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Thc Cul ol Suins

in Luc Aniquiy und hc

Middlc Agcs
Thc Cul ol Suins
in Luc Aniquiy und hc
Middlc Agcs
lssuys on hc Conribuion ol Pccr Brown
Edited by
}umcs Howurd-}ohnson
Puul Anony Huywurd
Crcu Clurcndon Srcc, Oxlord OXz 0DP
Oxlord Lnivcrsiy Prcss is u dcpurmcn ol hc Lnivcrsiy ol Oxlord
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}umcs Howurd-}ohnson und Puul Anony Huywurd 1qqq
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Briish Librury Cuuloguing in Publicuion Duu
Duu uvuilublc
Librury ol Congrcss Cuuloging in Publicuion Duu
Thc cul ol suins in luc uniquiy und hc Middlc Agcs: cssuys on
hc conribuion ol Pccr Brown ] cdicd by }umcs Howurd-}ohnson
und Puul Anony Howurd
p, cm.
Includcs bibliogruphicul rclcrcnccs und indcx.
1. Chrisiun suinsCulHisory ol docrincslurly church,
cu. o0oo. z. Chrisiun suinsCulHisory ol docrincsMiddlc
Agcs, 0oo1oo. . Muslim suinsCulHisory ol docrincs.
. Brown, Pccr Robcr Lumon. I. Huywurd, Puul Anony.
II. Howurd-}ohnson, }. D.
Bq,o.C 1qqq z.zoqozdcz1 qqz100
ISBN o1qz0q,1
1 ' 5 7 9 1U 0 4 2
Typcsc by Hopc Scrviccs (Abingdon) Ld.
Princd in Crcu Briuin
on ucid-lrcc pupcr by
Biddlcs Ld.,
Cuildlord & Kings Lynn
Abbrcviuions vii
1. Inroducion 1
James Howard-Johnston
r~nf I Thc cul ol suins in Pccr Brown
z. On dclining hc holy mun z,
Averil Cameron
. Asccics us mcdiuors und us cuchcrs
Philip Rousseau
r~nf II Thc cul ol suins in luscrn Chriscndom
. lor ncx o Cod, you urc my sulvuion: rcllccions
on hc risc ol hc holy mun in luc uniquiy 0
Claudia Rapp
. Whu wc hcurd in hc Livcs ol hc suins wc huvc
sccn wih our own cycs: hc holy mun us licrury
cx in cnh-ccnury Consuninoplc
Paul Magdalino
r~nf III Thc cul ol suins in Wcscrn Chriscndom
0. Dcmysilying hc rolc ol sunciy in Wcscrn
Chriscndom 11
Paul Antony Hayward
,. Thc origins ol hc Curolingiun ucmp o rcguluc
hc cul ol suins 1
Paul Fouracre
. Thc missionury Lilc 10,
Ian N. Wood
r~nf Iv Thc cul ol suins in mcdicvul Rus
q. Holy mcn und hc runslormuion ol poliicul spucc
in mcdicvul Rus 1,
Paul A. Hollingsworth
1o. Thc holy mun und Chrisiunizuion lrom hc
upocryphul uposlcs o S Scphcn ol Pcrm z1
Richard M. Price
r~nf v Thc cul ol suins in Islum
11. Prophccy und holy mcn in curly Islum z1
Chase Robinson
1z. Thc ciqucc ol dcvoion in hc Islumic cul ol suins z0
Josef W. Meri
Thc conribuors z,
Indcx zq1
vi Contents
wonks oi rcfcn n. i. nnowN
A Puring ol Wuys luscrn und Wcscrn Chriscndom in Luc
Aniquiy: A Puring ol hc Wuys, in D.
Bukcr (cd.), The Orthodox Churches and the
West, SCH 1 (Oxlord, 1q,0), 1z; rcpr. in
SH, 100q
AS Authority and the Sacred: Aspects of the
Christianisation of the Roman World, Thc
Tunncr Lccurcs 1qq (Cumbridgc, 1qq)
BS The Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual
Renunciation in Early Christianity (London,
CS The Cult of the Saints: Its Rise and Function in
Latin Christianity, Thc Huskcll Lccurcs 1q,
(Chicugo, 1q1)
lxcmplur Thc Suin us lxcmplur in Luc Aniquiy,
Representations, z (1q), 1z. No o bc
conluscd wih hc ubbrcviucd vcrsions ol his
pupcr which uppcur undcr hc sumc ilc in R.
C. Trcxlcr (cd.), Persons in Groups: Social
Behaviour as Identity Formation in Medieval and
Renaissance Europe, Mcdicvul und Rcnuissuncc
Tcxs und Sudics 0 (Binghumon, NY,
1q), 1q, und in }. S. Huwlcy (cd.),
Saints and Virtues (Bcrkclcy und Los Angclcs,
1q,), 1
Holy Mun Thc Risc und luncion ol hc Holy Mun in
Luc Aniquiy, JRS 01 (1q,1), o1o1;
rcpr. in SH 1oz
MLA The Making of Late Antiquity, Curl Ncwcll }uck-
son Lccurcs 1q,0 (Cumbridgc, Muss., 1q,)
PP Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity:
Towards a Christian Empire, Thc Curi Lccurcs
1q (Mudison, Wisc., 1qqz)
RSoc. Religion and Society in the Age of St. Augustine
(London, 1q,,)
RSS Relics and Social Status in the Age of Gregory of
Tours, Thc Scnon Lccurc 1q,0 (Rcuding,
1q,,); rcpr. in SH zzzo
RWC The Rise of Western Christendom (Oxlord,
SH Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity (London,
Syriu Town, Villugc und Holy Mun: Thc Cusc ol
Syriu, in D. M. Pippidi (cd.), Assimilation et
rsistance la culture grco-romaine dans le
monde ancien (Buchurcs, 1q,0), z1zo;
rcpr. in SH 10
WLA The World of Late Antiquity (London, 1q,1)
ofncn wonks cI fcu
AASS Acta Sanctorum, cd. }. Bollund et al. (Anwcrp,
AB Analecta Bollandiana (Brusscls, 1z)
Asceticism V. L. Wimbush und R. Vulunusis (cds.),
Asceticism (Ncw York und Oxlord, 1qq)
Bcdc, HE Bcdc, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, cd.
B. Colgruvc und R. A. B. Mynors, OMT
(Oxlord, 1q0q; rcv. cdn., 1qq1)
BHG l. Hulkin (cd.), Bibliotheca Hagiographica
Graeca, SHug. u, vols., rd. cdn. (Brusscls,
BHL Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina, SHug. 0, z
vols. (Brusscls, 1qq), wih H. lros (cd.),
Novum Supplementum, SHug. ,o (Brusscls,
BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African
Studies (London, 1q)
Byzantine Saint S. Huckcl (cd.), The Byzantine Saint: University
of Birmingham Fourteenth Symposium of
Byzantine Studies, Sudics Supplcmcnury o
Sobornost (London, 1q1)
viii Abbreviations
CCSG Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca (Turnhou,
CCSL Corpus Christianorum Series Latina (Turnhou,
CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
(Vicnnu, 10o)
CSud. Ciscrciun Sudics Scrics (Kulumuzoo, Mich.,
M. Th. Housmu et al. (cds.), The Encyclopaedia
of Islam, 1s cdn., vols. (Lcidcn, 1q1)
H. A. R. Cibb et al. (cds.), The Encyclopaedia
of Islam, znd cdn. (Lcidcn und London,
HLlLL Hurvurd Librury ol lurly Lkruiniun Licru-
urc: lnglish Trunsluions Scrics (Cumbridgc,
Muss., 1qq)
JECS Journal of Early Christian Studies (Bulimorc,
MD, 1qq)
JRS Journal of Roman Studies (London, 1q11)
JSAI Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam
(}crusulcm, 1q,q)
Murkus, End R. A. Murkus, The End of Ancient Christianity
(Cumbridgc, 1qqo)
MGH Monumenta Germaniae Historica
Epp. Epistolae (Bcrlin, 1,)
Epp. Sel. Epistolae Selectae in usum
scholarum, vols. (Hunovcr,
SS rer. Germ. Scriptores rerum Germani-
carum in usum scholarum
separatim editi, 0 vols.
(Hunovcr, 1,11q,)
SS rer. Merov. Scriptores rerum Merovingi-
carum, , vols. (Hunovcr und
Lcipzig, 11q1)
SS Scriptores, o vols. (Hunovcr
und Lcipzig, 1z01q)
OMT Oxlord Mcdicvul Tcxs (Oxlord, 1qo)
PG Patrologiae cursus completus: series graeca, cd.
}.P. Mignc, 101 vols. (Puris, 1,00)
Abbreviations ix
PL Patrologiae cursus completus: series latina, cd.
}.-P. Mignc, zz1 vols. (Puris, 10)
PO Purologiu Oricnulis (Puris, 1qo,)
SC Sourccs Chrcicnncs (Puris, 1qz)
SCH Sudics in Church Hisory (Oxlord, 1q0)
SHug. Subsidiu Hugiogruphicu (Brusscls, 10)
Thcodorc, HR Thcodorc ol Cyrrhus, Historia Religiosa, cd. P.
Cunivc und A. Lcroy-Molinghcn, Thodoret de
Cyr: Histoire des Moines de Syrie, SC z und
z, (1q,,q)
VAnt. Ahunusius ol Alcxundriu, Vita S. Antonii
(BHG 1o), cd. C. }. M. Burclink, Athanase
dAlexandrie, Vie dAntoine, SC oo (1qq),
x Abbreviations
Tncnc hus bccn un unprcccdcncd uccclcruion in hc pucc ol
rcscurch ucross ulmos hc lull rungc ol hc humuniics in hc scc-
ond hull ol hc wcnich ccnury. I wus hc incviublc conscqucncc
ol hc cxpunsion ol hc ucudcmic prolcssion us univcrsiics prolilcr-
ucd und grcw in sizc. Knowlcdgc hus grown hugcly, ull munncr ol
ncw cchniqucs und upprouchcs huvc bccn dcvclopcd, und hcrc hus
bccn un immcusurublc improvcmcn in undcrsunding ol cconomic,
sociul, und culurul proccsscs und ol hcir incrpluy in dillcrcn
mucriul cnvironmcns ucross dillcrcn hisoricul cpochs.
Nowhcrc hus hc udvuncc bccn morc drumuic or morc cxciing
o puricipuns und u widc luy uudicncc hun in onc subculurc (luc
uniquc sudics) ol u subculurc (hisoricul sudics) ol hc humuni-
ics. Muny sublc, imuginuivc und scholurly inclligcnccs huvc con-
ribucd o u rupid cxcnsion und dccpcning ol knowlcdgc, bu nonc
cun much hc inspiruion givcn by Pccr Brown or hc cncrgizing
lorcc which his cuching und wriing huvc impurcd o rcscurch in
hc licld. Somc duy u biogruphcr will cusc ou somc ol hc cxpcri-
cnccs, cxcrior und incrior, which hclpcd shupc his churuccr und
idcus. Suring wih his birh und upbringing in Dublin, hc luurc
biogruphcr will cus un cyc ovcr hc ycurs ol lormul cducuion u
Aruvon School in Co. Wicklow, Shrcwsbury School (u nurscry ol
originul und muvcrick spiris), und Ncw Collcgc, Oxlord, bclorc
homing in on u pcriod ol rcluivc scclusion in All Souls (ycurs prc-
occupicd ucudcmicully wih hc closc scruiny ol Augusincs inncr
lilc und hough), und his subscqucn cmcrgcncc ino hc muin-
srcum ol ucudcmic lilc in 1q00. Thcncclorh wc huvc no nccd ol
privilcgcd insigh o ruck his movcmcns or o rucc hc cvoluion
ol his idcus. Thc hrcc grcu displuccmcns ol his lilc urc pluin o
scclrom Oxlord o London Lnivcrsiy, lrom lnglund o Amcricu,
und lrom Bcrkclcy o Princconund succcssivc publicuions huvc
cxposcd his hinking o public vicw. Thc dclicuc usk lulling o hc
luurc biogruphcr will bc o dclinc hc impuc ol hcsc vcry dillcrcn
culurul und insiuionul milicux on hc hough ol hc Muscr und
his impuc on hcm.
I wus in 1q00 hu Pccr Brown lirs bcgun o lccurc rcgulurly.
Iniiully hc urncd o incrnuionul rcluions in hc luscrn
Mcdicrruncun on hc cvc ol hc risc ol Islum. Thcrc wus u dillidcn,
huling quuliy o hc prcscnuion, bu bclorc long hc words wcrc
llowing morc cusily, occusionul puuscs lor hc lormuion ol u rou-
blcsomc syllublc udding suspcnsc und uucning ucnion. Thcn hc
sc ubou cxcnding his uudicnccs licld ol vision, bringing incllcc-
uul, rcligious, sociul, und cconomic hisory o hc lorc. Irun
(hough no Bubyloniu) und Islum slippcd ino hc shudows, lcuving
hc luc Romun lmpirc, cspcciully is cuscrn hull, undcr scruiny.
Thc sociul ordcr in own und counry in un cru ol chungc und hc
cnsions cngcndcrcd by chungc wcrc ccnrul opics. Bu his rclu-
ivcly humdrum hisory ol muns mucriul cxiscncc wus pluccd in
u lurgcr, lruming concx ol incllccuul und culurul hisory. Wih
u shurp, pcncruing vision, which sccmcd o vcrgc on cluirvoyuncc,
hc ruincd his uudicnccs cycs on hc hull-uriculucd idcus und
ncxuscs ol idcus which shupcd much ol hc bchuviour ol individu-
uls und groups in luc uniquiy. Though-worlds, only glimpsublc
llccingly und puriully, bccumc hc vcry sull ol hisory. Nohing
could bc undcrsood propcrly wihou ucnding o his culurul con-
cx, u hicrurchicul cosmic ordcr wih hc curh u is busc lorming
un urcnu ol unccusing conllic bcwccn hc holy und hc dcmonic.
Wc lookcd buck u hc cru ol Chrisiunizuion wih hc cycs ol young
Consublcs, ublc now o scc hc cvcr-vurying cloud-lormuions ol hc
ovcrurching hough-world.
Ino his mucriul und immucriul world, conjurcd up by hc
words und imugcs ol hc Muscr, srodc hc ligurc ol hc hull-
humun, dispussionuc, u imcs uuocruic holy mun. In un cru in
which purudoxicully, dcspic hc Incurnuion, hc divinc hud
rcccdcd ou ol dircc rcuch ol munkind, poins ol conuc wih i,
chunncls ol communicuion wcrc urgcnly sough. Nonc wus morc
pocn or pluycd u morc imporun rolc hun hc holy mun who rc-
cncrcd hc scculur world. Ycurs ol wihdruwul, rcnunciuion und
soliury usccic ruining hud givcn him muscry ovcr hc dcmons
wihin him (hc pussions) und hosc uucking him lrom wihou.
Invcscd wih supcrnuurul powcr und u duuning prcscncc, hc
holy mun could bc cullcd upon o sulvc roublcd conscicnccs, o givc
z ]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
spiriuul udvicc, o ollcr up cllicucious pruycrs (much morc likcly o
bc hcurd hun hosc ol his pciioncrs, bccuusc ol his sunding in hc
cour ol hcuvcn), o rcu or udvisc on hc rcumcn ol physicul und
mcnul uilmcns, o uvcr nuurul disuscrs, o lorcscc hc luurc,
und o cusc sociul cnsions. I wus his lus, sociul luncion wih
which Pccr Brown wus primurily conccrncd. Thc holy mun wus hc
suprcmc lixcr, whom only hc urrogun, loolish or posscsscd would
durc opposc opcnly, givcn hc supcrnuurul lircpowcr which hc
could cull down. Hc dcul wih ull munncr ol individuul gricvunccs,
bu cuugh hc ucnion ol concmporurics ubovc ull whcn his
clicns wcrc pcrsons ol high suus or wholc groupssuy villugcrs
u odds wih cuch ohcr or wih hc uuhoriicsund hc wus cullcd
upon o ollcr udvicc, o mcdiuc, o urbiruc, or o providc procc-
ion. Hc joincd hc urbun und miliury purons us u sociul lorcc o
bc rcckoncd wih.
Much clsc wus suid. Rclics und icons mudc uppcurunccs us ohcr
Icci ol hc holy on curh. Proccsscs iniiucd in luc uniquiy con-
inucd ino hc curly Middlc Agcs, shrincs ol suins bcing brough
undcr hc conrol ol bishops us hcy prolilcrucd in hc Wcs, hc
lcgiimucy ol icons und hcir vcncruion bcing chullcngcd by hc
unicd lorccs ol Church und Suc in Byzunium. . . . All oo much
now slips hc mind, hiry ycurs lucr. Onc mcmory, hough,
rcmuins us vivid us cvcrol hc smullish Hovcndcn Room in All
Souls, whcrc Pccr Brown lccurcd. I mus huvc hud somc mugicul
lorcc lor him. Ccruinly hc would no movc lrom i. By hc luc
1q0os, whcn hc word hud sprcud, hc room would bc lull u hc
sur ol crm, und, wih cuch pussing wcck, morc und morc liscn-
crs would crowd in, o bc cnrunccd by hc subsuncc ol hc lccurcs
und hcir bcwiching, imugc-suddcd lunguugc. luch wcck, wc
would cmcrgcd duzcd ino u normul, duyli world und would srivc
o isoluc und lix hc ccnrul, solid poins ol hc urgumcn in our
minds. By hc cnd ol cuch crm, hc Hovcndcn Room wus u ghusly
bluck holc, puckcd wih humuniy, ho und humid, providing cuch
ol us wih u gcnuinc cxpcricncc ol scll-morilicuion.
Tbc VcrIJ cj Lutc Antiqnit (1q,1) disils somching bu by no
mcuns ull ol whu wc hcurd ovcr hosc ycurs. Ohcr hcmcshc
holy mun us sociul lorcc in hc luscrn Mcdicrruncun, hc rclic-
buscd cul ol suins in hc Wcs, hc lorccs u work in hc Iconoclus
conrovcrsy, hc divcrgcncc bcwccn Orhodox und Luin
Chriscndom (cxpluincd lurgcly in crms ol hc dillcrcn pucrn in
hc wuy hc holy spurcd ino normul lilc)wcrc dcul wih iniiully
in discrcc uriclcs, lucr collcccd ogchcr in Sccict unJ tbc HcI in
Lutc Antiqnit (1qz). Ol coursc, his wus bu hc sccond phusc
ulcr hc ycurs dcvocd o Augusincol un immcnscly disin-
guishcd ucudcmic curccr. All oo soon hc smull world ol Oxlord wus
o bc lcl bchind. Ncw prcoccupuions wcrc o comc o hc lorc in
hc Muscrs mind, which urc dclly summurizcd by Avcril
Cumcron: lirs u nurrowing und incnsilying ol locus us hc dclvcd
ino chicul lormuion in hc cru ol Chrisiunizuion, conccnruing
on onc kcy uspcc ol individuul usccic rcnunciuion und hc rumi-
nuions which i provokcd in hc ncw Chrisiun inclligcnsiu; hcn
u sccond opcning ou o cncompuss hc lurgcr, cnvcloping proccss
ol culurul chungc in luc uniquiy, rcgulucd by sociul clics und
givcn rcul purchusc in hc loculiics by holy mcn.
A singlc uriclc, Thc Risc und luncion ol hc Holy Mun in Luc
Aniquiy, lirs publishcd in hc ]cnrnuI cj Bcmun StnJics in 1q,1,
hus bccn sclcccd us hc locul poin ol his volumc ol cssuys. Scldom
hus u singlc scholurly piccc provokcd so much hough or cngcn-
dcrcd so cnhrulling und long-lusing u dcbuc. Much hus bccn mod-
ilicd sincc i wus lirs publishcd, no lcus by Pccr Brown himscll in
his subscqucn work. Somc mujor rcvisions huvc bccn suggcscd by
ohcrs. Thc lcurncd discussion hus bccn cxciing o wuch bu hurd
o lollow in dcuil, so sublc huvc bccn is urns, boh insidc und
ousidc hc mind ol hc Muscr. A clcur summury und cool criiquc
ol hc kcy issucs u sukc is prcscncd by Philip Rousscuu. A num-
bcr ol kcy issucs urc idcnilicd by Puul Huywurd, who skcchcs
somching ol hc incllccuul buckground o Pccr Browns work,
puriculurly us i upplics o hc curly mcdicvul Wcs. Bu hcrc hus
bccn no dcmurring lrom Pccr Browns busic concnion hu hc
holy mun, ulivc und dcud, wus u kcy poin ol incrsccion bcwccn
spiriuul, widcr culurul, sociul, und poliicul lorccs. His prcscncc is
u phcnomcnon which hisoriuns mus ucknowlcdgc und cxplorc il
hcy urc o undcrsund hc world ol luc uniquiy und is mcdicvul
culurul progcny in Luin Chriscndom, luscrn luropc, Byzunium
und hc Ncur lus.
livc ol hc conribuors (hc wo cdiors, Puul lourucrc, Chusc
Robinson, und Philip Rousscuu) dclivcrcd druls ol hcir pupcrs o
hc Alcr Romc Scminur u Oxlord in summcr 1qq0. Thc hcmc ol
holy mcn und suins wus choscn, o murk hc wcny-lilh unnivcr-
sury ol hc publicuion ol hc uriclc. Two ohcrs (Avcril Cumcron
]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
und }oscl Mcri) wcrc in rcgulur ucnduncc. Addiionul pupcrs wcrc
hcn solicicd o round ou hc volumc lrom hrcc ohcr gruduucs
ol Oxlord (Richurd Pricc, Cluudiu Rupp, und Iun Wood), undo
locus on u kcy dcvclopmcn in hc cul ol suins in hc Orhodox
worldlrom hc soliury non-Oxoniun, Puul Hollingsworh. Among
hc conribuors, six ol us urc lormcr pupils ol Pccr Brown (livc u
Oxlord, und onc, Puul Hollingsworh, u Bcrkclcy). All ol us,
hough, cun csily o hc vivilying inllucncc ol his idcus. This vol-
umc will, wc hopc, dcmonsruc hc viuliy hu hc impurcd o hc
sudy, in his lormcr univcrsiy, ol u lormuivc runsiionul pcriod in
Wcs lurusiun hisory.
Thcrc is nohing dcliniivc ubou his volumc. Thc chicl uim hus
bccn o lollow Pccr Browns cxumplc und o kccp hc scrccn widc.
So mcdicvul Russiu und Islum huvc bccn brough in us wcll us hc
morc lumiliur worlds ol hc luc uniquc Mcdicrruncun und is
dircc, sub-Romun dcsccnduns in Wcscrn luropc und Byzunium.
Thcrc hus bccn no ucmp o orchcsruc hc conribuions, und
hcrcby o ollcr u cohcrcn sc ol proposiions. Collccivc scholurly
cncrpriscs which sc ou wih such umbiions ull oo cusily luil o
uccomplish hcm. Thc cdioriul hund hus bccn upplicd us lighly us
possiblc, our muin uim bcing o cncourugc conribuors o cluciduc
whu Pccr Brown hus wricn, o rcuc o i, und o sc oll on hcir
own lincs ol hough. Wc hopc hu hc vuricy und lizz ol hc rcsul-
ing volumc will compcnsuc lor hc incviublc holcs in is covcrugc,
und hu hc dillcrcn conccrns und upprouchcs cvidcn in hc
pupcrs will provokc ruhcr hun bcmusc.
Thcrc is u cruciul dillcrcncc bcwccn hc ilc ol Pccr Browns uriclc
(bcI mcn urc undcr scruiny) und hu ol his collccion ol cssuys
(on hc cul ol suints). Thc mcunings ol hc wo words und hc
disincion bcwccn hcm nccd o bc csublishcd clcurly. Thc lol-
lowing muy bc suggcscd us working dcliniions, uguins which o
sc hosc ollcrcd cxplicily or implicily by individuul conribuors: u
holy mun or holy womun wus u pcrson ol nocd picy und disccrn-
mcn, whosc pruycrs wcrc rcckoncd o bc puriculurly cllicucious
und who guincd hc rcspcc ol hosc who cncouncrcd him or hcr;
u suin wus cihcr u muryr who dicd lor his or hcr luih, or u holy
mun or womun singlcd ou lor poshumous commcmoruion und
vcncruion, or somconc wih morc dubious crcdcniuls. Whilc only
IntrcJncticn j
u smull minoriy ol ucknowlcdgcd holy pcrsons uchicvcd poshu-
mous sunciy, ccruin powcrlul ligurcs, usuully churchmcn, who
wcrc dccply implicucd in hc somcimcs murky poliics ol hcir
imcs, migh bc invcscd ulcr hcir dcuhs wih sunciy by hcir
purisuns (hc cuscs ol Willrid, Prucjccus, Bishop ol Clcrmon, und
Lcudcgur, Bishop ol Auun, urc nocd by Puul Huywurd und Puul
lourucrc). Thc conccp ol sunciy is somcwhu srcchcd o uccom-
moduc his hird cucgory, cvcn morc so in hc cusc ol suins mun-
ulucurcd o promoc u cuusc or o scrvc u vcscd incrcs (lor
insuncc hu ol ccruin Consuninopoliun convcns sriving o
rchubiliuc hcmsclvcs ulcr hc cnd ol Iconoclusm).
I is hc
proccsscs involvcd in hc runslormuion ol u sclcccd minoriy ol
holy mcn und womcn und ol somc morc worldly lcudcrs ino suins
which prcoccupy mos ol hc conribuors. Scvcrul condiions hud
o bc suislicd lor u holy mun or womun o guin lusing rccogniion
us u suin, ulhough no ncccssurily ull ol hcm in ull cuscs: hc cxis-
cncc und quuliics ol u holy mun or womun hud o bc known o
morc hun u hundlul ol concmporurics; hc or shc should huvc
sood ou lrom his or hcr pccrs, suy by hc cxcrcisc ol rcligious
uuhoriy or by noublc lcus, ubovc ull hc working ol miruclcs; u
cul should huvc dcvclopcd morc or lcss sponuncously, locuscd ini-
iully on his or hcr omb; high suus und connccions in high pluccs
wcrc un ussc;
bu mos imporun ol ull wus hc composiion ol u
wricn rccord ol his or hcr lilc und dccds, which migh hcn prop-
uguc und pcrpcuuc his or hcr rcpuuion. In hc cusc ol u polii-
cul lcudcr, whosc usccic lcus wcrc modcs, sunciy could only bc
uchicvcd hrough hc cncrgcic cumpuigning ol u powcrlul spon-
soring insiuion (un cpiscopul scc or u monuscry) und un ucivc
group ol purisuns, und i rcquircd hc producion ol u curclully
composcd hugiogruphicul biogruphy.
I is upon hrcc lucors, hc lormuion ol hugiogruphicul cxs,
hcir rolc in promoing culs, und hc sociul lorccs which sood o
guin lrom hcir promoion, hu ucnion is conccnrucd. Suins
0 ]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
Scc M.-l. Auzcpy, Dc Philurcc, dc su lumillc, c dc ccruins monuscrcs dc
Consuninoplc, in C. }olivc-Lcvy, M. Kuplun, und }.-P. Sodini (cds.), Lcs suints ct Icnr
sunctnuirc u Bzuncc. tcxtcs, imucs ct mcnnmcnts, Byzuninu Sorboncnsiu, 11 (1qq),
11,j, lor hc munulucurc ol ncw culs o ovcrluy hc cmburrussing puss ol wo
Consuninopoliun convcns, which hud bcnclicd grculy lrom Iconoclusic cndow-
Cl. I. cvcnko, Olscrvuticns cn tbc StnJ cj Bzuntinc Huicrupb in tbc Lust
HuIj-Ccntnr (Torono, 1qqj), 1o, 101,.
Livcs urc vicwcd us crcucd urclucs, shupcd by gcncrul und locul
hugiogruphicul rudiions which hud hcir own incrnul licrury
dynumics. Scrcoyping (ol hc origin, viruous uchicvcmcns, mir-
uclcs und munncr ol dcuh ol u suin) muy ull oo olcn cxrudc pur-
iculur circumsunccs und idiosyncruic churuccr ruis lrom u Lilc,
und hus conlinc vision o convcnionul hcmcs which runsccnd
imc und plucc. Doub muy ulso bc cus on hc luihlulncss ol lcss
scrcoypcd, morc dcuilcd suins Livcs (u cucgory o which muny
Middlc Byzuninc cxs bclong) o hc livcd rculiics ol hc individu-
uls who urc hcir subjccs. Much, i is implicd, could bc runsmucd
und, in cxrcmc cuscs, invcncd. Bchind hc vcil ol hc cxs vcscd
incrcss ol scvcrul sors (royul, urisocruic, cpiscopul, monusic) urc
disccrncd u work, sriving o lcgiimizc or o cnhuncc hcir powcr,
o solidily or o incrcusc hcir wculh, by sponsoring ncw culs or by
csublishing closc ussociuions wih hosc ulrcudy wcll cnrcnchcd.
Hugiogruphicul rccords ol hc livcs und poshumous lcus ol suins
wcrc, i is concndcd, rcshupcd o scrvc such incrcss, cspcciully in
hc curly mcdicvul Wcs whcrc inhcricd udminisruivc insiuions
wcrc incrcusingly corrodcd und hc powcrlul urncd o hc supcr-
nuurul und o rcligious insiuions o burcss hcir posiions. Thus
suins Livcs urc prcscncd us ucivc ugcns in hc incrucion
bcwccn compcing sociul und poliicul lorccs, us wcll us morc or
lcss cllicicn runsmicrs ol inlormuion ubou noublc holy mcn
und womcn (und ccruin ohcr lcudcrs) lor hc cdilicuion ol luurc
Thc lirs proposiion, wih is cmphusis on licrury consrucion
in hugiogruphicul cxs, is hc mos concnious und dcmunds somc
cdioriul commcn. Thc sccond (hcir luncion ol promoing culs)
sccms scll-cvidcn, whilc hc hird, bringing o hc lorc hc sociul
und poliicul lorccs involvcd in hc cul ol suins, is pcrsuusivcly
urgucd und mcrcly nccds o bc supplcmcncd wih somc Byzuninc
cxumplcs. lirs, hough, hc rcudcr should bc givcn u guidcd our
ol hc volumc.
Thc usk ol cluciduing Pccr Browns hinking is undcrukcn
muinly by Avcril Cumcron who pluccs his work on holy mcn in hc
widcr concx ol his cxploruion ol luc uniquc culurc und ol hc
proccss ol Chrisiunizuion, und by Philip Rousscuu who subjccs
hc spccilic hcscs ol hc Holy Mun uriclc o closc cxuminuion.
IntrcJncticn ,
Thcirs is no mcun lcu. lor hc mundunc rcudcr cun ull oo cusily
lind hu hc Muscrs idcus, ugiucd und lull ol moion us hcy urc,
cxprcsscd in prosc which shimmcrs wih imugcs und cvocuivc
phruscs, squirm und slihcr lrom hcir grusp. Boh ulso brouch hc
issuc ol licrury consrucion in hugiogruphicul cxs, vicwing hcm
us picccs ol wricn discoursc shupcd by hc prcscripions ol clussi-
cul rhcoric (Cumcron) und urgccd u un cducucd urbun rcudcr-
ship which likcd o bc runsporcd in imuginuion ino un
cxuggcrucdly ulicn rurul world (Rousscuu). Avcril Cumcron ulso
opcns up scvcrul uvcnucs ol invcsiguionino usccicism, which,
shc srcsscs, wus us much u proccss ol mcnul us physicul disciplinc,
ino licrury rcprcscnuion ol hc individuul und ol privuc lilc in
luc uniquiy, und ino hc similuriics und dillcrcnccs bcwccn holy
mcn ol lus und Wcs us wc movc ino hc curly Middlc Agcs. On
his lus poin shc muy ruisc lulsc hopcs in rcudcrs ol his volumc.
lor whilc hc holy mun who uchicvcd sunciy in hc curly mcdicvul
Wcs lcuurcs in lour cssuys, his Byzuninc councrpur is conspicu-
ous lor his ubscncc, upur lrom wo cnircly licionul churuccrs dis-
cusscd by Puul Mugdulino. Somching will bc suid lucr in his
inroducion o plug his guping holc.
In spic ol hc disorion inroduccd by hugiogruphcrs, Philip
Rousscuu srivcs o pccr u rcul holy mcn in ucion in luc uniquiy.
lor him, hcir chicl luncion wus cducuionul, o orchcsruc und
inlorm un inru-communul dcbuc loundcd on hc curclul cxcgcsis
ol Scripurc. Cluudiu Rupp ulso sccks ou rcul holy mcn bcyond
hugiogruphicul cxs, cuvcsdropping on such lrugmcns ol diuloguc
bcwccn spiriuul luhcrs und hcir clicnclc us huvc survivcd con-
gculcd in hcir lccrs. Shc idcnilics incrccssion us hc corc lunc-
ion ol hc living holy mun (us i wus ol hc lcw who wcrc
poshumously suncilicd). His corrcspondcns ussumcd hu his sus-
uincd qucs lor spiriuul pcrlccion ussurcd him spcciul luvour in
hcuvcn und hu his pruycrs on hcir bchull (lor hcir spiriuul or
mucriul wcll-bcing) would bc morc cllicucious hun hcir own und
migh somcimcs rcsul in miruclcs. His usccic conduc invicd
udmiruion und uruccd dcvoccs, who lormcd inncr und oucr
pruycr circlcs ccnring on him.
Puul Mugdulino hcn whisks us cus und lorwurd hrough imc
o Byzunium in hc cnh ccnury. Hc conccdcs hu hugiogruphi-
]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
A muscrly survcy is cusily ucccssiblc: C. Mungo, Suins, in C. Cuvullo (cd.),
Tbc Bzuntincs (Chicugo, 1qq,), zjjo.
cul cxs rclruc rculiy bu vicws hc licrury rcprcscnuion ol hc
suin, howcvcr luihlul or unluihlul o hc living holy mun, us pur
ol hc proccss ol dcvclopmcn ol u cul, which should bc sudicd us
u wholc. His conccrn, hough, is no wih hc smull bund ol living
holy mcn ol hc pcriod who guincd rccogniion us suins nor wih
hc lormuion ol hcir culs, bu wih hugiogruphy us u vchiclc lor
rcligious commcnury und criicism. Hc cxumincs wo licionul
Livcs, hosc ol Andrcw hc lool und Busil hc Youngcr, which huvc
un cvungclicul purposc und which curry rich churgcs ol csocric
knowlcdgc. Muny connccions urc dccccd bcwccn hc wo cxs,
u singlc puron rcsponsiblc lor hcir producion is idcnilicd, und
hcy urc conruscd wih un cxumplc ol u convcnionul suins Lilc,
hu ol u miruclc-working holy mun, Lukc hc Sylic.
A his poin ucnion shils o runsulpinc luropc in hc curly
Middlc Agcs. Thc rolc ol suins Livcs in promoing culs und usso-
ciucd vcscd incrcss lorms hc subjcc ol hc ncx hrcc cssuys.
Puul Huywurd vicws hugiogruphicul cxs us lorcnsic picccs ol wri-
ing, which boh scrvcd sccionul incrcss (hosc which sood o
guin lrom hc promoion ol u ypc ol cul or u spccilic cul) und wcrc
incndcd o shupc hc umbicn hough-world ol socicy u lurgc. Hc
homcs in on hc wriings ol Crcgory ol Tours in hc sccond hull ol
hc sixh ccnury. Crcgory, hc urgucs, lcl in shudow vurious muni-
lcsuions ol hc holy in concmporury Cuul (including hc living,
soliury, usccic) in ordcr o locus ucnion on poshumous culs
ccnrcd upon rclics, livc wih supcrnuurul powcr, ol dcud suins,
which wcrc houscd wihin u church subjcc o cpiscopul or ubbuiul
conrol. Thcrc wus, hc srcsscs, u signilicun clcmcn ol propugundu
in Crcgorys works. Hc wus promoing u sylc ol cul which would
in urn cnhuncc cpiscopul uuhoriy in gcncrul und his own in pur-
iculur. lrom his puriculur cxumplc ol ucivc ugcncy in u sc ol
hugiogruphicul cxs, Huywurd urns o considcr hc incllccuul
proccsscs involvcd in hc dcvclopmcn und rclincmcn ol hc cul ol
suins in gcncrul ovcr hc Icnnc Jnrcc. Hc dcccs boh logicul und
lucrul rcusoning u work, us Chrisiun hinkcrs srovc o uccom-
moduc unomulous phcnomcnu, such us hc Mussucrc ol hc
Innoccns, wihin hcir cxplunuory lrumcworkhc noion ol mur-
yrdom bcing cxcndcd o cmbrucc hc innoccn young in hc cicd
Puul lourucrc ulso bcgins by qucsioning whchcr hc cul
ol suins wus ulrcudy us pcrvusivc und us rcgulucd in hc sixh
IntrcJncticn q
ccnury us Crcgorys works would sccm o imply. Hc pluccs hc lull
uriculuion ol hc cul ol suins in hc lrunkish world somc wo
ccnurics lucr. Hc disinguishcs wo sugcs in is cvoluion und
idcnilics hc sociul lorccs u work u cuch sugc. lirs cumc u pro-
lilcruion ol rclic-shrincs in hc scvcnh ccnury, which, hc urgucs,
wus drivcn by vcscd urisocruic incrcss hu hud bccn lorccd o
urn o supcrnuurul ugcncics o srcnghcn hcir posiion in u
highly compciivc und lluid world. Thcn, in hc sccond hull ol hc
cighh ccnury, royul uuhoriy wus imposcd on rcligious insiu-
ions und on culs ol suins, by rcplucing urisocruic wih cpiscopul
puronugc. Thcncclorh hc powcr ol hc suins, conccnrucd in
hcir rclics, would lccd hu ol curhly monurchs ruhcr hun u mul-
ipliciy ol locul lcudcrs. I wus hus only in hc Curolingiun pcriod
und us pur ol u gcncrul rcordcring ol scculur und rcligious sruc-
urcs hu sunciy wus boxcd, lubcllcd, disribucd und dispcnscd
by bishops who wcrc hcmsclvcs o bc subjcccd o cllccivc royul
Iun Wood coninucs hc hcmc ol hc inllucnccs u work shuping
hugiogruphicul producion in hc norhcrn world, bu conlincs him-
scll o onc cucgory ol cx, Livcs ol missionurics prosclyizing on hc
norhcrn und cuscrn lringcs ol hc lrunkish world, lrom Bonilucc
in hc middlc ol hc cighh ccnury o Bruno ol ucrlur uround hc
ycur 1ooo. Hc srcsscs hc nurruivc dcluy bcwccn hc living und
hc wriing ol u Lilc, which mudc i possiblc, in scvcrul bu no ull
cuscs, lor vcscd incrcss o rcwork hisory. Such vcscd incrcss
migh bc rivul monusic lounduions puing hcir own spin on hcir
common loundcrs curccr or cpiscopul sccs usscring juridicul righs.
In somc cuscs, hough, i wus hc privuc ruminuions ol u hugio-
gruphcr, himscll cngugcd likc his subjcc in missionury work, which
inrudcd ino hc cx, giving i un ulmos conlcssionul uir bu, u
hc sumc imc, ullowing hc disun modcrn obscrvcr o glimpsc hc
inncr worlds ol somc missionurics. Thc originul impulsc bchind hc
dcvclopmcn ol u ncw cucgory ol missionury hugiogruphy cumc, hc
suggcss, lrom Bcdc, und lcd o hc crcuion ol compcing locul
hugiogruphicul rudiions. Hc idcnilics scvcrul chuins ol closcly con-
ncccd cxs, wricn by uuhors who wcrc rcucing o prcccding
works. Thcrc wus incrpluy boh wihin und bcwccn hcsc scpuruc
chuins ol cxs.
1o ]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
Thc lus lour cssuys ukc us dccp ino hc Middlc Agcs und wcll
uwuy lrom hc muin Mcdicrruncun urcnu ol clussicul und luc
uniquc hisory. Thcy providc illuminuing purullcls und conruss o
hc phcnomcnu unulyscd in hc prcccding conribuions. Puul
Hollingsworh ruccs hc dcvclopmcn ol hc mos imporun indigc-
nous cul in ncwly Chrisiunizcd Russiu, hu ol hc Princcs Boris
und Clcb, murdcrcd by hcir hull-brohcr Sviuopolk, in un uli-
mucly vuin bid o monopolizc powcr ulcr hc dcuh ol hcir muuul
luhcr Volodimcr in 1o1j. Acknowlcdging hu hc chicl imprcsur-
ios wcrc licruc churchmcn, Hollingsworh insiss hu hc cul only
ook lirm roo in hc Kicvun hcurlund ol Russiu by 1o,z, bccuusc
hcrc wus u rcudy uudicncc o hund in un cru ol rupid, unscling,
conllic-riddcn chungc, boh poliicul und rcligious. Thc hugio-
gruphicul nurruivc which wus consruccd uround hc dcuhs ol
hc princcs runslormcd hcm, likc hc Innoccns sluughcrcd on
Hcrods ordcrs, ino muryrs, und convcycd u lorcclul morul mcs-
sugc, udvocuing hurmonious cocxiscncc in plucc ol violcn com-
pciion lor powcr bcwccn dillcrcn brunchcs ol hc royul lumily. I
wus lushioncd us un idcologicul insrumcn which migh uid hc
cllors, principully ol churchmcn, o modcruc incrnccinc conllic
und o cncourugc incr-princcly co-opcruion in hc lucc ol hc mcn-
ucing nomuds ol hc scppcs.
Hugiogruphicul rudiion ovcr hc Icnnc Jnrcc is o hc lorc in
Richurd Priccs cssuy. Hc, likc Iun Wood, is conccrncd wih hc holy
mun us missionury. Hc picks ou wo hcmcshc dircc uuck by
hc holy mun on hc ubodcs ol dcmons (pugun cul-sics) und ohcr
conlronuions in which hc holy mun is on hc dclcnsivc und
undcrgocs un ordcul ol somc sorund shows how hcy rccur in
hc hugiogruphicul rcprcscnuion ol missions in vusly dillcrcn
concxs. Hc concnds hu closc scholurly scruiny rcvculs u solid
subsruum ol hisoricully sound mucriul in scvcrul ol hc cxs in
which hcsc und ohcr nurruivc moils occur, cvcn hosc us urlully
composcd us Sulpicius Lijc cj St Murtin (sc in lourh-ccnury Cuul)
und lpiphuny Prcmudrys Lijc cj St Stcpbcn cj Pcrm (u work on hc
norh-cus murgin ol Russiu in hc lourccnh ccnury). This muy bc
uccouncd lor purly by u cndcncy lor similur circumsunccs o
cvokc similur rcsponscs lrom individuuls guidcd by hc sumc rcli-
gious principlcs, und purly by conscious imiuion ol hc pruciccs
ol curlicr missionurics, us rcporcd or misrcporcd in hcir Livcs. lor
in his sphcrc us in muny ohcrs, lilc imiucd ur. Hugiogruphy
IntrcJncticn 11
inllucnccd hc bchuviour ol is lucr-duy rcudcrs. Ohcr cxumplcs,
unconncccd wih hc missionury licld, spring o mind: Anususius
hc rcncgudc Zorousriun cuvulrymun (d. 0z) who lcuscd on hc
ucs ol hc curly Chrisiun muryrs during his ycurs ol sccludcd cxis-
cncc in hc monuscry ol S Anususius in }crusulcm und hcn lcl
o cour urrcs by hc Pcrsiun uuhoriics in Cucsurcu in hc hopc
(which hc rculizcd) ol uchicving muryrdom himscll;
Scphcn ol
Murc (d. 11zj) who is likcly o huvc modcllcd, u lcus in pur, hc
uuscrc Ordcr ol Crundmon which hc loundcd in hc Limousin on
whu hc rcud in hc livcs ol luc uniquc suins;
und Ncophyos, u
modcsly cducucd Cyprio who, in hc wcllh ccnury, wus inspircd
o cmuluc hc lcus ol curlicr hcrmis by widc hugiogruphicul
Holy mcn und suins shrincs ulso bccumc lumiliur lcuurcs ol hc
mcdicvul Islumic world bu only ulcr u hiuus ol morc hun wo
ccnurics. Chusc Robinson scs hc sccnc, noing hc dilliculics
which u muny-luycrcd hisoricul rudiion, sulluscd by hindsigh
und lucr prcoccupuions, pluccs in hc wuy ol clcur obscrvuion ol
hc Prophcs lilc und hc dcvclopmcn ol insiuions und idcus ulcr
his dcuh. Hc docs no vicw Muhummud us un Arub councrpur ol
hc incrvcnionis Chrisiun holy mun, cullcd upon o curc hc
muIuisc ol un cmcrgcn socicy in which hc old ribul chos wus
looscning is hold und sociul cnsions wcrc growing.
I is ruhcr
Muhummud himscll who wus hc principul dcsubilizing lucor, who
hrcw his socicy ino mussivc imbuluncc, crcuing u rcligious vor-
cx ino which hc buckwurd Arub puguns ol Arubiu und hc
lcrilc Crcsccn umblcd . . . Muhummud is porruycd us hc
Prophc hc wus, hc mcdium hrough which ruw rcvcluion cumc
dircc lrom hc uwcsomc, u-humun diviniy govcrning ull hings. I
is hc powcrlul churgc curricd by hc mcssugc ogchcr wih hc lcg-
isluivc cupuciy ol hc mcsscngcr which crcucd un orgunizcd com-
muniy ol bclicvcrs und gulvunizcd i ino susuincd wurlikc ucion
o propuguc hc ncw luih. I should bc nocd hu Muhummud
insiscnly dcnicd hu hc posscsscd hc miruclc-working powcr
1z ]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
Actu M. Anustusii Pcrsuc (BHG ), cd. B. llusin, Suint Anustusc Ic Pcrsc ct Ibis-
tcirc Jc Iu PuIcstinc un Jclnt Jn VIIc siccIc, z vols. (Puris, 1qqz), i, Lcs tcxtcs, 1q1.
M. Dunn, luscrn Inllucncc on Wcscrn Monusicism in hc llcvcnh und
Twcllh Ccnurics, Bzuntiniscbc Fcrscbnncn, 1 (1q), zjjq.
C. Culuurioou, Tbc Mulin cj u Suint. Tbc Lijc, Timcs unJ Sunctijicuticn cj
Nccpbtcs tbc BccInsc (Cumbridgc, 1qq1), 1qq, ,jq.
VLA, 1q1.
which wus u kcy idcnilying churuccrisic ol hc Chrisiun holy

Rcvcluion und jibuJ wcrc hcrclorc hc chicl cncrgizing clcmcns

ol hc ncw luih, clcmcns which wcrc gruduully brough undcr
conrol us ncw insiuions wcrc dcvclopcd und hc luih wus sys-
cmuizcd. This wus uchicvcd in hc lirs wo ccnurics ol Islum,
Culiphs subordinuing jibuJ o hc lurgcr incrcss ol hc Suc und
hc cducucd pricshood ol nIumu gcncruing und codilying u lixcd
prophcic snnnu (purudigm) buscd upon u dclimicd sc ol uuhori-
uivc cxs. }oscl Mcri now ukcs ovcr und shows how holy mcn
scppcd ino hc Islumic world in hc coursc ol hc ninh ccnury,
ulhough i hud no plucc lor incrmcdiurics bcwccn mun und Alluh,
lc ulonc uny posscsscd ol supcrnuurul powcr, und ulhough hc
conccrcd cllors ol hc nIumu hud pu u cup on rcvcluion. As in
hc luscrn Mcdicrruncun ol luc uniquiy hcy ook vurious lorms,
including u oncd down vcrsion ol hc luc uniquc urbun mcndi-
cun (hc suIcs or holy lool) who courcd hc scorn or disrcgurd ol
socicy us un uid in his privuc srugglc uguins pridc in his rcligious
lur morc inllucniul, hough, wcrc hc Suli mysics, who lirs
cumc o hc lorc in Khurusun in hc ninh ccnury und, by hcir
cluim o rcccivc divinc rcvcluions, chullcngcd hc rcligious uuhor-
iy ol hc nIumu. lvcnuully, hcy wcrc uccommoducd wihin ru-
diionul Islum, hcir rcvcluions ucknowlcdgcd us inspiruions bu
uccordcd lowcr suus hun hc singlc grcu burs ol communicuion
lrom Alluh o mun which hud pusscd hrough hc Prophc.
In duc coursc somc Suli mysics muucd ino suins und wcrc
vcncrucd u shrincs whcrc hcy wcrc buricd. Thcy joincd Old
Tcsumcn prophcs und mcmbcrs ol hc Prophcs lumily who hud
long bccn rcvcrcd in Islum. By hc clcvcnh ccnury hc cul ol
suins wus uking lirm roo hroughou Islum,
und provokcd
srong opposiion lrom rudiionulis hcologiuns. }oscl Mcri shows
how hurd i wus o squurc visis o hc ombs ol suins (ziuru) und
hcir vcncruion (implying us i did hu hcy wcrc lucr-duy incr-
mcdiurics posscssing cllccivc powcrs ol incrccssion) wih hc
uuscrc monohcism ol Islum. Llimucly un uncusy compromisc
wus rcuchcd. Thc cxiscncc ol suins wih lurulu (blcssing) wus
ucknowlcdgcd, und hcir numbcrs grcw us nocd rcligious scholurs
IntrcJncticn 1

M. Rodinson, McbummcJ (Hurmondsworh, 1q,), 1o.

l. dc }ong, H. Algur, und C. H. Imbcr, Mulumuiyyu, in EI
, vi, zz.
Cl. CS, 1o.
und scculur lcudcrs wcrc includcd us wcll us mysics. Curc wus
ukcn o dclinc u corrcc ciqucc lor visis o hcir ombs. Thcsc dcl-
iniions, scvcrul ol which urc quocd by }oscl Mcri, cus u rcvculing
ligh on hc riuul pruciccs which dcvclopcd u mcdicvul Muslim
shrincs. Islumic wricrs rcvcul much morc ubou such pruciccs
hun hcir Chrisiun councrpurs, prcciscly bccuusc hc wholc phc-
nomcnon ol pilgrimugc o suins shrincs wus concnious. Thcrc
rcmuincd dillcrcnccs ol opinion ubou hc prccisc boundury bcwccn
lici und illici prucicc, bu u gcncrul conscnsus cmcrgcd on hc ui-
udc o bc udopcd (conriion brough on by mcdiuion on dcuh
und hc uwcsomc powcr ol Alluh) und hc ucions o bc pcrlormcd
(pruying lor hc suin us wcll us hrough hc suin) on visis o hc
ombs ol suins.
Thc impcus bchind hc cul ol suins, hc humun nccd lor idcn-
iliublc, ucccssiblc, und cllicucious sourccs ol rcussuruncc und hclp,
cun bc shown o huvc hud u dcluycd bu prolound cllcc on Islum.
A dillcrcn corps ol suins, chiclly mcmbcrs ol hc Prophcs lumily,
mysics, und scholurs, cmcrgcd ino u dillcrcn hough-world und
hcir cul cvolvcd in disincivc wuys. Nonchclcss, in is lundu-
mcnuls, hc cul ol suins in Islum rcscmblcd hu munilcs in dil-
lcrcn purs ol Chriscndom in luc uniquiy und hc curly Middlc
Agcs. lvcn now, u hc cnd ol hc sccond millcnnium, shrincs urc
visicd und vcncrucd hroughou Islum, wih considcrublc llouing
ol hc rccommcndcd ziuru ciqucc, us I huvc sccn lor myscll.
lumilics lcus on lumbs which hcy huvc sucriliccd u hc shrinc ol
Scyi Buuh Cuzi in wcscrn Turkcy. Thcy plucc hcir childrcn on
hc clongucd surcophugus ol hc giun hcro ol jibuJ who is buricd
hcrc, lil oll hc urbun u onc cnd und hold i ovcr hcir hcuds
o runsmi o hcm somc ol hc powcr conccnrucd in hc omb.
lur uwuy in prospcrous norh Tchrun, busincssmcn cull in rou-
incly, on hcir wuy homc lrom work wih bulging briclcuscs, u u
shrinc, pruy u hc omb, kiss hc jumb ol hc doorwuy, und slip oll
ino hc crowd, whilc in hc buking hcu ol Khuzisun, u Susu, un
impcriul ciy now shrunk o u smull own, dcvoccs prcss cvcry pur
ol hcir body o hc grill surrounding hc omb ol hc prophc Dunicl
und mucr lcrvcn pruycrs.
Thc principul hcmcs ol his volumc urc, howcvcr, hosc signullcd
u hc sur ol his survcy und commcnury on hc clcvcn cssuys
1 ]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
which i conuinsnumcly, (1) hc proccsscs involvcd in hc con-
srucion ol hugiogruphicul cxs, (z), hc conribuion ol such cxs
o hc crcuion und udvcriscmcn ol suins culs, und () hc vcscd
incrcss scrvcd by such culs und hc cxs which promocd hcm.
Whilc hcrc is no nccd o udd o hc urgumcns ol individuul con-
ribuors on hc lucr wo poins, hc lirs dcmunds lurhcr, closcr
scruiny. Hugiogruphcrs huvc bccn sccn u work, rcshuping, cmbcll-
ishing, docoring, und munulucuring mucriul ubou hcir subjccs
lor u rungc ol ulcrior purposcs. Licrury convcnions (in puriculur,
hc hcmcs und srucurc rccommcndcd lor cnccmiu by wricrs on
rhcoric), nurruivc moils und morulizing tcpci rccyclcd lrom curlicr
Livcs, hc pcrsonul conccrns und urisic skill ol hc hugiogruphcr,
hc cxpccuions ol his rcudcrship (lor cncruinmcn us wcll us
morul uplil)
muy scvcrully und ogchcr huvc uccd us u powcr-
lul runslorming inllucncc whcn hc ruw mucriuls ol hugiogruphy,
hc pcrccpions und mcmorics ol hosc who kncw or cncouncrcd
hc holy mun, wcrc bcing guhcrcd und shupcd ino wricn lorm.
Bcsidc hcsc licrury inllucnccs und consruins, uccoun mus ulso
bc ukcn ol hc cllcc ol vcscd incrcss, whchcr insiuionul, lum-
ily, or (in luc uniquiy, whcn rivul purics in hc Church compccd
wih cvcry wcupon o hund) conlcssionul, on hc vcrsion ol cvcns
rcuilcd by u hugiogruphcr. Hugiogruphy muy hus opcn u door ino
un incrior spucc (hc mind und culurul lurniurc ol hc individuul
uuhor) bu muy providc u mos u highly rclruccd und limicd visu
ol u lurgcr, oucr, world inhubicd by living holy mcn und womcn.
No hu wc should bc dismuycd il i wcrc only hosc incrior spuccs
which could bc cxumincd closcly. lor hcrc urc u vcry lurgc num-
bcr ol hcm on displuy in hc corpus ol cxun hugiogruphicul cxs,
und, in uggrcguc, hcy providc us wih muny dillcrcn vicws ino
hc hough-world ol hugiogruphcrs, u dillcrcn sugcs ol is cvolu-
ion, u hough-world which surcly rcuchcd ou o cnvclop hcir
rcudcrs und hcir subjccs.
No onc would dcny hu wricn rccords ol cvcns urc incviubly
puriul in boh scnscs ol hc word (hc pcrccpions und mcmory ol
hc obscrvcr bcing boh sclccivc und colourcd by pcrsonul incrcss)
und hu lurhcr shuping ukcs plucc whcn whu is rcmcmbcrcd is
cxprcsscd in wriing (convcnions ol lorm und sylc, us wcll us indi-
viduul usc, cxcring u powcrlul inllucncc). Nor would unyonc dcny
IntrcJncticn 1j
Cl. cvcnko, Olscrvuticns, 1,.
hu cxs urc ucivc ugcns us wcll us convcyors ol inlormuion. In
hc cusc ol hugiogruphy, ucs ol muny sors cun bc pcrlormcd,
bcsidc hc busic onc ol commcmoruing u holy pcrson: hc Lilc ol u
suin muy udvuncc or procc u vcscd incrcs; i muy dclcnd or
cnhuncc u rcpuuion; i muy cdily u smull or lurgc incndcd uudi-
cncc; i muy convcy propugundu dcsigncd o sillcn hc rcsolvc ol
Chrisiuns in dillicul imcs;
or hc hugiogruphcr muy choosc o
rcllcc opcnly on livc issucs, hcrcby inroducing u pcrsonul, ulmos
conlcssionul clcmcn ino his cx. I is u moo poin, howcvcr,
whchcr hcsc vurious lucorssclccivc mcmory, licrury con-
sruin, ulcrior purposc, o which should bc uddcd hc cyc ol luih,
rcudy o consruc hc unusuul us miruculous und o crcdi i o hc
suinrunsmuc hc lilc und works ol hc holy pcrson commcmo-
rucd o such un cxcn hu hcy inhibi hc normul opcruions ol
criicul licrury und hisoricul inquiry. Is i no longcr possiblc o dis-
inguish u corc ol uuhcnic mucriul lrom hc morulizing und
cmbcllishing uccrcions cxpcccd ol hugiogruphcrs. Huvc hc omis-
sions und cmphuscs which scrvc o cnhuncc hc rcpuuion ol suins
bccn rcndcrcd undcccublc. Docs hc conccpuul lrumcwork ol luc
uniquc und curly mcdicvul hugiogruphy so obscurc our vision ol
hc phcnomcnu which urc incrprccd us miruclcs us o prcvcn us
lrom disccrning ohcr, mundunc cuuscs.
lvcn u husy scun ol u sclccion ol suins Livcs, which huvc bccn
subjcccd rcccnly o closc cxuminuion, givcs u lirm und cncourug-
ing unswcr o hcsc qucsions und cnublcs us o shy uwuy lrom u
suncc ol cxrcmc sccpicism. No hu hcrc is u dcurh ol luncilul
hugiogruphy. To hc wo cxumplcs udduccd by Puul Mugdulino muy
bc uddcd u muliudc lrom luc uniquiy: only hc burc oulincs ol
hc curccr ol Scrgius, u wcll-conncccd urmy olliccr muryrcd in hc
pcrsccuion ol 111, cun bc rccovcrcd lrom hc pussic composcd
in hc middlc ol hc lilh ccnury o udvcrisc his rcccnly con-
sruccd inrumurul shrinc u Rusulu;
hc sumc is ruc ol hc curc-
lully lillccd Lilc, luccd wih lcgcndury mucr, wricn somc imc
ulcr his dcuh o rchubiliuc lpiphunius, Bishop ol Consuniu on
Cyprus 0,o, who hud bccn oo rcudy o plungc ino conro-
10 ]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
Cl. cvcnko, Olscrvuticns, 1j10.
Pussic untiqnicr SS. Scrii ct Buccbi (BHG 10z), cd. I. vun dcn Chcyn, AB 1
(1qj), ,jqj; discussion by l. K. lowdcn, Tbc Burluriun PIuin. Suint Scrins
lctwccn Bcmc unJ Irun (Bcrkclcy, 1qqq).
vcrsy und unglc wih lcuding ligurcs in hc Church;
cvcn u com-
puruivcly nondcscrip rcligious lcudcr, such us }ohn, Chulccdoniun
Puriurch ol Alcxundriu (01o1q), who sccms o huvc bccn u good
udminisruor, orgunizing, umong ohcr hings, un uid progrummc
lor Chrisiuns in Pulcsinc ulcr hc suck ol }crusulcm in 01, could
bc horoughly rcsylcd und runslormcd ino hc Almsgivcr hrough
hc wholcsulc runslcr o him ol hc churiublc uciviy ol onc ol his
sixh-ccnury prcdcccssors;
und, o givc u linul, Byzuninc cxum-
plc, hc chroniclcr Thcophuncs, u high-born und ussurcdly wcll-
cducucd ubbo, could bc srippcd ol his lcurning und prcscncd us
u simplc, sullcring monk whosc puriy ol hcur cndowcd him wih
Thc cruciul poin, hough, is hu, in hcsc und muny
ohcr cuscs ol morc or lcss horough rcworking ol rcul livcs, i is
possiblc, wih hc uid ol u modicum ol indcpcndcn cvidcncc, o scp-
uruc hc hisoricul lrom hc lcgcndury.
I is no, howcvcr, o Livcs such us hcsc hu hisoriuns urn in
hc muin lor inlormuion ubou individuul suins, ubou hc sociul
ordcr in spccilic loculiics or ubou hc cvolving, llucuuing
Chrisiun hough-world ol hugiogruphcrs und hcir subjccs. Muny
cxumplcs cun bc cicd umong hugiogruphicul cxs cmunuing lrom
hc lus Romun cmpirc und is Byzuninc succcssor-suc ol works
dcnscly puckcd wih prccisc inlormuion ubou numcd individuuls,
spccilic pluccs, urbun und rurul, und cvcns nurrucd in considcrublc
und lilclikc dcuil. Thcy muy bc oppcd und uilcd wih cdilying pus-
sugcs pruising hc suin, bu hcy uppcur o bc closcly cngugcd wih
rculiics. Olcn judgcmcn us o whchcr o rus uppcurunccs mus
rcly on uccumuluion ol circumsuniul dcuil, vcrisimiliudc, und
IntrcJncticn 1,
Vitu S. Epipbunii (BHG jq0q), cd. D. Pcuu, PG 1, cols. z11; discussion
by C. Rupp, lpiphunius ol Sulumis: hc Church luhcr us Suin, in Tbc Swcct LunJ
cj Cprns, Pupcrs Givcn ut tbc Twcnt-Fijtb ]nliIcc Sprin Smpcsinm cj Bzuntinc
StnJics, Birminbum, Murcb 1jj1 (Nicosiu, 1qq), 10q,.
Lconius Ncupoliunus cpiscopus, Vitu S. Icunnis cIccmcsnurii (BHG 0), cd.
A. }. lcsugicrc, Vic Jc Smccn Ic Fcn ct Vic Jc ]cun Jc Cbprc (Puris, 1q,), oq;
discussion by C. Mungo, A Byzuninc Hugiogruphcr u Work: Lconios ol Ncupolis,
in I. Hucr (cd.), Bzunz nnJ Jcr Vcstcn. StnJicn znr Knnst Jcs cnrcpuiscbcn
MittcIuItcrs, Sizungsbcrichc dcr Oscrrcichischcn Akudcmic dcr Wisscnschulcn,
phil.-his. Klussc z (Vicnnu, 1q), zj1.
Thcodorus Sudics, LunJutic S. Tbccpbunis (BHG 1,qzb), cd. S. llhymiudis, AB
111 (1qq), z0. C. Mungo und R. Sco, Tbc CbrcnicIc cj Tbccpbuncs tbc
Ccnjcsscr. Bzuntinc unJ Ncur Eustcrn Histcr AD .8(81 (Oxlord, 1qq,), xliiilxiii,
urc rcudy o ucccp hc hugiogruphicul porruyul ol Thcophuncs us ill-cducucd und,
in his lus ycurs, incupuciucd by u wusing discusc ol hc kidncys; conscqucnly hcy
doub whchcr hc conribucd much o hc chroniclc which bcurs his numc.
compuibiliy wih whu is indcpcndcnly known (muinly ubou
srucurcs und high poliics), bu cxcrnul conrols urc uvuilublc,
cspcciully lor luc uniquiy, hunks o u wculh ol cxun sourccs,
und hcy cun bc uscd o cs hc quuliy ol u widc rungc ol cxs.
Tukc hc wcll-old sory ol Thcodous ol Ancyru, likc Scrgius, u
vicim ol hc 111 pcrsccuion. A curclul compurison ol hc
dcuilcd inlormuion givcn in hc cxubou hc Chrisiun com-
muniy o which Thcodous bclongcd (idcniliublc us Monunis),
ubou hc idcniy und policy ol hc govcrnor ol Culuiu Primu,
ubou hc spring lcsivul ol Cybclc und Ais, ubou loculiics in hc
crriory ol Ancyru und hc suins shrincwih indcpcndcn cvi-
dcncc (opogruphicul, urchucologicul, cpigruphic, und licrury) hus
convinccd Scphcn Michcll ol is uuhcniciy.
Such cxcrnul con-
rols urc uvuilublc in grcucr ubunduncc lor csing hc worh ol hc
Lilc ol u mcropoliun suin such us Dunicl hc Sylic (d. q), who
wus consulcd by lmpcrors und hc cour. Thc mciculous invcsi-
guion curricd ou by Robin Lunc lox lcuds him o concludc hu hc
hugiogruphcr wus wcll-inlormcd bu discrcc, skuing ovcr somc
mucrs, upplying u srong spin o ohcrs bu ulso displuying u lirm
grusp ol cvcns which urc curclully rcuilcd in hcir corrcc hisori-
cul ordcr.
Thc uccurucy ol hc Livcs ol wo curly scvcnh-ccnury
suins, hc Culuiun Thcodorc ol Sykcon (d. 01) und Anususius hc
Pcrsiun (muryrcd curly in 0z), cun bc documcncd in similur
wuys. Thcrc is u puncilious prccision in hc hugiogruphcrs
dcscripion ol Thcodorcs uciviy und is muin Culuiun scing
which lcuds Scphcn Michcll o prizc hc insigh which i givcs ino
hc livcd rculiics ol locul Anuoliun lilc und hc umbicn hough-
world ubovc ull ohcr sourccs, licrury, urchucologicul, und docu-
Bcrnurd llusin hus un cquully high rcgurd lor hc Lilc
ol Anususius, which hc hus disscccd wih dclicuc horoughncss
1 ]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
Nilus, Pussic M. TbccJcti (BHG 1,z), cd. P. lrunchi dc Cuvulicri, StnJi c tcsti,
0 (Romc, 1qo1), 01; discussion by S. Michcll, Thc Lilc ol Suin Thcodous ol
Ancyru, AnutcIiun StnJics, z (1qz), q11.
Vitu S. DunicIis stIituc (BHG q), cd. H. Dclchuyc, Lcs suints stIitcs, SHug. 1
(Brusscls, 1qz), 1q; discussion by R. Lunc lox, Thc Lijc cj DunicI, in M. }.
ldwurds und S. Swuin (cds.), Pcrtruits. BicrupbicuI Bcprcscntuticn in tbc Grccl unJ
Lutin Litcrutnrc cj tbc Bcmun Empirc (Oxlord, 1qq,), 1,jzzj.
Ccorgius, Vitu S. TbccJcri Sccctu (BHG 1,), cd. A.-}. lcsugicrc, Vic Jc
TbccJcrc Jc Slcn, SHug. (Brusscls, 1q,o), i, 1101; discussion by S. Michcll,
AnutcIiu. LunJ, Mcn, unJ GcJs in Asiu Mincr, ii, Tbc Bisc cj tbc Cbnrcb (Oxlord, 1qq),
und cscd uguins ovcrlupping csimony cullcd lrom u lull rungc ol
rcliublc sourccs.
Thc rcsponsc ol Byzuniniss hus bccn similur. As long us u cx is
lorhcoming wih inlormuion, hcy urc rcusonubly conlidcn hu
hcy cun disinguish bcwccn hc spurious or hc mussugcd und hc
uuhcnic. Muric-lruncc Auzcpy hus hc surcs ol ouchcs us shc
scruinizcs hc hugiogruphicul rccord ol Byzuninc Iconoclusm, which
is pcrvudcd by scll-scrving hindsigh. Bu cvcn in rcrospccivc
uccouns ol pcriods ol incnsc conrovcrsy, u grcu dcul ol uuhcnic
mucriul is convcycdus, lor cxumplc, in hc Lijc cj St Stcpbcn tbc
Ycnncr, u vicim ol Consuninc Vs cruck-down on poliicul und rcli-
gious dissidcncc in ,0j,.
Thc buluncc bcwccn hcuvy incrprcu-
ion und luirly uccuruc rcporing vurics, ol coursc, lrom cx o cx,
bu Roscmury Morris, who cxcnds hc survcy ol Byzuninc hugio-
gruphy ino hc wcllh ccnury, hus no hcsiuion in rcuing hc
Livcs which shc cxplois us vuluublc hisoricul sourccs.
Thc dccp mchodologicul doub ruiscd by scvcrul conribuors o
his volumc muy bc ulluycd by considcruions such us hcsc. Thc
Livcs ol suins, il hundlcd wih curc, muy yicld u grcu dcul ol
inlormuion ol hc sor gurncrcd und rcincrprccd by Pccr Brown
in his puhlinding uriclc. lor muny ol hc smull minoriy ol holy
mcn, who, bcing cndowcd lor whucvcr rcuson wih wricn Livcs,
wcrc clussilicd us suins, do comc ino rcusonubly clcur hisoricul
vicw und cun bc pluccd in sociul us wcll us spiriuul scings. Thcrc
muy ulso huvc bccn lcss umpcring wih hc rccord ol holy mcns
dculings wih hc rich und powcrlul, lcss luundcring ol hc scculur
puronugc which bcnclicd hcir lounduions hun Pccr Brown hus
bccn rcudy o conccdc rcccnly.
lor, whchcr rcsourccs wcrc plcn-
ilul us in hc luc uniquc Mcdicrruncun or sruicncd us in
i is likcly hu hc chicl gcncruor ol cndowmcns
und donuions wus no lund-ruising by holy mcn und hcir curclul
culivuion ol hc highly pluccd bu ruhcr hc luiys luih, hcir
IntrcJncticn 1q
Actu M. Anustusii Pcrsuc: discussion by llusin, Suint Anustusc, ii, Ccmmcntuirc
(Puris, 1qqz).
Scphunus diuconus, Vitu S. Stcpbuni innicris ccnjcsscris (BHG 1000), cd. M.-l.
Auzcpy, Lu Vic Jticnnc Ic ]cnnc pur ticnnc Ic Diucrc (Aldcrsho, 1qq,), ,1,,.
R. Morris, Mcnls unJ Lumcn in Bzuntinm 8(1118 (Cumbridgc, 1qqj),
AS, 0z; cl. Mungo, Suins, z,q.
M. Whiow, Tbc Mulin cj OrtbcJcx Bzuntinm oo1o. (London, 1qq0),
jq00, qqj.
sriving lor sulvuion.
Conlirmuion, lor hc Byzuninc pcriod, is o
hund in documcnury sourccs, in puriculur in hc lcgisluivc cllors
ol cnh-ccnury cmpcrors o limi gruns ol lund o monuscrics.
Wc huvc rcurncd o hc crriory cxplorcd by Pccr Brown in his
originul uriclc on hc holy mun, hc crriory whcrc hc spiriuul
lilc incrsccs wih hc scculur. This is susccpiblc o rudiionul his-
oricul inquiry us long us hc chicl sourccs ol inlormuion, hugio-
gruphicul cxs, urc hundlcd wih discriminuing curc. I is possiblc
o obscrvc holy mcn in rcrcu und in ucion, und o mukc hisor-
icul gcncrulizuions ol hc sor ollcrcd by Pccr Brown.
Imporun quulilicuions huvc bccn mudc o hc hcscs propoundcd
in hc uriclc sincc i wus publishcd. Acnion hus bccn puid o hc
lurgc, unonymous mujoriy ol holy mcn who srovc o susuin hcir
sccludcd, usccic sriving lor spiriuul puriy und cnlighcnmcn lor u
wholc lilcimc, crcuing whu Pccr Brown culls un impulpublc chuin
ol incrccssion, in which humun pruycr o hc onc Cod, ollcrcd up
by hc conincn, rcpluccd hc nuurul, cosmic hicrurchy hu hud
bccn hough o link hc cxubcrun curh, hrough chcrcul minis-
cring spiris, o hc gods who dwcl umong hc surs.
I wus pcr-
hups morc olcn hc imporunuc dcmunds ol hc luiy lor spiriuul
guiduncc, lor blcssing, lor hopc in udvcrsiy und illncss, ubovc ull lor
cllccivc incrccssion,
which drcw u smull minoriy buck ino hc
scculur world ruhcr hun cvungclicul commimcn on hc pur ol
holy mcn hcmsclvcs. Holy mcn who did rc-cngugc wih hc luiy
wcrc primurily conccrncd wih suislying hcsc nccds. Thc sociul
luncions ol mcdiuion, urbiruion, und proccion wcrc normully hc
prcroguivc ol hc scculur clcrgy, somc ol whom consiucd un
imporun subcucgory ol suins in luc uniquiy. Bu hcrc is no
dcnying hu hc lrccluncc uciviics ol holy mcn ucing us somcimcs
llumboyun supcrnumcrurics could bc cxruordinurily cllccivc in
criscs und could cuch hc imuginuion ol concmporurics.
zo ]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
M. Kuplun, Lcs bcmmcs ct Iu tcrrc u Bzuncc Jn VIc un XIc siccIc. prcprictc ct
cxpIcituticn Jn scI (Puris, 1qqz), zqoz; Morris, Mcnls unJ Lumcn, 1zoz.
N. Svoronos, Lcs ncvcIIcs Jcs cmpcrcnrs muccJcnicns ccnccrnunt Iu tcrrc ct Ics stru-
tictcs (Ahcns, 1qq), 1j101, 1qoz1,.
BS, ,.
AS, 0oz.
M. Whiby, Muro hc Dcndric: An Ani-Sociul Holy Mun., in M. Whiby, P.
Hurdic, und M. Whiby (cds.), Hcmc Viutcr. CIussicuI Essus jcr ]cbn BrumlIc (Brisol,
1q,), oq1,; Lunc lox, Thc Lijc cj DunicI, z1ozj.
Suins, hc holy mcn und womcn lrom whom mos ol hcm wcrc
druwn, und hc gcncruliy ol monks rcmuincd u viul und inllucn-
iul lorcc in hc spiriuul lilc ol Luin Chriscndom hroughou hc
Middlc Agcs. Thc sumc wus ruc ol Byzunium, ulhough hcrc soon
dcvclopcd disincivc pucrns o hc munilcsuion ol hc holy hcrc.
Much chungcd whcn hc luscrn Romun lmpirc wus dismcmbcrcd
in hc scvcnh ccnury. Thc provinciul ciy shrunk und los is ccn-
rul plucc in cconomic, sociul, poliicul, und incllccuul lilc. Thc
rump-suc which wus Byzunium wus incrcusingly gcurcd lor wur.
All uvuilublc rcsourccs, spiriuul us wcll us mucriul, wcrc cullcd on
o cnsurc hc survivul ol u bclcugucrcd Chrisiun pcoplc.
This wus
hc lirs grcu chungc o ullcc hc monusic world in Byzuniums
durk ugc. Monks u ull sugcs ol usccic rcnunciuion und spiriuul
usccn, living communully or us hcrmis, wcrc cxpcccd o pruy lor
hcir lcllow-Chrisiuns und hc Suc which dclcndcd hcm. Thcir
pruycrs would bc morc cllicucious il mudc cn mussc und orchcs-
Thc sccond grcu chungc cnhunccd hc scclusion ol hosc
who hud wihdruwn lrom hc scculur world. Monuscrics cndcd o
cluscr in rcluivcly rcmoc und ruggcd counry. Holy mounuins
cmcrgcd us hc nodul poins ol Byzuninc spiriuul lilc.
This con-
ccnruion und disuncing ol hc monuscry lrom hc luy world rcin-
lorccd is gruviuionul licld und cnhunccd is rcsisuncc o hc
scudy pull cxcrcd by hc luih und nccds ol hc luiy.
Nonchclcss hcrc wus no unduc rcgimcnuion ol monusic lilc
und hc busic rhyhm ol wihdruwul und rc-cnry (il only ino hc
smull socicy ol u monuscry) wus no impuircd. Thosc monks cugcr
o subjcc hcir bodics o scvcrc disciplinc und o purily hcir souls
in u sugcd usccn owurds hc ulimuc goul ol union wih Cod,
who would cvcnuully mcri hc uccoludc ol holy mcn, lollowcd
usccic rujccorics ol hcir own choosing, which wcrc only moni-
orcd und rcgulucd by hcir spiriuul luhcrs u hc iniiul sugc.
Whcn, ulcr muny ycurs ol sriving, hcy uchicvcd u ncw cquilib-
rium on u highcr spiriuul plunc, hcy dillcrcd murkcdly lrom cuch
ohcr. Thcrc wus no crusurc ol idcniy, no convcrgcncc ol luncions
lvcn hc husics ol glunccs u cigh rcul concmporurics ol hc
lubricucd holy mcn discusscd by Puul Mugdulino uncovcrs grcu
IntrcJncticn z1
Whiow, Mulin cj OrtbcJcx Bzuntinm, qqj, 11z0, 10jq.
Morris, Mcnls unJ Lumcn, 1o,1oq; Auzcpy, Vic Jticnnc, 0q.
Morris, Mcnls unJ Lumcn, 1j1.
vuricyund his wus wcll bclorc hc urbun mcndicun rcuppcurcd
us u lumiliur ligurc (in hc wcllh ccnury).
All wcrc rc-cngugcd
o dillcring dcgrccs in hc scculur world. Thc cngugcmcn wus
grcucs in hc cusc ol hosc who hcld high ollicc in hc Church,
ubovc ull in hc cusc ol hc mos noublc ol hcm, luhymius,
Puriurch lrom qo, o q1z, who suncioncd hc lourh murriugc ol
hc lmpcror Lco VI und spli hc Church bu who is porruycd us
un indcpcndcn, pluin-spcuking usccic, druwn ou ino high ulluirs
ol Suc by hc lmpcror, his spiriuul son.
Thc grcu mysic,
Symcon hc Ncw Thcologiun, whosc wriings, cspcciully his pocry,
cnublc us o cncr hc consciousncss ol hc usccic, could no dcuch
himscll complccly, cspcciully during his conrovcrsiul pcriod us
Abbo ol hc monuscry ol S Mumus in hc mcropoliun urcu.
Michucl Mulcinos und his procgc Ahunusios, loundcr ol hc Luvru
on Moun Ahos, wcrc involunurily co-opcd us spiriuul udviscrs
o hc Phokus lumily u hc upogcc ol is powcr.
Dcspic hc dclib-
cruc vugucncss und sclcciviy ol his Lilc, Lukc hc Sylic cun bc
sccn ucing us miruclc-working guru o hc olliciul clusscs ol
Consuninoplc lrom his column ncur Chulccdon lor ovcr lory
To hc wcs, in provinciul Crcccc, wo ohcr ucivc holy
mcn comc ino vicwNikon hc Mcunocic, u pcripucic cvungcl-
is, who loundcd his own monuscry in Spuru, und Lukc hc
Youngcr, u soliury concmpluivc, nocd lor his cluirvoyuncc und
lovc ol unimuls, who srovc hurd bu luilcd o uvoid cnunglcmcn
in hc world.
linully, in wcscrn Asiu Minor, on onc ol is prcmicr
holy mounuins, Puul ol Luross usccic pruciccs (ogchcr wih
somching ol his own mcnul cxpcricnccs) und his curncs bu vuin
zz ]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
P. Mugdulino, Thc Byzuninc Holy Mun in hc Twcllh Ccnury, in Bzuntinc
Suint, j100.
Vitu Entbmii putriurcbuc CcnstuntincpcIituni (BHG 0j1), cd. P. Kurlin-Huycr,
BilIictbcqnc Jc Bzunticn, (Brusscls, 1q,o), 1,.
Nikcus Schuos, Vitu S. Smccnis ncvi tbccIci (BHG 10qz), cd. I. Huushcrr
und C. Horn, Un runJ mstiqnc lzuntin. Vic Jc Smccn Ic Ncnvcun TbccIcicn
(j(j1o..) pur Nicctus Stctbutcs, Oricnuliu Chrisiunu 1z]j (1qz), 1zz;
Morris, Mcnls unJ Lumcn, qj1oo; C. Collins, Simcon hc Ncw Thcologiun: An
Asccicul Thcology lor Middlc-Byzuninc Monks, in Asccticism, j0.
Thcophuncs, Vitu S. MicbucIis MuIcini (BHG 1zqj), cd. L. Pci, Bcvnc Jc IOricnt
cbrcticn, , (1qoz), jq0; Vituc Jnuc untiqnuc S. Atbunusii utbcnituc (BHG 1,,
1), cd. }. Norc, CCSG q (1qz), 1z, 1z,z1.
Vitu S. Lncuc stIituc (BHG zzq), cd. Dclchuyc, Suints stIitcs, 1qjz,.
Vitu S. Niccnis (BHG 100, 10,), cd. D. l. Sullivun, Tbc Lijc cj Suint Nilcn
(Brooklinc, Muss., 1q,), z0z,o; Vitu S. Lncuc innicris (BHG qq), cd. C. L. und
W. R. Connor, Tbc Lijc unJ MirucIcs cj St Lnlc (Brooklinc, Muss., 1qq), z1z.
ucmp o kccp his disuncc lrom his lcllow mcn urc rcporcd in hc
mos gruphic ol hcsc Livcs (which includcs u bricl dcscripion ol hc
suins uppcuruncc).
Thcrc wus grcu divcrsiy ol churuccr, usccic prucicc, und
uciviy in hu smull pcrccnugc ol Byzuninc holy mcn who wcrc
commcmorucd us suins, us his sumplc lrom hc cnh ccnury
dcmonsrucs. Nonchclcss hcrc wus u common busic rhyhm o
hcir livcs, which uccords wih hu idcnilicd by Pccr Brown in luc
uniquiy. Thc rcgulur incrnul migruion ol mcn und womcn o
monuscrics und convcns, und hc lcrocious usccic hruss ol hc
mos dccrmincd umong hcm ino inncr dcscrs ol hcir dcvising,
wcrc lollowcd by hc rc-cngugcmcn ol ull oo muny ol hcm wih
socicy, wihin und bcyond hcir monuscrics. This rcciprocuing
movcmcn rcmuincd un imporun, dynumic clcmcn in hc spiriuul
lilc ol Byzunium und ol hc Orhodox world subjcc o is culurul
inllucncc. I rcplicucd, bu usuully in u lcss drumuic wuy, hc
rhyhm idcnilicd by Pccr Brown in hc livcs ol holy mcn in luc
uniquiy, und scrvcd us un csscniul, rcviulizing rcligious lorcc, u
Chrisiun unuloguc ol hc unnuul bujj in Islum.
ros fs cnI rf
As Puul Huywurd und I wcrc upplying hc linishing cdioriul
ouchcs o his book, hc lull 1qq lusciclc ol volumc 0 ol hc
]cnrnuI cj EurI Cbristiun StnJics uppcurcd on hc shclvcs ol hc
Bodlciun Librury in Oxlord. I publishcs cigh pupcrs dclivcrcd u u
lour-duy conlcrcncc hcld in Bcrkclcy, in Murch 1qq,, o murk hc
quurcr-ccncnury ol hc Holy Mun uriclc. Thcsc urc prcluccd wih
un inroducion oulining hc ccnrul hcmc ol hc conlcrcncc und
is publishcd procccdings, und wih u mcmoir by Pccr Brown high-
lighing hrcc incllccuul prcoccupuions which hud u prolound
inllucncc on hc uriclc in is gcsuion in hc luc 1q0os. Thc ccn-
rul hcmc is idcnicul o hc lirs hcmc ol his booknumcly, hc
incrpluy bcwccn hugiogruphicul rcprcscnuion und sociul rculiy,
und, wihin hugiogruphy, bcwccn uuhor und uudicncc. Thc con-
clusions ully in hc muin wih ours, ulhough hcy urc somcimcs
couchcd in morc modish lunguugc und morc spucc is ullocucd o
IntrcJncticn z
Vitu S. PunIi innicris in mcntc Lutrc (BHG 1,), cd. H. Dclchuyc, AB 11
(1qz), 1q,, 101.
cxploring mchodologicul issucs. Bu hcrc urc wo lundumcnul dil-
lcrcnccs: our book is lur broudcr in gcogruphicul und cmporul scopc
hun hc Culilorniun conlcrcncc publicuion, which conlincs is
scruiny o luc uniquiy und, wihin i, muinly o hc luscrn
Mcdicrruncun. Alhough wc luckcd hc physicul prcscncc ol Pccr
Brown (which muy huvc inhibicd us wcll us cnrichcd discussion u
Bcrkclcy), und could only obscrvc hc cvoluion ol his hough und
hc inllucnccs upon i lrom hc ousidc, wc only pusscd ovcr onc ol
hc hrcc incllccuul cnhusiusms dcuilcd by him, u conccrn wih
dynumic incrucion wihin smull groups which wus cnhunccd, us
hc ucknowlcdgcs wih rcmurkublc cundour, by his pcrsonul involvc-
mcn in Klciniun unulysis lrom 1q0 o 1q,. I wus uwurc ol his,
bu I conlincd myscll o hc briclcs und mos ullusivc ol hins (in
hc sccond purugruph ol his inroducion). lor i wus no propcr lor
u disun obscrvcr o puss on inlormuion rcccivcd ncurly hiry
ycurs ugo lrom u lricnd who, i so chunccd, olcn ruvcllcd up und
down bcwccn Oxlord und London on hc sumc ruin und in hc
sumc compurmcn us hc Muscr on hc wuy o und lrom his
z ]umcs HcwurJ-]cbnstcn
Thc cul ol suins in Pccr Brown
On dclining hc holy mun
I lulls o lcw ol us o wric un uriclc hu jusilics hc cpihc scm-
inul, bu Pccr Browns Risc und luncion ol hc Holy Mun wus
ccruinly hu. Appcuring in 1q,1, hc ycur ulcr The World of Late
Antiquity, i rcprcscncd u mujor chungc ol dirccion lrom Augustine
of Hippo (1q0,), hc imporuncc ol which is cvidcn lor Pccr Brown
himscll us wcll us lor his rcudcrs. The World of Late Antiquity movcd
uwuy lrom hc closc cxuul unulysis und hc psychologicul incr-
prcuion which urc hc murks ol hc book on Augusinc owurds u
broudcr swccp, cvcn il sill in hc sumc chronologicul pcriod. Is
horizons wcrc vus, is cncrgy cnviublc. Brown wus suking ou u
ncw licld. Wih hc uriclc on hc holy mun hc could bc sccn scp-
ping morc conlidcnly ino hc crriory ol sociul unhropology,
using u widc rungc ol duu o consruc u sociul dcliniion, no ol
u suin, bu ol hc holy mun in luc uniquiy us u ypicully incr-
siiul ligurc cxcrcising u puronugc rolc buscd on hc symbolic
cupiul ol his pcrccivcd uuhoriy. Such ligurcs wcrc prcscncd
muinly on hc busis ol luscrn, und cspcciully Syriun, sourccsus
rurul purons, ublc o mcdiuc bcwccn own und counry, und
bcwccn hc powcrlul und hc poor. Thcrc wus o bc morc o suy.
Righly uvoiding hc crm suin, lor in his curly pcriod hcrc
wcrc no lormul proccsscs ol suncilicuion, und no olliciul bcsowul
ol suinhood, Pccr Brown wus druwn o cxplorc inscud whu wus
mcun by hc morc umorphous und morc spiriuul conccp ol hc
holy. This rcsulcd in u group ol uriclcs publishcd ogchcr in
Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity (1qz), u book vcry dillcrcn
lrom his lirs collccion, Religion and Society in the Age of St Augustine
(1q,z). Thc lucr consiss ol sudics lor hc mos pur closcly
As Brown wcll kncw: hc lirs loonoc ol Holy Mun spcuks ol problcms worh
lollowing hrough lor muny ycurs o comc. This pupcr purly druws on mucriul prc-
scncd o u scminur u hc Lnivcrsiy ol Oslo; I should likc o hunk Hugo
Mongomcry und Hulvor Moxncs in puriculur lor hcir hospiuliy on hu occusion.
ussociucd wih hc work on Augusinc, which givc lilc hin ol
whu wus o comc, cxccp pcrhups in hc mucr ol licrury sylc. In
conrus Society and the Holy, no longcr publishcd in London by
lubcr und lubcr bu by hc Lnivcrsiy ol Culilorniu Prcss u
Bcrkclcy, murkcd boh u pcrsonul und un incllccuul brcuk wih hc
pus. Likc hc curlicr collccion, i conuins rcvicws und picccs on
hc hisory ol scholurship, bu i ulso conuins hc uriclc on hc holy
mun und ussociucd pupcrs such us hu on Town, Villugc und Holy
Mun: hc Cusc ol Syriu.
Rclics und Sociul Suus in hc Agc ol
Crcgory ol Tours
wus in urn rclucd o The Cult of the Saints, pub-
lishcd in 1q1, und coninucd hc socio-unhropologicul upprouch
unnounccd by hc originul Holy Mun pupcr. Thcrc is ulso u con-
ccrn ubou hc rcluion ol hc luscrn und Wcscrn Mcdicrruncun,
rcllccivc ol hc luc hu The Cult of the Saints lurgcly dculs wih hc
Bu Browns Inuugurul Lccurc u Royul Hollowuy Collcgc,
London, ol 1q,,, und his rcmurks on icons in Society and the Holy,
wricn in colluboruion wih Subinc MucCormuck,
sccm o poin
uwuy lrom hc luncionul und owurds u morc spiriuul vicw ol
rcligious hisory.
Thc modcl proposcd in Thc Risc und luncion ol hc Holy Mun
wus immcdiucly inllucniul, us cun bc sccn lrom hc numbcr ol rcl-
crcnccs o i in hc cdicd procccdings ol hc lourccnh Symposium
ol Byzuninc Sudics u Birminghum, whosc subjcc wus hc cul ol
suins in Byzunium.
Scholurs soon poincd ou hu holy mcn
opcrucd in urbun us wcll us rurul concxs, hu hcrc wcrc pugun
holy mcn oo,
und hu hc Browniun dcliniion did no cxhuus
hc possiblc wuys ol undcrsunding hc phcnomcnon. Ncvcrhclcss,
hc modcl wus so powcrlully cxprcsscd hu i sc u pucrn which
muny lollowcd. Mcunwhilc Brown himscll hud bccomc incrcscd in
usccicism. Simulucd by mccing Michcl loucuul who wus giving
scminurs u Bcrkclcy, Brown wus druwn ino hc Purisiun world ol
Puul Vcync und hc Collcgc dc lruncc, und cncrcd u phusc which
z Averil Cameron
Scc Brown, A Puring ol Wuys (1q,0).
Lcurning und Imuginuion und Ariliccs ol lcrniy, in SH, z1 und zo,z1.
Bu A Durk Agc Crisis: Aspccs ol hc Iconoclusic Conrovcrsy, zj1o1, which
lirs uppcurcd in hc English Historical Review in 1q,, rcuins hc luncionulis
upprouch; i is incrcsing o compurc i wih hc chupcr on Byzuninc Iconoclusm
in RWC (1qq0).
Byzantine Saint (1q1).
C. lowdcn, Thc Pugun Holy Mun in Luc Aniquc Socicy, Journal of Hellenic
Studies, 1oz (1qz), jq.
rcsulcd in his conribuion o volumc I ol hc History of Private Life,
cdicd by Vcync (1qj),
und in hc publicuion in 1q ol his book
The Body and Society in Late Antiquity, which uguin cumc ou in
Briuin undcr hc ucgis ol lubcr und lubcr.
The Body and Society rungcs in u conlidcn swccp lrom hc lirs
ccnury o hc lilh, cnding in hc Wcs wih Augusinc und, in
words ukcn lrom }ucqucs lc Coll, wih hc dcliniivc rou ol hc
body hu murkcd hc cnd ol hc uncicn world und hc bcginning
ol hc middlc ugcs.
I uddrcsscs onc ol hc mos churuccrisic
murks ol Chrisiun holincss in luc uniquiy (hough Chrisiuns did
no huvc u monopoly on i), numcly scxuul ubsincncc, which lrc-
qucnly wcn ogchcr wih ohcr kinds ol rcnunciuion ol bodily
plcusurc und comlor. The Body and Society consiucs u bruvuru dis-
pluy ol cmpuhy wih hc ubundun sourcc mucriul; yc hc indcx
docs no huvc cnrics cihcr lor holy mun or cvcn lor monks und
monusicism. Il wc now urn buck o Thc Risc und luncion ol hc
Holy Mun, wc shull lind hu usccicism is ukcn lor gruncd,
hu scxuul ubsincncc is no discusscd us such und hu hc cmphu-
sis is ruhcr on sociul powcr, und morcovcr, hu his is u kind ol
powcr hu is buscd on uchicvcd suus.
Brown is incrcscd
ulrcudy, us hc coninucd o bc, in usccic surs;
hcir usccicism
is hisrionic,
hcir powcr supcrnuurul und pulpublc.
Bu his
incrcs u his poin lics no in usking why., bu whu did i do.,
or whu wus i lor. In The Body and Society hc givcs us un ubun-
duncc ol mucriul rclcvun o hc lormcr qucsion, bu rcmuins spur-
ing wih unswcrs o hc lucr. Scxuuliy wus u nuurul opic lor onc
so sccpcd in hc hough ol Augusinc, bu in The Body and Society
Brown vccrs uwuy lrom proposing or rcvising hc kind ol sociul
modcl ollcrcd in hc Holy Mun uriclc. Thc cunvus is now biggcr:
high socicy us wcll us rurul cconomics, hc Wcs us wcll us hc
lus, hc cducucd us wcll us hc gcncrul populucc. Whilc hc books
hcmc is closcly conncccd o hc dcliniion ol holincss or suinhood,
Brown is now looking lor somching much morc gcncrulrcligious
chungc iscll, pcrhups, or hc incrpluy ol hc incllccuul und hc
On defining the holy man zq
Aniquic urdivc in P. Vcync (cd.), De lempire romain lan mil, vol. 1 ol
P. Arics und C. Duby (cds.), Histoire de la vie prive (Puris, 1qj), zz0qq (lng. r.,
Cumbridgc, Muss., 1q0).
BS, 1.
Holy Mun, 11, 11.
Ibid., 1.
Ibid., 1oq.
Ibid., 11.
Ibid., 1z1.
populur in Chrisiunizuion. Thc opcning sccion locuscs on opics
lumiliur lrom Puul Vcynchc dcpormcn ol Romun uppcr-cluss
mulcs, hc bourgcoisilicuion ol Romun uppcr-cluss murriugc in hc
ugc ol Pluurch und Musonius Rulusund hc book us u wholc
dculs wih licrury sourccs us much us wih sociul hisory.
Thrcc ohcr books by Brown, ull urising lrom lccurc scricsThe
Making of Late Antiquity (1q,), Power and Persuasion in Late
Antiquity: Towards a Christian Empire (1qqz), und Authority and the
Sacred. Aspects of the Christianization of the Roman World (1qqj)
curry lorwurd similur hcmcs, hough in dillcring wuys. In hc lirs,
chungcs in hc rolc ol hc Romun urisocrucy bcwccn hc high
lmpirc und luc uniquiy providc un cxplunuory dcvicc lor sociul
und rcligious chungc. In hc ohcr wo, whilc wc sill cncouncr hc
usccic surs in ull hcir cxoicism, hcrc is un incrcusing cmphusis
on hc cvoluion ol u Chrisiun paideia which could rcplucc hc clus-
sicul modcl, cvcn il i purly did so by ubsorbing i. Paideia hud
ulrcudy cmcrgcd us u powcrlul hcmc us curly us hc 1q cssuy
Thc Suin us lxcmplur, whcrc i is linkcd wih un cmphusis on hc
suin us hc imiuor ol Chris,
in un uriclc in which Browns
unhropologicul mcnors urc ldwurd Shils und Clillord Cccrz ruhcr
hun Mury Douglus und l. l. lvuns-Prichurd. Brown is ulrcudy
conscious ol hc nccd o rcvisc his curlicr modcl, rclcrring o his
1q,1 uriclc us huving bccn puincd in morc grisaille oncs.
rurul purons ol Holy Mun hud ulrcudy by 1q, us hc udmicd,
yicldcd up hc ccnrc ol hc sugc, buscd us hcy wcrc on u spccilic
rudiion ol unhropologicul work uvuilublc o mc u hu imc.
ncvcrhclcss ook imc lor his srund o dcvclop in Browns work.
Whcn i did, huving locucd holy mcn in Thc Suin us lxcmplur in
whu hc rccognizcd us u horoughly unsyscmuic cvoluion,
wus o prcscn hcm in Power and Persuasion und Authority and the
Sacred in hc concx ol un ulogchcr morc kulcidoscopic und ccr-
uinly morc comprchcnsivc picurc ol luc uniquiy hun hu orig-
inully dcpiccd in hc Holy Mun.
o Averil Cameron
Scc lxcmplur, 1, , ll.
Ibid., 1o11; cl. ibid., 1z: il hu rudiion did huvc u limiuion . . . i wus hc
cndcncy o isoluc hc holy mun yc lurhcr lrom hc world ol shurcd vulucs in
which hc opcrucd us un cxcmplur. A p. 1, Brown dcpics his shil us u shil lrom
u lurgcly Briish rudiion ol sociul unhropology o u lurgcly Amcricun rudiion ol
culurul unhropology.
Ibid., 1j.
This is ulso ruc ol Browns mos rcccn book, RWC (1qq0).
Pccr Brown hus ulwuys bccn highly uwurc ol his own dcvclop-
mcn us u hisoriun, und scvcrul ol his lucr wriings scrvc ulmos
us commcnurics on hc Holy Mun, which, us hc himscll poins
ou, sprung lrom u rcluivcly curly sugc in his rcmurkublc rujcc-
ory, whcn hc wus sill unuwurc ol somc ol hc inllucnccs which
lucr luy srongcs upon him.
Thc sourccs on which Holy Mun
wus muinly buscd urc liscd in hc lirs loonoc ol hc uriclc, und
consis cnircly ol whu wc gcncrully cull suins livcs, wih hc uddi-
ion ol somc compcndiuhc Apophthegmata Patrum, hc Lausiac
History, und Thcodorcs Historia Religiosa. Thc lirs pugc ol hc ur-
iclc rclcrs o rudiionul scholurship in his licld, und proposcs no
chullcngc in crms ol mchod: Thc incnion ol his pupcr is o
lollow wcll-known puhs ol scholurship on ull hcsc opics.
did no ollcr u ncw incrprcuion so much us u ncw mcuns ol
cxploiuion ol hc rich vcin ol mucriul ollcrcd by hugiogruphy. In
The Body and Society, oo, hc locus is ulwuys on hc subjccs und
hcir doings und houghhc propcr sull ol hisory, somc migh
hinkruhcr hun on hc uriculuion ol hc cxs which dcscribc
Brown is u hisoriun hrough und hrough. Hc wuns o undcr-
sund how hings cumc ubou us hcy did; so whcn in Power and
Persuasion hc hcmc ol paideia uguin bccomcs imporun o him, i
is in hc concx ol hc sociul powcr cnjoycd by hc cducucd clics
ol luc uniquiy, whosc mcmbcrs displuycd hcir sunding likc hcir
prcdcccssors ol hc high lmpirc by udoping puriculur modcls ol
dccorum und dcpormcn.
Thc cmphusis in Power and Persuasion
is uguin on sociul mcchunisms, hough hc luncionulism ol Holy
Mun hus bccn dispcrscd or u lcus cmpcrcd by u morc glicring
surlucc und u widcr cus ol churuccrs. Chupcr , hc lus chupcr
ol hc book, is ilcd Towurds u Chrisiun lmpirc. As in The Body
and Society, hc sory cnds wih hc movc ino hc lilh ccnury, und
hc cmphusis hcrc is lcss on hc rurul hun on hc gruduul ubsorp-
ion ol hc old clics ino u morc gcncrully Chrisiun socicy. Shurcd
paideia, no cxcluding hc hubis ol mind und bchuviour hu wcn
wih i, bccomcs u kcy o hc proccss.
lvcn now I suspcc hu Brown hus no yc givcn us his complcc
vicw ol hc proccss ol Chrisiunizuion in luc uniquiy. Wih
Authority and the Sacred, hc rcurncd o hcmcs cxprcsscd in Power
On defining the holy man 1
Scc lxcmplur, 1o1j, und, lor cxumplc, 11 wih n. j,.
Holy Mun, 1oj.
PP, ch. z Paideia und Powcr.
and Persuasion by urguing uguin uguins un cxccssivc cmphusis on
violcncc und inolcruncc (cvcn il buscd on concmporury sourccs)
und oo bluck-und-whic u vicw ol hc proccss ol Chrisiunizuion.
Concmporurics hud hcir own rcusons lor prcscning hc ugc in
crms ol conllic bcwccn Chrisiuns und ohcrs, und i hus suicd
modcrn scholurs o lollow hcm. Bu bcyond hc vivid llushcs ol
pugun indignuion und Chrisiun scll-jusilicuion hu ligh up lor
us hc incidcns ol violcncc which occurrcd in hc luc lourh und
curly lilh ccnurics, i is possiblc o dccc u solid log-bunk ol uci
Alcr ull, powcr wus u sukc, und hc clics would
mukc surc hu il chungc cumc i wus propcrly conrollcd: ull ovcr
hc Mcdicrruncun world, prolound rcligious chungcs, hcuvy wih
pocniul lor violcncc, wcrc chunncllcd ino hc morc prcdicublc,
bu no lcss ovcrbcuring gcnlc violcncc ol u sublc sociul ordcr.
In his hisory ol sociul powcr, hc rolc ol clics wus cruciul. Bu
so, i urns ou, wus hc holy mun. Chupcr ol Authority and the
Sacred rcurns consciously o hc hcmc ol Browns originul uriclc:
I um lur lcss ccruin hun I oncc wusnow ovcr wcny ycurs
ugowhcn I lirs wroc on Thc Risc und luncion ol hc Holy
Mun, us o how cxucly o li hc holy mun ino hc widcr picurc
ol hc rcligious world ol luc uniquiy.
Brown gocs on o cxpluin
hu hc vicw cxprcsscd in hc originul uriclc wus oo limicd, oo
much inllucnccd, pcrhups, by hc vivid (u word uscd wicc on his
pugc us wcll us in hc pussugc quocd ubovc) Lives ol individuul
holy mcn, usuully wricn by hcir disciplcs, ulcr hcir dcuh. A
hickcr concx is nccdcd, in hc Cccrziun scnsc. Thc scopc is
broudcr now; lor cxumplc, i cmbruccs holy womcn, und sprcuds
ovcr hc wholc gcogruphy ol hc Mcdicrruncun. Thcn Brown
rcurns o hc Livcs; i is hcsc cxs which lor hcir own purposcs
prcscncd hc holy mun in u puronugc rolc, in whu Brown now
crms u curclully ccnsorcd lunguugc ol clcun puronugc.
rolc ol hugiogruphy wus, i now sccms o him, o bring ordcr o u
supcrnuurul world sho hrough wih ucuc umbiguiy, churuccr-
izcd by unccruiny us o hc mcuning ol so muny munilcsuions ol
hc holy, und us u rcsul, inhubicd by rcligious cnrcprcncurs ol ull
I is u rccogniion ol hc gup bcwccn hc nurruivcs und
whu rcully muy huvc huppcncd, hc lucr now morc clusivc hun
cvcr. Thc holy mun is sill incrsiiul,
bu hc hus now bccomc lcss
z Averil Cameron
AS, jo.
Ibid., j.
Ibid., jq.
Ibid., 0.
Ibid., 0.
Ibid., ,o.
u puron hun u luciliuor,
und his crriory lcss hu ol sociul dil-
lcrcncc bcwccn own und counry hun hu ol hc imuginuivc
lundscupc ol hc spiri. Ambiguous himscll, hc is wcll pluccd o
chunncl hc unccruinics ol ohcrs. Hc hus ulso bccomc lcss pow-
crlul. In imcs ol ucuc crisis, Chrisiun cxplunuory syscms col-
lupscd likc u housc ol curds . . . Thc inllucncc ol Chrisiun holy
pcrsons wus cxrcmcly limicd, in whu hud rcmuincd, o un ovcr-
whclming cxcn, u supcrnuurul subsiscncc cconomy, uccus-
omcd o hundling lilcs doubs und curcs uccording o morc
old-lushioncd und low-kcy mchods.
Rcud in conjuncion wih Browns curlicr wriings, no lcus
Holy Mun, hc lus pugcs ol Authority and the Sacred urc cxrcmcly
incrcsing. Brown is lcss surc now ubou Chrisiunizuion iscll:
indccd, munkind hud lupscd ino u pcrpcuul wiligh, ulmos rcm-
inisccn ol hc supcrsiious world cvokcd by Rumsuy MucMullcn.
Thc conlidcn nurruivcs ol Chrisiun hugiogruphy wcrc lur lrom
clling hc wholc sory ol luc uniquc rcligion (p. ,j). Ncvcrhclcss,
i is now u ncw imuginuivc modcl ol hc world hu is in poin, und
holy mcn wcrc cvcn morc likcly o bc cllccivc in luciliuing hc
ucquisiion ol his lor ohcr pcoplc hun in lullilling hc rolc ol sociul
puron ussigncd o hcm in Browns originul uriclc (p. ,). Thcy urc
now sccn us cusing hc pussugc o hc unccruin world ol hc luurc,
in which pruycrs wcrc u rcul ncccssiy, und whosc sur is pluccd
hcrc, us in The Body and Society, u somc imc in hc lilh ccnury.
I huvc dwcl so lur on hc ulcrlilc ol hc Holy Mun in Browns
own work, which is luscinuing cnough. Sincc hc Holy Mun, wc
cun pcrhups suy hu hc horizon hus cxpundcd lor him und hc
mucriul comc o sccm morc complcx, hc unswcrs lcss surc. Only u
hisory ol luc uniquiy on u lurgc sculc would givc us Browns linul
buluncing ol hc lucors givcn dillcring umouns ol cmphusis in his
vurious wriings. The Rise of Western Christendom is no on hu
sculc; is swccp is widcr sill, bu hc cllcc ol hu, ogchcr wih hc
books brcviy, is o udd cvcn morc o hc mix. Now, howcvcr, I
wun o urn o un uspcc ol hc ulcrlilc ol hc Holy Mun which
Pccr Brown himscll hus no dirccly cxplorcd, hough indccd
Authority and the Sacred shows him o huvc bccomc incrcusingly
uwurc ol hc rups luid by hc uncicn nurruivcs.
On defining the holy man
Ibid., 0.
Ibid., ,z.
Ibid., ,1; cl. c.g. R. MucMullcn, Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth
Centuries (Ncw Huvcn, Conn., 1qq,), ch. .
Browns originul uriclc proposcd u modcl lor undcrsunding hc
rolc ol hc holy mun. Bu i wus u modcl lor our undcrsunding ol
hc phcnomcnu. I did no uddrcss hc cxcn o which hc phc-
nomcnu hcmsclvcs (rccordcd in hc Livcs und ohcr sorics ol holy
mcn) urc modcls consruccd by hc wricrs. Brown did no ry o
unulysc or dclinc whu consiucs u holy mun, or, o pu i dillcr-
cnly, how u holy mun is consruccd in hc sourccs. Sill lcss did hc
uddrcss hc qucsion ol how much hc holy mun und hc usccic
huvc in common: urc ull usccics holy, lor cxumplc. Is usccicism u
ncccssury quulilicuion lor holincss. How do hc nurruivcs dillcr-
cniuc bcwccn hc wo conccps. Yc sincc 1q,1 hcsc qucsions
huvc inrigucd hosc who huvc wricn on hc subjcc us much us
hc sociul issucs surrounding hc luc uniquc holy mun. I would likc
o locus on hrcc puriculurly promincn hcmcs: lirs, hc nuurc ol
usccicism iscll, sccond, mimesis, in hc scnsc in which usccics und
holy mcn urc hcmsclvcs modcls, und hird, hc Livcs ol holy mcn
und hcir rcluion o biogruphy in gcncrul in hc pcriod.
lirs, hcn, usccicism. This hus uruccd hc ucnions ol muny
rcccn scholurs, including somc lrom disciplincs quic ohcr hun
hu ol hc hisory ol luc uniquiy or curly Chrisiuniy. Onc cun
poin lirs o hc wo collccions cdicd by Vinccn Wimbush in
1qqo und 1qq0, which givc u vcry good inroducion o hc muny
dillcrcn ypcs ol usccicism, und hcir cross-culurul implicuions.
Ccollrcy Hurphums The Ascetic Imperative in Culture and Criticism
(1q,) und ldih Wyschogrods Saints and Postmodernism (1qqo)
broudcn hc opic ino rculms ol ucshcics, moruls, und licrury cri-
icism. In hinking ubou usccicism, i sccms o mc hu wc urc con-
lroncd wih u unglc ol problcms which muy or muy no bc
conncccd, und hu wc nccd o sur il possiblc by scpuruing ou
somc ol hc srunds. Asccicism (askesis, disciplinc) cun pcrhups bcs
bc dclincd us u crm uscd ol u spccilic sc ol uiudcs und pruciccs.
Thcsc involvc hc choicc ol disciplinc us u wuy o viruc, puriy, und
cnlighcnmcn. Such u cus ol mind bccumc morc und morc impor-
un in Chrisiun uniquiy. Sincc i muinly involvcd individuuls, i
ullcccd hcir own livcs und hc rolc modcls hcy ollcrcd o ohcrs;
i ulso ullcccd how hcy wcrc dcpiccd in licruurc (und lucr, in
ur). I is clcurly closcly rclucd o hc monusic movcmcn und o
Averil Cameron
V. L. Wimbush (cd.), Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity (Minncupolis,
1qqo), und Asceticism. Two spcciul issucs ol hc journul Semeia (vols. j, und j, boh
1qqz) ulso conuin somc incrcsing conribuions.
ypcs ol monusicism, ulhough us Pccr Brown shows in The Body
and Society usccicism wus wcll csublishcd bclorc monusicism
bcgun. Bu usccicism is no only Chrisiun. I muy ulso spring lrom
u Pluonic scpuruion ol soul und body und i is inhcrcn in clussi-
cul Crcck hough, lor insuncc in Pyhugorcun prcccps. I ulso lcu-
urcs in pugun livcs ol holy mcn in hc Chrisiun pcriodhus hc
wriings ol Porphyry, his Lives ol Ploinus und Pyhugorus, his Letter
to Marcella und ohcrs.
Wc migh hcrclorc suspcc hu uscc-
icisms roos urc csscniully Pluonizing, und hu is uppcuruncc
umong curly Chrisiuns is conncccd wih u Hcllcnizing cndcncy.
This howcvcr is ulogchcr oo simplc, lor curly Chrisiuns hud ohcr
modcls oo, hc umrun communiy und hc lsscncs umong hcm.
Asccicism ulso sccms o bc u lundumcnul rcligious phcnomcnon,
shurcd by ohcr rcligions und culurcs, including Hinduism und
Buddhism, us somc ol hc pupcrs in hc Wimbush und Vulunusis
collccion indicuc.
Thc lirs und lundumcnul qucsion, hcn, is hu poscd in The
Body and Society: in whu spccilic wuys did curly Chrisiuns rcluc o
his busic rcligious phcnomcnon, und why did hcy ukc i up wih
such prolound conscqucnccs. Browns book conlincs iscll o scxuul
rcnunciuion, wihou considcring in dcuil is rcluion o ohcr
lorms ol usccicism, ulhough hc widcr phcnomcnon hus occupicd
ohcr scholurs including hosc who huvc conribucd o hc rcccn
und lurgc licruurc on hc body.
Thc compurison bcwccn pugun
und Chrisiun usccics und holy mcn hus ulso bccn u mujor hcmc.
Incrcsingly, hc sociul cxplunuion ollcrcd by Browns Holy Mun
is no o hc lorc hcrc; ruhcr, hc compurison is on hc licrury or
On defining the holy man j
Scc BS, 1o l.; scc ulso Iamblichus: On the Pythagorean Life, r. C. Clurk,
Trunslucd Tcxs lor Hisoriuns, Crcck scr. (Livcrpool, 1qq); }. Dillon, Rcjccing
hc body, rclining hc body: somc rcmurks on hc dcvclopmcn ol Pluonis uscci-
cism, in Asceticism, o,.
Rcccn cxumplcs: C. Clurk, Thc Brigh lronicr ol lricndship: Augusinc
und hc Chrisiun Body us lronicr, in R. W. Muhiscn und H. S. Sivun (cds.), Shifting
Frontiers in Late Antiquity (Aldcrsho, 1qq0), z1,zq; A. Rousscllc, Body Poliics in
Ancicn Romc, in P. Puncl (cd.), A History of Women in the West I: From Ancient
Goddesses to Christian Saints (Cumbridgc, Muss., 1qqz), zq0,; P. Cox Millcr,
Thc Bluzing Body: Asccic Dcsirc in }cromcs Lccr o lusochium, JECS 1
(1qq), z1j; idcm, Dcscr Asccicism und hc Body lrom Nowhcrc , ibid., z
(1qq), 1,j; C. Wulkcr Bynum, The Resurrection of the Body in Western
Christianity, (Ncw York, 1qqj); D. Monscrru (cd.), Changing Bodies,
Changing Meanings. Studies on the Human Body in Antiquity (London, 1qq). Noc ulso
hc rcccn conlcrcncc cnilcd After the Body, which wus orgunizcd by lluinc Cruhum
und Kuc Coopcr, u hc Lnivcrsiy ol Munchcscr.
idcologicul lcvcl. Ol coursc, Pccr Brown himscll is wcll uwurc ol, lor
cxumplc, philosophicul or Munichucun usccicism,
bu hcsc cuscs
scrvc o vury hc ulrcudy dcnsc cxurc ol his wriing ruhcr hun o
concxuulizc Chrisiun prucicc. I would suggcs in conrus hu
cxploring hc connccion bcwccn hc broudcr issucs ol usccicism
und hc conccp ol hc Chrisiun holy mun is onc ol hc morc ncc-
cssury dcsidcruu suggcscd by hc rcccpion ol hc originul uriclc.
I is ulso dcsirublc o curry lurhcr Browns cxploruion ol hc likc-
ncsscs und dillcrcnccs bcwccn lus und Wcs, und hc vuricics ol
holy mcn in hc lucr Byzuninc lus, lor ulhough Brown is indccd
scnsiivc o Byzunium, hc did no ukc his puriculur opic lurhcr
in hu dirccion, uny morc hun did Robcr Murkus in The End of
Ancient Christianity (1qqo).
Thc cllcc ol hc inllucncc cxcrcd by loucuul und ohcr hco-
riss during hcsc ycurs is un incrcsing qucsion.
Ccruinly scxu-
uliy und ubsincncc huvc bccomc mujor opics. So hus hc body,
boh us symbol und us rculiy. lquully, onc cun poin o qucsions
ol pcrsonhood und hc dcvclopmcn ol hc conccp ol hc individ-
I would huvc o bc udmicd, I hink, hu during hc pus
gcncruion hc socio-unhropologicul upprouch ol hc Holy Mun
hus yicldcd in hc work ol vcry muny scholurs ol rcligion in luc
uniquiy o u morc srucurul und licrury unulysis; sociul powcr is
sccn o rcs, us indccd Pccr Brown himscll sccs in Authority and the
Sacred, on u widcr ncxus hun luncionulism iscll would ullow. Bu
Brown himscll hus uvoidcd hc dcconsrucivc urn cvcn in is
mildcr lorms.
As wc huvc sccn, Authority and the Sacred qucsions whchcr hc
Livcs ol holy mcn, hc usccic surs, do in luc prcscn us wih hc
ncurul hisoricul duu which hcy uppcur o convcy. Wihou
dcvuluing hc csscniul cdioriul und criicul work ol rudiionul
scholurs ol hugiogruphy such us hc Bollundiss, whom Pccr Brown
0 Averil Cameron
lor hc lucr, scc BS, 1q, ll.
Somc connccions bcwccn loucuul und Brown urc cxplorcd in Avcril
Cumcron, Rcdruwing hc Mup: lurly Chrisiun Tcrriory ulcr loucuul, JRS ,0
(1q0), z00,1. Thc mos rclcvun volumc ol loucuuls History of Sexuality, r.
R. Hurlcy, vols. (Ncw York, 1q,0), is Le souci de soi, which lirs uppcurcd in
1q, sincc whcn hcrc hus dcvclopcd u lurgc licruurc by loucuuls udmircrs und
dcrucors, on which scc hc inroducion o S. Coldhill, Foucaults Virginity: Ancient
Erotic Fiction and the History of Sexuality (Cumbridgc, 1qqj).
Cl. C. Misch, A History of Autobiography in Antiquity, r. l. W. Dickcs, z vols.
(London, 1qjo).
pruiscs u hc bcginning ol his Holy Mun uriclc, onc ol hc mos
noiccublc dcvclopmcns in his gcncruions scholurship hus bccn
dircccd o his vcry issuc, und o hc nurruologicul und licrury-
criicul unulysis ol hc vurious ypcs ol hc hugiogruphic gcnrcs.
Hcrc I will pick ou only wo ol hc issucs. lirs, lollowing Pccr
Browns rcmurks in Authority and the Sacred, hc cxcn o which hc
Livcs which urc rccordcd in hc curly Chrisiun pcriod urc hcmsclvcs
modcl livcs, porruyuls ol hcroic individuuls who urc curclully prc-
scncd o ohcrs lor hcir imiuion.
This is spccuculurly hc cusc
wih Anony us rcporcd in hc Life of Antony, und ol hc lmpcror
Consuninc in luscbiuss Life of Constantine.
I is ruc ol hc Cospcl
nurruivcs; und i is cquully ruc ol hc livcs ol sugcs und holy mcn
which muy or muy no bc hc prooypcs lor Chrisiun suins livcs,
lor cxumplc hc Lilc ol Apollonius ol Tyunu by Philosruus, which
luscbius kncw wcll, und hc Livcs ol Ploinus und Pyhugorus by
lquully, i upplics o curlicr cxs such us hc upocryphul
Acs ol hc Aposlcs, lor insuncc hc nurruivc ol Thcclu in hc Acs
ol Puul und Thcclu, und hc rclucd pscudo-Clcmcninc Recogniti-
Thosc who hcurd or rcud hcsc cxs rcud hcm in his wuy
hcmsclvcs. Thc holy mun is indccd un cxcmplur, o usc Pccr
Browns own crm, no only in his ucions bu ulso lor hc mind und
hc imuginuion ol ohcrs hrough hc sorics hu grcw up ubou
him. Hc nccds un uudicncc; doing good by sculh wus no cnough
in iscll, und muny hugiogruphic ulcs urn prcciscly on rccogniion
und rcvcluion. Thc wriing ol u Lilc rccognizcs his cxplicily by
muking his dccds known o hc world, und o poscriy.
On defining the holy man ,
On his, scc Avcril Cumcron, Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The
Development of Christian Discourse, Suhcr Clussicul Lccurcs jj (Bcrkclcy und Los
Angclcs, 1qq1), chs. z und ; Browns cmphusis on imiuion in lxcmplur locuscs
ruhcr on hc holy muns repraesentatio Christi.
Scc Avcril Cumcron, lorm und Mcuning: hc Vita Constantini und hc Vita
Antonii, in P. Rousscuu und T. Hugg (cds.), Greek Biography and Panegyrics in Late
Antiquity (lorhcoming).
On hc gcncrul opic, und on spccilic cxumplcs, scc M. }. ldwurds und S. Swuin
(cds.), Portraits: Biographical Representation in the Greek and Latin Literature of the
Roman Empire (Oxlord, 1qq,).
Scc, lor cxumplc, Cumcron, Rhetoric of Empire, ch. ; }. Pcrkins, The Suffering
Self: Pain and Narrative Representation in the Early Christian Era (London, 1qqj);
C. Andcrson, Sage, Saint and Sophist: Holy Men and their Associates in the Early Roman
Empire (London, 1qq); }. R. Morgun und R. Soncmun (cds.), Greek Fiction: The
Greek Novel in Context (London, 1qq). On ucs, scc R. Morlcy, The Idea of Universal
History: From Hellenistic Philosophy to Early Christian Historiography (Lcwison, NY,
Thc Livcs urc scll-consciously wricn: hcy mukc lrcqucn rclcr-
cncc o uudicnccs, o hc projcccd rcudcrship, o hc rcusons lor
wriing. Thcy urc no works ol inrospccion. Nor urc hcy biogru-
phics in our prcscn scnsc ol hc crm. Thcy cll ol hc grcu or
hcroic dccds ol hcir hcro, und li hcm ino rccognizublc cucgorics.
In uddiion, hc Livcs urc closcly rclucd o rhcoricul encomia, u
gcnrc in which ull uncicn schoolboys wcrc wcll ruincd und which
cnjoycd u rcncwcd imporuncc in hc urbun culurc ol hc cmpirc.
In origin, hcsc Livcs, including hc Chrisiun oncs, urc implicucd
in hc licrury hisory ol hc Sccond Sophisic, hough i rcmuins o
bc clurilicd cxucly in whu munncr. Thcy ulso huvc un incllccuul
und u rhcoricul concx: hc curly subjccs urc olcn sugcs or
philosophcrs; lormul dcbuc, in which hc hcro riumphs ovcr lulsc
philosophcrs us S Puul did ovcr Simon Mugus, is u common lcu-
hc hcro muy bc picd uguins worldly wisdom, bu his skill
wih words prcvuils. All ol his is uppurcn cvcn in hc Life of Antony,
by common conscn hc lirs rcul suins lilc, whcrc Anony is
dcscribcd dcbuing wih Crcck philosophcrs.
lvcn hc ucion ol
hc Livcs cxprcsscs hcsc idcologicul conlronuions bcwccn ruc
und lulsc knowlcdgc und bcwccn own und counry. Anony gocs
ino hc dcscr, bu ncvcr loscs conuc ulogchcr wih hc ousidc;
his grcucs gcsurc is o go himscll o lucc hc crowds in
Alcxundriu, jus us hc grcu sylic suins somcimcs comc down
lrom hcir columns in ordcr o givc udvicc o hc powcrlul. Thc holy
mun ulks o visiors, or givcs udvicc by ohcr mcuns. Hc nccds un
uudicncc, whchcr i is hc uudicncc bcsowcd by hc cxs hcm-
sclvcs, or hu cncouncrcd during hc occusionul public uppcur-
unccs which lcuurc so olcn in hc Livcs. linully, hc Livcs ulso
huvc o do wih uccouns ol muryrs, hough i is oo simplc o sup-
posc, us hus olcn bccn hough, hu hcy urc hcir dircc rcplucc-
mcn. I is no surprisc hu luscbiuss Ecclesiastical History, which
scs ou hc cxcmplury dcuhs ol muryrs, ulso providcs u proo-
suins lilc, hc lilc ol Origcn in book 0. lurly Chrisiun muryrdom,
oo, dcmundcd un uudicncc; is hullmurk wus public show.
Averil Cameron
Scc M. ldwurds, Simon Mugus, hc bud Sumuriun, in ldwurds und Swuin
(cds.), Portraits, 0qq1.
VAnt., ,zo (pp. zoo).
On his und on hc connccion ol muryr uccouns wih hc licrury producion
ol sccond-ccnury Asiu Minor, scc C. W. Bowcrsock, Martyrdom and Rome
(Cumbridgc, 1qqj), csp. ch. ; ulso Pcrkins, The Suffering Self, pussim.
luc uniquc Livcs, hcn, urc no modcrn biogruphics, bu cxcmplurs
ol viruc und hcroism. Thcrc is no psychologicul luscinuion wih
hc individuul, und lilc ucmp o dclincuc churuccr. As u rulc,
only hosc uspccs ol hc hcros privuc lilc urc rccouncd hu huvc
u bcuring on hc nurruivc, or which li hc prcconccivcd cucgorics
ol hcroicizuion.
Thcsc rcmurks lcud us o my linul sccion, und hcrc wc cun
rcurn o Pccr Brown. Scholurs huvc wondcrcd whchcr hcrc wus
in luc u growing incrcs in biogruphy in curly Chrisiuniy und luc
uniquiy, going hund in hund wih u ncw scnsc ol pcrsonhood und
hc individuul. Augusincs Confessions, which Brown cxpoundcd so
scnsiivcly in Augustine of Hippo, hus olcn bccn cicd us un cxumplc
ol u rcul spiriuul uuobiogruphy, uppurcnly hc lirs such o bc
wricn in uniquiy. Bu ohcrs cmphusizc hc ruhlcssncss wih
which Augusinc conccnrucs on u limicd rungc ol hcmcs, mos
ol ull his own diuloguc wih Cod, which mukcs hc puzzling lus
hrcc books cxplicublc il sccn us pur ol u long und coninuous
scqucncc ol hough.
Much is lcl ou hu would huvc bccn
includcd in u modcrn biogruphy. A modcrn work whosc uuhor no
doub hud Augusinc in mind is Curdinul Ncwmuns Apologia
(1,j), yc his is un uuscrc work in which viruully nohing is
suid ol Ncwmuns pcrsonul or privuc lilc, only ubou his spiriuul
dcvclopmcn. His muny surviving lccrs show hu i givcs u vcry
incomplcc picurc ol Ncwmun us u mun, or cvcn ol hc cvcns ol
his lilc. Thc sumc is ruc ol Augusincs Confessions.
Pccr Brown lcn himscll o hc cncrprisc ol cxploring hc his-
ory ol hc individuul in luc uniquiy whcn hc ugrccd o ukc pur
in hc lrcnch cncrprisc ol wriing ubou privuc lilc in hc curly
Chrisiun und luc uniquc pcriods. Bu problcms rcmuin, no lcus
hc looscncss ol hc crm privuc lilc. Is i ubou hc ordinury
dcuils ol living, housing, domcsic cquipmcn, ucnsils, und so on.
This is indccd pur ol whu hc conribuors o hc Arics-Duby vol-
umc wric ubou. Is i ubou incrior consciousncss. Bu hcrc is lilc
dircc cvidcncc o usc hcrc. Or wus i in luc sccn by hc cdior und
puricipuns in u morc limicd wuy, in crms ol scxuul uiudcs.
On defining the holy man q
Scc C. Clurk, Augustine: The Confessions (Cumbridgc, 1qq), und cl. Brown, St
Augustine of Hippo (London, 1q0,), 10,: Thc Confessions urc u muscrpiccc ol sricly
incllccuul uuobiogruphy. Augusinc communicucs such u scnsc ol incnsc pcr-
sonul involvcmcn in hc idcus hc is hundling, hu wc urc mudc o lorgc hu i is
un cxccpionully dillicul book.
loucuul himscll wroc ol hc scll in hc concx prcciscly ol u his-
ory ol scxuuliy, und so csscniully did Brown, whilc Puul Vcyncs
own inllucniul, il now somcwhu conrovcrsiul, pupcr ol 1q, wus
locuscd on murriugc.
In prucicc hc consruins imposcd on
ucmps o wric ubou privuc lcclings, cmoions, or scxuuliy in
luc uniquiy whcn so muny ol hc cxs hcmsclvcs urc so highly
urlul und scll-conscious rcndcr hcsc projccs pcrilous lrom hc
sur. Among hc licrury cxs, collccions ol lccrs urc pcrhups hc
mos promising mucriul, cxccp hu hcsc oo urc dccply condi-
ioncd by rhcoricul ropcs; ccruinly hc muss ol licruurc ubou
hc dcscr luhcrs on which Brown purly druws in hc Holy Mun
is so sho hrough und hrough wih idcologicul, romunic, und li-
crury hcmcs hu wc mus scriously qucsion is purposc bclorc
muking uny ucmp o usc i sruigh.
I is u rcmurkublc lcuurc ol hc pcriod hu individuul womcn
should ulso huvc bccomc hc subjccs ol Livcs. Arnuldo
Momigliunos pupcr on hc Life of Macrina by Crcgory ol Nyssu
rcminds us hu i wus somching rcmurkublc hu un cducucd
bishop lrom hc uppcr cluss chosc o wric ubou his siscr u ull.
Thcrc wcrc soon ohcrs, likc hc Life of Melania, und muny morc.
Crcgory ol Nuziunzus wroc ubou his mohcr, und un uuobio-
gruphicul pocm ubou himscll. Pcrhups mos lumous ol ull urc
Augusincs words ubou his mohcr, Monicu, in hc Confessions.
Somc ol hcsc cxs bcur hc murk ol rcul lccling, und hc phcnom-
cnon mus surcly bc sccn us conncccd wih Chrisiunizuion, und
wih hc consrucion ol hc pcrson. Bu womcn ulso lcuurcd in hc
pugun usccic wriings, lor cxumplc, hc wivcs und lcmulc rcluivcs
ol philosophcrs likc Porphyrys wilc Murccllu who lorm u rivul opic
ol ucnion o hc Chrisiun oncs, und whosc sorics, likc hcirs,
o Averil Cameron
Lu lumillc c lumour sous lc huu cmpirc romuin, Annales, (1q,), j0.
Scc Avcril Cumcron, Dcscr Mohcrs: Womcn Asccics in lurly Chrisiun
lgyp, in l. Puick und P. B. Clurkc (cds.), Women as Teachers and Disciples in
Traditional and New Religions (Lcwison, 1qq), 11z.
Thc Lilc ol S. Mucrinu by Crcgory ol Nyssu, in }. Obcr und }. W. ludic (cds.),
The Craft of the Ancient Historian (Lunhum, Md., 1qj), j.
Including sriking, il somcimcs licionulizcd, cxumplcs lrom umong hc Syriun
mucriul on which Brown drcw in hc Holy Mun: cl. Thcodorc, HR (onc ol Browns
cxs), und S. Brock und S. A. Hurvcy, Holy Women of the Syrian Orient (Bcrkclcy und
Los Angclcs, 1q,). On Mcluniu, scc l. A. Clurk, The Life of Melania the Younger:
Introduction, Translation and Commentary (Ncw York, 1q).
Cl. Augustine of Hippo, zq: lcw mohcrs cun survivc bcing prcscncd o us
cxclusivcly in crms ol whu hcy huvc comc o mcun o hcir sons, much lcss o u
son us complicucd us Augusinc.
cxcmplily hc incllccuul concx ol his uppurcnly pcrsonul licr-
uurc. Yc whilc somc rcul und indccd lorcclul womcn bccomc
highly visiblc in luc uniquiy (onc hinks ol Olympius, hc lldcr
und hc Youngcr Mcluniu, }cromcs lcmulc lricnds, und cvcn hc
myscrious lgcriu), hc ground is olcn unsulc. Dcspic hc luc hu
Pulludiuss Lausiac History hus u wholc sccion on holy womcn, in
hc Sayings und Lives of the Desert Fathers, lor cvcry lcmulc dcscr
mohcr, likc Synclcicu (who is, incidcnully, ulmos cnircly u
mouhpiccc lor philosophicul suyings),
hcrc urc dozcns ol gcndcr-
bound dcscr luhcrs. Thc rclormcd prosiucs und lullcn womcn
who lcuurc in hc curly Byzuninc cxs, likc Pclugiu, or Mury ol
lgyp, urc ulmos cnircly rhcoricul consrucions composcd ol
clichcs ol hc gcndcr discoursc which is u ccnrul phcnomcnon in
luc uniquiy.
Thcclu hcrscll, onc ol hc mujor lcmulc rolc mod-
cls lor rcul womcn in luc uniquiy, is ulcr ull u wholly licionul
churuccr. Thc rcul womun ol curly Chrisiun und luc uniquc
cxs is u prcy clusivc crcuurc. Shc is cvcn morc consruccd
hun hc mcn.
lor luc uniquiy, u lcus, hc locus hus movcd lrom hc unhro-
pologicul upprouch ol hc Holy Mun o hc sudy ol discoursc. I
myscll huvc bccn inrigucd by hc qucsion ol whchcr hc usccic
urgc could ulso bc sccn by hc hisoriun o cxcnd o culurc und
socicy u lurgc.
This is hc prcmisc ol Hurphums book, und i is
ussumcd in imporun, hough uncxpluincd wuys by Brown und
Murkus, by hc lucr in hc urgumcn ol his book The End of Ancient
Christianity, und by Brown in hc concluding pugcs ol The Body and
Society und Authority and the Sacred. Yc i is u vcry lurgc ussump-
ion. lor insuncc, i bcgs hc qucsion ol how lur hc usccicism wc
scc in hc cxs ol luc uniquiy rcully did opcruc in socicy u lurgc.
Migh i no bc primurily u cxuul mucr, incrnul o wriing. As I
huvc suggcscd, hc proccss ol Chrisiunizuion is onc ol Browns
On defining the holy man 1
Thc lilh-ccnury Vita S. Syncleticae (BHG 10q) uribucd o Ahunusius is
runslucd by l. A. Cusclli in Wimbush (cd.), Ascetic Behavior, z0j11.
Scc c.g. Avcril Cumcron, lurly Chrisiuniy und hc Discoursc ol lcmulc
Dcsirc, in L. }. Archcr, S. lischlcr, und M. Wykc (cds.), Women in Ancient Societies:
An Illusion of the Night (London, 1qq), 1jz0; in gcncrul, C. Clurk, Women in Late
Antiquity: Pagan and Christian Lifestyles (Oxlord, 1qq).
l. A. Clurk, Idcology, Hisory und hc Consrucion ol Womun in Luc
Ancicn Chrisiuniy, JECS z (1qq), 1jj; K. Coopcr, The Virgin and the Bride:
Idealized Womanhood in Late Antiquity (Cumbridgc, Muss., 1qq0).
Avcril Cumcron, Asccic Closurc und hc lnd ol Aniquiy, in Asceticism,
muin hcmcs. Yc dccrmining hc murkcrs ol Chrisiunizuion in
luc uniquiy is u vcry dillicul mucr. Much ol hc disugrccmcn
bcwccn hosc who huvc wricn ubou i rcccnly is no u rcul dis-
ugrccmcn u ull;
i uriscs lrom hc luc hu hc scholurs in qucs-
ion urc using dillcrcn murkcrs, dillcrcn diugnosic ools. This is us
ruc lor judgcmcns on hc lourh ccnury us i is lor lucr pcriods.
According o Brown und Murkus, usccicism brough u kind ol
closing-in ol socicy, u nurrowing ol possibiliics, u shrinkugc ol
horizons. This closurc is idcnilicd wih u Chrisiun socicy, bu in
hc rclcvun pussugcs, boh wric primurily ol hc Wcs.
This is
somching o rcmcmbcr.
In my own pupcr, us in hc lus chupcr ol my book,
I wus
incrcscd in urguing lor hc scudy dcvclopmcn ol u Chrisiun
uuhoriuriun discourscrulc-boundund I suw usccicism und is
rhcoricul cxprcssion us conribuing owurds hu. In hc pupcr I
wus incrcscd in upplying his o Byzunium, boh bccuusc I wus
dissuislicd wih Brown und Murkuss luilurc o dcul wih hc
luscrn lmpirc, or ruhcr, wih hc ussumpion on Browns pur
hu cvcryhing hud ulrcudy closcd in, und bccuusc I wus ulso
hinking ubou hc qucsion ol hcrcsy und hcrcsiology in hc curly
Byzuninc pcriod, lor Byzunium is ccruinly murkcd in vurious
sugcs ol is hisory by u srong scnsc ol dclcnding orhodoxy uguins
Thcrc is u dungcr in hcsc urgumcns. I is hu ol going ulong
unwiingly wih hc scrcoypc ol Byzunium us un unchunging,
hcocruic, und closcd socicy. Thu is u vicw uguins which I huvc
urgucd, und which hus bccn chullcngcd by ohcr scholurs, hough
i is sill vcry pcrsiscn.
Bu I sill bclicvc hu Byzuniniss, likc
scholurs ol curly Chrisiuniy und luc uniquiy, should bc rying o
undcrsund discoursc, hc rhcoricul srucgics which combinc o
producc scs ol idcus und prucicc, which in urn dccrminc hc
nuurc ol culurc. This is hc clcmcn which I lind mos wuning in
z Averil Cameron
lor cxumplc, R. MucMullcn, Whu Dillcrcncc did Chrisiuniy Mukc., Historia,
j (1q0), zz, surs lrom u complccly dillcrcn idcu ol whu consiucs
Chrisiuniy hun, suy, T. D. Burncs, Suisics und hc Convcrsion ol hc Romun
Arisocrucy, JRS j (1qqj), 1j,.
Scc Murkus, End, ch. 1, Wihin Sigh ol hc lnd; cl. ibid., zzj, rclcrring o
cpiscmologicul cxcision.
Rhetoric of Empire, ch. 0.
Avcril Cumcron, The Use and Abuse of Byzantium, Inuugurul Lccurc, Kings
Collcgc London, 1qqz; A. Kuzhdun und C. Consublc, People and Power in Byzantium:
An Introduction to Modern Byzantine Studies (Wushingon, DC, 1qz).
hc ohcrwisc cnormously simuluing work ol Pccr Brown.
Rcccnly I huvc bccn rying o usc hc insighs lrom sociology ol
knowlcdgc o undcrsund hc ohcrwisc vcry dillicul subjcc ol hc
Byzuninc Durk Agcs, u pcriod lrom which (conrury o common
vicws) hcrc is u vcry lurgc umoun ol surviving licruurc, cvcn il
i is ruc hu i is u ypc ol licruurc which is usuully wricn oll us
hcologicul, und scrcoypcd hcology u hu. Bu hu is quic
unohcr sory. Mcunwhilc whu is rclcvun now is o ry o undcr-
sund o whu cxcn hc uppurcn locus on hc pcrson in hc curly
Chrisiun pcriod is ucuully u mucr ol cxs, und why hcy lcud in
such u dirccion. I would likc o suggcs hu somc ol hc conribu-
ions o hc collccions cdicd by Vinccn Wimbush, und o hc wo
Semeia volumcs, mukc his poin vcry clcurly.
A linul qucsion, hcn: in whu wuy should wc now upprouch hc
issuc ol hc holy mun. As rcligious hisory, us sociul unhropology,
or us u licrury projcc. Arc hcy incompuiblc. Bu il no, cun hcy
ucuully bc scpurucd, und should hcy bc.
On defining the holy man

