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When the gap widens
That teenagers tend to distance from their parents during these crucial years, is no surprise. However,
according to a recent study, this gap is exacerbated by divorce and fathers are the more affected parent.
History clearly shows that fathers have always been the less involved parent as, even nowadays, it is up to the
mothers to do the majority of childcare. To supplement an even increased separation following divorce, fathers
would need to invest in greater closeness.
Unfortunately, most fathers do not do so, making their initial disadvantage even greater. According to
participants in the study with non-divorced parents, 71% of youth responded they were very close to their
mothers, while 57% reported being very close to their fathers. Among those with divorced parents, only 25%
youths reported being close to their fathers and there was no difference in relation to closeness to mothers.
But how does that translate into feelings? Researchers noted that those teens who kept a close relationship to
their father had a heightened sense of well-being and had a better perception of their abilities and qualities.
The same group of researchers have already started coming up with ideas for a future study. They might ask
the fathers to evaluate closeness to their teenage children and report whether divorce may have affected it.
Responda em portugus.
1. Why do children tend to be more attached to their mothers?
2. What does the study suggest fathers should do to decrease the gap between them and their children?
3. How does this widened gap affect a youths self-esteem?
4. What will be the focus of the groups next research?

The worldwide increase in the prevalence of obesity in recent decades has occurred too rapidly
to be explained completely by genetic variation, suggesting the involvement of epigenetic
mechanisms. Indeed, data from animal models and humans demonstrate that epigenetic
dysregulation can cause obesity.
Several years ago Levin proposed that maternal obesity during pregnancy and lactation might
cause metabolic imprinting of neural networks in the offspring, perpetuating, or even amplifying,
obesity susceptibility across generations. This postulate is supported by recent studies in the
mouse, which demonstrate that the formation of hypothalamic projections during early postnatal
development is dependent upon cues from outside the brain. Leptindeficient mice fail to form
hypothalamic connections necessary for normal energy homeostasis.

Remarkably, transient administration of exogenous leptin during postnatal development rescues

hypothalamic innervation and normalizes adult body weight. Analogously, maternal obesity
during pregnancy and/or lactation could alter hormonal or other signaling mechanisms that affect
morphological development of the fetal or postnatal hypothalamus, with permanent
consequences for offspring body weight.
Nutrition Reviews Vol. 66 (Suppl.1):S21-S23. Adaptado.

1. De acordo com o texto, o que pode ser atribudo ao rpido aumento da obesidade em
humanos nas ltimas dcadas?
2. Segundo o texto, o que demonstram os estudos relativos obesidade
3. O que foi constatado no estudo desenvolvido com ratos?


1. Existe, no texto, a referncia a uma msica composta pelo grupo Beatles, na dcada de
60, considerada um marco do rock. Qual ela?
2. Marque as respostas verdadeiras, de acordo com o texto, e justifique as falsas:
) John Lennon fez parte do grupo Beatles at o final de sua vida.
) A nacionalidade de Lennon inglesa.




) A funo de Lennon, no grupo, se resumia ao vocal.

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