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This book is dedicated to Lu-Ann, my inspiration for Ricci, who showed me that love in the hands of a master, did

not invariably produce a stiletto through the heart; it remained equally suited to inflict blunt force trauma to the brain.

The imperial cruiser floated gracefully through the vast black underbelly of the universe. Now and again, it would bounce a luckless asteroid into a planet or star, but for the most part, it did not disturb the gentle constitution of the universe. Truthfully, the universe had hardly stirred from its everlasting slumber long enough to scratch the itch on its well-rounded expanse before lulling back into eternal sleep. The universe dreamed. It dreamed of new beginnings and of timeless endings. It has been here for an eternity and it was quite tired of it, eternity seemed to be taking forever. It used to fear the end; fear the day it too would reach critical mass and, well, another big bang would follow. Only this time it would be his internal galaxies plastered all over the canvass. Of course, other universes would take his place. There were always a few ready to experience singularity and explode into being. It did not begrudge them this desire since he himself was one of them a few billion years ago. It smiled at the thought of how many universes would be able to find a point for themselves in the plasma soup he would leave behind. Clusters were of course the new buzzword, since many universes were vying for a little bit of the canvass; but this specific universe still enjoyed space. It felt that even the tiniest star should have enough room to grow and spread its light.


Of course, this was old school. Nowadays the number of stars it contained measured a universes success and clusters were the only way to increase the number. Some planets were orbiting as many as ten stars, if you could call it orbiting. A more accurate description would be a downhill slalom designed by a demented herd of monkeys. The planets would be more like ping pong balls than a cradle to induce the creation of life, preposterous! The old universe thought about their lack of imagination with disdain. It would seem all cluster designs came from the same building plans, bought from the pedlar on the left upper corner of the canvass. Little wonder the life forms on these planets discovered television before they discovered fire. The biggest diversity in planetary creation among the more creative young universes would be if they changed the colour of rocks from the standard grey brown. Some of the freethinking universes even went as far as to create passion pink rocks, but unfortunately, when the primordial life forms reached the prebiotic beaches, this seemed to incite a state of uncontrolled vomiting and subsequent death. After years of universal enquiries on premature extinction, the courts ruled that the rocks were responsible. An injunction made them illegal on all planets whose new life forms did not sport blond hair, said like a lot and came with the standard Shih-Tzu accessory option. This universe had an even bigger problem with these new universes attitude to expansion. They had very little pride in their creations, using substandard materials in planetary development, which were sure to last only a couple of millennia. Unstable tectonic plates, inadequate


meteor protection, earthquakes, flooding, volcanoes, global warming somewhat similar to its own failed attempt very early in its existence, commonly occurred on these planets. He however, might find absolution for these little mistakes, since he had to use trial and error. He did not have blueprints or mentors. Alas, nobody seemed the care anymore. Most of the life forms did not even reach the evolutionary point of discovering bungee jumping, bad hairstyles, and flower power or sexy lingerie, the two being mutually exclusive. Even the early discovery of divorce lawyers and fast food restaurants were unlikely, before they woke up one morning with one final OH SHI Through some good fortune and the female of the specie discovering their vocal cords early in the evolutionary development, some prehistoric life shortly after discovering fire initiated an emergency space exploration program. However, considering a parallel study on the ability to reproduce asexually would have been a very important point for deliberation had they had enough time and silence, to think about this. Through careful analysis of the cave paintings several centuries later, scholars have affirmed that a very accurate translation for the thoughts leading up to this event had been. We have to get away man, we have to leave before she find us hey dude, dont forget to pack the beer. Of course, the reproduction conundrum would never become an issue, since they all gave up and died out in any event when the beer ran out about T+42 minutes after liftoff. The ancient thoughts of the universe returned to the end. It has seen its share of beginnings and now longed for closure, and


maybe a gold watch. It did not fear the end anymore, although it wondered if there was a heaven for universes. The end would be welcome relief from trying to keep thousands of galaxies together. The universe sighed in its slumber and thought about its itch. The end would also be welcome relief from them


A Mindlord Novel




Eye of the Gods

A tense atmosphere prevailed with six anxious figures staring at the blue planet slowly coming into view. The reason for their anxiety would soon become apparent. You said you would have a plan before we got here, a female voice belonging to a girl of around eighteen exclaimed in exasperation. I know sis, and I am sorry. We will just have to play it by ear. The girls voice began to tremble. It is mom and dad we are talking about Blade. We need a plan! the young girl screamed in anguish. Okay Storm, calm yourself, we will think of something. Just remember it is not only our parents that are in trouble, Blade said glancing at the other worried faces looking to him for guidance. Bladin or as he preferred Blade, seemed out of his depth. Stormindal unfairly placed the weight of this futile excursion on his shoulders alone. He was barely older than she was, and in the greater scheme of things, although he has on numerous occasions made a strong point of this fact; a few seconds mattered little now. #we are entering an orbital pattern around earth# Skibladne stated. Thanks, Blade mumbled before plopping himself down in the command chair, absentmindedly scanning the blue ball his parents used to call home. He squeezed his brain in the hope that an idea would pop out. Nothing,

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Some fizzing did occur, but alas no pop. He had to settle for a rerun of the events of the last few months.

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A thunderous laughter rolled through the usually monasterylike halls in the palace on Arken. The second sun had already passed its highest point and was busy racing the first sun for the horizon. It never won but always seemed to try. He did what? Kirom asked with a grin still playing across his broad dwarven face. His waxed goatee forming a sharp point, and even his usually bushy eyebrows somehow appeared less bushy, with most hair pointing in relatively the same direction. A strange blue creature answered his question. He had a metallike sheen to him and seemed to be completely devoid of any orifices. This would include mouth, nose, ears and other more private protrusions and gaps. He was an Aesir, a race born into magic, which to them is as breathing is to us. It is almost exactly like breathing to them since they had no way of sustaining their own life without the magic field that constantly surrounded them. Through this magic field, they were able to eat, breathe and do many wondrous things. The blue creature projected his thoughts in an impish tone directly into the minds of the others. He made Terals mindcom produce the voice of a female seductress in the minds of his crew on the cruiser. All his commands sounded like this raunchy woman of the nights pickup lines. The problem was that Teral was the only one that could not hear how his own thoughts were received and of course why the crew were so cheerful in executing his orders, Guival repeated his earlier recount of events.

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Kids, Laidin smiled. She did not have many opportunities to smile anymore, or visit with her friends. Her monarchical duties, as Queen of the El, better known as elves on earth, took up all her time. She lived for these moments before the council meetings, of just sitting around talking nonsense with these two. She and Kirom had a long history as friends. Together they had survived many adventures, with relatively insignificant survival ratings. However, after Guival joined the band, even going to a birthday party for children had a less than comforting probability of safe evacuation. The three of them stared dreamily to where the kids were playing a game of volleyball. Angel had taught them this strange low-tech Earth game and the kids loved it. They watched as Blade and Storm both started pointing at Feral, obviously upset about something. Feral just shrugged and seemed to gesture that there were no rules against magic in the rulebook. It would be hard going for anyone to convince him that magic is not a talent readily available to sportsmen on earth, but by the look of things, the twins were going to give it their best shot. Throm, Phalin and Shen had taken up seats on the grass embankment next to the volleyball court. They patiently waited for this dramatic scene to reach a conclusion, and of course, it was always amusing the watch the twins gang up on Guivals son. Feral seemed to have no objection in affording them every opportunity to do this. He would readily provide one at every opportune and inopportune moment. He believed that rules were merely guidelines of sorts, and were there to provide stimulus for the more creative mind.

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Therefore, the creation of rules were solely to test the resolve of the open minded, and give these minds something to keep busy with, so they do not get bored, and do something stupid. If no one was going to break rules then what was the use of creating them in the first place? Nobody created rules for things that surely needed rules, like do not jump from the palace tower, or strata surf in a meteor shower. No! Rules were there to protect the weak minded from having fun, and he would not stand for it. A familiar smoke trail from a ships ion engines appeared in the sky overhead. A very special ship called Skibladne. She was a one of a kind wonder, with an inexhaustible fuel supply and capable of ridiculous speeds. However, the most remarkable feature of this ship is that it parked in another dimension. Similar to an earth vehicles immobilizer, Skibladne would shift into an uninhabited parallel dimension with the press of a button. This button appeared on a gauntlet on the arm of the UGE lord, the ruler of all the UGE planets, and an earthling. The UGE lords, in their infancy, were abducted from earth and mind transformed, which gave them not only super human strength and speed, but also changed their minds into arguably the most intelligent in the universe. The current UGE lord was an exception to this rule, as his abduction occurred when he had been a full-grown man, after his predecessor met with an unfortunate murder. Nevertheless, this reluctant soul, luckily without too many side effects, managed to become the next UGE lord. One side effect is worth mentioning though. LOBE, the alter ego his mind created when it could not accept the transformation

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process. This part of the brain took on its own personality, and it hosted all the new and special functions unlocked by the mind transformation process. The UGE lord affectionately referred to LOBE as his migraine for which he could find no obvious cure, with the exception of maybe a jackhammer or power drill. Angel discarded these options since he had grown somewhat attached to his brain. Even though in his early fifties, on Arken that would translate to about his late thirties since an earthling aged slowly here. He showed slight greying areas around the temples but this just serve to make him look more regal. He stood almost six foot four in his boots, and appeared well built thanks to the transformation process. His dark hair, and grey blue eyes that had a constant naughty glint to them along with his well-chiselled face and broad shoulders made him a very attractive man indeed. Even the scar running from the corner of his right eye about a centimetre down his temple, just made him more handsome, in a rugged kind of way. His features, and the fact that he was mostly unaware of how attractive he was, made his wife quite protective over him. Especially when they visited the Valkr, whom for obvious reasons consists of only female warriors. The fact that she instilled the fear of the gods in them seemed of little comfort to her. He had a very amicable personality and was friendly to everyone he met, which his wife referred to as flirting and cause him to sleep on the couch in snoring earshot of her on many occasions. She just could not accept that she was the love of his life, and no other woman on earth or otherwise, would ever peak his interest in any way, form or means. He was hers, mind, body

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and soul. She just wished she could tell him how much she adored him, but the circumstances always seemed inappropriate. Angel reluctantly became the leader of the free universe. This did not mean he could not lead, or that he was not a great leader, he just preferred not to. Unfortunately, the Arks made this choice on his behalf and he now occupied the position of ruler of the United Galactic Empire. A modest title, one he wore with suitable contempt. The smoke trail gently curved towards the palaces hangar bays. Both twins turned as one and started running towards it. Laidin sighed. I suppose we should follow and welcome the UGE lord back from his vacation, she mentioned while pushing herself out of the deck chair. Kirom nodded I actually missed them. So did I, Guival agreed, I need new material for my comedy act and your cousin is always ready to oblige. He levelled this remark at Laidin to which she pulled a sour face. The cousin Guival referred to was Ricci, a former Valkr warrior that stole Angels heart. Ricci, even though mostly of human origin also shared an ancestry with the El, Dwar and Aesir. Through a series of circumstances that you could describe as the universe actually having a sense of humour, the DNA of the most influential leaders of the three races had become a part of her genetics. She was a distant descendant of the dwarf Grand Master Thor, Sif queen of the Elves and Odin of the Aesir. These leaders of

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course had lived millennia ago, but the DNA traces were unmistakable. This made her the perfect candidate for First Princess of the UGE since she embodied all of the most powerful of the member races, and what an embodiment it was. Slim and graceful with green eyes that one could easily drown in and long flowing locks that seemed to be weaved from gold. It took every ounce of self-control from her dwarven friends to abstain from mining this. Her courteous royal outward appearance seemed a perfect cover for her less than highborn tongue. A tongue adorned with razors, which could slice even the most hardened egomaniac into suitably humble pie pieces. Everyone respected her, that was their story and they were sticking to it. On a live intergalactic poll that streamed to thousands of worlds, a brave presenter posed the question. Would anyone rather face the princesss tongue or her blade, the reaction had been an overwhelming no. The station inundated with exactly one response, which had been a wrong number and the person begged the station not to let her find out he had called in. Realizing what they did, the presenter and producer fled to another galaxy. They are rumoured to have become monks in the church of the seven-day advertisers. This has become a very popular belief, since it required you to be drunk constantly and pay penance when caught sober. The kids reached the hanger bay quite some time before the rest of the entourage.

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Mom, dad, you are back, Storm yelped and jumped into Angels open arms. No, its just a mirage, we are actually still on Tigus Prime, Ricci quipped before adding, now give me a hug before we disappear. Blade felt he was too old for hugs and should follow the more mature approach in greeting his parents. Welcome back mother, father, hope you had a pleasant journey. Angel grabbed him in a headlock and ruffled his hair. Dad, dont mess with the do, Blade exclaimed blushing. My lord, welcome back to Arken, Laidin remarked as she joined the family reunion. I hope you had an uneventful return trip. Yep, we even took Jormo-alley back, but without finding even an ion trail of a pirate ship, Angel replied as Ricci pulled a sour face. There had been peace in UGE space for more than 19 years now, with of course, the occasional skirmish or feud erupting, but these never lasted long. A consortium might wish to flex its muscles and show who is in control of a sector. However, when the UGE showed their bulge in turn, the companies usually looked positively anorexic. Yet they still tried and since the UGE was in a word huge, sometimes they might even get away with it. On one such occasion, the only UGE ship in the problematic sector happened to be Skibladne. She stood nose to nose with the mining magnates cruiser. This might not seem fair since the cruiser is to Skibladne as a dog is to a tick. Unfortunately, for the dog, this tick ate rhinos for breakfast.

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Behind the magnate, a fleet of corvettes, freighters and fighters cluttered space and made it look seriously untidy. They were on their way to decolonize a planet, which had an unprecedented amount of Zellion. This precious metal was almost indestructible and very expensive. Some of the most expensive ships hulls had a thin plating of Zellion on their most critical sections. Skibladne construction however, consisted of this precious metal in its entirety. The inhabitants of the planet were low-tech miners. They were making a decent enough living from the little Zellion they managed to excavate. Although they did not have the knowhow to mine the rich deposits quickly or in significant quantities, they were aware that they could sustain their way of life for a very long time. They did not intend to sell their means of generating an income, and the mining magnate did not intend to pay anything near a fair price for the planet in any event. The magnate decided that they would simply decolonize the planet. A cheap and easy solution and after all, who would know. It was not as if anyone would miss a few hundred colonists on a forgotten planet, among the hundreds of UGE controlled systems. Fortunately, not everyone in the magnates employment felt the solution was that simple and informed the UGE of the plans. Time was however, a problem and the only ship in the UGE fast enough to reach the planet in time was the UGE lords. This was the reason why Skibladne stood alone and nose to nose with the cruiser. And where do you think you are going? Angel asked.


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None of your business, the curt answer slammed into Angels ears. Oh, but I am making it my business. Shall I repeat the question? Move out of my way UGE lord, or Ill blast you into tomorrow. Angel smiled. Battle mode, he said under his breath to Skibladne. #Battle mode engaged# Skibladne acknowledged in her synthesized metallic female voice. A touch Angels predecessors enjoyed even though it was possible to create a perfectly replicated human voice if they so wished. Skibladne instantly transformed into what you could describe as a porcupine having a bad hair day. Turrets sprang up all over the place. Some of the weaponry the lady deployed was not even recognizable as anything that could exist in the current day and age. Others were arguable if they should exist in the now, and yet others might never exist, and those who saw these swore they were a figment of their battle stressed minds. Angel heard a gruff laugh over the mindcom. Should I be scared? Maybe I should just make an example of you, the ignorant voice expressed. You and what army exactly, Angel remarked while an innocent smile played across his face. Are you blind UGE lord? This ar The mining magnate had the foresight to turn his scanners towards his fleet before continuing. I think it would be best for all if I just go now and we forget this unfortunate incident, huh? he relayed his apologies in a fearful voice.


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Apparently, Skibladnes legend had even reached this remote part of the universe, and it might have increased in size in the few minutes it had a standoff with the magnates cruiser. The magnates entire fleet had turned and ran following Skibladnes transformation into a very angry ball of weaponry, and it appeared painfully obvious that she knew how to use it. That might be a one of your best ideas yet, and if I ever hear your name again, I will personally come and wipe you from the face of the universe. Oh and from now on I will expect you to pay triple the asking price for the Zellion from this planet. And you will buy their entire supply, Angel ended the conversation. Angel gave Skibladne a mental command to fire a small salvo at the cruisers forward array, which completely obliterated the shields on the vessel. Oops, sorry about that, wrong button, Angel laughed. The cruiser left in a hurry. The group walked towards the palace. A race called the Arks hosted the UGE lords dwelling. They were what earthlings fondly referred to as anal probing aliens. They discovered the mind transform technology. They were also responsible for abducting the infants from earth, who possessed the gene that made mind transformation possible. They looked exactly like the pictures of aliens on earth would suggest, with the long faces, thin bodies and huge almond eyes. They spoke like the Aesir using telepathy since they had no vocal cords. Qren assumed the role of leader of the Arks. He was a benevolent creature, and close friend of the group now slowly making their way to the palace kitchen.


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His daughter, Shen, due to the lack of a better description, appeared among the party that now happily strolled towards the palace grounds. The reason for this hesitant reference to child was that the Arks had long since lost the ability to procreate. The Ark engineers developed a process whereby any Ark who wished to have children would submit their DNA. Through some technological magic, a child artificially grew from this living DNA. There was however, a huge backlog since they had only one scientist. Qren had ordered Shen more than 50 years ago, but she was currently aged only 19. The Arks distinguished themselves as a race of engineers, but unfortunately lacked the facility for creative, out of the box thinking. They could re-engineer anything from existing knowledge. Their single scientist had been a complete anomaly and widely speculated that his parents were a little promiscuous and introduced some alien DNA into his triple helix. This lack of creative thinking though led to the abduction of earthlings, since earthlings were the only creatures with a neuron structure suitable for the mind transformation process. The thought of abducting earthlings was widely accepted as the most creative thing the Arks had ever done. The Arks proceeded to convince the council, that with the superior intellect the human abductees possessed after the mind transformation process, they would make the perfect rulers. Thus, the UGE was born and the UGE lord established as an earthling. The Arks now had a perfectly good creative genius at their disposal and they thrived.


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I wonder where your dad is hiding. It is not like him to miss a chance of a welcoming ceremony. Angel directed this question at Shen to which she shrugged. I do not know my lord. He is aware that you were returning today. He mentioned this at breakfast this morning, she replied. Oh well, I am glad that it is just our family and close friends this time. He does seem to go over the top whenever we return from a trip, Ricci grinned. Shen seemed uncomfortable, which Angel noticed. But we do appreciate all the trouble Qren goes to, and it does make us feel welcome here on your beautiful planet, he sincerely added to his wifes comment. Angel looked up at the palace in front of them. It remained an awesome sight, with huge spirals and turrets made from shining metal. Enormous glass windows adorned most of the palaces battlements and steeples, shining brightly as they reflected the setting suns. The party noisily made their way through the palaces gardens and into the endless corridors that ran through the entire palace complex. Dinner preparation completed well in advance of their arrival and the dishes stood waiting on the central table of the great dining hall. Good, I am famished, Ricci exclaimed with glee.


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Qren anxiously examined the long-range scanner console in front of him, with the image of a tiny ship clearly visible on the scanner. How long ago did you say it appeared? he asked the commander standing next to him. Almost 10 minutes ago, sir. And there has been no attempt at communication from the vessel yet? Qren inquired. No sir, we have repeatedly tried to hail the ship but have so far been met with silence. We have dispatched a cruiser to intercept and lend assistance, the commander promptly replied. Thank you commander, please keep me informed of any further developments, Qren dismissed his commander. He knew the type of ship on the scanner well. The ship belonged to the Valkr, human female warriors sworn to protect earth. They reside on earth in a fortress known as New Valhalla. The Valkr warriors were instrumental in the defeat of the Taur, when they tried to invade earth nearly a quarter of a century ago. What would one of them be doing coming to Arken? He wondered, surely they would not send one lone ship on this arduous journey, and what reason could there be for this surprise visit? It was customary for the UGE to send a cruiser whenever the Valkr needed to visit Arken. This was simply because the journey takes weeks and the Valkr fighters are single seater spacecraft. They were therefore not suitable for such a voyage.


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Qren hurriedly left the office. Angel should be back by now, and I am sure Ricci would want this information, he thought to himself as he hurriedly walked down the corridor. He stopped a guard to ask for the whereabouts of the royal party, and unsurprisingly learned that they were currently in the dining hall. Qren picked up his pace. Qren, I am so glad to see you, Angel beamed as he spotted Qren enter the hall. My lord, welcome back, Qren answered. Angel noticed the concerned undertone in Qrens thoughts. What is wrong my friend? he projected. My lord, my lady, he said in turn facing Angel and then Ricci. We have picked up a Valkr fighter on our long range scanners. She seems to be alone and do not respond to our attempts at communication. What? Ricci exclaimed anxiously. Ricci, once a Valkr commander herself, still carried them close to her heart. This news was worrying, and she needed to act. My lady, we have dispatched a cruiser to intercept the fighter, and we are awaiting news of the rescue as we speak. His words still hovered in the partys mind while a streak of gold disappeared through the mess hall doors, obviously heading in the direction of the landing bay. We should probably follow her, Angel remarked. He did not enjoy situations that would upset his wife, mostly because he loved her dearly, but also because he would surely become the target of her extensive arsenal of verbal munitions.


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They reached Ricci where she impatiently waited for the shuttle from the cruiser. Where are they, she mused, tapping her foot. My lady, they are still a way off, but we could go to the communication room and see if there is any news, Qren suggested. Well, what are we waiting for? Ricci exclaimed and set off again at terrifying speed. Angel shrugged and set off after his wife. My lord, may I suggest the hover platforms, Qren noted. His frail anatomy now quite exhausted after the first pursuit of the princess. Great idea Qren, Angel remarked as he dashed for one of the three platforms silently floating in the corner of the hangar. The crowd piled onto the hover platforms and raced after Ricci. She anxiously spoke with the lieutenant in charge of the communication array by the time they arrived. Apparently the girl is unconscious, Ricci explained when Angel and the rest entered the room. She is safe at least, thank god. At least twenty minutes passed before the cruiser entered an orbit around Arken. The Ark medical team rushed the young Valkr to the medical quarters, and gave her a full examination. She is stable for now, One of the Ark healers gave his prognosis. She is covered in serious wounds that seem to have been made by animal claws and fangs. She lost a lot of blood. There is also a toxin in her system, which seemed to have induced this coma. It is a miracle she is still alive. Whatever message she


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brought must have been very important for her to fight death for so long. Can you save her? Ricci asked in barely a whisper. We will do what we can, but she might remain in this condition for a while still. We are working on an antidote for the poison, the doctor answered her. Ricci sat in brooding silence. Angel softly walked up to her and put his arm around his wife, not knowing exactly what to say to comfort her. The twins looked at each other while they sat on the staircase, the worry clearly visible on their faces. The silence made everybody uncomfortable. After what seemed to be a lifetime, Ricci suddenly broke the silence. We need to know why she came, she exclaimed through pursed lips. But how princess, she is unconscious, she cannot speak and her thoughts are not readable, Kirom explained the obvious. I know, Ricci said gritting her teeth. There is a way, Laidin softly helped with her customary regal confidence. The party stared at her. There is a way, she repeated her statement, my lord, remember when you had your dreams of the Taur invasion of earth? she asked. Of course, Angel exclaimed, Noones dream scanner. Noone was an alien, even to these aliens. He was old, very old, nobody knew how old exactly but he knew the great, great


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grandparents of Laidin of the El. Since Elves got impossibly old, some even as old as a thousand years, Noone had to be ancient. He was from an extremely advanced alien race that unwittingly forgot him on Arken on their travels many millennia ago. 1 So what are we waiting for? Ricci shouted, bring Noone here. Angel turned towards the guard and quietly gave him a few instructions after which the guard rushed off to find the ancient being. When Noone eventually entered, he found Ricci impatiently stomping around the waiting room. About time you got here! she growled when she saw his small, almost dwarf-like form and, as always, completely covered with the dark robe. Nobody had any idea what Noone looked like except maybe for Qren. Their friendship was unshakable, especially after the ordeal with the evil elf princesss betrayal of the UGE. Noone did not respond and glided past her towards the patient. He did not care much for her uneducated tongue even though he remained quite fond of the hotheaded princess. May we move her? he solemnly asked the healer, while standing next to the badly battered body of the young girl. I am sorry, but the answer is no, the healer projected. If she is moved it would surely kill her. Then I will need to bring my equipment here, Noone observed, I promise to cause her as little trauma as possible, he added for the healers convenience.

See Mindlord novel: Waking the Angel.


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A dark figure determinedly strode through the passages beneath what was left of the great New Valhalla. This used to be the home of the Valkr, and it disgusted every bit of the sleek form now confidently strolling through its hallways. The once great halls lay in ruin. Irreplaceable contemporary art gathered through many centuries, littered the floor, in a display of the artistic faculty of a suitably sick-minded individual. The glorious dome that used to extend beyond the mountain, now remained as a tangled mass of shattered glass and steel. The corpses of both Valkr warriors and unholy abominations covered the marble floors. These horrors could not have been the work of evolution, since not even evolution could be that cruel. The ruins that were left of the Valkr base usually took hundreds of years for Mother Nature, Father Time and Brother... Bear to accomplish. It took mere minutes for this evil being and its accomplices. New Valhalla was no more. The ominous figure stood tall, radiating power and an unmistakable deadly demeanour. It smiled as it surveyed the dead. Another less impressive contour joined its victory march through the once, as in about 10 minutes ago, extraordinary structure.


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We have not been able to locate the few Valkr that escaped through the tunnels master, the second shape hissed with a female undertone to its voice. The words came from a deformed humanoid shape. Even though most of its parts were in the same position as a humans, that is where the resemblance ended. She and her kind lived in sewers, caves or tombs and worshipped Lamia, an ancient princess from Greek mythology. Lamia had been the secret lover of Zeus, but when Zeuss wife Hera found out about the affair, she killed all Lamias children except for Scylla. Lamia took revenge by destroying the children of others, and drinking their blood. Her deeds were so cruel and terrible that Zeus turned her into a monster, with the head of an enchantress and the body of a snake. Her descendants, the Lamies, lived cursed as monsters and sustained their life through the drinking of blood. The stories of the Lamies gave rise to the legend of vampires. However, the tales that evolved, of beautiful creatures of the night biting the necks of virgins, were a complete fallacy. All Lamies were female and horribly deformed creatures, who hunted during the night because it was easier to do so. They did however have fangs and claws, and preferred biting their victims in the neck since the jugular provided the greatest flow of blood. This particular Lamie was at present cringing away from the dark figure, with whom she was desperately trying to keep pace. The terrible figure paused and turned towards her. She stood framed squarely in the gaze that emanated from behind the frightening mask that adorned her master.


