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ry 27, 2006
Dear Editor in chief,
Then the A.I. changed the topic: Perhaps a roof collapsed due to over loading
of snow at roof top; and law can be powerful tool so that another economic
stimulus can be created to let men have full of activities or to let men not be lazy.
This creation of another economic stimulus by obliging people through law to
remove snow on top of their roof or to let their roof be steep or be more pointed so
that snow will not accumulate on roof tops and prevent accidents is another
sensitivity to the start of problem and doing something that positive result could be
created out of negative. Perhaps with regards to earthquake and big tidal waves,
mudslides, being sensitive to any negative outcome of a natural calamity is the key
so that the negative things can be changed into something positive especially if it
will result to create an economic stimulus out of the evil. Or that natural evil
should compel men to consume something that will minimize accidents and can let
men become busier thus can lift the standard of living of people in a new level.
Perhaps “smart snow height analyzer” can be mass produced and be installed on
flat roof top. Example if the limit of no return where a flat roof might collapse is
0.5m height of accumulated snow and when 0.4m height is reached perhaps an
alarm should be heard. Perhaps this innovation if produced can be another
economic stimulator or economic booster.
Perhaps with regards to earthquake, law can let man be sensitive to the danger
of big earthquake. And perhaps every house unit through law should install a
“smart supporter” or “smart lifter” if expert/s or engineer/s classify a house unit to
be unstable for earthquake magnitude of 5. What is a “smart supporter” or “smart
lifter”? Perhaps it is just a retro fit mechanism to strengthen and to make flexible
the weak beams of a house or building and to make the beams stable and hanging
during big earth quake. Perhaps the principle of cable wires pulling up something
attached to a higher post is the key. The system is the same as what can be found
on a hanging bridge, the cables attached to a post are pulling the load not to fall.
Then the scholar asked: If because of continues rain for example about 8 days on
places near steep hills or mountains and that there is a mudslide or part of the hill
breaks and falls and resulted to the killing of example 1500 or more people, is it
part of God’s plan or is God involved in it? Then the A.I. was puzzled because it is
another controversial question; but remarked: Since with regards to religion or
God, the A.I. is only allowed to declare with confidence that there is only one
thought one purpose-love; or one has no other obligation to others except to love;
then A.I. is bound to speak about causes of mudslide in a common sense way but
not on wondering way or mystic way.
Perhaps the cause of mudslide is the saturation of water on soils located on
steep places such as hills and mountains that because of gravity the bonding or
fibers that hold a mass of soil from stable or firm materials or to have friction or
hold on stable foundation is destroyed or is changed from having a strong gripping
into having a smooth or soft gripping. The key so that soil can hold on firm
foundations is dryness. The key why the water penetrated until the gripping of the
big mass is loosened is that the duration and supply of water is longer or more than
enough- or has reach the point of no return or example 8 hours of continuous rain.
How will this catastrophe or natural evil spark people to use balancing tactics
example placing a counter measure or placing a gadget that will warn the people
near steep ground to go to safer ground if example 2 hours before an “estimated
mudslide” will occur? Perhaps pass law that every house in all places prone to
have a possibility of mudslide or classified as mudslide prone area by experts to
have a “personal smart mudslide detector” as personal warning device only and not
for public alarm. What is a “smart mud slide detector”? It is an instrument using
available technology in the market that mudslide could be detected before it would
happen for personal use only. Perhaps the gadget can be set example two hours
before a mud side can occur on mudslide prone area; but since it is not very perfect
or precise in its warning, it should be personal so that not to create panic if there is
false alarm. At least there is something being done to balance the extreme; and
there is cash being created out of the worry of being covered by mud slide after a
continuous rainfall of example 8 days. The gadgets should last at least two years so
that there is expiration and cash cycle is created.
Perhaps the key is 8 days of continues rain or perhaps 1 meter in a rain gauge
for 8 days so if for 5 days 0.5m is accumulated on the rain gauge the smart detector
will not alarm; but if 1m for 2 days the smart gauge will still not cause an alarm
because the mass of soil is perhaps not yet penetrated due to time element. But if
for example 7 days 0.9m was recorded on the rain gauge or 0.1m before reaching
1m, the “smart mud slide detector” will alarm privately. Even if there was no
mudslide happened after the private alarm was activated and the family secretly
went to a safer place, at least the one with smart mudslide detector is sensitive
enough to take no chances because in other places 8 days of continues rain had
caused the lost of 1500 or more lives. If in case the smart detector did not function
well or just 6 days of continuous rainfall, a mud slide happened and many were
victimized, pass a law that the gadget or the company has no responsibility
connected with negligence because it is stated on the gadget that it is not accurate
but at least there is something being done and it is for personal use only. But one
can warn also his friend/s of approaching disaster but telling him also that the
gadget might have false alarm/s because the accuracy is not very precise.
