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Mouse Guard-wise

Acting as a Mouse Guard

Facing Obstacles
If you are faced with an obstacle, what is your instinct? Does it hat prompt a specific reaction? (Playing an instinct at the appropriate time earns a fate point at the end of the session.)

Choosing Direction (Playing Checks)

Have you achieved your goal yet? If not, what would advance that ? cause? (At the end of the session you get a Fate point if you work towards your goal but do not achieve it and a Persona point for achieving your goal goal.)


Is there a way the current obstacle significantly challenges, or e reinforces, your belief? If so, narrate how your actions are driven by acting arrate on your belief, or playing against it. (Acting on your belief earns a fate point Acting and playing against your belief earns a persona point at the end of the session. You may end up doing both related to different obstacles during the session.)


A mouse needs to be well to help other mice Consider mice. using your checks to find food, rest and recover. (You must address conditions from least to most. A tired, sick mouse needs a good rest first.) ons


Does your belief color your view of the current situation? If so, perhaps you should initiate a new action or initiative to affect it. n


Is there a way that one of your traits could hinder you? Consider narrating that alternative. (You get a check for using a trai to take one less trait die yourself. You get two checks for using a trait to give two dice to your ive opponent in a versus test. You also gain two checks if a versus initially results in a tie and you volunteer to use a trait to break it in your opponents favor.) Is there a way that one of your traits could help you? Consider narrating that alternative. (You get +1D for the test, but generally can only You use each trait once per session in this way.)

Fellow Mice

Are you near your home town? Lockhaven? Whatever dark hidey-hole your enemy haunts? Now might be a good time to accept the hole help of friends and family or resolve some unfinished business (You may use business. a Circles test to either find an old friend or introduce a new contact. Let everyone at the table know how they knew you before, and what benefit their presence brings now.)



Do you have the right skill for this challenge? Speak up! The first mouse to propose a plan leads the effort and makes the roll. If you dont have the right skill there is always Beginners Luck! You can add a die if you have a relevant wise. Consider using a Persona point to add your Nature if the challenge is particularly difficult.

Some Guard Mice act in the moment, but all agree it is best to be well prepared. If you can anticipate a future challenge, is now a good time to acquire some gear to help deal with it? (You may use a Resources test to acquire the equipment you are looking for. You may also use three checks to charge a Trait for next session. session.)

Bigger Picture


Any skill you have that fits the narration can help your fellow tion Mouse. Speak up, narrate your contribution, and hand a die to your fellow guard.

Is there a new, or old, development that sticks in , your snout? It is always your prerogative to go looking to address that issue. (Perhaps there is an ongoing situation that is problematic for you and now would be the time to solve it, but try to make it something your fellow guards care about as well.)

Remember to narrate your intent and actions No narration, no assist, no bonus die, and no roll actions!
(If you do a great job playing the character of your mouse, and narrate it well, you get a Persona point for Embodiment at the end of the session.) If

By Brian Leet - PghArch @

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