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Module One

Why do some people earn more, have better jobs or seem to get more out of life? Success is as
predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

You can be more successful than you think if you do 2 fundamental things:

1.) Take as a goal to surpass all your previous achievements, decide to be successful.
2.) Learn how to do it

Discarding misconceptions--> to be successful you must have a good physical shape, good
education, money and contacts, the reality is that all this is false. Success is based on other things.

Humans possess what we call the drive for success, which leads us to success, whereas animals
only possess a drive for survival. This impulse does not lead to doing, doing more to increase
human potential which is essential and that is why we feel dissatisfied. We always want more, to
have more.

The categories of success:

1.) The starting point is serenity, which means that one is at peace with one's inner self, which
implies freedom. To be free of fear, stress, anxiety, negative emotions such as guilt, etc.
that do not allow us to enjoy what we have achieved.

2.) Health and energy: Free of pain and discomfort, being full of vitality. There is a great
relationship between vitality and serenity. According to studies, 80% of the problems and
causes of premature death are caused by serenity disturbances. The mind makes the body
sick. But if our serenity increases, so will our energy and vitality.

3.) Affective relationships: Relating to other men and women, giving ourselves, loving and
being loved. Relating is human and is part of our nature. Eighty-five percent of my success
will come from the fact that I also get along with others. Quantity and quality is an
indication of how we are doing as human beings, the lack of these relationships cause
disorders that have serious consequences on our health and energy. How to measure this
is simple How much do you laugh, the first thing that ends when a relationship goes bad is
laughter. Laughter is a sign of a healthy personality.

4.) Economic Freedom: I have enough money not to worry about it. It costs money to live,
study, travel, etc. It is very important to fill our mind with higher causes, relationships,
health. We all need the ability to earn more money.

5.) Worthy goals and ideals: values. Values go with everyone. They determine what happens
to us. Worthy goals and ideals give us meaning and purpose. You need to know why you
get up, to love what you do. Participate, engage, need to be enthusiastic about life.
Values Goals and ideals.
6.) Knowing themselves: Self-understanding. You know yourself, know why things are done,
what makes me tick. It implies having the courage to face oneself. The honesty we
possess. Knowing each other's weaknesses and strengths.

7.) Personal Satisfaction: Self-esteem. Knowing that you become what you are capable of
becoming. Feeling that you are getting closer to what you want. It is a factor associated
with the previous one. Statistics show that full use is not made of human potential.

We arrived in the empty world. Without an instruction manual, the first thing we need is
understanding (C) to do things right. But it also requires effort (E). Increased understanding will
help us improve our efforts and thus our results. If they put into practice what they have seen, the
results will be very far. Everyone can be, have or do whatever they want and bring out their full
potential. C x E=Results

Module Two

Seven mental laws

The starting point of my self-understanding is that everyone is unique and wonderful. There is no
one like you. Accepting it is very important and knowing that we can do something wonderful is
even more important.

What can I do to change my life?

I am a mental creature; the body merely carries my mind. There are laws that determine the
development of my mind. They operate uninterruptedly. We must be in harmony with these laws.

1.) Law of control: Either we are satisfied with myself or I have positive thoughts about myself
until I feel I am in control of my own life or I feel I am not. You should ask yourself what
controls better. That's where he's happy. Control is extremely important. The Internal
Control Focus makes people happy. Control goes hand in hand with what I think and that
is where my values come from. Determine what I feel, hence my sensations and they will
dictate my actions. I am master of my own destiny.

2.) Law of the accident: By failing to plan, I plan to fail. This is how 85% of people live. It's luck.
Believing that life depends on external agents. Therefore, by not planning, they are
drifting. No central plan, no control, these are unfortunate people. People live badly
because of this law.

3.) Law of cause and effect: For every effect in life there is a cause. Everything happens for a
reason. If something happens that motivates us, we can find its cause. We can modify the
causes. It is the most important base. It gives us total control and we can search for what
we want and it does what we want. Thoughts are causes and conditions are only effects.
The starting point is the thought. Because they attract conditions. Changing what I think is
essential, for they are the only thing in the universe that are untouchable because they are
4.) Law of belief: Everything you believe with feelings, with emotion, becomes a reality
because you will act based on your beliefs. Its reality is an elaboration of an external image
felt with intensity. If we believe we can do something, as if it is not true. Our mind takes
only that which is consistent with our beliefs. We visualize and schematize the world
based on what we say we believe. We do not see the opportunities, if we do not believe
success is possible for us. If belief changes, reality changes. Our beliefs limit us. We believe
we have no endowments, the limitations do not correspond to the normal plane, only to
our mind. The first point is to question what I believe about myself. If I act as if my
limitations do not exist, they are not there and disappear.

5.) Law of expectations: what I expect, I will get. The expectations and the way of thinking
about the results become the prophecies of what is going to happen. Expectations modify
the exterior and the facts. If you expect good things, good things happen. Positive,
winner's self-expectation. What I confidently expect happens. Even if the information is a
lie. High expectations. The most important expectations are those of my parents. And so,
we will subconsciously live their expectations. What were they? What were they like?
High expectations, high performance. Your expectations of others should be the best.
Opinions given to us from someone higher up are very important, expect good words and
deeds from others and say I believe in you. In relation to oneself, the results will be very
good. Saying to myself: I think something wonderful is going to happen. Modify your

6.) Law of correspondences: Everything that happens inside me happens on the outside. The
world reflects what goes on inside. If I want more success on the outside, the source is on
the inside. The more I work inside myself the faster the outside changes. We become what
we think. If I change what I think, my attitude and thinking will attract everything I desire.
If I change my way of thinking I change my life. I will be remembered for what I do.


Module Three

Congenital attributes, those we are born with (temperament, personality, etc.) (AC), Acquired
attributes (Education, Experience, Wisdom) (AD), Attitude, individual human performance (ACT).


The former come in us, the latter can be modified. When I improve my attitude, my results
increase as well as my capabilities. Attitude is 85% of everything. The more positive the better. A
constructive approach to life. Attitudes come from expectations.

You can expect whatever you want. Expectations come from my values. My beliefs are my
essence. My attitude is an expression of what is going on inside me. Self-concepts underlie
everything. They are the command center. They are ideas, beliefs, feelings deep inside as a result
of my experiences. They preside over and determine my performance. The concept car will dictate
everything in my life. Every change in an external environment goes hand in hand with an internal
change. We use between 2 and 10% of my possibilities. Since my self-concept is low, my life will
mirror that situation. This problem has its origin in something subjective modifying what I believe
and what I am. The self-concept addresses all my areas.

When we generate profits beyond my self-concept, I challenge it. When I have a high self-concept,
my efforts will double, I will think more, I will be more creative. I need to raise my expectations, I
need to think about what I want, repeat it several times, until I internalize it. This serves to
program me.

The self-concept is made up of 3 parts:

1.) My ideal car: What I admire the most, who is a winner for me, my mission. The ultimate
expression of what I can do. What I want to be in my future.
2.) My self-image: My inner mirror, how I feel about myself and the sum of my efforts right
3.) Self-love: Feelings about myself. The engine of my subconscious. Up to what level I liked it.
This determines what I can achieve at each level. I must state with certainty and forcefully:
I liked it. Everything that goes against this is bad and affects my life. I can never love
someone more than I love myself. The quality of relationships is based on what I love
myself. Do not ask for respect if you do not respect yourself.

Whatever they give me, comes from what I love me. Where does self-love come from? I am not
born with self-image, just pure potential. I learned everything. I need love and affection in training.
If I am raised as an important child, there will be many good results up to 3 years of mental
development. These create what I will be worth and the feelings of my personality.

I can go back in time as an adult and apply solutions to those in the foundation. Children come into
the world without fear. I can!!!, they are spontaneous, uninhibited and by achieving this as an
adult, I get to feel good about myself. Children imitate their parents and so we have learned values
and beliefs as children. Learning to move from discomfort to pleasure. We imitate and sometimes
do what does not give us pleasure.