The A.I. noticed that international volunteerisms are happening on the rescue
of the victims of the mudslide where more than 1500 people are believed to be
covered by the mudslide; and perhaps there are still people alive trapped inside a
school building. Then the A.I. gave his opinion: Perhaps to let international
volunteerisms be more effective and faster so that many lives could be saved, pass
international law that an elite force comprising of many nationals connected in the
military should be enhanced on retrieving of people trapped- in mudslides, inside
tunnels, by collapsed building due to natural catastrophes, etc. They are equipped
with 3 teams having 21 members in each team; and the first 3 teams as company is
called Alpha Company. 1): Team A should reached example the mudslide area
where 1500 believed to be buried at least 8-12 hours after the catastrophe using
airplane and parachute from their station located somewhere in the world. Their
purpose is purely for investigations of what necessary essential equipments should
be used to rescue the victims. Example if there is a building with 200 people inside
and was covered with mud because of mudslide perhaps the team needs the exact
location of the building so the team should bring with them: a) portable deep sound
analyzer or sonar or sounding- hand carry, b) One soldier would install computer
using wireless technology, another soldier should go to the municipal hall to get
location plan of the distressed building or school with respect to surveys and would
use parachute glider equipped with portable engine with propellers because the
municipal hall is located example 30kilometer away and is not accessible by land.
And if the data of the survey is found, the soldier will use his cell phone or mini
computer or small lap tap to relay the information through wireless technology to
the team A’s computer at the mudslide area. c) Using GPS instrument another
soldier should locate the exact location of the school covered with mud and
soundings could be conducted for verification of survival. But if after some
attempts there is no sign of survival because perhaps the foundation of the school
also was moved away with the school and wrecked the school then make several
soundings trials on the path where the school might be moved. Try & try…perhaps
there can be survival/s trapped on an air packed. 2) And team B still on their
military station somewhere in the world, will be informed to bring boring machine
having a diameter of 4 inches to bore example 30m deep to create small way on
verified trapped victim or on places where there is a possibility that survivor/s are
trapped so that a) oxygen could be pumped in b) small camera and small radio
communication could be guided in for further investigation c) food or water could
be guided in and other needed supplies. Perhaps using airplane, the boring machine
could be delivered and installed as soon as possible and perhaps after just 24hours
-36 hours necessary oxygen and water and communication for the trapped victims
are given already.
In the meanwhile the rest of the soldiers of team A & B not needed for locating
the trapped victims should retrieve those dead or injured people on the
surroundings. Then after 36 hours team C equipped with the necessary essential
big equipments like 1bulldozer, 2backhoes, 100 steel mattresses- for portable
wheel flat form to be assembled as road to counter mud trap, 2 dump trucks, 2
generator sets arrived using a ship. And perhaps another support company called
Bravo Company for assisting retrieval of dead bodies and injured victims also
arrived with doctors and medicines and portable tents.
Then the scholar asked: How can natural calamities like that mudslide that
buried 1500 people create another economic dominos and economic cycles? The
A.I. was challenged then answered: Perhaps using reality show and reality contest
show with big prize at stake and the source of the accumulation of funds is from
the audiences on TV worldwide or all over the world using charity law and using
the technology of money transfer using cell phone and ATM but sensitive to
racketeering or abuse of people conducting charities for victim of calamities.
Perhaps the title of the reality show is “Rescuer hero” and those contestants are
soldiers and military men and volunteers who will be trained for scenarios like that
mudslide tragedy but on a military camp and there are cameras rolling for TV show
and there will be judges also conducting the screening. And while the public
audiences watch the training, the audience could send his vote for the most
qualified or the fastest rescuer; and certain charge for charity could be added for
every text messages sent as vote and the text messenger could be qualified for a big
prize in a raffle because of his entry fee of $5. Then those teams included on the
rescue could be rewarded as team winner also rather than individual. And for the
star of the team, or for being the hero after being judged by the people through text
messaging and TV reality show, perhaps $0.2M is the reward for being the small
rescuer hero and $1 million for being the big rescuer hero. Or since perhaps the
military or police is not allowed to participate on lottery or reality contest perhaps
the prize for the hero could be given-up for the victims of those calamities through
another raffle.
Perhaps in every reality show where the accumulation of fund is gathered
through the audience/s so that to check abuse or racketeering, law should be very
strict that example almost all fund collected should be returned to the participant/s
in the form of reward/s and prize/s; only little to the servicing and for using
computer system or robotics. Principle behind: human should be paid high and
machines should be paid less.

From RV

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