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Astrological Commentary for the year 2007

Part Two: a rundown for the twelve zodiacal signs

What possible meaning can we derive from the major planetary alignments of 2007?

What the world experiences as a whole through the symbolic meaning of the planetary
alignments translates into individual personal life experience.

In other words, if, from the perspective of the earth born citizen, this year Saturn is
aligning with Neptune, this astronomical event will be seen from everyone on earth and
certain world events will reflect the archetypal meaning of that particular alignment. An
alignment occurs through the glasses of a particular set of signs. Individually, we will not
experience or perceive these events the same way because our archetypal journeys, our
hero’s journey as reflected through our birth signs, are not always in affinity with the
signs emphasized in the sky.

As a reminder: our birth signs only speak about the type of quality we seek to find in
ourselves to be authentic. The astrological chart, the actual graphic representation of all
the different parts (or basic human drives and needs) of our universe divided into twelve
life segments (or areas of human experience) is what the astrologer uses to tell a client
where he or she will have to put their conscious effort in order to find that quality (or
level of consciousness).

Therefore, the important planetary alignments will mirror whether we will have major
developments in finding our way to that soul quality we seek in this lifetime or not. The
actual astrological chart set up for the moment of birth and the place of birth of a living
person tells us in which area it will be experienced.

In making a general forecast, all we can say is who will find their road cleared up
and who will find it obstructed. The how and where are found in the birth chart.

So do Sagittarians have their road cleared up?

More so than any other individual this year, especially those who are lucky enough to
have been born in the second part of the sign (late November and early December) 1 .
Their year is cosmically divided into three parts, three defining moments that need to be
consciously experienced: from November 25th 2006 to April 7 2007, then from April 7th
to August 8th 2007 and from August 8th until November 2nd 2007.

Birth signs can be divided into three segments called decanates. Each sign “starts” roughly between the
19th and 24th of each month. The exact date and time of birth determines into which decanate we were
born into as the Sun’s entry into a sign varies from year to year. To help those of you born at the cusp
of a sign, let’s say May 22 of a particular year, and you are wondering whether you are born under the sign
of Taurus or Gemini, the time of birth will tell us into which sign you were born. In the previous example,
if you were born before 2:30 am on May 22, you are most likely born into the sign of Taurus. This rule of
thumb applies to all the individuals born towards the end of a particular sign.

Aries: 1st decanate = March 19 – March 29/ 2nd decanate = March 30th – April 9th / 3rd decanate = April 10-
April 20;

Taurus:1st decanate = April 20 –April 30/ 2nd decanate =May 1st to May 11th/3rd decanate =May 12-May
22nd ;

Gemini: 1st decanate = May 22 – June 1st/ 2nd decanate = June 2nd to June 12/ 3rd decanate = June 12 –
June 22nd ;

Cancer: 1st decanate= June 22 – July 2nd / 2nd decanate = July 2nd - July 12/ 3rd decanate = July 12 – July
22nd ;

Leo:1st decanate = July 22- August 1st/ 2nd decanate = August 2nd –August 12/ 3rd decanate = July 12 –
August 22nd ;

Virgo:1st decanate = August 22 – September 1st / 2nd decanate = September 2nd – September 12/ 3rd
decanate = September 12 – September 21st ;

Libra: 1st decanate = September 21 – October 1st/ 2nd decanate = October 2nd – October 12/ 3rd decanate =
October 12 – October 22nd ;

Scorpio: 1st decanate = October 22nd – November 1st / 2nd decanate = November 2nd – November 12th / 3rd
decanate = November 12 – November 22nd ;

Sagittarius: 1st decanate = November 22nd – December 2nd/ 2nd decanate = December 2nd - December 12/
3rd decanate = December 12 – December 22nd ;

Capricorn: 1st decanate = December 22nd – January 1st/ 2nd decanate = January 1st – January 11/ 3rd
decanate = January 11 – January 20 ;

Aquarius: 1st decanate = January 20 – January 30 / 2nd decanate = January 30 – February 09/3rd decanate
February 09 – February 19 ;

Pisces: 1st decanate = February 19 – February 28/ 2nd decanate = February 28 – March 09/ 3rd decanate =
March 09 – March 19.

What I was describing in terms of psychological developments or life events in the first
part of this series of articles can manifest in their lives at those moments(please read the
astrological commentary for 2007, part one, posted on this website).

