLlng forLh Lhe
facLs may lssue an order requlrlng such parenLs for show cause or lf Lhe parenLs
are dead or cannoL be found requlrlng Lhe flscal of Lhe provlnce Lo show cause aL a
Llme and place flxed ln Lhe order why Lhe chlld should noL be Laken from lLs
parenLs lf llvlng and lf upon Lhe hearlng lL appears LhaL Lhe allegaLlons of Lhe
peLlLlon are Lrue and LhaL lL ls for Lhe besL lnLeresL of Lhe chlld Lhe courL may make
an order Laklng lL from lLs parenLs lf llvlng and commlLLlng lL Lo any sulLable
orphan asylum chlldrens home or benevolenL socleLy or person Lo be ulLlmaLely
placed by adopLlon or oLherwlse ln a home found for lL by such asylum chlldrens
home socleLy or person
SLC 8 5etvlce of joJqmeotllnal orders or [udgmenLs under Lhls rule shall
be served by Lhe clerk upon Lhe clvll reglsLrar of Lhe clLy or munlclpallLy whereln Lhe
courL lssulng Lhe same ls slLuaLed

SLC1lCn 1 Jbo moy flle petltloo qtoooJsA mlnor or oLher lncapaclLaLed
person may Lhrough a guardlan or guardlan oJ lltem peLlLlon for Lhe resclsslon or
revocaLlon of hls or her adopLlon for Lhe same causes LhaL auLhorlze Lhe
deprlvaLlon of parenLal auLhorlLy
1he adopLer may llkewlse peLlLlon Lhe courL for Lhe resclsslon or revocaLlon
of Lhe adopLlon ln any of Lhese cases
(a) lf Lhe adopLed person has aLLempLed agalnsL Lhe llfe of Lhe
(b) When Lhe adopLed mlnor has abandoned Lhe home of Lhe
adopLer for more Lhan Lhree (3) years
(c) When by oLher acLs Lhe adopLed person has repudlaLed Lhe
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 2 tJet to ooswet1he courL ln whlch Lhe peLlLlon ls flled shall lssue
and order requlrlng Lhe adverse parLy Lo answer Lhe peLlLlon wlLhln flfLeen (13)
days from recelpL of a copy Lhereof 1he order and a copy of Lhe peLlLlon shall be
served on Lhe adverse parLy ln such manner as Lhe courL may dlrecL
SLC 3 IoJqmeotlf upon Lrlal on Lhe day seL Lherefor Lhe courL flnds LhaL
Lhe allegaLlons of Lhe peLlLlon are Lrue lL shall render [udgmenL orderlng Lhe
resclsslon or revocaLlon of Lhe adopLlon wlLh or wlLhouL cosLs as [usLlce requlres
SLC 4 5etvlce of joJqmeotA cerLlfled copy of Lhe [udgmenL rendered ln
accordance wlLh Lhe nexL precedlng secLlon shall be served upon Lhe clvll reglsLrar
concerned wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from rendlLlon Lhereof who shall forLhwlLh enLer
Lhe acLlon Laken by Lhe courL ln Lhe reglsLer
SLC 3 1lme wltblo wblcb to flle petltlooA mlnor or oLher lncapaclLaLed
person musL flle Lhe peLlLlon for resclsslon or revocaLlon of adopLlon wlLhln Lhe flve
(3) years followlng hls ma[orlLy or lf he was lncompeLenL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
adopLlon wlLhln Lhe flve (3) years followlng Lhe recovery from such lncompeLency
1he adopLer musL also flle Lhe peLlLlon Lo seL aslde Lhe adopLlon wlLhln flve
(3) years from Lhe Llme Lhe cause or causes glvlng rlse Lo Lhe resclsslon or
revocaLlon of Lhe same Look place

SLC1lCn 1 Ieooe letltloo fot commltmeotA peLlLlon for Lhe commlLmenL
of a person Lo a hosplLal or oLher place for Lhe lnsane may be flled wlLh Lhe
8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce where Lhe person alleged Lo be lnsane ls found
1he peLlLlon shall be flled by Lhe ulrecLor of PealLh ln all cases where ln hls
oplnlon such commlLmenL ls for Lhe publlc welfare or for Lhe welfare of sald
person who ln hls [udgmenL ls lnsane and such person or Lhe one havlng charge of
hlm ls opposed Lo hls belng Laken Lo a hosplLal or oLher place for Lhe lnsane
SLC 2 tJet fot beotloqlf Lhe peLlLlon flled ls sufflclenL ln form and
subsLance Lhe courL by an order reclLlng Lhe purpose of Lhe peLlLlon shall flx a
daLe for Lhe hearlng Lhereof and copy of such order shall be served on Lhe person
alleged Lo be lnsane and Lo Lhe one havlng charge of hlm or on such of hls
relaLlves resldlng ln Lhe provlnce or clLy as Lhe [udge may deem proper 1he courL
shall furLhermore order Lhe sherlff Lo produce Lhe alleged lnsane person lf
posslble on Lhe daLe of Lhe hearlng
SLC 3 neotloq ooJ joJqmeotupon saLlsfacLory proof ln open courL on Lhe
daLe flxed ln Lhe order LhaL Lhe commlLmenL applled for ls for Lhe publlc welfare or
for Lhe welfare of Lhe lnsane person and LhaL hls relaLlves are unable for any
reason Lo Lake proper cusLody and care of hlm Lhe courL shall order hls
commlLmenL Lo such hosplLal or oLher place for Lhe lnsane as may be
recommended by Lhe ulrecLor of PealLh 1he courL shall make proper provlslons for
Lhe cusLody of properLy or money belonglng Lo Lhe lnsane unLll a guardlan be
properly appolnLed
SLC 4 lscbotqe of losooeWhen ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe ulrecLor of PealLh
Lhe person ordered Lo be commlLLed Lo a hosplLal or oLher place for Lhe lnsane ls
Lemporarlly or permanenLly cured or may be released wlLhouL danger he may flle
Lhe proper peLlLlon wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL whlch ordered Lhe commlLmenL
SLC 3 Asslstooce of flscol lo tbe ptoceeJloqlL shall be Lhe duLy of Lhe
provlnclal flscal or ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla Lhe flscal of Lhe clLy Lo prepare Lhe peLlLlon
for Lhe ulrecLor of PealLh and represenL hlm ln courL ln all proceedlngs arlslng
under Lhe provlslons of Lhls rule

