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Book 2

“The Right Strategies

for MLM”
This is an educational course for the Network Marketing
Industry. Book Course 2
©2006 Brian Morgan Digital Products LLC

Table of Contents: 52 pages

Foreward: How Has MLM Changed?

1. What are sales tools?

2. How can sales tools make a person


3. Using the sales tools to create product


4. Using the sales tools for creating new


5. How long does it take to become a

professional salesperson?

6. How to use the phone to contact

people for product sales and recruiting.

7. What do I need to say in the first

phone call?

8. Where can I find the best example of

using the phone to help my business

9. Okay, I understand using the phone,

where do I get lists of people to call?

10. How do I know if a person is a

prospect for the products or the
business opportunity?

11. Video as sales tools, Audios as sales

tools and Websites as sales tools, which
is the best?

12. Creating credibility, do you need

it…or do the sales tools handle this

13. How I marketed myself in my last

MLM called Legacy for Life.

14. Become a national recruiter, it’s not

that difficult.

15. Conclusion.

16. Appendix 1: Worksheets & Questions

Page 44

Foreword: How has MLM Changed?

Much has changed in the MLM – Network
Marketing world since the 1980’s.
I started my first venture in MLM around the
middle 1980’s, about 1984 or so. I was working with
a company called NSA, National Safety Associates,
and our sole product was water filters. We had four
types of different water filters, and in reality they did
make water taste sweeter and fresher. The filters
contained carbon that filtered impurities and bad
tastes from the water.
You should also know that back in 1985 bottled
water was not even introduced yet. No company
had yet to start selling water, and in fact you’d

probably get laughed at if you said you thought

water should be sold like soda pop.
The company operated by selling their
distributor’s several counter-top water filters, and
the distributors would have to retail these filters.
The methods or selling methods that we used:
calling our friends, family, and people that we knew.
We’d call the prospect and ask them if we could put
a water filter in the kitchen for 7 days for free. Many
people were open to the idea, so it was pretty easy
to telephone people, explain your product, and then
get them to use the water filter for a week.

So here was our selling and marketing method:

1) First buy several water filters ($40 each)
2) Make a list of people that you know
3) Call this list of people and explain your
4) Also ask the prospect if they would like to hear
a 15 minute presentation and get a free water
filter for a week
5) Once they said yes for a 15 minute
presentation we’d set a date to follow up
6) During the presentation we’d use the
companies flip-folder to read through a simple
presentation, explaining the problems with
polluted and bad water in our nation
7) And during this step we’d ask if they would like
to buy a house water filter.

8) Then we would sign the paperwork for the sale,

or simply thank them for their time and try to
get some referrals.

In a nutshell: We simply call people and ask if they

would like a water filter to try; then we’d follow up
and try to sell them on a house water filter. My
close ratio was about 30%. So 3 out of 10 people
would buy from me.
The profit I made from selling one countertop
water filter was about $30 dollars, so for the work
needed, we didn’t make much money retailing the
products. They are not consumable products, so
basically it was a one time sale, and we’d hope that
the family would give us a list of other friends and
family that we could call on also.

So that is how it was back in the middle 1980’s.

First you’d call the prospect. Second you’d make
an appointment to show them your presentation.
During the presentation you’d give them a free water
filter to use for one week. After that week, you’d call
and set up a closing appointment. During this
appointment you gave a short presentation, and
asked if they could taste the difference in the water;
which normally you could. Then we’d ask if they’d
like to invest in one of the four types of water filters
that we had. And as I said, about 3 out of 10 people

would buy a water filter, which is a pretty good ratio

believe it or not.
So back in the 1980’s you really had to have
some sort of background in making sales calls
on the phone to prospects. That was the only real
way to open the door to give a presentation (in
person) and also get the product in the homes for a
trial period.
Back them we did have a few cassette tapes and
also videos, they mainly covered the recruiting
aspect of network marketing and told about the
income potential of building a network of
salespersons, distributors, or downline. I was so
focused on learning about retail selling skills,
telephone skills, and closing skills, that most of my
effort was in educating myself to become a better
salesman. Why? Well because in the 1980’s that is
how network marketing worked. Today things are
really different in Network Marketing; I am talking
about now in 2006.

There still are people today that get into MLM and
they basically go through the methods that I used in
the 1980’s; I worked with some folks around the
country back in 2002-3 that took the “become a
salesman” approach- which requires time,
practice, and experience.
So how have things in 2006 changed; well for
one, most new distributors are aware that you have

to build a sales organization if you really want

to make income to live off of. You can not
simply retail the product and expect to create
an income that is enough to live from. Most
MLM companies teach this today; they teach that
you have to experience and understand the products
and use them, you have to understand the company
and it’s goals or mission, and you have to
understand that one of your main duties is to
recruit a sales force, called your downline.
Here in 2006 the network marketing business has
changed dramatically. Now the mlm firms spend
millions of dollars researching and creating videos,
audios, and presentations that can be used in DVDs,
Cassettes, CDs, Websites, Conference Calls, and so
on. The big change is that the mlm company
has learned that it should train people to “hand
out the sales tools” rather than relying on their
own sales skills and abilities. You see the
video and audios are really the “salespersons”
So all of the difficult work is done in the
presentation tools (I call “sales tools”); all a
distributor really needs to become good at is
handing out the information (sales tools) and
following up after a prospect has seen or heard
the information (sales tools).

Having “sales tools” created a totally new way for

mlm firms to build their sales and help their
distributors build their sales force, downlines.

