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IMPORTANT ACTION VERBS Date: to accuse: charge with a fault or crime; blame.

to admire: regard with approval, respect, or satisfaction. 2 express admiration of.  admirer to admonish: 1 reprove. 2 urge, advise. 3 (foll. by of) warn. to adore: 1 love intensely. 2 worship as divine. 3 colloq. like very much. to amuse: 1 cause to laugh or smile. 2 interest or occupy. to annoy: anger or distress slightly (am annoyed with you). 2 molest, harass. to apologize: make an apology, express regret. to applaud: 1 express strong approval, esp. by clapping. 2 commend, approve to attack: 1 try to hurt or defeat using force. 2 criticize adversely. 3 act harmfully upon (rust attacks metal). 4 vigorously apply oneself to. 5 Sport try to gain ground or score (against). to bask: 1 relax in warmth and light. 2 (foll. by in) revel in (basking in glory). to beg: ask for (food, money, etc.). b live by begging. 2 ask earnestly, humbly, or formally (for) (begged for mercy; beg your indulgence; beg leave). 3 (of a dog etc.) sit up with the front paws raised expectantly. 4 (foll. by to + infin.) take leave (I beg to differ). to belittle: disparage, make appear insignificant. to bestow: confer (a gift, right, etc.). to boast: 1 declare one's virtues, wealth, etc. with excessive pride. 2 own or have with pride to brag: talk boastfully. n. 1 card-game like poker. 2 boastful statement or talk. to brood: 1 young of esp. a bird born or hatched at one time. 2 colloq. children in a family. to brush off: abrupt dismissal. to buddy up: friend or mate. to caress: touch or stroke gently or lovingly. to celebrate: 1 mark with or engage in festivities. 2 perform (a rite or ceremony). 3 praise publicly.

to challenge: 1 summons to take part in a contest etc. or to prove or justify something. 2 demanding or difficult task. 3 objection made to a jury member. 4 call to respond. to charm: 1 power or quality of delighting, arousing admiration, or influencing; fascination, attractiveness. 2 trinket on a bracelet etc. 3 object, act, or word(s) supposedly having magic power. to check out: act of checking out. 2 pay-desk in a supermarket to coax: 1 persuade gradually or by flattery. 2 (foll. by out of) obtain (a thing from a person) thus. 3 manipulate (a thing) carefully or slowly. to comfort: 1 a state of physical well-being. b (usu. in pl.) things that make life easy or pleasant. 2 relief of suffering or grief, consolation. 3 person or thing giving consolation. to command: 1 (often foll. by to + infin., or that + clause) give a formal order or instruction to. 2 (also absol.) have authority or control over. 3 have at one's disposal or within reach (a skill, resources, etc.). 4 deserve and get (sympathy, respect, etc.). 5 dominate (a strategic position) from a superior height; look down over. to confess: 1 a (also absol.) acknowledge or admit (a fault, crime, etc.). b (foll. by to) admit to. 2 admit reluctantly. 3 a (also absol.) declare (one's sins) to a priest. b (of a priest) hear the confession of. to confide: 1 (foll. by in) talk confidentially to. 2 (usu. foll. by to) tell (a secret etc.) in confidence. 3 (foll. by to) entrust (an object of care, a task, etc.) to. to confront: 1 a face in hostility or defiance. b face up to and deal with. 2 (of a difficulty etc.) present itself to. 3 (foll. by with) bring (a person) face to face with (an accusation etc.). 4 meet or stand facing. to congratulate: 1 express pleasure at the happiness, good fortune, or excellence of (a person). 2 refl. think oneself fortunate or clever. to cuddle: 1 hug, fondle. 2 nestle together, lie close and snug. to defend: 1 (often foll. by against, from) resist an attack made on; protect. 2 uphold by argument. 3 conduct a defence in a lawsuit. 4 compete to retain (a title etc.) in a contest. to deify: make a god or idol of.  deification to demand: 1 insistent and peremptory request. 2 desire for a commodity (no demand for fur coats). 3 urgent claim (makes demands on her). to destroy: 1 pull or break down; demolish. 2 kill (esp. an animal). 3 make useless; spoil. 4 ruin, esp. financially. 5 defeat. to dis: 1 negation or direct opposite (dishonest; discourteous). 2 reversal (disengage; disorientate). 3 removal of a thing or quality (dismember; disable). 4 separation (distinguish). 5 completeness or intensification (disgruntled). 6 expulsion from (disbar). to discard: 1 reject as unwanted. 2 remove or put aside.