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 1o wbot bobeos cotpos exteoJsLxcepL as oLherwlse expressly
provlded by law Lhe wrlL of bobeos cotpos shall exLend Lo all cases of lllegal
conflnemenL or deLenLlon by whlch any person ls deprlved of hls llberLy or by
whlch Lhe rlghLful cusLody of any person ls wlLhheld from Lhe person enLlLled
SLC 2 Jbo moy qtoot tbe wtlt1he wrlL of bobeos cotpos may be granLed
by Lhe Supreme CourL or any member Lhereof on any day and aL any Llme or by
Lhe CourL of Appeals or any member Lhereof ln Lhe lnsLances auLhorlzed by law
and lf so granLed lL shall be enforceable anywhere ln Lhe hlllpplnes and may be
made reLurnable before Lhe courL or any member Lhereof or before a 8eglonal
1rlal CourL or any [udge Lhereof for hearlng and declslon on Lhe merlLs lL may also
be granLed by a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL or a [udge Lhereof on any day and aL any Llme
and reLurnable before hlmself enforceable only wlLhln hls [udlclal dlsLrlcL
SLC 3 kepolsltes of oppllcotloo tbetefotAppllcaLlon for Lhe wrlL shall be by
peLlLlon slgned and verlfled elLher by Lhe parLy for whose rellef lL ls lnLended or by
some person on hls behalf and shall seL forLh
(a) 1haL Lhe person ln whose behalf Lhe appllcaLlon ls made ls
lmprlsoned or resLralned of hls llberLy
(b) 1he offlcer or name of Lhe person by whom he ls so lmprlsoned
or resLralned or lf boLh are unknown or uncerLaln such offlcer or person
may be descrlbed by an assumed appellaLlon and Lhe person who ls served
wlLh Lhe wrlL shall be deemed Lhe person lnLended
(c) 1he place where he ls so lmprlsoned or resLralned lf known
(d) A copy of Lhe commlLmenL or cause of deLenLlon of such person
lf lL can be procured wlLhouL lmpalrlng Lhe efflclency of Lhe remedy or lf Lhe
lmprlsonmenL or resLralnL ls wlLhouL any legal auLhorlLy such facL shall
SLC 4 Jbeo wtlt oot olloweJ ot Jlscbotqe ootbotlzeJlf lL appears LhaL Lhe
person alleged Lo be resLralned of hls llberLy ls ln Lhe cusLody of an offlcer under
process lssued by a courL or [udge or by vlrLue of a [udgmenL or order of a courL of
record and LhaL Lhe courL or [udge had [urlsdlcLlon Lo lssue Lhe process render Lhe
[udgmenL or make Lhe order Lhe wrlL shall noL be allowed or lf Lhe [urlsdlcLlon
appears afLer Lhe wrlL ls allowed Lhe person shall noL be dlscharged by reason of
any lnformallLy or defecL ln Lhe process [udgmenL or order nor shall anyLhlng ln
Lhls rule be held Lo auLhorlze Lhe dlscharge of a person charged wlLh or convlcLed of
an offense ln Lhe hlllpplnes or of a person sufferlng lmprlsonmenL under lawful
SLC 3 Jbeo tbe wtlt most be qtooteJ ooJ lssoeJA courL or [udge
auLhorlzed Lo granL Lhe wrlL musL when a peLlLlon Lherefor ls presenLed and lL
appears LhaL Lhe wrlL oughL Lo lssue granL Lhe same forLhwlLh and lmmedlaLely
Lhereupon Lhe clerk of Lhe courL shall lssue Lhe wrlL under Lhe seal of Lhe courL or
ln case of emergency Lhe [udge may lssue Lhe wrlL under hls own hand and may
depuLe any offlcer or person Lo serve lL
SLC 6 1o wbom wtlt JltecteJ ooJ wbot to tepolteln case of lmprlsonmenL
or resLralnL by an offlcer Lhe wrlL shall be dlrecLed Lo hlm and shall command hlm
Lo have Lhe body of Lhe person resLralned of hls llberLy before Lhe courL or [udge
deslgnaLed ln Lhe wrlL aL Lhe Llme and place Lhereln speclfled ln case of
lmprlsonmenL or resLralnL by a person noL an offlcer Lhe wrlL shall be dlrecLed Lo
an offlcer and shall command hlm Lo Lake and have Lhe body of Lhe person
resLralned of hls llberLy before Lhe courL or [udge deslgnaLed ln Lhe wrlL aL Lhe Llme
and place Lhereln speclfled and Lo summon Lhe person by whom he ls resLralned
Lhen and Lhere Lo appear before sald courL or [udge Lo show Lhe cause of Lhe
lmprlsonmenL or resLralnL
SLC 7 now ptlsooet JeslqooteJ ooJ wtlt setveJ1he person Lo be
produced should be deslgnaLed ln Lhe wrlL by hls name lf known buL lf hls name ls
noL known he may be oLherwlse descrlbed or ldenLlfled 1he wrlL may be served ln
any provlnce by Lhe sherlff or oLher proper offlcer or by a person depuLed by Lhe
courL or [udge Servlce of Lhe wrlL shall be made by leavlng Lhe orlglnal wlLh Lhe
person Lo whom lL ls dlrecLed and preservlng a copy on whlch Lo make reLurn of
servlce lf LhaL person cannoL be found or has noL Lhe prlsoner ln hls cusLody Lhen
Lhe servlce shall be made on any oLher person havlng or exerclslng such cusLody
SLC 8 now wtlt execoteJ ooJ tetotoeJ1he offlcer Lo whom Lhe wrlL ls
dlrecLed shall convey Lhe person so lmprlsoned or resLralned and named ln Lhe
wrlL before Lhe [udge allowlng Lhe wrlL or ln case of hls absence or dlsablllLy
before some oLher [udge of Lhe same courL on Lhe day speclfled ln Lhe wrlL unless
from slckness or lnflrmlLy of Lhe person dlrecLed Lo be produced such person
cannoL wlLhouL danger be broughL before Lhe courL or [udge and Lhe offlcer shall
make due reLurn of Lhe wrlL LogeLher wlLh Lhe day and Lhe cause of Lhe capLlon
and resLralnL of such person accordlng Lo Lhe command Lhereof
SLC 9 efect of fotmno wrlL of bobeos cotpos can be dlsobeyed for defecL
of form lf lL sufflclenLly appears Lherefrom ln whose cusLody or under whose
resLralnL Lhe parLy lmprlsoned or resLralned ls held and Lhe courL or [udge before
whom he ls Lo be broughL
SLC 10 cooteots of tetotoWhen Lhe person Lo be produced ls lmprlsoned
or resLralned by an offlcer Lhe person who makes Lhe reLurn shall sLaLe Lhereln
and ln oLher cases Lhe person ln whose cusLody Lhe prlsoner ls found shall sLaLe ln
wrlLlng Lo Lhe courL or [udge before whom Lhe wrlL ls reLurnable plalnly and
(a) WheLher he has or has noL Lhe parLy ln hls cusLody or power or
under resLralnL
C 8 A C l L |