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The dark figure seemed to be thinking, which only increased the Lamies anxiety. Master is thinking of the cruellest way to remove Bruxas head, she thought to herself while fingering her neck. The evil gaze shifted and the figure seemed to shrug. No matter, it is quite inconsequential in the greater scheme of things. They have served their purpose by dying quite amusing deaths. Call back the search parties. We need to prepare for the next phase of my plan, a hollow grating voice commanded the Lamie. The voice sent chills down even this Lamies spine. She would never get use to this voice with such pure evil and hatred embedded in it. Immediately master, She hissed a reply, and hurriedly left. She rubbed her, neck relieved in the knowledge that it remained attached.


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Noone addressed the council with deep concern clearly audible. The Arks had hurriedly assembled the council, after Noone finished the dream scan on the unconscious Valkr. He had refused to tell the group what he found. Even after Ricci threatened to do unmentionable surgery to some of his private anatomy, and promised to have the orbs, shining from inside his hood, mounted on her bedpost before nightfall. Noone wished for the entire council to be present before he relayed the images he found lurking in the Valkrs mind. The senate consisted of the leaders of all the member races of the UGE, which now included the Taur. After their surrender in the battle for earth, and the overthrow of the bloodthirsty dictator who instigated the whole mess, Angel allowed the Taur to join the UGE. The Taur currently prospered under the leadership of Trist, a benevolent Emperor of the Sat, a Taur sub species. The other pure blood races on the senate included the El, the Dwar, the Aesir, the Ark and of course humans. The rest were mostly mixed races or minority species that enjoyed the United Galactic Empires protection. Angel and Ricci sat at the head of the senate flanked by Laidin of the El and Kirom of the Dwar. Guival of the Aesir and Qren of the Ark sat on either side of them to form the top part of the dais. The only two empty chairs were those of Noone who was addressing the senate and that of the Valkr who represented humanity.


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Noone cleared his throat. Friends, I stand before you with a heavy heart as the bearer of most disturbing news, he started, but was cut short by Ricci. Noone, you get on with it right now, or I swear Ill Ricci started but broodingly stopped short when Noone raised his hand and begged for silence. The earth has been overrun by strange creatures that I have not seen before. I have extensively documented all creatures on earth with the help of the Valkr, but these do not appear in any records, Noone explained. How do these creatures look and what have they done? Angels concerned voice interrupted him. Noone paused to gather the image of the creatures in his mind. They are huge beasts with nine heads that look like what you call snakes. From what I could gather from the images in the Valkr mind, they have been fighting them for a while. The creatures seem to be attracted to technological hot spots and they destroy and kill everything in their path. They appear to be mindless monsters bent on destruction, but there seems to be something guiding their madness. I gather from the images that the Valkr have tried to find this source. There are no creatures on earth with nine heads! Ricci reproached Noone quite forcibly, quite a number with two, but only one allegedly has a brain, and usually they think with the other one. The senate snickered. Obviously, the species, even though removed by light-years, were not that dissimilar, however, they soon quietened down when they saw the look on her face.


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Maybe they were genetically engineered, Guival proposed. Maybe, Noone acknowledged before adding, since the images are placed directly into my mind, I cannot show you the animals as they really are, but I have created a holo reconstruction of how I remember them. Noone activated a three dimensional hollow image on the small device in front of him. The senate stared at the creature quite perplexed, everybody except for Trist. Trist tried to lock on to a distant memory buried deep within the recesses of his mind, as he absentmindedly examined the image. His eyes came into focus and he reached for his personal information centre, linked to the Taur Centre of Knowledge. He made a couple of intricate movements with his hands before staring at the console in front of him in disbelief. Trist raised his hand to be granted a turn to speak. Angel nodded. My lord, he began, our legends from forgotten times speak of creatures such as these. Angel turned his focus from the strange creature to Trist. Excuse me? he said. Yes my lord, I have found reference to them in our knowledge centre. I should have known these creatures were your doing! Did not do enough damage the first time round huh? Ricci screamed. Trist appeared taken aback, and shocked at such allegations. My lady? he asked.


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Maybe they were left and forgotten there during the war, Kirom suggested. More than two decades ago? Ricci spat. They could have been hibernating or getting their forces together? Kirom unconvincingly offered. My friends, you misunderstood me. These creatures are from legends countless millennia ago from our home world. These are creatures of myths, created to frighten Taur children. No one believes that they actually existed, but then again very few, except for aging scholars, remember that Evergalt is not where our species originally came from. Our home world and its location, is lost in the mist of time, Trist explained. I dont care if they are lost in the fumes of Taur shit, they are your legends! Ricci spat. Actually dear, that is not entirely true, Angel paused and took a deep breath before continuing. They are from our legends too. Those are Hydras as they are mentioned in Greek mythology. The whole senate turned to stare at Angel. They were just about to declare war on the Taur again, but now they were not entirely convinced anymore. Trist just reminded me when he mentioned legends and myths, Angel confessed. You called them Hydras? Trist asked. Yes. That is how they are called in Greek mythology, Angel confirmed. Well my lord, we call them Hdros, which seems too close to be a coincidence, Trist suggested.


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You mean our races, separated by galaxies share a common creature of legend? Angel asked. Seems so my lord, Trist shrugged. The rest of the senate were still speechlessly trying to follow the conversation. Actually Angel started and then took a moment to think things through, there was something bothering me from the start. You see everything I have found here comes from Norse Mythology. The Norse gods like Thor, Sif, Loki and Odin. The El and Dwar, all the weapons, even the Valkr, everything is from Norse Mythology. He paused. The only part that did not fit on these worlds was the Taur races. You see, Centaurs, Minotaur and Satyrs are all part of Greek mythology and not Norse mythology. Norse mythology never mentions the Taur, but I never got the time to question why the Taur were here. Later on it never seemed to matter. He glanced at the confused faces in the senate. Sorry, Angel apologized, I forgot, you do not know our mythology. Earth mythology does mention the Cent, Sat and Minot, but it comes from a different set of beliefs to the one, which mentions the rest of the UGE races. I was puzzled by this since the two beliefs had very little in common. Okay so what? Ricci was in no mood for drawn out explanations. Because my darling, Hydras are from Greek mythology as well. Okay still not following you, Ricci said.


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You know how Norse mythology was born through the mind link between Freyr who was here on Arken and his twin sister on earth, Angel tried to explain again. Yes, yes, Ricci rolled her eyes. Well, I dont think the idea of the Taur and Hydras were born through a mind link. I think the Taur were actually physically on earth at some point, or they visited earth a long time ago. I think the Hydras were on earth as well. So you are saying they found a way back, Laidin spoke up for the first time. Or they were sent back, Angel theorized. That is a viable theory, Noone confirmed. So then we go to earth and kick their slimy behinds back to where they came from. The green fires burned brightly in Riccis eyes now; she felt dangerous. A cheer went up around the senate chambers. It is not that simple, Noone interjected when the crowd quietened down. The Valkr already tried that and failed. The creatures seem to multiply exponentially. Then we find the source, cut of its head and burn the wound close, Ricci sneered, she was not about to be denied a fight now. There is more Noone softly continued. Everyone caught the subtle undertone in Noones voice. Something worse was about to come. The Valkr might well all be deceased, he breathed solemnly. What! Ricci screamed in anguish.


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The Valkr warrior in the recovery ward may well be the last survivor. I could not get a clear vision from her regarding the last part of her experiences while on earth, but there had been a surprise attack on the Valkr, by intelligent creatures with a clear purpose. I could not get a description of them, as they seem to hide and attack from the shadows. All I know is that they are bloodthirsty and deadly. This girl escaped by good fortune alone. Yes and fortunate for us too, Angel grimaced at the tortured visions that were now clouding his thoughts. Ricci sat in stunned silence. You could not have mentioned this before, she said through clenched teeth. Noone said nothing. She advanced dangerously. You could not have mentioned before that my friends and family have been wiped out? Ricci snarled. No one was stupid enough to get between Ricci and her prey. Angel needed to act. Order, the council will come to order, he demanded with authority, saying the only thing that came to mind at such short notice. Ricci hesitated. Friends, we need to prepare to leave for Earth, right now, he commanded and gestured to Ricci that they would be leaving straight away.


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The throne carved from solid stone stood in the middle of the huge chamber. The walls were granite and covered in hieroglyphs of kings and gods. A huge mirror covered the wall in front of the throne in its entirety. On the throne, an exceptionally irritated masked figure tapped its fingers on the armrests. Bruxa had often hid in the shadows and just marvelled at this being. It wore a long hooded dark green cape, so dark it appeared almost black, and in the dim light would easily be mistaken for black. Bruxa had to consent that this strange green hid the wearer more effectively in darkness than simple black would. She wondered why this being would ever want to hide. She could not imagine anything on earth powerful enough to face it in battle. Its clothes and boots were of the same dark green cloth, with many bits of metal intricately weaved and moulded around the cloth. The larger metal pieces included gauntlets, and the terrifying mask. Bruxa noted relieved that the hood mostly hid the mask from sight. The metal appeared to be strange dark platinum colour unlike anything Bruxa had ever seen. Strangely the metal bits seemed to enhance the movement of the creature instead of impede it. Bruxa desired so much to touch the strange metal, but the fear for this malevolent creature kept her from ever giving way to her desire.


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What is taking so long? The Lamie master rasped the rhetorical question. It knew no one could answer the question, but the question still made its blood boil. The figure flung itself from the throne, and swiftly strode towards the exit. Have we any more Valkr left for my training? it shot at the Lamie guard. No master, you killed the last one this morning, the guard fearfully answered. The dark figure left without a further word, irritation clearly visible in its long determined strides. It had been using the captured Valkr for its death ring matches with bladed weapons, but unfortunately, they never even came close to scratching it. Even when it fought unarmed, the fight only slightly alleviated the boredom of the darklord. The portentous figure walked through a labyrinth of endless narrow passages before coming to another chamber. This chamber resembled the throne room in that, pictograms and hieroglyphs covered the walls. In the middle of the chamber a detailed and obviously ancient sarcophagus stood. I suppose I have you to thank for my good fortune, the figure smirked at the sarcophagus. If not for your descendants, I would never have known about the gate, which finally gave me the opportunity to annihilate my enemy. The thought made it smile; a smile that would cause weeds to wilt uncontrollably. The masked beings thoughts drifted back to where it all began.


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The memory started in a dark alley on a desperate night. Calmly leaning against an old graffiti ridden wall, the dark clad figure cleaned its nails with a long bladed dagger, made from a strange metal. The foul smell emanating from the dumpsters did not seem to bother the figure in the least. It appeared relaxed and alert as it waited patiently. It expected to meet an informant, someone who claimed to have information on an item it sought. The flicker of a shadow caught its eye. Wrong scent, wrong shape, interesting, it thought. It sneered beneath the mask but gave no outward sign that it knew about the stalker. Another unobtrusive movement caught its attention, this time from a different direction. This is getting better and better, the evil figure thought to itself. Something leaped. The masked figure did not appear to move but a head rolling into the street suggested its dagger probably did move. The second assailant had less luck, since it now had the masked figures fingers firmly attached to her neck. She slowly felt the life leave her body as the iron grip around her neck tightened. Her feet remained suspended almost a foot above the ground. The confused creature slowly lost her hold on life. The grip seemed to slip a bit and it felt like the masked figure was inspecting her. She tried desperately to break free, but the figure did not seem to notice.


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How can this be, she thought, we are much stronger than humans are? Hunted for centuries they were only alive because of their inhuman strength and agility. How could a human be this strong, and why does it not just kill me? She pondered her seemingly final thoughts. It took a couple of minutes before the figure with the dark hooded cloak started to speak. What are you? it rasped inquisitively. I I am Bruxa, a a Lamie, she stammered, not wanting to lie and provoke the wrath of this frightening apparition, calmly choking the life out of her. She felt the grip tighten again. Again, what are you, and I do not like repeating myself? the grating voice calmly came from behind the mask. A dagger appeared from nowhere in the evil figures hand. It nonchalantly started to flick pieces of Bruxas flesh from her body. She experienced intense pain, overshadowed only by her fear of this fearsome figure. We are Lamies my lord, she said, and quickly added as she saw the blade aiming for her eye, cursed creatures of the night, descendants of Princess Lamia. We drink the blood of humans to sustain our life. Hmmm, interesting and what pray tell gave you the impression that I was human. My lord? The confused Lamie surrendered. Why would this masked figure not be human? Are you human? the dark figure asked.


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Bruxa felt relief that the demonic being had stopped deboning her. She knew however, that one answer not given to its satisfaction would cause the torture to begin anew. She carefully chose her words. Bruxa is half-human my lord the ancient mother was a princess but she had an affair with a god. The gods wife found out and cursed our mistress to be a monster that never sleeps. Hmmm, the tall figure replied again. Mistress took revenge by murdering and destroying all the babies she found and drinking their blood, she added this because she sensed her captor would enjoy this bit of information. Was it smiling? Bruxa wondered. And what can you offer me that would let me spare your miserable life? the evil one asked. The Lamie thought long and hard. She had nothing, nothing of value at least. I am going to die tonight she thought. Her mind flashed back to the miserable life she had lived, but even now, the survival instinct was strong within her. She was not ready to die. Maybe maybe I can help the master with something, she offered. How could you possibly help me? the grating voice asked. What does master desire? She desperately inquired. To kill everyone and destroy the earth, it said as a simple matter of fact, annoyed that her informant never showed. It would deal with him later. Bruxa tried to laugh but her throat was still clamped shut. Master is not serious, the Lamie returned in a fearful voice.


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She felt her body lift up until she stared into the complete darkness behind the eyeholes, her face hovering a few millimetres from the evil beings mask. She had never been more frightened in her life. What manner of demon is this, she wondered? I obviously have no use for you, it announced as the grip tightened again, this time with a definite finality to it. Master Bruxa has a secret, Bruxa managed to squeeze out with her second last gasp. The grip relaxed. A secret of the gods, she said in a barely audible whisper, gulping down a welcome mouthful of air.


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Gemmi did not attempt to hide the irritation clearly visible in the bright sunlight that filtered through the huge windows in her office. Her office space resided at the top of the incredible dome that marked the only outwardly visible area of Valkr base. The Valkr built the base inside of a mountain, which was a maze of tunnels and secret passages. The home of the Valkr named New Valhalla. The lavishly decorated caverns inside the mountain were from riches hoarded by this once secret organization. The Valkr use to be more secret than the Illuminati, to such an extent that no one on earth knew about their existence until roughly two decades ago. Stories of the Valkr told only in Norse mythology, described them as beautiful maidens who took fallen warriors to Odins banquet in the sky. These stories were born from the fact that the Valkr warriors have been the sworn protectors of earth and in ancient times would find battles where they would take the injured and dying from the battlefield. The Valkr would fly the injured warriors in their fighters to Valkr medical treatment centres, which in ancient times, became misconstrued as taken to heaven. The attack on earth by the Taur forced the Valkr out of the shadows, and into a war, they had trained centuries to fight. Even so, they were ill equipped to battle such an armada. Only with the intervention of the UGE lord and his fleet had the Taur been defeated.


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Now, two decades later a new enemy threatened earths existence. Reports have been coming in all morning about more and more of these nine-headed creatures attacking population centres. They seem to seek out technology, but they had no problem killing everything they encountered to get to that technology. The Valkr has been trying to exterminate this plague for the past week. Their successes however, seemed severely limited with more and more reports of these creatures worldwide infestation. What made things worse was wherever they kill one of these beasts it left a toxic spill, since their blood was like acid. Brave people fighting these beasts had been left horribly deformed and scarred when the creatures ruptured. Gemmi stood up from her chair and walked around the desk, her long shapely legs and slim figure accentuated even more by the determined strides she took as she paced the length of the office. A small blue monkey-like creature peacefully slept on the couch, unaware of the turmoil raging in its best friends mind. It wore the same style of white tunic as Gemmi did. Perhaps because it was her best friend and she liked to play dress up. On the other hand, perhaps because this little creature would wait every morning to see what Gemmi wore that day, before finding a matching outfit of his own. Her tailor knew that every outfit Gemmi requested, he needed to make in two sizes. Even the evening gowns, which Gemmi could never convince her most loyal companion, was for girls only.


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The tailor did not welcome a visit from the little creature if it did not have a matching outfit. Mostly because when angered the adorable little blue monkey would increase in size to a less adorable 18 foot guerrilla like creature that would use King Kong for a chew toy. The tailor knew by now, to have several replacement sets ready, since the creature would often get angry with someone telling him how cute he looks, and then pat him on the head. Nobody felt the urge to pat a 5-ton juggernaut on the head. Gemmis golden blond hair shone as the sun rays played on it. She stopped pacing and smiled down at Loser, the little blue creature. Its been almost 24 years we have been together now, my little friend, she whispered. Together we have had some amazing adventures in that time, her face grew grim again, but this time my friend I think we are in a lot of trouble. One of her lieutenant arrived, interrupting her thoughts. Carra was a beautiful red headed girl, with a seductive voice and, a bewitching presence. I hope you have good news Carra. Afraid not your ladyship, she muttered, its getting worse daily. We still have no idea where they come from? Gemmi asked. No my lady, however, we have narrowed the most probable location down to Central Europe, possibly Romania, Carra replied. Well then, send everybody we can spare to Central Europe. We must find the source, Gemmi Commanded.


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Gemmi felt like a crocodile with braces and she had a lot of food stuck in them with no little plover to clean her teeth. It was starting to smell rotten to the core. Someone is behind this, she thought to herself, they did not appear by accident and their movement seemed too organized. Gemmi was sure the answers lay at the source of the infestation.


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Stop wasting time! Weve got to go! Ricci yelled. Yes darling, but we still need to organize the kids, Angel explained, trying not to sound too irritable. They can sort themselves out. They are old and ugly enough! Riccis patience was wearing wafer thin, only a few civilized threads now separated her from going primal on her husband. Just a short while ago Angel was left with the duty of informing his kids that they were not going along. But Dad Blade begun, but was immediately cut short. No buts, no arguments, no nothing. We do not have time for this, and you will stay here, Angel sternly replied. But dad Storm began. She stood exactly as her mother would, her hands on her hips and lips pursed tight. In outward appearance, she resembled him, dark hair, grey blue eyes, but personality wise she was becoming her mother, more with each passing day. Blade on the other hand had his mothers golden hair and piercing green eyes, but definitely Angels temperament. He was a born leader, compassionate and fair, but without his fathers reluctance to lead. Storm gave her dad one of those stares, that coming from her mother, would have had Angel wishing that he could change into a hat stand made from titanium and hope she would not notice him. However, this was his daughter; he could deal with her. She


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might now, after years of training under her mother, wield a semiautomatic rifle but he had the support of the original intercontinental ballistic missile with a 2000-kiloton yield, and he was not afraid to use it. All he had to do was press the big red button. Darling, Angel called out to someone in the next room. He smiled at the twins, would you mind coming here for a second. The kids are refusing to stay. The twins heard a growl from the room next door and decided that for the sake of their health and the position of their heads, it might be better to pull a David Copperfield on themselves. They scampered off without another word. Angel tapped the mindcom on his chest; it was in the form of a pendant shaped like Skibladne. Please ensure Skibladne is ready for departure, he informed his engineers. Sir? a very confused thought entered his mind. We need to depart soon, please ensure Skibladne is ready, Angel tried again, thinking the chief engineer might have misunderstood his previous request. But sir, you instructed us to start disassembling the jump drive as soon as you returned from holiday, so we may install the modifications you proposed, the perplexed thoughts of his engineer returned. The jump drive is currently in a million pieces. Damn, Angel thought, I forgot about that. Ricci, darling, it seems we need to find alternate transportation, Skibladne is not going anywhere.


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He explained to her what happened. What? Did you have an extra bowl of stupid this morning, why didnt you just have them shoot down the Valkr while youre at it she gave him a dangerous look, aargghhh, she roared before sweeping around to go and find the others. She bumped into Laidin in the hallway. Laidin, Riccis exasperated voice reached the El Queens pointed ears, Skibladne is broken. Have you got a tub we can use? she asked not immediately realizing how forceful her demand sounded. Yes princess, the Royal El Cruiser is in orbit right now. I also have 2000 El Fighters on manoeuvres testing our new experimental ships in this sector. I will recall them immediately, Laidin calmly answered. Riccis eyes softened, Im sorry cousin. Thank you, she said before rushing off to go and finish packing. Ricci felt relieved. She did not even think on the fact that they would need support once they reached earth. The band of heroes was a formidable force, but not enough to conquer the evil she imagined would be waiting for them. Thanks again cousin, I owe you big time; she thought to herself and smiled a wry smile. It was only about an hour later that the cruiser departed at full burn from Arken with destination earth. The kids watched with heavy hearts as the light generated by the ships engines faded away when it left orbit. This is so incredibly unfair, Storm announced exasperated.


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We all agree, Phalin added, but this was the wish of our parents, and we must abide by their rule. They are after all the leaders of the civilized galaxies. Says who? Feral sneered. You question our parents rule? Throm innocently asked. No you halfwit, the abiding by their rules part, Feral scoffed. A fire flashed in Throms eyes. Feral called him a halfwit on purpose, seeing he was almost half the size of the others. This Aesir needs to learn when to hold his tongue, he angrily thought, its time someone taught him a lesson. Apologize apprentice mage, Throm exclaimed through clenched teeth. The short dwarven fuse burned brightly. Or what, Feral telepathically asked with a glint in his metallic like eyes. Throms hammer started to crackle as small lightning bolts shot from its head. Or we shall see if the Aesir head is truly harder than a tremal crystal1. Gentlemen, this is not the time and place to initiate a petty feud, Phalin interjected and turned to Feral, Feral, apologize immediately. Phalin although the youngest of the group at only sixteen; already showed the bearing of an El Princess. She spoke with authority, and seemed to be the most mature of the kids.

Tremal crystal is the hardest morphologic element known in the universe. Only a few Dwar were skilled enough to process it. It took a large vocabulary of swear words to do the job properly.


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The Elven princess made no threats; she did not need to. Feral knew that if he continued with this game, he was going to be seriously outnumbered. Okay, okay, I apologize for calling you a halfwit Throm, he said quite reluctantly, thats the long and the short of it, but I am sure you only caught the half of that, he laughed and bounced away. Shen quietly stood watching the events unfold. She rarely if ever got involved in the others arguments. Unlike the rest of her species, she had the ability to dream. She had the same long slender limbs as the rest of her species with the huge almond eyes, and thin face, but in a strange way, she appeared quite attractive. Her thoughts turned to her most precious possessions, namely the blasters securely strapped to her hip. These were a gift from her friends a year ago. These additions departed noticeable from her species usual peace loving ways, as they did not regard anal probing as aggressive behaviour. The twins had made a bet on who could design and build the best blaster weapon, with their friends eagerly joining in. They had just finished a semester on advance hand held weapons, and they were eager to test its practical applications. This would be the girls against the boys, the gender battle, and everybody knew who would win. The only three rules were that Shen, deemed adjudicator, must be able to fire it without being seriously injured; this rule changed from killed at her request. That they had two months to build it


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and that it must still resemble an ordinary blaster for the most part, able to fit a hip holster. Feral sulked at this last bit of news. He had already envisioned attaching one of those ion cannons to the weapon. Who cares if Shen would not be able to lift it, or carry it around, it would make a big bang. Even though Shen formed part of the girls team, the friends all knew her legendary skill with blaster weapons, and they knew that she is probably the most honest person in existence. She would be unbiased, even towards her team when judging the weapons. The twins worked feverously for weeks, with the rest of the friends providing support, and usually some of the more exotic parts the twins required. Storm even scavenged some of the ancient technology used in Skibladne, after she convinced the ship that they were both female and should stick together. The two months passed quickly and one bright morning the six friends met at the firing range. The weapons looked incredible. The boys team had a weapon, black as midnight, and resembled a slightly enlarged desert eagle handgun with scope modifications. It had dials on the side for selecting firing tempo and type of ammo. The girls weapon sporting the same dark platinum colour of Skibladne showed a lot more style and refinement than the boys did. It had a sizable view screen built into the back of the gun. Blade picked up the girls weapon and examined it.


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And where did you get this much Zellion from? he asked accusingly. Storm gave him a devilish grin, oh scrounged a bit here, dug up a bit there She refrained from mentioning that Skibladne now missed some hull plating. Gumph, Blade snorted. So let the testing begin, Feral declared, eagerly awaiting the impressive bang that was sure to follow. Ladies first, Throm suggested giving a flamboyant bow. Shen picked up the ladies weapon while Storm explained. We decided to build a long range sniper weapon, with pin point accuracy. The ion beam has an endless supply of recyclable energy and we have modified the intensity to penetrate even Zellion alloy. The blasters screen, she said while pointing to the back of the weapon, is modified to show hidden enemy up to 5 miles away, with infrared, x-ray and even faint electrical emission like that from an organic life forms skin as targeting options. The zoom option can perfectly target an eye at this range. There is zero recoil when fired, and beam intensity and widening options for unforeseen circumstances, like opening doors or being attacked by more than one enemy, Storm proudly concluded her little presentation. May I direct your attention to the screen? Storm said pointing to a monitor next to her. This target has been set up at a distance of 5 miles, so you will probably not be able to see it with the naked eye, Storm explained, Shen if you will.


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Shen levelled the weapon and the settings on the back seemed to adjust themselves until the target was clearly visible. As you might have noticed the weapon settings is complete controlled by Shens mind, Storm stated beaming. I object, Feral exclaimed, you had access to Shen and could map her brainwave patterns. The rest of the boys nodded in agreement. Fine, Phalin sighed, Shen please disregards this feature in your final assessment. Shen nodded and then expertly fired the blaster, causing a burning hole to appear in the centre of target on the screen in front of the friends. Cheers went up all around her. Wow that was amazing shooting, Blade exclaimed. Yes Shen, well done, Phalin agreed. Now its our turn! Feral excitedly announced, not even waiting for the cheers to die down. Go ahead, Storm replied confident in the superiority of their creation. Blade cleared his throat. Ehem well we decided to build something with a little more kick, he said smiling. This is a mini missile launcher with a tachyon cannon option. His smile widened. Thats impossible! Phalin exclaimed, there is no way a tachyon cannon can fit into a blaster, and even if it could, which it cannot, it would destroy the blaster when fired. Hmmm and there the little ladies thought they were the only team who could talk to Skibladne, or steal her hull plating, Feral


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grinned while ducking to avoid a wild blow from Storm aimed at his head. So, Skibladne helped you design your weapon? Storm asked accusingly. No more than she helped you, Blade flashed back. Fine, fine, you may engage in mortal combat later. You both cheated, so let us see what this thing can do, Phalin said fulfilling her normal arbitration duty. Storm just gave her brother a dirty look and reluctantly relinquished the floor. As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, he said with a wide grin on his face, our weapon fires missiles and tachyon blasts. It has the capability to lock on to heat signatures and electrical signals. Once you have identified your target, the weapon will track it wherever it goes, and display its position in a radar grid on your wrist console. Throm beamed, as this was his idea, Your missile will follow and destroy any target, currently tracked on your wrist console, he repeated just to be sure everyone heard. Miniature missiles that have heat seeking and radar guidance options, Phalin expressed duly impressed. Oh yes, Throm could not contain his enthusiasm any longer, it also has the explosive equivalent of a level 7 Skibladne stinger missile, which means it can disable everything from fighters to reapers. Blade smiled and looked at his friends. Feral not about to be left out, added, and of course if you really feel the reaper or fighter is annoying, just use the tachyon cannon. The target disappears like magic.


