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Name of Colony Virginia

Reason for Founding

Promise of gold and to find passage through America to Indies

Key company, people, dates

Virginia Company of London Founded (1607) King James I started it all John Smith (1608) leader De La Warr (1610) military campaign against Indians John Rolfe, economic savior (tobacco) John Mason founded (1628) Massachusetts Bay CO and Puritans founded (1628) John Winthrop 1st governor

Key traits of Colony

1st English colony First few years were very rough and difficult Formally established Indian and White settlement areas Main export was tobacco First representative selfgovernment (1619) Was a part of Massachusetts before king separated them Fishing and shipbuilding were main industries Became largest and most influential of New England colonies Second plantation colony Refuge for Catholics Connecticut & New Haven were separate but formed together

New Hampshire Massachusetts

Founded as a fishing and trading colony by John Mason Puritans looking for refuge from Church of England

Maryland Connecticut & New Haven Rhode Island Delaware N. Carolina New York New Jersey Carolina

Personal profit and a refuge for Catholics Puritans wanted close churchgovernment alliance and bustling seaport Williams wished to escape persecution from Puritans

Lord Baltimore founded (1634) Act of Toleration(1649) tolerate all Christians Mass emigrants founded (1635 &1638) Charles II ordered New Haven and Connecticut to be joined Roger Williams founded (1636)

Free religion to all and no taxes for the church Baptist church Most liberal New World state

Founded for trade and agriculture Seeking refuge from persecution in Virginia

Swedes founded (1638) Virginians founded (1712) Helped devastate all coastal Indian tribes in southern colonies (1720) Dutch founded (1613) Taken over by English (1664) Known to be irreligious an hospitable to pirates Most democratic, independent, least aristocratic Cosmopolitan state with many languages and immigrants Important harbor state Large influence from Dutch Was split into West & East but was joined together by king Close economic ties to sugar plantations in Barbados Vigorous slave trade established Rice soon became principal export crop Well advertized colony Well planned cities w/ good streets Very friendly towards Indians No military, free immigration, against slavery Last original colony founded Only colony to receive monetary help from British gov. Early slavery restrictions Slow development due to climate

Founded for and by Dutch CO for investment and stockholders

Real estate profit Hoped to provide food for sugar plantations in Barbados and export wine, silk, olive oil etc.

Berkeley and Carteret founded (1664) Eight nobles founded (1670)


Penn wanted a refuge for Quakers

William Penn founded (1681) By 1700s wealth surpassed Virginia and Massachusetts


Founded as a buffer for Carolinas against Spaniards and French

Oglethorpe and other philanthropists founded (1733)

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