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Axial Musculature

Superficial Muscles of Head & Neck

temporalis masseter buccinator trapezius frontalis obicularis oculi obicularis oris sternocleidomastoid zygomaticus major

temporal fossa zygomatic arch alveoloar processes of maxilla and mandible external occipital protuberance/spinous process of C7 & T1-12 skin to subcutaneous fascia of eyebrow around orbit fibers surround mouth manibrium & clavicle zygomatic bone

coronoid process of mandible lateral surface of mandible orbicularis oris muscle clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula

elevate/retract mandible elevate mandible presses lips/cheeks against teeth scapular elevation, retraction & depression move scalp forward or backward closes eyelids closes lips flexes & rotates head elevates angle of mouth upward/laterally

mastoid process angle of mouth

Intermediate Muscles of Anterior Trunk

pectoralis major clavicle runs length of abdomen/seperated into pairs by linea alba/attaches to pubic crest,symphisis external borders of ribs lumbar fascia


bicipital groove of humerous

flexes, medially rotates, & adducts arm @ shoulder flexing lumbar spine flexes vertebral column & compresses abdominal wall flexes vertebral column & compresses abdominal wall

rectus abdominus

5th, 6th, & 7th costal cartilages

external oblique internal oblique

linea alba by a broad aponerosis linea alba, pubic crest, & last 4 ribs

Superficial Muscles of Back & Neck

Muscle Origin Insertion Action

trapezius deltoid

external occipital protuberance/spinous process of C7 clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula & T1-12 acrominon & spine of scapula T7-L5, lower 3 ribs, illiac crest, and thoracolumnar fascia tranverse process of axis & atlas spinous process of T2-T5 spinous process of 7-T1 deltoid turberosity of humerus

scapular elevation, retraction & depression flexes, extends, laterally and medially rotates arm adducts & medially rotates humerus, extends shoulder joint, backward swing of arm, deep inspiration raises medial angle of scapula(makes a shrug possible) holds scapula onto ribcage & retracts it retracts the scapula & depresses the glenoid fossa

latissiumus dorsi

floor of bicipital groove

levator scapulae rhomboid major rhomboid minor

vertebral border of scapula medial border of scapula vertebral border of scapula

Deep Muscles of Back (Erector Spinae Group)

illiocostalis longissimus spinalis

superior borders of ribs

tranverse processes of vertebrae

extends neck & vertebral column extends neck & vertebral column, rotates head extends neck & vertebral column

mastoid process, & transverse tranverse processes of inferior process of cervical and thoracic cervical & superior thoracic vertebrae vertebrae spinous process of C2 & thoracic C7 spinous process vertebrae

Appendicular Musculature
Rotator Cuff Muscles

suprasinous fossa

greater tubercle of humerus

deltoid abduction, resists downward movement of humeral head when arm is relaxed


infraspinous fossa

greater tubercle of humerus

prevents humeral head from sliding upwards, rotates humerus laterally prevents humeral head from sliding upwards, rotates humerus medially rotates humerus laterally & stabilizes humerus

subscapularis teres minor

subscapular fossa lateral border of scapula

lesser tubercle of humerus greater tubercle of humerus

Muscle of Upper Limb


anterior surface of distal half of humerus superior margin of glenoid fossa & coracoid process lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus lateral epicondylar ridge

coronoid process of ulna

prime mover of elbow flexion forceful supination of forearm, elbow flexion, slight shoulder flexion, stabilization of shoulder joint elbow flexion extends elbow primary elbow extensors, adducts humerus

biceps brachii

tuberosity of radius lateral surface of radius near syloid process olecranon process of ulna olecranon & fascia of forearm

brachioradialis anconeus triceps brachii(long, medial, & lateral heads)

Superficial & Intermediate Flexor of Forearm

flexor carpi radialis flexor carpi ulnaris palmaris longus

medial epicondyle of humerus medial epicondyle of humerus medial epicondyle of humerus

medicarpals II & III pisiform, hamate, metacarpal IV flexor retinaculum

flexes wrist flexes wrist, aids in ulnar flexion anchors skin in palmar region, resists shearing forces when stress is applied to skin

