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Este artculo est sobre Gamaliel el Viejo. Los individuos y para otros usos ver Gamaliel (desambiguacin) Gamaliel el Viejo (Ingls Pronunciacin: / meljl / ), [1] o Rabn Gamaliel I (antiguo Gamaliel; griego: ), es una autoridad lder en el Sanedrn , a mediados del siglo primero CE. En el nieto del gran maestro judo Hillel el Viejo , y muri veinte aos antes de la destruccin del Segundo Templo de Jerusaln (70 EC). En el padre de un hijo, a quien en Llamado Simen , despus de su padre, [2] y una hija, cuya hija (es decir, la nieta de Gamaliel) cas con un sacerdote llamado Simon ben Nathanael. [3] El Gamaliel nombre es el griego la forma del hebreo Recompensa nombre Significado de Dios .

Eras rabnicas Chazal Zugot Tannaim Amoraim Savoraim Gueonim Rishonim Ajaronim

En la tradicin cristiana, Gamaliel se celebra como un fariseo doctor de la ley juda . [4] Hechos de los Apstoles habla de Gamaliel como un hombre de gran respeto que hablaron a favor del detenido apstoles cristianos [5] y el profesor de la ley juda de Pablo el Apstol . [6]

1 Como Rabn 2 Influencia de los apstoles cristianos 3 Como cristiano 4 Vase tambin 5 Referencias 6 Las fuentes externas

Como Rabn
En el Talmud , Gamaliel es descrito como teniendo los ttulos Nasi y Rabn (nuestro maestro), como el Presidente de la Gran Sanedrn de Jerusaln, aunque algunos discuten esta, no se duda que en ocupaba un alto cargo en el tribunal supremo de Jerusaln . [2] Gamaliel tiene una reputacin en la Mishn por ser uno de los ms grandes maestros en todos los anales del judasmo: "Desde Rabn Gamaliel el Viejo muri, no ha habido ms reverencia a la ley, y la pureza y piedad se extinguieron al mismo tiempo" [7] Autoridad de Gamaliel en Asuntos de la ley religiosa es sugerido por dos ancdotas Mishn en el que "el rey y la reina", pedirle consejo acerca de los rituales. [8] La identidad del rey y la reina en la pregunta no se da, pero en general se cree que cualquier ser el rey Herodes Agripa I y su esposa Cipris , o el rey Herodes Agripa II y su hermana Berenice . [2] [9] Como la literatura rabnica clsica siempre contrasta la escuela de Hillel para que de Shamai y slo presenta las opiniones colectivas de cada una de estas escuelas opuestas de pensamiento, sin mencionar los matices personales y opiniones de los rabinos en su interior, estos textos no representan Gamaliel

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como estar bien informado acerca de las Escrituras judas, ni que retratan cree l como profesor. [2] Por esta razn, Gamaliel no aparece como parte de la cadena de los individuos que perpeta la tradicin de la Mishn. [10] En lugar de la cadena se muestra como pasar directamente de la Hillel a Johanan ben Zakai . Sin embargo, la Mishn menciona la autora de Gamaliel de ordenanzas pocos legal sobre los temas de bienestar de la comunidad y los derechos conyugales. En argument que la ley debera proteger a las mujeres durante el divorcio, y que, para los fines de re-unin, un solo testigo haba pruebas suficientes de la muerte de un marido. [11] La Mishn tambin contiene un Dicho lo atribuye a "Gamaliel" , aunque es vago acerca de que todo "Gamaliel" que significa. La misma preocupacin diciendo escrpulos religiosos: "Obtener un maestro de ti mismo, mantener [en Asuntos Religiosos] lejos de la duda, y slo en raras ocasiones dar un diezmo uso de la valoracin general." [12] Varias piezas de la literatura rabnica clsica Adems Mencione que Gamaliel enviado tres epstolas , diseado como notificaciones de los nuevos decretos religiosos, y que la propiedad Retrato Gamaliel como la cabeza del cuerpo judo para los Religiosos-ley. [13] [14] [15] [16 ] Dos de estos tres fueron enviados, respectivamente, a los habitantes de Galilea y el "Darom" (sur de Judea), y fueron sobre el tema del diezmo levita . La tercera epstola fue enviada a los Judios "de la dispora , y abog por la introduccin de un intercalares mes. Desde la escuela de Hillel de pensamiento se presenta en conjunto, hay enseanzas muy pocos otros que son claramente identificables como Gamaliel. Slo hay una sentencia un tanto crptica, comparando a sus alumnos a las clases de peces: Un pez ritualmente impuros : uno que ha memorizado todo el estudio, pero no tiene entendimiento, y es hijo de padres pobres Un pez ritualmente puro: uno que ha aprendido y todo lo entiende, y es hijo de padres ricos Un pescado del ro Jordn : uno que tiene aprendidas todo, pero no sabe cmo responderUn pescado del Mediterrneo : uno que tiene aprendidas todo, y sabe-cmo responder

