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Schools Achievement in Science PMR for the year 2009 and 2010

Bilangan calon - 454 Bilangan A - 252 Bilangan lulus - 429 Peratus lulus - 94.5

Bilangan calon 444 Bilangan A - 259 Bilangan lulus - 433 Peratus lulus - 97.5


Physical quantities MELTT

Chapter 1

(mass, electric current, length, time, temperature)

Mass kg lever balance Parallax error reading taken from wrong position

Water displacement method irregular volume

Methylene blue stain animal Unicellular one cell

Unicellular animals

Chapter 2 Iodine solution stain plant

Unicellular - plants

Multicellular - animal

many cell
Multicellular - plants

Cell organization CTOSO

(Cell, Tissue, Organ, System, Organism)

Matter has mass, occupies space Concept of density- formula triangle


Chapter 3

directionally proportional inversely proportional

Chapter 4
Types of resources on Earth WFLAMS






Forms of resources
Elements Metals
Malleable Ductile shiny

Compounds Non-metals
Dull Brittle

mixed physically non-fixed ratio

combined chemically fixed ratio

Chapter 5 O2- ignites /rekindles glowing splinter

- support combustion - very soluble in alkaline pyragallol solution CO2- extinguished burning splinter - lime water turns cloudy/milky /chalky - very soluble in sodium hydroxide solution - green house effect / global warming

H2 - pop sound with burning splinter


Acid rain- sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide CFC - Ozone layer

Composition Inhaled air Nitrogen Oxygen 78% 21%

Exhaled air 78% 16%

C. dioxide
W. vapour



Inert gases



Chapter 6
Forms of energy
Chemical Potential
Kinetic Nuclear


Electrical Sound



Stored energy

Working energy

Energy sources
Renewable Non-renewable Radioactive substances

Biomass Solar

Geyser Geothermal Hot spring Volcanoes Water Wind Waves

Fossil fuel Coal Petroleum Natural gas

Chapter 7
Heat Temperature Is a form of Is a degree of hotness energy Measured in Joule Measured in degree Celcius (C) (J) Transfers from hot Increases when to cold areas heated and decreases when cooled

Effect of heat on matter

Heat absorbed

melting freezing

Heat released


sublimation boiling / evaporation



Characteristic Conduction Convection Radiation

Medium Solids, Liquids & gases From one particles to the next Liquid & gases Solids, Liquids, gases & Vacuum In the form of waves

Method of heat transfer

In the convection current

Rate of heat transfer



Very fast

Sea breeze

land (hot) Land breeze - night land (cold) sea (hot) Rate of conduction - CAIG (copper,aluminium, iron, glass) Rate of expansion - ABCII (aluminium, brass, copper, iron, invar) Good absorber / radiator - dark , dull Poor absorber / radiator - white , shiny

- day time sea (cold)


Chapter 1
Sense - tense






Degree of sensitivity - thickness of epidermis - number of receptor Outer ear - PEA (pinna, eardrum, auditory canal) Middle ear - OOE (ossicles, oval window, Eustachian tube) Inner ear - CAS (cochlea, auditory nerves, semicircular canal)





Properties of light - travel in straight line, reflected, refracted Reflection surface - shiny, smooth, hard even Refraction - less dense to denser (towards the normal) - denser to less dense (away from normal)
Light reflection Light refraction

Defects of vision
Short-sightedness Long-sightedness

Eyeball too long or big

Eye lens too thick Near clear / Far - blur

Eyeball too short or small

Eye lens too thin Near blur / Far - clear

Image in front retina

Image behind retina

Correction by concave lens Correction by convex lens Any age group The elderly


- uneven surface of cornea, cyclindrical lens

Stereoscopic vision - both eyes, predator, 3D, estimate accurately Monocular vision - one eye, prey, wide field of vision Tropism - shoot & root, influenced by direction, positive tropism (towards stimulus)

Nastic movement - leaf & flower, not influenced by direction

Types of tropism


shoot (+ve) root (-ve) Geotropism


shoot (-ve) root (+ve)


shoot (-ve) root (+ve)

tendrils for support absorb sunlight cucumber

Chapter 2
Classes of food








Carbohydrate CHO, provide energy, excess glucose - glycogen (in the liver) Protein CHON(SP), repair tissues, support growth, amino acids, kwashiorkor, excess protein (urea) Fats CHO, provide double energy, as insulator 1 glycerol + 3 fatty acids, high cholesterol Water maintain body temperature , 2 litres (6 glasses)