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Feral pretended to be deep in thought, hmmm I wonder if it can make Storms mouth disappear. No. Nothing is that powerful, he jested while quickly changing into a Gerbit and dashing for the nearest tree. The teams laughed while watching the young mage awkwardly trying to evade Storm shooting at him with the girls new blaster. Stop, please, stop, he yelled before dropping out of the tree, compliments of Storm removing the branch from beneath his paws. Shen brought some sanity to the preceding. She was eager to see what the boys weapon could do. Blade made a few adjustments to the screen, until it showed a banged up old reaper in the distance. My lady, if you please, Blade bowed. Shen fiddled with the controls until she got the reaper in her sights. She locked the radar guidance and fired a missile. Blade continued, unfortunately we could only fit 6 missiles in a weapons clip, but the tachyon cannon is good for at least 100 shots before it needs to be recharged. The group intently watched the screen as the smoke trail swirled and hit the target. A gaping hole appeared in the side of the reaper. Bravo, Phalin acknowledged. Even Storm cheered. Now the tachyon, now the tachyon, Feral screamed. Yes, yes, we are getting there, Blade answered exasperated. He adjusted the screen again, to show a decommissioned fighter.


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Unfortunately the cannons range is a lot less than the missiles, but it packs a much bigger punch. You need a visual fix on the target and a range of no more than 200 yards. Shen levelled the weapon again, took aim and fired. The recoil knocked her off her feet, and she went flying backwards into the wall. Everybody ran to her side, trying to see if she was alive. Shen speak to me, Blade screamed, Sorry, I mean think to me! Im okay, a weak response came from the girl. Throm, you dolt, I told you to make sure you balance the recoil, Blade remarked accusingly. Hey I am sorry; I am a Dwar after all. I forgot to factor in that we have a lower centre of gravity and much firmer footing, Throm mumbled. A much lower centre of gravity, at about waist level, and a foot off the ground, Feral quipped. Throm was too embarrassed to pummel Feral. They helped Shen to her feet. Hey! Shen still managed to hit the target, Feral exclaimed. It was true. A screen completely devoid of a relic fighter greeted the friends. Brilliant Shen, absolutely brilliant, Storm verbalized what everyone thought. So whos the winner Shen? Feral asked. Shen thought hard and long. Come with me, she finally projected into her friends minds. The troop followed her to the hangars.


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I think the prize for the perfect weapon should go to she paused for dramatic effect, Skibladne. The teams stared at her in disbelief. Well you both agreed that she designed most of the weapons features, and it is her hull plating featuring in both the weapons, thus I think that she deserves the prize, dont you? The rest reluctantly agreed as her decision sank in, since clearly there was no cut and dried winner in this contest. #thank you, I sincerely appreciate the honour# Skibladne announced in her metallic female voice. #Wait until LOBE hears about this# she continued. Who is LOBE? Blade asked. #just a friend of your fathers# Skibladne answered. The kids had never heard of their fathers alter ego. Angel managed to keep this a secret from the children. He sometimes wondered how they would feel about their father talking to a voice in his head, and the voice talked back, often to other people. He did not care to find out what they would think. No, definitely did not want to find out. Anyway, LOBE mostly just showed up when there was trouble or something interesting that baffled Angel. He still maintained that Angel just created the twins to spoil his fun, so he generally disappears when they showed up. This suited Angel. So what are we going to do with the weapons? Destroy them? Feral asked with a sly grin projected into his friends minds. He had already seen how Shens eyes gleam when she looks at them.


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I think that would be the right thing to do. They are far too dangerous, he teased, pretending not too notice the horrified look in Shens eyes. #might I suggest that they be presented to Shen# Skibladne proposed. She was as always monitoring the vital signs of all her occupants, and noticed the anxiety in Shens bio reading. The friends cheered the suggestion. Feral looked dejected, he wanted to drag this out for a while. #I have taken the liberty to create a belt in her size, with holsters and spare missile clips. It is in the materialization chamber# The kids ran to the cabin and found a beautifully crafted belt that looked like the ones their parents wore when going on a mission. It had the Skibladne insignia on the buckle. Shen became emotional, something that was impossible for the rest of the Arks. Thank you, thank you all, she said and hugged them each in turn. The friends beamed back at her. She gently picked up the belt and carefully fitted it around her slender waist, while the twins in turn placed the weapons in the holsters on either side. They both fit like a glove and the weapons automatically secured themselves in the holsters. She looked spectacular and extremely dangerous. I think you better watch your step from now on Feral, Phalin quipped. Er, Shen, just make sure Throm adjusts the recoil on that blaster before you use the tachyon cannon again, okay? Blade warned.


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I wont forget, but for now these beauties are staying put, she happily remarked with a smile forming in the kids minds.


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The dark green clad figure stood in front of the huge mirror in the throne room. It stared intently at the shapes that moved inside the mirror. They were dark and foreboding, which pleased the darklord immensely. They were creatures after its own black heart, bent on mindless destruction. The darklord turned and slowly walked back to the throne where it made itself comfortable. Memories invaded its thoughts again Not far now my lord, Bruxa said. The tunnels smelled musty and dimly lit. This did not sit well with the masked figure that preferred to be in open air. It better not be! The tunnel opened into an equally dim chamber. The darkness did not bother the evil one much; its eyes pierced every corner of the room with ease. What it found in every corner made it smile. Very good Bruxa, I did not notice you organize a welcoming committee for little old me. Shall we ask our guests to join us? the voice rasped from behind the mask. As if with an unspoken command, Lamies pealed like ants from every corner of the room, completely encircling the dark one. Their teeth bared, saliva dripping from their oversized canines, while their eyes glowed like those of rodents. They snarled and clawed the air, but they did not advance any further. The group directly in front of the dark one parted and a seemingly older Lamie walked through the gap. However, since


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their age was indeterminable, it might have been a trick of the dim light. Why have you brought this human here Bruxa? She croaked. Human? said the grating voice emanated from behind the mask, obviously not amused. Not human mistress. He killed Raza and almost killed me without us laying a claw on him, Bruxa cringed. He looks human t the old voice continued, but was cut short by the dull thud of its voice box and other vocalisation equipment hitting the floor; the rest of the origins of the voice seemingly unaware of this aforementioned event. Would anybody else care to question my origins? the ominous words floated in the stale air, while the dark figure wiped its blade on a section of its robe. The circle widened and fearful grunts replaced the snarls. It was not only the speed at which the dark figure executed the kill that had the Lamies confused, it was the fact that the figure did not move as much as was required to accomplish this feat. Now disappear! Ill have Bruxa summon you when I am in need of your assistance, it continued, Bruxa, you stay. Nothing happened as the confusion thickened. Who was in charge now, this demon? Should they listen? Move! the demon commanded. <Blink> <Swoosh> Now Bruxa, please tell me this little get together was not the only reason you brought me here! the voice attempted to sound sincere but only managed to convey the feeling of, I am going to


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enjoy torturing you very, very slowly, and if you die on me early Ill have to follow you into hell to finish the job. No master, its here, its here! Bruxa screamed cowering in fear. The next chamber, master, she said beckoning. The darklord followed seemingly unperturbed by what might await it. The next passage opened into a large chamber with the only fixtures being a throne in the middle, and an enormous mirror covering the opposite wall. The darklord unsheathed one of its daggers and proceeded to sharpen it on its metal gauntlets. Bruxa who had walked with fear her entire life, befriended it, and used it so effectively to terrorize and horrify her prey, had to admit that she was in the presence of the being that fear might be afraid of facing. There master, look! she stammered. I am looking Bruxa, and I will be looking at your bloody intestines decorating this floor, if I do not see something extraordinary by the time this dagger reaches your throat. The mirror master, look closely at the images in the mirror, Bruxa pointed while covering her throat with her free hand. The dark figure stared and the image in the mirror changed. It did not see its own reflection anymore but another world. It faded in and out. Its a gate master, a gate to the home of the gods! The black shape slowly moved to the mirror and touched its surface. It did not yield. The mirror remained as solid and impenetrable as ever.


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Bruxa, if I wished to watch indiscernible shapes on a big screen I would have slaughtered a movie theatre, sprayed their blood on the screen and do my own inkblot test; and done so without travelling all the way out here. Bruxa is sorry master, but the master is smart, smarter than anyone Bruxa has ever met. Bruxa thought the master might understand how to open the gate. The darkness behind the masks eyes burned into Bruxas skull. Sit master, please, Bruxa motioned towards the throne, and Bruxa will tell master the story of the gate, and what lies beyond. Bruxa cleared her throat, and then started to cough as phlegm hit her windpipe. Sorry, she sputtered. She tried again. In the days of the gods, they used this gate to visit earth and return to their world. Three terrible creatures called the furies guarded this gate. They were sisters called Tisiphone, Megaera and Alecto, the daughters of the night, Bruxa explained. They did not only serve as gatekeepers, but had a little side line business of their own. They were avengers and punished criminals, murderers, evil doers and abominations without mercy. Of course my sisters and I are all those things, so Bruxa and her kind were the main prey of these horrifying creatures. Princess Lamia had the foresight to create many of us, and we scattered into the four winds, hiding and waiting for the prophesied time to come when Lamia would have her revenge against Zeus, Hera and all the other gods.


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Lamia knew about the gate. Zeus had told her of the world he came from. He told her how he moved between earth and Olympus. The location of the gate was however kept secret. Many Lamies died at the hand of the furies trying to discover the location of the gate. After many years and the sacrifice of hundreds, the furies made a mistake and led a Lamie to the entrance of Olympus. On Olympus a similar battle unfolded between the Olympian gods and a goddess named Echidna. She became the mother of all monsters like the Nemean Lion that was killed by Hercules, Cerberus the three headed dog whom she gave to Hades, Chimera, Medusa the Gorgon, the Sphinx and the Lernaean Hydra to mention but a few. She too had the torso and face of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a snake. She ate the raw flesh of her victims and she was immortal, Bruxa continued. You better get to the point quickly my dear Bruxa, I am getting impatient, the grating voice announced, what makes you think I care at all for this pathetic planets history? Master, there is a point to all of this, Bruxa swear, Bruxa stammered. Continue, the darklord commanded. Echidna came to hear of Lamia and felt an immediate kinship. Since the gate could only be operated from earth she had to wait for it to be activated by the furies for one of the Olympian gods, and managed to slip through before it closed. Why could it only be operated from earth? the terrible voice came from behind the mask. Selfish little gods, did not want all the other gods to use earth as their playground. They restricted access to earth through the


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gate, and the furies ensured that it would only open for Zeus and his friends. Zeus was afraid that if the gate could be opened from Olympus the other gods could find a way through, but he also knew that as long as he controlled the furies, the gate would be safe. Fine, continue, the darklord ordered. Echidna and Lamia met and the sisterhood was formed. They looked alike, they loved the same food namely flesh and they had the same goal. Kill the Olympian gods. This is becoming beyond boring Bruxa. I guarantee you, if you say one more word I will fall asleep, and my dagger will fall from my hand; but be assured it will end its fall in your heart, the darklord rasped. Bruxa pointed at the murky passage, and then stammered I will go find Drugunxa. She is our entertainer. I wont need to come find you, will I Bruxa? No my lord, Bruxa said in a soft voice trailing off as she silently left.

A colourful yet odd creature walked in. It seemed patched together from odd bits of clothing, other peoples hair and old chewing gum. Master, she said with a flamboyant bow, I am honoured and humbled by your majestic and wondrous presence. The darklord said nothing. Its mask remained half hidden in the shadows of the cloak and the gloom, but Drugunxa suddenly wished that she rather saw nothing. The evil it emanated terrified every synapse in her system.


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Bruxa told me where in the story she ended, so I am here to tell the rest, she hesitantly tried. Still the darklord said nothing; it simply started to flip the dagger repeatedly, catching it neatly after each turn. The story my lord, of Echidna and Lamia's ultimate revenge, Drugunxa began. <Flip> Echidna was married, to a god, a bad ass mother named Typhon. He scared the living crap out of the other gods, and that must have been the attraction because he was one ugly mother father. <Flip> This son of a planet, since earth was his mother and hell was his father, had 100 goddamned ugly heads like snakes, which coiled together to form one big one. He had too many snake-like arms and legs to be of actual use to anyone, and if he coughed up a fur ball, rather hope you are somewhere else since it was made of molten lava and rock. He also had this poison tear thing going from his eyes, so yeah, he was a bad, real bad. <Flip> Anyway he put the good fear into the gods and those scared little shits all packed their little halos, shoes with wings and lightning bolts and went to hide in Egypt. Hoping some other gods could protect their sorry asses from Typhon; The Man! <Flip> <flip> So then the whore Athena cracked a few smart assed remarks at Zeus and wham bam thank you mam, the sucker fell for it. He took on Typhon, and got his lightning butt kicked from here to the


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Corycian Cave, where Typhon cut out Zeuss sinews and stuffed him in a leather body bag. <...> Unfortunately the damn bitch Athena got the other gods riled up and Pan the pansy-assed-man and Hera, Zeuss main screw when he was not seducing innocent princesses like Lamia, went to look for the wiener. Long story short, they found him and fixed him up for round two. <Flip> Of course his little ego was stomped on and spat on, and he lost face with the other little gods, so he just had to go back for more. He got a personal trainer, started taking steroids and his protein shakes, did the entire clean living thing, no more snorting coke in the mornings, you know. Man what a battle, Zeus pulled hair, kicked Typhon in the shins, biting, the whole nine yards. It was like trying to beat up the school yard bully that was held back for 23 years and Zeus was 6 years old. <Flip> <flip> <flip> Drugunxa swallowed hard. This time The Man Typhon threw a whole mountain at Zeus, but the electrical power plant got lucky. He hit the mountain with a few of his lightning bolts and it fell back on Typhon. And there he still lies today, buried beneath mount Edna. <Flip> Anyway, Echidna wanted her man back and both wanted to kick Zeuss monkey butt. The plan was for Lamia and her brave Lamies to lure Zeuss lapdogs, the Furies, away from the gate. Then Echidna could get


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Medusa through the gate, while she, that is Echidna, starts a little war on Olympus, making sure all the little gods run back home. <Flip> <flip> <flip> SHIT, Drugunxa thought, I am going to die, better end this soon. Medusa1 waits for the Furies to get back, and then casts her evil eye on them, turning them to stone. Meanwhile Lamia goes to free the man from beneath the mountain and brings him to the gate. Then Echidna and Typhon kick the Olympian pukes asses on the other side. That was the plan. <Flip> So, and the rest is a little fuzzy, but apparently Medusa zapped the Furies but lost her head somewhere. Thats four gods down. Lamia could not get the Man out from beneath the mountain, and since there was no gods left on earths side to open the damn gate, everybody was stuck on their own side of the mirror. Just say that again, the darklord spoke for the first time, the evil grinding voice sent chills down Drugunxas spineless spine.

Er yeah did Bruxa not tell you? Drugunxa seemed confused, we cant open the gate because we have human genes, only a god can open it, and the god needs to be on this side. Bruxa come here, the malevolent voice commanded in a way a cat would invite a little bird closer before ripping its head off.

Medusa was able to turn people into stone just by looking at them. Her blood is rumoured to be able to heal and kill depending on which side of the body it came from. She had a gorgeous snakehead hairdo, but struggled to keep the same hairdresser for long.


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Master, it is not like that. You said yourself you are not human; therefore, I thought that you could open the gate. I am sorry master. Please wont you just try, please? Bruxa pleaded. ...The memory faded as the darklord returned to the present with the sound of an anguished scream. The tormented noise came from the other side of the mirror, and the sound pleased the darklord immeasurably.


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New Valhalla bustled in a hive of activity, as the Valkr initiated alert level Charlie. We found the source of the infestation, the message had echoed through the great halls. Gemmi rushed to the control room with Loser in tow. Where? she breathed as she rushed through the door. An old forgotten castle in Transylvania, the answer came immediately. Do we have a point of penetration and schematics? Gemmi asked. Coming through as we speak; our spy satellite is finishing deep penetration scans and heat formation tracking right now, the commander replied. Ready all squadrons, Gemmi commanded, we attack as soon as we have an identifiable target. Gemmi took up position on the command chair with a clear view of the numerous screens lining the wall. These displayed readiness statistics, squadron vitality monitors, ground scans, enemy positions, relief maps, 3D terrain orientation and everything else she might need to form a battle plan. Bad news your ladyship, it seems our target is underground, Carra pointed out, we will not be able to use an air strike. Hmmm then ready a full Gentari1 ground assault force, and deploy, Gemmi commanded.

Gentari is the elite attack force of the Valkr, similar to say a delta force on seriously illegal steroids.


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On second thought, leave a strong presence here too, just in case they decide to retaliate. Also ensure our fallback positions have been prepared. Gemmi did not intend to take any chances with such a formidable enemy. Not long after and not far from the foreboding castle, a squadron of Valkr fighters silently touched down. We are in position your ladyship, Gemmi heard her field commander report over the communication array. The commander ran over the briefing in her mind for one last time. Heat signatures show the most activity in the main halls and entrance hall of the Castle. The kitchen entrance seems the least heavily guarded. This will provide a relatively clear route into the subterranean levels. Move out, she commanded using the mindcom technology provided to them by the UGE. This allowed her to speak thoughts directly into the conscious minds of her troops. Silent as acrobatic ghosts, they faded into the night. Eagle leader to Gentari-1; Snipers in position, and awaiting your orders, the first of her captains reported in. Fox and Wolf teams have reached the back entrance and awaiting your command, the second of her teams reported. Snake team covering primary escape route. The Great-Tropical-Whitefin-Hammerhead-Shark team in position and covering secondary escape route. Ledra, I see you changed your teams name again, the commander hopelessly noticed, so here is what Ill do. I will give


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you a name okay, and you will use it from now on. No arguments and no objections. Your team is now the pink fluffy bunnies. Report in. A moments silence followed, then the slow and tedious thoughts. Pink fluffy bunnies in freaken position, the thoughts uttered through a clenched medulla oblongata reached Gentari-1, followed by a severe giggling episode. Now ladies would someone please attack, the commanders command flowed through the mindcom. You would expect a lot of screaming, taking the amount of females involved on either side of the conflict, but there were only deathly silence. There was however, a substantial amount of dying happening but very little noise accompanied this. This is fox leader; we have reached the tunnels and are now entering the subterranean levels. Everything seems clear so far. There is a passage leading to the left, her thoughts continued to pour into the commanders head. The Gentari Commander suddenly felt a pang of fear. This is not right, she thought. If the upper level were full of the enemy, why would the tunnels be unguarded? This had to be their escape routes and they needed to keep it clear. Where are all the guards? We are dropping even deeper. It has opened into another chamber. Shit it is a trap, a cage just dropped from the ceiling. We must have activated a trigger somewhere. Damn it, we are stuck. Our weapons cannot damage the cages metal. Its like Zellion only a different colour. The commander had reason to worry, but her training taught her... No woman gets left behind.


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Snake and bunny teams; move in move, move, move, Eagle team come in, the commander send the thought. Silence greeted her. Eagle team respond, the commander tried again. What the hell is going on, she thought, they could not have been expecting us could they? Snake team report in. Again, only silence. Bunny team come in. All teams fall back, FALL BACK NOW! she ordered. Nothing but silence greeted her. There were only her small team of Gentari looking at her with anxious faces. Fox and Wolf team leaders; any sign of the rescue? The horrible silence followed once more. The commander felt unsure of what to do next. Should she contact Gemmi and tell her the mission was a complete failure, or should she try rescuing her troops. Let me make that decision for you, a grating voice said from behind her as if reading her mind. She slowly turned around, not having expected a greeting by death in person, big as life and twice as mean. Her hand flashed to her sword but it never reached it. Her troops experienced the same fate as her. Your death was painless; be thankful for that, the evil voice hovered on the night air. We put the ones we knocked out with the gas in the cage with the others. They are sleeping too. We took their radio things, Bruxa said with glee.


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Excellent, bring the infiltration units to full alert, the darklord ordered, make sure they wait for my orders before attacking. Bruxa hurriedly spoke into a field radio. Come Bruxa, we are needed elsewhere, the masked demon smiled, anticipation of the carnage to come filled it with ecstasy.

An icy grip encased Gemmis heart. She knew. How she knew she did not know, but she knew. Something had gone wrong, terribly wrong. We walked into a trap. If they knew we were coming and their leader knew anything about the art of war, then they would realize the enemy would be at its weakest and most disorganized now. They would coordinate the trap with an attack. Bring New Valhalla to alert level Alpha, she urgently commanded. Move all non-essential personnel to the fall back position. Ensure the charges in the escape route are primed. The night breeze coming through the open window did little to comfort her. An unnatural chill suspended on the warm summer air. Less than 37 minutes later, the first enormous boulders came hurtling through the dome. The shield held for the first dozen or so metamorphic projectiles but after that, the dome resembled a pretzel run through morphing software operated by Mango the manically depressed monkey.


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Shards of glass, girders and beams rained down on the Valkr. Those unlucky enough to be caught without a seriously large steel umbrella, did not have long to worry about this unfortunate turn of events. Gemmi desperately barked orders, as New Valhalla fell into darkness and fear. The generators died, my lady, the anxious voice of her second in command barely reached her ears. The noise of shouting and screaming, and snarls and growls filled the air in a symphony of horror. The switch from the brightly lit halls, to the utter darkness completely blinded the Valkr for the moment and that made them easy targets for the demons that seemed to swarm in from every hole. Loser, where are you? Gemmi screamed. She felt small little hands grab her face and a familiar tail wrapping itself around her neck. He was scared and blinded as well. He could not morph into his alter ego1 if he did not know with what he was supposed to be angry. All Valkr, retreat, retreat, Gemmi screamed in desperation into the pitch-black slaughterhouse. This was no fair fight and she saw no reason to have her warriors slaughtered to protect an inanimate object.

A Gerbit could change from a spider monkey size to a bus size gorilla in seconds if it was angry enough. They communicate with emotions and are immune to magic.


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She desperately tried using the Brisingamen jewel around her neck, but in the confusion, she could not focus on a mind clearly enough to control it. She tried again. She clearly sensed another mind out there, ancient, powerful, terrible. Gemmi felt drawn to it, wanting to touch it, explore it; feel its power. The ancient mind called to her, daring her to sample some of its might. She knew it would take her, take her mind far away and she knew it would torture her for all eternity in the dungeon recesses of its cranium. She knew all this. She heard its promise. Nevertheless, the power presented the flame and even thought the moth would not survive, it still needs to get near it. She cautiously crept closer, inch by inch. It called much louder now. The sense of dread washed over her soul. She could feel the urge of this creature to destroy, anything, everything, and it hated. It simply hated. She was close now; she could reach out and touch it. So close. It was right there in front of her. All she had to do was open the door and go inside of the horrific mind. She reached for the hand that beckoned her so gently to take it. She did not want to; she knew she should not, but the call, it was overpowering. Gemmi tried to fight it. She wanted to turn and run, but her hand kept moving towards the one beckoning her to take it. She tried to scream.


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The hand was not a hand anymore but a claw, a deformed black claw, with rotting flesh falling from it and a thick black liquid that looked like acid oozing from the wounds. The claw lifted while its fingers parted. A searing pain coursed through every synapse in Gemmis face. Sorry my lady, I had to do it, Carra apologized, you seemed to be in a trance and the jewel glowed so brightly, but then your face became twisted in such horror and dread that I was afraid you were in trouble. Thanks Gemmi muttered, we have to go, immediately. To the fallback positions, Carra called, while helping Gemmi to stand. Suddenly Gemmi shot about 2 feet up into the air, and hung there as if someone had her clamped around her throat, lifting her by her neck. Her eyes glazed over and her breathing laboured, before she finally dropped down, and sagged into a heap on the ground. Loser seeing that his friend and master was in trouble had grown to the size of a small blue whale. He carefully took Gemmi in his arms and started to run with her. Gemmi seemed to be unconsciousness or worse. The Brisingamen jewel around her neck pulsated with a sinister dark red glow. Loser could sense the emotions from the one that had Gemmi in his grips; he had never ever experienced such intense and focused evil. These emotions were ancient, as old as the mountains. This was pure unadulterated hatred. There was no clouding by other emotions such as compassion or needs. It was simple in its complexity. This creature hated everything equally.


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The Valkr able to follow formed a protective shield around them. Others carried fallen comrades they managed to find along the way. The tunnels appeared dark and foreboding but they kept on running, since that which followed them was worse, much worse. They eventually exited the tunnels and climbed onto the platform that would take them the rest of the way. Carra waited until the snarls and growls moved to within a few steps from the exit of the tunnel. She knew there would be no more Valkr survivors, not anymore. She closed her eyes, and shed a silent tear before she threw the switch, which caused the entire length of the tunnel to explode in a ball of fire and molten rock. Seconds later and only a deathly stillness remained in the direction they just came. She slowly walked onto the platform and activated it. Her shoulders drooped and her eyes leaked. Except for the groans of the injured, no one else made a sound. They did not need to; no one had to speak to know what everyone else felt. Loser had shrunk back to his original size. The little blue creature lay on Gemmis chest, shaking. He held a strand of her hair in his small little blue hand and silent tears ran down his cheeks. His head remained tightly nestled under her chin, and his other arm wound around her neck. He tried to place Gemmis arm around him to hold him, but the arm just fell back limply. His tiny little body convulsed as he tried desperately to fight back the tears.


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Carra felt such sadness come from the little creature, her heart ached for Loser. She could not help but go over and try to comfort the tiny ball of fur, but he softly pushed her hand away, and continued to hug Gemmi as if his little life depended on it. The platform slowly gathered speed and had already put some distance between them and the nightmares. New Valhalla was no more. The darklord smiled beneath the mask. Bring me a live one, it commanded, I need to send a little message.


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The cruiser came into viewing range of earth. It looks so peaceful from up here, Angel remarked. Ill build you a Zen garden, but for now, lets go help my friends shall we! Ricci shot at him. To the fighters, Ill fly with Laidin, Angel said ensuring he got out of the way of his wifes tongue. The party rushed to the back and hurriedly took off bound for the Valkr base. They had an escort of about 100 El fighters accompanying them. As they approached New Valhalla, Angel spoke into the mindcom. El fighters secure the area, anything unnatural either apprehend or destroy, Angel commanded. Angel, we are from Elheimr, Laidin explained, everything is going to seem unnatural. Oh right, okay then anything shoots at you or looks menacing, destroy it, Angel corrected, and anything with more than one head is an automatic target. Ricci looked down at the crumpled mess that used to be the once great New Valhalla. A rage such as she has never felt before pushed up inside her threatening to explode with the force of a nuclear warhead. She searched in vain for a focal point to go nuclear on, but this was not to be.


