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Indirect/ Reported speech

- kada zelimo da ponovimo/kazemo nekom sta je neko drugi rekao postoje dva nacina: Tom: Im feeling good. direktan govor: Tom said Im feeling good. ili reported speech: Tom said (that) he was feeling good. - kada koristimo reported speech, obicno govorimo o proslosti, zato se glagoli menjaju u proslo vreme. - Indirektan govor predstavlja potpuno isto znacenje onoga sto je neko rekao ali ne potpuno istim recima. - U indirektnom govoru koristimo ili rec that posle uvidne reci (say, tell, ask) a moze se i izostaviti. - U indirektnom govoru se menjaju licne/posesivne zamenice i posesivni pridevi,prema znacenju recenice I cant find your book, said Sue to me. Sue told me (that) she couldnt find my book. SAY/TELL say bez licnog objekta(personal object): She said, I like pizza.-- She said (that) she liked pizza. say+to+licni objekat : She said to me: We can work together. She said (that) we could work together. tell+ licni objekat: She told me, We can work together She told me (that) we can work together. Izrazi sa say i tell: say: good morning/afternoon, something/nothing, a prayer, so, a few words tell:the truth,a lie,a secret,a story,a joke,the time,the difference,sb ones name,sb the way,one from another ask: a question, a favour, the price, after sb, for something/somebody - ako kazemo kome govorimo koristimo tell, inace se koristi say: Tom told me (that) he liked Katie Tom said (that) he liked Katie. - ne moze se reci: Tom told about his trip to India. vec:Tom told us (me/them/Ann) about his trip to India. ili ako se ne kaze ko je nesto rekao, moze se reci: Tom talked/spoked about his trip to India. - u indirektnom govoru takodje se moze koristiti infinitiv (to do/ to stay) posebno sa gl. say i tell, za naredjenja I zahteve*: Stay in bed for a few days, the doctor said to me.- The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
said je takodje moguce sa infinitivom: The doctor said to stay in bed for a few days.

obicno je bolje koristiti preciznije reporting reci od say i tell kada prebacujemo (obicno neformalan) direktan govor u (obicno formalniji) indirektni govor, kao: advise,apologize,congratulate,promise,remind Reported statements: -Vreme gl. i vremenski izrazi u indirektnom govoru se menjaju kada je uvodni gl. u proslom vremenu: present simple past simple: Mum said, Tom needs a new car. - Mum said (that) Tom needed a new car. present continuous past continuous: She said,He is paying the bill. - She said (that) he was paying the bill. present perfect past perfect: I havent seen Jill for awhile,Mary said. - Mary said (that) she hadnt seen Jill for a while. past simple past simple/ past perfect: She left for school, dad said. Dad said (that) she left/had left for school. past continuous past continuous/ past perfect continuous: I was cooking at 2 oclock yesterday, she said. She said (that) she was cooking/had been cooking at 2 oclock the day before. future (will) conditional (would): He will stay for dinner, she said. She said (that) he would stay for dinner. *past perfect i past perfect continuous ostaju isti! 1

