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Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp.

315-322, 1996
Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
ELSEVIER 0142-0615(95)00075-5 0142-0615/96/$15.00 + 0.00

Planning of distribution substations,

feeders and sectionalizing switches
using heuristic algorithms
Y - Y Hsu
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China

Y JwooHwu
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kung Shan
Institute of Technology and Commerce, Tainan,
Taiwan, Republic of China

to the constraints of voltage drop limits, transformer and

The distribution system planning problem & divided into
feeder capacity limits, etc 1 - 16 . Feeder and transformer
three subproblems: the :~ubstation planning problem, the
losses are also included in the objective function of
feeder planning problem and the sectionalizing switch
distribution planning in some works.
planning problem. Heuristic search algorithms are devel-
To supply power to all load points in the system, a
oped for each subprobiem. In the substation planning
radial feeder configuration can be employed. Radial
problem, the locations o.f the substations are determined
feeder structure is simple and requires a minimal length
based on the specified number of substations. Then, the of feeders4-6. In addition, the protective devices in a
feeder network is determined based on the requirements of
distribution system with a great number of components
minimum investment cost and maximum available con-
can be easily coordinated if the system structure is radial.
fgurations in future system operation. Finally, the section-
Therefore, a distribution system is usually configured
alizing switches are placed at locations where feeder
radially in normal system operation in order to achieve
reconfiguration is most probable. Therefore, a major fea-
proper coordination of the protective devices.
ture of the proposed planning algorithm is that the need of
However, the system topology must be changed
network reconfiguration infuture system operation is taken
through feeder reconfiguration when one tries to restore
into account. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is
the electricity service in unfaulted regions following an
demonstrated by the planning of a distribution system in
outage event in the system. Even when all components are
Taipei, Taiwan. It is concluded from the results in this work
normal and the system is in normal operation, feeder
that proper distribution plans can be reached by the pro-
reconfiguration is still necessary in order to achieve load
posed method in a very e~qcient manner. Copyright © 1996
balancing and loss reduction 17- 22 . In a distribution
Elsevier Science Ltd.
system where all switches are operated manually, feeder
reconfiguration may be conducted once per week, once
Keywords: distribution planning, heur&tic algorithms, sub-
per month or once per season based on the forecasted
station planning, feeder planning, sectionalizing switch
loads in that particular period. However, feeder recon-
planning, distribution automation
figuration may be conducted more frequently, e.g., once
per day, in an automated distribution system where the
switches are operated via remote control and the section
I. I n t r o d u c t i o n loads are monitored and recorded by computers in the
In the planning of a distribution system, one is concerned distribution dispatch and control centre.
about the determination of proper numbers and locations To make feeder reconfiguration possible, a loop-type
of substations, feeders and sectionalizing switches based network structure must be established at the planning
on the forecasted loads. A common practice in distribution stage. Then, some tie switches are normally opened in
planning is to minimize the total investment cost subject order to achieve radial feeder configuration in normal
system operation. It is obvious that more feeder config-
Received 9 March 1995; revised 29 June 1995; accepted 3 August urations can be achieved during system operation if we
1995 put more sectionalizing switches and more feeder

31 6 Planning of distribution substations, feeders and sectionalizing switches; Y.- Y. Hsu and Y. Jwo-Hwu

However, more switches and feeders would require L4 L5 L6 L7

higher investment costs. A trade-off must be made
between the benefits gained in the operation stage and
the costs required in the planning and construction stage
resulting from the adoption of more switches and feeder
branches in order to reach a proper distribution plan.
In the present work, we try to determine a proper
distribution plan with a minimum number of switches
and feeder branches which can meet the need of feeder