The educated distributor today (2006 and

beyond) should simply:
1) Find the best sales tools, and then
2) Rely on handing or sending out the sales
tools, and thus let the sales tools do ALL THE
SELLING and RECRUITING. Some distributors still
have this to learn, and so do many regular
companies in the corporate world- many people still
believe they have to have all the skills and all the
resources of a professional salesperson- not true.
As long as the professionally made sales tools
(videos, audios, and presentations) do their work, a
distributor in mlm can concentrate on putting the
information (sales tools) in the hands of potential
customers and potential distributors. This is a very
major change in the way that a company builds its
product’s sales, and also builds its sales force.

Sales tools make the job of network

marketing totally simple. That is as long as you
know the “secret” and the secret is “use the sales
tools” and don’t sell or convince people. The sales
tools should do all the selling and convincing. At
least YOU should let them do that. Isn’t that great

1. What are sales tools?

The main way the mlm has changed in the last 20

years is by using “professional sales tools”.
They discovered during the 1950’s-1990’s that
people in the mlm field were training their
distributors to be experts in selling, to become
salespersons. There is nothing wrong with this
direction, unless there is a better way. Today
(2006) there is a much “better way”- than spending
all your time and energy in training yourself to
become a master salesperson.
The truth is that if a prospect (a potential
customer) sees you and your actions as being a very
skilled and polished sales person, her or she will
think to themselves: “Hey to be successful with
this mlm thing, I have to become like him, a
professional salesperson!” And that was the
case decades ago. To be successful in mlm you
had to become a good sales person and you also had
to train other people to do the same. That, believe
me, is a lot of work. I know because that is
virtually the same path that mlm told me I had to
travel. But now it is 2006, and things have
drastically changed. Thank goodness.
Today the mlm firms spend millions of dollars in
research and development of “sales tools”. These
audios, videos, and presentations that the mlm

companies create really are helpful to distributors.

Years ago, 1980, to give a presentation; you had to
contact the person, make a date to meet them to
give a personal presentation, show them your
sales literature (generally a flip book), and then
influence them to buy the products and learn about
the opportunity. Now, 2006, all this hard
footwork is done by the “sales tools”.
Distributors for mlm firms now should understand
that selling is a numbers game, I should say
numbers work. To succeed in product sales you
simply give a person the “sale tools” for the
products, and then follow up (picking up the sales
tool to reuse them) asking the prospect: “What
do you want to do?” or “What did you think?”
You see the professional video, audio, or
presentation that you gave the prospect does all
the selling and convincing.
So your number 1 main job is to get a good
supply of “sales tools” and make sure that each
week you are getting them out to new people
and following up with these people. Plus you
need to make sure your downline people are
doing this also. Simple.
Personally I like videos the very best. If I have a
local prospect, I simply call them on the phone and
tell them I have a video that explains a new product
and I’d like to get their opinion of it; generally since
they know me I get a favorable response and I make

a time to drop off (or mail) the video and a time to

pick-up the video. After they have seen the video (I
generally say 48 hours is the maximum time
needed) I follow up; either in person or over the
phone- which ever I think will be beneficial. If they
are local I would generally visit their business or
home and ask them “What did you like about the
video?” By doing this they are open to answer you
truthfully and hopefully they say something positive,
like: “ thought the video was excellent, and I would
like to try the product.” If they do say this I have a
definite customer for the products. If they say that
they “didn’t like or understand the video” I simply
say: “Well, I think the products are great, are you
sure you don’t want to try them?”. This generally is
an okay way to soft sell them, but in reality if
someone says “they are not interested” – I
certainly don’t push them; I say “Well some
people are interested in this thing and others are
not. I am just happy you let me show you the video.
So thanks.” My mentors taught me to never
persuade or convince a person that is negative about
the business or products, never. You don’t want to
“change” a persons mind if they are negative about
the situation.
So the “sales tools” are used to make the
products sales, recruiting sales, and helping
folks understand the company and their
mission statement.

2. How can sales tools make a person

Well how can sales tools make a person successful?
First let’s investigate the phone call method of
selling. Let’s say that you had to make phone calls
each and every day to make appointments with
people to give them your own sales presentation
which takes 20 minutes. Let me ask you this,
how many sales presentations can you make in one
day? I would say probably 3 total on a good day.
How many sales presentations in a week, at a high
number 15, and believe me that is a lot. And if each
presentation was 20 minutes you’d spend 5 hours
that week giving presentations!
Now let’s say that you called the same list of
people and told them that you’d like to send them
a video for their review and opinions. How
many videos do you think you could drop off or mail
in one week: I would say if you found 100 people
interested it would be easy to mail 100 videos
(or other sales tools) in one week. Total time?
Well let’s say it takes 20 minutes to travel back and
forth from the post office, and it takes you 1 minute
to address each envelope and stick a video init, your
total time is = 2 hours 20 minutes. Time spent

giving presentations = 0 hours, the video does all

the presentations & selling.
So (in the second method) you spent time
making the phone calls and 2 hours and 20 minutes
getting your mail ready. With the first example you
made 15 presentations and it took 5 hours plus
phone calls and driving time. So again using a “sales
tool” you spend time making phone calls and also
spent just over 2 hours mailing information, but you
made (the video did) 100 presentations.

So would you rather spend 5+ hours and give 15

presentations, or would you rather use a “sales tool”
(the video) and spend just over 2 hours and give
100 presentations. 15 versus 100

If you could give 15 presentations a week that

would be roughly 60 per month. How many videos
do you think you can pass out or send out in a
month? I would say as many as your budget can
afford. One night while working with an mlm called
Legacy For Life I got in my car and passed out 400
audio tapes and put them in people’s paper-
boxes. Passing those tapes out took 2 hours,
that is 400 potential presentations passed out in 2
hours. Granted I didn’t call all the prospects first to
get their interest level, but I did give a large number
of prospects the sale tools in a short time.

