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The Science of the Total Environment 289 Ž2002.


Electrokinetic soil remediation ᎏ critical overview

Jurate Virkutyte a,U , Mika Sillanpaa

¨¨a , Petri Latostenmaab
Uni¨ ersity of Oulu, Water Resources and En¨ ironmental Engineering Laboratory, Tutkijantie 1 F 2, 90570 Oulu, Finland
b ¨ ¨ Finland
Finnish Chemicals Oy, P.O. Box 7, FIN-32741 Aetsa,

Received 28 May 2001; accepted 31 August 2001


In recent years, there has been increasing interest in finding new and innovative solutions for the efficient removal
of contaminants from soils to solve groundwater, as well as soil, pollution. The objective of this review is to examine
several alternative soil-remediating technologies, with respect to heavy metal remediation, pointing out their
strengths and drawbacks and placing an emphasis on electrokinetic soil remediation technology. In addition, the
review presents detailed theoretical aspects, design and operational considerations of electrokinetic soil-remediation
variables, which are most important in efficient process application, as well as the advantages over other technologies
and obstacles to overcome. The review discusses possibilities of removing selected heavy metal contaminants from
clay and sandy soils, both saturated and unsaturated. It also gives selected efficiency rates for heavy metal removal,
the dependence of these rates on soil variables, and operational conditions, as well as a cost᎐benefit analysis. Finally,
several emerging in situ electrokinetic soil remediation technologies, such as LasagnaTM, Elektro-KleanTM, elec-
trobioremediation, etc., are reviewed, and their advantages, disadvantages and possibilities in full-scale commercial
applications are examined. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electrokinetic soil remediation; Heavy metals

1. Introduction pounds and other hazardous materials, which

made an enormous impact on the quality of
Every year, millions of tonnes of hazardous groundwater, soil and associated ecosystems. Dur-
waste are generated in the world. Due to ineffi- ing the past decades, several new and innovative
cient waste handling techniques and hazardous solutions for efficient contaminant removal from
waste leakage in the past, thousands of sites were soils have been investigated and it is strongly
contaminated by heavy metals, organic com- believed that they will help to solve groundwater
and soil pollution. Despite numerous promising
laboratory experiments, there are not many suc-
Corresponding author. cessfully implemented in situ soil-treatment tech-

0048-9697r02r$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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98 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

niques yet. Because of uncertainty, lack of ap- last decade, due to several promising laboratory
propriate methodology and proven results, many and pilot-scale studies and experiments. This
in situ projects are currently under way. It is method aims to remove heavy metal contami-
likely that there will not be a single universal in nants from low permeability contaminated soils
situ soil-treatment technology. Instead, quite a under the influence of an applied direct current.
large variety of technologies and their combina- However, regardless of promising results, this
tions suitable for different soil remediation situa- method has its own drawbacks. First of all, the
tions will be developed and implemented. whole electrokinetic remediation process is highly
Although the successful and environmentally dependant on acidic conditions during the appli-
friendly soil treatment technologies have not been cation, which favours the release of the heavy
completely investigated and implemented, there metal contaminants into the solution phase. How-
are several techniques which have attracted in- ever, achieving these acidic conditions might be
creased interest among scientists and industry difficult when the soil buffering capacity is high.
officials. These are: In addition, acidification of soils may not be an
environmentally acceptable method. Second, the
䢇 Bioremediation ᎏ despite a demonstrated remediation process is a very time-consuming ap-
ability to remove halogenated and non- plication; the overall application time may vary
halogenated volatiles and semi-volatiles, as from several days to even a few years. There are
well as pesticides, this technique has failed to some other limitations of the proposed technique
show efficient results in removing heavy met- that need to be overcome: i.e. the solubility of the
als from contaminated soils. contaminant and its desorption from the soil ma-
䢇 Thermal desorption ᎏ this treats halogenated trix; low target ion concentration and high non-
target ion concentration; requirement of a con-
and non-halogenated volatiles and semi-vola-
ducting pore fluid to mobilise contaminants; and
tiles, as well as fuel hydrocarbons and pesti-
heterogeneity or anomalies found at sites, such as
cides. It has failed to demonstrate an ability to
large quantities of iron or iron oxides, large rocks
remove heavy metals from contaminated soils.
or gravel, etc. ŽSogorka et al., 1998..
䢇 Soil vapour extraction ᎏ there are several
According to the experiments and pilot-scale
promising results in reducing the volume of
studies conducted, metals such as lead, chromium,
treated heavy metals. Nevertheless, this tech-
cadmium, copper, uranium, mercury and zinc, as
nique cannot reduce their toxicity.
well as polychlorinated biphenyls, phenols,
䢇 Soil washing ᎏ this technique has demon- chlorophenols, toluene, trichlorethane and acetic
strated potential effectiveness in treating acid, are suitable for electrokinetic remediation
heavy metals in the soil matrix. and recovery.
䢇 Soil flushing ᎏ according to laboratory-scale
experiments, this is efficient in removing heavy
metals from soils, despite the fact that it can- 2. Theoretical, design and operational
not reduce their toxicity. considerations
䢇 Electrokinetic soil remediation.
2.1. Theoretical aspects
As none of the other in situ soil remediation
techniques has demonstrated the efficient re- The first electrokinetic phenomenon was
moval of heavy metals, there was a necessity to observed at the beginning of the 19th Century,
develop other methods to remediate soil contami- when Reuss applied a direct current to a
nated by heavy metals. clay᎐water mixture ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh,
Electrokinetic soil remediation is an emerging 1993.. However, Helmholtz and Smoluchowski
technology that has attracted increased interest were the first scientists to propose a theory deal-
among scientists and governmental officials in the ing with the electroosmotic velocity of a fluid and
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the zeta potential under an imposed electric gra- solubilise the metal hydroxides and carbonates
dient Ž␨ . ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, 1993.. Sibel formed, or different species adsorbed onto soils
Pamukcu and her research group have derived particles, as well as protonate organic functional
the following Helmholtz᎐Smoluchowski equation: groups, there is a necessity to introduce acid into
the soil. However, this acid addition has some
␧␨ ⭸␾ major drawbacks, which greatly influence the ef-
u EO s Ž1.
␮ ⭸x ficiency of the treatment process. The addition of
acid leads to heavy acidification of the contami-
where u EO is the electroosmotic velocity, ␧ is the nated soil, and there is no well-established method
dielectric constant of the pore fluid, ␮ is the for determining the time required for the system
viscosity of the fluid and ⭸␾r⭸ x is the electric to regain equilibrium.
gradient ŽPamukcu and Wittle, 1992.. The main goal of electrokinetic remediation is
When DC electric fields are applied to con- to effect the migration of subsurface contami-
taminated soil via electrodes placed into the nants in an imposed electric field via electro-
ground, migration of charged ions occurs. Positive osmosis, electromigration and electrophoresis.
ions are attracted to the negatively charged cath- These three phenomena can be summarised as
ode, and negative ions move to the positively follows:
charged anode. It has been experimentally proved
that non-ionic species are transported along with 䢇 Electroosmosis is the movement of soil mois-
the electroosmosis-induced water flow. The direc- ture or groundwater from the anode to the
tion and quantity of contaminant movement is cathode of an electrolytic cell.
influenced by the contaminant concentration, soil 䢇 Electromigration is the transport of ions and
type and structure, and the mobility of contami- ion complexes to the electrode of opposite
nant ions, as well as the interfacial chemistry and charge.
the conductivity of the soil pore water. Electroki- 䢇 Electrophoresis is the transport of charged
netic remediation is possible in both saturated particles or colloids under the influence of an
and unsaturated soils. electric field; contaminants bound to mobile
Electrokinetic soil treatment relies on several particulate matter can be transported in this
interacting mechanisms, including advection, manner.
which is generated by electroosmotic flow and
externally applied hydraulic gradients, diffusion The phenomena occur when the soil is charged
of the acid front to the cathode, and the migra- with low-voltage direct current. The process might
tion of cations and anions towards the respective be enhanced through the use of surfactants or
electrode ŽZelina and Rusling, 1999.. The domi- reagents to increase the contaminant removal
nant and most important electron transfer reac- rates at the electrodes. Upon their migration to
tions that occur at electrodes during the elec- the electrodes, the contaminants may be removed
trokinetic process is the electrolysis of water: by electroplating, precipitationrco-precipitation,
pumping near the electrode, or complexing with
H 2 O ª 2Hqq 1r2 O 2 Ž g. q 2ey ion exchange resins.
Electromigration takes place when highly solu-
2H 2 O q 2eyª 2OHyq H 2 Ž g. Ž2. ble ionised inorganic species, including metal
cations, chlorides, nitrates and phosphates, are
The acid front is carried towards the cathode present in moist soil environments. Electrokinetic
by electrical migration, diffusion and advection. remediation of soils is a unique method, because
The hydrogen ions produced decrease the pH it can remediate even low-permeability soils.
near the anode. At the same time, an increase in Other mechanisms that greatly affect the elec-
the hydroxide ion concentration causes an in- trochemical remediation process are electroosmo-
crease in the pH near the cathode. In order to sis, coupled with sorption, precipitation and disso-
100 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