Vremenski izrazi: nowthen,at that time,immediately /today,tonightthat day,that night /this weekthat week/herethere yesterdaythe day before,the previous day / tomorrowthe next day,the following day / agobefore last weekthe week before,the previous week/next weekthe week after,the following week/ comego - kada this/these se koriste u vremenskim izrazima menjaju se u that/ those: this week that week, these days those days - a kada se this/these/ that/ those ne koriste u vremenskim izrazima menjaju se na sledeci nacin: a) menjaju se u the kada se koriste kao pridevi tj. kada su praceni imenicom: This seat is taken, she told me. She told me (that) the seat was taken. b) menjaju se u it ili they/them kada se koriste kao zamenice tj. kada nisu pracene imenicom: This is an unusual design, she said. She said (that) it was an unusual design. 1. Vreme glagola i vremenski izrazi se menjaju kada: a) Saopstavamo necije reci dugo vremena nakon sto si izrecene (out-of-date reporting): Im hungry, he said. --- He said (that) he was hungry. b) smatramo da to sto je neko rekao nije tacno/istina: Greece is hotter than Egypt.--- He said (that) Greece was hotter than Egypt. 2. Vreme glagola moze da se promeni ali i da ostane kada: a) Saopstavamo necije reci kratko nakon sto su izgovorene (up-to-date reporting): She said, He is very kind.--- She said (that) he is/was very kind. b) Saopstavamo generalnu istinu ili prirodne zakone: Water boils at 100 C,the teacher said. -- The teacher said (that) water boils/boiled at 100C. c) Saopstavamo nesto sto smatramo da je jos uvek tacno odn. kada postoji razlika izmedju onoga sto je receno I sta je stvarno tacno: Tom said New York is bigger than London. Tom said (that) New York is/was bigger than London. 3. Vreme glagola ostaje isto kada: a) Uvodni glagol je u present simple, future ili present perfect vremenu: Mum says,nothing is better than a home cooked meal. Mum says (that) nothing is better than a home cooked meal. Well be getting married this year,he said. - He says (that) theyll be getting married this year. b) U 2. i 3. Kondicionalu, gde je that obavezno, (kao I zarez da se odvoji if recenica ako ona ide prva): If I were a millionaire, I would buy a yacht, she said. She said that if she were a millionaire, she would buy a yacht. If Leo had trained harder, he would have won the race, Charles told them. Charles told them that if Leo had trained harder, he would have won the race. Reported questions - obicno se navode glagolima ask, inquire, wonder ili slicnim izrazima want to know. Glagoli su u afirmativnom obliku, a znak pitanja i reci/izrazi kao please,welloh se izostavljaju, red reci je isti kao i u izjavnim recenicama. Vremena, zamenice i vremenski izrazi se isto menjaju kao i u izjavnim recenicama: Do you live nearby? Bill asked me. --- Bill asked me do if I lived nearby. - grade se od dve vrste direktnih pitanja: a) kada upravno pitanje pocinje upitnom reci (who,what,which,whose,where,why,how) reported questions se navode sa istim upitnim recima, i ta rec sluzi kao spona izmedju uvodnog gl. i indirektnog pitanja: How long have you been working here? he asked me. He asked me how long I had been working there. b) kada upravno pitanje pocinje sa pomocnim (be,do,have) ili modalnim glagolom (can,may..) onda reported questions pocinju sa if (nema veze sa kondicionalom) ili whether (mora da se koristi pre infinitiva) i sluze kao spona izmedju uvodnog gl. i indirektnog pitanja: Will you write the letter tonight?he asked Tim./He asked Tim if/whether he would write the letter tonight. Can you type fast? Mona asked me. Mona asked me if/whether I could type fast. He wasnt sure wheter to belive them. / I didnt knoe wheter to laugh or cry. 2

- Neki modalni glagoli se menjaju u indirektnom govoru ukoliko je uvodni gl. (reporting verb) u proslosti): willwould: She said,Ill call you later.She said (that) she would call later. can could: They said, We can win the race. They said (that) they could win the race. cancould/would be able to (future reference): She said,I can do it next week. She said (that) she could/ would be able to do it the following week. maymight: Mark said,I may leave tomorrow. Mark said (that) he might leave the next day. shallshould: Sue said,Where shall we meet? Sue askes where we should meet. must1. must/had to (obaveza) / a true present: Tom said,I must finish the project. Tom said (that) he must/had to finish the project. mustnt wasnt*: I mustnt go. He said he wasnt to go. * must i mustnt se ne menja kada izrazava logicku pretpostavku,trajno pravilo ili zabrenu, ili se navodi kao had to: You must be exhausted, she said. - She said (that) I must be exhausted.
You mustnt cross the road against the red light.-He told us we mustnt cross the road against the red light. must (shall/will have to)should/would have to (future): * mustnt nema oblik za future

I must go next week. --- He said he would have to go the following week. neednt didnt have to (present): I neednt go. He said he didnt have to go. neednt wouldnt have to (future): I neednt go next week. He said he wouldnt have to go the following week. - would, could, might, should, ought to, had better se ne menjaju You should leave, Alex said. - Alex said (that) I should leave.
* Should se menja u would jedino ako se koristi kao 1. lice od would: I should love to come. She said (that) she would love to come.

- Indirektna pitanja sa shall se dele na dve vrste: 1. pure future: Shall I If + Subject + would Shall I ever forget him? She wondered if she would ever forget him.
2. request: Shall I If + Subject + should