reconfiguration in normal system operation. The overall L4 L5 L6 L7
distribution problem is divided into three subproblems,
i.e., the substation planning problem, the feeder planning ,74] ,95 $6 `77 `78]
problem and the sectionalizing switch planning problem. 10 LO l L9 I
Heuristic algorithms based on operators' experience are
developed for each subproblem in order to reach the
desired planning results. In order to demonstrate the `72 l ~ ,7711 ,7/g
effectiveness of the proposed heuristic algorithms, dis-
tribution planning is conducted on a distribution system
(b) LI L2 LIO Lll n
in Taipei, Taiwan. It is found that a proper distribution
L4 L5 L6 L7
plan can be achieved very efficiently by the proposed
algorithms. `75 $6 `77
`74 ,7~
TO S17'
~ro .. L3 .. L9 r8
II. Problem f o r m u l a t i o n ,715 ,713 $916,
Consider a distribution system with 12 load points ,710
`72 ,714 ,711 ,712r--- 3
L o , L 1 , . . . , L l l , as shown in Figure la. If the load
points are supplied with power from the two feeders f0 ~)[CX L1 L2 LIO LI1 n
and fl as shown in Figure la, the network structure is
simple and radial. The investment cost is low in this case. L4 L5 L6 L7
However, reconfigurations for line loss reduction or
`74] `75 `76 ,77
voltage correction under normal system operation and
restoration after a fault are impossible.
The network in Figure lb is a loop-structure config-
uration. In normal operation, a certain tie switch such as
! 5
switch $6 is opened to make the system radial. To s2 s3 sn Sl41 Sl]
reconfigure the network, the open tie switch is moved to LI 1,2 L10 Lll 17
some other places such as $5 or $7. Only a small number (d) T/
of alternative configurations are possible for the network
in Figure 1b. To have more possible configurations, more Figure 1. A simple distribution system. (a) A radial
feeder sections and switches can be placed to form the network. (b) A simple loop-type network. (c) A net-
network of Figure lc. However, the investment cost may work with a great number of feeder sections and
be too high. As a trade-off between the investment cost switches. (d) A network with a reasonable number of
and the availability of feeder configurations, the network feeder sections and switches. Legend: [] Ti: main
in Figure ld may be a good choice. transformer Ti; Si: candidate switch position; ×:
From the simple distribution system in Figure 1, the
switch; fi: feeder i; • Li: load point Li
following observations are made. points are supplied power and no components are over-
(1) It is impossible to perform reconfiguration on a radial loaded. The investment cost must be minimized while
network. satisfactory feeder reconfiguration can be achieved in
(2) The network must be planned as a loop for the purpose future system operation.
of feeder reconfiguration in system operation.
(3) A network with a great number of feeder sections and
sectionalizing switches can offer more possible con- III. The proposed distribution planning
figurations in system operation. The operational cost algorithm
will be reduced. However, the investment cost is high Figure 2 depicts the block diagram of the proposed
in this case. A trade-off between the investment cost planning algorithm. The algorithm proceeds as follows.
and operation cost must be made.
Step 1. Specify the desired number of substations.
With these observations in mind, we can proceed to Step 2. Use the substation planning algorithm to be
give a definition of the distribution planning problem described in Section IV to determine the installed
under study. capacities and locations of substations.
Step 3. Use the feeder planning algorithm to be described
The distribution planning problem in Section V to determine the feeder network
Given the forecast loads, determine the locations, configurations.
installed capacities and total number of substations, the Step 4. Use the sectionalizing switch planning algorithm
feeder network structure and the locations and total to be described in Section VI to determine the
number of sectionalizing switches such that all load locations of sectionalizing switches.
Planning of distribution substations, feeders and sectionalizing switches." Y.- Y. Hsu and Y. Jwo-Hwu 317

