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in politics

and opportunities


Action, involvement, dedication that's what The U.S. Jaycees are all about. Founded in 1920 in St. Louis, Missouri, the organiJ:ation has grown to possess a membership of over 350,000 young men in over 9,000 chapters across the United States. The Jaycee movement has even crossed the oceans and can be found in 84 countries around the world. Not to be forgotten, our national women's organization, The U.S. Jayceettes, has grown to over 4,000 affiliates. The past ten years have been years of active community and national involvement for The U.S. Jaycees. A brief overview of the varied and worthwhile projects undertaken by The U.S. Jaycees during these years is offered by the following brochure. Are we an active organization? That's for you to decide!

individual participation in the political process. Always wanting to involve the whole community, the non-partisan program, "Get Out The Vote," was incorporated under the Governmental Affairs umbrella and sponsored by Shell Oil Company with a $45,000 grant. Impossible to increase voter turnout? Not' according to the 2,250 Jaycee chapters who participated in the program during the 1976 presidential election revealing that in their communities, voter turnout substantially increased!


What? A program to teach a child to shoot a gun? That's correct - - - - and wha t a valuable and worthwhile program it has been! This program, designed to teach youngsters the basic skills of safe gun handling and good markmanship was developed inl963 when The U.s. Jaycees joined forces with the Daisy jHeddon Division of the Victor Comptometer Corporation. Overwhelming success of at the program led to the development the Jaycee International Championship in 1965 and both the national and international championship events have continued ever since. An average of 3,000 chapters participate in this program each year involving over 10 million youngsters to date.


What better way is there to get involved than to start by learning about the government! That's precisely how the Jaycees felt, so in 1962, the initial Governmental Affairs Leadership Seminar (GALS) was conducted by The U.S. Jaycees in conjunction with the First Colony Life Insurance Company. This annual seminar provides education, training, and extensive communication opportunities among the Jaycee leadership with members of Congress, the Wh ite House, the fcdel al agencies and departments, the Supreme Court and regulating agencies, usually ending in a personal visit with the President of the United Sta tes. "How to Get Involved With U.S.,"

This Human Improvement program designed to help disadvantaged people is funded by the Community Services Admini~tration (CSA). Just another poverty prograrn? Not in t he least! Areas of concentration being emphasized by The U.S. Jaycees include housing winteriLation, elderly assistance, youth assistance, economic development and self developrnent. Since July of 1972, this program has ,\warded $612,960 in seed grants to local .1nd state J.1ycee organiJ:ations, gener.1ting over $8 million in .1dditional 1I10bili/ed resources. A total of 3,857 ,807 manhours have been expended for the !)i"ogi"am which is now entering its sixth year. As you Cln S('C, it's not ,In ,IVCI,lgl' program because these projects have been unparalleled by anyone anywhere!

developed in 1975, isa newand ambitious program for governmental involvement at the local level. In this five hour course,
participants arc exposed

to eleCTed public l)f organj/-

offici..lls and


ing precincts and legislative districts, distinctions between political parties,

More people, more problems, more crime - - what could an organization possibly do to help solve the problems of a multiplying crime rate? Well, in 1968, The U.S. Jaycees met with J. Edgar Hoover to discuss the Jaycees potential in dealing with crime on the local level. From that discussion, crime prevention programs were formulated to act as catalysts to leaders and in 1970-71 alone, 3,000 Jaycee chapters conducted Crime Prevention programs, such as:

Jaycees behind bars? That's correct! It all began in 1962 in Moundsville, West Virginia when the West Virginia Jaycees extended a chapter into the State Penitentiary. Now, fifteen years la ter, there are more than 400 Jaycee chapters located within correctional facilities with a total membership of over 16,680 members. The Jaycees is the only nationwide organization that has chapters behind prison walls, placing it in a unique position to begin to understand the complexities of dealing with crime reduction. Halfway houses, corrections programs, crime prevention programs, court programs and police support programs have been developed by Jaycee chapters in and out of correctional facilities. Through these successes, a nationwide referral system was developed to assist individuals returning to local communities. In 1971-72 alone, 3,600 ex-offenders were assisted during their transition from incarceration to freedom. The ACTION Agency of the United States Government contracted a grant with The U.S. Jaycees in 1976 selecting Georgia and Arizona as models to demonstrate the effectiveness of Jaycee inmates in a one-to-one program. This program, entitled Project "New Life," offers supportive services to the offender, both before release and after his re-entry into the community. Project "New Life" was so outstanding that it received the National Volunteer Activist Award in 1976 for its innovative volunteer efforts.