Influencia sobre los apstoles cristianos

Los Hechos de los Apstoles presenta Gamaliel como fariseo y el clebre erudito de la ley mosaica . En este pasaje, San Pedro y los dems Apstoles se describen como siendo procesado por el Sanedrn para continuar Predicar el Evangelio , A pesar de que las autoridades judas necesidad de conocerlo previamente prohibido. El pasaje describe Gamaliel de presentar un argumento en contra de matar a los Apstoles, recordando el Sanedrn sobre revueltas anteriores, que la propiedad se haba basado en las creencias que personas como Teudas y Judas de Galilea Si el profetizado Mesas , y que la propiedad se haba derrumbado rpidamente despus de la muerte de los los individuos. Segn Hechos, su autoridad con sus contemporneos era tan grande que aceptaron su consejo, independientemente de lo desagradable que era. Argumento final de Gamaliel de ellos haban sido:

"Si es de los hombres, se desvanecer, pero si es de Dios, vosotros no ser memorable para derrocarlo;. No sea que seis hallados luchando contra Dios" [18] El libro de los Hechos Luego pasa a describir a Pablo de Tarso, un recuento de que el fichero fue "educado a los pies de Gamaliel" de la ley religiosa juda, [19] Aunque no se dan detalles acerca de que la propiedad las enseanzas de Pablo Adoptado de Gamaliel, y por lo tanto, la cantidad de Gamaliel aspectos influencia del cristianismo. Sin embargo, no hay registro de otros Gamaliel vez de haber

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enseado en pblico, [2] Aunque el Talmud se describe Gamaliel como ensear a un estudiante que exhibi 'descaro en el aprendizaje ", que la propiedad de un pocos estudiosos identifican como posible referencia a Pablo. [20 ] Helmut Koester , Profesor de Teologa y de Historia Eclesistica en la Universidad de Harvard , es dudoso que Pablo estudi con este famoso rabino, argumentando que existe un marcado contraste en la tolerancia que Gamaliel se dice que han expresado sobre el cristianismo con la "furia asesina" contra los cristianos que Pablo se describe como antes de su conversin. [21]

Como cristiano
Mantiene la tradicin eclesistica que Gamaliel haba abrazado la cristiana fe y su actitud tolerante hacia los primeros cristianos se explica por esto. De acuerdo a Focio , en fue bautizado por San Pedro y San Juan , junto con su hijo y Nicodemo . La literatura Clementine sugiri que en Mantenido secreto acerca de la conversin y continu siendo un miembro del Sanedrn, para los fines de Secretamente ayudar a sus hermanos cristianos. [22] La Catlica vistas iglesia lo cree como un Santo y Listado l cree en el Martirologio Romano para 3 de agosto. Se dice que en el San Esteban de luto por los Santos de Gamaliel y Nicodemo, siglo quinto, por un milagro, su cuerpo seguidor de Carlo Saraceni, c. 1615, Museo de Bellas Artes, haba sido descubierto y llevado a la [23] Boston catedral de Pisa . El ortodoxa Iglesia venera tambin Gamaliel como un santo, donde en se conmemora el 02 de agosto , fecha en la Tradicin de los estados que sus reliquias fueron encontradas, junto con los de la apstol y protomrtir Esteban y Nicodemo . La cuenta juda sostiene que l segua siendo un fariseo hasta su muerte. Contempornea registros judos siguen en la primera lista creerle Entre el Sanedrn. [24]