(b) lf he has Lhe parLy ln hls cusLody or power or under resLralnL
Lhe auLhorlLy and Lhe Lrue and whole cause Lhereof seL forLh aL large wlLh a
copy of Lhe wrlL order execuLlon or oLher process lf any upon whlch Lhe
parLy ls held
(c) lf Lhe parLy ls ln hls cusLody or power or ls resLralned by hlm
and ls noL produced parLlcularly Lhe naLure and gravlLy of Lhe slckness or
lnflrmlLy of such parLy by reason of whlch he cannoL wlLhouL danger be
broughL before Lhe courL or [udge
(d) lf he has had Lhe parLy ln hls cusLody or power or under
resLralnL and has Lransferred such cusLody or resLralnL Lo anoLher
parLlcularly Lo whom aL whaL Llme for whaL cause and by whaL auLhorlLy
such Lransfer was made
SLC 11 ketoto to be slqoeJ ooJ swoto to1he reLurn or sLaLemenL shall be
slgned by Lhe person who makes lL and shall also be sworn Lo by hlm lf Lhe prlsoner
ls noL produced and ln all oLher cases unless Lhe reLurn ls made and slgned by a
sworn publlc offlcer ln hls offlclal capaclLy
SLC 12 neotloq oo tetoto AJjootomeotsWhen Lhe wrlL ls reLurned before
one [udge aL a Llme when Lhe courL ls ln sesslon he may forLhwlLh ad[ourn Lhe
case lnLo Lhe courL Lhere Lo be heard and deLermlned 1he courL or [udge before
whom Lhe wrlL ls reLurned or ad[ourned musL lmmedlaLely proceed Lo hear and
examlne Lhe reLurn and such oLher maLLers as are properly submlLLed for
conslderaLlon unless for good cause shown Lhe hearlng ls ad[ourned ln whlch
evenL Lhe courL or [udge shall make such order for Lhe safekeeplng of Lhe person
lmprlsoned or resLralned as Lhe naLure of Lhe case requlres lf Lhe person
lmprlsoned or resLralned ls noL produced because of hls alleged slckness or
lnflrmlLy Lhe courL or [udge musL be saLlsfled LhaL lL ls so grave LhaL such person
cannoL be produced wlLhouL danger before proceedlng Lo hear and dlspose of Lhe
maLLer Cn Lhe hearlng Lhe courL or [udge shall dlsregard maLLers of form and
LechnlcallLles ln respecL Lo any warranL or order of commlLmenL of a courL or offlcer
auLhorlzed Lo commlL by law
SLC 13 Jbeo tbe tetoto evlJeoce ooJ wbeo ooly o pleo lf lL appears LhaL
Lhe prlsoner ls ln cusLody under a warranL of commlLmenL ln pursuance of law Lhe
reLurn shall be consldered ptlmo focle evldence of Lhe cause of resLralnL buL lf he ls
resLralned of hls llberLy by any alleged prlvaLe auLhorlLy Lhe reLurn shall be
consldered only as a plea of Lhe facLs Lhereln seL forLh and Lhe parLy clalmlng Lhe
cusLody musL prove such facLs
SLC 14 Jbeo petsoo lowfolly lmptlsooeJ tecommltteJ ooJ wbeo let to
bolllf lL appears LhaL Lhe prlsoner was lawfully commlLLed and ls plalnly and
speclflcally charged ln Lhe warranL of commlLmenL wlLh an offense punlshable by
deaLh he shall noL be released dlscharged or balled lf he ls lawfully lmprlsoned or
resLralned on a charge of havlng commlLLed an offense noL so punlshable he may
be recommlLLed Lo lmprlsonmenL or admlLLed Lo ball ln Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL
or [udge lf he be admlLLed Lo ball he shall forLhwlLh flle a bond ln such sum as Lhe
courL or [udge deems reasonable conslderlng Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe prlsoner
