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Unit 3 OR AR LRMATIIA Fomrecarva | (l 7 Desa E SNe | 1 1 7 you you jo not we cd we [don't they they: start Ha does not | she starts te a {doesn't | | dome | 30 j_they start? te doesn | he “ | Se ee eee an ee anne eee Sine Spec peas eee ee ee ee ae 1 tive in Rome, my brother lives in Naples. Io vivo a Roma, mio fratello vive a Napoli. © Come per il plurale dei sostamtivi (cfr. 1.9), anche per Ia formazione della terza persona singolare de! simple present si devono rispettare alcune regole ortografiche: 2) i verbi terminanti ins, 8, -ch,-sh, -x,-z,-0 aggiungono la desinenza -es: Julia teaches in a primary school. Julia insegna in una seuola elementare, 46 UNIT 3 1b i verbiterminanti ih -y preceduta da consonante aggiungono Ia desinenza es (la-y scompare) { ‘David studies architecture at university. David studia architertura all'universit 1 verbi terminanti in -y preceduta da vocale aggiungono una Mark plays football in the locel team. Mark gioca a calcio nella squadra focale, oes per la terza persona singolare e do per tutte le ale: Fomuameemocariva | do/does + soggetto + infinito senza (0 2 | | | Le forme inctrogatve, negative einterogatvo-negativerihiodono Fausiare lo/does + my + infinito senza to ‘Do you work? Ldon’t work. Don’t you work? Does Jenny work? Fenny doesn't work, Doesn't Jenny work? © 11 simple present si usa: 4) per esprimere azioni abituali o ricorrent ‘When I'm on holiday I get up late. Quando sono in vacanza mi alzo tard _) con: verbi che esprimono percezione involontaria (to hear, tose, ..),sentimento (olove,tolike, ), volonta (10 wish, Co want, ..),opinione o ativita mentale (10 be- lieve, to know, eter likes music very much, ‘A Peter piace molto la musica.* i «) con funzione di presente narrativo (ad esempio nelle didascalie, nei titoli del not- ari edei giomali if ‘ronsta EOATIVA soggetio + { do/doe oe 1 j roma urERHOGATIVO: | don't/doesn't + soggetto + infinito senza to? i } ‘© I1simple present &spesso accompagnato da: i 4) expression’ temporal come: \ fn the morning very day \ in the afternoon very onl in the evening ‘very morning { at night very Monday, Tuesday, ec by avverbi di frequenza (ef. 3.2). 1 Onanaisconrtione dl verbo oe, plc icomplemene di temine alana Fete nin | pise dnc sone. 2. | GW awvorbi di froquensa © I principali avverbi di frequenza sono: always sempre seldom rarely raramente ote pee omens gaia, | tally “ailio aaa | neal" genainens eal al | | © Per quanto riguardsa il loro uso, si noti che: 4) nei tempi semplici normalmente precedono il verbo principale: ‘She often writes to me. Mi scrve spess, 1) seguonc i veri ausiliar e modali: I'm always happy when I'm with her. Sono sempre felice quando sono con lei. €) nei tempi compost si collocane dopo il primo ausiliare: I would never have done that! Non Vavrei mai fatto! © Lavverbio ever non ha valore negativo ed @ usato in frasiaffermatve o interroga- i live; Havve-bio di negazione never rifuta gli ausiliati don’t/doesn’ ! Do you ever go out in the evening? I never go out in the evening (Non) esti mai di sera? Non esco mai di sera t's the best film I've ever seen ve never seen that film, E il miglor film che abbia mai visto, Non ho mai visto quel fim. [23] whe... what... ‘© Quando li aggetivi e pronomi interrogativi who (ch), what (che cosa, quale) ec. (cfr: 12.2) fungono da soggetto, rifiutano gli ausiliari do/does, a meno che la frase ‘on sia interogativo-negativa: Who teaches English (o your class? Who never does his homework? Chi inseana inglese nella tua classe? Chinon fa mai i compiti? 