lution reactions Žvan Cauwenberghe, 1997.. This electrolytic cell. Usually, the electrokinetic cell
is the reason why all the appropriate processes design in laboratory experiments consists of an
should be taken into consideration and investi- open-flow arrangement at the electrodes, which
gated before implementation of the technique permits injection of the processing fluid into the
can take place. porous medium, with later removal of the con-
Once the remediation process is over, extrac- taminated fluid ŽSogorka et al., 1998; Reddy and
tion and removal of heavy metal contaminants Chinthamreddy, 1999; Reddy et al., 1997, 1999;
are accomplished by electroplating at the elec- Zelina and Rusling, 1999..
trode, precipitation or co-precipitation at the It seems that there is a controversy as to where
electrode, pumping water near the electrode, or electrodes should be placed to obtain the most
complexing with ion exchange resins. Adsorption reliable and efficient results. It is obvious that
onto the electrode may also be feasible, as some imposition of an electrical gradient by having
ionic species will change their valency near the inert electrodes results in electroosmotic flow to
electrode Ždepending on the soil pH., making the cathode. Many authors propose that position-
them more likely to adsorb Žvan Cauwenberghe, ing of the electrodes directly into the wet soil
1997.. mass produces the most desirable effect ŽSims,
Prediction of THE decontamination time is of 1990; Acar and Alshawabkeh, 1993; Reddy et al.,
great importance in order to estimate possible 1999; Sogorka et al., 1998.. Through seeking im-
power consumption and to avoid the occurrence provements in experiments, some researchers tend
of reverse electroosmotic flow, i.e. from the cath- to place the electrodes not directly into the wet
ode to the anode, during the process ŽBaraud et soil mass, but into an electrolyte solution, at-
al., 1997, 1998.. The phenomenon of reverse elec- tached to the contaminated soil, or else to use
troosmotic flow is not well understood and should different membranes and other materials Žvan
be further investigated. Cauwenberghe, 1997; Baraud et al., 1998; Bena-
Decontamination velocity depends on two zon, 1999.. In order to maintain appropriate
parameters ŽBaraud et al., 1997, 1998.: process conditions, a cleaning agent or clean wa-
ter may be injected continuously at the anode.
䢇 Contaminant concentration in the soil solu- Thus, contaminated water can be removed at the
tion, which is related to the various possible cathode. Contaminants at the cathode may be
solidrliquid interactions Žadsorptionrdesorp- removed by electrodeposition, precipitation or ion
tion, complexation, precipitation, dissolution, exchange.
etc.. and to the speciation of the target species. Electrodes that are inert to anodic dissolution
䢇 Velocity in the pore solution when species are should be used during the remediation process.
in the soil solution and not engaged in any The most suitable electrodes used for research
reactions or interactions. The velocity depends purposes include graphite, platinum, gold and sil-
on different driving forces Želectric potential ver. However, for pilot studies, it is more ap-
gradient, hydraulic head differences and con- propriate to use much cheaper, although reliable,
centration gradient. and is not closely related titanium, stainless steel, or even plastic elec-
to soil properties, except for the electroosmo- trodes. Using inert electrodes, the electrode reac-
sis phenomenon. tions will produce Hq ions and oxygen gas at the
anode and OHy ions and hydrogen gas at the
The success of electrochemical remediation de- cathode, which means that if pH is not controlled,
pends on the specific conditions encountered in an acid front will be propagated into the soil
the field, including the types and amount of con- pores from the anode and a base front will move
taminant present, soil type, pH and organic con- out from the cathode.
tent ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, 1993.. It has been proved by experiments that when
For in situ conditions, the contaminated site heavy metals enter into basic conditions, they
itself and the immersed electrodes form a type of adsorb to soil particles or precipitate as hydrox-
J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121 101

ides, oxyhydroxides, etc., and in acidic conditions, 䢇 Type and concentration of chemicals in the
those ions desorb, solubilise and migrate. soil;
Another important parameter in the electroki- 䢇 Applied current density; and
netic soil-remediation technique is the conductiv- 䢇 Sample conditioning.
ity, since this, together with soil and pore fluid,
affects the electroosmotic flow rate. In addition, insoluble organics, such as heavy
The conductivity of soil depends on the concen- hydrocarbons, are essentially not ionised, and the
tration and the mobility of the ions present, i.e. soils in contact with them are not charged. The
contaminant removal efficiencies decrease with a removal of insoluble organics by electric field is
reduction in contaminant concentration ŽReddy limited to their movement out of the soil by
et al., 1997, 1999; Reddy and Chinthamreddy, electroosmotic purging of the liquid, either with
1999; Zelina and Rusling, 1999.. This is due to water and surfactant to solubilise the compounds,
hydrogen ion exchange with cationic contami- or by pushing the compounds ahead of a water
nants on the soil surface, with release of the front ŽProbstein and Hicks, 1993..
contaminants. As the contaminant is removed, Ionic migration is the movement of ions sub-
the hydrogen ion concentration in the pore fluid jected to an applied DC electric field. Electromi-
increases, resulting in an increasing fraction of gration rates in the subsurface depend upon Žvan
the current being carried by the hydrogen ions Cauwenberghe, 1997.:
rather than by the cationic contaminants.
It is possible to conclude that the variables 䢇 Soil porewater current density;
which have impact on the efficiency of removing 䢇 Grain size;
contaminants from soils are: 䢇 Ionic mobility;
䢇 Contaminant concentration; and
䢇 Chemical processes at the electrodes; 䢇 Total ionic concentration.
䢇 Water content of the soil;
䢇 Soil type and structure; The process efficiency is not as dependent on
䢇 Saturation of the soil; the fluid permeability of soil as it is on the pore-
䢇 pH and pH gradients; water electrical conductivity and path length

Fig. 1. Electroosmosis and electromigration of ions Žadapted from Acar et al., 1994, 1996; Acar and Alshawabkeh, 1996..
102 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

through the soil, both of which are a function of Experiments have determined the dependence
the soil moisture content. As electromigration of the zeta potential of most charged particles on
does not depend on the pore size, it is equally solution pH, ionic strength, types of ionic species,
applicable to coarse and fine-grained soils Žvan temperature and type of clay minerals ŽVane and
Cauwenberghe, 1997.. Zang, 1997.. For water-saturated silts and clays,
Electroosmosis in water-saturated soil is the the zeta potential is typically negative, with values
movement of water relative to the soil under the measured in the 10᎐100-mV range.
influence of an imposed electric gradient. When However, if ions produced in the electrolysis of
there is direct current applied across the porous water are not removed or neutralised, they lower
media filled with liquid, the liquid moves relative the pH at the anode and increase it at the cath-
to the stationary charged solid surface. When the ode, accompanied by the propagation of an acid
surface is negatively charged, liquid flows to the front into the soil pores from the anode and a
cathode. Acar et al. Ž1994, 1996. have conducted base front from the cathode. This process can
numerous experiments and found that this process significantly effect the soil zeta potential Ždrop in
works well in wet Ži.e. water-saturated . fine- zeta potential., as well as the solubility, ionic state
grained soils and can be used to remove soluble and charge, level of adsorption of the contami-
pollutants, even if they are not ionic. The dis- nant, etc. ŽYeung et al., 1997..
solved neutral molecules simply go with the flow. In addition, different initial metal concentra-
Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of this tions and sorption capacity of the soil may pro-
process. duce soil surfaces that are less negative, which at
An excess negative surface charge exists in all the same time may become positive at a pH of
kinds of soil. For example, many clays are anionic, approximately the original zero-point charge
colloidal poly-electrolytes. The surface charge ŽYeung et al., 1997.. Similarly, chemisorption of
density increases in the following order: sand - anions makes the surface more negative.
silt - kaolinite - illite - montmorillonite. Injec- Electroosmotic flow from the anode to the
tion of clean fluid, or simply clean water, at the cathode promotes the development of a low-pH
anode can improve the efficiency of pollutant environment in the soil. This low-pH environment
removal. For example, such a flushing technique inhibits most metallic contaminants from being
using electroosmosis has been developed for the sorbed onto soil particle surfaces and favours the
removal of benzene, toluene, trichlorethane and formation of soluble compounds. Thus, electro-
m-xylene from saturated clay. osmotic flow from the anode to cathode, resulting
According to that stated above, the main fac- from the existence of a negative zeta potential,
tors affecting the electroosmotic transport of con- enables the removal of heavy metal contaminants
taminants in the soil system are as follows: by the electrokinetic remediation process.
The pH of the soil should be maintained low
䢇 Mobility and hydration of the ions and charged enough to keep all contaminants in the dissolved
particles within the soil moisture; phase. Nevertheless, when the pH becomes too
䢇 Ion concentration; low, the polarity of the zeta potential changes and
䢇 Dielectric constant, depending on the amount reversed electroosmotic flow Ži.e. from the cath-
of organic and inorganic particles in the pore ode to the anode. may occur. In order to achieve
solution; and efficient results in removing contaminants from
䢇 Temperature. soils, it is necessary to maintain a pH low enough
pH to keep metal contaminants in the dissolved
Most soil particle surfaces are negatively phase and high enough to maintain a negative
charged as a result of isomorphous substitution zeta potential ŽYeung et al., 1997.. Despite this
and the presence of broken bonds ŽYeung et al., apparently easily implemented theory, simultane-
1997.. ous maintenance of a negative zeta potential and
J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121 103

dissolved metal contaminants remains the great-

est obstacle in the successful implementation of
the electrokinetic soil remediation process.