Negative criticism at an early age generates very bad habits, undermining the integrity of
children's personalities. Achieving conditioned reactions to certain stimuli.

No!! It generates fear by inhibition. Challenging children when they do something out of curiosity
creates a feeling of not being able to cope with something new. Fear of failure is a conditioned
response to negative criticism in the first 4-6 years of life. Anxiety, restlessness, the feeling that we
want to leave, that we hold back. We feel the consequences of this habit physically in the solar
plexus. Accompanied by tension, our breathing increases and our mouth dries up.

Model 2 is the compulsive habit, do it or else. Many children live under the concept of conditioned
love, they have to please mom and dad. Evolving to a I have to please everyone. I have that turns
into fear of rejection. It makes us very sensitive to others, we care about their needs, pains and we
ignore ourselves, we feel headaches, varicose veins among others.
Negative criticism does not inhibit and makes us compulsive are learned and very dangerous
habits. But they can be replaced and eradicated. Use constructive criticism, indicating what to do.
These generate more self-esteem, fewer problems and encourage the elimination of bad habits.
By using positive reviews I should always improve my performance. Every time I criticize someone,
their image falls and so does their performance. Turning us into hypersensitive adults.

By criticizing others:

1.) Always with a compliment.

2.) Talk about facts, not people.
3.) Talk about the future, not the past.
4.) Protecting a person's love

Any criticism of the past generates discomfort and tension. It's all based on a positive attitude,
which is based on expectations of success. Beliefs and self-concept will shape my expectations.
Self-esteem will determine my performance. Fears are nothing more than brakes.

To be successful become a self-love generating organism, do what you want. I must do what
generates respect, success in the environment is to become a motivator by making others feel
great, the more I love myself, the more I will be contagious.

Module Four

Subconscious power plant

To unlock my potential I must know the relationship between the conscious and subconscious
mind. Their functions are different but their relationship is unique. The conscious part makes only
10%, the rest is subconscious. The conscious mind is objective, it looks at things analytically,
without emotion. Its qualities are the ability to distinguish between truth and lies, identify inputs,
decide and analyze situations, among others. The subconscious mind is 300 times faster than the
conscious mind. The conscious mind has room for one thought at a time. The conscious mind
works as a binary processor. The subconscious mind sets the body in motion after deciding. The
stronger an emotion, the faster it responds to instincts. The subconscious mind stores information
and obeys. The conscious mind has no memory. The conscious is a gardener who sows in the
subconscious mind. Self-concept and so on are at the disposal of the subconscious, which brings
up our actions for something.

3 important laws

1.) Subconscious activity: Whatever I raise in the subconscious mind is what the subconscious
mind elaborates and passes to the real plane. Everything fits with my self concept,
everything emanates from the information that was put there and make it fit with my
goals. My level of self-concept will be reflected in my energy levels, my body language and
my words. If I feel good about myself, my self-concept will go up.

2.) Law of concentration: Everything I focus on, grows in my reality. The more I think on the
conscious level the more it will pass to the subconscious level which will generate a field of
attraction in harmony with the thought, therefore it is essential to keep my mind in
positive thoughts.

3.) Law of substitution: If I want to remove something negative, I must impose a positive
thought, by not doing this I establish brakes to my desires. If I focus on what I want
indirectly, I will focus on my goals and attract everything I need to accomplish them.
All success begins with the decisive and systematic total control of what exists in my
subconscious mind. We must focus on eliminating fear in its various facets and this is
achieved by increasing my self-esteem. By controlling the conscious part, I was able to
obtain very good results.

Module Five

Self-esteem and self-responsibility

I am the architect of my own destiny. Everything I am or will be depends on me. Do not transfer
this responsibility under any circumstances to others. By the time I am an adult I am ready to take
charge, if something has to happen that depends on me. Never regret or justify yourself, don't
complain, just fix it or fall down. Sooner or later you must take responsibility. Many, if not most of
them, live looking for blame and make excuses instead of focusing their efforts on making

I must take the time to identify the excuses I use and in which situations I use them, because they
are the key to failure. Ask me: What is my excuse? There is always something that prevents me
from taking charge.

This is not optional, it is 100%, there is no choice, if I really want something I must assume all the
responsibilities. Eliminating all excuses.

Responding is a skill. The difference between problems is in their response. By responding well we
grow as people and so we can continue. Undertake challenges kids and so it continues day by day.

I can choose how to live, what to eat, when to be happy, the quality of my life, what I see and
what I do. I am fully and totally responsible.

If anything is to change it is up to me!!!!

Module Six

How to eliminate negative emotions

There is a relationship between lack of responsibility and negative emotions. Being these blocks to
the potential. The object of life is to generate great levels of contentment, happiness and serenity.
Reflect What's holding me back?  Some negative emotion.

On a graph, the top level is made up of people who never make excuses, who are responsible, and
at the other end of the scale we have people who are irresponsible and full of excuses.

There is a relationship between:

1.) What I believe controls my life and how happy I feel
2.) The responsibility I take on and the control I have
3.) The amount of responsibility and control I take on and the freedom I believe I have.

Freedom is a success factor, doing and living as I want. Control, Responsibility and Freedom are
associated with positive emotions. The more irresponsible we are, the more we lose control and
freedom. Thus generating negative emotions. All the factors that we indicate as negative (politics,
climate, economy) can be set aside, my supreme goal is freedom, peace, enthusiasm for life. I
must stop making excuses. There is no disease if not irresponsibility.

Responsibility attracts power, control and freedom.

Self-doubt, hatred, envy, resentment, guilt and to a higher level anger. All of these are nourished
by justification, identification, turning everything into something personal. I always choose how I
respond, if I do not pass judgment, I remain neutral. It all starts with a spark and increases at the
moment of making judgments. I must objectify myself and keep my distance, kill the reproach.
Emotions go from the inside out. The situation by itself, it has no integrated emotions and no one
forces me to feel anything, I decide how I feel.

The law of substitution is the basis for the elimination of the central trunk. I remove the negative
thought from my mind, telling myself: I am Responsible!

There is a big difference between reproach and responsibility. Reproach looks to the past while
responsibility looks to the future. What can I do? I am simply looking for the solution. If I
don't kill the negative emotions, you will not be able to move forward. When there are reproaches
with other people I must apply the law of substitution. I am a responsible and helpful person
despite what people say. We developed negative senses because someone taught them to us and
from there we go around the world spreading my pain. Making this the basis of my relationships,
letting my guard down and talking about my negative emotions and exchanging them with others.
If I don't talk about them they die, the negative adult leaves the negative. Never talk about
negative things. We all feel pain and come to the point of loving it and attaching it to us.

Assume what others say and indicate to them as a basis that they are responsible, listen and
respond in an understanding manner. Sometimes we meet people who have the need to tell us
about their problems and don't care much about ours. There are people who always have excuses
and do not give up their problems. We will go round and round as long as there are negative
emotions, the key is to replace the negative, nothing on the outside will make me lose my mind.

Module Seven

How to unlock the brakes

You will never make progress if negative emotions remain intact. The good thing about these
emotions is that they are not permanent. It is necessary to look for the origin. Criticism is the
number one enemy. As children we had no filter to criticism and whatever my parents said about
me was assumed to be true. We live as adults with children's programming. The absence of love is
the second cause of generating negative emotions. Parents should love themselves. Children do
not have to grow up in an environment where they are blamed for separations. These points are
fundamental to grow with love. Love takes time and its quality is important. Children do not think
rationally, they think sentimentally.

The absence of love leads us to grow under the model of criticism, with guilt at the forefront. We
feel that we are worth little, that we are not useful.

I'm not good enough, getting them to hate or condemn themselves. They always show it. Guilt
comes from negative parents, negative relationships, negative religion. Guilt is used as
punishment, seeking to gain control and exercise some manipulation. We have all suffered from
this at some point, we must remember that it goes hand in hand with all negative emotions.