Are those also important moments for Geminis, Libras and Aquarians born in the second
half of their respectives signs as well?

Yes. Also Leos and Aries. The difference for the fire signs other than Sagittarians
themselves is in the meaning of this Jupiter cycle in relation to their mythic journeys.

Leos had their moment from late August 2002 to late August 2003. Whatever energy of
expansion that they were able to release came to bear fruits in the fall of 2004. For the
most part of that year, they had to learn to make compromises with their personal vision
of life. Lessons had to be learned about standing up to one’s vision and go solo or accept
through outer events and people that their vision is not complete, thus needing balance.

Aries, on the other hand, were experiencing something quite different, although the same
themes were reflected in their lives. Whatever seed was planted back in the late 90s
caused them to step back and see whether it was all worth it or not. It was a chance to
look back at what they had accomplished or not and whether the beliefs that supported
them were still viable. 2004 could have been the defining moment to realize that they do
not live alone on this planet, others exist and that they, in return, might have something
worthwhile to offer. Since 2004, Aries have to either realign their beliefs or carry them
differently until a new cycle starts in 2011.

Of course, there are always exceptions: Leos, Aries and Sagittarians born at the end
of their respective signs may not feel that their journey is all that bright and shiny
these days.

How so?

Jupiter is not the only planet in our solar system. While it represents the urge for growth
and the urge to push the limits of our earthly conditions, Saturn, on the other hand,
symbolizes the hard work and discipline that is required to achieve success or make any
objective come to life. It represents the stick that can beat us into action or paralyze us.
At times, it feels like both. A certain sense of realism is necessary to counterbalance the
effects of over optimism. Not everything is possible. We need to assess who we are at
times and learn about containment, discipline and hard work. Those moments coincide
strangely when Saturn aligns itself with the birth position of the Sun in an individual’s
journey. Again, the real lesson is about being true to our selves, not about material
achievement or fame.

This planet has been traveling in the sign of Leo since late summer 2005. Therefore, Leos
(and Aquarians, the opposite sign from Leo) have been given obstacles to reaffirm their
identity and authority, test their loyalty to their vision of life. Since then, two thirds of all
Leos – and Aquarians-- have been through the mill. Other signs have also gone through
this sifting process: Scorpios and Tauruses, those born between mid-April and early
May and those born mid-October and early November.

In 2007, Leos born from early August to mid August can expect difficult situations or
new responsibilities that will force them to think about where they are in their lives, what
they have accomplished and whether they want to stick to it or not. Every one falls
sooner or later and this year, the universe is looking straight at them. Late Scorpios and
late Tauruses may find themselves going through similar hard times but in their case,
through issues involving money and personal relationships. Last year, Scorpios and
Tauruses born in mid-October and early November had the back up of Jupiter (a sense of
optimism and faith) to make it through the year. Unfortunately, late Scorpios and
Tauruses do not have this kind of luck this year. They may find the times harsher.
However, they can count on their strong characters to make it through to the fall when
the hardships will come to an end.

Aries born from mid March to mid April with the help of Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius
may rise to new levels of authority and power without feeling the heaviness that late Leos
and late Sagittarians may experience. For Aries, it will feel more like being born again, as
if life were giving them more control over their destiny. Late Leos and late Sagittarians
will probably experience the same feelings but also the flip side which is fear of abusing
that power and that control. Some may actually be in the position of exerting such powers
and take advantage of it, while others, more evolved individuals will relinquish it. If this
issue of control and power is not acted out, it can be experienced by these individuals
through life experiences that will force them to feel overpowered and controlled by forces
over which they have no control.

These experiences may take the form of commercial transactions, written or printed
communications, even short trips from mid February until the end of March; through
relationships and partnerships in May, July, September, October and December.

Questions around relationships and financial affairs (not only romance wise but also the
ethical dimension of inter personal relationships) will be the hot topic from July 31st and
September 9, as the planet associated with relationships and values underlines the major
planetary alignment between Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. Even early Cancers, Scorpios,
Pisces, Capricorn, Virgos and Tauruses will feel the effect of this astronomical event. All
relationships that come to be before July 31st will somehow come under scrutiny. It will
be important to keep a sense of personal boundary during that time, especially for Leos,
Scorpios, Tauruses and Aquarians born in the middle of their respective signs.

Why should they be on their guard?