2.2. Design considerations

In order to obtain efficient and reliable results,

electrokinetic remediation of soil should be im-
plemented under steady-state conditions. It is
obvious that during the remediation process, other
reactions, such as transport and sorption, and
precipitation and dissolution reactions, occur and
affect the remediation process.
There have been numerous indications of the
importance of heat and gas generation at elec-
trodes, the sorption of contaminants onto soil
particle surfaces and the precipitation of contami- Fig. 2. Multiple anodes system US EPA, 1998.
nants in the electrokinetic remediation process
ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, 1993; Lageman, 1993; 䢇 Cyanides;
Zelina and Rusling, 1999.. These processes should 䢇 Petroleum hydrocarbons Ždiesel fuel, gasoline,
be further investigated, because it is believed that kerosene and lubricating oils.;
they may weaken the removal efficiency for heavy 䢇 Explosives;
metal contaminants. It is reported that different 䢇 Mixed organicrionic contaminants;
physicochemical properties of the soil may influ- 䢇 Halogenated hydrocarbons;
ence the removal rates of heavy metal contami- 䢇 Non-halogenated pollutants; and
nants, due to changed pH values, hydrolysis, and 䢇 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.
oxidation and reduction reaction patterns.
In order to enhance the electrokinetic remedia- Heavy metal interactions in the soil solution
tion process, several authors recommend the use are governed by several processes, such as ŽSims,
of a multiple anode system, which is shown in Fig. 1990.:
䢇 Inorganicrorganic complexation;
2.3. Operational considerations 䢇 Acid᎐base reactions;
䢇 Redox reactions;
As there are several experimental techniques 䢇 Precipitationrdissolution reactions; and
to remediate coarse-grained soils, in situ elec- 䢇 Interfacial reactions.
trokinetic treatment has been developed for con-
taminants in low-permeability soils. Electrokinet- The choice of appropriate soil for electroki-
ics is applicable in zones of low hydraulic conduc- netic remediation process should be made with
tivity, particularly with a high clay content. extreme caution and possible soil pre-treatment
Contaminants affected by electrokinetic experiments should be carried out.
processes include: Soils that may be used for the electrokinetic
remediation process should have ŽSims, 1990.:
䢇 Heavy metals;
䢇 Radioactive species ŽCs 137 , Sr90 , Co 60 , ura- 䢇 Low hydraulic conductivity;
nium.; 䢇 Water-soluble contaminants Žif there are any
䢇 Toxic anions Žnitrates and sulfates .; poorly soluble contaminants, it may be essen-
䢇 Dense, non-aqueous-phase liquids ŽDNAPLs.; tial to add solubility-enhancing reagents.; and
104 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

䢇 Relatively low concentrations of ionic materi- species, and the presence of organic matter and
als in the water. carbonates in the soil. The mechanism is also
significantly dependent on the pore fluid pH. The
It is reported that with applied electric fields, higher the content of carbonates and organic
the most suitable soils for heavy metal remedia- material in soils, the lower the heavy metal re-
tion are kaolinite, clay and sand ŽSims, 1990.. As moval efficiency, which is why the former should
recommended, clay has low hydraulic conductiv- be further investigated and taken into the con-
ity, reducing redox potential, slightly alkaline pH sideration.
Žwhich is suitable for the remediation of several During numerous experiments, a decrease in
heavy metal contaminants ., high cation exchange current density was observed ŽAcar and Al-
capacity and high plasticity. Under normal condi- shawabkeh, 1993, 1996; Acar et al., 1994, 1996;
tions, migration of ions is very slow, but is en- Sah and Chen, 1998.. The possible reasons might
hanced by electrical fields or hydraulic pressure. be as follows:
The highest degree of removal of heavy metals
Žover 90% of the initial contaminant. has been Activation polarisation: during the electroki-
achieved for clayey, low-permeability soils, netic remediation process, gaseous bubbles ŽO 2
whereas for porous, high-permeability soils, such and H 2 . cover the electrodes. These bubbles
as peat, the degree of removal was only 65% are good insulators and reduce the electrical
ŽChilingar et al., 1997.. Laboratory results showed conductivity, subsequently reducing the cur-
that electrokinetic purging of acetate and phenol rent.
from saturated kaoline clay resulted in greater Resistance polarisation: after the electrokinetic
than 94% removal of the initial contaminants. remediation process, a white layer was observed
However, this methodology needs to be further on the cathode surface. This layer may be the
investigated, because phenol has been reported to insoluble salt and other impurities that were
be toxic to humans and the environment. not only attracted to the cathode, but also
inhibited the conductivity, with a subsequent
decrease in current.
3. Removal of metals Concentration polarisation: the Hq ions gener-
ated at the anode are attracted to the cathode
If heavy metal contaminants in the soil are in and the OHy ions generated at the cathode
ionic forms, they are attracted by the static elec- are attracted to the anode. If acid and alkaline
trical force of negatively charged soil colloids. conditions are not neutralised, the current also
The attraction of metal ions to the soil colloids drops.
primarily depends on the soil electronegativity
and the dissociation energy of ions ŽSah and It is possible to conclude that soil containing
Chen, 1998.. If there are appropriate pH condi- heavy metal contaminants influences the conduc-
tions, heavy metals are likely to be adsorbed onto tivity.
the negatively charged soil particles. The main Interaction of the pollutants with the soil also
sorption mechanisms include adsorption andror affects the remediation process. In order to in-
ion exchange. Desorption of cationic species from crease the solubility of complexes formed, or to
clay surfaces is essential in extraction of species improve electromigration characteristics of speci-
from fine-grained deposits with high cation- fic heavy metal contaminants, an enhancement
exchange capacity. solution may be added to the soil matrix.
As Acar and his research group have indicated Sometimes electroosmotic flow rates are too
ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, 1993, 1996; Acar et al., low, and it may be necessary to flush the elec-
1994, 1996., the sorption mechanisms depend on trodes with a cleaning agent, or simply clean tap
the surface charge density of the clay mineral, the water ŽProbstein and Hicks, 1993.. In addition,
characteristics and concentration of the cationic the electrode may be surrounded by ion-exchange
J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121 105

material to trap the contaminant and prevent its to the attraction of charged particles to the
precipitation. It is essential to know the buffering electrodes.
capacity of the soil in order to alter the pH with
suitable solutions or clean water. Many ground- The very questionable concept that removal of
waters contain high concentrations of bicarbon- heavy metals in the direct current field is effective
ates, which consume added hydrogen ions to form was also expressed, because electromigration of
carbonic acid, or hydroxyl ions to form carbonate ions is rapid and does not depend on the zeta
ions. It is vital to draw attention to the limited potential. In order to prove or disapprove this,
solubility of metal carbonates, as well as the need further investigations of this concept should be
for evaluation of sulfide, sulfate, chlor- carried out. Despite some disagreements, it was
ide and ammonia effects, which may occur when agreed that in order to obtain efficient and reli-
these compounds are introduced into the soil able results and control the remediation process,
system during the remediation process ŽProbstein there is a need to provide continuous control of
and Hicks, 1993.. the pH in the vicinity of the electrodes ŽAcar and
New alternatives have been suggested for the Alshawabkeh, 1993, 1996; Acar et al., 1994, 1996;
remediation of heavy metals from soils without Chilingar et al., 1997.. One possible way to achieve
having low pH conditions ŽProbstein and Hicks, this is periodic rinsing of the cathode with fresh
1993.. When the metal enters the region of high water.
pH near the cathode, it may adsorb onto the soil, Experiments have proved that electrical field
precipitate, or form hydroxy complexes. At higher application in situ leads to an increase in temper-
pH values, the solubility increases because of the ature, which in turn reduces the viscosity of hy-
increasing stability of soluble hydroxy complexes. drocarbon-containing fluids ŽChilingar et al.,
Despite favourable soluble complexes, the disso- 1997.. The reduction in fluid viscosity leads to an
lution process may be time-consuming and too increase in the total flow rate.
slow to be successfully implemented. It is reported ŽChilingar et al., 1997. that in
Concerning the process of transport of con- order to accelerate the fluid transport in situ,
taminants and their derivatives, two major pheno- electrical properties of soils, such as electrical
mena were indicated ŽChilingar et al., 1997.: resistivity and the ionisation rate of the flowing
fluids that can affect the total rate flow, should
1. The flow of contaminant solution through a consider. In an applied DC field, some soil types
solid matrix due to Darcy’s law and electroki- showed an increase in their hydraulic permeabil-
netics; and ity, which allows us to conclude that direct cur-
2. Spatial redistribution of dissolved substances rent may accelerate fluid transport. However, this
with respect to the moving liquid due to the method is not applicable to some clays, because
diffusion and migration of charged particles. under the DC field, those clays become amor-
phous. It is possible to avoid such a transforma-
The total movement of the matter of the con- tion if interlayer clay water is trapped and is not
taminant solution in the DC electric field can be able to leave the system.
expressed as the sum of four components From the numerous laboratory and field experi-
ŽChilingar et al., 1997.: ments and studies conducted, it is possible to
conclude that migration rates of heavy metal ions
䢇 The hydrodynamic flow of liquids driven by Ži.e. removal efficiencies . are highly dependent on
the pressure gradient; soil moisture content, soil grain size, ionic mobil-
䢇 The electrokinetic flow of fluids due to inter- ity, pore water amount, current density and con-
action of the double layer with the DC field; taminant concentration ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh,
䢇 The diffusion of components dissolved in the 1993, 1996; Acar et al., 1994, 1996; Chilingar et
flowing solution; and al., 1997; Sah and Chen, 1998.. Also, in order to
䢇 The migration of ions inside moving fluids due assure the efficient and successful heavy metal
106 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