I 1. Spicily the n,,rabcr ofsubstaa'oas~ 1. Divide the service area into a

$ number of blocks bi

J, 2. Compote RC(bi) for each block bi


i 3 3. Compote EgC(bi) for each block hi[

6. Feeder ~ o r k [ 4. ScctJonaliz~g switch pl.'mnlng I
reFm~ont Jlsoritlm~ al~titlam 6. RC(bi) for 4. Select the block to pla~e the

the blocks next sobstatioa and UlJ~tc Nsub

to sobstBtion

T . No

Z Detarmine the locations and

installed C=l~citiesof sobsttaions


Figure 3. The substation planning algorithm

Figure 2. The proposed distribution planning algorithm Step 2. Compute the sum of rated loads of load points
within block bi as follows.
Step 5. Check if there are enough possible feeder network
configurations for the purpose of loss reduction RC(bi) = E RL(Lk)' Lk is within block bi. (1)
and voltage correction in future system opera- Lk
tion. If the answer is yes, proceed to step 7. If the
answer is no, go to step 6. Step 3. Compute the expanded rated capacity of block b i
Step 6. Use the feeder network refinement algorithm to as follows.
be described in Section VII to modify the feeder
network configuration and go back to step 4. ERC(bi) = RC(bi) + Z RC(bk) (2)
Step 7. Check if there is any other possible number of bk
substations. If the answer is no, print out the
distribution plan with minimum investment cost. where b k is a block next to block b i.
Otherwise go to step 8. Step 4. Select the block with maximum expanded rated
Step 8. Modify the number of substations and go back to capacity ERC(bi) as the block for placing a
step 2. substation. The main reason for locating a sub-
station at such a block is that we want to put a
substation as close to the load centre as possible.
IV. The substation planning a l g o r i t h m Define RCS"(bi) = ERC(bi).
Before the substation planning algorithm is introduced, Step 5. Check if the number of substation NsuB, is equal
some useful symbols are defined. to NsPEc, the specified number of substations. If
the answer is yes, proceed to step 7 to determine
NsuB number of :substations the locations and installed capacities of sub-
NSPEC specified number of substations stations. Otherwise, go to step 6 to update
RL(Li) rated load of load point Li (A) RC(bi) for the blocks next to the substation.
RC(bi) sum of rated loads of load points within Step 6. Set RC(bi) to be zero for the block bi selected in
block b i (A) step 4 as the substation location. Set RC(bk)to be
ERC(bi) expanded rated capacity of block bi (A) equal to one half of its original value for each
RCS(bi) rated capacity of the substation located at block bk next to block bi. Go back to step 3.
block b i (m) Step 7. Determine the locations and rated capacities of
LOADsystemtotal load of the system (A) substations. If there is only one load point within
RM percentage reserve margin of the system the block bi selected for locating a substation,
place the substation at the geometric centre of
As shown in Figure 3, the algorithm for substation block bi. If there is more than one load point
planning proceeds as follows. within block bi, locate the substation at the
Step 1. Divide the entire service area into a number of geometric centre of these load points within
blocks bi. block b i.
31 8 Planning of distribution substations, feeders and sectionalizing switches. Y.- Y. Hsu and Y. J w o - H w u

The rated capacity of the substation located at block b;,

14 0 RCS(bi), is computed using the expression
12 (I II 2 7 4 5 6 ReSt(be) ZOAOsy stem RfStt(bi)
1 2 4 - × (3)
3 6 1 - RM ~ gsf"(bi)
• 5
30 40 100 50 • 6O
10 7 8 9 IO 12 17 RSC(b,) = {RCS'(bi)} (4)
g 9 11
8 • 10 12 13
50 •
,% where {RCS'(bi)} is the smallest integer multiple of the
8 14 t~ 90 /6 30 17 60 11~ 70 lq 20 rated current of a main transformer which is greater than
15 •
17 18
• 19
20 or equal to RCS'(bi). For example, RCS(bi) will be
• • 50 60 100 e 1200A if RCS'(bi) is 1050A and the rated current of a
6 20 "21 qO 22 .. 2"7 RO :24 2q 60 26 27
main transformer is 600 A.
25 2 6 27 Let us demonstrate the procedures of the algorithm by
• 8040 ;
2R 70 20 `7a 71 805072 60 ¢t7 "74 an example.
28 29
Example 1 Determination of the locations and
35 100 ~6 771 60 ,~/8 qq 40 41 installed capacities of substations
Consider a distribution system as shown in Figure 4.
There are 30 load points (L0, L 1 , . . . , L29). The locations,
0 42 43 44 4 ~i 4K 47 4R
X rated loads and load types of these load points are given
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
in Table 1.
Figure 4. Load points for the study distribution system Let the specified number of substations be 2. In step 1,
the entire service area is divided into 49 blocks,
A b0, b l , . . . , b48. In step 2, the sum of rated loads of load
Legend : . : the rated current for load point A is B points within block bi is computed using equation (1).
B For example,
RC(b11) = R L ( L 4 ) q- R L ( L 5 ) = 50 Jr- 80 = 130