Adults who grew up with guilt live with the feeling that they are not valid, afraid of success. There
will be in them a great self-destructive tendency, they will be constantly afraid, they will feel
inferior and with a high level of undeservedness.

Points to consider:

1) They possess a destructive self-criticism.

2) It is easy to control people with guilt, people like that gather and give rise to a new
3) Guilt and blame are used as a way of balancing the scales. They say things like: - If they did
it to me, I will do it. People like this use it as the basis of their relationships. There is a
tendency for them to look for culprits.
4) They use the language of the victim. He can't, he doesn't control the situation. They use
the phrase: -I will try, excusing failure beforehand. This phrase must be eliminated from
the language, either it is done or it is not. I would like to, it indicates to us that it is a goal
without energy to drive it, I indicate to the start to my subconscious that I cannot. Another
word is the But, the use of it goes hand in hand with the excuse.

Ways to eliminate the feeling of guilt:

1.) Eliminate self-criticism, don't say it. Don't say things you don't want to happen. Constantly
speak positively.

2.) Refuse to do things and be manipulated by guilt. You don't want to make me feel guilty,
do you?
3.) Do not use guilt and blame with people.

4.) Law of Forgiveness: I am sound in my mind if I possess the capacity to forget the offenses
that others have done to me. This is the main indicator of happiness. The tendency to
forgive and let go of resentment. There are people I must forgive:

a.) My parents
b.) To others
c.) To yourselves
d.) Apologize if you made a mistake
Our character is formed by the things we go through. The key here is to forgive. Refuse to feel
guilty (Forgiveness is selfish but does not help to maintain peace and integrity), to hold grudges.
Affirm: - I forgive you everything!!!! And forget about it. I must refuse to hold negative emotions.

Module Eight

How to override worries

People do not consider Serenity as an important enough goal, but it is.

Negative imagination is part of our lives, it can be defined as beliefs within us that generate fear.
Imaginary experiences seem real and we become obsessed with them. Becoming more and more
real. Worry caused by indecision causes fear.

Concern of ordinary people:

a.) 40% of worries are things that we think will happen and do not happen.
b.) Thirty percent of the concerns took place in the past.
c.) 12% of concerns about our own health are unfounded.
d.) 10% of worries are unnecessary
e.) 8% of the concerns are important of which half are out of my control.

Therefore 96% of the concerns are not worth it.

The imaginary seems real. The (imaginary) worries are caused by indecision; when deciding,
the worry dies.

The origin of worries is a worried mind. Worry is a conditioned reaction.

Ideas to eliminate worries:

1.) Live life one day at a time. Do everything you can now. Do what you can with what you
can and have. Don't worry about anything else.
2.) Get the facts straight, analyze the situation and many of these disappear. Facts can take
away a concern. Research, read, find out. The most important thing is to do your
homework. Look for the right information, stay up to date.
3.) Use the Worry Destroyer method :
a.) Clearly define your concerns. Search for the key
b.) Seek the worst possible outcome. If we put this in writing, the tension disappears. To
the reason for the phenomenon of denial, tension keeps us away from the solution
and keeps us stuck in a place where we can't find a solution.
c.) Accept the worst as if it will happen. This is not fatalism or negativity. What I cannot
cure, I must bear. Accept it and don't let it get the best of you. I can live with it.
d.) Improve the worst. Once you accept the situation and are convinced of it, you must
minimize the maximum pain. Thus, the tension generated by the worst possible
outcome disappears and allows me to act, giving my best.

Positive action eliminates worry. Worries invade us when we have a lot of free time. I must base
myself on the laws explained above. I can make decisions using the above model. Take
responsibility for eliminating stress and worry, do everything you can to overcome it.

Module Nine

How to Program my mind for success:

Everything I am or will be is a product of what my mind sees. Beliefs give rise to facts. My entire
external world corresponds to my inner world. My thoughts are in charge of attracting the people,
events and situations that I need. I must have them clear in my mind and resort to mental laws
and everything I desire will come.

My self-concept is the sum of the information about myself that I once considered to be true.
Change begins by changing that information and that is achieved by acquiring new information
that changes my beliefs. Beliefs are the hardest thing to change, I must analyze them and be
willing to eliminate them because they limit me.

Nowadays we must consider the psychology of becoming, where we grow all the time and in the
course of our lives, so do my beliefs and my concepts. It is essential to recognize that what I think
about most, I will become. I must specify my goals and focus on them. Successful people function
motivated by an obsession, a feeling that few feel and use to their advantage.

There are 2 types of limitations:

 Myotasis: Desire for consistency, desire to maintain a behavior aligned with our past. A
need to maintain the status quo. This does not make them exhibit rigid behavior.
 Psychosclerosis: The hardening of attitude involving the establishment of fixed ideas and
unwillingness to implement change.

We spend our lives stuck in the comfort zone and from there to the grave. Do not fall into a

There are 2 forces that tell us how things are going to be:

1.) Love: which shapes my personality and my destiny. Everything that is done is either to give
love or as a sign of lack of love. The problems and complexes of the elderly are the result
of a lack of love.
2.) Suggestion: Its action is constant in our lives. It shapes me and is an expression of
everything that affects us in our lives, even influencing my personality.


I must ask myself: What do I want for my life? And on that basis decide what is good or

Important Laws:
1.) Law of habit: Without any decision to generate movement everything remains the
same, the more I do what I was doing, the more I will receive from what I was
receiving. I must get on track with what I have and what I do and embrace change.

2.) Law of Emotion: (95% of the things we do, we do them out of habit. 95% of my
success depends on my habits). All decisions they make are based on emotion
(100% Emotion). Although some decisions may seem logical, they are made
because they impose a strong emotional charge, associated with the predominant
emotion in our minds. A strong emotion predominates over a weak one.

The strongest will dictate my actions. There are constantly 2 emotions in dispute in my mind,
desire and fear. Fears hold us back and emotions drive us.

3.) Law of Concentration: Keep my mind on the desire 100%, the more I concentrate,
the more my fears will diminish. My emotions drive my actions and my actions
drive my results.
4.) Law of expression: Everything that is printed is expressed. Everything that enters
me charged with emotion and ends up in my psyche will manifest as part of my
reality and my personality.

We see the world as my self-concept. We see a reality based on what we believe. I fervently
believe that I control my destiny and I am active in that sense. I will have everything at my service
to achieve this.

5.) Law of inversion: If I achieve a certain level in something, this will create a
subjective state that will lead me to an emotional state. My objective mind will
create a subjective state.

If I can create the emotion or subjective state, I will modify everything in my reality. When I think
of something I desire, I must imagine myself as possessing it. I must close my eyes and imagine it.
This will align my inner and outer self by attracting all that is necessary to bring me closer to my

6.) Law of repetition: Everything that is done with a certain frequency becomes a new
habit. To introduce a new habit we use the 21-day method.

It is important to develop a positive and confident attitude towards the things that happen to us
and this method will help us. For 21 days I must only focus on what I want and leave everything
else aside. Negative elements must be eliminated. Having generated a positive mindset in me,
everything else will be easy. Focusing on this difficult and important task is the first step.

I must take into account these 4 points:

a.) Desire: is my starting point and here I must ask myself: To what extent do I desire
something, we all desire but is it what we really want? On the other hand, if I want
something too much, there will be no limits.
b.) Decision: Everything changes when deciding. Most people don't do it or are afraid to do it
because it would limit their possibilities. You must know that everything has a price and
demands a sacrifice and you must be willing to give it. We must do what is necessary.
Although it is never necessary to deliver 100%, I must be willing to do so.
c.) Determination: A strong willpower is the basis of everything. Keep going no matter the
challenge, task or failure.
d.) Discipline: The master key to success, the willingness to do something at any time, even if
you don't want to, for the greater good. Here everything counts, there are no neutral

Module Ten

Changing your self-concept:

To change my life I must change my self-concept (self-ideal + self-image + self-love).