So let’s answer the opening question: “How can

sales tools make you successful?”

1) They eliminate the need for you to really

meet a person face to face,

2) You can call people nationally and send out

and unlimited number of sales tools per week,

3) You don’t have to sell or convince other

people – you don’t need to be a sales pro,

4) “Sales tools” can make you successful if you

keep getting them out to new people each and
every month.

The more people that see the presentation (sales

tools) the greater the possibility of having more
retail sales and also recruitment sales. It is a
numbers game, and the people that are really
interested in the presentation will watch the entire
video (audio), so that is how you tell if they were
interested in it. Ask them “what did you think of
the entire video (audio)?”
The more sales tools you put out into the
community and into the country (world) the higher
the possibility that you’ll make more product sales
and more recruiting sales. Get more “sales tools”
out into the world, and get a higher sales number.

And with the way the Internet is growing, many

people will be able to send video and audios right
over the Internet- the only major problem right
now with this method is that not 100% of the people
have broadband internet service- which is
practically necessary for watching video and listening
to audio online.
The sales tools will make you more efficient
and help you use your time better. The sales
tools should be very good quality and
professionally made. If you continue to get them
into as many peoples homes as possible you will see
an increase in your sales. You probably will not sell
5 out of 10 people, you might not even sell 1 out of
20; but you can increase your overall success if you
purchase “qualified sales leads” from a company that
sells MLM leads.

3. Using the sales tools to create product

Many of the mlm firms have separate sales tools
for different things. Normally there is one particular
video or audio concerning the products. That is
the video (audio) that you want to get into the
homes of people that you think will buy the products.
Use the products “sales tool” for retailing the
products. Give them an audio or video and let

them review it for a couple days. Then after 2 days

call them up and simply ask “What do you want to
do?” or “How did you like the tape?” Generally
this question is straight forward enough that it will
steer them into telling you exactly what they thought
of the video (audio) and what they would like to do
next. Hopefully they will say “I’d like to get some of
the products”.
Also many companies in mlm have videos that
cover all the three (3) areas necessary: the
company, products, and opportunity. So in one
video the prospect gets enough information about
each of the major three aspects of the business:
company, products, & opportunity. Those are the
three (3) things that you and your sales tools
are promoting, and hopefully selling.
You’ll want to become pretty well aware of the
different kinds of product videos your firm has, if
they have more than one. So be sure to watch all
the “sales tools” possible so that you can make
an informed decision on which “sales tool” to
give a prospect.
Also remember that many people that buy the
mlm products do so with the intention of “finding
out more information”- see they may also be
interested in the company’s opportunity. So a
couple months go by and you hear from them and
they’d like to see the video on the opportunity
again. This happens, so you don’t want to “label”

prospects as “product customers” or “just product

customers” you should not be surprised if the
product is really well received and the customer calls
you to refer people to you – thinking that they too
might like the product. Sometimes you product
customers are your best source of leads, both for
selling products to new customers and also for
recruiting potential distributors.
So once you have started a customer or
distributor with the products, be sure to stay in
touch with them and answer any questions
they might have. The more you stay in contact
with these people, the more they will trust you
and consider you credible and then perhaps trust
you enough to give names of new product &
recruiting leads to you.

4. Using the sales tools for creating new

Again, like in the last chapter, your mlm firm
probably has a designated video that is solely for
recruiting new distributors. Sometimes
companies have more than one of these recruiting
videos. So make sure that you have copies of the
different “sales tools” and become somewhat familiar
with them.

How do you create new distributors using the

“sales tools”? First it might do you good to read
about this famous mlm recruiter: Jimmy Kossert.
Jim was a real estate professional that graduated
into the field of network marketing, and if my
memory serves me right, he was at one point
making a check of over $200,000 per month.
And the basics on how Jim did this are detailed in a
book by Richard Poe called “The Wave 3 Way To
Building Your Downline” ©2000. For Jim’s
explanation on building a large organization read
chapter 3 in the above book. I will summarize it
here for you.
Basically Jimmy Kossert was a professional
salesman in the real estate business. Apparently he
saw a huge potential by creating a large sales staff
(downline) so he started playing around with mlm.
In the 3rd chapter of the book mentioned above,
Jimmy says that he’d had enough of prospecting
using the telephone, and decided to be a straight
shooter. He’d go through 16 hour days on the
telephone – and his first message was very simple:

“Hello, my name is Jimmy Kossert; I am calling

to see if you’d be interested in some fabulous
products? I have used them for some time and
can testify that they are very good, but I am
looking for other people to try them, would you

like to try them?” and then he’d shut-up and

let the people talk.
This is not his actual word-for-word phone script-
get the book if you need the exact words, but this is
the message he was getting out to people. His
methodology was to have a phone script, use it
with every phone call, and get through as many
phone calls in one day that he could.

Believe me, this is not a simple way to make

a living. I did a very similar telemarketing approach
in 2002. I would call the prospects and stick to my
short phone script, which was modeled after Jimmy
Kosserts, and I would force myself to call for 6
hours per day. I would roughly make 150 phone
calls and would actually have discussions with about
5-30 people during the course of 6 hours of calling.
Once I reach a person at home, I simply asked if
they were still interested in a home business,
and could I send them a video (audio)? About
50%-75% of the people said yes. So anywhere from
12-19 people each day would say “okay” to
reviewing a video. So I was sending out a ton of
audios and videos back in 2002.
Note: The phone leads I purchased from a
company that sold mlm pre-qualified leads. I’d
spent about $50+ per month for about 200-400 new
leads. And since they were pre-qualified, they really
did quite well.