Asccics us mcdiuors und us cuchcrs

PlTlR Browns Holy Mun hus provcd u rcmurkubly durublc piccc
ol work. I is sill rclcrrcd o consunly, mos olcn us u wholc, us
hc cxposiion ol un urgumcn or hcory: his puriculur judgcmcns
rcccivc lcss dircc ucnion. Thc signicuncc ol hc uriclc is wolold.
I sc u dcbuc in ruin: i sood u or ncur hc bcginning ol u ncw
upprouch o hc hisory ol rcligion (ncw ulso, u hc imc, o Brown
himscll ). I hus subscqucnly ukcn on u lilc ol is own: lor u long
proccss ol incrvcning criicism hus brough i now ino hc hunds
ol u hird gcncruion ol rcudcrs.
I do no incnd o subjcc hc cssuy o picccmcul scruiny. I huvc
ulrcudy commcncd clscwhcrc on Browns usc ol Thcodorc ol
Cyrrhus (d. c. ).
Thcodorc wus u bishop, incn upon dclcnd-
ing his own uuhoriy und hu ol his cpiscopul collcugucs. Thcrc urc
(in Browns scnsc ol hc word) vcry lcw purons in his Historia
religiosa. Brown uscd hc crm puron in ordcr o idcnily hc holy
muns luncion. Hc urgucd hu unyoncs chuncc ol bccoming
whu hc cullcd u hingc-mun
dcpcndcd on hc cxcn o which
ohcr pcoplc in hc disric hud cihcr wihdruwn lrom or bccn dis-
pluccd lrom u puronul rolc. Thu wihdruwul or displuccmcn,
which docs sccm o huvc occurrcd, rccccd broudcr sociul und
poliicul dcvclopmcns hu Brown, hcrc u lcus, wus prcpurcd o
ukc lor gruncd.
His own usc ol hc crm puronugc wus cxcndcd
P. Rousscuu, lcccnrics und Cocnobics in hc Luc Romun lus, in Lyndu
Curlund (cd.), Conformity and Non-Conformity in Byzantium Byzantinische
Forschungen, z (Amscrdum, 1qq,), jjo.
Holy Mun, 11.
lor hc incxorublc dril ol hc clic, in hc lus cspcciully, uwuy lrom locul prc-
occupuion und ino hc scrvicc ol hc cmpirc, scc, in uddiion o ohcr cssuys in hc
collccion, P. Hcuhcr, Ncw Mcn lor Ncw Consunincs. Crcuing un Impcriul llic
in hc luscrn Mcdicrruncun, in P. Mugdulino (cd.), New Constantines: The Rhythm
of Imperial Renewal in Byzantium, thth Centuries (Aldcrsho, 1qq), 11.
Brown mudc commcns on hc issuc in Syriu.
o includc uny urbicr, uny srungcrs or ousidcrs, hc hculing ol
divisions, hc culming ol unxicics, hc scling ol lurgc-sculc polii-
cul dispucs. Bu hc did no ulwuys providc un cxplici uccoun ol
cihcr hc disincions or hc connccions involvcd.
Dilculy is cuuscd ulso by hc wuy in which Brown ussociucd
dillcrcn urcus ol hc Mcdicrruncunsuggcsing wihou lurhcr
inquiry hu holy mun wus u univcrsul ypc. Onc nccds o ukc
noc ol boh hc dillcrcnccs und hc similuriics bcwccn, suy, Syriu
und lgypgcogruphicul, o sur wih.
Il wc look u u widc body
ol cvidcncchc licruurc conncccd wih hc lgypiun pionccr
Puchomius (d. ), hc Apophthegmata patrum or suyings ol hc
dcscr luhcrs, hc wriings ol }cromc in hc lourh und curly lh
ccnurics, und ol }ohn ol lphcsus und Cyril ol Scyhopolis in hc
sixhwc nd hu hosc rcgurdcd us holy mcn in lgyp, lor cxum-
plc, olcn livcd in populous communiics, closc o villugc lilc; somc
Syriun dcvoccs, on hc ohcr hund, could bc looloosc und rcmoc.
Il onc wishcd o urguc hu purons wcrc normully ol hc lucr
sorsrungcrs in Browns scnschcn onc would nccd o
dcmonsruc hu usccics who livcd in monuscrics, lor cxumplc,
luilcd o cxcrcisc hu luncion. I sccms, ruhcr, hu holy mcn
incruccd wih socicy in boh provinccs, bu dillcrcnlyu possi-
biliy hu Brown did no cxplorc wih vigour. His disincion
bcwccn bcing unihcicul und bcing murginul o villugc lilc is
no shurp cnough o bc hclplul. Oncc hc bcgins o mukc cvcn
broudcr compurisons, somc odd conruss cmcrgcus, lor cxumplc,
bcwccn hc luscrn und Wcscrn lmpircs: In wcscrn luropc, hc
circlc ol spiriuul powcr wus druwn lrom u singlc locus. Thc clcrgy
sood unchullcngcd, undcr hc uwcsomc shudows ol hc long-dcud
hcrocs ol hc luih.
Such u judgcmcn luils bclorc u closc rcuding
ol Crcgory ol Tours or ol Crcgory hc Crcus Dialogues. lvcn whcn
wc rccognizc hu boh mcn wcrc bishops, i is clcur hu hcy luccd
oo muny chullcngcrs lor comlor.
Thcsc urc imporun dilculics; bu morc lundumcnul problcms
urc cuuscd by hc wuy Brown hundlcd cxs gcncrully. Hc criicizcd
0 Philip Rousseau
Disincivc in Syriu; bu . . . no cxclusivcly Syriun (Holy Mun, 1zq) is lcss
hun horough. In hc lucr Syriu, locul cvidcncc is sill vcry looscly ussociucd wih
dcvclopmcns in lgyp und in hc luscrn Mcdicrruncun gcncrully.
Holy Mun, 1q. Hcrc wc scc lucr work unicipucd: RSS, CS, und PP.
I dclcnd hcsc judgcmcns u grcucr lcngh in my Monusicism, in Avcril
Cumcron, B. Wurd-Pcrkins, und M. Whiby (cds.), The Cambridge Ancient History, 1
(Cumbridgc, lorhcoming), ch. z0.
hisoriuns who cndcd o srcss hc spccuculur occusions on which
hc holy mun incrvcncd o lighcn hc lo ol hc humblc und
bu hu wus in somc wuys whu hc himscll procccdcd
o do. No only did hc ussumc, gcncrully, hu hc holy mun hud u
luncion (which, lrom un unhropologicul poin ol vicw, is u prob-
lcmuicully loudcd word), bu hc usscrcd hu bchind hc spccuc-
ulur occusions, hc drumuic incrvcnions, us hc wcn on o cull
hcm, hcrc rcully did lic hurd, unobrusivc (und so, lor us, purly
obscurc) work umong hosc who nccdcd consun und unspccucu-
lur minisruions.
Il wc look rs und morc closcly u his crm
luncion, wc obscrvc Browns wish o unulysc his imugc us u
produc ol hc socicy uround hc holy mun.
Such conjuncion ol
crminology mukcs lor somc complcxiy: hc luncion is now un
imugc; hc imugc is u produc; und hc produc springs, us i wcrc,
no lrom hc holy mun himscll bu lrom hosc uround him. Hc is
sough ou, mudc usc ol, dcncd in ohcrs crms; rcmovcd lrom hc
hisoriuns cyc by un unusuully cxcndcd scrics ol incrvcning umbi-
ions und cchniqucs. As lor u dcclurcd bclicl in hc unspccuculur,
Brown quickly rcurncd o his own morc brighly-li sccnc, wih u
surling mchodologicul usscrion:
In sudying boh hc mos udmircd und hc mos dccscd gurcs in uny
socicy, wc cun scc, us scldom hrough ohcr cvidcncc, hc nuurc ol hc
uvcrugc muns cxpccuions und hopcs lor himscll . . . }us us hc miruclc
dcmonsrucs u hiddcn, inungiblc nuclcus ol powcr, so hc miruclc sory is
olcn no morc hun u poincr o hc muny morc occusions on which hc
holy mun hus ulrcudy uscd his posiion in socicy. Thc miruclc condcnscs
und vuliducs u siuuion buil up by morc discrcc mcuns.
Who, rs ol ull, wus hc uvcrugc mun. Morc problcmuic,
Browns quouions lrom hc cxs uppcur o providc subsuncc o
hc occusions hc mcnions, o hc siuuion. Bu hc circum-
sunccs ol hc ccnrul gurc muy bc u mirugc: hcy hcmsclvcs
uppcur only in hc cxs. Wc comc dungcrously closc o suying hu
u cx is sulcicn wincss o is own buckground.
Holy mun murkcd un imporun momcn in Browns own dcvcl-
opmcn, us wcll us in ours. Alcr his grcu biogruphy Augustine of
Hippo (1q0,) und his rs volumc ol collcccd cssuys Religion and
Society in the Age of St Augustine (1q,,), ncw udvcnurcs wcrc
Ascetics as mediators and as teachers ,
Holy Mun, 1oj.
Ibid., 1oj0.
Ibid., 1o0.
Ibid., 1o0, 1z1z.
cullcd lor. Hcncc hc combinuion ol dccp immcrsion und brilliun
summury in The World of Late Antiquity, whcrc hc holy mun wus
ulso promincn.
Thcsc ncw incrcss und cmphuscs wcrc murkcd
cspcciully by u rclcrcncc o unhropologyu lcuurc hu would do
much o dccrminc hc uxis ol Browns rcscurch lor u long imc.
In hcsc lucr cncrpriscs, i sccms luir o suy, somc ol hc shor-
comings ol Holy Mun wcrc ullowcd o pcrsis.
In The Making of
Late Antiquity, lor cxumplc, hc churuccrisic componcns ol u
work by Brown urc vividly luid ouhc noion ol u shil in hc
locus ol hc holy in chupcr (csscniully, lrom plucc o pcrson); hc
holy muns rolc in hc rcsoluion ol compciivc cnsions in chupcr
; hc dcscripion ol whu wus ulmos u ncw cluss, hc lricnds ol
Cod, in chupcr . All hosc clcmcns would huvc bccn lumiliur o
hosc who ucndcd Browns Oxlord lccurcs in hc s. Chupcr ,
on hc hcrocs ol lgypiun usccicism, Anony und Puchomius, wus
obviously incndcd o bc un cxplunuory or illusruivc climux o hc
urgumcn ol hc book. Hcrc wus hc ncw locus ol hc holy: hc mcdi-
uor, hc rcsolvcr ol dispucs. Thc novcly ol hc uchicvcmcn wus
wholly dcpcndcn, lor Brown, on hc wuy in which holy mcn
inrudcd lrom clscwhcrc. This idcu ol hc inucniul ousidcr hud
gurcd in The World of Late Antiquity und in Browns rcumcn ol
hc srungcr in Thc Holy Mun.
In hc lucr work, hc linkcd i o
u drumuic und rcudily inclligiblc riuul ol sociul discngugcmcn.
Brown hud bcgun o druw morc consciously, u his poin, upon
hc socio-unhropologicul noion ol ccnrc und pcriphcry, lumiliur
in hc work ol Clillord Cccrz und ohcrs, und visibly morc o hc
lorc in Thc Suin us lxcmplur in Luc Aniquiy.
lvcn hcrc,
howcvcr, wc sill nd u bclicl hu onc cun cmbroil hc holy mun
himscll in hc world ol shurcd vulucs in which hc opcrucd, und
uncovcr in hc proccss hc ubiding mcnul srucurcs ol hc
Philip Rousseau
WLA, q011z, quick on hc hccls ol Holy Mun iscll.
In MLA, CS, BS, und now in PP.
Scc my rcvicw ol BS, Thc Dcvclopmcn ol Chrisiuniy in hc Romun World:
lluinc Pugcls und Pccr Brown, Prudentia, zz.z (1qqo), q,o.
WLA, q0 (hc ncw pcoplc), 1o1 (hc monks uc ol displuccmcn ); Holy
Mun, 1o1 (hc holy mun wus dclibcrucly no humun . . . hc srungcr par
excellence, und hc burdcn ol dillicul or ol unpopulur dccisions comcs o rcs on hc
individuul who is hc srungcr).
MLA, ,.
lxcmplur , csp. q, 1. Thc cssuy rcprcscns in pur u dcsirc o rcusscss Holy
Mun, 1o1j. Scc ulso his rclcrcncc, n. qo, o Ruymond vun Dum, Hugiogruphy und
Hisory: Thc Lilc ol Crcgory Thuumuurgus, Classical Antiquity, 1 (1qz), z,zo.
Mcdicrruncun villugcrs.
I is hurd u imcs o undcrsund how
his proximiy ol hc wihdruwn, his usclulncss ol hc disduincd
(my phruscs, no Browns) wus supposcd o work. Brown, in Thc
Suin us lxcmplur, uppculcd o unspokcn bonds ol udmiruion und
lovc, which muy or muy no huvc bccn cvidcn u hc imc.
i migh bc morc rcliublc, cvcn il morc wry, o uppcul o whu Avcril
Cumcron, in u dillcrcn concx, hus cullcd u rhcoric ol purudox.
Chrisiuns wcrc using, shc suggcss, whu onc migh huvc cxpcccd
hcm o rcjcc. In puriculur, hcy brough hc uppurcn simpliciy
ol hc usccic ino linc wih hc umbiions ol hc licruc clic.
similur scnsiiviy o unccruiny, umbiguiy, und purudox, in u
similur cuusc, hus inspircd Robcr Murkuss mos rcccn cxcndcd
sudy ol rcligious chungc in hc pcriod.
Rhcoric wus indccd u ccnrul dcvicc in hc prcscnuion ol holi-
ncss. Whucvcr disuncc lrom socicy hc holy mun muy sccm o
huvc dcsircd or uchicvcd (in ordcr o rc-cngugc wih i on dillcrcn
crms), hu disuncc is locucd in hc cxs, und wus dcsircd or
uchicvcd, hcrclorc, morc by hcir uuhors, pcrhups, hun by hcir
subjccs. I is ulwuys dungcrous o ukc rculiy lor gruncd. Whcn
wc urc ublc o discovcr, in cuuious rcuding, whu sccm o bc gcn-
uincly inudvcrcn rccords ol immcdiuc cxpcricnccno culcu-
lucd, in ohcr words, or burnishcd wih uuhoriul incnwc olcn
huvc rcuson o supposc hu holy mcn sood ou lcss vividly uguins
hc buckground ol hc socicy hcy supposcdly judgcd, inspircd, or
I is no jus u mucr ol idcnilying hc ncccssury
buluncc bcwccn ucccssiblc cxcmplurs und rcmovcd
Ascetics as mediators and as teachers q
lxcmplur, 1z, 1.
Ibid., 1.
Avcril Cumcron, Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The Development of
Christian Discourse, Suhcr Clussicul Lccurcs jj (Bcrkclcy und Los Angclcs, 1qq1),
0,, j, ,, 1z, 1q, und hc bulk ol ch. j (Thc rhcoric ol purudox), 1j.
This wus hc bridgc ol shurcd vulucs hu Brown mcnioncd in lxcmplur, 1,
ucknowlcdging u dcb o Cumcron. Compurc hc nurrow bridgc . . . bcwccn own
und villugc in hc morc puronul unulysis ol Syriu, 1jq.
End, ch. , csp. 0.
In rcluion o Puchomiun, und morc gcncrully lgypiun, cvidcncc, I udmi o
unulogous misukcs: scc }. Cochring, Puchomius Vision ol Hcrcsy: Thc Dcvclopmcn
ol u Puchomiun Trudiion, Muson, qj (1qz), z10z; The Letter of Ammon and
Pachomian Monasticism (Bcrlin, 1qj); und Thc Origins ol Monusicism, in H. W.
Aridgc und C. Huu (cds.), Eusebius, Christianity and Judaism (Lcidcn, 1qqz),
zjjj. Wc rcvcr ulwuys o hc suluury uccoun givcn by l. A. }udgc in Thc
lurlics Lsc ol monachos lor Monk (P. Coll. Youic ,,) und hc Origins ol
Monusicism, Jahrbuch fr Antike und Christentum, zo (1q,,), ,zq.
dccision-mukcrs, us Brown pu i:
wc lucc uguin hc problcm ol
cxuuliy iscll. Huving dcscribcd lor us, in The Making of Late
Antiquity, u dungcr hu wc muy druw hc ncs ol cxplunuion oo
ighly uround hc uvcrugc inhubiun ol hc Romun worldmuy
suddlc u wholc socicy, in ohcr words, wih onc wricrs convcn-
ion or idculBrown wus huppy o locus on u limicd numbcr ol
cxccpionul humun ugcns, us il hc could bc surc hu boh hc lim-
iuion und hc cxccpionuliy wcrc morc hun u wricrs concci.
I wun o urn now o hc morc rcccn Tunncr Lccurcs, Authority
and the Sacred, in puriculur o hc hird onc, Arbicrs ol hc Holy:
hc Chrisiun Holy Mun in Luc Aniquiy.
Wc should ukc scri-
ously Browns udmission hu hc wus ruhcr lcss clcur on hcsc mu-
crs hun hc hud lcl in ; bu old dilculics coninuc o
incrlcrc. Wc lucc uguin hc problcmuic phruscs: uvcrugc Chrisiun
bclicvcrs, und holy pcrsons ol his kind. I is no clcur whchcr
such pcrsons urc hough o lic bchind, or bcyond, or ousidc hc
cxs hcmsclvcs; bu, il hcy do, how cun wc guin ucccss o hcm,
how cun wc disccrn hcir lcuurcs und bchuviour, cxccp on hc
crms dicucd o us by hc uuhors ol hc cxs. Avcrugc Chrisiun
bclicvcrs, wc urc old, would huvc hough ol holy mcn in jus hc
wuy hu hc grund old mun Bursunuphius supposcdly porruycd his
usccic collcugucs in his corrcspondcncc. Thcy urc, us i huppcns,
surprisingly lcw in numbcr: Bursunuphius hud much morc o do
wih luiy und clcrgymcn. Bu hc lccrs, likc ull such collccions,
urc in uny cusc cndcnious, und subjcc o cdioriul und incrprcu-
ivc inucncc. A miruclc-working holy mun wus, uccording o
Brown, surroundcd by u wholc rungc ol lcss clcurly locusscd cxpcc-
uions, und scrvcd us u vuliduor ol pruciccs hu wcrc widc-
sprcud. Thc holy muns uciviics, hough usuully prcscncd, in
rcrospcc, in our sourccs us drumuic und ucrly cxccpionul wcrc,
in rculiy, no morc hun u highly visiblc pcuk in u spiriuul lund-
scupc hu rosc gcnly upwurds lrom hc cxpccuions und uciviics
ol ordinury Chrisiuns in owns und villugcs. I is dilcul o know
how wc migh bc ccruin ol hu. In spic ol hc phrusc in rculiy,
hc spiriuul lundscupc is ulso in hc cx. Indccd, Brown lucr
udmicd hu i wus the function of the literature o mukc hings
sccm lcss complicucd; o bring ordcr o u supcrnuurul world sho
jo Philip Rousseau
lxcmplur, 1.
MLA, , 1z.
lor whu lollows, scc AS, j0q, q1.
hrough wih ucuc umbiguiy. Tcxs urc now bchuving in hc
urgumcn us holy mcn did in is prcvious sugcs. Whcrc urc wc lcl,
hcn, whcn wc rcud hu holy mcn hcmsclvcs wcrc lrcqucnly lcss
idy, in prucicc, in hcir choicc ol cxplunuory syscms hun wcrc
hcir biogruphcrs, in rcrospcc. Whu cvidcncc is bcing uppculcd
o. Whu suddcn criicul sccpicism is bcing cmbruccd.
Sccpicism ol somc sor is unuvoidublc. Any judgcmcn on hc
luncion ol hc holy mun mus ukc ino uccoun hc luncion ol
hc cxs. Succcsslul unulysis dcpcnds on usscssing hc rolc
congurcd, no jus wihin hc unccdoc, bu by hc vcry nuurc ol
hc cx iscll. I muy bc hu u holy mun could huvc u public per-
sona us u couricr und u puron. Wc muy lccl ublc o prcsumc on
un uuhors pur somc pcrsonul cngugcmcn wih u sc ol circum-
sunccs whcrcin u pcrson rccognizcd us holy hud uccd us vulidu-
or or luciliuor (cspcciully luciliuor in hc runsiion lrom
pugunism o Chrisiuniy); hud bccn ublc o ncgoiuc un hon-
ourublc surrcndcr lor hc gods. Wc migh cvcn ugrcc hu u vcry
lurgc pur ol hcir uppcul, us luciliuors ol rcligious chungc, luy in
hc luc hu |holy mcn| wcrc hough o bc ublc o cmbrucc und
vuliduc u widc rungc ol pocniully cxclusivc cxplunuory sys-
Ncvcrhclcss, in uddiion o hc unccruiny ol un uuhors
ucccss o und usc ol sourccs, orul und ohcrwisc, wc huvc o ucccp
hu hc rolc ol hc holy mun wus bcing promocd us much us i wus
rccordcd, wihou ncccssurily u rcliublc buluncc bcing uchicvcd
bcwccn hc wo. Thc dilculy is wcll illusrucd by hc cusc wih
which, in hc pussugc jus quocd, Brown slippcd lrom uppcul |o
whom.| hrough hough |by whom.| o cxplunuory |lor
whom.|. lquully dcccpivc is hc sucmcn hu holy mcn bclongcd
o u cucgory ol pcrsons who wcrc ussumcd, by their supplicants, o
huvc ucccss o knowlcdgc ol hc holy in ull is munilcsuions.
wus hc uuhor who mudc hu ussumpionsuch, u lcus, is ull we
cun ussumc in hc rs insuncc. As Brown himscll udmicd, wc do
no know how cxucly o hc holy mun ino hc widcr picurc ol
hc rcligious world ol luc uniquiy
in ohcr words, how o
hc holy mun as described by the texts ino hc rcligious world ol luc
uniquiy as conceivable on other evidence.
Mos ol our licrury cvidcncc ubou holy mcn comcs lrom cxs
hu wcrc wricn by usccics hcmsclvcs. Thc implicuions huvc
Ascetics as mediators and as teachers j1
AS, 0o, 0j, 0q, ,.
Ibid., 0q (iulics minc).
Ibid., jq.
bccn usscsscd wih grcu usucncss by lvclync Pulugcun
Cilbcr Dugron.
Pulugcun rcmindcd us hu hugiogruphy wus un
clic cncrprisc. Is usc ol disuncing cchniqucswhu shc cullcd
trangetwus dcsigncd o mukc hc dcscr prcscn o hc ciy: lor
hc rcudcrs, purudoxicully, wcrc runsporcd lrom hc ciy o hc
dcscr. Holy mcn wcrc druwn in book lorm ino hc imuginuions ol
hc poliicul cluss. Rcudcrs wcrc hcrcby libcrucd (rcmovcd or dis-
cngugcd, us Brown migh huvc suid), o usscss in suspcndcd run-
quilliy symbols und urchcypcs morc clcurly dcncd uguins u
suvugc world hcy rurcly visicd (supposing i wus indccd uvuilublc
in such u guisc). Thc drumuic holincss ol hc srungcr could hcn
bc supcrimposcd upon morc mundunc und morc immcdiucly ucccs-
siblc cxcmplurs ol dcvoion. Dugron, lor his pur, suggcscd hu
hugiogruphy wus produccd in hc prcscncc ol, indccd bclligcrcnly
in hc lucc ol, u possibly widcsprcud sccpicism ubou hc holincss
ol holy mcn.
In his ligh, luncion bccomcs prcdominunly hc luncion ol
hc genre. Lc us ukc hc puriculur cxumplc ol miruclcsccruinly,
in somc cycs, onc ol hc signs ol sunciy. Thc luc Romun miruclcs
hu wc know ubou occur in books; und hosc books, u lcus lor
hc lcw who originully could rcud hcm, prcscncd miruclcs wih u
spcciul lorcc. Augusinc undcrsood hc issuc wcll: hc criicizcd
uuchmcn o miruclc lor is own sukc, hc crcduliy und luscinu-
ion hu could bc rccccd in nuivc wondcr. Whcn luccd wih u pic-
urc, u sccnc, u sriking cvcnsomching visiblc, in ohcr
wordsonc rcmuincd, hc lcl, no morc hun u spccuor: curiosiy
wus hc only uvuilublc rcucion. Whcn luccd wih hc wricn word,
howcvcr, gcnuinc undcrsunding wus brough ino pluy; und hc
viul skill wus o obscrvc us il onc wcrc rcuding, o cngugc wih hc
jz Philip Rousseau
Ancicnnc hugiogruphic byzuninc c hisoirc sociulc, Annales, z (1q0),
1o0z0; r. }. Hodgkin, Ancicn Byzuninc Hugiogruphy und Sociul Hisory, in S.
Wilson (cd.), Saints and their cults (Cumbridgc, 1q), 1o1z1. Brown mcnioncd
Pulugcun in Holy Mun, n. , no lcus us onc who brough us closcr o hc uvcr-
ugc mun in hc luscrn lmpirc, 1o. Scc ulso nn. 11 und (in rcluion o hcr ohcr
work) j, j1, j0, und .
Lc suin, lc suvun, lusrologuc: ludc dc hcmcs hugiogruphiqucs u ruvcrs
quclqucs rccucils dc ucsions c rcponscs dcs V
sicclcs, in l. Pulugcun und
P. Richc (cds.), Hagiographie, Cultures et Socits

Sicles, ludcs Augusin-
icnncs (Puris, 1q1), 1j0. Thc urgumcn is cchocd in his Lombrc dun douc:
lhugiogruphic cn qucsion, VI


sicclc, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 0 (1qqz),

jq0, und linds lclicious unulogics in V. I. }. llin, The Rise of Magic in Early
Medieval Europe (Princcon, N}, 1qq1).
visiblc us wih u cx. Muny cxs dcmundcd, ol coursc, und hcir
uuhors cxpcccd, u lcvcl ol inquiry no normully dircccd u hc
mcrcly visiblc. Bu pcrsons rcurcd on cxsmcmbcrs prcciscly ol
hc clic hu rcud suins Livcsmigh, us rcudcrs, provc morc
criicul ol whu hcy suw uround hcm.
Whucvcr u supposcdly
churismuic gurc migh huvc suid or donc in hc physicul prcscncc
ol u spccic uudicncc, uny crudic obscrvcr would huvc scnscd hc
limi pluccd on undcrsunding. Whcn i cumc o rcuding, howcvcr,
hc cx crcucd u prcscncc ol is own, wihin which undcrsunding
lound morc scopc. Thc dccds or suyings ol u holy mun bccumc uvuil-
ublc o indcpcndcn und rcicrucd usugc; und i wus wihin hu
lrumcwork hu holincss ucquircd is dcniion und cxcrcd is
inucncc. Brown uppcurs o huvc ucccpcd hu cmphusis in his
Arbicrs lccurc: Thc socicy hu urncd o Chrisiun holy pcrsons
wus morc niggurdly hun our hugiogruphic sourccs migh lcud us,
u rs sigh, o supposc, in luvishing crcduliy upon hcm.
cvidcncc lor bclicl iscll is no, howcvcr, discloscd.
Much ol hc dcbuc ubou holy mcn hus rcvolvcd uround hc
noion ol uuhoriy; uround hc qucsion ol who wus ublc o cluim
lcudcrship und udmiruion in hc luc Romun world. Thu dcbuc
coninucs und, ulhough hc rcsuls huvc no ulwuys bccn cihcr
idy or conclusivc, wc cun usk now whcrc lurhcr hc dcbuc migh
lcud. I um willing, hunks no lcus o Browns inspiruion und guid-
uncc, o locus sill on hc usccic communiyno us il o suggcs
hu ull uuhoriy lcll ino hc usccic lup, bu in hc bclicl hu
usccics bccumc mujor concndcrs lor suus und inucncc in hc
lucr cmpirc. Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity hus brough
bishops us prougoniss ino hc sumc urcnu, uking uccoun ol rcuc-
ions o The Body and Society und rcccing Browns cngugcmcn
wih hc broudcr issuc ol Chrisiunizuion, cvidcn in his splcndid
pupcr, Dullu plcbs Romunu ullu plcbs dci.
Asccics und bish-
ops urc hcrclorc picd morc clcurly uguins cuch ohcr; und cxs
wcrc umong hcir wcupons. My own Ascetics, Authority, and the
Ascetics as mediators and as teachers j
Augusinc, In Iohannis Evangelium, xxiv. z (cd. A. Mcycr, CCSL 0 (1qj),
zj), wih spccilic rclcrcncc o miracula. lor compurublc sccpicism in Cussiun, scc
my Ascetics, Authority, and the Church (Oxlord, 1q,), z1. llin is usuc in hcr
obscrvuions, Rise of Magic, csp. 0,, wih cmphusis on licrury runsmission.
AS, ,.
Dullu plcbs Romunu ullu plcbs dci: uspci dcllu crisiunizzuzionc di Romu,
in P. Brown, L. C. Ruggini, und M. Muzzu (cds.), Governanti e intellettuali: popolo di
Roma e popolo di Dio (IVI secolo) (Turin, 1qz), 1zj.
Church hud lumblcd pur-wuy owurds hu posiion. Thc book,
howcvcr, wus oo Wcscrn, suying lilc, lor cxumplc, ubou Busil or
Chrysosom; und is nul locus on Cussiun wus conlusing, sincc I
luilcd o cxpluin why so uppurcnly rcmoc u gurc could bc hc
chunncl lor such public inucncc. I ussumcd oo rcudily hu hc
impuc ol usccic idculs on cpiscopul prucicc wus bcs dccccd in
souhcrn Cuul, whcrc monks lrom Lcrins in puriculur cupurcd hc
provinccs mos prcsigious sccs.
My ucmps o rcdrcss hc bul-
uncc huvc includcd, I hopc, u morc sophisicucd cuuion in rcgurd
o cxs,
bu huvc movcd mc ulso o ucknowlcdgc u dcgrcc ol inc-
gruion wih socicy hu hc cxs hcmsclvcs wcrc somcimcs
inclincd o disguiscun inclinuion now rcvculcd wih lurhcr lorcc
und cluriy by hc work ol ohcr scholurs.
Yc uuhoriyor u lcus compciion lor uuhoriyshould
rcmuin, I hink, hc locus ol our ucnion. Thc holy mun who
sough suusor u lcus hc holy mun who wus uidcd in hu
cncrprisc by licrury udmircrsrcprcscncd hc holincss hu mos
cndurcd in is inucncc und in hc dcuil ol is dcniion. Thc srug-
glc lor lcudcrship wus, I bclicvc, cngugcd in hroughou hc cmpirc.
Wc nccd o usscss, hcrclorc, hc dcgrcc ol uniy in usccic prucicc
und hcory wihin hc Mcdicrruncun world. I is no cnough, lor
cxumplc, o ukc sylics us purudigms, sincc wc know hu hcy
wcrc scvcrcly limicd in hcir gcogruphicul disribuion. A lcss spcc-
uculur, u morc runsporublc ypc ol usccic hus o bc lound, und
onc who could pcrsiscnly hrcucn ohcr ypcs ol lcudcr. Thc ccn-
rul cxprcssion ol uuhoriy wihin usccic socicy wus hc rcluion-
ship bcwccn muscrs und disciplcs. Thc usccic wus sccn ubovc ull
us u cuchcrhu wus his (or occusionully hcr) luncion. Asccics
did no ubundon or dcsroy rudiionul socicy: hcy mudc hcir
spccic conribuion o u widc dcbucno jus ubou uuhoriy bu
j Philip Rousseau
Scc l. Prinz, Frhes Mnchtum im Frankenreich (Munich, 1q0j), csp. ,,; S.
Pricoco, LIsola dei santi (Romc, 1q,); R. Muhiscn, Ecclesiastical Factionalism and
Religious Controversy in Fifth-Century Gaul (Wushingon, D.C., 1qq); Murkus, End. I
ricd o rcdrcss hc buluncc in my Cussiun: Monuscry und World, in M. luirburn
und W. H. Olivcr (cds.), The Certainty of Doubt: Tributes to Peter Munz (Wcllingon,
1qq0), 0q.
Pachomius: The Making of a Community in Fourth-Century Egypt (Bcrkclcy, CA,
1qj); Basil of Caesarea (Bcrkclcy, CA, 1qq).
lspcciully hu ol }umcs Cochring rclcrrcd o in n. z1 ubovc, o which udd now
his Wihdruwing lrom hc Dcscr: Puchomius und hc Dcvclopmcn ol Villugc
Monusicism in Lppcr lgyp, Harvard Theological Review, q (1qq0), z0,j.
ubou hc uppropriuc mcchunisms ol sociul lormuion und ubou
hosc uspccs ol is own pus hu guvc Chrisiuniy is crcdibiliy in
hc dcbuc.
Brown hus no lollowcd his linc ol hough us much us onc
migh huvc cxpcccd. Hc wroc ol u rcdisribuion und u rcorchcs-
ruion ol componcns hu hud ulrcudy cxiscd lor ccnurics in hc
Mcdicrruncun world. Bu hc shicd uwuy (u lcus in his pussugc,
und cvcn in Power and Persuasion) lrom muking mcchunisms ol
sociul lormuion us lull-bloodcd u componcn ol hc proccss us hcy
dcscrvc o bc.
Rcccn work on usccic womcn hus, umong ohcr
hings, pinpoincd hc houschold us un cnduring milieu wihin
which und ou ol which ncw (Chrisiun und lcmininc) sociul rclu-
ions wcrc ullowcd o dcvclop.
Onc should inquirc in undcm
ubou hc cnduring milieu wihin which und ou ol which ncw
(Chrisiun und musculinc) sociul rcluions wcrc ullowcd o dcvclop.
I bclicvc i wus hc schola, hc world ol hc paidagogoshc ohcr
mujor insrumcn ol sociul lormuion in hc Romun world (disin-
guishcd, hu is, lrom hc domus, hc houschold, hc rculm ol hc
mohcr). Hcrc wus hc milieu hu hc Chrisiun usccic wishcd o
cupurc, o colonizc, o rcdcnc. Onc is hurdly surpriscd u cihcr hc
umbiion or hc succcss, whcn onc obscrvcs how, cvcn in hc scc-
ulur cyc, rigorous moruliy wcn hund in hund wih hc righ o
Onc hus o givc Brown his duc. In u pussugc uckcd uwuy u hc
cnd ol Holy Mun, hc idcnicd u progrummc hu sill hus u luurc,
ulhough onc yc o bc cxplorcd in lullu rcdisribuion und u
rcorchcsruion ol componcns wih u vcngcuncc.
Thcrc wus u long-sunding unccruiny ubou hc rlc ol hc luhcr in prc-
scrving hc rudiions ol socicy. Thc socicy ol hc lmpirc wus ovcrly puri-
Ascetics as mediators and as teachers jj
MLA, . lor lurhcr rcllccions ol my own, scc Cussiun: Monuscry und
World; Chrisiun Culurc und hc Swincs Husks: }cromc, Augusinc, und
Puulinus, in M. Vcsscy und W. l. Klingshirn (cds.), The Limits of Ancient Christianity
(Ann Arbor, lorhcoming); Orhodoxy und hc Cocnobic, in l. A. Livingsonc (cd.),
Studia Patristica, o (Lcuvcn, lorhcoming), zqj0; Anony us Tcuchcr in hc
Crcck Life, in T. Hugg und P. Rousscuu (cds.), Greek Biography and Panegyrics in Late
Antiquity (lorhcoming). In ull hcsc cncrpriscs, I huvc guincd cnormously lrom hc
udvicc und cncourugcmcn ol Kuc Coopcr und Murk Vcsscy.
S. llm, Virgins of God: The Making of Asceticism in Late Antiquity (Oxlord, 1qq);
und, dclibcrucly wihin u broudcr concx, K. Coopcr, The Virgin and the Bride:
Idealized Womanhood in Late Antiquity (Cumbridgc, Muss., 1qq0).
Codex Theodosianus, cd. T. Mommscn, z vols. (Bcrlin, 1qoj), vi. z1. 1; xiii. .
j,; und noc hc unulogucs o usccic sociul srucurcs in xiv. q. .
urchul. Rcspccublc provinciul lumilics likcd o rcgurd hcir mcmbcrs us so
muny uvuurs ol hc virucs ol hcir lorcluhcrs. Yc in rculiy hc luhcr
rcmuincd u disun und uwcsomc gurc compurcd wih hc ruc cducuors.
I wus hc |tropheus| und hc |rhetor|, silcnly bu cllccivcly
rcinlorccd by hc mohcr, who pusscd on hc vulucs ol socicy.
And hc lollows wih his own qucsion:
Did hc dcniivc risc ol hc |pneumatikos pater|, coin-
ciding us i did wih u pcriod whcn cducuion ulonc, us opposcd o lumily
rudiions, purly dccidcd hc rccruimcn ol hc govcrning cluss ol hc
Romun world, rcprcscn hc nul shurpcning ol hc old dilcmmu.
Lc us conccnruc lor hc momcn on hc pussing on ol vulucs.
In The Making of Late Antiquity, Brown prcscncd hc paideia ol
hcsc ruc cducuors no only us u lcuurc ol rudiionul Romun
socicy bu ol curly Chrisiun socicy us wcllcspouscd us lur buck
us }usin Muryr. Whu holy mcn did, uccording o Brown, wus sup-
plun hu inhcricd paideia, no only in is rudiionul bu ulso in is
Chrisiun lorm. Lucr Chrisiun cnhusiuss movcd lrom u world ol
insrucion o u world ol iniiuionun iniiuion conccivcd ol us
producing mcn shorn ol hc complcxiics ol hcir curhly idcniy,
who would uwukcn unulloycd loyuly o u high-pichcd cluss ol
lricnds ol Cod.
Brown wus hinking hcrc ol bupism, und ol ull
hc riuul und symbol-drivcn incorporuion hu owcd lrom i. I
bclicvc, howcvcr, hu sobcr moruliss likc Clcmcn ol Alcxundriu
und Lucunius hud long sc in plucc unohcr ugcndu, cspousing u
lilclong disciplina hu would rcmuin ulivc und wcll in usccic circlcs
lrom hc imc ol lvugrius und Cussiun onwurds. I muy no huvc
bccn u simplc, surk ulcrnuivc o hc culurc ol iniiuion; bu i
muinuincd hc cducuivc vulucs ol un oldcr socicy.
Busil und Augusinc, umong ohcrs, mudc, ol coursc, hcir con-
ribuion o hu dcvclopmcn. I no doub mucrs hu hcy
prcsidcd ovcr iniiuion und ovcr cul gcncrully; hu hcy wcrc bish-
ops. Bu hc dcvoccs whom hcy inspircd und guidcd could no dis-
pcnsc wih hc incnsc disciplinc ol usccic lormuion, uny morc
hun hcy hud dispcnscd wih i hcmsclvcs. Whcn Brown cmbruccs
morc rcudily, in Power and Persuasion, hc noion hu Chrisiun
lcudcrs coninucd o luy cluim o hc rolc ol pcdugoguc, i is chicy
bishops hc now hinks ol. A wild mun ol hc Syriun hillops cun
j0 Philip Rousseau
Holy Mun, 1qjo.
MLA, ,,.
bc prcscncd us un oddiy, cvcn umong hc ncw philosophcrs hu
brough o paideia u hcuvy churgc ol novcl mcuning.
promiscs o dcscribc joinly hc cmcrgcn Chrisiun culurc ol hc
bishops und hc monks, murkcd by u chungc in hcuricul
Bu in hc cnd hc monks, cvcn in hc cxs ol hcir licr-
uc udmircrs, bccomc u wurning signul; hcy brokc hc spcll ol
Thosc poiscd o ukc ovcr hc high ground ol Romun
wcrc no hc rough hcrocs ol hc vitae, bu hc clcricul
und wcll-born pccrs ol hosc who wroc ubou hcm.
An curlicr und simuluing uddiion o hc dcbuc, ucknowlcdgcd
by Brown, wus Riu Lizzis Potere episcopale. Shc shows how, whilc
monks chullcngcd philosophcrs, bishops ulso chullcngcd monks
boh chullcngcs uriculucd in hc prcscncc ol hc pcoplc.
Chullcnging philosophcrs brings o mind lumous incidcns in hc
Life of Antony.
Anony mukcs no upology lor u cluim o insruc,
und in hu scnsc mccs hc philosophcrs on cquul crms. Sumucl
Rubcnsons work on hc Letters ol Anony corroborucs hc imprcs-
sion ol u scll-condcn paidagogos.
Thcrc urc, in hc Life, lcw
signs ol dclcrcncc o ohcrs cluiming such uuhoriy, Chrisiun or
ohcrwisc; bu no bccuusc hc rolc iscll is disduincd. Anony (likc
Puchomius) is no only cuuious in his rcgurd lor hc clcrgy bu ulso
incn upon hc proccion und dcvclopmcn ol u group ol disciplcs.
Hc opcrucs in u scing whcrc scvcrul ypcs ol cuchcr bid lor su-
us. Thcrc is no rcuson why wc should hink ol his us un isolucd
cxumplc ol usccic uspiruion.
Wc comc closc, hcn, o idcnilying our luurc usk. Hcrc is u
sory, I bclicvc, hu cun bc wricn lurgc. Wc urc ulking ubou u
ncw kind ol cuchcr und u ncw kind ol paideia. Thc soil hus bccn
prcpurcd by, umong ohcrs, Avcril Cumcron, Richurd Lim, und
Ascetics as mediators and as teachers j,
PP, .
Ibid., ; und scc 1oj0.
Ibid., ,z; und scc q.
Ibid., ,0.
R. Lizzi, Il potere episcopale nell oriente romano: rappresentazionne ideologica e
realt politica (IVV sec. d. C.) (Romc, 1q,), 101,, z1, o, 0,.
Mcnioncd by Brown, PP, ,1 und ubovc by Avcril Cumcron (scc hcr n. ).
The Letters of St Antony: Monasticism and the Making of a Saint, znd cdn.
(Minncupolis, 1qqj).
Scc luscbiuss uccoun ol villugc cuchcrs in Historia Ecclesiastica, vii. z. 0q
(cd. C. Burdy, Eusbe de Csare: Histoire Ecclsiastique, vol. z, SC 1 (1qjj), zo),
und my Pachomius, jq, 101z. Thc philosophcrs who dispucd wih Anony muy
huvc bccn puguns, bu hcy could cquully huvc bccn Cnosic or Mcliiun or cvcn mur-
ginully orhodox Chrisiuns. Thc issucs urc dcvclopcd lurhcr in my Orhodoxy und
hc Cocnobic und Anony us Tcuchcr.
Robcr Kuscr.
Thc churuccrisics ol hc ncw lormuivc pro-
grummc, us pu ino cllcc by ascetics, wcrc, rs, us rm u dcpcn-
dcncc on hc Biblc us hu ol uny bishop. Wc mukc oo sric u
disincion, in his rcgurd, bcwccn hc cucchcsis ol u spiriuul mus-
cr likc Puchomius und hc homily ol u Busil or un Ambrosc.
Sccond, hcrc wus, wihin hc impurcd mcssugc, u cnsion bcwccn
hc vcricul und hc horizonul, bcwccn hc inspiruionul und hc
inhcricd, bcwccn insigh und cchniquc. This is ukin, bu no idcn-
icul, o Browns usscssmcn in The Making of Late Antiquity, whcrc
hc vcricul imugcry rclcrrcd o closcncss o u hcuvcnly
sourcc ol powcr, whilc horizonul imugcry rclcrrcd o hc ri-
uul ol sociul discngugcmcn (hu is, anachoresis).
Morc upposic
is u compurison wih hc Luin puncgyrics, in which wc nd un
uppcul o conuc wih hc divinc bu ulso, horizonully, wih rudi-
ionwih boh hc rudiionul concn ol culurul lormuion und
hc rudiionul providcrs ol i. Thcrc wus, hird, in hc crms udvo-
cucd by Riu Lizzi, u dcgrcc ol opposiion o hc cpiscopuc und o
hc sucrumcnul cconomy in gcncrul (hc sphcrc, prcciscly, ol ini-
iuion). Thc poin is wcll cxprcsscd by Duvid Brukkc in his book on
Thc conic wus bcwccn wo purics: on hc onc hund, hc cpiscopuc,
which wus ccnrcd uround hc pruciccs ol worship und dcul wih conics
juridicully us qucsions ol udmission o hc cul; on hc ohcr hund, hc
school, which wus ccnrcd uround hc pcrsonuliics ol ousunding cuch-
crs und dcul wih conics scholusicully us qucsions ol incllccuul spcc-
uluion und disugrccmcn.
Onc is lcd o imply ulso, hcrclorc, hu, jus us bishops ullcccd hc
quuliy ol usccicism by giving upprovcd und privilcgcd suus o, lor
cxumplc, vcilcd virgins, so hcy guvc hcir own wis o paideia,
ucmping o cxcludc hc scienter nescius who rccurs morc und
morc in usccic licruurc.
Thc ignoruncc ol such usccics, us is clcur in hc cusc ol Anony,
hus o bc sccn us u oncc un urgumcnuivc ploy und u licrury con-
j Philip Rousseau
Cumcron, Rhetoric of Empire; R. Lim, Public Disputation, Power, and Social Order
in Late Antiquity (Bcrkclcy, CA, 1qqj); R. A. Kuscr, Guardians of Language: The
Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity (Bcrkclcy, CA, 1q).
MLA, 0,.
Athanasius and the Politics of Asceticism (Oxlord, 1qqj), jq. Scc ulso L. C.
Ruggini, Impcruori romuni c uomini divini (IVI sccolo d. C) in Governanti e intel-
lettuali, z, conccrning hc grundczzu dcll uomo di dio sopru i vcscovi piu cclcbrui.
cci. Thc ugcndu lor scholurs now, us lor Chrisiuns hcn, is o dis-
inguish udcquucly bcwccn hc cpiscopul progrummc ol homily
und sucrumcn und hc usccic progrummc ol wisdom, diuloguc, und
morul cllor. Thcir concurrcn rivulry would huvc bccn rcudily rcc-
ognizublc o uny pugun. Thu suggcss hu hc luncions wcrc old:
i wus hc guisc, hc opporuniy, hc cmphusis hu chungcd.
Ascetics as mediators and as teachers jq
Thc longcr-crm concx is morc spccilicully illusrucd by }. Huhn, Der
Philosoph und die Gesellschaft: Selbstverstndnis, offentliches Auftreten und populre
Erwartungen in der hhen Kaiserzeit (Sugur, 1qq); und L. Ncymcyr, Die
christlichen Lehrer im zweiten Jahrhundert: ihre Lehrttigkeit, ihr Selbstverstndnis und
ihre Geschichte (Lcidcn, 1qq).
Thc cul ol suins in luscrn Chriscndom

lor ncx o Cod, you urc my sulvuion:

rcllccions on hc risc ol hc holy mun in
luc uniquiy
T uriclc is un cxpcrimcn. I uims o proposc u ncw vicw ol holy
mcn in luc uniquiy und hcir licrury dcscripions in hc sourccs.
Hugiogruphy is no u gcnrc, I shull proposc. Thc prcdominun
ucnion o suins Livcs und ohcr licrury works wricn ulcr hcir
dcuh hus colourcd our undcrsunding ol hc rolc ol hc holy mun
wihin his sociul concx. A ncw cxplunuion ol hc luncion ol hc
holy mun cun bc uchicvcd by hc sudy ol non-licrury documcns
produccd during hcir lilcimc. I will cxuminc hc lccrs uddrcsscd
o or wricn by holy mcn in hc lourh und sixh ccnurics which
rcvcul hcm in hc rolcs ol incrccssor und spiriuul luhcr ol u
pruycr communiy. In conclusion, I shull urguc hu hc rcluion
bcwccn spiriuul lcudcrs und hcir lollowcrs spills ovcr o hc cx-
uul lcvcl in hc prclcrcncc givcn o spccilic lorms ol hugiogruphicul
Holy mcn cmcrgcd lrom hc cnd ol hc hird ccnury, in hc
concx ol hc growing monusic movcmcn in lgyp, Pulcsinc,
und Syriu. Mcn und womcn scurching lor spiriuul pcrlccion
ubundoncd hcir normul lilc o pursuc u rcgimcn ol rcnunciuion,
usccicism, pruycr, und concmpluion. Thcir concmporury
This uriclc would no huvc bccn wricn il no lor hc congcniul surroundings ol
hc Insiuc lor Advunccd Sudy in Princcon whcrc I hud hc good lorunc o spcnd
hc ycur ol 1qq,. I would no huvc bccn conccivcd hud no Richurd Mowrcr
dircccd my ucnion o hc imporuncc ol incrccssory pruycr in u scminur pupcr
cnilcd Mcdicus c Puronus. Thc lxpunsion ol Incrccssory luncions in Luc
Aniquiy which hc subscqucnly prcscncd u hc lirs LCLA Cruduuc Sudcns
Conlcrcncc in Luc Aniquiy, 1 Muy 1qq0. And i would no uppcur in is prcscn
lorm il I hud no bcnclicd lrom hc udvicc, sylisic und ohcrwisc, ol }oshuu Lundis.
Lus bu no lcus, I um cspcciully gruclul o Pccr Brown, Clcn Bowcrsock, und
Crucmc Clurk lor hcir incisivc commcns on hc lirs drul ol his uriclc.
udmircrs sough o rccord hc dccds ol hcsc uhlccs ol Chris. In
doing so, hcy lcl us u rich body ol cxs hu cmploy u grcu vuri-
cy ol licrury lorms. lvidcncc lor his divcrsiy urc hc uphorisms
ol lgypiun hcrmis usscmblcd in hc Sayings of the Desert Fathers;
lvugrius Ponicus Praktikos, u how-o guidc by u promincn
pruciioncr ol hc concmpluivc lilc; hc unccdocs in hc Spiritual
Meadow, collcccd by }ohn Moschus und Sophronius in hc coursc
ol hcir cxcndcd visis o hc holy mcn und womcn ol lgyp,
Pulcsinc, und Syriu; und hc biogruphicul collccions ol sclcccd
highlighs in hc lilc ol holy mcn und womcn in Thcodorcs
History of the Monks of Syria. Thc mos dcuilcd cxs urc hc lull-
lcngh biogruphics or Vitae in which hc hugiogruphcr prcscns hc
scqucncc ol cvcns in hc lilc ol u holy mun lrom his birh o his
dcuh, hc pionccring cxumplc bcing hc Life of Anthony. In con-
rus o hc biogruphicul dcscripions ol living holy mcn, hc sub-
jcc ol u Vita is dcud, his sunciy dcmonsrucd ovcr hc complcc
coursc ol his lilc und provcd by poshumous miruclcs. Though ull
hcsc dillcrcn works urc convcnionully lubcllcd hugiogruphy, or
subsumcd undcr hc gcnrc ol hugiogruphy, i is morc uccuruc o
cull hcm monusic licruurc. Mos ol hc mcn und womcn
dcscribcd in hcsc works wcrc mcrcly usccics who uruccd
numcrous udmircrs und lollowcrs. Thcy olcn did no work miru-
clcs, hc conditio sine qua non ol suinhood.
Scholurs huvc cndcd o dcvoc mos ucnion o suins Livcs
und, us u conscqucncc, huvc posicd hc cxiscncc ol u gcnrc ol
hugiogruphy dcspic hc vuricy ol luc uniquc licrury lormus in
which hc vurious uspccs ol hc qucs ol pious mcn und womcn lor
hc holy lilc urc rclucd. Thc lubcl mislcuds sincc i prcsupposcs hu
hugiogruphicul wriing lollows u spccilic sc ol rulcs, such us ypi-
cully dclincd hc composiion ol puriculur gcnrcs in clussicul und
luc uniquiy. lor cxumplc, Mcnundcr Rhcor providcd u sc ol
guidclincs lor hc composiion ol puncgyricul spccchcs which prc-
scribcd whu subjcc mucriul wus uppropriuc, how i wus o bc
urrungcd, und in whu sylc i wus o bc prcscncd. Aspiring rhcori-
ciuns uscd hcsc rulcs us hc sock-in-rudc ol hcir ruining. No
such guidclincs wcrc cvcr lormulucd lor wriing ubou suins. In
luc, i is hc subjcc mucr ulonc hu dclincs whu wc cull hugiog-
ruphy, und no hc munncr ol is licrury rcprcscnuion which
could ukc u vuricy ol licrury lormsmos promincnly, hc Vita,
hc miraculum, or, us wc shull scc bclow, hc lccr. In hc sriccr
0 Claudia Rapp
scnsc, hugiogruphy is no u gcnrc.
Sill, i did huvc convcnions
such us sock phruscs und ol-rcpcucd miruclc soricshu dcvcl-
opcd ovcr imc, us morc und morc cxs wcrc uddcd o hc corpus
ol suins Livcs, cuch coninuing und olcn subly munipuluing hc
csublishcd rudiion ol hugiogruphicul wriing.
Thc prcvuiling ucnion o suins Livcs hus skcwcd our undcr-
sunding ol hc incrucion bcwccn holy mcn und hcir lollowcrs.
Thc purposc ol u suins Lilc is o glorily u puriculur individuul by
cluiming his suus us u suin. Thcrc is no bccr wuy o cxul hc rc-
puuion ol u holy mun hun by u livcly rccouning ol his miruclcs.
Such sorics ullirm hu hc suin cnjoycd u spcciul Cod-givcn grucc
ulrcudy during his lilcimc; ulso, hcy unnouncc hu his grucc is
uvuilublc o hosc who urn o him in pruycr cvcn ulcr his dcuh und
cspcciully o hosc who scck him ou u his shrinc. Thc Life of Symeon
the Stylite, lor cxumplc, rclishcs hc dcscripion ol hc hundrcds ol
mcn und womcn, Chrisiun und non-Chrisiun, who llockcd o hc
suins column lrom hc lour corncrs ol hc world in hc hopc ol huv-
ing hcir uilmcns hculcd, hcir povcry ullcviucd, or hcir ruvuils
cuscd. Miruclcs und hc miruculous dominuc hc biogruphics ol
suins und shupc our pcrccpion ol hc incrucion bcwccn suins und
hcir lollowcrs, suggcsing hu i wus hc gruclul uduluion ol hcir
bcncliciurics hu urncd hc holy mun ino u cul ligurc. This modcl
dclincs hc miruclc us primury commodiy which hc holy mun dis-
pcnscs o ohcrs. Thcy bccomc his clicns und hcir loyuly und dcvo-
ion hcn ruisc his suus o hu ol rccognizcd suinhood. Thcy
dcpcnd on him us u patronus und un urbicr. This is hc modcl pu
lorwurd by Pccr Brown in his scminul uriclc on Thc Risc und
luncion ol hc Holy Mun in Luc Aniquiy. I brokc ncw ground by
plucing his phcnomcnon in hc concx ol sociul und cconomic con-
diions in lourh- und lilh-ccnury Syriu. lor hc purposc ol hc prc-
scn urgumcn, i is worh noing hu his uriclc rclics hcuvily on
biogruphicul sourccs, cspcciully hc Life of Symeon the Stylite und hc
History of the Monks of Syria by Thcodorc ol Cyrrhus.
For next to God, you are my salvation 0j
This much wus ulrcudy cmphusizcd by M. vun Lylunghc, Hciligcnvcrchrung,
in T. Kluuscr et al. (cd.), Reallexikon fr Antike und Christentum (Sugur, 1qjo),
xiv, 1jo, und idcm, Lhugiogruphic: un gcnrc chrcicn ou uniquc urdil., AB
111 (1qq), 1j.
Brown, Holy Mun. In his uriclc, Pccr Brown ulso shows his uwurcncss ol
wo ol hc sourccs hu lorm hc buckbonc ol my sudy, hc Puphnuius pupyri (scc
ibid., z n. 1,) und hc corrcspondcncc ol Bursunuphius und }ohn which wus jus
hcn bcing publishcd (ibid., q n. zzq).
Pccr Brown hus coninucd o rcvisc his modcl ol hc incrucion
bcwccn hc holy mun und his lollowcrshc murk ol u ruc scholur.
In scvcrul works sincc 1q, hc hus dcvclopcd hc noion ol hc holy
mun us cxcmplur: us u rolc modcl whosc own spiriuul pcrlccion
is rcllcccd in his cxccpionul pcrsonul conduc. Hc urucs no so
much u clicnclc, bu disciplcs und udmircrs who wish o imiuc und
cmuluc him. His rolc is hus compurublc o hu ol hc luc uniquc
philosophcr. Thc lormuluion ol his modcl druws hcuvily on uddi-
ionul cvidcncc lrom philosophicul und hcologicul rcuiscs.
rcccnly, Pccr Brown hus inroduccd hc conccp ol hc urbicr ol hc
holy who combincs hc sociul rolc ol hc patronus wih hc propucdcu-
ic rolc ol hc cxcmplur, bu whosc rcuch cxcnds bcyond u mcrcly
Chrisiun lollowing. As u mcdiuor ol hc divinc, hc rcprcscns
Chrisiuniy in is mos pulpublc lorm o u locul populuion hu is sill
lurgcly pugun und hus puvcs hc wuy lor hc Chrisiunizuion ol hc
lucr Romun lmpirc. In his sudy, Brown mudc usc ol u vus numbcr
ol hisoricul, hugiogruphicul, und rcligious sourccsincluding hc
Letters of Barsanuphius and John which will conccrn us uguin hcrc.
I shull proposc u lurhcr modcl, hu ol hc holy mun us incr-
ccssor. Ruhcr hun rcplucing hc wo muin Browniun modcls ol hc
holy mun us patronus und cxcmplur, his modcl incrsccs wih
hcm. Thc powcr ol hc holy mun us incrccssor dcpcnds on hc pcr-
ccivcd cllicucy ol his pruycr. His pruycrs urc mosly lor hc gcncrul
wcll-bcing ol hosc who urc in conuc wih him und rurcly producc
miruculous hculings. Thc pruycrs ol hc holy mun us incrccssor urc
hus broudcr in scopc hun hc pruycrs ol hc holy mun us patronus
which rcsul in spccuculur miruclcs ol hculing, ol luminc-rclicl or
ol sociul rcsoruion. Il u holy muns pruycrs urc hcurd, his signuls
divinc upprovul ol his qucs lor spiriuul pcrlccion. His conduc
invics udmiruion und cmuluion, und in his rcgurd hc modcl ol
hc holy mun us incrccssor ovcrlups wih hu ol hc holy mun us
cxcmplur. Yc, hc lollowcr ol hc holy mun us incrccssor is dillcr-
cn lrom hc clicn who dcpcnds on hc holy mun us patronus or hc
disciplc who cmulucs hc holy mun us cxcmplur. Thc suin us incr-
ccssor is u hc ccnrc ol u pruycr communiy ol mcn und womcn
who rcpuy his luvour by ollcring pruycrs on his bchull. Thc sociul
ics wihin his group urc conccpuulizcd in crms ol kinshiphc
communiy consiuing, us i wcrc, u spiriuul lumily.
00 Claudia Rapp
Brown, lxcmplur.
Brown, AS, 0o ll.
This is, in u nushcll, hc modcl I proposc in hc lollowing. I is
lormulucd by dclibcrucly uvoiding hugiogruphicul sourccs, con-
ccnruing inscud on hc corrcspondcncc ol living holy mcn. I will
considcr u numbcr ol pupyrus lccrs lrom lgyp lrom hc mid-
lourh und hc luc sixh ccnurics und hc cxcnsivc lccr collcc-
ion ol hc sixh-ccnury hcrmis Bursunuphius und }ohn ol Cuzu.
Rcvculing hc dircc und lurgcly unudulcrucd voicc ol hc holy
mcn und hcir corrcspondcns, hcsc lccrs providc u corrccivc o
hc licrury crcuions ol hugiogruphcrs. Thcy rcmind us hu hc
duy-o-duy incrucions bcwccn hc holy mun und his lollowcrs
wcrc ccnrcd on pruycr und no hc morc spccuculur miruclcs hu
wcrc so urlully dcpiccd by lucr hugiogruphcrs.
This cxclusivc locus on cpisologruphy is ulso insrucivc us un
cxcrcisc in hisoricul mchodology. Dillcrcn kinds ol sourcc mucri-
uls producc vcry dillcrcn imprcssions. Thc grcucr hc rungc ol
sourccs cmploycd, hc morc comprchcnsivc und uccuruc wc cun
hopc our rcconsrucions ol hc pus o bc. }umcs Cochring hus
udvocucd hc sudy ol pupyri us u corrccivc lor hc big bung
hcory ol monusic origins gcncrucd by hc licrury works ol luc
uniquc uuhors.
In much hc sumc wuy, hc lccr collccions
providc un ulcrnuivc vicw o hc picurc ol hc suin hu is prop-
ugucd in hc hugiogruphicul licruurc.
Puphnuius wus un lgypiun in hc mid-lourh ccnury, known o us
by hc cigh surviving lccrs uddrcsscd o him by such vuricd corrcs-
pondcns us hc luywomun Vulcriu, hc Prclcc ol Augusumnicu,
Ausonius, und pcrhups hc Puriurch Ahunusius.
Puphnuius wus
linkcd o his corrcspondcns hrough hc lorcc ol pruycr. Mos lccrs
For next to God, you are my salvation 0,
C. l. Cochring, Thc Origins ol Monusicism, in H. W. Aridgc und C. Huu
(cds.), Eusebius, Christianity and Judaism (Lcidcn, 1qqz), zjjj, u zj. lor his
udvocucy ol hc imporuncc ol non-licrury sourccs, scc ulso idcm, Through u Cluss
Durkly: Divcrsc Imugcs ol hc Apotaktikoi(ai) ol lurly lgypiun Monusicism, Semeia,
j (1qqz), zjj.
ld. und r. H. I. Bcll, Jews and Christians in Egypt (London, 1qz), nos. 1qzq
(pp. 1oozo, und cicd hcrculcr us P}cws). To his group should pcrhups bc uddcd
hc lccr by }usinus o Puphnuius, cd. A. Dcissmunn, Die Septuaginta-Papyri und
andere altchristliche Texte der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung (Hcidclbcrg, 1qoj),
no. 0 (cicd hcrculcr us PHcid I (1qoj)), und ulso rcproduccd in M. Nuldini, Il
Cristianesimo in Egitto: Lettere private nei papiri dei secoli IIIV (llorcncc, 1q0), no.
1 (hcrculcr Nuldini). lor Vulcriu, scc P}cws, 1qz0; lor Ausonius, P}cws, 1qz,
wih Bcll, p. 1oo; und lor Ahunusius, P}cws, 1qzq, wih Bcll, pp. 11j1.
includc u gcncrul und lormuluic rcqucs lor Puphnuius pruycrsu
rcqucs common in luc uniquc cpisologruphy.
In u lcw lccrs, hc
corrcspondcns volunccr hcir own pruycrs lor Puphnuius hculh in
hc hopc hu his longcviy will bc o hcir bcncli.
Thc olliciul
Ausonius, lor cxumplc, wrics: Muy Cod prcscrvc you in hculh und
in pruycr on our bchull, bclovcd luhcr.
Morc signilicun hun hcsc
rcqucss lor pruycr in gcncrul urc hosc lor Puphnuius incrccssion
on bchull ol hc sins ol his corrcspondcns. Ammonius wrics: I
ulwuys know hu by your holy pruycrs I shull bc suvcd lrom cvcry
cmpuion ol hc Dcvil und lrom cvcry conrivuncc ol mcn, und now
I bcg you o rcmcmbcr mc in your holy pruycrs; lor ulcr Cod you
urc my sulvuion.
Somc corrcspondcns rcqucs Puphnuius
pruycr o obuin hculing lrom un illncss und u hc sumc imc cxprcss
hcir luih in hc cllicucy ol his pruycrs. Ahunusius, who muy bc
idcnicul wih hc Puriurch ol Alcxundriu, sucs: lor hc pruycrs
which you ollcr urc ukcn on high owing o your holy lovc, und
uccording us you usk in your holy pruycrs so will our suc prospcr.
No mcnion ol miruclcs is mudc in hc lccrs o Puphnuius. Pruycr
is hc gluc which binds hc holy mun o his lollowcrs.
Thc lollowcrs considcrcd hcmsclvcs icd o Puphnuius in wuys
hu mirror kinship rcluions. Alhough hcy usuully uddrcss him us
luhcr or, morc colloquiully, us apa, hc upplicuion ol kinship
crms und hc hicrurchicul rcluions hcy imply shows somc vuriu-
ion. Piunius, lor cxumplc, uddrcsscs his lccr o my bclovcd
brohcr Puphnuius, bu hcn swichcs o Apu Puphnuius und
linully concludcs by culling him my mos dcsircd lord.
lccrs ulso rcvcul hu Puphnuius sccms o huvc nururcd un inncr
circlc ol disciplcs uround him who wcrc considcrcd his brohcrs.
Piunius convcys his grccings o ull hc brchrcn who urc wih your
holincss, whilc Hcruclcidcs dcclurcs hu no brohcr cun suvc him
lrom his currcn ulllicion cxccp Puphnuius.
0 Claudia Rapp
P}cws, 1qzj, 1qz,, 1qzq. On rcqucss lor or ussurunccs ol pruycr us cpis-
ologruphic convcnions, scc H. Koskcnnicmi, Studien zur Geschichte und Phraseologie
des griechischen Briefes bis n. Chr. (Hclsinki, 1qj0), 1, und 1,.
P}cws, 1qz0, 1qzq.
P}cws, 1qz. My runsluion.
P}cws, 1qz. Similurly, P}cws, 1qzj und PHcid I (1qoj), 0 Nuldini, 1.
Lccr by Ahunusius: P}cws, 1qzq. Scc ulso P}cws, 1qz0, 1qz.
P}cws, 1qzj. Compurc hc lccr by }usinus, PHcid I (1qoj), 0 Nuldini, 1.
Dorohcus ol Oxyrhynchus ulso uddrcsscs himus mos vulucd brohcr: P}cws, 1qz,.
Lccr by Piunius: P}cws, 1qzj; lccr by Hcruclcidcs: P}cws, 1qz. Cl. P}cws,
1qz (mcnion ol our brohcr Didymos), P}cws, 1qz,, und PHcid I (1qoj), 0
Nuldini, 1.
Puphnuius rolc us u luhcr und incrccssor wus buscd on his
rcpuuion lor lcuding u pious lilcsylc. Puphnuius pcrsonul con-
duc lcn puriculur lorcc o his pruycrs which wcrc covccd, und
olcn rcciprocucd, by hosc who wcrc in conuc wih him. }usinus
probubly cxprcsscs hc scnimcn ol ull ol Puphnuius childrcn
whcn hc wrics: lor wc bclicvc hu your ciizcnship is in hcuvcn,
und hcrclorc wc rcgurd you us our muscr und common puron.
Vulcriu, who culls hcrscll Puphnuius duughcr, uddrcsscs him us
bcurcr ol Chris und hcn dcclurcs: I rus by your pruycrs o
obuin hculing, lor by usccics und dcvoccs rcvcluions urc muni-
Anohcr corrcspondcn is conlidcn hu hc cun dcpcnd
upon him by rcuson ol your mos glorious und mos rcvcrcd wuy
ol lilc, sincc you rcnounccd hc bousing ol hc world und ubhorrcd
hc urroguncc ol hc vuinglorious. . . . bccuusc Cod in ubundun
mcusurc, i sccms, gruncd you luvour o lind u liing und suluury
rcnunciuion uccordun wih hc imcs.
Rccognizcd by his con-
cmporurics lor his pcrsonul conduc, sough ulcr by his corrc-
spondcns lor his pruycrs, surroundcd by mcn und womcn who
lormcd pur ol his spiriuul lumily, Puphnuius is our lirs cxumplc
ol hc holy mun us incrccssor.
Ncphcros, u monusic lcudcr und prics in hc Hcruklcopolic
nomc ol lgyp, providcs hc sccond cxumplc ol u holy mun who
occupicd u posiion ol luhcrhood u hc ccnrc ol u spiriuul lumily.
Thc Ncphcros urchivc consiss ol lory-wo pupyri, wricn mosly in
Crcck, ulhough somc urc in Copic.
Sixccn ol hcsc pupyri urc
lccrs o Ncphcros in which, likc Puphnuius, hc is uddrcsscd vuri-
ously us luhcr, brohcr, lord, und muscr. Thc lollowcrs ol
Ncphcros includcd muny pious luymcn und luywomcn, mos promi-
ncnly Puulos, hc uuhor ol hc lirs ninc lccrs o hc holy mun,
ulong wih his wilc Tupium und hcir childrcn. This cxcndcd spir-
iuul lumily uuchcd o Ncphcros lormcd somching rcscmbling u
busincss ussociuion, us hc muny uddiionul lccrs hu conuin
rclcrcnccs o join cconomic cncrpriscs ucs. Somc lccrs includc
For next to God, you are my salvation 0q
PHcid I (1qoj), 0 Nuldini 1 (my runsluion). Thc cx is unccruin.
Dcissmunn und Nuldini prclcr hc rcuding

ussuming hu hc cor-
rcc spclling ol is , ncw. In my vicw, hc corrcc spclling (considcrcd
unlikcly by Dcissmunn, p. q) should bc , common, highlighing Puphnuius
rolc wihin his group ol monusics.
P}cws, 1qz0.
P}cws, 1qz,.
Das Archiv des Nepheros und verwandte Texte, cd. B. Krumcr, }. C. Shclon, und
C. M. Brownc (Muinz, 1q,), which cdiion is cicd in whu lollows.
Ncphcros numc ulongsidc ohcr uddrcssccs, whilc ohcrs mukc rcl-
crcncc o hc cxiscncc ol lurhcr brohcrs. Similur o Puphnuius,
Ncphcros mus hus huvc hcld hc posiion ol u luhcr ol monks
undcr whosc guiduncc u looscly conncccd ncwork ol monks livcd
individuully or in groups ol wo or hrcc. This cluscring ol smullcr
groups ol wo or morc individuuls rcprcscns un incrmcdiury lorm
ol monusic urrungcmcn (Zwischenstufe) hu cocxiscd wih
crcmiicism ol hc Anoniun ypc und ccnobiicism uccording o hc
Puchomiun modcl. }cromc und Cussiun invcighcd uguins i, prob-
ubly bccuusc hcy wcrc suspicious ol hc ull-imporun rolc ol hc
spiriuul luhcr in such un ussociuion ol brohcrs.
Thc powcr ol pruycr ligurcs lcss promincnly in hc Ncphcros
pupyri hun in hc lccrs o Puphnuius. Thc pupyri usuully convcy
u mundunc mcssugc rcluing o ruvcl urrungcmcns or hc produc-
ion, runspor, und sulc ol loodsulls und ohcr goods.
Thcy olcn
concludc wih hc promisc ol hc corrcspondcns o pruy lor hc
holy mun und his hculh, bu his is u common grccing lormulu.
Only hrcc lccrs usk Ncphcros o incrccdc lor u spccilic goul. Thc
lirs ol hcsc rclics on his pruycr o ullcviuc un illncss,
hc sccond
usks lor his pruycr lor hc sulc rcurn homc ol hc wricr und his
und hc hird rcqucss his incrccssion o cnsurc hu in
hc cnd wc shull bc rcsorcd o our homc, un obscurc rclcrcncc
cihcr o u concrcc dcsinuion or o hc ccrnul rcsing plucc.
Nonchclcss, Ncphcros mus huvc cnjoycd u rcpuuion us u provcn
workcr ol miruclcs sincc wo ol his corrcspondcns poin ou hc clli-
cucy ol his pruycrs on prcvious occusions.
Bu hc wus no ulwuys
singlcd ou lor his incrccssory powcrs. lour lurhcr lccrs usk no
lor hc pruycrs ol Ncphcros ulonc, bu ulso lor hosc ol hc ohcr
brohcrs uround himu rclcrcncc o hc mcmbcrs ol his widcr
monusic lumily.
Thc spiriuul roos ol Ncphcros posiion urc no
,o Claudia Rapp
Das Archiv des Nepheros und verwandte Texte, cd. B. Krumcr, }. C. Shclon, und
C. M. Brownc (Muinz, 1q,), , 1o und 1qzo. }cromc, Ep. zz. (cd. I. Hilbcrg,
CSEL jj0 (1q1o1), i, 1q0,); Cussiun, Conlationes, xviii..z (cd. M.
Pcschcnig, CSEL 1 (10), joq). Cl. ibid., xviii.,.1, (j110). Cussiun ulso
sccms o huvc bccn roublcd by hc busincss ucumcn ol hcsc smull monusic groups.
Ncphcros, Epp. nos. 1q, 111z.
Ibid., 1, z, , j, ,, q, 1o, 1z, 1.
Ibid., 1.
Ibid., .
Ibid., 1o.
Ibid., 1, uddrcsscd o Ncphcros, Ophcllios und hc ohcrs, cxpluins hu your
|pl.| pruycrs huvc ulrcudy oncc bclorc brough hculing o hc uuhors childrcn. Ep.
1o usscrs: lor I know hu us long us you rcmcmbcr mc in your pruycrs, hc Lord
Cod will no ubundon mc.
Ibid., j, q, 11, 1z.
brough up u ull, cxccp lor u llccing rclcrcncc o his bcing jus
us u guuruncc hu his pruycrs will bc hcurd by Cod.
hc pupyri ol hc Ncphcros urchivc providc lcss insigh ino his spir-
iuul und incrccssory rolc hun hc lccrs o Puphnuius, hcy ollcr
uddiionul cvidcncc lor hc cxiscncc ol looscly srucurcd commu-
niics ol monusic brohcrs und luy pcoplc undcr hc lcudcrship ol
u spiriuul luhcr who wcrc cngugcd in pruying on cuch ohcrs
Anohcr spiriuul lumily wus ccnrcd uround hc hcrmi }ohn.
Hc livcd during hc lourh ccnury in hc rcgion ol Hcrmopolis. Wc
huvc only hrcc lccrs wricn o him, und onc by him.
Thcsc lc-
crs illusruc hc scvcrul rolcs which un apa, u spiriuul luhcr, wus
cxpcccd o pcrlorm. Thc lirs lccr usks }ohn lor ussisuncc in hc
mundunc mucr ol sccuring u rclcusc lrom miliury duy bccuusc ol
hc uuhors disubiliy.
Ol grcucs signilicuncc in illuminuing
}ohns posiion ol spiriuul lcudcrship is hc sccond lccr. I consiss
cnircly ol u rcqucs lor }ohns pruycrs on bchull ol hc uuhor und
his wholc houschold. Thc uuhor culls }ohn u mun ol Cod und
cxprcsscs his hopc hu jus us }ohns pruycrs huvc rclicvcd him in
hc pus ol u grcu burdcncihcr un oncrous lubour or un ill-
hcy will coninuc o do so in hc luurc.
Hc cnds his lc-
cr by convcying his rcgurds o ull hc brchrcn who lubour wih
you, u rclcrcncc o un inncr circlc ol lcllow monusics uround }ohn.
Thc cxiscncc ol such lcllow monusics is conlirmcd by hc hird lc-
cr, wricn by Chuircmon, which combincs u rcqucs lor pruycr
wih grccings o hc bclovcd |brohcrs| und hosc who lovc hc
word ol my Lord Cod in hc luih. This lccr ulso ucss o hc llu-
idiy ol kinship dcsignuions, lor }ohn is uddrcsscd us muscr,
luhcr, und brohcr.
Thc lourh und vcry lrugmcnury lccr is
wricn by }ohn und ohcrs who joinly usk u closc ucquuinuncc o
incrvcnc in u judiciul procccding.
This group ol lccrs shows
}ohn in u similur posiion o Puphnuius und Ncphcros: hc is
surroundcd by un inncr circlc ol monusic brohcrs whilc his
For next to God, you are my salvation ,1
Ibid., 1.
ld. und r. B. R. Rccs, Papyri from Hermopolis (London, 1q0), nos. ,1o (pp.
1zzo, cicd hcrculcr us PHcrm.); ulso rcproduccd in Nuldini, nos. zj.
PHcrm., , Nuldini, z.
lor hc runsluion ol