The first is what I most want to be, I have to start with a goal. The self-ideal is the pinnacle of
desired characteristics of men and women that I have read or heard about. That is what I admire
the most. This is a model of acts that is inserted in my mind and directs my actions. WHAT I am
today is what I will one day admire.

The second is who I am, an image other than self-love that represents how much I love myself. The
difference between self-ideal and self-image affects my self-esteem. I will have a high self-esteem
if the distance between the two is very short and I constantly work on it. The starting point is to
change my self-concept, describing what I want to be. How do I want to be? Name 3 men and/or
women you admire. Why? The main thing is to indicate which qualities stand out, so it is easier to
channel our efforts.

Discipline, desire, determination and decisiveness along with definition are the key to success.

Study what those you admire are doing. Imitating the path is easier.

I must perceive change as desirable and necessary. If I do, the change will be useful to me. I must
convince myself that change is necessary to move forward. One of the most important
characteristics of outstanding people is that they are committed to doing what is necessary to
obtain the changes that are essential.

The second thing here is to believe in what could be. Thinking about my ideal self. I have to think
of myself as a specialist in the field.

If I can change something simple, I can enforce a major change. You can ask yourself how your
model would act in the situations you have to face. But you should always have one. What I
choose as a model today will mark my future.

Law of expression: What is printed is expressed.

Visualization is the most powerful tool available to humans. The subconscious is activated by
images and emotions. When I create something clear, very strong images are created and as we
know the subconscious does not distinguish between something real and something false. I must
create an image and repeat it over and over again. If you have positive external experiences, it is

The intensity, the emotion, the number of times you repeat it and the more you do it will be
enough to cover ¾ parts of the way to doing something.

Affirmations are the strongest thing you can say. They are based on the 3 P's.

a.) They are private. They are made in the first person.
b.) They are positive and, as such, have a better effect.
c.) They must be in the present, our minds are supported in the now. The mind is very literal.

Watching me owning my desires. Affirm and wrap it in emotion. Write affirmation cards. Check
that my actions are consistent with my words.

We must use verbalization out loud and in private to improve the possibilities by 80%. If I express
it in front of a mirror, I improve my chances even more. What stays in my mind most of the time
comes true.

The message must penetrate my mind. I must assume the role, the character. If I feel a particular
way, so will my emotions and my actions.

Representation tells us that we can act to come to feel. And always remember that comfort is the
enemy of potentiality.

Pretend you are until you are. If I want to stand out, I must represent myself by doing so. You have
to dress the part.


1.) Visualize and represent situations in your mind until you assume them as real.
2.) Affirm over and over again. Talk positively to yourself.
3.) Verbalize, saying what you want in positive terms.
4.) Assume the character. Imagine that they changed and that is what you admire.

Speak, think, move, dress as you wish to dress

Module 11

The new mental diet:

Everything that enters my mind generates something there that is reflected on the outside.
Suggestion is the most important power in our lives.

Everything influences us, it does so in my subconscious mind thus affecting my values,

expectations, beliefs and at a higher level my potential. The difference between people is not
education or their potential, it is what they let into their minds.
Everything Counts!!! You must accept reality, nothing is neutral or adds up or not.

Feeding my mind as if it were my body must become one of my main tasks. Carefully examine
what goes in. We introduce here the law of accumulation that works both physically and mentally,
everything I do in my life is the sum of many small achievements. Every effort adds up like a
snowball. Every time I waste time this adds up. I must put myself into action by taking on activities
that consume my time in a positive way.

To be considered:

1.) Read: try to read one hour a day. Read something that develops us. If I dedicate 1 hour per
day in a short time I will become a connoisseur and if I continue with this habit I will settle
as an expert. Focus on non-novel literature. If I fill my life with knowledge I can generate
great changes.
2.) Listen to Audio-Books. I can access infinite knowledge with audios alone, I studied
additional subjects. Study with experts, take courses and short courses

Knowledge is power, the more I have the more power I will have, the more security and therefore
the more self-esteem I will have. The most insecure is the one who does not engage in latching.

Educational growth is a good way to keep me motivated. When I stagnate, I don't grow, my
energy, enthusiasm and self-esteem are gone.

3.) Reference groups, getting together with the right people. Eighty to ninety percent of what
I do will have its origin in suggestion shaped in part by the relationship with the people
around me. I identify with these people.

Starting to identify myself is essential, when I find the right people I must identify the material
they use and keep myself informed about them in audios, videos, notes, books, etc.

If you are wasting your time with the losers you will be one of them. If I join the maslos, be a
bad guy. I must stay away from losers, for they go through their existence without goals,
without hope.

Do I want to develop? Face the facts, facing the bad is essential. The sooner you do it the
better. Even if it means losing friends or relationships with family.

1.) I must start by stating that: - I feel great. Which will give me even more energy.
2.) I must read something that motivates me, that educates me, without radio or newspaper
or TV.
3.) The golden hour (reading hour), at the beginning of the day. I must accompany this by
reviewing my goals every morning. It is important to see where I am and where I am going.

The external world is a reflection of my internal world. Reach the winners. Eliminate old labels and
do not allow them, remember that the subconscious is always listening. I must override this error.

Teach others, the interested parties, one becomes what one teaches, this is shaped as a
reinforcement. Everything must be undertaken with a confident attitude.
I must become paranoid in reverse, in the sense of thinking that everyone is conspiring to do me
good. Always look for the good in things and hope for the best.

As I repeat something, I will overcome my own cynicism, stop shutting myself up in the "I can't",
gaining self-confidence.

Mental food is that which is oriented to what I want. Cynicism and disbelief are my greatest

The great truth is that I can do, be and have whatever I store in my mind for as long as possible. I
must feed on positive words and focus on the positive.

Module Twelve

Informatics for the brain:

Time is the most valuable resource.

How to achieve rapid change and sustain it:

The desire for change generates impatience.

a.) Written programming technique: discipline and a common notebook should be used.
Write my goals there repeatedly. We absorb information by auditory or spoken, visual or
kinesthetic means. Combining these methods improves results.

If I write something I have to concentrate and I can't avoid under vocalization. I need to rewrite my
goals. It is important to use positive affirmations. (Achievement, I obtain). If the goal is very
important, it will occupy the first place and so on in order of importance. I shape my goals as a
target to shoot at.

1.) Close your eyes and visualize the finished things. Accompanying this with pasted images
supports the above idea.
2.) Imagine the pleasure if what I desire were already mine. Imagine yourself on the way to
the finish line. Once you are focused and your goal is set, the two will meet somewhere
along the way.

Law of mental relaxation: the more effort I put into a task on a physical level, the faster I will
achieve what I want. On a mental level it is the other way around, more effort ends up turning
into something against me. Relaxing is important and do it effortlessly.

b.) Quick programming: important things that are not repeated produce a very big effort in
bringing my subconscious, my movements, my words into line to suit the situation.

In these cases it is necessary to:

1.) Visualize the perfect result

2.) Affirm the verbalization as a consistent affirmation to the issue.
3.) Feel it and let it flow as if you know it is going to happen.

Mental rehearsal Tool used by the best athletes.

This is living the experience inside before living it outside. They think of the pleasure and feelings
generated by a real success, they are oriented to the next sensation. It allows me to associate my
feeling with a victory.

I must be careful in what I think and define if it is what I want or what I don't want. I just let go of
what I want, I put the bad out of my mind.

When I am overwhelmed by such thoughts I affirm:- Stop! Loud and clear and I must seek to
reorient myself.

c.) Standard affirmation technique with tokens or goals written on paper. I set my goal and
visualize it. Twice a day, I write my goals in the present tense and personally. I must read
my affirmations and repeat them 3 to 5 times. And I also do the same with the results I
expect to obtain by achieving those goals.

I must visualize the work, with the feeling of having achieved it. The more emotion I impose when
repeating my goals, the faster my subconscious will activate the mechanisms and set me in
motion. The more relaxed the faster it will be accomplished.

d.) Sports programming technique: Mental rehearsal and relaxation. Autogenetic

conditioning. Once we are relaxed, we see ourselves obtaining a perfect performance in
the task we wish to perform. I have to see myself facing the task in the first person by
visualizing my body's impulses. It is very important to be consistent in the application of
this method. Relaxation, clarity, visualization, repetition until our mind accepts it.