and Lhe naLure of Lhe offense charged condlLloned for hls appearance before Lhe
courL where Lhe offense ls properly cognlzable Lo ablde lLs order or [udgmenL and
Lhe courL or [udge shall cerLlfy Lhe proceedlngs LogeLher wlLh Lhe bond forLhwlLh
Lo Lhe proper courL lf such bond ls noL so flled Lhe prlsoner shall be recommlLLed
Lo conflnemenL
SLC 13 Jbeo ptlsooet JlscbotqeJ lf oo oppeolWhen Lhe courL or [udge
has examlned lnLo Lhe cause of capLlon and resLralnL of Lhe prlsoner and ls
saLlsfled LhaL he ls unlawfully lmprlsoned or resLralned he shall forLhwlLh order hls
dlscharge from conflnemenL buL such dlscharge shall noL be effecLlve unLll a copy
of Lhe order has been served on Lhe offlcer or person deLalnlng Lhe prlsoner lf Lhe
offlcer or person deLalnlng Lhe prlsoner does noL deslre Lo appeal Lhe prlsoner
shall be forLhwlLh released
SLC 16 leoolty fot tefosloq to lssoe wtlt ot fot Jlsobeyloq tbe someA clerk
of a courL who refuses Lo lssue Lhe wrlL afLer allowance Lhereof and demand
Lherefor or a person Lo whom a wrlL ls dlrecLed who neglecLs or refuses Lo obey or
make reLurn of Lhe same accordlng Lo Lhe command Lhereof or makes false reLurn
Lhereof or who upon demand made by or on behalf of Lhe prlsoner refuses Lo
dellver Lo Lhe person demandlng wlLhln slx (6) hours afLer Lhe demand Lherefor a
Lrue copy of Lhe warranL or order of commlLmenL shall forfelL Lo Lhe parLy
aggrleved Lhe sum of one Lhousand pesos Lo be recovered ln a proper acLlon and
may also be punlshed by Lhe courL or [udge as for conLempL
SLC 17 letsoo JlscbotqeJ oot to be oqolo lmptlsooeJA person who ls seL
aL llberLy upon a wrlL of bobeos cotpos shall noL be agaln lmprlsoned for Lhe same
offense unless by Lhe lawful order or process of a courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe
cause or offense and a person who knowlngly conLrary Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls
rule recommlLs or lmprlsons or causes Lo be commlLLed or lmprlsoned for Lhe
same offense or preLended offense any person so seL aL llberLy or knowlngly alds
or asslsLs Lhereln shall forfelL Lo Lhe parLy aggrleved Lhe sum of one Lhousand
pesos Lo be recovered ln a proper acLlon noLwlLhsLandlng any colorable preLense
or varlaLlon ln Lhe warranL of commlLmenL and may also be punlshed by Lhe courL
or [udge granLlng Lhe wrlL as for conLempL
SLC 18 Jbeo ptlsooet moy be temoveJ ftom ooe costoJy to oootbetA
person commlLLed Lo prlson or ln cusLody of an offlcer for any crlmlnal maLLer
shall noL be removed Lherefrom lnLo Lhe cusLody of anoLher offlcer unless by legal
process or Lhe prlsoner be dellvered Lo an lnferlor offlcer Lo carry Lo [all or by order
of Lhe proper courL or [udge be removed from one place Lo anoLher wlLhln Lhe
hlllpplnes for Lrlal or ln case of flre epldemlc lnsurrecLlon or oLher necesslLy or
publlc calamlLy and a person who afLer such commlLmenL makes slgns or
counLerslgns any order for such removal conLrary Lo Lhls secLlon shall forfelL Lo Lhe
parLy aggrleved Lhe sum of one Lhousand pesos Lo be recovered ln a proper acLlon
C 8 A C l L |