|| us illncss, scc Nepheros Archiv, zz n. 1.
PHcrm., Nuldini, .
PHcrm., q Nuldini, . Nuldinis puncuuion is lollowcd hcrc.
PHcrm., 1o Nuldini, j.
corrcspondcns urc mcn ol hc world who dcpcnd on him, no
mcrcly lor his incrccssion, bu ulso lor his ussisuncc in mundunc
Thc lourh und lus lgypiun cxumplc urc hc scvcrul hundrcd
pupyri und osruku on limcsonc und pocry shurds lrom hc urn
ol hc scvcnh ccnury which wcrc lound u hc monuscry ol
lpiphunius u Thcbcs.
Thcy documcn hc cxiscncc ol u hriving
spiriuul lumily ccnrcd uround scvcrul holy mcn, umong whom
lpiphunius wus hc mos promincn. Thc uuhors ol hcsc bricl mcs-
sugcs o lpiphunius und hc ohcr holy mcn usuully uddrcss hcm
us luhcr und includc pruycr rcqucss ol hc lormuluic kind. On
muny occusions, hough, hc lccr-wricrs huvc morc concrcc con-
ccrns. Thcy cihcr usk hc luhcrs lor hclp lrom hc ormcn ol hcir
or hopc o obuin morc concrcc bcnclis such us hc rcsoru-
ion ol hculh in sickncss.
Thc mcn und womcn who upprouch
lpiphunius und his lcllows urc cmphuic und cxplici in hcir bclicl
hu hcsc mcn urc holy und posscss hc powcr ol incrccssion. Thcy
urc convinccd hu hc cxcmplury usccic lilcsylc ol hcsc holy mcn
ussurcs hcir pruycrs bcing hcurd by Cod. Acknowlcdging hcsc
mcns privilcgcd connccion o hc divinc, hcy olcn pruisc hcm
lor huving pcrlcccd ull virucs
und uddrcss hcm us bcurcr ol
I is only hrough hc mcdiuion und incrccssion ol hcsc
holy mcn hu hcsc lccr-wricrs hopc lor ucccss o Cod. Thc cxcn
o which hc supplicuns dcpcnd on hc holy mcn is cxprcsscd in
crms such us hcsc: I huvc sc my hcur upon hy luhcrhood ncx
ulcr Cod; I huvc no hclpcr bcsidc Cod und hcc.
Thc lgypiun pupyri und osruku dcmonsruc hc imporuncc ol
holy mcn us incrccssors und spiriuul luhcrs ol looscly-kni monus-
ic lumilics. This pucrn is lurhcr corroborucd by hc Letters of
Barsanuphius and John. In his insuncc, hc holy mcn urc hc
uuhors, no hc rccipicns, ol hc lccrs. Bursunuphius csublishcd
himscll us u hcrmi u Tuwuhu, ncur Cuzu on hc cous ol Pulcsinc,
somcimc during hc lirs wo dccudcs ol hc sixh ccnury. Around
,z Claudia Rapp
ld. W. l. Crum und H. C. lvclyn Whic, The Monastery of Epiphanius at Thebes,
p. ii (Ncw York, 1qz0; rcpr. 1q,). lor hc hisoricul concx ol his monusic insi-
uion, scc p. i, H. l. Winlock, The Archaeological Material (Ncw York, 1qz0, rcpr.
c.g. Epp. nos. 1zq, 1qq, und z,q.
Ibid., 1, z0, zjo, zq, jq.
Ibid., 1o, 10, 1, 1q, jq, ,, .
Ibid., 1, 1z, 1, 1o, z01, o0, 1j, ,, j1j.
Ibid., 1qz und z,1.
jzj, hc wus joincd by }ohn, known us hc Prophc, who bccumc
his disciplc und udopcd hc sumc lilcsylc. Thcy boh cnjoycd u
rcpuuion us holy mcn dcspic hcir rclusul o incruc lucc-o-lucc
wih unyonc, whchcr monusic brohcrs, disciplcs, or visiors.
Inscud, hcy communicucd hrough lccrs, which hcy dicucd in
rcsponsc o hc qucrics und rcqucss uddrcsscd o hcm.
Thcsc lc-
crs, jo in oul, urc u luscinuing rcposiory ol hc spiriuul wis-
dom which hcy shurcd wih monks, pricss, und bishops, us wcll us
pious luymcn, philosophy prolcssors, und miliury lcudcrs. In uddi-
ion, hcy ulso dispcnscd udvicc on such mundunc mucrs us hc
propcr wuy ol climinuing un inlcsuion ol grusshoppcrs wihou
ungcring oncs ncighbours.
Bursunuphius und }ohns incrucion
wih hcir corrcspondcns shows how spiriuul guiduncc, pcrsonul
holincss, und hc crcuion ol ics ol spiriuul kinship urc incrcon-
Bursunuphius muinuincd un cxcnsivc corrcspondcncc wih his
disciplc }ohn ol Bccrshcbu.
As hc oldcr und morc cxpcricnccd ol
hc wo, Bursunuphius ussumcd hc rolc ol guidc und cuchcr in
wriing lory-ninc cxun lccrs ol suppor, cncourugcmcn, und
insrucion o his youngcr confrre. Thcir ussociuion wus sculcd by
u signilicun gil. Wih his lirs lccr, Bursunuphius scn his kouk-
oullion o }ohn, insrucing him o kccp hc gurmcn unil dcuh und
no o puss i on o unyonc clsc. This gil ol Cod you urc rccciving
lrom my hunds, Bursunuphius cxpluincd, wus o procc }ohn
For next to God, you are my salvation ,
Tr. ino lrcnch by L. Rcgnuul, Ph. Lcmuirc, und B. Ouicr, Barsanuphe et Jean
de Gaza, Correspondance (Solcsmcs, 1q,1). }cnnilcr Hcvclonc-Hurpcr (Princcon
Lnivcrsiy) is currcnly prcpuring hcr disscruion on spiriuul guiduncc in luc
uniquc Pulcsinc, buscd lurgcly on hc lccrs ol Bursunuphius und }ohn. I um vcry
gruclul o hcr lor muking ucccssiblc o mc u copy ol hc complcc Crcck cdiion by
Nikodcmos Hugiorcics, . . .
, cd. S. Schoinus (Volos, 1q0o). D. }. Chiys cdiion ol lccrs 1z1,
Barsanuphius and John, Questions and Answers, PO 1] (1q00), hus now bccn supcr-
scdcd by u ncw cdiion ol lccrs 1zz by l. Ncy und P. Dc Angclis-Nouh which
incorporucs hc rcviscd runsluion ol L. Rcgnuul: Barsanuphe et Jean de Gaza,
Correspondance, SC z0, (1q,,).
Ep. 0.
Thcrc is un cxcnsivc licruurc on spiriuul guiduncc und luhcrhood, ol
which I. Huushcrr, Spiritual Direction in the Early Christian East, r. A. P. Cyhicl,
CSud. 110 (1qqo), und A. Loul, Spiriuul luhcrhood in hc Licruurc ol hc
Dcscr, in }. R. Sommcrlcld (cd.), Abba: Guides to Wholeness and Holiness East and
West, CSud. (1qz), dcscrvc spcciul mcnion.
Hc cunno bc idcnicul wih }ohn hc Prophc, hc uuhor ol muny lccrs in
hc collccion, sincc boh urc mcnioncd in Epp. und q.
uguins cvil und cmpuions.
I scrvcd us u prccious okcn ol hcir
bond und us u rcmindcr ol Bursunuphius pcrsonul curc lor his dis-
ciplc. Thcy wcrc linkcd by ics ol incnsc lricndship: Bursunuphius
curricd }ohn in his hcur und in his soul, hcir rcluion wus murkcd
by lovc; hcy wcrc ol onc spiri.
Thcir ussociuion cxcnds
bcyond dcuh: hcir livcs, Bursunuphius usscrs, urc joincd lor cvcr
und hcy will bc ogchcr us brohcrs cvcn in hc lilc o comc.
hcir cxchungc ol lccrs, boh cmploy hc kinship dcsignuions
uppropriuc o hcir rcluivc suus: }ohn uddrcsscs Bursunuphius
rcspcclully us his luhcr, whilc Bursunuphius ucknowlcdgcs hu
}ohn hus joincd him in hc spiriuul qucs by culling him u brohcr.
Bursunuphius did no shirk lrom hc rcmcndous rcsponsibiliy
which his posiion us }ohns spiriuul guidc cnuilcd. On hc con-
rury, hc wus ruhcr ouspokcn in ullirming his rolc. }ohn should
rcgurd him us u rolc modcl und, hcld by his hund, lollow in his loo-
Hc rcgurdcd his lccrs us insrumcns in shuping his disci-
plcs spiriuul progrcss. Bursunuphius lus lccr in hc scqucncc
rcuds likc u gruduuion spccch. Hc ullirmcd hu, hrough his lccrs,
hc hus givcn }ohn u complcc coursc ol insrucion, lrom hc novi-
ciuc o pcrlccion. }ohn should mcdiuc on his words us u mcuns
o his pcrsonul sulvuion, lor hcy conuin hc Old und hc Ncw
In ohcr words, Bursunuphius wus lully uwurc hu
hc is hc chunncl hrough which hc divinc logos is communicucd
o }ohn.
Bursunuphius ulso muinuincd lrucrnul rcluionships wih ohcr
lcllow-monks, including luhymius und Andrcw. Whilc hc
cuchcrdisciplc dynumic wus prcvulcn in Bursunuphius rcluion-
ship wih }ohn, his conuc wih luhymius wus dominucd by ullir-
muions ol u closc bond ol brohcrhood.
Bursunuphius scn his
scupulur us u okcn o luhymius, us hc hud donc wih }ohn.
coninuuion ol hcir lrucrnul ics ulcr dcuh, which Bursunuphius
hud promiscd o }ohn in gcncrul crms, hcrc ukcs much morc con-
crcc lorm: luhymius cxpcccd o bc buricd in hc sumc omb us
Bursunuphius. Hc wus conlidcn hu, on hc Duy ol }udgcmcn, hc
Old Muns ubundun good dccds would ulso bc councd in his own
, Claudia Rapp
Ep. 1. Cl. ibid., und ,, lor hc scnding ol such gils us u gcsurc ol cncour-
Ibid., 1, 10, z,, 0.
Ibid., 0, ,.
Ibid., zz, 1.
Ibid., q.
Ibid., jq,1.
Ibid., ,1.
In ohcr words, Bursunuphius virucs mukc up lor uny
dclicicncics on hc pur ol his brohcr luhymius.
A lurhcr lily-onc lccrs ol corrcspondcncc bcwccn Andrcw und
hc wo Old Mcnhu is, Bursunuphius und }ohn hc Prophc
highligh Bursunuphius ubiliy o convcy hc ccruiny ol Cods lor-
givcncss ol sins und his willingncss o shouldcr pur ol his brohcrs
Andrcw wus u compluincr. Plugucd by u chronic illncss und
irriucd by hc brohcr who livcd wih him, hc wus unxious ubou
his inubiliy o lus, roublcd by his unkind houghs owurds his
compunion, und conccrncd ubou hcsc impcdimcns o his spiriuul
progrcss. Bursunuphius scn him numcrous lccrs ol ussuruncc,
promising his pruycrs, invoking hcir spiriuul uniy, und cxprcss-
ing his dcsirc o ukc Andrcw o hcuvcn wih him.
Similur o
luhymius, who hopcd o bcncli lrom hc ubunduncc ol
Bursunuphius good dccds on hc Duy ol }udgcmcn, Andrcw could
dcpcnd on hc Old Muns plcdgc o curry hull ol his burdcn.
Andrcw wus no o rcmuin pussivc. Hc wus cxpcccd o bcur hc lull
wcigh ol hc rcmuining shurc. Also, Bursunuphius wus in hc hubi
ol concluding his lccrs o Andrcw by usking him lor his pruycrs.
Andrcws supplicuions did no, howcvcr, mcusurc up o hc powcr
ol Bursunuphius incrccssory pruycrs. Thc Old Mun usscrcd hu
his pruycrs would susuin Andrcw in imcs ol ribuluion.
Hc cvcn
hud hc conlidcncc o unnouncc hu, hrough him, Chris hud
ussurcd Andrcw ol hc complcc rcmission ol ull his sins lrom hc
imc ol his birh o hc prcscn.
Bursunuphius lccrs o Andrcw
hus conlirm hc cxiscncc ol u smull groups ol monks, in his
insuncc Andrcw und his irksomc brohcr, who wcrc guhcrcd ino
onc lurgc spiriuul lumily undcr hc pucrnul guiduncc ol u holy
mun. Thcsc lccrs ulso undcrscorc hc cruciul imporuncc ol pruycr
in shuping hc incrucion bcwccn hc holy mun und his lollowcrs.
Bursunuphius incrccssory powcrs cnublcd him o ubsolvc Andrcw
lrom hc burdcnsomc conscicncc ol his sins. This ubiliy would bc
ol morc viul imporuncc hun hc working ol miruclcs o hosc dcd-
icucd Chrisiuns who hud cmburkcd on hc puh o pcrlccion.
llscwhcrc in hc collccion, Bursunuphius dcmonsrucd his disrc-
gurd lor miruclcs whcn hc bcrucd u pious luymun lor broudcusing
u hculing miruclc, whilc luiling o mcnion ull hc ohcr blcssings
For next to God, you are my salvation ,j
Ibid., 0o; cl. 0q.
Ibid., ,z1z.
lsp. ibid., q, q0, 1oj, 11, 11.
Ibid., ,.
Ibid., 1oj, 1o,.
Ibid., 11j.
hu hud bccn bcsowcd on him.
Bursunuphius und }ohns cnirc
corrcspondcncc wih hcir lcllow-monks is pcrmcucd by hc idcu
hu u lrucrnul rcluionship buscd on muuul pruycr und hc bcur-
ing ol cuch ohcrs burdcns providcs u sulcguurd uguins hc dun-
gcrs on hc puh o pcrlccion und u rcmcdy uguins hc punishmcn
hu lollows sin. Bursunuphius olcn cncourugcs his ussociucs by
quoing Culuiuns 0: z, Bcur onc unohcrs burdcns, und in his
wuy you will lullil hc luw ol Chris, und Provcrbs 1: 1q, A
brohcr who is ussiscd by u brohcr is likc u srong und lorilicd
Thc lccr collccion ol Bursunuphius und }ohn rcvculs u pucrn
ol incrucion bcwccn holy mcn und hcir lollowcrs. Thcy wcrc sur-
roundcd by un inncr circlc ol monks who lormcd hc corc ol hcir
spiriuul lumily. Thc oucr circlc wus consiucd by luymcn who
uppculcd o Bursunuphius und }ohn lor hclp und guiduncc in mun-
dunc und in spiriuul mucrs, olcn muinuining u corrcspondcncc
hu cxcndcd ovcr scvcrul lccrs.
Thcir qucsions o hc holy mcn
show hu hcsc mcn wcrc commicd o lcuding u lilc ol picy und
viruc, bu hu hcy livcd ousidc hc monusic communiy. Thc dil-
lcrcnccs bcwccn hc wo groups in hcir incrucion wih hc Old
Mcn wcrc minimul. }us us Bursunuphius und }ohn wcrc ulwuys
rcspcclully uddrcsscd us luhcrs by boh groups ol corrcspondcns,
hcy hcmsclvcs did no mukc uny disincion in hcir usc ol kinship
dcsignuions. Ruhcr, hc spccilic nuurc ol hcir incrucion u u
givcn momcn dccrmincd whchcr hcy uddrcsscd u monk or u
luymun us brohcr or child. Thcy cmphusizcd hc lrucrnul bond
whcn hcy dispcnscd udvicc und cncourugcmcn, bu spokc o hcir
childrcn whcn hcy cmploycd u scrncr onc ol udmonishmcn.
Boh hc monks und hc luymcn could cxpcc o bcncli lrom hc
pruycrs ol hc Old Mcn. Bu only hosc in hc inncr circlc wcrc uskcd
by Bursunuphius und }ohn o rcciprocuc by ollcring up hcir own
pruycrs. Thc cllccivcncss ol incrccssory pruycr wus bclicvcd o
incrcusc cxponcniully wih pcrlccion in hc monusic lilc.
,0 Claudia Rapp
Ep. 0. Cl. ibid., 1q: ulhough holy mcn urc cupublc ol working miruclcs,
hcy somcimcs choosc no o do so.
My runsluion ol hc Scpuugin cx.
c.g. hc scqucncc ol lccrs bcginning wih Ep. qq.
Monks uddrcsscd us child: ibid., j, z, zj, 1z, 1q, zoq, zz,, zj, q,
q,, j, j,z, j,, 0oj; luymcn uddrcsscd us brohcr: ibid., 11, 01,, 0, 0jj,
,0z, ,,z; luymcn uddrcsscd us child: ibid., 00z, ,, q.
Thc lccrs ol Bursunuphius und }ohn chullcngc hc convcnionul
dcliniions ol holincss. Ncihcr Bursunuphius nor }ohn quulily us
suins by hc prcvuiling cricriu ol currcn scholurship, jus likc hc
holy mcn dcpiccd in hc lgypiun pupyri und osruku. No Vita
cxiscd o cxol hcir virucs und no poshumous cul dcvclopcd u
hcir ombs. All hc sumc, hcir corrcspondcncc shows hu hcy lul-
lillcd ull hc luncions hu urc commonly ussociucd wih holy mcn:
miruculous hculings, und hc dispcnsuion ol udvicc on boh mun-
dunc und spiriuul mucrs. Thc monusic brohcrs rcccivcd luvours
ol hc kind hu usuully churuccrizc hc cul ol dcud suins. Thcy
ucquircd conuc rclics in hc lorm ol gurmcns worn by
und luhymius cnjoycd hc prospcc ol hc privi-
lcgc usuully rclcrrcd o us buriul ad sanctoshc much-dcsircd
gruvc siuucd in hc immcdiuc viciniy ol u suins omb. In con-
rus o hc cul ol suins, howcvcr, hc ics bcwccn hc holy mcn
Bursunuphius und }ohn und hcir corrcspondcns wcrc no lorgcd
by miruclcs bu by hc pruycrs which unicd hcm in u spiriuul
How un individuul cumc o bc considcrcd u mcmbcr ol hc spir-
iuul lumily ol u holy mun rcmuins o bc csublishcd. Thc brohcrs
ol hc holy mun urc lcllow-monusics who huvc cmburkcd on hc
sumc qucs lor pcrsonul pcrlccion. Thcy urc ulso his sons, in us
much us hcy rcqucs guiduncc und upprcnicc hcmsclvcs o him.
Bu how do luy pcoplc comc o bc hc spiriuul sons und duugh-
crs ol u holy mun. To unswcr his qucsion, wc mus druw on hc
mcugrc cvidcncc ollcrcd by hugiogruphicul sourccs. Thcsc cxs sug-
gcs hu his lusing bond wus usuully iniiucd by hc luy pcrson.
I cnuilcd muuul obliguions: hc dispcnsuion ol udvicc und
pruycrs on hc luhcrs sidc und loyuly und coninucd suppor on
hc childs sidc.
Scvcrul mcmbcrs ol hc impcriul lumily pridcd hcmsclvcs on
bcing hc sons or duughcrs ol holy mcn or womcn. Thc lmpcror
Consuninc und his sons Consunius und Consuns urc suid o huvc
scn u lccr o S Anhony us u luhcr hu wus unswcrcd wih u
For next to God, you are my salvation ,,
Ibid., z1o: Bursunuphius gruns hc rcqucs ol u brohcr o wcur his koukoul-
lion und scupulur lor hrcc duys, hcn scnds hcm buck, ulong wih his pruycrs.
D. Konsun, Friendship in the Classical World (Ncw York und Cumbridgc, 1qq,)
urgucs hu, umong Chrisiuns in luc uniquiy, hc clussicul lunguugc ol lricndship
is rcpluccd by kinship crminology. lor cxprcssions ol closc pcrsonul scnimcns in
hc monusic concx, scc ulso C. Whic, Christian Friendship in the Fourth Century
(Cumbridgc, 1qqz), 10.
lccr ol spiriuul udmoniion which signullcd hc holy muns will-
ingncss o considcr hcm his spiriuul sons. Thc pussugc in hc Life
of Anthony concludcs: hus hc wus bclovcd by ull und ull uskcd o
huvc him us u luhcr.
Clcurly, un individuul hud o ukc hc ini-
iuivc in ordcr o cnjoy hc covccd privilcgc ol bcing rccognizcd by
Anhony us his child. Womcn, oo, rcusurcd such rcluionships ol
spiriuul purcnugc. Thc lmprcss ludoxiu, lor cxumplc, visicd
Mcluniu hc Youngcr during hcr pilgrimugc o hc Holy Lund. Shc
rcucd hc holy womun us u ruly spiriuul mohcr und rcgurdcd
hc pious virgins who livcd undcr Mclunius guiduncc us hcr own
Similur cxprcssions urc uscd in u luc hird- or curly
lourh-ccnury pupyrus lccr; hcrc, u womun hunks hcr lord
luhcr lor his lccr und cxprcsscs hcr joy und gruiudc hu such
u luhcr rcmcmbcrs mcin his pruycrs or, muybc, in his lccrs.
A rich cxumplc is hc Life of Hypatius, hc loundcr ol u monusic
communiy ncur Consuninoplc in hc curly lilh ccnury. Hc wus
chcrishcd us u luhcr by visiors ol ull runks, including hc lmpcror
Thcodosius II,
hc comes sacrarum largitionum (linuncc miniscr),
un impcriul chumbcrluin,
hc clcrgy ol hc Church ol hc Holy
und wo luwycrs.
Pcoplc in hc lus und Wcs who
hcurd ubou his lumc wroc o him us u luhcr, unxious o rcccivc
lccrs und okcns ol ullccion lrom him, whilc Hypuius in urn
uskcd his corrcspondcns lor hcir pruycrs on his bchull.
scucrcd pussugcs sccm o imply hu, ncx o hc spiriuul broh-
crs, hc closcs ulliliuion wih holy mcn und womcn wus cnjoycd
by hosc whom hcy uddrcsscd us hcir spiriuul childrcn. In un
cxcndcd scnsc, hough, hc sons und duughcrs ol u holy mun
includcd cvcryonc who rccognizcd his spiriuul gils by usking lor
, Claudia Rapp
VAnt., 1 (o). Thc lorcign visiors o Anhony rcurn homc us il scn
by u luhcr, und ulcr his dcuh, ull considcrcd hcmsclvcs orphuns dcprivcd ol hcir
luhcr: ibid., . (0z, lincs 1j1,).
Vita S. Melaniae iunioris (BHG 1z1), j (cd. D. Corcc, Vie de sainte Mlanie,
SC qo (Puris, 1q0z), 1zz,o, u zz). Compurc ulso hc rcumcn ol his pus-
sugc in hc cnh-ccnury puruphrusc by Symcon Mcuphruscs, Vita S. Melaniae
iunioris (BHG 1zz), PG 110, ,jq, u cols. ,B-C.
ld. B. P. Crcnlcll und A. S. Hun, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, p. xii (London,
1q10), no. 1jqz Nuldini, 1.
Cullinicus, Vita S. Hypatii (BHG ,0o), ,.z (cd. C. }. M. Burclink, Vie
dHypatios, SC 1,, (Puris, 1q,1), 0zzq, u zz0).
Ibid., zz.1q (p. 1).
Ibid., 1z.1z (p. 11).
Ibid., 1. (p. 1zz).
Ibid., .1 (p. zz).
Ibid., 0., (p. zz0).
pruycrs und guiduncc. Alcr u holy muns dcuh, ull hc puricipuns
in his cul, indccd ull pcoplc who invokcd hc suin in hcir pruycrs,
could hus considcr hcmsclvcs his childrcn.
To bring his urgumcn o u closc, wc mus dclinc whu rolc hugio-
gruphicul cxs huvc in hc crcuion ol u spiriuul communiy ulcr
hc holy muns dcuh. Thc primury mcuns ol incrucion bcwccn u
spiriuul luhcr und his son wus hc onc-on-onc pcrsonul
cncouncr. Lsuully, hc spiriuul luhcr would givc words ol insruc-
ion, cncourugcmcn, und udmoniion hu sruck u chord wih his
visior, ullirming hc luhcrs ubiliy o rccognizc his liscncrs inncr-
mos roublcs. I gocs uguins hc nuurc ol hcsc highly pcrsonul
und siuuionul cncouncrs o bc rcproduccd in wriing und hus
ucccssiblc o ohcrs. An incrcsing hybrid in his rcgurd urc hc
Letters of Barsanuphius and John sincc hcsc holy mcn prclcrrcd o
communicuc solcly hrough lccrs ruhcr hun pcrsonul convcrsu-
ion. Thc compilcr ol hu lccr collccion wus wcll uwurc ol his
dilcmmu: in his prclucc hc cncourugcd his rcudcrs o bc sclccivc in
hcir rcuding und o ukc o hcur only hosc lccrs which spokc
dirccly o hcm.
Orul communicuion bcwccn u holy mun und his lollowcrs wus
hc idcul, und lccr-wriing wus hc ncx bcs lorm ulcr i. Thc cpis-
olury lormu mimics hc dircc conuc bcwccn hc uuhor und his
corrcspondcn. I crcucs inimucy hrough hc cxprcssion ol privuc
scnimcns und hc communicuion ol pcrsonul mucrs. Thc rcudcr
ol u lccr is druwn ino hc pcrsonul orbi ol hc uuhor und lccls
us hough hc is bcing uddrcsscd us un individuul.
This dynumic is
u work cvcn whcn u lccr is oscnsibly uddrcsscd o onc pcrson,
bu in luc incndcd lor widcr circuluion.
I hus olcn bccn nocd hu hc lourh und lilh ccnurics suw un
cxplosion ol lccr-wriing in compurison o hc clussicul pcriod.
For next to God, you are my salvation ,q
This dynumic upplics ulso o unyonc who rcuds or liscns o hc nurruion ol u
suins cxccpionul conduc. By hc lorcc ol hc cx und hrough hc cllors ol hc
hugiogruphcr hc uudicncc is druwn ino hc lumily circlc uround hc suin und
runslormcd ino udmircrs, disciplcs, und cmuluors. Scc lurhcr C. Rupp,
Soryclling us Spiriuul Communicuion in lurly Crcck Hugiogruphy: Thc Lsc ol
Dicgcsis, JECS 0 (1q), 1.
On lccr-wriing us u subsiuc lor pcrsonul convcrsuion, scc K. Thrucdc,
Grundzge griechisch-rmischer Brieftopik, Zccmuu (Munich, 1q,o), 1j,,.
Scc H. Lcclcrq, Lcrcs chrcicnncs, in l. Cubrol und H. Lcclcrcq (cds.),
Dictionnaire darchologie chrtienne et de liturgie, 1j vols in o ps. (Puris, 1qo,j),
luc, u lurgc porion ol purisic licruurc is wricn in hc lccr lor-
mu. lvcr sincc S Puul uddrcsscd his lpislcs o hc communiics ol
Corinh und lphcsus, lccrs bccumc hc mcdium ol choicc lor
Chrisiuns. As u mcuns ol rcligious insrucion, hcy produccd u
onc ol pcrsonul inimucy bcwccn hc uuhor und his public.
Rcpors ol nocworhy cvcns wcrc ulso shurcd umong hc Chrisiun
communiics in hc lorm ol lccrs. This is hc cusc wih hc curlics
ucs ol hc muryrs, such us hc Martyrdom of Polycarp und hc
uccoun ol hc muryrs ol Lyon prcscrvcd in luscbius Church
History. Thc sumc upplics o hc work which convcnionully sunds
u hc bcginning ol cvcry sudy ol hc risc ol hc cul ol suins und
hc bcginnings ol hugiogruphy, hc Life of Anthony. Dcspic is mod-
crn ilc, i wus no wricn us u biogruphyu licrury lorm wih is
own rudiion sincc hc clussicul pcriod.
Ruhcr, i is prcscncd us
u lccr, uddrcsscd by Ahunusius, Archbishop ol Alcxundriu, o hc
brohcrs ovcrscus shorly ulcr hc holy muns dcuh in j0.
Subscqucn uuhors imiucd his combinuion ol cpisolury lormu
und hugiogruphicul concn. Thc work commonly rclcrrcd o us hc
Life of Pachomius wus in luc ulso composcd und circulucd us u lc-
Anohcr cxumplc ol hugiogruphy wricn us u lccr is hc Life
of Macrina. Is lull ilc is: Lccr on hc Lilc ol S Mucrinu by
Crcgory, Bishop ol Nyssu. Crcgory bcgins by upologizing hu his
work hus cxpundcd bcyond hc normul lcngh ol u lccr bccuusc ol
hc shccr wculh ol his mucriul. Hc cxpluins hu his uccoun rci-
crucs, in wricn lorm, un curlicr convcrsuion wih his uddrcsscc
ubou hc pruiscworhy lilc ol Mucrinu.
Thc lccr lormu hus
rcplicucs hc pcrsonul cncouncr.
o Claudia Rapp
viii, cols. z0j, und }. Schncidcr, Bricl , in Kluuscr et al. (cd.), Reallexikon, ii, cols.
Scc csp. l. Lco, Die griechisch-rmische Biographie nach ihrer literarischen Form
(Lcipzig, 1qo1; rcpr. Hildcshcim, 1qqo), und A. Momigliuno, The Development of
Greek Biography (Cumbridgc, 1qq).
VAnt., 1z. Thc munuscrips givc dillcring vcrsions ol hc ilc. Bu hc cnor
ol hc prclucc ullics wih hc mujoriy ol munuscrips in rcuing his work us u lc-
Vita S. Pachomii (BHG 1q0), cd. l. Hulkin, Sancti Pachomii Vitae graecae, SHug.
1q (1qz), 1q0.
Crcgory ol Nyssu, Vita S. Macrinae (BHG 1o1z), 1 (cd. P. Muruvul, Grgoire de
Nysse, Vie de Sainte Macrine, SC 1, (Puris, 1q,1), 10z00, u 10z). Thc mun-
uscrips disugrcc on hc idcniy ol Crcgorys uddrcsscc. Mcnion should ulso bc mudc
ol }cromcs culogizing uccouns ol rcccnly dcccuscd pruciioncrs ol hc holy lilc wih
whom hc wus pcrsonully ucquuincd, which uppcur in hc lorm ol lccrs ol consolu-
ion. His lccr 1o on hc dcuh ol Puulu is oscnsibly incndcd o ollcr comlor o
Thc hugiogruphcr who uscs hc lccr lormu prccnds o cncr
ino u convcrsuion wih his uudicncc. Hc poscs us somconc who
shurcs his own knowlcdgc ol hc holy mun dirccly wih his rcud-
crs. In his highly pcrsonulizcd lorm ol communicuion, hc uuhor
ol u hugiogruphicul cpislc ussumcs hc duul rolc us disciplc ol hc
suin und us spiriuul guidc lor his uudicncc. In his munncr, hc
hugiogruphcr invics his rcudcrs und liscncrs o bccomc mcmbcrs
ol hc suins spiriuul lumily.
This sudy hus, I hopc, highlighcd hc imporuncc ol originul lc-
crs in undcrsunding hc rolc ol holy mcn in luc uniquiy.
Alhough his cvidcncc is cxuul, i is hc closcs hing o hc orul
idcul hu hus survivcd. I pluccs hc uciviics ol holy mcn in hcir
hisoricul concx. Whcrcus Pccr Browns muscrlul cxploruion ol
hc hugiogruphicul und ohcr licrury sourccs hus produccd u huu-
muoccnric incrprcuion ol hc holy mun us puron und cxcm-
plur, hc cvidcncc ol hc pupyri, osruku, und lccrs dcmunds u
supplicuory modcl. I hclps us o undcrsund bccr hc impor-
uncc ol pruycr und is rolc in shuping curly noions ol brohcrhood
und spiriuul lcudcrship. This vicw ol hc sociul incrucion umong
Chrisiuns us u spiriuul lumily muy vcry wcll poin o un cxplunu-
ion lor hc unprcccdcncd populuriy ol hc lccr-lormu umong hc
Chrisiun uuhors ol luc uniquiy, who wcrc unxious o prcscrvc
hc cohcsion, uniy, und lumiliul churuccr ol hc Chrisiun com-
For next to God, you are my salvation 1
hcr duughcr lusochium, bu in luc umouns o u dcuilcd biogruphy ol his Romun
noblcwomun who hud loundcd u convcn on hc Moun ol Olivcs in }crusulcm:
}cromc, Ep. 1o (ii, o0j1). lor ohcr cxumplcs, scc ibid., nos. z, q, 0o, 00, ,,,
und 1z,. Cl. ulso A. A. R. Busiucnscn, }crmc hugiogruphc, in Corpus
Christianorum Hagiographies, cd. C. Philippur, j vols. (Turnhou, 1qq ), i, 1ozj.
Whu wc hcurd in hc Livcs ol hc suins wc
huvc sccn wih our own cycs: hc holy mun
us licrury cx in cnh-ccnury
T luc 1q0os und curly 1q,os wcrc u imc ol libcruion movc-
mcns, und Pccr Browns scminul lccurcs und uriclcs cuugh hc
mood ol hc momcn. His pcrccpion ol hc luc-uniquc holy mun
us hc dcvicc ol u vigorous und sophisicucd socicy hclpcd o lib-
cruc hugiogruphy lrommorc hun onc lormol opprcssion: lromcli-
is disduin lor whu wus dccmcd u low-lilc, populur gcnrc; lrom
posiivis quurrying lor nuggcs ol hurd inlormuion; und, lus bu
no lcus, lrom puris conccrns wih uuhcniciy which hud domi-
nucd hc bcs ol hugiogruphicul scholurship. Suddcnly i did no
mucr so much whchcr u cx wus un Urtcxt or whchcr u suin
rcully dcscrvcd cunonizuion: whu mucrcd wus hc rolc uccordcd
o hc holy mun. Suin or holy mun: Pccr Brown wus hc lirs
o cxploi hc uniquc choicc ol words uvuilublc o wricrs ol lnglish.
By inroducing hc Anglo-Suxon ulcrnuivc wih is ribul, prc-
Chrisiun, rcsonunccs hc runslormcd hc objcc ol inquiry lrom u
suincd-gluss imugc ino u dynumic und runslcrublc unhropologi-
cul modcl. Wc lcurncd o rcud suins Livcs wih ncw cycs, und our
rcuding hud ull hc cxcicmcn ol licldwork.
Bu libcruion lrom old-lushioncd cliism, posiivism, und purism
did no bring rclcusc lrom hc undcrlying problcm ol hc consruc-
ion which u hugiogruphicul cx imposcs on hisoricul und mucr-
iul rculiy. Il hc suin wus oll hc hook, hc vitu und mirucnIu wcrc
morc hun cvcr on hc spo o rcvcul hc sccrcs ol hcir composi-
ion, undcr incrroguion lrom hc old, ricd mchods ol sourcc cri-
icism und unulysis. Thc onc surc lcsson wc huvc lcurncd lrom ull
our rcncwcd rcuding is hu suins Livcs urc no sruighlorwurd
documcns ol holy mcn in ucion. No cxs could bc closcr o hcir
subjcc hun hc hrcc hugiogruphics ol hc cldcr S Symcon hc
Sylic, yc hcir combincd cllcc is o mysily ruhcr hun clurily hc
picurc ol Pccr Browns holy mun pur cxccIIcncc. No only do
hc hrcc cycwincss uccouns huvc ulmos nohing in common, bu
hc longcs ol hcm, hc Syriuc Lilc, cxiss in wo purullcl vcrsions.
Whu wc scc is no u singlc living, luncioning holy mun bu hc
muliplc luccs ol his rcccpion. Il hc oulinc ol hc originul Sylic
could hus bc ovcrluid by u wculh ol lirs-hund rcprcscnuion, i is
no surprising hu u grcucr covcr-up hus bccn disccrncd in hc scc-
ond-hund porrui ol his sixh-ccnury numcsukc, hc purudigm ol
hc suIcs or holy lool, by hc scvcnh-ccnury Cyprio bishop
Lconios ol Ncupolis.
Likc hc ohcr hugiogruphicul work ol
Lconios now cxun, hc Lijc cj St ]cbn tbc AImsivcr,
his Lijc cj
Smccn tbc FccI jcr Cbrists Sulc hus u colourlul urbun scing hu
mukcs i irrcsisiblc o sudcns ol Byzuninc urbun lilc, und hus
could no luil o uruc hc criicul scruiny ol Cyril Mungo.
lurgc chronologicul gup scpuruing Lconios lrom hc hisoricul
Symcon und hc conrusing sylcs wihin Lconios nurruivc lcd
Mungo o scc hc uuhor us un unushumcdly invcnivc munipuluor
ol curlicr wricn sourccs. Morc rcccnly, Dcrck Krucgcr, u sudcn
ol Pccr Brown, hus urgucd hu hc Lilc, whilc owing lilc o rcul
mcmorics, whchcr orul or wricn, ol hc hisoricul Symcon und hc
Syriun ciy ol lmcsu whcrc hc pcrlormcd his ourugcous unics, is
groundcd in hc uuhors cxpcricncc ol his own, Cyprio urbun
milicu und in his incnion o consruc u Chris-likc unswcr o hc
usccic modcl ol hc Cynic philosophcr Diogcncs.
I is doublul
whchcr Krucgcrs hcsis will prcvuil uguins hc morc cuuious
cxplunuion udvunccd by Vinccn Dcrochc who, in u mujor sudy ol
PunI MuJuIinc
Scc lurhcr R. Dorun, r., Tbc Livcs cj Simccn StIitcs, wih u lorcword by S. A.
Hurvcy, CSud. 11z (1qqz).
Vitu S. Smccnis suIi ccnjcsscris (BHG 10,,), cd. L. Rydcn, Dus Lclcn Jcs bciIicn
Nurrcn Smccn vcn Lccntics vcn NcupcIis, Sudiu Cruccu Lpsulicnsiu (Lppsulu,
1q0), 1z1,o, und uguin by A.-}. lcsugicrc in Vic Jc Smccn Ic Fcn ct Vic Jc ]cun
Jc Cbprc (Puris, 1q,), jj1o.
Vitu S. Icunnis cIccmcsnurii (BHG 0), cd. lcsugicrc, Smccn ct ]cun,
A Byzuninc Hugiogruphcr u Work: Lconios ol Ncupolis, in I. Hucr (cd.),
Bzunz nnJ Jcr Vcstcn. StnJicn znr Knnst Jcs cnrcpuiscbcn MittcIuItcrs,
Sizungsbcrichc dcr Oscrrcichischcn Akudcmic dcr Wisscnschulcn, phil.-his.
Klussc z (Vicnnu, 1q), zj1.
Smccn tbc HcI FccI. Lccntinss Lijc unJ tbc Lutc Antiqnc Cit (Bcrkclcy und Los
Angclcs, 1qq0).
Lconios which uppcurcd u hc sumc imc, siuucs hc uuhor hor-
oughly in hc rudiion ol luc-uniquc usccicism und hc populur
hcology ol hc scvcnh ccnury, und hus mukcs hc hypohcsis ol
u lubricuion inspircd by u pugun modcl lcss convincing.
Lconios cmcrgcs lrom ull rcccn sudics us u crcuivc hugiogruphcr,
u consrucor ol holy mcn whosc individuul, purudoxicul quirks
illusruc u singlc diducic idcul hu is crulcd lor u luy uudicncc
lrom un usscmbly ol prclubricucd commonpluccs.
In morc wuys hun wc cvcr suspcccd, hugiogruphy is urning
ou o bc oo good o bc ruc. Whcrc docs hu lcuvc hc sudy ol
hc holy mun. Wc cun rcgurd hc cx us un impcncrublc puriion,
morc wull hun window, which will ncvcr ullow us o incrvicw hc
hisoricul holy pcrson. Alcrnuivcly, wc cun look on hc cx us un
incgrul pur ol hc holy pcrsons hisoricul ugcncy, indccd us hc
bcginning ol his or hcr hisoriciy. Il wc udop his pcrspccivc, wc
cun complcc hc proccss ol libcruion bcgun by Pccr Brown. I
ullows us o sudy hc dynumism ol hc modcl projcccd by hc cx,
cvcn whcrc hc modcl bchind hc cx cludcs rccovcry or urns ou
o bc lubricucd; in ohcr words, i givcs hisoricul mcuning und
luncion o hosc holy mcn who ncvcr cxiscd in hc llcsh.
Wc do no know how Lconios Lijc cj Smccn tbc FccI wus
rcccivcd by his scvcnh-ccnury concmporurics, bu wc do know
hu i bccumc u mcdicvul Byzuninc clussic. Somc imc bclorc hc
mid-cnh ccnury, i inspircd un uuhor who culls himscll
Nikcphoros o wric unohcr clussic, hc Lijc cj AnJrcw tbc FccI.
lvcn morc hun Symcon, Andrcw wus hc modcl ol loolishncss lor
Chriss sukc, who rcprcscncd u pocn il huzurdous idcul lor lucr
Orhodox usccics.
Yc hc mos ccruin hing hu cun bc suid
ubou Andrcw is hu hc cxiscd only in hc imuginuion ol his
hugiogruphcr. His sory is sc, und supposcdly wricn, in hc luc
lilh ccnury, bu hcrc urc muny poincrs o u lucr duc, bcginning
wih hc rclcrcncc o Andrcw pluying in hc munncr ol hc
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt j
tnJcs snr Lccntics Jc NcupcIis, Sudiu Byzuninu Lpsulicnsiu (Lppsulu, 1qqj).
Scc ulso C. Ludwig, ScnJcrjcrmcn lzuntiniscbcr Huicrupbic nnJ ibr Iitcruriscbcs
VcrliIJ (lrunklur, 1qq,), 10,z1q.
Vitu S. AnJrcuc suIi (BHG 11jz), cd. und r. L. Rydcn, Tbc Lijc cj St AnJrcw tbc
FccI, z vols., Sudiu Byzuninu Lpsulicnsiu :1z (Lppsulu, 1qqj), ii, 1zo.
Thc mos complcc survcys urc now Dcrochc, tnJcs snr Lccntics, 1jzzj, und
Ludwig, ScnJcrjcrmcn, zq1.
udmirublc Symcon ol old, which suggcss hu hc uuhor livcd long
ulcr Symcon, und ulso, probubly, Lconios ol Ncupolis.
lor hc sudy ol hc holy mun us cx, Andrcw hc lool is un
cxccllcn suring poin. Hc is u clcur cusc ol licrury consrucion,
hc mukcs lor u good rcud, und hc cmbodics hu purudoxicul,
promiscuous quuliy ol holincss which boh hc Bollundiss und
Pccr Brown suw, in hcir dillcrcn wuys, us quincsscniully
luscrn. Hc providcs un incrcsing cxumplc ol u mcdicvul cllor o
rccovcr un uncicn idcul ol holincss lrom hc hcroic ugc ol suins in
hc lilh und sixh ccnurics, und o rcusc i in hc concx ol un lus
Romun world drusicully runslormcd by hc dcclinc ol hc uncicn
ciy, hc Islumic conqucs ol hc grcu homclunds ol luscrn uscci-
cism, und hc ruumu ol Iconoclusm. Hc is ulso now ucccssiblc in u
modcrn cdiion ol his Lilc. Thc cdior, Lcnnur Rydcn, hus providcd
no only u criicul cx, un lnglish runsluion, und dcuilcd nocs,
bu ulso u subsuniul inroducion which rccupiulucs, upducs,
und rclincs his own prcvious sudics ol hc Lijc cj AnJrcw und is
concx. Abovc ull, hc rcsucs his bclicl hu hc Lilc wus composcd
in hc sixh dccudc ol hc cnh ccnury, und unswcrs hc objccions
ol Cyril Mungo, who urgucd lor hc luc scvcnh ccnury.
Thc jury
will no bc ublc o rcirc unil Mungo hus hud imc o rcply, bu us
hings sund, Rydcn looks o huvc hc srongcr cusc, cspcciully il wc
ullow lor hc possibiliy hu hc cx us wc huvc i conuins curlicr
lcvcls ol composiion.
Thc cnh-ccnury duing is buscd on u morc
sruighlorwurd incrprcuion ol hc unuchronisms, und i pluccs
hc Lilc in u morc crcdiblc concxhc Consuninoplc-ccnrcd cul-
urc ol cncyclopucdism, upoculypicism, und uniquuriunism which
churuccrizcd hc ugc ol Consuninc Porphyrogcnius.
hc objccion hu hc cnh ccnury is oo luc lor hc urbun cnvir-
onmcn in which Andrcw movcs, i cun bc poincd ou hu his
worldwhich is no cvokcd in uny grcu dcuilwus hc nuurul
scing which un uuhor, who hud cvidcnly rcud hc Lijc cj Smccn
tbc FccI und ohcr curly Byzuninc hugiogruphy, would huvc uscd
0 PunI MuJuIinc
Rydcn, St AnJrcw, ii, z. Scc lurhcr ibid., i, 0.
Thc Lilc ol S Andrcw hc lool Rcconsidcrcd, Bivistu Ji stnJi lizuntini c sIuvi,
z (1qz), zq,1; rcpr. in idcm, Bzuntinm unJ its Imuc (London, 1q), no. VIII.
Scc hc rcvicw ol Rydcns cdiion by S. Ivunov in BzuntincsIuvicu, j, (1qq0),
oj0, und hc lullcr discussion by Ludwig, ScnJcrjcrmcn, zzoqo.
Il hc idcu ol succcssivc luycrs ol composiion is udopcd, hc work cun bc sccn
us unulogous o vurious cncyclopucdic works ol hc cnh ccnury, such us hc
Snuxuricn, hc Bccl cj Ccrcmcnics, und hc Putriu.
in consrucing u lilh-ccnury urbun suin who livcd his cnirc
usccic lilc in public pluccs. Lilc Byzuninc licruurc survivcs lrom
hc luc scvcnh ccnury, probubly bccuusc lilc wus wricn; only
ccruin picccs ol upoculypic wriing ollcr u poin ol compurison
wih onc sccion ol hc Lijc cj AnJrcw. In hc cnh ccnury, on hc
ohcr hund, poins ol compurison uboundwih visionury licru-
urc, wih wriings on hc monumcns ol Consuninoplc, wih
hugiogruphicul compiluions such us hc Snuxuricn und hc
Mcuphrusic corpus, und wih romunic hugiogruphics such us
hc Livcs ol S Thcokisc ol Lcsbos
und S lircnc ol
Mos cruciully, hc work shows closc ulliniics
wih hc Lijc cj BusiI tbc Ycnncr, u hugiogruphy sc in hc lirs hull
ol hc cnh ccnury und wricn somc imc ulcr qj0.
Thc busic
similuriics wcrc nocd by Chrisinu Angclidi und huvc bccn dis-
cusscd morc syscmuicully by Rydcn.
Bu hc compurison
bcwccn hc wo works cun bc ukcn lurhcr: in hc concx ol hcir
similuriics, hcir vcry dillcrcnccs urc complcmcnury o u dcgrcc
which mukcs i impossiblc o undcrsund cihcr cx und is plucc in
Byzuninc hugiogruphy wihou rclcrcncc o hc ohcr.
Andrcw und Busil urc boh inroduccd us uduls, wih nonc ol hc
usuul inlormuion ubou hcir purcnugc und childhood. Boh urc
brough o Consuninoplc uguins hcir willAndrcw us u sluvc,
Busil us u suspcccd spyyc huving rcuchcd hc ciy, boh livc ou
hcir livcs in i. Thcy urc, indccd, hc mos uncompromisingly urbun
ol ull mcdicvul Byzuninc holy mcn, lor in conrus o hc vus
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt ,
Vitu S. Tbccctistuc (BHG 1,z), cd. H. Dclchuyc, AASS Ncvcmlris, iv
(Brusscls, 1qzj), zz; r. A. C. Hcro in HcI Vcmcn cj Bzuntinm. Tcn Suints
Livcs in EnIisb TrunsIuticn, cd. A.-M. Tulbo (Wushingon, DC, 1qq0), qj110.
Vitu S. Ircnuc bcnmcnuc (BHG qjz), cd. und r. }. O. Roscnqvis, Tbc Lijc cj St
Ircnc Allcss cj CbrscluIuntcn, Sudiu Byzuninu Lpsulicnsiu 1 (Lppsulu, 1q0),
Vitu S. BusiIii innicris: hcrc is, unlorunucly, no ucccssiblc cdiion ol hc cx
in Moscow, Crcck MS zq, which hus bccn vuriously publishcd in hrcc lrugmcns
by S. C. Vilinskij in Zupisli Impcrutcrslcc ncvcrcsijslcc nnivcrsitctu (Odcssu, 1q11),
zz0 und z00 (BHG z0 und z0b: hcrculcr, Vilinskij) und by A. N.
Vcsclovskij in Slcrnil OtJcIu rnsslcc juzlu i sIcvcsncsti Impcrutcrslcj uluJcmii nunl,
0 (S Pccrsburg, 1q), 0, suppl., 1o,0 (BHG z0d: hcrculcr, Vcsclovskij I)
und j (1q1) 0 suppl., 1, (BHG z0: hcrculcr Vcsclovskij II).
Chr. C. Angclidi, ' v ' v (Iounninu, 1qo),
q1oz; L. Rydcn, Thc Lijc ol S. Busil hc Youngcr und hc Duc ol hc Lijc ol S.
Andrcw Sulos, in C. Mungo und O. Prisuk (cd.), Olcuncs. Essus PrcscntcJ tc Ibcr
cvcnlc cn bis Sixtictb BirtbJu, HurvurJ Ulruiniun StnJics, , (Cumbridgc, Muss.,
1q), j00.
mujoriy ol hugiogruphicul hcrocs und hcroincs ulcr Iconoclusm,
ncihcr is orduincd or bclongs o u monusic communiy.
In his,
Andrcw hc lool gocs lurhcr hun Symcon hc lool, who u lcus
obscrvcs hc lormuliy ol cncring u monuscry und hcn spcnds
muny ycurs in hc dcscr us u gruzcr () ucquiring hc dis-
pussion () ncccssury o undcrukc his cvungclicul mission
in hc own. Vcry lilc ucion ukcs plucc in church. Andrcw livcs
in hc srccs, squurcs, und poricocs; Busil livcs in u scrics ol houscs
owncd by luymcnu modcs couplc cullcd }ohn und Hclcn,
primmilcrics Consuninc Burburos, und hc Congylios brohcrs,
pruipcsitci u hc impcriul cour; hc ulso spcnds u wcck in hc Pulucc
us hc gucs ol hc lmprcss Hclcn.
This mcuns, umong ohcr
hings, hu ncihcr suin owns uny propcry und boh dcpcnd
cnircly on churiy. luch suin hus u spcciul rcluionship wih u
young munlpiphunios in hc Lijc cj AnJrcw, Crcgory, ulso hc
nurruor, in hc Lijc cj BusiIo whom hc ucs us spiriuul mcnor,
und who cvcnuully cncrs rcligion, bu only ulcr hc suins dcuh.
Hcrc uguin, Andrcw hus morc in common wih Busil hun wih his
rolc-modcl Symcon, who docs no huvc u disciplc, und whosc rclu-
ionship wih hc nurruor ol his sory scrvcs muinly us u dcvicc o
cxpluin how hc uuhor go his inlormuion.
Howcvcr, boh hc Lijc cj AnJrcw und hc Lijc cj BusiI urc poin-
cdly diducic und convcy hcir cuching hrough supcrnuurul
visions which urc cihcr cxpcricnccd by hc suins hcmsclvcs or
which hcy inspirc in hcir disciplcs. Andrcw is runsporcd o
hcuvcn onc wincrs nigh,
hc ukcs lpiphunios on u our ol
lpiphunios bcholds him in glory u hc cour ol hcuvcn,
und Andrcw lorcclls hc coursc ol cvcns u hc cnd ol hc world;
Andrcw und lpiphunios ulso huvc shorcr cxcursions ino or
cncouncrs wih hc hcuvcnly und hc dcmonic.
Busil urrungcs lor
his disciplc Crcgory o bc gruncd hrcc proruccd visions. In hc
lirs, Crcgory sccs himscll cuugh up in hc drumu ol his rccovcry
lrom un illncss cuuscd by un cvil spcll: Busil, uidcd by S Scphcn,
bruins hc ollcnding dcmon in hc shupc ol u monsrous mousc.
PunI MuJuIinc
Scc l. Pulugcun, Suincc c pouvoir, in Bzuntinc Suint, 1oj, u qq.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, zqq1, zq0, zqq.
Ibid., oz.
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, 001.
Ibid., 10q.
Ibid., 1z1.
Ibid., zj.
Ibid., 11,, zo,, 0,, ,o, ,0q, 1oj, 11z1,, 1zzj, 1zj,
1z,, 1j, 1qq, zj, zjj, zqj,.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, zzj.
In hc sccond vision, Crcgory uguin visis hc hcuvcnly munsion
rcscrvcd lor Busil und his spiriuul childrcn; hcrc hc suins rcccnly
dcccuscd housckccpcr, Thcodoru, rclucs hcr cxpcricncc ol hc
dcmonic oll-houscs which hc soul pusscs hrough on dcpuring
lrom hc body, in ordcr o bc scurchcd lor unconlcsscd sins.
In hc
hird und linul vision, Crcgory is rcucd o un cxcndcd prcvicw ol
hc Sccond Coming und hc Lus }udgcmcn.
Thc visions und hcir
cdilying mcssugcs occupy so much spucc hu hc Livcs cun cusily
bc sccn us lrumc sorics lor sc picccs ol upoculypic cxcgcsis, in
which hc suins hcmsclvcs urc ol sccondury imporuncc.
Thc dillcrcncc bcwccn hcm is hu whilc hc Lijc cj AnJrcw
bcruys is licion us u hisoricul novcl sc somcwhu inconsiscnly
in hc lilh ccnury, Busil hc Youngcr is lirmly groundcd in hc
hisoricul rculiy ol hc cnh, und his hugiogruphcr givcs hc
imprcssion ol knowing hu rculiy u lirs hund. Busil pcrsonully
cncouncrs scvcrul hisoricul ligurcs, including hc lmpcror
Romunos I,
und hc prcdics hc oucomc ol hrcc hisoricul cvcns:
hc rcvol ol Consuninc Doukus in q1,
hc Russiun invusion ol
und hc Mugyur invusion ol q.
Thcrc is nohing con-
crcc o cus doub on hc idcniy ol hc uuhor wih Crcgory hc
nurruor, und hcncc on hc rculiy ol his ucquuinuncc wih Busil,
ulcr us wcll us bclorc hc lucrs dcuh. lor unohcr noublc dillcr-
cncc bcwccn hc Livcs is hu whilc Andrcws morul rcmuins urc
myscriously spiricd uwuy,
Busils urc dispucd by his lollowcrs
und cvcnuully incrrcd in u spccilicd church, hc monuscry ol hc
Churophylux, whcrc hcy urc suid o opcruc miruculous curcs.
Muy wc hcrclorc concludc hu Busil rcully cxiscd. On hc onc
hund, i is hurd o scc whu purposc could huvc bccn scrvcd by hc
purc invcnion ol u rcccn suin whosc non-cxiscncc would huvc
bccn obvious o concmporurics. On hc ohcr hund, hc monuscry
ol hc Churophylux, likc Busil himscll, is known only lrom hc
Lijc cj BusiI. Whcrc Busils rcpuuion is conccrncd, hc uuhor pro-
vidcs himscll wih wo discrcc cscupc cluuscs. A onc poin hc
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt q
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij I, 1z. Cl. C. lvcry, Toll Cucs on hc Air Wuy,
Eustcrn Cbnrcbcs Bcvicw, (1q,0), 1qj1.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij II, 1z1,. Thc uccoun is lurgcly buscd on hc
upocryphul ApccuIpsc cj St PunI: scc Angclidi, ' , 11o11, 1zo.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, o.
Ibid., zq10.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij I, 0j.
Ibid., 0j.
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, oo1.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, 1z.
undcrmincs his porrui ol u lumous und populur holy mun by suy-
ing hu Busil rcvculcd his ruc churismu only o u choscn lcw, und
pu mos pcoplc oll by uppcuring o ulk nonscnsc und uc likc u
A hc cnd, hc dcuchcs himscll lrom hc suins dcuh und
buriul by suying hu hc misscd hcsc bccuusc ol his scclusion dur-
ing Lcn.
His pcrsonul involvcmcn wih Busil cnds whcn hc suin
givcs him his linul blcssing, promising o kccp in ouch hrough
drcums und visions.
Hc hus no pur in hc dispuc ovcr Busils linul
rcsing plucc, und hc docs no cvcn mcnion visiing hc omb; hcrc
hc scll-uppoincd guurdiun ol hc cul is no hc hugiogruphcr bu
u cunuch cullcd }ohn, who bccomcs u monk, dics soon ulcrwurds,
und is buricd bcsidc hc suin.
Il Busil wus hc objcc ol u poshu-
mous cul, why docs hc uuhor ol his Lilc huvc nohing o do wih
I is ulso srungc hu Busils numc docs no ligurc in uny vcrsion
ol hc Snuxuricn ol Consuninoplc, hc culcndur ol locul commcm-
Pcrhups his wus compilcd oo soon lor Busil o bc
includcd; howcvcr, i is u luc hu hc spccuculurly luilcd o con-
lorm o hc norms ol cnh-ccnury suinhood. A u imc whcn ull
mulc suins wcrc monks, his suin lcl undcr no prcssurc o join u
monuscry, bu wus concn o cnjoy hc hospiuliy ol luymcn, in
whosc houscs hc uruccd u vus clicnclc ol spiriuul childrcn, suid
o includc mugnucs, pricss, bishops, monks, und scvcrul imporun
I is scurccly bclicvublc hu u churismuic, inlormul
movcmcn ol his kind, u pocniul brccding-ground lor hcrcsy,
would huvc bccn ullowcd o llourish, unrcgulucd und unsupcr-
viscd, righ undcr hc nosc ol hc puriurchul church. Thc unomuly
ol Busils, und Crcgorys, luck ol monusic ulliliuion is rcndcrcd ull
hc morc sriking by hc uuhors pcrluncory ucmp o givc hcir
sory u monusic bcginning und cnd. How Busil hud bccomc u
monk, hc suys, wus onc ol hosc dcuils ol his curly lilc, ulong wih
his purcnugc und childhood, ol which hc holy mun hud ncvcr
qo PunI MuJuIinc
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, 11.
Ibid., qo.
Ibid., zq0.
Ibid., qz. }ohn is mcnioncd curlicr in hc cx us u scrvior in hc impcr-
iul houschold, whom Busil dclivcrcd lrom hc muchinuions ol onc ol his lcmulc
sluvcs: Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij I, 0q,z.
Snuxurinm EccIcsiuc CcnstuntincpcIitunuc, cd. H. Dclchuyc, PrcpIucnm uJ AASS
Ncvcmlris (Brusscls, 1qoz), 1qq, u col. ,1: hc commcmoruion ol S Andrcw
hc lool (z Muy) is liscd only in onc luc rcccnsion ol hc cx. Cl. A. P. Khuzdun
ct uI. (cds.), OxjcrJ Dicticnur cj Bzuntinm (Oxlord, 1qq1), iii, 1qq1.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, zqo1, zqq1; Vcsclovskij I, j1,0.
spokcn und no onc clsc kncw.
Hc suys hu Busil, in his linul
cxhoruion, urgcd him o ukc monusic vows, bu whchcr hc hus
donc so u hc imc ol wriing is no clcur.
This vugucncss con-
lirms hc imprcssion hu Crcgory is cusing himscll und his hcro us
cmporury ousidcrs o hc normul srucurcs ol concmporury rcli-
gious vocuion. In ohcr words, cvcn il Busil wus rcul, hc hud morc
in common wih un imuginury lilh-ccnury holy lool hun wih his
suincd monusic concmporurics, such us Lukc hc Sylic, ol whom
morc lucr.
Thcrc urc lurhcr indicuions hu hc wo cxs wcrc producs ol
hc sumc culurul milicu und wricn in closc ussociuion. Alhough
u cnh-ccnury work on u cnh-ccnury subjcc, hc Lijc cj BusiI,
likc hc Lijc cj AnJrcw, shows un incrcs in curly hugiogruphy. I
conuins whu uppcur o bc cchocs ol hc Lijc cj Smccn tbc FccI, hc
Lijc cj ]cbn tbc AImsivcr, und hc Lijc cj Isuuc tbc BccInsc.
Thc wo
violcn conlronuions which murk hc urning poins in Busils
curccrhis horrilic incrroguion und orurc by hc purulcimcmcncs
Sumonus, which providcs him wih his dcbu in Consuninoplc,
und his mulrcumcn by hc muistrcs Romunos Suronics,
prcccdcs his inroducion o hc houscs ol hc rich und powcrlul
urc modcllcd on hc pussions ol curly Chrisiun muryrs.
hugiogruphics rclcr o hc church ol S Anususiu us u kind ol lunuic
usylum, whcrc hc insunc wcrc kcp in chuins.
This is u good indi-
cuion ol u cnh-ccnury duc lor hc Lijc cj AnJrcw, no only
bccuusc ol u lurhcr rclcrcncc in unohcr cnh-ccnury cx,
ulso bccuusc u curlicr und lucr ducs, ohcr churchcs pcrlormcd his
luncion: S Punclcimon in hc scvcnh ccnury,
und S Nikcus
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt q1
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, z.
Ibid., z.
Angclidi, ' , ,q, q0; Rydcn, Thc Lijc ol S Busil hc Youngcr,
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, zj.
Ibid., zq0q.
Angclidi, ' , ,z ll.
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, 1z1, z0q; Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij I, 0, ,o.
Cl. L. Rydcn, A Noc on Somc Rclcrcnccs o hc Church ol S Anususiu in
Consuninoplc in hc Tcnh Ccnury, Bzunticn, (1q,), 1qzo1.
Vitu Ircnuc, cd. Roscnqvis, 0.
MirucnIu Suncti Artcmii (BHG 1,), 1 (cd. A. Pupudopoulos-Kcrumcus, Vuriu
sucru ruccu (S Pccrsburg, 1qoq; rcpr. Lcipzig, 1q,j), 1,j, u zo); hc cx is
rcproduccd wih un lnglish runsluion by V. S. Crisululli und }. W. Ncsbi, Tbc
MirucIcs cj St Artcmics (Lcidcn, 1qq0), 111j. Thc uuhor ol hc miruclc sory docs
udd, howcvcr, hu i huppcncd u hu imc hu hcrc wcrc u vcry lurgc numbcr ol
posscsscd in muny churchcs.
in hc wcllh.
Boh cxs uccord u ccruin promincncc o S }ohn
hc lvungclis. Soon ulcr Andrcw prccnds o go insunc, hc upos-
lc uppcurs o him in u vision und srcnghcns his rcsolvc.
lpiphunios cics S }ohn und usks qucsions ubou him.
S }ohn is
prcsumubly hc unnumcd cvungclis und uposlc who conducs
lpiphunios in his vision ol Andrcw u hc cour ol hc hcuvcnly
und hc uppcurs in hc rcinuc ol hc Mohcr ol Cod in hc
vision u hc Bluchcrnuc church.
Thc Lijc cj BusiI wicc sucs hu
pcoplc hough Busil o bc S }ohn hc Aposlc in pcrson.
In cusc
wc urc puzzlcd by his sucmcn, hc Lijc cj AnJrcw providcs hc
cxplunuion: o u qucsion by lpiphunios ubou llijuh, Andrcw
rcplics hu no only urc llijuh und lnoch ulivc und wuiing o lullil
hcir uppoincd rolcs in hc Lus Things, bu }ohn hc Thcologiun
ulso livcs und is in hc world, likc u pcurl in hc mud.
Mos clling urc hc posiivc rclcrcnccs o holy lools in hc Lijc cj
BusiI. No only docs Busil himscll prucisc holy loolishncss us u pro-
ccivc covcr uguins vuinglory,
bu in hc nurruors prcvicw ol
hc Lus }udgcmcn, hc suIci urc umong hc suvcd.
Thc rcmurk-
ublc hing hcrc is hu no ohcr ypc ol usccicism is singlcd ou lor
commcnduion. An uuhor wih u sympuhcic incrcs in curly
suinhood migh huvc bccn cxpcccd o mukc spcciul mcnion ol
qz PunI MuJuIinc
Scc Thcodorc Bulsumon on cunon 0o ol hc uiniscx Council: PG 1,, col.
,10; C. Rullcs und M. Polcs, v , iv (Ahcns,
1jz), z.
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, zzj.
Ibid., zoq, z11,.
Ibid., 1z0,. Thc vcncrublc old mun in qucsion holds u Cospcl in his righ
hund und u pupyrus scroll in his lcl, hc sundurd iconogruphicul uribucs ol cvun-
gcliss und uposlcs rcspccivcly.
Ibid., zjj.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, 11; Vcsclovskij I, jo1.
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, z11q. Thc bclicl gocs buck o hc vcrsion ol hc
upocryphul Actu ]cbunnis, 11j (cd. l. }unod und }.-D. Kucsli, z vols., CC Scrics
Apccrpbcrnm, 1z (1q), i, 0, ), uccording o which hc Aposlc did no dic
normully, bu his body wus ukcn uwuy in u mctustusis. According o unohcr vuri-
un ol his rudiion, hc wus ukcn up o hcuvcn likc hc Virgin Mury, bu hc vicw
hu hc would rcmuin on curh unil hc rcign ol Anichris wus shurcd by ohcr
Byzuninc uuhors, including Andrcus ol Cucsurcu, und, signilicunly lor his sudy,
hc cnh-ccnury rcwricr ol hugiogruphy, Symcon Mcuphruscs (PG 110, col.
,o), which srcnghcns hc possibiliy hu hc uuhor or uuhors ol hc Vitu AnJrcuc
und hc Vitu BusiIii wcrc ussociucd wih hc olliciul hugiogruphicul projccs ol hc
mid-cnh ccnury. Scc lurhcr M. }ugic, Lu mcrt ct IAsscmpticn Jc Iu Suintc Vicrc,
Sudi c Tcsi 11 (Vuicun Ciy, 1q), ,101q.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, 11; Vcsclovskij I, jo.
Ibid., II, ,j.
Bu il S Symcon hc Sylic und his imiuors mukc i o
hcuvcn in Crcgorys book, hcy do so wihou spcciul disincion, us
pur ol hc bund ol righcous monks whosc bluck hubi now shincs
duzzling whic.
Thcy urc numcrous, bu hc ungcl who guidcs hc
nurruor hrough hc vision lcuvcs him in no doub us o hc luc ol
hc mujoriy. Brohcr, in hc consummuion ol hc ugc, hc wholc
gcncruion ol monks hus procccdcd o pcrdiion, upur lrom u lcw,
who huvc choscn o ussumc spiriuul hurdship und puin und oil.
Thc dumncd includc muny who posscss busic quulilicuions lor
suinhoodhcy huvc kcp hcmsclvcs cclibuc, prophcsicd, und cus
ou dcmons.
Thc church hicrurchy lurcs no bccr: Crcgory sccs
un cxcccdingly grcu muliudc ol bishops, dcucons, sub-dcucons,
rcudcrs, und chuncrs condcmncd o ccrnul ormcn.
Thus, hc
pcrlcc sunciy ol hc unconsccrucd suIcs, which is invisiblc o hc
cycs ol hc world, conruss wih hc corrupion undcrlying hc olli-
ciully consccrucd und highly visiblc sunciy pruciscd by hc vus
mujoriy ol clcrgy und monks. Such u conrus is no o bc lound in
hc Lijc cj Smccn tbc FccI, bu i lcuurcs in wo cpisodcs ol hc Lijc
cj AnJrcw, whcrc Andrcw, hrough his divinc insigh, pcrccivcs hc
sccrc sins ol un udulcrous dcucon und u mcrccnury monk who
pockcs hc moncy givcn o him by pcnicns.
In boh cuscs,
Andrcw dclivcrs u scrmon on hc high rcsponsibiliy ol u lilc consc-
crucd o Cod; in boh cuscs, i ukcs u lilh-ccnury holy lool o
cuch hc monks und clcrgy hc crror ol hcir wuys, which hc Lijc
cj BusiI idcnilics us u mucr ol scrious conccrn o cnh-ccnury
I is, indccd, his criiquc ol hc rcligious csublishmcn which
rcvculs hc viul link bcwccn hc wo cxs und providcs hc kcy o
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt q
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, 1,, briclly shows Andrcw in colluboruion wih S
Dunicl hc Sylic, ulhough hc cpisodc hus hc luncion ol csublishing Andrcws
crcdcniuls us hc concmporury und cquul ol u suin who wus consulcd by
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij II, 00.
Ibid., 1o.
Ibid., 1oz. Thc idcu hu hc gils ol hc Spiri will no in hcmsclvcs guurun-
cc sulvuion is buscd on Muhcw ,: zz, und is dcvclopcd in hc scvcnh-ccnury
Qnucsticncs ol Anususios ol Sinui: PG q, col. jzo. This is onc ol scvcrul poins ol
ugrccmcn bcwccn hc uuhor ol Vitu BusiIii und Symcon hc Ncw Thcologiun:
Cutucbcscs, cd. Krivochcinc |scc n. 11q bclow|, ii, 1oo.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij II, q, ll.
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, 1zj, 1qq. Thc monk corrcsponds cxucly o
hosc in hc Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij II, 1oz, who kcp hcir virginiy inuc, bu
hunkcring ulcr mcrccnury und singy wuys, pcrishcd miscrubly u hc cnd.
undcrsunding hc unconvcnionul modcl ol sunciy common o
boh. Andrcw und Busil urc prcscncd us ousidcrs o hc norms ol
clcricul und monusic holincss bccuusc his givcs hcm hc spiriuul
insigh und morul uuhoriy o prcuch rcpcnuncc by muking
rcvcluions ubou hc supcrnuurul dimcnsions hu cnvclop hc
mucriul world: rcvcluions ol hcuvcn, hcll, und hc cnd ol imc; rcv-
cluions ubou hc guurdiun ungcls und mulign dcmons hu bulc
lor hc posscssion ol cvcry humun soul; rcvcluions hu urc hiddcn
lrom cvcn hc mos suinly ol concmporury monks und churchmcn,
compromiscd us hcy urc by u lingcring uuchmcn o hc hings ol
his world. Criicism ol monks und clcrgy is only u pur ol hc mcs-
sugc, which in boh cxs is dircccd uguins sinlul luymcn und
includcs u virulcn uuck on hc }cws.
Bu il boh works signul
un ulcrior purposc, his is o rclorm hc quuliy ol Chrisiun lcud-
crship. Boh suins cnrus hcir disciplcs wih u mission. Andrcw
prophcsics hu lpiphunios will bccomc Puriurch ol Consun-
und his prophccy mukcs luncionul scnsc ol muny
cpisodcs, boh hosc in which hc young mun is shown lighing hc
dcmon ol lornicuion, usking hcologicul qucsions ol hc suin, und
lcurning o scc hrough hc plcusun cxcriors ol his worldly lricnds,
und hosc in which hc Dcvil punishcs Andrcw lor dcpriving him ol
his prcy. lpiphunios is clcurly in ruining o bc u bccr pusor hun
hc Puriurchs who do no huvc holy lools o udvisc hcm on hc
suc ol hc Church.
Thc cnh-ccnury Puriurchs who ligurc in
hc Lijc cj BusiI urc ull porruycd us lluwcd individuuls: Nicholus I
bccuusc ol his pcrjury und inhumuniy o Consuninc Doukus und
his lollowcrs; luhymios bccuusc ol hc scundul ol hc lmpcror Lco
VIs lourh murriugc; und Thcophyluc (qj0) us hc uncunoni-
cully clcccd son ol bigumy; hc only prics wih whom Busil is
shown in closc conuc is onc who rcluscs o cclcbruc hc liurgy
in procs uguins hcsc goings on.
Busil docs no lorcscc u succr-
doul luurc lor his disciplc, bu hc docs cll Crcgory o bc u ccJ
monk, und hc ungcl who ukcs Crcgory hrough his lrighlul vision
ol hc Lus }udgcmcn clls him rcpcucdly o rcpor ull hc hus sccn
q PunI MuJuIinc
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, zzzj; Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij II, , 01z, zqo,
j0, 0, 1z0z.
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, 11z1.
Ibid., 1zo: ` `, -
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, zqzj; Vcsclovskij I, 0.
o hc churchcs und ull hosc in churgc ol hcm, us wcll us o hc
hcuds ol monuscrics.
Crcgory ukcs his insrucion vcry scri-
ously, lor hc worrics, us soon us hc comcs ou ol hc vision, whu
churchcs und whu bishops did hc mcun.
In ncihcr Lilc, signil-
icunly, is hc suins bchuviour prcscribcd us u modcl lor ohcrs o
lollow. Thcrc is no qucsion ol luymcn linding sulvuion ousidc hc
lrumcwork ol orgunizcd worship. Churchmcn huvc o improvc
bccuusc hcy mukc hc rulcs hu luymcn huvc o lollow. Boh Livcs
insis hu pcoplc mus go o church und suy unil hc cnd ol hc
Thc Lijc cj AnJrcw is in hc spiri ol hc clcricul rcguluion
ol luy moruliy inroduccd by hc uiniscx council (0q1z),
hc Lijc cj BusiI cnds on u comloring bu clussicully clcricul noc:
pcoplc cun sccurc hcir sulvuion il hcy mukc lricnds lrom hc
Mummon ol unrighcousncss by donuing hcir surplus wculh o
hc poor und o hc churchcs ol hc suins who will incrccdc lor
Boh suins, hcrclorc, urc on u mission o rcsorc crcdibiliy o hc
rcligious csublishmcn ol Consuninoplc by cuching hc hings
hc liccnscd, insiuionul, holy mcn cunno prcuch, purly bccuusc
hc lucr urc corrup und lucking in hc grucc ol hc Spiri, bu
purly, oo, bccuusc hc cuchings in qucsion urc upocryphul. Sincc
hc ruhs rcvculcd by Andrcw und Busil ubou hc cnd ol hc world
und hc ulcrlilc hud no busis in hc Scripurcs und hc luhcrs, hcy
could no bc procluimcd by hc uposolic hicrurchy, viul hough
hcy wcrc lor cvcry Chrisiuns sulvuion. Only u lucr-duy uposlc
wih u lrcsh munduc could spcuk wih uuhoriy. And Andrcw und
Busil urc indccd cus us uposlcs in disguisc, no only by hcir livcs
ol ubsoluc, uposolic, povcry, bu in morc cxplici wuys. Andrcw
bcurs hc numc ol hc lirs-cullcd uposlc, und in choosing hu
numc, hc uuhor ol hc Lijc cj AnJrcw wus surcly uwurc ol hc
lcgcnd which mudc S Andrcw hc loundcr ol hc scc ol
Whcn, in onc ol hc Lilcs supposcdly lilh-ccnury
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt qj
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij II, 10,,o.
Ibid., 1,.
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, 1zz; Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij II, 1,.
}. Crosdidicr dc Muons, Lcs hcmcs dcdilicuion duns lu Vic dAndrc Sulos,
Truvunx ct mcmcircs, (1q,o), z,,z, csp. zz ll.; Mungo, S Andrcw hc lool
Rcconsidcrcd, oq. On hc Council, scc C. Dugron in Histcirc Jn cbristiunismc, iv
(Puris, 1qq), 0oq.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, j, quoing Lukc 10: q.
l. Dvornik, Tbc IJcu cj ApcstcIicit in Bzuntinm unJ tbc LccnJ cj tbc ApcstIc
AnJrcw (Cumbridgc, Muss., 1qj), zj.
momcns, Andrcw sccs u vision ol u church in hc mugniliccn lorm
in which i will bc rcbuil by }usiniun, hc church is no Hugiu
Sophiu bu hu ol hc Holy Aposlcs,
whcrc rclics ol S Andrcw,
S Timohy, und S Lukc hud bccn dcposicd by Consunius II.
church ol Consuninoplc lurhcr cluimcd uposolic uuhoriy
hrough is jurisdicion ovcr hc church ol lphcsus, loundcd by S
}ohn hc lvungclis.
As wc huvc sccn, Andrcw hus u closc rclu-
ionship wih S }ohn, who, hc clls lpiphunios, will rcmuin on curh
unil hc cnd ol hc world. Wc huvc ulso sccn how hc Lijc cj BusiI
upplics his bclicl o Busil.
Alhough hc uuhor rccords hc bclicl
us u populur opinion which cuuscs Busil somc cmburrussmcn, hc
rcgiscrs his upprovul by mcnioning i wicc, und by muking S
Scphcn suy ol Busil, I hink Cod hus pluccd him in hc runks ol hc
Thc ulliniics bcwccn hc Livcs urc so lundumcnul hu onc ol
hcm, u lcus, mus huvc bccn wricn wih knowlcdgc ol hc ohcr.
This would sill ullow lor hc hcory hu hc Lijc cj AnJrcw wus wri-
cn long bclorc hc Lijc cj BusiI. Bu in uddiion o hc ohcr indicu-
ions ol u cnh-ccnury concx lor boh cxs, hcrc urc imporun
rcspccs in which hc cdilying purposc ol cuch work is incomplcc
wihou hc ohcr. lirs, hcrc is u pcrccpiblc division ol visionury
lubour. Thc lormcr dcscribcs hc bulc bcwccn ungcls und dcmons
lor hc humun soul bclorc dcuh, whilc hc lucr churs hc loruncs
ol hc soul ulcr dcuh. Alhough boh cxs prcscn visions ol hc
ulcrlilc, only hc Lijc cj AnJrcw givcs u spcciul our ol hc dungcons
ol hcll. Whcn i comcs o cschuology, hc division is vcry clcur: hc
Lijc cj AnJrcw dcscribcs hc coursc ol cvcns lcuding up o hc
Sccond Coming, und hc Lijc cj BusiI ukcs up hc sory u hu poin.
Sccondly, cuch Lilc dculs wih u dillcrcn uspcc ol hc scculur urbun
spucc ol Consuninoplc, wih Andrcw inhubiing public pluccs und
Busil conlining himscll o hc privuc world ol hc scculur housc-
q0 PunI MuJuIinc
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, 1zj. Thc church u hc ccnrc ol hc vision ol hc
Ncw }crusulcm in Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij II, 1jz, is dcscribcd us u crucilorm
building wih lour domcs, which is uguin morc rcminisccn ol hc Holy Aposlcs hun
ol Hugiu Sophiu.
C. Mungo, Consunincs Muusolcum und hc Trunsluion ol Rclics,
Bzuntiniscbc Zcitscbrijt, (1qqo), j10, u jz; rcpr. in idcm, StnJics cn
CcnstuntincpIc (Aldcrsho, 1qq), no. V.
Dvornik, IJcu cj ApcstcIicit, z ll.
Scc n. jj ubovc.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, z.
hold, hc cilcs.
Thcrc is somc crossing ol hc boundurics, lor
Andrcw puys onc visi o lpiphunios in his housc, und, in hc
proccss ol moving bcwccn privuc locuions, Busil hus o ruvcrsc u
lo ol public spucc, including hc wholc ol hc proccssionul rouc
lrom hc Coldcn Cuc o hc Crcu Pulucc, which givcs his lilc hc
srucurc ol un impcriul uJvcntns.
Bu on hc wholc, Andrcw is
cus us hc uposlc ol hc squurcs und poricocs und Busil us hc
uposlc ol privuc homcs. Thc signilicuncc ol his dcmurcuion gocs
wcll bcyond hc conrus bcwccn hc public scing uppropriuc o
hc cxiscncc ol u lilh-ccnury holy lool und hc domcsic prioriics
ol cnh-ccnury socicy. Thc Consuninoplc ol hc Lijc cj AnJrcw is
u gloomy, sordid plucc, symbolic ol pcrdiion, lucking in grccncry or
grundcur; hc poricocs whcrc Andrcw dclccucs,
livcs umong
lilh und is rcucd likc lilh, shunncd cvcn by dogs und bcggurs,
urc hc mucriul munilcsuion ol u dcmonic world whcrc cvcryhing
is coucd in lucccs, lrom hc souls ol sinncrs o hc dcphs ol
By conrus, hc ncwork ol cilci which mukc up hc
Consuninoplc ol Busil hc Youngcr is on hc wholc u modcl ol sul-
vuion, lor cvcn hc houscs whcrc Busil sullcrs pcrsccuion con-
ribuc o his sunciy. In his sccond rcsidcncc, Busil is ucndcd by
u circlc ol dcvoccs who lorm u spiriuul lumily.
Apur lrom hc
houscs whcrc hc rcsidcs, Busil hus rcluions wih muny ohcr housc-
holds, cspcciully wih hcir domcsic sull, ulmos o hc poin ol
bccoming hc puron suin ol houschold sluvcs.
Thc Lijc cj BusiI is
rcmurkublc us u sourcc lor hc downsuirs sociul lilc ol hc
Byzuninc houschold.
I is cvcn morc rcmurkublc lor hc wuy i
projccs hc modcl ol hc cilcs ino hc ulcrlilc. Whcn Crcgory is
runsporcd ou ol his body in his lirs wo visions, hc linds himscll
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt q,
On hc signilicuncc ol hc crm und hc uni, scc P. Mugdulino, Thc Byzuninc
Arisocruic cilcs, in M. Angold (cd.), Tbc Bzuntinc Aristccruc, IX-XIII Ccntnrics,
Briish Archucologicul Rcpors, Incrnuionul Scrics, zz1 (Oxlord, 1q), qz111;
rcpr. in idcm, TruJiticn unJ Trunsjcrmuticn in McJicvuI Bzuntinm (Aldcrsho, 1qq1),
no. II.
Scc C. Dugron, Empcrcnr ct prctrc. tnJc snr Ic ccsurcpupismc lzuntin (Puris,
1qq0), ,qj, qj.
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, qj.
Ibid., o1, j.
Ibid., j, 10,, 1,0,, 1qo1, zo1, zq.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, oo1, o01z; Vcsclovskij I, j, jj0, j,, 0z.
Ibid., j1j, j0,, j,0.
Scc ulso ibid., 1z, und Chr. Angclidi, v v
1o o. v, v, 0
(1qj), j1.
in Busils hcuvcnly pulucc, whcrc, hc lcurns on hc sccond visi, hc
suin comcs o visi his spiriuul childrcn who prcdcccusc him.
is hcrc hu Busils luc muidscrvun Thcodoru clls him ubou hcr
cxpcricncc ulcr dcuh; how, huving pusscd hrough hc oll gucs
on hc uir-wuy o hcuvcn, shc wus prcscncd o hc hcuvcnly cour,
hcn lcd hrough hc dwcllings ol hc suins und givcn u glimpsc ol
hcll, bclorc bcing dclivcrcd o Busils spiriuul ubodc.
Thc dwcllings
ol hc suins urc dcscribcd us incompurublc puluccs spiriuully con-
sruccd ol mulicolourcd mosuics und vuricgucd murblcs; cuch ypc
ol suin hus u dillcrcn sylc ol pulucc, und hc urcu hcy occupy is onc
hundrcd imcs hc sizc ol Consuninoplc.
Thc cilcs uguin uppcurs us hc busic uni ol hc Ncw }crusulcm
whcrc hc righcous urc sclcd ulcr hc Lus }udgcmcn. In his prc-
vicw ol his cvcn, Crcgory noiccs hu whcn hc suins huvc ull
murchcd in und concludcd hc inuugurul cclcbruions, hcy usk
Chris o crcuc lor hcm u mulipliciy ol churchcs und rcsidcnccs,
such us hcy hud bccn uscd o on curh, und lo, cvcrywhcrc wcrc
houscs, puluccs, upurmcns, churchcs und wullcd csucs. Thcrc
wcrc cvcn suburbun villus, jus us in Consuninoplcbu hcrc
wcrc no public buildings or monumcnul public spuccs.
Busils hcuvcnly housc mukcs u hird und linul uppcuruncc u hc
vcry cnd ol hc Lijc cj BusiI, ulcr hc dcuh ol }ohn, hc luihlul
cunuch who hud urrungcd lor hc buriul ol hc suin und wuicd on
his omb. A lcllow disciplc ol hc suin und closc lricnd ol }ohn won-
dcrs whu hus huppcncd o hc lucr in hc ulcrlilc. Onc nigh hc
is gruncd u vision in which hc sccs himscll sunding ousidc un
uwcsomc royul pulucc, wih grcu gildcd gucs, und ubovc hcm un
inscripion which rcuds lcrnul dwclling und rcposc ol my luihlul
scrvun Busil hc Youngcr. A young mun hrows opcn hc gucs o
rcvcul Busil in grcu glory, surroundcd by u royul suic, wih }ohn
sunding ncx o him, und u lurhcr muliudc ol glorious rcuin-
crs. A voicc procluims hu his is hc rcwurd ol hosc who lovc und
honour Cod und his scrvuns.
Thc rolcs, und hc disguiscs, ol Andrcw und Busil us lucr-duy
uposlcs wcrc shupcd by hc closc rcluionship ol hcir Livcs, und by
incrucion wih ohcr cxs und rcnds ol hc cnh ccnury. By
q PunI MuJuIinc
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, z; Vcsclovskij I, 1z ll.
Ibid., z.
Ibid., q.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij II, 1jq01.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, z.
looking u hcir poins ol conuc wih hcir cnh-ccnury concx,
wc cun urrivc u u morc prccisc undcrsunding ol hc choiccs mudc
by hcir uuhors, und wc cun bccr upprcciuc hc signilicuncc ol,
us wcll us hcir conribuion o, hc dcbuc in which hcy wcrc
Thc visions ol hcuvcn und hcll which ligurc so promincnly in
boh Livcs huvc hcir councrpurs in wo lrcc-sunding visionury
uccouns lrom hc sumc pcriod. Onc is ducd o q0 und rccords hc
vision which Kosmus, hc luc ubbo ol u monuscry in Bihyniu,
hud sccn during u scrious illncss hiry ycurs curlicr.
Thc ohcr is
hc BcvcIuticn ol hc nun Anususiu, who is suid o huvc livcd in hc
sixh ccnury, ulhough hc cx clcurly pos-ducs hc dcuh ol }ohn
I Tzimiskcs (q,0).
Thc vcry cxiscncc ol hcsc cxs is imporun
us conlirmuion hu spcculuion ubou hc ulcrlilc wus incnsc dur-
ing hc cnh ccnury, whcn upoculypic cxpccuions run high wih
hc udvcn ol hc middlc ol hc scvcnh millcnnium sincc hc crc-
uion ol hc world;
hc corrupion ol hc clcrgy, which cxcrciscd
hc uuhor ol hc Lijc cj BusiI, wus sccn by u slighly curlicr hugio-
gruphcr us u surc sign hu hc cnd wus nigh.
As u puir, hc wo
visionury picccs lorm un incrcsing purullcl o our Livcs, wih onc
cx lirmly groundcd in cnh-ccnury rculiics und hc ohcr sc
much curlicr. A compuruivc unulysis ol hc visions in ull lour cxs
is bcyond hc scopc ol his cssuy, bu I will noc wo poins in hc
Visicn cj Kcsmus tbc Mcnl which show hu hc compurison should
bc insrucivc.
Kosmus, lirs, is ukcn ino hcuvcn und shown uround by wo
vcncrublc mcn whom hc rccognizcs, lrom hcir icons, us hc
uposlcs Andrcw und }ohn. Thc cdior ol hc cx nocs hu hcsc
uposlcs urc nowhcrc clsc mcnioncd or dcpiccd us psychopomps,
und usks whchcr hcy ligurc us such in his vision bccuusc hc soul
hcy urc uccompunying comcs lrom u living body.
Thc unswcr is
probubly ycs, givcn hu hc lucr-duy uposlcs Andrcw hc lool
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt qq
ld. Chr. Angclidi, Lu vcrsion longuc dc lu vision du moinc Cosmus, AB 1o1
(1q), ,qq.
ld. R. Homburg, ApccuIpsis Anustusiuc (Lcipzig, 1qo).
Scc P. Mugdulino, Thc Hisory ol hc luurc und is Lscs: Prophccy, Policy und
Propugundu, in R. Bcuon und C. Roucchc (cd.), Tbc Mulin cj Bzuntinc Histcr.
StnJics JcJicutcJ tc DcnuIJ M. NiccI (London, 1qq), , u z0.
ld. L. C. Wcscrink Nikcus hc Puphlugoniun on hc lnd ol hc World, in
Essus in Mcmcr cj BusiI LucnrJus (Thcssuloniki, 1q,j), 1,,qj, u 1qj.
Angclidi, Lu vcrsion longuc, , q n. qz.
und Busil hc Youngcr cllccivcly uc us guidcs o hc ulcrlilc o
hcir disciplcs lpiphunios und Crcgory.
Sccondly, us Kosmus und his uposolic guidcs procccd lrom hc
oucr guc ol hcuvcn o hc inncr ciy und pulucc ol Cod, hcy puss
hrough u lurgc olivc grovc, whosc rccs, us I considcr, wcrc morc
hun hc surs ol hcuvcn. Lndcr cuch rcc urc u cn und u couch,
und on cuch couch rcclincs u mun. Kosmus rccognizcs muny pcoplc
hc hud known in hc pulucc, in Consuninoplc, und in his
monuscry und is ncighbourhood. Whcn hc usks his guidcs o
cxpluin, hcy chidc him lor usking u silly qucsion: is i no obvious
hu hcsc urc hc muny munsions (}ohn 1: z) in Cods housc.
Yc in hc hcuvcn ol hc Lijc cj BusiI, hcsc sumc munsions urc
cluboruc cilci.
Wus hc Visicns puiring ol hc uposlcs Andrcw und }ohn inllu-
cnccd by knowlcdgc ol hc nco-uposolic duo Andrcw hc lool und
Busil hc Youngcr, und wus is picurc ol u rcluxcd, ullrcsco hcuvcn
u rcor o hc Lijc cj BusiIs vision ol u supcr-Consuninoplc ol uris-
ocruic cilci. Wihou knowing hc cxuc ordcr in which hc cxs
wcrc composcd, wc cunno cll which uuhor wus rcucing o
which. Bu wc cun bc rcusonubly surc hu hcy wcrc wriing closc
o cuch ohcr in imc und plucc, lor Consuninopoliun rcudcrs. This
mukcs i vcry likcly hu u lcus onc uuhor wus wriing wih hc
ohcr, or ohcrs, in mind. Two imporun conclusions lollow: lirs,
Andrcw und Busil wcrc rccognizcd us u duo in hc q0os, which
srcnghcns hc cusc lor u common or co-ordinucd uuhorship ol
hcir Livcs; sccondly, hc rcligious licruurc o which hc Livcs
bclongcd did no rcprcscn u scumlcssly unicd cvungclicul lron, bu
rcprcscncd dillcrcnccs ol posiion und cmphusis in u dcbuc ubou
whu sulvuion mcun und how i wus o bc uchicvcd. Whcn wc
urn o ohcr rcligious cxs ol hc pcriod, wc scc hu hc crms ol
his dcbuc wcn bcyond spcculuion ubou hc ulcrlilc und covcrcd
u vuricy ol qucsions conccrning hc qucs lor pcrsonul suncilicu-
ion. Should monks rcmuin in onc plucc. Should hcy livc us soli-
urics or in communiics. Did holy mcn bclong in hc ciy. Wus i
possiblc o mcc u living suin, und how wus hc o bc rccognizcd.
Whu wcrc hc rolc und hc quulilicuions ol u spiriuul luhcr.
1oo PunI MuJuIinc
Scc in gcncrul R. Morris, Mcnls unJ Lumcn in Bzuntinm, 8(1118
(Cumbridgc, 1qqj); B. llusin, Lhugiogruphic monusiquc u Byzuncc uu IX

c uu

sicclc: modclcs uncicns c cndunccs concmporuincs, Bcvnc lcncJictinc, 1o

(1qq), 1jo.
I migh sccm us hough hc Livcs ol Andrcw und Busil givc
impossibly cxrcmc unswcrs o hcsc qucsions, ulwuys privilcging
hc churismuic u hc cxpcnsc ol hc cunonicul. Bu us wc huvc
sccn, hc unconvcnionul holincss ol Andrcw und Busil is mcun o
vuliduc hcir spcciul uposolic mission, und hcir uc is no mcun
o bc lollowcd. Thc disciplcs who bcncli lrom hcir churismu urc
normul mcmbcrs ol socicy who will lollow normul insiuionul
curccrs. By hcir vcry luck ol lormul consccruion, und by kccping
o hc scculur spucc ol Consuninoplc, Andrcw und Busil uvoid
cndorsing cxrcmism or individuulism wihin hc monusic cnvir-
onmcn, und cus doub on hc possibiliy ol uchicving old-sylc
sunciy by hc normul puhs ol soliury usccicism.
Thc plucc ol Andrcw und Busil wihin hc spccrum ol holincss
hu wus on ollcr in cnh-ccnury Consuninoplc bccomcs clcurcr
whcn wc compurc hcir Livcs wih hc cvidcncc lor wo concmpo-
rury holy mcn who wcrc udvcriscd us hc cquuls ol hc suins ol
old. Boh livcd closc in imc und plucc o hc licrury consrucion
ol Andrcw und Busil und wcrc ulmos ccruinly known o hc lu-
crs hugiogruphcr or hugiogruphcrs. Lukc hc Sylic livcd on u col-
umn u Chulccdon, in hc Asiuic suburbs ol Consuninoplc, lrom
qj o q,q.
During hu imc hc wus undoubcdly hc mos
lumous holy mun in hc rcgion ol hc cupiul, urucing crowds ol
visiors und un clic mcropoliun clicnclc hu includcd u sub-
dcucon ol hc Crcu Church,
u clcric ol hc Ncu lkklcsiu,
hc Puriurch Thcophyluc,
ol whom hc uuhor ol hc Lijc cj
BusiI disupprovcd so srongly. I is hurd o imuginc hu hc lucr
hud lorgocn ubou Lukc whcn hc luilcd o mukc honourublc mcn-
ion ol sylics umong hc compuny ol hc blcsscd. I is cquully likcly
hu Lukcs hugiogruphcr, wriing in qo or shorly hcrculcr, hud
hc Livcs ol Andrcw und Busil in mind whcn cxolling hc sylic lilc
us hc ulimuc in suinly pcrlccion, whosc pruciioncrs wcrc rurc
und cxcccding lcw.
Lukc is inroduccd us hc lilh in u linc ol
grcu sylics, ulcr hc lldcr und Youngcr Symcon, Dunicl, und
hc is prcscncd us u }ob ligurc,
ungclic us wcll us
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt 1o1
Vitu S. Lncuc stIituc (BHG zzq), cd. wih inroducory commcnury und
lrcnch runsluion by l. Vundcrsuyl, Vic Jc Suint Lnc Ic StIitc (8;jj;j), PO 11]z
(1q1), cols. 1qz,.
Ibid., (z).
Ibid., j0 (zj0).
Ibid., j, (z1).
Ibid., j (1q).
Ibid., 0, (1q0).
Ibid., (1q0); 1o (zoo).
wih solid crcdcniuls ol hc kind hu Andrcw und
Busil conspicuously luck. Hc is propcrly onsurcd und orduincd,
und bclorc scing up in hc suburbs ol hc big ciywih hc blcss-
ing ol hc locul bishop
hc scrvcs u lull rurul upprcniccship,
procccding o hc sylic lilc by dcgrccs: lirs u spcll ol usccicism und
philunhropy in hc world, hcn u spcll ol communul lilc in u luvru
on Bihyniun Olympos, whcrc hc prccnds o bc dcul und dumb (bu
no insunc).
This is in poincd conrus o Andrcw und Busil who
no only rcvcul bu, o u grcu cxcn, curn hcir suinhood in hc
ciy-ccnrc. Alhough i is Busils prcvious curccr us u dcscr gruzcr
hu is suid o givc him his spiriuul powcrs,
much grcucr promi-
ncncc is uccordcd o his pcrsccuion u hc hunds ol Sumonus und
Suronics, which mukcs him, in cllcc, u conlcssor, quulilicd o con-
vcr hc urisocruic cilcs lrom u plucc ol prolunc ormcn o u plucc
ol sulvuion. Andrcw similurly quulilics lor conlcssor suus by his
cullous rcumcn u hc hunds ol sudisic pusscrs-by.
Yc whilc Lukcs hugiogruphcr is curclul o show hu his holi-
ncss wus cunonicul, hc is ulso u puins o pluy up is individuul,
hcroic ruis und o pluy down uny scnsc ol rouinc conlormiy. By
inroducing Lukc us hc imiuor ol hc curly sylics, hc disrcgurds
hc obvious luc hu Lukc wus lollowing hc cxumplc ol hc monk
who hud onsurcd him, und whosc spiriuul childrcn hud convcrcd
him o hc rcligious lilc.
In ohcr words, Lukc wus no un cxccp-
ionul hrowbuck o curly usccicism, lor sylics wcrc u rcgulur lcu-
urc ol hc Byzuninc rcligious lundscupc ol hc ninh und cnh
lor his hugiogruphcr, howcvcr, hc obvious prcccdcn
lor Lukc wus Dunicl hc Sylic, und hc muy wcll huvc bccn lollow-
ing hc Lijc cj DunicI in cluiming hu Lukc did no comc o
Consuninoplc ol his own voliion, bu wus guidcd hcrc by u divinc
1oz PunI MuJuIinc
Vitu Lncuc stIituc, 1z (zoz); uposoliciy is ulso hincd u in z (z0).
Ibid., 1z1 (zo1).
Ibid., z0 (z1,).
Ibid., 1z (zo1j).
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij I, ,. Scc ulso ibid., 0, whcrc un cxpcllcd dcmon
culls Busil u hcrb-cuing dcscr-dwcllcr.
Vitu Lncuc stIituc, cd. Vundcrsuyl, 111z (zo1z).
This is ulso clcur lrom Vitu S. Lncuc innicris (BHG qq), (cd. D. Sophiunos,
Tbc Lijc cj Hcsics Lcnlus cj Stciris, znd cdn. (Ahcns, 1qq), 1zjq, u 1q), which
mcnions sylics u Purus und Zcmcnu in hc Pcloponncsc. Thc cdiion by C.
Krcmos, Pbclilu, i (Ahcns, 1,), is rcproduccd und runslucd ino lnglish by C.
L. und W. R. Connor, Tbc Lijc unJ MirucIcs cj St Lnlc cj Stciris (Brooklinc, Muss.,
1qq), z1z: scc j (jj).
rcvcluion, which ulso old him whcrc o lind his column.
hc sory wus no so simplc sccms cvidcn lrom hc cxs lucr
inlormuion hu Lukc wus buricd in hc ciy monuscry ol S
Bussiun, which hc hud rcloundcd u hc puriurchs bchcs.
cdior ol hc Lilc inlcrs, rcusonubly, hu Lukc hud livcd u S
Bussiun bclorc moving ucross hc Bosphoros, und i is hus probu-
blc hu hc wus invicd o Consuninoplc by hc puriurch o undcr-
ukc hc rcsoruion. Thc hugiogruphcr muy huvc supprcsscd hc
inlormuion bccuusc hc puriurch in qucsion wus hc noorious
Thcophyluc, who could bc shown us bcholdcn o hc suin, bu no
us his spiriuul supcrior. Whu is gcncrully clcur is hu hc hugio-
gruphcr hus no primury incrcs in Lukcs rolc us u monusic lcudcr,
which wus cvidcnly considcrublc, lor no only wus hc hc ncw
loundcr ol S Bussiun, bu hcrc wus u monusic communiy closc
o his column u tu Entrcpicn.
Hc is no cvcn incrcscd in dcvcl-
oping hc hcmc ol Lukcs quuliics us u spiriuul dirccor, ol which
hc hud lirs-hund cxpcricncc.
Concmporury opinion wus opcn o
hc idcu hu u suin wus holy by viruc ol his morul lcudcrship, his
rolc us u cuchcr und suvcr ol souls. Lukcs hugiogruphcr chosc no
o cunonizc his hcro in his wuy, bu inscud o ground his suin-
hood on conlormiy o uncicn modcls, on supcrhumun uslcsis, und
on hc pcrlormuncc ol numcrous miruclcs. In uking his opion, hc
sccms o huvc ignorcd hc purullcls ollcrcd by concmporury usccics
who wcrc rcviulizing hc spiriuul lilc ol hc luropcun provinccs,
in luvour ol rcsponding o hc urbun chullcngc poscd by hc ncwly
crcucd rcpuuions ol Andrcw hc lool und Busil hc Youngcr. Or
wus hc rcsponding o hc growing rcpuuion ol hc ohcr urbun
holy mun who wus ucquiring u vcry umbiious und publiciy-
conscious disciplc u hc imc whcn hc Livcs ol Andrcw und Busil
wcrc bcing wricn.
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt 1o
Vitu Lncuc stIituc, cd. Vundcrsuyl, zj (z1j10). Cl. Vitu S. DunicIis stIituc
(BHG q), 1o (cd. H. Dclchuyc, Lcs suints stIitcs, SHug. 1 (Brusscls, 1qz),
1q, u 1o1z). Thc ussociuion wus cnhunccd by hc luc hu Lukc dicd on hc
sumc duy us Dunicl: scc Vitu Lncuc stIituc, cd. Vundcrsuyl, ,q (z,,).
Ibid., o (z,o).
R. }unin, Lcs cIiscs ct Ics mcnustcrcs Jcs runJs ccntrcs lzuntins (Puris, 1q,j),
. Thc uuhor ol Vitu Lncuc stIituc, (cd. Vundcrsuyl, z), rclcrs o hc
monuscry us il i hud nohing o do wih Lukc, bu hc ulso mcnions u group ol
monks in ucnduncc on hc sylic, jz (zjo).
Ibid., q (1qq), (zzj0).
Noubly Suins Ahunusios hc Ahonic, Lukc ol Sciris, Nikon Mcunocic: scc
Morris, Mcnls unJ Lumcn, chs. 1.
Thu ohcr holy mun wus Symcon hc Sudic or Symcon hc
Modcs (EnIulcs), und hc disciplc wus u young Puphlugoniun
cunuch in impcriul scrvicc cullcd Ccorgc, lucr o bccomc lumous us
S Symcon hc Ncw Thcologiun. Thc lucr, uccording o his own
hugiogruphcr, go in roublc wih hc uuhoriics lor insiuing u
cul ol his spiriuul luhcr, complcc wih un icon und un unnuul
lcus duy.
Lnlorunucly, hc hugiogruphy hc wroc lor his cul
hus no survivcd, und wc huvc o rcly on whu wc cun piccc
ogchcr lrom ullusions in his scrmons o hc monks ol hc
monuscry ol S Mumus in Consuninoplc, whcrc hc bccumc
I muy no bc immcdiucly obvious whu hcsc high-
mindcd spiriuul discourscs, wih hcir somcimcs mysicul cmphu-
sis on inncr rcgcncruion, hcir cducucd Crcck, und hcir
scrupulous udhcrcncc o bonu lidc scripurul und purisic cuch-
ings, huvc in common wih hc populur und upocryphul scnsuion-
ulism ol hc Livcs ol Andrcw und Busil. Yc hcrc urc lour busic
similuriics bcwccn hc hcrocs ol hcsc Livcs und Symcon hc
Sudic us cvokcd by hc Ncw Thcologiun:
(1) SuintbccJ in tbc cit Symcon wus onc ol hosc suins who hud
livcd u hcuvcnly lilc in hc hick ol urbun socicy, who shonc likc
u sun in hc mids ol hc lumous monuscry ol Sudius, closc o hc
curcs und cmpuions ol hc world.
Hc wus considcrcd u lool; hc
hud lc himscll bc humiliucd und opprcsscd, ubuscd, dismisscd, und
insulcd us u worhlcss, dcrungcd, und common vugrun . . . likc onc
ol hc disublcd bcggurs on hc squurcs und srccs ol hc ciy; likc
Chris, hc wus suid o bc posscsscd by u dcmon, und uccuscd ol con-
soring wih publicuns und sinncrs.
This combinuion ol ruis
1o PunI MuJuIinc
Nikcus Schuos, Vitu S. Smccnis ncvi tbccIci (BHG 10qz), ,zq (cd. I.
Huushcrr und C. Horn, Un runJ mstiqnc lzuntin. Vic Jc Smccn Ic Ncnvcun
TbccIcicn (j(j1o..) pur Nicctus Stctbutcs, Oricnuliu Chrisiunu 1z]j (1qz),
1zz, u q1zq). Thc Puriurch cullcd upon Symcon o provc hu you urc uc-
ing in uccorduncc wih hc cuching ol hc luhcrs und hc uposlcs, in hus cclc-
bruing hc mcmory ol your luhcr on u pur wih hc suins ol old.
Symcons prosc works huvc mosly bccn publishcd wih lrcnch runsluion in
hc Sourccs Chrcicnncs scrics: Cbupitrcs tbccIciqncs, ncstiqncs ct prutiqncs, cd. }.
Durrouzcs, SC j1 (Puris, 1qj,); Cutucbcscs, cd. B. Krivochcinc und r. }. Purumcllc,
vols., SC q0, 1o, 11 (Puris, 1q0j); Truitcs tbccIciqncs ct ctbiqncs, cd. }.
Durrouzcs, z vols., SC 1zz, 1zq (Puris, 1q00,).
Cutucbcscs, cd. Krivochcinc, ii, z0, 1oz. A lcw picccs huvc bccn runs-
lucd ino lnglish wih u usclul inroducion by P. McCuckin, Smccn tbc Ncw
TbccIciun. Tbc PructicuI unJ TbccIcicuI Cbuptcrs unJ tbc Tbrcc TbccIcicuI Disccnrscs,
CSud. 1 (Kulumuzoo, Miss., 1qz).
Cutucbcscs, cd. Krivochcinc, ii, o, 0 l.
hus lcd morc hun onc scholur o bclicvc hu Symcon simulucd
loolishncss, which hc Lijc cj AnJrcw und hc Lijc cj BusiI prcscn us
hc highcs lorm ol usccicism.
Ccruinly, i sccms hu il Symcon
consciously ook ulcr uny illusrious numcsukc, his wus Symcon
hc lool ruhcr hun cihcr hc lldcr or hc Youngcr Symcon
Sylics. Whilc hc Ncw Thcologiun suys hu suins livc in cuvcs,
mounuins, cclls, und ciy ccnrcs, hc docs no mcnion suburbun
columns; clscwhcrc hc wrics hu monks will no uchicvc sulvuion
by hc mcrc uc ol cscuping o hc ops ol columns or mounuins,
or o cuvcs or cclls.
(z) Tbc suints cj cIJ Mos pcoplc did no rccognizc Symcons
suinhood, bccuusc hcy wrongly hough i impossiblc o cncouncr
u suin in hcir own duy, und his is why hc uuhor suys hu hc
wus so gruclul o huvc discovcrcd Symcon.
Thc Livcs ol Andrcw
und Busil similurly prcscn hcir hcrocs us uncicn hugiogruphy mudc
rcul, o hc surprisc und dcligh ol hc spccuor. Whu wc hcurd in
hc Livcs ol hc suins wc huvc sccn wih our own cycs, cxcluims u
boy who sccs Andrcw lcviuc.
Busils nurruor, Crcgory, dcclurcs,
Lnil hu momcn I hud ncvcr mc u cluirvoyun mun, und I hud
only rcud ubou hcm in hc Livcs ol hc suins ol old.
() EscbutcIc Though Symcon hc Ncw Thcologiun uvoids hc
lurid upoculypicism ol hc Livcs ol Andrcw und Busil, his mcssugc,
likc hcirs, is u cull o rcpcnuncc in prcpuruion lor hc Lus
}udgcmcn, und hc cull is uimcd, ubovc ull, u monks who huvc
ouwurdly rcnounccd hc world bu rcmuin uuchcd o i.
() SpiritnuI jutbcrbccJ Thc rcluionship bcwccn spiriuul luhcr
und spiriuul child is ccnrul o hc Ncw Thcologiuns mcssugc ol
sulvuion, whchcr hc is ulking ubou his own convcrsion undcr
hc guiduncc ol Symcon hc Sudic or upplying his cxpcricncc o
his own pusorul rolc us luhcr ol hc monks ol S Mumus.
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt 1oj
Cl. Dcrochc, tnJcs snr Lccntics Jc NcupcIis, zo,1o.
Cutucbcscs, cd. Krivochcinc, i, z0; Truitcs, cd. Durrouzcs, ii, 1,z.
Cutucbcscs, cd. Krivochcinc, i, zz, z; ii, 1z, 10, 1,0, o0, 1o
Vitu AnJrcuc, cd. Rydcn, 1oo1: o ,
v `, .
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, o0.
Cutucbcscs, cd. Krivochcinc, i, ,00; ii, 1qo; Truitcs, cd. Durrouzcs, i,
Scc H. }. M. Turncr, St Smccn tbc Ncw TbccIciun unJ SpiritnuI FutbcrbccJ
(Lcidcn, 1qqo).
nurruivcs ol hc Livcs ol Andrcw und Busil urc lurgcly buil uround
hc disciplccuchcr rcluionships ol Nikcphoros und Crcgory o
Andrcw und Busil rcspccivcly. In hc Lijc cj BusiI u lcus, hc rclu-
ionship is morc hun u pcrluncory nurruivc dcvicc, lor i is inro-
duccd us hc unswcr o hc nurruors pruycrs ulcr his prcvious
spiriuul luhcr hus dicd. Hc insiss on hc imporuncc, und hc dil-
liculy, ol linding hc righ spiriuul luhcr, und hc gocs o his lirs
mccing wih Busil wih hc clcur incnion ol csing hc holy muns
As wc huvc sccn, Busils hugiogruphcr clcvucs hc
modcl ol hc spiriuul cilcs, composcd ol hc suin und his spiriuul
progcny, ino u hcuvcnly microcosm, hc viul building-block ol hc
Kingdom ol Cod.
Thc oscnsiblc dillcrcncc is hu whcrcus Andrcw und Busil urc no
hcld up lor imiuion, Symcon hc Sudic is prcscribcd o hc monks
ol S Mumus us un cxumplc ol hc imiuion ol Chris hu hcy
should ukc o hcur. Il Busil hc Youngcr wus u rcul concmporury
ligurc, Symcon migh bc sccn us hc cunonicul monusic rcsponsc
o Busils uncunonicul cxumplc. Howcvcr, il Busil, likc Andrcw, wus
un cdilying licion und known us such o Symcon hc Ncw
Thcologiun, hcrc is no dilliculy in sccing ull hrcc holy mcn us
producs ol hc sumc workshop, us rcprcscnuivcs ol un idcul ol
holincss hu wus o bc culivucd in inncr spiri ruhcr hun in li-
crul dcuil. Whu Symcon udvocucd wus hc principIc ol oul scll-
ubuscmcn und povcry, hc principIc ol living suinhood, hc
principIc ol pcrsonul dcpcndcncy on hc hcud ol u spiriuul lumily.
Hc incndcd hcsc principlcs o rcinlorcc, ruhcr hun subvcr, hc
communul disciplinc ol hc Sudic monusic rulc.
Whcrc hc
dcpurcd lrom concmporury prucicc wus in his cmphusis on spiri-
uul ovcr blood rcluions, und on ics ol scrvicc us opposcd o hosc
ol kinship. Hc himscll did no imiuc hc morc conrovcrsiul uspccs
ol Symcon hc Sudics bchuviour, und i is doublul whchcr hc
cxpcccd hc monks ol S Mumus o do so. Whu hc rcquircd wus
1o0 PunI MuJuIinc
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, oj ll. Crcgory suys hu his prcvious dirccor wus u
suinly monk cullcd lpiphunios u hc monuscry ol tu Muximincs.
Scc D. Kruusmullcr, Thc Monusic Communiics ol Soudios und S Mumus in
hc Sccond Hull ol hc Tcnh Ccnury, in M. Mullc und A. Kirby (cds.), Tbc
Tbcctclcs Evcrctis unJ EIcvcntb-Ccntnr Mcnusticism (Bcllus, 1qq), 0,j, und csp.
}. A. McCuckin, Symcon hc Ncw Thcologiun (d. 1ozz) und Byzuninc
Monusicism, in A. Brycr und M. Cunninghum (cds.), Mcnnt Atbcs unJ Bzuntinc
Mcnusticism (Aldcrsho, 1qq0), 1,j.
lrcqucn und oul conlcssion ol houghs, und oul obcdicncc o
himscll us ubbo. Thc luncions ol Andrcw und Busil us churismuic
spiriuul dirccors wcrc compuiblc wih his purposc, und Busils
ncwork ol incrlocking scculur und spiriuul cilci wus in hurmony
wih Symcons cndcncy, which hus bccn idcnilicd us hc csscncc
ol his progrummc, o srucurc hc monusic lcinclicn ulong hc
lincs ol hc urisocruic cilcs.
Symcon himscll poincd ou hc
srucurul similuriics,
in uddiion o muking hc poin indirccly
by his usc ol houschold und pulucc imugcs o illusruc hc rclu-
ionship bcwccn mun und Cod.
Thc dillcrcncc is csscniully onc
ol rclincmcn: Symcons puluiul hcuvcn is highly ccnrulizcd, wih
hc upurmcns ol hc suins ull opcning on o u singlc loycr.
his wuy, hc Lijc cj BusiI luncions us u riul skcch lor hc ccnobiic
modcl hu Symcon wuncd o imposc on hc monks ol S Mumus.
Il his rcuding is corrcc, i hclps o cxpluin hc ohcrwisc puzzling
luc hu ulhough Busil is cus us S }ohn hc lvungclis in disguisc,
hc uposlc ol hc scculur cilcs, hc bcurs hc numc ol S Busil ol
Cucsurcu, who wus rcvcrcd us onc ol hc lounding luhcrs ol com-
munul monusicism. S Thcodorc hc Sudic, hc grcu mcdicvul
Byzuninc rcinvcnor ol hc ccnobiic idcul, wus suid o huvc bccn
inspircd by his rcuding ol S Busil.
Bu hc numc Busil hud lurhcr connouions lor cnh-ccnury
Byzunincs. I is unlikcly, hough no impossiblc, hu concmporury
Consuninopoliuns hud hcurd ol Busil Digcncs Akrics, hc lc-
gcndury lronicr wurrior who opcrucd in hc cuscrn bordcrlunds
whcrc Busil hc Youngcr wus urrcscd us u spy.
Howcvcr, hcy
hud ull hcurd ol hc lmpcror Busil I hc Muccdoniun, hc loundcr ol
hc dynusic succcssion, which, dcspic hc dumuging minoriy ol
Consuninc VII, wus bccoming hc longcs hu Consuninoplc hud
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt 1o,
Ibid., z.
Cutucbcscs, cd. Krivochcinc, i, o.
Scc, lor cxumplc, Cutucbcscs, cd. Krivochcinc, i, zz0, zqo, o, oo; ii,
z0; iii, 1o, j; Truitcs, cd. Durrouzcs, i, 1o; ii, zz, 100. Cl. A. Kuzhdun,
Dus Syscm dcr Bildcr und Mcuphcrn in dcn Wcrkcn Symcons dcs Ncucn
Thcologcn, in P. Huupmunn (cd.), Unscr unzcs Lclcn Cbristns nnscrm Gctt nlcrunt-
wcrtcn. F. vcn LiIicnjcIJ znm . Gclnrtstu (Coingcn, 1qz), zz1q; A. }. vun dcr
Auls, Thc Pulucc und hc Monuscry in Byzuninc Spiriuul Lilc c. 1ooo, in
A. Duvids (cd.), Tbc Emprcss Tbccpbunc (Cumbridgc, 1qqj), 10.
Truitcs, cd. Durrouzcs, i, zzz, z.
PG qq, col. zj.
lor hc cxuul cvidcncc, rcccn commcnury, und prcvious bibliogruphy, scc
l. M. }cllrcys, Dicnis Alritis. Tbc Grcttujcrrutu unJ EsccriuI Vcrsicns (Cumbridgc,
1qq); R. Bcuon und D. Ricks (cds.), Dicncs Alritcs. Ncw Apprcucbcs tc Bzuntinc
Hcrcic Pcctr (Aldcrsho, 1qq).
cvcr known. Around qjo, Consuninc commissioncd u luuduory
biogruphy ol his grundluhcr which hus u srong hugiogruphicul
Rydcn hus dccccd cchocs ol his cx in hc Lijc cj
AnJrcw, und hcrc urc pcrhups cvcn srongcr cchocs in hc Lijc cj
BusiI. Thc sccnc is sc wih u purugruph ubou Busil I und his
S Busil hc Youngcr, likc hc young Busil I, cncrs
Consuninoplc lrom hc souh-wcs und pcncrucs o hc ccnrc ol
powcr u hc cuscrn cnd ol hc ciy, ulong hc rouc ukcn by urriv-
ing lmpcrors, by uuching himscll o incrcusingly imporun housc-
holds. Thc housc which bccomcs his linul rcsidcncc is suid o bc
ncur u church which Busil I hud buil in cxpiuion ol his murdcr ol
Michucl III.
Boh Busils umcd horscs hu ohcrs could no con-
Thc uuhor ol hc Lijc cj BusiI probubly wroc in hc knowlcdgc
hu hc luurc ol Busil Is dynusy wus ussurcd by hc young Busil
II, born in qj und crowncd us co-lmpcror o his luhcr Romunos
II in q0o. Hc wus ccruinly wriing u u imc whcn poliicul lilc in
Consuninoplc wus inllucnccd, il no dominucd, by unohcr
homonym, hc cunuch Busil hc purulcimcmcncs, hc illcgiimuc
son ol hc lmpcror Romunos I by u Scyhiun (Russiun.) sluvc-girl.
Righ-hund mun ol Consuninc VII bclorc qjq, und powcr bchind
hc hronc ol hrcc lmpcrors lrom q0 o qj, Busil wus u munil-
iccn puron ol culurc und rcligion, closcly involvcd in hc cn-
cyclopucdism ol hc mid-cnh ccnury. Hc commissioncd u rcuisc
on nuvul wurlurc, hc Nunmucbicu, und is bclicvcd o huvc bccn
rcsponsiblc lor compiling hc Bccl cj Ccrcmcnics. Hc puid lor hc pro-
ducion ol luxury munuscrips, prccious rcliquurics, und liurgicul
vcsscls. Mos incrcsingly lor us, hc loundcd u mugniliccn
monuscry in Consuninoplc, which wus dcdicucd o S Busilun
uncommon dcdicuionund ol which un curly, probubly hc lirs,
ubbo, wus ulso cullcd Busil.
1o PunI MuJuIinc
Tbccpbuncs Ccntinnutns, cd. I. Bckkcr (Bonn, 1), z11j; P. Alcxundcr,
Scculur Biogruphy u Byzunium, SpccnInm, 1j (1qo), 1qzoq, which is rcpr. in
his BcIiicns unJ PcIiticuI Histcr unJ Tbcnbt in tbc Bzuntinc Empirc (London, 1q,);
cl. I. cvcnko, Rc-rcuding Consuninc Porphyrogcnius, in }. Shcpurd und
S. lrunklin (cds.), Bzuntinc DipIcmuc (Aldcrsho, 1qqz), 10,qj, u 1j.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vilinskij, zj.
Ibid., o,.
Tbccpbuncs Ccntinnutns, zo1; Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij I, 0o1.
W. Brokkuur, Busil Lucupcnus, StnJiu Bzuntinu ct nccbcIIcnicu NccrIunJicu
(Lcidcn, 1q,z), 1qqz; L. Bouru, `
, , ` (Ahcns,
1qq), q,; cvcnko, Consuninc Porphyrogcnius, 1j. On hc monuscry,
Thcrc is imporun circumsuniul cvidcncc o link boh hc Lilc
ol Andrcw und hu ol Busil o Busil hc purulcimcmcncs. In hc cusc
ol hc Lijc cj BusiI i consiss ol hc inlormuion hu Busil hc
purulcimcmcncs livcd in hc housc ol hc Burburiun, which i is
rcusonublc o idcnily wih hc housc ol hc primmilcrics
Consuninc, whom cvcryonc cullcd Burburiun, whcrc Busil hc
Youngcr is suid o huvc spcn mos ol his lilc in Consuninoplc.
Whcrc hc Lijc cj AnJrcw is conccrncd, hc cvidcncc consiss ol hc
luc hu hc mujusculc scrip ol hc curlics known munuscrip
lrugmcns ol hc Lilc (prcscrvcd us hc llylcuvcs ol Monuccnsis gruc-
cus ) closcly rcscmblcs hu ol u munuscrip copicd, us is
colophon rcvculs, lor Busil hc purulcimcmcncs by hc scribc (nctur-
ics) Nikcphoros in }uly qjj (Ahos, Dionysiou ,o).
Rydcn hus
urgucd hu hc lrugmcns urc lrom hc originul munuscrip, und
hu hc usc ol uniquc, Alcxundriun, mujusculc wus mcun o con-
ribuc o hc illusion ol lilh-ccnury composiion. Thu Busil hc
purulcimcmcncs hud u usc lor mujusculc is ccruinly clcur lrom hc
Ncw Tcsumcn lccionury (S Pccrsburg]Lcningrud jj) which hc
commissioncd lor hc monuscry ol S Busil in qj.
Whcn wc
look u ccruin clcmcns ol hc Lijc cj AnJrcw in hc ligh ol hcsc
compurisonshc uuhor culls himscll Nikcphoros, Andrcw comcs
o Consuninoplc us u Scyhiun sluvc, und scrvcs us u ncturics
bclorc prccnding o go mudhc cusc lor hc puronugc ol hc
hull-Scyhiun purulcimcmcncs, who lovcd und collcccd holy
bccomcs compclling il no conclusivc.
Thc obsuclc o sccing Busil us hc puron ol hc Livcs ol boh
Andrcw und Busil is hu hc uuhor ol hc lucr rcvculs poliicul
uiudcs which would no huvc plcuscd hc purulcimcmcncs. Hc is
hosilc o hc Puriurch Thcophyluc, Busils hull-brohcr; his und
his sricurcs on ccclcsiusicul corrupion suggcs hu hc supporcd
hc rclorming policy ol Thcophylucs succcssor, Polycukos, whom
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt 1oq
scc Michucl Pscllos, Cbrcncrupbiu, cd. l. Rcnuuld (Puris, 1qz0), i.1; lor hc Abbo
Busil, scc Bouru, , o1; lor hc locuion, scc now A. Bcrgcr,
Zur Topogruphic dcr Llcrgcgcnd um Coldcncn Horn in dcr byzuninischcn Zci,
IstunlnIcr MittciInncn, (1qqj), 1j0, n. .
Cl. Porphyrogcnius, Dc uJministrunJc impcric, cd. Cy. Moruvcsik und r.
R. }cnkins (Wushingon, DC, 1q0,), 1qo. Cl. cvcnko, Consuninc Porphyro-
gcnius, 1q1.
Rydcn, St AnJrcw, i, ,z1; scc Bouru, , o1.
Ibid., o1.
o , quocd lrom hc dcdicuory cpigrum ol hc
S Pccrsburg munuscrip: ibid., o.
Busil hc purulcimcmcncs ricd o huvc dcposcd.
Wc huvc ulrcudy
suggcscd hu hc conrovcrsy ovcr Thcophyluc undcrluy hc
unsucd unugonism bcwccn sylics und holy lools hu cmcrgcs
lrom compurison ol hc Lijc cj BusiI wih hc Lijc cj Lnlc tbc StIitc;
hcrc wc muy noc hu hc purulcimcmcncs rcvcrcd S Symcon hc
Thc posiivc wuy in which hc uuhor ol Busils Lilc rclcrs
o hc Congylios brohcrs suggcss hu hc wus sympuhcic o hc
cunuch udminisruion ol hc lmprcss Zoc during hcr rcgcncy lor
Consuninc VII bcwccn q1 und q1q.
This is ccruinly consis-
cn wih hc dillcrcnccs bcwccn his conccpion ol hcuvcn und hu
dcscribcd in hc Visicn cj Kcsmus tbc Mcnl, whosc connccions wcrc
wih hc rcgimcs ol Zocs opponcns, hc lmpcrors Alcxundcr und
Romunos I. Il hc uuhor ol hc Lijc cj BusiI likcd hc Congylioi, hc
muy wcll huvc bccn linkcd wih hc Puphlugoniun lucion umong
hc cunuchs u hc impcriul cour, und hcrclorc wih }oscph
Bringus, hc grcu poliicul rivul ol Busil hc purulcimcmcncs. Onc
Puphlugoniun cunuch who lcll wih Bringus whcn Busil mudc u
comc-buck u hc dcuh ol Romunos II in q0 wus Ccorgc, hc
luurc S Symcon hc Ncw Thcologiun.
Thc poliicul ulignmcn ol hc Lijc cj BusiI would hus sccm o
murk i us u criiquc ruhcr hun u crcuion ol hc rcligious puron-
ugc ol Busil hc purulcimcmcncs. Yc in rcligious crms, criicisms
could bc givcn und ukcn in u spiri ol churiy, und in poliicul crms
hcrc wus much o bc guincd lrom mugnunimiy. Alcr his dccisivc
comc-buck in q0, Busil could ullord o bc mugnunimous und o
liscn o consrucivc udmoniion lrom imuginury holy mcn
wih whom hc wus invicd o idcnily. Thc young Ccorgc hc
Puphlugoniun wus ublc o rcsumc his worldly curccr lor u lurhcr
scvcn ycurs, so pcrhups hc uuhor ol hc Lijc cj BusiI wus ublc o
incrcs Busil hc purulcimcmcncs in Busil hc Youngcr us u worhy
complcmcn o Andrcw hc lool, und us u mugnuc ol hc Kingdom
ol Cod, holding cour in his hcuvcnly cilcs jus us hc purulcimc-
11o PunI MuJuIinc
}ohn Skylizcs, Sncpsis bistcriurnm, cd. }. Thurn (Bcrlin und Ncw York,
1q,), z.
Hc commissioncd u silvcr cusing lor hc crown ol Symcons skull: scc Bouru,
, o,q.
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij I, j,; cl. P. Mugdulino, Puphlugoniuns in
Byzuninc High Socicy, in S. Lumpukis (cd.), Bzuntinc Asiu Mincr (tb1.tb ccnt.)
(Ahcns, 1qq), 11jo.
Ibid. Thc chungcs ol pcrsonncl hu uccompunicd chungcs ol rcgimc in hc
curly cnh ccnury urc rccordcd in somc dcuil in Tbccpbuncs Ccntinnutns und by
Consuninc Porphyrogcnius, Dc uJministrunJc impcric, zz ll.
mcncs dispcnscd puronugc in hc housc whcrc hc suin hud livcd
on curh. As wc huvc sccn, hc Lijc cj BusiI cnds on u comloring
noc, holding ou hc promisc ol sulvuion o ull who mukc hcm-
sclvcs lricnds lrom hc Mummon ol unrighcousncsswhich hc
purulcimcmcncs did by giling u cosly monuscry o S Busil hc
lldcr. Is i coincidcncc hu Crcgory, in his sccond vision, sccs him-
scll urriving u Busil hc Youngcrs hcuvcnly cilcs by hc rouc
which lcd o hc monuscry.
This cssuy bcgun wih hc ruism hu hugiogruphcrs rcvcul morc ol
hcmsclvcs hun ol hcir holy mcn. As wc ukc our lcuvc ol Andrcw
hc lool und Busil hc Youngcr wc muy wondcr whchcr hc ruism
is cnircly ruc. Thc ulliniics which link hc Lijc cj AnJrcw o hc
Lijc cj BusiI, und boh cxs o ohcr picccs ol Byzuninc licruurc,
ccruinly ullow us o plucc hcm in u rccognizublc hisoricul concx.
Thcir uuhors cmcrgc us cvungclicul spiris ol hc mid-cnh ccn-
ury, sccpcd in hc hugiogruphy ol un curlicr ugc, und lormcd by
hc culurc ol hc Byzuninc urisocruic cilcs, which inlorms hcir
vision ol spiriuul rcluionships on curh und ol sociul ordcr in
hcuvcn. Thcy wcrc clcurly conncccd wih hc powcrlul cunuch
burcuucrus ol hc ugc ol Consuninc Porphyrogcnius, und in pur-
iculur wih Busil hc purulcimcmcncs. Thcir worldly connccions,
und hcir cvidcn incrcs in hc suins ol old, suggcs hu hcy
wcrc involvcd in hc olliciul, cncyclopucdic hugiogruphicul projccs
ol hc duy, hc Snuxuricn und hc McncIcicn ol Symcon
Mcuphruscs. Thcy livcd u u imc whcn hc cnd ol hc world
sccmcd immincn, und cxpccuncy wus no doub hcighcncd by
ncws ol vicorics in hc cus which brough hc prospcc hu hc
holy lunds ol curly Chrisiuniy, hc lunds whcrc hc suins ol old
hud rodpcrhups cvcn }crusulcm iscll, wcrc ubou o rcurn o hc
Chrisiun cmpirc. Yc lor our uuhors, hc ccnrc ol hc world which
wus rcuching is linulc wus hc Ncw }crusulcm, Consuninoplc.
Thcir hugiogruphicul crcuions cnrichcd hc Rcigning Ciy wih ncw
holy mcn, jus us rcccn cmpcrors hud cnrichcd i wih imporun
ncw rclics, such us hc sucrcd Mundylion ol ldcssu (q) und hc
Tbc bcI mun us Iitcrur tcxt 111
Vitu BusiIii, cd. Vcsclovskij I, 111z. Lcuving Busils normul rcsidcncc u
Arkudiunui, Crcgory lollows hc roud o hc Bluchcrnuc church unil hc suddcnly
linds himscll in u sccp uphill pussugc. lor hc locuion ol hc monuscry ncur hc
Coldcn Horn, scc Bcrgcr, Zur Topogruphic.
hund ol S }ohn hc Bupis (qj0).
Indccd, Andrcw und Busil sc
hc scul on hc holincss ol Consuninoplc by suncilying, hrough
hcir uposolic prcscncc, hc scculur spucc surrounding hc
churchcs und monuscrics. Thcir hugiogruphcrs wroc o bring hc
clcrgy, hc monusic csublishmcn und hc luy mugnucs who cxcr-
ciscd rcligious puronugc, un uposolic mcssugc ol sulvuion morc
urgcn und morc lur-rcuching hun hc dcbuc ovcr hc rcluivc mcr-
is ol communul und soliury usccicism.
This much wc cun inlcr lrom our cxs; morc hun his, howcvcr,
hcir uuhors do no rcvcul ol hcmsclvcs. In hc cnd i is hcy,
Nikcphoros und Crcgory, who rcmuin lucclcss und unonymous,
muskcd by hc holy mcn whom hcy invcs wih hisoricul pcrsonuc.
I is hc holy mcn, ruhcr hun hc hugiogruphcrs, who urc ucivc
und incrucivc. Andrcw und Busil urc hugiogruphicul consrucs,
bu his docs no mcun hu hcy urc mcrcly cdilying mouhpicccs
or cusing licrury pusichcs. Thcy urc hcrc o rcmind us hu suins
will urn up whcn und whcrc wc lcus cxpcc hcm. Thc consruc-
ion ol hcir holincss is incgrul o hc mcssugc hcy convcy, und hc
munncr ol hcir consrucion rcvculs hc cnduring vulidiy ol wo
srucurul lcuurcs ol hc rolc modcl proposcd by Pccr Brown: hc
suin us puron und hc holy mun us ousidcr. And hc iming ol
hcir consrucion is signilicun, coinciding us i docs wih hc lor-
muivc ycurs ol Symcon hc Ncw Thcologiun. By rcinlorcing hc
cxumplc hc mudc ol his spiriuul luhcr, Symcon hc Sudic, hcir
inspiruion muy cvcn huvc pusscd ino hc muinsrcum ol Orhodox
11z PunI MuJuIinc
}ohn Skylizcs, Sncpsis Histcriurnm, 1, zj. Cl. I. Kuluvrczou, Hclping
Hunds lor hc lmpirc: Impcriul Ccrcmonics und hc Cul ol Rclics u hc Byzuninc
Cour, in H. Muguirc (cd.), Bzuntinc Ccnrt CnItnrc jrcm 8.j tc 1.o( (Wushingon,
DC, 1qq,), j,q, csp. 0,,,.
Thc cul ol suins in Wcscrn Chriscndom
Dcmysilying hc rolc ol sunciy in Wcscrn
IN hc Scnon und Huskcll Lccurcs, dclivcrcd in 1q,0 und 1q,,
Pccr Brown complccd hc projcc hc bcgun wih hc publicuion ol
hc Holy Mun uriclc in 1q,1.
Whcrcus hc curlicr pupcr cxum-
incd hc risc und luncion ol hc cul ol suins in hc Romun
lmpircs cuscrn hull, hcsc lccurcs uddrcsscd hc culs risc und
luncion in is wcscrn hull, whcrc hc vcncruion ol hc dcud suin
bulkcd lurgcr in hc sourccs hun hc uciviics ol hc living holy
mun. Hcrc, uppurcnly, hc cul wus ccnrcd upon hc bodily
rcmuins ol pus hcrocs ol hc Church, who coninucd o prcsidc ovcr
cvcryduy lilc, dirccing good lorunc o hosc who hud ucndcd o
hcir rcquircmcns und bud lorunc o hosc who hud no. Thc uim
ol his cssuy is o discuss somc srcnghs und wcukncsscs ol Browns
unulysis und o idcnily insighs upon which scholurs migh
coninuc o build. I is usclul o bcgin by cluciduing hc incllccuul
origins ol Browns posiion.
inov cuw~nu cI nnoN fo v~nv uorci~s
Much ol Pccr Browns work wus wricn in opposiion o Cibbon,
und his rcumcn ol hc cul ol hc suins in Luin Chrisiuniy wus
no cxccpion. lor Cibbon, hc risc ol hc cul wus u sympom ol
hc lmpircs dcclinc.
Thc muryrs und hc morc disinguishcd
Thu is, RSS und CS. I would likc o cxprcss my gruiudc o Puul lourucrc,
Philip Rousscuu, und o my co-cdior, }umcs Howurd-}ohnson, lor hcir commcns
und udvicc. Thcy bcur, ol coursc, no rcsponsibiliy lor hc vicws I cxprcss.
ldwurd Cibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 0 vols.
(London, 1,,0); cd. D. Womcrslcy, vols. (Hurmondsworh, 1qq), ii, qo,,
zq. lor cvidcncc ol Browns upprouch o Cibbon, scc ulso his Cibbons Vicws on
Culurc und Socicy in hc lilh und Sixh Ccnurics, Daedalus, 1oj (1q,0), ,,
rcpr. in C. W. Bowcrsock, }. Clivc, und S. R. Cruuburd (cds.), Edward Gibbon and the
conlcssors dcscrvcd hc gruclul rcspcc ol Chrisiuns, bu hc pruc-
icc ol vcncruing hcm us hough hcy wcrc minor dciics corrupcd
hc purc und pcrlcc simpliciy ol hc Chrisiun modcl. Chrisiuniy
wus brough down lrom hc concmpluion und worship ol hc
Lnivcrsul Cuusc o hc lcvcl ol hc vulgur imuginuion: Il, in hc
bcginning ol hc lilh ccnury, Tcrulliun or Lucunius hud bccn
suddcnly ruiscd lrom hc dcud, o ussis u hc lcsivul ol somc pop-
ulur suin, or muryr, hcy would huvc guzcd wih usonishmcn,
und indignuion, on hc prolunc spccuclc, which hud succccdcd o
hc purc und spiriuul worship ol u Chrisiun congrcguion. Mcn
wcrc cmpcd o lruud und crcduliy, whilc hc lighs ol hisory und
ol rcuson wcrc cxinguishcd, ull bccuusc ol hc cpiscopucs umbi-
ion o convcr hc musscs: Thc mos rcspccublc bishops hud pcr-
suudcd hcmsclvcs hu hc ignorun rusics would morc chccrlully
rcnouncc hc supcrsiions ol Pugunism il hcy lound somc rcscm-
bluncc, somc compcnsuion, in hc bosom ol Chrisiuniy.
Browns vicw is ulmos cxucly opposic. lur lrom bcing u com-
promisc wih hc scnscs, hc cul rcprcscncd hc rculizuion ol hc
highcs spiriuul uspiruions ol hc ugc. Thc bclicl hu worldly suc-
ccss dcpcndcd upon oncs righ-sunding in hc cycs ol hc dciy wus
us inrinsic o polyhcism us i wus o Chrisiuniy, bu hc inscrion
ol humun mcdiuors uddcd u ncw dimcnsion ol pcrsonul inimucy
wih hc divinc. Pugunism did huvc is dcilicd hcrocs, bu, Brown
urgucs, hcy wcrc conccivcd us gods, us bcings whosc immoruliy
mudc hcm cnircly ohcr. Thc muryrs, on hc ohcr hund, hud u
spcciul rcluionship wih Cod und yc rcmuincd upprouchublc o
ordinury humuniy. Thcy cnjoycd u ic ol shurcd cxpcricncc wih
}csus, sincc hc hud purukcn ol humun moruliy hrough his
Incurnuion und dcuh und sincc hcy hud sullcrcd muryrdom ulcr
his cxumplc.
By bridging hc gup bcwccn hcuvcn und curh wih
humun bcings us opposcd scmi-divinc ungcls und dcmons,
Chrisiuns wcrc ublc o uriculuc hcir rcluionships wih hcsc
incrccssors in crms ol hc inimuc bonds ol cvcryduy lilco rcu
hcm, hu is, us hcir kinsmcn, us hcir dcur lricnds, or us hcir prc-
lcrrcd purons: Thc nccd lor inimucy wih u proccor wih whom
onc could idcnily us u lcllow humun bcing, rcluions wih whom
could bc conccivcd ol in crms opcn o hc nuunccs ol known
110 Paul Antony Hayward
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Cumbridgc, Muss., 1q,,), ,jz, und in SH,
CS, j0.
humun rcluions bcwccn puron und clicn, is hc hullmurk ol luc
lourh-ccnury Chrisiun picy.
In no scnsc supcrliciul, hc cul ol
suins workcd is wuy ouwurds und downwurds, slowly und dccply
ino hc livcs ol Mcdicrruncun mcn ol ull clusscs und lcvcls ol cul-
A lcurncd und Chrisiun clic, including ligurcs such us
Sulpicius Scvcrus und Puulinus ol Nolu, ook u lcuding rolc in uric-
uluing is dccpcs scnimcns. I brough ubou u wholcsulc rc-
orgunizuion ol hc sociul lundscupc, no lcus in brcuking down hc
scgrcguion ol hc living und hc dcud hu hud bccn un inrinsic
lcuurc ol civic lilc in hc uncicn world.
Brown srcsscs hc wuys in which suins culs luciliucd sociul
lilc lor pcoplc ol ull ypcs. Thc cul ollcrcd u disincivc syscm ol
rcligious bclicls, olcn cxprcsscd wih grcu powcr und bcuuy,
which hung ogchcr in such u wuy us o lcuvc considcrublc pluy
lor prccisc lorms ol sociul munocuvring.
Shrincs ollcrcd womcn
pluccs ol rclugc lrom hc rigidiics ol lumily lilc, hc prcssurc o bcur
und ruisc childrcn lor husbunds hcy wcrc no lrcc o choosc.

