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13 Spring Framework

Usa Sammapun

Business needs software system to run their business Flexibility Extensibility Reusability Java libraries provide only infrastructures to develop system Most business software has very similar high-level architecture Three-tier architecture
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Three-tier Architecture

Middle tier

image from

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Spring Framework
Framework : Libraries of classes Facilitating database connectivity, transaction management, faulttolerance, modular systems Promote exibility, extensibility, reusability Container : Object manager Create objects (beans) according to your specication Provide interface for accessing these objects These objects are normally composed to build a business solution
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Classes conforming to a specic standard JavaBeans (java.beans.*) Intra-process In Java SE Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) (javax.ejb.*) Inter-process In Java EE
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Java SE and Java EE

Java Standard Edition (Java SE) Provides a basic programming platform Provides basic libraries (java.lang,, java.beans, etc.) Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) More libraries to facilitate software development in an enterprise Provides support for distributed and modular software Includes technologies : Enterprise JavaBeans, servlets, web services Libraries javax.ejb, javax.jms, javax.resources, etc.
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Spring Framework
Reduce dependencies among objects Promote using interface rather than implementation Inversion of Control (IoC) Lightweight Most classes can be independent of Spring Separation of responsibility Aspect-oriented programming
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Inversion of Control (IoC)

Control is inverted from where it used to be Example: User Interface: Before: console - application controls UI Now: GUI - (swing) framework controls UI MovieLister
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Source: 8

MovieLister example (1)

class MovieLister... ... public Movie[] moviesDirectedBy(String arg) { List<Movie> allMovies = finder.findAll(); for (Iterator it = allMovies.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Movie movie = (Movie); if (!movie.getDirector().equals(arg)) it.remove(); } return (Movie[]) allMovies.toArray( new Movie[allMovies.size()]); } ...
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Source: 9

MovieLister example (2)

public interface MovieFinder { List findAll(); } class MovieLister... private MovieFinder finder; public MovieLister() { finder = new CSVMovieFinder("movies1.txt"); } public Movie[] moviesDirectedBy(String arg) { List<Movie> allMovies = finder.findAll(); ...

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Source: 10

MovieLister dependencies
MovieLister has a following dependency

If used by others with different a MovieLister implementation This dependency should not be hardwired within the program Depend only on the interface but still need to get to the object ?
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Source: 11

MovieLister example
Or even if we push the object instantiation up to the caller / factory the caller / factory still depends on a MovieFinder implementation
class MovieLister ... private MovieFinder finder; public MovieLister(MovieFinder finder) { this.finder = finder; } ... class MovieEngine ... public MovieLister(MovieFinder finder) { MovieFinderfinder = new CSVMovieFinder("movies1.txt"); MovieLister lister = new MovieLister(finder)

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Source: 12

Inversion of Control / Dependency Injection

Inversion of control (CI) Too generic term Dependency Injection (DI) Specically in the context of assembling dependencies between objects

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Source: 13

Dependency Injection
Use a separate object, an assembler, to create desired objects

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Source: 14

Different forms of Dependency Injection

1. Constructor Injection 2. Setter Injection 3. Interface Injection

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Source: 15

IoC/DI in Spring
Core : IoC Container Manage object within Spring Separate object creation and object execution Developers describe how to create objects (vis xml cong le) Without creating it yourself (no need for new keywords) To reduce dependency between components Thus, decoupling components
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Constructor Injection (1)

public class CSVMovieFinder implements MovieFinder { } private String filename; public CSVMovieFinder(String filename) { this.filename = filename; } @Override public List<Movie> findAll() { List<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<Movie>(); // code that read csv file and create Movie object from files data return movies; }

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Constructor Injection (2)

public class MovieLister { } private MovieFinder finder; public MovieLister(MovieFinder finder) { this.finder = finder; } public Movie[] moviesDirectedBy(String arg) { // code that return all movies directed by the given parameter ... }

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Constructor Injection (3)

import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.*; import*; public class MovieTester { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { } XmlBeanFactory bf = new XmlBeanFactory( new ClassPathResource("movie-con-inject.xml")); MovieLister lister = (MovieLister) bf.getBean("lister"); Movie[] ronHoward = lister.moviesDirectedBy("Ron Howard"); for (Movie movieRH : ronHoward) { System.out.println(movieRH.getName()); }

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Constructor Injection (4)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

<bean id="csv-finder" class=""> <constructor-arg value="movies1.txt"/> </bean> <bean id="lister" class=""> <constructor-arg ref="csv-finder"/> </bean> </beans>

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Constructor Injection (4)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans

xml document standard

xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

<bean id="csv-finder" class=""> <constructor-arg value="movies1.txt"/> </bean> <bean id="lister" class=""> <constructor-arg ref="csv-finder"/> </bean> </beans>

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Constructor Injection (4)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

<bean id="csv-finder" class=""> <constructor-arg value="movies1.txt"/> </bean> <bean id="lister" class=""> <constructor-arg ref="csv-finder"/> </bean> </beans>

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Constructor Injection (4)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

<bean id="csv-finder" class=""> <constructor-arg value="movies1.txt"/> </bean> <bean id="lister" class=""> <constructor-arg ref="csv-finder"/> </bean> </beans>

schema for Spring XML

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Constructor Injection (4)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

<bean id="csv-finder" class=""> <constructor-arg value="movies1.txt"/> </bean> <bean id="lister" class=""> <constructor-arg ref="csv-finder"/> </bean> </beans>

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Constructor Injection (4)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