SLC 19 kecotJ of wtlt fees ooJ costs1he proceedlngs upon a wrlL
of bobeos cotpos shall be recorded by Lhe clerk of Lhe courL and upon Lhe flnal
dlsposlLlon of such proceedlngs Lhe courL or [udge shall make such order as Lo cosLs
as Lhe case requlres 1he fees of offlcers and wlLnesses shall be lncluded ln Lhe
cosLs Laxed buL no offlcer or person shall have Lhe rlghL Lo demand paymenL ln
advance of any fees Lo whlch he ls enLlLled by vlrLue of Lhe proceedlngs When a
person conflned under color of proceedlngs ln a crlmlnal case ls dlscharged Lhe
cosLs shall be Laxed agalnsL Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes and pald ouL of lLs
1reasury when a person ln cusLody by vlrLue or under color of proceedlngs ln a clvll
case ls dlscharged Lhe cosLs shall be Laxed agalnsL hlm or agalnsL Lhe person who
slgned Lhe appllcaLlon for Lhe wrlL or boLh as Lhe courL shall dlrecL

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 IeooeA person deslrlng Lo change hls name shall presenL Lhe
peLlLlon Lo Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce ln whlch he resldes or ln Lhe
ClLy of Manlla Lo Lhe !uvenlle and uomesLlc 8elaLlons CourL
SLC 2 cooteots of petltlooA peLlLlon for change of name shall be slgned
and verlfled by Lhe person deslrlng hls named changed or some oLher person on
hls behalf and shall seL forLh
(a) 1haL Lhe peLlLloner has been a booo flJe resldenL of Lhe
provlnce where Lhe peLlLlon ls flled for aL leasL Lhree (3) years prlor Lo Lhe
daLe of such flllng
(b) 1he cause for whlch Lhe change of Lhe peLlLloners name ls
(c) 1he name asked for
SLC 3 tJet fot beotloqlf Lhe peLlLlon flled ls sufflclenL ln form and
subsLance Lhe courL by an order reclLlng Lhe purpose of Lhe peLlLlon shall flx a
daLe and place for Lhe hearlng Lhereof and shall dlrecL LhaL a copy of Lhe order be
publlshed before Lhe hearlng aL leasL once a week for Lhree (3) successlve weeks ln
some newspaper of general clrculaLlon publlshed ln Lhe provlnce as Lhe courL shall
deem besL 1he daLe seL for Lhe hearlng shall noL be wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days prlor Lo
an elecLlon nor wlLhln four (4) monLhs afLer Lhe lasL publlcaLlon of Lhe noLlce
SLC 4 neotloqAny lnLeresLed person may appear aL Lhe hearlng and
oppose Lhe peLlLlon 1he SollclLor Ceneral or Lhe proper provlnclal or clLy flscal shall
appear on behalf of Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe 8epubllc
SLC 3 IoJqmeotupon saLlsfacLory proof ln open courL on Lhe daLe flxed ln
Lhe order LhaL such order has been publlshed as dlrecLed and LhaL Lhe allegaLlons of
Lhe peLlLlon are Lrue Lhe courL shall lf proper and reasonable cause appears for
changlng Lhe name of Lhe peLlLloner ad[udge LhaL such name by changed ln
accordance wlLh Lhe prayer of Lhe peLlLlon
SLC 6 5etvlce of joJqmeot!udgmenLs or orders rendered ln connecLlon
wlLh Lhls rule shall be furnlshed Lhe clvll reglsLrar of Lhe munlclpallLy or clLy where
Lhe courL lssulng Lhe same ls slLuaLed who shall forLhwlLh enLer Lhe same ln Lhe
clvll reglsLer

SLC1lCn 1 Jbete by wbom ooJ oo wbot sbowloq oppllcotloo moJeA
peLlLlon for dlssoluLlon of a corporaLlon shall be flled ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of
Lhe provlnce where Lhe prlnclpal offlce of a corporaLlon ls slLuaLed 1he peLlLlon
shall be slgned by a ma[orlLy of lLs board of dlrecLors or oLher offlcers havlng Lhe
managemenL of lLs affalrs verlfled by lLs presldenL or secreLary or one of lLs
dlrecLors and shall seL forLh all clalms and demands agalnsL lL and LhaL lLs
dlssoluLlon was resolved upon by a ma[orlLy of Lhe members or lf a sLock
corporaLlon by Lhe afflrmaLlve voLe of Lhe sLockholders holdlng and represenLlng
LwoLhlrds of all shares of sLock lssued or subscrlbed aL a meeLlng of lLs members
or sLockholders called for LhaL purpose
SLC 2 tJet tbeteopoo fot fllloq objectlooslf Lhe peLlLlon ls sufflclenL ln
form and sobstooce Lhe courL by an order reclLlng Lhe purpose of Lhe peLlLlon shall
flx a daLe on or before whlch ob[ecLlons LhereLo may be flled by any person whlch
daLe shall noL be less Lhan LhlrLy (30) nor more Lhan slxLy (60) days afLer Lhe enLry
of Lhe order 8efore such daLe a copy of Lhe order shall be publlshed aL leasL once a
week for four (4) successlve weeks ln some newspaper of general clrculaLlon
publlshed ln Lhe munlclpallLy or clLy where Lhe prlnclpal offlce of Lhe corporaLlon ls
slLuaLed or lf Lhere be no such newspaper Lhen ln some newspaper of general
clrculaLlon ln Lhe hlllpplnes and a slmllar copy shall be posLed for four (4) weeks ln
Lhree publlc places ln such munlclpallLy or clLy
SLC 3 neotloq Jlssolotloo ooJ Jlsposltloo of ossets kecelvetupon flve
(3) days noLlce glven afLer Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe rlghL Lo flle ob[ecLlons as flxed ln
Lhe order explred Lhe courL shall proceed Lo hear Lhe peLlLlon and Lry any lssue
made by ob[ecLlons flled and lf no such ob[ecLlon ls sufflclenL and Lhe maLerlal
allegaLlons of Lhe peLlLlon are Lrue lL shall render [udgmenL dlssolvlng
Lhe corporaLlons and dlrecLlng such dlsposlLlon of lLs asseLs as [usLlce requlres and
may appolnL a recelver Lo collecL such asseLs and pay Lhe debLs of Lhe corporaLlon
SLC 4 Jbot sboll coostltote tecotJ1he peLlLlon orders proof of
publlcaLlon and posLlng ob[ecLlons flled declaraLlon of dlssoluLlon and any
evldence Laken shall consLlLuLe Lhe record ln Lhe case