Pcusuns could cscupc hc opprcssion ol hcir lords, by commiing

hcmsclvcs, whilc sccking u curc u u shrinc, o scrvc hc suin lor
hc rcs ol hcir livcs ruhcr hun rcurn o hcir muscrs.
A hc
ohcr cnd ol hc sociul spccrum, culs hclpcd o solidily cpiscopul
uuhoriy. Bishops wcrc ublc o munilcs prool ol divinc upprovul by
prcsiding ovcr hc runsluion ol u suins rcmuins. A criicul lucor
wus hc public uniy which hc urrivul ol hc rclics could clici und
munilcs. Public conscnsus wus sccn us u miruclc ol divinc muking.
Public hosiliy, by hc sumc okcn, wus u sign ol divinc disupprovul,
und bishops wcrc unxious o miiguc hcir vulncrubiliy o is
uppcuruncc. Thc sublc holincss ol hc rclic high-lighcd und
orchcsrucd hc pcrsonul und, so, lrugilc holincss ol hc ohcr.
Thc cul rcprcscncd, in shor, un cnircly ncw ordcr ol sociul lilc:
ncw lorms ol hc cxcrcisc ol powcr, ncw bonds ol humun dcpcn-
dcncc, ncw, inimuc, hopcs lor proccion und jusicc in u chung-
ing world.
I scrvcd hc incrcss ol boh hc individuul und hc
communiy morc cllccivcly, und somcimcs morc jusly, hun hud
lormcr mcchunisms ol public lilc.
Thc cul ol suins rcuchcd u pcuk ol rclincmcn in hc luc sixh
ccnury, by which imc i hud comc o mcun u highly srucurcd,
Demystifying the role of sanctity 11,
Ibid., 01.
Ibid., z1.
Ibid., 11z. Scc ulso Holy Mun, 1j1.
RSS, zz.

CS, .
Ibid., 1zz.
RSS, zo.
CS, zz. Scc ulso RSS, 1z,.
bu rcwurding, upprouch o cvcryduy cxiscncc. Thc cucgorics rev-
erentia und rusticitas dcnocd is morul ubsolucs in hc wriings ol
Crcgory ol Tours (d. jq or jq):
Reverentia implicd u willingncss o locus bclicl on prccisc invisiblc pcrsons,
on Chris und his lricnds hc suinshc amici dominiin such u wuy us o
commit hc bclicvcr o dclinic rhyhms in his lilc (such us hc obscrvuion
ol hc holy duys ol hc suins), o dircc his ucnion o spccilic sics und
objccs (hc shrincs und rclics ol hc suins), o rcuc o illncss und o dun-
gcr by dcpcndcncc on hcsc invisiblc pcrsons, und o rcmuin consunly
uwurc, in hc pluy ol humun ucion uround him, hu good und bud lorunc
wus dirccly rclucd o good und bud rcluions wih hcsc invisiblc pcrsons.
Reverentia, hcrclorc, ussumcd u high dcgrcc ol sociul und culurul groom-
ing. I wus no u luxuriun undcrgrowh ol crcduliy or nco-pugunism. I
involvcd lcurning un ciqucc owurd hc supcrnuurul, whosc cvcry
gcsurc wus curclully dclincucd. Hcncc hc imporuncc lor Crcgory ol is
unihcsis, rusticitas, which is bcs runslucd us boorishncss, slipshod-
ncsshc luilurc, or hc posiivc rclusul, o givc lilc srucurc in crms ol
ccrcmonious rcluionships wih spccilic invisiblc pcrsons.
This rcprcscnuion ol hc cul ol suins rclucs Cibbon cxucly. Thc
culs risc rcmuins closcly bound up wih hc proccss ol
Chrisiunizuion, bu u rcvoluion hus occurrcd in hc wuy is
origins, rolc, und cllccs urc conccivcd. Thc cul hus bccomc hc pri-
mury mcuns by which luc uniquiy uchicvcd hc drcum ol un idcul
communiy hu cludcd hc clussicul world.
Browns upprouch is ulso indcbcd o u long-sunding bu csscn-
iully non-Chrisiun rudiion ol upology lor hc cul ol suins whosc
dcvclopmcn hus owcd much o Oxlord hisoriuns. }umcs Anhony
lroudc, lcllow ol lxccr Collcgc (1zq) und Rcgius Prolcssor ol
Modcrn Hisory (1qz), ollcrcd u similur urgumcn in un curly
cssuy on hc Livcs ol hc Suins.
Likc Brown, lroudc wus rcspond-
11 Paul Antony Hayward
CS, 11q. Thc pussugc is dcrivcd, in ulmos hc sumc words, lrom RSS, zo, und
hc sumc idcus uppcur, morc briclly sucd, in Browns rcccn work, RWC, 1oz.
lirs publishcd in hc lirs scrics ol his Short Studies on Great Subjects, z vols.
(London, 1jo), ii, z0q. lroudcs ucmps o grupplc wih hc signilicuncc ol hc
cul ol suins wcrc pur ol u crisis in his own (Anglicun) luih, occusioncd by
Ncwmuns ucmp o involvc him in his uborcd projcc lor hc publicuion ol u scrics
ol biogruphics ol somc scvcn hundrcd Briish suins und worhics (lor which, scc
}. H. Ncwmun, Apologia pro Vita Sua, cd. I. Kcr (Hurmondsworh, 1qq), zzo1,
und I. Kcr, John Henry Newman: A Biography (rcv. rcpr. Oxlord, 1qqj), z1z). Bu
Hcrbcr Puul, The Life of Froude (London, 1qoj), j, und Lyon Sruchcy, Eminent
Victorians (London, 1q1), j,, urc quic mislcuding whcn hcy ukc lroudcs mis-
givings us cvidcncc ol u purcly dismissivc vicw ol hc cul ol suins. In luc, hc
ing o Cibbon und his dismissul ol hc cul us cvidcncc ol mcdicvul
crcduliy und supcrsiion.
Thc lcgcnds grcw, und wcrc rcusurcd
up, und lovcd, und ruscd, und ulus!, hc wroc, ull which wc huvc
bccn ublc o do wih hcm is o cull hcm lics, und o poin u shul-
low morul on hc imposurcs und crcduliics ol hc curly cuholic.
lroudc mudc no ucmp o dcny Cibbons churgc hu hc cxs
hcmsclvcs hud ull hc licion, wihou hc gcnius, ol pocry.
srucgy, likc hu ol Brown, wus o urguc hu hc cul wus un cxcr-
cisc in hc imuginuivc consrucion ol lilc in hc ligh ol u sinccrc,
il somcwhu cxruvugun, idcul. Thc cul wus u singulur myho-
logy. Whcn sccn in is propcr plucc us un hisoricul phcnomcnon,
i is cvcry bi us rcmurkublc us uny ol hc pugun myhologics. Thc
Livcs ol hc Suins wcrc wricn us idculs ol u Chrisiun lilc. Thcy
luck inrinsic bcuuy, bu hcy urc ulwuys good. Thcir hisoricul
inconsiscncics rcllcc hc dcvoion inspircd by hc hcro himscll.
Bcdcs uccoun ol Cuhbcr wus no u lic, bccuusc i pu lorwurd u
picurc ol lilc which hc considcrcd udmirublc und cxccllcn, und
which hc wus gcnuincly conccrncd o mukc his own. Thc uchicvc-
mcn, morcovcr, wus o csublish u rcpcroirc ol posiivc rolc mod-
cls, somching wihou which cducuion cunno succccd:
To ry o cuch pcoplc how o livc wihou giving hcm cxumplcs in which
our rulcs urc illusrucd, is likc cuching hcm o druw by hc rulcs ol pcr-
spccivc, und ol ligh und shudc, wihou dcsigns o sudy hcm in; or o
wric vcrsc by hc luws ol rhymc und mcrc wihou song or pocm in which
rhymc und mcrc urc sccn in hcir cllccs. I is u principlc which wc huvc
Demystifying the role of sanctity 11q
prclucc o hc Lcgcnd ol S Nco which lroudc produccd lor Ncwmun pus lorwurd,
in un curlicr lorm, hc sumc urgumcn us hc cssuy discusscd hcrc: scc }. H. Ncwmun
und }. Toovcy (cds.), Lives of the English Saints, 10 vols. (London, 1j), ii, ,.
Thc dcvclopmcn ol lroudcs vicw ol hc cul ol suins is bcs upprouchcd hrough
hc uuobiogruphicul documcns und commcnury in W. H. Dunn, James Anthony
Froude: A Biography, z vols. (Oxlord, 1q01), i, csp. ,zj. On hc subscqucn
dirccion ol lroudcs hisoricul opinions, which boil down o u luih in hc morul usc
ol powcr, scc }. W. Burrow, A Liberal Descent: Victorian Historians and the English Past
(Cumbridgc, 1q1), z1jcsp. p. z,.
lroudc, Short Studies, ii, zj, uribucs o Cibbon hc churgc hu hc sixy-six
Livcs ol S Purick mus huvc conuincd u lcus us muny housund lics, und hc
rcpcus i clscwhcrc: scc Dunn, Froude, i, 0 und zzo. Bu Cibbon mukcs no such
criicism in Decline and Fall, und ncihcr I nor Duvid Womcrslcy (o whom I um gruc-
lul lor hclp wih his poin) huvc bccn ublc o locuc hc cluim in uny ohcr ol his
publishcd works. lroudcs posiion owcs morc, i sccms, o hc rujccory ol his own
pcrsonul dcvclopmcn hun o uny closc ucquuinuncc wih hc urgumcns ol his
iconic opponcn.
Cibbon, Decline and Fall, ii, z.
lorgocn, und i is onc which hc old Cuholics did no lorgc. Wc do no
mcun hu hcy sc ou wih suying o hcmsclvcs, wc mus huvc cxum-
plcs, wc mus huvc idculs; vcry likcly hcy ncvcr hough ubou i u ull;
lovc lor hcir holy mcn, und u hirs o know ubou hcm, produccd hc his-
orics; und lovc unconsciously working guvc hcm hc bcs lor which hcy
could huvc wishcd.
Likc Brown, lroudc ollcrcd u sublc jusilicuion ol hc cul ol suins
which posicd u ruc purposc hu wus u myscry cvcn o is muk-
crs. (lroudc kncw lull wcll lrom his sudy ol hc Livcs ol S Nco
hu muny hugiogruphcrs prolcsscd un hisoricul purposc ol giving
u lucuul uccoun ol whu hud ucuully huppcncd.) His idcnilicuion
ol his hiddcn luncion rcllccs, morcovcr, hc vulucs ol his own ugc.
I ukcs no incrprcuivc lincssc o spo hc uppcul o hc Vicoriun
unxicy ubou morul cxumplc und hc dcb o Curlylc: lor lourccn
ccnurics, hc wrics, hc rcligious mind ol hc cuholic world hrcw
hcm ou us is lorm ol hcro worship, us hc hcroic pucrn ol u lorm
ol humun lilc which cuch Chrisiun wihin his own limis wus
cndcuvouring o rculisc.
Thc Livcs ol hc Suins wcrc un insruc-
ivc und imcly lcsson in how moruliy could bc uugh, cvcn il hc
sorics ol usccic scll-morilicuion hu lcuurcd in muny wcrc
incompuiblc wih hc world-dcvouring spiri ol hc Vicoriun Agc.
Brown spokc o u similur consiucncy, bu his rhcoric wus hu
ol hc 1q,os. Hc uppculcd, lor cxumplc, o hc rcuppruisul ol popu-
lur culurc which hc risc ol dcmocrucy hud cncourugcd und, morc
subly, o hc modcrn cul ol hc inimuc u ulmos cvcry urn.
Hc wus indcbcd, morcovcr, o l. l. lvuns-Prichurd, lor un uwurc-
ncss ol hc rolc ol hc problcm ol cvil in rcligious syscms,
und o
his pupil, Mury Douglus, lor u scnsc ol hc incrdcpcndcncc
bcwccn dillcrcn ypcs ol rcligious symbolism und spccilic lorms ol
1zo Paul Antony Hayward
lroudc, Short Studies, ii, zj. Scc, likcwisc, lroudcs commcns in Lives of the
English Saints, cd. Ncwmun und Toovcy, ii, o1.
lroudc, Short Studies, ii, zj. Scc, ol coursc, T. Curlylc, On Heroes, Hero-
Worship, and the Heroic in History: Six Lectures (London, 11).
Scc lurhcr lroudc, Short Studies, ii, 1o0.
lor wo vcry dillcrcn discussions ol hc phcnomcnon, scc Richurd Scnnc, The
Fall of Public Man (London, 1q0), und Anhony Ciddcns, The Transformation of
Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies (Cumbridgc, 1qqz).
Scc Sorccry, Dcmons und hc Risc ol Chrisiuniy: lrom Luc Aniquiy ino
hc Middlc Agcs, in M. Douglus (cd.), Witchcraft Confessions and Accusations,
Associuion ol Sociul Anhropologiss Monogruphs q (London, 1q,o), 1,j, rcpr.
in RSoc., 11q0, u 11qzo und 11z, whcrc Brown ollcrs duc pruisc o l. l.
lvuns-Prichurd, Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande (Oxlord, 1q,).
sociul srucurc.
Thc lucr dcb is rcvculcd by his usc ol hc word
grid in vurious lormuluions:
Thc grid bccomcs noiccubly wcukcr us hc disuncc incrcuscs lrom hc con-
rols cxcrcd by hc lilc ol u Cuholic own. . . . In ull sruu ol socicy, how-
cvcr, hc Cuholic grid mc wih lorms ol unwillingncss o puricipuc lully
in is conrols; und, in hc minds ol mos, i hud o co-cxis uncusily wih
ulcrnuivc syscms ol cxplunuion.
|Thcrc urosc| u Mcdicrruncun lundscupc covcrcd, in is mos sclcd purs,
wih u grid ol shrincs.
Thc sprcud ol Chrisiun reverentia mudc linul hc proccsscs by which hc
indigcnous culurcs ol hc wcscrn Mcdicrruncun hud bccn impcrccpibly
crodcd by u slow bu surc prcssurc lrom on op cxcrciscd hrough hc grid
ol udminisruion und puronugc rcluionships hu hud rcuchcd cvcr ou-
wurds ovcr hc ccnurics lrom hc counry villus ol hc grcu.
This word dcrivcs lrom Dougluss Natural Symbols, which Brown
rcud in 1q0q whilc i wus sill in munuscrip.
Hcrc hc crms
grid und group urc uscd o disinguish wo dillcrcn kinds ol
sociul disciplinc. Crid upplics o culurul codcs gcncrucd in hc
widcr sociul concxo hc rcprcscnuions ol rculiy promocd by,
suy, hc Suc or hc Church. Croup upplics o prcssurcs gcncrucd
in hc immcdiuc sociul concxo hc ucuul dcmunds pu upon
hc individuul by, suy, hc lumily or hc ribc. Luc uniquiy uppcurs
in his schcmc us u highly clussilicd socicy in which boh grid und
group urc srong. A scudy pucrn ol sociul conrol gcncrucs u
clcurly dclincd und cohcrcn sc ol clussilicuions or symbolic cu-
Dougluss urgumcn is hu hcrc is u closc corrcspon-
dcncc bcwccn symbolic syscms und hc lcvcl und churuccr ol
sociul conrol. (I is u vuriuion on Durkhcims hcory hu hc lunc-
ion ol rcligion is o givc humun bcings u rcprcscnuion ol hc soci-
cics o which hcy bclong hu will invcs hcir livcs wih mcuning
und purposc.)
In highly clussilicd socicics, ucs ol picy bccomc
rouinc und urc dircccd owurds uuhoriy und is symbols, whilc
Demystifying the role of sanctity 1z1
CS, 1,, n. 1oz: hc ucknowlcdgcmcn is wcll-hiddcn, bu cruciul. Scc ulso
Holy Mun, 1j n. 10, und hc uuobiogruphicul nurruivc in lxcmplur, csp. 11.
RSS, z1.
CS, 11.
Ibid., 1z1.
Douglus ucknowlcdgcs his hclp in hc prclucc o hcr Natural Symbols:
Explorations in Cosmology, 1s cdn. (London, 1q,o); rd cdn. (London, 1qq0), p. vii.
Ibid., j0z.
l. Durkhcim, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, r. }. W. Swuin, znd cdn.
(London, 1q,0), csp. z1qzq.
mislorunc is ulwuys incrprccd in wuys which rcinlorcc sociul dis-
ciplinc: Thcsc pcoplc usc hc incidcncc ol mislorunc o uphold hc
morul luw. Discusc und sullcring urc cihcr uribucd o morul luil-
urcs or invcscd wih nobiliy in u gcncrul mcuphysicul schcmc hu
cmbruccs sullcring us pur ol hc ordcr ol bcing.
Brown rcgurds hc cul ol suins us u culurul phcnomcnon ol his
kindhu is, us u symbolic syscm hu rclucs o u concisc sociul
srucurc. Thc idcu hu hc cul ol suins ollcrcd u symbolic rcprc-
scnuion ol hc ucuul sociul ordcr hud ulrcudy ligurcd promincnly
in hc uriclc on sorccry which Brown publishcd in 1q,o. Hcrc hc
risc ol hc cul ol suins is rclucd o hc cmcrgcncc ol u morc su-
blc und dclincd socicy: In hc Wcs, hc riumph ol hc grcu
lundowncrs cnsurcd hu scnuoriul blood, cpiscopul ollicc, und
sunciy prcscncd u lormidublc unicd lron: uny lorm ol uncon-
rollcd rcligious powcr rcccivcd shor shril in hc circlc ol Crcgory
ol Tours.
Thc risc ol u morc rcgimcncd socicy cun bc sccn
morc clcurly in hc cosmology ol hc ugc hun in ohcr rccords:
Thc corrcluion bcwccn Chrisiun imugcry und hc sociul srucurc ol hc
Lucr lmpirc is u luc ulmos oo big o bc sccn: wc mcc i in cvcry dcuil
ol hc iconogruphy ol hc Chrisiun churchcs. By hc sixh ccnury hc
imugc ol hc divinc world hud bccomc incrcusingly sublc. Angcls wcrc hc
couricrs und burcuucrus ol u rcmoc Hcuvcnly lmpcror, und hc suins,
hc patroni, hc proccors, whosc cllicucious incrvcnions u cour chun-
ncllcd hc bcnclis ol u jus uuocru o individuuls und loculiics. . . . Wc
huvc cncrcd hc idy world ol hc Middlc Agcs.
Brown udupcd lrom Mury Douglus u mchod which cnublcd him o
prcscn hc rcnds rcvculcd in hc rcligious licruurc (which lorms
hc bulk ol hc surviving cxuul rccord) us u mcusurc ol cmpiricul
sociul chungc: numcly, hc csublishmcn ol un urbun, binding, und
hicrurchicul sociul chos hroughou Luin Chriscndom. Thc impli-
cuion, lurhcrmorc, is hu hc cul ol suins cnublcd Chrisiuniy o
riumph ovcr hc vurious pugun ulcrnuivcs bccuusc i uddcd u ncw
symbolic srucurc hu wus morc ukin, in u mcuphoricul scnsc, o
sociul lilc us pcoplc kncw i. A closcr corrcspondcncc bcwccn rcli-
gious symbolism und sociul rculiy hclpcd o mukc Chrisiuniy morc
scducivc hun is rivuls. Brown sccs hc cul us u hculing dclusion
disinc lrom hc dccivilizing obscssion hu Cibbon diugnoscd, bu
hc implicily ucccps Cibbons vicw hu i wus drivcn by mcnul
1zz Paul Antony Hayward
Douglus, Natural Symbols, 11o. Scc ulso ibid., 0.
Sorccry, 11.
Ibid., 1z. Scc, likcwisc, WLA, 1oq1o.
lorccs opcruing ousidc hc rculm ol ruionul hough. I is us
hough hc risc ol hc cul ol suins wcrc hc incviublc oucomc ol
hc ull-pcrvusivc inllucncc ol hc luc Romun ciy upon hc uncon-
scious minds ol is ciizcns. Thc cllccivcncss ol Browns upprouch is
hc subjcc ol hc ncx sccion ol his cssuy.
fnc roiI fI cs oi s ~NcfI fv
Browns urgumcn is so indcbcd o Briish sociul unhropology und
i ovcrurns Cibbon so nculy hu i invics suspicion. I nccds o bc
srcsscd, hcrclorc, hu i mukcs bccr scnsc ol hc surviving
sourccs hun muny ohcr hcorics. Luin hugiogruphy providcs, lor
cxumplc, much lcss suppor lor hc hcory hu hc cul ol suins
cxiscd in ordcr o supply modcls ol holincss hun lroudc und muny
scholurs sincc huvc supposcd. Thc vus mujoriy ol suins Livcs urc
dillicul o consruc us scrious ucmps o providc insrucion lor
would-bc suins. I is ruc hu hcir prcluccs olcn cluim hu hcy
wcrc wricn in ordcr o prcscrvc un cxumplc ol viruc lor luurc
gcncruions. Bu his is u sundurd prcluory opos, lrcqucnly
dcrivcd, ulimucly il no dirccly, lrom hc Life of St Martin of Tours
by Sulpicius Scvcrus. I works ulongsidc hc usuul humiliy opos
(whcrc hc uuhor procss hc mcugrcncss ol his licrury ulcns ull
hc whilc bclying his or hcr sucmcns wih u displuy ol grummu-
icul prowcss) o dcmonsruc u worhincss o wric such un impor-
un cx. Thc cxcmplur-opos is iscll bclicd by hc concn ol hc
nurruivc. Thcrc is rurcly uny scnsc ol how hc subjcc dcvclopcd
ino u suin. Alhough hc uuhors olcn rccoun sccncs lrom child-
hood und noc hc subjccs cducuionul uuinmcns, hc suin is
ulrcudy complccly suncilicd u birh or cvcn in hc womb. Thc
criscs und riuls in his or hcr lilc dcmonsruc hc prcscncc ol holi-
ncss ruhcr hun hc mchod ol is ucquisiion. Thc usc ol hugio-
gruphy o providc cxumplcs lor imiuion muy wcll huvc bccn morc
prcvulcn in hc Crcck-spcuking world,
bu i sccms o huvc
pluycd lilc pur in hc work ol Wcscrn hugiogruphcrs.
Demystifying the role of sanctity 1z
Brown himscll ollcrcd un up-ducd vcrsion ol hc morul-imiuion urgumcn
in his lxcmplur uriclc ol 1q, whcrc hc urgucd hu hc cul ol suins pluycd u
cruciul rolc in disscminuing ccruin ccnrul modcls ol holincss. I is signilicun,
howcvcr, hu ulmos ull ol his cxumplcs dcrivc lrom Crcck cxs. As will cmcrgc
lurhcr bclow, posiivc udmiruion lor hc uchicvcmcns ol u suin rurcly sccms o
huvc bccn hc driving lorcc bchind hc dcvclopmcn ol culs in hc Wcs.
Thc luncions hu Brown highlighs ugrcc, morcovcr, wih
cmphuscs ukcn by hc cxs hcmsclvcs. Thc hugiogruphcrs olcn
cxruc lrom hcir miruclc sorics hc poin hu hcy dcmonsrucd
divinc upprovul lor hcir subjccs und hcy ulmos ulwuys show hcir
subjccs cxcrcising un cnircly cllccivc und jus kind ol powcr: wih
hc hclp ol Cods miruclcs hc suin wins hc rccogniion ol u con-
scnsuul populucc in hc cnd. Thc problcm is hu hc polcmicul chur-
uccr ol hc cxs rcndcrs uny ucmp o rcud hcir porruis ol
sunciy in ucion us ligurul rcprcscnuions ol hc ucuul orgunizu-
ion ol powcr in pos-Romun socicy problcmuic. lor hc cxs wcrc
no simply pussivc wincsscs o hc hisoricul ucion, hcy wcrc
dccply involvcd in i in wuys which disor hcir prcscnuion ol hc
cul ol suins. Mos suins Livcs prcscn hcmsclvcs us complccly
rcliublc uccouns ol whu rcully huppcncd, bu hcy wcrc in rculiy
u kind ol propugundu, muking i dillicul o disinguish hc shurcd
bclicl-syscm on which hcy dcpcnd lrom hc ncw conccps hu
wcrc bcing rccommcndcd lor bclicl. Muny huvc no cxplici purposc
ohcr hun o win rccogniion lor hc mcris ol u puriculur suin or
rclic, bu bchind such cllors luy srugglcs o dclcnd hc luih und o
lcgiimizc hc uuhoriy ol puriculur pcrsons und groups wihin hc
Chrisiun communiy hu shupcd hc wuys in which hcy dclincd
hc nuurc ol sunciy iscll.
Thc works ol Crcgory ol Tours, on whom Brown rclicd hcuvily,
sccm, lor cxumplc, o cxuggcruc hc imporuncc ol rclic-ccnrcd
vcncruion u hc cxpcnsc ol ohcr lorms ol cul. Thcy dcscribc how
Crcgory promocd hc culs ol his puron suins by loscring dcvo-
ion o hcir rclics und shrincs, whilc rccouning hc dccds und
muinly poshumous miruclcs ol muny ohcr cnshrincd suins.
ccruinly bclicvcd in hc holincss ol hcsc phcnomcnu, bu i suicd
his incrcss o dclinc himscll us un udvocuc ol hcsc suins. Crcgory
wus rcsponding, us Ruymond Vun Dum hus shown, o hc dillicul
poliicul siuuion in which hc lound himscll u Tours, u siuuion
which wus no hclpcd by hc luc hu hc mujoriy ol S Murins
miruclcs wcrc uking plucc no in his cuhcdrul bu u hc suins
omb on hc ouskirs ol hc ciy.
Hc nccdcd visiblc cvidcncc ol
1z Paul Antony Hayward
c.g., Crcgorys Liber in gloria confessorum, cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rer. Merov., i
(1j), ,zo (cicd hcrculcr us GC), whcrc ull bu z ol hc 1o, cxun chup-
crs conccrn such suins und rclcr o miruclcs u ombs.
Saints and their Miracles in Late Antique Gaul (Princcon, N}, 1qq), csp. 00,
1zj. Scc ulso Puul lourucrcs conribuion bclow.
divinc upprovul which hc obuincd by, umong ohcr hings, udding
un oruory o hc bishops rcsidcncc und plucing in i rclics ol S
Murin, S Suurninus, S }uliun, und S Illidius.
Thu ohcr sixh-
ccnury rcligious lcudcrs wcrc cngugcd in similur ucmps o
munipuluc rclic culs is no in doub. Rudcgund (d. j,) uscd hcr
royul connccions o obuin, lor cxumplc, u lingcr ol S Mummus
lrom }crusulcm und rclics ol hc Truc Cross lrom Consuninoplc.
Thcir urrivul hclpcd hcr o procc hcr convcn lrom hc incrlcrcncc
ol Murovcus, Bishop ol Poiicrs.
Whu is in doub is hc cxcn o
which his culurc ol omb-ccnrcd sunciy, in which cluims o
powcr wcrc lcgiimizcd hrough hc ucquisiion ol rclics und hc
dcvclopmcn ol shrincs, wus rcprcscnuivc ol ull hu sunciy did
und mcun in sixh-ccnury Cuul. Thcrc urc grounds lor hinking,
lor onc hing, hu living holy mcn muy huvc hud u morc impor-
un plucc in sixh-ccnury socicy hun hc scun ucnion givcn o
hcm in Crcgory (und Brown) would suggcs. Suins ol his kind, liv-
ing ulonc on hc murgins ol humun sclcmcn bu providing curcs
und spiriuul udvicc, bccomc much morc promincn in clcvcnh-
und wcllh-ccnury rccords, bu hcrc mus bc u suspicion hu
such pcoplc hud bccn hcrc lrom soon ulcr hc urrivul ol
Chrisiuniy in Cuul, in lur grcucr numbcrs hun hc sourccs sug-
gcs, und pcrlorming much hc sumc usks us hcy did in hc Crcck-
spcuking lus.
Crcgory wus sullicicnly incrcscd in ohcr kinds
ol sunciy o covcr u lcw hcrmis, somc ol whom sccm o huvc
cnjoycd widcsprcud lumc lor hcir powcrs. Hc mcnions, lor cxum-
plc, u miruclc-working rcclusc cullcd lusicius whom King
Childcbcr (j11j) soppcd oll o visi whilc en route o Spuin.
Whchcr such holy mcn bccumc hc subjccs ol suins Livcs muy
wcll huvc dcpcndcd upon whchcr sullicicnly wcll-lundcd churchcs
Demystifying the role of sanctity 1zj
GC, zo.
Buudoniviu, Vita S. Radegundis (BHL ,oq), 1 und 10 (cd. B. Krusch, MGH
SS rer. Merov., ii (1), ,,qj, u ,q); Crcgory ol Tours, Liber in gloria mar-
tyrum, j (cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rer. Merov., i (1j), j01, u qqz). Scc
ulso RSS, zq, und Vun Dum, Saints and their Miracles, o1.
Onc migh cmphusizc hcrc hc mcdicul luncions hu huvc bccn cxplorcd in
dillcrcn wuys by A. Rousscllc, Croire et gurir: La foi en Gaule dans lAntiquit tardive
(Puris, 1qqo), und P. Hordcn, Discusc, Drugons und Suins: Thc Munugcmcn ol
lpidcmics in hc Durk Agcs, in T. Rungcr und P. Sluck (cds.), Epidemics and Ideas:
Essays on the Historical Perception of Pestilence, Pus und Prcscn Publicuions
(Cumbridgc, 1qqz), j,0.
GC, 1. Scc ulso ibid., z, , o, j, q0, q,, 1o1.
ucquircd hcir rclics und u dcsirc o promulguc his cvidcncc ol
hcir own righcousncss.
I wus clcurly in hc incrcss ol dillcrcn groups o loscr, morc-
ovcr, vuriuions on hc cul ol suins which pcrmicd hcm o lcgi-
imizc hcir own uuhoriy wih hc lcus dilliculy. Somc bishops
wcrc clcurly ublc o prcscn u pluusiblc cluim o rcligious uuhoriy
on hc busis ol pcrsonul usccicism. Willium Klingshirn hus urgucd
quic convincingly hu Cucsurius ol Arlcs (d. jz) udopcd hc rolc
ol hc holy mun, drcssing in rugs ruhcr hun lincn und dclivcr-
ing curcs which wcrc widcly rcporcd in his own lilcimc.
Though hc dclivcrcd scrmons in honour ol vurious locul suins,
Cucsurius is ncvcr suid o huvc promocd hcir culs hrough hc
runsluion ol rclics or hc crccion ol shrincs. I mus huvc bccn dil-
licul lor muny bishops, howcvcr, o ussumc un usccic munlc wih-
ou munilcs hypocrisy. Thc promoion ol rclic culs ollcrcd hcm u
soluion o hc problcm ol sccuring visiblc prool ol holincss. Whu
wc scc in Crcgory ol Tours is his cmbrucc ol his culurc ol omb-
ccnrcd sunciy. His works conribucd o is dcvclopmcn und pro-
moion u hc sumc imc us hcy uriculucd his own cluim o
mcmbcrship ol hc sclcc group hu wus vuliducd by i. Ohcr
bishops sccm o huvc gonc us lur, morcovcr, us o supprcss ulcr-
nuivc lorms ol sunciy which migh huvc divcrcd ucnion lrom
hcir shrincs, no o mcnion hcir own cluims o holincss. Crcgory
rccouns, lor insuncc, how u group ol unnumcd bishops prcvcncd
hc Lomburd Wullcluic scing himscll up us u sylic in hc rcgion
ol Trcvcs. Thcy udmonishcd him o comc down lrom his column on
hc busis hu hc locul climuc wus oo hursh o pcrmi such scll-
morilicuion. This hc did. Lucr onc ol hcm induccd him o visi u
disun csuc und smushcd hc column o picccs whilc hc wus
Wihou Crcgorys incrcs in his muns sorywhich
1z0 Paul Antony Hayward
c.g., hc conllic ovcr hc rcmuins ol Dcsidcruus: GC, j.
Caesarius of Arles: The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul,
Cumbridgc Sudics in Mcdicvul Lilc und Though, h scr. zz (Cumbridgc, 1qq),
1jq,o. Thc cvidcncc dcrivcs lrom Cypriun ol Toulon et al., Vita S. Caesarii (BHL
1joq), cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rer. Merov., iii (1q0), j,jo1, u work which
wus modcllcd on hc curlicr vitae ol Honoruus und Murin ol Tours, bu hc urgu-
mcn sccms pluusiblc cnough.
Crcgory ol Tours, Libri historiarum X, viii.1j (cd. B. Krusch und W. Lcvison,
MGH SS rer. Merov., i.1 (znd cdn., 1q,j1), j0). lor u similur incrprcuion
ol his cpisodc, scc P. }. Ccury, Before France and Germany: The Creation and
Transformation of Merovingian Gaul (Oxlord und Ncw York, 1q), 1,q.
uppcurs o huvc bccn occusioncd by hcir shurcd dcvoion o
Crcgorys puron, S Murin ol Tourshis hin ol un ulcrnuivc
sylc ol sunciy in sixh-ccnury Cuul migh wcll huvc gonc cnircly
unrccordcd, such is hc dominuion ol hc hugiogruphicul rccord by
hc Livcs ol lcudcrs ol wcll-cndowcd churchcs.
Ol coursc, Brown ncvcr dcnicd hc idcologicul nuurc ol hc
sourccs. Thc problcm is hu hc rcus hcm us u gcncrul lorm ol pro-
pugundu lor u unilorm rcligious chos whcn hcy urc morc likcly o
rcprcscn much morc nurrowly buscd und concnious culurcs ol
sunciy. Crcgorys culurc ol omb-ccnrcd vcncruion is unlikcly o
huvc pcncrucd Cullic socicy o quic hc cxcn hu Brown muin-
uins. Widcsprcud ucccpuncc ol hc undcrlying cosmologybclicl,
hu is, in hc cxiscncc ol suins, hu hcy cxcrciscd somc kind ol
conscious prcscncc hrough hcir rclics, und in hc divinc origin ol
hcir miruclcssccms ulmos ccruin lor hc nobiliy, cvcn il mos
urisocrus culivucd dillcrcn wuys ol winning cuch ohcrs rcspcc.
Ohcrwisc i bccomcs dillicul o cxpluin why bishops und ubbcsscs
invcscd such cncrgy in uriculuing cluims ol his nuurc. Bu con-
sidcrublc doub hungs ovcr hc cxcn o which his culurc und hc
bclicl syscm upon which i dcpcnds cmbruccd hc populuion us u
Thcrc huvc bccn srcnuous ucmps o show hu hugiogruphy
wus uimcd u u broud Chrisiun uudicncc, bu hc cvidcncc is quic
umbiguous und cnds, il unyhing, o poin hc ohcr wuy. Mos Livcs
urc prcscrvcd in munuscrips which show hu hcy wcrc uscd o
supply rcudings during hc cclcbruion ol hcir subjccs lcuss, bu
hc codicologicul cvidcncc is skcwcd by hc cupuciy ol hc grcu
monusic csublishmcns o rcsis hc vicissiudcs ol hisory ruhcr
bccr hun mos noblc houscholds und is propcrly undcrsood us u
rccord ol how suins Livcs wcrc uscd wihin ccclcsiusicul insiu-
ions. Muny Vitae muy huvc originucd wihin urisocruic housc-
holds und bcgun hcir livcs us hisoricul cncruinmcns o bc rcud
Demystifying the role of sanctity 1z,
Though hc mchod ol hcir collccion is cxrcmcly doublul, hc suisics sc
ou in H. l. Mullcr, Lpoque mrovingienne: Essai de synthse de philologie et dhistoire
(Ncw York, 1qj), z, ollcr somc illusruion: hc idcnilics somc 1,j lilh-ccn-
ury suins, 1z ol whom wcrc bishops und ol whom wcrc ubbos. Thc ligurcs lor
Iuly urc cvcn morc dumning: scc ibid., n. ,.
c.g. M. Vun Lylunghc, Lhugiogruphic c son public u lcpoquc mcrovingi-
cnnc, Studia Patristica, 10]z (1qj), j0z, csp. j001; K. Hccnc, Mcrovingiun
und Curolingiun Hugiogruphy: Coninuiy or Chungc in Public und Aims., AB 1o,
(1qq), 1jz.
ou u privuc guhcrings.
Thc linguisic cvidcncc is lcss inconclu-
sivc bu only somcwhu so. Populur uudicnccs muy huvc bccn ublc
o comprchcnd simplc Luin us luc us hc ninh ccnury, bu ulmos
cvcry cx conuins clcmcns which pluy o u sclcc uudicncc und hc
usc ol sermo humilis cun bc sccn us onc ol hcm. Thc simplc Luin ol
hc Biblc wus olcn hcld ou us hc only sylc cupublc ol convcying
hc incllublc in sunciy,
bu muny hugiogruphcrs did no wric in
u pluin sylc cvcn whcn cluiming o do so,
und i wus ulwuys sun-
durd prucicc o wric hc prclucc in hc mos clcvucd munncr hu
hc uuhor could uchicvc. Thc ucnion givcn o hcsc sylisic dis-
incions, runging us i did lrom mcrc lip-scrvicc o scrupulous udhcr-
cncc, is probubly bcs cxpluincd us bcing incndcd o cngugc hc
upprovul ol hosc who shurcd un uwurcncss ol such gcncric rulcs.
Thc rhcoric ol rusticitas which Crcgory dcploycd o dcnigruc rcsis-
uncc o culs uppculcd o hc sumc kind ol prcjudicc.
Civcn hu u
ypicul purposc ol such ocms is o disinguish hc groups who
upprcciuc hcm lrom hosc who do no, i sccms unlikcly hu muny
suins Livcs wcrc composcd wih u broud sociul uudicncc in mind.
This is no o dcny hu hc cusodiuns ol hc mujor monusic und
cuhcdrul shrincs und hosc who hud rccoursc o hcir suins com-
municucd hcir bclicls o onc unohcr. Thc poin is hu vurious
groups incrprccd hc phcnomcnu ol sunciy in wuys divcrgcn
cnough o undcrminc Browns noion ol u unilorm culurc ol sunc-
iy drivcn lrom ubovc. Miruclc collccions do rccord hc curcs
which pcusuns und ownspcoplc rcccivcd, bu hc rcporing ol such
cvcns wus ullcccd by hc nccd o show hu hcy rcplicucd hc
rccognizcd pucrns lor such prools ol sunciy, rcsuling in u kind
ol ccnsorship ol orul rcpors. lvcn hc lunguugc ol inimucy which
1z Paul Antony Hayward
As urgucd long ugo by M. Hcinzclmunn, Ncuc Aspckc dcr biogruphischcn und
hugiogruphischcn Licruur in dcr lucinischcn Wcl (10. }uhrhundcr), Francia, 1
(1q,), z,, csp. oz.
Thus, Bruulio, Vita S. Aemiliani (BHL 1oo), cd. L. Vuzqucz dc Purgu (Mudrid,
1q), , u j: uo circu dicuui, u poui, c pluno upcroquc scrmonc, u
in ulibus rcbus dccc hubcri, libcllum dc ciusdcm sunci viu. On hc hcory ol sermo
humilis, scc lurhcr l. Aucrbuch, Literary Language and its Public in Late Latin Antiquity
and in the Middle Ages, r. R. Munhcim (London, 1q0j).
Cucsurius ol Arlcs ccruinly simplilicd hc lunguugc ol his scrmons in hc bclicl
hu his mcssugc would rcuch ull sccions ol his uudicncc, bu noc his compluins
ubou bishops whosc prcuching wus ucccssiblc only o hc culivucd: c.g. Sermo, 1,
zo (cd. C. Morin, CCSL 1o (1qj), 101,). Scc ulso Klingshirn, Caesarius, 1q.
c.g. GC, zq. On hc mcuning ol hc word, scc Vun Dum, Gregory of Tours:
Glory of the Confessors, Trunslucd Tcxs lor Hisoriuns, Luin scr. (Livcrpool, 1q),
1z1; idcm, Saints and their Miracles, 1z n.
Brown ook us cvidcncc ol hc culs dccp uppcul dcmunds scruiny.
Puulinus ol Nolu und Crcgory ol Tours muy wcll huvc invcscd hcir
nurruivcs wih hc hcurlcl inimucy ol hcir rcluions wih suins,
bu such ulk wus pur ol u rccognizcd lorm ol sociul discoursc
which hc cducucd liscncr kncw us hc propcr wuy o spcuk o hc
powcrlul. Whchcr hc cxprcssions ol amicitia which comc ou ol
hc mouhs ol hc prougoniss in miruclcs sorics uccurucly rcllcc
hc uiudcs ol humblcr pcoplc owurds hcir suins is dcbuublc.
Lovc muy wcll huvc bccn ovcrcomc by lcur, no lcus bccuusc somc
miruclc collccions sccm ulmos dcsigncd o mukc pcoplc concm-
pluc hc grisly punishmcns hcy would sullcr il hcy usurpcd hc
suins righs und propcry. Mos hugiogruphcrs sccm, howcvcr, o
huvc bccn cxploiing hc cxpcricnccs ol humblcr dcvoccs ruhcr
hun ucmping o modily populur bclicl und prucicc.
Indccd, onc
rcuson why somc bishops did no rccommcnd rccoursc o shrincs
muy wcll huvc bccn bccuusc his lorm ol cul wus implicucd in u
uci compromisc wih populur cnhusiusms. This migh cxpluin
why hc condcmnuions ol lcsivc cxccss on suins duys hu lcuurc
in hc scrmons ol Cucsurius ol Arlcs
scurccly ligurc in hc works
ol Crcgory ol Tours.
Thc possibiliy hu omb-ccnrcd culs did in
luc lccd upon polyhcisic cndcncics umong hc widcr populuion
cunno bc cxcludcd. Thc suncc ol hc cxs is cmphuicully
bu monohcism wus cruciul o hc poliicul poin
hu muny wcrc incndcd o mukc.
Thcir ubiliy o win widcsprcud
Demystifying the role of sanctity 1zq
}. M. H. Smih, Orul und Wricn: Suins, Miruclcs und Rclics in Briuny, c.
jo1zjo, Speculum, 0j (1qqo), oq, csp. z0, j, urgucs lor hc pcucc-
lul cocxiscncc ol scvcrul disinc culurcs ol sunciy: hcr hugiogruphcrs, lur lrom
bcing unugonisic o lolkloric dcvoions u sucrcd spos in hc lundscupc, cxploi hc
orul rudiions ussociucd wih hcm lor culic und pcdugogicul purposcs incrnul o
hcir rcligious communiics. Brown, RSS, 1zj, on hc ohcr hund, urgucs hu rurul
modcs ol rcligion succumbcd o un urbun culurc ol sunciy.
c.g. Cucsurius, Sermones, jj, z (cd. CCSL 1o, zz), und zzj, j0 (cd.
ibid., q1).
lcsivc drinking u hc lcus ol S Cyricus is rcporcd wihou condcmnuion,
lor cxumplc, in Crcgory ol Tours, Liber vitae patrum, iii.1 (cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rer.
Merov., i (1j), 001,, u 0,). Cl. H. Mugcnnis, Wucr-Winc Miruclcs in
Anglo-Suxon Suins Livcs, English Language Notes, z (1q0), ,q.
Noc, lor cxumplc, how Cucsurius is dcnocd us vir plenus Dei und us servus
Christi u ulmos cvcry opporuniy: Vita Caesarii, ii.,, 11, 1, 1q, und so on.
Thc rolc ol Cod, howcvcr convcnionulizcd, wus cruciul o hc idcologicul mcs-
sugc: scc lurhcr M. Vun Lylunghc, Stylisation biblique et condition humaine dans lha-
giographie mrovingienne (), Vcrhundclingcn vun dc Koniklijkc Acudcmic
voor Wccnschuppcn, Lccrcn cn Schonc Kunscn vun Bclgic, Klussc dcr Lccrcn,
q]1zo (Brusscls, 1q,).
upprovul lor hcir communiics und hc sylc ol Chrisiuniy hcy
rcprcscncd dcpcndcd upon hc prcmisc hu hc shurcd dciy ol soci-
cy us u wholc hud supporcd hc suin bclorc und ulcr dcuh. Bu
sincc miruclcs wcrc ulso ncccssury o mukc hc poin, lcw cusodiun
communiics urc likcly o huvc urncd uwuy rusics who bclicvcd
hu hculing powcr rcsidcd in hc suin himscll.
I is ncccssury, in
shor, o mukc provision lor u lur morc complcx rcluionship
bcwccn hc clics who sponsorcd omb-ccnrcd culs und hcir
dcvoccs hun cihcr Brown or Cibbon ullowcd lor.
Thc objccion hu Brown cxuggcrucd hc clics conrol ovcr hc
cul ol suins is, ol coursc, nohing ncw,
bu hc implicuions lor
his urgumcn run dccpcr hun is gcncrully rccognizcd. lor Browns
noion ol hc symbolic luncion ol sunciy is criicully undcrmincd
by his rcliuncc on sourccs which disor is rolc in Cullic socicy.
Thu rcluions bcwccn Cod, hc suins, und humuniy wcrc undcr-
sood in hc ligh ol hc bchuviour lound in concmporury socicy,
hu pcoplc projcccd hcir sociul cxpcricnccs ino hcir undcrsund-
ing ol how hcsc supposcdly scnicn incrmcdiurics wih hc divinc
uccd, is pluusiblc cnough. Bu il dillcrcn groups disugrccd in hcir
incrprcuion ol hcsc rcluions, hc imugcs ol rouinizcd picy und
suinly powcr providcd by hc hugiogruphicul rudiion cunno bc
sccn us u guidc o how his socicy ucuully workcd. This uspcc ol
hcir concns is probubly bccr undcrsood us u projccion ol how
ccruin sccions ol hc clic lcl sociul lilc ought o bc conduccdol
hc kind ol loyuly, obcdicncc, und cllicicncy hcy hopcd lor. This
idcul is likcly, morcovcr, o huvc bccn dclincd in hc lucc ol sociul
rculiics which wcrc much lcss idy hun Brown would suggcs.
Thcn, us now, hc rolc und purposc ol uuhoriy wcrc subjcc o
consun rcdcliniion und rcncwul. Thc cvidcncc should bc sccn,
hcrclorc, us conrudicing Mury Douglus: lur lrom bcing hc prod-
uc ol u highly ordcrcd socicy, hc hugiogruphicul idcu ol cosmic
1o Paul Antony Hayward
Andrcw ol llcury, Miracula S. Benedicti (BHL 11z0), v.0 (cd. l. dc Ccruin, Les
miracles de saint Benot (Puris, 1), 1,z,1, u zo), opcnly udmis huving o rc-
work hc uccoun ol u vision ol S Bcncdic hu u pcusun hud givcn him. Scc
T. Hcud, Hagiography and the Cult of Saints: The Diocese of Orleans, ,
Cumbridgc Sudics in Mcdicvul Lilc und Though, h scr. 1 (Cumbridgc, 1qqo),
Scc }. lonuinc, Lc culc dcs suins c scs implicuions sociologiqucs: Rcllcxions
sur un rcccn cssui dc Pccr Brown, AB 1oo (1qz), 1,1, csp. z und ,o;
A. C. Murruy, Pccr Brown und hc Shudow ol Consuninc, JRS , (1q),
1q1zo, u zo1; R. Vun Dum, Imugcs ol S Murin in Luc Romun und lurly
Mcrovingiun Cuul, Viator, 1q (1q), 1z,, u 101.
ordcr wus hc lunusy ol un clic hrcucncd by violcncc und com-
Nonc ol his nccd mcun hu hc cupuciy ol hc cul ol
suins o providc u hook upon which imugcs ol sociul bchuviour
could bc hung did no mukc u conribuion o hc risc ol
Chrisiuniy. Thc cul ol suins muy wcll huvc hclpcd i o bccomc
ull hings o ull pcoplc by cnhuncing is ubiliy o uccommoduc hc
sociul projccions ol dillcrcn pcrsonuliics und ypcs. This, howcvcr,
is ull hu cun bc inlcrrcd lrom hc cvidcncc.
nciI ci, Ncccs s I fv, ~Nu fnc iocI c oi s ~NcfI fv
Thc poliicul luncions ol omb-ccnrcd sunciy cun, morcovcr, bc
rcconcilcd wih hc munilcs sinccriy ol is sponsors wihou
rccoursc o obscurc psychologicul lucors. Much cvidcncc poins, us
his sccion will now show, o hc cxiscncc ol u much lcss myscr-
ious dynumic in which incllccuul ingcnuiy, working in diuloguc
wih pcrccivcd rculiics und rcccivcd dogmu, pluycd u dccisivc rolc
in brcuking ncw ground. Thc proccss involvcd is usclully likcncd o
pruciccs hu huvc bccn obscrvcd in modcrn scicnccil curc is
ukcn o disinguish hc ucuul mchods ol scicncc lrom is rcprc-
scnuion ol iscll us u purcly ruionul lorm ol inquiry.
Hcrc hc
producion ol ncw knowlcdgc olcn procccds hrough cllors o
cxpluin unomulous phcnomcnu: lcuurcs ol hc rcul world which
conrudic u purudigm us undcrsood lrom wihin is cucgorics und
Thc proccss is onc ol vigorous ucmps o suvc oll
Demystifying the role of sanctity 11
On clcricul lunusics ol conscnsus, scc B. Abou-ll-Huj, Thc Audicnccs ol hc
Mcdicvul Cul ol Suins, Gesta, o (1qq1), 1j.
Scc S. B. Burncs, A Compurison ol Bclicl Syscms: Anomuly vcrsus lulschood,
in R. Horon und R. linncgun (cds.), Modes of Thought: Essays on Thinking in Western
and Non-Western Societies (London, 1q,), 1zq, csp. 1z0.
Thc rcluivism rccommcndcd hcrc ukcs us is lundumcnul ground hc prcmisc
hu hinking is chunncllcd by hc a-priori cucgorics lrom which i scs ou. Muny
discussions ol hc rcluiviy ol culurul syscms ukc un ull-or-nohing upprouch o
hc problcm, bu u rcluivis cpiscmology ol his kind nccd no cnuil u dccpcr cog-
nitive rcluivism. As Horon und linncgun poin ou in hc inroducion o hcir
Modes of Thought, z0,, i muy wcll bc hc cusc hu in crms ol ucuul proccdurcs
hc hinking processes ol humun bcings rcmuin consun whilc divcrsc rcprcscnu-
ions ol hinking comc und go us dillcrcn groups ol knowcrs scck o lcncc oll und
privilcgc spccics ol lcurning cxclusivc o hcmsclvcsucuul scicnilic mchod muy
bc no dillcrcn lrom ucuul pocic mchod. I lollows hu culurul rcluivism in somc
sphcrcs nccd no rulc ou hc cxiscncc ol somc, possibly muny, univcrsul pucrns
in ohcrs. Scc ulso C. l. R. Lloyd, Scicncc in Aniquiy: Thc Crcck und Chincsc Cuscs
und hcir Rclcvuncc o hc Problcms ol Culurc und Cogniion, in D. R. Olson und
hc impcnding luilurc ol hc rcccivcd purudigm, hough bclicl in i
is olcn so wcll-cnrcnchcd hu hc possibiliy ol is collupsc is ncvcr
concmplucd. Thc pcrccpion is hu hcrc is somching hu nccds
o bc cxpluincd, hu hus sill o bc uccouncd lor. Thc dcvclopmcn
ol hc cul ol suins sccms, likcwisc, o huvc procccdcd hrough
incllccuul cllors o rcconcilc hc Chrisiun bclicl-syscm wih
rculiics hu gcncrucd problcms whcn sccn lrom wihin is own
world-vicw. Thc cul ol hc Holy Innoccns, hc inluns ol
Bchlchcm ugcd wo or lcss whom Hcrod wus suid o huvc sluugh-
crcd in u vuin ucmp o dcsroy hc Mcssiuh, providcs u nicc illus-
ruion ol hc proccss involvcd und ol onc problcm in puriculur hu
muny culs sccm o huvc uriscn o unswcrhc problcm ol cvil.
Thc origins ol hc cul urc, udmicdly, quic obscurc. Thc inluns
sccm o huvc bccn rcgurdcd us suins lrom hc hird ccnury u hc
lucs. Cypriun ol Curhugc (d. zj0) cics hcm us cxumplcs ol mur-
yrdom lor jusicc.
lullcr inlormuion ubou how hc cul wus
undcrsood in hc Wcs uppcurs wih hc cmcrgcncc ol hc Luin scr-
mon rudiion in hc lilh ccnury.
Thcsc scrmons srongly suggcs
hu u driving lorcc in hc culs dcvclopmcn wus u nccd o vindi-
cuc }csus Chris lrom ccruin hcologicul implicuions ol hc mus-
sucrc. Thc problcm wus hu hc cvcns inclusion in Muhcws
Cospcl hud, rcgurdlcss ol whchcr i hud ucuully huppcncd,
1z Paul Antony Hayward
N. Torruncc (cds.), Modes of Thought: Explorations in Culture and Cognition
(Cumbridgc, 1qq0), 1j, csp. zq, und idcm, Demystifying Mentalities
(Cumbridgc, 1qqo), csp. z,.
Epp. no. j, j0 (cd. C. dc Hurcl, CSEL ]z (1,1), 001). Thc cvidcncc
lor hc cclcbruion ol un unnuul lcus on z Dcccmbcr uccumulucs lrom hc lirs
dccudcs ol hc lilh ccnury: scc l. Scorzu Burccllonu in Encyclopaedia of the Early
Church, cd. A. di Bcrurdino und rs. A. Wullord, z vols. (Cumbridgc, 1qqz), i, 1o.
I discuss hcsc scrmons morc cxcnsivcly, o dillcrcn cllcc, in my Sullcring
und Innoccncc in Luin Scrmons lor hc lcus ol hc Holy Innoccns, c. oooo,
in D. Wood (cd.), Church and Childhood, SCH 1 (Oxlord, 1qq), 0,o. On hc
Wcscrn rudiion, scc ulso l. Scorzu Burccllonu, Lu cclcbruzionc dci Suni Innoccni
ncllomilcicu luinu dci sccoli IV VI, Studi Medievali, u scr. 1j (1q,), ,oj0,; }.
Lcmuric, Scrmon ulricuin incdi pour lu lc dcs suins Innoccns, AB q0 (1q,),
1o10. On hc luscrn rudiion, which uppcurs o huvc originucd ulcr hu in hc
Wcs, scc l. Scorzu Burccllonu, Lu cclcbruzionc dci Suni Innoccni ncllomilcicu
grccu, Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata, n.s. zq (1q,j), 1ojj.
R. T. lruncc, Hcrod und hc Childrcn ol Bchlchcm, Novum Testamentum, z1
(1q,q), q1zo, ucmps o uphold hc hisoriciy ol hc mussucrc, bu hc usuul
posiion ol modcrn hcologiuns, hu hc sory wus invcncd in ordcr o likcn }csus
o Moscs, is rcusscrcd in W. D. Duvics und D. C. Allison, A Critical and Exegetical
Commentary on the Gospel According to Saint Matthew, vols. (ldinburgh, 1q), i,
hc Incurnuion ol }csus indirccly rcsponsiblc lor u mussucrc ol
hclplcss childrcn und lor hc sullcring ol hcir purcns. Il }csus wcrc
hc son ol u jus und ull-powcrlul god, ough hc no o huvc prc-
vcncd hcsc childrcn sullcring such un uwlul luc which hcy could
no huvc dcscrvcd. An uwurcncss ol hc sorys dumuging implicu-
ions is indicucd by hc upocryphul Acts of Pilate, u work which
muy duc lrom hc sccond ccnury. Hcrc hc cldcrs ol hc }cws urc
suid o huvc uccuscd }csus in Pilucs prcscncc ol huving brough
dcuh o hc childrcn ol Bchlchcm.
Thc only soluion wus o
urguc hu }csus hud in luc donc hcm u luvour by dcigning o
grun hcm hc gil ol muryrdom. I mucrcd no hu hc cvcn
wus probubly u rhcoricul invcnion, lor i hud bccomc un csub-
lishcd pur ol hc Chrismus sory. Onc ol hc curlics Luin scrmons
lor hc lcus, Herod and the Infants by Pccr Chrysologus, Archbishop
ol Ruvcnnu (d. c. jo),
ollcrs u clcur insigh ino hc undcrlying
issucs. Chrysologus urns cxplicily o hc churgc hu }csus ubun-
doncd hcsc soldicrs ol his innoccncc whom hc kncw wcrc bcing
huncd down und muryrcd in his plucc midwuy hrough hc cx.
Chris did no condcmn his soldicrs, hc urgucs, hc promocd hcm.
Hc ullowcd hcm o purukc ol hc glory ol muryrdom wihou huv-
ing o sullcr hc ordcul ol un cnirc lilc. Thc inluns und hcir moh-
crs wcrc blcsscd by hcir pussion, bccuusc i conlcrrcd on hcm ull
hc grucc ol boh bupism und muryrdom:
Thcy livc, hcy livc, who dic lor hc ruh, who urc worhy o dic lor Chris.
Blcsscd urc hc wombs hu curricd such us hcm; blcsscd urc hc brcuss
which guvc suck o such us hcm. Blcsscd urc hc curs which wcrc shcd
lor hcm und conlcrrcd on hc wccping oncs hc grucc ol bupism. lor, by
onc gil, bu in dillcrcn wuys, hc mohcrs wcrc bupizcd in hcir curs und
hc inluns in hcir blood; hc mohcrs sullcrcd in hc muryrdoms ol hcir
sons. lor hc sword which cu oll hcir sons limbs, rcuchcd hc hcurs ol
hc mohcrs: hus i is incviublc hu hcy will bc consors in hcir rcwurd,
us hcy wcrc compunions in hcir pussion.
Chrysologus cvcn suggcss hu hc inluns, in hcir navet, rcjoiccd
u hc urrivul ol hcir cxccuioncrs. Thc poin wus hu hc mussucrc
wus no un injusicc uguins hclplcss childrcn und purcns which
Chris ough o huvc prcvcncd, bu u wondrous miruclc hu
rcdoundcd o hcir bcncli.
Demystifying the role of sanctity 1
ld. l. Hcnncckc und W. Schnccmclchcr, New Testament Apocrypha, r. R. L.
Wilson, z vols. (London, 1q0), i, j.
ld. A. Olivur, CCSL zB (1q,jz), q,j,.
Ibid., .
Thu hc problcm wus no cusily ovcrcomc bu coninucd o drivc
hc dcvclopmcn ol hc cul is cvidcn lrom is ongoing discussion
in hc scrmon rudiion. Cucsurius ol Arlcs linds i ncccssury, lor
cxumplc, o urguc hu hc unnivcrsury ol hc mussucrc ol hc
inluns is un occusion no lor gricl bu o honour hosc who wcrc
killcd lor Chriss sukc, no o wccp bu o givc duc vcncruion.
Ruchcl, who wus suid o huvc wcp lor hc inluns in Muhcw z:
1, did no nccd o bc consolcd, no bccuusc shc wus inconsolublc,
bu bccuusc shc wus no sorry lor hcm. I is only hc loolish who
hink hu Isrucl (lor which Ruchcl wus u symbol) wus lcl bcrcl by
hc loss ol is inluns: ruhcr, Isrucl wus blcsscd by his, und shc
ncvcr lumcncd hcr sons. Bcdc (d. ,) uddrcsscs hc subjcc lrom
hc sumc unglc, hough wih ruhcr morc sympuhy und inclli-
Ruchcls lumcns do no show hu shc wishcd hc inluns
o rcurn o hc world, so hu hcy migh bcur is srilc wih hcr.
In hcuvcn, morcovcr, Ruchcl will no bcwuil hcr childrcn, bu Cod
will wipc uwuy cvcry cur lrom hcr cycs, und givc hcm hc voicc
ol joy und ol ccrnul sulvuion in hcir ubcrnuclcs. Wc should no,
hc gocs on, lccl sorry ubou hc inluns dcuhs (somc munuscrips
rcud unjus dcuhs)
us much us wc should rcjoicc hu hcy huvc
uuincd hc pulm ol righcousncss. I wus only u u luc sugc in hc
dcvclopmcn ol hc Wcscrn scrmon rudiion, lrom hc luc scvcnh
ccnury, hu hc homiliss bcgun o urn o hc spiriuul und ullc-
goricul signilicuncc ol hc Innoccns sunciy dirccly wihou lirs
huving o disposc ol hcsc qucsions ol hcodicy und divinc jusicc.
Bclicl in hc inluns sunciy sccms o prcduc hc cmcrgcncc ol
u rcgulur lcus by u lcus hrcc ccnurics, bu hc rhcoric ol hc scr-
mons suggcss hu i wus rcquircd lrom hc sur in ordcr o cxpluin
uwuy inconsiscncics bcwccn hc Chrismus sory und lundumcnul
cncs ol Chrisiun docrinc.
Thc uuhcniciy ol hc Cospcls und
1 Paul Antony Hayward
Sermo zzz, 1z (cd. CCSL 1o (1qj), ,,).
Homeliarum Evangelii libri III, i.1o (cd. D. Hurs, CCSL 1zz (1qjj), 0,z).
Ibid., i.1o, linc 1zo und is uppuruus.
Scc, lor cxumplc, hc curly mcdicvul scrmon rudiion discusscd by }. l. Cross,
Thc Insulur Connccions ol u Scrmon lor Holy Innoccns, in M. Sokcs und
T. Buron (cds.), Medieval Literature and Antiquities for Basil Cottle (Cumbridgc, 1q,),
j,,o. A somcwhu dillcrcn rudiion, dcriving lrom Cypriun, prcvuilcd wihin hc
hcrcicul Churchcs ol Norh Alricu: c.g. Muximinus hc Ariun, Sermones de sollem-
natibus, (cd. R. Cryson, CCSL , (1qz), 0q,z).
Augusinc, De libero arbitrio, iii.z.0 (cd. W. M. Crccn, CCSL zq (1q,o), 1j),
is unulizing bu ulimucly unhclplul: Non cnim lrusru cium inluncs illos, qui,
cum dominus Icsus Chrisus nccundus ub Hcrodc quucrcrcur, occisi sun, in honorc
muryrum rcccpos commcndu ccclcsiu.
bclicl in hc jusicc und omnipocncc ol Cod wcrc u sukc. As hus
bccn obscrvcd in modcrn scicncc,
unulogy und mcuphor wcrc us
imporun us rcuson und dcbuc in hc cluboruion ol u soluion o
hc problcm. Chrysologus likcns hc inluns o rcgulur muryrs by
dcnoing hcm us milites Christius soldicrs ol Chris. lrom hc
curs und hc blood ol hc inluns und hcir mohcrs hc druws, morc-
ovcr, un unulogy o hc sulvilic sucrumcn ol bupism. Bcdc, simi-
lurly, conjurcs up un cvocuivc imugc ol Ruchcl bcing consolcd by
Cod himscll. Thc problcm wus gcncrucd by logicul scruiny ol
rcccivcd hisory in hc ligh ol hc csublishcd purudigm, bu solvcd
wih hc hclp ol pocry us wcll us rcuson. luch ncw suggcsion
hclpcd, morcovcr, o cnlurgc hc noion ol whu sunciy compriscd,
o cxcnd hc rcpcroirc ol hugiologicul cxplunuions or modcls in
u ncw dirccion. Solving hc problcm ol hc mussucrc ol hc inno-
ccns broudcncd hc noion ol muryrdom o incorporuc u ncw cu-
cgory ol pcrsons who hud ncvcr csilicd lor hc luih in hc
convcnionul scnsc. A ccruin kind ol opporunism wus doublcss
onc cllcc ol hc cxpunsion ol hugiology in ncw dirccions such us
his onc, us imprcsurios rcvicwcd cvcns in ordcr o discovcr
ncglcccd suins uround whom culs migh bc loscrcd lor cco-
nomic or poliicul guin. Bu jus us hc cxpunsion ol hc noion ol
sunciy sccms o huvc bccn drivcn by hc nccd o solvc prcssing
problcms, so ulso hc mujoriy ol culs sccm o huvc uriscn ou ol
momcns ol gcnuinc crisis. Thc cmcrgcncc ol u cul wus ypicully u
cnuivc und unprcdicublc ulluir in which hopc und imuginuion
concndcd wih rculiy. Thc slighcs disrupion in hc llow ol mir-
uclcs u u shrinc migh cus doub ovcr hc wholc cncrprisc.
Powcrlul nccds wcrc ncccssury in ordcr o pcrsuudc pcoplc o ukc
hc muny risks involvcd, cmoionul us wcll us poliicul. Thc hugio-
gruphicul rccord, biuscd us i is owurds hc conccrns ol clics, indi-
cucs hu hc loss ol lcudcrs u criicul momcns wus u lrcqucn
cuusc ol such siuuions.
Scphcn hc Pricss Life of St Wilfrid providcs u puriculurly linc
cxumplc ol how hc loss ol hc lcudcr migh occusion hc scurch lor
signs ol sunciy. Wriing soon ulcr hc Archbishops dcuh in ,oq,
Demystifying the role of sanctity 1j
On hc rolc ol hc pocic imuginuion in scicncc, scc Burncs, Bclicl Syscms,
1,qo, und on is idcologicul uscs, l. P. Thompson, Anhropology und hc
Disciplinc ol Hisoricul Concx, Midland History, 1 (1q,1z), 1jj, csp. q. Scc
ulso, morc gcncrully, C. Shcllcy und P. Thugurd, Myhology und Anulogy, in Modes
of Thought, cd. Olson und Torruncc, 1jz.
Scphcn uscs hc lollowing spccch o dcscribc how his ubbos und
monks, ulruid hu hcir old cncmics would scizc hc opporuniy o
uuck hcm now hu hcir oncc powcrlul puron wus dcud, pcr-
suudcd hcmsclvcs hu hc could coninuc o procc hcir incrcss:
Whilc hc ousunding hcud ol our wuy ol lilc livcd, wc olcn cndurcd vur-
ious riuls lrom hc kings und princcs ol Briuin, on ull ol which i wus usuul
o imposc u worhy oucomc on uccoun ol hc holincss und wisdom ol hc
bishop und hc suppor ol |our| muny lricnds. Bu now i is lor us o bclicvc
lully und complccly hu our incrccssor hus bccn mudc cquul hrough hc
sign ol hc holy cross o Cods uposlcs, Pccr und Andrcw, whom hc lovcd
umos und o whom wih his subjccs hc dcdicucd his subsuncc, |und|
hu, in hc sigh ol Cod, hc ligurcs us hc consun guurdiun ol our
On hc lirs unnivcrsury ol hc Archbishops dcuh, u grcu whic
urc uppcurcd in hc sky o ussurc hc suins lollowcrs hu hcir
familia wus indccd procccd by u wull ol divinc suppor. Thc
spccch doublcss summurizcs u much morc complcx scrics ol dis-
cussions, bu Scphcn is unlikcly o huvc misrcprcscncd hc proccss
involvcd givcn hu his immcdiuc uudicncc includcd muny who
hud bccn purics o i. Willrids lollowcrs wcrc cncourugcd, ol
coursc, by hcir purons suin-likc ucions in lilc: his holincss und
his succcss in dclcnding his lollowcrs whilc hc wus sill ulivciscll
u sign ol divinc suppor. Noicc ulso hu hc dcbuc wus conlincd o
hc circlc ol Willrids lollowcrs u his curly sugc in hc culs dcvcl-
opmcn. Thcir cncmics no doub uscribcd un cnircly dillcrcn
mcuning o hc grcu whic urc. Huving pcrsuudcd hcmsclvcs, lur-
hcrmorc, hu Willrids cuusc hud und ulwuys would bc supporcd
by Cod und huving lound sullicicn signs o conlirm his bclicl, hc
10 Paul Antony Hayward
Vita S. Wilfridi episcopi Eboracensis (BHL q), 0 (cd. B. Colgruvc, The Life
of Bishop Wilfrid by Eddius Stephanus (Cumbridgc, 1qz,), z1, u 10): uumdiu
vixi opimum cupu viuc nosruc, lrcqucncr u rcgibus c principibus Briuniuc
vurius cmpuioncs susinuimus, quibus omnibus propcr sunciucm ponilicis c
supicnium mulorumquc umicorum subsidium lincm vcncrubilcm scmpcr imponcrc
consucvi; nunc uucm nosrum cs plcnc pcrlcccquc crcdcrc, incrccssorcm nos-
rum pcr signum suncuc crucis coucquuri uposolis Dci Pcro c Andrcuc, quos
muximc diligcbu c subsunium suum cum subdiis dcdicuvi, in conspccu Dci sinc
ccssuionc nosruc dclcnsionis uorcm cxiscrc. Cl. ludmcrs vcrsion ol Scphcns
Lilc, probubly wricn during hc lirs dccudc ol hc wcllh ccnury, Vita et miracula
S. Wilfridi (BHL q), 0o1 (cd. und r. B. }. Muir und A. }. Turncr, The Life of
Saint Wilfrid by Edmer (lxccr, 1qq), 101, u 1o), und hc lumcns lor S
Rudcgund wricn soon ulcr hcr dcuh in GC, 1o, und in Buudoniviu, Vita
Radegundis, zz (qz).
ubbos und monks sc ubou convincing ohcrs hrough hc compo-
siion und circuluion ol hc Lilc.
Thc signilicun clcmcn lor prcscn purposcs is hu rcllccion on
hc conscqucnccs ol Willrids no-bcing-u-suin prcccdcd hc scurch
lor cvidcncc ol his suncilicuion by Cod. In his cxumplc hc scurch
wus drivcn by hc scnsc ol dcsoluion und unxicy brough on by hc
suddcn loss ol u powcrlul puron,
bu in muny cuscs hc scurch
sccms o huvc bccn drivcn by hc implicuions ol hc lcudcrs sud-
dcn dcuh lor hc righcousncss ol his cuusc. Such mislorunc could
cusily bc sccn us u sign ol divinc disupprovul, bu signs ol sunciy
migh bc prcvuilcd upon o ovcrurn his rcuding ol cvcns. Thcy
could bc suid o dcmonsruc hu Cod wus providing lor hc lcudcrs
lollowcrs in u ncw wuy: by runslorming hcir lormcr puron ino u
morc powcrlul und pcrmuncn proccor in hcuvcn.
A ohcr imcs
i wus simply u lcss prcciscly dclincd nccd o convcr dclcu ino vic-
ory. Bcdc udmis, lor cxumplc, hu hc Crcu Pcrsccuion wus, on
hc lucc ol i, un unmiigucd disuscr lor hc curly Church. An
cnirc gcncruion ol lcudcrs hud bccn wipcd ou. Bu hu rcvcrsul
wus urncd ino vicory, hc cxpluincd, whcn hc miruclcs ol hosc
who hud bccn muryrcd brough ohcrs o hc luih. Indccd, hc
muryrs workcd miruclcs in boh lilc und dcuh und hc common
cllcc wus o bring ubou hc convcrsion ol unbclicvcrs, somcimcs
hc vcry pcrsccuors hcmsclvcs.
Thc idcnilicuion ol suins olcn
sccms o huvc bccn drivcn by hc idcu hu i would bc unhinkublc
il Cod hud no conlcrrcd his honour in puriculur circumsunccs.
Noions ol sunciy wcrc cnlurgcd whcn hc rcccivcd body ol hugi-
ologicul knowlcdgc wus insullicicn o solvc hcsc problcms.
Similur proccsscs wcrc u work in hc incrprcuion ol cvcns
idcnilicd us miruclcs pcrlormcd hrough hc ugcncy ol suins.
Commcning on u column ol ligh hu un ubbo obscrvcd rising
hcuvcnwurds lrom hc lips und hcud ol u pruying monk, Crcgory ol
Tours ollcrs, lor cxumplc, hc lollowing cxcgcsis:
Demystifying the role of sanctity 1,
This much wus rccognizcd by hc wcllh-ccnury hisoriun Ordcric Viulis: cl.
Historia Ecclesiastica, cd. M. Chibnull, 0 vols., OMT (Oxlord, 1q0o), iv, 1o11.
Scc lurhcr hc works ol lourucrc und Ccrbcrding und ol Huywurd cicd in n.
,j bclow.
Bcdc, In Ezram et Neemiam prophetas allegorica expositio, (cd. D. Hurs, CCSL
11qA (1q0q), zjqz, u ,,). lor u syscmuic rcumcn, scc W. D.
McCrcudy, Miracles and the Venerable Bede, Ponilicul Insiuc ol Mcdicvul Sudics,
Sudics und Tcxs 11 (Torono, 1qq), 11z.
I hink hu his lirc conuins u mysicul sucrumcn, bu hc durkncss ol my
scnscs cunno undcrsund how us i bccomcs visiblc i produccs such ligh
bu docs no burn unyonc. I know his onc hing, hu hcsc lircs uppcur o
jus mcn or ubovc jus mcn. lor u lirc uppcurcd o Moscs in hc horn bush
und o hc ohcr puriurchs in u burn ollcring. A lirc ulso burs lrom hc
op ol hc blcsscd Murins hcud und cncrcd hc hcighs ol hc hcuvcns.
Olcn I huvc hcurd Abbo Brucchio cll u sory, us I wroc in hc book ol his
lilc. |Hc suid hu| whilc hc wus cclcbruing nocurnul vigils in hc church
ol hc ulorcmcnioncd bishop |Murin|, rclics ol suins wcrc brough by pil-
grims und pluccd on hc ulur. Suddcnly u bull ol lirc rosc up lrom hc rclics
und sccmcd o climb ull hc wuy o hc rulcrs ol hc church. Bu, us hc
himscll cluimcd, hc lirc did no uppcur o muny pcoplc. Thus ulso i
uppcurcd during hc dcdicuion ol my oruory, us I sc down ubovc.
Hcrc und in his uccoun ol hc dcdicuion ol his oruory, Crcgory
udops hc posurc ol hc dispussionuc inquircr, bu hc undcrlying
poin is cmphuic und quic poliicul: hc is himscll onc ol hc righ-
cous, bccuusc hc hus rcccivcd u miruclc ol u kind hu only hc jus
rcccivc. Thc linul prcmisc is lcl unsucd, bu hcrc is no doubing
hc hrus ol Crcgorys inducivc logic. Thc urgumcn wus rcquircd,
lurhcrmorc, bccuusc hc rcccivcd purudigm wus inudcquuc lor
Crcgorys nccds: i wus un csublishcd prcmisc ol purisic hough
hu cvil pcoplc could und somcimcs did pcrlorm miruclcs.
by poliicul nccd, in shor, Crcgory ucmps o push hc incrprcu-
ion ol hc miruculous bcyond is rcccivcd limis.
Proccsscs ol his kind, in which rcuson und imuginuion
ucmpcd o rcconcilc hc nccds ol hc prcscn wih hc prccisc
implicuions ol cvcns, sccm lurgcly sullicicn o cxpluin hc cvolu-
ion ol hc cul ol suins, und cxpluining hc dcvclopmcn ol culs in
hcsc crms hus u numbcr ol udvunugcs ovcr Browns upprouch.
Culs urc sccn us licrccly poliicul und sinccrcly pious bu wihou
dcnying hcir ruionuliy u hc sumc imcus opcruing wihin un
ulicn culurul lrumcwork bu in uccorduncc, ypicully, wih hc nu-
urul, obscrvublc, proccsscs ol hc humun mind. Thc incrsccions
bcwccn poliicul und rcligious prucicc urc hrown ino much
shurpcr rclicl. Suins lcgcnds urc sccn us u scrious kind ol hisory,
us hc producs ol urgcn ucmps o cngugc wih hc lucs und
1 Paul Antony Hayward
GC, . Thc runsluion is udupcd lrom Vun Dum, Gregory of Tours: Glory of
the Confessors, jo.
Scc Augusinc, De Trinitate libri XV, iii.,q (cd. W. }. Mounuin und l. Cloric,
CCSL jo (1q0), 1j); idcm, De diversis quaestionibus octoginta tribus, ,q (cd.
A. Muzcnbcchcr, CCSL A (1q,j), zz,q).
hcir implicuions ruhcr hun us cxprcssions ol collccivc crcuiviy
whosc succcss dcpcndcd upon hcir cngugcmcn wih hc myscri-
ous nccds ol hc humun unconscious. In Browns upprouch, dcvo-
ccs scizc upon hisoricul ligurcs und projcc hcir vulucs on o hcm
ulmos us hough hc pus hcy rcprcscncd wcrc un incr subsuncc,
u mcuninglcss vucuum wuiing o bc lillcd wih lrcsh idcus und uspi-
ruions. His communiics lcup, lor cxumplc, upon ulmos uny old
unjus cxccuion wih guso, convcring i ino u rcussuring nur-
ruivc in which un unumbiguously good powcr, ussociucd wih hc
umncsy ol Cod und hc praesentia ol hc muryr, ovcrcomcs hc
cvcr-prcscn powcr ol cvil.
Yc by sccing culs us ucmps o
unswcr dillicul qucsions ubou hc prccisc lucs ol pcrsons ol grcu
imporuncc o puriculur communiics, i is possiblc o mukc much
bccr scnsc ol hc cllor und risks involvcd in usscrions ol sunciy,
ol hc rcluionship bcwccn hc muny improbublc und incxplicublc
culs which Wcscrn Chriscndom produccd und hc dcliun dcvo-
ion ol hcir udhcrcns.
Demystifying the role of sanctity 1q
CS, 1o1z. In suppor ol his poin, Brown, ibid., 10q n. , cics hc inrigu-
ing cusc ol hc so-cullcd Innoccns ol Milun: livc Suc scrvuns, including hc lor-
mcr hcud ol hc Suc rcusury in Illyricum und hrcc ucnduns ol hc dcpuy
govcrnor ol Iuly, who wcrc vcncrucd us muryrs in Milun huving bccn unjusly cxc-
cucd by lmpcror Vulcniniun I in ubou ~u 0j. Thc lorccs which gcncrucd his
cul urc ulmos bcyond cxplicuion, sincc hc only nurruivc sourcc ol ncur-concm-
porury origin, Ammiunus Murccllinus, Historiae, xxvii.,.j0, providcs no ucccss o
hc dcvoccs vicw, cxccping hc cluc hu hc Miluncsc Chrisiuns cull hc plucc
whcrc hcy urc buricd hc omb ol hc Innoccns. I sccms quic likcly hu hc cul
rcprcscns un curly cxumplc ol hc suncilicuion ol murdcrcd lcudcrs us innoccn
muryrs, u phcnomcnon whosc Mcrovingiun munilcsuions huvc rcccnly bccn illu-
minucd by P. lourucrc und R. Ccrbcrding, Late Merovingian France: History and
Hagiography, (Munchcscr und Ncw York, 1qq0), 100oo, und whosc
Anglo-Suxon cxumplcs urc hc subjcc ol my book, Kingship, Childhood and Martyrdom
in Anglo-Saxon England (Cumbridgc, lorhcoming). Thc cul is probubly bcs undcr-
sood, likc hc Anglo-Suxon und lrunkish cuscs, us un ucmp o uvoid hc provi-
dcniul implicuions ol hc prccisc hisoricul cvcn which wus hc vicims unjus
cxccuion. Scc ulso H.-I. Murrou, Ammicn Murccllin c lcs Innoccns dc Milun,
Recherches de science religieuse, o (1qj1z), 1,qqo, und A. Vuuchcz, La saintet en
Occident aux derniers sicles du moyen ge, Bibliohcquc dcs ccolcs lrunuiscs dAhcncs
c dc Romc z1 (Romc, 1q1), now r. }. Birrcll undcr hc ilc, Sainthood in the Later
Middle Ages (Cumbridgc, 1qq,), 1jz, who, likc Brown, rcu hc cul us u populur
rcsponsc o injusicc drivcn by cmoionul ruhcr hun hcologicul (i.c. idcologicul)
coNcirs I oN
To commcn on hc risc und luncion ol hc cul ol suins in Wcscrn
Chriscndom is o conlron un inricuc complcx ol problcms lor
which hcrc will probubly ncvcr bc un cnircly suislucory soluion.
Browns pionccring ucmp o providc u comprchcnsivc cxplunu-
ion wus un imporun brcukhrough, ubovc ull lor is pcrccpion
hu onc ol hc culs primury luncions wus o lcgiimizc hc powcr
ol clics by munilcsing cvidcncc ol divinc upprovul lor hc pcrsons
und insiuions hrough whom und lor whom miruclcs wcrc pcr-
lormcd. lvcry cvcnuuliy wus lull ol immincn dungcr whcn hc
pussugc ol cvcns wus sccn hrough hc prism ol immuncn jusicc.
Mislorunc could cusily lcud o public dcnunciuion und hc loss ol
sociul suppor, sincc i could bc consrucd us u munilcsuion ol
Cods judgcmcn upon hiddcn sins. llics in puriculur wcrc luccd
wih hc consun problcm ol usscring divinc upprovul in hc lucc
ol coningcncy. Suins culs hcld ou u numbcr ol dillcrcn solu-
ions, hough nonc hu wus invulncrublc o lurhcr wiss ol luc.
Thc implicuions ol pcrsonul mislorunc could bc ovcrurncd, lor
cxumplc, by submiing oncscll o hc public riuul ol obuining lor-
givcncss u u suins shrinc.
Thc implicuions ol u lcudcrs
unimcly dcuh could bc rcvcrscd wih cvidcncc hu Cod hud
mcrcly choscn his poin in imc o urn him ino u suin. Thc cul
ol suins ollcrcd, in shor, vurious soluions o hc muny lcgiimu-
ion problcms
hu urosc lrom hc wuy in which cvcns wcrc
undcrsood lrom hc Chrisiun world-vicw.
Brown urncd our ucnion owurds his lundumcnul poin. Yc
problcms urisc lrom his ucmp o prcscn hc cul, lor ull is col-
luboruion wih hc srucurcs ol powcr, us u libcruing phcnom-
cnon. Brown porruys hc cul ol suins us u compulsivc syscm ol
rcligious symbols which, huving cupurcd hc hopcs ol ull sccions
ol socicy, workcd o umclioruc is wors cxccsscs. Thc obliguions
hu bound mcn o scrvc hcir puron suins migh sccm hurd . . .
o us, Brown cxpluins, bu i wus hrough hcsc hu luc Romun
mcn hopcd o guin hu lrccdom ol ucion lrom which hc miruclc
1o Paul Antony Hayward
Scc lurhcr Vun Dum, Saints and their Miracles, q.
lor his conccp, scc }urgcn Hubcrmus, Legitimationsprobleme im
Sptkapitalismus (lrunklur, 1q,); r. T. McCurhy undcr hc ilc Legitimation Crisis
(London, 1q,0).
ol jusicc, mcrcy, und u scnsc ol soliduriy wih hcir lcllow humun
bcings migh spring.
As urucivc us his idcu is, i rcss upon u
rcuding ol u hugiogruphicul rccord hu skirs uround hc muny con-
llics, sociul us wcll us incllccuul, hu hcsc sourccs wcrc ucmp-
ing o ovcrcomc. Thc undcrlying problcm is hu hc cul ol suins
wus ulwuys u phcnomcnon ol doublul uuhcniciy. Brown would
dcny hc nccd o invcsiguc hc culs ruh suus, bu i hus o bc
uskcd how i could huvc brough lusing huppincss ino pcoplcs
livcs il, us his urgumcn implicily udmis, is londcs momcns wcrc
no gcnuinc inimucics wih rcsponsivc, unimuc, living bcings, bu
projccions ol hc mindil hc vcry spcciul dcud wcrc no ulivc in
hcir shrincs, bu quic dclunc. Brown suggcss hu suins culs
guvc pcoplc hc scll-conlidcncc und ussuruncc hu cumc lrom
knowing hu hcy hud u rcliublc und ull-powcrlul proccor, bu i
could cquully wcll bc urgucd hu i guvc hcm u hopclcss lcur ol
sullcring lrom which hcy migh ohcrwisc huvc bccn lrcc.
muny discrcpuncics bcwccn idcul und rculiy cunno bc ignorcd,
no lcus bccuusc hc urgumcns conuincd in hc sourccs rcvcul
hu hc puricipuns wcrc hcmsclvcs sruggling o copc wih hc
problcms hcy cuuscd. I is dillicul, hcrclorc, o uvoid hc conclu-
sion hu hc cul wus lruudulcn o somc dcgrcc, cvcn il i wus us
much u mucr ol scll-dcccpion us ol hc scducion ol ohcrs.
Thc rculiy sccms o lic somcwhcrc bcwccn, und yc ulso
bcyond, Cibbon und Brown. Cibbons upprouch o culic phcnom-
cnu is much morc convincing hun Browns whcn, commcning
upon hc rcucions ol hc puguns o hc dcsrucion ol hc lgypiun
idol Scrupis, hc cxplorcs hc diulogic rcluionship bcwccn conin-
gcncy und bclicl.
Bu Brown righly rcmovcd hc cul lrom hc
rculm ol hc scnsuul o hu ol hc highcr imuginuion, usscrcd hc
rolc ol hc urisocrucy in is dcvclopmcn, und righly rcdccmcd is
sponsors lrom hc churgc ol wholcsulc mcnduciy: rclic-ccnrcd
sunciy cvolvcd o unswcr hc gcnuinc nccds ol un cducucd clic
ruhcr hun o pundcr o hc scnsuuliy ol hc musscs. Yc in his
hcuvy rcliuncc on psychologicul lucors Brown pcrmis Cibbons
churgc ol irruionuliy o cscupc unchcckcd. lur lrom shuing ou
hc ligh ol rcuson, hc cul ol suins cvolvcd hrough logic und
Demystifying the role of sanctity 11
CS, 1z0,.
Compurc A. R. Rudclillc-Brown, Tuboo, in his Structure and Function in
Primitive Society: Essays and Addresses (London, 1qjz), 1jz, csp. 1q.
Decline and Fall, ii, j.
incllccuul cllor. Acknowlcdging hc culs ruionuliy dcmunds,
howcvcr, hu wc ulso rccognizc whu Brown wishcd o diminish:
jus how dccply scll-scrving hc cul ol suins would sccm, lrom hc
cxuul rccord, o huvc bccomc.
1z Paul Antony Hayward
Thc origins ol hc Curolingiun ucmp o
rcguluc hc cul ol suins
IN un imporun uriclc publishcd in 1qqo, }uliu Smih conruscd
culurcs ol sunciy in Cclic rcgions in hc curly Middlc Agcs wih
hosc pucrns ol sunciy which hud bccn inllucnccd by Curolingiun
Whcrcus in hc Cclic urcus hc rcsponsc o culs wus
dccrmincd by u srong orul rudiion which lcd oll pluccs und
objccs ussociucd wih holy mcn und womcn, in hc lrunkish
urcus, shc urgucd, culs wcrc morc ighly conrollcd by wricn
hugiogruphy which srcsscd hc imporuncc ol corporcul rclics
undcr hc guurdiunship ol propcr uuhoriics. Thc lrunks, in ohcr
words, hud hcir suins undcr conrol in wuys which rcllcccd hc
hcocruic lluvour ol hcir govcrnmcn, lor lrunkish rulcrs
ucmpcd o incrvcnc in spiriuul lilc in ordcr o uchicvc somc lcvcl
ol sociul conrol hrough hc hurncssing ol supcrnuurul powcr. Thc
powcr ol hc suins hus lcd hc powcr ol rulcrs, no jus in lrunciu,
bu quic clcurly, und jus us cllccivcly, in Ooniun Ccrmuny, und
Anglo-Suxon lnglund, und, u u slighly lucr duc, in whu Cubor
Kluniczuy crms hc pcriphcrul urcus ol Scundinuviu und Ccnrul
As Smih suggcscd, whcn hcsc ohcr urcus movcd o con-
rol culs lor poliicul cnds, his wus donc in imiuion ol Curolingiun
To illusruc how conrol ol spiriuul lilc und Curolingiun powcr
und inllucncc grcw ogchcr in muuul rcinlorccmcn, lc us ukc
hc cxumplc ol Buvuriu in hc cighh ccnury. Hcrc wc bcgin wih
hu honorury Curolingiun, Bonilucc, lor whom unconrollcd culs
Orul und Wricn: Suins, Miruclcs und Rclics in Briuny, c. jo1zjo,
SpccnInm, 0j (1qqo), oq.
lrom Sucrul Kingship o Scll-Rcprcscnuion: Hunguriun und luropcun Royul
Suins in hc 11h1h Ccnurics, in his Tbc Uscs cj SnpcrnutnruI Pcwcr, r.
S. Singcrmun (Cumbridgc, 1qqo), ,qq, u 0.
und unrcsruincd holy mcn wcrc unuhcmu.
In hc dccudc ulcr
, Bonilucc dcmundcd hu Buvuriu rcccivc u propcr dioccsun
und hu hc church hcrc rcjcc hc bupisms ol hosc
Buvuriun pricss who hud no bccn propcrly ruincd, which mcun,
in cllcc, rying o undo indcpcndcn missionury cllors in hc
Bonilucc ulso rcqucscd hc popc o rcsruin hc uciviy ol
Bishop Virgil, u churismuic holy mun who wus his chicl rivul in
Thcn, in hc ncx gcncruion wc scc Buvuriun bishops
bcing pullcd ino u lrunkish orbi wih u downpluying ol culs usso-
ciucd wih hc prc-Curolingiun cvungclizuion ol hc rcgion. linully,
hunks o hc rich mucriul ol hc churcrs ol lrcising, in hc luc
cighh und curly ninh ccnurics wc cun scc hc Bishop ol lrcising,
buckcd by hc Archbishop ol Sulzburg, Churlcmugncs principul
ugcn in hc rcgion, usscring lrcisings conrol ovcr locul monus-
crics und churchcs.
This involvcd uking ovcr propcry, righs,
und rcsourccs, bu hc morul busis lor hc uppropriuion wus hc
bishops righlul conrol ovcr locul culs: propcry givcn o hc locul
puron suin hud bccomc his morul rcsponsibiliy. Thc poliicul
ugcndu in Curolingiun Buvuriu is cquully clcur, lor hc donors who
los conrol ovcr hc culs hcy hud cndowcd wcrc suid o huvc
mudc hcir gils in hc imc ol Tussilo, hc lus Dukc ol Buvuriu, who
wus possibly Churlcmugncs mos dungcrous opponcn bclorc hc
wus dcposcd in ,,. Rcmoving culs lrom hc conrol ol hc locul
nobiliy wus hus pur ol hc proccss ol swccping uwuy hc rcmuins
1 PunI Fcnrucrc
Bonilucc cxprcsscd his vicws in his lccrs, compluining, lor cxumplc, ubou hc
uciviics ol onc Adulbcr whom Bonilucc rcgurdcd us u churluun, bu who ohcr-
wisc looks likc u clussic Browniun holy mun: EpistcIuc, no. jq (cd. M. Tungl, MGH
Epp. ScI., i (1q10), 1111z). Scc ulso CS, 1z und n. q.
Bonilucc, Epp., no. j (Oc. ,q): Popc Crcgory III rcsponds o Boniluccs rcpor
on hc Buvuriuns, whom hc missionury hud lound cxtru crJincm cccIcsiusticnm
Bonilucc, Epp., no. 0 (}uly, ,0), which lccr conuins hc lumous linc on hc
Buvuriun pricss who wcrc so ignorun hu hcy hud bccn bupizing pcoplc in ncminc
putriu ct jiIiu ct spiritns suncti. Thc pupucy hcrc rcluscd Boniluccs dcmund hu such
pcoplc bc rcbupizcd. Bonilucc rcurncd o hc dcmund in Muy ol , (ibid., no. o).
Bonilucc, Epp., no. o.
Scc Dic TruJiticncn Jcs Hccbstijts Frcisin, cd. T. Bicruul (Munich, 1qoj), nos.
1z, 1, 1j, 1,, 10q, 1,1, 1,, 1q, 1q,, zz, zz,, z1z, zj, zz,
zj1, zj, z,j, z,,, z, z, zqq. Thcsc churcrs rccord dispucs in which
Buvuriuns concscd hc imposiion ol lrcisings conrol ovcr hcir propricury
churchcs und monuscrics. Scc ulso P. lourucrc, Curolingiun }usicc: Thc Rhcoric
ol Improvcmcn und Concxs ol Abusc, in Lu Ginstiziu ncII AItc McJiccvc (scccIi V-
VIII), Scimunc di Sudio dcl Ccnro Iuliuno di Sudi Sullulo Mcdiocvo z (Spolco,
1qqj), ,0.
ol Tussilos rcgimc. Similur mcusurcs wcrc ucmpcd hroughou
hc cmpirc. Locul culs wcrc brough undcr hc conrol ol bishops
who wcrc hcmsclvcs o bc subjcc o mcropoliun uuhoriy, und
us Churlcmugncs cupiulurics mukc ubundunly clcur, disciplinc in
hc Church wus u primury conccrn ol govcrnmcn.

lrowncd upon hc idcu ol ncw suins bcing crcucd, und sincc u hc
sumc imc hc insiscd on hc usc ol rclics whcn ouhs wcrc ukcn,
und commundcd hu ull ulurs conuin rclics,
hcrc wus in consc-
qucncc un cxplosion in hc dcmund lor rclics lrom long-dcud suins,
prclcrubly muryrs.
This, hcrclorc, is hc buckground o Smihs modcl ol u rclic-
buscd lrunkish sunciy, in which rclics wcrc boxcd, lubcllcd, dis-
ribucd, und dispcnscd wih cpiscopul suncion. This lorm ol
sunciy, which rcinlorccd hc sociul powcr ol un urisocruic ccclc-
siusicul hicrurchy us u wuy ol srcnghcning sociul conrol, Pccr
Brown ruccd righ buck o hc sixh ccnury. By hc imc ol Popc
Crcgory hc Crcu hc holy wus, wroc Brown, sccurcly vcscd in
mcn who kncw whu i wus o rulc, und who livcd in u socicy
whcrc lcw mcn wcrc prcpurcd o rulc us hcy wcrc.
In Browns
mind hcrc wus hcrc u srong conrus bcwccn hc Wcscrn sylc ol
rclic-buscd culs conrollcd by bishops und hc culs ol hc living
holy mun in hc lus. Thc luscrn holy mun hc noubly showcd o
bc un ousidcr und puron ol villugc communiics, u ligurc in com-
pciion wih, ruhcr hun in suppor ol, hc hicrurchy ol Church
und Suc.
Thcrc is surcly u grcu dcul ol scnsc in Browns con-
russ, bu hcy wcrc inuiivc ruhcr hun buscd in dcuilcd unuly-
sis ol concmporury mucriuls, cspcciully whcrc hc Wcs is
conccrncd. As Puul Huywurd cxpluins in his volumc, Browns
upprouch o hc cx wus shupcd by unhropologicul modcls which
hc upplicd in un imprcssionisic lushion. lurhcr, in supposing hu
Wcscrn sunciy ussumcd dcliniivc sociul lorm in hc sixh ccn-
ury, Brown did no considcr hc hisory ol sunciy in hc scvcnh
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 1j

lor hc lirs ol muny cxumplcs, scc Hcrsul Cupiulury ol ,,q, 1j (cd.