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She was glad that Angel did not share a ship with her. She felt ashamed for always going off at him, but she could not help herself. Her vocal cords somehow attached itself to an involuntary section of the brain and her conscious thoughts struggled to keep up. The five friends managed to find a place to set down on a small section of the hangar bay. They slowly made their way through the carnage looking for some clue as to what happened. The dead were plentiful. Angel knelt next to a slain Lamie and examined the corpse with interest. What are you? He wondered. Is something amiss my lord? Kirom inquired. Yes Kirom. This thing, I have no idea what it is. I have not seen this kind of mutation on anyone from earth. Do you think it could be alien? Angel asked in turn. Kirom examined the body as well. I do not know. It seems to have oversized canines and the limbs seem to be strangely attached, but other than that it seems quite human, Kirom concluded. I could understand one person deformed in this way, but it seems all of the dead from the enemy has the same genetic mutation. I do not understand, maybe it had been some genetic experiment. Ever hear of vampires? LOBE spat brain fluid.


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Excuse me? Kirom asked confused; it seems as if Angel just answered his own question. LOBEs back, Angel enlightened his dwarven friend, pulling a face. Yes Im back baby, better believe it, LOBE smirked. Kirom smiled, he wondered what had awakened LOBE now. He probably senses danger and LOBE seems to be his advisor and a way to double check himself. Strange though effective, Kirom thought. So these are vampires? Kirom asked as the rest of the heroes joined them around the body. There had been a string of vampire films showing when they last visited earth, therefore they knew what it meant. From my expert opinion I would say so. The mutations to their arms and legs I would surmise would give them extra strength, speed and agility, they might even be able to rival the Valkr, LOBE lectured the group, Their hands or claws seem well adjusted to rather slice than grab their prey, suggesting they prefer to hunt with speed instead of a direct confrontation. Their eyes are oversized and their pupils are over-exaggerated. I would suggest they are well adapted to see in darkness and possibly hunt at night. How does this help us find out what happened here and where the rest of my friends are, braniac? Ricci sneered. She intensely disliked LOBEs know it all attitude. The only reason LOBE still had synaptic impulses was that Ricci had not become a brain surgeon... yet.


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I would suggest you check the generators, LOBE suggested in a patronizing tone, I assume you will find that they have been tampered with. Why do you say that? Laidin asked. Well, look at the way the fallen Valkr are positioned, Angel pointed on LOBEs behalf, a logical assumption is that they could not see what they were fighting. Since the Valkr are the most agile warriors I have ever seen, this can be the only logical explanation. The wounds seem mostly from failed defence and not from attack. They were obviously moving backwards and they backed themselves into compromising positions. They were slaughtered? Ricci exclaimed shocked and revolted. Yes Ricci, they were slaughtered, I am so sorry, Angel sympathetically replied, after reacquiring his vocal cords from LOBE. All dead... all my friends are dead, Ricci sat sobbing on the ground; the fight had suddenly left her. Angel walked over and carefully placed his arm around his wife. She allowed him to comfort her to Angels great relief. Even though Ricci never blamed him for LOBEs obnoxious behaviour, he could never be sure. She buried her face in his embrace and let the tears flow unashamedly. Angel gently kissed his wife on the top of her head. Laidin, Kirom and Guival continued to search the wreckage for more clues and possible survivors. After all these weeks had passed, no one seemed hopeful, but at least it gave the team something to do. LOBE cleared Angels throat.


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What do you want now? Angel thought to LOBE. Is no one going to check the tunnels? LOBE sarcastically remarked. Ricci shot up and sped off so fast that she painfully threw Angels arm against the wall behind him. Thanks, you numbskull, Angel grimaced while rubbing his arm. My pleasure milord, LOBE remarked dryly. Angel and the others followed at a more distinguished pace, and met up with Ricci on her return trip. The tunnels entrance has been destroyed, we cant get in, she explained while trying to catch her breath. This of course was unnecessary, since she could run a whole herd of deer ragged and then have enough energy to swim the English Channel, tangling with a few sea monsters along the way, or go look for a few if none presented themselves; but here the panting added to the effect. No... Really, LOBE replied. Ricci gave Angel a look that hinted at the possibility that he should sleep lightly and preferably covered in full body Zellion armour in a different dimension. Sorry, Angel pointed to his head, LOBE, he unnecessarily stated in his most apologetic tone, looking like a squirrel who just got caught stealing muffins from the windowsill, and wanting to look innocent. Secretly he wanted to give LOBE a high five. So my lord, now what? Laidin asked. LOBE sighed using his, are you really that blond? sigh. At least Laidin knew better than to blame Angel for LOBEs uncouth behaviour.


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Where do the tunnels lead that no one could find them unless they had UGE technology? LOBE remarked. The Island1, Angel answered himself or LOBE. Yes the Island, so shall we go or are we waiting for better weather? LOBE mimicked Riccis attitude and Angel absolutely loved it inwardly of course. Outwardly loving it and he might find he needed to go potty like a girl for the rest of his unnatural life on a very low potty. Laidin shivered. She hated that place even more than the others did. Elves needed living things surrounding them like forests. This island was dead, completely and utterly dead. We should go, Laidin remarked without much conviction to the remaining heroes, where is Ricci? Angel shrugged, anticipating the sonic boom any second now.

The Island was a desolate piece of real estate the Valkr had placed some kind of cloaking shield over so that it was invisible to pretty much anything trying to scan for it, and did not appear on any map. See Waking the Angel


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A sinister shape approached the throne in the Lamies headquarters on which the darklord sat. Find what you were looking for? the darklord asked. The other figure merely grunted and shook its head before resuming its activities. They still have not arrived but I expect them any day now, the darklord commented. The figure gave no sign of acknowledgement. You are probably itching to get home? The sinister being again showed no interest. So what are you looking for anyway? the darklord tried again. The figure shrugged. For some strange reason the darklord did not push the subject and just fell back into a brooding silence, trying to get comfortable on the throne. Where are they? The Valkr was no more and the Hydras have systematically been destroying the earth. Why are they keeping me waiting? The masked figures thoughts drifted into the past again as memories was all that seemed to engage its mind presently. Are you sure that is how it functions? the darklord had asked Bruxa.


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Yes my lord, you need to be on the earth side of the mirror and a god. Then when you see yourself in the mirror and simultaneously Olympus the gate will open, Bruxa explained. What you are saying, if you had any mind to explain things clearly was that you have to project your image onto that of the puny world of Olympus, the grating voice coming from the masked figure affirmed. Yes my lord, imagine you are there. Hmmm, then obviously I am not a feeble enough god to open the gate, since I most certainly have no foul human blood in my veins. Bruxa seemed dejected. Where is he? the darklord asked. Who is my lord referring to? Bruxa enquired puzzled. The god trapped under the mountain. Bruxa stood gobsmacked. We never thought to go look for him. In all these years, we never tried to find him. What were we thinking? Were we too scared he would destroy us all? Definitely, that is what he does... destroy. No, no the master cannot, must not awaken him, Bruxa thought. <Flip> I am waiting Bruxa. No my lord, he is too terrible, you will destroy us all, Bruxa whimpered. That is the whole idea Bruxa, destroy everything. Oh and if you waste my time any longer Bruxa, trust me, he is a kitten compared to me.


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A new plan seemed to take shape in Bruxas mind, maybe just maybe I could she started to smile at the ideas rushing though her head good, very good, she thought. He is at Mount Edna my lord, she finally said. Then let us depart immediately for this Mount Edna of yours, the darklord commanded. How will we get there? Bruxa asked. Oh I have my means of getting around, the darklord rasped. They walked outside the castle and stood in the front courtyard seemingly waiting for something. Bruxa noticed a disturbance in the air a way off, coming closer and it started to shimmer in front of the two of them. A moment later, it was there. It appeared to be black, a midnight black, or rather the absence of any colour whatsoever. It was, as you would imagine the inside of a black hole might be. The colour of the vessel radiated its absence so intensely it seemed to suck you in and twist your mind. It made it almost impossible to distinguish the shape of the vessel. Bruxa averted her eyes, since just looking at it gave her a migraine. The side opened up to reveal a hatch into the vessel. Get in, the darklord commanded. The inside of the vessel astounded Bruxa; she had never seen equipment like this. The master truly is not from this world, Bruxa thought. The darklord took up its place in the front of the vessel and the ship lifted off and sped away silently. They reached Mount Edna in a heartbeat.


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The vampire master made a few intricate gestures over the controls while intently studying the incomprehensible display. Bruxa although intrigued did not dare ask what her master was doing. There, it finally said. There what, master? Bruxa asked. The demon lord did not answer; it simply landed the ship inside the volcano and proceeded to disembark. The toxic fumes and heat from Mount Edna threatened to asphyxiate Bruxa. The darklord seemed to care less about the noxious conditions, and strolled on. Master, does this place not bother you? Bruxa wheezed attempting to breath. My dear Bruxa, this is paradise compared to some of the places I have been placed against my will of course my subjugators will never have the chance to regret their decisions. This seemed to amuse the darklord and a horribly demented sound escaped from behind the mask, which Bruxa could only guess must be an attempt at laughter. Bruxas head began to spin as she was losing consciousness. Wait on the ship, the darklord commanded without looking around or breaking its stride. Bruxa complied gratefully. She settled down on the command chair and waited patiently. The dark figure confidently strolled into a cavern that had formed inside the volcano wall. The tunnel twisted downwards and ended in a chamber that had magma flows running in superheated streams next to the


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narrow path leading into the chamber. It formed a natural Island with only a small piece of rock protruding above the magma sea. The only way across to the little island needed the legs of a person at least 40 feet tall. The darklord stood and watched the magma erupt and explode in balls of flaming death. It hardly flexed a muscle but an instant later, it softly landed on the rock island. A colossal rock coffin stood in the centre of the island. The lid alone weighed in excess of 2 tons. The darklord lifted and threw the lid into the magma drift with one hand and seemingly little effort. Inside a terrifying sight awaited it. Even the darklord felt slightly sick for moment. The thing inside the coffin was by far the most horrific being the darklord had ever seen. The black creature had snake like protrusions coiled together to form limbs. Strange metal shackles bound these limbs to the coffin. The darklord stood and watched the creature, trying to ascertain if it still lived. Suddenly the creatures eyes shot open. Two sets of completely black eyes stared into each other. Neither moved a muscle; both tried to figure out the others intentions. The darklord shrugged, removed one of its daggers and fit it in the gap where the restraints joined around the creatures left wrist. A flick and the shackles fell free. The darklord moved to the other side and repeated the procedure.


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A booming voice reached its ears; the voice seemed to bounce off every inch of the cavern and even though the sound caused excruciating pain to the darklord, it showed no outward discomfort. Who are you? it rumbled in an ancient tongue. Small flames leaped from its mouth and a sticky black liquid leaked from almost every part of its body. The acid seemed to be flowing out but none ever fell off the body. The liquid seemed to be absorbed back into the skin. Your liberator Typhon, the darklord rasped in the same ancient language. How long have I been here? it roared again. Impossible to say, I only heard about you a few hours ago. What do you want of me? it thundered sitting up in the coffin, its legs still bound. The masked figure moved to the front of the coffin and in two deft movements severed the remaining bonds. Same thing you want, the destruction of everything and the death of everyone, the darklord replied. Good, the deafening voice boomed again seemingly pleased at the answer. Follow me please, the darklord requested and turned to leave. It easily cleared the magma pool and waited for Typhon to catch up. He simply waded through the magma without much effort, and flicked a few burning pieces of molten rock from his skin once he reached the other side. The darklord nodded before turning and heading up the narrow path towards the ship while Typhon lumbered close behind.


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They reached the ship in no time, and Typhon almost had to fold himself double to get inside. Please make yourself at home Typhon; we will have time to speak shortly, the darklord commanded while Bruxa tried to get as far away as possible from the hideous figure. She was about to say, Ill walk, when she felt the slight pressure from the positive g-force as they lifted off. Come here Bruxa, the darklord commanded. Yes master. What is this strange metal? it asked. Bruxa has seen this only once before master, it is called adamant, Bruxa said before continuing, how did you break it master? This is the strongest metal in all the worlds, and the only metal strong and hard enough to shackle a god. Strongest substance this backwater planet knows of, the darklord sneered. They were fast closing on Transylvania when the darklord spoke again. Bruxa, if you were outcasts, how did you come to be in this place in the open, it almost seems as if you were welcome here. Yes my lord, we were granted safe haven here by the Agathyrsi, son of Echidna and Hercules. He was ruler but she did not get any further before Typhon interrupted her. Echidna, what did this mongrel say about Echidna? Typhon boomed in ancient Greek. She said you must miss her terribly and that we will do everything in our power to unite the two of you again, the darklord lied in the same ancient tongue.


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Bruxa sat back in her chair and tried desperately to hide her smile. The darklord set the ship down in the courtyard of one of the upper battlements. The trio made their way down the stairs and into the caverns, to the chamber that housed the gate. Now Typhon would you be so kind as to stand in front of the mirror, the darklord asked. The Olympus gate is here? Typhon asked. Yes it was brought here by the followers of Lamia for safe keeping, the darklord explained. Then at last I may destroy those weaklings that trapped me under the mountain, Typhon roared, they were fortunate last time, they shall not be that fortunate again. The darklord became a blur before it appeared between Typhon and the gate. All in good time Typhon, it rasped. Do you dare stand between me and my destiny? Typhon bellowed. The acid oozed even faster now. Not at all Typhon, but I wish to present an alternative arrangement; for a while at least, the darklord suggested followed by a proposal. You see Typhon if you enter the gate now, it will be sealed for all eternity. Then you will only have the pleasure of destroying your planet, but not this disgusting world that your enemies loved so much. You are the last Olympian god and the last able to activate the gate. Typhon seemed to listen. You have waited millennia for this moment, would it hurt if you hear me out first? the darklord recommended.


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Then speak, since I am still in your debt demon, Typhon rumbled. Well it is simple Typhon; I need your help to destroy earth. Nevertheless, even though we are both incredibly powerful it would still take decades to destroy this entire planet on our own. We need an army and I have a suspicion you know where to get one. An army... I need no army to defeat a few mortals, Typhon thundered, affronted by the demons insinuation. They have multiplied like a plague since you went to sleep Typhon. They now number in the billions, and even though they may not have the weapons to completely defeat you, they will no longer come at you with bows and spears. The darklord removed something from its back and made a few intricate movements with its claws. There was a flash and a hole appeared in the sidewall of the chamber, which continued for at least the next three chambers. Bruxa stared at the weapon in amazement, but kept her mouth shut. She understood that her master needed to impress the god. Typhon erupted in roaring laughter. He pulled a huge boulder from the cavern wall. It burst into flames and began to melt before he threw it with little effort at the roof of the chamber. The cavern was several floors under the stronghold but a huge section of the castle lay in ruins, and the chamber had a sunroof. Interesting, the darklord said attempting to sound as unimpressed as possible, but now my secret chamber is exposed. Typhon pointed his arms at the roof. Heat seems to be travelling into the hole and the rock around the hole in the roof


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began to melt. A stream of molten rock poured from the hole and formed a natural pillar where the hole used to be. Even though it would be a pleasure destroying the earth alone, if what you say is true and there are that many of them it would take too long even for me, Typhon grumbled. Yes, it would, the darklord exclaimed glaring at the glowing pillar now adorning the right side of the throne. Typhon seemed preoccupied with his own thoughts for quite a while, before he spoke again. I do not have an army, but an army can be defeated. There is a better way, something that might be mistaken for a smile formed on Typhons face. It in fact looked more like a naughty baby not wanting to eat its porridge letting it slowly gush from its mouth, except that this was black toxic ooze coming from an ancient evil being; not quite as cute as a baby. Please enlighten me, the darklord stated trying its utmost to hide its irritation. It did not handle contradiction or insubordination well. You need to travel to Olympus and find one of my children, I did mention I need an army, so unless your child can divide itself it would be useless to me, the darklord shot impatiently at the god. Ah, but that is exactly what it can do, Typhon roared, with a little help. Tell me more, the darklord inquired in a sinister voice. The child I am referring to is the Hydra, a huge beast with 9 heads. My child may grow back any severed part of himself. However, what few know is that when you halve its entire body it will form two separate creatures. Only the half that had the


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immortal head will be immortal, but the other creature would be just as deadly as the original. The creature with the immortal head may then be split again, Typhon gave what looked remarkably like a sneer of contempt, and in no time I will have an army. Excellent! the darklord expressed its pleasure. So what are you waiting for, bring me my army, Typhon bellowed. Careful Typhon, we are on good footing here and we do share a common destiny. However, if you mistake me for one of those feeble Olympian gods, it will surely be your last mistake, the darklord rasped through clenched teeth. A flaming ball of lava1 rock appeared in Typhons hand. He seemed to consider this for a moment, before he said, agreed demon, we will work together. But if I sense betrayal or any form of disrespect; well lets just say you will be well done to extra crispy. Agreed Typhon, but be forewarned, this concord is yours as well as mine. What binds me binds you. The darklord moved to the side allowing Typhon to stand before the mirror. The mirror shimmered and became like water, ripples extending all the way to the edges. The darklord walked up and boldly placed its gloved hand through the glass. Good, very good, it announced.

Lava since it has now left Typhons body, but scholars have debated this point for centuries, since holding it in his hand you might argue that it has not left his body yet and refer to it as magma.


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Now Typhon please explain to me how we find your child, and how do we contain it? A long explanation followed with the demon lord interrupting a few times and the exasperated monster god spitting molten rock. Bruxa summon 30 able Lamies, ensure they are well armed, and bring lots of rope, the darklord commanded. Would it hurt him to say please? Bruxa thought, and scurried off to fulfil her masters wishes. She shortly returned with a host of Lamies in her wake, all looking extremely fearful, all having heard that a god is back, and the most terrible one at that. Very good Bruxa, now I need Drugunxa to tend to lord Typhons every need; understood? it waited for Bruxa to nod before continuing, also ensure he does not leave. I know she can be persuasive if needs be. Her being alive right now should attest to that. It would be a shame if I cannot return through the gate and must find another way back here to torture her for eternity. But fear not I will find my way here again. But my lord he speaks a strange language we do not understand, Bruxa lied. Get an interpreter, the darklord growled, and to the rest it motioned to follow it. Master... Bruxa attempted to question this order. Yes? the darklord seemed clearly agitated now. Nothing master, I will follow as soon as I have briefed Drugunxa. Excellent, the grating voice emanated from behind the mask. Bruxa watched them disappear through the gate.


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She motioned Typhon to take a seat on the throne and hurried off to find Drugunxa. Drugunxa, she said when she finally found her, the master needs you to go keep lord Typhon amused. We must ensure he stays happy and does not get bored. Tell him stories of his beloved Echidna; make them up if you have to. What are you going to do? Drugunxa asked sensing Bruxa was up to something. Never you mind, but be assured, if I succeed we will get back all of that which we lost, Bruxa smiled a knowing smile. She hurried to the infirmary where she collected a couple of vials and syringes. Bruxa rushed to the gate and ran through without pause. She had very little time to execute her plan, and time was of the essence. She emerged in a spectacular world. Golden clouds formed streaks in the air swirling with a turquoise backdrop. Everything seemed to have a glow about it and appeared to be just slightly out of focus. The forests looked vaguely unreal with an almost too perfect organization to them. The birds sang in perfect harmony, unlike the random chatter found on the earthen variety. Bruxa forgot her self-appointed charge for the briefest of moments and her cold and dark heart seemed to melt and lift. She quickly scanned her surrounds and found an overgrown path leading off to the west. Hurriedly she started to fight through the undergrowth, but even the scratches and bruises she sustained seemed less painful than on earth. Most of the brush did their utmost to twist and


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bend out of her way, but she moved so rapidly that most did not make it. After about 2 miles, the path widened and opened onto a stone road of which the stones seemed cast from pure silver. She tossed a coin on which way to go from here, her quest focusing her thoughts into a dart of deliberate action. Where would Aegis be? How will I find it? She thought while she hastened on.


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Storm wiped the sleep from her eyes and stretched out while another lazy morning slowly spread across Arken. In fact, it was the second dawn breaking, as early dawn had passed quite some time earlier. She ambled to her dressing area and slowly got herself presentable. A quiet breakfast table greeted her arrival with her friends nowhere in sight. Shen and Phalin appeared a while later after the duo had paid a visit to the shooting range for practice. Still the boys were conspicuous in their absence. Storm never had a problem locating her brother though, since with the mind link they shared, and the effects of the gene they could find each other even when separated by galaxies. The three girls left the dining halls chattering excitedly about the mornings training, and Shens astonishing shot with a blind fold and a 1000-yard target. She had somehow developed the ability to see the target with her mind. The threesome walked in on the boys who busied themselves with disassembling the Valkr fighter. Blade sensed his sister arrival and even though his head was stuck inside an engine compartment called out to her. Hey sis, you should see the low tech gadgets on this bucket, it is positively ancient. We used more sophisticated parts on the hover carts we built when we were kids.


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Thats nice, Storm replied absentmindedly not overly enthused with a history lesson this early in the morning. The girls took up seats a little way off on the wing of one of the Arken scout ships and continued talking about things girls talk about, which is nothing important. Well at least they do not think it is important, like boys do about their discussions. Although since girls talk about boys, and boys talk about girls, that would mean girls do not think boys are important but boys think girls are important. It was not long after that Feral discovered something that seemed out of place. Hey guys, look at this, he projected. The other two rushed over. What do you think it is? Throm asked. Dunno, Blade shrugged, The technology seems newer than the fighter, and the device does not seem to be integrated like all the other technology. This seems to be added in afterwards and hurriedly by the looks of things. The girls noticed the commotion and sauntered across to see why all the fuss. Is something amiss? Phalin wanted to know. Just this strange thingamagic Feral found, Bladin explained. The kids took turns examining the device. I suggest we ask Skibladne to scan it for us, Throm said. Good idea, Storm agreed. They bundled off to go consult the ship of legends. #it would appear to function as some kind of guidance system# the lady gave her opinion.


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#the programming suggests its sole purpose was to pilot the Valkr fighter into UGE space# You mean the Valkr did not fly here? Bladin asked. #speculating, it would seem the answer is no# That would mean who ever planted this device knew the Valkr would not be conscious, or even alive? Throm interjected. That would explain the unknown poison, Storm added her bit. I suspect the idea was for her to expire on the journey and appear as if she escaped, to lure the UGE to earth, Phalin echoed everyones thoughts. That means our parents are in grave danger, Throm interjected. I imagine they walked into a trap set for them, Phalin agreed. #there is something else, even though crude whoever built this device had knowledge of UGE technology# Skibladne stated. Dad always said that the Earth technology was moving forwards at hyper speed. Could someone not develop this from looking at the Taur ships our parents shot down last time they were on earth? It has been more than 2 decades, Blade asked. #Possible but improbably, this device has a UGE signature and not Taur. There might however be another logical explanation. # Which is? Storm asked. #Do not know, I just stated their might be# Skibladne answered her. Storm appeared a little white around the gills. Shen closed her eyes and a few second later, they blinked open again. Father will meet us in the operations room, she stated bluntly. They ran.


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The twins ran some distance in front of the rest because of their enhanced nervous system followed by Phalin. The others took the easy way out and grabbed a hover disk. They all bundled into the operations room, but Qren had not yet arrived. The children impatiently waited until finally Qren floated through the door, his slender limbs completely covered by the robe he wore. Qren, I do not know how much information Shen has given you, but we have strong reason to believe that our parents have been lured into a trap on earth, Blade announced. Please continue Bladin, my daughter only asked me to meet you here, Qren projected anxiously. Blade told him of their discovery and Skibladnes take on the situation. Hmmm this is grave news indeed, Qren concluded, However, what are we to do. Ill tell you what we are to do. We are going to earth to do what is necessary to save our parents. Thats what, Storm exploded. Hmmm Qren projected again. Father...? Shen questioned his apparent hesitance. Qren scanned the worried faces in front of him. I will not stop you from going, Qren answered but added, you will however do so on your own accord, willingly and without group pressure. Each will come to his own decision. The children nodded each in turn, as Qrens huge almond eyes found theirs. Then make haste younglings, your parents may be in dire peril, Qren concluded.


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Right, you have 15 minutes before we meet in Skibladnes hangar, Blade declared. The friends scampered off to go pack. Blade already warmed Skibladnes engines by the time the others arrived in scattered formation, Feral as usual the last one to turn up. Get on board you lazy slouch, Storm shrieked. Yes, yes, Im coming, Feral projected unperturbed. The hatch barely shut when Blade commanded Skibladne to take off and set course for earth. Feral had to jump for his seat and hurriedly strap in as the enormous g-force knocked the air out of his shipmates lungs. Skibladne accelerated like a bat out of hell. Once they broke Arkens atmosphere, the children who required air managed to start gasping. Blade was the first to recover, mother, that was hectic. I concur, that was quite intense, Phalin wheezed. Storm focussed on the view screen in front of her while she puffed, but kept her thoughts to herself; Mom, Dad, please be OK, please. Skibladne interrupted her mind trip, #entering jump point in 37 seconds# We arrived at the Bifrost jump point in less than 5 minutes? Throm exclaimed, this was supposed to be a 2 hour trip. #Ancients engine enhancements# Skibladne answered. How long will we be in the jump? Storm asked. #about 4 days with my new jump drive# Storm just nodded.


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#Might I suggest you prepare yourself by looking at hollow disks on the planet and its customs# The team agreed, and set off to do just that.


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The darklord stared at the image in the mirror. The pained expression on the heads of the Hydra as the Lamies spliced it over, and over again comforted it. The terrible screams soothed its anguished wait for the arrival of its enemy. Everything had gone smoothly so far. For the past few weeks the Hydras has systematically destroyed earth under the control of Typhon. More recently with Typhons help, they had laid waste to the Valkr, and all it had left to do now was to wait for the rescuers to arrive so it could have its revenge. Then it could continue with phase 2 of its master plan. Summon Typhon, the darklord rasped, the next batch is ready to be transported through the gate. Immediately my master, Bruxa said and went in search of the god. Bruxas thoughts were a confusing collage of excitement, fear, concern, and blind commitment as she strolled through the tunnels. It has been almost 2 months since her daring and masterful plan became a reality. Her timing was perfect, it had to be, but it is as if the gods themselves were guiding her feet. They must have been, she thought, Lamia was with me, and she guided me. She fondly remembered her headlong rush down the path on Olympus. She must have travelled for two hours, and there it was, the golden temple of Athena. The very first structure she finds on


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Olympus, and it would be the house of Athena. The very place she set out to find. Those vain bastards; they built themselves temples, even on their own planet. She ran up the steps as fast as her deformed legs could carry her. She ran into the temple hiding and scanning the area from behind the first pillar, she found. The courtyard appeared as devoid of sentient life as the rest of the countryside. I wonder if anyone is still alive on this world, she wondered, I thought these beings were immortal. She brushed the thought aside and started to search for Aegis. A desperate thought escaped into her conscious mind. What if the bitch took Aegis with her, then I would have come all this way for no reason. It must never rain here, she thought as she noticed that the structure had no roof, even though plush furniture adorned the inside of the temple. These were definitely not weather proof. She started searching the rooms. They did not hide anything away. Valuables lay all over the place. Obviously, riches mean nothing to them. Since the only reasons for stealing are, to survive, get rich or have something that others want, crime obviously seems to be useless here. Food were in abundance everywhere, riches had no value, and that which others would want to steal is generally carried on you, and most probably the item that has made crime a hazardous career in the first place. She had to be careful; Aegis did not need to be equipped to be deadly.