Beyond Saturn and Jupiter are the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and what astrologers
still consider being an important planet, Pluto. These planets represent the urge to
transcend the personal realm of life experience and usually manifests in people’s lives as
the urge to be a part of a greater whole. Therefore, they relate to transpersonal or peak

Neptune has been traveling in the sign of Aquarius and as the symbol of the need to
escape reality through music, fashion, religion and other mass-related experiences of
unity and egoless states, has been dissolving the identity and objectives of many
Aquarians, Scorpios, Tauruses and Leos since the mid 90s. Other signs have been
experiencing this loss of ego boundary or confusion about who they are and where
they’re going without the same resistance as they have been more receptive and open to
go with the flow: Libras, Geminis, Aries and Sagittarians. Because of this receptivity,
they may easily have embarked on journeys that do not fit their core selves and not until
the visit of Saturn in Leo, in the last year and half, have they been able to wake up to this
reality. Others may have been looking for a way to take control of their lives and find a
new way to focus their creative spirit, and may well have found it. I am primarily
speaking of Leos, Scorpios, Tauruses and Aquarians born in the middle of their
respective signs.

Because Venus will join forces with this urge to escape reality as well as the other
planetary alignments, disillusionment via personal relationships or business
partnerships may be heightened during the aforementioned periods (i.e. from July
31st to September 9, 2007). A good sense of realism and pragmatism will help see
through any lies and deceptions.

What about Uranus and Pluto? What do they represent and whom do they affect this

Essentially, Uranus is thought to be related to all the inventions and brilliant ideas that
have made men and women break the cycle of bondage with nature and human limits.
When it is aligned with our mythic journey during a certain period of our lives, it will
bring about a new sense of purpose and identity. It is almost as if suddenly, you wake up
and just know who you are and what you are meant to do in this lifetime. Depending on
your age group, this experience will or will not be welcomed because you need to
accommodate this new sense of self. Sometimes, we simply cannot make room for it.

All the earth signs (Taurus, Virgos and Capricorn) and water signs (Cancer, Scorpios,
Pisces) born in the early parts of their respective signs have had a bolt of lightning come
their way since mid 2003. Water signs’ need for human contact and intimacy and earth
signs’ usual need for material comfort and security may have made them stick to their old
selves, their old situations and repress the necessary changes for their individual growth.
On the outer level, nothing may have happened.

However, this year, those who are born in the middle of the following signs : Sagittarius,
Virgo, Gemini and Pisces, will feel the impact of this bolt of lightning even more than the
previous group born in the early parts of these signs because of the added dramatic, over
the top effect of Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Two moments need to be observed: the end of January 2007 and the month of October,

Life may bring this bolt of lightning through:

-neighbors, brothers and sisters, an unexpected letter or email, a work colleague in the
months of April, mid May and October;
-close contacts, gifts, money or property issues in February, May-June, September and
late December;
-health and sexual issues, family dilemmas related to work in November and December.

What about Pluto?

I already mentioned that this planet, which symbolizes all that we find dark and ugly out
there, all that we feel as a collective must be changed and eliminated, has been
manifesting through issues related with the sign of Sagittarius since 1994: religion, travel,
publishing, etc. 2

All objectives, all aspects of our personality which are not viable to make it through our
personal journey must be eliminated when this planet aligns itself with the sun position at
the moment of our birth. Usually, resisting these changes bring horrible consequences in
people’s lives. Most often, depression. Other expressions can be the loss of physical
health, the loss of a steady job, and the death of someone close to us, which reminds us
that time is running out and that that we do not necessarily run the show. For a handful
ready to face the upheaval of rebuilding their identities through new creative pursuits, it
can feel like being given a new life.

This year, the Phoenixes are late Arians, Libras and Aquarians. The important months to
observe are September to November. As I mentioned, late Leos will be struggling with
this new birth because of added external pressures and responsibilities.

Please read the Halloween 2006 astrological commentary for more details on the planet Pluto and its
associated sign, Scorpio.

Remember: the stars only mirror back where we are on our present journey. If we smile,
they smile back; if we cry, they also cry.

To find out which areas of your life are being emphasized this year and the possible
outcomes: contact me.

Coming up next: Jupiter in manifestation in the life of Brad Pitt!

Michelangelo Arcamone
Psychological astrologer
Diploma Maison des Sciences Occultes
Certificate Mayo School of astrology
Tel.: 514-387-8652

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