If you have never really worked at making “cold

calls” on the telephone, it’s really quite easy with a
script and practice. You simply have to write
down exactly what you want to say, and stick
to it. After a few days of practice, you’ll finally get
over any type of fear you might have, and be dialing
for prospects in no time. I really recommend the
Richard Poe book I referred you to in this chapter,
get a copy if you can, it will help your sales and

5. How long does it take to become a

professional salesperson?
I must remind myself of this almost every day, I
am not a salesperson…the sales tools are my
sales person! So you want to make the distinction
that you don’t have to become a professional or
expert sales person to be successful in mlm or other
sales businesses. You simply need the professional
and right kind of “sales tools”. My favorites are
If you do want to become a professional sales
person, there is one thing you should know,
something I said earlier on. If the people you are
talking to think they too have to become Super
Salespersons to run this mlm business – they
will be turned off by that approach. It’s very

difficult to become a professional salesperson, and

it’s best if the people you are selling to or
trying to recruit see you as a normal person
(not some Super Star) that simply mails or hands
out the “sales tools”; why? Because ANYBODY
can mail or hand out sales tools – you don’t
need to be a 15-20 year sales expert.
So you might even include that information when
you talk to people over the phone, over the internet,
or in person. Tell them, “Hey the field of mlm and
sales have gone through a rapid change since the
1980’s; you no longer need to be a sales expert to
make sales! All you have to be able to do is
hand-out, email, or mail to folks the “sales
tools”; then let the “sales tools” do all the
selling.” And if it sounds simple, well it really is.
Many people STILL try to make selling such
a complex process, just look at all the books
written about selling. Yet today, 2006, most firms
produce “sales tools” that let the average person
make sales with the help of “sales tools”!
My advice for you, the eBook reader, and mlm or
sales person – don’t ever worry yourself about
saying the right or wrong thing. The worst
thing you can do is talk too darn much about
the company, products, and opportunity. The
best advice: again, again, again, “Let the sales
tools do ALL the selling”

You no longer have to be an expert at sales!

And that is good news for thousands of people in
mlm and sales.
I do know that many people will doubt this method,
especially if they have years of sales
experience. Their own egos will not let them
believe that “they cannot do a better job than the
sales tools”. My advice- sit back & quit worrying so
much about selling, and give professional sales tools
a chance. You’ll really see the profession of selling

6. How to use the phone to contact

people for product sales and recruiting.
If you are calling people locally or nationally the
best advice I have for using the telephone is to use
it to introduce people to the “sales tools”.
Keep your conversations short and sweet. It’s
truly silly to spend 45 minutes talking to a
potential distributor or customer thinking that
you are building rapport with this person, and
then they see your video or audio and think this
whole thing isn’t what they want. You have just
wasted 45 minutes.
Like I said before in chapters above, get the
Richard Poe book mentioned, and read and re-read

chapter 3 about how Jimmy Kossert used the

telephone. His approach will work for you, it worked
for me. Of course I didn’t use it for 16 hours per day
like he did, so he was a tad it more successful!
The phone is the best tool that I have ever
used in mlm. What I would do is buy a list of 200-
400 new pre-qualified leads each month from a
good leads company. Then I would write a phone
script based on the way Jimmy Kossert used his
phone skills. Then each day I would put a blank
sheet of paper in front of me, numbered from 1 to
35, and I would make it my goal to talk to 35
prospects in the 6 hours I was on the phone. I
would end up calling about 125-150 phone
numbers, but many people are at work or simply
not at home. In the course of a day on the phone I
would attempt to personally “talk to” right at 25-35
people. Normally I would talk to about 25
people. And this took 6 hours per day.
The one thing you can’t really do while on a
phone call is assess whether the person you
are talking to is going to be a good business
partner or be a good customer. All I did was kept
my phone calls very very short and offer to send
them product and business opportunity
information for free. Many people that became
distributors just did not have the same motivation
that I had. I was really ready to retire early and the
earlier the better! So I poured myself into working 4

days per week on telephone calling, and spending 6

hours per day doing so.
I will say this again, I used the phone only to
ask people if I could send them information about
the products and opportunity (which generally was
one video or audio tape). I tried no convincing or
selling on the first phone call. You will call some
folks and they will want more information on the
phone, before they let you send them anything-
simply tell these people that your mlm firm
spends millions of dollars making promotional
materials (“sales tools”) and if you tried to
explain everything, it would not come across as
well, so tell them they really need to see the
video or audio (or other sales tools) so they
can make an informed decision.
My summary of this chapter is this: use the
phone to get people interested in seeing the
“sales tools”, period. If you spend time talking, or
spend time selling, you will spend 30 minutes on the
phone before you know it. And in 30 minutes
wouldn’t you rather contact another 5-10 people?
Staying on the phone too long is a major problem for
people that “want to give a good impression”. Look,
don’t worry about giving everyone you call a 20
minute phone call thinking that they need to hear all
about you, your company, your business, and your

Stick to the very short script (like Jimmy

Kossert’s), and then get off the phone and make
another call. The more time you spend blabbing to
people, the more time you waste. Sure it’s great to
talk to people, but until you have some serious
money coming in from your business, shouldn’t you
run your business instead of running a political
campaign for yourself?
Again, the temptation to over talk and over
sell will always be there, but don’t even get
started at it – “let the darn sales tools do the
selling” – don’t do that over the phone – ever.
Let them watch that video first, and then you can
ask them – “What do you think of our company?”