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She had looked into every room and had grown quite despondent. Time was running out and she had made no inroads in discovering the whereabouts of Aegis. A thought hit her squarely on the nose; Aegis needed to be covered. Athena would not leave Aegis exposed, since her guests would turn out to be stone-faced blockheads with the intelligence of a rock, even more so than usual. She started running through the temple again, looking beneath any kind of covering. Two covers however she replaced hurriedly. Bruxa was a creature that spend most of her days in sewers, but the smell from that cesspool made even her eyes seek shelter in her brain, and caused her lungs to put up a one way sign; exhale only. The second cover she replaced hurriedly, opened and looked again, and then started to blush, was a box of what you might describe as an indulgence in popular mechanics that would induce spasmodic spasmatic reactions in the user. Finally, she found the outline she expected. Carefully she traced the features of the decapitated head mounted on the shield, not daring to drop the cover. The head she searched for would turn her to stone the instant her gazed fell upon it. Aegis, she exclaimed as she recognized the distinctive characteristics of the head. The thin face, the beady eyes, the long chin, and then of course her most decisive clue being the thick strands of hair that each ended in a snakes head. The head could belong only to one entity, Medusa. The myth said that the blood drawn from the right side of her body would heal while that from the left side would kill.


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Bruxa hurriedly opened the syringes and the vials. She plunged the syringe into the right side of Medusas brain through the cloth. She was relieved to find her hypothesis was correct, since the gods were immortal; their fluids remained, well, fluid even after death. That was probably how these idiots managed their frequent resurrections, she thought. Any so-called hero, who could find some way of, stapling the head back on the body, or find a magic flower, apple, water or blood, could magically bring any god back together for the sequel, no matter how many little bags the god occupied currently. If you had a portable smoke generator, you did not even need all the pieces. The god would re-emerge unscathed from behind the smoke screen, usually with a custom fireworks display and dramatic organ music. This would get progressively more impressive depending on how high up the food chain the god used to be, and how much worm food it currently was. The vial quickly filled. She labelled the vial with the word right before repeating the process with the left side of Medusas brain. She carefully labelled the poison, and stashed both vials securely in her robe. Bruxa hurried to the gate praying she was not too late. Actually, she more hoped than prayed since praying required the act of belief in that something or someone actually listened, and could do something about it. She did not believe in much, except that the world was a bad place to begin with, and now that the master and Typhon were around it had become considerably worse.


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It had been eight hours since she left but as she reached the gate, she saw the sight she hoped she would see. Her sisters held on for dear life to thick ropes, attached to most of the appendages of a huge nine-headed beast. Bruxa scanned the area for her self-proclaimed master, but it was nowhere in sight. The Lamies were getting restless and quite unsure of what to do next, when bushes on the far side of her vision opened, and the darklord appeared. It immediately started shouting orders at the Lamies. Hmmm where have you been Demon lord? Bruxa thought but rather said, master, I found you at last. The darklord simply flashed a deadly look at her and continued giving orders. Bruxa ran to grab hold of a rope that suddenly lashed free, as one of the nine heads threw a Lamie into the shrubs. Bruxa, go tell Typhon to control this beast, the darklord rasped furiously. Immediately master, Bruxa shouted and jumped through the gate. Typhon stood on the other side laughing big clumps of toxic ooze from its mouth while it surveyed the scene on Olympus. He enjoyed the carnage, and the occasional vampire minion losing a limb or a head. My lord, master asks if you can control your child please, Bruxa pleaded through the interpreter quite unnecessarily. Typhon seemed to consider the proposal before shrugging. The Hydra immediately calmed.


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Bruxa did not hang around to witness the rest of the proceedings. Her personal mission was far from completed. She raced to her next destination, the crypt of Lamia. She quickly slinked away in the shadows and hurried to the crypt. With great respect and care, she removed the lid from the sarcophagus that held her beloved Lamia. Time to wake from your slumber mistress, she thought as she uncorked the vial from the right side of Medusas brain. I know you are just sleeping princess; you cannot die, not after Zeuss curse to an eternity of damnation. Please come back now, we need you. She carefully dropped three drops of the cure onto Lamias forehead. Almost instantly Lamias skin became smoother, her hair became shiny, and the scales on her snakeskin torso became oily again. Her eyes stayed permanently open as part of Zeuss curse but now Bruxa could see life returning to them. Good, good, she thought. She hurried down the tunnel desperately searching for a Lamie to help her. She did not have to go far. Ganaxa, quick, get a team together, and meet Bruxa in Lamias crypt. Why? Ganaxa asked. Shes awake, Bruxa said, now hurry, we must get her to safety. Bruxa ran back to the crypt. She found Lamia still lay exactly as she had left her, but with a much healthier glow to her skin.


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A few short minutes later Ganaxa returned with 10 other Lamies. Good, Bruxa exclaimed, now take her somewhere safe. Do not tell Bruxa where, Bruxa must not be able to give up her location even under torture. Give her enough time to heal and then tell her everything that happened. But how did you do it? Ganaxa asked. With medicine I removed from Medusas head, a long story... no time now. Go quickly, Bruxa commanded. Bruxa did not wait around to see what happened to Lamia; she rushed back to the throne room as fast as possible. Typhon and the darklord seemed deep in discussion and she definitely did not want to interrupt. She faded into the darkness and quietly waited for a summons from her master. A smile played broadly on her roundish face.


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The mist remained as foreboding and sole destroying as Laidin remembered it. Even though she prepared herself mentally for this kick me in the balls if I had any experience, it took nothing away from the sheer magnitude of this creep fest. They set the fighters down next to the waterfall, and regrouped at the start of the stones that led into the caverns behind the falls. Carra had the foresight to station a Valkr guard at the cave entrance. She stepped through the waterfall to welcome the guests. Welcome back, my lord my lady, the Valkr warrior said, bowing and looking very surprised to see them. Thank you. I am glad you guys made it out, Angel said. Some, not very many my lord, the Valkr expressed sadly, but come, Carra will be very glad to see you. Carra...? Ricci asked surprised. Yes my lady. Gemmi has fallen into some kind of comma. We cannot explain it since physically there seems to be nothing wrong with her. Then let us make haste, Laidin exclaimed with deep concern. The wounded and severely injured Valkr littered the sandstone hall. In one corner on a small mattress, some medical personnel tended to Gemmi. Loser lay on her chest refusing to move. The heroes walked over to her and formed a guard at the foot of her mattress.


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There has been no change since we arrived, a familiar voice said from somewhere next to them. Carra, Ricci exclaimed and hugged her fondly. My lady, Carra curtseyed and smiled, might I inquire how and why you are on earth? Loser lifted his little head slowly and looked at them seemingly without recognition. Then he slowly lifted one small paw to greet them, but was too weak and it just fell down again, his little head followed suit to rest on Gemmis chest. He has been positioned like that since we arrived here; it is as if he thinks he is protecting her. He has not eaten anything or slept for the past four days, Carra explained, he also will not let anyone touch her, or even get near her. Four days? Guival asked since he had never been on the island before. Yes Guival, time moves differently here on the island, even though it took us almost 2 weeks to get here, plus the time it took the Valkr warrior to get to us, only four days had passed on this island since the unfortunate incident that caused all of us to come together, Laidin explained. Then it is some kind of temporal sphere? Guival asked. We have not analyzed it but yes it seems to trap time, Laidin concluded. Wait a second you said one of our sisters came to warn you? Carra asked. In a fashion, Kirom answered, she is still unconscious and has been poisoned with something we do not know how to cure. But we assumed her presence there meant something was amiss here on earth.


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Meanwhile Ricci had knelt next to Gemmi; she had Dragonfang her sword with the other half of the Brisingamen jewel planted between her legs and held the hilt in both hands. Her jewel had a bright red glow compared to the dark blood red jewel hanging around Gemmis neck. Loser stared at her; it looked like he was trying to stop her, to say no, but he had no strength left. Small tears rolled down his face, his little gerbits eyes pleaded. Ricci however did not notice this since she had shut her own eyes. Ricci opened her eyes in a very different place. It was dark and evil. She felt repulsed by this vile place; she wanted to run; to vomit; to kill. She saw a flicker of golden light and walked to it. It was faint and fading quickly, next to it sat a small little girl cradling her legs in her arms while quietly sobbing. The abuse was evident, and her entire body had been badly scratched and bruised. Ricci saw a few broken bones pushing beneath the skin. You have to go go now when the light goes out he will come he will hurt you too go go now. The light goes out? Ricci asked. Yes he hates the light, but he is patient, he waits for the light to fade, then he comes, the little girls said and then added, please! You must leave me be. Not on your life darling, Ricci adamantly stated, I need to leave you for a second Gemmi, to make some arrangements, but Ill be back before you know it.


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Ricci snapped out of her trance. Loser is protecting her; he is using his talent of projecting emotions to keep something away from Gemmi. Something horrible is in there, a demon of sort. It has trapped her inside her own mind, and badly assaulted her. Both Gemmi and Loser are dying, dying slowly and painfully, Ricci started to choke up, I am going back to protect her in Losers stead for a while. The jewel should give me some protection even though I am vulnerable to magic, unlike Loser. Whatever has a hold over Gemmi is using very strong magic. Get Loser some food and make sure he sleeps. Ricci turned to Loser, and spoke to him slowly. Listen to me little one. I am going back in to protect Gemmi for a while. We can take turns looking after her okay. Do not worry, she means a lot to me too. She needs you to be strong and your light to be bright. If you die there will be no one to help me protect her, and she would not be able to live without you. So please, once I go in eat something and get some sleep. She gently stroked the little head and hoped that he understood. Ricci lay down next to Gemmi and rested Dragonfang on her chest; she crossed her arms over it and closed her eyes. A few seconds later Losers frail skeleton relaxed. Carra carefully picked the tiny body up while the arms and legs hung limply down the side. She motioned one of the Valkr to bring another mattress and placed it next to Gemmi. Sleep tight little one, and thanks for protecting Gemmi, she is precious to us all, She said as she carefully laid him down on the mattress.


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Carra motioned the others to follow her and moved to a secluded area of the chamber. Maybe I should start the story at the beginning, Carra suggested. She told them of the appearance of the Hydras, of how they attacked the cities and how some unseen force guided them. She continued with the discovery of the source of the Hydras in Transylvania. How they sent a team of Gentari there to shut the place down. Then she told them of how Gemmi sensed that something went wrong with the operation and evacuated most of New Valhalla. How the attack started suddenly without warning, how the generators stopped working and how they could not see the enemy. She described what happened to Gemmi when she used the jewel, how she lifted off the ground and then fell silent. Carra described the evacuation and the blowing of the tunnel. And thats how it happened, Carra ended off her retelling. So the problem is in Transylvania. Ring any bells anything anything at all? LOBE sarcastically remarked, Nope? Its where the vampires are rumoured to be from, LOBE sighed. Okay, so we found vampire bodies, how was I to know that all those movies were based on fact? Angel asked. Most fairy tales are based on fact, LOBE said, just look around you. Settled then, Kirom remarked. Yes, but before we go we need to see what we can do for these Valkr, Laidin remarked flatly. She tapped her mindcom.


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Commander, I need medical personnel on my location immediately, also a full evacuation crew with shuttles to bring all these Valkr warriors aboard. It will be done my lady, There are also three very special individuals that need extra care; Ill explain when you get here. The rescue party arrived soon afterwards, and made good time in evacuating and treating the wounded. They carefully moved Gemmi, Ricci and Loser onto stretchers and into the imperial shuttle. Angel said a long goodbye to his wife, wherever she was. The agony of leaving her threatened to tear him up inside. He gently brushed a lock of hair from her face and told her to be strong; they would find a way to free her and Gemmi from their prison. He kissed her forehead and reluctantly drew his hand away from hers. Laidin gave strict instructions to her elves not to disturb them but keep them under 24-hour observation. They are never to be left unattended, and you will need to feed then intravenously, so start them on a drip immediately, Laidin ordered. It shall be done your highness, Thank you, and when you get back send a repair crew to New Valhalla. Treat the fallen Valkr with all the respect of fallen El Heroes. The commander curtsied and left with the evacuation party. He hated this ritual; he hated calling her your highness. He was a dark


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El, who according to him remained the true rulers of the El, the true royal bloodline. The dark El all shared the same features, raven black hair and platinum colour eyes. After Laidin and her friends overthrew their queen, Sharin, and sentenced her to a life on the planet of damnation for treason, he was forced by the El council to abide by the rule of this lowborn. Unfortunately, the dark El remained a minority and the penalty for treason was still decapitation, or worse. The time will come when we will take our rightful place again, the commander thought to himself and smirked. The band of heroes stood in a huddle in the desolate cave, now devoid of the hustle and bustle of pointy ears and others who do not feel battle scars make them look sexy. Let us depart, this is no place for an El, Laidin suggested eagerly. Not even Kirom disagreed with this sentiment and they hastened to the fighters. Angel felt comfortable with the controls on his wifes fighter although she never let him drive. Of course, she had no problem borrowing Skibladne to go shopping in another galaxy. Do you know how much it cost to repair the dents and scratches on this thing? Not to mention the resell value plummeting, she would jest, Ive seen you drive Skibladne. If she did not have that built in self preservation technology, which wont allow you to make an accident, she would probably have looked like an empty tin of baked beans used as target practice by kids with a sling shots using rhinos as bullets.


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This thought of his wife made Angel smile quietly, while the heroes departed for Transylvania. They left the fighters not far from the castle. His wifes fighter in stark contrast to the other 3 fighters of which Laidins was a sleek beautifully sculpted golden fighter; Kiroms was midnight black and much broader, and then Guivals platinum coloured morph ship. This last ship could change into any other ship for which it had enough molecules to change into, without forfeiting hull integrity. It would be difficult to fly a ship in space if there were not enough molecules to complete the hull when it morphed. Riccis fighter was strange in that it looked more like a golden spider than a fighter, but it was special in that it could walk or run if there were no way to fly and it could teleport itself short distances. This fighter belonged to Odin, and since Ricci was a descendent of Odin, Arch-Chancellor Teral of the Aesir presented her with this ride. The huge dark wood doors appeared in front of the uninvited guests. The demonic symbols used as decor sent shivers down Angels spine. The doors would not budge no matter how hard Angel tried. We have to assume they know we are here, Guival interjected, his spy senses tingled. Laidin scanned the surrounds but her El sight discerned no movement in any direction. Hmmm I agree. There is no movement out there, not even a small rodent, she acknowledged, that usually means there are bigger things that are trying their utmost to not be there either.


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So then lets knock, Angel suggested, Kirom if you would be so kind. My pleasure my lord, Kirom smiled and wound up Mjolnir the great Hammer of Thor. He knocked. The door turned to smouldering dust along with the doorposts and most of the wall surrounding the door. Angel smiled, hmmm artistic, I like it, notice those intricate lines formed by the cracks in the rock, and how it gets repeated ever so often, absolutely masterful. The gloomy castle seemed quite devoid of life. I dont like this, Kirom snarled, not one little bit. I concur, Guival conjured up a fireball, spinning in the palm of his hand as a torch, and could use as a weapon at a moments notice. Laidin uncovered a clue with her El sight, look the ground over here is worn more than anywhere else. Then lets follow it. Laidin you lead, Angel commanded. They followed Laidin down the stairs and into the maze of caverns below. The darkness closed in around them and only the glow from the fireball held it at bay. Several times Angel set off in the wrong direction before Laidin caught his arm and pulled him in a quite different direction. But can you not see the opening there, Angel had asked. Yes milord but the worn out path leads this way, Laidin explained. Fine, fine lets go, Angel smiled. The minutes felt like hours before the dark tunnels and chambers opened up into the dimly lit throne room.


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The adventurers could clearly discern the stone throne and the mirror occupying the opposite wall. What is that thing? Guival asked. Looks like a mirror, Angel suggested. Looks more like a rather large view screen, Laidin remarked. What? I am seeing a reflection of myself? Angel ventured. So am I, Kirom agreed. That is strange, since I am seeing another world, Laidin remarked. I too see the other world, Guival acknowledged, and I see the nine headed monster you were talking about. Well one of them anyway. He walked to about a foot from the mirror and tried to touch the image on the screen. Oh shit, he said as his hand slipped right through the screen. It glowed slightly around the edges where his hand and arm partly disappeared. A portal me thinks, Kirom suggested. Well the enemy is on that side so I vote we go through, Angel shrugged. Laidin seemed apprehensive, this is too easy, why did no one try to stop us? Why would they leave something this important unprotected? She knew the answers probably lay on the other side so she did not voice her objection. The band looked at each other one last time and nodded, before gingerly stepping through the eye of the gods. Two ominous figures stepped from the shadows. The black behemoth seemed to form a smile on its hideous face, small


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pieces of molten rock floated out of its mouth as it breathed death. Do you wish to gloat now? Typhon asked. Give them a few minutes, the darklord replied. Typhon had caused the gate to act like a one-way mirror, allowing them to see into Olympus but not the other way around. The masked figure strode to the throne and took up a regal seating posture. For a while, she watched the unfolding events with interest. Lord Typhon, now please if you will, the darklord requested as she deemed the UGE team should now be suitably discouraged and concerned.


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Skibladne emerged from the Bifrost jump with barely a shudder. The kids still slept peacefully and she saw no reason to wake them yet. It would take another 3 hours to reach earth and she felt they needed to get all the rest they could. She had to pump a bit of sleeping gas into their rooms the previous evening, just to get them to calm down. They discussed strategy but obviously being unaccustomed to this they were not doing well. So we will form the front line, Blade said referring to himself, Storm and Throm the Dwarf, Feral, you and Phalin will be in the back since you are using ranged attacks. Shen, you will take up a sniper position. So what if we are in a tunnel? Storm asked, and we cant get three in the front line, who will be in the front then? Yes and where will I be? Shen asked. What if we cant shoot past you, and they are still a long way off? Anyway my weapon is short and long range so I should be in front as well, Phalin suggested. Okay, Okay so we have one ranged weapon and one close range weapon in front, blade tried again. Then what about us, are we just suppose to hang around and do nothing? Throm asked. I give up, we walk as we walk and we fight as the situation demands, Blade surrendered. We still need to decide what we are going to do once we get there, Feral opted.


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Yes, what is the plan of action, since the Valkr is no more? Phalin asked. How will we find mom and dad, Storm asked obviously distraught. Enough! Blade exclaimed anxiously. He started to feel weary and he knew this debate was going to continue for a long time. I think we should call it a night and be fresh tomorrow, Blade suggested to a nodding of head, I am sure I will have a decent plan of attack by morning. #One hour until arrival# Skibladne announced over the ships intercom. A furious scurrying and a lot of swearing accompanied the next few seconds. #I have taken the liberty to design and make team suits, such as the ones your parents wear# Skibladne announced again, #you will find them in the materialization chamber# The team rushed to the cabin. Geez Feral you could have put on some clothes, Storm remarked disgusted with the metallic blue being running next to her. To cover what exactly, he shot back, I have no external organs or orifices? Yeah, but it is the principal of the matter, Storm pulled a sour face. They found the suits neatly hanging in the room each labelled with the name of the wearer.


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Even though the suits were black like their parents, instead of the silver trimming, these suits had an assortment of colours. The twins had white trimming, Shen green, Feral blue, Throm red and Phalin gold trimming. The all had a gauntlet with built in sensors, navigation and a data link, which would give them all available information on their current location. It could also tell time. They each received a pendant in the shape of Skibladne that housed their mindcom. They hurriedly grabbed their suits and ran to get dressed. Feral simply touched his suit and one just like it formed around him. This made his ability to shape shift much easier since he did not need to get undress, and maybe Storm would let up. The team assembled on the bridge. It was only then that Blade realized that except for him and his sister, all the other team members were armed. Throm had the exquisite hammer he received from his father, Kirom, at the dwarven coming of age ceremony. Phalin had one of the finest bows ever crafted on Elheimr, since her mother used the bow of Odin. Feral had his magic, and Shen had the side arms the team created. She, with the help of Skibladne, had modified them heavily in recent times, not only to appear similar looking, but flow around her unique physiology. She also included the mind control technology in the boys blaster, which meant she only had to think at them to control them. The twins sat in brooding silence. Skibladne, do you have any weapons like blasters aboard? Blade inquired sullenly. It would not be special like the others but at least they would not have to resort to unarmed combat.


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#why do you not visit the weapons locker# Skibladne suggested. Where is that? Storm asked. #Two cabins down from the materialization chamber. It is where the previous UGE lords placed the weapons and special items they collected on their travels# The twins did not even wait for a second invitation. Why did no one tell us about this? Blade asked. #No one knew and no one asked# Skibladne said in her metallic drone, but Storm was sure she heard a grin in there somewhere. Wow, look at all this stuff! Blade exclaimed. The twins started rummaging through a walk in closet that was stacked with stuff that people keep because they might need it someday, only this was centurys worth of stuff. The childrens eyes sparkled, especially the boys who loved to tinker with anything strange and unusual. I found a sword! Blade screamed, is there anything special about this one? he asked Skibladne. #yes, that sword is called Gram. Legend says it belonged to Sigurd and he killed the dragon Fafnir with it. The famous Dwar Weyland forged it. The sword can slice through anything including my hull plating# The hilt felt cold to the touch and Blade could see ice crystals forming on the midnight black blade encased in a bluish glow. #it harnesses the power of cold, freezing anyone who opposes its wielder on contact# Storm felt dejected; all she found was stupid knives and daggers, a few blasters and relics from the past. #Tyrfing should be here somewhere# Skibladne suggested. Tyrfing, what is that? Storm asked.


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#the magic sword of Odins grandson, cursed to cause three great evils. It would kill a man every time he used it. Throm, one of your ancestors created it, a Dwar named Dvalin# Storm cringed, I dont want a sword that is going to kill everyone I meet when I use it. #do not worry Storm, the curse was broken when the sword had slain King Heidrek1. This was the last of the three evils# Are you sure, Storm asked. #quite# Skibladne said. Ok then let us find it, Storm insisted, Feral, cant you use a locator spell? I dont know what it looks like, Feral answered. Skibladne, hollow projection of the sword please, Storm commanded. #No need, the sword looks exactly like Gram, except it has a golden hilt and seems as if encased in fire# Cool, Feral said as his hands and eyes began to glow, bathed in silver light. In the far corner, a pile of stuff shivered, and the sword matching the description lifted from the pile. Great work Feral! Storm shrieked and slapped him on the back. Feral beamed. So brother, we have twin swords, exactly like mom and dad. This is so cool... or rather hot, your sword is cool, Storm laughed with the other children joining in.

In Norse mythology, Heidrek was king of the Goths, and was killed using Tyrfing by the Thralls. After this, the curse lifted.


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#you will find back mounted scabbards in the materialization chamber# Well at least we wont lose your sister again with the light coming from that thing, Feral quipped as Storm stood admiring her beautiful sword, which seemed as if made from gold and with a blade bathed in white fire. Phalin and Throms team suits had integrated weapon holds for the bow and the hammer respectively. #Earth is now visible on the bridge view screen# Skibladne announced. The twins hurriedly strapped on their swords before leading the stampede onto the bridge. They fell silent as they stared at the blue planet on view screen in front of them. Five anxious faces turned and looked at Blade. He stared back; he had no plan yet, but that would not stop him from doing something stupid.


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A piercing howl escaped from the beast as yet again it spliced into two halves. Angel and the group of heroes watched in horror as the poor animal fell into two pieces before it started to grow the missing body parts again. The Lamies guarding the animal were no trouble at all, and dispatched to the nether regions without bothering the team in the slightest. What is that thing? Angel asked pointing to the huge machine cutting the Hydra in half. Its an industrial ion laser, Kirom explained, it is used to do very precise cutting of even the hardest substances over vast areas. How do you know so much about earth mining technology? Angel asked. Kirom looked surprised by the question, but before he could answer, Guival interrupted him. Hey guys, what do we do about them? Guival asked, they seem to be getting agitated. Well this must be the Hydra with the immortal head, Angel suggested thinking hard about what he knew of Greek mythology, thats why the others could be killed and this one not. Thats nice, Guival sarcastically remarked, but how do we kill it! We dont, Laidin interjected, it is a stupid mindless beast, whose only crime is being born. We will not kill it. I have a strong suspicion that if we set it free, we will not see it again.


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Angel grabbed his sword and started to move so fast he created a whirlwind behind him. Both creatures were unbound in milliseconds. To the team it looked as if all the bonds from the creatures dropped to the ground at exactly the same time. Show off, Guival grinned, now just a little prod to get it going in the right direction, Guival suggested. He generated a fireball and exploded it in front of the creatures. The two Hydras turned around and one more fireball underneath their backsides made them decide that a vacation in the mountain seems like just the thing for this time of year. Especially since there were cold mountain streams, they could dip their fiery arses in. Perfect, Kirom said, lets get out of here. I am keen to get home. Arent we going to do a little exploring first? Guival asked disappointed. I must admit this is a beautiful world, Laidin said as her elven side came to the fore. The trees were lush, green, and simply magnificent. Er friends might I remind you my wife and Gemmi are both in grave danger. And you do remember that there are still a few hundred of those creatures messing up earth, controlled by something we have not encountered yet, Angel brought some sanity back in the lives of the group. Angel tried not to think of the terrible situation his wife found herself in for fear that he would lose his sanity. The emotions buried themselves deep inside him, where they festered, and every time they surfaced, it made it harder to continue. Agreed, we need to get back, Laidin replied firmly.


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Kirom reached the gate first and started walking through. He walked into a glass wall and fell hard on his backside, which was, to his good fortune, only situated a few inches off the ground. His pain minimized to the embarrassment of sitting down unintentionally and the bump on his head. What the he started to say fingering the bump on his forehead. The others tried to move through as well but decided to use their hands instead of their heads. We cant get through, Angel anxiously breathed. No really? What was your first clue? Guival projected. Angel flashed him a look. Guival generated a small fireball just in case things turned for the worse, which usually involved him needing to run very fast. What now? Kirom asked frowning. There must be a switch here somewhere, Angel suggested, start looking. Nothing, Kirom conceded after a fruitless search. We are stuck here, Guival agreed dejected. The team looked at their reflections in the mirror. The image started to grow misty and swirl around, until they looked into the gloomy throne room again. Something sat on the throne. They waited impatiently for their eyes to adjust. Laidin, whose eyes got accustomed to the murkiness first, took a step back. It cant be, it cannot be, she thought. Kirom became the next one to recognize the figure on the throne.


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Sharin! he exclaimed in a mixture of anger and confusion. The masked figure stayed etched in all their minds after their last encounter1. Sharin? Angel and Guival asked in unison, their eyes not able to adjust as easily as the others did. Sharin, sitting on the throne seemingly quite relaxed, sardonically waved at them, before the mirror turned misty, and only reflected their own miserable images again. An uncomfortable silence followed. It was a trap! Angel spat the words. The anger he felt reinforced by all the emotions he kept hidden deep inside him, exploded in an uncontrolled moment of rage. The team wordlessly stared at the mirror. All of them silently wishing the mirror would open again if they stared at it long enough. What are we going to do? Guival asked. I do not know yet, Angel replied, but I can tell you this much; Sharin has a plan, and it will not be good for us, and we need to stop it from happening. I am quite sure this world is inhabited, therefore I suggest we find a local and ascertain if there might be an alternative means to unlock the gate, Laidin suggested. Fine lets go, Angel sighed, seems you will be exploring after all Guival. Sharin, Angel thought, if she was involved then Ricci was in worse danger than he anticipated. An unknown enemy might

See Waking the Angel.