Vase tambin
Divisin del cristianismo primitivo y el judasmo Nasi

1. ^ Jones, Daniel; Gimson, AC (1977) Diccionario de Ingls de Todo el Mundo pronunciar.. Londres: JM Dent & Sons Ltd. p. 207. - Adems / meli.l / , / m Li.l / o / mli l / en el uso judo. 2. ^ un b c d e La Enciclopedia Juda artculo sobre el Gamliel que ( /translate_c?hl=es&ie=UTF8&prev=_t& // usg=ALkJrhizGteOw9frwu31FHHBlSmajK7-Kg) por Salomn Schechter y Wilhelm Bacher. 3. ^ 'Abodah Zarah 03:10 4. ^ ".. Gamaliel" Enciclopedia Catlica Http: / / 5. ^ Hechos 5:34 (

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6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. %3D%2520Acts%26verse%3D5:34%26src%3D&usg=ALkJrhgWlilBY0rvZna0-mdqJz4YGGN64Q) ^ Hechos 22:3 ( %3D%2520Acts%26verse%3D22:3%26src%3D&usg=ALkJrhiKuE8NixKOhNf2Dekch3OKB12t1Q) ^ Sotah 15:18 ^ Pesahim 88:2 ^ Adolfo Buechler, Das Synhedrion en Jerusaln, P.129. Viena, 1902. ^ Pirkei Avot 1.2 ^ Yebamot 16:07 ^ Pirkei Avot 1:16 ^ Sanedrn ( Tosefta ) 02:06 ^ Sanedrn 11b ^ Sanedrn ( Talmud de Jerusaln solamente) 18d ^ Ma'aser Sheni (Talmud de Jerusaln solamente) 56c ^ Hechos 5:34-40 ( %3D%2520Acts%26verse%3D5:34-40%26src%3D&usg=ALkJrhiVbHIk9FHEOXFD129mK-K9j8rvXg) ^ Hechos 5:39 ( %3D%2520Acts%26verse%3D5:39%26src%3D&usg=ALkJrhgZ4pCMKeSN676XowSJZqYL3JerjQ) ^ Hechos 22:3 ( %3D%2520Acts%26verse%3D22:3%26src%3D&usg=ALkJrhiKuE8NixKOhNf2Dekch3OKB12t1Q) ^ Shabat 30b ^ Hechos 8:1-3 ( %3D%2520Acts%26verse%3D8:1-3%26src%3D&usg=ALkJrhjjo8n0eiP-ob6AAlUDDFoUFL81Iw) ^ Reconocimientos de Clemente 1:65-66 ^ Enciclopedia Catlica, Gamaliel el Viejo ^ Cheyne y Negro (1903). Enciclopedia Bblica . Nueva York: Macmillan.

Fuentes externas
La Enciclopedia Juda de Gamaliel I ( /translate_c?hl=es&ie=UTF8&prev=_t& // /view.jsp%3Fartid%3D51%26letter%3DG%26search%3Dgamaliel& usg=ALkJrhg52ZO1QX81Yb8wwJw2bjPVPmF6Pw) Puntos de vista sobre el liderazgo transformacional en el Sanedrn de judasmo antiguo ( /friedman/sanhedrin.htm&usg=ALkJrhiTCLssgj-bW1vpRnyJnAZc4K834A) Los rabinos de la Mishn : Cronologa y jerarqua
Maestro Estudiantes Padre Hijo



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Gamaliel el Viejo

Johanan b. Zakai

R. Gamaliel

Jos el Galileo

Eliezer b. Hircano

Joshua B. Ananas

Eleazar b. Arach

Eleazar b. Azaras

Eliseo b. Abuyah


Ismael b. Elseo




Jud b. Ilai

Jos B. Halafta

Shimon b. Yohai

Judah ha-Nasi



Precedido por Shammai

Nasi c. 30-50

Sucedido por Shimon ben Gamliel

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about Gamaliel the Elder. For other individuals and uses see Gamaliel (disambiguation) Gamaliel the Elder (English pronunciation: /meljl/),[1] or Rabban Gamaliel I ( ; Greek: ), was a leading authority in the Sanhedrin in the mid 1st century CE. He was the grandson of the great Jewish teacher Hillel the Elder, and died twenty years before the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem (70 CE). He fathered a son, whom he called Simeon, after his father,[2] and a daughter, whose daughter (i.e., Gamaliel's granddaughter) married a priest named Simon ben Nathanael.[3] The name Gamaliel is the Greek form of the Hebrew name meaning reward of God.