Fibre/ roughage Minerals

- cannot be digested, help peristalsis, constipation - inorganic substances, maintain good health, Calcium (Rickets), Iron (anaemia), Iodine (goitre), Flourine (tooth decay) Vitamins organic compounds, maintain good health - Cannot dissolve in fats (BC), B (Beriberi), C (Scurvy) - Can dissolve in fats (ADEK), A (Night blindness), D (Rickets/Tooth decay), E (Infertility), K (Blood slow to clot)


- Iodine solution (brownish to dark blue), salivary amylase Glucose - Benedicts solution (light blue to brick-red precipitate) Protein - Millons reagent (white precipitate to dark red precipitate), protease (stomach) Fats - ethanol and distilled water (cloudy emulsion to milky white emulsion), lipase (small intestine) Large intestine - absorbs water Rectum - stored faeces

Human digestive system

Chapter 3
Classification of animals

have backbone endoskeletons

without backbone exoskeletons hydrostatic skeleton Reptiles Amphibians Frogs



Classification of plants


Non-flowering CAMFF
Dicotyledons two seed leaves tap root network vein woody stem Mosses Ferns Fungi

Monocotyledons one seed leaf fibrous root parallel vein non-woody stem Conifer Algae

Chapter 4
Individual species Population community ecosystem Decomposers - bacteria & fungi Producer - plants (produce own food) Photosynthesis CO2, light, water, chlorophyll O2 - respiration, combustion, decomposition

Type of interaction between organisms

Competition Prey-predator Symbiosis
ectoparasite (outside body ticks), endoparasite (inside body tapeworm)

Intraspecies competition - same species Interspecies competition - different species

Mutualism sea anemone & hermit crab

remora fish & shark

Chapter 5
0C- Freezing point melting point 100C - Boiling point

Impurities - decrease freezing and melting point, increase boiling point

Electrolysis - decompose substances using electricity Anode - connected to +ve terminal (+ve electrode - O2)

Cathode - connected to -ve terminal (-ve electrode H2)

Dilute solution

- little solute Concentrated solution - a lot of solute Saturated solution - maximum solute Homogeneous - transparent, solution Non-homogenous - opaque, suspension Neutralization - acid + alkali = salt + water Acid - sour, corrosive, pH < 7, blue to red Alkali - bitter, corrosive, pH > 7 red to blue

Chapter 6
Barometer Air pressure - measure air pressure - temperature - volume

Appliances that use the principle of air pressure - syringe - drinking straw - siphon -suction pump / plunger - spraying pump - pouring condensed milk

Chapter 7
Types of forces
Electric force Gravitational force

Electrostatic force
Electromagnetic force

Magnetic force
Frictional force Reducing friction rollers, wheels, ball bearings, lubricants, air cushion

1N = 100g Force (N)

W = Nm/s = J/s

- direction & magnitude Force changes - position, shape, speed, direction Power (W) = Force (N) X Distance (m) Time taken (s) = Work (J) Time taken (s) Friction - oppose motion, has direction, magnitude, gives out heat, worn out

Chapter 8
Support system in animals


Invertebrates Exoskeleton
Land Aquatic

Hydrostatic skeleton

Land Aquatic insect

tiger whale snake fish

crab Land Mollusk caterpillar centipede Aquatic Prawn leech scorpian starfish (calcium (chitin) jellyfish carbonate)

Plant support system - secondary xylem (woody plant) - cell turgidity (herbaceous plant, non-woody) Special support system- tendrils(cucumber), thorns (roses), twinning stem (morning glory), clasping roots (money plant) Special root system - prop root (mangrove) - buttress root (meranti) - stilt root (maize plant)

Chapter 9
Point of equilibrium - centre of gravity Stable equilibrium - original position Unstable equilibrium- away from original position Neutral equilibrium - remain in its displaced position Stability factor - centre of gravity, base area, weight