1 What colour suits her? Who doesn't speak English here? Quale colore le sta bene? Chi non parla inglese qui? Come chiedere /esprimere la professione What do you do? 'm a teacher Che lavero fai? Sono / Facsio "insegnante ‘What does he/she do? He's / She's a ypist, ‘Che lavero fa? Fa il/la dattlografo/a. ‘What's sour / his job? I'm / He's a clerk, Qual eto 7 sus lavoro? Sono / E un impiegato, a 48 uNiT 3 Peatcione Yel complement eggetto © dol complements Indirette dopo: ‘aicunl verbt {© Aicuni verbi, quali ad esempio to ask, to bring, to buy, to cost to give, to lend, to offer, to pass, o pay, 0 promise, to read, to sell, to send, (0 show, to teach, to fell, ‘quando sono seguti da un complemento oggettoe da un complemento indiretto — di {ermine (introdoto dalla preposiione to) o di favore/vantaggio (iatrodoto dalla pre- posizione for) — possono avere due costruzioni: 1) Why don’t we send him a present? ‘Vogliamo comprarle una penna. 2) We want to buy a pen for her. .n0 comune, vine preferibilmente © La seconda costruzione, che tra le due é la n sata 2) quando il complemento indireto & composto da pit atributi oapposizion rispetto al complemento oggetto: Mary is teaching Italian to her American friend Sil. Mary insepna italiano alla sua amica americana ill 'b) quando si vuol dare maggiore evidenza al complemento indireto He always sends postcards to Mary, not (o her sister. Manda sempre cartoline a Mary, non a sua sorell. ) quando il complemento oggetto é un pronome: ‘Why don’t you lend it to John? Perché non lo pres a John? © Alcuni verbi, tra cu to confes, to deliver, to describe, (o dictate, to expiin, toi ‘oduce, to reply, to report, to say, ammeicono solo Ia costruzione [soeeeiio + verbo + (omplemento ggetc) + to + complemento inireto | ‘She never introduces me to her friends. Non mi presenta mai ai suot amici Why don't you describe your drawing to the teacher? Perehé rion descrivi il tuo disegno allinsegnante? UNIT 3 9 HEP Completa le sequent resi com it imp rect del verb is patente (1) Lie (ud) in theafteroon. (2) They (p:9) cards in the evening. (3) John (each) French. [3] He (go) a to bed late at night. 5) They (eae a Jot when they are on holiday. ©) Mary (live) ina eottage in the country. [7 That shop (open) at nine lock. 8) Bob (do) his homework every day. 5) Mr Brown (wash) his ear on Sundays. (10) We (listen) to classical music every Sunday. [SE] ra volgete te fra otenate negative inerropaivormepaien, [3H] Rico sagveme Deano, coningnco verb ea parents al simple present Every morning Sheila (wake) up at 7 o'clock, she (go) (0 the bathroom and (wash), then she (go) back to her bedroom and (dre) Aller breakfast sho (calgh) the 7.35 bus. In front of the school she usually (meet) her fiend Jenny and they (falk)Tor some minutes. At school Sheila (study) hard and het favourite subjects (bey Maths and French. ‘AC midday Sheila and her friends (stay) it school. They never (go) home for lunch. In the afternoon, when the lessons (be) over, Sheila (reurn) home and (do) her homework. In the evening after dinner, she often ( (G0) to bed and (read) her favourite light because she (be) very tired. +h) TY with her parent, but sometimes she nics. At 10 o'clock she always (turn) off the to the radio? (no) | 3 Does she work as a part-time secretary? (yes) [6] Do your [35] Risrivete le seyuentifrasiinserendo Vavverbio di Frequanza (ra i) al posto glesto, (I speak German at work. (often) (31 He spends his holidays in the mountains. (often) Seo to their frignds. (sometimes) [4] We play basketball fon Sunday moriings. (usually) [7] John and Sheil are at school in the morning. as 30. (always) [6] Mark studies his lessons in