Module Thirteen
Activate the thinking brain:

Intelligence is a way of acting and thinking, it is developed by effort. We are not born
geniuses. We must consider our minds as a muscle. Our IQ is malleable and is closely
associated with our self-concept.
My learning ability is malleable, I can learn how to learn. The more I apply this muscle the
more benefits I will obtain. If I want more, I must study more, our society is based on
The relationship between longevity and knowledge is verifiable, the more I use my brain,
the longer I will live.

Superlearning  learning fast. To learn more I must harmonize both hemispheres of the
brain. Children learn 25% faster than adults.

Right hemisphere: It is capable of thinking in images, expresses itself through dance,

music, is holistic, intuitive, spontaneous, possesses the capacity for abstract thought.

Left hemisphere: Is capable of weighing in words, is analytical, mathematical, pragmatic,

concrete, linear and consecutive.
Four levels of thought frequency can be established:

1.) Beta level: it is a frequency with 14 waves or cycles per second. Here we learn less
than other levels. At this level, we are exposed to noise and very high levels of
2.) Alpha level: it is a frequency with 8 waves or cycles per second. It is a more modulated
frequency, we are in it at the moment of entering sleep.
3.) Theta level: Lower than the previous ones, we are here, when we start dreaming and
we have not fallen asleep yet.
4.) Delta level: Between a ¼ or 1 wave or cycles per second. Death.

With music and relaxation we should move from Beta to Alpha-Theta level, activating both sides of
the brain. The current mode of apprenticeships is very bad

Our capacity to take on information is infinite. Soft classical music around 60 Hz is recommended.


1.) Define what you want  Define my objective Why do I study?

2.) I must have the desire to study.
3.) Soft classical music by Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi. The main idea is to relax my mind.
4.) Spatial repetition

I must challenge my mind.

The moments where the highest level of energy is absorbed are at the beginning and at the end. It
is also important to acquire a wide variety of knowledge. Everything I am or will be will be based
on this knowledge.

Module Fourteen

Progressive relaxation with music:

The things we want to learn can be done through relaxation and suggestion, which allows us to
internalize it in a quick way.

Deep relaxation is the tool we will use. If I want to generate changes in my external reality I must
synchronize it with my internal reality.

a.) Meditation: we use here the transcendental meditation, here I must close my eyes and
moderate the rhythm of my breathing, making it deeper and deeper. I must reach the
Alpha level. This type of activity makes me feel more confident and not so tense. It helps
my digestion and sleep. It integrates my personality.
b.) Meditation with music: it will relax you even more and if you implement a series of
affirmations it can generate great changes.

Recorded affirmation process:

1.) Enter a state of relaxation with music.

2.) Through heterogeneous conditioning. I use second person positive affirmations and attach
my goals to these audios.
3.) Listen to them at least twice a day.
4.) They should be accompanied by soft and relaxing music.

DO NOT use music with lyrics.

I must assume a sitting posture with my hands in my lap and my eyes closed. The statements
should be made in groups of 5. Do them in an undisturbed place on an empty stomach without
smoking or drinking alcohol. From 10- 15 goals per stage at most, I must repeat them and
subsequently answering them, assuming they are true.

This exercise is most effective when repeated.

I must make it a habit. Create a script and set it with background music.

Module Fifteen

5 keys to goal setting:

Success is goals, the rest is commentary. The easiest way to put it all into practice is with a goal.
Less than 5% of the population has a goal. Those who do not have goals can only help those who

Goal Action plan, it is the main thing for success.

With them we activate our brain, which allows us to move towards them. There are mechanisms
that lead us to our goals as long as we know what they are and when to use each one.

The important thing here is:

a.) Knowing what I want

b.) Knowing what to sacrifice
c.) Sacrifice it

There is a failure mechanism in us, a comfort zone, where I do what is easy and avoid what I
should do. To eliminate this mechanism once and for all, I must activate its opposite mechanism,
that of success, and the first thing I need are goals. By doing so I emit positive energy and it drives
me, it empowers my desire. It brings me a variety of perspectives and will drive us forward. I must
set higher goals than those I have already achieved. I must avoid the comfort zone. Always
fighting, this keeps me alive, cheerful and energized. We are happy to achieve and work for
something. We need it. I must write down my goals.

Reasons why people do not set goals:

a.) They do not realize the importance of setting goals: We are induced by our environments,
which will grow in us and in one way or another will be reflected in our goals.
b.) They do not know how to set goals and establish times.
c.) Fear of rejection: Since childhood we have been told what to do and have been criticized
for acting, thinking and speaking. Criticism stuns the subconscious. And it happens that
over time we don't talk about our goals. I must keep my goals secret, because these
generate envy in people and in this situation criticism is generated, which will become a
burden for us.
d.) Fear of failure: The I can't generates tension in us and with this attitude we do not achieve
what we want as a consequence we do not know what failure really is. But this is essential
because it is composed as a step to move forward. Every time something goes wrong,
there is a lesson to be learned. I should NOT focus on him. Success and failure go hand in
hand, the more times I fall, the quicker I will be to succeed.

To be considered:

1.) Change is part of us. There is a rejection of it, called homeostasis, which is easily overcome
by setting goals. You should not be afraid of change because it is good.
2.) Zone of excellence: we all have one in which we are highly skilled and finding it is
essential. It is a very important key. We can recognize it :
a.) It catches our attention, we like it, it's what we talk about most.
b.) It absorbs us, we can spend hours with it and it doesn't tire us out.
c.) This is one of our main interests.

Until I meet them I won't get better

3.) Diamond hunting: Everything I seek is under my feet, if I seek, I will find. I must exploit my
own capabilities. Opportunities will come from my hard work.
4.) Balance: We can NOT have goals in only one thing. I must set goals at different levels:
a.) Personal and family goals: these are the ones that give me my emotional balance.
They are the reason for my life. They CANNOT be sacrificed. 3 to 5 goals here.
b.) Professional and Business: oriented to how to earn money and be more productive.
They are the one of my life. 3 to 5 goals.
c.) Self-improvement: I am my own project and I cannot stop growing. 3 to 5 goals.

I must have a central goal, which must be measurable, specific and tangible.

Activity to identify short and long term goals:

I have to solve the following exercise:

1.) What are the 5 things I value most in my life? (1 minute)

2.) Write down the 3 most important goals for you at this moment (30 seconds)
3.) He has 6 months to live. Who will I visit? What do I want to do? What do I want to finish?
(60 seconds)
4.) How my life would change if I won 95 million dollars (60 seconds)
5.) What do I most want to do and didn't do? (30 seconds)
6.) What kind of activities made me feel happy and increased my self-esteem? Where was I
going? With whom? What was he doing? (60 seconds)
7.) What thing would I dare to dream if it could not be denied me? (60 seconds)
Module Sixteen

Twelve steps to accomplish goals:

Life is too short to reinvent the wheel. We must make use of our creative imagination, copying
models that work until we know them well enough to modify and improve them.

Use proven methods of success.


I must seek my central objective:

1.) Burning Desire: the more I desire it, the more chance I have of fulfilling it. This motivates
us, drives us, helps us to face failure. The desire is always personal. I must set my goals,
they are the first step. What do I want? My goals must be honored, because if they are
not, the rest of the process fails.

2.) Beliefs: Whatever attracts me, whatever motivates me, I must have faith in it. The outer
reflection of my inner world. I must trust that I will succeed, I must believe that I will
succeed, therefore my goal must be easy, so that it is easy to believe in it. If it is rejected
by my conscious mind, I will not advance. I must go by parts, in order to be able to believe
and continue to face stages. Believing is almost 50% of the work.
3.) Keep written and detailed goals: This is the way to accept commitment. Because if I don't
write it, I don't link to it. I must specify it, be clear. I must use intense language. To reach
my emotionally charged subconscious.