7. What do I need to say in the first

phone call?
The very first phone call is most important. All
you want to do is stick to the telephone script that
you made. Don’t mention anything in detail –
the “sales tools” do that. So what do you say?
Here is another example from the top of my head.
“Hi, Mr. Smith, my name is Brian Morgan. I got
your name from a company that finds people
interested in business opportunities. If you’d like, I
would like to send you a video about the business

that I am in, (pause) and then after you watch it we

can talk, is that possible?”
In short, that is about all that I have said in
the past. Short, and concise. They don’t care
about where I live, my family, my other career, or
anything else- I am a total stranger calling into their
house – so I keep to my business and simply ask if
they’d like me to send a free video for them to watch
about a business opportunity.
The same goes if you are calling people primarily
for selling the products. State your name and that
you are a distributor of some fine products, and that
you found their business in the yellow pages – “So
can I please send you a video that showcases all our
products for free?”
For all the reasons mentioned above, I feel I
really have to influence you to avoid the
temptation of talking too darn much. Don’t do
it. Don’t talk longer than one minute or so, or you’ll
find yourself selling- which is the no no!
We let the “sales tools” do ALL the selling.

8. Where can I find the best example of

using the phone to help my business
Again, if you truly look for mlm resources
you’ll find many. There are workbooks on how to
grow your mlm business, there are complete guides
in the library about making successful phone sales,
and there are thousands of resources for growing a
business. But you probably already know what I am
going to say. Do you?

The best example of using the phone successfully is

in the book authored by Richard Poe called “The
Wave 3 Way to Building Your Downline”; in
chapter number 3 you’ll find Jimmy Kossert’s simple
and straight forward tips on what to say and do on
the telephone. Again, the best way to get your
business to grow is by getting the “sales tools” in
more peoples hands and homes.
So if you use your telephone to market nationally
like I did, you’ll be asking simple questions like:
“would you like to run a home business, can I send
you a video that will tell you all about it?” That’s
really what the phone is great for.
If you try to use the phone to build rapport and
trust and friendships BEFORE they become a
customer or distributor you’ll end up kicking yourself.
Why? Because you’ll be spending hours
developing relationships that never turn into

customers or distributors. And maybe that

sounds kind of bad, but the bottom line is this: you
are on the phone to “get those sales tools into other
people hands” and “let the sales tools make the sales
and recruit distributors”. After a person becomes a
customer or distributor, spend all the time you want
on the phone, they have shown a definite interest in
the products or the opportunity- so build the
I have a little note on the top of my computer
monitor that says: 1) Make Sales Tools, 2) Let
the sales tools do your work. You see, since I
own my own business, a marketing firm, I am the
person that has to create the sales tools and then
use those sales tools. It is a big temptation to
get with a potential client on the phone and
start talking about my services, but I rarely do
that any more. I have three (3) different forms of
very well written salesletters that introduce new
business owners to my company and the
product/service. The next thing that I am working
on is the video, which I want to be able to add to my
website- making the “commercial” available online
24 hours a day.
And that is another sales tool that works
well; a video, audio, or presentation online at a
website. The only problem that I find is that not
everyone has upgraded to Broadband Internet
Services, many people are still using AOL, SBC,

NetZero, and other dial-up services. And you have

to take that into account if you are using a video or
audio from your website- generally the people that
can view or listen to it are the Internet Users with
Broadband. There still are many people and
businesses using dial-up, why I am not sure?

9. Okay, I understand using the phone,

where do I get lists of people to call?
If you have a health related line of products and
are considering selling to health food stores, then I
suggest you call or visit the infoUSA company for
sales leads. They have been in business for some
time and I have always counted on them for quality
business to business sales leads. There are a lot of
independent health food stores out there still un-
franchised so you might find several willing to
become distributors- that is if your company allows
that sort of retailing- some mlm’s don’t allow that.

If you are concentrating on finding distributors,

then I would have you search the internet for mlm
leads. And I would suggest finding a very good
company, perhaps one that also pre-qualifies the
leads by calling them on the telephone and asking
the person if they are still interested in a business
opportunity. In the last mlm firm that I worked in, I

tried both to build a base of retail customers, which

did very well- and I also spent most of my time on
the phone looking for new distributors, people
wanting a small business or home business.
So don’t be shy about spending money to buy
sales leads, that is what most folks do. I have tried
telemarketing straight from the phone, using out of
state phone books, and I did have some success.
You can always call the out of state and in state
phone companies and order telephone
directories. In fact that is a great way to learn
your phone scripts, and also overcome the fear of
dialing that phone. To be successful on the phone
you really have to have the attitude that it is
necessary for you to call people, otherwise how is
anyone every going to find out that you have a
product or that you need distributors to help you?
If you think you can email everyone, that is
perhaps a good idea- yet emailing is SPAM if you
don’t have the person’s permission to email them. I
know there are ways around that, but why not pick
up the phone and either order a phone directory with
20,000 names in it for $20, or spend $50- $100
getting 200 pre-qualified mlm leads?
Sooner or later you’ll find that the telephone is a
simple way to contact people. And if you’re like me,
you’ll decide that they need to hear about your
product and business opportunity.

10. How do I know if a person is a

prospect for the products or the
business opportunity?
Well, generally if you have sent the person a
video or audio, or they have listened to a
presentation- you can simply ask them; “would you
like to try the products for 30 days, and see if
they are what you’re looking for?” That is
In the past I would mail a video across the
country and also include another envelope and
postage, so they’d send it back to me (it’s a
business expense). The video that I would choose
to send would be about the company, products, and
opportunity. So after they had viewed the video, I’d
simply ask: “What would you like to do?” Some
people say “order a 30 day supply of the products”
some folks say “I’d like to become a distributor and
join at the ‘Gold’ Level for $350 so I can start my
business”, and other people will say, “Oh I haven’t
found time to watch the video”.
I don’t have a whole lot of patience when it
comes to people that are undecided, I generally tell
them, “Well if you haven’t had time to watch a little
30 minute video, you really don’t have time for
running a business, would you kindly send my video