Chapter 10
Simple machine
First-class lever

Third-class lever
effort load




scissors pliers see-saw crowbar hammer

Second-class lever
load fulcrum effort

wheel-barrow paper cutter

broom stapler ice tongs fishing rod Human arm

Turning effect Moment of force = Force (N) X perpendicular distance (m)

Principle of moment

Load X load distance = effort X effort distance

Small effort needed

- 1st & 2nd class lever

Small movement of effort 3rd class lever


Chapter 1
upwards & outwards contracts, downwards & flatten increases rib cage

downwards & inwards expands, curve & upwards decreases

diaphragm thoracic cavity volume thoracic cavity pressure air flow

into lungs

Out from lungs


- one cell thick - moist - a lot of blood capillaries, - large surface area

Respiratory diseases bronchitis lung cancer emphysema heart diseases arterial embolism stroke high blood pressure

Chapter 2
Pulmonary artery Vena cava Right atrium

Left atrium

Pulmonary vein

Right Left ventricle ventrical

Left ventricle Semi-lunar valve Bicuspid valve Tricuspid valve

- thick (oxygenated blood) - pulmonary artery & aorta - left atrium & ventrical - right atrium & ventrical

Characteristics Cross section



one-cell thick



Lumen size Wall

Medium Thick, muscular & elastic Away from the heart

Wide Thin, less muscular & less elastic To the heart Medium

Narrow One-cell thick From artery to vein Low

Direction of blood flow

Blood pressure High

Human Blood cells

- 45% blood cells, 55% blood plasma - RBC (biconcave, bone marrow, haemoglobin, 4 months, destroyed liver & spleen) - WBC (colourless , no definite shape, 2 days to 2 months, destroyed harmful microorganism) - Platelets (no nucleus, no definite shape, bone marrow, blood clot)

Blood groups- A, B, AB (universal recipients), O (universal donors) Xylem transport water (root to stem)


transport food (leaves to all part)

Transpiration process plant loses water through evaporation through stoma (cool down plant) Dicotyledon more stomata an bottom Monocotyledon same stomata for both sides

Chapter 3
Excretion - eliminating unwanted products Perspiration - skin (water, mineral salts, urea) Urination - kidneys (water, mineral salts, urea) Respiration - lungs (water vapour & CO2) Diabetes- high glucose level Kidneys - Cortex (outer, dark-red), Medulla (inner, light-red)


- rubber (rubber tree)

- ink and dye (mangrove tree) - painkiller (anesthetic) - paints, stickers, varnish

Quinine- remedy for malaria Opium Resin

Chapter 4
*Sexual reproduction - vertebrates (internal & external fertilization sperm + ovum) & flowering plants (pollen grain & ovule) *Asexual reproduction- invertebrates & non flowering plants (binary fission, budding, spore formation, regeneration, vegetative reproduction) *Testes - produce sperm + sex hormones *Ovary - produce ovum + sex hormones

Fertilization - in Fallopian tube Implantation - uterus (womb) Menstrual cycle - 28 days - thickening & degeneration of uterus wall, stops for 9 months (pregnancy), stop forever (menopause) Menstruation - shedding of the uterus lining (7 days) Ovulation - ovum released into Fallopian tube (14th day of menstruation cycle), Fertile period (10th to 18th day)

Overcome sterility - IVF, GIFT, ZIFT, IUI, embryo transfer, surrogacy

Temporary contraception- contraceptive pills, spermicides, condoms, diaphragm, IUD Permanent contraceptive - vasectomy, ligation Stamen - anther (pollen grains male gametes), filament


- stigma, style, ovary (ovule female gametes)

Pollination - self pollination (same flower or same plant), - cross pollination (different flower from different plant) Wind - small flower (pale), not scented, long filament, big anther, long & hairy stigma, long style, no nectar Animals - large flower (bright), scented, short filament, small anther, sticky stigma, short style, has nectar

Ovary - fruit Ovule - seed Testa - protect seed Micropyle - allow water and air enter to seed Cotyledon/ endosperm - stored food Germination - water, oxygen, suitable temperature Epigeal - cotyledons brought up Hypogeal - cotyledons remain in the soil Vegetative reproduction - runnner (potato), stem cutting ( tapioca), leaf (Begonia), Sucker (pineapple), rhizome (ginger), bulb (onion), corm (yam)