Table 1. Load point data

Load point Location X-coordinate Y-coordinate Installed capacity
number (block) it',. Yi (A) Type*
0 3 6.7 13.4 60 1
1 8 3.1 11.3 30 1
2 9 5.1 11.2 40 3
3 10 6.7 10.8 100 2
4 11 8.5 11.5 50 1
5 11 9.5 11.2 80 3
6 12 11.1 10.8 60 3
7 15 3.5 9.8 50 2
8 16 4.7 9.0 90 2
9 16 5.4 9.7 70 3
10 17 7.1 9.1 30 1
11 18 8.9 9.4 60 2
12 19 10.9 9.0 70 3
13 19 11.6 9.6 40 2
14 21 1.1 7.0 20 2
15 22 2.9 6.7 90 1
16 22 3.1 7.7 50 3
17 23 4.7 7.0 60 1
18 24 6.8 7.4 100 3
19 24 7.3 6.7 80 3
20 26 11.2 7.0 60 3
21 29 3.2 5.2 70 3
22 30 4.6 5.5 80 2
23 30 4.9 4.8 40 1
24 30 5.5 4.4 30 1
25 32 8.8 4.9 80 2
26 32 9.2 4.6 50 3
27 33 10.7 5.3 60 2
28 36 2.8 2.9 100 1
29 38 6.9 2.8 60 1
*Load type: 1 industrial; 2 commercial; 3 residential.
Planning of distr~;bution substations, feeders and sectionalizing switches." Y.- Y. Hsu and Y. J w o - H w u 31 9

In step 3, the expanded :rated capacity is computed using 1. Connectlmdpoints to substKions ]

equation (2). For example,

ERC(bo) = RC(bo) + RC(bl) + RC(b7) + RC(b8)

ERC(b8) = RC(bs) + RC(bo) + RC(bl) + RC(b2)
+ RC(b7) + RC(b9) + RC(bl4)
+ RC(bls) + RC(bI6)
= 30+0+0+0+0+40+0+ 5 0 + 160
= 280
In step 4, block b23 is ,;elected for placing a substation
SUB0 because ERC(b23) = 840 is the greatest. Yes

In step 5, as NsuB = 1 which is less than NSPEC(= 2), go

to step 6. Now, set RC(b23) = 0, RC(b=5) = 50/2 = 25,
RC(b]6) = 80, RC(bl7) = 15, RC(b22) = 70, RC(b24) : No
90, R C ( b 2 9 ) = 3 5 , R C ( b 3 0 ) = 7 5 , R C ( b 3 1 ) = 0 . Go Yes
back to step 3 to recompute ERC(bi).
In step 4, block b18 is selected to locate the second
substation SUB 1 in because ERC(bI8)= 625 is the
greatest. As NsuB(= 2) is now equal to NsPEc, go to [ 8. Co~acttl~unconnactedloadpoints ]
step 7. In step 7, there :is only one load point for either I I