back to me?”. Truth hurts they say. Sometimes it’s

so true though. If a person cannot find the time to
hear a 15 minute audio tape, then why in God’s
Green Earth did the guy tell me “I want to start a
Sorry, I have been in the marketing business
long enough to know that there are people that just
cannot say “no” to certain things. I wish I had a list
of these folks, I’d start selling them everything under
the sun – they simply can’t say “no”.
But, when it comes to making a buying decision,
certain folks cannot buy from you because they
haven’t had the time to watch the video – if that
occurs, and it will, don’t think you are being mean,
ask them to send your materials back to you so you
can continue to find available people. Personally, I
don’t send out salesletters or videos so that they can
collect dust. If I send a person a video, I have
generally asked them to guarantee me that they will
watch it in 48 hours, that way I can follow up and
keep up my continuous recruiting. Again, if someone
tells you, “Oh send me the video” and they also say
“I’ll watch it right away” and then you call them and
they have not watched the video- have the
courage to ask them to send it back to you.
Sometimes that really encourages a person to
“watch the darn video”.
The reason I include a self address and stamped
envelope when I send out videos is this: first I want

them to know I need it back, I can’t afford to send

video to the entire country for free, and second I
need the video back to re-send it to other people
waiting to see it. So if you are sending materials
out, try to include a mailer so they can send it
back to you, not everyone will become a
distributor or customer. I think in my best
recruiting days I would recruit about 1 person in
33 phone calls; that really is a pretty darn good

11. Video as sales tools, Audios as sales

tools, and Websites as sales tools, which
is the best?
If your company has videos, and you believe that
they are professional and pretty persuasive; then by
all means add them to your marketing efforts.
Sometimes DVDs (videos) are better than
sending someone to a website to watch a
video. The reason (IMHO) is that it’s a tangible
product that they can feel and touch. And also
they are responsible for watching it and
hopefully returning it. If you ask someone to
watch a website video, they may decide to do it next
Christmas. So unless there is some sort of time limit
for the web-video, they can put it off for a long time.

With a DVD (video or audio) that is sent to a

person from you, they feel responsible for it’s
handling- therefore (IMHO) I guess I would
rather send out DVDs with the company videos
on them – than I would send people to a
website designed to “do it all”.
I am going to stress this again. If you send a
person a package of video, audio, or sales literature
– they feel responsible, especially if they said they’d
watch it and then return it. So if I was a betting
man- I would tell you to go with “packages sent
to people”. The current “high technology” gurus
might tell you that it’s easier and better to (and free)
to send someone to a website- but listen again to
this logic: if you have called a person and
verified that you are sending them information,
and they should view it in 48 hours and then
return it in the mailer you provided, they are
responsible for watching it, mailing it back to
you, and being ready to ask questions to you
when you place your follow up phone call.

Website versus DVD / Video?

I say choose to send the packages in the mail.
The website will work for some folks, but people will
appreciate touching, feeling, and seeing something
“real” coming from a “real person” – rather than
some “internet person” that they don’t know
anything about, and a person that doesn’t send them

anything- he just says “See my website, it has

all the answers”. That kind of implies that the
person is a bit hasty and you really don’t know
them any better after seeing a company video
Now, if it is their personal video- I might think
a bit different about this whole topic of “DVD versus
Website Video”.

12. Creating credibility, do you need

it…or do the sales tools handle this
For sure in business it is always good to be credible
and to “do what you say you can do”. Otherwise
people will start to wonder about your motives.
If you say you are going to call on the 13th of
June and you forget to call a person – that is a strike
against your credibility. Always keep good track
of the people that you are working with.
Especially your upline and downline- you need
these people to work with and for you. But until
people “know who you are” and they “really believe
all that you say” you should count on the sales tools
to bring credibility to the potential customer and the
distributor. Once a person becomes a customer or
distributor, than you can spend more time building a

relationship with them over the phone, in person,

over the internet, or whatever. You’re first line of
credibility is “How the sales tools are
If the sales tools look like they have coffee stains
all over them and the video quality on the DVD looks
like a monkey made the video, how are people going
to trust you? Your first mission before calling
customers or distributor is to get great “sales
tools”. And I would assume that any real important
mlm firm would supply you with them, not for free
granted- you will have to pay for them. But from my
experience the mlm firms generally put out very
inspiring and insightful “sales tools”. But it is, of
course, your job as a distributor to find the “sales
tools” that you believe are the best and use
Personally when I was working in Legacy for Life
(2002), I found a generic sales tool, a video, from a
company called Brilliant Compensation. I found that
their recruiting video for mlm was better than our
company’s recruiting videos, so I sent my money to
Brilliant Compensation and bought about 25 videos
and audio tapes. At the time Mark Yarnell was
working with Legacy For Life and he dubbed his own
sales tape that was called “This Tape Is Banned”.
The tape was really well written and very persuasive,
so I used it also. At the time you could buy the
audio tapes in packages of 500 for about $125 if my

memory is correct. Some people split the cost of

these, I myself bought a monthly supply and tried to
mail at least 500 tapes out a month, that got difficult
after a while, and expensive.
You might like the Brilliant Compensation audios,
videos, and websites- I would imagine they are very
popular and come in a variety of different packages.

13. How I marketed myself in my latest

MLM called Legacy for Life.
In Legacy for Life I used two sales tools mainly.
There was an audio tape by Mark Yarnell that told
all about the products and what they did. And I
choose the video by Brilliant Compensation to send
out to potential distributors.
Each day I would get up and review what I had
done the previous day. Making sure to make any
follow-up phone calls that I had previously planned.