C 8 A C l L |

SLC1lCn 1 IeooeWhere [udlclal approval of a volunLary recognlLlon of a
mlnor naLural chlld ls requlred such chlld or hls parenLs shall obLaln Lhe same by
flllng a peLlLlon Lo LhaL effecL wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce ln whlch
Lhe chlld resldes ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla Lhe peLlLlon shall be flled ln Lhe !uvenlle and
uomesLlc 8elaLlons CourL
SLC 2 cooteots of petltloo 1he peLlLlon for [udlclal approval of a volunLary
recognlLlon of a mlnor naLural chlld shall conLaln Lhe followlng allegaLlons
(a) 1he [urlsdlcLlonal facLs
(b) 1he names and resldences of Lhe parenLs who acknowledged
Lhe chlld or of elLher of Lhem and Lhelr compulsory helrs and Lhe person or
persons wlLh whom Lhe chlld llves
(c) 1he facL LhaL Lhe recognlLlon made by Lhe parenL or parenLs
Look place ln a sLaLemenL before a courL of record or ln an auLhenLlc wrlLlng
copy of Lhe sLaLemenL or wrlLlng belng aLLached Lo Lhe peLlLlon
SLC 3 tJet fot beotloqupon Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon Lhe courL by an
order reclLlng Lhe purpose of Lhe same shall flx Lhe daLe and place for Lhe hearlng
Lhereof whlch daLe shall noL be more Lhan slx (6) monLhs afLer Lhe enLry of Lhe
order and shall moreover cause a copy of Lhe order Lo be served personally or by
mall upon Lhe lnLeresLed parLles and publlshed once a week for Lhree (3)
consecuLlve weeks ln a newspaper or newspapers of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe
SLC 4 pposltloo Any lnLeresLed parLy musL wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from
servlce or from Lhe lasL daLe of publlcaLlon of Lhe order referred Lo ln Lhe nexL
precedlng secLlon flle hls opposlLlon Lo Lhe peLlLlon sLaLlng Lhe grounds or reasons
SLC 3 IoJqmeotlf from Lhe evldence presenLed durlng Lhe hearlng Lhe
courL ls saLlsfled LhaL Lhe recognlLlon of Lhe mlnor naLural chlld was wllllngly and
volunLarlly made by Lhe parenL or parenLs concerned and LhaL Lhe recognlLlon ls
for Lhe besL lnLeresL of Lhe chlld lL shall render [udgmenL granLlng [udlclal approval
of such recognlLlon
SLC 6 5etvlce of joJqmeot opoo clvll teqlsttotA copy of Lhe [udgmenL
rendered ln accordance wlLh Lhe precedlng secLlon shall be served upon Lhe clvll
reglsLrar whose duLy lL shall be Lo enLer Lhe same ln Lhe reglsLer

SLC1lCn 1 Jbo moy coostltote1be head of a famlly ownlng a house and
Lhe land on whlch lL ls slLuaLed may consLlLuLe Lhe same lnLo a famlly home by flllng
a verlfled peLlLlon Lo LhaL effecL wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce or clLy
where Lhe properLy ls locaLed ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla Lhe peLlLlon shall be flled ln
Lhe !uvenlle and uomesLlc 8elaLlons CourL
When Lhere ls danger LhaL a person obllged Lo glve supporL may lose hls or
her forLune because of grave mlsmanagemenL or on accounL of rloLous llvlng hls or
her spouse lf any and a ma[orlLy of Lhose enLlLled Lo be supporLed by hlm or by
her may peLlLlon Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL for Lhe creaLlon of Lhe famlly home
SLC 2 cooteots of petltloo1he peLlLlon shall conLaln Lhe followlng
(a) uescrlpLlon of Lhe properLy
(b) An esLlmaLe of lLs acLual value
(c) A sLaLemenL LhaL Lhe peLlLloner ls acLually resldlng ln Lhe
(d) 1he encumbrances Lhereon
(e) 1he names and addresses of all Lhe credlLors of Lhe peLlLloner or
head of Lhe famlly and of all morLgagees and oLher persons who have an
lnLeresL ln Lhe properLy
(f) 1he names of all Lhe beneflclarles of Lhe famlly home
SLC 3 Notlce ooJ pobllcotloo1he courL shall noLlfy Lhe credlLors
morLgagees and all oLher persons who have an lnLeresL ln Lhe esLaLe of Lhe flllng of
Lhe peLlLlon causlng coples Lhereof Lo be served upon Lhem and publlshed once a
week for Lhree (3) consecuLlve weeks ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon 1he
peLlLlon shall moreover be caused Lo be posLed ln a consplcuous place ln Lhe
parcel of land menLloned Lhereln and also ln a consplcuous place of Lhe munlclpal
bulldlng of Lhe munlclpallLy or clLy ln whlch Lhe land ls slLuaLed for aL leasL
fourLeen (14) days prlor Lo Lhe day of Lhe hearlng
SLC 4 bjectloo ooJ Jote of beotloqln Lhe noLlce and publlcaLlon requlred
ln Lhe precedlng secLlon Lhe courL shall requlre Lhe lnLeresLed parLles Lo flle Lhelr
ob[ecLlon Lo Lhe peLlLlon wlLhln a perlod of noL less Lhan LhlrLy (30) days from
recelpL of noLlce or from Lhe daLe of lasL publlcaLlon and shall flx Lhe daLe and Llme
of Lhe hearlng of Lhe peLlLlon
SLC 3 tJetAfLer hearlng lf Lhe courL flnds LhaL Lhe acLual value of Lhe
proposed famlly home does noL exceed LwenLy Lhousand pesos or LhlrLy Lhousand
pesos ln charLered clLles and LhaL no Lhlrd person ls pre[udlced Lhereby or LhaL
C 8 A C l L |

credlLors have been glven sufflclenL securlLy for Lhelr credlLs Lhe peLlLlon shall be
SLC 6 keqlsttotloo of otJetA cerLlfled copy of Lhe order of Lhe courL
approvlng Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe famlly home shall be furnlshed Lhe reglsLer of
deeds who shall record Lhe same ln Lhe reglsLry of properLy