the afternoon. (usually) (7) She tries to hhelp you when you need it (always) [) Jenny stays at home on Saturdays. (rarely) [BI Mr Smith drives to work, (usually) [f0) 1 am at home after supper. (generally) ‘Volgcte fe Frat deleserciio precedente in forma interrogativa interropaivo-negativa CCostrite frasi gi senso compiuto a partir dalle parole dale, coniugunde il verbo al simple (present ¢ usando la forma inerrogativa o negativa dove mecessario [1] see / day / your gittriend / every / you /? (=) brush / morning / her teeth / Mary / every in / she / morning / the / what time / wake up /? meet / often / 1/ at / my fiends / disco / the they / often / not eat / restaurant / at / a want / where / you / 10 go /? / Mr Jones / smoke / never / pipe the / your mother / what / do / in / morning / 7 ‘week / the / usually / swim / swimming-pool /n / they / every SSEERRFAE friends / not see / often / she / her [iscrvele fe sequent si come nel eserpi suet, I often lend books to him. 1 often lend him books. ‘Tim seldom buys a present for his mother. ‘Tim seldom buys his mother & present. [1 We never send letters to them. (2) He rarely buys flovers for me. (3. Mum usually gives pocket money to Jack on Saturdays. for Tessa? CE] They never show their photos to us. [6] Why doesn’t Dad tell the [Z) Why don’t you make a cake sory to Mum? (11) My relatives often bring sweets to me, (} Compulsory schoo! ives a basic education to children, [) Why doesn’t Mary fetch a chair for her ‘mother? (J0) Tom seldom offers a drink to his friends. CCostrite frat di senso compiuto & partie dale parle date, LLI wily / a bunch of flowers / we / give / don't / our neighbour / ? [2] my grandmother / from the country / me / fruit and vegetables / brings / often [5] photos / why / to / your frend / show / you / those / Mark / don't /? to buy / wants / a / scooter / Me Jackson / his son a plum cake / don’t / why / ask / to make / Mum / you / us? he / good seats / for us / often / finds TW]:t0 / his school-fellows / Jack / passes / notes / often [0] Completae | segueati mini-dialoghi chiedendo o fornendo it lustrzion, come nelesempio. UNIT 3 Sais} (A) always / nursery-thymes / teaches / her pupils / nice / Miss Simpson [5] from Canada / Brenda / sends / posteards / often / us ]] me / a hand / daughter / gives / never / in the kitchen / my 1 ‘A. What do you do? ‘8. What does he do? | 2. ma baby-sitier. a. He's ‘A. What does a baby-siter do? a 2 3. She looks after children. He cures animals. What ae alent 2 2. Pm. - 8, We are | 2. She helps passengers, 1. They deliver letters. 52 UNIT 3 . They are _ tas 2 1, They repal ears, TBAT] Riepondete pot seit alle segues (1L] What do foathallers do? [) What does a teacher do? (3) What docs a rnitkman do? (4°) What does a doctor do? [5 What does a typist do? (@) What do journalists do? (7) What docs a housewife do? (8) What does a waiter do? 3) What do policemen do? (10) What does a student do? 3.12] Intervstte un compagno su come trascore Ia glornta. Chiedetli: = a che ora (what time) si alza al — se torna a casa per Vora di pranzo mattino = che cosa fa di solito nel pomeriggio = che cosa mangia per eolazione = se guarda spesso la televisione — a che ofa esce divcasa generalmente dopo cena. = Seva a scuola da solo o con amici — se studia di sera 8 che ora comincia e finise la cuola — a che ora va a eto [CBT} ra raccontate ce cosa fa il vostro compagno durante ln giornata. Comiaciate cos: {In the morning my schoolfriend (nome) gets up.. [Rl Deserivete come trascorrete In domenica. [FE] Rispondete ale sepuenti domande in modo personae. [1 What do you do in your spare time? [2] How do you spend your Sundays? 