A. Borcius, MGH Lcnm, scc. z, CupitnIuriu Bcnm Frunccrnm, vol. 1 (Hunovcr,
1), ,; r. P. D. King, CburIcmunc. TrunsIutcJ Scnrccs (Kcndul, 1q,), zo).
On ouhs, scc AJmcnitic GcncruIis ol ,q, 0 (cd. Borcius, MGH CupitnIuriu
Bcnm Frunccrnm, i, j; r. King, CburIcmunc, z1j). On hc imporuncc ol rclics o
hc Curolingiuns in gcncrul, scc P. Ccury, Fnrtu Sucru. Tbcjts cj BcIics in tbc CcntruI
MiJJIc Acs, znd cdn. (Princcon, 1qqo), z.
A Puring ol Wuys, 1q.
Holy Mun, csp. 11j1.
und cighh ccnurics, which is hc imc in which living suins mudc
somching ol u comcbuck in hc Wcs, und in which hc cul ol hc
suins sprcud ino ncw urcus und umongs dillcrcn groups ol
pcoplcs. In whu lollows I shull locus on hc living or rcccnly dcud
suins ol hc scvcnh und cighh ccnurics, und on hc rcluionship
bcwccn powcr und sunciy in his pcriod which lics, us i wcrc,
bcwccn Brown und Smih. This will pcrmi u morc prccisc cxplu-
nuion ol hc cvoluion ol Curolingiun uiudcs owurds sunciy in
crms ol u rcucion uguins hc suinly powcr hcld by hcir prcdc-
ccssors und rivuls, hc Ncusro-Burgundiun lcudcrs ol lucr
Mcrovingiun lrunciu.
fnc nI s c oi fnc noiv I N fnc s I xfn ~Nu
s cvcNfn ccNfrnI cs
Muny ol Browns conruss bcwccn hc holy in luscrn und
Wcscrn Chriscndom urc opcn o doub. His locuion ol hc holy in
hc puriculur dynumic ol rurul sociul dcvclopmcn in Syriu und Asiu
Minor sccms o rcs upon snupshos ol villugc lilc ukcn lrom cn-
dcnious und highly codcd sourccs, upon which hc pluccd u grcu
dcul ol wcigh.
Browns vicw ol hc lrunkish Wcs rcss ovcr-
whlcmingly on hc wriings ol Crcgory ol Tours, und hc likcwisc
ukcs Crcgory u his word.
In hc ligh ol rcccn scholurship,
10 PunI Fcnrucrc
P. Richc nocd hu hc Curolingiun prclcrcncc lor long-dcud suins wus in
shurp conrus o Mcrovingiun prucicc, bu hc did no rcully ucmp o cxpluin hc
phcnomcnon: scc, lor cxumplc, his Lcs Curolingicns cn quc dc suincc, in }.-Y.
Tillicc (cd.), Lcs Fcncticns Jcs Suints Juns Ic McnJc OcciJcntuIc (III-XIIIc siccIc) (Romc,
1qq1), z1,z.
In Holy Mun, i is ubovc ull hc skillul usc ol Thcodorc which mukcs Browns
imugcs ol hc Syriun holy mun so vivid. Hc ucknowlcdgcs hu Thcodorc hud his
own poin ol vicw (ibid., 1zo), bu hcn uscs his nurruivc wihou lurhcr
QncIIcnlritil, ruhcr us hisoriuns ol curly Icclund usc sugu mucriul. Morc hun
wcny ycurs lucr, in AS, Brown did ol coursc uddrcss his qucsion und ucknow-
lcdgcd hu in Holy Mun hc hud bccn lollowing ulmos oo closcly hc gruin ol our
principul sourccs (p. jq), hus uking oo licrully hcir picurc ol hc imporuncc ol
hc holy mcn (now, holy pcrsons). Though his lcuds him o nuuncc his picurc ol
hc holy pcrsons rolc in socicy, hc rcmuins wcddcd o u composic picurc mudc up
ol unccdocs lrom u scrics ol sourccs, sill wihou muking u criicul cvuluuion ol his
In A Puring ol Wuys, 1qo, Brown mukcs hc conrus bcwccn hc cxubcr-
un und opimisic world ol lus Romc und hc grim und dcplccd Cuul ol Crcgory ol
Crcgory wus no such u good cxumplc o choosc.
Ruhcr hun
using rclics o muinuin sociul conrol, Crcgory wus, us Vun Dum
hus urgucd, hunging on o his job by hc hcm ol Murins clouk,
lorccd ou ol his dilupiducd cuhcdrul o ry und gc in on hc ucion
u hc shrinc ol S Murin in hc suburbs.
Murin Hcinzclmunns
work on cpiscopul cpiuphs would, in luc, huvc providcd Brown
wih morc rcliublc mucriul wih which o illusruc hc uccommo-
duion ol sunciy wihin luc Romun urisocruic vulucs, wih hc
virtns ol hc noblc Romun runslorming ino u munilcsuion ol holi-
ncss, or sunciy iscll.
Bu ulhough onc cun rucc hc convcn-
ions ol hc cpiuph ino hc nobiliy tcpcs ol curly mcdicvul
hugiogruphy, his is no o suy hu hc sixh-ccnury bishops
wicldcd hc sumc dcgrcc ol powcr, hrough rclics or ohcrwisc, us
did hcir lucr councrpurs. Brown, o bc luir, did hin u his.
Rcccn work by Yizhuk Hcn hus rc-cmphusizcd hu hc lucr
sixh ccnury wus u pcriod in which suncorul cyclcs in Cuul wcrc
rupidly bcing csublishcd.
Thc cyclcs hcmsclvcs cnd o show un
curly phusc which csublishcd hc lcuss ol univcrsul suins, such us
hc uposlcs, lollowcd by un incrcusing proporion ol locul suins,
hu is, locul muryrs ol Dioclciunic vinugc, und curly bishops.
Thcsc suins would providc hc bcdrock ol u culurc ol sunciy
hroughou hc Middlc Agcs.
Rcluivcly lcw ncwcomcrs would
subscqucnly join hc runks ol hcsc long-dcud hcrocs, bu in
hc scvcnh und curly cighh ccnurics hosc who did join wcrc
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 1,
Onc ol hc lirs sudics o qucsion hc crcdibiliy ol Crcgorys hisoricul nurru-
ivc wus I. N. Wood, Crcgory ol Tours und Clovis, Bcvnc BcIc Jc PbiIcIcic ct
JHistcirc, 0 (1qj), zq,z. Thc scminul criiquc ol Crcgorys wriing is W.
Collur, Tbc Nurrutcrs cj Burluriun Histcr (A.D. o8oo). ]crJuncs, Grccr cj Tcnrs,
BcJc, unJ PunI tbc Dcuccn (Princcon, 1q), 11zz. Scc now, in uddiion, hc
unulysis by M. Hcinzclmunn, Grccr vcn Tcnrs (8j(), Zcbn Bncbcr Gcscbicbtc.
Histcricrupbic nnJ GcscIIscbujtslcnzcpt im ]ubrbnnJcrt (Durmsud, 1qq).
R. Vun Dum, Suints unJ tbcir MirucIcs in Lutc Antiqnc GunI (Princcon, 1qq),
M. Hcinzclmunn, Ncuc Aspckc dcr biogruphischcn und hugiogruphischcn
Licruur in dcr lucinischcn Wcl (1.0. }uhrhundcr), Frunciu, 1 (1q,), z,;
idcm, Biscbcjsbcrrscbujt in GuIIicn. Znr Kcntinnitut rcmiscbcr Fnbrnnsscbicbtcn vcm (
lis znm ; ]ubrbnnJcrt. ScziuIc prcscpcrupbiscbc nnJ liIJnnscscbicbtIicbc Aspcltc,
Bcihclc dcr lrunciu, j (Zurich, 1q,0); idcm, Suncius und Tugcndudcl: zur
Konzcpioncn von Hciligkci im j und 1o }uhrhundcr, Frunciu, j (1q,,),
Thc hin is prcscn in BSS, z0, n. q, whcrc hc criicizcs hc work ol l. Prinz.
CnItnrc unJ BcIiicn in Mcrcviniun GunI, A.D. (81;1, Culurcs, Bclicls und
Trudiions. Mcdicvul und lurly Modcrn Pcoplcs 1 (Lcidcn, 1qqj), z1zo.
I um gruclul o Duvid Cunz lor imprcssing his poin upon mc.
imporun concmporury lcudcrs, whosc sunciy would bccomc u
clcurly poliicul issuc. Lucr, purly us u rcsul ol hc Curolingiun
shil in prclcrcncc, und purly simply duc o u luding mcmory ol
Mcrovingiun hisory, muny ol hcir culs would lupsc ino obscu-
This docs no mcun, howcvcr, hu such lcudcrs wcrc no
lumous in hcir own imc. Alhough rclics wcrc csscniul o hc
csublishmcn ol hc culs ol hc morc uncicn suins, i muy bc u
luir imprcssion hu in hc sixh ccnury hc rclic sock wus sill
bcing buil up. Wihou Crcgory ol Tours puriculur und ruhcr pcr-
sonul cmphusis upon hc imporuncc ol rclics, wc would ucuully
hcur ubou hcm much lcss in hc sixh hun in hc scvcnh ccn-
ury, und i wus undoubcdly in hc lucr pcriod hu hc runslu-
ions ol locul suins go going. Wc muy hcrclorc ucccp hu hc
lorms which sunciy would ukc wcrc indccd csublishcd by hc cnd
ol hc sixh ccnury, in crms boh ol modcls ol bchuviour cxprcsscd
in hugiogruphicul convcnion, und ol hc incrccssionury vuluc
pluccd on rclics. On hc ohcr hund, bclorc sunciy could bccomc u
sourcc ol signilicun sociul und poliicul powcr, locul culs hud lirs
o bccomc widcsprcud hroughou lrunkish Cuul, und hc cpisco-
puc hud, sccond, o bc druwn lrom umongs hc mos powcrlul in
socicy o u dcgrcc hu i hud no bccn in hc sixh ccnury.
ccnrulizing cndcncy in Curolingiun sunciy wus in grcu pur u
rcsponsc o hc poliicul rumilicuions ol hcsc dcvclopmcns, und
in puriculur i wus u rcucion o hc suncilicuion ol ohcr powcr-
lul mugnucs which ook plucc in hc coursc ol hc scvcnh
Thc scvcnh ccnury opcncd wih hc urrivul in lrunciu ol whu
uppcurs u lirs sigh o huvc bccn u rudicully ncw lorm ol sunciy,
in hc lorm ol Irish holy mcn. Thcsc ncwcomcrs wcrc ousidcrs,
vcry much ulivc, und mudc u poin ol chullcnging rulcrs. This
imprcssion is lormcd by onc highly inllucniul sourcc, hc Lijc cj
CcInmlunns which locuscd upon hc conllic bcwccn Columbunus
1 PunI Fcnrucrc
Thc cul ol S Prucjccus providcs u good cxumplc. A Bishop ol Clcrmon mur-
dcrcd in 0,0, hc bccumc hc locus ol u muryr cul buscd on his omb in u lumily
monuscry u Volvic, ousidc Clcrmon. Alcr his body wus movcd o lluvigny by
Abbo Widcrud in ,jj, hc monuscry disuppcurcd und Volvic is now much bccr
known lor is mincrul wucr hun lor is nuivc suin, Prucjccus.
lor u gcncrul uccoun ol his proccss, scc P. lourucrc und R. A. Ccrbcrding,
Lutc Mcrcviniun Fruncc. Histcr unJ Huicrupb, (o;.o, Munchcscr Mcdicvul
Sourccs Scrics (Munchcscr und Ncw York, 1qq0), jz.
und hc quccn Brunhild,
und is nurruivc ol Columbunuss pur
in Brunhilds downlull wus ukcn up wih guso in hc Fcnrtb Bccl
cj tbc CbrcnicIc cj FrcJcur.
Bu ulcr hc conllic wih Brunhild,
which hud is own poliicul logic, hc so-cullcd Columbunun movc-
mcn rupidly bccumc u vchiclc lor hc sprcud ol u culurc ol sunc-
iy umongs hc lrunkish urisocrucy. Thc poin hcrc wus hu
Columbunuss spiriuul uhlcicism wus monusic in inspiruion, und
in ordcr o sulcguurd is puriy hc insiscd hu his monuscry ol
Luxcuil bc lrcc ol ousidc incrlcrcncc, whchcr by rulcrs or by
bishops. This providcd u modcl ol monusicism which provcd highly
urucivc o indcpcndcnly mindcd powcrlul pcoplc. Thcrc lollowcd
u wuvc ol monusic lounduions in hc sylc ol Columbunuss csub-
lishmcn u Luxcuil, und uround hc middlc ol hc scvcnh ccnury
ohcr Irish holy mcn urrivcd on hc sccnc, hclping o kccp up cnhu-
siusm lor his lorm ol rcligious dcvoion. This is ull cxbook sull,
und i hurdly nccds o bc rchcurscd in dcuil hcrc, bu i is worh
srcssing hu hc rcluionship bcwccn powcr und sunciy did ukc
u ncw urn u his imc wih hc involvcmcn ol lcuding lumilics ou-
sidc hc rudiionul Cullo-Romun ccnrcs rcprcscncd in hc sunc-
orul cyclcs ol hc prcvious ccnury. Thu mcmbcrs ol such lumilics
hcn cumc o bc includcd umongs hosc vcncrucd us suins is
cquully wcll documcncd, ulhough i sill nccds suying hu his
muliplicuion ol culs did no umoun o u proccss ol urisocruic
scll-suncilicuion in which lumilics ol Ccrmunic cxrucion lound u
ncw, Chrisiun, lorm ol churismu.
Thc rcuson lor rcicruing his
poin is no mcrcly o pilc morc scorn on hc now long-discrcdicd
noion ol Ccrmunic churismu,
bu ulso o indicuc hc wuy in
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 1q
}onus, Vitu CcInmluni ct JiscipnIcrnm cins (BHL 1q), cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS
rcr. Mcrcv., iv (1qoz), 01o.
lrcdcgur, Cbrcnicu, 0 und z (cd. }. M. Wullucc Hudrill, Tbc Fcnrtb Bccl
cj tbc CbrcnicIc cj FrcJcur unJ its Ccntinnuticns, Nclsons Mcdicvul Tcxs (London,
1q0o), zq und 0).
Scc, lor insuncc, hc uccoun ol Columbunuss uciviy und inllucncc in P. }.
Ccury, Bcjcrc Fruncc unJ Gcrmun. Tbc Crcuticn unJ Trunsjcrmuticn cj Mcrcviniun GunI
(Oxlord und Ncw York, 1q), 1,1. lor u morc criicul vicw ol hc rudiionul pic-
urc, scc I. N. Wood, Tbc Mcrcviniun KinJcms (o;1 (London, 1qq), 11q,.
Thc idcu ol urisocruic scll-suncilicuion (AJcIsscIlstbciIinn) wus lormulucd
by l. Prinz, Frnbcs Mcncbtnm in Frunlcnrcicb. KnItnr nnJ GcscIIscbujt in GuIIicn, Jcn
BbcinIunJcn nnJ Bucrn um BcispicI Jcr mcnustiscbcn EntwiclInn ((. lis 8. ]ubrbnnJcrt)
(Munich, 1q0j), qq. lor lurhcr quulilicuions on hc usclulncss (or ohcrwisc)
ol his conccp, lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc, q, 0jz.
l. Cruus wus hc lirs o discrcdi i in his VcIl, Hcrrscbcr nnJ HciIicr im Bcicb
Jcr Mcrcwincr. StnJicn znr Huicrupbic Jcr Mcrcwincrzcit (Pruguc, 1q0j).
which ucccss o hc holy hud bccomc u normul pur ol clic culurc,
hu is, u normul uribuc ol powcr. lur lrom bcing hc prcscrvc ol
uny onc chnic group, i hud ucuully bccomc u principul clcmcn
in hc incgruion ol pcoplc lrom dillcrcn buckgrounds ino u singlc
clic, und in hc coursc ol hc scvcnh ccnury u common invcs-
mcn in culs would bccomc un imporun plunk in hc consrucion
ol u non-chnic lrunkish idcniy. By hc luc cighh ccnury, in hc
Long Prologuc o hc Lcx SuIicu KurcIinu, hc lrunks puronugc ol
muryr culs wus cluimcd us onc ol hcir mos disinguishcd lcu-
urcs, und onc which mudc hcm supcrior o hc Romuns ol old who
hud pcrsccucd hc vcry suins whosc bodics hc lrunks now dcco-
rucd wih gold und silvcr.
This lurgcssc owurds hc suins wus
ulso ussociucd in hc Prologuc wih hc scurch lor wisdom und jus-
icc which wus hc sccond quuliy in lrunkish supcrioriy. Thc hird
wus succcss in bulc, which hc lirs wo mcris curncd hcm. Thc
nccd o prcscrvc hcsc quuliics wus sccn us hc duy ol hc rulcrs,
u duy which posiivcly ncccssiucd hcir incrvcnion in rcligious
lilc. Thc Curolingiuns muy huvc hud hcocruic prccnsions, bu
hcy ulwuys workcd wihin cxising cusom und by munipuluing
urisocruic conscnsus. Conrol ovcr culs wus uchicvcd lurgcly by
lcuding puronugc uwuy lrom suins ussociucd wih hcir opponcns
und buck owurds hc muryrs ol old.
Onc imporun rcuson why hc sixh ccnury looks ruhcr dillcr-
cn o hc scvcnh ccnury no jus in crms ol uiudcs owurds hc
supcrnuurul, bu ulso in crms ol poliics und powcr in gcncrul, is
hu whcrcus lor hc sixh wc urc dcpcndcn upon u singlc, con-
ccnrucd nurruivc, hu ol Crcgory ol Tours, which urgucs lor hc
opcruion ol hc divinc in hc world ol mcn, lor hc scvcnh ccnury
wc huvc un incrcusingly divcrsc rungc ol sourccs which ukc hu
opcruion lor gruncd. I is now clcur, il i wus no bclorc, hu sunc-
iy hus cncrcd hc gruin ol sociul und poliicul lilc, und hc miruc-
ulous rcquircs lcss cmphusis in hc poliicul nurruivc. Onc sourcc
lor his imprcssion is hc Fcnrtb Bccl cj tbc CbrcnicIc cj FrcJcur,
compilcd probubly c. 00o, und i is un imporun sourcc bccuusc is
rclcrcnccs o hc cul ol suins urc usuully incidcnul, ruhcr hun
hugiogruphicul or propricoriul. Tukc, lor insuncc, lrcdcgurs lus
word, hc conclusion ol u sory ubou hc srugglc lor powcr in
1jo PunI Fcnrucrc
ld. K. A. lckhurd, Lcx SuIicu. 1oo-TitcI Tcxt, Ccrmuncnrcchc, ncuc lolgc
(Wcimur, 1qj), 0qo; r. K. l. Drcw, Tbc Luws cj tbc SuIiun Frunls (Philudclphiu,
1qq1), 1,1.
Burgundy bcwccn wo lcudcrs, lluochud und Willcbud.
wus killcd in bulc, bu his vunquishcr, lluochud, dicd ol lcvcr
shorly ulcr: Muny bclicvcd, wroc lrcdcgur, hu sincc lluochud
und Willcbud hud imc und uguin sworn muuul lricndship in pluccs
holy o hc suins (Iccu sunctcrnm) und in uddiion hud boh grccd-
ily opprcsscd und robbcd hcir pcoplc, i wus Cods judgcmcn hu
dclivcrcd hc lund lrom hcir ovcrwccning yrunny und luid hcm
low lor hcir luihlcssncss und lying. llscwhcrc oo, lrcdcgur rclcrs
o Iccu sunctcrnm in poliicul concxs: hcy wcrc whcrc ouhs wcrc
ukcn und lidcliy cscd. Incrcsingly, upur lrom condcmning hc
hcl ol church propcry, ouh-brcuking, und opprcssion, hc com-
mcns vcry lilc on ohcr uspccs ol bchuviour, including violcncc,
cvcn whcn his ukcs plucc closc o suncuurics. No commcn is
ollcrcd, lor cxumplc, on hc bchuviour ol King Clohur whcn hc hud
un opponcn, onc Codinus, conduccd on u our ol Iccu sunctcrnm,
on hc prccx ol huving him swcur lilclong lidcliy, bu in luc only
wih hc objcc ol linding u suiublc plucc o kill him, which hc duly
lrcdcgurs vicw ol Clohur, soundcd curlicr in hc CbrcnicIc,
would no in luc huvc lookcd ou ol plucc us un cpiscopul cpiuph,
or us hc opcning ol u suins lilc. Hc wus srong mindcd und cdu-
cucd in lccrs, Cod lcuring, u muniliccn puron ol churchcs und
pricss, un ulmsgivcr o hc poor, kindly disposcd o ull und lull ol
I wus clcurly possiblc o bc ull hcsc hings us wcll us bcing
u bloodhirsy Mcrovingiun.
fnc rowcn oi s ~NcfI fv
Onc migh in his concx urguc hu sunciy wus progrcssivcly
dcbuscd by hc ucnions ol hc powcrlul, hu i wus, in cllcc, scc-
ulurizcd us i wus subjcccd o poliicul nccds. Bu by hc sumc
okcn, sunciy could bc un cllccivc ugcn in hc rcinlorccmcn ol
powcr only il hcrc wus u gcnuinc bclicl in is cllicucy, lor his wus
hc busis upon which i uruccd widcsprcud suppor. As wc huvc
sccn, in hc coursc ol hc scvcnh ccnury ncw suins wcrc crcucd
us culs muliplicd und sprcud, hcsc ncw rccruis ypicully bcing
druwn lrom hc loundcrs ol monuscrics und lrom hc cpiscopuc.
Thcsc mcn, und somc womcn, wcrc olcn ucivc in poliics,
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 1j1
lrcdcgur, Cbrcnicu, qo.
Ibid., j.
Ibid., z.
somcimcs violcn poliics. Hugiogruphy wricn no long ulcr hc
hcu ol hc momcn docs no hidc his luc, bu incrprcs curccrs in
hc ligh ol convcnion, und wih hindsigh, hu is, in hc ccruiny
hu whu ull hcsc lcudcrs did on curh wus in luc lcuding owurds
Wcrc such pcoplc rcully rcgurdcd us holy, or wus hcrc u
kind ol culurul conspirucy o hink good ol hc grcu, or u lcus ol
hosc grcu in whom insiuionul incrcss wcrc vcscd. This is u
qucsion hurd o unswcr givcn hu ncurly ull ol our sourcc mucr-
iul wus, ol coursc, produccd in suppor ol hosc sumc insiuionul
incrcss, und wus lrumcd by hc convcnionul vicw ol sunciy us
un ull-imporun principlc ol sociul us wcll us rcligious lilc. Pccr
Brown in cllcc chosc o ucccp his convcnion us u ruc rcllccion
ol sociul lilc. Cun wc.
Il wc urc o rcu sunciy us huving u poliicul imporuncc dcrivcd
lrom u gcnuinc bclicl in hc holincss ol concmporury lcudcrs und
in hc cllicucy ol supcrnuurul powcr, wc mus look hurd lor mucr-
iul which cun vcrily hu bclicl. Bccuusc hc suppors no idcniliublc
insiuionul incrcs, lrcdcgur is onc sourcc wc cun usc lor morc
ncurul (hough sill convcnionul) commcn on sunciy. Thc Lilcr
Histcriuc Frunccrnm is unohcr, bu no quic so usclul bccuusc
bcing wricn in hc ,zos hcrc wus imc lor is uuhor o bc inllu-
cnccd by hc Vituc composcd in hc luc scvcnh ccnury.
lrcdcgur, wriing ubou hc cvcns ol hc ycur 00, rclcrrcd in puss-
ing o hc rcpuuion ol hc rclcrcndury Dudo, whosc compuny hc
Cod-lcuring Brcon lcudcr }udicucl prclcrrcd o hu ol hc dissoluc
King Dugobcr.
}udicucl rccognizcd hu Dudo, hc lucr S
Audoin, lcd u rcligious lilc (sunctum rcIiicncm scctuntcm), und hc
rclcrcncc providcs u uniquc conlirmuion hu Dudo (Audoin) rcully
wus rcgurdcd us holy whcn u young mun u cour, us his Vitu
Morcovcr, wc cun bc ubsolucly ccruin hu his rclcr-
cncc wus indcpcndcn ol hugiogruphic rudiion bccuusc i mus
huvc bccn mudc u u poin u which Audoin sill hud u lcus wcny
1jz PunI Fcnrucrc
On hc lruming ol curccrs und conllic wihin hugiogruphicul convcnions, scc
lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc, z.
Lilcr Histcriuc Frunccrnm, cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., ii (1),
z1jz. Scc ulso hc runsluion ol chs. j wih commcnury in lourucrc und
Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc, ,qq0.
lrcdcgur, Cbrcnicu, ,.
Vitu AnJcini cpisccpi Bctcmucnsis (BHL ,jo), (cd. W. Lcvison, MGH SS
rcr. Mcrcv., v (1q1o), pp. jj0,; r. lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc,
ycurs ol lilc lcl in him, lor hc did no dic unil 0. Whcn, on hc
ohcr hund, hc Lilcr Histcriuc Frunccrnm wuxcs lyricul on Audoins
rcpuuion, wc muy suspcc hu is uuhor wus rcsponding o u
wricn uccoun ol hc suins virucs.
Indcpcndcn conlirmuion
ol Audoins rcpuuion is puriculurly imporun bccuusc hc wus jus
hc sor ol suin who wus up o his ncck in hc powcr srugglcs ol
hc duy, und un ucccssory o violcncc. Anohcr conlirmuion ol u
hugiogruphcrs cluim hu his or hcr hcro hud holy powcr which
ohcrs ucknowlcdgcd, cun bc lound in hc Pussic Prucjccti.
This is
lcss clcur-cu in crms ol duing, bu i is in u wuy morc imprcssivc
bccuusc i conccrns u hugiogruphcrs ucccpuncc ol un opponcns
cluim o sunciy, und us his udmission sccms o run councr o hc
uuhors purposc ol building up hc prcsigc ol hcr or his subjcc, i
is ull hc morc bclicvublc. Thc Pussic Prucjccti wus composcd soon
ulcr hc murdcr ol is hcro, Prucjccus, Bishop ol Clcrmon, which
ook plucc in }unuury 0,0.
Anohcr suin, Lcudcgur, Bishop ol Auun, hud bccn involvcd in
hc cvcns lcuding up o hc murdcr ol Prucjccus, und our uuhor
rclcrs o his pur in hcm in criicul crms, suying hu hcy wcrc u
sumbling block or scunJuInm on Lcudcgurs puh o muryrdom. Bu
shc, or hc, gocs on o suy hu lucr Lcudcgur gruspcd hc pulm ol
muryrdom und now hc is srong in hc pcrlormuncc ol holy mir-
uclcs. Lcudcgurs dcuh ook plucc somcimc in hc ycurs 0,,q,
und i is rcusonublc o supposc hu hc curlics vcrsion ol his Pussic
wus composcd in hc vcry curly 0os, so hc Pussic Prucjccti und hc
Pussic LcnJcurii wcrc wricn down u roughly hc sumc imc.
wus Bruno Kruschs vicw hu hc Pussic Prucjccti wus hc lirs o bc
wricn, und il his wus hc cusc, hcn hc work bucks up hc cluim
mudc in hc Pussic LcnJcurii hu pcoplc rccognizcd Lcudcgurs
miruculous powcr soon ulcr his buriul. Wihou his cross-rclcrcncc
onc would bc cmpcd o dismiss hc lucr cluim us mcrcly con-
vcnionul. Wih i, wc huvc o ukc hc cluim scriously, und wih
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 1j
Lilcr bistcriuc Frunccrnm, ,; lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc,
Pussic Prucjccti cpisccpi ct murtris Avcrni (BHL 0q1j10), cd. B. Krusch, MGH
SS rcr. Mcrcv., v (1q1o), zzj; r. wih commcnury in lourucrc und Ccrbcrding,
Mcrcviniun Fruncc, zjoo.
Pussic LcnJcurii cpisccpi ct murtris AnnstcJnncnsis (BHL qb), cd. B.
Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv. v (1q1o), zzzz; r. wih commcnury in lourucrc
und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc, 1q1zj. On hc rcluionship bcwccn hc
Pussicncs ol Lcudcgur und Prucjccus, scc ibid., zzj n. 11.
Lcudcgur wc urc dculing wih u suin who, likc Audoin, wus
involvcd in u violcn srugglc lor powcr. In luc, hc wo ol hcm
lincd up on opposic sidcs ol hc sumc powcr srugglc. Lcudcgur los.
I is u huppy coincidcncc hu hc only wo pcoplc whosc suinly rcp-
uuions wc cun conlirm in his wuy huppcncd o bc wo ol hc mos
powcrlul mcn on hc lrunkish poliicul sccnc. So, ulhough wc huvc
puhcicully lilc inlormuion o go on, hc qucsion ol whchcr or
no hcrc wus u gcnuinc bclicl in hc holincss ol such pcoplc should,
on hc uvuilublc cvidcncc, bc unswcrcd in hc ullirmuivc.
lvidcncc lor hc imporuncc ol sunciy in lrunkish culurc in
morc gcncrul crms (us opposcd o bclicl in hc holincss ol spccilic
individuuls) is ol coursc ubiquious, sincc ull ol our wricn sourccs
huvc pusscd hrough u clcricul mcdium, ulhough urchucology
migh suggcs hu hc vicory ol Chrisiun culurc wus no us curly
nor us complcc us is wricrs procluimcd. As suggcscd curlicr, hc
busic lorms ol his wricn culurc cun bc ruccd buck u lcus ino
hc sixh ccnury, und hc disincion ol hc scvcnh ccnury cnds
o lic in dcgrcc ruhcr hun in kind. Whcrc churcrs urc conccrncd
wc huvc no surviving cxumplcs lrom hc sixh ccnury, bu plcny
(scvcrul hundrcd, hu is) lrom hc scvcnh und curly cighh ccn-
urics. Cuy Hulsull hus urgucd hu in hc scvcnh ccnury hcrc wus
un incrcusing conccrn o kccp hc wricn rccords ol propcry own-
crship und runslcr, u conccrn which rcllccs u morc pcrmuncn
owncrship ol lund.
Hulsulls conruss bcwccn hc sixh und scv-
cnh ccnurics muy bc ovcrdonc, givcn hc similuriics bcwccn lucr
Romun und Mcrovingiun diplomuic which sccm o indicuc un-
chunging conccps ol owncrship, bu whu docs sccm o bc ncw in
hc scvcnh ccnury is hc dcvclopmcn ol hc churcr ol immuniy,
und whu muy no bc ncw bu which dominucs hc churcr con-
cn is hc giving ol gils o monuscrics und churchcs, cnvisugcd us
giving o Iccu sunctcrnm und o hc suins who inhubicd hc Iccu.
Bchind his uciviy no doub luy cxprcssion ol ull munncr ol powcr
rcluionships, cxchungcs, und runsucions, now los o us bccuusc
usuully wc huvc only hc onc link in whu usuully mus huvc bccn
u longcr chuin ol dculings. Bu i is clcur hu hc lorm in which
hcsc runslcrs ol propcry ook plucc wus hc gil o hc holy, und
il wc ukc hc churcr urcnu scriously, hc poin wus o mcri supcr-
nuurul rcwurd. Wc muy scc hcrc u cndcncy o urn supcrnuurul
1j PunI Fcnrucrc
C. Hulsull, ScttIcmcnt unJ ScciuI Orunizuticn. Tbc Mcrcviniun Bcicn cj Mctz
(Cumbridgc, 1qqj), 0.
powcr ino u commodiy. Alhough such powcr could no bc bough
or sold, i could bc curncd by honouring u suin wih gils. Royul
churcrs which conlcrrcd immuniy on churchcs und monuscrics
cxprcss hc poin ol hc gil mos clcurly.
Rulcrs gruncd righs
und rcsourccs o choscn insiuions o puy lor hc burning ol lumps,
hu is, in ordcr o puy lor un imporun spiriuul scrvicc which sym-
bolizcd ccrniy. Somcimcs hc gruns would ulso bc incndcd o puy
lor lood or ulms, which likc hc oil in lumps, could bc consumcd und
could hus convcr hc mucriul ino hc spiriuul. Thc hopcd-lor
councr-gil is vuguc: ccrnul rcwurd, mcrcy, luurc sulvuion, or
jus bcnclis. Indccd, hc cxchungc looks so rhcoricul hu i hus
usuully bccn sccn us u mcrc vchiclc lor u privilcgc which wus csscn-
iully poliicul in nuurc und which hud consiuionul implicuions
in hu kings gruncd uwuy so much in his munncr hu hc con-
scqucncc wus u signilicun loss ol royul powcr. I huvc rcccnly
urgucd hu i is u lulsc imprcssion hu immuniics hud his cllcc
in hc longcr crm, bu i sill rcmuins sriking hu rulcrs wcrc prc-
purcd o invcs so hcuvily in sulvuion und hc prospcc ol supcr-
nuurul uid, whchcr viu immuniics or by simplc gruns ol propcry.
Thc sumc gocs lor hc ohcr powcrlul who mudc subsuniul gils o
hc holy. Thcrc urc wo obvious poins o bc mudc hcrc. lirs, hc
cxcn ol gil-giving o hc holy conlirms hc imprcssion hu hcrc
wus u vcry srong, no jus rhcoricul, bclicl in hc cllicucy ol supcr-
nuurul powcr. Sccond, hc giving mcun hu hc purimonics ol hc
suins wcrc mussivcly buil up in his pcriod. I wus hc combinu-
ion ol hc powcr which cumc lrom propcry und hc spiriuul prcs-
igc which cumc lrom un ussociuion wih hc suin o whom hu
propcry hud bccn givcn hu mudc ucccss o sunciy so csscniul o
lcuding lumilics.
A poliicizuion ol sunciy wus hc nuurul conscqucncc ol hc
involvcmcn ol hc powcrlul. Such pcoplc wcrc in culurul und poli-
icul crms ruhcr dillcrcn lrom Browns luc uniquc und sixh-
ccnury Cullo-Romun bishops und ubbos who wcrc born o rulc,
bu who wcrc, in hc muin, locul lcudcrs ruhcr hun nuionul lig-
urcs. Thc scvcnh-ccnury suins, on hc ohcr hund, wcrc mcmbcrs
ol u poliicul clic which idcnilicd iscll us lrunkish und which wus
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 1jj
On churcrs ol immuniy und hcir rcligious und hisoricul signilicuncc, scc
P. lourucrc, lcrnul Ligh und lurhly Nccds: Prucicul Aspccs ol hc Dcvclopmcn
ol lrunkish Immuniics, in W. Duvics und P. lourucrc (cds.), Prcpcrt unJ Pcwcr in
tbc EurI MiJJIc Acs (Cumbridgc, 1qqj), j1.
ucivc in hc ulluirs ol hc royul pulucc, und wus hus involvcd in
poliics u u supru-rcgionul lcvcl. This involvcmcn is why, uround
hc middlc ol hc scvcnh ccnury, wc bcgin o scc suins cuugh up
in conllic whcn pulucc poliics urncd o violcncc. Conllic ulso hud
hc cllcc ol rclrcshing csublishcd modcls ol sunciy wih concm-
porury cxumplcs. In puriculur, hc scvcnh ccnury suw u rcinvcn-
ion ol muryrdom, wih livc, possibly six, muryrs bcing crcucd in
hc lucr Mcrovingiun pcriod.
In uddiion, ubbos, ubbcsscs, bish-
ops, und rulcrs who dicd morc pcucclully wcrc includcd umongs
hc ncw suins. I is indccd worh considcring whchcr hc ground-
ing ol modcls in hc livcs ol concmporury lcudcrs muy huvc bccn
cruciul in kccping up incrcs in hc rudiions ol much oldcr suins.
Ccruinly, hc muking ol ncw muryrs und hc scurch lor old oncs
wcn hund in hund. Whu wc scc, hcrclorc, is u burgconing cul-
urc ol sunciy wih invcsmcn in hc culs ol suins ol dillcrcn
ypcs und ol dillcrcn vinugcs, wih hc ncw simuluing un incr-
cs in hc old, und vicc vcrsu. Lc us now urn o hc poliicul his-
ory which dirccly inllucnccd Curolingiun uiudcs owurds
sunciy, numcly hcir prclcrcncc lor old ovcr ncw suins, und hcir
wish o conrol hc sprcud ol culs.
fnc rs cs oi s ~NcfI fv I N roiI fI c~i iI ic
As wc huvc sccn, hc wo mos poliicully powcrlul suins ol hc scv-
cnh ccnury wcrc Audoin und Lcudcgur, und hcy wcrc on oppo-
sic sidcs ol u srugglc lor powcr in hc Ncusro-Burgundiun rcgimc
which dominucd lrunciu lor much ol hc scvcnh ccnury. I wus
hc lcuding lumilics ol his kingdom which wcrc ovcrwhclmingly
involvcd in scing up ncw culs, cndowing oldcr oncs, und lound-
ing monuscrics. Thcrc wus, ol coursc, similur uciviy in Ausrusiu,
wih hc Pippinid lumily u hc lorclron, bu i is in Ncusriu-
Burgundy hu wc scc hc closcs conjuncion ol sunciy und powcr.
Hcrc onc cun dccc hc Mcrovingiun rulcrs ucmping morc sys-
1j0 PunI Fcnrucrc
Thc livc ccruin cxumplcs urc Auncmund, Bishop ol Lyons (d. c. 00o),
Ccrmunus, Abbo ol Crundivullc (d. c. 0,j), Prucjccus (d. 0,0), Lcudcgur (d. 0,,
0,q), und Lumbcr, Bishop ol Tongrcs-Muusrich (d. ,oj ,o,). Rugncbcr, u luy-
mun cxccucd u somc poin bcwccn 0jq und 0o, muy rcprcscn u sixh cxumplc,
bu his ninh-ccnury Pussic (BHL ,oj), cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., v
(1q1o), zoq11, lcuns so hcuvily on Pussic LcnJcurii hu onc mus doub hu i
conuins uny uuhcnic dcuil ubou hc scvcnh ccnury.
cmuicully o rcinlorcc hcmsclvcs wih supcrnuurul powcr by
building up hc puronugc ol S Dcnis, by rying o guhcr u sorc ol
rclics in hc pulucc, und by issuing immuniics o hc mos prcsi-
gious churchcs und monuscrics. uccn Bulhild, who wus rcgcn
lrom 0j, o ubou 00, is hc lirs Wcscrn rulcr modcrn hisoriuns
spcuk ubou us huving hud u KIcstcrpcIitil, und his umouncd o
uking conrol ol hc kingdoms prcmicr cul sics, hc scnicrcs lusiI-
Bulhild, ol coursc, bccumc u suin hcrscll. Onc ol hcr princi-
pul udviscrs wus Audoin, und shc is suid o huvc promocd Lcudcgur
o hc scc ol Auun. On hc downsidc, shc is ulso suid o huvc hud
Bishop Auncmund ol Lyons killcd, und il wc bclicvc Scphcn hc
Pricss Lijc cj ViIjriJ, shc hud unohcr ninc bishops pu o dcuh.
In his pcriod hc Ncusro-Burgundiun clic sccms o huvc bccn
dividcd ino wo lucions, which wcrc no ulwuys u loggcrhcuds,
bu which, dcspic cross-lucionul murriugc ics, did cvcnuully
ucmp o cxcrminuc cuch ohcr. Onc sidc wus lcd by hc muyor
ol hc pulucc lrchinould, who hud brough Bulhild o lrunciu und
hud providcd hcr us royul bridc. Hc dicd in 0jq. His son Lcudcsius,
Bulhild, und Lcudcgur bccumc ullics. Thc ohcr sidc wus lcd by
Audoin, lbroin (who wus lrchinoulds succcssor us muyor), und
Agilbcr, who bccumc Bishop ol Puris oncc Bulhild wus ou ol hc
Thcsc groups (which wcrc, ol coursc, vcry much lurgcr hun hc
principuls mcnioncd hcrc) urc usuully sudicd lor hc hisory ol
hcir incrlucionul rivulry,
bu I would hcrc simply likc o cmphu-
sizc hcir powcr. Is hcurlund wus in hc Scinc-Oisc rcgion, srcch-
ing up o hc Sommc und cus owurds Rhcims, bu hcy hud
connccions hroughou lrunciu. lrchinoulds rcluivcs, lor
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 1j,
lor Bulhilds monusic policy, scc l. lwig, Dus Privilcg dcs Bischols
Bcrhclrid von Amicns lur Corbic von 00 und dic Kloscrpoliik dcr Konigin
Bulhild, Frunciu, 1 (1q,), 0z11; rcpr. in his Sputuntilcs nnJ jrunliscbcs GuIIicn,
Bcihclc dcr lrunciu , z vols. (Munich, 1q,q), ii, j. On hc widcr signilicuncc
ol Bulhilds curccr, scc }. L. Nclson, uccns us }czcbcls: Brunhild und Bulhild in
Mcrovingiun Hisory, McJicvuI Vcmcn, cd. D. Bukcr, SCH: Subsidiu 1 (Oxlord,
1q,), 1,,; rcpr. in hcr PcIitics unJ BitnuI in EurI McJicvuI Enrcpc (London,
1q0), 1. Scc ulso lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc, q,11.
Scphcn hc Prics, Vitu S. ViIjriJi urcbicpisccpi Elcruccnsis (BHL q), 0 (cd.
B. Colgruvc, Tbc Lijc cj Bisbcp ViIjriJ l EJJins Stcpbunns (Cumbridgc, 1qz,),
Thc clussic uccoun ol hc poliics ol hcsc groups rcmuins l. lwig, Dic
lrunkischcn Tcilrcichc im ,. }uhrhundcr (01,1), Tricrcr Zcitscbrijt, zz (1qj),
j1; rcpr. in his Sputuntilcs nnJ jrunliscbcs GuIIicn, i, 1,zzo.
insuncc, uppcur us rulcrs ol Provcncc in hc cighh ccnury, or
Lcudcgurs us bishops ol Poiicrs.
Incrcsingly hcy ulso hud un
ovcrscus dimcnsion. lrchinould is suid o huvc murricd his duugh-
cr lmmu o ludbuld ol Kcn, und lucr Kcnish royuly, lorconbcrh
und lorcongou, hud numcs linkcd wih his, so, morc obviously, did
hc lucr Bishop ol London, lorconwuld.
lrchinould wus ulso u
puron ol Irish monks, und i mus huvc bccn hrough his insulur
conucs hu hc ucquircd hc sluvc girl Bulhild, hcrscll bcing prob-
ubly u royul cupivc.
On hc ohcr sidc, lbroins powcr wus
lcgcndury und i muy huvc dcrivcd much lrom Audoins bucking.
Agilbcr sccms o huvc bccn rclucd o Audoin.
As is wcll known,
Agilbcr hud spcn somc imc in Irclund bclorc bccoming Bishop ol
Dorchcscr upon Thumcs somcimc ulcr 00, holding hc scc unil
00. Hc rcurncd o lrunciu probubly in 00, und i is cmping o
imuginc hu hc wus cllccivcly un cxilc in lnglund during hc
usccnduncy ol lirs lrchinould und hcn Bulhild, rcurning whcn
hc lucr wus ouscd lrom powcr. Agilbcrs numc is hc lrunkish
lorm ol hclbcrh, u numc bornc by hc mos lumous ol hc
Kcnish kings, und Agilbcrs ncphcw, Lcuhcrc, who wus Bishop ol
Winchcscr 0,o0, ulso hud u numc vcry similur o hu ol u Kcnish
king, Hlohcrc. This numc is in urn closc o hc Mcrovingiun numc,
Clohur. Lcuhcrcs numc migh hus suggcs hu hc, und possibly
Agilbcr, wcrc linkcd wih hc Mcrovingiun royul lumily. lurhcr
numc connccions cun bc lound bcwccn Bcru, Abbcss ol Buh, und
Bcrilu, onc-imc nun ol }ouurrc, u lounduion ol hc Agilbcr
Lcuhcrc lumily.
Bcrilu wus lucr Abbcss ol Chcllcs, Bulhilds
monuscry. lrom hc lnglish sidc wc huvc hc lucr cvidcncc ol Bcdc
hu u his imc scvcrul Anglo-Suxon princcsscs joincd lrunkish
monuscrics, ull ol which wcrc cihcr hc lounduions ol, or wcrc
undcr hc conrol ol, his sumc group ol pcoplc.
I hus bccn
urgucd hu hc Mcrovingiuns hud u onc imc rulcd souhcrn
lnglund, und hu i wus us u clicn kingdom hu Kcn rcccivcd u
1j PunI Fcnrucrc
On lrchinoulds lumily, scc P. }. Ccury, Aristccruc in Prcvcncc. Tbc Bbnc Busin
ut tbc Duwn cj tbc CurcIiniun Ac (Sugur, 1qj), 11. On Lcudcgurs lumily,
lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc, 1q0.
lor hc Kcnish connccion, scc Wood, Mcrcviniun KinJcms, 1,0q.
lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc, 1oz.
Hc wus suid o huvc bccn hc cousin ol Ado, who loundcd hc monuscry ol
}ouurrc. Ado wus Audoins brohcr.
P. Sims-Williums, Conincnul Inllucncc u Buh Monuscry in hc Scvcnh
Ccnury, AnIc-Suxcn EnIunJ, (1q,0), 11o.
Bcdc, HE, iii. (pp. z0q).
ruhcr low-suus lrunkish princcss, Bcru, us u bridc lor King
lor his hcrc is no hurd cvidcncc, bu wc cun suy
hu lcuding Ncusriun lumilics, who wcrc quic possibly rclucd o
hc originul Princcss Bcru, coninucd o huvc srong links wih
souhcrn lnglund hroughou hc scvcnh ccnury. Thcy cnjoycd
sullicicn inllucncc hcrc o huvc hcir pcoplc mudc mugnucs in u
lorcign lund, und onc sourcc ol hcir inllucncc sccms o huvc bccn
hcir spiriuul prcsigc. I wus hcy who conrollcd hc lcuding
monuscrics in lrunciu, und hcy who lillcd hc cpiscopul vucuncics
in hc mos prcsigious pluccs. I wus ubovc ull his group ol pcoplc
who, ulongsidc hc Mcrovingiun rulcrs who supporcd hcir uims
und uidcd hcir cllors, hud mudc sunciy u sourcc ol powcr. Onc
cunno, howcvcr, go us lur us lclicc Lilshiz hcrc in sccing sunciy
us hc busis ol Ncusriun idcniy, und Ncusriun hugiogruphy us hc
principul cxprcssion ol opposiion o rising Curolingiun powcr.
Thc siuuion wus ruhcr morc complcx hun his, givcn hc violcn
lucionulism wihin hc Ncusro-Burgundiun clic. Nor cun ull cxs
ol hc cighh ccnury bc simply lincd up on cihcr sidc ol u pro- or
uni-Curolingiun linc. I ncvcrhclcss rcmuins ruc hu whcn hc
Curolingiuns sough o brcuk hc powcr ol hc old rcgimc, hc lcud-
ing Ncusriun lumilics und hcir suins rcmuincd u powcr which hud
o bc ncurulizcd.
Thc lcuding Ausrusiun lumilics wcrc ulso involvcd in hc sprcud
ol Columbunun monusicism, bu hcy sccm o huvc luggcd u lilc
bchind hc Ncusro-Burgundiun clic in building up cul ccnrcs.
Thc Pippinid lumily go hcir ncw-wuvc Irish sccond-hund, us i
wcrc, lor hc bund ol holy mcn lcd by loillun, brohcr ol lurscy,
movcd on o Pippinid crriory only ulcr hcy hud bccn cxpcllcd,
ruhcr myscriously, by hcir puron hc Ncusriun muyor
Pur ol hc problcm lor hc Ausrusiuns wus gco-
gruphy: hcy occupicd urcus which wcrc pcriphcrul o hc mos
prcsigious rcligious ccnrcs, which luy in whu hud bccn Cullo-
Romun crriory. Bcyond hc lorcs ol Curbonuriu, which dividcd hc
Ncusriun lrom hc Ausrusiun hcurlunds, monusic lounduion
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 1jq
Wood, Mcrcviniun KinJcms, 1,0q.
l. Lilshiz, Tbc Ncrmun Ccnqncst cj Picns Ncnstriu. Histcricrupbic Disccnrsc unJ
SuintI BcIics, 8(1ojo, Ponilicul Insiuc ol Mcdicvul Sudics, Sudics und Tcxs
1zz (Torono, 1qqj), ,qq.
AJJitumcntnm NiviuIcnsc Jc FniIunc, cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., iv
(1qoz), qj1, u q; r. lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc, z,. Scc
ulso hc commcnury u ibid., o11q.
wus sill u un curly sugc in hc lucr scvcnh ccnury. Indccd, hc
mujor ccnrcs which would lucr providc hc Curolingiun lumily
wih is spiriuul crcdcniuls, hu is, lchcrnuch, Prum, Lorsch, und
luldu, wcrc no yc loundcd, or in hc cusc ol Mcz, spcciul con-
nccions wih hc cul ol S Arnull hud no yc bccn csublishcd.
Rhcims, wih is powcrlul cul ol Rcmigius, lumously closcd is gucs
uguins hc curly Curolingiuns.
Colognc, on hc ohcr hund, did
huvc u sorc ol uncicn muryr rclics, prcsumubly undcr hc conrol
ol Pippin und his wilc Plccrud, bu uccording o hc Vitu AnJcini,
Audoin rcmovcd hcm o Roucn ulcr visiing hc ciy on u mission
ol pcucc in hc curly 0os.
Thc ohcr problcm lor hc Ausrusiuns,
us hc cxpcricncc ol Colognc suggcss, wus hcir wcukncss in hc
lucc ol Ncusriun hosiliy. lor mos ol hc scvcnh ccnury, hc
Ausrusiuns cihcr hud no king ol hcir own, or wcrc rulcd by
Mcrovingiuns ol Ncusriun provcnuncc. This muy bc why in
Ausrusiu wc scc so lcw join royul-urisocruic vcnurcs in monus-
ic lounduion. Thrcc Ausrusiun ucmps o lrcc hcmsclvcs ol
Ncusriun dominuion cndcd in disuscr. lirs, hc luilurc ol un
ucmpcd coup by hc Pippinid muyor Crimould in hc 0jos mcun
hu Ausrusius mos powcrlul lumily hud o si on hc sidclincs lor
hc ncx gcncruion. Thc lumily us u rcsul los conrol ol hc impor-
un monuscrics ol Sublo-Mulmcdy, und hcir primc cul ccnrc,
Nivcllcs, srugglcd o survivc.
Sccond, whcn hc Ncusro-
Burgundiun clic orc iscll upur in lcuding in hc ycurs 0,0, hc
King ol Ausrusiu, Childcric, u son ol Bulhild who hud bccn
imposcd on hc Ausrusiuns ulcr Crimoulds dcmisc, rulcd briclly
ovcr ull ol lrunciu, bu hc wus killcd und his Ausrusiun lollowcrs
drivcn ou ulcr hc hud chullcngcd hc privilcgcd posiion ol hc
Ncusro-Burgundiun clic. In luc, Lcudcgurs lucion probubly killcd
him, Audoin is suid o huvc buricd him, und lbroin ccruinly ook
udvunugc ol hc conlusion o rcurn o powcr. Thcn, linully, somc-
imc bcwccn 0,0 und 0,q, hc Ausrusiuns undcr hc lcudcrship
10o PunI Fcnrucrc
Vitu Biclcrti (BHL ,zj), q (cd. W. Lcvison, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., vii
(1q1qzo), 01,, u 0,).
Vitu AnJcini, 1; lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc, 10z.
Loss ol inllucncc ovcr Sublo-Mulmcdy is sccn hrough hc monuscrics chur-
crs which ccuscd o rclcr o hc pur pluycd by hc Pippinid muyor Crimould in
hcir lounduion und cndowmcn: BccnciI Jcs Cburtcs Jc IAlluc Jc StuvcIct-MuImcJ,
cd. }. Hulkin und C.-C. Rolund, vol. 1 (Brusscls 1qoq), nos. 0 und . On hc roublcs
u Nivcllcs, scc Vitu S. GcrctrnJis (BHL qo), 0 (cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv.,
ii (1), j,, u jq01); r. lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc, z.
ol Pippin und onc Dukc Murin invudcd Ncusriun crriory bu wcrc
soundly bcucn by lbroin. According o hc Ccntinnuticn cj tbc
CbrcnicIc cj FrcJcur, Murin wus rcuchcrously sluin in hc ulcr-
muh ol hc bulc, und u chicl ugcn in his wus nonc ohcr hun
Agilbcr who, ulong wih hc Bishop ol Rhcims, guvc Murin lulsc
promiscs ol sulc conduc ovcr un cmpy rclic box.
In hc ligh ol
his hisory onc cun scc why whcn hc Ausrusiuns did linully crush
hc Ncusriuns hcir lcudcrs sponsorcd u kind ol culurul rcvoluion
in which hc locus ol sunciy wus rclocucd und rcdclincd.
fnc c~noiI NcI ~Ns ~Nu fnc crif oi s ~I Nfs
lollowing hcir vicory ovcr hc dividcd Ncusriuns u hc bulc ol
Tcrry in 0,, Pippin und hc Ausrusiuns cun bc sccn cxcrcising
inllucncc ovcr u scrics ol monuscrics und bishoprics which
srcchcd in u grcu urc lrom Roucn in hc wcs round norhcrn
Ncusriu hrough hc Pippinid hcurlunds in Bclgium down ino hc
Chumpugnc. Though hcy ucquircd conrol ol Audoins dioccsc und
is monuscrics by viruc ol u murriugc ulliuncc wih hc lcuding
lumily ol hc urcu,
hc Pippinids wcrc u lirs unublc o displucc
hc Ncusro-Burgundiun clic lrom hcir ohcr ccnrcs in hc uppcr
Scinc und Oisc vullcys. Cruciully, S Dcnis, S Ccrmuin-dcs-Prcs, und
hc ohcr scnicrcs lusiIicuc cludcd hcir grusp unil hc ncx gcncru-
ion whcn Churlcs Murcl imposcd his conrol on hc urcu by mili-
ury lorcc. Thcn lrom uround hc sccond quurcr ol hc cighh
ccnury, wc bcgin o scc u shil in uiudc owurds hc holy. lirs,
howcvcr, hc Mcrovingiun ordcr did no go undcr wihou hrow-
ing up u lcw morc suins who wcrc lurgcly hc vicims ol hc
Pippinids or Curolingiuns. Thcsc includc Ansbcr ol Roucn,
Lundibcr ol Tongrcs-Muusrich, Bonius ol Clcrmon, Rigobcr ol
Rhcims und mos mcmorubly, luchcrius ol Orlcuns, whosc Vitu
would bccomc hc busis lor luurc condcmnuions ol hc bchuviour
ol Churlcs Murcl.
Thcrculcr, hc consrucion ol concmporury
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 101
Ccntinnuticncs FrcJcurii, (cd. Wullucc Hudrill, FrcJcur, ).
Pippins son Drogo murricd Ansrud, hc duughcr ol onc Ncusriun muyor
(Wuruo) und hc widow ol unohcr (Bcrchur).
Vitu Encbcrii AnrcIiuncnsis nrlis cpisccpi (BHL z00o), cd. W. Lcvison, MGH SS
rcr. Mcrcv., vii (1q1qzo), 0j. Thc inllucncc ol his work is briclly rcvicwcd in
P. lourucrc, lrunkish Cuul o 1, in R. McKicrick (cd.), Tbc Ncw CumlriJc
McJicvuI Histcr, ii, c. ;ooc. joo (Cumbridgc, 1qqj), q1z. lor ohcr suncilicd
rcligious lcudcrs us suins uils oll shurply. In is plucc, wc huvc lrom
hc luc cighh ccnury u burs ol hugiogruphy which cclcbrucd
Curolingiun missionury uciviy,
uciviy which luy, signilicunly,
in hc hunds ol ousidcrs, und which, nuurully, ook plucc wcll
uwuy lrom hc rudiionul ccnrcs ol sunciy. Thc Curolingiuns hud,
in cllcc, wipcd hc sluc clcun.
Ohcr clcmcns ol chungc lrom hc mid-cighh ccnury involvcd
hc holding ol church councils u which hc sons ol Churlcs Murcl
prcscncd hcmsclvcs us guurdiuns ol hc Church churgcd wih hc
rcsponsibiliy ol bringing i o ordcr.
A hc sumc imc links
bcwccn hc Curolingiun rulcrs und hc pupucy wcrc buil up. Thcsc
chungcs hud hc cllcc ol curbing hc indcpcndcncc ol bishops, bu
hcy ulso rumpcd hc scnicrcs lusiIicus in lrunciu by srcssing hc
imporuncc ol Romc us spiriuul lcudcr. Similurly, insiscncc on hc
usc ol hc Romun liurgy hclpcd o undcrminc hc rudiions ol
hc oldcr cul ccnrcs which wcrc buscd on hc Cullicun ric.
linully, u hc synod ol lrunklur in ,q Churlcmugnc dccrccd hu
no ncw suins urc o bc vcncrucd.
Thc suncilicuion ol con-
cmporury poliicul ligurcs wus now no longcr possiblc. Bu hc
Curolingiuns no only ricd o supprcss rivul sourccs ol spiriuul
prcsigc, hcy ulso uppropriucd hc lunguugc ol hc Biblc und ol
hugiogruphy o dcscribc, und o jusily, hcir own cxplois. This wc
scc mos clcurly in hc EurIicr AnnuIs cj Mctz, composcd in oj or
o0 us un uccoun ol hc lumilys risc o powcr.
This work bcgins
10z PunI Fcnrucrc
vicims ol hc Pippinids, scc Vitu Anslcrti cpisccpi Bctcmucnsis (BHL jzo), cd. W.
Lcvison, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., v (1q1o), 011; Vitu LunJilcrti cpisccpi Trucicctcnsis
vctnstissimu (BHL 0,,c), cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., vi (1q1), j;
Vitu lcuti Bcniti cpisccpi ct ccnjcsscris (BHL 11), cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv.,
vi (1q1), 11qq; Vitu Biclcrti (scc n. j ubovc).
On hc compcing hugiogruphics in hc missionury licld, scc I. N. Wood, S
Wundrillc und is Hugiogruphy, in idcm und C. A. Loud (cds.), Cbnrcb unJ CbrcnicIc
in tbc MiJJIc Acs. Essus prcscntcJ tc ]cbn TuIcr (London, 1qq1), 11.
Thrcc councils, hcld bcwccn ,z und ,, sc hc ugcndu lor Curolingiun
rclorm und cullcd upon hc sons ol Churlcs Murcl o providc proccion und miliury
lcudcrship. Scc hc cunons ol CcnciIinm Gcrmunicnm, CcnciIinm Lijtincnsc, und
CcnciIinm Sncssicncnsc, cd. A. Wcrminghol, MGH Lcnm, scc. , CcnciIiu, vol. z.1
(Hunovcr 1qo), pp. z, j,, 0.
On hc rcpluccmcn ol hc Cullicun by hc Romun ric, scc AJmcnitic GcncruIis
ol ,q, o (cd. Borcius, MGH CupitnIuriu Bcnm Frunccrnm, i, 01; r. King,
CburIcmunc, z1).
ld. Borcius, MGH Cup. Bc. Frunc., i, ,, ( z); r. King, CburIcmunc, zzq.
AnnuIcs Mcttcnscs pricrcs, cd. B. von Simson, MGH SS rcr. Gcrm., x (1qoj), r.
down o AD ,z wih commcnury in lourucrc und Ccrbcrding, Mcrcviniun Fruncc,
wih u dcscripion ol hc Pippinid lumily which is clcurly hugio-
gruphic in inspiruion. Whcn hc uuhor movcs on o hc cvcns
lcuding up o hc bulc ol Tcrry in 0, hc, or pcrhups shc, vcry
clcvcrly locuscs on hc dcuh ol Lcudcgur us u symbol ol Ncusro-
Burgundiun iniquiy. Thc hcro Pippin in cllcc uvcngcs Lcudcgurs
dcuh by uking powcr in Ncusriu und wiping ou injusicc. Hc is
hcrcby prcscncd us u worhy hcir o Ncusrius suin lcudcrs, rcp-
rcscncd in hc cx by Lcudcgur, who hud lormcrly bccn hc scll-
procluimcd guurdiuns ol pcucc und urbicrs ol jusicc. I wus lrom
his lo, ruhcr hun simply lrom hc uiling Mcrovingiun dynusy,
hu hc Curolingiuns ook ovcr. Thc bulc ol Tcrry iscll is rcprc-
scncd us Cods judgcmcn, und us hc munilcsuion ol Cods dcci-
sion hu Pippin should ukc powcr in Ncusriu. Likc u suin, Pippin
rcuds u puh orduincd by Cod. Thc AnnuIs coninuc in hc sumc
vcin, hus currying hc urgumcn hu Curolingiun powcr wus buscd
on suinly virucs. Thcir succcsscs wcrc, by implicuion, virtntcs,
munilcsuions ol Cods powcr und will. In hcir lcgisluion oo, hc
Curolingiuns uscd hc lunguugc ol Cod-drivcn duy, locusing on hc
puh o sulvuion which would bc uchicvcd by morul corrccion. As
wih cvcry word hu cvcr cumc ou ol u Curolingiun, culls lor duy,
corrccion, jusicc, und ordcr ull srcnghcncd hc hund ol hc rulcr.
Mcuphors ol sunciy wcrc uppropriuc hcrc bccuusc sunciy
hud lor so long bccn ussociucd wih powcr. I is imporun o
rcmcmbcr hu powcr, sill in hc imugc ol Romun uuhoriy, wus
srongly hicrurchicul in nuurc. Sunciy could bc uscd o subordi-
nuc ohcrs, wih hc usc ol violcncc il ncccssury, bccuusc hc word
ol u suin could no, in hcory, bc chullcngcd. Thc suins hcmsclvcs,
living or dcud, or hcir spokcspcrsons, migh chullcngc opponcns,
migh, hcrclorc, bc poliicully roublcsomc, bu hcy wcrc ncvcr
rcmocly subvcrsivc, upur lrom onc tcpcs in which hc suin rcucs
o hc crucly ol hc coun und suvcs or lrccs prisoncrs. Ohcrwisc,
hcy wcrc pillurs ol hc stutns qnc. I is impossiblc o lind in hc lun-
guugc ol concmporury cxs uny sign ol opposiion o hc csub-
lishcd sociul ordcr, ulhough i wus u convcnion ol hugiogruphy,
und ol Curolingiun lcgisluion, o curc ubou widows, orphuns, und
hc poor. Thc convcnion did no signul uny incn o improvc hc
posiion or righs ol such pcoplc, bu i wus uscd us hc morul jus-
ilicuion lor holding powcr. Sunciy und powcr wcrc, howcvcr,
mos clcurly linkcd hrough conccps ol jusicc, lor hc pursui ol
jusicc no only jusilicd powcrlul ucions, bu ulso ncccssiucd
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 10
I wus, us wc huvc sccn, hc EurIicr AnnuIs cj Mctz which
mos clcvcrly cmploycd hcsc convcnions o jusily hc growh ol
Curolingiun powcr, bu i wus in Mcrovingiun hugiogruphy hu hc
connccions wcrc lirs mudc, und hcy wcrc mudc hcrc prcciscly
bccuusc hc lucr Mcrovingiun suins wcrc urisocrus ol hc highcs
runk. I wus in hc dcscripion und jusilicuion ol hcir curccrs hu
wc scc un clision bcwccn hc lunguugcs ol powcr, luw, und rcli-
gion. Common conccps wcrc righ, judgcmcn, scncncc, bu-
lc. Thc propcry which uccumulucd uround culs in cxchungc lor
hc suins goodwill wus, lurhcrmorc, iscll u sourcc ol powcr. In
his wuy hc lucr Mcrovingiun suins boh prcpurcd hc wuy lor hc
Curolingiuns o locus idcus ol divincly suncioncd powcr upon hcm-
sclvcs, und mudc i ncccssury lor hc Curolingiuns o brcuk wih hc
Mcrovingiun hubi ol ullowing concmporury lcudcrs o bc sccn us
suinsor, in ohcr words, o swich uwuy lrom hc pucrns ol uris-
ocruic sunciy csublishcd in Ncusriu-Burgundy. lor oo muny ol
hcsc suins wcrc hcir opponcns, or migh bccomc hc locus ol
opposiion. I wus hus hc dcvclopmcns ol hc scvcnh ccnury
which dccrmincd hc dirccion Curolingiun sunciy would ukc in
hc cighh, numcly, hc proccion und cxploiuion ol sunciy us u
sourcc ol powcr lor hc ncw royul lumily und is ullics ulonc. In
prucicc, ol coursc, mos culs mus huvc coninucd o dcvclop wih
lilc or no incrlcrcncc lrom hc rulcrs, lor hc Curolingiuns wcrc
ulwuys bccr u prcuching hun prucicc. Bu whu is so sriking
ubou hcir wriing is hc cohcrcn wuy in which hcy rcspondcd o
hc pus.
coNcirs I oN
I is imporun o undcrsund, in shor, how und why sunciy cumc
in hc Curolingiun pcriod o bc murkcd by hu igh conrol ol culs
und corporcul rclics which }uliu Smih hus conruscd so conciscly
wih modcls ol u morc dcccnrulizcd sunciy lrom Briuny, Wulcs,
und Irclund. Thc dcvclopmcn ol Curolingiun modcs ol sunciy wus
no simply hc rcsul ol u long-crm runslcr ol powcr lrom Pccr
Browns cunny bishops ol hc sixh ccnury o hc hcocruicully
inclincd lrunkish urisocrus in Churlcmugncs lollowing. Thc incr-
10 PunI Fcnrucrc
lourucrc, Curolingiun }usicc, ,,.
vcning pcriod, hc scvcnh und curly cighh ccnurics, wus lormu-
ivc in hu i wus hcn hu sunciy rcully cumc o crms wih poli-
icul powcr hrough hc mcdium ol ucivc suins who wcrc involvcd
in srugglcs lor hc conrol ol hc Ncusro-Burgundiun rcgimc. And
i wus u murk ol hc succcss hcsc lcudcrs hud hud in muking sunc-
iy u normul uribuc ol powcr hu hc Curolingiuns ricd o bring
culs undcr hcir conrol, und o uppropriuc lor hcmsclvcs somc ol
hc poliicully pocn quuliics ol hc suin. By hc mid-ninh ccnury
i is clcur hu hc Curolingiun rulcrs occupicd hc rcligious
imuginuion o un cxcn no Mcrovingiun could huvc drcum ol.
Hugiogruphy wus wricn, und, imporunly, rcwricn o rcordcr
hc pus und o locus on hc missionury uciviy sponsorcd by hc
ruling lumily, und us Puul Duon hus rcccnly shown, whcn
rcligious criics bcgun o imuginc hc urcu bcwccn hcuvcn und hcll,
u kind ol proo-purguory, hu spucc wus lillcd wih Curolingiun
This phcnomcnon Duon rclucs o hc dcclinc ol
Curolingiun powcr, bu whu hc rcligious imuginuion morc con-
siscnly shows is hc imporuncc ol hc supcrnuurul in hc muin-
cnuncc ol ordcr, irrcspccivc ol hc loruncs ol puriculur rulcrs. In
his concx onc should plucc hc issuc ol sunciy in hc broudcr
pcrspccivc ol sociul powcr. }us u hc imc whcn u culurc ol sunc-
iy wus sprcuding ino cvcry corncr ol hc lrunkish poliy, ohcr
rcsourccs ol powcr wcrc drying up. Whu mcusurc ol conrol rulcrs
did huvc wus lurgcly hc lrui ol conscnsus und compromisc. Powcr
und uuhoriy incrcusingly bccumc u complcx culurul phcnomcnon
ruhcr hun u mucr ol liscul rcsourcc und burcuucruic orgunizu-
ion, und in his dcvclopmcn sunciy pluycd u kcy pur, lor no
only did i providc u jusilicuion lor uuhoriy und u ruionulc lor
powcr, sunciy wus ulso un issuc uround which sociul suppor
could bc mobilizcd. This lcsson, so clcur in Curolingiun wriing, is
lirs o bc rcud in hc hugiogruphy ol hc lucr scvcnh ccnury.
BcnIutin tbc cnIt cj suints 10j
P. l. Duon, Tbc PcIitics cj Drcumin in tbc CurcIiniun Empirc, Rcccn Sudics
in Mcdicvul Culurc (London und Lincoln, Ncbr., 1qq).