Shall I open the window? He asked if he should open the window. Reported Commands/Instructions/Requests/ Suggestions -to report commands/instructionsi/requests/ suggestions koriste se odgovarajuci uvodni glagoli (ask, beg, tell, order, suggest ) i to- infinitive, -ing oblik ili that- klauza, u zavisnosti od uvodnog glagola: a) Fire the commander ordered to he soldiers. (command) The commander ordered the soldiers to fire. b) Beat the eggs first and than add the sugar, she told her brother. (instruction) She told her brother to beat the eggs first and than add the sugar. c) Please, please, help me! she said. (request) She bagged me to help her. Indirect questions: - Indirektna pitanja se koriste kada uctivo pitamo za informaciju. Red reci u indirektnim pitanjima je isti kao u izjavnum recenicama (subjekat+glagol), i indirektna pitanja se saopstavaju upitnim recima (who, why, what, which, whose, where, when, how) ili sa if/ whether: a) direktno pitanje:Where is the post office?/ indirektno pitanje:Could you tell me where the post office is? b) direktno p.: Has Sam left for school? / indirektno p.: Do you know if/whether Sam has left for school? - indirektna pitanja se obicno koriste posle sledecih izraza: I dont know/ Id like to know/ I wonder / We
need to find out/ Id like to find out/ Do you know? / Can/Could you tell me? / Could you explain? / Have you (got) any idea? /

- Ako je indirektno pitanje deo pitanja, znak pitanja stavljamo na kraju recenice, ali ako je deo izjavne recenice, stavljamo tacku: a) direktno p.: What is this? indirektno p.: Have you (got) anu idea what this is? b) direktno p.: Is Jane here? indirektno p.: I wonder if/whether Jane is here. 3

Reporting verbs - Postoje brojni reporting verbs, glagoli koji navode/uvode reci drugoga, ili nase spostvene misli i reci (pogledaj spisak I upotrebu ovih gl.), neki su: 1. Glagol + that + klauza (* mou biti praceni osobom): add, admit, believe, claim, confirm, feel, hope, imply, expect*, persuade, promise*, reassure*, tell*, deny threaten*, warn*, object, estimate, remark, think, state, suggest, insist, decide, reckon, consider, argue 2. Glagol + osoba + to advise, forbid, invite, persuade, tell, ask, instruct, order, remind, warm 3. Glagoli + that + clause sa would - svi ovi gl. sadrze will u direktnim izjavnim recenicama, cesto sledi to do something iza ove konstrukcije. Ill leave at 8.00. She decided to leave at 8.00. / She decided she would leave at 8.00. 4. Glagoli praceni konjuktivom ili should * (advise,agree,demand,insist,prefer,propose,recommend,request) - vecina ovih gl. moze da se koristi i na druge nacine, ali kako ovi gl. sadrze smisao da se nesto treba uraditi
should moze da ih prati: They suggested that she should apply again. - formalnije, konjuktiv se moze koristiti umesto should, koji se gradi od osnove gl. (bez 3.lica jd. odn. s) They suggested that she apply again.

5. Glagoli koji mogu biti bezlicni sa it* agree, announce, believe, claim, decide, imply, reckon, state, rumour, predict, know, estimate govornik mozda ne zeli da preuzme licnu odgovornost za izjavu, ili mozda izlaze reci grupe ljudi, pa su gl. upotrebljeni u pasivu, a uvedeni sa it

It has been agreed to close most of the coal mines. neki glagoli opisuju funkciju pre nego report words: admit, complain, invite, remind, warn, suggest Look, if I were you Id leave early. She advised me to leave early. neki glagoli opisuju akciju: accept, congratulate, decide, greet, interrupt, introduce Hi, Dave, how are you? He greeted me. Promena tacke gledista se dogadja kada u izvestaju (report) vise nije jasan nagovestaj koji bitrebalo da bude izmedju dvoje ljudi na istom mestu: I left the parcel on this chair. (which chair?) He said he had left the parcel on the chair by the window. I love this town. She said that she loved the town. (generalnije) Svi prirodni zakoni I vecne istine mogu da ostanu u prezentu. Indirektan govor sa recenicama u kondicionalu: -posle uvodnog gl. u proslom vremenu, realne situacije zahtevaju promenu vremena: If we leave now, well catch the train. I told him that if we left we would catch the train. - u hipotetickim recenicama koje se stavljaju u indirektni govor, vreme se ne menja ukoliko dogadjaj upucuje na eventualnu buducnost: If you come back tomorrow, Id be able to help you. I told him that if I came back the next day, shed be able to help me. - Ako je dogadjaj jasno hipoteticki i nemoguc vreme se menja: If I had a spanner, I could fix this. He said that if he had had a spanner he could have fixed it. *Hipoteticke kondicionalne recenice u proslosti se ne menjaju. Izjave koje se navode sa gl. misljenja (think, expect, suppose) mogu da prebace negativan oblik iz izjavne recenice u glagol: I suppose she wont come. I dont suppose she will come. Nije potpuno neophodno da se recenice koje su u proslosti prebacuju u past perfect u govoru, ako je sled dogadjaja jasan. 4

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