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show some compassion, but if Sharin was involved, Ricci was as good as dead. They walked a fair way through the forest. At regular intervals, Laidin would swing up on the branches to the top of a tree and scout the terrain. At one such excursion, Laidins eagle eyes spotted a hill in the distance. We would get a better vantage point from there, so let us head in that direction, Laidin suggested. The troop reached the foot of the hill by nightfall. A shiny golden road led up to the top, and the team decided the best course of action would be to follow the yellow brick road, and hopefully not run into the wicked witch of the west. A magnificent Greek styled temple adorned the top of the hill. The heroes wasted no time in entering the massive structure, with its enormous columns supporting the roof. The columns were all beautifully sculpted representations of the same person striking heroic poses. Someone has an ego bigger than Sharin, Guival remarked. Hello! Anyone home... Hello? Angel called as they strained to detect the faintest sign of life. They approached a dais with a larger than life throne stuck in the middle. This guy must look like an angry Loser, Guival observed pointing out the vast seating area. A booming voice greeted them. Its echo thundered from every corner of the temple, and vibrated through every fibre of the quartet. Who dares enter the house of Zeus? the voice demanded.


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Zeus? Like in Greek god Zeus, Angel wondered. He decided it would be pointless hiding anything at this point in the game, and to put his cards on the table, face up. He held a royal flush. He had a king, a queen, a joker and a jack who would be king if Brom the Grand Master Dwarf should ever expire, and an ace in LOBE. It is I, Angel, ruler of the United Galactic Empire, Angel announced in his most boisterous voice, accompanying me is her majesty Laidin Queen of the Elves, Master Dwarf Kirom, and Vice Chancellor Guival of the Aesir. Dwarfs, Elves and Aesir here, but you are myths? Stories I heard when I still visited earth. Those idiotic Norse men believed in them. I remember there was a guy called Odin. Hmmm yes and someone named Freyr, and apparently, a hot elf named Sif. Then, let me think, oh yeah Thor the farting thunder god. Oooh scary... trying to steal my thunder he was. Oh yes and this bad news one called Local locust Loco, no wait Loki, yes, Loki, if I remember correctly, the voice bounced off the walls, never saw any of them, those fanatic Norse fools, believing in silly things that do not exist. Angel had to swallow a grin, when he saw the faces of his friends. They were about the tear this temple apart like a lobster to find the voice, and then of course the owner of the voice would be lightly sauted for dinner. Ah I see manners are not one of this worlds primary exports, Angel remarked, Sif was the great grandparent of Laidin, Loki was an ancestor of Guival, and Kirom is a direct descendent of Thor. I am sure he will be happy to prove it with Mjolnir if you would be


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kind enough to provide him with the opportunity to do so. I am a successor of Freyr who in turn was leader of the UGE as well. You rule the Huge, what is so huge about what you rule? the booming voice smirked. Not much. Maybe the 2372 planets in my kingdom or the 500 Billion subjects, but whos counting, Angel replied drily. Oh? the voice returned with a slightly embarrassed undertone. So what are you doing here, and what do you want from us, the voice recovered and desperately tried to boom again. Well, why do you not try coming out and we can talk, Angel suggested, It's no fun talking to an empty throne. Well okay stand back were coming out! the voice boomed again. The more polite heroes had to stifle a grin, and it was a very good thing Guival had no vocal cords because roaring laughter echoed through the heads of his teammates. Seven extremely frail and ancient figures hobbled out from behind the throne, with one lady pushed in a wheel chair. The females all had sagging breasts and wrinkles that would, make a pug look like it just had Botox treatment, and he sat in a hurricane-effect testing wind tunnel. The men were skinny with bumps for bellies and hunchback with mostly no hair. One of them fell asleep as he emerged from behind the throne supported on two walking sticks. I am Zeus, a frail and weak voice said. That voice we heard? Angel asked. Yes. A little trick, you do not get to be 539 years young without picking up a few tricks, Zeus replied with a glint in his eyes, impressive huh?


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Angel had to admit it was an impressive voice. But how is it that you are from a different universe and we can understand you? Zeus asked. We have technology that allows this, Angel answered not caring to explain. Angel was of course referring to the universal translator device, created by the Arks, and injected behind the organ used for hearing of all UGE races. The device directly transmits the dialog of the user into the speech recognition centre of the receivers brain. The other person thinks he hears words, but what he actually hears is thoughts translated into his own language by his own mind. Although to the recipient, it seems as if he understands the other races language. Something puzzled Angel. By the way, you are supposed to be immortal? And how can you only be 539 years old, it has been millennia since you have been on earth? Angel was intrigued. From the eyes of mortals would we not be immortal? Zeus asked, and since there is nothing on earth that could kill us, it was a pretty sweet deal. As for the age, time moves very differently here, and Olympians aged much more gracefully and slower than earthlings, Zeus concluded. Angel had to break into a smile after this explanation, since Arken had the same effect on humans. He just hoped the graceful part was less evident on Arken.


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My dear Zeus, you have us at a disadvantage, would you be so kind as to introduce your entourage? Laidin requested. Sure babes. That old guy over there is Apollo. The hot chick is Athena, and that is Hera my ball and chain. Then we have Aphrodite and Ares, love and war if you know what I mean, and Hermes my messenger. Like please to meet you, like nice to like actually like meet some other people for a change. Like this dump is like soooo boring, Athena croaked while leaning on a pillar trying to keep upright. Angel was mystified. Should these gods not speak with the regality and voice of the ancient Greeks? He expected Zeus to break out in rap any second. Er I was wondering where you learnt this modern way of speaking, Angel politely enquired. Oh we like look through the eye sometimes when we like get nostalgic about our past like you know, and sometimes there are some of those Lamie younglings in that chamber you see. So you see we like check them out you know and like catch up on the happenings and such you know, Athena interrupted again, like haveta keep up with the current fashion doll, like veeery important you know. Angel was getting nauseous trying to follow the teenage slang, luckily Kirom interjected. The eye? he asked. Yeah, that mirror thing, the eye between here and earth, Zeus answered. You can open it? Laidin asked.


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Nope, but we can look through it and hear what they are saying. It can only be opened by one of us from the earth side, Zeus opted. How did you travel to earth then? Kirom asked. We had these gate keepers, pets of mine, that opened it when I told them too, Zeus explained, but that bitch Medusa turned them to stone, so now we are stuck here. A thought seemed to creep up into Zeus conscious mind, very slowly; he hoped it would reach it before he died. Zeus face suddenly lit up. Hey! How did you guys get here? he asked. Through the gate... er I mean eye, Angel answered. Then who opened it? Zeus seemed perplexed, there are no Olympians left on earth. We do not know it was open when we got there. After we went through we saw an enemy of ours in the eye, but she is elven and I doubt if she could do it, Angel speculated. There was another, Laidin frowned trying hard to remember, I remember a shape, large and black, but I cannot be certain of the features. It was hidden in a dark corner quite unobtrusively, a pensive Laidin thought hard for a moment on how to phrase the next bit of information without sounding insane, and well, he appeared to be melting. Typhon, Zeus snarled, it can only be him. I thought I locked that son of a bitch away for good. Apparently not well enough, Kirom replied sarcastically. You want a thunderbolt up your arse, Zeus asked innocently. Er, I would be careful Zeus, Angel smiled, you seem to forget Thor was the god of thunder, and that is his hammer with which


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he controlled it. Kirom will return the favour a hundred fold if you do that. Zeus seemed to rethink his strategy. Okay, but if Typhon is back it spells bad news, with a capital B, for earth and us. He destroys, that is what he does. He will destroy earth and then come here and destroy us. How do we stop him? Angel asked not excessively worried about someone feared by these generates. Well darling, if you could get back through the eye, which you cant, even then I do not think you can beat him. He is impenetrable and ageless because he is not mortal here or there, Aphrodite remarked. Yes, the magic is strong with him; black and evil it is, Zeus said, gone over to the darkside he has. Thanks Yoda, Angel said deep in thought. By the way, what are movies? Zeus asked. He had heard the Lamie younglings speak in this humorous way after watching something they called a Star Wars movie. He had irritated the other gods endlessly by talking in this way. Similar to you watching the eye, it is just people pretending to do things and then other people watch it, Angel explained. Oh like a play? Aphrodite asked. Something to that effect, Angel replied absentmindedly. So how do we get back? Kirom asked. No way Jose, do you really think we would be stuck... Zeus stopped and seemed to ponder some conundrum, or maybe there is, but it will be tricky. Tell us! the heroes exclaimed in unison. Well you see Typhon has a wife Zeus began.


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Suddenly Angel missed his wife, one of her comments like No! Really... tell me more, would have been so refreshing right now. Zeus continued. Well if you could get hold of her, and then place her in front of the mirror, maybe that demon would open it up for you and you can get out. We could work with that, Angel exclaimed, where is she? Well the thing is, we dont know, Zeus remarked sheepishly. The heroes just stared at him with daggers flashing; and maybe a sword and hammer as well. So we cant get back because we need a hostage we dont have to stop a monster we cant beat. Perfect! Angel spat in anguish. Why dont they go ask the Sphinx? Hermes suggested. The heroes looked at the god with, interest in that he is able to speak, confusion as to the suggestion, but mostly with, would you get the f*&^ on with what you meant. Capital idea big foot, it should know where its mother is, Zeus congratulated his fellow Olympian as Hermes fell asleep or possibly into a coma.


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It had been a long time since Sharin had been this pleased. She trapped her number one fan club on the other side of the eye of the gods, and she had free reign in destroying everything she hated. This would include almost everything in the universe, except for the dark elves; her brethren; her family. She could suffer them. She had a plan, a fiendishly clever plan, that she had a lot of time to work on and perfect in the time it took these pathetic lowborn idiots to get here. Master, Bruxa asked, why did they call you Sharin, master? The darklord flashed a burning look in her direction. Never ever refer to me by that name again. Sharin is dead. I am Darkel, the darklord rasped, how did you know what they said anyway? I can read lips master? Bruxa explained. Useful in your pathetic life I imagine, the darklord said and left. She walked down the passage contemplating gleeful murder. She hated the fact that she had to wait again. Where is that moron with the weapon, she thought. He had been to Poseidons palace so many times and now he has forgotten where it is. How stupid could you be? It is just one pathetic little ball of spit he has to search. It is not as if he forgot on which planet he left it. Why do I surround myself with incompetent fools?


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Typhon had left shortly after they trapped Angel and his friends on Olympus to go in search of Poseidon, the god of the oceans. He had been searching for him whenever he had a change for a while now, ever since they started moving his children through the gate. He wanted to kill Poseidon before he went back to Olympus, since Poseidon was Zeus brother and he wanted to give Zeus the bad news personally, before he tortured him for eternity. He wanted the Trident of Poseidon with his head adorned on it to take with him. The trident would be useful as it is a weapon of tremendous power, which caused earthquakes of continental proportions. He knew Poseidons home lay somewhere just off the coast of Greece but the underwater topography had changed considerably since he last found his way there and he had lost all his landmarks. He strolled on the bottom of the ocean brooding silently. A deep ditch appeared in front of him and he decided to follow it. A couple of miles later he found an underwater cave that seemed familiar. He entered it and followed the tunnel downwards into the bowels of the earth. His excitement grew with every step. He had explored numerous caves thus far, always with the same disappointing results. This cave, he knew to be different, it did not occur naturally, someone created it. A few twists and turns later the cave ended in a huge wall of rock. He flicked one of his serpentine arms at it and the wall exploded with a faint pop. He found himself looking over a huge underwater cavern.


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In the centre of the cavern, a coral palace stood, adorned with beautiful statues of mermaids and horses and shells in colours that someone who hated everything could never describe. It showed the same architectural design techniques as the Olympian temples. It might seem puzzling to find statues of horses under the ocean for someone not familiar with Poseidon, but he in fact was the father of the horse. He created them as a gift to the city of Athens in his contest with Athena over dominion of the city. Ah, at last, the hideout of that pitiful brother of Zeus, wonder what I will do to him first. Typhon confidently strode into the palace. As he entered, he got the distinct feeling that his revenge will be denied. The palace resembled a mausoleum; no life existed here except for a few non-sentient bottom feeders. Last time Typhon came here this place looked like Wal-Mart in rush hour, at the end of the month, with a final clearance sign in the front. Where are the mere-people? He wondered. He entered the throne room, which he found to be, quite unexpectedly, also devoid of life. Typhon uttered an ancient and foul curse. Shit! He grabbed the throne and threw it across the room, shattering a number of statues and columns, and leaving one of Poseidons statues dismembered in its path towards the cavern wall. Typhon looked at the dismembered body part on the palace floor, Hmmm seems old tripod really was hung like a horse; he


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must have created horses in his own image. Makes you wonder why Athena ran for her life. Behind the throne casually resting against a stone figure of a little boy relieving himself in a pond, which in itself was strange since the palace was underwater, stood the trident. That freak would never leave his trident behind, Typhon thought, I hope he drowned. He searched for a little while longer, but clearly, this place had not even seen squatters for quite some time. He ambled towards the cave entrance, which would take him from this place. He liked death as much as the next guy, well more than most next guys, actually more than every next guy, but then at least something should be gracious enough to die... where he could appreciate it. Here there remained only the stench of death and decay, not the kind of dying at the top of his top-ten list. He casually aimed the trident over his shoulder as he left and caused the roof of the cavern to collapse in a thunderous roar. He increased his tempo to a fast stroll, which is the same as saying a cheetah at full pace was going like a turtle with arthritis. It was time for him to go home, home to his wife and kids, and to destroy it. That his wife and kids were all despicable evil monsters, which were mostly not welcome at fancy dress costume balls, at Halloween parties or in hell was quite beside the point. He hated them all the same, they were family after all; it was a quite passionate hate, filled with fond memories of murder, mayhem and destruction. What more is there to say, evil hates to love evil, or loves to hate evil.


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Typhon entered the eye of the gods chamber, with Darkel sitting on the throne, clicking her fingers on the armrest. What are you still doing here? Typhon asked. Waiting to say good bye, Darkel said in her sweetest grating voice, which sounded more like nails on a tree, made of chalkboard, and attempting to scratch out a heart with two sets of initials inside. Well bye, Typhon said and walked to the eye. Darkel rushed to catch up. I see you found the trident, she said. Typhon kept walking. The eye activated instantly and he stepped through. When only the last few inches of the trident remained on her side of the eye she moved with lighting speed. She grabbed hold and yanked, with every ounce of her considerable strength. Typhon did not expect this and he did not have a firm grip on the trident, as he did not wish to break it... yet. The trident came free more easily than Darkel expected, and her momentum slammed her against the foot of the throne, where she lay sprawled across the floor. She painfully pushed herself up onto one elbow. Darkel looked up into the furious face of Typhon where he stood on Olympus unable to return and do anything about her little deceptive ruse. Darkel saluted him as the vision disappeared, replaced with her own image standing triumphantly with the trident of Poseidon securely in her outstretched hand. Phase 5 complete, her lips curled into an evil smile as she nonchalantly marched from the castle.


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The throne room, now devoid of life, slowly began to fill with little vampires, appearing from tunnels and hidden recesses. Bruxa followed the darklord up to the battlement. She silently watched as the black ship disappeared. Darkel is gone; Typhon is gone. At last, the master is gone, Typhon is gone, and mistress she is back, Bruxa screamed and did the river dance of uncontrolled joy. This could also be mistaken for a one legged sailor drunkenly struggling to find his wooden leg and his ship, which he stood on and sailed in a typhoon.


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It was late afternoon on Olympus. The team had been travelling for almost a full day now in the direction Zeus had pointed out as the way to the Sphinx. Ambrosia ponds littered the way, the food of the gods, which Angel found was enough to sustain their energy indefinitely. On Zeus's suggestion, the team decided to make camp. Apparently, on Olympus there are no stars or moon for light thus it would be near impossible even for Laidin to see and guide the team at night. This was not a train smash since night was only 6 hours long and a full day 12 hours, thus they could have a nice rest before setting off again. Guival suggested that he could have a fireball hang in the air above them for light, but Zeus shot that idea down with a thunderclap. Olympus was like a sugarcoated pill, once you get through the outer layer the inside was bitter and impossible to swallow. Typhons kids, which were numerous, and other monsters still walked these lands. During the day, the heroes met the occasional peasant god and sometimes they would stop for a few seconds to talk to them. No useful information was ever forthcoming as the peasant gods had little time for anything that happened outside their little world of waking up, feeding the farm animals, training the animals to worship them and then to sacrifice themselves on an altar in homage to him, since gods will be gods.


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The team sat around the campfire courtesy of a little fireball from Guival. Angel still picked out bits of firewood stuck in his hair from the first fire that Guival lit with a fireball. Guival, after walking the land of the gods for a day, had a brief psychotic moment of smite the altar with holy fire. His fireball exploded onto the camp firewood with the fire of a thousand suns. His second fireball barely lit a bit of dry tinder and wood shavings. This had been after Laidin threatened to make a coat from his lovely blue metallic skin, to which Guival felt another time would be better. Angel looked dejected. What is wrong my lord? Kirom asked. Hmmm lets think Gemmi held hostage by a demon, or my wife with her in that prison. Our kids alone at home or us stuck on a world full of geriatrics. Oh then there is that little matter of earth being destroyed by monsters and vampires, and another god monster we cant destroy running wild, or Sharin and her plans probably for the UGE, Angel replied thoughtfully, Hmmm nope, I cant think of a single thing that is wrong at the moment. Do not be troubled my lord, we will find our way home, we always do. When things are darkest we always seem to find the light, Laidin remarked. This is where Guival started to explain that this was exactly what he was trying to do with the first fireball since things do not get much darker than this and he wanted to make sure they had light.


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He quit this line of thought when Mjolnir started to glow with a foreboding blue light even though Kirom still silently and intently studied the fire. The following morning the heroes rose as soon as they had enough dawn light to leave. Around midday, the topography started changing, becoming more mountainous and less green. The team lumbered on and even though the path now ran up a mountainside, it did not seem to faze them. The air was clean and fresh and had a higher oxygen ratio than earth therefore the group had little trouble climbing the mountain. They made camp for the night on one of the peaks, deciding to leave the descent from the mountain for the following day. They spent another peaceful night under the black sky. Angel stared at the flames licking the wood with bright red tongues, much the same colour as Kiroms hair. This reminded him of something he never got round to asking his dwarven friend. He needed the distraction. Tell me about Grand Master Thor, on earth he is rumoured to be huge, and the son of Odin? Angel enquired. Kiroms eyes lit up, he loved to talk about Dwar history. Well, where shall we start, you see my lord, the legends of Dwar origins tell us there were five tribes. These were Austri, Sudri, Vestri and Nordri, Kirom began but Angel interrupted him. Yes, I have heard of them, the names of the wind directions on earth comes from them, namely East, South, West and North, Angel added.


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Correct my lord, and these four tribes share similar attributes found in most Dwar today, and almost all Dwar originated from one of these four tribes, Kirom explained. You mentioned a fifth tribe? Angel asked. Yes my lord, the Etin. Although similar in appearance, they were huge, giants in your tongue, and they had the red hair passed down to all Thors descendants, Kirom answered. Ah, Thor was part of the Etin tribe, Angels acknowledged. He was, but his tribe did not scatter across the universe as the other Dwar tribes did, and because of their friendship with the Aesir they became a target of the Jotuns, Kirom said with sadness in his voice. Jotuns, frost giants, Angel exclaimed excitedly. I guess they could be called that, Kirom mused on Angels outburst, but these Jotuns were many times the size of the Etin, similar to calling both a shuttle and a Dreadnaught a ship. The reason I think earth mythology depicts Thor as the son of Odin is that Odin found Thor as a dying infant in the aftermath of the Etins battle with the Jotuns. He was the only survivor and Odin breathed life back into his body. Odin adopted Thor as his son, and raised him as his own, Kirom clarified. Thor married a Dwar named Jarnsaxa. Their son Magni became the bloodline for all Grand Master Dwar, Kirom explained. I still dont understand why Thor is so important in your history, Angel asked perplexed. Before Thor the Dwar race was spread all over the universe. We were slaves to the other races, employed as craftsman, miners, wandering tinkerers, to do the work no one else would. We had no government and no future. Thor united the Dwar


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tribes, he made us one, gave us a future to be proud of. We created Mjolnir for him and he became the first Grand Master, leader of the united Dwar people. We became a strong influential race under his rule. What became of the frost giants? Angel asked. Together Aesir and Dwar destroyed them, Kirom proclaimed proudly, you might have noticed the close bond between the Arch-chancellor of the Aesir and the Grand Master Dwar. It was born from there, from Odin and Thor. Wow, that is amazing Kirom, thank you for explaining it to me, Angel sincerely professed. Only a pleasure my lord, Kirom answered. The day after, the landscape slowly became less encouraging the further they travelled from the mountain, as if it tried to soften the travellers gradually in the fashion of a frog in a pot. Throw him in a pot of boiling water and he will jump out. Cook him slowly letting him get used to the heat and you will be eating frog ala carte. We should be getting close now, Angel observed. Agreed, I smell evil everywhere, Kirom acknowledged while sniffing the air, he readied Mjolnir just in case. They travelled less than a mile, when they came upon a huge black metal gate in the middle of the road. It was well fortified and it was obvious to the heroes that no one was going to go through that gate if not invited to do so. A solitary figure guarded the gate. She had the head of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird.


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Halt! Thou shalt not passeth, it called to them. And why not, Angel asked. For I am keeper of thine gate to Hades, none shall passeth whom hath not presented thine answer to mine riddle. Tis gates whilst open once thy, have made thy call. So I can make any call and the gates will open, Angel said. Nay thou needith thee answer to mine riddle, the sphinx explained again. But you just said Angel started saying. Forget what I said you stupid mortal, the Sphinx suddenly lost its ancient vocabulary. Ok so you wont open the gates for us if we dont answer your riddle, but what keeps us from just walking around it? Angel asked. The Sphinx looked to the left and right of the gate. There were no walls or other obstacle simply the gate in the middle of the road. Nay tis is not how it works. Thy must walk the path. But really there is nothing stopping us from simply walking around it. Shut up you little twerp, you will play this game my way, the Sphinx threw a small tantrum, People go through the gate that is how its done or they die. Do lot of people come through here? Kirom asked.


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Nay none wishes to travel to Hades willingly less they are ready to die alive1, truthfully thou be the second idio I meant to say, patrons doth seeking to travel tis path. Second? Angel asked. Ay, another traveller wished to walk the road to Hades, but it was a demon already and simply wished to return home. It knew the answer to my riddle by the way, the Sphinx seemed deep in its own thoughts for a second, strange it came back and said it forgot something it needed to go fetch, but it never returned. Oh well, Hades is not for everyone you know. Actually we dont want to go to Hades, really, Angel pulled a slight face and wondered if the Sphinx noticed that, it had lost its ancient tongue again. What? the sphinx shrieked. No we simply want to find your mother, Angel explained. But my riddle, I havent eaten in so long Ok, the answer is a man, now will you tell us where your mother is? Angel asked again. How? How doth thou knowest, I hath not uttered mine riddle? Everyone on earth knows that riddle now, its in all the mythology books, Angel explained. Nay, tis must not be, the Sphinx screamed in anguish.

There are two ways for an Olympian to join the underworld. Firstly, as a soul or shade, meaning the Olympian died outside of Hades and he goes to the plain of Asphodel or secondly the Olympian knowing he was close to death could enter as alive, but could never leave again. The good Olympian who joined willingly would have his youth and health restored and live forever in Elysium (Isle of the Blessed) or if bad, he goes to Tartarus.


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This is of no consequence, we do not seek passage, we simply require information, Laidin suggested. The Sphinx seemed to think for a while. Then I whilst ask of thee a new riddle, so thou might find mine mother. Okay, what is it, Angel asked. Give me a minute dammit, I havent got it yet, the sphinxs irritated reply came. The team waited. Nightfall came and they made camp. They were tired after the long walk and fell asleep without much trouble. Even Angels restless spirit could not keep him from succumbing to the weariness. The next morning they hunted for more ambrosia. As they finished off their meal, they heard the Sphinx shriek in triumph. I have it! The team gathered close to the creature to listen to the riddle. Thou whilst answer correctly or thou whilst forfeit thine lives, it smugly announced. So let us have it already, Angel remarked. Patience mortal, the riddle doth rhyme as follows, Mercury and Venus will multiply, A sacred gift to the Sun will increase thus fold, Crowns from Neptune to divide the tri, Creation be the portion told, Its descendants provide the way. What remains leaves love unbound, While night would lead astray There she waits until Pluto found.


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The group stared at each other in silent confusion. Good one huh? the sphinx said then added, now mortals, what be thine answer? Give us a minute why dont you, Angel agitatedly replied. He had no idea what it could mean, but he was fed up with the delays and extremely anxious to get back to earth. Angel formed a huddle with his friend. The blank stares on their faces were not quite the answer he was hoping to see. Well get back to you, he said looking over his shoulder and motioned for his team to follow. They walked a short way off and sat down to dissect the impressive riddle of the Sphinx. Guival spoke first. I say we beat the answer out of him, his head hurt just thinking about thinking about the riddle. Kirom agreed. Angel actually considered this idea, but then sighed, No, we do not know its strengths, it might be invulnerable and we never get the answer or completely vulnerable to our weapons and we accidentally kill it. Let us examine the riddle first before making a hasty decision, Laidin suggested. It seems there are a lot of heavenly bodies in there. There is Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Neptune, Pluto and creation that could mean earth. Maybe it has something to do with planets, Angel suggested.


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Laidin thought for a moment, I dont know, how do planets multiply and give gifts. Also what crowns came from Neptune? she asked. Maybe crowns of Neptune mean moons? Guival delivered his two cents. Okay, but what does love have to do with anything, its not a planet? Kirom asked. Could refer to Venus again, she was the goddess of love, Angel interjected. Well done pretty boy, LOBE interjected, at last you are moving in the right direction. What do you mean, Angel asked LOBE. The team knew that pensive scowl on Angels face well. It meant LOBE was at it again, and a private conversation is to follow. Those planets of yours were all named after Greek gods using their Roman names, LOBE smirked. Angel slapped his forehead. Of course, each of the Greek gods had an alternate Roman name, Angel exclaimed. Mercury let us see, that would be, Angel began counting gods on his fingers, but LOBE rudely interrupted him, Hermes. Venus is Aphrodite, Neptune is Poseidon, the Sun is Apollo and Pluto is Hades. LOBE sighed. So now we have the names of Gods, what does that help us. How do Hermes and Aphrodite multiply? Guival asked. Well you see, a boy has a penis and a girl has a vagina and what happens is the boy, LOBE sardonically explained but Angel cut him off, thats enough, lets focus on the problem. We need Zeus! Laidin suggested.


