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Factors affecting growth and development

1. Heredity- sex, race and national characteristics 2. Environmental factors Pre-natal environment Post-natal environment a. External Environment- socio-economic factors, child-rearing factors, nutrition,illness, ethnicity, school attendance ordinal position in the family b. Internal environment-intelligence, hormonal influences, emotions, temperament Theories of growth and development PSYCHOSEXUAL THEORY- by Sigmund freud - considers sexual instincts to be significant in the development of personality. -STAGES includes: oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital PSYCHOSOCIAL THEORY by Erik Erikson - believed that developmental task may increase the ego strength of every individual and enhance the probability of satisfactory achievements of subsequent task - stages includes: trust vs mistrust autonomy vs shame initiative vs guilt industry vs inferiority identity vs role confusion intimacy vs isolation generativity vs self-absorption integrity vs despair

COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Sensorimotor (0-24 months old) 0-1 month-Reflective Uses inborn motor and sensory reflexes to interact and accommodate the external world 0-4 months-Primary Circular reaction Coordinates activities of own body and 5 senses

Reality remains subjective; does not seek stimuli outside of its visual field 4-8 months-Secondary Circular Reactions Seeks out new stimuli in the environment by relating own behavior to change in environment 8-12 months- Secondary Circular reactions shows preliminary signs of object permanence coordinates more than one thought pattern at a time to reach goal 12-18 months-Tertiary Circular reactions seeks out new experiences can understand simple commands 18-24 months- Invention of new means through Mental Combinations begins to develop reasoning and can anticipate events understand self as separate from others and beginning of perception of body image Preoperational (2-7 years old) 2-4 years-preconceptual 4-7 years Intuitive -begins to think symbolically -animalistic thinking -egocentric thinking Concrete Operational (7-11 years) -development of conceptual skills -organized and logical thinking -deals best with concrete and actual objects and people -uses inductive reasoning to solve new problems -understand reversal of events -develops awareness and understanding of other peoples perspective Formal Operational (11 years up) -abstract thinking -deductive, reflective and hypothetical reasoning -future oriented -shows remarkable creativity MORAL DEVELOPMENT

1. PRECONVENTIONAL follows intuitive thought and is based on external control as child learns to conform to rules imposed by authority figures Stage 1- Punishment and obedience Orientation- perception of goodness and badness develops due to motivation for choices of action which is fear of physical consequences of authoritys disapproval Stage 2- Instrumental relativist orientation- the thought of receiving a reward overcomes fear of punishment, so actions that satisfy this desire are selected 2. CONVENTIONAL- person is concerned with identifying with significant others and follows conformity with their expectations Stage 3- Interpersonal concordance-action is taken to please another and gain approval Stage 4- Law and order orientation- right behavior is obeying the law and following the rules 3. POSTCONVENTIONAL- associated with moral judgment that is rational and internalized into ones standards or values Stage 5- Social contract, legalistic orientation-correct behavior is based on adhering to legal rights of society

Stage 6- Universal-Ethical Principle Orientation- persons concern for equality for all human beings which is guided by personal opinions and standards SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT

Stage 0- Undifferentiated (0-3 years) - no concept of right and wrong, no belief and no guide their behavior Stage 1- Intuitive-projective (4-6 years)-Imitation of religious gesture and behaviors comprehending any meaning or significance. Follow parental beliefs as part of the daily lives rather than understanding the Stage 2- Mythical-literal (7-12 years)- strong interest in religion during school age years

convictions without concepts.


Stage3-Synthetic-conventional (adolescence-adults) aware of spiritual disappointments; that prayers are not always answered and begins to abandon religious practices Stage 4-Individualizing-reflective-skeptical and begin to compare religious standards of their parents with those of others. Stage 5- Paradoxical-consolidated- awareness of truth from a variety of viewpoints. Stage 6- Universalizing- becoming an incarnation of the principles of love and justice. STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY 1. ID- The unconscious mind, driven by instincts; operated by the pleasure principle 2. EGO- the conscious mind, functions as the controlling self that is able to find realistic means of gratifying the instincts; serves the reality principle 3. SUPEREGO- the conscious, functions as the moral arbitrator and represents the ideas DEFENSE MECHANISMS Provides initial protection for the personality, although all individuals may, in times of severe emotional stress, use of many behavior listed and the repetitive use of these behavior in most situations is inactive of a problems. Commonly used normal defense mechanisms that help an individual to deal with reality are: 1. Identification-individual internalizes the characteristic of an idealized person. 2. Substitution- individual replaces one goal for another 3. Compensation-individual makes-up for a perceive lack in one area by emphasizing capabilities in another 4. Sublimation- a socially acceptable behavior is substituted for an unacceptable instinct 5. Rationalization- Individual makes acceptable excuses for behavior and feelings; attempts to explain behavior by logical reasoning 6. Conversion- emotional conflict is unconsciously changed into a physical symptom that can be expressed openly and without anxiety 7. Denial- emotional conflict is blocked from the conscious mind and the individual refuses to recognize its existence

8. Displacement- emotions related to an emotionally charged situation or object are shifted to a relatively safe substitute situation or object 9. Fantasy- conscious distortion of unconscious wishes and needs to obtain gratification and satisfaction 10. Projection- unconscious denial of unacceptable feelings and emotions in oneself while attributing them to others 11. Reaction Formation- The individual unconsciously reverses unacceptable feelings and behaves in the exact opposite manner 12. Regression- returns to an earlier stage of behavior when stress creates problems at the present stage 13. Repression- involuntary exclusion from consciousness of those ideas, feelings, and situations that are creating conflicts and causing discomfort 14. Suppression- voluntary exclusion from consciousness of those ideas, feelings and situations that are creating conflicts and causing discomfort 15. Transference- positive or negative feelings and emotions that were previously present toward important figures are applied and attributed to another person in the present 16. Introjections complete acceptance of anothers opinions and values as ones own

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