Thc missionury Lilc

T grcu ulc ol hc cvungclizuion ol pugun pcoplcs, which cncom-
pusscs luropc cus ol hc Rhinc lrom hc luc scvcnh ccnury, is
usuully sccn us u succcssion ol suinly hisorics. This is scurccly sur-
prising lor hc ulc iscll hus o bc rcconsruccd in lurgc mcusurc
lrom suins Vituc.
Thcsc und u hundlul ol rclucd cxs providc us
wih hc vus mujoriy ol our nurruivc inlormuion lor mission, u
lcus lrom ,jo unil hc clcvcnh ccnury; und cvcn il Adum ol
Brcmcn murks u chungc in hc sccond hull ol hu ccnury, his
uccoun ol hc missions o Scundinuviu bclorc qoo is csscniully u
puruphrusc ol Rimbcrs Lijc cj Anslur und hc unonymous Lijc cj
lor hc hisoriun ol mission, hcrclorc, hc Vituc ol missionury
suins lorm u cruciul chuin, which ullows hc consrucion ol u
nurruivc ol mission o hc puguns.
Yc hcrc muy bc u dungcr in
Scc, lor insuncc, K. Schulcrdick (cd.), Kircbcncscbicbtc uIs Missicnscscbicbtc,
vol. z, Dic Kircbc Jcs jrnbcrcn MittcIuItcrs (Munich, 1q,). In hc Anglophonc world,
scc S. }. Cruwlord, AnIc-Suxcn InjIncncc cn Vcstcrn CbristcnJcm oo8oo (Oxlord,
1q), und now Brown himscll in BVC, und R. llcchcr, Tbc Ccnvcrsicn cj Enrcpc
(London, 1qq,). lor u vcry dillcrcn vicw ol cvungclizuion cus ol hc Rhinc, buil
up cnircly lrom linguisic cvidcncc, scc D. Crccn, Thc Inllucncc ol hc Mcrovingiuns
on hc Chrisiun Vocubulury ol Ccrmun, in I. N. Wood (cd.), Frunls unJ AIumunni in
tbc Mcrcviniun PcricJ, Sudics in hc Hisory ol Archucochnology (Woodbridgc,
1qqq), 01. Whu lollows is u rcvision ol u lccurc givcn u u conlcrcncc in York
in 1qq,, und is csscniully u skcch ol pur ol u book I um currcnly wriing on hc
hugiogruphy ol mission. lor curlicr cxploruions ol pur ol his hcmc, scc, in puric-
ulur, I. N. Wood, Missionury Hugiogruphy in hc lighh und Ninh Ccnurics, in
K. Brunncr und B. Mcru (cds.), Etbnccncsc nnJ lcrIicjcrnn. AncwunJtc MctbcJcn
Jcr FrnbmittcIuItcrjcrscbnn, Vcrollcnlichungcn dcs Insius lur Oscrrcichischc
Ccschichslorschung 1 (Vicnnu, 1qq), 1qqq.
lor hc sukc ol cluriy I um druwing u clcur disincion bcwccn mission o hc
puguns und cvungclizuion wihin u supposcdly Chrisiun world. Thc disincion wus,
ol coursc, no us clcur-cu us his suncc muy sccm o imply, und, indccd, muny curly
mcdicvul ccclcsiusics would huvc sccn lilc dillcrcncc bcwccn cvungclizuion wihin
hc Mcrovingiun, Curolingiun, und Ooniun rculms und mission bcyond hcir
lollowing his chuin ol sourccs wihou u curclul cxploruion ol is
nuurc. Muny ol hcsc missionury Livcs urc linkcd by morc hun hc
supposcd luc hu hcy cun bc plundcrcd o providc us wih u rcu-
sonubly cohcrcn nurruivc: u subsuniul numbcr build on onc
unohcr, rclcrring buck o pus suins, boh cxplicily und implicily,
druwing on curlicr works ol hugiogruphy und cvcn subvcring
hcm. Such u rclcrcniul rudiion ruiscs considcrublc problcms lor
hc hisoriun incn primurily on hc rcconsrucion ol u grund nur-
ruivc or cvcn ol hc biogruphy ol u singlc suinly individuul. My
incnion, howcvcr, is simply o invcsiguc hcsc sourccs us u chuin
ol nurruivcs: I will bcgin by skcching ou is muin srunds, onc ol
which will ukc us uwuy lrom uny sundurd hugiogruphicul lorm. In
so doing I shull limi myscll lurgcly o hosc Vituc which wcrc wri-
cn wihin u hull ccnury ol hc suins dcuh. This chronologicul
limiuion ullows somc insigh ino dcvclopmcns wihin boh mis-
sion und is prcscnuion, und ulso ullows mc o bypuss hc vcry dil-
lcrcn issucs which urc ruiscd by somc ol hc morc chullcnging
rccrcuions ol u disun pus.
Huving cxplorcd hc chuins ol hugiogruphy which srcch lrom
Bonilucc o Bruno ol ucrlur, I shull urn buck briclly o usk ubou
hc origins ol his missionury hugiogruphy: clcurly somc curlicr
Vituc do dcscribc cpisodcs in hc hisory ol mission, cspcciully il onc
dccidcs o mukc no rcul disincion bcwccn cvungclizuion wihin
olliciully Chrisiun urcus (such us hu pcrlormcd by Murin) und
mission o pugun pcoplcs. Il onc wcrc o includc Vituc wricn u
somc considcrublc duc ulcr hcir subjccs dcuh, hc Livcs cj
Putricl would providc lull, il lcgcndury, uccouns ol u missionury
curccr in u pugun socicy. Yc nonc ol hc cxs rcluing o such lig-
urcs us Murin or Purick bclongs o u srcum ol incrrclucd hugio-
gruphicul nurruivcs us susuincd us hosc lollowing Willibulds Lijc
cj Bcnijucc.
Nor is i cnough o urguc hu hcrc wus lilc in hc
wuy ol u rudiion ol cvungclizuion bclorc hc Crcgoriun mission o
lnglund und hc subscqucn work ol Anglo-Suxon missionurics on
hc conincn. Thc hisorics ol Pulludius und Purick poin o lilh-
10 Iun N. VccJ
Wood, Missionury Hugiogruphy, 1q. Onc should, howcvcr, noc hc impor-
un grouping ol AngloSuxon Livcs idcnilicd by W. Collur, Tbc Nurrutcrs cj
Burluriun Histcr (A.D. o8oo). ]crJuncs, Grccr cj Tcnrs, BcJc, unJ PunI tbc Dcuccn
(Princcon, 1q), zj0q0: scc ulso }. M. Picurd, Thc Purposc ol Adomnuns Vitu
CcInmluc, Pcritiu, 1 (1qz), 10o,,, und M. Hcrbcr, Icnu, KcIIs unJ Dcrr. Tbc
Histcr unJ Huicrupb cj tbc lumiliu cj CcInmlu (Oxlord, 1q), lor hc Columbun
rudiion ol hugiogruphy.
ccnury noions ol mission,
und howcvcr much onc muy doub
Columbunus signilicuncc us u missionury,
hc ncx gcncruion ol
Columbuniun suins wcrc cxruordinurily ucivc on hc lringcs ol
lrunciu, umong which onc muy includc Anglo-Suxon lnglund.
Thc luc hu hc crcuion ol u solid rudiion ol porruying suins
lirs und lorcmos us missionurics cmcrgcs only in hc cighh ccn-
ury is un issuc hu cunno bc uvoidcd.
To bcgin, howcvcr, wih hc rcluivcly clcur: hc rcucions o
Bonilucc. No hu Boniluccs curccr wus dominucd by missionury
work o hc sumc cxcn us wcrc hc curccrs ol hosc who lollowcd
him: his ycurs in lrisiu, u hc sur und cnd ol his conincnul work,
upur, Bonilucc wus primurily u rclormcr und orgunizcr. Thc cvi-
dcncc lor Buvuriu, Hcssc, und Thuringiu is uncquivocul in showing
hu hcsc urcus hud ulrcudy bccn Chrisiunizcd, howcvcr supcrli-
ciully, und hu whu wus nccdcd wus hc crcuion ol u church orgun-
izuion cupublc ol srcnghcning und supcrvising hc nusccn
Chrisiun rcligion.
To bc luir, Willibuld docs no prcscn Bonilucc
us u lilclong missionury, ulhough hu uppcurs o bc whu hc suin
ycurncd o bc.
Apur lrom somc misrcprcscnuion ol hc rcligious
posiions ol Thcobuld und Hcun, und ol hc suc ol hc Buvuriun
Church, ulmos ccruinly lor poliicul rcusons, Willibuld prcscns un
uccuruc picurc ol his hcro. This, u lirs sigh,
is hurdly surpris-
ing, givcn hc luc hu hc wus wriing wihin lourccn ycurs ol hc
muryrs dcuh: hu is, bclorc ,0, und givcn hc cxcn o which
hc hugiogruphcr wus working lrom hc Muinz urchivc.
Yc Willibulds Vitu Bcnijutii mc wih ulmos immcdiuc hosiliy.
lor hc imc bcing I shull lcuvc on onc sidc hc curlics rcsponsc o
Willibulds work, hu by Arbco ol lrcising, bu inscud look o hc
Tbc missicnur Lijc 10q
T. M. Churlcs-ldwurds, Pulludius, Prospcr, und Lco hc Crcu: Mission und
Primuiul Auhoriy, in D. N. Dumvillc (cd.), Suint Putricl, A.D. (j1jj, Sudics
in Cclic Hisory 1 (Woodbridgc, 1qq), 11z.
lor u rcccn usscssmcn, scc I. N. Wood, Tbc Mcrcviniun KinJcms, (o;1
(London, 1qq), 1z.
Wood, Mcrcviniun KinJcms, 1z1j; idcm, Ripon, lrunciu und hc lrunks
Cuskc in hc lurly Middlc Agcs, Ncrtbcrn Histcr, z0 (1qqo), 11q, u 11.
Wood, Mcrcviniun KinJcms, o,q.
Scc Bonilucc, EpistcIuc, cd. M. Tungl, MGH Epp. ScI., i (1q10), nos. , 0, ,
0j, 00, 0,, und ,j.
Though chronologicul und pcrsonul proximiy o oncs subjcc is by no mcuns
u guuruncc ol lucuul uccurucy: scc bclow, on Liudgcrs Vitu Grccrii.
Willibuld, Lilcr S. Bcnijutii urcbicpisccpi (BHL 1oo), cd. W. Lcvison, MGH SS
rcr. Gcrm., lvii (1qoj), 1j.
rcsponscs umong mcmbcrs ol hc Boniluiun rudiion. Somc lory
ycurs ulcr Boniluccs muryrdom ligil wroc whu is known us hc
Lijc cj Stnrm, bu which is bccr dcscribcd us u doublc Lilc ol
boh Bonilucc und Surm.
Aguin ligil docs no prcscn Bonilucc
primurily us u missionury, bu ruhcr us hc inspiruion bchind hc
discovcry ol hc sic und lounduion ol hc monuscry ol luldu. As
monusic loundcr ligils Bonilucc is sc dclibcrucly uguins
Willibulds crcuion, involving u dclumuion ol Lull, o mukc u poin
ubou luldus indcpcndcncc lrom hc Church ol Muinz.
No hu
mission is unimporun o ligil, bu hc ussociucs i morc closcly
wih Surm hun wih Bonilucc.
Thc dcvclopmcn ol hc prcscnuion ol Bonilucc himscll us u
lurgcly missionury ligurc wus o comc no lrom Muinz or luldu bu
lrom hc hird ccnrc ol his cul, Lrcch. I linds is lullcs cxprcs-
sion in hc unonymous Vitu AItcru ol Bonilucc, which ulmos
cnircly bypusscs hc suins curccr ousidc lrisiu, o mukc him no
only hc compunion bu ulso hc cxplici succcssor ol Willibrord.
Thc duing ol hc Vitu AItcru is much dispucd; bu i, or u los work
conuining somc ol hc sumc inlormuion, wus uscd by Allrid in his
Lijc cj LinJcr, wricn bcwccn zj und q.
No hu i mucrs
in crms ol duing hc cmcrgcncc ol hc missionury prcscnuion ol
Bonilucc, lor his wus uchicvcd in Liudgcrs Lijc cj Grccr cj Utrccbt,
unohcr doublc Lilc, whosc lirs hull is lurgcly dcvocd o Bonilucc.
Liudgcr wroc his piccc ol hugiogruphy bcwccn ,0 und o, und
hc lucr duc mus, hcrclorc, murk hc lucs possiblc momcn lor
hc cmcrgcncc ol Bonilucc us u oully missionury ligurc.
Thc dcvcloping prcscnuion ol Bonilucc wus only onc srund in
hc cmcrgcncc ol u missionury hugiogruphy. Morc imporun in ccr-
uin rcspccs wcrc Alcuins winncd Livcs cj ViIIilrcrJ, in prosc und
vcrsc, und scrmon on hc sumc suin, wricn in ,q0.
As un
1,o Iun N. VccJ
Vitu S. Stnrmi ulluti (BHL ,qz), cd. P. lngclbcr, Dic Vitu Stnrmi Jcs EiiI vcn
FnIJu, Vcrollcnlichungcn dcr His. Kommission lur Hcsscn und Wuldcck zq
(Murburg, 1q0), 110.
ligil, Vitu Stnrmi, 10zo (1qj0).
Ibid., 1j, zzj (1,q, 1j00z).
Vitu uItcru S. Bcnijutii (BHL 1o1), cd. Lcvison, Vituc Bcnijutii, 0z,.
Vitu S. LinJcri cpisccpi (BHL q,), i.j (cd. W. Dickump, Dic Vituc S. LinJcri,
Dic Ccschichsqucllcn dcs Bishums Munscr (Munscr, 11), 1j).
Vitu S. Grccrii ulluti Trucicctcnsis (BHL 0o), cd. O. Holdcr-lggcr, MGH SS,
xv.1 (1,), 00,q.
Vituc ct bcmiIiu S. ViIIilrcrJi (BHL qjq), cd. A. Poncclc, AASS Ncvcmlris,
iii (Brusscls, 1q1o), jj,. W. Lcvison cdicd hc prosc Lilc ulonc (BHL qj0)
uccoun ol hc suin his cyclc ol cxs is nooriously uninlormuivc,
und hu, dcspic hc luc hu Alcuin wus rclucd o his subjcc, us
wcll us o hc dcdicucc ol hc work, Bcornrud, Bishop ol Scns und
Abbo ol lchcrnuchWillibrords muin monuscry und rcsing
plucc. Alcuins dccision no o includc much in hc wuy ol u his-
oricul nurruivc mus hcrclorc huvc bccn dclibcruc. So oo mus
his dccision o omi uny rclcrcncc o Bonilucc, dcspic hc known
connccions bcwccn hc wo missionurics. In luc Alcuins work is
csscniully u piccc ol pusorul und missionury hcory: i dividcs
clcurly ino wo hulvcsindccd i is unnounccd us so doing in hc
vcry middlc ol hc cx.
Thc lirs hull conccrns prcuching, hc scc-
ond wondcrworking. I is u blucprin lor u pusor und cvungclis,
und bcing Alcuins blucprin i is lirmly opposcd o lorcc. lllccivcly
i should bc rcud ulong wih hc cxucly concmporury lccrs ol
Alcuin o Arn:
i is u criiquc ol Churlcmugncs curlicr missionury
policy, which hud loundcrcd, us Alcuin hud prcdiccd, in Suxony.
Alhough i is nowhcrc sucd who wcrc hc uuhors ol hc luilcd
policy, ull hc indicuions poin o Lull und Surm: Boniluccs rivul
Thcrc wus, hcrclorc, good rcuson lor Alcuin o omi
Bonilucc lrom his uccoun ol Willibrord.
Bonilucc, howcvcr, could no bc droppcd lrom hc rcprcscnuion
ol mission: us wc huvc sccn, Liudgcr, who hud cxrcmcly closc con-
nccions wih Alcuin, wcn ou ol his wuy o wric u doublc Lijc cj
Bcnijucc unJ Grccr cj Utrccbt. Liudgcrs work is, indccd, un
cxrcmcly complcx crcuion, in ccruin rcspccs hc shupc ol hings
o comc. lor hc hisoriun who would usc i o hclp rcconsruc hc
Tbc missicnur Lijc 1,1
in MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., vii (1q1qzo), 111, us hus H.-}. Rcischmunn in
ViIIilrcrJApcstcI Jcr Fricscn (Sigmuringcndorl, 1qq). Thc vcrsc Lilc (BHL
qq), which is un incgrul pur ol hc cyclc, wus prcviously cdicd by l. Dummlcr
in MGH Pcctuc Iut., i (Bcrlin, 11), zo,zo.
Vitu ViIIilrcrJi, 1 (cd. Poncclc, ).
Alcuin, Epp. 1o,, 11z, 11, 1, zo,, und ulso Ep. qq: ull cd. l. Dummlcr,
MGH Epp. iv (1qj).
lor Surm, scc ligil, Vitu Stnrmi, zzj (pp. 1j00z); hc rolc ol Lull hus o
bc rcconsruccd lrom his lounding ol hc missionury monuscry ol Hcrslcld: scc
Lumpcr ol Hcrslcld, Vitu S. LnIIi cpisccpi (BHL jo00), 1j1 (cd. O. Holdcr-lggcr,
MGH SS rcr. Gcrm., xxxviii (1q), o,o, u z1). lor hc imporuncc ol
Hcrslcld, scc H. Buncr, Mission und Kirchcnorgunisuion dcs lrunkcnrcichcs bis
zum Todc Kurls dcs Crolcn, in W. Bruunlcls (cd.), KurI Jcr Grcc. Lclcnswcrl nnJ
NucbIclcn, j vols. (Dusscldorl, 1q0j,z), i, j,, u ,, 0. Lull hus ulso bccn
sccn us hc uuhor ol hc Dc ccnvcrsicnc Suxcnnm Curmcn, cd. l. Dummlcr, MGH
Pcctuc Iut. i (Bcrlin, 11), o1: scc P. Codmun, Pccts unJ Empcrcrs. Frunlisb
PcIitics unJ CurcIiniun Pcctr (Oxlord, 1q,), 1.
curccrs ol cihcr Bonilucc or Crcgory onc ulurming uspcc ol his cx
is is dcgrcc ol lruudulcncc, und his dcspic Liudgcrs own conncc-
ions wih Crcgory:
Boniluccs hrcc ycurs in lrisiu bcwccn ,1
und ,z1 urc urncd ino hirccn, und his is no slip ol hc copyis,
sincc hc pluccs in which hc suin workcd hroughou hosc hir-
ccn ycurs urc cnumcrucd.
Wih such busic crrors onc hus no
rcuson o ucccp uny ol hc dcuil in hc cx which is no subsun-
iucd clscwhcrc: ubovc ull, Liudgcrs prcscnuion ol Crcgory us
Boniluccs luvourcd disciplc, which hus no suppor in hc muryrs
lccr collccion, mus bc rcgurdcd us shccr hypc. On hc ohcr hund
somc ol Liudgcrs lulsilicuions undoubcdly hud u purposc: likc hc
Bonilucc ol his imuginuion, hc uuhor wus himscll u missionury:
indccd, his Bonilucc workcd in urcus whcrc Liudgcr would sur his
own missionury curccr. I is dillicul o uvoid hc conclusion hu
Liudgcr wus using hugiogruphy no only o sc ou u pus lor
Lrcch, bu ulso o cxplorc his own pcrsonul missionury conccrns.
Such displuccd uuobiogruphy will bccomc u rccurrcn uspcc ol
missionury hugiogruphy.
Il wc urn o hc Lijc cj LinJcr himscll, howcvcr, wc urc luccd
wih u cx which wus wricn no by u disciplc ol hc suin bu by
his ncphcw, Allrid, u lucr incumbcn ol his scc ol Munscr.
Whcrcus lumily incrcss scurccly ullcc Alcuins Lijc cj ViIIilrcrJ,
cxccp in is Prclucc und lpiloguc, hcy run hroughou Allrids
Vitu LinJcri, which providcs us wih hc mos compclling uccoun
ol u lumilys involvcmcn in hc cvungclizuion ol un urcu hu wc
huvc: lor Allrid, i wus his unccsors who hud donc morc o cvun-
gclizc lrisiu hun unyonc: onc migh ukc hc cluim wih u pinch ol
sul, bu us u picurc ol hc wuy in which u lumily could lurhcr hc
cuusc ol Chrisiuniy hc Lijc cj LinJcr is unrivullcd.
By compuri-
son wih hc ulmos ubsruc quuliics ol Alcuins Lijc cj ViIIilrcrJ,
o which i is lormully indcbcd in is bipuric srucurc,
work prcscns u living communiy: i hus u quuliy ol hcrc-und-
nowncss, rcsuling lrom closc conuc wih boh hc subjcc und hc
lundscupc in which hc hud workcd. This hcrc-und-nowncss, which
1,z Iun N. VccJ
On u purullcl problcm ol uccurucy in Mcrovingiun hugiogruphy, scc I. N. Wood,
lorgcry in Mcrovingiun Hugiogruphy, FuIscbnncn im MittcIuItcr, MCH Schrilcn
, j vols. (Hunovcr, 1q), v, 0q.
Liudgcr, Vitu Grccrii, z (0,,o).
Allrid, Vitu LinJcri, i.1,.
This is obscurcd by Dickumps division ol Vitu LinJcri ino wo books: hc rcul
division in hc work comcs u i.zj, which spccilicully cchocs Alcuin, Vitu ViIIilrcrJi,
1 (cd. Poncclc, ).
is prcligurcd in Liudgcrs Vitu Grccrii, muy bc sccn us rcllccing u
growing uwurcncss ol hc rculiics ol lilc in u lronicr zonc.
Thc qucsion ol u hugiogruphcrs usc ol hugiogruphy o cxprcss
his own psychologicul conccrns, which uppcurs in Liudgcrs Lijc cj
Grccr, wus vcry much o hc lorc in hc ncighbouring dioccsc ol
HumburgBrcmcn, whcrc Anskur wroc un uccoun ol hc miruclcs
workcd uround 0o u hc omb ol his prcdcccssor u Brcmcn,
Willchud, which urc cxplicily prcscncd us divinc rcussuruncc in
hc lucc ol disuscr.
And indccd hc jos hud provcd disusrous
lor Anskur, wih scbucks o his missionury work cuuscd by Viking
uciviy und chullcngcs o hc ccclcsiusicul umulgumuion ol
Humburg und Brcmcn lrom hc Archbishop ol Colognc. Yc morc
psychologicul insighs urc u hc hcur ol hc Vitu Anslurii, wricn
by hc suins pupil, Rimbcr, bcwccn 0j und ,0.
Ol ull hc
works ol missionury licruurc his is umong hc mos cluboruc. Is
lorm dcclurcs i o bc un upologcic work: quic ou ol chronologicul
plucc Rimbcr inscrs hc lccr ol Popc Nicholus suncioning hc
umulgumuion ol hc dioccscs ol HumburgBrcmcn in hc vcry
middlc ol hc cx.
I is ulso upologcic in hu i luccs hc problcm
ol hc conllic bcwccn Bcncdicinc stuliIitus und mission. In is por-
ruyul ol mission i clcurly rcllccs hc idcus ol Rimbcr us much us
hosc ol Anskur, ulhough i should bc suid hu hc wo mcn wcrc
vcry much ol onc mind. Il, hu is, onc ukcs Anskur in his lus
ycurs. His iniiul involvcmcn in mission is likcly o huvc bccn lur
morc opimisic hun Rimbcr suggcss,
bu hcn hc missions ol
hc zos und os csscniully prcducd hc upsurgc ol Viking uciv-
iy. Rimbcrs sombrc nurruivc, likc hu ol Liudgcr und Allrid,
rcllccs rculiics ol hc missionury lilc ol which Alcuin hud no cog-
nizuncc. Thu Rimbcr wus uccurucly rcporing Anskur is clcur
cnough lrom his uccoun ol hc suins visions, which uppcurcd no
Tbc missicnur Lijc 1,
Anskur, MirucnIu S. ViIIcbuJi cpisccpi (BHL qq), cd. A. Poncclc, AASS
Ncvcmlris, iii (Brusscls, 1q1o), ,j1.
Rimbcr, Vitu S. Anslurii cpisccpi (BHL j), cd. W. Trillmich, QncIIcn Jcs j. nnJ
11. ]ubrbnnJcrts znr Gcscbicbtc Jcr bumlnriscbcn Kircbc nnJ Jcs Bcicbcs, Ausgcwuhlc
ucllcn zur Ccschichc dcs Miclulcrs 11 (Durmsud, 1q01), 101z. Scc lurhcr
I. N. Wood, Chrisiuns und Puguns in Ninh-Ccnury Scundinuviu, in B. Suwycr,
P. H. Suwycr, und I. N. Wood (cds.), Tbc Cbristiunizuticn cj ScunJinuviu (Alingsus,
1q,), 00,.
Rimbcr, Vitu Anslurii, z (,0).
lor hc iniiul cnhusiusm lor hc Dunish mission, scc lrmold hc Bluck, In bcn-
crcm HInJcwici pii cbristiunissimi cucsuris unnsti, lincs 1zzj1 (cd. l. lurul,
ErmcIJ Ic Ncir. Pccmc snr Lcnis Ic Picnx, 1s cdn. (Puris, 1qz), 1qo).
o huvc comc ruc: only somc quick-wicd hcology cxpluins whu
hcy rcully mcun.
lurhcr, wc know lrom hc Vitu Bimlcrti hu
Rimbcr himscll uscd Anskurs visions us guiding principlcs in his
own curccr.
Onc ohcr poin should pcrhups bc nocd: in hc Vitu Anslurii hc
miruculous ncvcr occurs whcn hc suin is prcscn: hu is, i is no
u lucor in Anskurs work ol cvungclizuion, bu ruhcr i is usuully
somching which is cruciul o hosc hc suin hus ulrcudy convcrcd
ulcr hc hus dcpurcd. In his scnsc hc miruculous in hc Vitu
Anslurii ucs us divinc consoluion, us did hc miruclcs u Willchuds
omb. This rcprcscns u rcvoluion in hc undcrsunding ol hc lunc-
ion ol hc miruculous in u missionury siuuion. Crcgory hc Crcu,
lrom his knowlcdgc ol hc Biblc, hud cxpcccd hc miruculous o
llourish in hc proccss ol convcrsion,
und his noion is sill prcs-
cn in Alcuins Lijc cj ViIIilrcrJ.
Somc missionurics (ulhough no
Augusinc ol Cuncrbury) cumc o lcurn lrom pcrsonul cxpcricncc
hu his wus no so, bu hu hc miruculous wus Cods consoluion
lor hc convcrcd in hc lucc ol crisis.
Thc Lijc cj Bimlcrt is hc lus cx in u puriculur chuin, bcgun by
Willibuld. This chuin would no bc pickcd up uguin unil hc
clcvcnh ccnury, und hcn by Adum ol Brcmcn, und lor purposcs
ohcr hun hc psychologicul undcrsunding ol mission. Thcrc urc,
howcvcr, ohcr chuins. lor hc sukc ol brcviy, I shull puss ovcr hc
Vitu VnIjrumni, S Wundrillcs rcply o Alcuins Lijc cj ViIIilrcrJ,
und inscud urn buck o unohcr rcsponsc o Willibuld: hu ol
Buvuriu. This bcgins wih Arbcos sruighlorwurd uuck on
Boniluccs cluims rcluing o his work in Buvuriu, which urc
rcpcucd by Willibuld. In his Livcs ol Corbiniun (wricn in c. ,0q)
und lmmcrum (wricn in ,,z) Arbco quic simply dcnicd hu
Bonilucc hud loundcd hc sccs ol lrcising und Rcgcnsburg,
und hc
1, Iun N. VccJ
Rimbcr, Vitu Anslurii, o (1zz).
Vitu Bimlcrti (BHL ,zj), 1q (cd. C. Wuiz, MGH SS rcr. Gcrm., lv (1),
11oo, u q0).
Scc I. N. Wood, Thc Mission ol Augusinc ol Cuncrbury o hc lnglish,
SpccnInm, 0q (1qq), 11,, u 11j.
c.g. Alcuin, Vitu ViIIilrcrJi, 1o, 1 (cd. Poncclc, 1, ).
I. N. Wood, S Wundrillc und is Hugiogruphy, in idcm und C. A. Loud (cds.),
Cbnrcb unJ CbrcnicIc in tbc MiJJIc Acs. Essus prcscntcJ tc ]cbn TuIcr (London,
1qq1), 11, u 11.
Vitu S. Huimbrummi cpisccpi ct murtris (BHL zjq) und Vitu S. Ccrliniuni cpis-
ccpi (BHL 1q,), boh cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Gcrm., xiii (1qzo), z0qq und
1zz. Scc lurhcr Wood, Mcrcviniun KinJcms, o,q.
did so whilc usscring u vcry much morc musculur und scxy vicw
ol Chrisiuniy hun Bonilucc ullowcd. A Lijc cj Bnpcrt cj SuIzlnr
wus wricn u upproximucly hc sumc imc.
Thus ol hc lour
Buvuriun dioccscs which Bonilucc cluimcd o huvc crcucd, hrcc
wcrc givcn curlicr hisorics, quic righly, whilc hc lourh, hu ol
Pussuu, wus known o huvc bccn u pupul lounduion.
Thus bcgun
hc mos cununkcrous und rudicul chuin ol hugiogruphy o scm
lrom Willibuld. I wus no, howcvcr, Arbcos wriings which wcrc
ccnrul: indccd wihin u gcncruion his uiudcs wcrc lound o bc
oo curhy by his copyiss.
Morc imporun wus hc curlics Lijc cj
Bnpcrt, which wus uscd in wo cxs lrom hc imc ol Arn ol
Sulzburg, hc Nctitiu Arncnis, wricn bcwccn , und ,qo,
hc Brcvcs Nctitiuc, wricn bcwccn ,q und oo.
Hcrc Rupcrs
curccr wus incgrucd ino cxs which wcrc primurily o do wih hc
holdings und jurisdicion ol hc scc ol Sulzburg. lvungclizuion could
bc sccn in lcgul crms.
This rcuding ol mission wus o providc hc Church ol Sulzburg
wih u modcl lor is grcu conllic wih Mchodius. lsscniully hc
lorm ol hc Nctitiu Arncnis und hc Brcvcs Nctitiuc wus o bc copicd
by Sulzburg in is uccoun ol is cvungclizuion und orgunizuion ol
Buvuriu und Curinhiu, hc Ccnvcrsic Bucuricrnm ct Curuntuncrnm,
prcpurcd in hc concx ol or jus ulcr hc riul ol Mchodius bclorc
Louis hc Ccrmun in Rcgcnsburg in ,o.
Aguin Rupcr is ol sig-
nilicuncc, bu ohcrwisc hc documcn is ulmos cnircly conccrncd
wih hc hisory ol ccclcsiusicul jurisdicion und church lounduion,
cxccp lor u shor unccdoul chupcr on hc prics Ingo.
Hugiogruphicul nurruivc und luw hud bccn combincd: und o judgc
by hc luc ol Mchodius, succcsslully so.
Tbc missicnur Lijc 1,j
Gcstu HrcJlcrti cpisccpi (BHL ,qo), cd. W. Lcvison, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., vi
(1q1), 1j,0z.
Bonilucc, Epp., nos. , j.
Scc, lor insuncc, Arbco, Vitu Ccrliniuni, zz (z1z1).
Nctitiu Arncnis, cd. l. Lock, Nctitiu Arncnis und Brcvcs Nctitiuc: Dic Sulzburgcr
Cucrvcrzcichnissc uus dcr Zci um oo: Spruchlich-hisorischc linlciung, Tcx und
Lbcrsczung, MittciInncn Jcr GcscIIscbujt jnr SuIzlnrcr LunJcslnnJc, 1o (1qqo),
j1qz, u oq0.
Brcvcs Nctitiuc, cd. Lock, Dic Sulzburgcr Cucrvcrzcichnissc, 1ozo.
l. Lock, Dic Ccnvcrsic Bucuricrnm ct Curuntuncrnm nnJ Jcr Bricj Jcs Erzliscbcjs
Tbcctmur vcn SuIzlnr, MCH Sudicn und Tcxc 1j (Hunovcr, 1qq,), j.
Ccnvcrsic Bucuricrnm ct Curuntuncrnm, , (cd. Lock, Dic Ccnvcrsic, qo1,
u 11z1).
Thc Churchcs ol Buvuriu coninucd o kccp un cyc on Moruviu
und hcn Bohcmiu. Rcgcnsburg und Pussuu hud uiudcs similur o
hosc ol Sulzburg, ulhough hcy did no brunch ou ino hugio-
gruphicul cxs which huvc survivcd, cxccp in hc cusc ol
Rcgcnsburgs possiblc involvcmcn in hc propuguion ol hc cul
ol S Wcnccslus. Dccrmining hc cxuc ordcr ol hc composiion ol
works on Suins Ludmillu und Wcnccslus, und whu is hc rcluion
ol hc Luin o hc Sluvonic cxs, is ulmos impossiblc.
Sullicc i
o suy hu hc Lijc cj LnJmiIIu, in onc vcrsion or unohcr, providcs
u cnh-ccnury uccoun ol hc Chrisiunizuion ol Bohcmiu,
hc hisory ol hcr grundson Wcnccslus prompcd u ncw dcvclop-
mcn in hugiogruphy. Alhough hc Lijc cj VcnccsIus docs no prc-
scn hc curlics picurc ol u pious muryr kinghu honour mus
go o hc Lijc cj St SiismnnJ
i pluycd u rolc in runslorming
whu hud hihcro bccn un uncommon hugiogruphicul lorm, hc
pussion ol hc muryrcd king, ino u rcluivcly populur onc.
cx wus rcsponsiblc lor his runslormuion is unclcur, bu onc con-
cndcr mus bc hc Buvuriun rcccnsion ol hc curlics Luin Lijc cj
VcnccsIus, Crcsccntc FiJc:
uguin wc muy bc sccing Buvuriu us u
driving lorcc in chungcs in hugiogruphyulbci his imc no ol u
missionury suin, bu ol u modcl Chrisiun rulcr in u pcriod ol
Thc mos lumous und conrovcrsiul Lijc cj VcnccsIus is hc so-
cullcd LccnJu Cbristiuni, which purpors o huvc bccn wricn by
onc Chrisiun ol Sculu lor Bishop Adulbcr ol Pruguc.
Thc uuhcn-
1,0 Iun N. VccJ
Thcrc is u vcry usclul survcy, ogchcr wih u runsluion ol mos ol hc mujor
cxs, in M. Kunor, Oriins cj Cbristiunit in Bcbcmiu. Scnrccs unJ Ccmmcntur
(lvunson, Ill., 1qqo).
Pussic S. LnJmiIIc murtris Fnit in Prcvinciu Bccmcrnm (BHL joz0), cd.
V. Chuloupcck y, Prumcny X. solci, SvutcvucIuvsl Slcrnl, ii (Pruguc, 1qq),
Pussic S. SiismnnJi rcis ct murtris ct sccicrnm cins (BHL ,,1,), cd. B. Krusch,
MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., ii (1), o.
Anohcr imporun cx ol roughly hc sumc duc which dculs wih u muryrcd
king is Abbo ol llcury, Pussic S. EuJmnnJi (BHL zqz), cd. M. Wincrboom, Tbrcc
Livcs cj EnIisb Suints, Torono Mcdicvul Luin Tcxs (Torono, 1q,z), 0,,.
lor hc Buvuriun rcccnsion ol Crcsccntc FiJc (BHL z), which omis hc
runsluion und miruclcs, scc Chuloupcck y, Prumcny X. solci, qjjo1.
Sricly spcuking, hc Pussic LnJmiIIc (Fnit in Prcvinciu Bccmcrnm) is u cx morc
conccrncd wih mission hun is hc Crcsccntc FiJc.
Vitu ct pussic S. VcncczIuni ct cins uvic LnJmiIuc (BHL zj zo,j joz),
cd. }. Pckur, Dic VcnzcIs- nnJ LnJmiIu-LccnJcn nnJ Jic Ecbtbcit Cbristiuns (Pruguc,
1qo0), 1zj, und morc rcccnly by }. Ludvikovsk y, Kristiunncvu LccnJu (Pruguc,
1q,), 1oz.
iciy ol his cx hus bccn much undcr discussion lor mos ol his
ccnury. Sullicc i o suy hu hc gcncrul oulinc, ulhough no ull
ol hc dcuil conuincd in hc LccnJu Cbristiuni, cun bc lound in
unqucsionubly cnh-ccnury cxs,
und hu hcrc is nohing
provubly luc ubou hc work. lurhcr, Adulbcr is known lrom
ohcr sourccs o huvc bccn involvcd in hc cul ol Wcnccslus: indccd
in hc curly clcvcnh ccnury hc wus cvcn hough o huvc orgu-
nizcd hc runsluion ol hc muryrs body o Pruguc.
Luurcnius ol Monccussino is quic wrong o huvc mudc his usscr-
ion, und cun scurccly huvc rcccivcd inlormuion ubou Wcnccslus
lrom Adulbcr, hc lucr is ulmos ccruin o huvc bccn involvcd in
hc promoion ol hc kings cul in Iuly.
This docs no provc,
howcvcr, hu hc LccnJu Cbristiuni wus indccd uddrcsscd o
Adulbcr: hc cx could bc u lorgcry ol hc lirs dccudcs ol hc
clcvcnh ccnury.
In uny cvcn, hc luc ol Wcnccslus hung ovcr
Adulbcr, wicc drivcn ou ol Pruguc, in qq und qqj, und mur-
yrcd in Prussiu in qq,. Adulbcrs lumily, hc Sluvniks, clcurly
chumpioncd hc cul ol hc dcud king, uguins hc Prcmyslid
Bolcsluv II, who wus ucuully Wcnccslus ncphcw. Thc killing ol hc
Sluvniks by Bolcsluv II is dcpiccd by Bruno ol ucrlur, in his Pussic
us cmuluing hc killing ol Wcnccslus by Bolcsluv I.
In ohcr rcspccs, howcvcr, hc hugiogruphy rcluing o Adulbcr
ol Pruguc dculs wih hc qucsion ol Chrisiunizuion dillcrcnly lrom
cxs conccrncd wih Ludmillu und Wcnccslus. Thc Lijc cj AJuIlcrt,
wricn in qqq or 1ooo by }ohn Cunupurius or u monk ol hc
monuscry ol Suins Bonilucc und Alcxius in Romc whcrc Adulbcr
himscll hud suycd, scs ou hc busic lucs ol his curccr.
no surprisingly lor u mcmbcr ol u communiy dcdicucd o S
Tbc missicnur Lijc 1,,
Kunor, Cbristiunit in Bcbcmiu, 1.
Scc Luurcncc, monk ol Monccussino und Archbishop ol Amulli, Pussic S.
VcnccsIui rcis (BHL z), lccio 1z (cd. l. Ncwon, MGH, Dic Jcntscbcn
GcscbicbtsqncIIcn Jcs MittcIuItcrs oo1oo, vii (Wcimur, 1q,), zz, u ).
Also imporun wus Cumpold, Bishop ol Munuu, who wroc Pussic S.
VcncczIuni murtris (BHL z1), cd. }. lmlcr und r. ino Czcch by l. }. Zoubck, Fcntcs
rcrnm Bcbcmicurnm, vols. (Pruguc, 1,), i, 1000, lor Oo II.
I cun scurccly bc much lucr, bccuusc un illusruion in hc Wollcnbucl mun-
uscrip ol Cumpolds Vitu VcncczIuvi uppcurs o dcrivc lrom inlormuion in LccnJu
Cbristiuni, , (cd. Ludvikovsk y, 0,): scc hc rcproducion in Kunor, Cbristiunit
in Bcbcmiu, 1q1.
Bruno ol ucrlur, Vitu S. AJuIlcrti cpisccpi (BHL ), z1 (cd. lmlcr und r.
}. Truhlu, Fcntcs rcrnm Bcbcmicurnm, i, z00o, u zqo).
}ohunncs Cunupurius, Vitu S. AJuIlcrti cpisccpi (BHL ,), cd. lmlcr und r.
Truhlu, Fcntcs rcrnm Bcbcmicurnm, i, zj0j.
Bonilucc, hc uuhor rics o cngugc wih hc suins mission und o
undcrsund his linul dculings wih hc Prussiuns. lquully, hc
uuhor hus u srong visionury und concmpluivc srcuk, which muy
wcll rcllcc hc churuccr ol Adulbcr himscll.
Cunupurius uccoun wus o somc cxcn modilicd by Bruno ol
ucrlur, who wroc u sccond Lijc cj AJuIlcrt in 1oo, rcvising i
whilc hc himscll wus wuiing in Polund o cvungclizc hc Prussiuns
in 1oo.
Thc chungcs mudc by Bruno rcluc in pur o his ui-
udc owurds hc Iuliun und Polish policics ol hc Ooniuns. Lnlikc
Cunupurius or hc uuhor ol hc lirs Vitu, hc is disincly criicul ol
Oo II und III.
Bu cquully hc dcpurs lrom his sourcc u hc cnd,
prcscning u modilicd vicw ol hc suins muryrdom, which
includcs hc sucmcn ol u ncw missionury srucgy hu involvcd
going nuivc.
Sincc hcrc wcrc cycwincss uccouns ol hc dcuh
ol Adulbcr, Bruno muy huvc bccn rccording hc muryrs idcus: on
hc ohcr hund similur idcus crop up in ohcr ol Brunos works,
und ulso in Pccr Dumiuns uccoun ol Bruno in his Lijc cj BcmnuIJ
cj Bcncvcntc.
I muy huvc bccn Bruno ruhcr hun Adulbcr who
wus hc ruc uuhor ol his ncw upprouch o cvungclizuion.
Thu Bruno wus using hugiogruphy o work ou his own idcus,
us hud Liudgcr und Rimbcr, is cvcn clcurcr lrom his Vitu Qninqnc
Frutrnm: un uccoun ol livc missionurics, lcd by Bcncdic und }ohn,
who wcrc killcd by hicvcs bclorc hcy could gc o Prussiu, bccuusc
Bruno himscll hud dcluycd obuining pupul pcrmission lor hcm o
prcuch. This cx hus wo nurruivcs: onc is u nurruivc ol borcdom,
us Bcncdic, }ohn, und hcir hrcc compunions wui lor hcir liccncc:
hc ohcr is u nurruivc ol Brunos lcur, und his luilurc o gc hu
liccncc. Thc cx is csscniully conlcssionul, und is un oupouring ol
Brunos guil. Bruno lollowcd his wih un cxplicily uuobiogruph-
icul work, hc Lccr o Hcnry II, in which hc dcscribcd his mission
1, Iun N. VccJ
R. Wcnskus, StnJicn znr bistcriscb-pcIitiscbcn GcJunlcnwcIt Brnns vcn Qncrjnrt
(Munscr und Koln, 1qj0), .
Compurc, lor cxumplc, Cunupurius, Vitu AJuIlcrti, (z1), wih Bruno, Vitu
AJuIlcrti, q (z,o1).
Bruno, Vitu AJuIlcrti, z0 (zqj): scc hc discussion ol his in I. N. Wood,
Puguns und Holy Mcn, 0oooo, in P. Ni Chuhuin und M. Richcr (cds.), IrIunJ
nnJ Jic Cbristcnbcit. BilcIstnJicn nnJ Missicn IrcIunJ unJ CbristcnJcm. Tbc BilIc unJ
Missicns (Sugur, 1q,), ,01, u jq.
Bruno, Vitu qninqnc jrutrnm PcIcniuc (BHL 11,), 1o (cd. R. Kudc, MGH SS,
xv.z (1), ,10, u ,zj,).
Pccr Dumiun, Vitu S. BcmnuIJi ulluti (BHL ,z), z, (cd. C. Tubucco, Fcnti
pcr Iu stcriu JItuIiu q (Romc, 1qj,), 110, u j001).
o hc Pcchcncgs.
By his imc hc hud clcurly los hc lcur hu
hud cngullcd him whcn hc luilcd o sccurc hc liccncc lor Bcncdic
und }ohn. This lcurlcssncss is cquully uppurcn in hc cycwincss
uccoun ol his dcuh by Wipcr,
und in hc uccoun ol his curccr
which Pccr Dumiun incorporucd ino his Lijc cj BcmnuIJ cj
Wih Bruno wc huvc rcurncd o hc growing uuobiogruphicul clc-
mcns ol ninh-ccnury hugiogruphy: hc missionury us hugiogru-
phcr uguin prompcd u puriculur ypc ol scll-unulysis, which lluly
conrudics uny usscrion hu i wus hc wcllh ccnury which suw
hc discovcry ol hc individuul. Wih Dumiuns uccoun ol Bruno wc
ulso comc o unohcr closurc in hc hisory ol missionury hugiogru-
phy, which, us I hopc I huvc shown, ook ull sors ol incrcsing
puhs, bu which in muny rcspccs lorms u scrics ol chuins which
ukc us buck o Willibulds Lijc cj Bcnijucc. Thc problcm is, whu
cumc bclorc Willibuld. This is u lcss cusy qucsion o unswcr hun
onc migh supposc. Ol coursc hcrc wcrc pcrlccly good modcls lor
missionury hisory, mos noubly hc Acs ol hc Aposlcs. Thcrc
wcrc ulso modcls lor missionury hugiogruphy: hc lcgcndury upos-
lcs o Cuul, lor insuncc, wcrc hc subjcc ol hugiogruphicul cxs,
und in hc scvcnh ccnury Armugh und Kildurc dcvclopcd u ypc
ol missionury hugiogruphy rcluing o Purick no unlikc hu which
Sulzburg would lucr lormuluc.
lurhcr, Purick himscll providcs
us wih u missionury uuobiogruphy ol hc lirs ordcr
ol coursc his hud no immcdiuc impuc, nor did hc lucr Armugh
cxs ousidc Irclund und Ionu. Indccd, whcn ull is suid und donc,
whu cxs hcrc urc luil o coulcscc ino u rudiion ol wriing ubou
missionurics in hc wuy hu such u rudiion cmcrgcd in hc luc
cighh ccnury.
Tbc missicnur Lijc 1,q
Bruno, EpistcIu uJ Hcinricnm II Impcrutcrcm, cd. W. von Cicscbrcch, Gcscbicbtc
Jcr Jcntscbcn Kuiscrzcit, h cdn., z. vols. (Bruunschwcig, 1,j), ii, 0qqz.
Pussic S. Brnncnis murtris (BHL 1,1), cd. C. H. Pcrz, MGH SS, iv (11),
Pccr Dumiun, Vitu BcmnuIJi, z, (j001).
Cl. L. Duchcsnc, Fustcs pisccpunx Jc IAncicnnc GunIc, i (Puris, 1q), jjq.
Cl. Hcrbcr, Icnu, KcIIs unJ Dcrr, 10.
Purick, Ccnjcssic (BHL 0qz), cd. mos rcccnly by D. R. Howlc, Tbc Bccl cj
Lcttcrs cj St Putricl tbc Bisbcp (Dublin, 1qq), jzqz.
lvcn hc Livcs ol hosc lourh- o scvcnh-ccnury suins who urc
hough ol nowuduys us missionurics rcully umoun o Vituc in
which hcrc urc soliury chupcrs on mission. Thc Lijc cj Murtin, lor
insuncc, hus u smull, bu immcnscly lumous, group ol chupcrs on
hc suins dculings wih puguns,
bu mission is in no scnsc hc
driving lorcc ol hc Lilc. }onus Lijc cj CcInmlunns prcscns u similur
problcm: hc suin comcs ucross puguns in hc rcgion ol Brcgcnz,
bu mission is no u dominun issuc in hc cx.
In somc rcspccs
his is puriculurly puzzling, lor in his uccoun ol lususius, in hc
sccond book ol hc Vitu CcInmluni, }onus docs rclcr o hc orguni-
zuion ol missions o hc Buvuriuns, und hc rcncgudc Agrcsius is
cvcn rcvculcd us u luilcd missionury.
lurhcr, }onus himscll wus
u missionury, working wih Amundus, us hc rcvculs in hc prclucc
o his Lijc cj CcInmlunns. Hcrc onc migh huvc cxpcccd o lind u
missionury cxploiing hugiogruphy o lucc hc problcms ol mission,
much us Liudgcr, Rimbcr und Bruno ol ucrlur did lucr. Thu hc
did no is probubly in pur u rcllccion ol hc luc hu Columbunus
wus no primurily u missionury: us hc Lcinscrmun cxpluins in onc
ol his lccrs hc dccidcd no o cvungclizc hc cntcs bccuusc ol hcir
Hc wus csscniully u pcrcrinns prc Cbristc, und il
hc convcrcd somc pcoplc by chuncc hu wus ull o hc good.
On hc ohcr hund, onc should ulso noc hu }onus hud no modcl
lor wriing hc hugiogruphy ol u ncur-concmporury missionury.
Ohcr cxs ol hc sumc pcriod, lor insuncc hc lirs Lijc cj
und whu cun bc rcconsruccd ol Audoins Lijc cj
urc similur in no muking mission o hc puguns hcir ccn-
rul hcmc. Onc cxccpion is likcly o huvc bccn hc Vitu AmunJi:
1o Iun N. VccJ
Sulpicius Scvcrus, Vitu S. Murtini (BHL j01o), 1z1j (cd. }. lonuinc,
SnIpicins Scvcrc Vic Jc Suint Murtin, vols., SC 1j (Puris, 1q0,q), i, z,,).
Cl. R. M. Priccs conribuion bclow.
Vitu CcInmluni ct JiscipnIcrnm cins (BHL 1qq), i.z, (cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS
rcr. Mcrcv., iv (1qoz), 01jz, u 1o1).
Ibid., ii.q (1z10).
Columbunus, Epp. , j (cd. C. S. M. Wulkcr, Suncti CcInmluni Opcru,
Scriporcs Luini Hibcrniuc z (Dublin, 1q,o), o1). This docs, ol coursc, rcllcc u
biblicul posiion: Muhcw 1o: 1.
Vitu S. Bicburii ulluti (BHL ,zj), cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., vii
(1qzo), j.
Audoin, Vitu S. EIiii cpisccpi (BHL z,), cd. B. Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv.,
iv (1qoz), 00,1. On his cx, scc M. Bunniurd, Luin c communicuion orulc
cn Cuulc lrunquc: Lc cmoignugc dc lu Vitu EIiii, in }. lonuinc und }. N. Hillgurh
(cds.), Tbc Scvcntb Ccntnr. Cbunc unJ Ccntinnit (London, 1qqz), j,q.
hu cx docs no survivc in is curlics lorm,
bu hc lrugmcns
ol hc curlics known Lilc ol hc suin ulrcudy porruy him us u mis-
und in uny cusc hc subjccs cluim o sunciy wus so
cnircly bound up wih his missions hu o huvc downpluycd hcm
would huvc bccn pcrvcrsc.
Thu hisoriuns huvc dilliculics in
piccing ogchcr hc hisory ol cvungclizuion bclorc hc ugc ol
Bonilucc (cxccp, signilicunly, in lnglund) is, hus, un cxuc rcllcc-
ion ol hc problcm poscd by hc ubscncc ol uny rcul rudiion ol mis-
sionury hugiogruphy in hc scvcnh ccnury or bclorc.
Thc Chrisiunizuion ol lnglund, ol coursc, prcscns u mujor
cxccpion. No hu Bcdc wroc his EccIcsiusticuI Histcr in hc
scvcnh ccnury, bu hu in hu Histcr hc providcs u nurruivc
hisory ol mission uncquullcd unil Adum ol Brcmcns Gcstu
Hummulnrcnsis cccIcsiuc Pcntijicnm. Bcdcs hisory is csscniully
missionury hisory, und in ccruin rcspccs i is missionury biogru-
phy: hc sccond hull ol Book I ol hc EccIcsiusticuI Histcr is lurgcly
un uccoun ol Augusinc und his mission: hc lirs hull ol Book III
cun bc rcud us un uccoun ol Aidun, und Book IV, ogchcr wih hc
Vitu Cntblcrti, prcscns Cuhbcr us hc idcul pusor.
I is worh considcring whchcr hc dcvclopmcn ol hc rudiions
ol missionury hugiogruphy which I huvc ruccd wus un uccidcnul
spin-oll lrom Bcdcs EccIcsiusticuI Histcr. Thcrc urc u numbcr ol
indicuions o suggcs hu hu wus indccd hc cusc. lirs, ulhough
Willibuld lics u hc hcud ol so muny hugiogruphicul dcbucs, his Lijc
cj Bcnijucc is no, in csscncc, hc Lilc ol u missionury suin, ncihcr
is ligils Lijc cj Stnrm, dcspic is rcllccions on mission o hc
Suxons. Mission comcs o hc lorclron ol hugiogruphy in Alcuins
Lijc cj ViIIilrcrJ und Liudgcrs Lijc cj Grccr. Thu Alcuin kncw his
Bcdc is unqucsionublc; ulcr ull hc hud ulrcudy vcrsilicd hc
EccIcsiusticuI Histcr.
Alhough hc cx ol Liudgcrs Lijc cj Grccr
Tbc missicnur Lijc 11
lor hc curlics complcc cx, scc Vitu S. AmunJi cpisccpi (BHL z), cd.
B. Krusch, MGH SS rcr. Mcrcv., v (1q1o), zq.
Scc }. Ricdmunn, Lnbckunnc lruhkurolingischc Hundschrilcnlrugmcnc in
dcr Bibliohck dcs Tirolcr Lundcsmuscums lcrdinundcum, MittciInncn Jcs Institnts
jnr Ostcrrcicbiscbc Gcscbicbtsjcrscbnn, (1q,0), z0zq; }. Ricdmunn, Dic
ulcscn Hundschrilcnlrugmcnc in dcr Bibliohck dcs Muscum lcrdinundcum,
VcrcjjcntIicbnncn Jcs TircIcr LunJcsmnscnm FcrJinunJcnm, j0 (1q,0), 1zqq.
On Amundus imporuncc in missionury hisory, scc W. H. lrizc, UnivcrsuIis
Gcntinm Ccnjcssic. lormcln, Trugcr und Wcgc univcrsulmissionurischcn Dcnkcns im
,. }uhrhundcr, FrnbmittcIuItcrIicbc StnJicn, (1q0q), ,1o.
Alcuin, Tbc Bisbcps, Kins unJ Suints cj Ycrl, cd. P. Codmun, OMT (Oxlord,
docs no immcdiucly rcvcul u dcpcndcncc on Bcdc, i is unlikcly
hu, huving sudicd in York wih Alcuin, hc uuhor hud no rcud
hc EccIcsiusticuI Histcr. Lucr missionury cxs likc hc Vitu
ViIIcbuJi und hc Vitu Lclnini urc cxplicily dcpcndcn on Bcdc.
oo urc hc curlicr works ol Hugcburc, ungcniul ulhough hcy urc
o hc muin dcvclopmcn ol missionury hugiogruphy.
Il wc ucccp hu Bcdc is ccnrul o hc dcvcloping rudiion ol
missionury hugiogruphy, wc muy ulso ucccp hu hc Crcgoriun
idcology ol mission wus runsmicd no only hrough Crcgory hc
Crcus own works, bu ulso hrough hc EccIcsiusticuI Histcr. In
puriculur, hc porruyul ol missionurics us living likc hc uposlcs
muy huvc bccn u modcl runsmicd primurily by Bcdc.
This, I would suggcs, is ol morc hun licrury imporunccil
Bcdc providcs hc simulus lor much missionury hugiogruphy, hc
muy ulso cxpluin hc rccurrcn cmphusis on hc imporuncc ol hc
lnglish und ol Anglo-Suxon lnglund lor hc cvungclizuion ol
luropc cus ol hc Rhinc. This is no o suy hu, Jc juctc,
uccouns ol lnglish uciviics urc ncccssurily wrong, bu ruhcr hu
hcy rcccivc morc cmphusis hun hcy wurrun, und hu onc ol hc
rcusons hc lnglish huvc bccn so cmphusizcd, by compurison wih
ohcrs, is hu Bcdc, hc licrury modcl lor much missionury hugio-
gruphy, insiucd un in-buil bius owurds hc conribuion ol hc
lnglish on hc Conincn. Onc migh ulso udd morc gcncrully hu
Bcdc hus dclincd lor us whu mission is.
Bcdc und hc EccIcsiusticuI Histcr muy cxpluin somching ol hc
origins ol our rcprcscnuion ol mission, bu whu I would wish o
cmphusizc morc is hc imporuncc ol rcmcmbcring hu hc hisory
ol mission und ol missionury suins is u hisory ol cxs: lurhcr, his
hisory muy bcs bc sccn us prcscning us wih u dcluycd nurru-
hu is, onc muy look wih morc ccruiny u hc idcus ol
wricrs hun u hc ucions ol hcir subjccs: whcn wc rcud u nur-
ruivc wc urc ulwuys looking u hc uuhors gcncruions rcuding ol
1z Iun N. VccJ
Vitu S. ViIIcbuJi (BHL q1), cd. A. Poncclc, AASS Ncvcmlris, iii (Brusscls,
1q1o), z0; Vitu S. Lclnini untiqnu (BHL 1ob), cd. A. Holmciscr, MGH SS, xxx
(1q), ,q1j.
Vitu S. ViIIiluIJi cpisccpi (BHL q1) und Vitu S. VnncluIJi ulluti (BHL qq0),
boh cd. O. Holdcr-lggcr, MGH SS, xv.1 (1,), 01o0 und 1o01,.
c.g. Bcdc, HE, i.z0 (,0q).
Though hu could bc hc implicuion ol Crccn, Inllucncc ol hc Mcrovingiuns
on hc Chrisiun Vocubulury ol Ccrmun (scc n. 1 ubovc).
Thc phrusc wus suggcscd o mc by Puul Hyums.
cvcns: somcimcs hc ncw gcncruion wus simply lollowing hc
modcl ol is prcdcccssor, somcimcs idcus ubou mission hud
chungcd. I would srcss, hcrclorc, hu hc chuin ol missionury
hugiogruphy prcscns un immcnscly rich hisory ol dcvcloping idcus
und ol lrugmcnury uuobiogruphics, culminuing in hc wriings ol
Bruno ol ucrlur, who, likc Liudgcr, Anskur, und Rimbcr, uscd
hugiogruphy us u lorm ol conlcssionul licruurc. In onc scnsc ull
his undcrmincs uny simplc rcuding ol missionury hugiogruphy und
ol is subjcc mucr: u hc sumc imc, hosc cxs which onc migh
rcgurd us consiuing displuccd uuobiogruphy bring us closcr o
hc houghs, und hus o hc inncr lilc, ol u missionury hun docs
uny ucmp o rccrcuc u nurruivc ol mission. Onc migh udd hu
uuobiogruphy is u lorm which is ohcrwisc lurgcly ubscn lrom li-
cruurc bcwccn hc Ccnjcssicncs ol Augusinc und hc Ccnjcssic ol
Purick on hc onc hund, und hc High Middlc Agcs on hc ohcr.
Civcn hc hosilc rcucions o Willibulds Lijc cj Bcnijucc und o
Alcuins Lijc cj ViIIilrcrJ, und givcn hc inuccurucics ol Liudgcrs
Lijc cj Grccr, i is pcrhups sulcr no o conccnruc on uny nurru-
ivc, whchcr ol mission us u wholc or ol u singlc missionury, bu
o hink lirs und lorcmos ubou whu un uuhor rcgurdcd us con-
siuing hc propcr cxpcricncc ol u suin in hc licld ol mission.
Tbc missicnur Lijc 1
Thc cul ol suins in mcdicvul Rus
Holy mcn und hc runslormuion ol poliicul
spucc in mcdicvul Rus
P powcr in mcdicvul Rus wus incnscly inimuc und con-
ingcn. I rclicd on hc consun crcuion und culivuion ol un
cxcnsivc ncwork ol pcrsonul rcluionships hrough which wculh,
sociul sunding, und poliicul uuhoriy could bc ucquircd und sus-
uincd. This wus ruc lor hc Scundinuviun wurlords who movcd
ulong hc wucrwuys bcwccn hc Bulic, Bluck, und Cuspiun Scus
in hc ninh und cnh ccnurics und csublishcd hcmsclvcs umong
hc nuivc, muinly lus Sluvic ribcs. I wus no lcss ruc lor hcir
Sluvicizcd dcsccnduns ol hc clcvcnh und wcllh ccnurics, cspc-
ciully hc prolilcruing dcsccnduns ol Volodimcr I ol Kicv (c.
qo1o1j), who hud csublishcd his lumily us hc princcly dynusy
ol Rus. Alhough sundurd hisorics ol mcdicvul Rus locus on hc
lormuion ol govcrning insiuions und burcuucrucics in hc lus
Sluvic principuliics hu urosc in hc prc-Mongol pcriod, us Simon
lrunklin und }onuhun Shcpurd rcccnly poincd ou in un impor-
un und much-nccdcd corrccivc o hc rudiionul mislcuding
cmphusis on suc building, rulcrship wus in luc dcpcndcn on u
scrics ol incrlocking ics bcwccn princcs, rcuincrs, und ownsmcn
hu rcquircd coninuul culculuion, brokcrugc, ullirmuion, und
Thc mos immcdiuc conccrn ol hc wurlord-princc wus hc hir-
ing und rccnion ol u rcinuc. lor, us Ccrmun cnvoys wcrc suid o
huvc old Princc Sviuosluv Iurosluvich ol Kicv in 1o,j, i is bccr
o huvc u rcinuc hun |gold, silvcr, und linc cloh|, lor wih mcn
you cun ucquirc cvcn morc wculh.
A rcliublc body ol rcuincrs
S. lrunklin und }. Shcpurd, The Emergence of Rus, , Longmun Hisory
ol Russiu (London und Ncw York, 1qq0), 1q,.
Thc so-cullcd Tale of Bygone Years (Povest vremennykh let), commonly rclcrrcd o
us hc Primury Chroniclc, which wus compilcd in hc Kicvun Cuvcs Monuscry
c. 111j, lucks u criicul cdiion. Rclcrcnccs hcrclorc urc givcn o is wo oldcs copics
wus csscniul lor succcsslul rulcrship. Wih u srong und suislicd
rcinuc u princc could sccurc ncw crriory und lrcsh sourccs ol rcv-
cnuc hrough cumpuigns und diplomucy, cxploi csublishcd srcums
ol rcvcnuc by collccing ribuc und lcvying uxcs, cxcnd uuhoriy
by plucing ruscd mcn us rcprcscnuivcs in owns undcr his swuy
und giving sons ovcr o rusworhy loscrcrs, und procc his owns
und domuin lrom cxcrnul uucks, puriculurly lrom hc nomudic
ribcs ol hc scppcs. A princc ulso nccdcd o dcvclop srong ics o
hc lcuding mcn ol his muin own, which wus hc criicul busc ol
suppor wihin his rcgion or domuin. This wus puriculurly urgcn
lor u princc who hud bccn ncwly ussigncd o u own by un cldcr
kinsmun und who migh no huvc uny prc-cxising links wih hc
own. luilurc o loscr rcluions wih hc mos signilicun ownsmcn
could lcud o rcqucss lor hc princcs rcmovul or o violcn cllors
o cxpcl him. Dcprivcd ol hc proccion ol u sockudcd own und is
pocniul sourccs ol wculh und munpowcr, u princc hud lcw choiccs
ohcr hun urning o his kinsmcn lor u ncw own or ucmping o
scizc onc by lorcc. linully, u srong wurbund und u lirm group ol
urbun supporcrs wcrc csscniul o u princc lor dclining his rcluions
vis--vis hc ohcr princcs in hc ruling lumily. This wus hc kcy
issuc us Volodimcrs dynusy cxpundcd rupidly, cnlurging hc licld
ol lcgiimuc cluimuns o uuhoriy in Kicv und ohcr subjcc
domuins. Would u princc bc suislicd wih hc own or domuin
which hc hud inhcricd or o which hc hud bccn ussigncd, or would
hc scck o chungc his suus und uuhoriy by usscring his cluim o
unohcr domuin or own. Il hc chosc hc lucr coursc, would hc
prcss his cusc hrough ncgoiuions or hrough violcncc.
This dilcmmu bccumc ucuc in hc lus hull ol hc clcvcnh ccn-
ury. Incr-princcly lruricidc hud lcl Volodimcr us hc solc rulcr ol
Rus lrom c. qo o 1o1j und his son Iurosluv us solc rulcr lrom
1o0 o 1oj. Iurosluv hud lollowcd rudiion und sclcd his sons
in hc muin owns ol Rus, bu ulcr his dcuh Iurosluvs sons und
grundsons curricd on u duul srugglc o dclcnd hc purimoniul
domuins buscd on hc muin owns in which hcy hud rcsidcd undcr
Iurosluv und o usscr u cluim o Kicv, in which Iurosluv hud rcsidcd.
Scholurs huvc long usscrcd hu hcrc wus u clcur-cu syscm ol
succcssion o hc hronc ol Kicv und hc ohcr owns ol hc Middlc
Dnicpcr rcgion. In hcir opinion, his syscm is rcllcccd in hc so-
cullcd Tcsumcn ol Iurosluv lound in hc Primury Chroniclcs
cnry lor hc ycur 1oj, which dcpics Iurosluv us ussigning on hc
1 Paul A. Hollingsworth
busis ol scnioriy Kicv o Iziusluv, Chcrnigov o Sviuosluv,
Pcrciusluvl o Vscvolod, Volodimcr o Igor, und Smolcnsk o
Viuchcsluv, und in hc rcuy ol Liubcch in 1oq,, which ulcr hrcc
dccudcs ol incrmicn wurlurc conlirmcd Iziusluvs son Sviuopolk
in Kicv, Sviuosluvs sons in Chcrnigov, und Vscvolods son
Volodimcr Monomukh in Pcrciusluvl.
I uppcurs morc likcly, how-
cvcr, hu hc incr-princcly conllics hu plugucd Rus ulcr 1o0,
whcn Iurosluvs sons hud hcir lirs lulling ou, urosc prcciscly
bccuusc hcrc wus no dcliniivc syscm in opcruion wihin his
young und cxpunding dynusy, und hu boh Iurosluvs Tcsumcn
und hc urrungcmcn ol Liubcch should bc rcgurdcd no us rcllcc-
ions ol un ucuul syscm ol succcssion und ussignmcns bu ruhcr
us imporun momcns in hc rough und olcn violcn proccss by
which hc princcs ucmpcd o sor ou compcing cluims us o how
hc muin owns ol Rus should bc shurcd ou.
Oncc succcsslully ncgoiucd, u princcs rcluions wih his sup-
porcrs, ullics, und cvcn pocniul rivuls nccdcd o bc ucknowlcdgcd
visibly und uccd ou sociully hrough vurious public riuuls und
wih hc hclp ol gcsurcs lumiliur o uny rcudcr ol such norhcrn
works us Beowulf und hc Heimskringla. lor hc princc, lor cxumplc,
hc opcn giving ol gils o rcuincrs und ownsmcn wus csscniul;
hcsc gils could bc us grund us u grun ol u own wih is rcvcnucs
or us inimuc (bu no lcss symbolicully signilicun) us u piccc ol
jcwcllcry. So oo u princc wus rcquircd o bolscr his sunding
wihin his owns by conspicuous ucs ol gcncrosiy, such us hc
holding ol lcuss in his dvorhc lcnccd complcx ol buildings hu
includcd hc Rus cquivulcn ol hc mcud hull. lor hcir pur, rcuin-
crs und ownsmcn wcrc obligcd o providc scrviccs, such us cum-
puigning wih hc princc, uccompunying him o collcc ribuc (hc
Rus vcrsion ol hc royul progrcss), ucing us his locul rcprcscnu-
ivcs, und ruising his sons.
Holy men and political space 1q
hc lourccnh-ccnury Luurcniun Chroniclc, Polnoie sobraniie russkikh letopisei (hcrc-
ulcr PSRL), vol. 1, znd cdn. (Lcningrud, 1qz0), und hc lilccnh-ccnury Hypuiun
Chroniclc, ibid., vol. z, znd cdn. (S Pccrsburg, 1qo). lor his cnry, scc ibid., i,
1qq; ii, 1qqo.
Thc mos nuunccd und pcrsuusivc urgumcn lor his poin ol vicw is givcn by
N. Kollmunn, Collucrul Succcssion in Kicvun Rus , in l. l. Sysyn (cd.), Adelphotes:
A Tribute to Omeljan Pritsak by his Students Harvard Ukrainian Studies, 1 (1qqo),
lrunklin und Shcpurd, The Emergence of Rus, zjq, z0j0.
During hc proccsscs by which hcsc rcluionships wcrc urrungcd
und ucknowlcdgcd hc vurious purics jockcycd o uriculuc und
projcc hcir cxpccuions ol propcr bchuviour on cuch ohcr, hop-
ing o lock in hcir uchicvcmcns hrough hc sociul pcrlormuncc ol
hc ncgoiucd conruc. Alhough obliguions wcrc crcucd on ull
sidcs, hc princc in puriculur wus cnmcshcd in u complcx ncwork
ol cxpccuions us hc conlroncd hc rclcnlcss und consun prcs-
surc o dclinc his ncwork ol supporcrs. Purudoxicully, hc vcry
rcluions ncccssury lor rulcrship ulso workcd o rcsruin his lrccdom
ol ucion. Thc princc wus cxpcccd o lovc his rcinuc grculy und
spurc hcm ncihcr propcry nor drink nor lood.
A princc who did
no show umbiion in prcssing his cluims uguins ohcr princcs
riskcd ubundonmcn, us huppcncd o Boris whcn hc chosc hc puh
ol ncgoiuion und subordinuion und no ol conlronuion wih his
cldcr hull-brohcr Sviuopolk lollowing hc dcuh ol hcir luhcr
Volodimcr in 1o1j.
A princc riskcd dcscrion by his rcuincrs lor
no kccping his promiscs, showing uppropriuc gcncrosiy, or bcing
scnsiivc o hcir public honour, us huppcncd o Volodimcr, who
scizcd Kicv in ubou qo lrom his brohcr Iuropolk, und hcn suw
his rcuincrs dcpur lor Consuninoplc whcn hc luilcd o puy hcm.
A princc wus cxpcccd o srivc lor conscnsus in dccision-muking by
consuling wih his rcuincrs bclorc uking ucion und hccding hcir
counscl und incrcss, us Igor did wih his rcinuc in q bclorc
muking pcucc wih Byzunium,
und us Volodimcr did wih his rc-
inuc und hc own cldcrs in q bclorc rcjccing Islum, }uduism,
und Luin Chrisiuniy in luvour ol ucccping Chrisiuniy lrom
A princc wus cxpcccd o sulcguurd his own und
domuin lrom cxcrnul uuck, puriculurly lrom hc nomudic ribcs
ol hc scppcs, ohcrwisc hc riskcd cxpulsion lor luilurc o dcul wih
hc hrcu udcquucly, us huppcncd o Princc Iziusluv ol Kicv in
1o0, whcn hc mcn ol Kicv drovc him ou ulcr hc rcluscd o urm
hcm during u ruid by hc Cumuns.
Thc coming ol Chrisiuniy o Rus did no lundumcnully ulcr
hc nuurc ol rulcrship in lus Sluvic crriory. Princcs sill nccdcd
o crcuc wurbunds und o loscr rcluions wih ownsmcn. Bu hc
1qo Paul A. Hollingsworth
Thus, hc nccrology lor Princc Msisluv ol Chcrnigov in hc Primury
Chroniclcs cnry lor hc ycur 1o0: PSRL i, 1jo; ii, 1.
Ibid., i, 1z; ii, 11.
Ibid., i, ,q; ii, 00.
Ibid., i, j0; ii, j.
Ibid., i, 1o0; ii, q.
Ibid., i, 1,o1; ii, 10o.
growing prcscncc ol churchmcn in hcir owns rcshupcd hc soci-
cul spucc in which ucs ol rulcrship ook plucc by udding u ncw und
cnduring ncwork ol rcluions und u lrcsh und cxrcmcly powcrlul
sc ol cxpccuions hu un lus Sluvic princc hud o ukc ino con-
sidcruion us hc sough o dclinc his circlc ol supporcrs und solid-
ily und cxcnd his uuhoriy in his own or domuin.
A hcur, hc rcluions bcwccn princcs und churchmcn wcrc
lundumcnully disinc lrom hosc bcwccn princcs und rcuincrs,
und in wuys hu pcrmuncnly rcshupcd Rus socicy. In hc lirs
plucc, ol coursc, hc churchmcn rcprcscncd hc holy. Lnlikc rcuin-
crs in u wurbund, who rclicd lurgcly on hc umbiions und gcn-
crosiy ol hc princc lor wculh und suus, hc churchmcn cnjoycd
prcsigc und un indcpcndcn sociul suus dcrivcd lrom hc churismu
ol rcprcscning hc sucrcd. Morcovcr, hc churchmcn rcprcscncd
hu noion ol hc holy bchind which hc ruling dynusy hud hrown
is prcsigc und puronugc. Volodimcrs bupism in q in Chcrson,
immcdiucly lollowcd by his dcsrucion in Kicv ol hc shrinc ol hc
pugun god Pcrun und hc crccion ol u church dcdicucd o S Busil,
cmphuicully signullcd hc rcoricnuion ol hc ruling lumilys rcli-
gious bclicls lrom pugunism o Chrisiuniy. This u oncc pluccd hc
Byzuninc churchmcn whom Volodimcr brough buck o Kicv lrom
Chcrson und ull ol hcir succcssors, Byzuninc und Rus, u hc hcur
ol whu ldwurd Shils dclincs us hc zonc ol vulucs und bclicls und
hc rculm ol ucion hu dclinc und govcrn u socicys ccnrc,
hcncclorh mudc hcm purncrs wih hc princcs in bcuring hc ccn-
rul bclicl syscm ol Rus socicy.
This purncrship wus muuully rcinlorcing. On hc onc hund, hc
viuliy ol Chrisiuniy in hc Middlc Dnicpcr rcgion dcpcndcd on
princcly puronugc. lrom hc momcn hu Volodimcr buil hc
Church ol hc Mohcr ol Cod in hc qqos, guvc i ovcr o hc
Byzuninc Bishop Anususios, und cndowcd i wih u ihc ol his rcv-
cnucs, hc pucrn wus csublishcd whcrcby hc churchmcn would
bc supporcd primurily ou ol hc princcs wculh. So oo hc sprcud
ol Chrisiuniy bcyond Kicv dcpcndcd in grcu mcusurc on princcly
promoion. As cxcuvuions ol gruvcsics huvc rcvculcd, Chrisiuniy
llourishcd in prc-Mongol Rus primurily whcrc bishops uppcurcd
wih hcir cupuciy lor locul promoion und orgunizuion,
Holy men and political space 1q1
The Constitution of Society (Chicugo, 1qz), q.
lrunklin und Shcpurd, The Emergence of Rus, zz.
bishoprics wcrc usuully crcucd in hosc owns hu wcrc mudc prcs-
igious cnough by hc prcscncc ol u srong und signilicun mcmbcr
ol hc dynusy.
On hc ohcr hund, hc prcscncc ol hcsc bishops pluycd un
imporun rolc in solidilying hc posiion ol hc Rus princcs in hcir
owns. Chrisiuniy cncrcd Rus u u imc whcn Volodimcrs
dynusy wus only bcginning o csublish iscll in lus Sluvic crri-
ory. Volodimcr hud sclcd his wclvc sons in vurious owns, bu
duc o prcmuurc dcuhs und hc incr-princcly lruricidc ol
1o1j1q, i wus only undcr Iurosluv hu princcs bcgun o crcuc
lusing ics o spccilic owns. Thc coming ol Chrisiuniy ollcrcd u
princc vcry public wuys o pu his sump on his ncw own und o
pu i on hc mup ol Rus. Volodimcr sc hc cxumplc immcdiucly
ulcr his bupism by building hc Tihc Church und by bcing buricd
in i. His sons lollowcd his lcud: Iurosluv buil hc mugniliccn
Church ol S Sophiu in Kicv, in which hc und his son Vscvolod
(princc ol Kicv lrom 1o, o 1oq) wcrc buricd, whilc Msisluv
crcccd hc sonc Church ol hc Trunsliguruion in Chcrnigov, in
which hc wus buricd in 1o0 und Iurosluvs son Sviuosluv oo in
1o,0. As Iurosluvs sons und grundsons sprcud hroughou lus
Sluvic crriory, hcy oo loundcd musonry cuhcdruls in hc down-
owns ol hcir domuins und mudc hcm lumily churchcs hrough
buriuls. lxcuvuion hus shown hu hc lounduion ol such musonry
churchcs usuully coincidcd wih hc rcign ol u powcrlul princc und
hc iniiuion ol u progrummc ol monumcnul consrucion, includ-
ing srong rumpurs, which olcn hud morc o do wih hc princcs
dcsirc lor prcsigc hun wih hc owns cconomic imporuncc.
crccing hcsc churchcs und puronizing hc churchmcn who sullcd
hcm, hc princcs wcrc no simply unnouncing hu hcy wcrc
hrowing hcir prcsigc und uuhoriy bchind hc ncwly cmbruccd
rcligion, hcy ulso wcrc muking pluin hcir cnduring commimcn
o hu puriculur own und is rcgion.
Sccond, us rcprcscnuivcs ol hc holy, hc churchmcn conrollcd
hc usccndun sucrcd spucc ol Rus owns. As hc ccclcsiusicul hicr-
urchy ol Chrisiuniy sprcud hroughou lus Sluvic crriory, i
ucquircd u lixcd physicul prcscncc in hc owns ol Rus in hc lorm
ol churchcs und monuscrics. Churchcs buil ol imbcr wcrc mos
common, bu hc crccion ol lurgc musonry churchcs wus u puric-
1qz Paul A. Hollingsworth
P. A. Ruppopor, Building the Churches of Kievan Russia (Aldcrsho, 1qqj), zo.
ulurly powcrlul sucmcn ol pcrmuncncc und promincncc in owns
consising ol curhcn rumpurs und docd by onc- und wo-sorcy
woodcn buildings. Thcsc lounduions mudc hc holy ucccssiblc und
sulicn on un unprcccdcncd sculc. Wc know lilc ol pugun suncu-
urics in prc-Chrisiun Rus. Yc onc nccd only compurc Volodimcrs
lirs known sucmcn ol rcligious udhcrcncc, u scrics ol woodcn
suucs ol pugun gods crcccd on u hill ncur his dvor in Kicv, wih
his son Iurosluvs grcucs building projcc, hc Cuhcdrul ol S
Sophiu, u musonry church locucd in Kicvs ccnrul squurc, o scc
un cmphuic sucmcn ol uspiruion und cmincncc on bchull ol hc
ncw rcligion. Is sizc (j.0 1., mcrcs) und hcigh (z.0 mcrcs)
wcrc unmuchcd by uny ohcr locul building. Nor wus hc holy con-
lincd wihin hc wulls ol churchcs und monusic cnclosurcs. Thc
churchmcn could movc ou ol hcir lixcd csublishmcns und crcuc
sucrcd spuccby, lor cxumplc, cmporurily sucrulizing hc srccs ol
u own wih u proccssion. linully, his sucrcd spucc wus ulso mobilc:
i could bc brough ino scculur spucc in hc lorm ol u living holy
mun, such us hc monusic supcrior lcodosii who lrcqucncd hc
dvory ol scvcrul Kicvun princcs und noublcs, or in hc lorm ol u
cross, which ligurcd so promincnly in ccrcmonics ol ouh-uking.
Third, hc churchmcn ol Rus posscsscd u scnsc ol communiy
hu runsccndcd kin groups, owns, und domuins. A rcuincr or
ownsmun hud o ncgoiuc onc-on-onc wih u princc, druwing lor
sociul lcvcrugc on his own pcrsonul uuhoriy, sourccs ol wculh, or
ubiliy o mobilizc ohcr mcn; hc migh cvcn rcprcscn u lurgc kin
group, u ncwork ol mcrchuns, or pcrhups cvcn u own. A church-
mun, in conrus, wus ulwuys incgrucd wihin u communiy ol
clcrics, who hud u scnsc ol collcciviy wihin Rus und who ulso lcl
hcmsclvcs, cvcn hough hcy hud bccn convcrcd u hc clcvcnh
hour und in u lund rcmoc lrom hc Mcdicrruncun, o bc pur ol
Chrisiun hisory und Chrisiun gcogruphy. Bupism und onsurc,
puricipuion in hc liurgicul hours, journcys o Moun Ahos, und
pilgrimugcs o hc Holy Lundin hcsc und muny ohcr wuys hc
churchmcn ol Rus ucquircd u shurcd rcligious lunguugc, sc ol
symbols, und incrcss, und lormcd collccivcly u srong scnsc ol scll-
idcniy und soliduriy.
This communiy hud lcudcrship und un orgunizuionul lrumc-
work wihou prcccdcn in Rus. By hc curly wcllh ccnury hc
ccclcsiusicul srucurc ol Rus consiscd ol hc Kicvun mcropoliun
und bishops in Chcrnigov, Pcrciusluvl, Novgorod, Bclgorod,
Holy men and political space 1q
Volodimcr (Volhyniu), Iuricv, Rosov, und Turov,
o which
should bc uddcd hc supcriors ol hc muin monuscrics ol lus Sluvic
crriory, mos ol which wcrc cluscrcd in hc clcvcnh ccnury in
hc urcu ol Kicv. Thcsc church lcudcrs kncw cuch ohcr; muny hud
bccn onsurcd or cducucd in hc sumc monuscrics. Thcir ics wcrc
rcinlorccd on kcy occusions such us church councils, runsluions ol
rclics, und luncruls ol promincn princcs und clcrics. Thc solidiy ol
hcsc links und hc ubiliy o up ino hc lull rungc ol Chrisiun sym-
bols und ccrcmonics und o mobilizc ohcr churchmcn ullowcd hc
churchmcn o projcc cxpccuions corporucly und consiscnly
ucross hc owns ol Rus.
linully, hc churchmcn hud un ugcndu: hc rcshuping ol Rus
socicy. A rcuincrs ncgoiuions wih u princc rcvolvcd uround his
own incrcss or hosc ol his lumily, clun, guild, or own. Thc rclu-
ionship could uccoun lor sociul chungc, pcrhups in wculh or su-
us or posiion, bu his wus individuulizcd chungc, which dcpcndcd
on bcing uccd ou wihin u lurgcr unchungcd suus quo. Thc
churchmcn, howcvcr, wcrc vcry consciously rying o crcuc u
Chrisiun socicy in Rus, us sccn in hc Sermon on Law and Grace,
un opimisic und cnhusiusic puncgyric o Volodimcr wricn und
dclivcrcd in ubou 1ojo by hc nuivc Rus churchmun Ilurion
(Bchold Chrisiuniy growing!).
In pursui ol hu goul, hcy hud
u hcir disposul un imprcssivc urruy ol physicul spuccs, liurgicul
rics, und sociul riuuls lor dclining und cxprcssing mcmbcrship in
hc Chrisiun communiy.
No surprisingly, much ol hcir prosclyizing cllors, or u lcus us
much us wc scc in hc sourccs, locuscd on hc princcs und hcir
rcuincrs. Thcrc is lilc cvidcncc hu hc churchmcn conduccd
ucivc missionury work umong hc puguns ol lus Sluvic crriory,
bu hcrc is u grcu dcul ol cvidcncc hu hcy workcd hurd o
Chrisiunizc hc Chrisiuns ol Rus, puriculurly hc princcly lumily
on whosc uuhoriy hcy dcpcndcd o dclinc und buck up hcir
incomc busc, lcgul suus, ccclcsiusicul jurisdicion, und sociul
sunding. Ccruinly hcy hopcd hu hcir work would producc
princcs likc Iurosluv, who lovcd ccclcsiusicul suucs und grculy
1q Paul A. Hollingsworth
A. Poppc, Dic Mcropolicn und lurscn dcr Kicvcr Rus , in C. Podskulsky,
Christentum und theologische Literatur in der Kiever Rus () (Munich, 1qz),
zoz1, u z1.
Now uvuilublc in hc cxccllcn runsluion by S. lrunklin, Sermons and Rhetoric
of Kievan Rus, HLlLL j (1qq1), zq.
lovcd pricss, cspcciully monks, und likc Volodimcr Monomukh,
who lovcd hc mcropoliun, bishops, und supcriors, cspcciully hc
monusic runk
und who udviscd his sons o go o church lirs
hing in hc morning bclorc uking counscl wih hcir rcuincrs, rcn-
dcring jusicc, or huning; o puronizc churchmcn und pruy
nighly; o ubidc by ouhs ukcn on hc cross; o curc lor pcoplc in
nccd, widows, orphuns; und o kill no Chrisiun.
As hc churchmcn, uidcd by hc puronugc ol hc princcs, dcvcl-
opcd hcir own urbun sociul ncworks, workcd ou und promocd
hcir own locul privilcgcs und conccrns, und ook on hc rolc ol sulc-
guurding hc wcllurc ol hc luihlul who rullicd o hcir purish
churchcs und monuscrics, hcy cumc o rcprcscn u lormidublc
prcscncc wihin u princcs own hu hc could no ullord o ncglcc,
lcs hcy bccomc rullying poins hu could undcrminc his uuhor-
iy. lor cxumplc, u princc pursuing unpopulur cconomic gouls could
lind u churchmun bcing uskcd by ownsmcn o uc us u locul poin
lor opposiion, or u princc who cncrouchcd on unohcr princcs
own or scizcd i by lorcc could lind himscll conlroncd by hc rcsis-
uncc ol u locul churchmun who hud puronugc ics wih hc
ollcndcd or cxpcllcd princc. This poscd puriculur problcms lor hc
princc whcn hc opposiion cumc lrom u holy mun, who could
ground his criicism in hc churismu ol hc sucrcd und buck i up
wih hc suppor ol his own rcuincrs, including luymcn icd o hc
monuscry by lumily (muny monks wcrc loculs und lrom noublc
lumilics) or ucs ol dcvoion. This is bcs ucscd in hc sourccs lor
hc rcluions bcwccn u succcssion ol princcs ol Kicv und hc holy
mcn ol hc Cuvcs Monuscry, which wus locucd u shor wulk souh
ol Kicvs rumpurs, jus lur cnough ino hc wildcrncss o bc ou-
sidc hc princcs muin urbun spucc bu closc cnough o Kicv und hc
princcly rcsidcncc u Bcrcsovo o cxcr u srong gruviuionul pull
on cvcns in Kicv und hc cour. In 1o,, lor cxumplc, hc supcrior
lcodosii condcmncd Princc Sviuosluv Iurosluvich ol Chcrnigov lor
cxpclling his cldcr brohcr Iziusluv lrom Kicv und rcluscd his invi-
uion o huvc dinncr in hc princcs dvor und ukc pur in hcir
unrighcous dclibcruions, hcrculcr criicizing Sviuosluv us u
brohcr-hucr hrough incrmcdiurics und lccrs.
Thrcc dccudcs
Holy men and political space 1qj
lor Iurosluv, scc PSRL i, 1j1; ii, 1q. lor Volodimcr Monomukh, scc ibid., i,
z0; ii, z.
Ibid., i, zj,.
Kyjevo-Pecherskyi Pateryk, cd. D. Abrumovych (Kicv, 1qo), 00,; r.
M. Hcppcl, The Paterik of the Kievan Caves Monastery, HLlLL 1 (1qq), ,0.
lucr hc monk Prokhors ubiliy o urn ushcs ino sul und o dis-
ribuc i o hc populuion dirccly undcrcu rcvcnuc lrom hc sul
monopoly hu Princc Sviuopolk Iziusluvich ol Kicv (1oq111j)
hud ucquircd und wus cxploiing, und sirrcd hc princc (who hud
ulrcudy imprisoncd onc monusic supcrior lor publicly uccusing him
ol uvuricc whcn hc wus princc in Turov) ino ploing uguins
As uccd ou sociully, hc consrucion ol rcluions bcwccn hc
princcs und hc churchmcn llowcd ulong hc sumc lincs us hc lor-
muion ol ics bcwccn princcs und rcuincrs und ownsmcn. Thc
links bcwccn princcs und hc churchmcn who rcsidcd in or ncur
hcir urbun spucc wcrc buil up hrough dircc, lucc-o-lucc conucs
und hcn ullirmcd hrough visiblc displuys ol puronugc und gil-
giving, such us hc crccion ol churchcs, hc gruning ol lunds und
hc cndowmcn ol monuscrics, und hc lunding ol urisic dccoru-
ions. This could bc cxprcsscd in un ovcrurching uc ol puronugc,
such us hc issuuncc ol church suucs (hc lirs urc uribucd o
Volodimcr und Iurosluv) hu csublishcd hc churchs rcvcnucs
buscd on hc ihc. Morc olcn in hc sourccs i is dcpiccd in hc
lorm ol gils o individuul churchmcn. This usuully rcquircd hc
princc o lcuvc his dvor und comc o hc churchmun. Oncc uguin
his is bcs documcncd wih rcgurd o hc Cuvcs Monuscry, hc
Paterik ol which conuins u scrics ol sccncs in which hc princcs urc
dcpiccd us loscring rcluions wih individuul monks hrough pcr-
sonul ucnion, conspicuous gil-giving, und public displuys ol solic-
ious picy. Such u commimcn ol imc, rcsourccs, und public
honour wus puriculurly imporun il u princc wuncd o dclusc hc
opposiion ol u holy mun o hc vcry luc ol his rulcrship or o
unpopulur uspccs ol i. Sviuosluv, lor cxumplc, ulcr scizing Kicv
lrom Iziusluv sough o mollily lcodosiis ungcr by pcrsonully visi-
ing him u hc Cuvcs Monuscry und luciliuing hc consrucion ol
is grcu musonry Church ol hc DormiionSviuosluv providcd hc
lund und pcrsonully hclpcd o dig hc lounduions.
Sviuopolk oo
cvcnuully won ovcr hc monk Prokhor hrough puronugc ol hc
monuscry und mudc pluin his displuy ol pcnicncc, hc solidiy ol
hcir rcconciliuion, und his hopc lor u coninucd rcluionship ulcr
Prokhors dcuh by currying hc monks body o is gruvc.
1q0 Paul A. Hollingsworth
Kyjevo-Pecherskyi Pateryk, cd. Abrumovych, 1j1; r. Hcppcl, 1,z.
Ibid., cd. Abrumovych, 0,q; r. Hcppcl, ,0.
Ibid., cd. Abrumovych, 1jj; r. Hcppcl, 1,.
hcir pur, hc churchmcn rcspondcd wih scrviccs, including uc-
ing us spiriuul luhcrs und blcssing huning cxpcdiions und cum-
puigns uguins hc nomuds, und so on. Thc Tcsumcn uribucd
o Volodimcr Monomukh nculy cncupsulucs hc rcluionship:
Rcccivc in lovc blcssings lrom bishops, pricss, und monusic supcr-
iors, und do no kccp disun lrom hcm, bu lovc und cnd o hcm
us much us you cun, so hu you will rcccivc u pruycr lrom Cod
hrough hcm.
By puronizing hc churchmcn hc princcs opcncd hcmsclvcs up
o u ncw und highly dcmunding sc ol rcligious cxpccuions, which
hc churchmcn rcinlorccd hrough hcir pcrsonul conucs und dur-
ing hc princcs puricipuion in liurgicul lilc. Morcovcr, hc princcs
commicd hcmsclvcs o munilcsing hcir suppor lor Chrisiuniy
in sociul ucs. This oo slippcd comlorubly ino hc cusomury wuys
in which u princc ucmpcd o loscr und muinuin his rcpuuion
und uuhoriy wihin his own. Volodimcr, lor cxumplc, is suid o
huvc kcp up his cusom ol hosing bunqucs bu hc ook o hold-
ing hcm on Sunduys, inviing o his dvor his rcuincrs und hc own
noublcs (prcsumubly ulcr liurgy u hc Tihc Church, which wus
buil ulongsidc his cour).
(lvcn hcsc Chrisiunizcd bunqucs
could no uvoid hc rculiics ol sociul suus buscd on public displuys
ol hc princcs luvour: on onc occusion, uccording o hc chroniclc,
Volodimcrs rcuincrs compluincd bccuusc hcy hud bccn givcn
woodcn und no silvcr spoons wih which o cu.)
In hc poliicul sphcrc his rcsulcd in u rclormuion und widcn-
ing ol hc rudiionul physicul und psychic spuccs in which hc
princcs culculucd, concscd, und rcpuircd hc muin rcluionships ol
rulcrship. This proccss is rcllcccd mos visibly in hc promincn rolc
pluycd by churchmcn in mcdiuing und dclusing scculur conllic,
cspcciully incr-princcly rivulry. Prc-Chrisiun Rus socicy did no
dillcr lrom ohcr norhcrn socicics: his wus u world ol blood lcuds.
Noc hc opcning uriclc ol hc lirs Rus luw codc, which is urib-
ucd o hc rcign ol Iurosluv (1o1qj): Il u mun kills u mun |hc
lollowing rcluivcs ol hc murdcrcd mun muy uvcngc him|, hc
brohcr is o uvcngc his brohcr; hc son, his luhcr; or hc luhcr,
his son; und hc son ol hc brohcr |ol hc murdcrcd mun| or hc
son ol his siscr, |hcir rcspccivc unclc|.
Ncw lcuds could urisc
suddcnly, or long-simmcring rivulrics und rcscnmcns could llurc
Holy men and political space 1q,
PSRL i, zj.
Ibid., i, 1z0; ii, 11o11.
Tr. C. Vcrnudsky, Medieval Russian Laws (Ncw York, 1q,q), z0.
up wihou wurning. lvcn smull lcuds could huvc grcu consc-
qucnccs. lor cxumplc, Princc Iuropolk ol Kicv (q,o) wus suid o
huvc uuckcd und killcd his brohcr Olcg ulcr bcing cggcd on by
his rcuincr Svcinuld, who wus sccking vcngcuncc lor Olcgs mur-
dcr ol Svcinulds son ovcr u huning dispuc.
Thc pussionuc
invcnivcncss und crucly wih which Princcss Olgu, rcgcn ol Kicv
(c. qj0z), wus suid o huvc ukcn vcngcuncc on hc Dcrcvliuniun
princc und noblcs who hud murdcrcd hcr husbund, Igor, should
no surprisc uny rcudcr ol Njals Saga.
Churchmcn hroughou hc norhcrn world, in socicics us
sccmingly disinc us mcdicvul Icclund und modcrn Moncncgro
luccd hc sumc hursh sociul rculiics hu hcy conlroncd in Rus.
Thcy did no, ol coursc, undcrsund hcsc conllics, likc modcrn
unhropologiss, us mcchunisms lor hc rcguluion ol suus und
wculh in prcmodcrn socicics. Inscud, hcy locuscd on hc dungcrs
ol unchcckcd lcuding umong hc princcly kinsmcn, which ook u
hcuvy oll on hc owns und villugcs ol Rus und poscd u consun
dircc hrcu o hc hurmony ol hc uriliciul kin group lormcd by
hc Chrisiuns ol Rus. As imporun, hcy ulso suw hc lcuding us
un impcdimcn o hc colluboruivc cllor nccdcd lrom hc princcs o
conlron hc cxcrnul hrcus o Rus, cspcciully lrom hc nomudic
Turkic ribcs ol hc scppcs. lor hcsc rcusons, hc surviving licrury
sourccs lor prc-Mongol Rus hisory urc dominucd by hc church-
mcns conccrn ovcr princcly rivulrics und hcir cllors o muinuin
hurmony umong hc princcs und hcir rcinucs. Thc churchmcn
succcsslully inroduccd hcmsclvcs ino his sphcrc ol socicy
bccuusc hcy ook on hc rudiionul rolcs ol brokcr und pcucc-
mukcrcusomury und ncccssury luncions in u socicy murkcd by
lcuding. As puguns hc Rus hud lookcd o hc holy o bcur wincss
o ouhs, so i is no surprising hu us Chrisiuns hc princcs, rcuin-
crs, und ownsmcn lookcd o churchmcn und hc ncw holy hu
hcy rcprcscncd o mcdiuc dispucs und vuliduc sclcmcns uimcd
u cnding cyclcs ol violcncc. lor hc churchmcn, howcvcr, his wus
u mucr, no simply ol pcrlorming u viul sociul luncion, bu ulso
ol ucmping o conuin und cvcn cnd hc cyclcs ol violcncc gcncr-
ucd by pcrsonul or princcly lcuds, us sccn in hcir involvcmcn in
1q Paul A. Hollingsworth
PSRL i, ,; ii, 0z.
Ibid., i, jq; ii, 0.
}. Byock, Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas, and Power (Bcrkclcy, 1q), 1j.
rcvising hc luw codcs ol hc Rus.
Alhough Iurosluvs luw codc
hud ullowcd lor blood lcuds, hc luw codc promulgucd by his sons
in 1o,z ouluwcd hcm, subsiuing inscud lincs lor ollcnccs o
pcrsons, propcry, und honour.
Thc cllors ol hc churchmcn o mcdiuc rivulrics und conllics
und work owurd rcconciling princcs ook wo muin lorms. lirs, hc
churchmcn ucivcly cncrcd princcly spucc, puing hcir own
prcsigc on hc linc und inroducing hc holy ino hc poliicul cul-
culuions. Thc prcscncc ol churchmcn in ncgoiuions crcucd con-
sidcrublc prcssurc on hc purics o rcuch un uccommoduion or clsc
lucc hc sociul conscqucnccs ol bcing sccn o bc rcjccing hc
churchmcns counscl und, by cxcnsion, hc will ol Cod. So in
1oq0, Sviuopolk Iziusluvich ol Kicv und Volodimcr Monomukh ol
Pcrciusluvl uskcd hcir cousin Olcg Sviuosluvich ol Chcrnigov o
comc o Kicv und o ugrcc bclorc hc bishops, monusic supcriors,
mcn ol our luhcrs, und ownsmcn o conduc u cumpuign uguins
hc nomuds, o which Olcg rcorcd, i is no liing lor mc o bc
judgcd by bishops, supcriors, und commoncrs.
In 1o00, hc
ownsmcn ol Tmuorokun scn hc monusic supcrior Nikon o
incrccdc wih Sviuosluv ol Chcrnigov so hu hc lucr would scnd
his son Clcb o hcm us princc (Nikon himscll cscorcd Clcb buck o
In 1oq,, hc ownsmcn ol Kicv scn Mcropoliun
Nicholus o conduc ncgoiuions wih Volodimcr Monomukh o cnd
hc princcly lcuding hu hud llurcd up ulcr Sviuopolk ol Kicv hud
blindcd Vusilko ol Tcrcbovl.
In 11z,, hc monusic supcrior
Crigorii ol S Andrcws Monuscry convcncd u church council hu
succcsslully ncgoiucd u sclcmcn bcwccn Princc Msisluv
Volodimcrovich ol Kicv (11zjz) und Princc Vscvolod Olgovich,
dcspic prcssurc on Msisluv lrom his cousin Iurosluv, who hud
bccn drivcn ou ol his own ol Chcrnigov by Vscvolod.
Sccond, hc churchmcn mudc hcir sucrcd spucc uvuilublc us u
mcuns o uvoid dispucs, prcvcn lurhcr oncs, und o providc u
lorum lor cxprcssions ol co-opcruion. Monuscrics, lor cxumplc,
bccumc ncurul crriorics lor princcs who opcd ou, or wcrc opcd
ou, ol princcly rivulrics. In 1ojq, Iurosluvs hrcc sons libcrucd
Holy men and political space 1qq
Scc Kniazheskiie ustavy i tserkov v drevnei Rusi, cd. Iu. N. Shchupov (Moscow,
1q,z), o,11.
PSRL i, zzqo; ii, zzo.
Kyjevo-Pecherskyi Pateryk, cd. Abrumovych, j; r. Hcppcl, j1.
PSRL i, z0; ii, z,.
Ibid., i, zq,; ii, zq1.
lrom prison hcir unclc Sudisluv ol Pskov (hcir grundluhcr
Volodimcrs lus surviving son) und hud him cncr u monuscry.
In 11o0, Sviuoshu, hc oldcs son ol Princc Duvid Sviuosluvovich
ol Chcrnigov (1oq011z) und oncc princc in Lusk, rcmovcd him-
scll lrom hc succcssion poliics ol his domuin by cncring hc Cuvcs
In 1oq, Volodimcr Monomukh mc his cousin
Sviuopolk Iziusluvich u hc Monuscry ol S Michucl in Kicv, whcrc
hcy sc usidc hcir rcccn dillcrcnccs ovcr Kicv (Sviuopolk hud suc-
cccdcd in Kicv ulcr hc dcuh ol Volodimcrs luhcr, Vscvolod) und
vowcd o cumpuign joinly uguins hc nomuds.
Thc cllors ol churchmcn pcrsonully o mcdiuc conllic und o
druw on hc holy o ullirm hurmony cun bc sccn mos visibly in hc
uccouns ol hc riuul ol hc kissing ol hc cross. Thc vcry lrcqucncy
wih which cross-kissing uppcurs in hc sourccs lor clcvcnh- und
wcllh-ccnury Rus csilics o hc prolound nccd wihin Rus socicy
lor mcchunisms o conuin hc hrcu ol violcncc or o dclusc i. I is
nocworhy hu his ccrcmony occurs in hc sourccs in undcm wih
hc lirs rcliublc mcnion ol u Chrisiun communiy on hc Dnicpcr
Rivcr. In qo,, uccording o hc oldcs Rus chroniclc, Princc Olcg lcd
hc ohcr chicluins ol lus Sluvic crriory on u cumpuign uguins
Byzunium, which cndcd in u rcuy ullirmcd in kccping wih
Byzuninc diplomuic prucicc by ouhs ukcn uccording o hc rcligion
ol cuch sidc: hc Byzuninc lmpcrors Lco VI und Alcxundcr sworc by
hc Cross und hc pugun Rus wurlords sworc by hcir wcupons und
hcir gods ol hundcr und culc, Pcrun und Volos, rcspccivcly.
wo gcncruions lucr, lollowing un uuck on Byzunium lcd by Princc
Igor und ohcr Rus wurlords, hc subscqucn rcuy sipulucd hu
hc Rus lcudcrs could swcur in Kicv o obscrvc hc rcuy in cihcr hc
rudiionul pugun munncr u hc suncuury ol Pcrun or hc Chrisiun
ccrcmony ol cross-kissing u hc Church ol S llijuh.
Hcrc in hc mid-cnh ccnury, hcrclorc, wc scc ull hc clcmcns
hu would comc o hc lorc in hc clcvcnh und wcllh ccnurics.
Onc ol hc mos imporun sociul riuuls ol pugun Rus socicyhc
lormul sculing ol un ugrccmcn hrough hc public swcuring ol
ouhshud bccn rccus in u Chrisiun concx: Cod hud bccn sub-
zoo Paul A. Hollingsworth
PSRL i, 10z; ii, 1j1.
Kyjevo-Pecherskyi Pateryk, cd. Abrumovych, 11; r. Hcppcl, 11.
PSRL i, z1q; ii, z1o.
Ibid., i, z; ii, z.
Ibid., i, jz; ii, 1z. Thc origins und prccisc locuion ol hc Church ol S
llijuh in Kicv urc unknown.
siucd lor Pcrun und hc cross lor hc sword in u ccrcmony mcdi-
ucd by u Chrisiun clcric und occurring in u lixcd poin ol Chrisiun
sucrcd spucc. In commiing hcir public honour o hc ncw
urrungcmcn, boh purics wuncd o srcss hc scriousncss ol hcir
dccluruion by invoking Cod us u wincss. In so doing, hcy wcrc
ucknowlcdging hc ccnrul mcssugc hu hc churchmcn brough o
ull hcir mcdiuing cllors, numcly hu hc purics should rccognizc
und rcuc uppropriucly o hc primucy ol divinc powcr. This mcs-
sugc is uriculucd mos lorcclully in hc chroniclcrs cllor o
cxpluin why in 1o0 Princc Iziusluv Iurosluvich wus cxpcllcd lrom
Kicv by his wo brohcrs, Sviuosluv ol Chcrnigov und Vscvolod ol
Pcrciusluvl, und why shorly hcrculcr hc nomudic Cumuns con-
duccd u dcvusuing ruid on Kicv:
Cod munilcscd hc powcr ol hc Cross, inusmuch us Iziusluv hud kisscd hc
cross und yc hud imprisoncd |Vscsluv ol Polosk|. Thcrclorc Cod provokcd
hc puguns incursion, lrom which hc vcncrublc Cross pluinly dclivcrcd us.
lor on hc duy ol hc lxuluion |ol hc Cross| Vscsluv sighcd und suid, O
vcncrublc Cross, inusmuch us I huvc bclicvcd in you, dclivcr mc lrom his
ubyss! Cod showcd hc powcr ol hc Cross us un udmoniion o hc lund ol
Rus hu hc who kisscs hc cross should no runsgrcss i. Il unyonc runs-
grcsscs i, hc shull bc punishcd hcrc und ccrnully in hc world o comc. lor
grcu is hc powcr ol hc Cross. Through hc Cross dcmonic lorccs urc
dclcucd. Through hc Cross our princcs urc uidcd in bulc. Wih hc sign
ol hc Cross hc luihlul drivc uwuy hc dcvils minions. lor hc Cross swilly
dclivcrs lrom mislorunc hosc who cull upon i wih luih. Nohing crri-
lics dcmons us much us hc Cross.
Thc runslormuion cllcccd u hc ccnrc ol Rus socicy by hc
incrsccion ol hc rudiionul bcurcrs ol poliicul powcr und hc ncw
rcprcscnuivcs ol hc holy und by hcir shurcd cllors o munugc
poliicul violcncc wus propcllcd und cvcn uccclcrucd by hc lirs und
mos widcsprcud suins cul ol Rus, which urosc in hc lirs gcn-
cruions ulcr Volodimcrs dccision o cmbrucc Chrisiuniy. Thc cul
originucd in u ypicul incidcn ol scculur srilc in hc norhcrn
world. Volodimcr, u vcry succcsslul wurlord und diplomu, rcpor-
cdly hud wclvc sons lrom scvcn wivcs. Whcn hc dicd in 1o1j, hc
wus succccdcd in Kicv by his cldcs surviving son, Sviuopolk (born
ol onc ol Volodimcrs wo Crcck wivcs), who movcd o incrcusc his
Holy men and political space zo1
Ibid., i, 1,z; ii, 101z.
chunccs ol holding Kicv by murdcring his vurious hull-brohcrs,
who hud bccn sclcd in Volodimcrs muin owns. Hc succccdcd in
killing Boris ol Murom und Clcb ol Rosov (lull brohcrs by
Volodimcrs Volgu Bulgur wilc) und Sviuosluv (born ol Volodimcrs
Czcch wilc) bclorc bcing vunquishcd himscll in 1o1q by Iurosluv ol
Novgorod (u son lrom Volodimcrs lirs wilc, hc duughcr ol u
Scundinuviun wurlord who hud sclcd in Polosk). According o ull
hc sourccs, Boris und Clcb, upon lcurning ol hcir luhcrs dcuh,
wcrc luccd wih hc opions ol concsing hc hronc ol Kicv or ol
ucccping hc cluims ol hcir cldcr kinsmun Sviuopolk. Alhough
urgcd by hcir rcuincrs o prcss hcir own cluims und posscssing hc
lorcc o do so (u lcus in hc cusc ol Boris, who wus rcurning lrom
cumpuigning wih Volodimcrs rcinuc), hcy chosc o mukc pcucc
wih Sviuopolk und wcrc murdcrcd lor hcir cllors.
Alhough hc prccisc origins ol hc cul ol Boris und Clcb rcmuin
obscurc, hcrc is no doub hu by hc middlc ol hc clcvcnh ccn-
ury somc sor ol rccogniion hu Boris und Clcb wcrc no mcrcly
vicims ol u lruricidul srugglc lor hc Kicvun hronc bu ruhcr
muryrs prcscn u Cods cour hud crysullizcd in connccion wih
hcir gruvcs ncur hc Church ol S Busil in Vyshcgorod (modcrn
Vyshhorod), u princcly rcsidcncc cn kilomcrcs norh ol Kicv. Thcir
suus us holy mcn wus publicly ullirmcd by hc lcuding princcs und
clcrics ol souhcrn Rus lirs in 1o,z, whcn hcir rclics wcrc runs-
lucd ino u woodcn church dcdicucd o hcm in Vyshcgorod, und
hcn uguin in 111j, whcn hcir rclics wcrc runslucd ino u lurgc
musonry church buil in hcir numc. Thc hugiogruphic imugc ol
Boris und Clcb wus lully uriculucd in u numbcr ol concmporunc-
ous licrury works, including hrcc chroniclc cnrics dcscribing hcir
muryrdom und hc wo runsluions ol hcir rclics, hrcc lull-lcngh
hugiogruphic works dcscribing hcir muryrdom und poshumous
miruclcs, und u liurgicul ollicc. An icon ol Boris und Clcb is mcn-
ioncd in onc ol hc hugiogruphic works wricn in ubou 1oo, und
urchucologiss huvc lound numcrous bronzc enkolpia und lcud sculs
wih hcir imugc duing lrom hc mcdicvul pcriod. llcvcn churchcs
dcdicucd o Boris und Clcb, u lcus scvcn ol which wcrc mudc ol
sonc, urc known o huvc cxiscd in Rus bclorc hc Mongol dcvus-
uion ol 1zo, und lour lcus duys in hcir mcmory wcrc lixcd in
Rus liurgicul culcndurs.
zoz Paul A. Hollingsworth
Thc mos usclul suring poins lor sudying hc cul ol Boris und Clcb urc
P. Hollingsworh (r.), The Hagiography of Kievan Rus, HLlLL z (1qqz), which
Muny dillcrcn hcorics huvc bccn ollcrcd o cxpluin why hc lirs
und mos signilicun suins cul in mcdicvul Rus urosc uround hc
vcncruion ol wo princcs murdcrcd in un incrnccinc scculur srug-
glc, bu ull ol hcm shurc u wo-icrcd modcl ol Rus socicy pu
lorh in hc hugiogruphic sourccs hcmsclvcs. In his purudigm, hc
vcncruion ol Boris und Clcb is un cxumplc ol populur rcligion: hc
pcoplc sponuncously rcspondcd o murvcllous signs und mirucu-
lous occurrcnccs u hc gruvcs ol Boris und Clcb und propcllcd hc
cmcrgcncc ol u cul, wih hc suppor ol pious scculur lcudcrs (lirs
Iurosluv und lucr his son und succcssor, Iziusluv) und in opposiion
o hc iniiully disbclicving clcricul uuhoriics (hc Byzuninc-
uppoincd Kicvun mcropoliuns Iounncs und lucr Ccorgios), who
cvcnuully wcrc won ovcr by rccciving uccouns ol miruclcs or by
obscrving cvidcncc ol hc princcs sunciy hcmsclvcs.
In gcncrul, scholurs lull ino onc ol wo groups dcpcnding on
which icr ol hc modcl hcy srcss. On hc onc hund urc scholurs
who rcu hc cul us u phcnomcnon ol vcncruion lrom bclow.
This upprouch urosc us curly us hc 1jos, ulong wih hc lirs
cllors o publish criicul cdiions ol hc hugiogruphicul cxs, und
busicully rcpcucd hc uccoun ol hc sourccs hcmsclvcs. I wus
dcvclopcd mos lully in prc-Rcvoluionury Russiun hisoriogruphy in
hc monumcnul church hisory ol lvgcnii Colubinskii und his lull-
lcngh survcy ol lus Sluvic suins, which quickly bccumc csub-
lishcd us hc uuhoriuivc works on hc subjcc.
This boom up
upprouch wus givcn u brilliun und cxrcmcly inllucniul wis by
Ccorgc lcdoov, u church hisoriun who lcl Sovic Russiu in 1qzj
o cuch in lruncc und hcn in hc Lnicd Sucs unil his dcuh in
1qj1. lschcwing Colubinskiis srcss on hc insiuionul lrumc-
work lor suins culs in luvour ol locusing on hc Russiun rcligious
consciousncss hu crcucd hcm, lcdoov usscrcd hu hc coming
ol Chrisiuniy ino lus Sluvic crriory, hc shock ol hc Cospcl,
spurkcd lrcsh lorms ol sunciy wihin hc old und ossilicd
Byzuninc rudiion und crcucd ncw ypcs ol suins, numcly
pussion-sullcrcrs (strastoterptsy) whosc volunury dcuhs lor
Holy men and political space zo
conuins lnglish runsluions ol hc muin hugiogruphic works, C. D. Lcnholl, The
Martyred Princes Boris and Gleb: A Socio-Cultural Study of the Cult and the Texts, LCLA
Sluvic Sudics 1q (Columbus, Ohio, 1qq), und A. Poppc, Lu nuissuncc du culc dc
Boris c Clcb, Cahiers de civilisation mdivale, z]1 (1q1), zqj.
Istoriia russkoi tserkvi, znd cdn., z vols. (Moscow, 1qo1), und idcm, Istoriia
kanonizatsii russkikh sviatykh, znd cdn. (Moscow, 1qo).
Chriss sukc und no lor luih in Chris rcvculcd u uniqucly Russiun
dcvoion o non-rcsisuncc.
On hc ohcr hund urc scholurs who
cmphusizc hu hc cul ol Boris und Clcb wus un cxumplc ol cun-
onizuion lrom ubovc. Mos ol hcsc scholurs ucccp hc uccoun ol
hc sourccs hu hc vcncruion originucd u hc grussroos lcvcl,
bu urguc hu princcly und]or clcricul uuhoriics quickly chun-
ncllcd und munipulucd populur scnsibiliics lor hcir own incrcss.
A smullcr group ol scholurs usscrs hu hc cul wus csscniully un
olliciul crcuion hu wus hcn pluycd buck o u rcccpivc populur
uudicncc. Dillcrcn moivcs urc uribucd o dillcrcn possiblc
orchcsruors. Mos olcn, i hus bccn suggcscd hu Iurosluv los-
crcd hc cul ol Boris und Clcb in ordcr o bolscr his own posiion
on hc hronc by bluckcning hc numc ol Sviuopolk lrom whom hc
hud scizcd Kicv, or o lcgiimizc his own budding dynusy, or o
usscr hc ccclcsiusicul uuonomy ol Rus lrom Byzuninc culurul
hcgcmony, or simply us pur ol his progrummc o Chrisiunizc Rus.
Now his wo-icrcd modcl conuins nonc ol hc hosiliy owurd
suins culs lound in hc wo-icrcd modcl hu, in Pccr Browns
opinion, long churuccrizcd Wcscrn upprouchcs o hc cul ol
Alhough boh huvc u vcricul vicw ol socicy und rcgurd
hc cul ol suins us csscniully u populur phcnomcnon opcruing
u u lowcr sociul lcvcl disinc lrom clic or olliciul culurc, no su-
dcn ol Rus hisory would shurc hc lnlighcnmcn vicw ol Humc
und Cibbon hu suins culs wcrc u phcnomcnon ol culurul dccu-
dcncc which murkcd hc lumcnublc cnd ol u grund hisoricul
pcriod. On hc conrury, hc grcu mujoriy ol scholurs ol lus Sluvic
rcligious hisory considcr hc uppcuruncc ol holy mcn in Rus vcry
posiivcly und indccd us u poin ol pridc, sincc lor hcm hc uppcur-
uncc ol hc cul ol suins hclpcd bring lorh Chrisiun Rus culurc
und hus murkcd hc cnry ol hc lus Sluvs ono hc hisoricul
sugc. Sincc hc licld ol lus Sluvic hugiology hus bccn lrumcd und
dclincd lurgcly by Russiun scholurs or by scholurs wih culurul or
hisoricul ics o Russiu, muny unulyscs ol hc cul ol Boris und Clcb
urc closcly icd o hc dcsirc o scc in i hc lirs signs ol nuivc orig-
inuliy und uniqucncss in curly Russiun culurul insiuions.
(Sovic scholurs lrcqucnly cxprcsscd un umbivulcncc owurd hc
cul ol Boris und Clcb, noing hc gullibiliy und pliubiliy ol hc
zo Paul A. Hollingsworth
The Russian Religious Mind, vol. 1, Kievan Christianity (Cumbridgc, Muss.,
CS, 1zzz.
musscs in hc lucc ol princcly or clcricul munipuluion ol populur
scnsibiliics whilc simuluncously huiling hc uppcuruncc ol locul
suins us cxumplcs ol u disincivc nuivc Kicvun culurc indcpcn-
dcn ol Byzunium und un imporun impcus o hc lormuion ol u
spccilicully Russiun socicy und Suc.)
Thc prcvulcncc ol hc wo-icrcd modcl is ulso duc o hc luc
hu ulmos no compclling chullcngcs o i huvc cmcrgcd lrom
wihin modcrn lus Sluvic hisoriogruphy. In gcncrul (und lor his
rcuson hc cxccpions clcurly sund ou) mcdicvul lus Sluvic rcli-
gious sudics huvc rcmuincd unouchcd by hc incllccuul dcvclop-
mcns in luc uniquc und Wcscrn mcdicvul hisoriogruphy hu
huvc mudc possiblc hc robus scholurly discussion on hc rolc ol hc
holy mun in hc Mcdicrruncun world, o which Pccr Browns
lumous Holy Mun uriclc bclongs. Thc wriings ol Brown und his
supporcrs und criics on noions ol holincss in luc uniquiy urc
inlormcd on ull sidcs by hc willingncss o uppropriuc ncw hisori-
cul mchods, druw on ohcr disciplincs, und cxploi hc rcsuls ol
invcsiguions in ncighbouring liclds in ordcr o usk lrcsh qucsions
ol old sourccs und o suggcs novcl unswcrs o long-sunding qucs-
ions. Yc onc could sil hrough hc cnirc corpus ol modcrn schol-
urly works on suins culs in prc-Mongol Rus und lind hurdly u
rucc ol crcuivc inllucncc lrom hc Annulcs school, sociul unhro-
pology, or rcligious sociology und scurccly u mcuninglul mcnion ol
Normun Buyncs, A. }. lcsugicrc, Arnuldo Momigliuno, lvclync
Pulugcun, or Pccr Brown, much lcss rclcrcnccs o Mury Douglus
und Vicor Turncr und o culs ol Islumic holy mcn in Norh Alricu.
I is insrucivc hu in 1q,j, lour ycurs ulcr hc uppcuruncc ol
Browns Holy Mun uriclc, such u disinguishcd hisoriun us
Dimiri Obolcnsky publishcd un uriclc churuccrizing hc populur
cul ol suins (hc vision ol sunciy . . . sccn purly hrough hc
cycs ol simplc lolk) us hc highcs ol lour lcvcls ol Russiun mcdicvul
Hcmmcd in by is own scll-imposcd hisoriogruphicul isoluion,
scholurly work on mcdicvul Rus suins culs hus cndcd o locus
on rcvisiing long-sunding poins ol conrovcrsy und no posing
ncw qucsions or cxumining hc ruly momcnous shils in oricnu-
ion hu occurrcd whcn Chrisiuniy cncrcd Rus socicy. In 1q,o,
Holy men and political space zoj
Populur Rcligion in Mcdicvul Russiu, in A. Blunc (cd.), The Religious World of
Russian Culture: Essays in Honour of G. Florovsky, Russiu und Orhodoxy z ] Sluvisic
Prinings und Rcprinings z0o]z (Thc Huguc, 1q,j), j.
lor cxumplc, A. P. Vluso dcvocd hirccn ol hc lily-ninc pugcs
dculing wih Rus in his lcnghy survcy ol hc Chrisiunizuion ol hc
Sluvs o hc long-sunding conrovcrsy ubou hc orgunizuionul su-
us ol hc Rus church hicrurchy bcwccn q und 1o0 (wus i
uuoccphulous or dcpcndcn on Bulguriu or on Consuninoplc.)
und only u hull-pugc o hc cul ol Boris und Clcb (mcrcly rccupiu-
luing lcdoovs incrprcuion).
Scholurship dculing wih Boris
und Clcb hus locuscd hcuvily on soring ou hc complcx licrury
problcms ol hc muin hugiogruphic sourccs, which shurc u grcu
dcul ol mucriul in common und which cunno bc ducd ubsolucly
or cvcn rcluivcly o wihin lcss hun lily ycurs wih much conli-
dcncc. lor hc pus lour dccudcs, lor cxumplc, Andrzcj Poppc hus
ussiduously dcvocd his considcrublc ulcns o dccrmining cxucly
whcn in hc clcvcnh ccnury hc cul ol Boris und Clcb urosc, no
wih hc goul ol undcrsunding hc mcuning und sociul rolc ol hc
cul bu wih hc uim ol csublishing u lcus u rcluivc chronology
lor hc uppcuruncc ol hc sourccs so hu hc ccnury-old dispuc
ubou hc prioriy ol hc hrcc muin hugiogruphic cxs cun bc pu
o rcs.
Only u smull hundlul ol works hus locuscd in rcccn
dccudcs on hc hugiogruphic imugc ol Boris und Clcb.
This suc ol ulluirs, ull oo common lor mcdicvul lus Sluvic hugi-
culls o mind hc commcns mudc wo dccudcs ugo by
Huns-Ccorg Bcck, who pruiscd Byzuninc sudics lor hcir high lcvcl
ol indusry, bu uskcd il hc licld would no bcncli morc lrom dis-
covcring ncw pcrspccivcs hun lrom publishing yc morc scholurly
cdiions ol sourccs.
A lcus in hc licld ol mcdicvul lus Sluvic
hugiology i is clcur hu cllors o shcd ncw ligh on old issucs by
cusing u widcr hisoricul or hisoriogruphicul nc puy dividcnds. I
zo0 Paul A. Hollingsworth
The Entry of the Slavs into Christendom: An Introduction to the Medieval History
of the Slavs (Cumbridgc, 1q,o), z00, (on Boris und Clcb), z01 (on hc suus
ol hc church).
A. Poppc, O vrcmcni zurozhdcniiu kulu Boris i Clcbu, Russia mediaevalis, 1
(1q,), 0zq, u 0; idcm, Lu nuissuncc, . Poppc rcicrucs his urgumcns ubou
hc cul ol Boris und Clcb, lirs unnounccd in his docorul hcsis in 1q0o, uguin in
O zurozhdcnii kulu svv. Borisu i Clcbu, Russia Mediaevalis, (1qqj), z10.
In hc lus wo dccudcs scvcn dillcrcn scholurs huvc produccd clcvcn scholurly
works on hc ccnury-old dispuc rcgurding hc duc (qj or qj,.) whcn Princcss
Olgu ruvcllcd o Consuninoplc und rcgurding hc locuion (Consuninoplc or
Kicv.) ol hcr bupism, whilc only onc signilicun work hus bccn dcvocd o hcr
hugiogruphic imugc: scc hc works cicd in }. lcuhcrsonc, Olgus Visi o
Consuninoplc, in Sysyn (cd.), Adelphotes, zq1z.
Byzantinistik heute (Bcrlin und Ncw York, 1q,,), 1.
is no coincidcncc hu hc lirm posiion cnjoycd in lurgc porions ol
Wcscrn scholurship by lcdoovs unuchronisic vicws ubou hc
cxiscncc ol hc Russiun soul in clcvcnh-ccnury Kicv bcgun o bc
undcrmincd whcn Normun Inghum compurcd hc vcncruion ol
Boris und Clcb o hc culs ol murdcrcd princcs clscwhcrc in non-
Mcdicrruncun luropc und lound srong similuriics bcwccn
Pu dirccly, hc wo-icrcd modcl long cmploycd in lus Sluvic
hugiology docs no cll us vcry much ubou hc cul ol Boris und
Clcb und is in luc u mujor impcdimcn o druwing uny sor ol
nuunccd picurc ol hc dynumic rolc ol hc cul in boh rcllccing
und shuping hc proccss by which u Chrisiun socicy wus lormcd in
mcdicvul Rus. Thc problcm wih hc vcncruion lrom bclow cxplu-
nuion is hu i is lormcd ol u scrics ol hugiogruphic commonpluccs
hu wcrc druwn lrom un cnircly dillcrcn sociul milicu, hu is, hc
Mcdicrruncun world in which hc rudiions ol Byzuninc hugio-
gruphy urosc. Scholurs huvc uppropriucd hc wo-icrcd modcl ol
hc sourccs wihou lirs usking il i rcllccs whu wc know ubou
hc Chrisiun communiy ol Rus. To bc surc, Rus socicy wus sru-
ilicd, bu whu cxucly would populur mcun in clcvcnh-ccnury
lus Sluvic socicy, which wus no urbunizcd in u Mcdicrruncun
scnsc (dcspic hc cluims ol scholurs who huvc churuccrizcd hc
owns ol Rus us clussic ciy-sucs).
How jusilicd urc wc in
spcuking ol sruu wihin hc Chrisiun communiy ol Rus whcn i
wus sill in hc vcry proccss ol bcing lormcd und which hc sourccs
dcpic us bcing composcd ol princcs, promincn ownsmcn, und
churchmcn. lvcn il onc ucccps hc boom up uccoun lor hc
uppcuruncc ol hc vcncruion ol Boris und Clcb, i docs no cxpluin
why hc cul ook such roo in Rus socicy und bulkcd so lurgc in
Rus poliicul lilc ol hc clcvcnh und wcllh ccnurics.
Thc cunonizuion lrom ubovc upprouch is slighly morc sophis-
icucd in hu i druws our ucnion o hc nccd o locus on hc
purics o hc cul ol Boris und Clcb. As muny modcrn works huvc
poincd ou, suins culs do no originuc by hcmsclvcs bu rcquirc
udvocucy und rcsponsc, promocrs und u rcccpivc uudicncc.
Ccruinly somcbody hud o ordcr und puy lor hc churchcs buil u
hc gruvcsic ol Boris und Clcb in Vyshcgorod. Somcbody hud o
Holy men and political space zo,
Thc Sovcrcign us Muryr: lus und Wcs, Slavic and East European Journal, 1,
(1q,), 11,.
c.g. C. Vcrnudsky, Kievan Russia (Ncw Huvcn, Conn., 1q), 1,.
commission hc hugiogruphic works und icons hu crcucd und pro-
jcccd hc suins imugc. Somcbody hud o orgunizc hc riuul pro-
ccssions und runsluions ol hcir rclics hu mudc public hc
rcsponsc o hu imugc. And so on. Bu vcry lcw scholurs cmbruc-
ing hc cunonizuion lrom ubovc hcory movc bcyond hc simplis-
ic ussumpion hu princcs und scnior clcrics huvc hc ubiliy o
lushion suins culs in hcir own incrcss und hcn succcsslully o
lois on hc pcoplc hcir scll-incrcscd prcscnuion ol u holy mun.
In ohcr words, hcy locus on promoion wihou invcsiguing hc
uudicncc or uppurcnly undcrsunding hu hc promocrs wcrc pur
ol hc uudicncc hcmsclvcs. (Sovic scholurship on hc wholc wus
puriculurly crudc in rcgurding suins culs us lorms ol sociul und
poliicul conrol und olcn rcucd hugiogruphic sourccs us vchiclcs
lor inculcuing princcly propugundu umong hc musscs.) linully, us
wih hc vcncruion lrom bclow hcory, cvcn il onc ucccps hc
noion hu u spccilic princc or churchmun invcncd hc cul und
succccdcd in pcrsuuding hc ohcr princcs und churchmcn o pro-
moc i, his oo would no uccoun lor hc widcsprcud uppcul ol hc
imugc ol Boris und Clcb in mcdicvul Rus.
A hcur, hc wo-icrcd modcl us cmbruccd in Rus hisori-
ogruphy luils bccuusc i srcsscs cnsion und no conscnsus in vicw-
ing suins culs. Yc, us Picrrc Dclooz poins ou, suins urc suins
boh lor ohcr pcoplc und by ohcr pcoplc.
In ohcr words, hc
cmcrgcncc und muincnuncc ol u cul rcquircs u crcuivc incrucion
bcwccn hosc who iniiuc und promoc u suins cluims o holincss
und by hosc who ucccp, vuliduc, und work ou hc cxprcssions ol
hu cluim. Lndcrsunding u culs uppcuruncc und viuliy rcquircs
idcnilying hc incrcscd purics o u givcn cul und horoughly
invcsiguing und unulysing hc cxpccuions hu hcy bring o i.
Thc chullcngc, hcrclorc, in unulysing hc risc und luncion ol
suins culs in mcdicvul Rus is ucing on Pccr Browns udvicc hu
bclicls mus bc sc prcciscly uguins hcir sociul concx.
This is
no cusily donc. Wc huvc rcluivcly lilc cvidcncc lor hc dcvclop-
mcn ol Chrisiun Rus in hc clcvcnh ccnury, u lcus nowhcrc
zo Paul A. Hollingsworth
Pour unc cudc sociologiquc dc lu suincc cunoniscc duns llglisc cuholiquc,
Archives de Sociologie des Religions, 1 (1q0z), 1,; r. }. Hodgkin, Towurds u
Sociohisoricul Sudy ol Cunonizcd Suinhood in hc Cuholic Church, in S. Wilson
(cd.), Saints and their Cults: Studies in Religious Sociology, Folklore and History
(Cumbridgc, 1q), 1qz10, u 1qq.
CS, .
ncur hc dcph und brcudh ol inlormuion hu hus ullowcd Brown
und ohcrs o dcbuc so curclully hc sociul rolc ol holy mcn und
suins culs in luc uniquiy. Bu whu lilc cvidcncc wc huvc indi-
cucs hu wc should look lor hc sociul scing ol hc lirs Rus
suins cul no in cnsion bcwccn hc pcoplc und hc uuhoriics,
bu ruhcr in hc conscnsus ubou hc holy hu dcvclopcd u hc
ccnrc ol lus Sluvic socicy us i bccumc Chrisiunizcd und how hu
socicy wus shupcd us hc purics workcd ou in sociul wuys hcir
commimcn o hu conscnsus. Pu morc shurply, scholurs should
sudy hc vcncruion ol Boris und Clcb uguins hc buckdrop ol how
hc muuul incrucion bcwccn hc princcs und hc churchmcn lcd
o hc lormuion in u Chrisiunizing socicy ol u rcligious lunguugc
lor cxprcssing hc dcsirc lor poliicul hurmony und hc sociul mcch-
unisms lor rying o uuin i.
A is scculur corc hc sory ol Boris und Clcb cncupsulucs hc
csscniul cnsion ol mcdicvul lus Sluvic poliics by providing wo
modcls ol princcly bchuviour. On hc onc hund is Sviuopolk, hc
cldcr princc who u u criicul momcn ol dynusic chungc mus
dccidc how o consoliduc his uuhoriy in Kicv und work ou u
modus vivendi wih his princcly kinsmcn rcsiding in ohcr owns. In
hc porruyul ol hc hugiogruphcrs Sviuopolk clcurly uriculucs his
choiccs und hcn chooscs sccrcly o lorm u rcinuc und scnd i o
kill his brohcrs. On hc ohcr hund urc Boris und Clcb, junior
princcs who mus dccidc whchcr o prcss u cluim o Kicv or o
ncgoiuc un urrungcmcn hu would ullirm hcm in hcir currcn
owns or clcvuc hcir suus by giving hcm morc prcsigious oncs.
Thcy oo clcurly uriculuc hcir opions, which in hc cusc ol Boris
is mudc cvcn morc pluin by hc cncourugcmcn ol his rcinuc o
movc uguins Sviuopolk, und hcn uc by dismissing hcir rcuincrs
und procccding owurd Kicv o cxprcss hcir willingncss o hold
Sviuopolk us hcir luhcr und o ncgoiuc u ncw urrungcmcn.
Boris und Clcb, hcrclorc, dcclurc und uc ou hc vcry lundumcn-
ul links ol Rus poliicul lilc hu Sviuopolk dcnics und violucs. As
rulcrs, hcy urc suislicd wih hc individuul domuins ussigncd by
hcir luhcr und op o ncgoiuc wih hc scnior princc o conlirm
his urrungcmcn, whilc Sviuopolk wuns hc cnircy ol Rus lor
his domuin und ops o ncgoiuc dcccilully whilc hc murdcrs
sccrcly. As brohcrs, hcy submi o hcir cldcr kinsmun, whilc hc
uims o murdcr his youngcr rcluions. As wurbund lcudcrs, hcy
consul wih hcir rcuincrs und ulimucly prcscrvc hcir livcs und
Holy men and political space zoq
sociul suus by rclicving hcm ol hcir scrvicc obliguions, whilc
Sviuopolk plos wih rcuincrs in sccrc und ulimucly risks hcir
livcs und sociul suus by involving hcm in lruricidc und cxposing
hcm o u blood lcud.
Thc powcr ol hc hugiogruphic imugc ol Boris und Clcb is gcncr-
ucd by hc luc hu in muking his corrcc choicc Boris und Clcb
uppropriuc lor hcmsclvcs hc churismu ol muryrdom und plucc
hcir dccision squurcly wihin u rcligious concx. Thcy curn hc
muryrs crown und urn hcir scculur dcuhs ino u hcuvcnly vic-
ory by scll-consciously rcdirccing hc ulimuc locus ol hcir loyul-
ics. In dismissing hcir rcinucs und dcciding o purlcy wih
Sviuopolk, Boris und Clcb ullirm hcir loyuly o hcir divinc Lord,
procluiming hu i is Cod who culls Chrisiuns o bc luihlul und o
bc submissivc o kinsmcn, cvcn il his mcuns giving oncs lilc. As
hc hugiogruphcrs poin ou in dcscribing hc poshumous miruclcs
workcd by Boris und Clcb, us muryrs hc murdcrcd princcs rcccivcd
u lur grcucr rcwurd und much morc uuhoriy in dcuh hun hu
which hcy wcrc dcnicd in lilc, numcly hc suus ol incrccssors lor
Rus u Cods cour und hc ubiliy o work miruclcs on bchull ol
hcir ncwly convcrcd counrymcn und o uid hcir princcs in
dclcuing hc uucks ol hc nomuds.
Thc inllucncc ol his imugc on Rus poliicul lilc rcvculs how
dccply i summcd up und uppcd ino hc dcsircs ol hc princcs und
churchmcn ol clcvcnh- und wcllh-ccnury Rus lor u shurcd
cxprcssion ol hu pcrlcc hurmony in poliicul rcluions hu hud
ulwuys cludcd hcm. Thc hugiogruphicul nurruivcs ol coursc wcrc
composcd by churchmcn, und so ull hc clcmcns ol hc culhc
liurgicul ollicc, hc icons, hc Livcs und miruclc uccouns, hc
church building, hc runsluions ol hc rclicsmus bc rcgurdcd
uguins hc lurgcr buckdrop ol hc cllor ol churchmcn o projcc
ino hc princcly sphcrc hcir hopcs lor poliicul subiliy und o
uppropriuc und mukc uvuilublc hc holy o crcuc hc sociul prcs-
surcs hu migh bring ubou hu hurmony. As }unc Nclson hus
poincd ou rcgurding similur culs in Wcscrn luropc, royul suins,
munipulucd by hc living, providcd no jus u modcl bu u yurdsick
ol kingly conduc und pcrlormuncc in ollicc.
Yc i is vcry impor-
un o noc hu hc busic mcssugcs ol hc cul ol Boris und Clcb
z1o Paul A. Hollingsworth
Royul Suins und lurly Mcdicvul Kingship, in Sanctity and Secularity: The
Church and the World, cd. D. Bukcr, SCH 1o (Oxlord, 1q,), q, u .
wcrc no poliicully purisun: hcy did no mukc un urgumcn lor
uny puriculur succcssion urrungcmcn or promoc hc cluims ol onc
dynusic linc ovcr unohcr. Thcy simply cullcd upon hc princcs ol
Rus o bc brohcr-lovcrs in hc imugc ol Boris und Clcb und o
rcspcc hc righs ol ohcr princcs, cspcciully scnior oncs.
Thc princcs ol Rus could no livc up o hc sundurds sc by hc
imugc ol Boris und Clcb, bu pcrhups lor hu vcry rcuson hcy rul-
licd so lorcclully uround u cul hu prcscncd in such u rcligiously
disillcd lushion hcir own unuuinublc wishcs lor idcul poliicul
rcluions. Thc ncuruliy ol hc cul guvc i widcsprcud uppcul,
sincc is lunguugc, hcmcs, und spuccs could bc uppropriucd wih-
ou rcgurd lor u puriculur princc or linc. This much is illusrucd by
hc culs ubiliy in is lirs dccudcs o uruc us is grcucs purons
hosc vcry princcs lor whom cxprcssions ol concord wcrc so ncccs-
sury, numcly Iurosluvs sons und grundsons. According o hc
sourccs, Iurosluv buil hc lirs church lor Boris und Clcb, commis-
sioncd hcir lirs icon, und puricipucd wih Mcropoliun Iounncs
in runsluing hcir rclics. His son Iziusluv buil unohcr church und
hcn in 1o,z joincd his wo brohcrs, Sviuosluv und Vscvolod, und
Mcropoliun Ccorgios in runsluing hc rclics. In 111j, Volodimcr
Monomukh joincd his cousins Duvid und Olcg Sviuosluvichi und
Mcropoliun Nikcphoros in runsluing hc rclics ino u hugc
musonry church loundcd by Duvids luhcr Sviuosluv und linishcd
by his brohcr Olcg.
Thc srong mugncic urucion ol hc cul-sic lurhcr rcshupcd
hc poliicul spucc ol hc princcs ol souhcrn Rus. lor hc gruvcs ol
Boris und Clcb, jus u lcw hours wulk norh ol Kicv und locucd
wihin hc princcly own ol Vyshcgorod, bccumc u pcrmuncn und
pocn lcuurc on hc Rus poliicul mup us u locul poin lor cxprcs-
sions ol concord und rcconciliuion. lor cxumplc, hc runsluion ol
1o,z wus sugcd on z Muy, hc hird unnivcrsury ol hc rcurn o
hc hronc ol Kicv ol Iziusluv, who hud bccn cxpcllcd by his
brohcrs Sviuosluv und Vscvolod. In 11jo, hc Kicvun Princc
Iziusluv Msisluvich ccdcd hc hronc o his unclc Viuchcsluv
Volodimcrovich, und hcy sculcd hc runslcr ol powcr by kissing hc
cross u hc omb ol Boris und Clcb,
und hc lirs hing hu
Volodimcrko ol Culich did ulcr hc hud cxpcllcd boh Iziusluv und
Viuchcsluv lrom Kicv lucr hu ycur wus o worship u hc Church
Holy men and political space z11
PSRL ii, qq.
ol Boris und Clcb bclorc muking hc rounds ol hc ohcr hrcc grcu
locul rcligious lundmurksS Sophiu, hc Tihc Church, und hc
Cuvcs Monuscry.
Thc pocncy ol hc imugc ol Boris und Clcb, pruiscd in hc sourccs
us purons ol ull ol Rus, wus no limicd o Vyshcgorod. Any ol hc
muny churchcs buil in hcir numc could scrvc us un cxprcssion ol
u commimcn o rcuch un uccommoduion und no o curry on u
lcud or cluim. Whcn, lor cxumplc, in 1zzo Princc Vscvolod cumc
lrom Smolcnsk o Novgorod und ucmpcd lorcibly o rcmovc hc
licucnun (posadnik) Tvcrdisluv, hc lucr sough proccion in hc
Church ol Boris und Clcb, whcrcby Vscvolod uskcd hc bishop o
incrccdc und ncgoiuc u sclcmcnTvcrdisluv cncrcd u
Thc imugc wus ulso no linkcd o physicul spucc: hc
lcus duys ol Boris und Clcb oo crcucd opporuniics lor poliicul
sclcmcns. Whcn, lor cxumplc, in 1oq Volodimcr Monomukh
wus bcsicgcd in Chcrnigov by his cousin Olcg Sviuosluvich, hc
chosc o hund ovcr hc own und dcpur on z }uly, hc primury
lcus duy ol Boris und Clcb.
Onc cpisodc in puriculur ussociucd wih hc cul ol Boris und
Clcb illusrucs how rudiionul cxpccuions und projccions ol
powcr wcrc rcoricnucd und rccus us hc coming ol Chrisiuniy o
hc norhcrn world ol lus Sluvic crriory crcucd u dynumic con-
scnsus umong hc chicl poliicul ucors ol Rus und hc chicl bcur-
crs ol hc ncw Chrisiun culurc. lor his cpisodc shows jus how
llccing, und hcrclorc jus how nccdcd, wcrc hc rcsruins on
princcly lcuding. In 11o1, Princc Sviuopolk Iziusluvich ol Kicv
uuckcd his ncphcw Iurosluv Iuropolkovich u Brcs und brough
him o Kicv in chuins. Mcropoliun Nicholus und scvcrul monusic
supcriors incrccdcd und pcrsuudcd Sviuopolk o rclcusc Iuropolk,
which hc did by going wih hc churchmcn o Vyshcgorod und
unshuckling him u hc omb ol Boris und Clcb.
Hcrc wc huvc ull
hc clcmcns: hc wurring princcs; hc clcrgy rying o rcsruin
hcm; hc usc ol u Chrisiun scing o scul un ouh; und hc involvc-
mcn spccilicully ol hc cul ol Boris und Clcb o mukc u public
z1z Paul A. Hollingsworth
PSRL ii, o
Novgorodskaia pervaia letopis starshego i mladshego izvodov, cd. A. N. Nusonov
(Moscow und Lcningrud, 1qjo), 0o, z0z.
So uccording o Volodimcrs Tcsumcn, in PSRL i, zq. Thc hisoricul cir-
cumsunccs urc lound in ibid., i, zz0; ii, z1,.
Ibid., i, z,j; ii, zjo.
dcmonsruion ol rcconciliuion bcwccn lcuding kinsmcn. Yc i is
u vcry clling posscrip o his cpisodc hu wihin u monh ol his
dcpururc lrom Kicv Iurosluv wus rccupurcd by Sviuopolks son
und rcurncd in chuins o Kicv, whcrc hc dicd hc lollowing ycur.
Holy men and political space z1
Thc holy mun und Chrisiunizuion lrom hc
upocryphul uposlcs o S Scphcn ol Pcrm
Pcfcn Browns uriclc on Thc Risc und luncion ol hc Holy Mun
in Luc Aniquiy, lirs publishcd in 1q,1, immcdiucly uddcd u
ncw dimcnsion o hc sudy ol hc usccic movcmcns wihin hc
Chrisiun lmpirc, by druwing ucnion o hc wuys in which holy
mcn could conribuc o hc cusing ol sociul rcluions, us wcll us ol
hc unxicics ol individuuls, in u imc ol rupid cconomic und polii-
cul chungc. Onc chungc hu hc holy mun could ccruinly ussis
wus hc proccss ol Chrisiunizuion. This cssuy will cxplorc hc wuys
in which hc holy mun, us rcprcscncd in hc Livcs ol hc suins,
could mukc u disincivc conribuion o his proccss. I shull usc u
widc rungc ol hugiogruphicul nurruivcs, which will cxcnd in imc
lrom hc upocryphul Acs ol hc luc sccond ccnury, hrough hc
hugiogruphicul licruurc gcncrucd by hc monusic movcmcn, o
cxs lrom hc luc mcdicvul pcriod, und in locuion lrom lgyp o
Irclund, und lrom hc Loirc o bcyond hc Volgu. Thc cxs vury
cnormously in hcir hisoriciy, cxcnding lrom hc rcliublc o hc
wholly liciious. I hopc o show how his licruurc, dcspic is hugc
rungc, shows sriking coninuiy in idcology und nurruivc moils,
und how cxs lrom widcly dillcrcn imcs und counrics cun bc
muuully illuminuing.
c~niv vI s s I oN~nv iI vcs
Rumsuy MucMullcn, in u sudy ol hc Chrisiunizuion ol hc Romun
lmpirc, bcgins wih u sccnc lrom hc lilh ccnury u hc loo ol hc
column ol S Symcon Sylics, whcrc hc suin is surroundcd by
hundrcds ol Arub ribcsmcn, who hud mudc u journcy ol zjo milcs
or morc o brcuk hcir idols und cmbrucc hc Chrisiun luih undcr
hc cycs ol hc holy mun.
Whu wus hcir moivuion. MucMullcn
opincs hu hcy cumc in qucs ol un immcdiuc sourcc ol supcr-
nuurul powcr. Ccruinly, hc uccoun in Thcodorcs Religious
History luys srcss on hc miruclcs ol hculing hu Symcon wrough
on hcir bchull. Bu docs his rcully mcun hu hcy rcnounccd hcir
unccsrul luih simply in ordcr o huvc ucccss o hc miruculous,
wih lilc hough ol convcrsion bcyond hu. Thc sory cun bc
rcud dillcrcnly. Thc Arub ribcsmcn ol hc Syriun dcscr who wcrc
conlcdcrucs ol hc cmpirc hud muny moivcs lor cmbrucing
Chrisiuniy u u imc whcn hc luscrn lmpirc wus dcvcloping u
ncw idcniy us u spccilicully Chrisiun Suc (in conrus o is
lourh-ccnury churuccr us u Suc whosc cmpcrors promocd
Chrisiuniy). Why did hcy comc ull hc wuy o Symcons column
o mukc hcir uc ol luih. I wus, mos simply, u wuy ol muximiz-
ing publiciy. To his hc miruculous powcrs uribucd o hc holy
mun could conribuc powcrlully. Il u miruclc wus dccmcd o occur,
i would scrvc o drumuizc hcir convcrsion, und o cxprcss in
mcmorublc lorm hc ncw suus ol hc ribc us pur ol Cods holy
pcoplc, undcr his immcdiuc proccion. lvcryonc wus o guinhc
convcrs who uchicvcd u rcsonun cxprcssion ol hcir ncw suus,
hc holy mun who provcd his powcr, hc pilgrims round hc column
who wcrc hc lorunuc wincsscs ol so sirring un cvcn, und hc
monuscry und pilgrimugc ccnrc scrving S Symcon und his visi-
ors, which doublcss rcccivcd u gcncrous conribuion lrom hc
gruclul ribcsmcn.
In uny cvcn, hc sory illusrucs hc druwing
powcr ol hc mos suic ol holy mcn, und hc wuy in which hc
uniquc suus ol hc mun ol Cod, displuycd in his miruculous pow-
crs, mudc him u primc ugcn in hc proccss ol Chrisiunizuion.
This cun bc illusrucd lrom lurhcr mucriul in Thcodorc, such
us his uccoun ol hc lilh-ccnury Thulclucus ol Cubulu in Syriu.
Thulclucus sc up his monusic ccll by u grcu pugun shrinc on u hill
no lur lrom hc ciy. Thc dcmons ricd o scurc him uwuy by wuil-
ing u nigh und wuving orchcs; oncc hcy uproocd livc hundrcd
rccs in u singlc sorm. Thcodorc hcurd ol his lrom hc pcusunry
ol hc surrounding pluin, who wcrc gruduully convcrcd o
z10 Richard M. Price
R. MucMullcn, Christianizing the Roman Empire, A.D. (Ncw Huvcn und
London, 1q), 1, ciing Thcodorc, HR, xxvi.11 (ii, 1qo).
Thc linunciul incrcs ol hc pilgrimugc ccnrcs in promoing rccoursc o holy
mcn is nocd by Pccr Brown, AS, 0, us u lucor hc omicd in hc Holy Mun
uriclc ol 1q,1.
Thcodorc, HR, xxviii (ii, zz1).
Chrisiuniy us hcy wincsscd hc holy muns indillcrcncc o
dcmonic uuck und his ubiliy o curc hc unimuls whosc uilmcns
wcrc uribucd o dcmonic mulicc.
Thc link bcwccn Chrisiunizuion und hc miruculous powcrs ol
hc holy mun hud rcccivcd u srong cmphusis us curly us hc scc-
ond ccnury in hc dcvcloping corpus ol hc upocryphul Acs. Thc
Acts of Andrew, us hcy survivc in Crcgory ol Tours cpiomc, huvc
u wholc scrics ol sorics in which hc uposlc uchicvcs hc convcr-
sion ol his hcurcrs hrough ruising hcir dcud und libcruing hcm
lrom dcmons. A puriculurly sriking sory occurs in hc Acts of
On hc grcu lcus duy ol Arcmis ol hc lphcsiuns, S }ohn
cncrs hcr shrinc wcuring hc colour ol mourning; hc cnrugcd
bysundcrs scizc him und ry o murdcr him. A his hc chullcngcs
Arcmis o srikc him dcud, whilc hc pruys o his own Cod o dis-
pluy his powcr. Thc ulur ol Arcmis shucrs ino picccs, und hull
hc cmplc lulls down, killing hc pugun prics. This spurs hc pcoplc
o dcmolish hc rcs ol hc cmplc hcmsclvcs, whilc }ohn lurhcr
munilcss his powcr by ruising hc prics o lilc. Whu hus his ruhcr
crudc und wholly lunusic sory o cll hc hisoriun. I illusrucs
hc link bcwccn miruclcs us munilcsing hc powcr ol holy mcn und
bclligcrcn Chrisiunizuion hrough hc dcsrucion ol pugun
shrincs. I ulso conuins u muss ol rclucd moils which rccur in lucr
Livcs ol suins: hc ucmp o kill hc holy mun which, in un uncx-
pluincd wuy, comcs o nohing; hc lormul ordcul, in which hc
suin, rcprcscning Chris, is picd uguins hc hcuhcn und hc
dcmons hcy scrvc; hc prool ol hc wcukncss ol hc idols in hcir
inubiliy o dclcnd hcmsclvcs; hc mcrcy shown by hc holy mun
o hc cncmy hc hus now no rcuson o lcur. Wc shull lind ull hcsc
moils uguin in lucr und lcss lcgcndury Livcs.
Chrisiunizuion hrough hc smushing ol idols, dcmoliion ol
cmplcs, und cuing down ol sucrcd rccs wus morc hun u com-
monplucc ol pious licion: howcvcr disusclul i muy bc o modcrn
susccpibiliics, i rccurs rcpcucdly in hc Livcs ol hisoricul suins
lumous us missionurics. Whu kind ol Chrisiunizuion docs i imply.
As Pccr Brown hus brough ou wcll, lor lourh-ccnury Chrisiuns
hc riumph ol Chris wus in hc lirs plucc u vicory no ovcr mcns
souls bu ovcr hc dcmons who lor millcnniu hud dominucd hc
The holy man and Christianization z1,
Acta Joannis, ,, in The Apocryphal New Testament, cd. }. K. lllio (Oxlord,
1qq), zz.
Thc dcsrucion ol hcir curhly shrincs wus u coninuu-
ion ol hc supcrnuurul vicory ol Chris ovcr hc powcrs ol durk-
ncss. Numcrous Chrisiun cxs hu cclcbruc hc dcsrucion ol
idols ccho hc Old Tcsumcn dcnunciuion ol idols hu ncihcr scc
nor hcur, bu hc ucuul bclicl ol Chrisiuns wus hu pugun suucs
und cmplcs wcrc hc ubodc ol rcul spiris wih (lor hc unprocccd)
crrilying powcr. Thc dcmoliion ol hc objccs ol pugun cul wus
hcrclorc u dircc uc ol dcliuncc uguins Suun und his ungcls, und
only Cods ruc wurriors could undcrukc i wih impuniy. This
mudc hc smushing ol cmplcs und idols un cnd in iscll. Wc huvc
sccn how cxs us curly us hc upocryphul Acs cclcbruc hc
dcsrucion ol cmplcs, bu ol coursc hcy urc liciious. How soon
wcrc Chrisiuns ublc o uc ou in rculiy his lorm ol spiriuul wur-
In hc Acs ol hc Muryrs hc volunury muryr, who brings
ubou his own urrcs und dcuh, is u promincn ligurc. Alhough
hcrc urc sorics ol muryrs who ulcr hcir urrcs insul or ovcrurn
idols whcn ordcrcd o sucrilicc in lron ol hcm,
hcrc is u dcurh
ol sorics ol volunury muryrs dcsroying idols us hcir iniiul uc ol
dcliuncc. This rcllccs hc gcncrul uiudc o idolury ol hc
Chrisiuns ol hc lirs hrcc ccnurics, which wus simply o rcmuin
u u disuncc lrom i: hcrcby hcy muinuincd hcir own puriy,
wihou ucmping o chungc hc world. Thc sory ol S }ohns
dcsrucion ol hc Tcmplc ol Arcmis discusscd ubovc drumuizcs u
conllic bcwccn Chrisiuns und hc dcmonic which in ucuul luc
wus lough ou no us yc in pugun shrincs bu in hc morc domcs-
ic scing in which wcrc cclcbrucd hc rics ol cxorcism.
lrom hc
lourh ccnury wc muy obscrvc u chungc. Tukc lor cxumplc hc Life
of St Abercius of Hierapolisu liciious lourh-ccnury uccoun ol u
hisoricul ligurc ol hc sccond ccnury. In u drcum hc rcccivcs lrom
Chris u rod wih which o dcsroy hc idols ol hc hcuhcn, which
hc procccds o do in cmplc ulcr cmplc. Thc puguns urc dumb-
z1 Richard M. Price
AS, ch. 1.
A common vuriun in lucr lcgcnds is lor muryrs ulcr hcir urrcs o ugrcc o
go o u cmplc, whcrc hcy dcsroy hc idols hrough hc powcr ol pruycr: scc H.
Dclchuyc, Les passions des martyrs et les genres littraires, SHug. 1b, znd cdn.
(Brusscls, 1q00), 1qo.
MucMullcn, Christianizing the Roman Empire, z,, nocs hc srcss in Chrisiun
wricrs ol hc sccond und hird ccnurics on hc obscrvcd powcr ol Chrisiun cxor-
cism us u public prool ol hc ruh ol hc gospcl.
loundcd by hc inubiliy ol hcir gods o dclcnd hcmsclvcs, und
hcrc urc numcrous convcrsions.

In u lumous lourh-ccnury cx lrom hc pugun sidc, hc oruor

Libunius procscd uguins u wuvc ol uucks on rurul cmplcs by
Syriun monks in hc mid-os, which dcprivcd hc pcusunry ol hc
symbols boh ol hcir scnsc ol communiy und ol hcir rus in hc
As dcscribcd by Libunius, hcsc uucks wcrc noublc lor
hcir wunon dcsrucivcncss, us unccsrul shrincs, onc ulcr
unohcr, wcrc rccklcssly dcsroycd wihou unyhing uking hcir
plucc. Hc bcurs wincss o u Chrisiunizuion hu consiscd ol prov-
ing hc impocncc ol hc dcmons by dcsroying hcir ubodcs, ruhcr
hun implcmcning u progrummc ol cvungclizuion in which hc
dcmoliion ol cmplcs wus simply onc sugc in hc work ol convcr-
ing counrylolk o hc Chrisiun luih.
Thc cx lrom his imc bcs known lor hc dcsrucion ol shrincs
us un uc ol spiriuul wurlurc is Sulpicius Scvcrus Life of St Martin,
wricn in hc qos, u dccudc ulcr Libunius procs. In u scrics ol
cpisodcs, Murin pis himscll drumuicully uguins hc idols und
shrincs ol pugunism. Thc promincncc ol miruculous moils in his us
in ohcr sccions ol hc work hus cxcicd sccpicism umong wcnich-
ccnury criics, bu hc syscmuic unulysis ol hc cx in }ucqucs
lonuincs mussivc commcnury shows how wc cun disccrn, undcr
hc drumuizuion und symbolism hu hc miruculous clcmcns con-
lcr, u solid bcdrock ol hisoricul luc, lirmly roocd in hc disincivc
lcuurcs ol Cullic pugunism und ol hc spiriuuliy ol Murin himscll.
A good cusc in poin is hc cpisodc ol hc dcsrucion ol hc cmplc u
Lcvroux, onc ol hc mos imporun suncuurics ol hc Cclic ribc ol
hc Biurigcs.
Murin lound himscll rudcly rcpcllcd by hc locul pop-
uluion whcn hc cndcuvourcd o dcmolish his grcu suncuury. Hc
wihdrcw ou ol dungcrs wuy, und pruycd in suckcloh und ushcs lor
hrcc duys. A hc cnd ol his imc wo ungcls, urmcd wih lunccs und
The holy man and Christianization z1q