removal from soils, one of the main drawbacks of time to avoid a premature decrease in the
this process must be solved, which is premature electroosmotic transport.
precipitation of metal species close to the cathode 䢇 The cathode reaction should possibly be de-
compartment. polarised to avoid the generation of hydroxide
and its transport into the specimen.
䢇 Depolarisation will decrease the electrical po-
3.1. Limitations of the technique tential difference across the electrodes, which
would result in lower energy consumption.
䢇 If any chemical is used, the precipitate of the
The removal of heavy metals from soils using
metal with the new chemical should be per-
electrokinetic remediation has some limitations,
fectly soluble within the pH range attained.
which have been widely discussed among many
scientists and researchers. For example, the sur- 䢇 Any special chemicals introduced should not
face of the electrode attracts the gas generated result in any increase in toxic residue in the
from the electrolytic dissociation process and in- soil mass.
creases the resistance, which significantly slows 䢇 The cost efficiency of the process should be
down the remediation process ŽSah and Chen, maintained when the cost of enhancement is
1998.. It is obvious that soil resistance is lower in included.
the earlier stages of the electrokinetic process,
and therefore a lower input voltage is required. It is obvious that an enhancement fluid in-
When the electrokinetic process continues, gas creases the efficiency of contaminated soil treat-
bubbles from electrolytic dissociation cover the ment; however, there is a lack of data which
whole cathode surface and the resistance in- would clarify further soil and contaminant inter-
creases. To continue the soil remediation process, actions in the presence of this fluid.
the input voltage must be increased to maintain As a depolariser Ži.e. enhancement fluid. in the
the same current, which also increases the voltage cathode compartment, it is possible to use a low
gradient. OHy ion that are formed react with concentration of hydrochloric or acetic acid ŽAcar
cations and form a sediment, which plugs the and Alshawabkeh, 1993, 1996; Acar et al., 1994,
spacing between soil particles, subsequently hin- 1996.. The main concern with hydrochloric acid
dering the electrical current and decreasing the as the depolariser is that due to electrolysis, the
diffusive flow over time when the voltage is ap- chlorine gas formed may reach the anode, as well
plied ŽSah and Chen, 1998.. as groundwater, and increase its contamination.
Acetic acid is environmentally safe and it does
not fully dissociate. In addition, most acetate salts
3.2. Enhancement and conditioning are soluble, and therefore acetic acid is preferred
in the process.
The anode reaction should also be depolarised,
To overcome the premature precipitation of because of the dissolution and release of silica,
ionic species, Acar and his research group have alumina and heavy metals associated with the clay
recommended using different enhancement tech- mineral sheets over long exposure to protons
niques to remove or to avoid these precipitates in ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, 1993, 1996; Acar et al.,
the cathode compartment. Efficient techniques 1994, 1996..
should have the following characteristics: In order to accomplish both tasks successfully,
it is better to use calcium hydroxide as the en-
䢇 The precipitate should be solubilised andror hancement fluid to depolarise the anode reaction,
precipitation should be avoided. and hydrochloric acid as the enhancement fluid to
䢇 Ionic conductivity across the specimen should depolarise the cathode reaction.
not increase excessively in a short period of The use of an enhancement fluid should be
J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121 107

examined with extreme care to prevent ŽYeung et 1993, 1996; Acar et al., 1994, 1996; Li et al., 1997;
al., 1997.: Li and Neretnieks, 1998; Li and Li, 2000; Yeung
et al., 1997.. However, the latest experimental
䢇 The introduction of a secondary contaminant studies show that it is possible to deal with the
into the subsurface; pH impact ŽLi et al., 1997; Li and Neretnieks,
䢇 The generation of waste products or by-prod- 1998; Li and Li, 2000.. A conductive solution,
ucts as a result of electrochemical reactions; which simulates the groundwater conditions, was
and placed between the cathode and the soil to be
䢇 The injection of an inappropriate enhance- treated. However, the length of conductive solu-
ment fluid that will aggravate the existing con- tion must be at least twice the length of the
tamination problem. treated soil, which may be impossible to imple-
ment at a site. In addition, the solution has to be
placed in a special container, which would sig-
nificantly increase the costs of the overall remedi-
4. Electrokinetic soil remediation processes ation process. The pH buffer capacity, cation
exchange capacity of the medium, and interac-
4.1. Remo¨ al of hea¨ y metals using cation-selecti¨ e tions of the solution with the soil may affect the
membrane speed of the advancement of the acidic and the
basic fronts and the location of the pH jump ŽLi
In alkaline medium, heavy metals are likely to and Li, 2000.. In order to overcome these obsta-
be adsorbed onto the soil particles and form cles, a new method was proposed which should
insoluble precipitates. The high pH region in clos- significantly improve the overall remediation
est proximity to the cathode is the main obstacle process. To reduce the relative length or volume
to heavy metal removal ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, of the water in the system, a cation-selective

Fig. 3. Electrokinetic cell with cation-selective membrane Žadapted from Li and Neretnieks, 1998; Li et al., 1997; Li and Li, 2000..
108 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

membrane is placed in front of the cathode ŽLi et 4.2. Remo¨ al of hea¨ y metals using surfactant-coated
al., 1997; Li and Neretnieks, 1998; Li and Li, ceramic casings
2000. ŽFig. 3..
Due to an applied electric current, ions move For many years, the main emphasis of elec-
to the electrodes, according to their charges. The trokinetic soil remediation was on saturated,
cation-selective membrane, placed between the fine-grained soils and clays, which led to the mis-
soil and cathode, allows cations and very few conception that electrokinetics was not suitable
anions to pass through it. This is why almost all for unsaturated, sandy soils. Laboratory experi-
the hydroxyl ions produced at the cathode remain ments proved that with appropriate technology
on the cathodic side of the membrane. The hy- and well-designed methods, it is possible to reme-
drogen ions generated at the anode move through diate heavy metals from unsaturated and sandy
the soil and into the membrane. The basic front soils ŽMattson and Lindgren, 1995.. The treat-
cannot pass through the membrane, where it ment of unsaturated soils has several limitations.
meets the acidic front. The main pH changes The electrical conductivity of soil depends on the
occur near the membrane ŽLi et al., 1997; Li and moisture content ŽMattson and Lindgren, 1995..
Neretnieks, 1998; Li and Li, 2000.. It is possible During electroosmotic migration through the soil,
that the membrane determines the pH jump and the water content near the anode is reduced. As
may control the cathode solution volume. A the moisture content decreases, the soil conduc-
cation-selective membrane maintains the low soil tivity becomes too low for the electrokinetic re-
pH during the remediation process and signifi- mediation application. In order to control the
cantly reduces the length of the conductive solu- hydraulic flux of water in the treated soil, the use
of porous ceramic castings has been proposed.
tion required. Hence, the proposed electrokinetic
During the application, it should be remembered
cell consist of the treated soil, a conductive solu-
that the direction of electroosmotic flow in porous
tion, which is placed between the soil and the
ceramic media has a strong influence on the
membrane, and the cathode compartment with
amount of water being added to the soil from the
electrolyte solution, which is between the mem-
ceramic castings. Anode ceramic casting would be
brane and cathode. After numerous experiments,
suitable for long-term electrokinetic remediation
it has been observed that the smaller the volume
processes if it was ensured that electroosmotic
of conductive solution, the higher the pH will be flow occurred from the surrounding soil towards
and the larger will be the leakage of the anions the interior of the anode casting ŽMattson and
through it ŽLi et al., 1997; Li and Neretnieks, Lindgren, 1995.. As efficient electrokinetic reme-
1998; Li and Li, 2000.. diation in unsaturated soils depends on the water
However, a small amount of anions passing amount at the anode, there is a necessity to
through the membrane may be favourable for the continuously inject water during the whole reme-
remediation process. Precipitation decreases the diation process. Despite the addition of water, it
remediation time, because this reduces the con- is important to maintain unsaturated conditions
centration of heavy metals in the liquid phase ŽLi in the soil, because excess water may cause satu-
and Li, 2000.. At the same time, back-diffusion of rated conditions and contaminants will be able to
heavy metals is greatly reduced, since the concen- migrate into the deeper layers of the soil.
tration of heavy metals near the membrane does A number of experiments with an anode cer-
not exceed the solubility of the metals. It has amic casting were conducted and it was proved
been proved by experiments that precipitation that it is possible to remove heavy metal contami-
decreases the electrical energy consumption, be- nants from unsaturated, sandy soils using the
cause the potential drop between the electrodes electrokinetic remediation technique ŽMattson
and the remediation time are proportional to the and Lindgren, 1995..
distance between the electrodes ŽLi et al., 1997; First of all a laboratory cell was designed and
Li and Neretnieks, 1998; Li and Li, 2000.. constructed, which consisted of a plastic con-
J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121 109