Deeps Flexors, Superficial & Deep Extensors of Forearm

Muscle Origin Insertion Action

flexor digitorum profundus

proximal 3/4 of ulna

distal phalanges II-V

flexes wrist, metacarphophalageal & interphalangeal joints of II-V,sole flexor of distal interphalangeal joints flexes phalanges of thumb extends wrist & joints of pinky finger extends & flexes wrist when fist is clenched extends distal phalanx I, extends proximal phalanx I & metacarpal I, adducts and proximally rotates thumb extends wrist & index finger extends wrist & metacarpophalangeal & interphalangeal joints II-V extends wrist, radial flexion of wrist abducts thumb in palmar plane, extends thumb @ carpometacarpal joint extends metacarpal I & proximal phalanx of thumb

flexor pollicus longus extensor digiti minimi extensor carpi ulnaris

radius lateral epicondyle of humerus lateral epicondyle of humerus

distal phalanx I proximal phalanx V base of metacarpal V

extensor pollicus longus

posterior surface of ulna

distal phalanx I middle & distal phalanges of index finger dorsal surfaces of phalanges II-V base of metacarpal II trapezium, base of metacarpal I proximal phalanx I

extensor indicis extensor digitorum extensor carpi radialis longus abductor pollicus longus extensor pollicus brevis

posterior surface of ulna lateral epicondyle of humerus lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus posterior surfaces of radius & ulna shaft of radius

Muscles of the Palm & Hand

abducter pollicus brevis flexor pollicus brevis opponens pollicus

scaphoid, trapezium, flexor retinaculum trapezium & flexor retinaculum flexor retinaculum

radial base of proximal phalanx of thumb radial base of proximal phalanx of thumb metacarpal I

abducts thumb in sagittal plane flexes metacarpophalangeal joint opposition

abductor digiti minimi flexor digiti minimi brevis opponens digiti minimi

pisiform hamulus of hamate bone hamulus of hamate bone

medial surface of proximal phalanx V abducts little finger medial surface of proximal phalanx V medial surface of metacarpal V flexes little finger at metacarpophalangeal joint flexes metacarpal V @ carpometacarpal joint

Gluteal Muscles
gluteus maximus gluteus medius gluteus minimus

illiac crest, sacrum, coccyx posterior illiac crest lateral surface of illium

linea aspera of femur greater trochanter of femur greater trochanter of femur

extends thigh, laterally rotates thigh abducts thigh, medially rotates thigh abducts thigh, medially rotates thigh

Superficial & Deep Muscles of Anterior Thigh

sartorius rectus femoris vastus medialis vastus lateralis vastus intermedius adductor brevis adductor longus adductor magnus pectineus



aids in hip & knee flexion extends knee, flexes thigh @ hip extends knee extends knee extends knee adducts thigh adducts & medially rotates thig, flexes thigh @ hip adducts, flexes, extends, & laterally rotates thigh adducts thigh, flexes thigh

medial surface of proximal end of anterior superior spine of illium tibia anterior surface of illium & superior patella, tibial tuberosity, lateral & margin of acetebulum medial condyles of tibia patella, tibial tuberosity, lateral & femur @ intertrochanteric line medial condyles of tibia patella, tibial tuberosity, lateral & femur @ greater trochanter medial condyles of tibia anterior & lateral surfaces of femoral patella, tibial tuberosity, lateral & shaft medial condyles of tibia body & inferior ramus of pubis spiral line of femur body & inferior ramus of pubis inferior ramus of pubis and ischial tuberosity pectineal line of pubis linea aspera of femur linea aspera of femur & adductor tubercle of femur pectineal line of femur

Superficial Muscles of Posterior Thigh

biceps femoris semitenfinosus semimembranous

ischial tuberosity & lateral suprcondylar ridge of femur ischial tuberosity ischial tuberosity head of fibula

knee flexion knee flexion knee flexion


medial surface of proximate tibia medial/lateral condlye of femur

Superficial Muscles of Anterior/Posterior Lower Leg

tibialis anterior extensor digitorum longus extensor hallucis longus fibularis longus gastrocnemius soleus

lateral condyle & lateral margin of proximal half of tibia lateral condyle of tibia anterior surface of middle of fibula, interosseous membrane head & superior shaft of 2/3 if fibula

medial cuneiform metarsal I middle & distal phalanges II-V distal phalanx I base of metatarsals I, medial cuneiform bone

dorsiflexes & inverts foot extends toes II-v, dorsiflexes foot extends big toe, dorsi flexes foot everts foot plantar flexes foot, flexes knee, active in walking, running, jumping plantar flexes foot

condyles & popliteal surface of femur calcaneus posterior surface of head & proximal calcaneus 1/4 of fibula

Deep Muscles of Posterior Lower Leg

popliteus flexor digitorum longus flexor hallicus longus tibularis posterior

lateral condyle of femur posteomedial surface of tibia posterior inferior 2/3 of fibula fibula, tibia, & interosseous membrance

posterior surface of upper tibia distal phalanges of toes II-V distal phalanx of big toe metatarsals II-V

rotates tibia medially & laterally plantar flexes foot plantar flexes foot plantar flexes & inverts foot

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