4.) Identify the Why do I want it? The why of the goals does not change, only the goals do.
The more reasons you have to do something, the stronger the emotion will be. The longer
the list, the stronger my belief and faith will be.

5.) Analyze my position: It allows me to know what my next step is. It allows me to recognize
my strengths and weaknesses. Before obtaining exceptional achievements I must fill
myself with ordinary achievements. I must ask myself how I am now and analyze it very
precisely. Many people go into combat without a solid foundation.

6.) Set deadlines: it's a way to motivate myself. I must establish mini deadlines and an award
schedule. Small accomplishments will do big things keep my enthusiasm up, motivate us,
strengthen us and drive us to continue.

7.) Identify obstacles: There is no success without going through obstacles, every difficulty
teaches us. I must identify them and try to list them. What's stopping me? What gets in
the way? I must study them and position them in a ranking. There is always a rock, a major
obstacle. I must identify it quickly and correctly and once this is done, focus all my
attention and do everything possible to eliminate it. They are usually doubts about my
own ability, about lack of money or support or lack of some knowledge.
8.) Identify the knowledge: What will I need to know, learn, read or what new information is
essential. I must identify them in the following category.
a.) Originals: They are my own, based on research, readings and personal studies.
b.) External: Data from external information, books, courses, etc.

I must know what I need if I work on something. Prioritize what I need. Once acquired, it is
easier to take action. I must talk to the people who know, I must consult those who win. If I ask I
will get answers. I must make my work available to those who for me are destroyers, so that they
can inform me of my failures and shortcomings. If I can't present my ideas to others, they may not
be good enough. If it is necessary to buy knowledge, I must do so. There is so much to do and so
little time, I must make the most of it.

9.) Identify my customer: my customers are those who help me achieve my success. We are
always accompanied by someone else. Here we must apply the law of compensation, if I
acted well, I will receive more good. I must ask myself: What can I do to achieve more? I
must also apply the law of service, I will always be rewarded for my services. MY highest
aspiration should be to serve others. Use the law of excess, always do more than what you
are paid for.

10.)Create a plan: Create a list of tasks that I must do to achieve my success, they should be
staggered and should also be arranged on a time basis. I must write them down so that
they are easy to review and corroborate my progress.

11.)Visualization: I must establish clear mental images, seeing my goal accomplished. I must
repeat them over and over again until they are fulfilled. The important thing is to
reproduce them until you can visualize all the details of the final scene.

12.)Reject lack of determination, dedication and persistence: I must always persevere. I must
acquire these characteristics in bad times and continue them in good times. We must
always keep fighting. I must have the courage to overcome everything. And I must always

If I agree not to let myself fall, being optimistic is essential. I must become a reverse paranoid,
always thinking that everyone is conspiring for my good.

My faith is a measure of self-confidence. Perseverance is my way of turning everything into a test.

Module Seventeen

Time Management Strategies:

I will have a good opinion of myself to the extent that I feel I am in control of my life. I must
control the sequence of events, we all have 24 hours. I must apply Paretto's rule, the 80/20, 80%
of all my profits come from 20% of my activities.

The key here is self-discipline, self-mastery and focusing on the essentials. If I don't master my
time, I don't master anything.
7 Keys to time management:

What do I do with my time?

1.) Clear and specific goals: I need to know what I want and what I need. It is important to
determine my expectations, performance and results What do I want?
2.) Written goals: Organized so you know what to do. If I act, it must be in sync with these,
otherwise I will not advance.
3.) Make a list: For each day, for each week. Thinking on paper. By doing it this way, my mind
is not cluttered by having too many things to think about. Study the list the day before.
4.) Prioritize: It is important to remember what Pareto established in relation to the 80/20
law. Once the most important ones have been recognized, we should act in this direction
and preserve them until the end, concentrating all our efforts. Rank tasks based on their
importance using the A-B-C criterion. What is the most important thing? It is important to
take advantage of the time.
5.) Power Focus: Do the top priority things first, one at a time, and focus on finishing.
Concentration and personal management, concentrating my full potential on it, 100%.
Start and finish it.
6.) Managing distractions: These steal my life. Do things now, don't wait. Focus and deliver.
There is a sense of urgency associated with a fast pace. The faster I work, the more energy
I have. The more I achieve, the more I will want. Always thinking positively. DO NOT
procrastinate and work fast.
7.) Balance: Remembering to dedicate time to those things I love the most, because at the
end of the day they are the engine of change and my drive.

Module eighteen

How to double my mental power:

We are all geniuses if we locate in what. Social intelligence is the basis for success. We
must embark on the journey to recover creativity.
Stimulation is the key. Books, television, people, movies, everything is valid in the
stimulation diet for adults.

Law of use: if I don't use a muscle, I lose it or it atrophies. To increase their potential I
must change their routine. Language is essential. The more we know, the better my
creative capabilities will be.

Law of creativity: Everything starts with ideas, quality and quantity are the product of
what we feed ourselves with and will be indicative of my creative potential. If I create new
ideas, I change things. Creativity is creating things by finding solutions.

Law of improvement: if I change changes and change things, I will get great results.
Law of Creativity: everything is associated with the level of ideas, both their quality and
What controls my creativity?

1.) Past experiences.

2.) Self-concept, where believing in myself is essential.
3.) Current Environment

2 personality types:

 Mechanics  Rigid, absolutist, forced

 Adaptable  Always ask questions, tend to be fluid, are composed as the group with the
highest success rate.

There is a determining factor in relation to our creativity.  A relationship of little self-esteem and
lack of security is the basis of the low generation of ideas. Our ideas in order to be presented both
to ourselves and to others appeal to my own security.


a.) From 1 to 10:

- How easily I can say I don't know something.
- How easily I can admit that I need help.
- How easily I can admit a mistake

Fluid personalities admit their mistakes. Accepting them puts an end to questioning.

Language is associated with creativity and my self-concept. The more I love myself, the more I will

The basis of the difficulties is questioning. I must therefore have clear goals, also using the method
of positive affirmations. Thus, a message was sent to my subconscious. If I insist with these
affirmations, my subconscious mind will give an important boost to my creativity allowing it to

There is nothing I can't accomplish. Ideas are our own, they are intangible. And we possess an
innate potential for creation.

Module nineteen

How to exploit my inner genius:

Our superconscious, the center where all the information we absorb in our lives is stored, is the
source of our emotions, our inspiration, innovation and insight among others.

Characteristics of the super conscious:

 Possesses the ability to access something specific at any time and place. Everything we
store is imprinted in our subconscious, but consciously we remember poorly or little. My
super conscious will always respond based on the truth.
 It works 24 hours a day, by programming it with my mind, both work to provide an
automatic solution to any contingency. One step at a time. With sufficient motivation, our
conscious awareness will give us energy, enthusiasm. But there must be a goal. We must
look for what motivates us, that will drive us no matter what the task. Clear goals will
release motivation.
 Responds to clear mandates and authority also responds to positive affirmations. We must
endow mandates with emotion and clarity!!!!
 Responds to the decision. Be serious, make up your mind and commit yourself fully.
Nothing will happen until you are fully and positively committed.
 It is a muscle, as it is used and I believe in what I am going to achieve it forms as a habit.
One becomes great by using this super conscious energy. Life is a struggle.
 Positive and confident attitudes are the fuel of super-consciousness
 Its greatest results are produced when one concentrates 100% and 0% on the problem.
You must define what you want to avoid. Research, talk, search, by doing so you bring the
necessary information to boost this tool and try not to think about it for a while and when
you least expect it, the solution will come to you.
 Our super conscious mind will give us the solution at the right time and it must be applied
there. It is a super conscious intuition.
 It gives us the experience we need to succeed. The obstacles we face are necessary and
behind the greatest failure is my greatest success. Everything must be taken as an

A good exercise to activate this tool is to visualize the last 10 minutes, where everything is solved, I
must act in that image as if everything worked. In my subconscious mind, the results match my
self-concept and goal. Every action is based on words and whatever happens to me is consistent
with my actions.