My entire marketing or selling effort was this:

1) Spend six hours calling people
2) Stick to my phone script each time
3) Make sure not to get into any lengthy discussions
4) Go quickly from one phone call to the next
5) Be a straight shooter and ask if they would like an
audio on the products or a video on the business
6) Confirm their mail address

7) Ask them to watch the video/audio within 48

hours because I would call back and follow up
8) Follow up in 48 hours
9) Ask if they saw the video or heard the audio
10) Ask “What did you think, and what would you
like to do now?”
11) Make a product sale, sign them up as a
distributor, or send them more info
12) Or cross them off the prospect list

In a nutshell it seems pretty easy, but spending six

hours in one place on the phone can get pretty
long. I would take about a 5 minute break every
hour or so just to concentrate better. So, if you
would like to learn how to make phone calls to
potential customers and distributors I want to
encourage you to do so. It does take time to
get used to being on the phone so long- but I
did have experience doing that in a financial
services firm in the late 1980’s. Just remember
you don’t need to be a salesperson to run an mlm
firm. Sure it might help in the start-up process, but
things really have changed in the 20 years that I was
in mlm, and today you simply need to get those
“sales tools” into more and more people’s

14. Become a national recruiter, it’s not

that difficult.
Recruiting nationally may sound like a big deal,
but it’s not. Making a phone locally is just as hard as
making a phone call across the country. And with
the ability to buy qualified leads, I would say that
one of your best ways to recruit distributors is to buy
sales leads and use the type of daily calling that I
mentioned in a previous chapter. You may not be
able to call 6 hours every single day like I did, but
you should be able to call 1 to 2 hours every evening
after work.
Personally, I really think that it is better to
make a phone call connection before you send
any “sales tools” to people. People would rather
hear from you and know that you are sending them
something of value, rather than getting a package on
the doorstep and not knowing why it’s there. So I
preach “Call people first” before you send them:
videos, audios, letters, or emails. Why? So they
know that there is a real person trying to build a
business and he/she is working at it. I don’t think
that I have responded as well to emails as I have to
phone calls during my years in mlm. I do get a lot of
junk email, but spam blockers normally take care of
any unknown mail. So it must be pretty difficult to
recruit through email.

How do you call nationally?


Well why not call your phone company and order

phone directories for cities around you, and also
perhaps cities in other states. You can follow the
simple “phone call script” methods and make tons of
phone calls using a phone directory.
But a much better way is to buy pre-
qualified sales leads for mlm. They will cost a
little bit each month, but I have found that the pre-
qualified sales leads for mlm work the best. I don’t
know which company to tell you to buy them from,
but you might simply check with your company or
By the way, a really good sponsor will spend
the time to call you. It might be once a month, or
it might be once a week, but as long as you are
showing potential, sending out “sales tools” and
doing a good amount of calling and follow ups –
your sponsors should be real happy with you.
I had some people that I would sponsor and they
would send out 10 tapes a week, which I guess is
good if that’s all you can afford. I tried first of all to
call the “pre-qualified” people (leads) rather than
making phone called to “cold leads”. Generally I
sent out about 10-30 pre-qualified leads “the sales
tools” each week, so each week I was potentially
recruiting 10-30 people.
What really normally happened is that many
people thought mlm would take to much time and
energy, plus they didn’t have a clear idea on how to

sell or market. But in reality all they needed to do

was to watch me, I made it simple. A simple phone
call, and if you respond positively you get a video.
Then I call you back in 3 days, and ask you “what do
you want to do?”, and it all starts from there.

15. Conclusion:
I first of all want to thank you for reading this
eBook. I am not a professional writer and I might
get an editor in the near future to help me polish
these eBooks a bit. So I appreciate you reading
them and hope they opened your eyes to new ideas.
It took sometime to write this eBook, but I can
guarantee you the information in this eBook is not
something that I an copying from some guide or
resource- that makes it very valuable.
The information in this eBook is from my
personal experiences and my personal
summaries after working in the network
marketing industry for 20 years.
You can get tons of books and courses on selling,
phone calls, and marketing- but what I have told you
in this one eBook; is much more important than
training yourself to be the expert salesperson.
I have shared with you that becoming the
expert salesperson is exactly the WRONG way

to succeed in mlm and in most types of sales

related work these days.
How do you become successful? I hope you,
by now, know the answer to this question. You
become successful by getting more and more
qualified people the “sales tools”. You don’t
need to be a sales wiz, you just need to understand
the principles of the phone contact, and it’s main
objective: which is to determine if this person would
like to see the products or the business- and then
sending them the right “sales tools”. Let’s try to
keep it simple, so it’s duplicatable, okay! Thanks for

16. Appendix 1
The Original Books by Brian Morgan
Worksheets for Books 2 / next page

Topic MLM Worksheet for Book #2

“The Right Strategies

for MLM”
Welcome to the Business Training Books Worksheets,
please print these pages out and use them to answer
questions about Book #2. You’ll need more paper to write
out your answers. This worksheet will help you understand
the key important topics in the Book Course and help your
business prosper, so please answer the questions and put
them into action. Thank you, Brian.


Back in the 1980’s Network Marketing was more like direct

selling; people had to have sales skills to retail the products?

You can make money and good money by only retail sales?

One of your main duties that increase your income the most
is retail sales- or is it recruiting distributors?

A good distributor today should try his or her best to increase

their knowledge of becoming a professional sales person?

What one thing has made MLM selling and recruiting

different and easier?

Chapter 1:

Success in MLM comes to you if you train yourself to be a

sales professional- and that is the main thing to do?

What do you “ask” a person that has seen your video or

audio “sales tools”?

If a person is not interested after seeing the “sales tools” you

should try your best to convince them into becoming a

Personal question: would you rather give 15 presentations in

a week or 100 presentations, why?