tainer filled with buffering solution. The polyvinyl zones in close proximity through the whole
chloride plate glued to the bottom of the con- soil matrix by adding sorbents, catalytic
tainer, the porous ceramic castings, woven wire reagents, buffering solutions, oxidising agents,
cathode and graphite anode are shown in Fig. 4. etc.
The most suitable buffering solution for this ex- 䢇 Application of an electric current in order to
periment is a phosphate solution with a pH of 6 transport contaminants into the ‘treatment’
ŽMattson and Lindgren, 1995.. To overcome the zones created.
hydraulic counterflow, the experiment should only
be conducted until the fluid level difference The LasagnaTM process has several advantages
between the inner and outer reservoirs becomes in comparison to other techniques. First, it is
) 1 cm ŽMattson and Lindgren, 1995.. possible to recycle the cathode effluent by aiming
After laboratory experiments, a number of field it back to the anode compartment, which would
studies were conducted and the initial results favour neutralising of the pH and simplify water
obtained are very promising. It is possible to state management. In addition, the fluid flow may be
that the use of anode ceramic casting may sig- reversed by simply switching the polarity ŽHo et
nificantly improve the application of electroki- al., 1999.. The switching of polarity promotes
netic remediation in unsaturated soil media. multiple contaminant passes through the ‘treat-
4.3. LasagnaT M process ment’ zones and helps to diminish the possibility
of non-uniform potential and pH jumps in the soil
In 1995, a novel integrated method for in situ system.
electrokinetic remediation of soils, called Two schematic LasagnaTM model configura-
LasagnaTM , was developed and implemented at tions were suggested: horizontal ŽFig. 5. and verti-
the Paducah site, in Kentucky, USA. This tech- cal ŽHo et al., 1999..
nology is useful for removing heavy metal con- The process was called ‘Lasagna’ due to the
taminants from heterogeneous, low-permeability layering of treatment zones between the elec-
soils ŽHo et al., 1997, 1999.. trodes. The formation of horizontal fractures in
In brief, the LasagnaTM process contains the over-consolidating clays due to the horizontal
following concepts: electrodes and vertical pressuring system make
this method especially effective in removing con-
䢇 The creation of several permeable ‘treatment’ taminants from deeper layers of the soil ŽHo et

Fig. 4. Electrokinetic cell with ceramic castings ŽMattson and Lindgren, 1995..
110 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

Fig. 5. Horizontal LasagnaTM configuration Žadapted from Ho et al., 1999..

al., 1999.. In addition, for shallow contamination nants in clay and laden soils, but additional exper-
which does not exceed 15 m and in not over-con- iments and studies should be conducted in order
solidated soils, the vertical treatment configura- to assure that the treatment process is compatible
tion is more appropriate ŽHo et al., 1997. ŽFig. 6.. for individual contaminants. In addition, one of
According to laboratory experiments and the biggest technology drawbacks is the entrap-
promising pilot-scale studies at the Paducah site ment of gases formed by electrolysis and the
in Kentucky, LasagnaTM technology may become assurance of good electrical contact to the elec-
one of the most widely used electrokinetic reme- trodes. To increase the LasagnaTM process effi-
diation technologies for removing heavy metal ciency, there were attempts to implement biore-
contaminants from various soils. Nevertheless, mediation in ‘treatment’ zones. It is believed that
there are several technological and other limita- bioremediation together with electrokinetic reme-
tions, which should be improved for future stud- diation may significantly increase the overall re-
ies. It is obvious that LasagnaTM technology is moval of heavy metals, as well as other contami-
potentially capable of treating multiple contami- nants, from clays and other soils.

4.4. Electro-KleanT M electrical separation

Electro-KleanTM technology is applied in situ,

as well as ex situ, in Louisiana, USA. This is a
new methodology, which is used to remove heavy
metals, radionuclides and specific volatile organic
contaminants from saturated and unsaturated
sands, silts, fine-grained clays and sediments. This
technology uses two electrodes to apply DC di-
rectly into the contaminated soil mass Žvan
Cauwenberghe, 1997.. In order to improve the
remediation efficiency, enhancement fluids,
Fig. 6. Vertical LasagnaTM configuration Žadapted from Ho et mostly acids, are added into the soil. The main
al., 1997.. limitation of this technique is the high buffering
J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121 111

capacity of the soils and different coexisting by-products may significantly inhibit the bioreme-
chemicals and their concentrations. diation rates.

4.5. Electrokinetic bioremediation 4.6. Electrochemical geooxidation

Electrokinetic bioremediation technology is de- Electrochemical geooxidation is used in Ger-

signed to activate microbes and other micro- many to remediate soil and water contaminated
organisms present in soils by the use of selected with organic and inorganic compounds Žvan
nutrients to promote the growth, reproduction Cauwenberghe, 1997.. The in situ process in-
and metabolism of micro-organisms capable of volves the application of an electrical current to
transforming organic contaminants in soil Žvan probes driven into the ground. The applied cur-
Cauwenberghe, 1997.. Nutrients reach the or- rent creates favourable conditions for oxidation᎐
ganic contaminants by specially applied bioelec- reduction reactions, which lead to the immobilisa-
tric technology. It is believed that this technology tion of inorganic contaminants in the soil or
may be very successful in the future, because it groundwater matrix between the electrode loca-
does not require an external microbial population tions. The main advantage of this technology is
to be added into the soil system. In addition, that there is no need to use catalysts for the
nutrients may be uniformly dispersed over the oxidation᎐reduction reactions, because in almost
contaminated soil or directed to a specific loca- all soils, natural catalysts, such as iron, magne-
tion Žvan Cauwenberghe, 1997. and the method sium, titanium and elemental carbon, are present.
avoids the problems associated with transport of The limitations of this technology are the very
micro-organisms through fine-grained soils ŽFig. long remediation time and the lack of proven
7.. results.
Despite promising results, this technology has
some major limitations. Sometimes the concen- 4.7. Electrochemical ion exchange
tration of organic pollutant exceeds the toxic limit
for the microbial population and micro-organisms This technology employs a series of electrodes,
die. Simultaneous bioremediation of various or- placed in porous castings, which are supplied with
ganic contaminants may produce by-products, circulating electrolytes. During the remediation
which are highly toxic to micro-organisms. Those process, ion contaminants are captured in these

Fig. 7. Electrokinetic bioremediation Žaccording to Thevanayagam and Rishindran, 1998..