to discover: 1 a find out or become aware of, by intention or chance. b be first to find or find out (who discovered America?). 2 find and promote as a new performer. to dismiss: 1 send away, esp. from one's presence; disperse. 2 terminate the employment of, esp. dishonourably; sack. 3 put from one's mind or emotions. 4 consider not worth talking or thinking about; treat summarily. 5 Law refuse further hearing to (a case). 6 Cricket put (a batsman or side) out to distract: 1 (often foll. by from) draw away the attention of. 2 bewilder, perplex. 3 (as distracted adj.) confused, mad, or angry. 4 amuse, esp. to divert from pain etc. to embrace: 1 a hold closely in the arms. b (absol., of two people) embrace each other. 2 clasp, enclose. 3 accept eagerly (an offer etc.). 4 adopt (a cause, idea, etc.). 5 include, comprise. 6 take in with the eye or mind. to entertain: 1 occupy agreeably. 2 a receive as a guest. b receive guests. 3 cherish, consider (an idea etc.). to entice: attract by the offer of pleasure or reward. to erupt: 1 break out suddenly or dramatically. 2 (of a volcano) eject lava etc. 3 (of a rash etc.) appear on the skin. to escape: 1 (often foll. by from) get free of restriction or control. 2 (of gas etc.) leak. 3 succeed in avoiding punishment etc. 4 get free of (a person, grasp, etc.). 5 avoid (a commitment, danger, etc.). 6 elude the notice or memory of (nothing escapes you; name escaped me). 7 (of words etc.) issue unawares from (a person etc.). to examine: 1 inquire into the nature or condition etc. of. 2 look closely at. 3 test the proficiency of. 4 check the health of (a patient). 5 formally question in court.  to explode: 1 a expand suddenly with a loud noise owing to a release of internal energy. b cause (a bomb etc.) to explode. 2 give vent suddenly to emotion, esp. anger. 3 (of a population etc.) increase suddenly or rapidly. 4 show (a theory etc.) to be false or baseless. to exult: be joyful.  to flatter: 1 compliment unduly, esp. for gain or advantage. 2 (usu. refl.; usu. foll. by that) congratulate or delude (oneself etc.) (he flatters himself that he can sing). 3 (of colour, style, portrait, painter etc.) enhance the appearance of (that blouse flatters you). 4 cause to feel honoured. to flaunt: display proudly; show off; parade. to flee: 1 (often foll. by from, before) a run away (from); leave abruptly (fled the room). b seek safety by fleeing. 2 vanish. to flirt: 1 (usu. foll. by with) try to attract sexually but without serious intent. 2 (usu. foll. by with) superficially engage in; to gloat: look or consider with greed, malice, etc to grieve: 1 cause grief to. 2 suffer grief.

to hide: 1 put or keep out of sight. 2 conceal oneself. 3 (usu. foll. by from) keep (a fact) secret. 4 conceal. to idolize: 1 venerate or love excessively. 2 make an idol of. to ignore: refuse to take notice of; intentionally disregard. to impress: 1 (often foll. by with) a affect or influence deeply. b affect (a person) favourably (was most impressed). 2 (often foll. by on) emphasize (an idea etc.) (must impress on you the need to be prompt). 3 a (often foll. by on) imprint or make (a mark). b mark (a thing) with a stamp, seal, etc. to incite: urge or stir up. to inspect: 1 look closely at. 2 examine officially. to instruct: 1 teach (a person) a subject etc.; train. 2 (usu. foll. by to + infin.) direct; command. 3 Law a employ (a lawyer). b inform. to invade: 1 enter (a country etc.) under arms to control or subdue it. 2 swarm into. 3 (of a disease) attack. 4 encroach upon to invite: 1 (often foll. by to, or to + infin.) ask (a person) courteously to come, or to do something. 2 make a formal courteous request for. 3 tend to call forth unintentionally. 4 a attract. b be attractive. to lure: 1 (usu. foll. by away, into) entice. 2 recall with a lure. n. 1 thing used to entice. 2 (usu. foll. by of) enticing quality (of a pursuit etc.). 3 falconer's apparatus for recalling a hawk. to mock: 1 (often foll. by at) ridicule; scoff (at); act with scorn or contempt for. 2 mimic contemptuously. 3 defy or delude contemptuously. to mother: 1 female parent. 2 woman, quality, or condition etc. that gives rise to something else (necessity is the mother of invention). 3 (in full Mother Superior) head of a female religious community. to mourn: feel or show deep sorrow or regret for (a dead person, a lost thing, a past event, etc.). to ogle: look amorously or lecherously to patronize: 1 treat condescendingly. 2 be a patron or customer to perform: 1 (also absol.) carry into effect; do. 2 execute (a function, play, piece of music, etc.). 3 act in a play; play music, sing, etc.; execute tricks. 4 function.  to pester: trouble or annoy, esp. with frequent or persistent requests. to plead: 1 (foll. by with) make an earnest appeal to. 2 (of an advocate) address a lawcourt. 3 maintain (a cause) in a lawcourt. 4 (foll. by guilty or not guilty) declare oneself to be guilty or not guilty of a charge. 5 allege as an excuse (plead insanity). 6 (often as pleading adj.) make an appeal or entreaty