Chapter 2:

What is the best way to give the most presentations in one


What are four (4) ways the “Sales Tools” can make you

True or False, the less sales tools you use- the better sales
you’ll have- because you will be able to call everyone and
sell them?

How can “sales tools” be uses to make you successful?

Chapter 3:

True or false: The best sales method is to hand or send the

“sales tools” to a prospect and then let them call you back in
48 hours?

Should you call a person if they have had the “sales tools”
for only 48 hours?

What is one “powerful” question to ask people that have

seen the “sales tools”?

The “sales tools” generally promote 3 things: the company,

the products, and how the products are made?

Who are some of your best sale leads?

How do you build trust with customers?

Chapter 4:

Do companies in MLM make videos to recruit people?

Calling people over the phone is another way to get the

sales tools into people’s hands?

What do you say to someone on the phone, for the first call?

One method I used was also used by an expert in MLM, his

name is Jimmy who? What book tells about his phone

How do you find people to call to recruit?

Chapter 5:

Becoming a professional sales person is the first thing to

really concentrate on?

Anyone can hand out videos to audio tapes, it can be


The best advice I give in this chapter is what?

Chapter 6:

The phone is used to introduce people to…..(what)?

The phone is an old fashioned way to recruit people and

other ways are used today?

To talk to about 20-30 people on the phone during business

hours- takes how many hours or minutes?

You should mention to possible recruit and customers that

you have professional “sales tools” that you’d like them to
see, right?

What do you tell people that say they need more information
from you “right now over the phone”?

If you have phone scripts – you really should not use them,
because it is better to just have a long talk with the person?

Should you tell them all about the products, the money, and
the company in your phone call?

Chapter 7:

What could you say in the first call to a prospect or potential


Make sure that you talk a lot because they need all the
information you can give in the first impression and first
phone call- right?

Chapter 8:

What is the best way to get your business going?


The first thing on the phone to do- is build the relationship-

so talk to the person and get to know then and let them get
to know you?

Is there a drawback to using web-based videos and audios?

Chapter 9:

What company can you get sales leads for businesses from?

Where do you look for sales leads for finding new


How much money will you spend in a month promoting your

Sales Leads?
Phone Bills?
Mail Costs?
MLM monthly Costs?

How will people find out about your business? What do you
plan to do to “promote yourself” – “is it a proven way to sell
your business”?

Chapter 10:

What simple question can be asked to someone that has

seen your “sales tools”?

If you follow up with people after they have had the “sales
tools” for 2 days- what do you say if they still have not looked
over the materials?

Should you ask a person over the phone to watch or listen to

your “sales tools” within one week or within 2 days?

If you are sending information to prospects in the mail,

should you ask them to pay the postage to send the
information back to you? Or should you provide a mailer
that has postage already on it?

Chapter 11:

Would I rather tell someone to see my website to watch a

video – or would I rather send a DVD in the mail to
someone? Why?

Chapter 12:

What is your very first type of credibility that you build with a

What type of “sales tools” should you have- and why is it

important they are professional?

What is the name of the company that sells “generic” MLM

videos and tools?

Chapter 13:

What are the 12 tasks I would do in promoting my business?

Chapter 14:

What is a good habit to do before sending people “sales


What are “pre-qualified” sales leads?

Why are “pre-qualified” sales leads good?

Conclusion of Questions:

What should you do in MLM if you are new: 1) Train yourself

to become a salesperson and manager, 2) Learn how to use
the phone and sales tools?

When making a phone call, what is our objective?

End Book #2 Worksheet,

Business Training Books for Network Marketing - MLM.

Next page

Thank you very much for using this resource for your
business. I hope that you will re-visit my website
and see the other Business Training Books for
Network Marketing there. Thank you, Brian Morgan

About Brian Morgan (June 2006)

Brian lives in the Central USA . His only pet is his

Dimension 2400 Dell Computer, plus a few house
cats. He has an Electrical Engineering
Technology Degree from Purdue University
(IUPUI). This is his second book about network
marketing and business. He does have his own
company that is an information firm, and says that
without the years in network marketing he
never would have dreamt of starting a business
of his own.

©2006 Brian Morgan / This Book not for resale to

anyone unless permission is given by author and it is
not to be transmitted to anyone other than a person
paying for this eBook. It is not to be sent to
anyone without Brian’s permission.

Yours- Brian Morgan

53 / look for my articles 2006 / where I volunteer online

Brian Morgan’s Web Resource of 30 Authors and Experts I

recommend that you read them:

Mark Yarnell - MLM

Richard Poe - MLM -Good
Russ Paley - MLM -Good
Jimmy Kossert - MLM
Tim Sales - MLM (Brilliant Compensation) -Very Good
Professor Charles King - MLM
Anthony Robbins - Success -Good
Dr. Wayne Dyer - Life, Success, Spirituality -Great
Deepak Chopra MD - Life, Success, Spirituality -Great
Jay Conrad Levinson - Sales & Marketing -Good
Rob Ryan - Entrepreneur America (Bootcamp)
(Billionaire) -Great
Bryan Tracy - Life, Success, Sales, Goals -Good
Zig Ziglar - Success, Sales, Goals
Tom Hopkins - Sales, Goals, Real Estate Sales
Robert Allen - Real Estate, Businesses -Very Good
Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Advisors (you know of) -
Corey Rudl - Internet Marketing Center - Very Good
Jim Rohn - Success, Wealth
Stephen Covey – Success, Goals
Marc Allen – Success

Denis Waitley –Goals, Success

Steven Scott – Success
Dennis Windsor – MLM
Spencer Johnson – Sales
James Allen – Life, Mind
Kenneth Blanchard Phd. – Success
J. Paul Getty- Success
James Redfield – Spirituality
Dale Carnegie – Success
Carl Shairo – Internet


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