112 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

electrolytes and pumped to the surface, where Cd between electrified vs. non-electrified soil
they are passed through an electrochemical ion samples under different times, locations and solu-
exchanger Žvan Cauwenberghe, 1997.. This tion types, it is important to use heavy metal
method is used to remove heavy metals, halides formal analysis ŽSah and Chen, 1998.. Also, due
and specific organic species from different types to varying stability of different heavy metals in
of soils. The most important limitation of this the soil, there is a necessity to determine ap-
technology is that it is a very expensive procedure propriate application times for electrokinetic re-
for cleaning effluents containing low levels of mediation and the pH of the soil.
contaminants. Experiments conducted show that Pb-con-
taminated soil is usually quite difficult to remedi-
4.8. ElectrosorbT M ate. However, high removal rates for Pb, as well
as Cd, were obtained in experiments where HCl
Electrosorb TM technology is mostly used in solution was used ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, 1993;
Louisiana, USA, and uses cylindrical electrodes Sah and Chen, 1998..
coated with a specially designed polymer mate- If the environment near the cathode is basic, it
rial. This polymer is impregnated with pH-regu- may favour the formation of the insoluble hydrox-
lating chemicals in order to prevent pH jumps ide CdŽOH. 2 . However, this Cd species may not
ŽReddy and Chinthamreddy, 1999.. During the be mobile under advective flow ŽAcar and Al-
remediation process, electrodes are placed in shawabkeh, 1993, 1996; Acar et al., 1994, 1996..
boreholes in the soil and direct current is applied. In order to improve the removal rates of
Ions move through the pore water to the elec- cadmium and lead from soils, the following pro-
trode, where they are trapped in the electrode posals should be considered ŽSah and Chen, 1998.:
polymer matrix. Although there are no indica-
tions of the limitations of the technique proposed, 䢇 Experiments showed that soil could absorb
it is believed that in order to be commercially more Pb than Cd, which should be taken into
available, it should be further investigated. consideration in further laboratory experi-
ments, as well as pilot-scale studies.
䢇 Cd-spiked samples have revealed a higher cur-
5. Remediation of specific heavy metal rent density than Pb-spiked samples during
contamination the remediation process. A thin, white oxidant
film was found on the cathode, which reduced
As the heavy metal contaminants in a soil and the conductivity and removal efficiency of
solution primarily exist in the form of salts and metals. Thus, an enhancement fluid should be
ions, the potential of an electrokinetic remedia- added at the electrodes, or the electrodes
tion technique depends on the quantity of those must be cleaned regularly during the applica-
compounds. tion.
䢇 The use of HCl acid increased the removal
5.1. Remo¨ al of cadmium and lead rates of lead and cadmium. In order to achieve
optimal removal results, acid solution has to
Under alkaline conditions, cadmium and lead be added to the soil solution.
in the soil may become sediments of hydroxides
wCdŽOH. 2 , PbŽOH. 2 x and carbonates ŽCdO3 ,
PbCO 3 .. Soil pH determines the concentrations 5.1.1. Lead migration in soils
of hydroxide and carbonate in the soil solution, Cationic heavy metals, such as Pb, are most
which play a crucial role in the formation of soluble at a low pH. As the Hq produced at the
heavy metal complexes in soil ŽSah and Chen, anode moves across the soil sample, cationic met-
1998.. als which were sorbed or precipitated onto the
In order to understand the migration of Pb and soil particles are, in many cases, solubilised and
J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121 113

may be able to undergo transport by diffusion, as Hqq eyª Ž 1r2. H 2

well as via electrokinetic remediation processes,
such as advection by electroosmotic flow and
electrolytic migration. Diffusion and electrolytic Cd 2qq 2eyª Cd 0
migration of OHy ions produced at the cathode
increase the pH of the system near the cathode
and may precipitate desorbed ions ŽViadero et al., Cd Ž OH. 2 Ž s . q 2eyª Cd 0 q 2OHy Ž3.
1998.. This is shown schematically in Fig. 8.
Experiments showed that at a pH above 4᎐4.5, When the current density is greater than 5
lead was either adsorbed onto the soil andror mArcm2 , secondary temperature effects are re-
precipitated as PbŽOH. 2 Žs., which reduced the ported to decrease the efficiency of electro-
conductivity of the soil by removing cations from osmotic flow ŽHansen et al., 1997..
the liquid ŽViadero et al., 1998.. At high pH, most
of the lead is retained in hydroxide and carbonate
phases. 5.2. Remo¨ al of arsenic and chromium

5.1.2. Cadmium migration in soils

When the initial pH is low, the conductivity of The main substance used for desorbing cationic
the medium is high, and very low electrical poten- species is hydronium ions H 3 Oq produced at the
tial gradients are initially generated across the anode during the electrolysis process. However,
specimen ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, 1993, 1996; there are several major drawbacks of this process:
Acar et al., 1994, 1996; Probstein and Hicks, it induces a dissolution of major soil components,
1993; Mattson and Lindgren, 1995; Sah and Chen, such as carbonates, as well as oxides ŽFe, Mg.
1998; Viadero et al., 1998.. when strongly acidified ŽHecho et al., 1998..
Numerous experiments have been conducted to Anionic species are removed by the hydroxide
remove cadmium from kaolin. In kaolin, without ions generated at the cathode. It is necessary to
the addition of a reducing agent and in the pres- add an anionic oxidising agent, which would mi-
ence of humic acid and ferrous iron, low pH grate to the anode through the soil matrix ŽHecho
conditions exists throughout most of the soil, ex- et al., 1998.. ChromiumŽIII. can be oxidised into
cept near the cathode. As low pH conditions CrŽVI. as anionic species, which can be desorbed
favours the dissolution of Cd species, cadmium is in alkaline medium. This method is useless with
transported to the cathode compartment arsenic, because all soluble arsenic species are
ŽPamukcu, 1997.. Low-concentration Cd speci- anionic above pH 9 and arsenic ŽV. is more
mens exhibit a larger influx of water than high Cd strongly sorbed that arsenic ŽIII..
concentration specimens for the same level of In order to remove chromium from soils, it is
electricity ŽPamukcu, 1997.. necessary to oxidise CrŽIII. first to chromiumŽVI.,

Fig. 8. Lead removal from soils Žaccording to 29..

114 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

which is anionic. The removal of arsenic is not as shawabkeh, 1993, 1996; Acar et al., 1994, 1996;
complicated as that of chromium. The literature Reddy et al., 1997, 1999; Reddy and Chintham-
indicates that arsenic ŽIII. is more soluble than reddy, 1999; Sah and Chen, 1998.. If reducing
arsenic ŽV., so the use of an oxidising agent does agents, such as organic matter, sulfides or ferrous
not seem useful. iron, are present in natural soils, CrŽVI. is likely
Two alkaline reagents, i.e. sodium carbonate to be reduced to CrŽIII., which may significantly
and sodium hydroxide, are used to enhance the affect the electrokinetic migration of chromium,
remediation process ŽReddy and Chinthamreddy, as well as the migration of co-existing metals
1999.. Earlier, two alternatives, i.e. hydrogen per- such, as NiŽII. and CdŽII. ŽReddy et al., 1997,
oxide and sodium hypochlorite, were used as oxi- 1999; Reddy and Chinthamreddy, 1999..
dising agents. However, experiments proved that As chromium species favour alkaline conditions
hydrogen peroxide tends to reduce very rapidly in in soils, an alkaline reagent must be injected into
the soil, and only hypochlorite was used for fur- the soil system in order to neutralise H 3 Oq ions.
ther laboratory and pilot studies ŽHansen et al., In order to enhance the electrokinetic remedia-
1997; Hecho et al., 1998.. tion application, an oxidising agent ᎏ sodium
hypochlorite ᎏ needs to be injected at the cath-
5.2.1. Chromium migration ode compartment ŽReddy et al., 1999.. Hypochlo-
Chromium can exist in valence states ranging rite ions can migrate towards the anode and oxi-
from y2 to q6; however, q3 and q6 are the dise trivalent chromium to hexavalent chromium,
only two valence states that prevail under subsur- which in turn migrates towards the anode.
face conditions ŽReddy et al., 1997, 1999; Reddy After close investigation of the effects of reduc-
and C hintham reddy, 1999 . . H exavalent ing agents on chromium species migration, it was
chromiumŽVI. is highly mobile and toxic in com- observed that when the chromate front meets the
parison to CrŽIII.. CrŽVI. exists as anions, speci- anodic reaction product Fe 2q in a region adjacent
fically hydrochromate ŽHCrO4y ., dichromate to the anode, it reacts to form Cr 3q and Fe 3q
ŽCr2 O 72y . and chromate ŽCrO42y ., and will mi- species:
grate towards the anode during the electrokinetic
remediation process. On the other hand, CrŽIII. Fe 2qq Cr 6qm Fe 3qq Cr 3q Ž4.
exists as a cation Cr 3q and may form cationic,
neutral and anionic hydroxy complexes, specifi- Thus, further migration of chromate is inhib-
cally CrŽOH. 2q, CrŽOH.q .y ited due to redox reactions with ferrous ions
2 , Cr OH 3 , Cr OH 4
Ž . Ž
and CrŽOH.5 . CrŽIII. may also exist as other ŽHaran et al., 1996.. CrŽIII. is immobilised in
cationic, neutral and anionic inorganic and or- sand due to the formation of complex sulfates
ganic complexes, depending on the ligands pre- and hydroxides. When the pH is increased, CrŽIII.
sent ŽReddy and Chinthamreddy, 1999.. is likely to be precipitated as chromic hydroxide:
In acidic regions and at relatively low redox
potentials, CrŽIII. exists as Cr 3q and forms Cr 3qq 3OHyª Cr Ž OH. 3 Ž5.
cationic complexes CrŽOH. 2q. Being positively The reduction reaction is controlled by two im-
charged, CrŽOH.q 2 will migrate towards the cath- portant factors, the amount of FeŽII. in the sand
ode during the electrokinetic remediation process. and the soil pH ŽHaran et al., 1996.:
CrŽIII. precipitates as its hydroxide wCrŽOH. 3 x
between pH 6.8 and 11.3, while at higher pH Fe m Fe 2qq 2ey Ž6.
values, CrŽIII. may form anionic hydroxy com-
plexes wCrŽOH.y 4 and Cr OH 5
Ž . 2y x ŽReddy et al., CrŽVI. exists predominantly as HCrO4y at low pH
1997, 1999; Reddy and Chinthamreddy, 1999.. and as CrO42y at high pH in solution ŽReddy et
The removal of chromium from soils by elec- al., 1997.:
trokinetic remediation is highly efficient if the
chromium exists as CrŽVI. ŽAcar and Al- SᎏOH s SᎏOyq Hq Ž 7.1.
J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121 115