to ponder: 1 think over; consider. 2 muse, be deep in thought to pounce: 1 spring or swoop, esp. as in capturing prey. 2 (often foll. by on, upon) a make a sudden attack. b seize eagerly upon a remark etc. to preen: 1 (of a bird) tidy (the feathers or itself) with its beak. 2 (of a person) smarten or admire (oneself, one's hair, clothes, etc.). 3 (often foll. by on) congratulate or pride to prepare: 1 make or get ready for use, consideration, etc. 2 assemble (a meal etc.). 3 a make (a person or oneself) ready or disposed in some way (prepared them for a shock). b get ready (prepare to jump).  be prepared (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) be disposed or willing to. to primp: 1 make (the hair, clothes, etc.) tidy. 2 refl. make (oneself) smart. to probe: 1 penetrating investigation. 2 small device, esp. an electrode, for measuring, testing, etc. 3 blunt-ended surgical instrument for exploring a wound etc. 4 (in full space probe) unmanned exploratory spacecraft transmitting information about its environment. to protect: 1 (often foll. by from, against) keep (a person, thing, etc.) safe; defend, guard. 2 shield (home industry) from competition with import duties. to provoke: 1 (often foll. by to, or to + infin.) rouse or incite (provoked him to fury). 2 call forth; instigate; cause (indignation, an inquiry, process, etc.). 3 (usu. foll. by into + verbal noun) irritate or stimulate (a person) (provoked him into retaliating). 4 tempt; allure. to put down: snub to question: 1 sentence worded or expressed so as to seek information or an answer. 2 a doubt or dispute about a matter (no question that he is dead). b raising of such doubt etc. 3 matter to be discussed or decided. 4 problem requiring a solution. to reject: 1 put aside or send back as not to be used, done, or complied with etc. 2 refuse to accept or believe in. 3 rebuff or withhold affection from (a person). 4 show an immune response to (a transplant) so that it fails. to rescue: save or set free from danger or harm. to retreat: 1 (esp. of military forces) go back, retire; relinquish a position. 2 recede. n. 1 a act of retreating. b Mil. signal for this. 2 withdrawal into privacy or security. 3 place of shelter or seclusion. 4 period of seclusion for prayer and meditation. 5 Mil. bugle-call at sunset. to ridicule: derision, mockery. v. (-ling) make fun of; mock; laugh at. to savor: 1 characteristic taste, flavour, etc. 2 hint of a different quality etc. in something. v. 1 appreciate and enjoy (food, an experience, etc.). 2 (foll. by of) imply or suggest to scold: 1 rebuke (esp. a child). 2 find fault noisily. n. archaic nagging woman. to scrutinize: v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) subject to scrutiny.