Lock It & Pocket The Key. Halting the rising rate of auto thefts by improving public awareness led to the development of this program by Allstate Insurance Company and The U. S. Jaycees. Auto thefts were reduced by 7 percent according to the FBI Crime Report as opposed to the expected 3 percent or 4 percent. This reduction meant an initial savings to the American motoring public of $61-1 /2 million.

In 1972, The U.S. Jaycees adopted program to combat burglaries with a sponsorship from Allstate Insurance Company and entitled it: Operation Identification. resulted in a nationwide This program coordinated

a ,

effort to influence people to get their property items engraved and registered with police. It also provided people with stickers to be placed on windows to show potential burglars that the property had been protected. Was it successful? In Monterey Park, California, where the program began, statistics showed that 5,500 protected properties had only experienced 5 burglaries, whereas the 7,000 non-participants had experienced more than 1,800 burglaries. Because of The U.S. Jaycees national effort in this area, many professional, social and civic organizations throughout the country are now running the project.

Rehabilitation of sub-standard conditions within the community was the basis of this program from 1968-70. Local Jaycee chapters involved themselves in thousands of varied projects. For example, in 1968, the Greater New Haven Jaycees developed a multi-million dollar, low income housing project by forming a Jaycee Housing Corporation and putting together a consortium of eight banks who

together lent the $8 million needed to construct 400 housing units. In 1970, Environmental Improvement took on more of an ecological outlook as opposed to the previous years when it had been included in the Human Improvement area. In 1972-73,3,500 chapters stimulated an excess of 2.5 million manhours on Environmental Improvement projects. The program was so successful that it received the "Conservation Organization of the Year" award from the National Wildlife Federation in recognition in this area. of its efforts

Jaycees even branched into the field of medicine during 1970-71 when major efforts were made in the field of rubella immunization. Jaycees were involved in 42 states and administered 7 million doses of vaccine for rubella, giving some 3 million manhours to the task.

During the early 1970s, 31,000 Jaycees donated 730,000 man hours in 3,431 chapters to th is program for the disadvantaged. The housing program alone has involved fundraising and housing development loans in excess of $80 million. The building of an industrial park and the training of unskilled persons through corporate involvement are just a sample of the wide scope of the program.

Knowing no boundaries, The U. S. Jaycees is one of 84 countries that comprise Jaycees International. Jaycees continue to develop a better understanding among nations by the exchange of ideas through the use of this program. Working through the Jaycee Sister Country program, which brought 51 countries into direct contact with Jaycee state organizations, more than $1 million in food, medical supplies, household needs and clothing was raised for relief victims of the Peruvian earthquake in 1970. This program was also the vehicle for ambassador and student exchanges.

Are Jaycee chapters really involved? You bet they are! This program which began in 1970 to encourage Jaycees to become involved in any meaningful Community Development program started four pilot projects in Somerset, Kentucky; Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin; Derby, Kansas; and Marietta, Ohio. A total of 16,890 Jaycees acted as organizers of the program which was sponsored by the Pepsi-Cola Company. In a ten month period, 1,"126 local communities were involved; 15,764 community agencies were serviced; and 508,952 volunteers donated an average of 11 hours each to the program for a grand total of 5,598,472 manhours. The total manpower dollar worth stimulated from the original $40,500 funding was over $11

In 1972, The U. S. Jaycees began mounting America's voluntary resources and capabilities to combat venereal disease, along with twenty other national organizations, by establishing the United States Alliance for the Eradication of Venereal Disease (USAEVD). The U.S. Jaycees then established the VD Attack Program as the priority program from 1973-76. At a monumental VD seminar held in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1973, the first and largest assembly of professional and private sector organizations met to forge plans for a broadbased citizen's action program to fight the VD epidemic. The U.s. Jaycees developed a thorough

million in that ten month period. Over

$12 million have been given by Jaycee chapters across the country in 1976 in these kinds of worthwhile programs.


community action guide

making it the first national plan to be wholly endorsed in its content by the Venereal Disease Control and USAEVD.


