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These seals used correctly and as indicated, are tremendously powerful, so they will help you in
what you need, coming to you the various beings of light.

This is the seal of ZADKIEL. This powerful being of light brings us the wonders and blessings of
God. Order passive time and active time so that the universe always remains in harmony.
That is why he is the best suited to help you get whatever you need from your heart. He will only
come to you if you really ask for it with sincerity, honesty, honesty and a lot of faith. So you can
ask for money, love, health and even spiritual elevation.
To obtain its blessings you should pray the following prayer three days in a row in front of the
seal and a lit white candle. You will start on a Monday morning and repeat the prayer two more
days at the same time you prayed on Monday.
I (state your full name and date of birth) call upon you. O Spirit! ZADKIEL, by the greatness of the
Sacred Divine Names of the Almighty, by which I demand that you appear before me in a pleasant
and noiseless manner, and without anything that could injure my person, to answer to all that for
which I require you (you say exactly what it is that you need); and I invoke you by the Great
Name of the Living God, and by his sacred names: El, Elohim, Eloho, Sebaoth, Elion, Eiech, Adier,
Adonay, Jah, Saday, Tetragrammaton, Agios, Ischiros, Athanatos, Agla. Amen.
Then you have to thank him for everything.


Archangel Raphael
Raphael is considered the celestial physician and the muse of all
Raphael can help us to seek the gift of healing, for he shows us ways
to heal ourselves, he guides us to find healing in nature and in the
universal energy.
In the same way it helps us when we wish to heal the ills of our fellow
This archangel vibrates under the light of the green ray.
Its virtue is to elevate the truth, dispel the suspicion of lies and is of
great help in times of failing health, whether physical, mental or
spiritual, as well as in the healing of an illness.
Glorious Archangel Saint Raphael
God's medicine, that you guided Tobias
On his journey to collect Gabelo's debt
You arranged a happy marriage for him and gave him back
The sight of his old father, guide us in the
Way of salvation, help us in our needs.
make our homes happy and give us the vision of
God in Heaven. Amen


Archangel Gabriel
"Man of God" "God's strength"
Gabriel is the governor of Eden and the chief of the Cherubim. He sits
at the left hand of God. He is the Archangel of Love, hope, revelations,
nature, creativity, arts and emotions.
It also deals with our relationships with angels, with each other, with
animals and with nature. In Christianity, he announced the arrival of
Jesus to Mary.
This archangel vibrates under the light of the white ray, which is the
color that allows manifesting harmony and beauty.
His virtues are purity, resurrection and ascension.
Its invocation can be done in moments of great dejection, depressive
states, when you feel distant from the divine wisdom and love of God.
Oh. God, who among all the
Angels you chose Archangel Gabriel
To announce the mystery of your
Incarnation; grant us kindly
May those of us who celebrate his feast day in
The earth, let's experience its patronage
In the sky. Amen
(Here you ask for the grace you want)

Archangel Uriel
"Face of God"
His name means: "Face of God", "Fire of God".
He is both Seraphim, Cherubim and Prince of Dominations, also known
as the Archangel of Salvation.

The Archangel Uriel channels the energies of abundance and is the

provider of spiritual and earthly graces. This archangel is invoked in
moments when we are going through a trial in which despair takes over
our feelings and thoughts. In those moments when inner peace is not
possible, when we are beset by a circumstance, it makes us easy prey
to despair. With its invocation, the peace necessary to overcome a bad
moment is recovered. The patience and tranquility achieved with its
invocation open our horizons in order to achieve the appropriate
This archangel vibrates under the light of the gold-ruby colored ray,
which can be yellow or orange.
Its virtues are peace, harmony, material provision.
Oh. God who with ineffable providence
You deign to send your holy Angels to
Our guardian, accede to our prayers and
Grant that we may always be defended by his protection
Lord, you entrust us to your Angels so that they may
Keep us in all our ways, grant
Propitious that by the intercession of your glorious Archangel
Saint Uriel let us be free from present dangers
And insured against all adversity.
Glorious Archangel St. Uriel, mighty in strength
I implore your continued guardianship to achieve victory.
Especially spiritual or temporal evil. My Protector
Grant me the grace I ask of you (grace is requested
Desired) if it is convenient for the good of my soul,
Accompany me and guide all my steps until I reach
Eternal life. Amen.