to search: 1 (also absol.) look through or go over thoroughly to find something. 2 examine or feel over (a person) to find anything concealed. 3 probe (search one's conscience). 4 (foll. by for) look thoroughly in order to find. 5 (as searching adj.) (of an examination) thorough; keenly questioning (searching gaze). 6 (foll. by out) look for; seek out. to seduce: 1 entice into sexual activity or wrongdoing. 2 coax or lead astray. to seethe: 1 boil, bubble over. 2 be very angry, resentful, etc. to shock: 1 violent collision, impact, tremor, etc. 2 sudden and disturbing effect on the emotions etc. 3 acute prostration following a wound, pain, etc. 4 = *electric shock. 5 disturbance in the stability of an organization etc. v. 1 a horrify; outrage. b (absol.) cause shock. 2 affect with an electric or pathological shock. to show off: person who shows off. to sneak: 1 (foll. by in, out, past, away, etc.) go or convey furtively. 2 slang steal unobserved. 3 slang tell tales; turn informer. 4 (as sneaking adj.) a furtive (sneaking affection). b persistent and puzzling (sneaking feeling). to soothe: v. (-thing) 1 calm (a person, feelings, etc). 2 soften or mitigate (pain etc.). to stalk: 1 main stem of a herbaceous plant. 2 slender attachment or support of a leaf, flower, fruit, etc. 3 similar support for an organ etc. in an animal. to startle: shock or surprise. to strut: 1 bar in a framework, designed to resist compression. 2 strutting gait. v. (tt-) 1 walk stiffly and pompously. 2 brace with struts. to surrender: 1 hand over; relinquish. 2 submit, esp. to an enemy. 3 refl. (foll. by to) yield to a habit, emotion, influence, etc. 4 give up rights under (a life-insurance policy) in return for a smaller sum received immediately. 5 abandon (hope etc.). to tantalize: 1 torment or tease by the sight or promise of the unobtainable. 2 raise and then dash the hopes of.  tantalization to taunt: v. insult; provoke contemptuously. to teach: v. (past and past part. taught) 1 a give systematic information, instruction, or training to (a person) or about (a subject or skill) (taught me to swim). b (absol.) practise this professionally. c communicate, instruct in (suffering taught me patience). 2 advocate as a moral etc. principle (taught forgiveness). 3 (foll. by to + infin.) a instruct (a person) by example or punishment (that will teach you not to disobey). to tease: 1 a make fun of playfully, unkindly, or annoyingly; irritate. b allure, esp. sexually, while withholding satisfaction. 2 pick (wool etc.) into separate fibres. 3 dress (cloth) esp. with teasels. to tempt: 1 entice or incite (a person) to do what is wrong or forbidden (tempted him to steal it). 2 allure, attract. 3 risk provoking (fate etc.).  be tempted to be strongly disposed to.

to test: 1 critical examination or trial of a person's or thing's qualities. 2 means, procedure, or standard for so doing. 3 minor examination, esp. in school (spelling test). 4 colloq. test match. v. 1 put to the test. 2 try or tax severely. 3 examine by means of a reagent.  put to the test cause to undergo a test. test out put to a practical test. to threaten: 1 make a threat or threats against. 2 be a sign of (something undesirable). 3 (foll. by to + infin.) announce one's intention to do an undesirable thing. 4 (also absol.) warn of the infliction of (harm etc.). 5 (as threatened adj.) (of a species etc.) likely to become extinct. to toss off: 1 throw up (a ball etc.), esp. with the hand. 2 roll about, throw, or be thrown, restlessly or from side to side. 3 (usu. foll. by to, away, aside, out, etc.) throw (a thing) lightly or carelessly. 4 a throw (a coin) into the air to decide a choice etc. by the side on which it lands. b (also absol.; often foll. by for) settle a question or dispute with (a person) in this way. 5 (of a bull etc.) throw (a person etc.) up with the horns. to triumph: 1 a state of victory or success (returned in triumph). b a great success or achievement. 2 supreme example (a triumph of engineering). 3 joy at success; exultation (triumph in her face). 4 processional entry of a victorious general into ancient Rome. v. 1 (often foll. by over) gain a victory; be successful. 2 (of an ancient Roman general) ride in triumph. 3 (often foll. by over) exult to ward off: 1 separate part of a hospital or room for a particular group of patients. 2 administrative division of a constituency. 3 a minor under the care of a guardian or court. b (in full ward of court) minor or mentally deficient person placed under the protection of a court. to warn: 1 (also absol.) a (often foll. by of or that) inform of danger, unknown circumstances, etc. b (foll. by to + infin.) advise (a person) to take certain action. c (often foll. by against) inform (a person etc.) about a specific danger. 2 (usu. with neg.) admonish.  warn off tell (a person) to keep away to welcome: act of greeting or receiving gladly; kind or glad reception. int. expressing such a greeting. v. (-ming) receive with a welcome. adj. 1 that one receives with pleasure (welcome guest; welcome news). 2 (foll. by to, or to + infin.) cordially allowed or invited (you are welcome to use my car).  make welcome receive hospitably. outstay one's welcome stay too long as a visitor etc. you are welcome there is no need for thanks. to withdraw: act of greeting or receiving gladly; kind or glad reception. int. expressing such a greeting. v. (-ming) receive with a welcome. adj. 1 that one receives with pleasure (welcome guest; welcome news). 2 (foll. by to, or to + infin.) cordially allowed or invited (you are welcome to use my car).  make welcome receive hospitably. outstay one's welcome stay too long as a visitor etc. you are welcome there is no need for thanks. to worship: 1 a homage or service to a deity. b acts, rites, or ceremonies of this. 2 adoration, devotion. 3 (Worship) (prec. by His, Her, Your) forms of description or address for a mayor, certain magistrates, etc. v. (-pp-; US -p-) 1 adore as divine; honour with religious rites. 2 idolize or regard with adoration. 3 attend public worship. 4 be full of adoration. to yearn: v. be filled with longing, compassion, or tenderness.