Rabbinical Eras Chazal Zugot Tannaim Amoraim Savoraim Geonim Rishonim Acharonim

In the Christian tradition, Gamaliel is celebrated as a Pharisee doctor of Jewish Law.[4] Acts of the Apostles speaks of Gamaliel as a man of great respect who spoke in favor of arrested Christian apostles [5] and the Jewish Law teacher of Paul the Apostle. [6]

1 As Rabban 2 Influence on the Christian Apostles 3 As a Christian 4 See also 5 References 6 External sources

As Rabban
In the Talmud, Gamaliel is described as bearing the titles Nasi and Rabban (our master), as the president of the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem; although some dispute this, it is not doubted that he held a senior position in the highest court in Jerusalem.[2] Gamaliel holds a reputation in the Mishnah for being one of the greatest teachers in all the annals of Judaism: "Since Rabban Gamaliel the Elder died, there has been no more reverence for the law, and purity and piety died out at the same time"[7] Gamaliel's authority on questions of religious law is suggested by two Mishnaic anecdotes in which "the king and queen" ask for his advice about rituals.[8] The identity of the king and queen in question is not given, but is generally thought to either be King Herod Agrippa I and his wife Cypris, or King Herod Agrippa II and his sister Berenice.[2][9] As classical rabbinical literature always contrasts the school of Hillel to that of Shammai and only presents the collective opinions of each of these opposing schools of thought without mentioning the individual nuances and opinions of the rabbis within them, these texts do not portray Gamaliel as being knowledgeable about the Jewish scriptures, nor do they portray him as a teacher.[2] For this reason,

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Gamaliel is not listed as part of the chain of individuals who perpetuated the Mishnaic tradition.[10] Instead the chain is listed as passing directly from Hillel to Johanan ben Zakkai. Nevertheless, the Mishnah mentions Gamaliel's authorship of a few legal ordinances on the subjects of community welfare and conjugal rights. He argued that the law should protect women during divorce, and that, for the purpose of re-marriage, a single witness was sufficient evidence for the death of a husband.[11] The Mishnah also contains a saying it attributes to "Gamaliel", although it is vague about which particular "Gamaliel" it means. The saying itself concerns religious scruples: "Obtain a teacher for yourself, keep yourself [on religious questions] far from doubt, and only infrequently give a tithe using general valuation."[12] Various pieces of classical rabbinic literature additionally mention that Gamaliel sent out three epistles, designed as notifications of new religious rulings, and which portray Gamaliel as the head of the Jewish body for religious-law.[13][14][15][16] Two of these three were sent, respectively, to the inhabitants of Galilee and "the Darom" (southern Judea), and were on the subject of the Levite Tithe. The third epistle was sent to the Jews of the Diaspora, and argued for the introduction of an intercalary month. Since the Hillel school of thought is presented collectively, there are very few other teachings which are clearly identifiable as Gamaliel's. There is only a somewhat cryptic dictum, comparing his students to classes of fish: A ritually impure fish: one who has memorised everything by study, but has no understanding, and is the son of poor parents A ritually pure fish: one who has learnt and understood everything, and is the son of rich parents A fish from the Jordan River: one who has learnt everything, but doesn't know how to respond A fish from the Mediterranean: one who has learnt everything, and knows how to respond