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Agreed, Kirom voiced his approval, we need someone who knows these gods and their history. Guival, do you think you can project your thoughts that far? Angel asked. I can try, with the enormous magical field surrounding this world it might just be possible, Guival confidently replied. He sat down in the lotus position and closed his eyes. A few moments later, he opened them again. Zeus is on his way, he projected into the teams minds and seemed quite disappointed when they did not recognize his amazing accomplishment. Oh so when Laidin or Kirom does something quite ordinary they are appreciated but when I do something amazing its simply overlooked, not even a well done Guival or a slap on the back, just a slap in the face ghmph. Guival walked off to go and sulk. A couple of hours later a rickety chariot drawn by four horses that looked as if they were smoking came into view. It weaved madly across the sky, dipping and then climbing, then falling again. It made a touchdown, bounced a couple of times and came to a halt not far from the UGE team. One of the horses passed out, another puked behind a bush, yet another leaned choking against a nearby tree and the last sat unflatteringly on the ground, wheezing. One of the wheels dropped off the chariot with a loud plonk. Sorry about that, had to borrow Apollos chariot, but these old galls cannot take the pace anymore, he commented.


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This is the chariot of Apollo drawn across the sky by four fiery steeds giving light to the world, Angel thought disappointedly but said nothing. So, why am I here, Zeus asked curiously. Well, she Angel said pointing to the Sphinx, has given us this weird riddle to solve about some gods, and we just wanted to get your take on the history of these gods. Okay, fire away, Zeus gave the go ahead, but ducked just in case one of the heroes misunderstood. Angel repeated the riddle, and relayed what they had figured out thus far. So, if we take the first line, did Hermes and Aphrodite have any kids? Angel asked. Not as far as I know, wait they had one kid I think his name was Hermaphroditos, a scary bugger; a she-male if I remember correctly, Zeus gave a shudder. Okay, Angel seemed unconvinced that this was actually the answer he was looking for, now what sacred gift was given to Apollo. By whom...? Zeus asked. Probably by Hermes or Aphrodite, Angel suggested. I remember Hermes gave Apollo a Lyre, which he loved, it was his most prized possession, but other than that I have no idea. Fine, now what were the crowns of Poseidon and why would they try to divide Hermes, Aphrodite and Apollo? Got me there? Geez you are a lot of help, Guival sneered. Hey ask me questions that actually have answers metal mouth er metal head.


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Can we now go over there and beat the crap out of that bird woman? Guival asked sincerely. Angel shook his head. I was kidding! Guival shot back when he noticed the disapproving glare from Laidin. LOBE sighed loudly and liberated Angels vocal cords. As exciting as this might be we are getting absolutely nowhere. Look at the first four lines, multiply, divide, increase thus fold, portion. Does that not sound familiar to anyone, LOBE paused for effect, Math people, it is called math. Thus all the other things mentioned should translate into numbers. The heroes stared at Angel while LOBE continued unabated. Now lets try again. Hermes and Aphrodite, what are their numbers, any number special to them? LOBE asked. Hermes was born in the fourth month, hes my son you know, and it was always a sacred number to him, Zeus remarked. Okay Aphrodite is the goddess of love and union, with 5 being the nuptial number of that combo, LOBE answered himself. How did you know that? Angel asked, I never studied that? Dont you worry your tiny little pea brain about that, LOBE answered, then for Apollo the Lyre is the key, anything special about it? LOBE asked Zeus. It had six strings, that was something special about it, an excited Zeus suggested. Good, Lobe remarked, now we are getting somewhere. Next line, did Poseidon sire any kings? As a matter of fact he did, hes my brother you know, Zeus exclaimed gleefully, Now, that scallywag had a couple of kids that were the kings of Atlantis. How many were there Zeus counted


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on his fingers, I sent gifts 5 times and all five times there were 2 gifts. He had twins every time. That would mean he had 10 kids that were kings, ka-ching. Angel suddenly ached to see the twins, and felt relieved that LOBE controlled this debate. Excellent, LOBE exclaimed, and the number of creation is 3, number of trinity etc, before you ask a stupid question again, LOBE remarked addressing Angel who said nothing. So the numbers are 4 and 5 multiply and multiply again by 6, then divide by 10 and divide again by 3? Guival summarized all their findings. Yep and the answer is four Angel, before you injure your last remaining brain cell, LOBE stated bluntly. I would never hurt you on purpose, Angel sweetly replied with an evil grin on his face. Shut up nitwit, LOBE scoffed. So who are the 4 children of creation? Laidin asked stifling a laugh since from the outside Angel threatened and mocked himself. Zeus scratched his old grey head, and a few flakes of wrinkled skin fluttered gracefully to the ground, where godly ants immediately attacked them, and discarded them just as quickly. They had a problem breeding since they all assumed they were gods and since the queen was simply a queen, and since you simply cant be both, they decided she had to do all the work in the hill which left little time for making more ants. Zeus continued. I dont know, I thought there were only 2 according to our lore. That would be love and chaos, he shrugged.


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The team thought they were on another wild goose chase until LOBE piped up again. Am I going to have to do everything on my own again, he said, the riddle said descendants, not children, so how many grandchildren did creation have? Zeuss eyes rolled upwards for a few seconds. Four, yes four, from love came light and day and from chaos came Erabus and night, he said and did a little dance, whos your daddy now, huh? He screamed when his hip dislocated, and fell into a disorganized pile of skin and bone. LOBE stepped inside Angels mind and shut the door, while the others expectantly stared at Angel who simply shrugged. LOBE is unavailable for comment and his phone is going to voicemail, Angel told the others. LOBE returned with a flourish and grabbed the microphone that doubled as Angels vocal cords. Attention, attention, I have deciphered the rest of the riddle almost, LOBE announced, there is still one piece of information missing. The next line reads, what remains leaves love unbound, which would suggest it is not love but chaos, and the line, while night would lead astray, would suggest we are looking for Erabus, professor LOBE gave his lecture, therefore, thus, and because hereof I would suggest we look in Erabus for Echidna, where she is waiting for death. That is all. You dont know where Erabus is, do you? Angel mocked.


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Lack of knowledge is no indication of intelligence, just because you never bothered to read where Erabus is does not reflect on me. The team had gotten used to the two-way conversation between Angel and him, but it still fascinated the life out of Zeus. This might however be construed as being bad since he did not have much life left to give. I know where it is, Zeus interrupted. Then would you be so kind as to inform us, Laidin suggested. Zeus pointed towards the Sphinx and beyond, on this road, the road to hell, that is Erabus. I am going to kill that Sphinx, Angel snarled, she has wasted almost a day of our time with this pathetic riddle and we were going the right way to begin with. He marched up to the gate with the others in tow. Open this gate, we are going to Erabus, before I pluck every feather in those wings and make a duvet from your hide, stuffed with it, Angel growled. Thou hath solved mine riddle mortals, thou might passeth, the Sphinx replied. And stop speaking like that, you are giving me a headache, Angel said before he led the team through the gate. Thanks for all your help Zeus, Laidin said, we really appreciate it. No prob, but do you mind if I tag along, I havent been on an adventure in centuries and truthfully I am bored, Zeus pleaded. Angel looked at the rest of his team. Sure, why not. Welcome aboard, Angel said before turning to the other heroes, lets go boys and girls.


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Zeus led the horses who seemed to have rested up to a faint smouldering effect and a lot more smoke, through the gate. They still wheezed and coughed but Angel could not decide if it was from their age or the smoke. Probably emphysema, he decided and shrugged. So Zeus, do you have any idea where on this road Echidna would be? Angel asked. In a cave I would think, there are many on this road. Kirom was all too happy with this news and while the search continued, he and Laidin made a great team. She would spot the cave and he would bounce away singing the dwarf song to go examine it. Soon after he would appear as part of the team again, reporting on the amazing rock formations and ore he found, but unfortunately no Echidna. It was not until close to nightfall that Kirom started screaming for them to stop and turn around. I found the cave, he shouted. Did you speak to her? Angel shouted back. No, I did not enter but there is a pot and a place for making fire in front. Well be right up, Angel acknowledged as the team quickly climbed to where Kirom waited. The cave looked the part of the home of a fearsome monster. Weapons ready kids, we might have to subdue this one, Angel ordered as they all unsheathed and readied their weapons. They entered the cave slowly, carefully, expectantly. They exited in a free for all stampede a moment later. God, what was that smell? Angel sputtered and tried to scratch his nose off.


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How should I know? Zeus replied shrugging. Death, Laidin answered the question in an ominous tone of voice. He was talking to me, Zeus stated smugly. Guival appeared from the cave entrance. Whats up ladies? Why did you leave so quickly, he asked. Cant you smell that? Angel asked. Guival tapped the area where his nose would have been. Oh right, sorry, Angel replied. Well could you go in and look around for us then. Sure, Guival shrugged. A huge explosion followed with Guival flying out of the cave well over the heads of the others. Angel reached him first. Are you alright? he asked concerned. Guivals voice appeared shaky as it entered Angels head. I needed more light, and then everything went very bright and then dark, Guival whimpered. Never create a fireball in a methane gas pit caused by a flatulent decomposing monster, Kirom ascertained merrily. Anyway shes dead, and if she wasnt, she is now, Guival concluded. Are you sure? Kirom asked, they are immortal after all. Well, there is the smell, the methane, and the fact that I found pieces of her scattered all over, but not enough to make one whole monster, Guival explained, so yes, I would say she is very dead. She was in pieces? Like in chopped up? Kirom asked.


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Well, the reason I created the fireball was to actually see more clearly, admittedly not working out to well for me, Guival retorted sourly. Great! Angel spoke through clenched teeth, now how are we going to get Typhon to open the gate for us. They needed Echidnas cooperation or as a hostage to get Typhon to open the gate. Typhons wife was their only chance. With her death, things looked bleak for the heroes. I might have an idea, Guival said with a weak grin forming in the minds of the team.


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Keep holding my hand Gemmi, just dont let go, Ricci urgently expressed clutching Gemmis little hand tightly in her own, while gripping Dragonfang in the other hand. I wont, Gemmi said and held on even tighter. Ricci could not believe such a place could exist in Gemmis mind. The darkness, completely impenetrable, and thick as fog, seemed a lot brighter if they just kept their eyes closed. There were no real smells, but the emotional stench was overpowering. The stink of unbridled hatred, fear, pain, suffering and true evil, clogged their nostrils and gave Ricci a sinus headache. The heavy air remained difficult to breath, and tasted like week old socks with a mustard sauce. The chill tore at their skin, like ice shards chopping them into sushi, causing a slow and painful death. They heard the howls and screams of the demon as it circled them, snarling playing with them like a cat with a mouse that had nowhere left to run. Now and again, the cat would whack the mice and send them tumbling, howling gleefully when they screamed in pain and stumbled around trying to find each other afterwards. He made this place you know, Gemmi explained as if reading Riccis thoughts, this is a piece of his mind in my mind. Wait until I find him, Ill give him a piece of my mind, Ricci spat. Cant you fight it? Ricci asked as she heard the swish just in time to duck another blow coming from within the darkness.


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How? the little 8-year-old Gemmi asked, I see what he wants me to see, and what you see, which is nothing. How do you fight that? True, so we need a way to see what we are fighting, Ricci grunted as a blow hit her in the stomach, and left deep gashes. Ricci felt her arm jerk wildly as Gemmi got a slash across the face but made no sound to acknowledge the pain. Brave girl, hold on we will get through this, Ricci thought but her confidence waned by the second. Hey, you freak out there... Its not a good idea to let your mind wander unattended, its too small to be let out on its own, Ricci screamed at the demon. Ricci, you must concentrate, Gemmi pleaded, Its the only way we can hope to make it. This is how I concentrate little one, Ricci clarified as she threw another taunt into the darkness. I dont know what the hell your whiny ass problem is but I bet its damn difficult to pronounce. Ricci suddenly had an idea, a good idea. She focussed all her feelings and thoughts on her sword, all her anger, her fear, her rage and her confusion. She threw it all at the Brisingamen jewel in the hilt of Dragonfang. It started to glow red, faintly but enough so Ricci could spot movement from her peripheral vision. See I told you it helps me concentrate, Ricci smirked, now back to back darling and scream if you see any kind of movement. The plan worked, and they managed to avoid at least three quarters of the attacks. Ricci even managed to inflict a few of her


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own, with the creature yelping in pain every time she hit the mark with Dragonfang. Just scream and say Yes Mistress, you freak, Ricci yelled. Ricci had no concept of the passage of time, it felt like minutes and days had passed concurrently. What do you say we call it a night and take it up at daybreak huh? Ricci suggested to something out there. Oh and by the way you ugly gene pool reject, I am not your type, I am not inflatable. The snarls and growls just kept going. Geez conversations on your planet must be a ball of fun, so intellectually stimulating its threatening to explode my brain, which I thankfully left in my other body. Ricci wished she could find a wall or something to put their backs to. The pain from the cuts and the broken rib and collarbone were excruciating. Unfortunately, the room seem to be one huge empty space except for them and the demon. Love what youve done with the place, gone for the minimalistic approach I see, she sneered. More time passed, hours... days... seconds... in that order. Gemmi sat down hugging her legs and softly crying while Ricci circled her with the sword. The Demon appeared more interested in Gemmi than Ricci, since little Gemmi had taken the brunt of the attacks so far. You like hitting girls dont you, you perverted son of a bitch. Fight me asshole if you are monster enough. Come out where I can see you freak, and stop hiding your sissy ass in the dark. The demon ignored her.


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Gemmi screamed, a hairy arm had reached out of the darkness and a claw held her a few feet off the ground squeezing the life out of her. Ricci spun around just in time to see the arm with Gemmi in its claw retract back into the darkness. Ricci screamed and rushed in the direction but found only empty air. A sign little one, let me know where you are, Ricci thought as she frantically scrambled around trying to find Gemmi again. Ricci closed her eyes and let her breathing return to normal. She let the glow from the sword die out completely. She listened intently. There, a slight noise came from her left. She softly moved in the direction. Again, the slightest shuffle, not too far off this time. She jumped her sword flaring. She saw an outline, which did not belong to Gemmi a fraction of a second before she flayed in a downward arch. Dragonfang hit air then flesh, then bone, flesh and air again. A blood-curdling scream followed. The Brisingamen jewel pulsed ominously. Ricci felt relief and alarm flood her at the same moment. A black hairy spiky arm lay on the ground next to an equally unmoving body, belonging to Gemmi. Ricci rushed over. Gemmi still breathed but only by the slightest of margins. A golden light began to form next to them, shining brighter and brighter.


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Loser, thank the gods, Ricci said, keep him away little one while I look after Gemmi. Ricci sat on the ground and cradled the little girl in her arms slowly rocking backwards and forwards. The light was so beautiful. It brought comfort, protection, and love with it. Ricci could not remember ever being this grateful for anything in her life. Thanks little one, thank you so much, she said and felt a little choked up, I understand now what Angel meant when he said that you were the heart of the team when we were fighting the Taur and Sharin. Ricci sat bolt upright. Sharin! she screamed. It all made sense suddenly, the attack on the Valkr, the lone Valkr fighter appearing in UGE space without a pilot able to fly it there, the destruction of earth. She knew we would come if she sent enough signals. It is a trap. It is all a trap, my husband walked into a trap. The bitch is here. She felt a cold fear grip her soul. What was she to do? She could not leave Gemmi but she could not leave her Angel to die either. The golden light moved closer, and seemed to rest on Gemmis chest. Then it floated over to Ricci and seemed to squeeze her hand. I understand, thank you Loser, she said.


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Skibladne gracefully soared across France and then into Switzerland flying low over the snow covered Alps. Our parents fighter signatures are just ahead, we should be there soon, Blade explained. Five other tense faces said nothing, and kept their focus fixed on the view screens. The kids concerns were more than justified since they left orbit and entered Earths atmosphere. Where is mothers cruiser, Phalin had asked about 10 minutes earlier, it should be here in orbit. Maybe theyve left for Arken already, Throm suggested. Oh bugger, theyre going to be pissed if we are here and theyve returned, Storm expressed her worried opinion. Feral said nothing but continued running his hands over Skibladnes controls. They would understand, Blade stated, we were all worried and all the evidence pointed to a trap. Agreed, Shen said, we had no choice, there was no harm in coming to take a look and to make sure everything was in order. In any event we have Skibladne to protect us. Well since they have obviously left, we might as well turn around and go back, Blade suggested. Aw, cant we just stay awhile and look at mom and dads home world? Storm asked.


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Sounds like a plan to me. Father mentioned this planet has the most interesting rock formations he has ever encountered, Throm agreed. Shen and Phalin shrugged. Blade, even though outnumbered did not quite finish arguing the point. The fact is if we leave now and with Skibladnes new engine we might get back before them and they would never be the wiser, he argued. Feral looked up. I am sorry to disappoint you Blade but we are going nowhere. They all stared at the metallic blue Aesir. Skibladne just found our parents fighter signatures on Earth, Feral explained, they have not left, and if the cruiser is missing we might be in more trouble than we first anticipated. Skibladne, set course for the fighters, maximum planetary1 speed, Blade commanded hurriedly, cold sweat poured down his face. Skibladne made a perfect three-point landing outside the horror movie original replica castle. A gloomy overcast day greeted them, with the sun only tracing faint grey lines in the dark clouds. They tentatively walked up to the entrance, the excitement of the adventure only slightly subdued by the concern for their parents.

Any ship inside an atmosphere was limited to a more moderate speed otherwise it would mess up the weather patterns of the planet by dragging huge amounts of compressed air with it. The thickness of the air would also be like trying to fly through a mountain.


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To the left a huge piece of the castle had disappeared. Something very, very hot came through here, it melted the rock instantly, Throm explained, this is the kind of firepower only carried by dreadnaughts and the darkmoons. But this came from inside the earth not from space, he concluded. Lets keep moving, Blade suggested. They entered the great hall where Phalin noticed the same thing her mother did, the worn out stones leading into the castles lower levels. The group apprehensively inched nearer the entrance to the lower levels. Something felt very wrong. Throm could smell it. It was as if someone gave an invisible noiseless signal because Lamies poured from every corner, crevice and hole rapidly surrounding the kids. Defensive positions, Blade screamed, back to back triangle. Storm, Feral take left; Throm, Phalin take right; Shen you are with me. Weapons ready. The children snapped into attack mode instantly, blasters appeared as if by magic in Shens hands, Throms hammer glowed and the twins swords flashed into existence. Feral had a fireball in each hand and one in the air juggling them absentmindedly. However, the biggest surprise came when Phalin activated the El Bow. The creatures seemed to back off instinctively. They were afraid. They dont care about my fire balls but are scared of that little bow of yours, Feral sneered. One of the creatures stepped forward.


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Bruxa and her sisters have seen that weapon before, it explained. Mother, Phalin determinately expressed, gritting her teeth. Your mother is a demon? You do not look like a demon, the creature asked surprised. You dare call the Queen of the El a demon? Throm roared menacingly, his hammer discharged electricity freely and with intent. Bruxa means no disrespect, but this girl is beautiful whereas her mother is a hideous monster hidden behind a metal mask, the creature explained. You call her mother a monster? Have you looked in a mirror? Storm asked sarcastically. Wait, did you say metal mask? Blade asked. Yes youngling, Bruxa did. I do not think she was referring to Queen Laidin. This sounds like the stories mom and dad use to tell us. The ones about that evil elf, Sharin remember? Blade reminded his friends, hoping someone could fill in the blanks. True. She would wield a bow-staff like this, since she is a Dark El, Phalin added. Masters... bow-staff... was black like her soul, not beautiful and shiny like this one, Bruxa tried to helped. The reality hit the children all at once. Where are our parents? Storm yelled. Hmmm Bruxa assume you mean the others. The ones the master trapped in the eye. Bruxa said. Trapped? Eye... how... what... Huh? Throm asked.


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Its a long story, which I will tell you now if you wish, the creature said settling down for the retelling. Storm seemed frantic by the time the story ended. Come, Bruxa will show you, the creature who called herself Bruxa said, and led the kids into the caverns below the castle. Bruxa felt drawn to these children for some strange reason. The demon had been pure evil, but these kids were just pure, untainted, uncorrupted, they had no concept of evil. They reached the throne room moments later, and the kids stared wordlessly at the mirror covering the far wall. The master could see through to the other side, even though she could not open the gate. Maybe you can too, Bruxa suggested. The kids took up position in front of the mirror and stared intently at it. Shen and Throm saw nothing but themselves. The twins thanks to the Aesir gene from their mother, Phalin and Feral however, being the most magical of the group, did manage to see the other side. The other two eagerly awaited news. I dont see our parents anywhere, Storm glumly stated. I do not either, Phalin agreed, intently studying the forest on the other side of the clearing inside the mirror. No one hides from an El in a forest. In turn they tried to open and use the eye but without success. Bruxa felt a strange emotion. She felt sorry for the kids. They were the first she has ever met that did not make her feel like a monster. They were kind to her, and spoke softly when asking


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questions as she was retelling the story of their parents entrapment. They did not even blame her for her part in it, but instead understood that she was an unwilling accomplish. Bruxa will take you to see the mother, she suddenly decided. Excuse our ignorance, but who is the mother? Phalin asked. She is the mother of all my kind. Bruxa found the cure for her on the other side of the eye, and she has been resting and gaining strength ever since, Bruxa said. Could she help us? Storm asked in a quivering voice. Maybe maybe, she is very old, as old as the gods who live on the other side of the eye. She had been cursed by them, so maybe she could help you. We will take any hope we can get, Throm agreed, lead the way my lady. No one had ever called Bruxa that. She felt four inches taller as she entered the tunnels that would lead them from the caverns. We will need to use your ship, she said, mistress Lamia has been taken to a safe location, where the darklord and Typhon could not find her.


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The day dragged to a close as the four heroes and Zeus reached the eye. Okay Guival, you have kept us in suspense long enough. Would you mind telling us what your grand plan is? Angel demanded. Youll see, Guival secretively smiled in the minds of his friends. Guival took up place in front of the eye and started to shimmer. Half a second later Echidna stood before them. How is this possible? Kirom asked astonished as Zeus screamed and ran for cover in the bushes, Echidna had been chopped into pieces and most of it was missing. You could not possibly have absorbed her form. I did not need a complete and living Echidna my dear friend. You see the thing with immortals is that they can regenerate lost limbs etc when they lose them. For them it only becomes a problem if decapitated. Nonetheless, every cell in their body knows how to regenerate every other. Therefore, instead of absorbing the form of the body as a whole all I needed to do was absorb the definition stored in one cell. I got hers from her left eye... I think; it was dark; and then there was a little explosion which is rumoured to have been my fault, Guival projected a wide grin. So why does it not work with him? Why does he not regenerate? Angel asked pointing to Zeus. Since I am not immortal, mortal, Zeus answered after he emerged from the bushes having made sure it was safe, I will die eventually. There are however creatures and monsters on


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Olympus that are immortal. Guess it is a trade off in that either you get beauty and a finite lifespan, or the universe hits you with the ugly stick, and you have to live with it forever. Sort of poetic justice I think. Oh there is one other thing I found, Guival said triumphantly. And what pray tell would that be? Zeus asked fascinated with this blue creature. The last image anyone sees before he dies is burned into his retina. Guess what remained burnt on Echidnas retina? he asked. Large chunks of her face? Kirom suggested. Nope, Guival smirked, our favourite dark El, Guival concluded theatrically. Well there is a big surprise. Just wonder what the reasoning behind that was. I thought she and Typhon were working together on this dastardly scheme, Angel speculated. I apologize for interrupting this infinitely enlightening narrative, but might we focus on the task at hand? Laidin brought the team back to reality. Of course my ladybird, said Zeus, Guival in front of the eye, the rest of you, become scarce. Ill open the eye now, so you can see them and they can see you, Zeus addressed Guival when everybody had taken up their places. The eye began to swim and then glow. The image on the other side slowly formed inside the mirror, and Guival could clearly make out the throne room. Its empty! he screamed in anguish.


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Yes. I was afraid of that, Laidin remarked, I did not expect Typhon to hang around and wait for someone to appear in the eye. He is probably off killing innocent people again, Angel said glumly. The group sat down while Guival prepared a fire. The bushes rustled close by the team. Weapons appeared as a reflex action, in less than the blink of an eye. The menacing bush attacked without warning as it broke apart and a heap of wheezing, coughing and spluttering bones fell from it. tnoD, wheeze Nekcuf llik, wheeze splutter em, the heap of bones breathed.1 Dont have to, Guival quipped, we just need to wait a few seconds. At least he could read the old mans thoughts and understood what he meant. llI, wheeze, cough, cough, tel uoy, gasp, wonk taht I, splutter, ma sa f****n tif sa2 <conversation ended with old man passing out> Make him comfortable, Angel commanded, and give him some ambrosia. The old man, who turned out to be Apollo, slept the sleep of the dead for a long time. Most of the time he probably was dead, but gods do not permanently die that easily. Apparently, they need to
1 2

Dont f****n kill me Ill let you know that I am as f****n fit as


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die in combat with dragons, three headed dogs or woman with snakes for hair. Apollo was definitely a god. It intrigued Angel as to why he could not understand the god until LOBE made some sarcastic comment, and told Angel that the old man enunciated his words front to back. LOBE adjusted the universal translator. There. Probably not perfect but will be better now, LOBE stated. Where the f*** am I? he sputtered as he woke, who the f*** are you? Who the f*** am I? A god with Alzheimer disease, Angel surmised. Youre at the eye, I am Zeus and this is our friends from earth. You are Apollo and a god, Zeus patiently explained. I am a motherf****n dog? the sorry figure asked. Apparently, Apollo is a dyslexic god with Alzheimer disease and Tourettes syndrome. I thought dyslexia was a reading disorder, Angel inquired, while the other heroes only stared since the concept remained foreign to them. Very advanced state, almost godlike, his real name is Apollopa, for obvious reasons. It became Apollo on earth though, Zeus replied knowingly. He turned to Apollo and started to speak very slowly. Tell me my friend, why did you come all the way here? To tell you f***n dinner is ready? Apollo guessed. No I dont think so, Zeus suggested. I cannot remember, f***! Apollo stuttered quite disheartened.


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Listen this is all very touching, but we need to get back through the gate. Typhon is still out there destroying our planet, Angel interjected quite annoyed. F****N NOHPYT, Apollo screamed and went into an anxious coughing fit. Yes? What about him old friend, Zeus asked rubbing his friends back. Hes here, the son of a female god is here, Apollo managed to splutter. Female god, Kirom asked. I think he meant female dog bitch, Angel suggested helpfully. Tell me everything before you forget, Zeus gently questioned his friend. Forget f****n what? Apollo replied. About Typhon, Zeus patiently remarked. Who the f*** is he? Apollo asked. Angel threw his hands in the air and walked off. Guival followed. If I ever get like that, make sure you plant a fireball right between my eyes please, Angel ordered the Aesir. Uhuh and then I have to deal with Ricci afterwards? I do not think so. Sorry my lord but you are on your own on that one, Guival grinned. Something caught Angels eye in the bush from which they rescued Apollo. Angel walked over and pulled a piece of parchment from it. He tried to read it. Dont understand a word of it, Angel told Guival. Hey Zeus, what does this say? Angel called over to the god.