Original name: MIKAEL

Day in his honor: SUNDAY
Virtues: helps to maintain strength in the face of adversity, to resolve
personal negativity, to have courage when we feel alone.
It helps us to overcome negative emotions, which directly influence our
physical and spiritual health.
Archangel Michael is permanently at the side of the most humble, the
children and the unprotected.
There is a very effective ritual to invoke him for everything we need:
We need a blue candle and if we don't have the white candle that substitutes
all the colors, a piece of paper to which we will write an archangel letter with
all the things we need, at the end of the letter we will thank him for being on
the way and we will draw his seal. Fold the letter and put it under the lighted
candle and then say the prayer to St. Michael and before the candle burns
out burn the paper, can be done every Sunday.

"St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection
against the perversity and wiles
of the devil.
Repress him God, we beseech you,
and you Prince of the Heavenly Militia,
cast into hell with the divine power
Satan and the other evil spirits
that are scattered throughout the world
for the perdition of souls.


Prayer to invoke the archangels
It is essential to look for a very quiet place, where the disturbances and bad energies of others do
not interfere. It is also important to close your eyes and breathe very calmly while visualizing the
archangels, who will be the ones to help you. First, we must imagine the Archangel Gabriel, so
that he can watch over us from the front. Pray this to him: "Archangel Gabriel, guide me and be a
light on my path. That when I walk in front, I do so with confidence and firmness. Be always that
star that guides me. So be it."

It is San Rafael's turn. The prayer reads as follows: "Archangel Saint Raphael, bless me with your
gifts and protect me from the negative things that may come to me from behind, without my
seeing or sensing it. Be the guardian angel that protects and cares for me. So be it.

Continuing with the eyes closed, we must now continue with the invocation, in this case with the
Archangel St. Michael: "Archangel St. Michael, good and powerful angel, protect my right side
from the negative trances of life. Make me as strong as you and watch over my destiny. So be it.

Lastly, it is the turn of the Archangel Uriel, who is in charge of watching over the left side of the
person. "Archangel Uriel, accept to be the one who watches over me and guides me, who takes
care of me and does not falter when I make mistakes. Be patient with my weaknesses and loving
to me. So be it. It is no longer only a matter of saying these prayers, but also of asking these
Archangels for a specific petition or their blessing.

To ask for the blessing of the Archangels

Very simple and effective, it is ideal to pray to the Archangels and ask for their blessing: "Good
Archangels, I would like your blessing in every second, in every instant and in every place. Bless
my thoughts, my actions, my body and my whole being. Help me to be good and just, joyful and
balanced in all areas of my life. Amen."

It is important not to end it all abruptly and sit down in one jump. It is much more effective to
stay meditating and visualizing the angels.

Prayer for someone in distress asking for help

"My dear God, You who are so good and merciful, help me in this time of terrible distress. Angels
and Archangels, protect me and help me when I need it most, as is happening to me right now. I
come to You because I know that You can help me, for a Father does not abandon His children".
Prayer for the negative to go away and for good things to arrive
"Let the bad be put away. That negative things are not around me and that they detach
themselves from my body. May the joy that I lost at some point return to me. May I never lose it
and may happiness be my guide. May the discomfort I have disappear and, if I don't have it yet,
may it never reach me. So be it and so be it fulfilled.

Prayer for lost peace

This prayer is very beautiful to ask for inner peace, at home and in the family: "Lord, lately I find
neither peace nor light on my path. Help me because from your greatness I expect peace, not
only for me, but also for my home, my environment and humanity in general. May your light
guide men and may wars, which are so irrational and lead nowhere, not prosper. Let a song of
peace flood hearts. So be it and so be it done forever and ever, amen".
Prayer to St. Gabriel to ask for heavenly protection
"Glorious Archangel Saint Gabriel, leader of the heavenly army and guardian of the Church... I
pray to you with all my fervor to deliver me, my family and my closest friends from all harm.
Defend us with your strength and your protection all the days of our life, and protect us when we
are serving the Lord. Deliver us from all evil. Amen."