5) Do you often stay at home on your own? [a.) What do you do when you are at home on your own? [S-) De you usually spend your holidays at the seaside or in the ‘mountains? [) When do you usually meet your friends? [7] What do you do together? [§1| Do you lke animals? Which animals do you prefer? (9) Do you like music? [19] Who's your favourite singer/actor? UNIT 3 Aggettivi o nomi di nexionalita 1 lay tralian an tala the Italians | Brazil Brazilian a Brazil the Brazilians Norway Norwegian Norwegian | the Norwegians USA, fan American | the Americans Israel Israel an lac the Israels Greece Greek a Greek the Greeks 2) China Chinese a Chinese the Chinese | Japan Japanese a Japanese the Japanese Portveal | Portuguere Portuguese | the Portuguese Switzerland | Swiss Swiss the Swiss 3) France French 4 Frenchman | the French | Frenehwwoman England Enatish | an Englishman the English an Englishwoman Ireland Irish an trishman the irish an Irshwomen Wales Welsh Welshman the Welsh 3 Welshwoman 4) Denmark — | Danish Dane the Danes Finland Finnish Finn the Finns } Halland Dut Dutchman | the Dutch 8 Dutehwoman ! Poland Polish a Pole the Poles Spain Spanish 8 Spaniard the Spaniards Sweden Swedish a Swede the Swedes Turkey Turkish a Turk the Turks © Gili aggetivi ei nomi di nazionalit, come si pud vedere dallo schema, si posono dvidere in quattro sruppi 1 Aggettvi © non verminand in -an € Usati come agyeitivi sono invariabili; quando hanno funzione di sostantivo e indicano l'intero popalo prendono las del plurle. ‘A questo gruppo appartiene anche Greek, greco. 2) Aggettvi e nomi terminant in se Sono invariabili sia quando fungono da aggetivo che quando fungono da Sostantivo o quando indicano Mintero popot. ‘A questo gruppo appartiene anche Swiss, svizzero. a i 54 UNIT 3 3) Axgestiv in -eh eth. Sono invariabili non solo come aggetivi ma anche quando indicato Nintero popolo. Per formate il sostantive si uniscono alle parole man/woman. F i} 44) Aggetivi e nomi che hanno forme diverse a sezonda della loro funzione. {© Gi aggetivi ei nomi di nazionalita sono sempre seritti con V'iniziale raiuscola. @ Lraggettivo i nazionalita non preceduto dal'articolo indica generalmente {a lingua: ‘© Per indicare Vintero popolo & possibile anche ware 'aggettivo di nazionalita seguito dal sostantivo people con il verbo al pluale. scelo tra quell della second. [CS] Cotepate efrasi della prima colonna con un termine ade 1, The Portuguese lve in.. A, Switzerland 2, The Germans live in 2, Holland. 3. The Danes lve in... \. . Peru. 4, The Greeks lve in... . Ireland, 5, The Swiss live in. 8, Turkey, 6. The Dutch , Denmark. 7. The Eayptians live in. «. Portugal. 8, The Peruvians five in. . Greece. 9, The Irish live in. 1. Germany. 10, The Turks live in 1. Egypt [CSFT) Completa te sequent fast inarendovi un aggetivo di nazionait © He's from LL) “Where are you from?” *I'm from France. 'm __ Los Angeles (USA). He's. i] They are from Wales, They're a [FH] We're from Greece. We're __._ [5] She's from Spain. She f ie [&) You are from Brazil. You're __. They're from Norway. They are __. CE) Mary is from Holtand. She's (5) Sim's from Japan. He is (Ho) Tom and Jil are from Sweden. They're UNIT 3 TB] Completae le sequent fra 1) The Dutch speak . ate speak panes BD The Danes speak 2 The spk Swedish, | (The speak Russian, [@) The Italians speak j 1) The Pole speak. (4) The _ speak Spanish. (9) The __ speak Greek. (30) The Norwegians speak _ [318] Correpgste Perrore presene in ogai frase. ‘The French speak the French. [7] The German speak German, (5) The Finns live in Finnish, [4 The Italian speak