block b23 or block b18. Therefore, the location for sub-

stations SUB0 and SUBI are chosen to be at the geometric
centres of blocks b23 and bl8, respectively. When
expressed in X-coordinates and Y-coordinates, the two
substations are placed at (5,7) and (9,9), respectively. As Figure 5 The heuristic search algorithm for feeder
for the capacities of the two substations, these are com- planning
puted using equations (3) and (4).
1860 840 Step 1. Connect a number of load points closest to a
RCS'(SUB°) = RCS'(b23) - 1 - 0.----~× 840 + 625 substation to form the desired feeders supplied
power from the substation. Note that the number
= 15:23.55 of load points must be equal to the number of
1860 625 feeders from the substation.
•,,~,, ,t~ut~l
,,,**,~ ), = ~t~
n,~,, ,to18
, , ), _ 1 - 0.~ X Step 2. Select the feeder with maximum reserve capacity
840 + 625
as the candidate feeder.
= 11133.59 Step 3. For any pair of a connected load point on the
candidate feeder and an unconnected load point,
RCS(SUBo) = 1800 = 3 x 600 = 6 x 300
find the pair of load points with minimum dis-
RSC(SUB1) = 1200 = 2 x 600 = 4 x 300 tance. Connect the two load points to form a new
feeder section.
Note that the rated currents of a main transformer and Step 4. Check if the length for the feeder section formed
a feeder are assumed to be 600 A and 300 A, respectively. in step 3 is greater than 3.5 (the value specified by
Thus, there are three main transformers and six feeders in the planner). If the answer is yes, remove the
substation SUB0 located at block b23. Similarly, there are feeder section and label the candidate feeder as an
two main transformers and four feeders in substation inactive feeder. Go to step 6. If the answer is no,
SUB 1 located at block bls. go to step 5.
Step 5. Check if the candidate feeder is overloaded. If the
answer is yes, remove the feeder section and go
V. The feeder planning a l g o r i t h m back to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 6.
As mentioned before, the feeder network structure must Step 6. If there is any feeder which is not yet labelled as
be loop-type for the purpose of feeder reconfiguration in an inactive feeder, go back to step 2. Otherwise,
system operation. As the investment cost of feeders is proceed to step 7.
proportional to feeder hmgth, the objective of the feeder Step 7. Check if all load points have been connected. If
planning subproblem is to construct a loop-type feeder the answer is yes, go to step 9. Otherwise go to
network with minimum feeder length in order to achieve step 8.
minimum investment cost. As there are a large number of Step 8. Connect an unconnected load point to the closest
load points in the system, an exhaustive search of possible connected load point.
configurations would be computationally inefficient. In Step 9. The feeder network structure is radial up to now.
this section, a heuristic: search algorithm as shown in For the purpose of feeder reconfiguration in
Figure 5 is proposed in order to reach the desired feeder future system operation, we need a loop-type
network. The algorithm proceeds as follows. feeder network. To reach such a feeder network,
320 Planning of distribution substations, feeders and sectionalizing switches: Y. - Y. Hsu and Y. J w o - H w u

the load point at the end of a feeder is connected 1. Place a switch at ~ h

to the load point which is closest to the particular candidate switch position
load point and is supplied with power from a
separate feeder. i

2. Identify the switchabl~

r~gions I |
Vl. The sectionalizing switch planning
For any distribution system under a given load condition,
there exists a near-optimal feeder configuration to
achieve load balancing and loss reduction under the
constraints of voltage drop and capacity limits of trans-
formers and feeders. To reach such a near-optimal feeder
configuration, the feeder configuration is modified by Yes