Sometimes in unfortunate situations we find what we need. There is, to some extent, something
we call chance, which is nothing more than a series of 2 or 3 events that synchronized and
together allow me to succeed. That synchronicity is oriented to the strength of my goals and the
sentimental meaning I carry in each of them.

All my control mechanisms are in my subconscious mind. And I can reconfigure them with a
positive attitude. I have to believe that I can program myself. I must take control.

Law of conscious awareness: Every plan, goal parked there, has come to reality if I feel it and
visualize it. Everything is centered on that step. My thoughts are very powerful and become real. I
have to think about what I want.

How to activate this potential?

Solitude can help us, silence can help us. I should take between 30 / 60 min, focusing on
everything I want, saying nothing and writing it down. When you least expect it, an idea will
emerge. Visualization, relaxation and meditation also help us.
I must be more than attentive to:

- My intuition
- Chance encounters
- Unexpected events
- Unplanned activities

A complete answer to all questions will appear at any time. It will be a flash of light that reaps the
obvious. When you have the solution there is an explosion of energy. Whatever I have in my mind,
I will fulfill it, just making it clear what I want.

Module Twenty

Creative problem solving techniques

Intelligence is a way of acting, you have to use your mind like the successful ones, if I acted
intelligently, I am intelligent.

4 keys to geniuses:

1.) Clarity: Know what I want, clear goals, have vivid messages, have clear issues based on
their size, the faster I start, the faster I will access what I want.
2.) Concentration: 100%, one thing at a time. By concentrating on breaking down and acting
on problems.
3.) The possibility of having an open mind: Willing to see things from different points of view.
One must be willing to investigate, to ask questions, to question my premises, to study the
panorama from another habitus, to be more fluid.
4.) Systematic method to solve problems: Once the analysis is finished, the problem or
problems are eliminated, the rest is sent to the superconscious.

5.) We must possess:

- Confident expectations: It relaxes me and turns on my super conscious. Assuming a

logical solution. They are essential when solving problems

- Positive language: the use of words is essential in these situations where there is
something to resolve. They focus and motivate me to solve. Challenges are good and
bring out the best in you. In every challenge, there is an opportunity, something that
can be seized.
Something that can be earned. If I look for the solution, I win. The positive goes for the

- Defining challenges clearly and thinking on paper are too important to overlook.

- Identify probable causes: There are situations where solutions do not appear, this
forces us to go one level higher and recognize that 25% of the problems can be solved
by attacking their causes.
- Search and analyze solutions: What if I try something else? What if I double my
efforts? What if I do nothing? I must always question, looking for a second possible
solution. Focus on solutions. Successful people always look for forward-looking

- Make a decision: 80% of the problems are solved by deciding. Lack of decisiveness
leads to failure. The more you practice, the easier it will be to decide.

- Delegate responsibilities: This involves assigning specific responsibility to the right

person. Think: Who is going to do it? Are you up to the task?

- Set specific dates

- Take action: 20% of the work well started yields 80% of the results.

- Do a forecast review: If I check something appropriate, continuity and follow-up

cannot be lost.

A very good method is brainstorming where a group of 4-7 people gathered together, and with a
well established issue, look for solutions. The time is between 15- 45 min. 30 min are ideal for
generating ideas. The important thing here is that each member contributes and is given the
opportunity to speak without interruption. Everything is noted and no one is reprimanded.

Module 21

How to increase your energy:

Desire, definition, decision, determination, discipline.

My body is a representation of my physical world, so I should consider having good habits. I must
consider what I do. I have to ask myself: Will this take me to 80 years old? We have a tendency to
be healthy.

To be considered:

1.) Have an adequate desire: if you are determined to have a body in good condition, you
must be willing to face the challenge and double my efforts. In the opposite case, a body in
poor condition, produces a negative effect, fatigues me, robs me of energy, and takes the
form of depression. But I can combat this by setting positive affirmations and repeating
2.) Adequate diet:
- A lot of variety
- Consume vitamins, minerals and lean proteins instead of fats.
- Carbohydrates combined with fiber (85% fruits and vegetables), with 10% fat.
- Consume plenty of water

Increase my calorie intake per serving and minimize reps. Calories before 2pm. Reduce my
diet by as many calories and with a lot of nutritional value.
3.) Adequate food combination: Foods with high levels of water should be ingested, since we
cannot ignore that our basic composition is 70% water. Starch and protein should be
consumed at the same time. As well as Vegetables and Starch and Vegetables and
Proteins. Losing weight, do not load energy vegetables and proteins about ½ day, they are
much better utilized by our bodies.

It should be remembered that each person has a different metabolism and nutritional needs.
Experimentation, therefore, is the main factor in finding what is right for us. Digestion is the
essential and one of the most energy-consuming processes.

The 3 white poisons must be eliminated:

 Sugar: the average human consumes 61 kilos of this compound per year.
 Flour: which has no nutritional value
 Salt: per year each person consumes 1 kilo.

4.) Eliminate alcohol and smoking: The first step in eliminating these habits is visualization
and a constant process of positive affirmation. Alcohol consumption should be moderate.
5.) Adequate exercise: The most useful exercise is aerobic exercise. An increase in oxygen
levels in our brains, conforms as more energy. Swimming, cycling, walking and running are
examples of these exercises. Exercise 30 to 40 minutes a day.

The benefits of exercise are endless. The best time to do things is now.

6.) Adequate rest: 7 to 8 hours a day. It is useful here to listen to our intuition. You can even
sleep less with strict affirmation regimen and goal setting. In 6 weeks, you can get used to
sleep from 8 hours to only 6: 30 hs.
7.) Natural vitamins and mineral supplements: The lack of certain elements in our body can
cause problems. But we get double benefits if we get what we need from natural sources.
Here, too, research and testing are necessary.

Desire, planning, affirmations, decision, determination and discipline are the origin of all success.
Auto-suggestion is very useful here.

Discipline is measured in grams, while repentance is measured in tons.

Module Twenty-two

Relationship between body and mind:

80% of the problems of our body have their origin in our mind. Everything has a psychological
origin. We decided to get sick. We usually get sick when something important needs to be done.
If I don't get involved, things will go badly. I must constantly use the law of substitution, bringing
my mind's attention to something positive. I am responsible for myself and I can't deny it, but
usually we tend to blame others. Our internal chatter is very important and I must admit that
some of it is negative. Everything counts and putting a brake on negative emotions is also

The law of habit stands out here because everything we do will remain the same until we receive
an external influence.

Law of extension: whatever my subconscious mind takes as true, will extend to the real plane.

Law of inversion: everything that is expressed is printed.

All emotions are shaped based on fears or positive and motivating thoughts. And finally my
emotions will dictate my vitality and energy levels.

The people around us also have an impact. Everything counts, everything has an influence. I must
eliminate that which is useless to me and which I do not want. I must synchronize with my goal.

Module Twenty-three

How to eliminate stress and nervous tension:

Everything is something learned, by selective repetition and is attracted by what I am. That which
predisposes me to be negative has a cause that can be identified and treated without major
problems. We can be our own psychotherapists.

Six keys to identify the origins of our negativity:

1.) Lack of meaning and purpose: having a motive keeps us alive. Not having it and walking
without direction does not lead to depression and death. We are happy fulfilling a valid
goal, goals are the fuel. We are happy when we move forward and every goal
accomplished, no matter how small, boosts my morale.

2.) Incomplete actions: An action or behavior that we tend to have when we start a task and
do not finish it, this makes us feel uncomfortable and is worse if we do not have
established priorities. Stress is positive if we don't orient ourselves to get things done, but
it becomes a problem when we don't do them. The finished acts are motivating and with
them my self-esteem increases. A sense of well-deserved success grows in us. Do it now
and finish it fast. Unfinished business upsets us. And this can be seen at all levels, even in
relationships with others. The keys here are:
- No one upsets me if I don't want them to and I am responsible for choosing my
- If a relationship is going badly, it is important to try to fix it, otherwise you can end the
a.) I should write a letter to that person acknowledging the good times and thanking
him/her for them and asking him/her to accept our apologies if we have made a
b.) Forgive the person 100% for all those acts I committed against him/her.
c.) Wish her well and send her

Ending it all at once.

