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V E R S I O N 1 .



Dear God, Thank you for
being the big man upstairs. Dear Lord, If you WRITE
Let there be peace on earth heal my mom, I
and let it begin with me. promise I will be DISCUSS
more committed.
forgive me for Dear God,
getting drunk Protect me from knowing what I don’t need to know.
last weekend. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to
know that I don’t know. Protect me from knowing that I
Help me on the REFERENCE
decided not to know about the things that I decided not
next organic to know about. Amen!
chemistry test. PASSAGE
Follow Up Prayer
Lord, Lord, Lord. Protect me from the consequences of
the above prayer. Amen. ARTICLE
Mostly Harmless, p. 111

Why would we ask God for stuff like this
and ask a fictitious blue puff of smoke for
IMAGINE stuff we really want or need?

1. ___________________
What’s the difference between
2. ___________________
God and a genie?
3. ___________________

Liz went to visit her sister Debbie in Belair,
California. During her stay she planned on
visiting her sister’s church. On Sunday
DAILY CONCERNS Debbie mentioned the President was a
member of the church and that he attends
services when his schedule permits. Liz
thought to herself, “What would it be like
to meet the president?”
It was hard to concentrate during church
that morning. On that day only 10 rows
separated Liz from the leader of the free
world. Questions paraded through her
mind. Could she talk to him? What would
she say? How could she thank him? Would
the Secret Service men grant her access to
After the service ended Liz decided to take
a risk. She walked down the aisle and
whispered to one of the security men, “Is it
OK if I talk to the president ...?” With a
quick nod he motioned yes. For the next
few minutes Liz talked with amazement to
the president. She was surprised. It was so
easy to have access to him and
communication was inviting.
In Old Testament times, the high CONTEXT
priest was the only person allowed
Prayer is a common theme in
to enter the Holy of Holies—the
the book of Luke. Luke focuses
inner court of the temple where on it more than any other
God’s Spirit resided. A thick curtain gospel writer, emphasizing both
separated this portion of the Jesus’ life of prayer and his
temple from the people. Once a teachings on prayer. In this
year the priest was allowed to passage both emphases come
approach God for forgiveness of sin together.
for all the people. It was a time of
fear and trembling as the priest
would prepare the sacrifice and
enter through the thick curtain to LUKE 11:1-4
submit in reverence before God.
11:1 One day Jesus was praying in a
When Jesus was crucified, the
certain place. When he finished, one of
curtain tore from top to bottom
his disciples said to him, “Lord teach us
because never again would a priest
to pray, just as John taught his
have to give a sacrifice. Jesus is our
sacrifice and now nothing separates
us from God. Jesus is our high 11:2 He said to them, “When you pray,
priest—every day, every moment say: ‘Father, hallowed be thy name, your
we can enter the presence of God. kingdom come.
11:3 Give us each day our daily bread.
11:4 Forgive us our sins, for we also
forgive everyone who sins against us.
And lead us not into temptation.’”

Know who you’re talking to . . .

Father, hallowed be Thy Name

Hallowed means “let your name be
PAPA regarded as holy. It is not so much a
petition as it is an act of worship; the
Jesus introduced in His prayers a speaker, by his words, exalts the
significant new intimacy with God which holiness of God.”
far surpassed anything assumed in
–The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, p. 947
Judaism. Though the concept of God’s
fatherhood appears in the Old
Testament, never before is the Father-
child relationship placed in such
tenderness and trust. The Aramaic word
Abba (Mark 14:36) was probably the
original term used by Jesus in all
instances where the Father was
addressed. It conveys the idea of
familiarity, the kind of chatter a child
would use in speaking to his “daddy.”

–Robert Coleman, The MInd of the Master, p. 46

Know what you’re talkin’ about . . .

Your kingdom come. This means we not only request Preeminence:
that God’s name be honored, but 1. What does it mean to put
also that His values, ideals, plans, ourselves under His
love, ways, and laws be Kingship?
implemented in human beings’ 2. Describe what that would
relations with him and with each look like in your life.

PROVISION Provision:
Give us this day our God urges our understanding of 1. Do you feel dependent on
Him as the author of sustenance God for your every need?
daily bread. itself. Bread is emblematic here of Why or Why not?
all our physical needs–shelter, 2. How would your life change
clothing, transportation, money,
if you felt dependent on
etc. It also underlines the basic
God for your most basic
uncertainty of our temporal life.

Forgive us our sins Since the one praying has called God Pardon:
“Father,” he is already a believer.
for we also forgive Consequently, he has already received God’s 1. What difference does it make
everyone who sins permanent declaration of eternal to know you are forgiven?
forgiveness at his salvation. The forgiveness 2. How do you experience the
against us. he should extend to others, therefore, is not
the basis of salvation but a prerequisite for forgiveness that God has
daily fellowship with the father (1 John 1:5- given you?
10). Though our relationship with God is
secure, our fellowship with God (i.e., the
3. What are the benefits for
quality of the relationship) is to be daily forgiving others?
maintained through confessing our sins to
Him . One way our daily maintenance of
fellowship with God is evidenced is through
a willingness to forgive others who have
offended us.

PROTECTION 1. Why do you lead yourself
And lead us not into We are to acknowledge the fact that
we can quite easily be tempted; this
into temptation?
temptation. reminds us that no one is immune. We 2. Look up 1 Corinthians
must be vigilant. It is true that God will 10:13. What do you learn
not lead us into sin. Therefore, another about temptation from this
way to say this is, “Lord, please deliver
us from situations in which our risk of
yielding to sin is too great for us to 3. What would happen if you
withstand.” stopped and prayed the
moment you were tempted?
Are you willing to pray like Jesus just prayed?




The disciples’ prayer (“The Lord’s Pardon

Prayer”) gives us a basic format with
which to pray for both God’s interests
and our interests and then to discover
that both sets of interests are the
same. –Dan Hayes


So which is the greater treasure?

. . . walking along the beach,
finding Aladdin's lamp
walking in to the throne room of
God, sitting in His loving lap,
laying our requests before Him, God is on His throne. We are
receiving grace, power and at His footstool. There’s only
protection . . . a knee’s distance between.
–Jim Elliot

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the New International Version, ©1973, 1978,
1984 by the International Bible Society. Published by Zondervan Bible Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

ISBN 1-885702-82-5 © 1994 WSN Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc. printed on recycled paper

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