SLC1lCn 1 Appolotmeot of tepteseototlveWhen a person dlsappears from
hls domlclle hls whereabouLs belng unknown and wlLhouL havlng lefL an agenL Lo
admlnlsLer hls properLy or Lhe power conferred upon Lhe agenL has explred any
lnLeresLed parLy relaLlve or frlend may peLlLlon Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe
place where Lhe absenLee reslded before hls dlsappearance for Lhe appolnLmenL of
a person Lo represenL hlm provlslonally ln all LhaL may be necessary ln Lhe ClLy of
Manlla Lhe peLlLlon shall be flled ln Lhe !uvenlle and uomesLlc 8elaLlons CourL
SLC 2 eclototloo of obseoce wbo moy petltlooAfLer Lhe lapse of Lwo (2)
years from hls dlsappearance and wlLhouL any news abouL Lhe absenLee or slnce
Lhe recelpL of Lhe lasL news or of flve (3) years ln case Lhe absenLee has lefL a
person ln charge of Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of hls properLy Lhe declaraLlon of hls
absence and appolnLmenL of a LrusLee or admlnlsLraLor may be applled for by any
of Lhe followlng
(a) 1he spouse presenL
(b) 1he helrs lnsLlLuLed ln a wlll who may presenL an auLhenLlc
copy of Lhe same
(c) 1he relaLlves who would succeed by Lhe law of lnLesLacy and
(d) 1hose who have over Lhe properLy of Lhe absenLee some rlghL
subordlnaLed Lo Lhe condlLlon of hls deaLh
SLC 3 cooteots of petltloo1he peLlLlon for Lhe appolnLmenL of a
represenLaLlve or for Lhe declaraLlon of absence and Lhe appolnLmenL of a LrusLee
or an admlnlsLraLor musL show Lhe followlng
(a) 1he [urlsdlcLlonal facLs
(b) 1he names ages and resldences of Lhe helrs lnsLlLuLed ln Lhe
wlll copy of whlch shall be presenLed and of Lhe relaLlves who would
succeed by Lhe law of lnLesLacy
(c) 1he names and resldences of credlLors and oLhers who may
have any adverse lnLeresL over Lhe properLy of Lhe absenLee
(d) 1he probable value locaLlon and characLer of Lhe properLy
belonglng Lo Lhe absenLee
SLC 4 1lme of beotloq ootlce ooJ pobllcotloo tbeteofWhen a peLlLlon for
Lhe appolnLmenL of a represenLaLlve or for Lhe declaraLlon of absence and Lhe
appolnLmenL of a LrusLee or admlnlsLraLor ls flled Lhe courL shall flx a daLe and
place for Lhe hearlng Lhereof where all concerned may appear Lo conLesL Lhe
Coples of Lhe noLlce of Lhe Llme and place flxed for Lhe hearlng shall be
served upon Lhe known helrs legaLees devlsees credlLors and oLher lnLeresLed
persons aL leasL Len (10) days before Lhe day of Lhe hearlng and shall be publlshed
once a week for Lhree (3) consecuLlve weeks prlor Lo Lhe Llme deslgnaLed for Lhe
hearlng ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe provlnce or clLy where
absenLee resldes as Lhe courL shall deem besL
SLC 3 CpposlLlonAnyone appearlng Lo conLesL Lhe peLlLlon shall sLaLe ln
wrlLlng hls grounds Lherefor and serve a copy Lhereof on Lhe peLlLloner and oLher
lnLeresLed parLles on or before Lhe daLe deslgnaLed for Lhe hearlng
SLC 6 ltoof ot beotloq otJetAL Lhe hearlng compllance wlLh Lhe
provlslons of secLlon 4 of Lhls rule musL flrsL be shown upon saLlsfacLory proof of
Lhe allegaLlons ln Lhe peLlLlon Lhe courL shall lssue an order granLlng Lhe same and
appolnLlng Lhe represenLaLlve LrusLee or admlnlsLraLor for Lhe absenLee 1he [udge
shall Lake Lhe necessary measures Lo safeguard Lhe rlghLs and lnLeresLs of Lhe
absenLee and shall speclfy Lhe powers obllgaLlons and remuneraLlon of hls
represenLaLlve LrusLee or admlnlsLraLor regulaLlng Lhem by Lhe rules concernlng
ln case of declaraLlon of absence Lhe same shall noL Lake effecL unLll slx (6)
monLhs afLer lLs publlcaLlon ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon deslgnaLed by Lhe
courL and Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe
SLC 7 Jbo moy be oppoloteJ ln Lhe appolnLmenL of a represenLaLlve Lhe
spouse presenL shall be preferred when Lhere ls no legal separaLlon lf Lhe absenLee
lefL no spouse or lf Lhe spouse presenL ls a mlnor or oLherwlse lncompeLenL any
C 8 A C l L |

compeLenL person may be appolnLed by Lhe courL ln case of declaraLlon of
absence Lhe LrusLee or admlnlsLraLor of Lhe absenLees properLy shall be appolnLed
ln accordance wlLh Lhe precedlng paragraph
SLC 8 1etmlootloo of oJmlolsttotloo1he LrusLeeshlp or admlnlsLraLlon of
Lhe properLy of Lhe absenLee shall cease upon order of Lhe courL ln any of Lhe
followlng cases
(a) When Lhe absenLee appears personally or by means of an
(b) When Lhe deaLh of Lhe absenLee ls proved and hls LesLaLe or
lnLesLaLe helrs appear
(c) When a Lhlrd person appears showlng by a proper documenL
LhaL he has acqulred Lhe absenLees properLy by purchase or oLher LlLle
ln Lhese cases Lhe LrusLee or admlnlsLraLor shall cease ln Lhe performance of
hls offlce and Lhe properLy shall be placed aL Lhe dlsposal of Lhose who may have a
rlghL LhereLo