Italian. Welsh speak Welsh. [) The Dutches are members of the EEC. [1] The Chineses speak Chinese. [61] A Spanish lives near my house, (1) The English people like Italy because of the sun. (00) There are four Irish at the conference Whats the time, please? What time's, please? ‘oreloek 2.00 two o'clock 2.05 five past wo 2.08 ight minutes past two | 2.10 ten past two 215 a quartec past two 2.20 twenty past two 225 twenty-five past two 2.30 half past two Is 2.35. twenty-five to three 2.40 twenty to three 245 a quarter to three 2.48 twelve minutes to three 250 ten to three 255 fiveto three 3.00 three o'clock half © Lore viene sempre espressa senza Iarticolo ¢ con il verbo ¢o be alla 3* persona | singolare. 56 UNIT 3: {© L’espressione o'clock, che si usa solo per indicare Vora piena, pud anche essere messa, come pure viene omessa Ia parola minutes, tranine quando é preceduta da un ‘numero non divisible per cingue. {© Liindicazione dei minuti precede quell dell’ore; i minuti sono seguiti da: past dallora picna fino alla mezz"ora compress to dalla mezz’ora fino allora piena succesiva © I corrispondent fi un quarto © mezza sono a quarter ¢ hall ‘© Nella lingua pariata Je ore possono essere espresse con ore e minut in sequenza, senza ricorrere & past 0 f0: W's ten forty. (10.40) e's two thiny. @.30) ‘© numeri esprimentile ore dalle 13.00 alle 24.00 non sono generalmente usati nella ffngua parlate st usano solo per indicare ali orai di tren, arei, ec. Per distinguerele fre del matiino da quelle pomeridiane si agglung al'ora I'espresione aum. (in the ‘morning) o pam. (inthe afternoon’ evening Itssixpm. Sono le diciotto. Isaquarterto eleven a.m, Sono le diecie quarantacingue. “The fifteen forty-five (15.45) train. Il treno delle quindici e quarantacinqve. ‘The twenty-one thirty (21.30) Might to London, Il volo per Londra delle ventuno ¢ trenta. (© Osservate le soguenti expression: ‘midéay / noon mezzogiorno ‘midnight mezzanotte ‘quarter of an hour un quarto d'or half an hour mez7’ora fm hourand a half un'ora e mezza © Le preposizioni normalmente usate con le ore sono: = at per indicare il momento preciso in oul awiene wn‘azione: (Ad) what time do you usually get up? I get up at 7 o'clock. ‘Avche ora tial di soito? ial alle sete. — from... to per indicare "inizio ¢ la fine di un evento: “He works from nine (a.m.) to five (p.m). Lavora dalle nove alle cinque (diciassette). ‘ovo le abrevibi dale peso! tine ante meio (rma dk mezogiorno «| 1 Am [atmo dope meron 5) Hsprimete Porain ingles. What time ist, please? [EH] Rispondete ale sepuenti domande utlizzando Yorn indicat tra patente Li What time is it, please? (10.48) (2) What's the time, please? (7.50) [37] What time is it, please? (20.48) [4 Whats the time, please? (21.35) [5 (AL) what time does the train leave? (14.38) (6) (At) what time does the plane leave? (23.52) (Ad what time do banks open in Italy? (8.20) 8) (At) what time do banks ‘open in England? (9,30) [9} (At) what time does the film star? (19.15) 10) (AX) what time do your clases finish? (15.48) (3B) Cosiuitedomande esposte a partre dag element [1] what time / bus / leave? 10.10 (2) what time / train / arrive? 