SᎏOH q Hqs SᎏOHq

Ž 7.2. ity to neutralise Hq ions generated, and block
development of an acidic pH environment near
the anode. The adsorption of HCrO4y onto the
SᎏOyq Mqs SᎏOM Ž 7.3.
soils is significant, but the adsorption of CrO42y is
negligible ŽReddy et al., 1999.. It is obvious that
SᎏOHq y
2 q L s SᎏOH 2 L
Ž 7.4. high pH in glacial till causes all CrŽVI. to exist as
CrO42y, which therefore results in low adsorption
where S᎐OH represents a typical surface functio- of species onto the soil. Soluble CrO42y ions are
nal group, and Mq and Ly represent a cation and transported to the anode by electromigration.
anion, respectively. The possibility of CrŽVI. conversion to CrŽIII.
These complexation reactions are highly pH- was evaluated ŽReddy et al., 1997, 1999.. It was
dependent, because the extent of surface depro- proved that without reducing agents in the soil,
tonation ŽSogorka et al., 1998. and protonation significant CrŽVI. reduction to CrŽIII. would not
reactions ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, 1993. is con- occur.
trolled by the solution pH ŽReddy et al., 1999.. Iron deposits of hematite, pyrite and goethite
occur in abundance in natural soils. When there
5.2.2. Chromium remo¨ al from different soils are slightly alkaline conditions in glacial till,
Different experiments were conducted to ob- CrŽVI. exists predominantly in the form of CrO42y,
tain results for chromium removal efficiency from and it is reported in the literature that CrO42y
several types of naturally occurring soils, such as adsorption onto Fe 2 O 3 is significant. In addition,
kaolin and glacial till ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, hematite may react with constituents of glacial
1993; Mattson and Lindgren, 1995; Reddy et al., till, which may favour further removal of CrŽVI.
1997, 1999; Reddy and Chinthamreddy, 1999; Sah in the pore water ŽReddy et al., 1997..
and Chen, 1998..
The presence of reducing agent in soils, such as Kaolin. A distinct pH gradient developed
humic acid, did not retard the chromium migra- in kaolin causes CrŽVI. to exist as both CrO42y
tion, either in kaolin or in glacial till; actually, it and HCrO4y species ŽReddy and Chinthamreddy,
enhanced chromium migration towards the anode 1999.. In addition, alkaline conditions near the
ŽReddy and Chinthamreddy, 1999.. On the other cathode favour the existence of CrŽVI. in the
hand, ferrous iron, another reducing agent natu- form of CrO42y, which does not adsorb to the soil,
rally present in soils, showed moderate retarda- and therefore most CrŽVI. exists in solution and
tion of chromium migration. Finally, the presence migrates toward the anode. On the other hand,
of sulfides showed the highest rate of retardation CrO42y ions enter an acidic region near the anode,
of chromium species migration towards the anode. which favours the formation of HCrO4y ions. As
It is possible to conclude that when a reducing mentioned earlier, HCrO4y adsorbs significantly
agent was present, higher CrŽIII. concentrations to the soil, which retards CrŽVI. migration.
were observed near the anode. On the other
hand, the reduced CrŽIII. tends to migrate to- 5.2.3. Arsenic migration and remo¨ al
wards the cathode, resulting in high CrŽIII. con- In alkaline conditions, arsenic species do not
centrations in the section near the anode. CrŽVI. demonstrate well-expressed adsorption, although
adsorption onto soil decreases with an increase in AsŽV. is usually more strongly adsorbed than
soil pH ŽReddy et al., 1997.. AsŽIII.. It is indicated that alkaline conditions
favour arsenic electromigration, although it is very Glacial till. Glacial till has high buffering slow and time-consuming ŽAcar and Al-
capacity because of the presence of carbonates in shawabkeh, 1993; Acar et al., 1996; Mattson and
this soil. It is reported that there are no traces of Lindgren, 1995; Haran et al., 1996; Sah and Chen,
acid front formation in glacial till ŽReddy and 1998; Viadero et al., 1998.. In order to enhance
Chinthamreddy, 1999.. Carbonates have the abil- the electromigration process, sodium hypochlorite
116 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

is introduced into the process. To achieve the tion, if an excess of Cly is present under aerobic
process efficiency desired and improve the system conditions ŽCox et al., 1996.:
performance, it is necessary to inject an enhance-
ment solution directly into the cathodic compart- O 2 q 2Hgq 8Clyq 2H 2 O ª 2HgCl 2y
4 q 4OH

ment ŽReddy et al., 1997, 1999; Reddy and Ž9.

Chinthamreddy, 1999..
Mercury removal may be more efficient if chlo-
ride or another suitable component is added to
5.3. Remo¨ al of mercury the soil system ŽHansen et al., 1997.. Additional
chloride ions are able to mobilise the mercury,
forming complex ions which are easily transported
Electrokinetic remediation of Hg-contaminated out from the soil by electromigration. For in-
soils is very difficult because of the low solubility stance, hypochlorite may be a suitable compound,
of Hg in most natural soils. The predominant which oxidises metallic mercury, forming HgCl 2y
4 :
species of insoluble Hg in the soils are HgS, HgŽI.
and Hg 2 Cl 2 ŽCox et al., 1996.. Several years ago, HOCl q Hgq 3Clyª HgCl 2y
4 q OH
y Ž 10.
a new method for Hg removal from soils was
Although some promising results have been
introduced. It uses an I 2rIy lixiviant solution to
demonstrated, this method has several major
solubilise Hg from contaminated solids. Oxidation
drawbacks. First, in the presence of any organic
of reduced insoluble Hg by I 2 releases HgŽII.,
matter, hypochlorite may form toxic, halogenated
which is complexed as soluble HgI 2y 4 and Hg ions
organic compounds, which are dangerous for hu-
are ready to migrate through the soil towards the mans and may severely harm the environment. In
anode and be removed ŽCox et al., 1996.: addition, if not removed before the electrokinetic
remediation process begins, metallic mercury
HgSq I 2 q 2Iym HgI 2y
4 q SŽoxidised. would inhibit the overall remediation process due
to its electric conductivity.

Hg Ž I . q I 2 q 2Iym HgI 2y
5.4. Remo¨ al of zinc and copper

All calcium and magnesium should be removed

HgOq 4Iym HgI 2y
4 qO
2y Ž8. before removal of zinc is initiated. The use of
enhancing solutions, such as sodium acetate, in-
creases the removal efficiency for metal ions, as
Once solubilised, Hg is able to migrate through well as reduces the process time. It is obvious that
the soil and be removed. the cations with lower interaction energy will be
It should be mentioned that iodide solution removed first and will be followed by cations with
and I 2 crystals introduced near the cathode react higher interaction energy.
to form Iy3 complex. Reduced forms of insoluble After the number of experiments, the sequence
Hg can be oxidised by either I 2 or Iy 3 ; however, of heavy metal removal from soils using sodium
transport of oxidant through the soil is dependent acetate as enhancement fluid was proposed ŽCox
on the electromigration of the Iy 3 anion. The et al., 1996.: Ni 2qf Cd 2q) Ca2q) Cr ) Zn2q)
HgI 2y
4 complex formed via reactions with lixiviant Kqf Mg 2q) Cu 2q) Pb 2q.
solution is removed from the soil by electromigra- Also, several experiments were conducted with
tion towards the anode. distilled water as the enhancement fluid and the
A pH jump was observed during the electroki- following results were observed ŽCox et al., 1996..
netic remediation process. It is believed that this Ca2q, Mg 2q, Zn2q, Kq and Pb 2q percentage
pH increase may be caused by the following reac- removal efficiencies were low and sometimes close
J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121 117

Fig. 9. Electrokinetic cell for copper removal from soils Žadapted from Cox et al., 1996..