Chapter 5
Human growth - infancy (fast), childhood (slow), adolescent (fast), adulthood (minimal), old age (negative) - at age 11 to 14, female higher than male - female (21) , male (24)

Growth rate

Growth stop

Chapter 6
Compound - oxides, sulphides, carbonates (do not dissolve in water except potassium & sodium) Metal oxides - do not decompose when heated except argentum oxide & mercury oxide (metal + O2) Metal sulphides - heated (metal oxides + sulphur dioxide)

Metal carbonates - heated (metal oxides + CO2)

Silicone - silica (silicon dioxide sand, quartz, flint) & silicate (clay, feldspar, mica, asbestos, topaz, jade, ruby) Silicone - not dissolve in water (except sodium silicate), do not react with acid, disintegrated (heat), reacts with alkali to form silicate salt + water (silica)

Calcium carbonate- does not dissolve in water, reacts with acids to form Calcium salt + CO2 + water

Calcium carbonate (limestone) heat calcium oxide (quicklime) little water calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) dissolves in water calcium hydroxide solution (lime water) add CO2 Calcium carbonate (limestone) Fractional distillation - separated petroleum based on different boiling point Petroleum - gas (<30C), petrol (40C - 75C), naphtha (75C 150C), kerosene (150C - 230C), diesel (230C 250C), lubricating oil (250C 300C), fuel oil (300C - 350C), bitumen (>350C)

Chapter 7
Electroscope - detected electrical charges Negative charge - PEFS (polythene, ebonite, silk, fur cloth) Positive charge - WACG (woollen cloth, animal fur, glass, cellulose acetate) Electric circuit - series parallel Series - (I = I1 = I2) , (V = V1 + V2), (R = R1 + R2) Parallel - (I = I1 + I2) , (V = V1 + V2), (1 = 1 + 1 ) R R1 R2

Ohms Law

(directly proportional) (inversely proportional)

V = IR



Neutral point

Right hand grip rule

- area no magnetic force - determine of direction of electric current / magnetic field

Chapter 8
Types of generators - Hydroelectric, thermal, diesel, gas turbine, nuclear Transformer - increase or decrease voltage Step-up transformer - produce higher voltage (more turns in secondary coil) Step-down - produce lower voltage (less turns in secondary coil) 3-pin plug - live wire (L-brown electric to appliance) , neutral wire (N blue electric from appliance) , earth wire (E green leaking current to ground)

Electrical energy (J) = power of electrical appliances (W) X duration of usage (s) Power (W) = Voltage (V) X Current (A) Cost of electrical = Total unit consumed X Tariff rate Types of fuse - Cartridge fuse , rewirable fuse Wiring system in homes - Main fuse box joule meter main switch circuit breaker fuse box socket Electric power distribution - electric generator station step-up transformer station switch zone National Grid Network main substation substation branches

Chapter 9
Atmosphere of Sun - Corona (bluish- white 2,000,000C), Chromospere (purplish-red 4,000C to 50,000C), photosphere (shiny - dense gases 6,000C) Solar system - MVEMJSUNP (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) Sunspot - black spots on sun surface (4,000C) Solar flares - flashes of light (5,000,000C) charged particles Prominence - hot & bright red helium & hydrogen gases form big cloud

- Hydrogen, helium, dust formation of star Nova/Supernova - explosion of the supergiant star Constellation - a group of star that have different shape, 88 types Zodiac - group of 12 constellations Near to Milky Way - Magallan & Andromeda galaxies Types of galaxies - Elliptical (oval/round), Spiral (disc-shaped), Barrel spiral (has barred core & spiral arms), Irregular (no definate shape Nebula

Chapter 10
Astromers - Ptolemy , Aristotle, Phythagaros, Galileo Galilei, Al-Khawarizmi, Sir Isaac Newton Nicholous Copernicus - The Father of Modern Astronomy Sputnik (1957) Probes - space exploration era - launched by rocket to explore the planets

First step Moon human - Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins (1969) MEASAT I & II - Malaysia communication satellites MARCES - remote sensing in Malaysia



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