3.) Fear of failure: This is a conditioned response. It is the fear of trying. It makes us incapable
of meeting the challenge. Doing what I fear is the first step in dealing with this one, fear
must be attacked. This must be formed in us as a mental habit. Whenever I feel fear, I
must affirm: I can do it!!!. Seeing others doing what we love is also a form of motivation.
You can, if you are motivated enough. Attacking and overthrowing fear is your main

4.) Fear of rejection: Parents often use conditioned love as a tool to get their children to
comply with certain tasks or expectations. Over time, this generates serious disorders and
changes in people's behavior. Type A behaviors: In women, this generates depression,
introversion, psychosomatic symptoms, hypersensitivity. In type A males, it results in
aggressive reactions.

Factor kills people. These people are always in a hurry, they are always in action, they have great
insecurity, their life is a struggle for an undetermined performance improvement. They compete
with everyone in every field. Type A lives by comparing. They go from wanting their parents' love
to wanting their boss' love. They are hostile and are only oriented to things. They do NOT rest,
always working in fear of someone catching up with them. They usually die young, climb and climb
until they burn out. People with type B behavior, on the other hand, ascend slowly but steadily.
They focus on performance but in a quieter way. Class A people get their impetus from the
outside. If you are a class A person, it can be changed for the better.

- Recognize that you are a type A

- Decides to change
- Analyze your past, forgive your mistakes and clarify your goals.
- Initiates a process of positive affirmation
5.) Denial of reality: We have a tendency to lie to ourselves and to accept these as truths,
even if they are in some cases too unpleasant. It is important to understand where they
are coming from. Many times its origin is found in things that embarrass us. Keys to accept
- Reality is a fact, a truth that we must face.
- There is always a price to be paid.
- You have to decide to pay the price

If I am sick, I sleep badly, I feel sad. It's because at some point, there's something I'm not dealing
with. The solution should not be delayed. What's the worst that can happen? What do I not stand
up to? There are 2 types of personality:
- Avoidant personality
- Confrontational or coping personality.

The key to mental health is coping. Your serenity is the most important thing.

6.) Rage, anger: They clearly depend on blaming others. When I am afraid or in pain I must
perceive myself as a victim. When we feel threatened, we fight or flee. If I do not eliminate
my anger, it poisons me. The most recommended way to eliminate anger is contact
activities or shouting.

Cognitive control method  Assuming responsibility

By taking control and doing what I must, I increase the limits to anger. Anger is ultimately a
childish response. I should relax and not waste my time thinking about anger.

Module Twenty-Four

Personality that attracts success:

Social intelligence is the most important value in today's society. Eighty-five percent of what I
achieve depends on my attitude. I can learn whatever I want, with the right activities. Everything
today is based on relationships.

Healthy personality:

1.) Their self-esteem is high

2.) They take responsibility for everything they do
3.) Positive expectations
4.) Apologize and forgive
5.) Very good relationship with others

The more I love myself and do not refuse to forgive, the better I will get along with others and the
more I will love myself.

Law of Indirect Effort: If I relate better to others, my chances of getting what I want increase.

We must let others impress us; if I am interested in them, they are interested in me. Healthy
people are in the middle of introversion and extroversion. If I don't like me, I will limit my
relationships. If I like myself, I will get along with everyone. Anything that enhances my
relationship with others will help me prosper as well.

People must feel important, therefore destructive criticism must be eliminated. I must NOT
criticize. I have to be nice and not argue. Try to understand others, before they understand you.
Use passive resistance, do not put up resistance. Seek to reach an agreement quickly. The home is
the first point where respect and acceptance must work. Smiling is still important. Always be
thankful and remember that your creative helps drive. Be courteous and friendly. To show that
success can always be achieved by cooperating. Admire the traits of others, their attitudes, their
intentions and their things. Be honest. Approval is the most internal and at the same time the
most sought after.

1.) I acted immediately. As soon as possible
2.) Be direct and focused
3.) Make your praises in public

Must listen and is attentive, do not interrupt. Wait before asking. You should ask if it is necessary,
things should be clear to you. What did he mean? There is a theory that everything we do comes
back to us like a boomerang. Positive thoughts and ideas can make a difference. Love your
neighbor as yourself. I must choose a role model and feel like him. Thinking about how my choice
would act in a given situation.

Module Twenty-five

How to achieve superior relationships:

As humble as it may be, there is no place like home. What makes relationships work?

Six Keys:

1. Like attracts like: It is common to attract to our environments people with whom we share
what we had to go through, our values, our temperament, our feelings, our physique and
our goals, even if they change over time.

2. Opposites attract: In the sense of temperament. It is a search for a natural balance.

Problems occur when both want to take the reins. Where both talk and neither listens.

3. Dedication: To dedicate ourselves 100% to love is total dedication to the full development
of the other person's potential. Never think about divorce or separation. We must give
depth to the commitment.

4. Similar self-concepts attract: By establishing a relationship with people, we cannot alter

their scale of happiness. If we enter into a relationship to change the other person, we are
in a bad way. We can only advise and offer our help. That is why unhappy people meet
with other unhappy people and are happy with their unhappiness.

5. That I like the other: Infatuation comes and goes. Respect is essential. If we adapt to each
other, we become each other's best friend. If there are secrets in a relationship, we are at

6. Communication: The elixir that keeps relationships alive in both quality and quantity. We
cannot be in the minds of others. We must remember that both men and women have
different ways of saying things. Men are direct and women are indirect.
Relationship problems include:

1.) Lack of dedication: A relationship is based on exchange and if neither of you is 100%
committed. No matter what happens, you should always give it your all. In these cases
there is no middle ground.
2.) Trying to change the other: When we try to change others, we are in discord with the
other and we do not assume him/her as he/she is. There are, it is what they are, we must
accept and approve.
3.) Jealousy: is a covert version of fear of failure. We do not consider ourselves good enough.
We feel inferior. We were sorry that they did not love me 100%. We must work on our
self-concept. The more I like myself, the more my self-esteem will increase and my
jealousy will decrease.
4.) Self-pity: It has its origin in low self-esteem. Therefore, you must take action. No matter
how adrift we find ourselves, if we begin to set goals, this feeling begins to die.
5.) Incompatibility: We do not want to leave the comfort zone and fail. One of the signs of this
is when laughter and friendship are lost in a relationship. For many this is the norm and is
accepted. There will come a time when denial will become commonplace. We do NOT
want to accept reality. What people will say forces people to accept things they do not
like. No one cares about things more than I do. Things are said with elegance and in a
straightforward manner.

Satisfaction, joy, peace and not being satisfied with less is a debt we always owe to ourselves.

Module Twenty-six

Finding the meaning of life:

What is the meaning of our lives?

It's all about finding a mission. To bring out my potential It is my heart's desire. We tend to ignore
the heart in our lives. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, were ordinary men with a positive message.
What we are looking for is something to ennoble ourselves and help others, finding my goal. The
greatest greatness comes from becoming a loving person to others. To serve selflessly based on
the establishment of affective relationships. Everything I have goes hand in hand with the people I
love and care about.

We must:

1.) Accepting ourselves as useful and valuable people

2.) Accept responsibility for what I am and what I can be.
3.) Learning to forgive. To live without rancor or anger.
4.) Feed my mind with love.
5.) Noble goals, such as beliefs and values.
6.) Taking care of my body.
7.) Be kind, patient, tolerant and compassionate
We are here for something, manifesting love for others. It will grow as you share it. The more I
give, the more I will receive.

I only have a life that will not last long and the knowledge that everything made with love will last.

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