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Summary: The article is about the emergence of obesity as a deadly epidemic and threatens the U.S.

over the past 30 yrs. The prevalence of overweight in pediatric-age gaps as nearly tripled. At present, approximately 9 million children older than 6 yrs. Are considered obese according to the committee on the prevention of obesity in children and youth 2004 it is known that 2/3 of obese children aged10yrs.or older will become obese adults and that obesity in young adults causes an average of 5-10 years of life lost. Childhood obesity is a public health priority requiring a widespread response children are not fully responsible for their own health choices and rely on adults to protect and nurture them, therefore, they need an environment that supports healthy options and protects them from unnecessary risk and instances, preventing the manipulation of children in the marketing of fast-food. Obesity reflects a combination of genetic, behavioral, as well as environmental factors and therefore requires a broad-based public health approach to identify solutions to the problem. There are several factors to consider in childhood is the socio economic status. studies show that person of low socio economic status in developed countries are generally less likely to consume diets consistent with dietary guidelines .Examination of consumption patterns reveals intake of food generally high in fat and carbohydrates and lower in fruits and vegetables. PUBLIC STRATEGIES Promoting healthy diets that are of low cost or more accessible Increase in life expectancy and improving the quality of life individuals and groups.

Nurses are valued as central to promoting optimal health, recognized as a political force in health policy and to actively shaping safe and secure environment .Because nurses are situated in schools, providers offices, clinic, and other places where children seek healthcare, they are well positioned both to work directly with families on obesity, related health issues and to influence organizational policies that serve to exacerbate or ameliorate the problem. Despite past recommendations on healthy eating and physical activity, obesity continues to increase, because of the barriers to the development of public policy exist. Environmental and cultural issues pose major barriers include the public perception that obesity is primarily a result of personal weakness and our environment where advertising, supersizing, and the abundance of fatty unhealthy food are increasingly tempting to children and families .Finally knowledge about programs that are clearly effective for the prevention

and treatment of obesity is lacking. By recognizing these barriers, one can shape the nature of policy and develop realistic goals for implementation. The Center of Disease Control continues to support State efforts that focus on environmental and Policy changes. State Legislators in Maine proposed a comprehensive package of antiobesity proposals that promote policies that encourage walking and other forms of physical activity, mandate nutrition labeling on large chain restaurants menus and menu boards and ban the sale of junk food and soda in schools. Intervention in Massachusetts promotes eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetable each day and reducing television viewing to 2 hours or less each day and participating in at least 1 hour of physical activity per day. The Colorado Physical Activity and Nutrition Program is a collaboration of more than 450 individuals and business, 11 Task forces, and a number of physical activity and nutrition programs across the state working together to promote fruit and vegetable menu items to increase consumption encouraging restaurants to prebox half the meal in advance and helping school personnel set up programs and policies that support healthy eating and physical activity. Local policies have included banning the sale of soda and soft drinks in school, reinstituting Physical Education requirements in elementary and middle school and mandating Physical education in high school. City Planner have also contributed by designing areas that are more conducive to activity through the addition of sidewalks and bicycle lanes increasing access to parks and providing greater access to public transportation. The successful implementation of the prevention and treatment of obesity among children is through the broad partnerships that include the government, communities, professional organization, industries, schools, preschools, day care and families.

ANALYSIS a. What is the significance of the article to the practice of nursing? Nurses have a unique role as advocates and educators because of their close contact and ability to dispense advice to families. In addition they have the opportunity to influence the thinking of nonmedical professionals in the environment s in which they work, such as schools and industries. Nurses can participate in this effort through education of children, families, colleagues, and policy makers; through the participation in policy making processes to improve nutrition and activities for children; and by participation in the legislative and budget processes to inform and influence decision making.

b. The advantage generated from the article to: I. The Student nurses The student nurses will have a better understanding of obesity among children, its underlying cause and we can also formulate health teaching plan on prevention and treatment of obesity. We can also participate in information dissemination in the community.


Patients Patients will be more aware of the related health problems associated with obesity. They will be more conscious about what they eat. That there are available solutions to their problem, this include healthy eating pattern, increase consumption of fruits and vegetables and avoiding fatty foods and increase Physical Activity.


Community The community will be able to recognize their role to the problem. They can contribute on promoting healthy lifestyle to their people. By conducting programs about health that will address the problem. This type of programs will increase awareness on proper on proper nutrition for children and physical activities which they can spend their spare time with. Information dissemination should start in the community.

Teaching Plan

Healthy Eating pattern Physical Activity Related health Problems associated with Obesity Policies that can contribute to prevention and treatment of Pediatric Obesity

Personal and Learning Insights As I read the article I learned that Obesity among children is a global concern because it is present in almost parts of the world. Everyone should be responsible in promoting a healthy life style. Children are not fully responsible for their own health choices and rely on adults to protect and nurture them; therefore they need an environment that supports healthy options and protects them from unnecessary risks and instances. Recommendation This article can be helpful to every family with obese child. This will serve as an eye opener to the parents on proper nutrition of their children. It is a global concern and that everyone should participate.


Submitted to: Ms. Liezel Donatila M. Salcedo

Submitted by: Rochiella A. Visto BSN

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