Prayer against fear

It is an especially good prayer for those who feel they need a protective shield because of their
special vulnerability. An indispensable condition for the Prayer to have more effect is to pray it in
a very relaxed and calm environment, as if the person were inside a crystal dome. Say slowly and
relaxed: "Lord, I am fragile and vulnerable. I am aware of my limitations and therefore I ask you
to give me your powerful hand to help me to be stronger, to not be afraid, to let my fears
dissipate. Help me in my bubble and prevent evil from penetrating it. May all that I ask of you be
fulfilled, through the faith I have in you and in your son Jesus Christ. Amen."
Posted by NAMASTE at03:53

The Crown is begun by praying the following invocation on the medal:

In the Name of the Father....

My God, come to my aid.

Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

I. Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Heavenly Choir of the Seraphim, may God Our
Lord prepare our souls to receive worthily in our hearts the fire of Perfect Charity. Amen.

1 Our Father

3 Hail Marys

II. Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Heavenly Choir of Cherubim, may God Our Lord
grant us the grace to abandon the ways of sin, and follow the path of Christian Perfection. Amen.

1 Our Father

3 Hail Marys

III. Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Heavenly Choir of Thrones, may God Our Lord
pour into our hearts the true and sincere spirit of humility. Amen.

1 Our Father

3 Hail Marys

IV. Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Heavenly Choir of Powers, may God Our Lord
grant us the grace to control our senses and thus dominate our passions. Amen.

1 Our Father

3 Hail Marys

V. Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Heavenly Choir of Dominations, may God Our
Lord protect our souls against the wiles of the devil. Amen.

1 Our Father

3 Hail Marys

VI. Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Heavenly Choir of the Virtues, may God Our
Lord preserve us from all evil and not allow us to fall into temptation. Amen.

1 Our Father

3 Hail Marys

VII. Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Heavenly Choir of the Principalities, may God
Our Lord deign to fill our souls with the true spirit of obedience. Amen.

1 Our Father
3 Hail Marys

VIII. Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Heavenly Choir of the Archangels, may God
Our Lord grant us the grace of final perseverance in the Faith, and in good works, and thus lead us
to the Glory of Paradise. Amen.

IX. Through the intercession of St. Michael and the Heavenly Choir of Angels, may God Our Lord
grant us the grace to be protected by them during this mortal life, and may they guide us to
Eternal Glory. Amen.

1 Our Father

3 Hail Marys

An Our Father is prayed in honor of each of the following angels:

*In honor of St. Michael ...... 1 Our Father

*In honor of St. Gabriel ...... 1Our Father

*In honor of St. Raphael ........ 1 Our Father

*In honor of our guardian angel..... 1 Our Father

O Glorious Prince St. Michael, Chief Chief of the Celestial Militia, most faithful Guardian of souls,
efficacious Conqueror of rebellious spirits, faithful Servant in the Palace of the Divine King,...You
are our admirable Guide and Conductor.

You shine with excellent radiance and superhuman virtue, deliver us from all evil. With full
confidence we turn to you. Assist us with your loving protection so that we may be more and more
faithful in the service of God all the days of our lives.

V. Pray for us, O Glorious St. Michael,

Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ....

R. That we may be worthy to attain the promises of our Lord.


Almighty and Eternal God, we adore and bless you. In your marvelous goodness, and with the
merciful desire to save the souls of mankind, you have chosen the Glorious Archangel, St. Michael,
as Prince of your Church.

We humbly beseech you, Heavenly Father, to deliver us from our enemies. At the hour of death,
do not allow any evil spirit to come near us, to harm our souls. O God and our Lord, guide us
through this same Archangel. Send him to lead us to the Presence of Your Excellency and divine
Majesty. We ask this through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

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