closing some tie switches and opening a set of correspond- No

ing switches. In normal system operation, the feeder
reconfiguration must be conducted at the frequency of 7. A d d a sv~tch
once per month, once per week, twice per day, or even
once per hour (for an automated system), to meet the
ever-changing load patterns. A desirable plan of section- I
alizing switches must provide the distribution system with
all possible near-optimal feeder configurations in future Figure 6. The key position method for sectionalizing
system operation using as few switches as possible. switch planning
While an exhaustive search of all possible configura-
tions would provide the most accurate solution, it takes a SWma x the total number of candidate switch positions
very long time to get the desirable solutions, so making in the distribution system under consideration.
the approach unrealistic. On the other hand, heuristic SWmin the minimum number of switches for feeder
algorithms will give approximate solutions in a very reconfiguration.
efficient manner. In a recent work completed by the Nsw the total number of switches up to now.
authors 23, the load patterns are divided into several The algorithm proceeds as follows.
typical types and the system is divided into several switch-
able regions. Only the switches within switchable regions Step 1. Place a switch at each candidate switch position.
are allowed to be operated for feeder reconfiguration. Note that Nsw = SWmax at the present time.
Thus, by counting the total number of possible feasible Step 2. Iderltify the switchable regions by using the
switch operations within the switchable regions for the algorithm in Reference 23.
typical load patterns during the study period, we can Step 3. If there are enough feeder configurations for the
evaluate the performance of feeder reconfiguration. It is purpose of feeder reconfiguration in system
believed that the system operators will have more oppor- operation, proceed to step 4. Otherwise, go to
tunities to perform feeder reconfiguration in order to step 6.
meet the time-varying load patterns if there are more Step 4. IfNsw = SWmin,print out the results and stop. If
possible switch operations. NSW > SWmin, go to step 5 to decrease the total
In the present work, a novel approach called the key number of switches.
•position method as shown in Figure 6 is proposed to place Step 5. Remove the switch which appears in set SET/for
switches at proper locations. Before the algorithm is load pattern i the smallest number of times and
introduced, some useful symbols are defined. go back to step 3 to check if there are enough
feeder configurations.
SET/ the set of open switches for the near-optimal Step 6. If Nsw = SWmax, stop. Otherwise, proceed to
feeder configuration for load pattern i. step 7.
SETopen the union of SET/for load pattern i during the Step 7. Restore the switch just removed in step 5 and then
study period. stop.

Table 2. Summary of typical load patterns (A) and installed capacities (A) of load points in Figure lb

load pattern ~

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1st 0 50 30 20 15 5 10 10 10 15 30 45 35
1st 1 40 25 25 15 5 10 5 5 10 25 40 30
1st 2 30 20 10 10 5 5 5 10 10 20 35 25
2nd 3 40 30 25 15 10 10 5 5 15 30 30 30
2nd 4 50 30 15 20 5 10 10 10 20 30 45 35
2nd 5 45 40 30 20 10 10 5 10 20 35 50 35
Installed capacities 50 40 30 20 10 10 15 10 20 40 50 40
Planning of distribution substations, feeders and sectionalizing switches: K- K Hsu and Y. Jwo-Hwu 321

