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y Helps keep costs down in many areas, e.g. production, personnel, administration, etc. y Develops a sense of responsibility to the organization for being competent andkn owledgeable. y Improves Labour-management relations. y Reduces outside consulting costs by utilizing competent internal consultation. y Stimulates preventive management as opposed to putting out fires. y Eliminates suboptimal behavior (such as hiding tools). y Creates an appropriate climate for growth, communication. y Aids in improving organizational communication. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AS SOURCE OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: LUMAX derive competitive advantage from training and development. Training andde velopment program, as was pointed out earlier, help remove performance deficienc ies inemployee. This is particularly true when (1) The deficiency is caused by a lack of ability rather than a lack of motivation to perform,(2) The individual(s ) involved have the aptitude and motivation need to learn to do the job better,a nd(3) Supervisors and peers are supportive of the desired behaviors.Training & D evelopment offers competitive advantage to LUMAX by removing performancedeficie ncies; making employees stay long; minimized accidents, scraps and damage; andme eting future employee needs.There is greater stability, flexibility, and capacit y for growth in an organization. Trainingcontributes to employee stability in at least two ways. Employees become efficient after undergoing training. Efficient employees contribute to the growth of the organization. Growthrenders stability

to the workforce. Further, trained employees tend to stay with the organization .They seldom leave the company. Training makes the employees versatile in operat ions. Allrounders can be transferred to any job. Flexibility is therefore ensured. Growth indicatesprosperity, which is reflected in increased profits from year t o year. Who else but well-trainedemployees can contribute to the prosperity of a n enterprise?Accidents, scrap and damage to machinery and equipment can be avoid ed or minimized throughtraining. Even dissatisfaction, complaints, absenteeism, and turnover can be reduced if employees are trained well.Future needs of employ ees will be met through training and development program.Organizations take fres h diploma holders or graduates as apprentices or management trainees.They are ab sorbed after course completion. Training serves as an effective source of recrui tment.Training is an investment in HR with a promise of better returns in future .In LUMAX training and development pays dividends to the employee. Though no sin gle trainingprogram yields all the benefits, the organization which devotes itse lf to training and developmentenhances its HR capabilities and strengthens its c ompetitive edge. At the same time, theemployee's personal and career goals are f urthered, generally adding to his or her abilities andvalue to the employer.

Da t a Analysis & In t erpre t a t ion -1-Your organiza t ion considers t raining as a par t of organiza t ional s t ra t egy. Do you agreewi t h t his s t a t emen t? RESPONSENO. OFRESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE STRONGLYAGREE 13 52 AGREE 1 4 SOME WHATAGRE E 4 16 DISAGREE 7 28 TOTAL 25 100 In t erpre

t a t ion The above graph indicates that organization considers training as a part of orga nizationalstrategy. 13147255241628100020406080100120 no.of employees%age training as a part of oraganisation strategy NO. OF RESPONDENTSPERCENTAGE Q UES 2): How many training programs will you attend in a year? RESPONSENO. OFRESPONDENT P ERCENTAGELESS THEN00-10 14 5610- 20 2 820-40 6 24MORETHAN 40 3 12TOTAL 25 100 INTERPRETATION The above chart indicates that less training programs are held in the organizati on. 14263255682412100020406080100120 LESSTHEN 1010 20 20-40 M ORETHAN 40 TOTAL no.of employees%age no. of training programs in a year NO. OF RESPONDENTPERCENTAGE Q UES 3): To whom the training is given more in your organization?RESPONSENO. OFRESPONDENT PERCENTAGESENIOR STAFF 3 12JUNIOR STAFF 5 20NEW STAFF 6 24BASED ONRE Q UIRTMENT 13 52TOTAL 25 100 INTERPRETATION The above chart shows indicates that training is provided on the basis of requir etment. 356132512202452100020406080100120 no.of employees%age to whom traning is given NO. OF RESPONDENTPERCENTAGE Q UES 5): Enough practice is given for us during training session? Do you agree with thiss tatement?RESPONSENO. OFRESPONDENT PERCENTAGE y STRONGLYAGREE 14 56 y AGREE 2 8

y SOME WHATAGREE 6 24 y DISAGREE 3 12 25 100 INTERPRETATION The above graph indicates that enough practice is given for employees during tra ining sessions. 14263255682412100020406080100120 no.of employees%age practice given during training period NO. OF RESPONDENTPERCENTAGE Q UES 6): The training session conducted in your organization is useful. Do you agree with thisstatement?RESPONSENO. OFRESPONDENT PERCENTAGESTRONGLYAGREE 15 60AGREE 5 20S OME WHATAGREE 5 20DISAGREE 0 0TOTAL 25 100 INTERPRETATION The above graph indicates the training sessions conducted in the organization is useful.

155 50256020 200100020406080100120 no.of employees%age training is useful NO. OF RESPONDENTPERCENTAGE Q UES 7): Employees are given appraisal in order to motivate them to attend the training. Do itagree with this statement?RESPONSENO. OFRESPONDENT PERCENTAGESTRONGLYAGREE 14 56AGREE 6 24SOME WHATAGREE 3 12DISAGREE 2 8TOTAL 25 100 INTERPRETATION The above graph indicates employees are given appraisal in order to motivate the m to attend thetraining. 14632255624128100020406080100120 no.of employees%age training is motivation for employee NO. OF RESPONDENTPERCENTAGE Q UES 8): How well the work place of training is physically organization?RESPONSENO. OFRES PONDENT PERCENTAGEEXCELLENCE 8 32GOOD 6 24AVERAGE 6 24BAD 5 20TOTAL 25 100 INTERPRETATION This graph indicates the trainers should possess technical skill to make the tra ining effective. 86 65253224 2420100020406080100120 noof employees%age place of training NO. OF RESPONDENTPERCENTAGE

Q UES 9): What are the general complains about the training session?RESPONSENO. OFRESPOND ENT PERCENTAGETAKE AWAY PRECIOUS TIME OFEMPLOYEES 4 25TOO MANY GAPS BETWEEN THES ESSIONS 10 40TRAINING SESSIONS AREUNPLANNED 6 15BORING AND NOT USEFUL 5 20TOTAL 25 100 INTERPRETATION This graph indicates that there are too many gaps between the training sessions . 410652525401520100020406080100120 noof employees%age complains about training session NO. OF RESPONDENTPERCENTAGE

Q UES 10): Time duration given for the training period is; RESPONSENO. OFRESPONDENT PERCENTAGESUFFICIENT 5 20TO BE EXTENDED 10 40TO BE SHO RTENED 8 32MANAGEABLE 2 8TOTAL 25 100 INTERPRETATION This graph indicates the reasons for shortage of skilled manpower at workplace a re lacks of support from senior staff. 51082252040328100020406080100120 noof employees%age training period NO. OF RESPONDENTPERCENTAGE PROJECT REPORT ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Download this Document for FreePrintMobileCollectionsReport Document Info and Rating Follow kaur_simran232 Share & Embed Related Documents PreviousNext p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p.

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