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BY CUCU JULAEHA 0433131540110010


1. INTRODUCTION Background of the problem 2. DEFINITION AND SYMPTOM Definition the symptoms 3. ASPECT THAT CAN CAUSE Aspect can cause 4. THE MEDICAL TREATMENTS The medical treatments 5. THE PREVENTIONS The preventions 6. CONCLUSION

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, id like to introduction my self. My names Cucu Julaeha. Pleas call me cucu im from Subang. Then, id like to thank ALLAH SWT who has given healt and long life. Next, i also would like to express my gratitude to Mrs Hj. Titin. The director of stikes kharisma midwifery program who has given oppor tunity to study here. My gratitude also goes to my English teacher, Ms.anggun for her guidance and help in making some correction. And then, id like to cinvey my gratitude to the examiners who havee given me time to deliver a presentation about headache. Ive devided my presentation into five section. First, im going to star by telling the background of the problem. Second, ill turn to the definition and symptoms. Then, ill concern on the aspect can cause headache. After that, ill move on to the medical treatments. Finally, ill discus about the pretentation. If you have any question, ill do my best to answer them at the end.

OSTEOPOROSI BY CUCU JULAEHA 1) INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background There are three types of primary headache: tention-type (muscular contraction headache), migrain (vascular headache),and cluster. Virtually everyone experiences a tention-type headache at some point 2) DEFINITION AND SYMPTOMS 2.1. Definition The word osteoporosis literally means "porous bones." It occurs when bones lose an excessive amount of their protein and mineral content, particularly calcium. Over time, bone mass, and therefore bone strength, is decreased. As a result, bones become fragile and break easily. Even a sneeze or a sudden movement may be enough to break a bone in someone with severe osteoporosis. 2.1. The symptoms Osteoporosisi is often called the silent desease , because bone loss occurs without symptoms. People may not know that they have osteoporosis until their bones become so weak that a sudden strain. Bump, or fall cause a bone to fracture or a vertebra to collapse. However, there may be a chronic, dull pain particulary in the lower back or neck, wich may become sharp later in the course of the desease. 3) ASPECT THAT CAN CAUSE 3.1. aspect can cause A number of factors increase the risk of developing osteoporosis. They include: a) Age Osteoporosis is more likely as people grow older and their bones lose tissue.

b) Gender Osteoporosis is estimated to be six to eight times more common in women than in men, partly because women have less bone mass to begin with. Furthermore, for several years after menopause, women also lose bone much more rapidly than men do, due to a fall in their bodies' production of estrogen. c) Lifestyle People who smoke or drink too much, or do npt get enough exercise have an increased chance of osteoporosis. d) Diet Those who do not get enough calcium or protein may be more likely to have osteoporosis. That is why people who constantly diet are more prone to the disease. 4) THE MEDICAL TREATMENT 4.1. The medical treatmen The diet should be adequat in protein, calcium and vitamin D. Regular weight-bearing exercise is recomended, as tolerand. Regular exercise should be part of the tretment. Exercise can reduce that likelihood of bone fractures with osteoporosis, and help to retain and even gain bone density.

5) THE PREVENTION 5.1. The prevention The prevention of osteoporosis is a life time. Most bone mass is developed before the age of 30. There after, the chalenge is to retain the bone mass one hass. Offorts to assure the development of adequat bone mass through out the life span should begin with children and adolescents through the consumption of calcium-rich and vitamin D-rich diets and througt frequent weight-bearing exercise. In mid-life, continued consumption of calcium and vitamin D and physical activity are important. A healthy lifestyle without smoking or

excessive alcohol is helpful if necassary, calcium supplements should be considered



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