419.23 (HL) match / finish / 20.302 7 yes FE) school / start / 8.102 / yes | eaglangelo gl element neces, [E] concert J not finish / 22.207 no / 22.30 [E] film / not start / 19.302 4 no / 20.30 [7] banks / close / 13.202 / yes [5] shops / not close / 18.307 no / 19.30 (B] peifrmance / begin / 21.50? no / 20.50 (H0) programme / begin / 14.302 / yes Rispondete alle seventh domande, uilizzando i dat affissi School. [11 Do the students go on a schoo! trip every monih? [E) What time does the film finish? What time is the football match? i a { [1 Does the football match finish | at 6.40 p.m.? (E) What time is the party? [5] What time does the volleyball tournamett stat? Does it finish in the moming? (7) Does the concert start at 4.00 p.m.? 33H) Stai aspetiando wm amico alla fermata det igo seguendo | suggerimentt dail (puoi consultare tn rubrica How r0 say. igi che sbaglia, sono le 18.50 > {i seusie gli dict che ha ragione zi Tisponde che non fa, nulla. Ti ‘chiede @ che ora cominea i film chiede a che ora finisee i < chiede sec’ un autobusa quel'ora Tispondi che ce n'é uno alle 21.40 > | \ dice che e tempo per un calf qj sek d*accordo > [C25] Un two amico ba appena conosciato una ragazza Se cris dis Ti dive che il wo orologio & avait i deci minut, i suo & esatto Serivi un Pow to translate 4.62). w UN Amico . salutalo e digi che @inritardo > Ti salutae dice che sono appena le 18.40 Tispondi che comincia alle 19.15 > alle 21.30 Fispondi che fini se blonds 0 omande che potest fare servile (come si chisma, quanti aun studi, #6) [326] Rispondete alle sequent domande wilizzando fe nformazion!costenute nella tabla, Mary tennis (often) volleyball (rarely) ‘TV Gometimes) cycling never) swimming (rarely) John Footbal (always) ‘TV (never) volleyball (never) shopping (seldom) [11] What does John like very much? [2] Who never goes eyeling? (5) What does John seldom do? () Does Mary often cook? os) Who often does windsurfing? [5] Who sometimes watches TV? C7) Does Mary like volleyball? [) Does John ‘often go shopping? (9) Who doesn’t like volleyball at all? [Jo] Who never watches Ww [337] Servet te anion che svolgte abitualmente nel ora indica 7.00 am. B.S am. 10.45 a.m. midday 2.00 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 9.15 10.20 p.m. | (11.30 p.m. (338) Rispondete alle seyuenti domande in modo person () What do your friends say when you are late? (Z) What time do you generally ‘come back from school? [3.} What do you usually drink when you're thirsty? [3] What do you do 1¢ you are ina hurry? (5) What do you do when you are sleepy? [6) What do you do when you don’t like @ programme on TV? (7) How do you generally go to school? 'F) What does your teacher say if you arrive late? [3] What do you do when you get up? (1G) What do you generally do when you are wrong? 0 UNIT 3 Intervista Janet sand i dat sequent, pol rilaborate tattle informaziont ottenute per farme tana dserzione complet Name... ceceees Janet { Surname sc. ssssss Marshall | \ Agee soe s Marital siatus married | Nationality TD British Tob vse ‘computer programmer Place of work TID IBM London } Hobbies = eee tennis twice a week ‘vimming on Sunday mornings ‘gardening: occasionally yoga: three times a week [-330) Dopo aver letto brane tovate domande adeguate ale risposte date. John Spencer lives ina village but he works ina big town 30 miles away from his ‘house. In the morning he gets up at 6.30, he has breakfast with his wite and children and then he leaves for his office. Tn winter he generally gocs to work by train but in spring and summer he drives, He rnever goes back home for lunch. He works about 10 hours a day and he is always very busy, When he returns home at about 8 p.m., he sits at table and he has dinner. He seldom speaks to his wife and children because he is very tired ‘Afier dinner he goes into the living-room and he turns the TV on. He doesn't like TV ‘ery much but he watches it because he thinks itis a relaxing pastime. He goes to bed at about 11.00 o'clock _ No, he works in a town 30 miles away from the village where he lives. ‘At half past six. ___ After breakfast. By ean. in spring and summer. He sts at table [Because he's very tired. He turns the TV on. No, not very much. Because he thinks it's relaxing. TBST] Ask. say. oF expla. 