"Look for ,\ red ball!," has become a 'dmili;lr phrase to liremen and rescuers in the comillunities that 1,340 Jaycee chapters have affected. This program, cosponsored by the Americ.ln Red Ball rransit vide COlllpany, was designed to proon bright red st ickel s to be placed The late 1960's saw the beginning 01

.I Mental
gram from The

Hc,lIth/Mental Retardation profunded by a $290,000 irlve<,t ment Kline

Smith, program

& French

Ldbor;ltorics. million from $2.00,1'>

generdted manf!ours

2 1/2 million


the minimum wage at the time). The National Mental Health dnd Ment.tI Retardation 69,000 ject, with estimated Committee itsell hoUts donated to the proeffort this fivedevelopmental

the windows of the rooms occupied by children in homes. In case of fire, it guides rescuers to those rooms first. Five million red ball stickers were distributed in 1972 through this program which is still going on allover the United Sl.ltes.

the resulting overall at $47 million over

year period. Although the Mentall-le;tlth/ Mental Retarddtion sponsorshirs ended in 1970, the dedication 01 jdycee chapters did not let the program dissolve. ht.lbli<,hed programs ships, summer ,lre still going in the field camps, such ,IS tod,IY. and gr.1I1t plOgrdms


rhe July of U. S. Jaycees I ~73 by the were National recognized Multiple In Sclerosis Society as being lation in the United States contributed disease in the to efforts past year. the one organithat had Illost the reThe Jaycees

on dcrOSS the country

Developed Jaycees Institute by The United States in conjunction on Alcohol with the N,lIion,d Abuse ,\nd Alcoholism (NIAAA), the program never encolIIaged nor discour,lged the use of ,1Icoholic beverages, reducing but alcohol rather, abuse. was dedicated TH RESHOLD to

to eradicate

ceived the Society's highest recognition, the "Hope Chest" award, for the national c.llllpaign that resulted IdW of a Senate-House t'lJ a National the Study Advisory of Multiple in the signing into bill that establishCommission Sclerosis. for


is just

a quick


at the past believe of

received the National Council on Alcqholism "Bronze Key" award for it<; historic and inldginative programming in the prevention of alcohol problems. How the program I ,400 measure seed up? Well, were in live ;lw.1lded years, grants did

ten years of Jaycee programming. Breathtaking? We think so, and it or not, this is truly only

a glimpse

the myriad of activities and projects carried on by The U.S. Jaycees and its local and state units. It is possible that it Illay be unmatched by any other civic organiLation looks to the its record unswerving in the country. The past future ror a continuance of achievement to making and our dedication

across the country ,\nd generdted in-c.lsh and in-kind contributions 01 over $1 million that the year each of these Government, in value. over 23,411,1397 years. in this over During For every program $6 more the 1976-77 people were program; $1 by has be(~n invested Federal alone,

of constant

wdsgenerated reached

ndtion a better local cOlllmunit levels. What

place to live from the y to the state and national be Illore exciting and



and in the 1976 1,em profession,lI to ,lssist Jdycecs de;\vur. Creativity THRESHOLD very ture fi,st

fiscal year alone, over dgenc ies wer e mobil iled in this worthwhile enis what to plOdllce ahu,e il retjllired "oille of the litL'ldIOf

proillising than thousands of young men cUllllllitted to an organil.,J\ion that helieves and lives its creed, " ... service

tu 11Uilldnity is


hest wurk ur lire."



in the countlY.



That faith in God gives meaning That the brotherhood That economic justice

and purpose

to human

life; of nations; free enterprise;

of man transcends

the sovereignty

can best be won by free men through should be of laws rather lies in human than of men; personality;

That government That earth's

great treasure

And that service

to humanity

is the best work of life.

The United



P.O. Box 7, Tulsa, Oklahoma


(918) 584-2481

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