<bean id="csv-finder" class=""> <constructor-arg value="movies1.txt"/> </bean> <bean id="lister" class=""> <constructor-arg ref="csv-finder"/> </bean> </beans>

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bean creation specication


Setter Injection (1)

public class CSVMovieFinder implements MovieFinder { } private String filename; public void setFilename(String filename) { this.filename = filename; } @Override public List<Movie> findAll() { List<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<Movie>(); // code that read csv file and create Movie object from files data return movies; }

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Setter Injection (2)

public class MovieLister { } private MovieFinder finder; public void setFinder(MovieFinder finder) { this.finder = finder; } public Movie[] moviesDirectedBy(String arg) { // code that return all movies directed by the given parameter ... }

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Setter Injection (3)

<bean id="csv-finder" class=""> <property name="filename" value="movies1.txt"/> </bean> <bean id="lister" class=""> <property name="finder" value="csv-finder"/> </bean>

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Spring Framework

Image from

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Data Access Object (DAO)

Data Access Object (DAO) JDBC abstraction layer Hide complexity of JDBC programming Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Integration with ORM APIs such as Hibernate Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) Provides support for aspect-oriented programming
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Bean Factory
Very generic implementation of the Factory design pattern Used to create any beans by giving its name Core of IoC and dependency injection (DI) Similar concepts Application Context Just like bean factory but has more features
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Setting properties (1)

<bean id="fileReader" class="broker.FileProductReader"> <property name="productFile" value="financial-product-with-commod.csv"/> <property name="holdingFile" value="product-holding.csv"/> <property name="productTypeMap"> <props> <prop key="FX">broker.Currency</prop> <prop key="STOCK">broker.Stock</prop> <prop key="COMMOD">broker.Commodity</prop> </props> </property> </bean>

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Setting properties (2)

public class FileProductReader implements ProductReader { private String productFile; private String holdingFile; private Properties productTypeMap; public void setProductFile(String productFile) { this.productFile = productFile; } public void setHoldingFile(String holdingFile) { this.holdingFile = holdingFile; } public void setProductTypeMap(Properties map) { this.productTypeMap = map; }

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Setting properties (3)

@Override public HashMap<String, FinancialProduct> getProducts() { ... for (String line = in.readLine(); line != null; line = in.readLine()) { String[] data = line.split(","); String type = data[4]; String className = productTypeMap.getProperty(type); } FinancialProduct prod = (FinancialProduct) Class.forName(className).newInstance(); prod.setSymbol(data[0]); prod.setName(data[1]); prod.setDescription(data[2]); prod.setPrice(Double.parseDouble(data[3])); products.put(prod.getSymbol(), prod); } ...

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RMI (Remote Method Invocation)

The same concept as RPC (remote procedure calls) Class can use an object that locates at another location Java provides java.rmi package Good : More convenient than sending objects via Socket Bad : Need to understand rmi concept and programming patterns Spring provides an easier way to use rmi than naive JavaSE implementation

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RMI : Server side (1)

public class BrokerServer { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ApplicationContext bf = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("broker-server-config.xml"); } System.out.println("Server is ready.");

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RMI : Server side (2)

public class BrokerManagerImp implements BrokerManager { private ProductReader prodReader; private HashMap<String,FinancialProduct> products; private double numTransaction; public void setUp() { products = prodReader.getProducts(); } public void setProdReader(ProductReader prodReader) { this.prodReader = prodReader; }

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RMI : Server side (3)

@Override public double sell(String symbol, double quantity) { numTransaction++; FinancialProduct fProd = products.get(symbol); return fProd.sell(quantity); } @Override public double buy(String symbol, double quantity) { numTransaction++; FinancialProduct fProd = products.get(symbol); return; } @Override public double getNumTransaction() { return numTransaction; } 33

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RMI : Server side (4)

public interface BrokerManager { double sell(String symbol, double quantity); double buy(String symbol, double quantity); double getNumTransaction(); }

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RMI : Server side (5)

<bean id="manager" class="server.BrokerManagerImp" init-method="setUp"> <property name="prodReader" ref="fileReader"/> </bean> <bean id="fileReader" class="server.FileProductReader"> <property name="productFile" value="financial-product-with-commod.csv"/> <property name="holdingFile" value="product-holding.csv"/> <property name="productTypeMap"> <props> <prop key="FX">server.Currency</prop> <prop key="STOCK">server.Stock</prop> <prop key="COMMOD">server.Commodity</prop> </props> </property> </bean>

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RMI : Server side (6) : RMI

<bean class="org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiServiceExporter"> <property name="service" ref="manager"/> <property name="serviceName" value="BrokerService"/> <property name="serviceInterface" value="server.BrokerManager"/> <property name="registryPort" value="1099"/> </bean>

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RMI : Client side (1)

public class BrokerClientConsole { BrokerManager manager; public BrokerClientConsole() { XmlBeanFactory bf = new XmlBeanFactory( new ClassPathResource("broker-client-config.xml")); manager = (BrokerManager) bf.getBean("brokerservice"); } public void run() { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; while (true) { System.out.println("---------------------------------"); System.out.println(" Enter action : "); ......

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RMI : Client side (2)

...... double amount = 0; if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("S")) amount = manager.sell(symbol, quantity); else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("B")) amount =, quantity); ......

} }

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RMI : Client side (3) : RMI

<bean id="brokerservice" class="org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiProxyFactoryBean"> <property name="serviceUrl" value="rmi://localhost/BrokerService" /> <property name="serviceInterface" value="client.BrokerManager" /> </bean>

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