SLC1lCn 1 Jbo moy flle petltlooAny person lnLeresLed ln any acL evenL
order or decree concernlng Lhe clvll sLaLus of persons whlch has been recorded ln
Lhe clvll reglsLer may flle a verlfled peLlLlon for Lhe cancellaLlon or correcLlon of any
enLry relaLlng LhereLo wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce where Lhe
correspondlng clvll reglsLry ls locaLed
SLC 2 LnLrles sub[ecL Lo cancellaLlon or correcLlonupon good and valld
grounds Lhe followlng enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLer may be cancelled or correcLed (a)
blrLhs (b) marrlages (c) deaLhs (d) legal separaLlons (e) [udgmenLs of annulmenLs
of marrlage (f) [udgmenLs declarlng marrlages vold from Lhe beglnnlng
(g) leglLlmaLlons (h) adopLlons (l) acknowledgmenLs of naLural chlldren ([)
naLurallzaLlon (k) elecLlon loss or recovery of clLlzenshlp (1) clvll lnLerdlcLlon (m)
[udlclal deLermlnaLlon of flllaLlon (n) volunLary emanclpaLlon of a mlnor and (o)
changes of name
SLC 3 lottlesWhen cancellaLlon or correcLlon of an enLry ln Lhe clvll
reglsLer ls soughL Lhe clvll reglsLrar and all persons who have or clalm any lnLeresL
whlch would be affecLed Lhereby shall be made parLles Lo Lhe proceedlng
SLC 4 Notlce ooJ pobllcotlooupon Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon Lhe courL
shall by an order flx Lhe Llme and place for Lhe hearlng of Lhe same and cause
reasonable noLlce Lhereof Lo be glven Lo Lhe persons named ln Lhe peLlLlon 1he
courL shall also cause Lhe order Lo be publlshed once a week for Lhree (3)
consecuLlve weeks ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe provlnce
SLC 3 pposltloo1he clvll reglsLrar and any person havlng or clalmlng any
lnLeresL under Lhe enLry whose cancellaLlon or correcLlon ls soughL may wlLhln
flfLeen (13) days from noLlce of Lhe peLlLlon or from Lhe lasL daLe of publlcaLlon of
such noLlce flle hls opposlLlon LhereLo
SLC 6 xpeJltloq ptoceeJloqs1he courL ln whlch Lhe proceedlngs ls
broughL may make orders expedlLlng Lhe proceedlngs and may also granL
prellmlnary ln[uncLlon for Lhe preservaLlon of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe parLles pendlng such
SLC 7 tJetAfLer hearlng Lhe courL may elLher dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon or
lssue an order granLlng Lhe cancellaLlon or correcLlon prayed for ln elLher case a
cerLlfled copy of Lhe [udgmenL shall be served upon Lhe clvll reglsLrar concerned
who shall annoLaLe Lhe same ln hls record

C 8 A C l L |

kULL 109
SLC1lCn 1 tJets ot joJqmeots ftom wblcb oppeols moy be tokeoAn
lnLeresLed person may appeal ln speclal proceedlngs from an order or [udgmenL
rendered by a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL or a !uvenlle and uomesLlc 8elaLlons CourL
where such order or [udgmenL
(a) Allows or dlsallows a wlll
(b) ueLermlnes who are Lhe lawful helrs of a deceased person or
Lhe dlsLrlbuLlve share of Lhe esLaLe Lo whlch such person ls enLlLled
(c) Allows or dlsallows ln whole or ln parL any clalm agalnsL Lhe
esLaLe of a deceased person or any clalm presenLed on behalf of Lhe esLaLe ln
offseL Lo a clalm agalnsL lL
(d) SeLLles Lhe accounL of an execuLor admlnlsLraLor LrusLee or
(e) ConsLlLuLes lo proceedlngs relaLlng Lo Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe
esLaLe of a deceased person or Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of a LrusLee or guardlan a
flnal deLermlnaLlon ln Lhe lower courL of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe parLy appeallng
excepL LhaL no appeal shall be allowed from Lhe appolnLmenL of a speclal
admlnlsLraLor and
(f) ls Lhe flnal order or [udgmenL rendered ln Lhe case and affecLs
Lhe subsLanLlal rlghLs of Lhe person appeallng unless lL be an order granLlng
or denylng a moLlon for a new Lrlal or for reconslderaLlon
SLC 2 AJvooce Jlsttlbotloo lo speclol ptoceeJloqsnoLwlLhsLandlng a
pendlng conLroversy or appeal ln proceedlngs Lo seLLle Lhe esLaLe of a decedenL
Lhe courL may ln lLs dlscreLlon and upon such Lerms as lL may deem proper and
[usL permlL LhaL such parL of Lhe esLaLe as may noL be affecLed by Lhe conLroversy
or appeal be dlsLrlbuLed among Lhe helrs or legaLees upon compllance wlLh Lhe
condlLlons seL forLh ln 8ule 90 of Lhese rules

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