to zero. Only Ni 2q and Cr had removal efficien- strontium, since it will remain a divalent ion, even
cies quantified as medium᎐high. at high pH ŽPamukcu, 1997..
A schematic electrolytic cell for the removal of In alkaline solution, the predominant species of
copper from contaminated soil was proposed by Co 2q are either positively charged ions or hydrox-
Cox et al. Ž1996. ŽFig. 9.. ide CoŽOH. 2 salts. It is apparent that at high pH,
The electrolytic cell is divided into three parts cobalt tends not to precipitate onto soil particles,
and the contaminated soil and electrodes are and may therefore be removed.
separated by anionic and cationic exchange mem- According to the experiments, if Ca2q ions are
branes. The anode and cathode compartments removed first, then Zn2q follow, and finally Cu2q
contain electrolyte solution at constant pH 3. and Pb 2q ions are removed ŽHansen et al., 1997;
A low pH value was maintained to keep copper Hecho et al., 1998.. In order to mobilise contami-
dissolved in the soil, thus making migration to- nants, energy may be wasted in dissolving lime
wards the cathode and subsequent removal from and carrying harmless Ca2q ions out of the soil. It
the soil feasible. Despite the fact that almost all is obvious that further research concerning other
of the copper was found in the cathode compart- suitable soil pre-treatment methods to mobilise
ment, a certain amount was found in the anion contaminants need to be investigated and carried
membrane. It was also suggested that copper out ŽHansen et al., 1997; Hecho et al., 1998;
found in the anionic membrane may be due to its Viadero et al., 1998..
capability of forming complexes with different
ligands present in soils ŽRibeiro et al., 1997..
6. Heavy metal removal efficiency from
5.5. Other metals contaminated soils

Strontium remains as a divalent ion over a Electrokinetic remediation techniques have de-
large pH range. The cathode should not affect monstrated 85᎐95% efficiency in removing ar-
Table 1
Heavy metal removal efficiency from selective contaminated soils using the electrokinetic remediation technique Žadapted from
Lageman, 1993; Sengupta, 1995.

Soil Metal removal efficiency Ž%.

Cd Cr Ni Pb Hg Cu Zn As Co Sr

Agrillaceous sand
River mud 50 64 91 54 60 71 94 66 ᎐ ᎐
Kaolinite 94.6 93.1 88.4 69 26.5 ᎐ 54.6 54.7 92.2 97.8
Kaolinite and 92.7 97.6 93.9 66.9 42.5 ᎐ 36.3 27.2 95.9 96
humic substances
Montmorillonite 86.6 93.5 93.6 ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ 64.4 64.3 89.4 92.3
Clayey sand 98 96.8 95.9 83 78.3 ᎐ 54.5 54.7 97.5 99
118 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

senic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, mercury, trodes was 1᎐1.5 m, the total removal of heavy
nickel, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, antimony metals from contaminated soil would require ap-
and lead from low-permeability soils, i.e. clay, proximately 500 kW hrm3 of energy. Energy ex-
peat, kaolinite, high-purity fine quartz, Na and penditure is directly proportional to the complete
sand᎐montmorillonite mixtures, as well as from removal of contaminants from soil, i.e. remedia-
agrillaceous sand ŽYeung et al., 1997.. In addi- tion time Žvan Cauwenberghe, 1997.. The total
tion, highest removal efficiencies, i.e. more than energy consumption can be lowered if appropri-
90% of heavy metals, were obtained in kaolinite ate cathodic polarisation techniques are used
ŽPamukcu and Wittle, 1992.. However, for porous, ŽAcar and Alshawabkeh, 1997; Li and Li, 2000..
high-permeability soils, such as peat and river The migration rate of contaminants through the
sediment, the removal efficiency was approxi- soil matrix is approximately 2᎐3 cmrday. If the
mately 65% ŽChilingar et al., 1997.. distance between the electrodes is 2᎐3 m, the
A low pH profile in fine-grained soils may time frame for successful remediation would be
contribute to higher efficiency for metallic con- more than 100 days Žvan Cauwenberghe, 1997..
taminant removal. In addition, the low acidrbase However, the use of a cation-selective membrane
buffering capacity of kaolinite also contributes to reduces the remediation period to 10᎐20 days.
the higher heavy-metal removal efficiency for this The situation with in situ experiments is slightly
type of soil ŽHamed et al., 1991; Hicks and Ton- different. The main parameters that influence the
dorf, 1994.. Soils with a high content of humic overall process cost are as follows:
substances have higher cation exchange and buf-
fering capacity, which is why electrokinetic reme- 䢇 Soil properties;
diation efficiencies may decrease ŽTable 1.. 䢇 Depth of contamination;
It is very important to improve the removal
䢇 Cost of accommodating electrodes and placing
efficiency of heavy metals from high sorption-
treatment zones;
capacity clays, such as illitic mixture, i.e. synclays.
䢇 Clean-up time; and
Despite all the earlier accomplishments, elec-
䢇 Cost of labour and electrical power.
trokinetic remediation of such soils still requires
higher current density, remediation time, energy
expenditure and costs in comparison to kaolinite In order to avoid soil overheating and shorten the
ŽPuppala et al., 1997.. required time frame, the cost-optimised distance
between electrodes needs to be maintained at
3᎐6 m for most soils ŽLageman, 1993; Ho et al.,
7. Cost–benefit analysis 1997, 1999.. Electrode construction costs account
for up to 40% of the overall remediation costs.
There are several factors that influence the Other expenses are ŽHo et al., 1997.:
cost of the electrokinetic remediation process.
These are as follows Žvan Cauwenberghe, 1997.: 䢇 10᎐15% for electricity;
䢇 17% for labour;
䢇 Soil characteristics and moisture content; 䢇 17% for materials; and
䢇 Contaminant concentrations; 䢇 Up to 16% for licenses and other fixed costs.
䢇 Concentrations of non-target ions and con-
ductivity of the pore water; The first in situ electrokinetic remediation
䢇 Depth of the remediated soil; technique implemented, the LasagnaTM process,
䢇 Site preparation requirements; and has reduced the clean-up time and power input
䢇 Electricity and labour costs. required, as well as the total costs, by inserting
treatment zones between the electrodes. Treat-
During numerous laboratory experiments, it was ment zones diminish the need for above-ground
determined that if the distance between elec- waste handling and are cheaper to implement
J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121 119

Table 2
Cost᎐benefit analysis of selected techniques

Technique Costs Remarks

TM 3
Lasagna 50᎐120 $USDrm Mandrelrtremie-tube method of
approximately Emplacement will be used instead
Žover 3 years. of earlier proposed steel plate
Electrodes with wick drains
and carbon-filled treatment zone
Soil heatingrvapour extraction 65᎐123 US$ryd3
Chemical oxidation 130᎐200 US$rm3 Technique was mostly used
Žwith potassium permanganate to remove DNAPLs in situ
or hydrogen peroxide.

than electrodes ŽHo et al., 1997.. Ho et al. Ž1997. 䢇 Electrokinetics is most effective in clay, be-
have presented a comparison of the cost᎐benefit cause it has a negative surface charge, and in
analysis for selected techniques, which is shown soils with low hydraulic conductivity.
in Table 2. 䢇 Electrokinetics is potentially effective in both
saturated and unsaturated soils.
䢇 Electrokinetics is able to treat both organic
8. Conclusions and inorganic contaminants, such as heavy
Electrokinetic soil remediation is an emerging metals, nitrates, etc.
in situ technology with demonstrated efficiency to 䢇 Electrokinetics demonstrated the ability to re-
remediate fine-grained soils, and especially to re- move contaminants from heterogeneous natu-
move heavy metals from the soil matrix ŽTable 3.. ral deposits.
According to that stated in the articles re- 䢇 Good cost effectiveness.
viewed, it is possible to draw the following conclu-
sions on the main advantages of this technique: Despite all the advantages, this technique has
some limitations, which are:
䢇 Electrokinetics is very targetable to any speci-
fic location, because treatment of the soil oc- 䢇 The solubility of the contaminant is highly
curs only between two electrodes. dependent on the soil pH conditions.
䢇 Electrokinetics is able to treat contaminated 䢇 The necessity to apply enhancing solution.
soil without excavation being necessary. 䢇 When higher voltage is applied to the soil, the
Table 3
Conclusions on heavy metal removal from contaminated soils

Metal Remarks

Lead and Successful removal is obtained only under acidic conditions

Cadmium High removal rates were achieved with the use of HCl solution
Chromium Significant part of CrŽVI. is reduced to CrŽIII. if there are sulfides or other
reducing agents present in the soil
Low chromium migration was observed in the soil in the presence of sulfides
and no retardation in the soil with humic acid
Arsenic Sufficient arsenic removal is achieved only in alkaline conditions
Migration of arsenic is accelerated by an oxidising agent
Mercury Efficient mercury removal is achieved using I2 rIy lixiviant solution
Higher removal efficiency is obtained using chloride or other suitable
component added to the soil
120 J. Virkutyte et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 289 (2002) 97᎐121

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