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Black n white, as I utter these words lots of nostalgic memories are flooding into my head, those charlie chaplin

movies, Mahabharata, Ramayana. We now live with high definition television and one does not even mention "color" with regard to TV, because it is assumed, it's a "given." But outdated as black & white TVs are today, so is the so-called "fight against poverty, discrimination etc". Our freedom fighters risked everything to affirm a belief in the rights of each individual to live in a free society without judicial, legislative or executive tyranny. The founders of our nation were not just "gifted thinkers." They were men of faith. We must wake up as individuals and look ourselves in the mirror. When we think about our country today, we must evaluate our thoughts, decisions and actions and ask ourselves, "is this what Mother Teresa or the Mahatma would have done?" We are dealing with pervasive evil, corrupting many of our leaders and certainly many who sit as judges in our courts. Our judges not only wear black robes; they wear robes blackened with the stench of the corruption. We see the world in living color. They see the world in black and white: the wanted vs. the unwanted. The able vs. the disabled. Unreal. Blind How can we reach them? Convince them? Change them? No! We cannot reach them or change them. They are beyond that. Just like a bulldozer racing through a field of flowers, destroying everything in its path, oblivious to the beauty that it crushes, they bully everyone around them, denying care to the needy. We can no longer sit idly by. It is time to take back our nation, our legislators, our judges. We need a revitalized India, and it starts in our local community. We cannot ignore politics. We cannot afford NOT to be involved. The time is now. We cannot sit by and allow our government institutions to be filled with those who subscribe to a two-dimensional vision of the world that desecrates all that our nation stands for. We must act, each in his or her own way. We must make the elected fear our power of the vote. Remove the death dealers. Remove the betrayers. I would like to conclude with a Tao sayingKnow the white, yet keep to the black. Be the pattern of the world. Be the pattern of the world, the virtue in you will endure and return again to the infinity. We should have the ability to accept contradiction and paradox in life, so that we can see black in white. Existence itself is a paradox anyway. If there is no day, there is no night. If no one is tall, no one is short. If there is no honor, there is no evil. Rather than expecting things to be in our favor always, lets strike a balance in it.

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