to pose : 1 assume a certain attitude of the body, esp. when being photographed or painted. 2 (foll. by as) pretend to be (another person etc.) (posing as a celebrity). 3 behave affectedly to impress others. 4 put forward or present (a question etc.). 5 place (an artist's model etc.) in a certain attitude. to strut : 1 bar in a framework, designed to resist compression. 2 strutting gait. v. (tt-) 1 walk stiffly and pompously. 2 brace with struts. to show off : person who shows off. to flaunt: display proudly; show off; parade. to caress : v. touch or stroke gently or lovingly. n. loving or gentle touch. to stroke : v. (-king) 1 pass one's hand gently along the surface of (hair or fur etc.). 2 act as the stroke of (a boat or crew).  at a stroke by a single action. on the stroke (of) punctually to fondle : caress. to embrace: 1 a hold closely in the arms. b (absol., of two people) embrace each other. 2 clasp, enclose. 3 accept eagerly (an offer etc.). 4 adopt (a cause, idea, etc.). 5 include, comprise. 6 take in with the eye or mind. n. act of embracing, clasp. to tease to taunt : insult; provoke contemptuously. to mock to dis to put down to shrug off to toss off to laugh off to dismiss to reject to confront : 1 a face in hostility or defiance. b face up to and deal with. 2 (of a difficulty etc.) present itself to. 3 (foll. by with) bring (a person) face to face with (an accusation etc.). 4 meet or stand facing. to challenge : 1 summons to take part in a contest etc. or to prove or justify something. 2 demanding or difficult task. 3 objection made to a jury member. 4 call to respond. v. (-ging) 1 issue a challenge to. 2 dispute, deny. 3 (as challenging adj.) stimulatingly difficult. 4 object to (a jury member, evidence, etc.).

to provoke to incite to warn to intimidate : frighten or overawe, esp. to subdue or influence. to threaten to attack to startle to shock to amaze : surprise greatly, fill with wonder. to astound: astonish greatly. to tempt : 1 entice or incite (a person) to do what is wrong or forbidden (tempted him to steal it). 2 allure, attract. 3 risk provoking (fate etc.).  be tempted to be strongly disposed to.  to tantalize : 1 torment or tease by the sight or promise of the unobtainable. 2 raise and then dash the hopes of.  tantalization n. to lure to flirt to seduce: 1 entice into sexual activity or wrongdoing. 2 coax or lead astray.  seducer to amuse to entertain: 1 occupy agreeably. 2 a receive as a guest. b receive guests. 3 cherish, consider (an idea etc.). to perform : carry into effect; do. 2 execute (a function, play, piece of music, etc.). 3 act in a play; play music, sing, etc.; execute tricks. 4 function.  performer to emote to check out to examine : 1 inquire into the nature or condition etc. of. 2 look closely at. 3 test the proficiency of. 4 check the health of (a patient). 5 formally question in court. to scrutinize : subject to scrutiny. to probe to brood to seethe : 1 boil, bubble over. 2 be very angry, resentful,

to erupt to explode

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