1) Chiedi a Peter se suo fratello si alza presto al mattino. [2] Chiedi a Jack che lavoro fa. UNIT 3 4 3) Chiedi a Jenny dove lavora sua sorlla 4) Chiedi al signor Taylor st lava sempre la macchina al sabato (on Saturdays). "S| Chiedimi dove trascorro solitamente le vacanze [6] Dimmi che non vai spesso al cinema con i tuoi ami 7) Dimi che tuo padre non beve mai whisky. 5) Spiega che John insegna geografia, non insegne matematica. (3) Dimmi che Jack ¢ ua sorella abitano a Londra con alcuni (some) parenti 10} Spiega che tuo fratello. aiuta raramente quando fai i compiti perché & sempre occupato. [352] nserite rarteoto determinative» indeterminative dove wecessri. Thave ‘ery good friend in England, called Marianne. She is ___ teacher in secondary school in Bristol. school is in centre of ‘own, so Marianne often walks there, She sometimes takes bus When she is late For work. She also writes short stories for magazine, ‘magazine is called “Bristol's Voice” and is very popular in Bristol. Marianne is married with daughter, Ann. Ann works in big supermarket sells all kinds of food supermarket just outside Bristol. — and has got large ear park in front of entrance. Ann has got many friends and often goes dancing with them. She also likes cooking in her spare time and reading novels and of course hott stories her mother writes! (7338) Traducete te sequent fri [1 Quando ho sete non bevo mai bevande ghiacciate, bevo sempre to caffe (2) Se hai fame, petché non mangi un panino? [3] Perché non dictama (1 tell) loro di fermarsi a cena? & presto © non hanno fretta. [i] Studio lingue oriental a Venezia 1h ines e il ziapponese s 'No, gli piacciono gli animali.”.& Di solito mio padre prende Se mia madre ba fame, 1 interessanti ma diffi. 5) * Nom ha paura se 8 sempre affolato ‘manga un paio di mele. Le piace la frutta, [7 “Tua ziaabita in Olanda?” “Si, lavora per una grande ditta olandese.” (57 Tutte le sere dalle 18.00 alle 19.00 mio fratello fa josging perché dice che & rilassante. 10) “Perché Susan non vuole uscire con noi?” “Perehé ha sonno ¢ vuole andare a letto presto." IRGWITG SAV. HOW TO TRANSLATE: | Puntuallta/ Herd /ontlelp6 t's five o'clock sharp by my watch, Sono Te $esatte al mio orologio. |My watch is right. 11 mio orologio & giust. wrong. non segna Vora esata. five minutss slow. cingue minut indietro, five minutes fast cingue minuti avant | tobe tate essere in rtardo en cary in anticipo In time in orario, on time puntuale Te see /te look /owetch to see vedere (capacita visiva): | 11's so foggy that its difficult to see the ine on the road capire: Do you see what I mean? trovare, visitare: | ‘Why don’t you come and see me some time? to Took (ad) ‘guardare \ It’s beautiful to look at starry sky. to wateh osservare (con attenzione): [always watch Mum when she makes a cake. rarely watch TV. Pleeote Aggetive small riferito a dimension, quanti "The small white building over there isthe local Ibrary. Hite viene usato prevalentemente per formare verze | 0 diminutivis i That's a nice Hite dog! short breve/eorto ¢ basso (di staturay 1 know I'm rather short but I don’t care | slight leggero, delicato, poco importante | ‘There's only a sight difference between the twe colours. Sostantivo child bambino: ‘Her child is realy spoilt kid bambino (uso informale): ‘Where are the kids? | the young i piceol, la prote (di animal Most animals Fight to defend their young,

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