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1. (d) 9y

2. (c) p block

3. (c) 18M

4. (a) IF7<IF5<ClF3<XeF2

5. (a) Mg>Al>Mg2+>Al3+

6. (a) 1-c,2-c,3-d,4-a

7. (d) BrF5

8. (b) 5f

9. (c) CH3O

10. (a) electron>hydrogen>helium >neon

11. (b) Mg

12. (a) s < p < d < f







18. The electronic configurations are as follows:

Na - [Ne] 3s1
Mg - [Ne] 3s2

Sodium has one valence electron in 3s1 and by losing this electron it attains stable
configuration. Therefore the 1st ionization energy of Na is less than Mg. After
removing an electron the Na attains noble gas configuration whereas Mg has one
electron left. To remove an electron from a noble gas configuration high energy is

19.a)4s orbital
b) The orbitals which belongs to same subshell and same shell are called degenerate
orbitals. (3dxy,3dz2,3dyz) and (4dxy,4dyz,4dz2) are the two sets of degenerate orbitals.



b) In Ga, due to ineffective shielding of valence electrons by the 3d electrons, the effective
nuclear charge increases and the electrons are much more attracted to the nucleus than
in Al.Hence, due to higher value of effective nuclear charge in gallium, it has higher
ionization enthalpy than Al.



Q23. a)The element is present in the third period of the block and it
has 5 electrons in its outermost shell. Its group is 15 and it has 3
unpaired electrons. As given in the question, the element is a p-
Block element so, the last electron of the atom will go into the p -
b)The arrangement of the given species in order of their
increasing ionic radii is as follows: Al3+< Mg2+< Na+< F–< O2–< N3–
c) They have fully filled s- orbitals and hence have no tendency

to accept an additional electron. Consequently, valence shell.

That is why electron gain enthalpies Be and Mg are positive.


a) alkali metals are considered to be powerful reducing
agents due to their low ionization potential and having the
smallest nuclear charge, they can easily lose an electron.
b) Halogens (ns 2np 5) after getting one electron occupy
ns 2np 6 configuration, thus have EA 2 zero.
c)Caesium (376 kj/mol) has the lowest ionization enthalpy in alkali metals
and Li has highest

Consider 100 g of solution
Mass of H2SO4 = 27 g and mass of H2O = 100 – 27 g = 73 g = 0.073 kg
Molecular mass H2SO4 = 1 g x 2 + 32 g x 1 + 16g x 4 = 98 g mol-1
Number of moles of H2SO4 = nB = 27 g/ 98 g = 0.2755 mol
Density of solution = 1.198 g cm-3
Volume of solution = Mass of solution / density = 100 g /1.198 g cm-
= 83.47 cm3 = 83.47 mL = 0.08347 L
Molarity of solution = Number of moles of the solute/volume of
solution in L = 0.2755/0.08347 = 3.301 M

Molality = Number of moles of solute/mass of solvent in kg

Molality = 0.2755 mol /0.073 kg = 3.774 mol L-1

Ans: The molarity of solution is 3.374 mol L-1 or 3.374 M, the molality of
solution is 3.774 mol L-1 or 3.774 m


Mass of ethanol =Molality x Molecular weight = 1.6 x 46 = 73.6 g
Total of mass of solution = 73.6 + 1000 = 1073.6g ∴ 1073.6g of solution contain 7.6g of
ethanol. ∴ Mass of ethanol in 500g of solution = (73.6 / 1073.6)x 500 = 34.28
a)X is likely to be second group element
b)Y and Z are likely to be of same group.
c) The second ionization energy is always larger than the first ionization energy,
because it requires even more energy to remove an electron from a cation than it is
from a neutral atom.
It is more for nitrogen than oxygen because nitrogen is more stable due to its half-filled
electronic configuration.
b)number of moles are equal.


Section E

b) Since molarity of the solution is 0.8 M, it means the solution have 0.8 moles of H2SO4 in
1000 ml of solution.

Mass of 1000 ml of solution = density x volume = 1.06 g cm-3 x 1000 cm-3 = 1060 g

Mass of H2SO4 in 0.8 mol of H2SO4 = 0.8 mol x 98 g mol-1 = 78.4 g

Mass of water (solvent) = 1060 g - 78.4 g = 981.6 g

Moles of water (solvent) = 981.6 g / 18 g mol-1 = 54.53 mol

Since, molality is the moles of solute in 1 Kg of the solvent, the molality of the solution is
= (0.8 mol / 981.6 g) x 1000 g = 0.815 m

mole fraction of H2SO4 = (0.8) / (0.8+54.53) = 0.0145

mole fraction of water = (54.53) / (0.8+54.53) = 0.985




Larger the intensity of incident radiation, larger is the

number of incident photons and hence larger is the number of
electrons ejected from the metal surface. Therefore, if the
intensity of incident radiation is increased, then the number of
electrons ejected will also increase.

a)Mn2+ is more stable than Mn3+ due to the stable electronic
configuration ofMn2+ because of half filled d-orbital.
b) The electronic configuration of
Fe2+ is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6
The electron configuration for a Mn3+ ion is [Ar]3d4.
b) The given electronic configuration violates the Hunds Rule according to which
every orbital in a subshell is singly occupied with one electron before any one
orbital is doubly occupied, and all electrons in singly occupied orbitals have the
same spin.
So Here 2px2 has 2 electrons it must have 1 electron and another electron should
be in 2py orbital.
c) Electronic config for Be is 1s22s2. Fourth electron is in s
orbital so n=2,l=0,m=0 and s=−1/2.

a) The negative electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is less than
that of chlorine. It is due to small size of fluorine atom. As a
result, there are strong interelectronic repulsions in the
relatively small 2p orbitals of fluorine and thus, the incoming
electron does not experience much attraction.
b) for element with atomic number 119: Group : 1, Valency: 1,
Outermost electronic configuration =8s1; formula of oxide
c) Oxygen has lower ionisation enthalpy than nitrogen because
by removing one electron from 2p - orbital oxygen acquires
stable configuration, i.e.,2p3 On the other hand, in case of
nitrogen it is not easy to remove one of the three 2p -
electrons due to its stable configuration.
d) The radius of Na+ cation is less than that of Na atom because
of decrease of one shell. In Na+ cation second shell is the
outermost shell but in Na atom, 3rd shell is the outermost
e) Electronegativity of the alkali metals decreases down the
group due to the fact that the atomic radius increases down
the group as a result less amount of energy is required to
remove the electron from the outermost energy shell.
Hence Fr has the least electronegativity among the alkali
f) Boron is unable to expand its octet due to non-availability of d -orbitals. The maximum
covalence of boron cannot exceed 4.
principal quantum number (n) =No.of shells
l( azimuthal quantum number (refers to subshell) value ranges from 0..n-1
Boron does not have d-orbital (1s2 2s2 2p1) having n=2,cannot have l=2 so can not form
sub octet species ;Hence estricted to form BF4- ,whereas,aluminium on other hand (1s2
2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1) n=3,can have l=2.Hence there is presence of empty d-orbitals and can
extend its covalency =4 and form sub octet species such as [AlF 63- ].

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