Influence on the Christian Apostles

The Acts of the Apostles introduces Gamaliel as a Pharisee and celebrated scholar of the Mosaic Law.[17] In this passage, Saint Peter and the other apostles are described as being prosecuted by the Sanhedrin for continuing to preach the Gospel, despite the Jewish authorities having previously prohibited it. The passage describes Gamaliel as presenting an argument against killing the apostles, reminding the Sanhedrin about previous revolts, which had been based on beliefs that individuals such as Theudas and Judas of Galilee were the prophesied messiah, and which had collapsed quickly after the deaths of those individuals. According to Acts, his authority with his contemporaries was so great that they accepted his advice, regardless of how unwelcome it was. Gamaliel's concluding argument to them had been: "if it be of men, it will come to naught, but if it be of God, ye will not be able to overthrow it; lest perhaps ye be found even to fight against God".[18] The Book of Acts later goes on to describe Paul of Tarsus recounting that he was "educated at the feet of Gamaliel" about Jewish religious law,[19] although no details are given about which teachings Paul adopted from Gamaliel, and hence how much Gamaliel influenced aspects of Christianity. However, there is no other record of Gamaliel ever having taught in public,[2] although the Talmud does describe Gamaliel as teaching a student who displayed "impudence in learning", which a few scholars identify as a possible reference to Paul.[20] Helmut Koester, Professor of Divinity and of Ecclesiastical History at Harvard University, is doubtful that Paul studied under this famous rabbi, arguing that there is a marked contrast in the tolerance that Gamaliel is said to have expressed about Christianity with the "murderous rage" against Christians that Paul is described as having prior to his conversion.[21]

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As a Christian
Ecclesiastical tradition maintains that Gamaliel had embraced the Christian faith and his tolerant attitude toward the Early Christians is explained by this. According to Photius, he was baptized by Saint Peter and Saint John, together with his son and Nicodemus. The Clementine Literature suggested that he maintained secrecy about the conversion and continued to be a member of the Sanhedrin for the purpose of covertly assisting his fellow Christians.[22] The Roman Catholic church views him as a Saint and listed him in the Roman Martyrology for August 3. It is said that in the 5th century, by a miracle, his body Saint Stephen Mourned by Saints Gamaliel and Nicodemus, had been discovered and taken to Pisa [23] follower of Carlo Saraceni, c. 1615, Museum of Fine Arts, Cathedral. The Orthodox church also Boston venerates Gamaliel as a saint, where he is commemorated on August 2, the date when tradition states that his relics were found, along with those of the Apostle and Protomartyr Stephen and Nicodemus. The Jewish account maintains that he remained a Pharisee until his death. Contemporary Jewish records continue to list him first among the Sanhedrin.[24]

See also
Split of early Christianity and Judaism Nasi

1. ^ Jones, Daniel; Gimson, A.C. (1977). Everyman's English Pronouncing Dictionary. London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd. p. 207. Also /meli.l/; /mli.l/ or /mlil/ in Jewish usage. 2. ^ a b c d e The Jewish Encyclopedia article on Gamliel I ( /view.jsp?letter=G&artid=51) by Solomon Schechter and Wilhelm Bacher. 3. ^ 'Abodah Zarah 3:10 4. ^ "Gamaliel." Catholic Encyclopedia. 5. ^ Acts 5:34 ( 6. ^ Acts 22:3 ( 7. ^ Sotah 15:18 8. ^ Pesahim 88:2 9. ^ Adolph Buechler, Das Synhedrion in Jerusalem, p.129. Vienna, 1902. 10. ^ Pirkei Abot 1-2 11. ^ Yebamot 16:7 12. ^ Pirkei Abot 1:16 13. ^ Sanhedrin (Tosefta) 2:6 14. ^ Sanhedrin 11b 15. ^ Sanhedrin (Jerusalem Talmud only) 18d 16. ^ Ma'aser Sheni (Jerusalem Talmud only) 56c 17. ^ Acts 5:34-40 ( 18. ^ Acts 5:39 (

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19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

^ Acts 22:3 ( ^ Shabbat 30b ^ Acts 8:1-3 ( ^ Recognitions of Clement 1:65-66 ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Gamaliel the Elder ^ Cheyne and Black (1903). Encyclopedia Biblica. New York: Macmillan.

External sources
The Jewish Encyclopedia on Gamaliel I ( /view.jsp?artid=51&letter=G&search=gamaliel) Perspectives on Transformational Leadership in the Sanhedrin of Ancient Judaism ( Rabbis of the Mishnah : Chronology & Hierarchy
TeacherStudent FatherSon



Gamaliel the Elder

Johanan b. Zakai

R. Gamaliel

Jose the Galilean

Eliezer b. Hyrcanus

Joshua b. Hananiah

Eleazar b. Arach

Eleazar b. Azariah

Elisha b. Abuyah


Ishmael b. Elisha




Judah b. Ilai

Jose b. Halafta

Shimon b. Yohai

Judah ha-Nasi



Preceded by Shammai

Nasi c. 3050

Succeeded by Shimon ben Gamliel

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