Vita S. Abercii (BHG z), 0z (cd. T. Nisscn (Lcipzig, 1q1z), 01q). This
cpisodc is hc probublc sourcc ol hc similur sory old in hc lcgcndury Life of Abramy
of Rostov (u hirccnh-ccnury cx ohcrwisc known us hc Story of the Establishment
of Christianity in Rostov), in which S }ohn hc Divinc givcs hc suin u sull wih
which o smush hc grcu idol ol Volos in Rosov.
Oratio, XXX.q (cd. R. locrscr, Libanii opera, 1z vols. (Lcipzig, 1qoz,), iii, qz).
Sulpicius Scvcrus, Vita S. Martini (BHL j01o), 1z1j (cd. }. lonuinc,
Sulpicius Svre Vie de Saint Martin, vols., SC 1j (Puris, 1q0,q), i, z,,).
lonuinc discusscs hc problcms ol hisoriciy u lcngh in ibid., i, 1,1z1o.
Vita Martini, 1., (i, zj). Scc ulso lonuinc, Vie de Saint Martin, ii,
shiclds, cumc o his ussisuncc. Whilc hcy (invisibly) hcld hc crowd
u buy, Murin dcmolishcd hc ulurs und suucs ol hc shrinc. Thc
bysundcrs rculizcd hu hcir luilurc o incrvcnc wus un uc ol Cod
und u prool ol hc impocncc ol hcir idols; ulmos ull, wc urc old,
cmbruccd hc luih ol Murin. lonuinc hus suggcscd hu wc cun
dcmyhologizc hc wurrior ungcls us u roop ol impcriul soldicrs: such
humdrum suppor is cxplicily mcnioncd in u similur cpisodc nur-
rucd in unohcr mujor work on Murins lilc by Sulpicius, hc
Dialogues. Thc sory is rich in biblicul ullusions, which wc muy ucccp
us morc hun licrury moils, sincc hcy cxprcss whu wc muy ukc o
huvc bccn hc undcrsunding ol Murin himscll. Thc dcsrucion ol
pugun shrincs lullillcd hc injuncions ol hc Lord o Moscs (Lcviicus
z0: o) und rcncwcd hc grcu dccds ol }osiuh (z Kings z: ).
Murins wihdruwul o pruy lollows hc dominicul injuncion ol
Muhcw 1,: z1 (This kind ncvcr comcs ou cxccp by pruycr und
lusing), und u hc sumc imc invokcs hc hcmc ol monusic wih-
druwul ino hc soliudc ol hc dcscr.
Thc dominun hcmc ol hcsc chupcrs ol hc Lilc is hu S Murin
curricd ou his work ol cvungclizuion by mcuns ol spiriuul combu
uguins hc powcrs ol durkncss. Sulpicius uscs licrury moils lrom
hugiogruphy und cvcn Virgiliun cpic o udd digniy o his nurruivc,
bu hc biblicul modcls rcmuin ccnrul: hc prcscns Murin us u mun
in whom hc grcu biblicul cvcns ol hc hisory ol sulvuion could
cndlcssly rcpcu hcmsclvcs. Murin us u mun ol powcr coninucs
und munilcss hc oncc-lor-ull vicory ol Chris ovcr hc dcmonic.
This docs no cxpluin o hc modcrn rcudcr how Murin could
uchicvc hc dcsrucion ol pugun shrincs und hc puriul convcrsion
ol rurul populuions. Thc hisoriun mus invokc his ulliuncc wih
Chrisiun lundowncrs und hc usc ol miliury lorcc. Bu such
dcmyhologizuion should no bc ukcn so lur us o obscurc Murins
own undcrsunding ol whu hc wus ubou: wc huvc no rcuson o
doub hu hc biblicul moils wc huvc bccn considcring wcrc us
dominun lor him us lor his biogruphcr. Murin wus conccrncd o
uchicvc u rcul Chrisiunizuion, us is cvidcnccd by his progrummc ol
lounding purishcs in hc counrysidc;
bu his docs no ulcr hc
zzo Richard M. Price
Dialogi (BHL j0110), iii..0 (cd. C. Hulm, CSEL, 1 (100), zo0). Thc impor-
uncc ol }osiuh lor Murins circlc is illusrucd by his rcumcn in Sulpicius, Chronica,
i, jz (cd. ibid., j).
Scc C. Sunclillc, lrom Town o Counry: Thc Chrisiunizuion ol hc Touruinc
,o0oo, in The Church in Town and Countryside, cd. D. Bukcr, SCH 10 (Oxlord,
1q,q), jq.
luc hu hc shurcd un idcology hu incrprccd hc dcsrucion ol
pugun shrincs us morc hun u prcliminury o church-building in
hu i wus hc ucing ou ol u spiriuul bulc uguins hc dcmonic
lorccs ol cvil.
Thcrc is no shorugc ol lucr mucriul hu providcs lurhcr cxum-
plcs ol his idcul ol uggrcssivc cvungclizuion, linkcd o hc hcmc ol
spiriuul combu wih hc powcrs ol durkncss. Onc signilicun body
ol mcdicvul Luin cxs, which illusruc hc inllucncc ol S Murin
und his biogruphcr, consiss ol hc Livcs ol hc cighh-ccnury
Anglo-Suxon missionurics in CcrmunyLivcs which vury in hisor-
icul rcliubiliy bu which csily ulikc o hc viuliy ol hc Muriniun
Wc rcud in Alcuins Life of St Willibrord ol un occusion whcn
hc suin smushcd un idol und wus miruculously procccd whcn is
cusodiun sruck him on hc hcud wih his sword; hc suins com-
punion rushcd lorwurd o uvcngc hc blow, bu hc insiscd hu hc
mun bc lcl o go lrcc.
Thc hcmc ol hc rclusul ol hc holy mun
o punish his udvcrsurics scrvcs, hcrc und clscwhcrc, o pinpoin
hu his ruc cncmics urc no hc bcnighcd puguns bu hc powcrs
ol durkncss: lor our srugglc is no uguins llcsh und blood, bu
uguins hc principuliics, uguins hc powcrs, uguins hc cosmic
rulcrs ol his prcscn durkncss, uguins hc spiriuul hoss ol wickcd-
ncss in hc hcuvcnly pluccs (lphcsiuns 0: 1z).
Thc bcs-known ol hcsc works is Willibulds Life of St Boniface.
Thc cx bcruys hc inllucncc ol hc Life of St Martin. Wc rcud how
Bonilucc, u un curly sugc in his mission, dcsroycd pugun cmplcs
und shrincs, und buil churchcs und chupcls,
hough i is clcur
lrom hc lollowing chupcr hu his church-building wus vcry grud-
uul. Onc vivid cpisodc is hc cuing down ol un ouk sucrcd o
}upicr. A grcu crowd ol puguns sood uround, bicrly cursing in
hcir hcurs hc cncmy ol hc gods. To cvcryoncs umuzcmcn, no
The holy man and Christianization zz1
lor u bulunccd rcumcn scc R. llcchcr, The Conversion of Europe (London,
1qq,), 1qzz,. Vita S. Vulframni (BHL ,), cd. W. Lcvison, MGH SS rer. Merov.,
v (1q1o), 001,, illusrucs how rcligious houscs could huvc un incrcs in dis-
scminuing drumuic sorics ol cvungclizuion in Ccrmuny hu wcrc wholly liciious,
us poincd ou by I. N. Wood, Suin Wundrillc und is Hugiogruphy, in idcm und
C. A. Loud (cds.), Church and Chronicle in the Middle Ages: Essays presented to John
Taylor (London, 1qq1), 11, csp. 11.
Alcuin, Vita S. Willibrordi (BHL qj0), 1 (cd. W. Lcvison, MGH SS rer.
Merov., vii (1qzo), 1z); r. C. H. Tulbo, The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany
(London, 1q0), 1z1.
Willibuld, Vita S. Bonifatii (BHL 1oo), 0 (cd. C. H. Pcrz, MGH SS, ii (1zq),
1); r. Tulbo, Missionaries, 1.
sooncr hud hc mudc u lirs shullow incision, hun hc wholc rcc,
shukcn by u mighy gus ol wind, lcll o hc ground und brokc ino
lour grcu picccs. Thc puguns no lcss hun Bonilucc, wc urc old,
incrprccd his cvcn us prool ol hc powcr ol hc Chrisiun Cod.
An cpisodc lrom hc Life of St Lebuin (ol dubious hisoriciy) pro-
vidcs u puriculurly sriking illusruion ol hc bclligcrcn spiriuul-
iy wc urc cxploring. Lcbuin insiss on ucnding u gcncrul usscmbly
ol hc Suxons, dcspic wurnings hu hc is likcly o bc roughly hun-
dlcd. Hc incrrups hc usscmbly, und hrcucns hc Suxons hu il
hcy do no rcnouncc hcir unccsrul idolury Cod will subjcc hcm
o ulicn rulcrs (hu is, hc lrunks). Thc Suxons losc hcir puicncc,
und u numbcr ol hcm pull sukcs ou ol u ncurby lcncc us wcupons
o usc uguins Lcbuin. Bu hc suin suddcnly vunishcs lrom hcir
sigh, und hc Suxons immcdiucly rcpcn ol hcir murdcrous incn.
This sory is old pluinly, bu cllingly, in hc originul unonymous
vcrsion ol hc Lilc.
Bu whcn Hucbuld ol S Amund cumc o wric
his morc cluboruc vcrsion ol hc cx in c. qoo, hc uddcd u num-
bcr ol dcuils hu bring ou hc mcuning ol hc sory.
Lcbuin, us
hc urrivcs u hc usscmbly, is dcscribcd us u good soldicr . . . clohcd
in hc brcuspluc ol righcousncss . . . procccd wih hc shicld ol
luih, crowncd wih hc hclmc ol sulvuion, urmcd wih hc sword
ol hc Spiri. Hc mukcs hc sign ol hc cross likc hc udvuncc sun-
durd-bcurcr ol his King. In hc prcscncc ol hc puguns hc imiucs,
wc urc old, hc zcul ol llijuh hc prophc (uguins hc pricss ol
Buul), und ruiscs his voicc likc u rumpc. Thc Suxons rcuc dcliri-
ous wih u dcmoniucul spiri, lull ol lury und mudncss. Lcbuin
wulks uwuy unhurmcd hrough hcir runks, likc Chris cscuping
lrom hc pcrlidious }cws. Hc is proud ol his divinc proccion, bu
disuppoincd o huvc bccn dcprivcd ol hc crown ol muryrdom. All
hcsc dcuils urc uddcd by Hucbuld, bu hcy simply bring ou morc
vividly whu is ulrcudy implici in hc originul cx. Onc ol hc chur-
uccrisics ol hc luc uniquc holy mun wus hc lrunkncss ol spccch
zzz Richard M. Price
Vita Bonifatii, (pp. ); r. Tulbo, Missionaries, j0. This sory is
indcbcd o hc lumous cpisodc ol hc lclling ol hc sucrcd pinc-rcc in hc Vita
Martini, 1 (on which, scc bclow). I is iscll cchocd in hc Heliand, u ninh-ccn-
ury Old Suxon puruphrusc ol hc Diatesseron, which rclcrs o hc powcr ol hc gospcl
o lcll cvcry cvil crcuurc und work ol wickcdncss (r. C. R. Murphy, The Heliand
(Oxlord, 1qqz), ).
Vita S. Lebuini antiqua (BHL 1ob), 0 (cd. A. Holmciscr, MGH SS, xxx.z
(1q), ,q); r. Tulbo, Missionaries, z1.
Vita S. Lebuini (BHL 1z), cd. C. H. Pcrz, MGH SS, ii (1zq), 0z.
wih which hc uddrcsscd hosc in uuhoriy; i wus pur ol his rolc
o spcuk, whcn uppropriuc, wih hc lirmncss ol u mouhpiccc ol
Cod. Bu in his sory his lrunkncss is ruiscd o u highcr lcvcl us u
lronul uuck uguins hc dcmonic. Thc puguns, in hcir rcsisuncc
o his words, ukc on hc uspcc ol dcmons hcmsclvcs, ruging, mud-
dcncd, und mulicious. Thc holy mun muy dic u muryr, or hc muy
wih Cod-givcn powcr rcndcr hcir lury impocn. In cihcr cvcn hc
mukcs prcscn hc vicory ol Chris, hc crucilicd King.
Anohcr lorm ol hc conlronuion bcwccn hc mun ol Cod und
hc powcrs ol cvil consiss ol u riul ol srcngh bcwccn hc holy
mun, us hc rcprcscnuivc ol Chris, und pugun pricss or sorccrcrs,
us rcprcscnuivcs ol cvil sourccs ol supcrnuurul powcr. Thcrc wcrc
biblicul prcccdcns lor his in hc css ol powcr bcwccn Moscs und
hc mugiciuns ol Phuruoh und bcwccn llijuh und hc pricss ol
Buul; hc cxumplc mos cicd by mcdicvul wricrs, in boh Wcs und
lus, wus hc concs bcwccn S Pccr und Simon Mugus dcscribcd
in hc vivid licion ol hc luc sccond-ccnury Acts of Peter.
Thc bcs-known lourh-ccnury cxumplc is hc lollowing sory
lrom hc Life of St Martin. On onc ol his missionury cxcursions
Murin dcmolishcd u villugc cmplc, wihou uny rcsisuncc lrom hc
villugcrs (cowcd, pcrhups, by hc urmcd guurd hu gcncrully sccms
o huvc ucndcd Murin on hcsc ruids), bu cxcicd dccrmincd
opposiion whcn hc sc ubou cuing down u sucrcd pinc-rcc. (Thc
conrus doublcss rcllccs hc luc hu sucrcd rccs und wclls hud u
longcr hisory und u morc ccnrul plucc in Cclic cul hun cmplcs,
which wcrc u Romun imporuion.) Agrccmcn wus rcuchcd hu
Murin should sund, bound, undcr hc rcc whilc hc puguns hcm-
sclvcs cu i down: il hc rcc did no srikc Murin on is dcsccn,
hu would bc prool ol hc powcr ol his Cod. Wih consummuc ur
Sulpicius Scvcrus dcscribcs hc lclling ol hc rcc und Murins ull
oo prcdicublc cscupc in u wuy hu mukcs us shurc hc cxcicmcn
ol hc originul onlookcrs:
And now hc rcc bcgun o ocr, und o look us il i wcrc ubou o lull. Thc
monks, sunding u disuncc, grcw pulc, crrilicd us disuscr drcw ncur; hcy
hud los ull hopc und conlidcncc, und cxpcccd only hc dcuh ol Murin.
Bu hc, rusing in hc Lord, wuicd culmly. A loud cruck hud ulrcudy bccn
hcurd lrom hc lcllcd pinc, i wus ulrcudy coming down und ulrcudy crush-
ing upon him, whcn hc ruiscd his hund uguins i und mudc hc sign ol hc
The holy man and Christianization zz
lxodus ,q; 1 Kings 1: zoo; hc Vcrcclli Acts of Peter, zzzq, in The
Apocryphal New Testament, cd. lllio, 1jz1.
cross. Bu hcn, us il drivcn buckwurds by somc hurricunc, i swcp round
o hc opposic sidcso much so hu i ulmos crushcd hc pcusuns who
hud ukcn hcir pluccs hcrc in whu hud sccmcd u sulc spo. Thcn indccd
u grcu shou wcn up o hcuvcn, hc puguns wcrc sunncd by hc miruclc,
whilc hc monks wcp lor joy; ull ogchcr cxollcd hc numc ol Chris.
Onc sriking vuriun ol his hcmc is hc public riul ol srcngh
bcwccn u Chrisiun holy mun und u pugun sorccrcr (or hcrcic), in
which boh submi o un ordcul which llcsh und blood cun only sur-
vivc by miruclc. Thc bcs curly cxumplc is o bc lound in hc History
of the Monks of Egypt, u lourh-ccnury lgypiun cx widcly dis-
scminucd in hc lus und inllucniul in hc Wcs hrough Rulinus
runsluion. Wc rcud hcrc ol hc monk Apu Coprcs who cncrs ino
dcbuc wih u Munichcc.
Whcn incllccuul urgumcn provcs
indccisivc, hcy ugrcc o undcrgo riul by lirc: cuch in urn will wulk
ono u burning pyrc. Thc Chrisiun spcnds hull un hour in hc
llumcs, sound und unhurmcdlikc hc hrcc youhs in Ncbuchud-
nczzurs licry lurnucc. Thc Munichcc loscs his ncrvc, und hus o bc
pushcd by hc crowd ino hc llumcs, which givc him burns ull ovcr
his body.
A similur concs is dcscribcd in Muirchus Life of St Patrick, u cx
ol hc luc scvcnh ccnury. Purick und u Druid urc prcsscd by hc
King ol Turu o undcrgo un ordcul ol wucr und lirc. Thc ordcul by
wucr is o consis ol hrowing hcir sucrcd books ino hc wucr, o
scc which cmcrgc undumugcd. This cs is rcjcccd by hc Druid on
hc ground hu wucr is hc Chrisiun Cod (prcsumubly u rclcrcncc
o bupism). So hcy ugrcc o ordcul by lirc. A woodcn hu is con-
sruccd wih wo rooms, in onc ol which, mudc ol grccn wood,
sunds hc Druid, wcuring Puricks chusublc, whilc in hc ohcr,
buil ol dry wood, is pluccd onc ol Puricks boy ucolycs (hc luurc
bishop Bcnignus), wcuring hc robcs ol hc Druid; wc urc doublcss
no mcun o hink hu Purick is bcing pusillunimous in puing u
zz Richard M. Price
Sulpicius, Vita Martini, 1.0q (i, zo). Thc sory is no crcdiblc us i
sunds: why would hc puguns bc huppy o cu down hcir mos sucrcd objcc, cvcn
us u wuy ol disposing ol Murin. lonuinc, Vie de Saint Martin, ii, ,,, poincd ou
hu hcrc wus un unnuul lcus ol Cybclc in which u pinc-rcc, bcuring hc imugc ol
Ais, wus cu down, us u symbol ol his sucriliciul dcuh. Il such u lcus wus indccd
hc occusion, hc cuing down ol hc rcc bccomcs bclicvublc bu now sullcrs lrom
ovcr-cxplunuion. Wc bcgin o doub whchcr Murins prcscncc undcr hc lulling
rcc (which is crcdiblc cnough) wus u lormul riul by ordcul. I rcmuins signilicun
hu his is how Sulpicius chosc o prcscn i.
Historia monachorum sive de vita sanctorum patrum, ix.,.q1j (cd. l. Schulz-
llugcl, Purisischc Tcxc und Sudicn (Bcrlin, 1qqo), zo1).
boy in his plucc. Thc hu is hcn sc uligh, undhc rcudcr is sur-
priscd o hcurhc grccn wood, hc Druid, und his gurb urc con-
sumcd by hc llumcs, whilc hc boy und Puricks chusublc urc
Thc crcdibiliy ol hcsc sorics is no hcir srong poin. Ccruinly
hc Life of St Patrick is ugrccd o bc wholly imuginury, oncc wc lcuvc
hc mucriul dcrivcd lrom Puricks own wriings. Bu u srikingly
similur sory, only lur morc crcdiblc, is old in hc ncx work hu
will rcccivc our ucnionhc Life of St Stephen of Perm, wricn
ncur Moscow by lpiluny Prcmudry in hc luc lourccnh ccnury.
lpiluny Prcmudry (lpiphunius hc Mos Wisc) wus u monk lirs in
Rosov und lucr in hc lumous Triniy Monuscry ol S Scrgius ol
Rudonczh, whosc lilc hc wus o wric. Thc only onc ol his works
hu survivcs in is originul lorm is hc Life of St Stephen of Perm,
wricn, i would uppcur, immcdiucly ulcr hc dcuh ol hc suin in
Thc work is noublc lor is highly rhcoricul sylc, richly
wrough o hc poin ol monoony: hc uuhor lovcs srings ol bib-
licul ciuions, scqucnccs ol synonymous cxprcssions, hc collocu-
ion ol dillcrcn words lrom hc sumc roo, puruucic cluuscs hu
bcgin wih hc sumc word or cnd wih words wih hc sumc crminu-
ion. I is hc sylc ol hc work hu hus won i closc sudy lrom su-
dcns ol Old Russiun licruurc, whilc is rcligious concn hus
rcccivcd scun ucnion.
I rclucs how Scphcn, u lirs u lcllow
The holy man and Christianization zzj
Vita S. Patricii (BHL 0q,), i.1qzo (cd. L. Biclcr, The Patrician Texts in the Book
of Armagh, Scriporcs Luini Hibcrniuc 1o (Dublin, 1q,q), qz0). Noc how in hcsc
sorics hc bclligcrcn noc so srong in uccouns ol hc concss bcwccn holy mcn
und hc dcmonic is signilicunly modilicd by hc compuruivc pussiviy ol hc holy
mun who submis puicnly o un ordcul which migh lcud o his dcuh. Hcrc hc
hcmc ol hc holy mun us ukin o hc muryr cnrichcs hc dominun hcmc ol hc
holy mun us wurrior.
Zhitie sv. Stefana Episkopa Permskogo, cd. V. Druzhinin (S Pccrsburg, 1q,);
rcpr. wih un inroducion by D. icvskij (S-Cruvcnhugc, 1qjq).
Thc ousunding discussion is }. Borncs, Visions of Glory: Studies in Early
Russian Hagiography, r. idcm und P. L. Niclscn, Sluvicu Norvcgicu j (Oslo, 1q),
10q. Much ol his hud bccn publishcd bclorc us Thc luncion ol Word-Wcuving
in hc Srucurc ol lpiphunius Life of Saint Stephen, Bishop of Perm, in H. Birnbuum
und M. S. llicr (cds.), Medieval Russian Culture, Culilorniu Sluvic Sudics 1z (Bcrkclcy
und Los Angclcs, 1q), 11z. Borncs ollcrs u srucurulis unulysis hu is illu-
minuing on hc hcmcs us wcll us hc sylc ol hc work. Ohcr sudics in lnglish urc
monk ol lpilunys in Rosov, pcrsuudcd hc Muscovic uuhoriics o
scnd him us u missionury o u group ol linno-Lgric ribcs uround
Pcrm in hc rcgion norh-cus ol Kuzun owurds hc Lrul Mounuins.
Thcrc hc dcvocd hc rcs ol his lilc o prcuching hc gospcl, upur
lrom pcriodic visis o Moscow, on onc ol which hc wus consccrucd
us hc lirs bishop ol Pcrm, und on unohcr ol which hc dicd. His
buriul in Moscow did nohing o simuluc hc dcvclopmcn ol u
cul, sincc hc wus no u ligurc ol lusing incrcs o hc inhubiuns
ol hc cupiul. Thc Lilc lucks hc sorics ol poshumous miruclcs hu
urc u sundurd lcuurc ol Russiun hugiogruphy. I wus lpilunys
work hu simulucd incrcs in Scphcn und won his bclucd cun-
onizuion in 1j,.
How wcll did lpiluny know his subjcc. Thcy hud bccn monks
ogchcr in Rosov, bu hu wus bclorc Scphcns mission. lpiluny
cluims o dcrivc his mucriul purly lrom whu hc lcurn lrom
Scphcns disciplcs, purly lrom whu hc suw wih his own cycs
(which cunno huvc bccn vcry much), und purly lrom whu hc
himscll hcurd lrom hc suin.
Such cluims urc u hugiogruphicul
commonplucc, bu i is possiblc, indccd likcly, hu Scphcn puid vis-
is o Scrgiuss monuscry whcn on his wuy o or lrom Moscow und
did indccd spcuk wih lpiluny hcrc. Thc gcncrul vicw ol sudcns
ol hc Lilc is hu, oncc wc sc usidc hc llumboyuncc ol lpilunys li-
crury sylc, hcrc rcmuins lucuul concn hu is sobcr und crcdiblc,
und murkcdly lrcc ol obviously lcgcndury clcmcns; indccd hc Lilc
conuins no u singlc miruclc sory. lur morc ol hc cx is dcvocd
o dcvcloping biblicul ypcs und hcologicul commonpluccs hun o
nurruion, bu sincc lpiluny und Scphcn cumc lrom hc sumc
milicu, und shurcd hc sumc dcvoion o hc licrury inhcriuncc
lrom Crcck Orhodoxy, wc muy prcsumc hu lpilunys incrprcu-
ion ol Scphcns mission is rcusonubly closc o Scphcns own idc-
ologicul world. Ccruinly, hcrc wus no hc culurul disuncc
bcwccn Scphcn und lpiluny us hcrc wus bcwccn, suy, Symcon
Sylics und Thcodorc, or bcwccn Murin ol Tours und Sulpicius
Doubs huvc bccn cus on hc hisoricul rcliubiliy ol hc Lilc in
un uriclc by Michucl Dunc which urgucs hu Scphcn us porruycd
zz0 Richard M. Price
l. C. M. Wigzcll, Convcnion und Originuliy in hc Life of Stefan of Perm: A Sylisic
Anulysis, Slavonic and East European Review, q (1q,1), qj, und l. C. M. Kich,
The Literary Style of Epifanij Premudryj: Pletenije Sloves (Munich, 1q,0).
Zhitie sv. Stefana, 1.
in hc Lilc is u vcry dillcrcn ligurc lrom hc hisoricul Scphcn
rcvculcd in u surviving cxumplc ol his own wriing, hc Tract against
the Strigolniki.
Whilc hc Scphcn ol hc Lilc promocs hc rcuding
ol Scripurc (by runsluing i ino Pcrmiun), udops u lilc ol volun-
ury povcry, und pruciscs non-violcncc, hc Scphcn ol hc Truc
rcgurds hc sudy ol Scripurc us dungcrous, dclcnds clcricul wculh,
und is lcrocious in his dcnunciuion ol hcrcics. Bu surcly hcsc
conruss urc lorccd. Thcrc is nohing incompuiblc in Scphcns
promoing biblicul sudy in Pcrm und yc u hc sumc imc dcplor-
ing hc wuy in which hcrcics incrprc Scripurc wihou mcckncss
und humiliy
in suppor ol hcir own crrors. Wc muy udmi hu
hc Lilcs insiscncc on Scphcns povcry is purly u hugiogruphicul
sylizuion, sincc, us Dunc poins ou, i is clcur lrom hc Lilc iscll
hu hc posscsscd lunds lor church-building und lur-llung ulmsgiv-
ing. Thc dclcncc ol clcricul propcry in hc Truc wus in uny cusc
ncccssiucd by hc cluims ol hc Srigolniki hu clcricul wculh
invuliducd hc sucrumcns ol hc olliciul Church. lvcn so, Scphcns
dclcncc is hurdly cnhusiusic: hc obscrvcs hu, cvcn il somc ol hc
clcrgy urc uccumuluing csucs, hcy should bc lcl o hc judgc-
mcn ol Cod.
linully, so lur lrom hc Scphcn ol hc Truc bcing
u lunuicul houndcr ol hcrcics, his onc is compuruivcly mild by
hc sundurds ol mcdicvul polcmic, und hcrc urc no pcrsonul
uucks on hc hcrcicul cuchcrs; his muin compluin is hu hcir
scll-righcousncss und ccnsoriousncss is Phurisuicul und un-
Chrisiun. Thc onc is no dillcrcn lrom hc cxcndcd wurnings
uguins hc dungcrs ol hcrcsy in hc lurcwcll discourscs owurds hc
cnd ol hc Lilc.
Thc Truc lills ou our picurc ol Scphcn by sup-
plcmcning hins in hc Lilc, such us Scphcns rcpcucd visis o
Moscow und his inllucncc us u puron, hu poin o him us u pow-
crlul prcscncc in hc Russiun church sccnc und no jus u humblc
monk working in u buckwucr; bu i is u misukc o usc i o cus
doub on hc rcliubiliy ol hc Lilc. Though hugiogruphicul convcn-
ions rcducc hc individuuliy ol Scphcn in lpilunys uccoun, hcy
The holy man and Christianization zz,
lpiphunius Imugc ol S. Sclun, Canadian Slavonic Papers, j (1q01), ,z0.
Thc Pouchenie protiv Strigolnikov (Truc uguins hc Srigolniki) is o bc lound in
N. A. Kuzukovu und Yu. S. Lurc, Antifeodalnye Ereticheskie Dvizheniya na Rusi
(Moscow und Lcningrud, 1qjj), z.
Pouchenie, zz.
Ibid., z1.
Zhitie sv. Stefana, o. Noc how hc usc ol Culuiuns 1: us u kcy uni-hcrci-
cul cx occurs in boh his pussugc und hc Pouchenie, zq.
do no cxcludc u quuniy ol rcliublc dcuil on hc nuurc und con-
duc ol his mission.
Thc rculism ol hc nurruivc is uppurcn in is dcscripion ol hc
gruduulncss ol hc proccss ol convcrsion. Whcn Scphcn builds u
church, hc Pcrmiuns, wc urc old, urc uruccd u lirs simply ou
ol curiosiy und dcligh in hc bcuuy ol hc urchiccurc.
uccompunicd his prcuching ol hc gospcl (in hc Pcrmiun lunguugc,
his hird ulcr Russiun und Crcck) by hu lronul ussuul on idolury
hu wc huvc lound o bc u sundurd lcuurc in hc Livcs ol mis-
sionury suins. Thc lollowing cx muy scrvc us un cxumplc ol
lpilunys dcvclopmcn ol his hcmc, us wcll us ol his buroquc prosc
Hc dcsroycd ull hcir idols, und dcmolishcd hcir suncuurics, und pullcd
down hcir ulurs, und ovcrhrcw hcir imugcs, us onc wih grcu uuhor-
iy; und so wih u clucr hcir mcmory pcrishcd lrom umong mcn. Thc
Pcrmiuns wcrc cxcccdingly umuzcd u unohcr hing oo, und suid: How
docs hc smush imugcs und yc rcmuin wholc und immunc. How docs hc
duy und nigh go umong idols, cusing hcm down, und yc suy wholc und
unhurmcd by hcm. Why cun hc imugcs no hurm him. Why cun
dcmonic spclls no cuusc him uny hur or do him uny ill. In Pcrm up ill
his imc, unil hcy rcccivcd bupism, hcir cusom hud bccn hc lollowing:
il onc ol hc Pcrmiuns ouchcd un imugc, or ook uny ol hc ollcrings givcn
und prcscncd o idols und ussigncd und dcsincd lor dcmons, or dcsccrucd
uny ol hc sucriliccs prohibicd und lorbiddcn o hcm, hc would bc cus
down, brokcn und crushcd, us hcir sorccrcrs uuckcd him wih sorccry.
Bccuusc ol his no onc cvcr durcd o ukc unyhing, cihcr opcnly or in
sccrc, or o scul unyhing lrom hc suncuurics or lrom hc ollcrings or
lrom hc sucriliccs. Bu good Scphcn, courugcous vicor us hc wus, lcl no
zz Richard M. Price
Dunc rclucs hc conrus, in his vicw, bcwccn hc Lilc und hc Truc o hc
convcnionul division ol Old Russiun spiriuuliy ino wo shurply dillcrcniucd und
opposing srunds: hc cmphusis on lovc, incrior rcligion, und rcnouncing wculh und
powcr in hc hcsychus und kcnoic rudiion, on hc onc sidc; und hc cmphusis
on lcur und cxcrnul rcligion, und hc uvuricc und powcr poliics, ol much ol hc
church hicrurchy, on hc ohcr. This schcmuizuion ol hc cnsions in curly Russiun
spiriuuliy is lur oo crudc. To Duncs sccpicism, oddly cndorscd by Borncs, Visions,
11, conrus wo highly rcgurdcd Russiun rcumcnsV. Klyuchcvsky,
Drevnerusskie Zhitiya Svyatykh (Moscow, 1,1), 11z, und O. l. Konovulovu,
Prinsip oboru lukichcskikh svcdcniy v Zhiii Sclunu Pcrmskogo , Trudy Otdela
Drevnerusskoy Literatury, z (1q0q), 1jboh ol which ucknowlcdgc hc rcli-
ubiliy ol lpilunys nurruion und cluim hu Scphcns own words urc olcn uppur-
cn bcncuh lpilunys rhcoricul cmbcllishmcns, boh gcncrully in hc uccoun ol
Scphcns prcuching und spccilicully in hc nurruivc ol his conlronuion wih hc
sorccrcr Pum, discusscd bclow.
Zhitie sv. Stefana, zqo.
unxicy, bu wihou lcur und wihou crror wcn round hcir suncuurics
duy und nigh, hrough wood und licld, wihou hc pcoplc or in lron ol
hc pcoplc. Hc sruck hc idols on hc lorchcud wih hc bu ol un uxc, shu-
crcd hcir lcgs, scvcrcd hcm wih u huchc, cu hcm ino picccs, brokc
hcm ino logs, dividcd hcm ino luggos. Hc ucrly roocd hcm ou, und
burn hcm wih lirc, und incincrucd hcm wih llumc. Hc himscll suycd
wholc und rcmuin unhurmcd; hc idols could no hurm him, hc dcmons
could cuusc him no ill. Whu could dcmons bring ubou, whu hurm could
idols do, whu could idol-worshippcrs cllcc, whu could bc uccomplishcd by
sorccrcrs, idolucrs und mugiciuns, whcn Cod procccd his scrvun,
wuchcd ovcr his dcvocc, und surroundcd him wih hoss ol ungcls.
Hcrc uguin is hc lumiliur hcmc hu hc puguns losc luih in
hcir gods whcn hcsc gods provc unublc o dclcnd hcmsclvcs; bu
hu his is morc hun u hugiogruphicul commonplucc is shown by
hc disincivc dcuil ubou hc hrcu ol sorccry o dccr sucrilcgc.
Thc cllcc ol such spclls on hosc who bclicvcd in hcir powcr cun
cusily bc imugincd, und Scphcns impcrviousncss is indccd likcly o
huvc imprcsscd hc Pcrmiuns. Anohcr uspcc ol hc mucr wus
Scphcns rclusul o uppropriuc hc lurs luid us ollcrings on hc
idols. Sucrilcgc hu wus no mcrc hcl luy ousidc hc mcnul hori-
zons ol hc Pcrmiuns, und wc urc old hu his conlirmcd hcir
growing scnsc hu hc wus no un udvcnurcr bu hc scrvun ol
As Scphcns mission borc lrui, hc won u body ol luihlul lol-
lowcrs who uidcd him in his work ol dcsccruion und could dclcnd
him lrom uuck. Bu up ill hcn hc wus highly vulncrublc, und
hcrc is u scrics ol hrcc cpisodcs in hc Lilc whcn hc puguns mukc
u dccrmincd ucmp o kill him.
In ull hrcc ol hcm hc suins
cscupc is vcry vugucly nurrucd or no nurrucd u ull, whilc hc cx
movcs ino op gcur in cloqucn pussugcs ol pruycr, prcuching, und
biblicul ciuion. This hus bccn rcucd by licrury hisoriuns us un
urisic lluw, und us cvidcncc ol lpilunys only cursory incrcs in
nurruivc. Bu, us wc nocd ubovc in hc concx ol hc Acts of
Andrew, hc moil ol hc murdcrous uuck on u suin hu simply
pccrs ou wus u rudiionul onc. Indccd i hus u biblicul prcccdcn
in Lukcs uccoun ol Chriss rcurn o Nuzurch: Rising up, hcy
drovc him ou ol hc ciy, und lcd him o hc brow ol hc hill on
which hcir ciy wus buil, in ordcr o cus him down hcudlong. Bu
going hrough hc mids ol hcm hc wcn on his wuy (: zqo).
The holy man and Christianization zzq
Ibid., 0,.
Ibid., j.
Ibid., 1qz.
This pussugc is indccd dirccly cchocd in onc ol hcsc pussugcs ol
Scphcns cvungclizuion ol hc Pcrmiuns, us nurrucd by lpiluny,
wus wcll udvunccd whcn i wus incrrupcd by hc rcurn (ulcr u
srungcly long incrvul) ol hcir chicl sorccrcr, onc Pum, who
ucmpcd (wih minimul succcss, wc urc ussurcd) o pcrvcr
Scphcns rcccn convcrs.
Thcrc lollowcd u scrics ol dcbucs
bcwccn Scphcn und hc sorccrcr, which (lpiluny udmis wih hon-
csy) wcrc ucrly inconclusivc. Somc ol Pums urgumcns urc srik-
ingly disincivc, und urc gcncrully ucccpcd us uuhcnic und no
hc invcnions ol lpiluny. Hc uppculs o hc Pcrmiuns rcscnmcn
u Russiun rulc: Whu good cun comc o us lrom Moscow. Is i no
lrom hcrc hu wc rcccivc hcuvy uxcs und ducs, und cvcry kind ol
Aguins hc urgumcn hu hc pugun gods huvc provcd
hcir impocncc by luiling o hurm Scphcn, Pum rcplics hu hc
gods could huvc dcsroycd Scphcn long ugo bu huvc choscn o bc
mcrcilul. In un urgumcn singlcd ou by mos commcnuors on hc
Lilc hc insiss hu hc Pcrmiuns succcss in huning (hcir muin
sourcc ol livclihood) dcpcnds on hc ussisuncc ol hc muny gods
who huun cvcry pur ol hc nuurul world, in conrus o hc onc,
disun Cod ol hc Chrisiuns; lor cxumplc, hc udds, whcn onc ol our
pcoplc gocs bcur-huning hc cun kill u bcur und skin i wihou uny
ussisuncc, bu whcn Russiuns go huning, hcy nccd onc or cvcn
wo hundrcd huncrs o cuch u singlc bcur, und cvcn hcn hc
unimul olcn cscupcs.
In conrus, Scphcns urgumcns, which
simply rcpcu hc commonpluccs ol Chrisiun dogmuism, srikc u
modcrn rcudcr us incllccivc.
linully, ulcr u puriculurly prolongcd dcbuc ovcr u wholc duy
und nigh, ucndcd by u grcu crowd ol Pcrmiuns, hc wo dis-
puuns ugrcc o pu hcir rivul luihs o hc cs. Pum proposcs hu
hcy should ligh u lirc und boh cncr i ogchcr, o scc which ol
hcm cun comc ou unhurmcd. Ordcul by lirc is o bc lollowcd by
ordcul by wucr (wc urc rcmindcd ol hc vcry similur ordcul in
Muirchus Life of St Patrick, rcucd ubovc): hc prics und hc sor-
ccrcr urc o dcsccnd, urm in urm, hrough un icc-holc in hc rivcr,
und hcn ulcr u wucry pcrumbuluion rc-cmcrgc ou ol unohcr
zo Richard M. Price
Zhitie sv. Stefana, z.
Thc conlronuion bcwccn Scphcn und Pum (or Pun) is rcucd u lcngh
(ibid., qj) und is hc nurruivc climux ol hc Lilc.
Ibid., o.
Ibid., 0,.
onc. Scphcn ugrccs o hc cs, hoping, wc urc old, in divinc pro-
ccion, bu quic prcpurcd o undcrgo u muryrs dcuh. Bu i is hc
sorccrcr who now loscs his ncrvc. Scphcn ukcs him lirmly by hc
urm und rics o drug him ino hc lirc. Thc usslc gocs on lor somc
imc, unil u humiliucd Pum udmis his inubiliy o copc wih lirc
und bcgs lor mcrcy. Hc is hcn ukcn o hc rivcr, whcrc u similur
sccnc lollows, und hc sorccrcr is linully und oully dclcucd. Why
did Pum himscll proposc hcsc wo ordculs, und hcn rclusc o go
hrough wih hcm. Lndcr prcssurc hc rcvculs his rcusons o
Scphcn und hc crowd. Hc hud lcurn lrom his luhcr u wholc
rcpcroirc ol spclls und cnchunmcns; curlicr in hc dcbuc hc hud
mcnioncd hu, in conrus o hc Chrisiuns who nccd duys o hcur
whu hus huppcncd u u disuncc, hc rudiionul skills ol hc
Pcrmiuns cnublc hcm o know u oncc whu is huppcning cvcn in
lur-disun lunds.
Pums rcpcroirc did no, howcvcr, conuin
spclls o conrol lirc und wucr. Bu did hc Chrisiun know his.
Whcn Pum lirs mcnioncd hc possibiliy ol un ordcul by lirc und
wucr, Scphcn hud rcplicd immcdiucly; I don know how o
cnchun lirc und wucr, Ivc ncvcr lcurn how.
I wus his rcply
hu lcd Pum o insis on hc ordcul: hc oo could no umc lirc und
wucr, bu Scphcn did no know his, und hcrclorc wus bound o
udmi dclcu whcn prcsscd o undcrgo hc ordcul. Bu, hc sorccrcr
coninucs, whcn Scphcn insiscd on going hrough wih i, hc
(Pum) rculizcd o his horror hu hc hud bccn rickcd: munilcsly
Scphcn did know how o cnchun lirc und wucr. So, Pum ruclully
concludcs, hc hus bccn dclcucd us u rcsul ol his own cunning. Thc
crowd now insis hu hc sorccrcr mus bccomc u Chrisiun or dic.
Scphcn, howcvcr, is morc mcrcilul, und simply bunishcs him lor
cvcr lrom hc lund ol Pcrm.
Whu urc wc o mukc ol his mcmorublc nurruivc, incompurubly
hc mos lilclikc und ulso hc mos skillully nurrucd ol ull hc so-
rics ol huumuurgic concs hu I huvc comc ucross in hc long
swccp ol hugiogruphicul licruurc. Thc nurruivc is convincing us
u piccc ol uccuruc rcporing, dcriving lrom Scphcn himscll. Ol
coursc, i is purly u licrury consrucion. Pums cxposiion ol his
ruin ol hough rcuds likc gucsswork on hc pur ol Scphcn, whcn
lucr hc nurrucd hc cpisodc o lcllow churchmcn in Moscow; bu
Scphcns gucsswork is likcly o bc closc o hc ruh, ccruinly
The holy man and Christianization z1
Ibid., ,.
Ibid., j.
closcr o hc ruh hun uny ulcrnuivc cxplunuion hu migh occur
o hc modcrn scholur. Thc conrus hu cmcrgcs bcwccn hc holy
mun und hc sorccrcr is hu, whilc hc holy mun is no u mugiciun
bu knows hu his Cod cun do unyhing, hc pugun sorccrcr hus only
u limicd rcpcroirc ol spclls; conscqucnly, oncc hc is movcd on o
unlumiliur crruin hc hus no rcsourccs o pu uguins hc conlidcncc
ol hc mun ol Cod. In whu is in rculiy u cs no ol huumuurgic
powcr bu ol scll-conlidcncc, his pus hc holy mun u u disinc
udvunugc, quic upur lrom his lrccdom lrom lcur ol dcuh und his
rcudincss, il nccd bc, o dic lor his luih. This, surcly, is hc rcul sig-
nilicuncc ol hc sorics ol riul by ordcul. Whchcr ruc, purly ruc,
or wholly lcgcndury, hcy cxprcss hc srongcs curd in hc hund ol
hc holy mun us missionuryu complcc luck ol lcur, which is likcly
o imprcss boh his compunions und his incndcd convcrs us u sign
ol hc prcscncc wihin him ol u powcr no ol his world.
Onc common lcuurc ol curly cvungclizuion hu rcuppcurs in hc
Life of St Stephen of Perm is hu ol incnsilicd cxpccuion ol hc lnd
ol hc Agc und hc Sccond Coming ol Chris, us pur ol u disincivc
Chrisiun vision ol hisory. Thc lirs church hu Scphcn buil in hc
lund ol Pcrm wus dcdicucd o hc Annunciuion ol Our Ludy. This
lcuds lpiluny ino u lcnghy discoursc on hc signilicuncc ol hc
Annunciuion in rcluion o ohcr cvcns in hc hisory ol sulvuion
which (uccording o rudiion) muy ulso bc ussigncd o hc monh
ol Murch: hcsc includc hc crcuion ol hc world, hc lxodus, hc
cnry ino hc Promiscd Lund, hc Pussion und Rcsurrccion ol
Chris, hc Sccond Coming, hc Ccncrul Rcsurrccion, und hc Lus
Thc implicuion is hu Scphcns building ol u
church, us hc lirs dccisivc scp in hc convcrsion ol hc Pcrmiuns,
bclongs o his grcu cyclc.
lquully noublc is lpilunys rcclling ol hc purublc ol hc
Lubourcrs in hc Vincyurd (Muhcw zo: 110). Alcr lollowing hc
lirs pur ol hc Cospcl cx closcly, hc cxpunds hc rcs ol i us lol-
A hc clcvcnh hour hc lound ohcrs sunding idlc, und suid o hcm, Why
do you sund hcrc ull duy idlc, Pcrmiuns. Hus no onc hircd you. And hcy
unswcrcd, No onc hus hircd ushu is, no onc hus uugh us hc
Chrisiun luih, no onc hus illuminucd us wih holy bupism, no onc hus
zz Richard M. Price
Zhitie sv. Stefana, z. Borncs, Visions, 10j, providcs u runsluion ol his
lcd us ino hc ruionul vincyurd, hu is, hc Luw ol Cod. . . . Bu whcn
our Suviour wus wcll plcuscd, in hc lus duys, u hc cnd ol hc ycurs, in
hc linul imcs, u hc closc ol hc scvcnh millcnnium, hc Lord hud piy
on hcm.
This bold upplicuion ol hc purublc muy bc rclucd o u long dis-
quisiion ol lpilunys on why hc convcrsion ol hc Pcrmiuns
occurrcd so luc in hisory. Why did hc uposlcs no comc o hc
lund ol Pcrm. In un upology lor hcir ncglcc ol his clcurly csscn-
iul pur ol hcir mission, lpiluny liss hc grcu missionury journcys
hu lcgcnd uribucd o hc uposlcs, commcning scvcrul imcs
hu his or hu uposlc did no comc o hc lund ol Pcrm.
clcur implicuion, shumclcss in is boldncss, is hu hc work ol
Scphcn complccs und rcdccms hc lubours ol hc uposlcs. This
complcion wus linkcd in lpilunys mind (und doublcss in Scphcns
ulso) o hc cxpccuion ol hc cnd ol hc world in hc no so disun
luurc. According o hc rudiionul chronology hu ussigncd scvcn
housund ycurs o world hisory, hc world, crcucd in jjo nc, wus
duc o comc o un cnd in ~u 1qz, lcss hun u ccnury ulcr
Scphcns dcuh und hc wriing ol hc Lilc. This luc is brough up
scvcrul imcs by lpiluny, oncc in hc mouhs ol criics ol Scphcns
mission, who hink hu i is now oo luc o luy hc lounduions ol
u Chrisiun culurc in hc lund ol Pcrm.
This bclicl wus indccd so
widcsprcud in luc mcdicvul Russiu hu i could no bu ullcc hc
pcrccpion ol Scphcns mission.
lpilunys purposc rcmuins clcur:
hc convcrsion ol hc Pcrmiuns is o bc sccn us hc lullilmcn ol
Chriss commission o hc uposlcs o prcuch hc gospcl o hc cnds
ol hc world. This mukcs hc convcrsion ol Pcrm viruully hc cli-
mux ol sulvuion hisory. Ccruinly, i pluccs i lirmly wihin hu
hisory und links i closcly o hc grcu cvcns nurrucd in Scripurc.
This cschuologicul dimcnsion in missionury work hud rccurrcd
rcpcucdly in hc curlicr hisory ol Chrisiun cvungclizuion. I is u
lumiliur luc hu S Puul prcuchcd un immincn parousia, und suw
his own missionury work us un csscniul prcludc o hc rcurn ol
Thc monusic movcmcn ol hc lourh ccnury (which hud
The holy man and Christianization z
Zhitie sv. Stefana, 1z1.
Ibid., 1o1z.
Ibid., ,o.
Scc Borncs, Visions, 1,j, lor hc incnsiy ol cschuologicul cxpccuion in
Russiu u his imc.
Scc }. Chrisiuun Bckcr, Paul the Apostle (ldinburgh, 1qo), 1j1, und }. W.
Thompson, Thc Ccnilc Mission us un lschuologicul Ncccssiy, Restoration
Quarterly, 1 (1q,1), 1z,.
such u dccisivc inllucncc on hc Chrisiunizuion ol lgyp und Syriu)
wus uccompunicd by hcighcncd cschuologicul cxpccuion: wc
rcud in hc History of the Monks of Egypt hu lor hc luhcrs in hc
dcscr hcrc is only hc cxpccuion ol hc coming ol Chris in hc
singing ol psulms.
S Murin ol Tours wus convinccd hu hc wus
living in hc lus duys, und hu ulrcudy in his own lilcimc hc
Anichris hud bccn born und wus soon o munilcs himscll.
Purick (no hc lcgcndury ligurc ol hc Livcs, bu hc uuhcnic
Purick ol hc Confessio) wroc hu hc wus prcuching in hc lus
duys, hu hc coming ol Chris wus ncur, und hu in prcuching o
hc Irish jus bclorc hc cnd ol hc world hc wus lullilling hc words
ol Chris, This gospcl ol hc kingdom will bc prcuchcd hroughou
hc wholc world, us u csimony o ull hc nuions, und hcn will
comc hc cnd.
S Crcgory hc Crcu, in hc wukc ol Augusinc ol
Cuncrburys mission o lnglund, wroc o King lhclbcr ol Kcn
hu hc cnd ol hc prcscn world is now nigh und hc rcign ol hc
suins is ubou o comc.
This cschuologicul hcmc wus morc hun
icing on hc cukc, u sor ol homilcic cxruvugunzu. Wc huvc o
rcmcmbcr hu cvungclizuion wus no ccnrul in hc Churchs mis-
sion unil modcrn imcs. Ciizcns ol hc Romun lmpirc or ol hc
Byzuninc lmpirc, ol sub-Romun Briuin or ol mcdicvul Muscovy,
hud vcry mixcd lcclings ubou hc sprcud ol hc luih o burburiuns
who wcrc hc cncmics ol Chrisiun civilizuion und did no dcscrvc
hc bcnclis ol hc gospcl. Thc bclicl hu missionury cxpunsion
could hcruld hc complcion ol hisory und hc rcurn ol Chris in
glory wus un imporun pur ol hc moivuion lor cvungclizuion.
lxpccuion ol hc lnd ulso conribucd somching o hc spiri in
which cvungclizuion wus curricd ou. Thc lnd wus lorcsccn us hc
lull munilcsuion ol hc powcrs ol durkncss, who would hcn bc
ovcrcomc by hc lorccs ol ligh lcd by Chris in glory. And hcn hc
luwlcss onc will bc rcvculcd, und hc Lord }csus will sluy him wih
z Richard M. Price
Historia Monachorum, prol., (p. zj).
Sulpicius Scvcrus, Dialogi, ii.1 (pp. 1q,). Scc ulso idcm, Vita Martini,
z.1 (i, o0,).
Confessio, (udvcnum ipsius mox luurum), (in novissimis dicbus . . .
unc lincm mundi), 1 (ciing Muhcw z: 1). According o }ouchim Cnilku, Das
Matthusevangelium (lrciburg, 1q), ii, 1, hc mcuning ol hc Muhucun cx is
no hu worldwidc cvungclizuion is u sign ol hc lnd bu hu i is u prccondiion
lor i. Thc disincion is u linc onc.
Bcdc, HE, i.z (pp. 11o1j). lor ohcr pussugcs whcrc Crcgory cxprcsscs his
convicion, scc C. R. lvuns, The Thought of Gregory the Great (Cumbridgc, 1q0), 1q.
hc brcuh ol his mouh und dcsroy him by his uppcuring und his
coming (z Thcssuloniuns z: ). I wus his sccnurio hu simulucd
hc bclligcrcn noc in cvungclizuion. Thc holy mun who ovcrcumc
hc dcmonic powcrs hrough opcnly dclying hcm wus in hc
udvuncc-guurd hu unnounccd und unicipucd hc linul vicory ol
coNfI NrI fv I N vI s s I oN~nv n~cI ocn~rnv
Thc similuriics bcwccn lpilunys vicw ol mission und hu ol cur-
licr Crcck und Luin hugiogruphy huvc urncd ou o bc considcr-
ublc. Thcy urc cvidcncc ol u dcgrcc ol subiliy in Chrisiun idcology
in gcncrul und in Chrisiun hugiogruphy in puriculur. Thc nurru-
ivc purullcls bcwccn hc Life of St Stephen und Wcscrn cxs such
us hc Life of St Martin und hc Life of St Patrick mus bc cxpluincd
by u common sourcc in hc Crcck rudiion, sincc no Luin hugio-
gruphy wus known in Russiu. lpilunys knowlcdgc ol hc Crcck ru-
diion is likcly o huvc bccn cxcnsivc. I hus bccn poincd ou hu
hc rhcoricul lumcns which concludc hc Lilc urc hcuvily indcbcd
o Crcck rhcoric und in puriculur o Crcgory ol Nyssus Funeral
Oration over Meletius.
Thc sory ol hc riul by ordcul bcwccn
Scphcn und Pum hus us is closcs Crcck purullcl known o mc hc
sory ol Apu Coprcs und u Munichcc in hc History of the Monks of
Egypt, rclucd ubovc. I is hcrclorc rclcvun o noc hu his cx
wus uvuilublc o Russiuns in u vcrnuculur runsluion,
hough in
uny cusc lpiluny hud dircc knowlcdgc ol Crcck cxs, us did
Scphcn himscll. Thc rccurrcncc ol nurruivc moils hrough bor-
rowing by hugiogruphcrs lrom hcir prcdcccssors or hc Scripurcs
olcn urouscs doubs us o hisoriciyund quic righly so, whcn
hc biogruphcr is wriing on somc uspcc ol his subjccs lilc whcrc
hc hisoricul lucs wcrc cihcr unknown o him or incompuiblc
wih his idcul ol suinhood. Bu wc ulso huvc o rcckon wih lucr-
duy holy mcn who consciously cmulucd hcir grcu lorcbcurs lrom
The holy man and Christianization zj
lor u dcuilcd unulysis, scc Yu. A. Alissundruos in Drevnerusskaya Literatura:
Istochnikovedenie, cd. D. S. Likhuchcv (Lcningrud, 1q), 0,.
lor hc Old Sluvonic runsluion ol hc Historia Monachorum in Aegypto, mudc
us curly us hc ninh ccnury, und hc Old Russiun rcccnsion ol hc clcvcnh or
wcllh ccnury, scc D. S. Likhuchcv, Slovar knizhnikov i knizhnosti drevney Rusi, vol.
1 (Lcningrud, 1q,), oj0.
hc curly ccnurics ol Chrisiuniy. Wc muy rccognizc in lpilunys
uccoun ol Scphcns mission somching morc incrcsing hun
hugiogruphicul commonpluccnumcly, hc work ol u missionury
who, wihou ncglccing hc nccds ol hc prcscn, hopcd o li ino
sucrcd hisory by imiuing i.
Thc Life of St Stephen of Perm ukcs us, in onc scnsc, u long wuy
lrom our suring-poin in hc lcgcnds ol hc uposlcs und hc mis-
sionury lubours ol Murin, Purick, und Bonilucc in hc curly
mcdicvul Wcs; bu hc similuriics urc cxrcmcly sriking. Ol coursc,
hc sudcn ol Chrisiun cxs living in u pos-Chrisiun socicy is no
wcll ruincd in dcccing vuricics ol pugunism, und hc cxs hcm-
sclvcs cncourugc us o scc pugunism, u whucvcr imc und whu-
cvcr plucc, us much ol u muchncss. lor hc curly or mcdicvul
Chrisiun pugunism ulwuys rcprcscns hc sumc hing. lrom hc
humun sidc i rcprcscns u mindlcss rudiionulism, uncivilizcd und
irruionul: consuetudo, us uscd by Sulpicius und ohcrs, ukcs on u
murkcdly pcjoruivc connouion in his concx, und corrcsponds
prcciscly o lpilunys usc ol is Russiun synonym poshlina. Bu hc
cxs luy hcuvy cmphusis on hc morc siniscr sidc ol pugunism: i
is hc cul ol dcmons musqucruding us gods. Thc puguns, in hcsc
sorics, huvc no consun pcrsonuliy: hcy vccr wildly und incx-
plicubly (olcn wihin hc sumc cpisodc) lrom bcing childlikc und
umiublc o bcing lurious und bloodhirsy (us hc vicims und ugcns
ol dcmons) und hcn, o hcir own surprisc, o bccoming pussivc
und docilc undcr hc suddcn inllucncc ol hc Spiri prcscn in hc
holy mun.
Wc muy ruisc uguin u qucsion wc mcnioncd u hc bcginning:
whu conccp ol Chrisiunizuion do hcsc cxs imply. Pccr Brown,
dcvcloping hc insighs ol Robcr Murkus,
hus rcccnly poincd
ou how hc usccicul movcmcn ol hc lourh ccnury cumc o vicw
rcul Chrisiunizuion us hc crcuion ol u wholly Chrisiun culurc,
incompuiblc wih hc rudiionul civic vulucs und cusoms ol Crcccc
und Romc; uccording o his modcl, Chrisiunizuion is ulwuys pur-
iul und ncvcr complcc. lurlicr vicws ol Chrisiunizuion, in con-
rus, wcrc concn wih u morc supcrliciul vicory ovcr hc public
munilcsuions ol pugunism. Thc hugiogruphicul mucriul wc huvc
bccn looking u rurcly ouchcs on hc problcm ol u supcrliciul cvun-
gclizuion hu pluccs u hin vcnccr ol ouwurd Chrisiun prolcssion
z0 Richard M. Price
AS, 1z0, ulcr Murkus, End, 1.
ovcr un uncrudicucd pugunism (hough hc Life of St Boniface is un
cxccpion); hc cxs urc ull oo rcudy o nurruc rcpcucd cpisodcs
whcrc u crowd ol pugun onlookcrs urc convcrcd by somc lcu ol u
holy mun, wihou unswcring our qucsions ubou how his con-
vcrsion wus consoliducd. Thc Chrisiunizuion cclcbrucd in hcsc
cxs is ruhcr hu ol hc oldcr modcl, wih is cmphusis on hc
munilcsuion on curh ol u hcuvcnly vicory. Thc missionury cnucs
uguin und uguin hc vicory ol Chris ovcr hc dcmonic, und hc
luih ol hc hugiogruphcr und his uudicncc in hc complccncss ol
his vicory (in hcologicul crms) cxcludcs u sobcr usscssmcn ol hc
impcrlccions ol hc ucuul proccss ol Chrisiunizuion.
Missionury work hus muny uspccs, only somc ol which uppculcd
o hc wricrs ol hugiogruphy. Thc cxs wc huvc cxumincd do no
providc u cmpluc o dclinc hc ypicul missionury ol uniquc or
mcdicvul imcs; und ol coursc hcir hisoriciy vurics cnormously.
Bu whu hcy do rcvcul is u long und coninuous rudiion in which
hc ugcn ol cvungclizuion is cndowcd wih hc churuccrisics ol
hc holy munindcpcndcncc ol ucion, conlidcncc bclorc Cod, bold-
ncss bclorc mcn. Thcy prcscn un incrprcuion ol hc work ol u
missionury in crms ol hc busic biblicul myhology ol hc bulc
bcwccn ligh und durkncss, u bulc hu hus in csscncc ulrcudy
bccn won, so hu hcrc is no possibiliy ol rcul dclcu, cvcn u cm-
porury onc. Thc holy mun is csscniully pcrlorming u mopping-up
opcruion. Hc docs so wih urgcncy und zcul, bccuusc hc knows hu
hc hus bccn cnruscd wih his linul usk hu mus bc complccd
bclorc Chris cun rcurn in u cloud ol glory, o consummuc hc
munilcsuion ol his kingship.
S Murin oncc cncouncrcd on u counry roud u buriul proccs-
sion which hc misook lor u pugun lusrul proccssion. Churging in
wih hc sign ol hc cross (Sulpicius mukcs usc ol miliury lun-
guugc), hc brings hc proccssion o un immcdiuc hul, only o dis-
covcr his misukc. }ucqucs lonuinc unkindly compurcs hc S
Murin ol his cpisodc o Don uixoc und hc windmill.
Thc sory
ccruinly illusrucs u spiriuuliy hu rcud lilc us u consun wurlurc
ol hc spiri und wus ulcr o dccc hc cncmy bchind cvcry bush.
I wus u spiriuuliy hu incrprccd hc work ol Chrisiunizuion in
crms ol u closcly rclucd sc ol biblicul imugcs, in which (o borrow
hc lunguugc ol Romuns 1: 1z) hc urmour ol ligh is urruycd
The holy man and Christianization z,
Vie de Saint Martin, ii, ,zo, on Sulpicius, Vita Martini, 1z.z (i, z,).
uguins hc works ol durkncss. Thcsc cxs urc morc hun licrury
sylizuion: missionurics ol hc curly und mcdicvul cpochs posscsscd
his mcnuliy no lcss hun hcir biogruphcrs. Thc idcology wc huvc
bccn cxploring rcvculs hc rclcvuncc ol hc ligurc ol hc holy mun
us wurrior ol Chris o curly und mcdicvul noions ol cvungclizuion.
z Richard M. Price
Thc cul ol suins in Islum
Prophccy und holy mcn in curly Islum
To vcs u lcllow humun bcing wih powcrs und cluims o loyuly
ussociucd wih hc supcrnuurul, und cspcciully u humun bcing
whosc cluim wus no rcndcrcd unchullcngcublc by obvious cocrcivc
powcrs, is u momcnous dccision lor u socicy mudc up ol smull
lucc-o-lucc groups o mukc.
Il hc ypology ol Browns holy mcn
hus bccomc considcrubly morc complcx in hc lus wcny ycurs or
hcir ubiquiy in hc Mcdicrruncun world hus sood hc cs ol
imc: holy mcn sccm o huvc imprcsscd hcmsclvcs on hc wholc ol
his world, sclcd und pusorulis communiics ulikc. Among hc
lucr, hc Arubs ol hc lcrilc Crcsccn wcrc no srungcrs o
Chrisiuns und hcir cluims, huving comc ino conuc wih holy
mcn in u vuricy ol wuys: crowding uround hc busc ol suins ow-
cring pillurs, cumping u Chrisiun shrincs, gruclully rccciving hc
curuivc blcssings ol iincrun prcuchcrs.
Sill, o hc cosmopoliun
As u sc ol suggcsions incndcd lor non-Arubiss us wcll us Arubiss, his cssuy is
cquippcd wih modcs documcnuion, no Arubic diucriics, und only occusionul rcl-
crcnccs o Arubic cxs; whcncvcr possiblc, I huvc includcd runsluions. I um gruc-
lul o l. W. Zimmcrmunn lor rcuding u drul.
MLA, 10.
Thus M. Whiby, Muro hc Dcndric: An Ani-Sociul Holy Mun., in M. Whiby,
P. Hurdic, und M. Whiby (cds.), Homo Viator: Classical Essays for John Bramble
(Brisol, 1q,), oq1,, u 10 (Thc Holy Mcn ol luc uniquiy wcrc divcrsc, und
hcir imugc wus no suic); und }. D. Howurd-}ohnsons rcvicw ol C. Culuurioou,
The Making of a Saint: The Life, Times and Sanctification of Neophytos the Recluse
(Cumbridgc, 1qq1), in hc Journal of Ecclesiastical History, j (1qq), 1 (Thcrc
wcrc numcrous gruduions ol holincss in mcn rccogniscd us holy und scvcrul ypcs,
runging lrom hc wihdruwn concmpluivc o hc incrvcnionis guru moving in
high sociul circlcs).
Whilc hc cvidcncc lor Chrisiuniy on hc pcriphcry ol hc Pcninsulu grows
richcr, hc Hijuz rcmuins ull bu unchurcd in urchucologicul und cpigruphicul crms.
Thcrc is sill much o rccommcnd in T. Andruc, Dcr Lrsprung dcs Islums und dus
Chriscnum: I. Dus Chriscnum in Arubicn zur Zci Muhummcds, Kyrkohistorisk
rsskrift, z (1qz), 1jjo; cl. R. Bcll, The Origins of Islam in its Christian
Environment (London, 1qz0). lor Chrisiuniy ousidc ol Arubiu, scc l. Nuu, Les
Arabes Chrtiens de Msopotamie et de Syrie du VII
Sicle (Puris, 1q);
culurcs ol hc Ncur lus, hcsc Arubs rcmuincd ousidcrs us much
us muny ol hc holy mcn prcuching umongs hcm; und il mission-
izing umongs hcsc burburiuns brough hcm ino closcr conuc,
i ook Islum, in Browns words hc lus, mos rupid crisis in hc
rcligious hisory ol hc luc uniquc pcriod,
o movc hcm on o hc
ccnrc-sugc ol hc Mcdicrruncun world, o rcconsiuc, in hc lorm
ol hc Culiphuc, Alcxundcrs Mounuin Arcnu.
In whu lollows I ollcr somc cnuivc suggcsions ubou his
runslormuion und somc ol is conscqucnccs; I locus, in puriculur,
on prophccy und sociul powcr. Morc prcciscly, I shull suggcs hu
whucvcr Muhummuds dcb o hc luc uniquc world mudc lumil-
iur o us by Brown, his movcmcn wus sui generis, und sc u ncw
purudigm ol ucivis picy lor Muslims, cmbcddcd us hcy wcrc in
whu rcmuincd u prcdominunly non-Muslim Ncur lus: somc ol hc
ingrcdicns ol Muhummuds mcssugc wcrc no doub lumiliur, bu
hc rccipc wus ulogchcr ncw. A holy muns suddcn conglomcru-
ion migh survivc only by hcuding on o hc scppc, wih hc rcsul
hu hc ownslolk ol Pulmyru quickly shu hcir gucs uguins
Alcxundcr hc Slccplcss und his bund: lor whu hcy suw wus hc
old cursc ol hc lcrilc Crcsccn in u ncw lormu Bcdouinizuion ol
hc usccic lilc.
Similurly, u lourh-ccnury (.) suin numcd }ohn
hc Arub migh pcrlorm hc sundurd miruclcs (curing hc inlirm,
lccding hc hungry, convcring hc Codlcss, cxorcizing dcmons, und
muking burrcn womcn lcrilc); whcn invokcd o do so, hc migh
ulso uppcur on his horsc, sword druwn, o scnd u hundrcd Bcdouin
bundis rccling uwuy lrom hc curuvun hcy hud hrcucncd.

zz Chase Robinson
}. S. Triminghum, Christianity Among the Arabs in pre-Islamic Times (London und Ncw
York, 1q,q); I. Shuhd, Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, vol. 1, p. z,
Ecclesiastical History (Wushingon, DC, 1qqj), csp. qq ll.; D. T. Pos, The Arabian
Gulf in Antiquity, z vols. (Oxlord, 1qqo), ii, z1 ll.
Thus, hc rcmurk by hc biogruphcr ol Ahudcmmch, hc Monophysic bishop
convcnionully crcdicd wih convcring hc pusorul Arubs ol norhcrn
Mcsopoumiu: Thcrc wcrc muny pcoplc bcwccn hc luphrucs und Tigris in hc
lund hu is numcd hc Islund; hcy livc in cns, und urc burburiuns und dcudly
. . . Hc |Ahudcmmch| suw hu hcy wcrc cvil (bish) und hcir spccch |licrully,
onguc| coursc. Scc Histoires dAhoudemmeh et de Marouta, cd. und r. l. Nuu, PO
]1 (1qoq), z1 l.
WLA, 1q.
Thc phrusc und idcu urc C. lowdcns: Empire to Commonwealth: Consequences of
Monotheism in Late Antiquity (Princcon, 1qq), 1j ll.
Holy Mun, 11.

lor hc uccoun, scc S. Brock, Nocs on Somc Monuscrics on Moun Izlu, Abr-
Nahrain, 1q (1qo1), 01q.
nonc ol his would huvc imprcsscd Muhummud, who wus propos-
ing o urn hc world upsidc down: hc wus no o lcud u hungry
bund o bcg u hc doors ol hc Pulmyrcncs, bu o lcud un urmy o
conqucr hcir ciy.
vrn~vv~u ~Nu nI s ncvci~fI oN
Prcciscly why urushi ribcsmcn ol norh-wcscrn Arubiu cumc o
bclicvc hu un ohcrwisc undisinguishcd kinsmun numcd
Muhummud should scrvc us hc locus ol hc supcrnuurul rcmuins
unclcur. Burring hc lunusic discovcry ol ncw cvidcncc, hc prob-
lcm ol Muhummud, us Bluchcrc uply cnilcd his biogruphy ol
is u nu hu Islumiciss huvc so lur bccn unublc o
cruck. lor hc sourccs, Arubic und ohcrwisc, conspirc uguins us in
u vuricy ol wuys: whilc concmporuncous or ncur-concmporunc-
ous non-Islumic sourccs know oo lilc ol Muhummud o bc ol uny
rcul hclp,
much lucr Islumic uccouns know ulogchcr oo much
o bc bclicvublc. Thu Muhummud wus u Cod-lcuring mun who
hough hu ohcrs should lcur Him oo is clcur cnough; bu prc-
ciscly how hc bccumc so, how hc cxprcsscd his lcur in prucicc, und
linully how hcsc pruciccs rcluc o luc uniquc prcccdcns, rcmuins
conrovcrsiul lor hc simplc rcuson hu hc sourccswricn us
hcy wcrc no lcss hun u ccnury und u hull ulcr his dcuhrcmuin
so conrovcrsiul. I is ruc hu hc urun cun cll us scvcrul hings,
bu usidc lrom problcms ol duing und runsmission, is rhcoric is
discursivc und ullusivc;
hc voluminous hadith licruurc, which
hc rudiion convcnionully holds o bc hc rcposiory ol
Muhummuds vicws on u widc vuricy ol lcgul issucs, morc clcurly
rcllccs hc opinions ol luc cighh- und ninh-ccnury juriss hun i
docs Muhummuds;
und hc biogruphicul rudiion, which ulso
Prophecy and holy men z
R. Bluchcrc, Le problme de Mahomet: Essai de biographie critique du fondateur de
lIslam (Puris, 1qjz).
Which is vcry dillcrcn lrom suying hu hcy huvc no vuluc lor undcrsunding
curly Islum morc gcncrully; lor u rcccn survcy, scc R. Hoylund, Seeing Islam as Others
Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early
Islam (Princcon, 1qq,).
lor u summury hu rcmuins vuluublc, scc R. Purc, Dcr Korun uls
Ccschichsqucllc, Der Islam, , (1q01), zz.
Thu Muhummuds cxumplc only cmcrgcd us purudigmuic lor Muslim juriss
during hc sccond Islumic ccnury wus dcmonsrucd by }. Schuch, The Origins of
Muhammadan Jurisprudence (Oxlord, 1qjo).
ducs lrom hc luc cighh ccnury, only occusionully cmbcds
nuggcs ol uuhcnic hisory in hc mids ol u vcry rich vcin ol lc-
An cxumplc hu illusrucs hc problcms ol cvidcncc is un
uccoun uppcuring in Ibn Ishuqs Sira (Lilc) ol Muhummud, rccordcd
hcrc in hc rcccnsion ol Ibn Hishum (d. ) und in hc monu-
mcnul Tarikh (Hisory) ol Abu }ulur ul-Tuburi (d. qz1):
dcscribcs Muhummuds lirs rcvcluion, rudiionully idcnilicd us
urun q0: 1j. As is lrcqucnly hc cusc in hc hisoriogruphicul
rudiion ol his pcriod, hc uccoun comcs on hc uuhoriy ol u
concmporury ol Muhummuds, in his cusc Lbuyd b. Lmuyr b.
uudu; i hus u ripuric srucurc: (1) un opcning, which locucs
hc cvcn in hc concx ol Muhummuds rcgulur pruciccs ol picy
und spiriuuliy (lor cxumplc, soliury wundcrings in hc hills ncur
Mcccu; hc giving ol ulms o hc poor; circumumbuluion uround
hc Kubu); (z) u diuloguc bcwccn Muhummud und hc ungcl
Cubricl, lluggcd by u chungc ol voicc (lrom hird o lirs), in which
Muhummud only rclucunly conscns o hc uc ol rcciing Cods
words us dicucd by Cubricl; und () u rcurn und dcnoucmcn, ini-
iully signullcd by hc uppcuruncc on Moun Hiru ol mcn who hud
bccn scn by Muhummuds wilc Khudiju, bu only lully rculizcd by
u sccond diuloguc, in which Khudijus cousin Wuruqu b. Nuwlul
conlirms hu Muhummuds cxpcricncc is uuhcnicully prophcic.
Thc nurruivc hus hus u clcur dcsign, und whilc somc would undcr-
sund mucriul such us his in cxclusivcly cxcgcicul crms, ohcrs
would disccrn u mixurc ol cxcgcsis und hisoricul mucriul gcncr-
ucd lor rcusons ol is own; ull would ugrcc hu scvcrul upologcic
lcuurcs mukc i dillicul o incrprc. lor whu is u issuc is nohing
lcss hun hc dcliniion ol ruc prophccy, und il hc cxuc provcn-
uncc ol hc uccoun is indccrminuc, prudcncc dicucs hu onc
ullow lor un Arubiun und Ncur luscrn scing: hcrc curly und lucr
z Chase Robinson
Scc now L. I. Conrud, Abruhu und Muhummud: Somc Obscrvuions upropos ol
Chronology und Licrury Topoi in hc lurly Arubic Hisoricul Trudiion, BSOAS jo
(1q,), zzjo; P. Cronc, Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam (Princcon, 1q,),
zoo; und cl. M. Lcckcr, Thc Dcuh ol hc Prophc Muhummuds luhcr: Did
Wuqidi Invcn Somc ol hc lvidcncc., Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen
Gesellschaft, 1j (1qqj), 1oz,.
Scc al-Sira al-nabawiyya, cd. ul-Suqqu, i, zj ll., which is runslucd ino lnglish
by A. Cuilluumc us The Life of Muhammad (London, 1qjj), 1oj ll., und ul-Tuburi,
Tarikh al-rusul wal-muluk (Lcidcn, 1,q1qo1), i, 11q ll., which is runslucd by
W. M. Wu und M. V. McDonuld us The History of al-Tabari, VI: Muhammad at Mecca
(Albuny, 1q), 0q ll.
mucriul sccms o huvc bccn incrwincd by hc cighh- und ninh-
ccnury hisoriogruphicul rudiion, which wus us sophisicucd und
cxpcrimcnul us i wus vorucious.
In u culurul milicu such us hc scvcnh-ccnury Hijuz, whcrc hc
visions und words ol pocs und soohsuycrs could cxprcss boh hc
ccsuic und oruculur, und whcrc jinns ook posscssion ol unsus-
pccing ribcsmcn,
hc disincion bcwccn ruc prophccy on hc
onc hund, und mugic und soohsuying on hc ohcr, hud o bc
druwn, puriculurly sincc much ol Muhummuds rcvcluion wus
cxprcsscd in u pocic rcgiscr.
Among Muslims, us umong
Chrisiuns, whu wus holy dcbucd wus hc dillcrcncc bcwccn
lcgiimuc und illcgiimuc lorms ol supcrnuurul powcr.
uccouns cmphusis on hc written churuccr ol Muhummuds rcvc-
luionCubricl brings u covcrlc ol brocudc whcrcupon wus somc
wriing, und in hc wukc ol his lirs rcvcluion i wus us hough
hcsc words wcrc wricn on my hcur (Cuilluumc)muy huvc
luncioncd o insuluc Muhummuds cxpcricncc lrom hu ol hc
pocs und soohsuycrs. Muhummuds words ccruinly did so, lor hc
is givcn o doub his cxpcricncc, unxious lcs hc bc misukcn lor
somching clsc: Nonc ol Cods crcuion wus morc louhsomc o mc
hun pocs und hosc posscsscd; I could burcly sc cycs on hcm.
And so I suid (o myscll): Such u pcrson, hcs u poc or pos-
scsscdncvcr shull hc uruysh spcuk hus ol mc!
Muhummud is givcn o voicc conccrns ubou hc churuccr ol his
cxpcricncc, i is lcl o Wuruqu b. Nuwlul o idcnily i conclusivcly
us prophcic. lor unlikc Khudiju, Wuruqu is suid o huvc posscsscd
Prophecy and holy men zj
Thus, T. luhd, La divination arabe: tudes religeuses sociologiques et folkloriques
sur le milieu natif de lIslam (Srusbourg, 1q00), 0: duns unc pcnscc urubc plus uu
moins syncrcisc, cnrc divinuion c prophcic, il cxisc unc ccruinc coninuic; lor
morc buckground, scc R. Purc, Mohammed und der Koran: Geschichte und Ver-
kndigung des arabischen Propheten (Sugur, 1q00), z1 ll.
On his urunic lunguugc, scc in gcncrul Purc, Mohammed und der Koran,
ll.; R. Bcll und W. M. Wu, Introduction to the Quran (ldinburgh, 1q,o), 0q ll., und,
morc rcccnly, A. Ncuwirh, Dcr hisorischc Muhummud im Spicgcl dcs Koruns
Prophccnypus zwischcn Schcr und Dichcr., in W. Zwickcl (cd.), Biblische Welten:
Festschrift fr Martin Metzger, Orbis biblicus c oricnulis 1z (lrciburg, Swiz.,
1qq), 1o.
MLA, 0o.
Thu somc quic nuurully hcld hu Muhummud bclongcd o hc locul rudi-
ion is mudc clcur in hc urun iscll: Rcmcmbcr (or Civc wurning): by Cods bcnc-
liccncc, you urc ncihcr soohsuycr nor posscsscd. Or do hcy suy, Hc is u poc, lor
whom wc uwui hc unccruiny ol luc. Suy |hcn|: Wui, und I shull wui ulong
wih you (scc urun jz: zq1; und cl. ibid., 0: z, 0q: 1z).
monohcis crcdcniuls: u Chrisiun who wus licruc und wcll rcud
in hc Toruh und Cospcls, hc wus dccply pious und crcdicd wih
vcncrublc pruciccs ol usccicism; hc wus hus onc ol hc vcry lcw
concmporurics ol Muhummud quulilicd o rcndcr judgcmcn on hc
churuccr ol his cxpcricncc: Holy! Holy! Thcrc hus comc o him,
Wuruqu suys, hc grcucs luw (namus) hu cumc o Moscs. Thcsc
wcrc hc visions no ol u lunuic or sccr, bu cvidcncc ol Cods scr-
iul (il occusionul) communicuion ol His will; u ncw cyclc ol
prophccy hud bcgun.
In ull ol his onc migh luirly scnsc un upologcic conccrn, pur-
iculurly sincc hc rudiion knows viruully nohing ol Wuruqu us
un usccicully inclincd Chrisiun in his own righ. Indccd, muny
hcmcs ol hc Wuruqu sory clcurly conlorm o biblicul prcccdcns.
This suid, hc rudiion is umbivulcn ubou Wuruqus own luih:
whilc ull uccouns huvc him conlirm hc uuhcniciy ol
Muhummuds prophccy, only rurcly do hcy huvc him convcr, la
Sulmun ul-lurisi, Suhuyb b. Sinun, und ohcr (scmi-lcgcndury) con-
cmporurics; ruhcr, hc conscnsus hus him rcsis hc kcrygmu
unnounccd by Muhummud, holding lirm o his Chrisiuniy.
sum, hcrc docs sccm o huvc bccn un hisoricul Wuruqu,
onc who
bclongcd o hc sumc clun us Khudiju, wih whom murriugc sccms
o huvc bccn moocd; bu whchcr hc cun clcurly signul hc pcnc-
ruion ol Chrisiuniy ino hc hcur ol Mcccun socicy, much lcss
chur hc pussugc ol Chrisiun idcus und pruciccs o Muhummud,
rcmuins vcry hurd o suy.
z0 Chase Robinson
lor u discussion, scc L. Rubin, The Eye of the Beholder: The Life of Muhammad
as Viewed by the Early Muslims (Princcon, 1qqj), 1o ll.
lor hc minoriy vicw hu Wuruqu wus hc lirs o convcr, scc ul-Zurquni,
Sharh ala l-mawahib al-laduniyya (Buluq, 1z, A.H.), i, zj,; Ibn ul-Ahir, Usd al-
ghaba fi marifat al-sahaba (Bciru, n.d.), v, l., ucknowlcdgcs conlusion ubou his
convcrsion. On Wuruqu, scc Rubin, The Eye of the Beholder, 1o ll.
My conclusion hcrc is unicipucd by T. Andruc, Mohammed: sein Leben und sein
Glaube (Coingcn, 1qz), q1; r. T. Mcnzcl us Mohammad: The Man and his Faith
(London, 1q0), 111 l.
lor nigh-imc vigils und rcciuions, scc urun ,: z und zj: 0. lor somc
scnsc ol hc problcms ol incrprcuion, scc hc cusc ol tahannuth, Muhummuds soli-
ury worship hu lcd o his lirs rcvcluion, in M. }. Kiscr, Al-tahannuth: An Inquiry
ino hc Mcuning ol u Tcrm, BSOAS 1 (1q0), zz0; und N. Culdcr, Hinth, birr,
tabarrur, tahannuth: An lnquiry ino hc Arubic Vocubulury ol Vows, BSOAS j1
(1q), z1q, csp. z ll. (whcrc hc vuriuns udduccd by Kiscr huvc ol coursc
nohing o do wih hisoricul lucs, u lcus no hisoricul lucs ol hc scvcnh ccn-
ury, und hc uccouns bcruy nohing morc hun juriss vicws ol c. oo). In gcn-
crul, scc l. Crul, Zu dcn chrislichcn linllusscn im Korun, in al-Bahit: Festschrift
Joseph Henninger, Sudiu Insiui Anhropos z (Bonn, 1q,0), 111.
I uppcurs hcn hu un Arubiun scing lor our uccoun hus no
bccn cnircly clluccd; hc uccoun ulso bcruys signs ol is pussugc
ino hc cosmopoliun Ncur lus. In u culurul milicu such us Iruq
in hc luc cighh und ninh ccnurics, whcrc Muslims ol vurious
hcologicul und lcgul sripcs wcrc honing hcir diulccicul skills, und
whcrc Chrisiuns, }cws, und Muslims rubbcd shouldcrs, lormully
und inlormully dcbuing hcir luihs, hc wrinklcs ol individuul cxpc-
ricncc bcgun o bc ironcd ou; now, wih uuhcnic mcmory ou ol
rcuch, Muhummuds pcrsonuliy und curccr ook morc lcgcndury
und upologcic shupc. I is his concx hu cxpluins why
Muhummud, lor whom miruclcs sccm o huvc pluycd only u vcry
modcs rolc curly on, wus now cquippcd wih his dcliniivc und
mos lormidublc cvidcniury miruclc, numcly, hc inimiubiliy ol hc
And in his hc dogmu ol his illicrucy pluys u principul
rolc, inlorming our cx (Muhummud rcpcus Cubricls dicuion),
und sccondury scholurship oo (sincc Wuruqu wus licruc, hc mus
huvc cxcrciscd u monohcisic inllucncc on hc unschoolcd
Muhummud). Ccruinly, hcologicul considcruions movcd hc clus-
sicul rudiion o cmphusizc hc uudiory uspcc ol Muhummuds
rcvcluions u hc cxpcnsc ol hc visuul.
All his mukcs rcconsrucing Muhummuds lilc in rcul dcuil
hu is, rcuching sound conclusions ubou his prccisc dcb o
Arubiun (or non-Arubiun) Chrisiuniy, his pruciccs ol picy und
und hc poliicul concx ol his prcuchingvcry dillicul
indccd, cspcciully sincc uuhoriics such us ul-Tuburi wroc us
Prophecy and holy men z,
On hc docrinc ol ijaz, scc hc lnglish summury ol ul-Buqillunis vicws in
Miracle and Magic: A Treatise on the Nature of the Apologetic Miracle and its
Differentiation from Charisms, Trickery, Divination, Magic and Spells, cd. R. }. McCurhy
(Bciru, 1qj), unulyicul summury; und C. l. von Cruncbuum, idjaz, in EI
, iii,
1o1zo. lor hc upologcic milicu, scc S. Sroumsu, Thc Signs ol Prophccy: Thc
lmcrgcncc und lurly Dcvclopmcn ol u Thcmc in Arubic Thcologicul Licruurc,
Harvard Theological Review, , (1qj), 1o11; C. Adung, Muslim Writers on Judaism
and the Hebrew Bible (Lcidcn, 1qq0), csp. ch. j; und H. Luzurus-Yulch, Intertwined
Worlds: Medieval Islam and Bible Criticism (Princcon, 1qqz), ,q ll.
Scc R. Bcll, Muhummuds Visions, Muslim World, z (1q), 1jj; und
on hc Prophcs so-cullcd Nigh }ourncy (o Hcuvcn), hc collccion cdicd by M. A.
Amir-Moczzi, Le voyage initiatique en terre dIslam: Ascensions clestes et itinraires spir-
ituels (Louvuin, 1qq0); und }. vun lss, Abd ul-Mulik und hc Domc ol hc Rock:
An Anulysis ol Somc Tcxs, in }. }ohns und }. Ruby (cds.), Bayt al-Maqdis: Abd al-
Maliks Jerusalem (Oxlord, 1qqz), q1o.
Cl. Andruc, Mohammed, 1: Hcncc whu hc rudiions cll us ubou
Mohummcds privuc lilc is compuruivcly worhlcss us u hisoricul sourcc.
upologiss us wcll us hisoriuns.
In luc, hc now ccnury-old
indusry ol biogruphics ol hc Prophc hus luilcd o producc u lull
rcconsrucion ol his lilc hu cun wihsund scrious criicism;
much ol hc mos imporun work now cschcws hisoricul rccon-
srucion in luvour ol churing hc coursc ol u licrury
Thc incrprcuion proposcd by W. M. Wu, which
pu Mcccun socicy in u sociul crisis brough on by hc uppcuruncc
ol u mcrcunilc clic, wus udopcd by Brown himscll;
bu hc his-
oriogruphicul girdcrs ol his rcconsrucion, us Brown ucknowlcdgcd
in 1q, huvc now collupscd undcr P. Croncs wrccking bull.
Cronc hcrscll hus proposcd hu Muhummuds movcmcn lis hc
ypology ol u nuivis movcmcn, bu shc hus ulso conccdcd hu hc
cvidcncc rcquircd o riggcr such u movcmcn ol dclcnsivc scll-idcn-
iy cun bc lound on Arubius pcriphcry, ruhcr hun in hc Hijuz
Thc urgumcn hcrclorc rcmuins cnuivc, bu i sill
rcuins hc grcu viruc ol highlighing hc rudicul churuccr ol
Muhummuds cull. lor in us much us boh Wus und Browns
vicws cun bc cullcd broudly luncionulisMuhummud, likc hc
urchcypul holy mun, rcpuirs hc brcuchcs ol u socicy undcr
srcsshcy undcrcsimuc prcciscly his rudiculism. Muhummud
z Chase Robinson
Thus, hc dcclurcs in hc mids ol his sccion on Muhummuds cull o prophccy
hu rcpors hu cun bc udduccd o provc his prophchood urc innumcrublc; il Cod
wills i, u book (kitab) should bc dcvocd cnircly o i; scc ul-Tuburi, Tarikh, i, 110;
r. Wu und McDonuld, History of al-Tabari, 0,. C. Brockclmunn, Geschichte der ara-
bischen Litteratur, suppl. vol. 1 (Lcidcn, 1q,), z1, councd his us u ilc, u poin
dispucd by l. Roscnhul, The History of al-Tabari, I: General Introduction and From the
Creation to the Flood (Ncw York, 1qq), l.
lor u usclul summury ol whu his indusry produccd o ubou 1qo, scc
M. Rodinson, A Criicul Survcy ol Modcrn Sudics on Muhummud, in M. L. Swurz
(cd.), Studies on Islam (Oxlord und Ncw York, 1q1), zj; und, lor u sobcring
uccoun ol how lilc wc know, l. l. Pccrs, Thc ucs ol hc Hisoricul Muhummud,
International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, z (1qq1), zq11j.
Pcrhups hc bcs cxumplc is Rubins The Eye of the beholder (scc n. 1q ubovc).
WLA, 1q1: I wus u srokc ol gcnius on hc pur ol Muhummud o urn his
lorcign mcssugc |numcly, lcur ol Cod| ino u principlc on which hc conllic-riddcn
socicy ol hc Hijuz could rcorgunizc iscll. Hc wus cullcd upon o curc hc malaise ol
un cmcrgcn socicy. In hc owns, hc ribul sylc ol lilc wus losing is hold on hc
nouvcuux richcs ol hc mcrchun dynusics. Privuc und public sundurds ol bchuv-
iour wcrc bcing orn upur by ncw wculh . . . lor hc inspiruion, scc W. M. Wu,
Muhammad at Mecca (Oxlord, 1qj); idcm, Muhammad at Medina (Oxlord, 1qj0); u
rcsumc ol hc wo cun bc lound in his Muhammad, Prophet and Statesman (Oxlord,
Brown, WLA, z1. lor hc dcmoliion, scc Cronc, Meccan Trade, csp. hc
Cronc, Meccan Trade, zj ll.
wus ccruinly un cxcmplur und u hingc mun, bu onc ol u vcry dil-
lcrcn sor: whcrcus Browns holy mcn scrvcd o kccp luc Romun
socicy in buluncc, Muhummud hrcw his ino mussivc imbuluncc,
crcuing u rcligious vorcx ino which hc buckwurd Arub puguns ol
Arubiu und hc lcrilc Crcsccn umblcd, und ou ol which cmcrgcd
Muslim Culiphs und urmics who would rulc much ol hc civilizcd
Thc wurs ol conqucs ousidc ol Arubiu sccm o huvc llowcd
dirccly lrom hc so-cullcd Wurs ol Aposusy wihin i, which brokc
ou upon hc Prophcs dcuh, und hcy rcllcc morc gcncrully hc
rcvoluionury churuccr ol hc uruns dcmunds on Muhummud
und his communiy. Wurlurc uguins non-Muslims (polyhcis und
monohcis ulikc)holy wur ( jihad), conduccd in hc puh ol
Codwus hc proving ground ol bclicl und picy. Onc ol hc lcw
picccs ol documcnury cvidcncc wc posscss lrom his pcriodhc
Consiuion ol Mcdinu, which Muhummud drulcd soon ulcr
muking hc hijra (cmigruion) lrom Mcccu o Mcdinu in 0zz
shows us hu hc gluc hu wus o hold hc nusccn poliy ogchcr
consiscd lurgcly in hc hclp (or suppor, nasr) hu hc ribcsmcn
ollcrcd cuch ohcr uguins hc Lnbclicvcrs,
whom Muhummud
lough in u sring ol bulcs, lrom Budr (ycur wo ol hc hijra),
hrough Lhud, ul-Khunduq (Thc Dich), ul-Huduybiyyu, und
Khuybur, o hc conqucs ol Mcccu (ycur cigh).
Thc compuc hu
binds Muslim o Muslim in hc Consiuion mirrors hc compuc
hu binds Cod o his communiy, und sincc hc sukcs wcrc high-
cs on hc bulclicld, i wus hcrc hu Cod kcp up His cnd ol hc
burguin. Thcrc is no room lor scnimcnuliy; us urun q: 111 pus
i: Cod hus bough lrom hc bclicvcrs hcir sclvcs und hcir posscs-
sions in rcurn lor Purudisc; hcy ligh in hc wuy ol Cod; hcy kill
und urc killcdhu is hc promisc incumbcn upon Him in hc
Toruh, hc Cospcl, und hc urun, und who is morc ruc o His
Prophecy and holy men zq
lor un inroducion o hc cx, scc R. B. Scrjcun, Thc Consiuion ol
Mcdinu , The Islamic Quarterly, (1q0), 10; lor dcuilcd unulysis und runslu-
ion, scc idcm, Thc Sunnuh }umiuh, Pucs wih hc Yuhrib }cws, und hc tahrim
ol Yuhrib: Anulysis und Trunsluion ol hc Documcns Compriscd in hc so-cullcd
Consiuion ol Mcdinu , BSOAS 1 (1q,), 1z.
lor hc urunic cvidcncc lor hcsc bulcs, scc Purc, Mohammed und der Koran,
11 ll.; lor hc hisoricul cvidcncc, scc }. M. B. }oncs, Thc Chronology ol hc
MaghaziA Tcxuul Survcy, BSOAS 1q (1qj,), zjo; und lor u gcncrul rccon-
srucion, scc l. M. Donncr, Muhummuds Poliicul Consoliduion in Arubiu up o
hc Conqucs ol Mcccu: A Rcusscssmcn, Muslim World, 0q (1q,q), zzq,.
promisc hun Cod. Pcrccpions ol hc bulc ol Budr urc prcscrvcd
in urun : 1z (Cod hud hclpcd you u Budr, whcn you wcrc bu
u hundlul; so lcur Cod, und pcrhups you will bc hunklul) und
urun : q (Whcn you uppculcd o Cod lor hclp, und hc unswcrcd
(suying), I will hclp you wih u housund ol hc ungcls, runks upon
runks ). Thc uuhcniciy ol hc hisoricul rudiion ol his pcriod
is considcrubly morc conrovcrsiul hun hc urun, bu hcrc i
sccms luihlul o hc spiri undcrlying hc urunic cvidcncc. On hc
cvc ol hc bulc, Muhummud is suid o huvc bcsccchcd Cod: Il his
bund pcrishcs, you will no bc worshippcd on curh; uccording o
u vuriun, hc bcgun o cull ou: O Cod, lullil whu you promiscd
mc. O Cod, il his bund pcrishcs, you will no bc worshippcd on
Whucvcr rolc hc Prophc pluycd in hc gcncsis ol Islumic luw,
hcrc cun bc no qucsion hu hc curlics sugcs ol hc rudiion
churcd his curccr no so much us u luw mukcr, bu us u rclorming
monohcis buling hc polyhciss ol hc Pcninsulu; hus rccording
his maghazi (ruids) uppcurs o huvc ull bu monopolizcd hc wri-
ing ol Prophcic biogruphy unil wcll ino hc cighh ccnury.
bulclicld wus whcrc Muslims provcd hcmsclvcs o Cod; i wus hc
cruciblc ol bclicl during hc curlics duys, puriculurly bclorc hc idc
hud urncd in luvour ol Muhummud und his bclicvcrs.
cxpluins why curly rudiionuliss show much lcss incrcs in hc
coursc ol hcsc bulcs hun in cxucly who puricipucd in hcm:
whilc hc Sira crcucs only gcncrul imprcssions ubou whu hup-
pcncd u Budr und Lhud, i rccords prccisc liss ol hosc who lough,
orgunizcd by ribc und mcmbcrship in hc Muhajirun (hosc who
cmigrucd wih Muhummud) und Ansar (hosc Mcdinuns who joincd
him). lor jihad wus no simply u srugglc lor Cod, bu un uc ol picy
und holincss lor which Cod rcwurdcd hosc who survivcd wih
zjo Chase Robinson
Scc hc Sira, i, 0z0 l.; r. Cuilluumc, Life of Muhammad, oo.
lor un ovcrvicw, scc hc inroducion o Cuilluumc, Life of Muhammad; und
}. M. B. }oncs, Thc Mughuzi Licruurc, in A. l. L. Bccson et al. (cds.), Arabic
Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period (Cumbridgc, 1q), j1. Cl. Scrjcuns
commcn rcgurding hc Consiuion (Thc Consiuion ol Mcdinu , 1j): I will
bc nocd hu, upur lrom gcncrul provisions ubou blood-moncy, cc., hc documcns
rcully suy viruully nohing ubou luw.
Cl. D. Cook, Muslim Apoculypic und jihad, JSAI zo (1qq0), 001o, in ,j
ll.; und, morc gcncrully, Purc, Mohammed, 1z1: Wichig is, dul ullc Ccschichc,
ulso uuch dus Zcigcschchcn, uls Hcilsgcschichc vcrsundcn wird, d.h. ulso
Ccschchcn, dus sich nuch dcm Ruschlul Cocs vollzich und dcn Mcnschcn zum
Hcil dicn.
booy, und hosc who dicd wih Purudisc; i wus o puricipuc in
Cods dcsign, o mukc un insrumcn ol oncscll. Cod conqucrcd
such-und-such lund lor hc Muslims (fataha Allah ala yad al-mus-
limin) is u phrusc hu uppcurs und rcuppcurs hroughou hc con-
qucs rudiion, buscd on hc (prc-conqucs) urunic usc ol f-t-h,
uccording o which Cod rcvculs und dclivcrs blcssings, mcrcy,
und His judgcmcn or rcckoning;
i is in his lus scnsc hu hc
cupiuluion ol Mcccu wus uppurcnly undcrsood, whilc Budr iscll
cumc o bc cullcd hc duy ol Discriminuion (al-furqan).
uskcd by Hcruclius o dcscribc hc Muslims hc kncw only lrom ulur,
u lormcr cupivc rcporcd hu hcy wcrc horscmcn by duy, monks
by nigh; hc uccoun cxprcsscs un chos undcrlying hc wcll-
known suying ol hc Prophc hu cvcry communiy hus is monus-
icism; hc monusicism ol my communiy is holy wur in hc puh
ol Cod.
Succcss on hc bulclicld hus undcrpinncd Muhummuds
uuhoriy und vouchsulcd his rcvcluion by muking munilcs Cods
luvour owurds his communiy ol bclicvcrs; in uddiion o hc obvi-
ous mucriul udvunugcs, his probubly cxpluins why his succcssors
prcsscd on, wcll ulcr hc conqucs ol Arubiu propcr, o curry hc
ligh ino hc lcrilc Crcsccn. Aguin, sincc whu mucrcd wus hc
mcuning ol His vicorics und hc rcvculing in hisory ol His will,
ruhcr hun hc prccisc coursc ol hcsc cumpuigns, unyonc rcuding
hc rudiion lor miliury hisory is us disuppoincd wih is covcrugc
ol miliury mucrs us hc is imprcsscd wih hc compilcrs ucnion
o hc booy hu hc conqucss gcncrucd. Whu could bc morc
miruculous hun hc usounding wculh ol Susuniun Ccsiphon
lulling ino hc Arubs hunds.
I should hurdly surprisc hcn hu
hc Muslims spccuculur miliury succcss cumc o bc udduccd us un
Prophecy and holy men zj1
Oricnulis discussions ol hc scmunic rungc ol hc crm huvc u long pcdigrcc,
bu hc mos horough discussions urc R. Purc, Dic Bcdcuungscnwicklung von
urubisch fath, in }. M. Burrul (cd.), Orientalia Hispanica sive studia F.M. Pareja octoge-
nario dicata (Lcidcn, 1q,), j,1; idcm, Der Koran: Kommentar und Konkordanz
(Kohlhummcr, 1qo), 10,; und C. l. Robinson, Conqucs, in The Encyclopaedia of
the Quran (Lcidcn, lorhcoming).
urun : z, bu cl. Cronc, Meccan Trade, zz0 ll.
lor hc Hcruclius uccoun, scc ul-Tuburi, Tarikh, i, zqj; lor u rcccn discus-
sion ol hc Prophcic suying, scc S. Sviri, Wa-rahbaniyatan ibtadauha: An Anulysis
ol Trudiions Conccrning hc Origin und lvuluuion ol Chrisiun Monusicism, JSAI
1 (1qqo), 1qjzo.
lor hc Ccsiphon uccouns, scc ul-Tuburi, Tarikh, i, z ll.; i is runslucd
by C. }uynboll, The History of al-Tabari, XIII: The Conquest of Iraq, Southwestern Persia,
and Egypt (Albuny, 1qq), z ll.
cvidcniury miruclc lor hosc (Chrisiuns, }cws, or ohcrs) who
rcmuincd unpcrsuudcd ol Muhummuds crcdcniuls. Alhough hc
vcry curly Doctrina Jacobi nuper baptizati ukcs issuc wih
Muhummud on prcciscly hcsc grounds (Hc is u lulsc prophc, lor
do prophcs comc wih u sword.),
i is unlikcly o bc u rcllcx ol
Muslim cluims; by hc curly ninh ccnury, hings urc considcrubly
clcurcr. Thus hc Muslim convcr Ali Rubbun ul-Tuburi urgucd no
only hu Muhummuds vicory ovcr his opprcssors quulilics us u
miruclc, bu so oo hc conqucss in |cvcry| rcgion, horizon, scu
und lund, lrom Sus |in hc wcs| o hc dcscrs ol hc Turks und
Tibc |in hc cus| hu lollowcd.
Mcunwhilc, Chrisiuns und }cws
coninucd o urguc hc opposic: uccording o Ammur ul-Busri,
whilc Chrisiuniy ubhors violcncc (al-sayf, licrully hc sword), hc
Toruh und Islum condonc i: So oo hc rcligion ol Islum, whcn i
uscd hc sword; ruhcr hun disuvowing i, i guvc uccouns ol i,
und cxpluincd is |Islums| srcngh und is conqucss ol lur-llung
lunds by is usc.
Similurly, hc ninh-ccnury }cw Duwud b.
Murwun discusscs scvcrul cricriu by which uuhcnic prophccy
muy bc judgcd; umong hcsc onc linds hc vicw hu ruc prophcs
dclcu hcir cncmics by supcrnuurul mcuns, ruhcr hun on hc
J I HAD ~Nu rI cfv
Thc problcms hu luc uniquc mcn luccd, Brown hus wricn,
wcrc no whchcr such |supcrnuurul| powcr cxiscd, nor whchcr
i rcscd solcly in hc Chrisiun Church. Thc powcr hud o bc locuscd
und is uppurcnly rundom disribuion cunulizcd rcnchunly und
zjz Chase Robinson
Doctrina Jacobi Nuper Baptizati, v.10 (cd. V. Dcrochc, Travaux et mmoires, 11
(1qq1), ,z,, u zo11). Thc cx sccms o huvc bccn composcd in Pulcsinc in
hc curly 0os: scc Hoylund, Seeing Islam, jj ll.
Ali Rubbun ul-Tuburi, Kitab al-Din wal-dawla (Bciru, 1q,,), 1oq; r.
A. Mingunu us The Book of Religion and Empire (Munchcscr, 1qzz), j.
Scc Ammur ul-Busri, Kitab al-burhan, in M. Huyck (cd.), Apologie et controver-
ses (Bciru, 1q,,), l. (lor hc Arubic); scc ulso C. Turur, Dialogue Islamo-Chrtien
sous le calife Al-Mamn () (Puris, 1qj), 1jq ll., und A.-T. Khoury, Polmique
byzantine contre lIslam, VIII
sicles (Lcidcn, 1q,z), 10 ll. Cl. hc hadith
(Prophcic suyings) udduccd by Y. lricdmunn, Prophecy Continuous: Aspects of Ahmadi
Religious Thought and its Medieval Background (Bcrkclcy, 1qq), j.
Scc C. Vujdu, Lu prophcologic dc Duwud ibn Murwun ul-Ruqqi al-muqammis,
hcologicn juil urubophonc du IX
sicclc, Journal Asiatique, z0j (1q,,), zz,j, u
convincingly ono u dclinic cluss ol individuuls und u dcliniivc
Thc problcm curly Muslims luccd wus how o conuin
hc volcunic cxplosion ol Cods will hu hud crupcd in curly scv-
cnh-ccnury norh-wcscrn Arubiu, rcprcscncd lirs und lorcmos
by Muhummud himscll. In prucicc his mcun rying o wrcnch
shu hc prophcic up, und diluing hc conccnruion ol corporuc
picy und jihad hu hc Prophc hud so spccuculurly produccd. Wc
cun bcgin wih hc sccond ol hcsc.
Lndcrsunding how hc curlics Muslims undcrsood lrcqucn
urunic injuncions o ligh |or srugglc| in hc puh ol Cod
rcquircs hu onc look bchind clussicul lormuluions produccd in u
sociul und poliicul milicu rudicully dillcrcn lrom hu in which hc
cx wus originully produccd und undcrsood. According o urun
q: und 01: q, Muhummud hud bccn scn by Cod o mukc His
rcligion prcvuil; urun z: 1q und : q insruc bclicvcrs o ligh
unil hcrc is no fitna (which lirs sccms o huvc signilicd hc
Mcccuns opposiion); und urun q: zq holds hu hosc who huvc
rcccivcd hc Book (which cumc o mcun monohciss) urc o bc
lough unil hcy puy hc jizya (clussicully, hc poll ux). Now i
sccms hu Muhummud und his concmporurics suw in hcsc pus-
sugcs u prcscripion lor ongoing und corporuc wurlurc uguins non-
Muslims. I sccms, morcovcr, hu ulcr Muhummud muny Muslims
coninucd o hink so oo: hc circuluion ol hadith hu lorbid hc
prucicc ol hijra (cmigruion lrom gurrison o gurrison) suggcss hu
hc prucicc wus ongoing lor muny Muslims, hu is, hu jihad in
whu Cronc hus cullcd is opcn-cndcd scnsc rcmuincd ulivc. In luc,
wc urc now lorunuc o posscss wo vcry dillcrcn sudics hu con-
vcrgc in urguing hu jihad, ulong wih hijra, wus ccnrul o curly
Muslim cxpcricncc wcll bcyond hc pcriod ol hc grcu conqucss,
cvcn ino hc sccond hird ol hc cighh ccnury.
Hadith hu lorbid pos-prophcic hijra obviously huvc u wolold
vuluc: hcy cun bc udduccd o inlcr is coninuing prucicc, und hcy
Prophecy and holy men zj
MLA, 0.
Scc K. Y. Blunkinship, The End of the Jihad State: The Reign of Hisham ibn Abd
al-Malik and the Collapse of the Umayyads (Albuny, 1qq), und P. Cronc, Thc lirs-
Ccnury Conccp ol Hig ra, Arabica, 1 (1qq), jz,. Cl. M. Mcckcr, Literature and
Violence in North Arabia (Cumbridgc, 1q,q), q: Thc Bcdouins, in ohcr words, could
pcrhups undcrsund hc Korun us u book hu wus hc busis ol u poliico-rcligious
communiy, bu hcy would bc inclincd o srcss ull hosc wuys in which hc Korun
prcscribcd poliicul ucions ruhcr hun rcligious riuuls (u noc rclcrring o Khurijic
wurlurc hcn lollows).
cun bc udduccd o inlcr hc prcscncc ol u lobbyu srong, hadith-
coining lobbyhu wus urguing hu i should cnd. Whucvcr hc
prccisc rcluion bcwccn Suc und lcurning in hc luc Lmuyyud
pcriod, i is luir o suy hu boh hud un incrcs in rclormuluing
Muhummuds mcssugc in crms compuiblc wih hc incxorublc
rculiics ol sclcmcn und ussimiluion; in ohcr words, boh hud un
incrcs in ruionulizing in rcligious crms hc shil lrom conqucs
socicy o cmpirc. As lur us hijra is conccrncd, hc runslormuion
wus cllcccd by coining und circuluing hadith hu promocd un
uniquuriun undcrsunding, onc hu rcsriccd is prucicc o hc
Prophcs lilcimc;
us lur us jihad is conccrncd, i wus cllcccd by
promoing u conccpion hu wus individuul und chicul, ruhcr
hun corporuc und poliicul, und by insiuionulizing hc prucicc
us Culiph-suncioncd wurlurc ulong hc lronicr.
Insolur us cmpirc building wus prcdicucd on sclcmcn und hc
prolcssionulizuion ol irrcgulur lcvics ol nomud lighcrs ino suluricd,
sunding urmics, hc cclipsc ol hc opcn-cndcd hijra und jihad
migh bc consrucd us ulmos incviublc; und givcn hc long mcm-
orics ol somc ribcsmcn und hc shor rcuch ol Suc powcr, nor
should i surprisc hu somc pusoruliss prcscrvcd hc lusion ol picy
und wurlurc hu hud lucllcd hc conqucss, holding o whu
Zimmcrmunn hus cullcd hc spiriuuliy ol hc conqucs socicy
hu undcrluy hc hinking ol muny ol hc Sucs opponcns.
whu hud bccn normuivc in hc curly scvcnh ccnury wus bccom-
ing subvcrsivc u hc cnd ol hc ccnury is mudc clcur by hc
Khurijics (licrully hosc who go ou or rcbcl), sccuriun rcvolu-
ionurics who chullcngcd Lmuyyud uuhoriy hroughou hc
Murwunid pcriod (0j,jo). Thc Khurijics chullcngcd hc
Lmuyyuds no only by hrcucning rurul sccuriy und humiliuing
Lmuyyud gcncruls, bu by insising hu jihad, which in hc curlics
pcriod wus no ncccssurily dircccd uguins non-Muslims,
zj Chase Robinson
lor u lull discussion, scc Cronc, lirs-Ccnury Conccp.
Thc rcluivcly conscrvuivc uccoun in A. Morubiu, Le g ihad dans lIslam mdival
(Puris, 1qq) cun now bc conruscd wih M. Bonncr, Aristocratic Violence and Holy
War: Studies in the Jihad and the Arab-Byzantine Frontier (Ncw Huvcn, 1qq0), which
urgucs wih considcrubly morc imuginuion.
l. W. Zimmcrmunn, Islum, in C. }oncs et al. (cds.), The Study of Spirituality
(London, 1q0), qjo, u qq n. j.
Ruhcr hun uguins hc cncmics ol Cod, which is u dillcrcn hing ulogchcr;
scc M. Bonncr, Somc Considcruions Conccrning hc lurly Dcvclopmcn ol jihad on
hc Arub-Byzuninc lronicr, Studia Islamica, ,j (1qqz), j1, csp. zq.
rcmuincd u lundumcnul uriclc ol bclicl. Thcy produccd u numbcr
ol upposic cxumplcs, mcn who combincd usccicism, picy, und
rcvoluion, bu onc ol hc bcs is Sulih b. Musurrih, who rcbcllcd in
ubou 0qj in norhcrn Mcsopoumiu.
In Sulih wc huvc nohing
lcss hun un curly Muslim holy mun who prcuchcd jihad on much
hc sumc urunic grounds us hud Muhummud: whucvcr his dcb
o somc ol hc ingrcdicns ol luc uniquc picy,
Sulih no morc lis
u luc uniquc pucrn ol sociul ucion hun docs Muhummud.
Known widcly lor his picy und godlincss, Sulih inspircd u succcs-
sion ol Khurijic oubrcuks lor ovcr u ccnury; und wc rcud in scv-
crul pluccs hu no Khurijic would rcbcl bclorc cuing his huir u
Sulihs omb.
In u surviving scrmon hc culls lor lcur ol Cod, ubsi-
ncncc (zuhd) in his world, dcsirc lor hc ncx, lrcqucn rcmcm-
bruncc (dhikr) ol dcuh, scpuruion lrom hc sinncrs, und lovc lor hc
bclicvcrs. Jihad rcmuins incgrul o ruc bclicl: So prcpurc your-
scllmuy Cod huvc mcrcy on youo ligh (jihad) uguins hcsc
cncmics uligncd |uguins Khurijic Islum| und hc opprcssivc lcudcrs
ol crror, und o go ou lrom hc runsicn o hc ccrnul world, und
o join our bclicving, rcsoluc brohcrs who huvc sold his world lor
hc ncx, und who huvc cxpcndcd hcir wculh, sccking o plcusc
Cod in hc hcrculcr.
Muhummuds lusion ol picy und ucivism hus rcmuincd viul lor
somc curly Muslims, bu ulrcudy in Sulihs rcbcllion, und morc
clcurly in hosc ol hc lucr Lmuyyud pcriod, hcrc is u dccidcdly old-
lushioncd lccl. lcwcr und lcwcr Muslim ribcsmcn hud uny dircc
cxpcricncc ol hc primiivc kcrygmu ol curly Islum; und us Muslim
Arubs sclcd und ussimilucd umongs non-Arubs busily convcring
o Islum, hc chnic und ribul dimcnsion o Khurijism uppcurcd
pass. Muslims, in ohcr words, wcrc now lcss und lcss lrcqucnly
Arub ribcsmcn in hc scnsc hu Muhummud wus un Arub
Prophecy and holy men zjj
lor u bricl ovcrvicw ol Sulih, scc }. Wcllhuuscn, Die religis-politischen
Oppositionsparteien im alten Islam (Coingcn, 1qo1), z ll.; r. R. C. Oslc und S. M.
Wulzcr us The Religio-Political Factions in Early Islam (Amscrdum, 1q,j), 0q ll.; und
}. vun lss, Theologie und Gesellschaft im . und . Jahrhundert Hidschra: eine Geschichte
des religisen Denkens im frhen Islam, 0 vols. (Bcrlin und Ncw York, 1qq1,), ii, 0o
Cl. M. Morony, Iraq after the Muslim Conquest (Princcon, 1q), ,j ll.
On hc luc uniquc prcccdcns lor suin worship in gcncrul, scc I. Coldzihcr,
On hc Vcncruion ol hc Dcud in Pugunism und Islum, in idcm, Muslim Studies, r.
S. M. Scrn und C. R. Burbcr, z vols. (London, 1q0,,1), i, zoq; lor huir cu-
ing, scc hc licruurc cicd by vun lss, Theologie und Gesellschaft, ii, 01 n. .
Al-Tuburi, Tarikh, ii, z l., which is runslucd by l. Rowson us The History
of al-Tabari, XXII: The Marwanid Restoration (Albuny, 1qq), ll.
ribcsmun. In u luc Lmuyyud und soon Abbusid world whcrc hc
culurul vulucs ol hc cosmopoliun und sclcd wcrc incrcusingly in
hc usccndun, Khurijismund wih i, his lorm ol hc Prophcs
lcgucyconscqucnly dcclincd.
rnornccv ~Nu noiv vcN
Ol coursc Muhummud hud bccn morc hun u Cod-lcurcr who luscd
Arub chniciy wih miliun monohcism; hc hud ulso bccn un
immcnscly churismuic und imuginuivc visionury o whom Cod
hud rcvculcd Himscll.
I wus in his rcspcc hu his lcgucy wus morc cnduring und
morc producivc ol holy mcn. Thc duc und churuccr ol our sourcc
mucriul mukc i dillicul o dcscribc how Muhummuds prophcic
uuhoriy wus rouinizcd in hc lirs wo ccnurics. Thc clussicul
vicw prcscns hc scripurul clic (hc ulama, hosc posscssing
knowlcdgc ol Muhummuds lcgul dicta) us hc hcirs ol hc prophcs
lrom hc curlics pcriod iscll, bu i ruhcr sccms hu hc ulama
cluimcd Muhummuds lcgul und rcligious inhcriuncc u u sccondury
sugc, ullccing u dccisivc dclcu ol hc Culiphs in hc middlc ol hc
ninh ccnury; huving gcncrucd und codilicd u lixcd Prophcic
sunna (wuy, purudigm), hcy pu un cnd o hc Culiphs lcgislu-
ivc powcrs.
Sincc hc goul wus o dclinc u body ol luw hu wus
immuublc und linic, und onc which hc ulamaund hc ulama
uloncwould scrvc o sulcguurd, his mcun insising no only hu
Muhummud wus hc lcgisluor prophc par excellence, bu hu hc
wus hc linul prophc. Thus hc dogmu hu prophccy hud cndcd
wih Muhummuds dcuh now crysullizcd, principully uround un
obscurc urunic pussugc (urun : o), which culls Muhummud
hc scul (khatam or khatim) ol hc prophcs, hc phrusc huving
mcun u vuricy ol hings curlicr on.
zj0 Chase Robinson
On imuginuivc churismu, scc hc discussion in l. Shils, Tradition (London und
Boson, 1q1), zz l.
P. Cronc und M. Hinds, Gods Caliph: Religious Authority in the First Centuries of
Islam (Cumbridgc, 1q0).
Thc lullcs discussion is Y. lricdmunn, linuliy ol Prophchood in Sunni
Islum, JSAI , (1q0), 1,,z1j, bu scc ulso vun lss, Theologie und Gesellschaft, i,
zq ll.; C. Colpc, Das Siegel der Propheten: historische Beziehungen zwischen Judentum,
Judenchristentum, Heidentum und frhem Islam (Bcrlin, 1qqo); C. Sroumsu, Scul ol
hc Prophcs: Thc Nuurc ol u Munichucun Mcuphor, JSAI , (1q0), 01,; und
}. Wunsbrough, Quranic Studies (London, 1q,,), j l.
In syscmuizing ulong hcsc lincs, hc ulama urc rcudily com-
purublc o hc rubbis; und in lcuving bchind occusionul picccs ol dis-
cordun cvidcncc, rubbis und ulama ulikc rcllcc hc wo rudiions
umbivulcncc ubou how Cod wus o rcvcul Himscll in u pos-
prophcic ugc.
As Hodgson nocd morc hun lory ycurs ugo, wc
should cxpcc curly Muslims o huvc hcld o hc possibiliy ol con-
inuing prophccy;
hu hc cvidcncc is gcncrully luc und ussoci-
ucd wih murginul lcuurcs ol hc rudiion morc dirccly rcllccs
hc powcrlully homogcnizing lorcc ol Sunnism hun i docs hc his-
oricul signilicuncc ol hosc who bclicvcd hu hcirs rcmuincd un
ugc ol prophccy. A hc lringcs wc lind whu hc hcrcsiogruphicul
rudiions cull hc ghulat, Shiics who ook hcir ullcgiuncc o hc
lumily ol Ali (Muhummuds son-in-luw und cousin) o cxrcmis
posiions. Thcsc includc hc Khuubiyyu, u lcus somc ol whom
uppurcnly hcld hu hc sixh Imum (lcudcr) ol hc Twclvcr Shiic
rudiion, }ulur ul-Sudiq (d. ,0j), wus himscll Cod, und hu hc hud
scn Abul-Khuub (d. ,jj) us u prophc.
Thcy ulso includc hc
Munsuriyyu, who ook hcir numc lrom hc Kulun Abu Munsur (d.
c. ,o), und who wcrc inlumous lor srungling hcir vicims umids
hc din ol burking dogs; hcy ulso hcld hu hc Imums ol Alis linc
wcrc divincly inspircd, und hu prophccy coninucd lor u lcus six
gcncruions ulcr Abu Munsur.
Onc could udducc muny morc
Prophecy and holy men zj,
As P. S. Alcxundcr, pu i, Thc sociul srucurc und rcligious uuhoriy ol hc
rubbinuc urc prcdicucd on hc usscrion hu prophccy hus ccuscd: Cod no longcr
spcuks dirccly o humuniy; hc Sugcs now dccrmincd his will by upplying hcir
ruionul luculics o hc cluciduion ol sucrcd cxs ( A Sixich Pur ol Prophccy:
Thc Problcm ol Coninuing Rcvcluion in }uduism, in }. Duvics, C. Hurvcy, und W.
C. l. Wilson (cds.), Words Remembered, Texts Renewed: Essays in Honour of John F. A.
Sawyer (Shcllicld, 1qqj), 1, u 1); scc ulso l. l. Crccnspuhn, Why
Prophccy Ccuscd, Journal of Biblical Literature, 1o (1qq), ,q.
M. C. S. Hodgson, How did hc lurly Shiu bccomc Sccuriun., Journal of the
American Oriental Society, ,j (1qjj), 11, u 0: I is hurdly surprising hu hc
noion ol prophccy us u rccurrcn (und no ncccssurily world-shuking) cvcn should
huvc survivcd hc dcuh ol Muhummud. . . . Alcr ull, hcrc is nohing vcry cxplici
in hc urun, upur lrom hc umbiguous phrusc ubou Muhummuds bcing hc
scul ol hc prophcs, o dcbur cvcn mujor prophcs lrom uppcuring ulcr him; o
suy nohing ol Cods spcuking hrough minor ligurcs o conlirm hc luih givcn us
hud udmicdly huppcncd umong hc }cws. Scc ulso Srousmu, Scul , ,.
On hc Khuubiyyu, scc W. Mudclung, Khuubiyyu, in EI
, iv, 11z. A
principul hcrcsiogruphic rcumcn is ul-Ashuri, Maqalat al-islamiyyin, cd. H. Ricr
(Lcipzig, 1qzq), i, 1o l.
Thc lullcs rcumcn is W. l. Tuckcr, Abu Munsur ul-Ijli und hc Munsuriyyu:
A Sudy in Mcdicvul Tcrrorism, Der Islam, j (1q,,), 00,,; scc ulso ul-Ashuri,
Maqalat, i, q l.
cxumplcs, bu i is morc imporun o noc hu cvidcncc lrom hc
Twclvcr Shiic rudiion dcmonsrucs hu hcsc cxrcmis posi-
ions, lur lrom bcing inspircd by non-Islumic inllucnccs, only ucccn-
uucd whu hc muinsrcum supprcsscd. lor in hc docrinc ol hc
spokcn o (by un ungcl) Imum (al-imam al-muhaddath), Twclvcr
Shiics clcurly sough o rcin in hcir Imums ongoing communicu-
ion wih Cod.
Considcring rcpors hu uscribc (unlullillcd)
prophcic promisc o Muhummuds son Ibruhim,
wc migh rcu-
sonubly undcrsund uccouns dcscribing hc sccond Culiph, Lmur
b. ul-Khuub, us hc muhaddath ol hc communiy us cvidcncc lor
uuhcnicully curly conccpions, ruhcr hun Sunni rcllcxcs uguins
Shiic cluims.
Prophccy hus closcd bccuusc hc ulama closcd i, bu hc door
rcmuincd ujur;
und providcd hu hc luw wus rcspcccd und pol-
iics quicis, hcrc wus room cnough lor hc holy mun o wulk
hrough: in imc hc miruclc-working suins (awliya, usuully
lricnds ol Cod),
would bccomc hc Prophcs llcsh und blood;
zj Chase Robinson
Hcrc i is worh noing hu hc prool cx lor his docrinc (hc Shiic rcuding
ol urun zz: jz, Wc huvc no scn bclorc you uny uposlc |rasul| or prophc |nabi|
or muhaddath) is ucscd lrom hc vcry curly pcriod. Scc l. Kohlbcrg, Thc Tcrm
Muhaddath in Twclvcr Shiism, in Studia Orientalia: Memoriae D. H. Baneth Dedicata
(}crusulcm, 1q,q), q,; M. A. Amir-Moczzi, The Divine Guide in Early Shiism, r.
D. Spcigh (Ncw York, 1qq), ,o ll.; vun lss, Theologie und Gesellschaft, ii, zo.
Thc uccouns usuully ukc hc lorm ol hud Ibruhim survivcd |his inluncy|, hc
oo would huvc bccomc u prophc, lcss lrcqucnly hud prophccy rcmuincd opcn,
Ibruhim would huvc survivcd; lor cxumplcs, scc Ibn Asukir, Tarikh madinat Dimashq
(Bciru, 1qqj-), iii, 1 l.; lricdmunn, linuliy ol Prophchood, 1, ll.; und noc
hu uccording o ul-Diyurbukri, Tarikh al-khamis (Cuiro, 1oz ~n), ii, 1o l., hc
ungcl Cubricl grcccd Ibruhim upon his birh. Cl. W. Mudclung, The Succession to
Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate (Cumbridgc, 1qq,), 10 l.
Kohlbcrg, Thc Tcrm Muhaddath, . Among hc surviving prc-clussicul vicws
ol Lmur cun bc councd scvcrul miruclcs: hus hc is suid o huvc ucrcd words in
hc Arubiun ciy ol Mcdinu hu wcrc hcurd by onc ol his commundcrs in Iruq,
inlorming him ol hc cxuc locuion ol hc cncmy; lor onc vcrsion ol hc sory, scc
Ibn ul-}uwzi, Sirat Umar b. al-Khattab (Cuiro, n.d.), 1zo l. (fi dhikr karamatihi).
Thus, in u numbcr ol dillcrcn wuys wc urc old hu ulhough prophccy hus bccn
cu oll, onc ol is lory-six (or scvcny) purs docs survivc, und his in hc lorm ol
drcums; scc Ibn Abi Shuybu, Musannaf (Bciru, 1qq), vii, zo ll.; lor morc sourccs,
scc L. Kinbcrg (cd.), Ibn Abi al-Dunyas Morality in the Guise of Dreams (Lcidcn, 1qq),
j l. lor hc vicw hu onc could scc und spcuk wih prophcs, scc l. Mcicr, linc
Aulcrschung Mohummcds bci Suyui, Der Islam, 0z (1qj), zoj, u j1 l.
Sing. wali, hc inspiruion ol which is urun 1o: 0 (Surcly, hcrc is no lcur
upon hc lricnds ol Cod (awliya Allah), nor urc hcy sud); lor hc crm, scc
I. Coldzihcr, Vcncruion ol Suins in Islum, in his Muslim Studies, ii, zjj1, u
Ccllncr (Korunic propricy cmunucs lrom hcir csscncc, us i wcrc. Islum is
whu hcy do. Thcy urc Islum), us cicd by C. Cccrz, Islam Observed: Religious
und Islum in his rcspcc is morc compurublc o luc uniquc
Chrisiuniy hun i is o Rubbinic }uduism. Thc holy mun would
mukc u spccuculur comcbuck.
Accouning lor hc cmcrgcncc ol hc awliya is now ulogchcr
morc sophisicucd hun i uscd o bc.
lurlicr licruurc hcld hu
hc suins urrivcd only luc on hc sccnc, und rcprcscncd hc
rccrudcsccncc ol populur or lolk bclicls, which sood in surk con-
rus o (und wcrc in somc mcusurc inroduccd o compcnsuc lor)
hc scrilc runsccndcncc ol hc luwycrs Cod.
Ccruinly, prc-
Islumic pruciccs ol spiriuuliy wcrc incgrucd ino Islum,
bu hc
locul Khurusuni rudiion idcnilics suins ulrcudy in hc middlc ol
hc ninh ccnury, und hc concx is no lorcign inllucncc so much
us rccognizubly Islumic picy und usccicism.
Mcunwhilc, somc
old-lushioncd spudc work in hc cxuul rudiion hus shown hu u
docrinc ol wilaya (lricndship wih Cod) wus uriculucd during
hc sccond hull ol hc ninh ccnury.
lur lrom dcvcloping u u
Prophecy and holy men zjq
Development in Morocco and Indonesia (Ncw Huvcn, Conn., 1q0), j1. Cl. Brown,
lxcmplur, q: Hcncc hc cruciul imporuncc ol hc holy mun us Chris-currying
cxcmplur. In ulmos ull rcgions ol hc Mcdicrruncun, lrom hc hird ccnury
onwurds, hc wus lur morc hun un cxcmplur ol u prcviously wcll-orguniscd und cul-
urully cohcrcn Chrisiuniy: vcry olcn, hc quic simply wus Chrisiuniy.
lor criicisms (lurgcly on cxuul grounds), scc B. Rudkcs ucidic commcns in
Bcwccn Projccion und Supprcssion: Somc Considcruions Conccrning hc Sudy ol
Sulism, in l. dc }ong (cd.), Shia Islam, Sects and Sufism (Lrcch, 1qqz), ,oz; und
ulso B. Rudkc und }. OKunc, The Concept of Sainthood in Early Islamic Mysticism
(Cuildlord und Kings Lynn, 1qq0), , l.; lor u hisoriuns criicisms, scc }. Chubbi,
Rcmurqucs sur lc dcvcloppcmcn hisoriquc dcs mouvcmcns uscciqucs c mys-
iqucs uu Khurusun, Studia Islamica, 0 (1q,,), j,z; und, lor boh, scc l. W.
Zimmcrmunns rcvicw ol Rudkc, Al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi (scc n. ,0 bclow) in hc
Journal of Arabic Literature, 1j (1q), 1q.
Thus, Coldzihcr, Vcncruion ol Suins, cxumplcs bcing z01 (populur bclicl),
oo (hc vcncruion ol suins providcd hc covcr undcr which surviving rcmnuns
ol conqucrcd rcligions could coninuc o cxis in Islum), und z (u culic rcnd in
dircc opposiion o hc curdinul docrincs ol Islum). Scc ulso his Vorlesungen ber den
Islam (Hcidclbcrg, 1q1o), r. A. und R. Humori us Introduction to Islamic Theology and
Law (Princcon, 1q1), whcrc u shor discussion ol hc suins uppcurs unccrcmoni-
ously in hc chupcr on lucr dcvclopmcns, z ll. Coldzihcr wus lollowcd by B.
Curru dc Vuux, Wuli, EI
, iv, 11oq11: Bu Islum hud o yicld on his poin o hc
prcssurc ol populur scnimcn, which by is rudiions, is cndcncy o hc murvcllous
und ohcr psychologicul lucors, is srongly inclincd o his wuy ol cxprcssing is rcli-
gious lcclings.
Scc now O. Livnc-Kulri, lurly Muslim Asccics und hc World ol Chrisiun
Monusicism, JSAI zo (1qq0), 1ojzq.
Scc Chubbi, Rcmurqucs.
Hcrc I druw on Rudkcs pionccring work on al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi (scc n. ,0
sccondury sugc, i sccms hcn hu hc suins cmcrgcd jus us clus-
sicul Islum wus uking shupc. In Browniun und luncionul crms, hc
risc ol hc (individuul) Muslim holy mun hus rclucs o hc ninh-
ccnury collupsc ol Cods Culiphuc und hc (collccivc) sulvuion i
Wih hc ollicc ol hc Culiphuc now cmpicd ol ncurly
ull ol is rcligious und poliicul uuhoriy, und hc unilicd Suc
cclipscd by u commonwculh ol Muslim dynusics only looscly icd
ogchcr by hc usc ol Arubic (or Arubizcd lunguugcs) und u (morc
or lcss) unilorm Prophcic sunna, hc suins oncc uguin cumc o
monopolizc hc holy.
Thc suins wcrc cmbruccd only ulcr uccommoduions wcrc
mudc. Sullicc i o suy hu jus us somc hud urgucd hu Culiphs
runkcd highcr hun prophcs und ungcls,
somc hud urgucd hu
hc suins runkcd highcr oo,
und i is uguins his vicw hu ul-
Hukim ul-Tirmidhi (d. c. q1o), u cruciul ligurc in hc syscmizuion
ol curly Sulism, wroc.
Hcrc, us in lucr Sunni crccds, hc cxis-
cncc ol suins miruclcs wus udmicd; bu hcy urc suid o runk
lowcr hun prophcs, in lurgc pur bccuusc hcy wcrc unublc o lcg-
isluc. Clussicul Islum hus sclcd on his und u numbcr ol ohcr cr-
minologicul disincions: wahy (ruc rcvcluion mcdiucd by ungcls)
cumc o bc hc prcscrvc ol prophcs, whilc ilham (umong ohcr
crms) cumc o dcnoc hc suins inspiruions; prophcic cvidcn-
iury miruclcs (mujizat) urc dcscribcd us supcrnuurul ucs prcluccd
by u public unnounccmcn, whilc suins miruclcs (karamat, such us
wulking on wucr, llying, clcpuhy, und cluirvoyuncc) wcrc sup-
poscd o rcmuin privuc. Al-Hulluj (d. qzz, by crucilixion), hc mos
z0o Chase Robinson
Scc Zimmcrmunn, Islum, und ulso Rudkc und OKunc, Concept of Sainthood,
. An luscrn inspiruion lor ninh-ccnury mysicism hus long bccn posicd; lor un
ulcrnuivc vicw, scc C. Mclchcr, Thc Trunsiion lrom Asccicism o Mysicism u
hc Middlc ol hc Ninh Ccnury cc, Studia Islamica, (1qq0), j1,o, u 0z l.
Scc Cronc und Hinds, Gods Caliph; und W. M. Wu, Cods Culiph: urunic
Incrprcuions und Lmuyyud Cluims, in C. l. Bosworh (cd.), Iran and Islam
(ldinburgh, 1q,1), j0j,, which is rcprincd in idcm, Early Islam: Collected
Articles (ldinburgh, 1qqo), j,0.
lor onc lucr cxumplc, scc Coldzihcr, Vcncruion ol Suins, z00 l.
On ul-Hukim ul-Tirmidhi und his vicws on prophccy und suinhood, scc hc
work ol B. Rudkc: c.g. Dcr Mysikcr ul-Hukim ul-Tirmidi, Der Islam, j, (1qo),
z,j; idcm, Al-Hakim al-Tirmidi: ein islamischer Theosoph des .. Jahrhunderts
(lrciburg, 1qo), csp. q ll.; und Thc Conccp ol wilaya in lurly Sulism, in
L. Lcwisohn (cd.), Classical Persian Sufism from its Origins to Rumi (London, 1qq),
q0. On u much lucr Suli, Ibn Arubi (d. 1zo), scc M. Chodkicwicz, Seal of the
Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn Arabi, r. L. Shcrrurd
(Cumbridgc, 1qq).
spccuculur ol ull curly churismuic mysics, sccms o huvc go ino
roublc prcciscly lor crossing hc linc hu scpurucd karamat lrom
I is in lurgc pur bccuusc ol hc prolilcruion ol suins
miruclcs hu Muhummuds own porlolio grcw drumuicully in hc
clussicul pcriod.
His churismu, which hud curlicr bccn squurcly
buscd on his poliicul vision und succcss, now cumc o rcs morc und
morc on hc miruclcs so lumiliur o sudcns ol luc uniquc holy
mcn (wucr llowcd lrom his lingcrips, und burlcy lcuvcs muliplicd
u his hunds).
lor hc mysics, Muhummud now uppcurs us u Suli
muscr, siing cross-lcggcd in hc mids ol hc dccp occun |ol divinc
bcuuy|, drunk, und in his hund u cup ol winc lrom hu occun,
which hc drunk.
Thc mysics pullcd in hcir horns no only by oning down doc-
rincs; hcy ulso sc ubou compiling hcir own hisory during hc
luc ninh ccnury, srcssing hc complcmcnuriy ol csocric und
cxocric Islum, und (rcrospccivcly) ying hcir rudiion o
rcspcccd uuhoriics ol curlicr pcriods. Thcsc migh bc hc ulmos
inlinicly pliublc cxumplcs ol hc rudiions lormuivc hcrocs (such
us Moscs, Muhummud, Ali, or Abu Bukr), or ligurcs ol only locul
promincncc; mooring spiriuul liliuion in his wuy bccumc u com-
mon lcuurc in hc insiuionulizuion ol hc mysicul ordcrs, which
uppcurcd only lucr.
Suins Livcs, srikingly ubscn in hc curly
Prophecy and holy men z01
Thus, La passion dal-Hosayn-ibn-Mansour al-Hallaj, cd. L. Mussignon (znd cdn.,
Puris, 1q,j); r. H. Muson, The Passion of al-Hallaj, vols. (Princcon, 1qo), i, zq1.
Thc dcliniivc work on suins miruclcs is now R. Crumlich, Die Wunder der Freunde
Gottes (Wicsbudcn, 1q,).
Cl. Coldzihcr, Vcncruion ol Suins, zjq: I bccumc possiblc o uscribc o mcn
supcrnuurul uribucs which puricipucd in hc divinc powcrs only ulcr hc com-
plcc runslormuion ol hc Islumic docrinc ol prophccy. As should bc clcur by now,
hc runslormuion wus lcss hun complcc. lor u vcry usclul survcy ol hc urunic
cvidcncc, scc P. Ancs, Prophetenwunder in der As ariya bis al-Gazali (Algazel)
(lrciburg, 1q,o), z ll.; lor u survcy ol miruclcs in hc sira, scc }. Horoviz, Zur
Muhummudlcgcndc, Der Islam, j (1q1), 1j; und, lor un cxcmplury discussion
ol how Muhummud chungcd in hc cycs ol hc cxcgccs, scc H. Birkclund, The Lord
Guideth: Studies on Primitive Islam (Oslo, 1qj0).
lor u rcluivcly luc sourcc, scc Ibn Suyyid ul-Nus, Uyun al-athar fi funun al-
maghazi wal-shamail wal-siyar (Cuiro, 1j0 A.H.), ii, z0 ll. lor u runslucd sur-
vcy in u rcluivcly luc sourcc, scc ul-udi Iyud, Muhammad Messenger of God:
Ash-Shifa of Qadi Iyad, r. A. A. Bcwlcy (Crunudu, 1qq1), ch. .
I borrow hc uccoun lrom C. l. lrns, Ruzbihan Baqli: Mysticism and the
Rhetoric of Sainthood in Persian Sufism (Richmond, 1qq0), 01.
lor onc cxumplc, scc W. Mudclung, Yusul ul-Humuduni und hc
Nuqsbundiyyu, in l. dc }ong (cd.), Atti del XIII Congresso dellUnion Europenne
dArabisants et dIslamisants (Venezia settembre ottobre ), Quaderni
di Studi Arabi, j0 (1q,), qqjoq; lor u broudcr discussion ol lucr
Islumic cunon o hosc wih luc uniquc cxpccuions, hus
cmcrgcd; bu i should comc us no surprisc hu hcir uuhors
ignorcd luc uniquc prcccdcns, udoping inscud hc biogruphicul
und hisoricul gcnrcs ulrcudy workcd ou by hcir morc rcspccublc
Muslim concmporurics.
z0z Chase Robinson
dcvclopmcns, scc }. Puul, Hugiogruphischc Tcxc uls hisorischc ucllc, Saeculum,
1 (1qqo), 1,.
I. Hulsi, Rcchcrchcs sur lc gcnrc Tabaqat duns lu licruurc urubc II, Arabica,
z (1q,,), 11, u z, ll.; Mclchcr, Trunsiion, j l., und lor onc cxumplc ol whu
u locul rudiion could producc, scc B. Rudkc, Thcologcn und Mysikcr in Hurusun
und Trunsoxunicn, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft, 10
(1q0), j00q.
Thc ciqucc ol dcvoion in
hc Islumic cul ol suins
} OSll W. MlRI
Tnc urun cmbodics hc purc monohcisic mcssugc rcvculcd by
Cod o hc Prophc Muhummud, usscring hc uniy ol Cod wih
vcrscs such us Suy Hc Cod is Onc, hc lvcrlusing, Hc did no bcgc
nor wus Hc bcgocn.
Thc vcncruion ol suins und prophcs und
muking pilgrimugc o ombs und shrincs poscd u hrcu o hc Lniy
ol Cod und Islumic orhodoxy.
Howcvcr, lrom hc conqucss ol hc
scvcnh und cighh ccnurics down o hc prcscn hc vcncruion ol
suins und pilgrimugc o hcir shrincs hus bccn un incgrul pur ol
rcligious lilc lor mos Muslims us lor mos Chrisiuns in luc un-
iquiy und in mcdicvul luropc. Thc ubscncc ol un ccclcsiusicul hicr-
urchy in Islum did no in uny wuy murginulizc or prccludc hc
prolilcruion ol dynumic lorms ol suin vcncruion which wcrc widc-
sprcud no only in Norh Alricu und lgyp bu in mos purs ol hc
Islumic world, no lcus in Pulcsinc, Syriu, Iruq, und Pcrsiu. This
cssuy locuscs on hc dcvclopmcn und prucicc ol hc cul ol suins
in mcdicvul Islum lrom hc ninh hrough o hc sixccnh ccnurics
wih puriculur rclcrcncc o riuul prucicc wihin hc ziyara or pil-
grimugc o suins ombs und o ucmps ol Islumic hcologiuns o
dclinc u propcr ciqucc lor hosc who visicd ombs.
}us us Chrisiuns sough incrccssion lrom suins, so oo did }cws
und Muslims. Yc urning o incrmcdiurics lor incrccssion wus pcr-
ccivcd us conrury o hc monohcisic mcssugc ol Islum. Indccd, i
is condcmncd in Scripurc whcn Cod procluims, To Cod bclongs
cxclusivcly hc righ o grun incrccssion: o Him bclongs hc
dominion ol hc hcuvcns und hc curh: In hc lnd, i is o Him hu
Thc uuhor is gruclul o Prolcssor Willcrd Mudclung und hc cdiors ol hc prcs-
cn volumc lor hcir commcns und suggcsions.
urun 11z.
Thc conlcssion ol luih (shahada)ullirming hc Lniy ol Cod und hu hc
Prophc Muhummud is hc Mcsscngcr ol Codis onc ol hc livc pillurs ol Islum.
yc shull bc brough buck.
Thc urun wurns uguins sccking incr-
ccssion lrom hosc ohcr hun Cod on hc Duy ol }udgcmcn,
uguins hc pruciccs ol }cws und Chrisiuns who vcncruc hcir
sugcs und monks: Thcy ukc hcir pricss und hcir unchorics o bc
hcir lords in dcroguion ol Cod, und hcy ukc us hcir Lord Chris
hc son ol Mury; yc hcy wcrc commundcd o worship bu Onc
Cod: hcrc is no god bu Hc. Pruisc und glory o Him: lur is Hc lrom
huving hc purncrs hcy ussociuc wih Him.
Alhough hc curly
sourccs urc silcn ubou hc issuc ol sccking incrccssion lrom suins,
hc Prophc cncourugcd Muslims o ollcr supplicuion (dua) on
bchull ol hc dcud, in ordcr hu hcy migh uuin purudisc u hc
Duy ol }udgcmcn:
Thc Mcsscngcr ol Cod, muy pcucc bc upon
him, suid, Il u compuny ol Muslims numbcring onc hundrcd pruys
ovcr u dcud pcrson, ull ol hcm incrccding lor him, hcir incrccs-
sion on his bchull will bc ucccpcd.
Thc Hunguriun Oricnulis Ignuz Coldzihcr, umong ohcrs, hus
urgucd hu in sccking incrmcdiurics Muslims udupcd und ussimi-
lucd curlicr pugun pruciccs: hc bclicvcrs sough o crcuc,
hrough hc conccp ol suins, mcdiuors bcwccn hcmsclvcs und
un omnipocn Codhcud in ordcr o suisly hc nccd which wus
scrvcd by hc gods und muscrs ol hcir old rudiions now dclcucd
by Islum.