Example 2 Planning of sectionalizing switches using in system operation. The following procedures are recom-
the key position method mended in order to increase the possible configurations.
Consider the distribution system in Figure lb. The rated Step 1. Designate the longest edge as the candidate edge.
capacities for main transformers and feeders are assumed Step 2. Select a load point in the middle of the candidate
to be 600 A and 300 A, respectively. The installed capa- edge as the candidate load point.
cities and six typical load patterns are summarized in Step 3. Connect the candidate load point to a load point
Table 2. on another edge which is closer to the candidate
Note that only six load patterns are considered in the load point.
example for convenience of demonstration. In addition,
only the first three typical load patterns appear in the first The above procedures are repeated until the number of
year. And the last three typical load patterns are assumed configurations is enough.
to appear in the second year.
In step 1, place 13 switches at 13 candidate switch
positions. In step 2, the near-optimal feeder configuration VIII. Applications of the proposed method
for each typical load pattern is as follows. The proposed heuristic search algorithms have been
applied to plan a distribution system as shown in
SET0 = (57) , SET l =-- (56) , SET2 = ($8), Figure 4. The estimated cost for constructing a distri-
bution substation is $200000. The estimated cost for
SET3 = ($5), SET4 = (57), SET5 = (56). constructing a 500kVA main transformer is $370000.
So, SETopen = ($5, S6, 57, 58) The cost of constructing a primary feeder (336kCmil
There is only one switchable region AREAl in this aluminum conductors) is estimated at $40 000/km. The
example. cost of each remotely controlled switch is estimated at
$2000. It is assumed that the operators are satisfied with
AREAl = (Ls, L6, LT, $5, S6, 57, $8) the performance of reconfiguration if there are more than
100 possible configurations. The total number of sub-
The maximum load of switchable region AREA l is stations, NsuB, main transformers, NTR, feeders, N F E ,
LOADmax(AREA1) -= max[30, 20, 20, 20, 30, 35] = 30 and sectionalizing switches, Nsw, feeder length, Lf, and
total investment cost, Ct, of the distribution plans
As no transformer or feeder is overloaded, it is not obtained by applying the proposed algorithms are
necessary to narrow down AREA1. summarized in Table 3. It is observed from the results
In step 3, the performance of reconfiguration is satis- in Table 3 that the distribution plan with two substations
factory because there are four feeder configurations. is superior to the other plans because it has the lowest
In step 4, Nsw = 13 > S W m i n = 2. Therefore, we go to investment cost.
step 5 to decrease the', total number of switches. As
switches $1, $2, $3, $4, $9, S10 and Sll never appear in
SET/ (i = 0, 1 , . . . , 5), they can be removed. Note that IX. Conclusions
switches (circuit breakers) So and S12 cannot be removed In this paper, the distribution planning problem is
because we need a circuit breaker at the head of a feeder. divided into three subproblems: the substation planning
In step 3, the performance of reconfiguration is satis- problem, the feeder planning problem and the sec-
factory and Nsw = 6 > S~Vmi n • 2 in step 4. tionalizing switch planning problem. Heuristic search
In step 5, switch $8 is selected as the switch to be algorithms are developed for the three subproblems. A
removed as switch $8 appears only in SET2. Note that the major feature of the proposed planning algorithm is that
near-optimal feeder configuration SET2 = ($8) for load the need for network reconfiguration in future system
pattern 2 is lost because there is no switch placed at the operation is taken into account. From the results of this
candidate switch position $8. work, it is concluded that proper distribution plans can be
In step 3, the perforraance of reconfiguration is satis- obtained in a very efficient manner by the proposed
factory and Nsw = 5 > S W m i n = 2 in step 4. algorithms. The following specific conclusions can be
In step 5, switch S5 is selected as the switch to be made based on the results from this work.
In step 3, the performance of reconfiguration is not
satisfactory as there are only 2 feeder configurations (1) Several substation plans with different numbers of
which can be used. Therefore, we go to step 6. substations are recommended by the proposed algo-
In step 6, Nsw = 4 < S W m a x - - 13. Therefore, we go to rithm. The system planner can choose one among the
step 7 to restore switch $5 and stop. The result is various substation plans based on his own need.
summarized in Figure lb. (2) For the purpose of feeder reconfiguration, the feeder

Table 3. Summary of the distribution plans

VII. The feeder network refinement
algorithm NSUB NTR NFE Nsw Lf (km) Ct
As the objective in the feeder planning algorithm in
1 5 10 33 80.2 6 004 564
Section V is to mininfize the feeder length which is
2 5 10 23 65.7 5 606 476
proportional to the investment cost, it may happen that 3 6 12 22 61.3 6 131 452
the resultant feeder network is very loosely connected,
4 6 12 20 59.4 6 253 860
resulting in only a very limited number of possible con-
5 7 14 23 59.6 6 975 068
figurations available iv. future system operation. This 6 8 16 20 58.4 7 626 196
may severely damage the performance of reconfiguration
322 Planning of distribution substations, feeders and sectionalizing switches: Y.- Y. Hsu and Y. J w o - H w u

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