This vicw misrcprcscns hc plucc ol hc ziyara wihin

Islum. Thc proccss by which hosc who cmbruccd Islum hroughou
hc Middlc Agcs incorporucd pruciccs lrom curlicr luihs by
rcdclining hcm in Islumic crms is dillicul o rcconsruc, bu i is
inuccuruc o scc hc busic lorms ol riuul such us muking voivc
ollcrings, lighing cundlcs, prosruing bclorc or kissing u shrinc us
inrinsicully pugun, }cwish, Chrisiun, or Muslim. Wihin hc muli-
luih cnvironmcn which cxiscd in hc mcdicvul Ncur lus similur-
iics in riuul prucicc wcrc only nuurulhcy wcrc common o ull
und wcrc urguubly inrinsic o rcligion iscll in his pur ol hc
z0 Josef W. Meri
urun q: .
Ohcr urunic vcrscs pcruining o hc incrccssion ol Cod includc, zo: 1oq,
: z, und q: . Thcy gcncrully rclcr o sccking hc incrccssion ol Cod lor bclicv-
crs on hc Duy ol }udgcmcn or polyhcisic pruciccs, us in urun : zz.
urun q: 1.
lor u discussion ol shuluu, scc A. }. Wcnsinck und D. Cimurc, Shuluu, in
, ix, 1,,q.
Muslim b. ul-Hujjuj, Sahih Muslim, ps. (Isunbul, 1q111j), iii, jz.

Vcncruion ol Suins in Islum, in idcm, Muslim Studies, r. S. M. Scrn und

C. R. Burbcr, z vols. (London, 1q0,,1), ii, zjj1, u zjq.
world. Thc univcrsuliy ol hc prophc us u ligurc ol holincss is sug-
gcscd, indccd, by hosc occusions on which Muslims, }cws, und
Chrisiuns vcncrucd ogchcr u common shrincs, such us hc Cuvc
ol hc Puriurchs in Hcbron. Thc conccps ol hc incrnulizuion,
uccommoduion, or ussimiluion ol non-Islumic pruciccs und
noions ol ccnrc vcrsus pcriphcry und hccrodoxy vcrsus orhodoxy
urc no sullicicn o cxpluin hc plucc ol hc cul ol suins wihin hc
Islumic world. Such cucgorics simply luil o rccognizc hc ubiquiy
ol hcsc riuul lorms und uciviics. Morcovcr, hc boundurics
bcwccn hccrodoxy und orhodoxy wcrc ncvcr clcurly dclincd wih
rcgurd o hc cul ol suins, bccuusc hc mujoriy ol dcvoccs wcrc
no, on hc onc hund, dccply conccrncd wih such mucrs, und
bccuusc much locul prucicc ncvcr cuugh hc cyc ol hosc lcgul
hinkcrs who wcrc incrcscd in such mucrs, on hc ohcr. Thc
mucr wus, morcovcr, opcn o divcrsc rcsponscs, sincc hc cunon-
icul hadith (hu is, hc corpus ol hc suyings, dccds, und silcn ullir-
muions ol hc Prophc, his Compunions, und hcir lollowcrs)
ollcrcd lcw cxplici prcccdcns cihcr ullirming or dcnying hc vcn-
cruion ol suins und hc muking ol pilgrimugc o ombs.
Thc phcnomcnon ol pilgrimugc occurs in muny world rcligions, bu
lulls ino wo disinc cucgorics wihin Islum: hc Hajj und hc
ziyara. Thc Hajj or cunonicul pilgrimugc o Mcccu, which ukcs plucc
ovcr u six-duy pcriod during hc wcllh Islumic monh ol Dhu al-
Hijja, is onc ol hc livc pillurs ol Islum und is, us prcscribcd in hc
incumbcn upon Muslims u lcus oncc during hcir lilc-
imcs. Bclorc hc risc ol Islum, pugun Arubs vcncrucd idols in hc
sucrcd prccinc ol hc Kubu, which is bclicvcd o huvc bccn buil by
hc Prophc Abruhum und which conuins hc Bluck Sonc.
Muhummud dcsroycd hc idols und rcconsccrucd hc sucrcd
prccinc o Cod. In pcrlorming hc Hajj, Sunni und Shiic
Muslimsmcn, womcn, und childrcn lrom ull ovcr hc worldpu
on whic gurmcns us hcy convcrgc upon hc sucrcd prccinc o
pcrlorm hc rics. Pilgrims lollow lcgully prcscribcd ciqucc wih
rcspcc o drcss, compormcn, supplicuion, und pruycr. Thcy
The etiquette of cult z0j
urun : q,.
rcrucc hc looscps ol hc Prophc und his Compunions in hc ric,
which includcs circumumbuluing hc Bluck Sonc scvcn imcs.
Alcr hc lus duy, muny pilgrims ulso mukc hc rccommcndcd visi
o hc mosquc ol hc Prophc in Mcdinu whcrc hc is buricd und
whcrc hcy supplicuc Cod on his bchull. Whilc hc Hajj is u ric
incumbcn upon cvcryonc oncc in hcir lilcimc by hc commund ol
hc Prophc, hc ziyara (which mcuns licrully u visiing or u
compriscs pilgrimugc o locul ombs und is widcsprcud, cvcn
hough i lucks hc uuhoriy ol Scripurc und hc Trudiions ol hc
Prophc Muhummud.
Thc cmcrgcncc ol hc ziyara muy bc sccn us u rcllccion ol hrcc
lucors. Dcvoion o hc lumily ol hc Prophc und hc vcncruion,
by Shiu cspcciully, ol hc dcsccnduns ol his cousin Ali und hc lu-
crs son Husuyn, crcucd u lirs cucgory ol disincly Islumic suins
in curly Islum. No only did hc muryrdom ol hc Prophcs grund-
son Husuyn u Kurbulu, Iruq, in 0o lcud dccisivcly o hc
ShiicSunni schism, i conribucd o hc lormuion ol u cul
uround him und his dcsccnduns und insiuionulizcd pilgrimugc o
hcir shrincs hroughou hc Islumic world in lgyp, Syriu,
Lcbunon, Pulcsinc, Mcdinu, Iruq, und Irun by ull Muslims, no jus
Shiu. Howcvcr, hc Shiu lrcqucncd shrincs u which hcy ulonc
vcncrucd. Husuyns body wus bclicvcd o huvc bccn buricd u
Kurbulu, whilc shrincs bclicvcd o conuin his hcud wcrc o bc lound
in Cuiro, Nujul, Kurbulu, und wih his body in Mcdinu, Dumuscus,
Ruqqu, und Asculon.
Thc risc ol hc Suli holy mun in hc cuscrn Islumic world in hc
ciics ol Irun und Iruq, puriculurly in Khurusun, guvc impcus, scc-
ondly, o hc vcncruion ol living suins und scholurs. As Chusc
Robinson hus shown in grcucr dcuil clscwhcrc in his volumc,
Sulism or Islumic mysicism wih is rccogniion ol living suins
ulong wih hc ziyara dcvclopcd in ninh- und cnh-ccnury Iruq,
Khurusun, und Isluhun umong ohcr urbun ccnrcs, und no mcrcly
u hc pcriphcry ol hc Islumic world. Thc cmcrgcncc ol hc holy
mun poscd u lormidublc problcm lor hcologiuns who ucmpcd o
rcconcilc hc cxiscncc ol his highly vuricgucd cluss ol mcn (und
somcimcs womcn) who wcrc no spccilicully mcnioncd in hc
urun or in hc Trudiions ol hc Prophc wih hc populuriy
which hcy cnjoycd wih hcir lollowcrs und dcvoccs bclorc und
z00 Josef W. Meri
Ohcr cxprcssions includc, safar journcying und safar ila-ziyarat al-qubur jour-
ncying o visi gruvcs.
ulcr dcuh. Muslims in Iruq, Syriu, lgyp, und Pulcsinc wcrc uwurc
hu }cws und Chrisiuns wcrc vcncruing sugcs und hcologiuns.
I cun bc urgucd hu hc Chrisiun holy mun in his vurious muni-
lcsuions conribucd o hc vcncruion ol suins, living und dcud,
in Islum, bu i should no bc ussumcd hu his wus u conscious,
dircc, or dclibcrucly conccivcd proccss ol uppropriuion. Muslims,
including hc Prophc himscll, lrcqucnly ruvcllcd o Syriu whcrc
hcy cncouncrcd such mcn. A lumous cusc in poin is hc Syriun
monk Buhiru who prcdiccd hu Muhummud would bccomc u
prophc. Syriu und Iruq rcmuincd signilicunly Chrisiun hroughou
hc Middlc Agcs, bu i docs no lollow hu hc vcncruion ol suins
by Muslims dcvclopcd in imiuion ol Chrisiun prucicc or hu hc
usccic suin wihin Islum wus modcllcd on his Chrisiun councr-
pur. An incrcs in usccicism wus common o boh rcligions. I wus
only nuurul hu hc ordinury Muslims, hcologiuns, scholurs,
rulcrs, und mysics lrom whosc runks suins cmcrgcd should huvc
srivcn o uuin usccic idculs wihin hcir lilcimcs.
luccd wih
hc ruionulis hrcu poscd by hc Muuzilics (who dcnicd, umong
ohcr hings, hc ubiliy ol suinly individuuls o pcrlorm miruclcs),
hcologiuns ol hc Hunulic school ol jurisprudcncc
ullirmcd hc
cxiscncc ol suins und hcir miruclcs in u numbcr ol crccds (or
sucmcns ol hcologicul orhodoxy) druwn up during hc ninh
ccnury. Though no ncguing hc cxiscncc ol suins und miruclcs,
hc hcologiuns ol hc Hunbulic school
dcnicd hu hc living
guincd uny bcncli lrom hc dcud und impugncd hosc who mudc
pilgrimugc o puriculur ombs lor hc purposc ol supplicuion. Thus,
onc ol hc mos conrovcrsiul ol hc Hunbulic hcologiuns, Ibn
Tuymiyyu (1z01z), gruncd hu
bclicl in hc miruclcs ol hc suins (karamat al-awliya) und in hc supcrnu-
urul ucs which Cod uchicvcs hrough hcm in ull vuricics ol knowlcdgc,
inspiruions (mukashafat), powcr, und imprcssions (us i is hundcd down
ubou hc uncicn nuions in Suru ul-Kuhl |hu is, in urun 1| und in
ohcr urunic chupcrs und us i is known ol hc curly mcn ol his
Communiy ol Bclicvcrs umong hc Compunions und lollowcrs und ol
hc rcs ol hc gcncruions ol his Communiy ol Bclicvcrs) is umong hc
The etiquette of cult z0,
urun q: 1.
lor un imporun sudy ol Muslim usccicism und is rcluionship o Chrisiun
monusicism in hc curly Islumic concx, scc lurhcr O. Livnc-Kulri, lurly Muslim
Asccics und hc World ol Chrisiun Monusicism, JSAI zo (1qq0), 1ojzq.
W. Hcllcning und }. Schuch, Hunuliyyu, EI
, iii, 10z.
H. Luous, Hunubilu, EI
, iii, 1j0z.
lundumcnuls ol hc pcoplc ol hc Sunnu. I will bc wih hcm o hc Duy
ol Rcsurrccion.
linully, hc prophcs und puriurchs pluycd u ccnrul rolc in hc
dcvclopmcn ol hc ziyara. Thcrc wus u nuurul cndcncy o vcncr-
uc hc grcu lcudcrs ol hc monohcisic rudiion, such us
Abruhum, Moscs, llijuh, und lzckicl. I wus common lor Muslims,
}cws, und Chrisiuns o vcncruc hcsc ligurcs u hc sumc shrincs
und o puricipuc in hcir lcsivuls ogchcr. Onc ol hc cxumplcs
bcs-known o his duy is hc Cuvc ol llijuh on Moun Curmcl whcrc
}cws, Muslims, und Chrisiuns vcncruc hc prophc. }cws und
Muslims vcncrucd lzckicl und lzru u shrincs in Iruq unil hc
wcnich ccnury. Syriun Muslims und Chrisiuns uscd o visi
hc monuscry in u villugc ousidc ol Dumuscus, which conuincd
hc lumcd icon ol hc Virgin Mury.
rI icnI v~cc crI ucs
I is uppropriuc o indicuc u numbcr ol hc mos imporun sourccs
lor hc ziyara. Wih hc Islumic crrioriul cxpunsion ol hc scvcnh
o ninh ccnurics, Muslim scholurs ook un incrcs in rccording
rudiions conccrning hc buriul sics ol hc Compunions ol hc
Prophc who sclcd in hc gurrison owns und hosc curly Muslims
who wcrc muryrcd in bulc. Ohcr ypcs ol rudiions lound in
muny ol hcsc guidcs conccrn hc sunciy ol ciics und pilgrimugc
sics. Thc syscmuic compiluion ol hcsc rudiions in hc ninh o
wcllh ccnurics conribucd o hc cmcrgcncc ol rcgionul hisorics
lor such ciics us Cuiro, Dumuscus, Alcppo, und Bughdud und ohcr
gcnrcs which mcnion pilgrimugc, mos noubly hc pilgrimugc
guidcs lor lgyp und Syriu. Thcrc ncvcr cxiscd u univcrsul rudiion
ol pilgrimugc guidcs in Islum, bu ruhcr muny rudiions rcllccing
locul und rcgionul pruciccs. Thc Kitab al-Isharat ila Marifat al-
Ziyarat (Guide to Knowledge of Pilgrimage Sites) by hc Syriun scholur
und usccic Ali ibn Abi Bukr ul-Huruwi (d. 1z1j) is hc curlics und
only known spccimcn ol pilgrimugc licruurc o covcr hc cnirc
Islumic world us wcll us purs ol hc Chrisiun Mcdicrruncun und
Byzunium lrom hc luc wcllh und curly hirccnh ccnurics. Hc
z0 Josef W. Meri
Ahmud ibn Tuymiyyu, al-Aqida al-Wasitiyya, cd. }. Sourdcl-Thominc (Puris,
1q0), zj. Thc runsluion is my own.
did no visi ull hc pilgrimugc sics hc covcrs, rclying in muny cuscs
upon hc csimony ol ohcrs. Thc work wus un imporun sourcc
lor lucr mcdicvul pilgrimugc guidcs und rcgionul hisorics. Lnlikc
ohcr pilgrimugc guidcs, hcrc is no cvidcncc o suggcs hu i wus
uscd during ziyara. In luc, hc uuhor dcdicucd hc work o hc
Abbusid Culiph who wus hc spiriuul und poliicul hcud ol hc
Islumic communiy in Bughdud.
Whcrcus ul-Huruwis guidc wus wricn in hc lorm ol u ruvcl
iincrury, hc ypicul lgypiun pilgrimugc guidc wus wricn lor
dcvoccs muking pilgrimugc o hc urulu ccmccrics ol Cuiro on
}ubul ul-Muquumhc primury Muslim pilgrimugc sics in Cuiro
lrom u lcus hc cnh ccnury. Thc curlics ol hcsc guidcs is
Murshid al-Zuwwar ila Qubur al-Abrar (Pilgrimage Guide to the Tombs
of the Righteous) ol hc jurisconsul und Hudih scholur Abd ul-
Ruhmun ibn Lhmun (d. 1z1). A lucr guidc lrom hc lilccnh
ccnury, Ibn ul-Zuyyus Kawakib al-Sayyara fi Tartib al-Ziyara (The
Planets in the Organization of the Ziyara), discusscs hc sucrcd opo-
gruphy ol Cuiro und hc lumous ccmccrics ol }ubul ul-Muquum
ousidc Cuiro. Asidc lrom cnumcruing hc buriul pluccs ol suins,
hc uuhors ol hcsc lgypiun und hc uuhors ol Syriun pilgrimugc
guidcs dcvoc much ucnion o hc mucr ol pilgrimugc ciqucc.
Thc curlics cxun pilgrimugc guidc lor Syriu is lrom hc curly six-
ccnh ccnuryIbn ul-Huwrunis (d. 1jj0) Kitab al-Isharat ila
Amakin al-Ziyarat (Guide to Pilgrimage Sites). I covcrs Dumuscus und
hc oulying villugcs, us wcll us u numbcr ol norhcrn Syriun locul-
iics likc Alcppo und is surrounding villugcs, und includcs un
imporun uppcndix on pilgrimugc ciqucc.
Alhough hcsc pil-
grimugc guidcs lor Cuiro und Dumuscus cnd o bc conccrncd wih
urbun shrincs, i should no bc ussumcd hu hc cul ol suins wus
srongcr in hc ciy hun in hc counrysidc. Whu cmcrgcs lrom
hcsc guidcs is u scnsc ol hc ull-pcrvusivcncss ol hc suins in
Muslim lilc und hough.
Thcsc guidcs show hu hcrc wcrc vuriuions in hc ypcs ol
suins vcncrucd wihin Islum. Thc prophcs und ohcr ligurcs lrom
monohcisic rudiion such us Abruhum, llijuh, und lzckicl wcrc
vcncrucd cvcrywhcrc. Vcncruion ol hc Prophc Muhummuds
lumily und his dcsccnduns hrough his cousin und son-in-luw Ali
The etiquette of cult z0q
Iruq is u rcgion lor which no Sunni guidcs urc known lor hc mcdicvul pcriod,
hough rudiions ccruinly uppcur o huvc cxiscd conccrning hc buriul sics ol
promincn Muslims.
und duughcr luimu, hc Compunions ol hc Prophc und hc
lollowcrs, und hc muryrs ol hc curly bulcs und conqucss ol
Islum (which cucgory ulso includcs hc lour Righly-guidcd Culiphs
who wcrc umong hc Compunions ol hc Prophc und his succcssors
us hcud ol hc Muslim communiy)
wus no univcrsul, howcvcr.
Thcir vcncruion dividcd ulong hisoricul und docrinul lincs. Thc
Shiu did no vcncruc ull hc Compunions ol hc Prophc or hc lirs
hrcc culiphs (whom, hcy bclicvcd, hud usurpcd hc culiphuc lrom
Ali). Similurly, Sunnis did no normully vcncruc Shiu imums. Yc
morc loculizcd wus hc vcncruion ol mysics, rulcrs, scholurs, und
hcologiunslcurncd individuuls who wcrc vcncrucd by hcir usso-
ciucs und disciplcs und by hc rulcrs und common pcoplc. Locul his-
ory lurgcly dicucd hc pucrns ol hcir vcncruion. lor insuncc,
in hc prcdominunly Shiic Alcppo ol hc wcllh ccnury onc linds
hc prolilcruion ol ombs ol hc prophcs und hc dcsccnduns ol
Ali, including Ali himscll, or in Cuiro ol hc cnh und clcvcnh
ccnurics hc insiuionulizcd vcncruion by hc Shiic luimid
dynusy ol hc dcsccnduns ol Husuyn und his dcsccnduns hc
Shiic Imums. In Dumuscus lrom hc wcllh ccnury onc linds in
uddiion o hc vcncruion ol hc lumily ol hc Prophc, hc vcncr-
uion ol hcologiuns, mysics, und scholurs, puriculurly umong
hcir disciplcs. Mcdicvul pilgrimugc guidcs lor Cuiro und Dumuscus
cnumcruc vurious cucgorics ol suins. Howcvcr, hc lgypiun
guidcs do no rclcr o hc prophcs us u disinc cucgory. lor
insuncc, Ibn ul-Zuyyu in The Planets liss cn dillcrcn cucgorics ol
scholurs und ohcr vuricics ol suins including hc Compunions und
Houschold ol hc Prophc und hc lollowcrs, judgcs, rulcrs, mur-
yrs, und vurious cucgorics ol mysics und scholurs. Luc mcdicvul
guidcs lor Syriu do no udhcrc o us cluboruc u srucurc, bu olcn
includc hc prophcs, hc Compunions, und numcrous locul schol-
urs, hcologiuns, und mysics, no o mcnion hc occusionul locul
Thc cmcrgcncc ol u rudiion ol living suins wus dccply roocd in
u culurc ol rcligious lcurning. Indccd, suinhood wus dcpcndcn
upon hc uuinmcn ol un cxcmplury lcvcl ol lcurning und pious
dcvoion. Thc proccss ol rccognizing u living suin wus boh pcr-
sonul und inlormul. Among hc runks ol living suins onc linds mys-
ics, hcologiuns, und ohcr mcn ol lcurning und grcu picy who
z,o Josef W. Meri
Thu is, Abu Bukr, Lmur, Lhmun, und Ali.
wcrc rcnowncd lor hcir baraka (hu is, vuriously, lor hcir blcssings
und hcir holincss). Scholurs und hcir disciplcs, rulcrs und common
pcoplc rouincly visicd living suins in ordcr o bc in hcir prcscncc,
o purukc in hcir baraka und o bcncli lrom hcir knowlcdgc. In
clcvcnh-ccnury Syriu, rulcrs, scholurs, und hcologiuns visicd
hcsc mcn who wcrc olcn mysics, und wricrs cnumcrucd hcir
counlcss miruclcs (karamat). Among hc morc colourlul vuricics ol
suins wcrc hc mujdhub who luckcd hc luculy ol rcusoning und
hc churismuic muwulluh or hc onc mudly cnumourcd wih
Cod. Such individuuls wcn uguins hc orhodox pucrn ol lcurn-
ing und picy, somcimcs dcpuring lrom hc Sunnu ol hc Prophc
und somcimcs udoping u suc ol unclcunlincss und riuul impur-
iy. Lnorhodox bchuviour wus ulso u common rui ol somc Suli
suins. Nonchclcss, hcologiuns und hisoriuns lrcqucnly mcnion
in biogruphicul works hu Muslims rouincly sough baraka lrom
hcm us hcy did lrom ohcr suins.
s nnI Ncs
Shrincs o suins wcrc ubiquious, nowihsunding hc Prophcs
sricurc uguins building ovcr ombs. Though locucd muinly in
ccmccrics, cspcciully in hrcc ol hc mos imporun Sunnic pil-
grimugc ccnrcs in hc mcdicvul Islumic worldCuiro, Dumuscus,
und }crusulcm us wcll us hc Shiic ciics ol Kulu, Kurbulu, Nujul,
und Mushhudholy ombs und shrincs wcrc o bc lound cvcry-
whcrc in hc Ncur lus lrom ciy gucs, mosqucs, und omb com-
plcxcs, o ciudcls, cuvcs, mounuins, und cvcn uround holy rocks
whcrc suins wcrc bclicvcd oncc o huvc pusscd or su. }us us hc
ciics, owns, und villugcs ol mcdicvul und Rcnuissuncc luropc hud
hcir puron suins, so oo did hcir Islumic councrpurs. Similurly,
locul, rcgionul, und cvcn compcing culs cxiscd wihin ciics und
oulying villugcs.
Thc vcncruion ol hc sumc suin u muny dillcrcn ccnrcs wus
u common phcnomcnon. Thc Prophcs grundson Husuyns body
wus bclicvcd o huvc bccn buricd in Iruq u Kurbulu whcrc hc wus
muryrcd in 0o, whilc shrincs bclicvcd o conuin his hcud wcrc o
bc lound in Nujul, Kulu, Mcdinu, Dumuscus, Ruqqu, Cuiro, und
Asculon. Boh hcud und body wcrc ulso o bc lound in Kulu. In hc
cusc ol hc urulu ccmccrics in Cuiro und hc Smull Cuc Ccmccry
The etiquette of cult z,1
in Dumuscus, muny ol hc Houschold und dcsccnduns ol hc
Prophc wcrc bclicvcd o huvc bccn buricd hcrc, whcn ohcr
sourccs suc hu hc ombs ol muny wcrc cihcr unknown or hu
hcy luy in hc Arubiun pcninsulu or in hc cuscrn Islumic world.
Alhough, lor cxumplc, i wus commonly bclicvcd hu Bilul, hc
lirs muczzin ol Islum, wus buricd in Mcdinu ulong wih hc muny
ohcr Compunions ol Muhummud, wo uddiionul ombs wcrc
uscribcd o him: onc in Cuiro und unohcr in hc Smull Cuc
Ccmccry in Dumuscus which rcmuins un imporun pilgrimugc sic
lor Sunnis und Shiu o his duy.
In u wcll-known rudiion, hc Prophc urgcd Muslims o lcvcl
ombs und no o usc gypsum in hcir consrucion lcs hcy should
bccomc pluccs ol idolury. Nonchclcss, shrincs ol muny ypcs wcrc
consruccd in duc coursc, runging lrom cuirns, sucrcd rocks, und
sonc pillurs o ombs, vision muusolcu, und cluboruc omb com-
plcxcs such us hc turba or hc jawsaq or rcs houscs ol Cuiro und
Dumuscus. Thc word mazar is uscd lor such pilgrimugc pluccs in hc
broudcs scnsc, bu wo ypcs wcrc disinguishcd: hc omb or qabr,
hc monumcn mos olcn mcnioncd in hc sourccs, und hc vision-
muusolcum or mashhad (licrully u plucc ol wincssing or muryr-
dom). Thc lucr ypc wus olcn conncccd wih hc uppcuruncc ol
hc Prophc Muhummud, his lumily, und Compunions in drcums
und visions, und such shrincs scrvcd us surrogucs lor hc ucuul
ombs ol hc suins in qucsion. Onc cxumplc, u omb ol u dcsccn-
dun ol hc Prophc in Dumuscus, bcurs un inscripion ucsing is
uuhcniciy, numing lour promincn hcologiuns und supplying hc
words ol hc Prophc who hud uppcurcd in u vision o onc ol
Dumuscus inhubiuns. Alhough lilc il uny dcscripion ol hc
numcrous ombs und shrincs is providcd in hc mcdicvul sourccs, u
signilicun numbcr lrom hc cnh ccnury onwurds rcmuin rcmurk-
ubly wcll prcscrvcd. (This disincion, bcwccn u qabr und u mash-
had, is no, i should bc nocd, ubsoluc. lor muny mashhads urc
populurly bclicvcd o conuin hc rcmuins ol suins und wcrc olcn
loundcd us u rcsul ol u vision ol hc suin.) A hird imporun cu-
cgory, hc maqam or suion, wus hc supposcd produc ol u suins
physicul conuc wih u locuionhu is, u plucc hrough which hc
wus suid o huvc pusscd, su, or pruycd. Such sics olcn conuincd
un atharhu is, u sucrcd rucc, looprin, or imprin lcl by u suin
or his mounund did no ncccssurily huvc mcmoriuls consruccd
ovcr hcm.
z,z Josef W. Meri
Thc vcncruion ol suins u hcsc shrincs wus lur lrom pcriphcrul
in hc Islumic world. Pccr Brown, cchoing hc unhropologiss
Ccllncr und Cccrz, ollcrs u provocuivc conrus bcwccn hc siuu-
ion ol omb-ccnrcd suins culs in hc mcdicvul Chrisiun und
Islumic worlds:
Thc holy omb, hough ol incsimublc imporuncc hroughou ull rcgions ol
hc Islumic world, cxiscd ulwuys u lilc o onc sidc ol Muslim orhodoxy.
Vivid chnogruphic mucriul on hc luncion ol modcrn Muslim shrincs,
which sccms o curry us buck dirccly in imc ino hc wcscrn luropc ol
hc curly middlc ugcs, comcs no lrom hc dry ccnrc ol hc Islumic rudi-
ion, bu lrom is cvcr-lcrilc pcriphcricslrom hc mounuins ol Morocco
und lrom Suli lodgcs scucrcd bcwccn Indoncsiu und hc Alus. . . . Public
und privuc, rudiionul rcligious lcudcrship und hc powcr ol hc holy dcud
ncvcr coincidcd o hc dcgrcc o which hcy did in wcscrn luropc.
Locul shrincs did indccd cxis in un uncusy rcluionship o Muslim
orhodoxy, bu hcy wcrc ulso ubiquious. Ironicully, his cnsion
projcccd hc cul ol suins ino hc ccnrc ol conrovcrsy. In Islum,
i wus no hc lcudcrship, bu ruhcr hc ubscncc ol ccnrulizuion,
which pcrmicd hc cul o bccomc horoughly incrwovcn ino hc
lubric ol hc luih und o susuin iscll hroughou hc ccnurics. In
such u siuuion, hc suins ulimucly cxcrciscd conrol ovcr hc liv-
ing hrough drcums und visions und hc omb bccumc in Browns
words, u plucc whcrc hc normul luws ol hc gruvc wcrc hcld o bc
u public spucc whcrc Muslims spiriuully, physicully,
und riuully incruccd wih suins.
icc~iI fv oi Z I YARA ucn~fcu
I is clcur hu hc ziyara or pilgrimugc o ombs wus widcsprcud in
Islum by hc high mcdicvul pcriod. I wus un unomuly, howcvcr, lor
which no lcgul prcccdcn cxiscd, bu is pruciioncrs did no rcgurd
i us conrudicory o hcir bclicl, nor did hcologiuns considcr hu
i wus unorhodox o visi ombs lor hc purposc ol rcmcmbcring hc
The etiquette of cult z,
Brown, CS, 1o, ciing I. Coldzihcr, Vcncruion ol Suins, l. Ccllncr, Saints of
the Atlas (London, 1q0q), und M. Cilscnun Saint and Sufi in Modern Egypt (Oxlord,
1q,), umong ohcr works. Browns conrus bcwccn hc lcrilc pcriphcrics und
Muslim orhodoxy sccms o rcs on u misincrprcuion ol Ccllncr, Saints of the Atlas.
Ccllncrs lcriliy ol hc pcriphcry lics in u morc robus udhcrcncc o u kind ol
CS, 1o11.
dcud, rcciing hc urun, or rcmcmbcring Cod, hc Prophc
Muhummud, or hc Duy ol }udgcmcn. lor hc Prophc hud bccn
uccusomcd o visiing his dcud compunions und o sccking incr-
ccssion lrom Cod lor hcm. Hc oncc suid, I prcviously prohibicd
you lrom visiing ombs, now visi hcm . . .
This wus somcimcs
ukcn us prool ol hc pcrmissibiliy ol visiing suins ombs: vurious
rudiions muinuin hu hc dcud urc uwurc ol hcir visiors on u
spccilic duy ol hc wccklriduy, Monduy, or Wcdncsduy. Thc
ziyara wus, in his scnsc, dclcnsiblc, bu muny ol is riuuls wcrc no.
Populur bclicls und pruciccs ussociucd wih hc ziyara olcn gcncr-
ucd cnsion, such hu u widc vuricy ol posiions cvolvcd umong
hc hcologiuns runging lrom ourigh condcmnuion o morc sub-
lc ucmps o dclinc u propcr ciqucc lor muking ziyara. Thc luc
hu hc Prophc ncvcr cxplicily mcnioncd hcsc riuuls mudc i
ncccssury lor hcologiuns o incrprc Scripurc und Trudiion
hrough individuul rcusoning (ijtihad) und syscmuic rcusoning or
unulogy (qiyas). Thc hcologiuns suw no lcss hun ninc problcms in
hc riuul uspccs ol hc ziyara: hc vulidiy (1) ol pruying lor hc
dcud; (z) ol uddrcssing hc dcud whilc rcgurding hcm us uwurc ol
visiors; () ol pruying dirccly o hc dcud; () ol supplicuing und
sccking incrccssion lor oncscll und lor ohcrs; (j) ol glorilying und
vcncruing hc dcud cihcr hrough riuul ucs or crccing com-
mcmoruivc srucurcs; (0) ol muking physicul conuc wih hc
omb; (,) ol usking hc dcud dirccly o unswcr pruycrs und () o
lullil rcqucss und o work miruclcs; und (q) ol puricipuing in pil-
grimugc lcsivuls.
Conccrcd opposiion o hc ziyara lirs surluccd during hc ninh
ccnury in Iruq, whcrc suin vcncruion wus dccp-roocd umong
Chrisiuns und }cws. I wus only u u lucr sugc, numcly in hc
clcvcnh ccnury, hu opposiion o ziyara pruciccs ook roo in
Syriu, bu i ncvcr rcuchcd hc sumc sculc hcrc us in Iruq, which
wus u busion ol Hunbulic jurisprudcncc unil hc Mongol conqucs
ol Bughdud in 1zj0. Thc issuc ol how onc should conduc oncscll
whcn visiing ull ombs (no jus hosc ol hc suins) wus poscd us
curly us hc scvcnh und cighh ccnurics by hc Iruqi prcuchcr ul-
Husun ul-Busri (d. ,z), who scvcrcly criicizcd pcoplc lor lorgcing
hc solcmn purposc ol visiing ombs und lor cnguging in unuc-
ccpublc bchuviour such us cuing u ombs. Howcvcr, i wus no
z, Josef W. Meri
Sahih Muslim, iii, 0j.
unil ulcr hc ninh ccnury, wih hc growh ol hc Hunbulic
school ol jurisprudcncc, hu scrious opposiion o hc ziyara crys-
ullizcd hcrc. Thc schools loundcr, Ibn Hunbul (d. jj), hud u lirs
lorbudc rcciing hc urun u luncruls bu lucr chungcd his
Subscqucn disciplcs wcn much lurhcr, howcvcr, in idcn-
ilying pruciccs hu wcn uguins hc urun und hc Sunnu. Thcy
urgucd hu hc pcrlormuncc ol ziyara wus o bc considcrcd u hcrci-
cul innovuion (bida) und vcncruing suins us polyhcism (shirk) in
so lur us hcrc wus no cxplici uuhorizuion in hc urun or Sunnu
lor muking ziyara o hc ombs ol hc suins. Thcy ulso rcjcccd hc
ziyara on hc grounds hu i cncourugcd immorul pruciccs, such us
hc incrmingling ol hc scxcs, cspcciully u lcsivuls und on suins
duys or mawsims. Onc ol hc curlics Hunbulic condcmnuions ol
hc ziyara comcs lrom hc clcvcnh-ccnury Bughdudi jurisconsul
und rcsidcn ol Dumuscus Ibn Aqil (1oo111q), who cusigucs
hc ignorun und wrcchcd lor pruciccs which hcy huvc crcucd
lor hcmsclvcs, numcly hc glorilying ol ombs und hc ouching ol
Howcvcr, hc Syriun Ibn Tuymiyyu, hc lorcmos unugonis ol
hc cul ol suins und hc uuhor ol scvcrul cxcnsivc works on hc
ziyara, disinguishcd bcwccn hc hcrcicul ziyara (al-ziyara al-
bidiyya) which hc ussociucs wih puguns, }cws, und Chrisiuns, und
hc lcgul ziyara (al-ziyara al-shariyya), which is cnjoincd by hc
Prophc. This posiion cuuscd such conrovcrsy hu hc wus pu in
prison und dicd hcrc. Hc mcnions hc omb ol Lbuyy ibn Kub (d.
0jo), un curly }cwish convcr o Islum und lollowcr ol hc Prophc,
who wus ullcgcd o huvc bccn buricd in Dumuscus bu who wus
ucuully bclicvcd o huvc bccn buricd in Mcdinu:
Somc ol hc pcoplc uscd o suy hu i is hc omb ol u Chrisiun. This is no
unlikcly. Thc }cws und Chrisiuns urc hc oncs who csublishcd u prcccdcn
in hc vcncruion ol ombs und shrincs. I is lor his rcuson hu hc
Prophc, muy pcucc bc upon him, suid in u |sound| rudiion: Muy Cod
cursc hc }cws und Chrisiuns: Thcy huvc ukcn hc ombs ol hcir prophcs
us pluccs ol pruycr |licrully, prosruion|. Such bchuviour is o bc wurncd
The etiquette of cult z,j
Chuzuli, Ihya Ulum al-Din, j vols. (Cuiro, 1qjj), iv, qz.
Ahmud ibn Tuymiyyu, Majmu Fatawa Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn Taymiyya, cd.
Abd ul-Ruhmun b. Muhummud b. usim ul- Asimi ul-Nujdi ul-Hunbuli, , vols.
(Riyud, 1qq1), xxvii, 0o.
Hc dclincs hc hcrcicul ziyara us whcn hc visior incnds hu his
supplicuion bc lullillcd u hc omb or hu hc would supplicuc hc
dcccuscd, supplicuc lor ruin hrough him, und mukc u rcqucs ol
him or ukc un ouh (abjure) by Cod in rcqucsing u nccd.
Tuymiyyu docs no dcny, howcvcr, hc possibiliy hu u rcqucs
migh bc lullillcd, going so lur us o suy hu il unyhing is gruncd,
i should bc uribucd o hc pcrsonul mcri ol hc ombs puron.
Whilc somc hcologiuns, us is shown bclow, ucknowlcdgcd hc sym-
bioic nuurc ol hc rcluionship bcwccn hc living und hc dcud,
Ibn Tuymiyyu urgucs hu In hc lcgully pcrmissiblc ziyara, hc liv-
ing docs no huvc nccd lor hc dcud by muking u rcqucs ol him
(masala) or sccking his incrccssion (tawassul). Bu ruhcr, hc dcud
dcrivcs bcncli lrom hc living. Cod hc lxulcd hus mcrcy upon hc
living who supplicucs lor hc dcud.
In wo lurhcr cxumplcs, hc commcns on Chrisiun pruciccs und
suggcss hu hcy huvc cxcrciscd somc inllucncc upon Muslim
dcvoccs o hc cul ol suins:
Thc Chrisiuns urc morc lunuic in his hun hc }cws uccording o whu is
suid in hc wo mujor uuhoriuivc collccions ol cunonicul Hudih: on hc
uuhoriy ol Aishu (hc Prophcs luvouric wilc) hu hc Prophc, muy
pcucc bc upon him, Lmm Hubibu und Lmm Sulumu (wo ol his wivcs) . . .
mcnioncd o him u church in Abyssiniu. Thcy mcnioncd is bcuuy und
hc muruls conuincd wihin i. Thc Prophc suid hu whcn u righcous
mun (rajul salih) dicd umong hcm hosc pcoplc consruccd u plucc ol wor-
ship |licrully, u plucc ol prosruion| ovcr his omb und puincd on i hosc
icons. Thcsc crcuions will bc hc mos cvil o Cod on hc Duy ol
llscwhcrc, hc urns his ucnion o hc vcncruion ol suin rclics
und Muslim-Chrisiun riuul pruciccs:
Chrisiuns muinly vcncruc hc rclics (athar) ol hcir suins (qiddisun). I is
no improbublc hu hcy pusscd his |prucicc| on o somc ignorun
Muslims, numcly hu his is hc omb ol onc whom hc Muslims cxol so
hu hcy would ugrcc o vcncruc him wih hcm. How is i no so sccing
hu hcy huvc misguidcd muny ignorun Muslims such hu hcy cvcn
z,0 Josef W. Meri
Ahmud ibn Tuymiyyu, Majmu Fatawa Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn Taymiyya, cd.
Abd ul-Ruhmun b. Muhummud b. usim ul- Asimi ul-Nujdi ul-Hunbuli, , vols. (ul-
Riyud, 1qq1), 1z.
Ibn Tuymiyyu, Iqtida al-Sirat al-Mustaqim Mukhalafat Ahl al-Jahim, cd.
Muhummud ul-liqi (Cuiro, 1qjo), ,.
Ibn Tuymiyyu, Majmu Fatawa, xxvii, ,1.
Ibid., zo.
bcgun o bupisc hcir childrcn by ullcging hu i insurcs longcviy lor hc
inlun. Thc Chrisiuns cvcn go hcm o visi hc cuhcdruls und churchcs
hcy glorily. Muny ignorun Muslims cvcn mudc voivc ollcrings o pluccs
which hc Chrisiuns vcncruc. By hc sumc mcusurc, muny visi churchcs
und rcccivc blcssings (yaltamisuna al-baraka) lrom hcir pricss, monks und
hc likc . . .
Thc polcmicul onc ol hcsc urgumcns, which wcrc churuccrisic
ol hc Hunbulics, is obvious. Ibn Tuymiyyu vicws hc cul ol suins
us onc ol scvcrul populur rcligious phcnomcnu brough ubou by
Chrisiun conuminuion. I is un cxrcmc vicw, which muy huvc
somc busis in rculiy givcn hc srcngh ol Chrisiuniy in Iruq, Syriu,
und lgyp. Bu much morc work is nccdcd o clurily hc ucuul rclu-
ions ol Muslims wih Chrisiun shrincs und vicc vcrsu. Ibn
Tuymiyyu ulso condcmns pruycr lor ruin u ombs ol hc prophcs
und rcpucd suins, ulhough hcrc wus un uuhoriuivc prcccdcn
lor such pruciccs: hc sccond Culiph Lmur hud oncc rcqucscd hu
hc Prophcs pucrnul unclc Abbus lcud hc supplicuion pruycr lor
ruin u hc Prophcs gruvc. Ibn Tuymiyyu rcusons hu his wus un
cxccpion o hc rulc, pcrmissiblc only bccuusc ol hc lucrs rclu-
ionship o hc Prophc. In uddiion o hc urun und hc rudiions
ol hc Prophc, Ibn Tuymiyyu urns o hc loundcrs ol hc lour
schools ol jurisprudcncc o urguc uguins hc lcguliy ol muking
ziyara o ombs ol prophcs:
As lor journcying lor hc solc purposc ol muking ziyara o Abruhums omb
in |Hcbron| or ohcr ombs ol prophcs und righcous mcn, hcir shrincs
(mashahid), und hcir rclics (athar), no onc ol hc imums ol hc Muslims
rccommcndcd i, nonc ol hc lour |hu is, hc loundcrs ol hc lour schools
ol jurisprudcncc|, nor huvc ohcrs.
Thc Hunbulics wcrc in luc going much lurhcr hun hc ohcr
schools in rcjccing hc ziyara und in insising hu ombs und suins
should no bc singlcd ou lor pruycr und supplicuion, us wcll us
dcnying hc pcrlormuncc u hcm ol miruclcs in rcsponsc o such
Ibn Tuymiyyus disciplc, Ibn uyyim ul-}uwziyyu (1zqz1jo),
coninucd his muscrs crusudc uguins pruciccs which hrcucncd
Islumic orhodoxy. In u scuhing indicmcn hc urgucs hu Syriuns
wcrc obscrving rics (manasik) similur o hosc ol hc pilgrimugc o
The etiquette of cult z,,
Ibid., 0o1.
Ibid., zo.
Mcccu, wurruning hc conccrn ol hcologiuns.
Hc rclcrs o u pil-
grimugc guidc, possibly ol Shiic origin, cnilcd Rules for Making
Pilgrimage to Shrines:
Should you scc hc lunuics ol hosc who ukc |ombs| us pluccs ol lrc-
qucning, hcy dismoun lrom hcir suddlcs und mouns whcn hcy bchold
hcm lrom ulur. Thcy plucc hcir luccs upon hc omb, kiss hc ground, burc
hcir hcuds und hcir voiccs bccomc ruiscd in u clumour. Thcy cry ulmos
wccping. Thcy scc hcmsclvcs huving rcccivcd grcucr bcncli hun hc pil-
grims o Mcccu. Thcy scck hc uid ol onc who docs no grun i hc lirs
imc or hc sccond. Thcy cull ou bu lrom u disun plucc. In upprouching
i, hcy pruy wo rakas
ncur hc omb und bclicvc hu hcy huvc
obuincd rccompcnscno hc rccompcnsc ol hc onc who pruys owurd
hc wo qiblas |hu is, owurds Mcccu und }crusulcm|. You scc hcm pros-
ruing, bcnding hcmsclvcs, und sccking luvour und suislucion lrom hc
dcud |only o lill hcir hunds| wih disuppoinmcn und loss: To ohcr hun
Cod, ruhcr o Suunhcir curs llow hcrc, hcir voiccs risc. Thc dcccuscd
is cullcd upon o lullil nccds, o dispcl sorrows, mukc hc indigcn lrcc ol
wun, o rclicvc hc discuscd und ullliccd. Alcr hu hcy urn o circum-
umbuluing uround hc gruvc in imiuion ol hc Buy ul-Hurum |hu is, hc
Kaba| which Cod hud mudc holy und guiduncc uno hc inhubiuns ol hc
world. Thcn hcy bcgin o kiss |i| und ouch i |istilam|.
Did you no scc
hc Bluck Sonc und whu hosc visiing hc Buy ul-Hurum do wih i. Thcn
hcy soil hcir lorchcuds und chccks ncur i |hu is, ncur hc gruvc| which
Cod knows urc no soilcd hus bclorc i in prosruion. Thcn hcy concludc
hc rics |manasik| ol hc pilgrimugc o hc gruvc wih shorcning und shuv-
ing hcir huir hcrc.
Thcy ukc plcusurc in hcir shurc lrom hu idol sincc
hcy do no huvc u shurc wih Cod. Thcy ollcr up sucriliccs o hu idol.
Thcir pruycrs, ccrcmonics und sucriliccs wcrc o ohcr hun Cod, hc Lord
ol hc inhubiuns ol hc world. Il you bchcld hcm, hcy would congruu-
luc onc unohcr suying, Muy Cod luvish you wih ubundun rccompcnsc
und good lorunc. Whcn hcy rcurn, hc lunuics ol hosc who rcmuincd
bchind usk ol hcm lor onc ol hcm o scll hc rccompcnsc ol hc pilgrim-
ugc o hc gruvc |hijja| lor hc Pilgrimugc ol hc onc scing ou on hc
z, Josef W. Meri
Ibn uyyim ul-}uwziyyu, Ighathat al-Lahfan min Masayid al-Shaytan, cd.
Muhummud ul-liqi (Bciru, 1q0), i, zzo.
Thc cvidcncc hu his is u Shiic guidc is no conclusivc, bu i includcs such
hings us rclcrcnccs o hc prucicc ol circumumbuluing u omb or shrinc. This com-
mon Shiic prucicc is ucscd in modcrn und prc-modcrn Shiic pilgrimugc guidcs
bu no in Sunni guidcs.
Raka rclcrs o hc hrcc primury movcmcns ol hc body in Islumic pruycr.
Ibn uyyim ul-}uwziyyu is rclcrring o hc prucicc ol kissing und ouching hc
Bluck Sonc.
Mcn shuvc hcir hcuds during hc Hajj.
Pilgrimugc o hc Buy ul-Hurum. Hc would suy, No, |no| cvcn wih your
muking Pilgrimugc cvcry ycur.
Thc similuriics bcwccn hcsc riuuls und hosc ol hc Hajj urc rcud-
ily uppurcn. Ibn uyyim wus pcrsonully uwurc ol pcoplc imiuing
hc rics ol hc Hajj in hcir pcrlormuncc ol hc ziyara. This hud, us
hc suw i, dungcrous implicuions lor Islumic orhodoxy. Indccd, hc
uuhor ol u History of Irbil, Ibn ul-Musuwli (d. 1zq), spccilicully
mcnions hu hajj wus bcing mudc o hc omb ol u Suli suin ol hc
wcllh ccnury, cspcciully u hc imc ol hc Hajj o Mcccu!
Muslim hcologiuns wcrc in gcncrul ugrccmcn hu such pruciccs
wcrc hcrcicul. Somc Sunnis us wcll us Shiics cngugcd in hcsc
pruciccs, bu hcrc is insullicicn cvidcncc o concludc hu muny
Muslims wcrc guily ol hc dcviuions condcmncd by Ibn uyyim. I
is possiblc o urguc hu hcsc cxumplcs wcrc isolucd phcnomcnu,
only occurring during his lilcimc.
~iiI nvI Nc fnc Z I YARA
Wriing in dclcncc ol hc ziyara in his Revivification of the Religious
Sciences, hc clcvcnh-ccnury Khurusuniun-born hcologiun und
rcsidcn ol Bughdud Abu Humid ul-Chuzuli (1oj1111) ook hc
opponcns ol ziyara o usk, ullirming hc cxiscncc ol suins und hc
pcrmissibiliy ol muking ziyara o ull ombs. Bu hc oo quulilicd hc
mcuning ol ziyara, which hc did no mcrcly conlinc o hc spcciul
dcud. I wus hc prcscncc ol holincss us munilcs in hc dcccuscd und
hc prcscncc ol Cod und His holincss, which mudc u givcn plucc sig-
nilicun. This is u morc univcrsul scnsc ol holincss which Muslims
shurcd wih Chrisiuns.
Al-Chuzuli obscrvcs,
Whu is incndcd lrom visiing ombs |ziyarat al-qubur| is lor hc visior o
rcllcc on hc ziyara und lor hc visicd o bcncli lrom his supplicuion. Thc
visior ough no o bc hccdlcss ol supplicuing lor himscll und lor hc
dcccuscd or on rcllccing on him. Hc is in u suc ol rcllccion whcn hc pic-
urcs in his hcur hc dcud how his mcmbcrs huvc scpurucd und how hc
will bc rcsurrcccd lrom his gruvc.
The etiquette of cult z,q
Al-Muburuk Ibn ul-Musuwli, Tarikh Irbil, cd. Sumi Suqqur (Bughdud, 1qo),
i, j.
Scc Brown, CS, 1o11, on hc cncouncr ol hc living wih hc holy dcud und
hc prcscncc ol holincss.
Chuzuli, Ihya Ulum al-Din, iv, qz.
Thc visiuion should bc conduccd in uccorduncc wih hc Trudiion
ol hc Prophc. lor ul-Chuzuli, hc gouls ol hc ziyara wcrc concm-
pluion, rcmcmbcring dcuh, und obuining blcssings, conccps wih
which cvcn Ibn Tuymiyyu would ugrcc in principlc. Hc cics wo
rudiions, onc ol which ullirms hu hc Prophc scrvcs us un incr-
ccssor on hc Duy ol }udgcmcn lor hosc who visi him: Visiing
ombs is ulogchcr rccommcndcd lor rcmcmbruncc und concmplu-
ion. Visiing hc ombs ol hc righcous is rccommcndcd lor hc
purposc ol sccking blcssings |und| concmpluion. Thc Mcsscngcr ol
Cod . . . lorbudc visiing ombs und hcn pcrmicd hu ulcr-
Al-Chuzuli hcn quocs u cunonicul Trudiion rclucd by
hc Prophcs son-in-luw Ali in which hc lormcr chungcd his mind
ubou pcrmiing Muslims o visi hc dcud:
Ali, muy Cod bc plcuscd wih him, rclucd lrom hc Mcsscngcr ol Cod . . .
hu hc suid, I lorbudc you o visi gruvcs. Visi hcm, hcy mukc you
rcmcmbcr hc Hcrculcr lor do no suy loul words. Thc Mcsscngcr ol Cod
. . . visicd his mohcrs omb . . . Hc wus ncvcr sccn crying us much us on
hu duy. Hc suid, Hc pcrmicd mc o visi hcr wihou sccking mcrcy.
Al-Chuzuli did no disinguish bcwccn ziyara o hc ombs ol lovcd
oncs und hosc ol suins. Thc gouls wcrc onc und hc sumc: suppli-
cuing Cod on bchull ol hc dcud. Sincc hc Prophc visicd his
mohcrs gruvc, i wus pcrmissiblc lor Muslims o visi ull gruvcs und
o rcmcmbcr hc dcud u hcm. Howcvcr, hc Prophc ncvcr kisscd,
rcscd upon, or rubbcd uguins ombs.
Prcciscly bccuusc hc vcncruion ol suins could bc chullcngcd in
Islum, Muslims who wcrc rcudy o councnuncc i hud o dclinc in
dcuil whu consiucd lcgiimuc riuul prucicc. Thus, muny cxs
wcrc composcd on ziyara ciqucc. Thcy huvc no councrpur in
mcdicvul Chrisiun licruurc und poin o hc cxiscncc ol considcr-
ublc vuriuion in hc wuy in which riuul cvolvcd lrom onc rcgion
o unohcr. Al-Chuzuli providcs onc ol hc curlics cxumplcs. Hc did
no mcrcly condonc visiing suins ombs. In luc, hc udvocucd vis-
iing such pluccs so long us onc did no cngugc in pruciccs which
hc hcologiuns hud lorbiddcn (such us using hc cunonicul lorm ol
pruycr o Cod, which involvcd lucing hc qiblahu is, lucing hc
dirccion ol Mcccu) or which hcy hud idcnilicd us bcing pugun,
Chrisiun, or }cwish or us bcing conrury o hc nuurc ol Islum,
such us kissing or lying upon ombs:
zo Josef W. Meri
Chuzuli, Ihya Ulum al-Din, iv, qo.
I is rccommcndcd in visiing gruvcs hu onc should sund wih oncs buck
o hc qibla, lucing hc dcccuscd in ordcr o grcc him, und hu onc should
no wipc, ouch, or kiss hc omb. Thosc urc umong hc Chrisiun pruciccs.
Nuli suid, I suw Ibn Lmur
u hundrcd imcs or morc comc o hc
Prophcs omb und suy, Pcucc bc upon hc Prophc. Pcucc bc upon Abu
Pcucc bc upon my luhcr, und hc would lcuvc. lrom Abu Lmumu
who suid, I suw Anus Ibn Mulik visiing hc omb ol hc Prophc . . . Hc
sood hcrc, ruiscd his hunds, such hu I hough hc wus bcginning o pruy,
grcccd hc Prophc . . . und hcn lcl.
Al-Chuzuli gocs on o rcluc hc ruc sory ol u mun who clls ol scc-
ing in his slccp u dcccuscd ucquuinuncc spcuking o him lrom
Purudisc, whcrcupon hc lucr clls him hu hc dcud urc uwurc ol
hosc who mukc ziyara o hcir gruvcs on lriduys, hc duy ol
Communul pruycr. Onc rudiion cvcn indicucs hc puriculur mcri
or fadl ol lriduy. Al-Chuzuli ussociucs hc ziyara wih hc lriduy
pruycr und in so doing lcgiimizcs i. According o u Compunion ol
hc Prophc, Whocvcr visis u omb bclorc sunrisc on Suurduy, hc
dcud is uwurc ol his visi. I wus uskcd: how is hu. Hc suid,
Bccuusc ol hc imporuncc ol lriduy.
Ohcr such rudiions mcn-
ion Wcdncsduy und Suurduy u duwn. Thc lourccnh-ccnury
lgypiun hisoriun ul-Muqrizi likcwisc mcnions lriduys und
Suurduys, wih Wcdncsduys bcing hc cusomury duy.
Similurly, hc lgypiun hcologiun und uuhor ol The Pilgrims
Guide to the Tombs of the Righteous (Murshid al-Zuwwar ila Qubur al-
Abrar), Ibn Lhmun (d. 1z1), docs no disinguish bcwccn visi-
ing hc ombs ol suins und lumily mcmbcrs. Dclcnding hc cxiscncc
ol suins wus no hc mos cruciul issuc lor Muslim hcologiuns, bu
ruhcr cxpluining how onc should go ubou pcrlorming hc ziyara
und propcrly vcncruing hc dcud. Thc luc hu Ibn Lhmun und
ohcr hcologiuns do no mcnion such lundumcnul riuul lorms us
obuining baraka (blcssings) lrom suins, lighing cundlcs, und muk-
ing voivc ollcrings suggcss hu hcy did no rcgurd hcm us prob-
lcmuic. Ibn Lhmuns conccpion ol hc ziyara did no simply
includc hc vcncruion ol suins. In his wcny guidclincs lor visi-
ing ombs, hc srcsscs hc mcris ol muking ziyara o hc ombs ol
The etiquette of cult z1
Thc son ol hc sccond Culiph Lmur ibn ul-Khuub (r. 0).
Thc lirs Culiph (r. 0z).
Chuzuli, Ihya Ulum al-Din, iv, q1.
Ahmud ibn Ali ul-Muqrizi, al-Mawaiz wa-al-Itibar bi-Dhikr al-Khitat wa-al-
Athar z vols. (Buluq, 1j), ii, 01.
prophcs, und hc lumily und Compunions ol hc Prophc
Muhummud. Likc ul-Chuzuli, Ibn Lhmun ullirms hc rudiion ol
pcrlorming hc ziyara on lriduys, Thursduys, or Suurduys und hu
Wcdncsduy is hc ucccpcd cusom in lgyp. Hc condcmns wulking
umong und siing on gruvcs, luughing, kissing ombs und rubbing
soil lrom hcm on oncscll, sriking chccks, und rcnding clohcs.
Inscud, dcvoccs should rcu hc dcud us hc living, rccic hc
urun, ollcr pruycr on bchull ol hc dcud, pruy und supplicuc lor
hc Prophc Muhummud, mukc supplicuion lor hcmsclvcs, rccol-
lcc hc bcs quuliics ol hc dcud, und so on.
In Ibn ul-Zuyyus al-Kawakib al-Sayyara fi Tartib al-Ziyara (The
Planets in the Organization of the Ziyara), onc hcurs ol lcurncd guidcs
lcuding dcvoccs in circuis uround hc ombs und shrincs ol hc
urulu ccmccrics rccouning hc suins miruclcs und pruiscworhy
quuliics during hcir lilcimcs, bu ulso hc cllicuciousncss ol hc
ombs und shrincs. luch shrinc posscsscd u uniquc hisory, which
normully includcd u Lilc ol u suin, which lcurncd pilgrims und pil-
grimugc guidcs runsmicd o dcvoccs uking pur in hc ziyara. Ibn
ul-Zuyyu und ohcr pilgrimugc guidc wricrs ulso rccord und discuss
conllicing rudiions rcgurding puriculur ombs, no mcrcly ucccp-
ing hcm u lucc vuluc, us wcll us ucccpcd ziyara cusoms, pruciccs
which wcrc gcncrully obscrvcd by ull scgmcns ol socicy who vis-
icd shrincs. Likc ohcr wricrs ol pilgrimugc guidcs, Ibn ul-Zuyyu
wus puriculurly conccrncd wih pilgrimugc ciqucc. His dclcncc ol
hc imporuncc ol visiing shrincs is lollowcd by u dcuilcd und sys-
cmuic dcscripion ol hc propcr wuy o conduc ziyara:
As lor hc grcucs ol hc mos honourublc prophcs und mcsscngcrs |hu
is, hc prophcs o whom Scripurc wus rcvculcd|, hc visior comcs o
hcmsccking hcsc lur-uwuy pluccs is incumbcn upon hcm. Il hc should
comc o hcm, hcn lc him posscss humiliy, dcjccion, ucr humiliy,
povcry, nccd, dirc nccd, grcu ncccssiy, humiliy und submission und lc
him bcukc his hcur und mind owurd hcm und owurd vicwing hcm wih
his hcur |licrully, his hcurs cyc| und no wih his cycsigh sincc hcy
ncvcr dccomposc nor chungc. Thcn hc visior pruiscs Cod hc Mos High
wih whu is worhy ol him. Thcn hc pruys ovcr hcm, sccks hu Cod bc
plcuscd wih hcir compunions und sccks hc mcrcy ol Cod lor hcir lol-
lowcrs wih unwuvcring sinccriy in luih down o hc Duy ol }udgcmcn.
Thcn hc urns in incrccssion hrough hcm o Cod hc Mos High in lul-
lilling his wishcs und sccking lorgivcncss lor his sins. Ncx, hc sccks hcir
uid, rcqucss lrom hcm lullilmcn ol his nccds, und posiivcly rcsolvcs him-
scll o hcir baraka . . . lor hcy urc Cods opcn guc. Thc Sunna ol hc Mos
zz Josef W. Meri
Sublimc und Mos lxulcd is upplicublc o lullilling nccds hrough und on
uccoun ol hcm. Hc, who is unublc o ruvcl o hcm, lc him hcn bid hcm
pcucc und mcnion whu i is hc rcquircs ol his nccds, lorgivcncss lor his
sins, und guurding his loiblcs. Thcy urc hc noblcs muscrs. Thc Noblc
ncvcr rcjcc him who mukcs u rcqucs ol hcm, or sccks hcir incrccssion
or who journcys o hcm, nor hc who hus rccoursc in hcm. Thcsc |wcrc|
words pcruining o muking ziyara o hc prophcs und hc clcc.
During hc lourccnh ccnury unohcr Norh Alricun Shuliic
hcologiun, Ibn ul-Hujj, commcncd on propcr ziyara ciqucc in his
Madkhal. Hc bcgins by dclcnding hc prucicc ol sccking incrccssion
lrom suins und prophcs, including hc Prophc Muhummud. In
dircc conrus o Ibn Tuymiyyu, hc urgucd hu i wus pcrmissiblc
o scck ruin hrough uny omb, bccuusc hc Compunion und lucr
culiph Lmur did so hrough hc Prophc und his unclc Abbus:
Il hc dcud o whom ziyara is mudc urc umong hosc whosc baraka is
sough, hcn hc incrccssion ol Cod hc lxulcd is sough hrough him.
Likcwisc, hc visior sccks hc incrccssion ol him whom hc sccs us dcud
lrom hosc whosc baraka is sough hrough hc Prophc. . . . Ruhcr, hc
visior bcgins by sccking hc incrccssion ol Cod hc lxulcd hrough hc
Prophc . . . sincc Hc is hc Suppor in incrccssion und hc ulimuc sourcc
und cnublcr ol ull ol his. Hc would scck his incrccssion . . . und hosc who
lollow him wih unwuvcring sinccriy in luih down o hc Duy ol
}udgcmcn. Al-Bukhuri rcpors on hc uuhoriy ol Anus, muy Cod bc
plcuscd wih him: Lmur ibn ul-Khuub,
whcncvcr hcy would cxpcri-
cncc drough, would pruy lor ruin hrough |hc Prophc| suying, Oh Lord
wc wcrc sccking hc incrccssion ol your Prophc . . . lor grun us ruin. And
wc scck your incrccssion hrough Abbus, hc pucrnul unclc ol your
Prophc . . . Thcn hc would scck hc incrccssion ol hc inhubiuns ol hosc
gruvcs, hu is, hc righcous |salihun|.
Alcr quoing Trudiion, Ibn ul-Hujj procccds o oulinc u propcr ci-
qucc which includcs siing on ombs lucing hc dcccuscd whils
onc cngugcs in pruycr und supplicuion:
Pcucc bc upon you ull hc dcud, und so on. Oh Cod lorgivc us und hcm
|our sins|. Do no udd nor subruc lrom hcsc words . . . cxcr grcu cllor
in supplicuion on hcir bchull. Thcy urc hc pcoplc mos dcscrving ol hu
bccuusc ol hc ccssuion ol hcir good works. Thcn hc visior should si u
hc qibla ol hc |gruvc| ol hc dcccuscd |hu is, lucing Mcccu| und grcc him
The etiquette of cult z
Ibn ul-Zuyyu, al-Kawakib al-Sayyara fi Tartib al-Ziyara (Cuiro, 1qo,), zj,.
Thc sccond Culiph (r. 0).
Ibn ul-Hujj, al-Madkhal (Cuiro, 1qzq), i, zjj.
lucc-o-lucc, hc bcing lrcc o si in hc viciniy ol his lcc owurd his hcud
or opposic his lucc. Thcn hc visior should pruisc Cod hc Mos High wih
whucvcr comcs o mind. Thcn hc should pruy u luwlul pruycr lor hc
Prophc, muy pcucc bc upon him. Thcn hc should supplicuc lor hc
dcccuscd wih whu hc cun und likcwisc hc should supplicuc ncur hcsc
gruvcs |rcmcmbcring| un incidcn which huppcncd o him or o hc
Muslims und cnrcu Cod hc Mos High o dispcl i und rcvcul i |hu is,
is ruc nuurc| o him und hcm. This is u dcscripion ol ziyarat al-qubur.
lor Ibn ul-Hujj, hc ziyara consiss ol u scrics ol riuul ucs bcginning
wih hc suluuion o hc dcud und cnding wih supplicuion. Ibn
ul-Hujj und Ibn ul-Zuyyu wcrc proponcns ol hc ziyara, bu cvcn
hcy ukc curc o disuncc hcmsclvcs lrom vurious pruciccs such us
kissing, rubbing, und lying on ombs und muking voivc ollcrings.
Boh cxplicily suc hu ombs urc sourccs ol baraka, which is runs-
lcrrcd o hc dcvoccu vicw hu hc Hunbulics rcjcccd. Only Ibn
ul-Hujj pcrmis siing on ombs, somching which ul-Chuzuli und
Ibn Lhmun prohibi on hc uuhoriy ol hc Prophc.
Alhough hcir pilgrimugc guidcs bclong o u lucr pcriod und o
u milicu whcrc hc ziyara wus lcss holy concscd, hcrc is cvidcncc
hu is Syriun dclcndcrs wcrc ulso conccrncd o dclinc is ciqucc.
Ibn ul-Huwruni urgucs hu i bcgins wih hc rcmcmbruncc ol Cod
und hc incn o pcrlorm pilgrimugc:
I is ncccssury lor onc who dcsircs o undcrukc visiing hc omb ol u
Compunion, wali, or scholur hu hc incnds wih his visi lirs: Ccing
ncurcr o Cod hc lxulcd hrough visiing His bclovcd und hc spcciul dcud
lrom umong His scrvuns, supplicuing lor hc ombs puron und rccciving
his blcssing, und bringing mcrcy upon hc visior. . . . I is cusomury pruc-
icc o posiion oncscll lucing hc lucc ol hc ombs inhubiun, o upprouch,
und grcc him. Thc pilgrim sunds ncur hc omb comporing himscll, hum-
bling himscll, surrcndcring himscll, bowing his hcud o hc ground wih
digniy, Cod-inspircd pcucc ol mind, und uwc, cusing usidc powcr und
chicluinship. Hc should imuginc himscll us il hc wcrc looking u hc ombs
inhubiun und hc looking u him. Thcn hc should look wih inrospccion
o whu Cod hud gruncd o hc onc visicd ol lolincss, digniy und divinc
z Josef W. Meri
Ibn ul-Hujj, al-Madkhal (Cuiro, 1qzq), i, zj.
Scc Sahih Muslim, iii, 0z: Do no si on hc gruvcs und do no pruy lucing
owurds hcm. In unohcr rudiion, hc sucs, I is bccr hu onc ol you should si
on livc couls which would burn his clohing und comc in conuc wih his skin hun
hu hc should si on u gruvc.
Ibn ul-Huwruni, Kitab al-Isharat ila Amakin al-Ziyarat, cd. Bussum ul-}ubi
(Dumuscus, 1q1), 1jj01.
sccrcs und how Cod hus mudc him u locus ol suinhood, lor sccrcs, closc-
ncss, obcdicncc |or, submission|, und divinc gnosic ruhs.
Al-Huwruni hcn indicucs hu hc dcvocc rcllccs upon himscll
und his sins which prcvcn him lrom ncuring Cod:
Hc looks wih . . . scudlusncss o his scll how Cod prcvcncd i lrom com-
pcing wih hc suins bccuusc ol hu und prcvcncd i lrom imbuing him-
scll wih hc morul virucs ol His pious scrvuns und His bclovcd und
uuching himscll o hc ruil ol hcir wuy und hcir puhs o hcir Lord und
rculising hcir high und prccious ruhs. Thcn hc conccivcs in his mind ol
hc Duy ol }udgcmcn, hc Rcsurrccion, hc urising ol hc |suins| lrom
hcir ombs huppy wih Cods plcusurc wih hcm, dclighcd, riding on hc
lolincss ol mcrcy. Thc ungcls surround hcm und upon hcir hcuds urc
crowns ol hcir pious dcvoions, incrccding on bchull ol sinncrs.
According o Ibn ul-Huwruni, hc dcvocc hcn cncrs u cuhuric
suc in which hc rcbukcs und scolds himscll und hcn wccps. Thcn
hc supplicucs Cod und rcuds lrom hc urun. Thc dcvocc mus bc
sinccrc in rcuching his goul und no spcuk loul words und rccull hc
Hadith ol hc Prophc:
Whocvcr dcsircs o visi u gruvc, hcn lc him do so; bu suy no loul
. . . lor hu brings down is docr lrom hc cyc ol Cod hc lxulcd,
invoking His irc, und i is lcurcd hu hc would rcgrcss, bc dcliun, |suc-
cumb o| ignominy, his suc luding o pcrdiion, ull hc whilc hc is no pcr-
cciving his. Cuuion und uguin cuuion. . . . Lc his solc conccrn bc in hc
suc ol his ziyara wih ull ol his scnscs locuscd on rcmcmbruncc ol Cod hc
lxulcd, pruycr und rcuding hc urun. Thu is grcu prool ol hc sound-
ncss ol hc ziyara und is ucccpuncc, dcsccn ol mcrcy, lullilmcn ol sup-
plicuion und uuining hc dcsircd objcc.
lor Ibn ul-Huwruni, hc ziyara wus no only u mcuns ol lullilling
pcrsonul supplicuions, i wus ulso un uc ol supplicuion bclorc Cod,
coningcn upon bringing Him und hc ulcrlilc o mind, upon pruy-
ing und rcuding hc urun. This uc ol rcculling hc ccnrul uspccs
ol Islum wus, lor Ibn ul-Huwruni, hc ulimuc purposc ol ziyara.
This, in hc cnd, is whu ull ol hc ziyaras dclcndcrs considcrcd mos
imporun. All dclinc hc rcmcmbruncc ol Cod, hc Prophc, hc
hcrculcr, und hc dccds ol hc dcud us hc undcrlying purposc ol
ziyara, ull uuhorizc hc muking ol rcqucss und hc supplicuion
ol Cod on bchull ol hc dcud, ull prohibi lucing hc omb whcn
The etiquette of cult zj
A hadith ol hc Prophc.
pruying, wih ul-Chuzuli going us lur us o prohibi cunonicul
pruycr ulogchcr, ull, linully, cncourugc hc rcciuion ol hc
urun u ombs.
coNcirs I oN
Thc links bcwccn Suli mysicism und hc vcncruion ol suins, hc
rcluionship bcwccn hc vcncruion ol suins in mcdicvul Islum und
is councrpurs in luscrn Chrisiuniy und }uduism, muy bc lur
lrom bcing lully undcrsood; bu i is clcur hu hc ziyara mcun
much morc o mcdicvul Muslims hun jus pilgrimugc. lor mos i
wus u wuy ol honouring hc holy dcud hrough cxpcricncing spiri-
uul closcncss o Cod u hcir ombs. I wus ubiquious und hc locus
ol much concmporury dcbuc, so much so hu i cunno bc
rcgurdcd us hc produc ol hc pcriphcry. Thc mulipliciy ol pruc-
iccs ussociucd wih i undcrscorcs is ccnruliy und viuliy in
mcdicvul Islum. Tombs und shrincs wcrc incgrucd ino cvcry
uspcc ol duily lilc. Pilgrimugc o hcm wus cu ucross hc bound-
urics bcwccn public und privuc, bcwccn hc ciy und hc coun-
rysidc, bcwccn rich und poor, und bcwccn lcurncd und
illicruchowcvcr much hc munncr in which riuuls wcrc con-
duccd muy huvc dillcrcd lrom plucc o plucc und lrom cluss o cluss.
lvcn oduy, hc prucicc ol ziyara in modcrn Syriu und lgyp csi-
lics o is vuricy und o is ccnrul rolc in hc lilc ol lurgc sccions
ol hc populuion. In Dumuscus, onc cun sill scc Dumusccnc,
Iruniun, und Ccnrul Asiun pilgrims pcrlorming ziyara o hc muny
shrincs ol hc lumily ol hc Prophc. I huvc myscll sccn vcilcd
womcn siing u hc shrinc ol onc ol Husuyns dcsccnduns wccp-
ing ogchcr, whilc mcn und womcn circumumbuluc hc shrinc
ouching und kissing is grill in ordcr o rcccivc baraka. Thc spon-
unciy ol hc cul ol suins rcmuins vcry much ulivc in hc hcurs
und minds ol Muslims oduy us i did in hc Middlc Agcs.
z0 Josef W. Meri
~vcnI i c~vcnoN
Wurdcn ol Kcblc Collcgc, Oxlord, Avcril Cumcron is hc cdior ol
volumc 1 ol Tbc CumlriJc Ancicnt Histcr. Tbc Lutc Empirc, AD
;(., und hcr muny disinguishcd publicuions includc
Prcccpins unJ tbc Sixtb Ccntnr (London, 1qj) und Cbristiunit unJ
tbc Bbctcric cj Empirc (Bcrkclcy und Los Angclcs, 1qq1).
r~ri iorn~cnc
Puul lourucrc is Lccurcr in lurly Mcdicvul Hisory u Coldsmihs
Collcgc, London. Hc is hc uuhor ol Mcrovingiun Hisory und
Mcrovingiun Hugiogruphy, Pust unJ Prcscnt, 1z, (1qqo), ,
und, wih Richurd Ccrbcrding, ol Lutc Mcrcviniun Fruncc. Histcr
unJ Huicrupb, (o;.o, Munchcscr Mcdicvul Sourccs Scrics
(Munchcscr und Ncw York, 1qq0), und hc cdior ol volumc onc ol
Tbc Ncw CumlriJc McJicvuI Histcr. c. oo;oo.
r~ri ~NfoNv n~vw~nu
lormcrly }unior Rcscurch lcllow in Modcrn Hisory u }csus Collcgc,
Oxlord, Puul Huywurd works on hc cul ol suins in Anglo-Suxon
und Anglo-Normun lnglund. His monogruph Kinsbip, CbiIJbccJ
unJ MurtrJcm in AnIc-Suxcn EnIunJ is o bc publishcd by
Cumbridgc Lnivcrsiy Prcss.
r~ri ~. noiiI Ncs wonfn
Puul Hollingsworh is u spcciulis in Byzuninc und mcdicvul Sluvic
hisory, und hc uuhor ol Tbc Huicrupb cj Kicvun Bns, HLlLL z
(Cumbridgc, Muss., 1qqz). Hc is currcnly cngugcd by hc Suc
Dcpurmcn ol hc Lnicd Sucs ol Amcricu o work on Russiun
J ~vcs now~nu- J onNs foN
Lnivcrsiy Lccurcr in Byzuninc Sudics u Oxlord und lcllow ol
Corpus Chrisi Collcgc, }umcs Howurd-}ohnsons principul currcn
conccrn is wih hc hisory ol hc Ncur lus in hc scvcnh ccnury.
Hc cdicd Bzuntinm unJ tbc Vcst, c. 8ooc. 1.oo (Amscrdum,
1q) und wroc, joinly wih Nigcl Ryun, Tbc ScbcIur unJ tbc
Gps. Twc ]cnrncs tc Tnrlc, Pust unJ Prcscnt (London, 1qqz).
r~ri v~cu~iI No
Lccurcr in Byzuninc Hisory in hc Dcpurmcn ol Mcdiucvul
Hisory u hc Lnivcrsiy ol S Andrcws, Puul Mugdulino is hc
uuhor ol Tbc Empirc cj MunncI I Kcmncncs, 11(118o
(Cumbridgc, 1qq), und hc cdior ol Tbc Pcrccpticn cj tbc Pust in
TwcIjtb-Ccntnr Enrcpc (London, 1qqz).
J os ci w. vcnI
Currcnly Rcscurch lcllow u hc Dcpurmcn ol Ncur luscrn
Sudics, Bcrkclcy, }oscl Mcri is rcvising, lor publicuion, his Oxlord
docorul hcsis cnilcd Sucrcd }ourncys o Sucrcd Prccincs: Thc
Cul ol Suins Among Muslims und }cws in Mcdicvul Syriu.
nI cn~nu v. rnI cc
Richurd Pricc is Lccurcr in Church Hisory u Hcyhrop Collcgc ol
hc Lnivcrsiy ol London. Hc hus runslucd Thcodorcs Histcriu
BcIiicsu (TbccJcrct cj Crrbns. A Histcr cj tbc Mcnls cj Sriu,
CSud. (1qj) ), und is hc uuhor ol Boris und Clcb: Princcly
Muryrs und Muryrology in Kicvun Russiu, in Tbc Cbnrcb unJ
CbiIJbccJ, cd. D. Wood, SCH 1 (Oxlord, 1qq), 1oj1j.
ci~ruI ~ n~rr
Assisun Prolcssor in hc Hisory Dcpurmcn ol hc Lnivcrsiy ol
Culilorniu u Los Angclcs, Cluudiu Rupps Oxlord docorul hcsis wus
un cdiion und sudy ol hc Lilc ol lpiphunius ol Sulumis. Shc is hc
uuhor ol numcrous uriclcs on luc uniquc und curly Byzuninc
cn~s c nonI Ns oN
Chusc Robinson is Lnivcrsiy Lccurcr in Islumic Hisory und lcllow
ol Wollson Collcgc, Oxlord. Hc is prcscnly wriing IsIumic
Histcricrupb lor Cumbridgc Lnivcrsiy Prcss.
rnI iI r nors s c~r
Associuc Prolcssor u hc Lnivcrsiy ol Aucklund, Philip Rousscuu
is prcscnly Visiing Disinguishcd Prolcssor ol lurly Chrisiun
Sudics u hc Cuholic Lnivcrsiy ol Amcricu, Wushingon, DC.
z Tbc Ccntrilntcrs
Among his morc rcccn works urc BusiI cj Cucsurcu (Bcrkclcy, 1qq)
und Pucbcmins. Tbc Mulin cj u Ccmmnnit in Fcnrtb-Ccntnr Ept
(Bcrkclcy, 1qj).
I ~N N. woou
Auhor ol Tbc Mcrcviniun KinJcms, (o;1 (London, 1qq) und
ol numcrous uriclcs on hc lrunks, hcir kingdoms und hcir his-
oriogruphy, lrom hc lilh o hc cnh ccnurics, Iun Wood is
prcscnly Prolcssor ol lurly Mcdicvul Hisory und Dcpuy Dirccor ol
hc Ccnrc lor Mcdicvul Sudics u hc Lnivcrsiy ol Lccds.
Tbc Ccntrilntcrs zq
Aishu, Muhummuds wilc z,0
Abbus, Muhummuds unclc z,,, z
Abd ul-Ruhmun ibn Lhmun z0q,
z1z, z
Abcrcius ol Hicrupolis, S z1
Abruhum, Biblicul prophc z0j
omb ol, Hcbron z,,
Abul-Khuub zj,
Abu Bukr, hc lirs Culiph z1
Abu Humid ul-Chuzuli z,q1, z,
Abu }ulur ul-Tuburi z, z,
Abu Munsur ul-Ijli, hc Kulun zj,
Abu Lmumu z1
Adulbcr, Bishop ol Pruguc 1,0
Adum ol Brcmcn, hugiogruphcr 10,,
adventus ccrcmony q,
hclbcrh, King ol Kcn 1jq
Agilbcr, Bishop ol Puris 1j,, 101
Ahmud ibn Ali ul-Muqrizi z1
Al-Bukhuri z
Alcuin 1,o1, 1,, 11z, zz1
Alcxundcr hc Slccplcss, holy mun zz
Alcxundcr, Byzuninc lmpcror 11o,
ul-Hukim ul-Tirmidhi z0o
ul-Hulluj, Shiic muryr z0o1
ul-Husun ul-Busri z,j
Ali ibn Abi Bukr ul-Huruwi z0q
Ali Rubbun ul-Tuburi zjz
Ali, Muhummuds son-in-luw zj,,
z00, z0q,o, zo
Allrid, Bishop ol Munscr 1,o, 1,z
Alypios, S 1o1
Amundus, Bishop ol Muusrich, S
amicitia 1zq
Ammur ul-Busri zjz
Anus Ibn Mulik z1
Anususius hc Pcrsiun, S 1z, 11q
Anususius, Bishop 1q1
Andrcw hc lool, S j11z
Andrcw, Aposlc, S qj0, z1,
Angclidi, Chrisinu ,
Annales Mettenses Priores 10z
Ansbcr, Bishop ol Roucn, S 101
Anskur, Archbishop ol Humburg
Anony, S ,, j,q, ,,, o
Apollonius ol Tyunu ,
Arbco, Bishop ol lrcising 1,j
Arno, Archbishop ol Sulzburg 1,j
Arnull, Bishop ol Mcz, S 10o
usccics, lcmulc jj
Ahunusios hc Ahonic, S zz
Ahunusius, Puriurch ol Alcxundriu
j,, 0,, o
athar z,z, z,0,
Ahos, Moun zz
Audoin (Dudo), Bishop ol Roucn, S
1jz, 1j,, 10o1, 1o
Augusinc, Bishop ol Hippo, S o,
Auncmundus, Bishop ol Lyons, S 1j,
Ausonius, Prclcc ol Augusumnicu
uuhoriy jq
Auzcpy, Muric-lruncc 1q
awliya, hc zj0z
Buhiru, Syriun monk z0,
baraka z,o1, z,,, z1, z0
Bursunuphius ol Cuzu, hcrmi jo,
00,, ,z,
Busil I, Byzuninc lmpcror 1o,
Busil II, Byzuninc lmpcror 1o
Busil, Bishop ol Cucsurcu, S 1o,,
Church ol, Kicv 1q1
Monuscry ol, Consuninoplc 1o
Busil hc parakoimomenos 1o11
Busil hc Youngcr, S ,11z
Bussiun, Monuscry ol S 1o
Bcck, Huns-Ccorg zo0
Bcdc 11q, 1j, 1,, 1j, 11z
bclicl-syscms 11q
Bcornrud, Archbishop ol Scns 1,1z
Bcru, wilc ol King hclbcrh 1jq
Bcru, Abbcss ol Buh 1j
Bcrilu, Abbcss ol Chcllcs 1j
Bilul, hc lirs muczzin z,z
bishops j0, 1q1j
in compciion wih usccics jq
und rclics 1101,, 1zo,
Bluchcrc, Rcgis z
Bolcsluv I, Dukc ol Bohcmiu 1,,
Bolcsluv II, Dukc ol Bohcmiu 1,,
Bonilucc, Archbishop ol Muinz, S
1, 10q,z, 1,j, 1,,q,
Bonius, Bishop ol Clcrmon, S 101
Boris und Clcb, Suins, zoz1
Boris Volodimirovich, Princc ol Murom
see also Boris und Clcb
Bruchio, Abbo ol Pionsu 1
Brukkc, Duvid j
Breves Notitiae 1,j
Brown, Pccr:
uchicvcs u morc cllccivc cxplunuion
ol Luin hugiogruphy 1z
udhcrcs o Oxlord rudiion 11zo
Augustine of Hippo z,, q
Authority and the Sacred o,
0,, 1, jo1, j
dcb o Briish Sociul Anhropology
dcb o Clillord Cccrz o, , zj
n. 0,, z,
dcb o Klciniun unulysis z
dcvclopmcn us un hisoriun 1,
z,, ,
on Chrisiunizuion , 1z,
11j1q, 1zz, z0,
on lus und Wcs , 0, 1j,
on Islum zz, z, z,
on populur rcligion , zo
on privuc lilc zo, qo
on Syriu und lgyp 0
on hc uvcrugc Chrisiun bclicvcr
Power and Persuasion oz, jj
Relics and Social Status 11j1
Rise of Western Christendom
The Body and Society zqo, j0,
The Cult of Saints z, 11j1
Thc Holy Mun , z,, jj,
0j, 1, , zoj, z1j
The Making of Late Antiquity o, ,
Thc Suin us lxcmplur o, q,
The World of Late Antiquity , ,
invcrs Cibbon 11j1, 11z
usc ol Crcgory ol Tours 11, 1zz,
usc ol psychologicul lucors 1zz,
1o1, 11z
Brunhild, uccn ol Ncusriu 1q,
Bruno, Archbishop ol ucrlur 1,,
buriul ad sanctos ,,
Cucsurius, Archbishop ol Arlcs 1z0,
1zq, 1
Cumcron, Avcril q, j
Curlylc, Thomus 1zo
Cussiun j0, ,o
Cuvc ol llijuh, Moun Curmcl z0
Cuvc ol hc Puriurchs, Hcbron z0j
Cuvcs Monuscry, Kicv 1qj,, zoo,
Churlcmugnc, lrunkish lmpcror
1j, 10z
Churlcs Murcl 101z
Childcric II, lrunkish King 10o
Chrisiun ol Sculu:
scc Legenda Christiani
Chrisiunizuion 1z, jq, 11jz1,
in mcdicvul Rus 1qozo1
see also cvungclizuion, missionury
Clohur II, lrunkish King 1j1
Colognc, rclics u 10o
Columbunus, S 1q, 10q, 1o
Consuninc I, Romun lmpcror ,,
Consuninc V, Byzuninc lmpcror 1q
Consuninc VII Porphyrogcnius,
Byzuninc lmpcror 1o,11
Consuninc Doukus q, q
Consunius II, Romun lmpcror q0
Consiuion ol Mcdinu, hc zq
Conversio Bagoariorum et Carantanorum
Corbiniun, Bishop ol lrcising, S
Cronc, Puriciu z, zj
cross-kissing zoo1
Cypriun ol Curhugc 1z
Dugobcr I, lrunkish King 1jz
Dugron, Cilbcr jz
Dunc, Michucl zz0,
zqz Index
Dunicl, biblicul prophc 1
Dunicl hc Sylic, S 1, 1o1
Duvid Sviuosluvich, Princc ol
Chcrnigov zoo, z11
Duwud ibn Murwun zjz
Dclooz, Picrrc zo
dcmons q, q, q0q,, 1o, zo1,
scc ulso jinns
Dcrochc, Vinccn j
Dcvil, hc:
see Suun
Diogcncs, philosophcr, cynic
Doctrina Jacobi nuper baptizati zjz
Douglus, Mury o, 1zoz, 1o1
Durkhcim, lmilc 1z1
Duon, Puul 10j
ludbuld, King ol Kcn 1j
lbroin, Muyor ol hc Pulucc 1j,0o
lddius Scphunus:
see Scphcn hc Prics
ligil, Abbo ol luldu 1,o
lircnc ol Chrysobuunon, S ,
lligius, Bishop ol Noyon-Tournui, S
llijuh, Church ol S zoo
lmmcrum, Bishop ol Rcgcnsburg, S
lorccnbcrh, King ol Kcn 1j
lorccngou, Abbcss, S 1j
lorccnwuld, Bishop ol London, S 1j
lpiluny Prcmudry zzjj
lpiphunius ol Consuninu, S 101,
lpiphunius, holy mun ,z
lrchinould, Muyor ol hc Pulucc 1j,q
cschuology ,j, qz, q0,, 1oj
luchcrius, Bishop ol Orlcuns, S 101
ludoxiu, Romun lmprcss ,
luscbius, Bishop ol Cucsurcu ,q, o
lusicius, hcrmi 1zj
luhymios, Puriurch ol Consuninoplc,
S zz, q
cvungclizuion 10q, 1,j
see also Chrisiunizuion, missionury
lvuns-Prichurd, l. l. o, 1zo
cvil, hc problcm ol 11o
luimu, duughcr ol Muhummud
lcus duys zoz, z1z, z,j
see also suncorul cyclcs
lcdoov, Ccorgc zo, zo0,
lcodosii, Supcrior ol hc Cuvcs
Monuscry, S 1q, 1qj0
livc Brohcrs, hc 1,q
lluochud und Willcbud 1j1
llusin, Bcrnurd 11q
loillun, brohcr ol lurscy, S 1jq
lonuinc, }ucqucs z1qzo, z,
loucuul, Michcl z
lrcdcgur, hc Chroniclc ol 1qj1,
1jz, 101
lroudc, }umcs Anhony 11zo
f-t-h zj1
Cubricl, hc Archungcl zj, z,
Cccrz, Clillord o, , zj n. 0,, z,
Ccllncr, lrncs zj n. 0,, z,
Ccollrcy, Abbo ol Lrcch, S 1,oz
Ccorgios, Mcropoliun ol Kicv zo,
ghulat, hc zj,
Cibbon, ldwurd 11j10, 11q, 1zz,
1o, 11z
gil-giving 1jj, 1q0,
Clcb Volodimirovich, S:
see Boris und Clcb
Cochring, }umcs q n. z1, 0,
Coldzihcr, Ignuz zjq n. 0q, z0,
z, n. 1
Colubinskii, lvgcnii zo
Congylioi, hc , 11o
Cruus, lrunick 1q n. z,
Crcgory ol Nuziunzus, S o
Crcgory ol Nyssu, S o, o, zj
Crcgory, Bishop ol Tours 11, 1zz,
1zq, 1,, 10, 1jo, z1,
Crcgory hc Crcu, S 1,, z
grid und group 1zoz
Crigorii, Supcrior ol S Andrcws
Monuscry, Kicv 1qq
Crimould, Muyor ol hc Pulucc 10o
hadith z, zj, z0j, z,0, zj
u mcuns ol promoing culs ,
u modcl lor ucuul suins zj0
un insrumcn ol morul cducuion
11qzo, 1z
uudicnccs ol 1z,
dillcrcnccs bcwccn Crcck und Luin
Islumic z01z
is scll-uwurcncss
Index zq
hugiogruphy (cont.):
propugundu bu lor whu z,
1zo, zo
rhcoric ol qjo
somcimcs un uuhcnic rccord 1jzo
hc consrucor ol sunciy iscll
, jo, 11z
hc poshumous mukcr ol suins
j,, 1j, 0j, ,q1, 1jz
hajj z, z0j0
Hulsull, Cuy 1j
Hunulic School z0,
Hunbulic School z0,, z,q, z
Hurphum, Ccollrcy , 1
Hcinzclmunn, Murin 1,
Hcn, Yizuk 1,
Hcruclius, Byzuninc lmpcror zj1
hcrmis 1zj0
hijra zq, zj
Historia Monachorum zz, zj
Hodgson, Murshull C. S. zj,
holy lool, hc 11z
in Islum 1, z,1
see also Andrcw hc lool, Busil hc
Youngcr, Symcon hc lool
Holy Aposlcs, Church ol,
Consuninoplc q0
Holy Innoccns, hc 1zj
holy mcn:
us u luciliuor z, j1
us u puron zo, z,, j0, 0j0
us u spiriuul guidc zo, 0,,q
us u huumuurgc 0j, 1o, 1zj0,
us un usccic zo1, zqo, ,
1z0, z0,
us disinc lrom suins j0, z,,
us incrccssors zo, 001
us rcvculcd by lccr collccions o,
jo1, 01
us cuchcrs jjq
lound in hc Wcs us wcll us hc lus
1zj0, 1
in Islum z10z
hcir grcu vuricy zo, 0,
see also hugiogruphy, suins
Hucbuld ol S Amund, hugiogruphcr
Hugcburc ol Hcidcnhcim, hugiogruphcr
Husuyn, Muhummuds grundson z00,
Hypuius, S ,
Iuropolk Sviuosluvich, Princc ol Kicv,
Iurosluv Iuropolkovich z1z
Iurosluv Volodimirovich, Princc ol
Novgorod und Kicv 1q,
1qz, 1q,, 1qq, zoz, z11
Ibn Aqil z,j
Ibn ul-Hujj z
Ibn ul-Huwruni z0q, z0
Ibn ul-Musuwli z,q
Ibn ul-Zuyyu z0q, zz
Ibn Hunbul z,j
Ibn Hishum z
Ibn uyyim ul-}uwziyyu z,,q
Ibn Tuymiyyu z0,, z,j,
Ibn Lmur, son ol hc sccond Culiph
Ibruhim, son ol Muhummud zj
Ilurion, Mcropoliun ol Kicv 1q
ilham z0o
Illidius, S 1zj
individuuliy 1,q
Inghum, Normun zo,
innoccn muryrdom 1zj, 1q
n. ,j
Innoccns ol Milun, hc 1q n. ,j
inimucy 1101, 1zo, 1zq
Iounncs I, Mcropoliun ol Kicv zo
Isuuc hc Rcclusc, S q1
Iziusluv Msisluvich, Princc ol Kicv
Iziusluv Iurosluvich, Princc ol Kicv
1qqo, 1qj, zo1, zo, z11
}ulur ul-Sudiq zj,
}cromc, S ,o, o n. ,
}csus Chris 1zj
}udicucl, Brcon King 1jz
jihad 1, zqj0
jinns zj
}ohn I Tzimiskcs, Byzuninc lmpcror
}ohn Cunupurius, hugiogruphcr 1,,
}ohn ol Bccrshcbu ,
}ohn hc Almsgivcr, S 1,, , q1
}ohn hc Arub, S zz
}ohn hc Bupis, hund ol S 1111z
}ohn hc lvungclis, S qz, q0, z1,
}ohn hc Prophc, hcrmi ol Cuzu
00,, ,z,
}ohn, Hcrmopoliun hcrmi ,1z
}onus ol Bobbio, hugiogruphcr 1o
}oscph Bringus 11o
}uliun ol Brioudc, S 1zj
}usiniun I, Byzuninc lmpcror q0
Kubu z, z0j0, z,
karamat z0o1, z,1
Kuscr, Robcr j
Khudiju, Muhummuds wilc z0
Khurijics, hc zj0
Khattabiyya, hc zj,
Khurusun zjq, z00, z,q
Kluniczuy, Cubor 1
Klingshirn, Willium 1z0
Kosmus, Abbo qq1oo
Krucgcr, Dcrck
Lundibcr ol Tongrcs-Muusrich, S
Lunc lox, Robin 1
Luurcnius ol Monccussino, hugiogru-
phcr 1,,
Lcbuin, S 1z, zzz
Legenda Christiani 1,0,
lcgiimuion problcms 1z1
Lco VI, Byzuninc lmpcror q, zoo
Lconios, Bishop ol Ncupolis 1,, j
Lcudcgur (Lcgcr), Bishop ol Auun, S
1j, 1j,0o, 10
Lcudcsius, son ol lrchinould 1j,
Lcuhcrc, Bishop ol Winchcscr 1j
Lex Salica Karolina 1jo
Libunius ol Anioch z1q
Liber Historiae Francorum 1jz
Lilshiz, lclicc 1jq
Lim, Richurd j
Liudgcr, Bishop ol Munscr, S 1,o
Lizzi, Riu j,
loca sanctorum 1j1, 1jj
Louis hc Ccrmun, lrunkish King 1,j
Ludmillu, S 1,0,
Lukc, Aposlc, rclics ol S q0
Lukc hc Sylic, S zz, 1o1, 11o
Lukc hc Youngcr, S zz, 1oz n. 11z
Lull, Archbishop ol Muinz 1,o1
MucMullcn, Rumsuy , z1j10, z1
n. ,
Mucrinu, S o, o
Mummus, S 1zj
Monuscry ol, Consuninoplc z,
Mundylion ol ldcssu, hc 1111z
Mungo, Cyril 1,, , 0
Mansuriyya, hc zj,
maqam z,z
Murkus, Robcr 0, 1z, q, z0
Murovcus, Bishop ol Poiicrs 1zj
Murin ol Tours, S 11,, 1z, 1zj,
1z,, 1, 1,, 1o, z1qz1,
zz, z, z,
Murin, Ausrusiun Dukc 101
mashhad z,z
mazar z,z
Mcccu z, zqj1, z0j0, z,o,
Mcluniu hc Youngcr, S o, ,
Mchodius, S 1,j
Michucl Mulcinos, S zz
milites Christi 1j
und Islumic holy mcn 1, zj0z
us cvidcncc ol divinc upprovul 11,,
1z0, 1o
convcr dclcu ino vicory 10,,
disrcgurd lor ,j0
cmpowcrcd by cxs jz
givc consoluion 10,, z1o
no conlincd o hc jus 1
poshumous 0j, 1zo, 1,
hc cricrion ol suinhood 0, 0
vuriously undcrsood 1zq, z0,
scc ulso baraka, karamat, mujizat
missionury suins 10z
und cschuology zzj
hc hugiogruphy ol 10,,
see also Chrisiunizuion, cvungclizu-
Michcll, Scphcn 1
Momigliuno, Arnuldo o
monohcism 1z1, 1zqo, z10
Morris, Roscmury 1q
Msisluv Volodimirovich, Princc ol
Chcrnigov 1qz, 1qq
mujizat z0o1
Muuzilics, hc z0,
Muhummud 1z1, z10z, z0j0,
z0q,o, zz
on miruclcs 1, z01
on omb-worship z,1z, z,0
Muirchu, hugiogruphcr zzj
Nclson, }unc z1o
Ncophyos hc Rcclusc, S 1z
nco-Pluonism jo
Ncphcros, monk 0q,1
Index zqj
Ncwmun, }ohn Hcnry q, 11 n. 1
Nicholus I, Puriurch ol Consuninoplc
Nicholus, Mcropoliun ol Kicv 1qq,
Nikon hc Mcunocic, S zz
Notitia Arnonis 1,j
Obolcnsky, Dimiri zoj
Olcg Sviuosluvich, Princc ol Chcrnigov
1qq, z111z
Olcg Sviuosluvich, Princc ol Kicv zoo
Olgu, Rus Princcss 1q
Oo II, Ccrmun lmpcror 1,
Oo III, Ccrmun lmpcror 1,
Puchomius, S o
paideia o1, jjq
Pulludius, missionury 10q
Pum, sorccrcr zoz
Puphnuius, hcrmi 0,q
lor spccilic cxs look undcr hc numc ol
subjcc, ohcrwisc see hugiogruphy
Paterik ol hc Cuvcs Monuscry 1q0
Pulugcun, lvclync jz
Purick, S 11q n. 1, 10, 1,q, 1,
zzj, z
Puul ol Luros, S zz
Puulinus, Bishop ol Nolu 11,, 1zq
Pcrsccuion, hc Crcu 1,
Pcrun, god ol hundcr zoo
Pccr Chrysologus, Archbishop ol
Ruvcnnu 1, 1j
Pccr Dumiun 1,q
Pccr, Aposlc, S zz
see Apollonius ol Tyunu
umong hc Rus 1q
in Islum, scc ziyara
pilgrimugc guidcs, Islumic z0,1
Pippin II, Ausrusiun Dukc 10o1, 10
Plccrud, wilc ol Pippin II 10o
Polycukos, Puriurch ol Consuninoplc
Poppc, Andrzcj zo0
populur rcligion zo
porcns 10
Prucjccus, Bishop ol Clcrmon, S 1j
Prokhor, monk ol hc Cuvcs Monuscry
prophccy zjz, zj00z
qabr z,z
urulu ccmccrics, Cuiro z0q, z,1z,
see Mcccu
urun, hc z, z,, zqjo,
zj, z0j, z0,, z,j, zz, zj
on idolury z0, z,j
Rudcgund, Abbcss ol Poiicrs, S 1zj
rclic culs:
conrol ol 10j
in Consuninoplc q0, 1111z
risc ol rclic culs in hc wcs
11j1, 10j0
see also rclics, shrincs
conuc rclics ,,
movcmcn ino lrunciu 1jo
ouhs on 1j, 1j1, 101
sublc holincss ol 11,
scc ulso athar
Rcmigius, Bishop ol Rhcims, S 10o
reverentia 11, 1z1
Richurius, S, loundcr ol S Riquicr
Richc, Picrrc 10
Rigobcr ol Rhcims, S 101
Rimbcr, Archbishop ol Humburg, S
Romunos I, Byzuninc lmpcror q,
1o, 11o
Romunos II, Byzuninc lmpcror 1o
royul muryrs 1q n. ,j, 1,0,,
Rubcnson, Sumucl, j,
Rubcr, Bishop ol Sulzburg, S 1,j
rusticitas 11, 1z
Rydcn, Lcnnur 0,, 1oqs
S Dcnis, monuscry ol 1j,, 101
S Ccrmuin-dcs-Prcs, monuscry ol 101
lcmulc o1
gils o 1jj
hc muking ol j,
hc rolc ol hugiogruphy in suncilicu-
ion 0,
see also holy mcn, sunciy
Sulih ibn Musurrih zjj
salos, see holy lool
sunciy, poliics ol ,, 1z0, 1qj1,
zq0 Index
suncorul cyclcs 1,
Suun q, z1, z,
Suurninus, S 1zj
Scul ol hc Prophcs, hc zj0
seniores basilicae 1j,, 101z
Scrgius, muryr 10
sermo humilis 1z
Shiics zj,0z, z00, z,o, z,q
Shils, ldwurd o, 1q1
us loci ol hc miruculous 1z1, 1j
us rclugcs 11,
in Islum 1z1, z00
pugun 1q1, zoo, z10zz
hcir rcluivc imporuncc o monusic
linunccs 1qzo
scc ulso buriul ad sanctos, loca sancto-
rum, rclic culs, rclics, seniores
Sigismund, King ol hc Burgundiuns, S
Sira, hc z, zjo
Smull Cuc Ccmccry, Dumuscus z,z
Smih, }uliu M. H. 1zq n. ,, 1j,
Sophiu, Cuhcdrul ol S, Kicv 1qz,
Scphcn, Bishop ol Pcrm, S zzjj
Scphcn, proomuryr, S , q0
Scphcn ol Murc, S 1z
Scphcn hc Prics, hugiogruphcr
1j,, 1j,
Scphcn hc Youngcr, S 1q
Sruchcy, Lyon 11 n. 1
strastoterpsy zo
Surm, Abbo ol luldu, S 1,o1
sylics j, 1ozj
see also Dunicl hc Sylic, Lukc hc
Sylic, Symcon hc lldcr,
Sudisluv Volodimirovich ol Pskov zoo
Sulism 1, zjq0z, z00,, z,q, z0
Sulpicius Scvcrus:
see Murin ol Tours, S
sunna zj0,, z0o, zz
Sunnis z,o
Sviuopolk Iziusluvich, Princc ol Kicv
1q, 1q0, 1qq, zoo, z1z
Sviuopolk Volodimirovich 1qo,
zo1, zoq1o
Sviuoshu Duvidovich, Princc ol Lusk
Sviuosluv Iurosluvich, Princc ol Kicv
1,, 1q, 1qz, 1qj0, 1qqzoo,
Symcon hc lldcr, S 0j, , q, 1o1,
Symcon hc lool, S 0, q1
Symcon hc Ncw Thcologiun, S zz,
1o,, 11o, 11z
Symcon hc Sudic, S 1o,, 11z
Symcon hc Youngcr, S 1o1
Synaxarion ol Consuninoplc, hc qo
Tussilo, Dukc ol Buvuriu 1j
Tcsumcn ol Iurosluv, hc 1q
Thulclucus ol Cubulu z101,
Thcclu, S ,, o
Thcodorc ol Sykcon, S 1
Thcodorc hc Sudic, S 1o,
Thcodorc ol Cyrrhus j, 0j, 10 n.
11, z10
Thcodous ol Ancyru 1
Thcokisc ol Lcsbos, S ,
Thcophuncs hc Conlcssor 1,
Thcophyluc, Puriurch ol
Consuninoplc q, 1o, 1oq1o
Timohy, Aposlc, rclics ol S q0
Tihc Church, Kicv 1qz, 1q,, z1z
Truc Cross, rclics ol 1zj
Tvcrdisluv, posadnik z1z
Twclvcr Shiics zj,
wo-icrcd modcl:
see populur rcligion
Lbuyd ibn Lmuyr ibn uudu z
Lbuyy ibn Kub z,j
ulama 1, zj0q
Lmur ibn ul-Khuub, hc sccond
Culiph zj, z,,, z
Lmuyyud Culiphuc, hc zj0, z0o
vun Dum, Ruymond 1z, 1,
Vcync, Puul zo, qo
Viuchcsluv Volodimcrovich, Princc ol
Kicv z11
Virgil ol Sulzburg, S 1
visions ol hcuvcn und hcll qq1oo
lor spccilic cxs look undcr hc numc
ol subjcc, ohcrwisc see hugiogru-
Vluso, A. P. zo0
Volodimcr Sviuosluvich, Princc ol Kicv
1,, 1qo, 1q,, zo1z
Index zq,
Volodimcr Vscvolodovich Monomukh,
Princc ol Kicv 1q, 1qj, 1q,,
1qqzoo, z111z
Volodimcrko Msisluvich, ol Culich,
Princc ol Kicv z111z
Volos, god ol culc zoo
Vscsluv Briuchcsluvich, ol Polosk zo1
Vscvolod Iurosluvich, Princc ol Kicv
1q, zo1, z11
Vscvolod Olgovich, Princc ol Kicv 1qq
Vscvolod Sviuosluvich, Princc ol Kicv
wahy z0o
wali z
Wuruqu ibn Nuwlul z,
Wu, W. Mongomcry z
Wcnccslus, Dukc ol Bohcmiu, S
wilaya zjq0o
Willrid, Archbishop ol York, S 1j,,
Willchud, Bishop ol Brcmcn 1,
Willibuld, hugiogruphcr 10q,o,
1,j, 1,q, zz1z
Willibrord, Bishop ol Lrcch, S
1,o1, 1,, zz1
Wimbush, Vinccn j,
Wipcr 1,q
Wullcluic, hc Lomburd 1z0,
Wyschogorod, ldih
Zimmcrmunn, l. W. zj
ziyara, hc z00
lcguliy ol z,q
Zoc, Byzuninc lmprcss 11o
zq Index

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