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Zeus studied it for a while and went white as a sheet, then red and purple, and then a colour, which the universe must have reserved for an angry little god. Its from Athena. Apparently, Typhon went looking for us at my palace. The gang stayed hidden and he could not find them. He then levelled my home, smashed it to the ground. Do you know how difficult it is finding building contractors in this neighbourhood? Zeus stammered furiously. Okay not that we do not have empathy with your problems thunder-ball, but we still need to save earth, and apparently the only one that can get us through the gate IS NOW ON THIS SIDE, LOBE announced using Angels vocal cords. The other heroes and gods stared at him in horror as the reality set in; the trap was permanent. Oh and it gets better, LOBE continued unabated, Not only are we trapped on this world while Sharin is happily destroying everything. We now have an already pissed off monster god that is able to toss mountains around, to play hide and seek with, soon to find that his wife had been killed. And which home wreckers do you think mister bipolar immortal is going to blame for it? But we did not do it, Guivals childlike denial of guilt entered their minds. Fine, but does that care bear sound like the type to ask questions first? LOBE asked. He might not find out it was us er, was not us er, looks like us but was not us, Guival continued. Remember the Sphinx, LOBE sneered, the daughter of Typhon! I am sure she wont mention to him that Zeus and friends asked about her mother and where to find her.


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And I guess he wont have to answer the riddle either, Kirom added agitated. Shall we begin to panic now? Zeus asked. Lets, Guival suggested anxiously.


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Darkel stood next to the command chair on her ship. The Dark El or the royal elves as they see themselves, had given her this ship to escape with, after Laidin had beaten her and left her for dead. The ship, Naglfar that literally translated means Wrath Ferry, had a name that aptly described its function considering the current occupant. The ship appeared black, but not the colour that absorbs all colours; more like the colour that absorbs your eyes and then let you see the back of your own skull through your eye sockets, before it sucks in your soul. This smuggling ship was near imperceptible and it could slip through any defence grid as easily as a fart in a Roquefort cheese factory. It was completely undetectable by sensors or scanner, no matter how advanced they were. She glared at the giant Royal El Cruiser now slowly filling the view screen. My cruiser, she grimaced, the one that bitch stole from me. I am the rightful queen of the El; how quickly these cretins forget. Nevertheless, I will make them remember, and I will make them pay for treating me like a commoner, a criminal. ME, THEIR QUEEN, she thought as she came closer. She did not ask for permission to land, the royal docking bay doors were open and she knew the landing control codes. The black ship silently touched down. She opened the outer hatch and confidently stepped out into a deserted hangar.


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The crew obviously did not expect anyone right now. Gumph, she thought unimpressed, when I was still around this place had a crew 24/7, how slack they have become. She walked to the passage that would take her straight to the bridge. This was her design, for when she needed to get from the bridge to her fighter in a hurry if she felt the need to go blow something up. She would blow up just anything; she was not a fussy killer like some of the people she knew. She hated people who discriminate; she had etiquette and good manners... everybody died as equals. She confidently strolled onto the bridge. Commander, prepare to leave orbit, she rasped while taking up position in the command chair. Shes back, the commander silently thought, his dark El heart beating in his throat, what a glorious day, I will probably hang for this but I do not care. I have waited so long for this day. Immediately my queen, the commander acknowledged and turned to the confused bridge crew, close all outer hatches. Recall all fighters in range. Secure ballast. Fire up the main drive, he commanded. Anything else I may do for you your highness, he asked Sharin. Yes, she sneered, get me my old command chair and get rid of these commoners, I want only royalty on the bridge. At this moment, one of the less than gifted light-El decided to die for his Queen, the real queen, Laidin. His battle cry consisted of F before his head hit the view screen; the rest of his body seem to have forgotten to change direction. And clean up this mess, Darkel growled while wiping her dagger.


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Yes my lady Sharin, as you command, the dark elf commander snapped to it. Darkel, my name is Darkel, Sharin is dead, she rasped from behind the iron mask. As you wish my queen, the commander acknowledged. I need an inventory of the crew. Have those not loyal to me executed immediately. The elated commander left to do her bidding. He had ensured through careful manipulation of the system that all his sub commanders and lieutenants were dark elves. He called them to the briefing room. I want all your commoner crew and pilots sent on a mission to earth, he stared at their confused faces, the day of the dark El has come at last. We will take back what is ours. Our Queen Sharin has returned, and wishes us to slaughter all commoners, but we are too few. The best we may do is to have most of them leave and then kill the rest. What shall we tell them the mission is, one of the Lieutenants asked. Tell them Laidin, he spat the name, has ordered them to go help rebuild, New Valhalla. He saw their excitement slowly replacing the confusion and fear. They had moved all the injured Valkr to New Valhalla after they completed the medical wing two days ago. All except for the comatose two blonds and the blue monkey, they were Laidins personal charges and stayed aboard. Most of the El crew were on the planet in any event helping the Valkr rebuild their home.


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How many of our royal brothers are on earth, he asked. None, his sub commander answered, we will not send royalty to do the work of commoners or shed our sweat for this primitive species, he scornfully replied. Good, then make haste, the day of the Svartlfar has arrived, the commander said and left.


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Riccis head jerked upright and she immediately felt a thin trickle of cold sweat run down her back. Loser lay in his familiar position, stretched out on Gemmis chest. They must be under attack again, she thought as she saw small tears forming in the corners of Losers eyes. The medical facility on board the El cruiser looked deserted. This seemed very strange to Ricci, but she had far more pressing concerns. Have to think, Ricci mumbled, I have to save that blundering fool husband of mine, but I cannot leave Gemmi. Ricci absentmindedly played with Dragonfang. Her eyes focussed on the pulsating jewel. Idiot, she berated herself for not thinking of this sooner as it hit her squarely between the eyes. The stories of the Brisingamen jewel, how it was too strong to control and it would destroy minds at will. The reason why they split it was simply that it took control of the wearers mind as well. That is exactly what we need. We need to have the jewel take control of Gemmis mind and we need it to destroy the monsters mind. She frantically searched the medical facility until she found a scalpel like instrument in one of the drawers. Ricci anxiously started working on the Brisingamen jewel buried in the hilt of Dragonfang. At last, she sighed as she pried the jewel from its resting place. Ricci knelt beside Gemmi and took the jewel around her neck in her hands.


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Well Gems, this jewel got you into this mess and at full strength, it will get you out... I hope. She placed the two halves together and a faint red line of light formed between the pieces. The jewel melted into one and began to shine with a light that made Ricci shield her eyes. She dropped the jewel onto Gemmis chest. Even at this distance, she could sense the terrible power the jewel possessed, and the joy it felt for being one again. Oh shit, Ricci said aloud, god I hope I did not just cause a bigger problem. Loser yelped and jumped onto the light fitting in the room, still confused from the violent way he awoke from his trance and he chattered furiously. A few seconds later Gemmi opened her eyes. It glowed like blue orbs. Loser fearfully backed away, but Ricci knew what was required next. She had anticipated something drastic might be on the cards when Gemmi finally emerged from her comma, and Dragonfang already rested under the chain holding the jewel. With one deft movement, she severed the chain, and with the flat of the blade knocked the jewel from Gemmis chest. The light in Gemmis eyes began to fade as soon as the jewel left her chest. Where am I? She asked as a faint trace of recognition slowly crept over her. Loser jumped from the light fitting onto her chest and hugged Gemmi in an embrace that said, I am attached to you for life, live with it.


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Hey little one, Gemmi smiled and hugged him back weakly, Im glad to see you too. I had the weirdest dream, she finally said, strangely both of you were there. That was no dream Gems, Ricci gritted her teeth, something tried to kill you, and if not for that brave little creature on your chest it would have succeeded. You owe Loser your life. Gemmi stared at Ricci as if she was trying to figure out the truth of the words Ricci just spoke. She knew. Deep down she knew it had not been a dream. She tightened her hug on Loser, and small tears dropped onto the head of the little blue creature. Thank you my precious friend, thank you so very much. Ricci carefully moved the jewel into the centre of the room using only the blade of her sword. She did not dare use her hands since in the jewels current state it would fry her mind. Once she had it positioned exactly the way she wanted, she lifted Dragonfang and brought it down in one swift blurred movement. A scream went up around the room, filled with terrible agony and pain. The scream came from the jewel. Two perfectly halved pieces of the Brisingamen jewel lay on the floor, when the scream eventually subsided. Ricci tossed one to Gemmi and set the other back into the hilt of Dragonfang. We need to get out of here immediately, Ricci suddenly remembered the reason for her urgent attempt to free Gemmi, Angel and the others are in big trouble. This was all a trap created by Sharin. We must go help them right now.


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Lead the way, Gemmi said trying to stand but failing miserably, sorry my little friend it seems I am in need of a little assistance. Loser became a suitable size for carrying Gemmi and effortlessly lifted her in his guerrilla arms. Ricci opened the door expecting to grab the first passing El and order him to prepare their shuttle for immediate departure; instead, several energy bolts slammed into the doorframe beside her. Ricci ducked back into the medical bay. Shit, I think we are too late, she shot back at Gemmi. Gemmi smiled and tapped the Brisingamen jewel, no problem princess. Ricci nodded. Both fell into a trance like state focussing intently on the half of the Brisingamen jewel they each had. Ricci attempting control of the guards to the left and Gemmi would make marionettes of those to the right. The two Brisingamen jewel pieces shone brightly as it dispersed its mind control power, but to no avail. It is no use, I cannot sense their minds. Maybe its too small for me to sense, Ricci complained after a while. Hmmm, yes it is strange, Gemmi agreed, I did however pick up another mind, a very familiar mind. You were quite correct, she is here, and she is in command of this vessel. She managed to shield most of her thoughts from me, but those I found were determined and nothing she has done thus far had been random. Sharin has a very specific plan, and for her to be this happy, it must be Universal Armageddon. Still, why cant we control the monkeys outside? Ricci asked.


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The must be wearing scrambler helmets, the stuff used when hunting Grey Farren1, Gemmi suggested. Then we are stuck and have to wait for them to come take us out like clay pigeons. I doubt it, Gemmi said looking around the room, this place is stacked with a highly flammable and explosive inventory and energy conduits running inside the walls. We are also right next to the hull. I doubt they would try fire energy weapons in this room. It might prove bad for everyones health. Still there are a lot more of them than us, Ricci noted. True, but we have an angry Gerbit for company, would you want to mess around in here? Gemmi smiled. You know you cant ask me questions like that, do I ever think before I leap, Ricci grinned, but we still need to find a way out, even if they cannot get in, we are prisoners of our own design. I dont think our blond bimbo routine will work on these clown, especially since they are dark El, and blonds are not exactly to their taste. Deep furrows appeared on Gemmis angelic brow, Hmmm Nope Ive got nothing; seems we are compelled to wait and see what happens. Me, wait, seriously? Ricci asked, as hyperactive as a cat on speed left on a red-hot tin roof. Do you have a better idea? Gemmi asked. No, do you, because your last one sucked, Ricci said accusingly. Gemmi smiled and sat down, while Ricci angrily paced the room.

See description in Genealogy at end of book.


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#Egypt, why do all answers seem to lie in this dessert country# Skibladne stated. What she on about? Feral asked. Dunno? Blade shrugged. #your parents had to come here is search of answers two decades ago when they were searching for the Valkr. History is repeating itself# Skibladne explained. Thats the place, Bruxa indicated, pointing at the image of the sphinx on the view screen. The huge monument stood clearly outlined in the moonlight. Phalin was silently relieved, since her sensitive elven nose did not adapt well to the smell of the several dozen vampiric sewer rats they had as guests. Blade gave Skibladne a mental command to land. After the crew and their passengers evacuated the ship, he sent her into her hangar dimension using the remote control on his wrist, a foresight Skibladne built into his gauntlet. Bruxa stood in awe as she saw the amazing ship vanish into the night. She made a few experimental grabs at the place where she knew the landing claws should be, but her hands met only empty space. The team had moved some way off and she had to sprint to catch up. Her sisters had already vanished around the side of the Sphinx. The kids were gracious enough to provide them all with transport here, leaving the castle in Transylvania deserted.


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This way, she pointed her claw at the solid rock wall on the side of the Sphinx. She hit one of the smaller blocks, and then kicked another. A grinding of ancient stone and gears led to the opening of a small doorway into the belly of the beast. Follow, she motioned to the children. Throm eagerly examined the sand stone formation he witnessed inside the passage, and it took some persuasion from the rest of the team, to have him keep pace with them. After what seemed like an endless ensemble of passages and stairwells, the crew finally entered a candle lit chamber. The hundreds of candles illuminated pictograms and hieroglyphs of gods, pharaohs and other events from ancient Egyptian history. Wait here, Bruxa commanded, Bruxa will talk to mother first. The children walked around the chamber absentmindedly studying the hieroglyphs on the walls. This did not include Throm who had the heart of an archaeologist and intently studied them. He was quite adept at deciphering ancient text and pictograms. He became absorbed in one particularly strange assortment of glyphs. Some form of enlightenment was about to dawn on him, when the approaching footsteps interrupted his thoughts. Bruxa entered the chamber followed by an ancient woman, or rather mostly woman, since from the torso down she became snake. Her scales glittered in the candle light. She appeared old, very old, but still refused to cover her upper body. A push up bra at least would have been a huge improvement. Even just tying pieces of string to her well stretched nipples and tying it to the back of her neck would have made the sight more bearable. Her voice crackled as she began to speak.


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You were right Bruxa they are delectable I mean desssspondent little onessss, Lamia hissed before turning her attention to the children, how may I put a smile on those adorable little facessss? she asked with honey dripping from her lips and it is a very good thing honey never spoils. Blade suddenly had visions of ginger bread houses, candy canes and glowing ovens. This was strange since he had no idea what a ginger bread house was supposed to look like. He shuddered. Storm spoke up first. We need to find a way to rescue our parents, my lady, she said in a quivering voice. Ah yessss, ssssit down my child, Lamia motioned to the rocks, seemingly doubling as chairs, arranged in one corner of the chamber. Your parentssss are in a world of godssss, she spat after they were all comfortable. We know. What we need to know is where the key to that world is, Throm looked expectantly at the old woman. Patience little one, Lamia said ignoring the look of pain that crossed Throms face being referred to as little one, you see the gate or eye that formssss the bridge between our worldssss is magical, and must be operated by a being from the godssss world. Sort of like Skibladne that can only be flown by me and Storm, Blade suggested. Lamia shrugged, unfortunately as you well know all the godssss have returned to Olympussss, there issss now none left on earth. She saw the hopeless expression on the faces of the children.


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Ah I ssssee the gravity of the ssssituation hassss sssset in, Lamia hissed, well then it issss time for a little hope, which issss more than what those basssstard godssss gave my children and me. In the days of the godssss, there were three beingssss that guarded the eye. They were Tissssiphone, Megaera and Alecto known as the Erinyessss or Furiessss. You ssssee Zeussss changed the eye to only opened from thissss sssside and he made the Furiessss guard the eye, Lamia explained. I still dont understand how this will help us, none of us can open the gate, we all tried, Blade remarked sullenly. Yessss, and neither can I, ssssince I had been human until I was cursed by that bitch Hera, Lamia smiled, but now the hope I sssspoke of. Six anxious faces stared at her. Medussssa, one of the monsterssss let through by Typhon after he sssslipped through, could turn any life to sssstone ssssimply by looking at it. After Typhon introduced her to this world, sssshe turned the furiessss to sssstone. Nothing can turn them back from sssstone, except... The kids looked even more anxious as they moved forward in their chairs. Brave little Bruxa travelled to Olympussss to bring back ssssomething which I believe can help ussss. It issss blood from Medusa. You ssssee any blood drawn from the left sssside of her body would be a deadly poisssson. The poison used on the Valkr we picked up, Phalin exclaimed. Possssibly, even probably, Lamia remarked thoughtfully before continuing, but the blood extracted from the right sssside of her


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body would sssserve as a powerful reanimation agent. This I ssssusssspect could be the counter reagent needed to reversssse her sssspell on the Furiessss. Of course it issss just a theory but I do not see what you have to losssse. Feral looked sceptical, he had been around gambling worlds long enough to know, nothing comes free. It is also true that the more valuable the item the higher the price and it seemed to him that this item would require the ultimate price. So my lady, what will this magical reagent cost us, he asked innocently. Nothing, abssssolutely nothing, Lamia said quite innocently, but the glint in her eye could not be mistaken for a tear of joy. The team looked at her sceptically, but were in no position to look a gift snake in the mouth, or pass up what might be their only opportunity to free their parents. Bruxa meanwhile carefully measured three drops of her most precious possession hanging in a vial around her neck into a smaller glass vial. Thank you my lady. Now for one more vexing problem, where do we find the furies? Phalin asked. Greece younglingssss the furiessss are in Apollossss temple in Delphi, Greece, Lamia smiled showing her fangs. Thank you my lady for your patience and time, and the precious gift, Blade sincerely thanked her and bowed, we must now take our leave and do our best to free our parents. Yessss you musssst, Lamia said and a thin little tongue shot from her lips, Jusssst a word of caution, thesssse creaturessss ssssensessss guilt and sssshame, and will probably kill you if they do.


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She watched the children leave, before she let an evil python bark escape her lips. Good, good, she hissed while turning and rubbing her hands. A slimy trail followed her descent into the bowls of the Sphinx, they will do what we cannot, she said to herself when she reached a safe distance from their ears. Do you trust her, Storm asked her brother, while they boarded Skibladne. Dont know, she seems to want to help, Blade answered, I just dont know. Blade ordered Skibladne to the temple of Apollo after a moments hesitation. Six worried faces stared at the landscape rushing by. She gave me the creeps, Throm finally stated. That she did my friend, Phalin agreed. I sensed ill intent, Shen spoke in one of her rare moments. The whole team looked at her. They were not used to hearing her speak much, and they knew to listen when she did. She believed her words to be true, but she hid a deeper truth from us. We must proceed with caution and be on our guard every step of the way. I sensed she believes this is the only way to free your parents, but Feral interrupted Shen, the price will be great, right, he finished her sentence glumly. Shen nodded solemnly.


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The temple of Zeus lay in complete ruin, no stone remained unturned, which of course meant that the temple now stood semi inside out, upside down, and at most laying no more than half a kilometre. Five frightened but unharmed figures emerged from the wreckage that was Zeuss throne. That that demon broke my voice, Zeus spluttered, and seemed to want to cry. The heroes looked at each other quite perplexed. My thunderous voice was generated through a series of pipes, and diaphragms underneath my temple. Now its all gone, Zeus explained in a quivering voice. What shall we do now? Guival asked. Ill have to speak in a normal voice when foreigners visit, Zeus answered distraught. Not you, Guival sighed, us. None of our temples will be safe, Zeus remarked. We will need to mount a defensive though, Angel suggested, who has the most fortified and defensible temple? Seven confused faces stared at him. Did any of you build your temple on a mountain with only a small path leading up to it so we can get the high ground advantage, Angel tried. Ares, Apollo and Hermes slowly raised their hands.


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Not you Apollo, your temple slid into the river almost a century ago with that mud slide, when the water pipe burst, Zeus explained. It did? Apollo said with tears welling up in his eyes, yM nekcuf esuoh si enog1? Yes my friend its gone, Zeus softly explained. He turned to Angel, every few weeks it the same story when we tell him his temple did a very impressive turn of speed into the river Zeus spoke louder and over his shoulder so Apollo could hear, because someone did not listen to me when I told him to build his temple on the rock. NO the view is better from over here and the sun lights up my throne so nicely over here yeah its really nicely lit now at the bottom of the river you old fart. Fine, fine, Angel gestured with open hands trying to calm a seemingly volatile situation, with the gods readying potentially lethal walking sticks and walkers. These geriatric gods remained armed to the teeth and of course, the teeth were removable and classified under weapons of mass destruction as well. Ares skilfully wielding his walker whacked Apollo who had been attempting to liberate one of Hermess walking sticks. Ares did manage to say, hands off you defunct old bat, before realising he needed the walker for a different reason. Ares dropped face down on Heras lap sitting in her wheelchair where the latter expertly tried to shove a knitting needle into his ear. At last I have you where I want you. So many years Ive waited, she crooned, before Hera suddenly and inexplicably fell asleep.

My f****n house is gone?


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Her wheelchair rolled backwards as Ares slipped to the ground, and bumped into Aphrodite who subsequently tried to strangle Hera but with severe arthritis in her hands she stroked more than choked. Hera woke from the tickle on her throat immediately realized what was happening and bit down on the one hand. Aphrodite yanked it away unfortunately with Heras teeth still attached. Aphrodite fainted from exhaustion and pain. Listen! Angel boomed causing enough confusion to halt the battle, we need to decide which of Ares or Hermess temples we will use to defend ourselves. I think we should use Athenas temple, Ares suggested having recovered into a sitting position against a ruined pillar. Like, whatever for doll, Athena spoke up, why do we have to like obliterate my digs when yours will do just fine. Yes why hers Ares, Laidin asked, is it high up? No, Ares answered. Is it heavily fortified with battlements? Kirom inquired. No, Ares answered reflectively, unless the bitch redecorated in the last five centuries, which I dont believe. Has it got underground escape tunnels and traps set up around the perimeter? Guival asked. No, Ares stated again. Then what good is her temple to us? Angel asked now suitably confused. Simple, Ares said with the wisdom of old age and many battles shinning on the old grey head, there are no mountains nearby, for Typhon to THROW AT US. He coughed.


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A lot of nodding and oh, good point, and never thought of that, and should have thought of that, and gith me back my teeth you cowth, echoed around the ruins. Apollo of course wanted to know who the visitors were and why nobody introduced him. Then to Athenas temple we go, Laidin announced and started to lead the way down the steps and onto the path that would take them there. Angel caught up to the regal form of Laidin as she gracefully and purposefully strode up front. Do you think we can take him? Angel asked. No my lord, but we will not let that stop us from trying. I know we have never shirked away from a fight thus far, have we? Angel smiled. That we have not, my lord. And of course now we have the seven dwarfs to protect, Angel grinned, but then turned sober, we are helping these geriatric gods, when we should be trying to find a way back through the eye. Laidin said nothing. They reached the temple a few short hours later. Everybody, start barricading the outer area of the temple, Angel commanded. He was not someone that would ever go back on his word once it was given, but in these circumstances he wish he was. Hermes tried to lift an ornament the size of a shoebox, Ooh my back, I think I put out my back, he screamed. Ares kicked a small statue a few centimetres, shuffled after it with his walker, and then he would kick it again. He had covered


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the last half a meter at breakneck speed, and he got faster all the time. Guival was taking bets that he would do the next half meter in less than an hour. Aphrodite lay neatly pinned under a pillar, with only a leg and arm on either side neatly dissecting the god. She apparently pulled on a rug and this toppled a small vase, which toppled a bigger vase, then a statue of Apollo, whose naked appendage hit a statue of Zeus in the arse and caused him the fall on the pillar, which then squarely landed on Aphrodite. She was a good friend, Zeus said in mourning. 0hW saw?1 Apollo asked, and then added f*** because he could not quite fit it into the question, but knew it should be there. Aphrodite, Zeus said, brushing away a tear. Eht toh nekcuf dnolb2, Apollo asked again. My friend she has not been blond in 3 centuries, Zeus explained. Nepo ruoy nekcuf seye nam, era uoy nekcuf dnilb3, Apollo said accusingly. Er Apollo, that is a wig on a coat hanger you are pointing at, Zeus explained, that is Aphrodite, he pointed at the stiff arm and leg visible from beneath the pillar. Yloh tihs4, Apollo exclaimed. Yes, it is terrible, Zeus sorrowfully remarked.

1 Who was? 2 The hot f****n blond 3 Open your f****n eyes man, are you f****n blind? 4 Holy Shit


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On, I naem eh nekcuf tahs flesmih, ees1, Apollo said pointing at Hermes, who had a brown stripe running down his toga, Aphrodite already forgotten. Okay, all Olympians, sit down right now, Angel commanded, we cant afford to lose any more of you. Laidin suggested a small ceremony for the dearly departed. The gods mostly remained solemn for an almost respectable amount of time before arguing again about, who gets her stuff, and Apollo doing his best to ascertain who had died. Laidin just sighed, shrugged, and turned to Angel shaking her head. He raised his eyebrows and smiled. Enough said. The four heroes diligently worked while the Olympians gave constant advice. Hey that statue of me is skew, Zeus explained. Move that box to the right, the sun is in my eyes. Hey I was using that tray. That is my antique shield collection, are you nuts, you cant use that. By nightfall, Angel and friends had fortified the temple to absolutely no gods satisfaction, but the fortification was to battle standards. They decided to take turns on watch. Kirom took first watch since his eyes were accustomed to working in the dark. Nightfall came on the second night in Athenas temple and still not a whisper of trouble. I hate this waiting around, Angel remarked with a deep scowl.
1 No, I mean he f****n shat himself, see


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Yes my lord, I feel the same way, but this is an excellent time to do your battle meditation. To clear your mind and focus it on the task at hand, Kirom advised pointing at Laidin who sat in the Lotus position. At least he shared that trait with his wife, Kirom thought to himself. The three sat in silence with closed eyes. Guival being just as bored joined them after a while. He first tried to distract them, but when they paid him no heed, he decided to join in the meditation. Zeus stood watch, after insisting that the Olympians do their part. A boulder the size of a Mini Cooper landed squarely in the middle of the group of heroes. The mixture of an adrenalin injection in conjunction with Angels enhanced muscle structure caused him to jump straight up, reaching more than forty feet in the low gravity. At the turning point LOBE, who had performed the calculation on the exact height reached by Angel, was just too pleased to inform him of this fact. 42.6 feet, wow, that is simply marvellous. We should make a lovely splatter pattern on the ground from this height in exactly 3.14 seconds. Well done. LOBE remarked. Shut up, and help me stabilize my fall, Angel ordered. At the very last second, LOBE took control of Angels muscles and made a perfect paratrooper roll, which absorbed the entire downward velocity vector. Chaos reigned in the temple.


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Most of the gods were down on their knees praying to each other. Kirom vaulted the barricade to get a clear view of the attacker. Laidin took up position on a pillar overlooking the battlefield. Guival delivered fireballs as fast as he could produce them, and Laidin fired her bow with deadly accuracy. The boulders kept raining down, but with the luck of the gods seemed to keep on missing anything of interest to anyone except Athena. Angel heard Mjolnir discharge with an incredible thunderclap. Kirom I hope you hit home, Angel thought. A black shape passed over Angels head. He ran after it with all possible speed. He only saw the shape for a fraction of a second but he knew it well. The dwarven figure lay crumpled against a pillar. Angel picked up his head and cradled it in his arms, Kirom, speak to me Kirom, wake up, Angel shouted. Angel slapped him a few more times before the dwarfs eyes opened. What where where am I, he asked, Oh that bastard, hes dead, blindsiding me with that rock; hes dead! Kirom shouted and before Angel could stop him, he had cleared the barricade again. LOBE started to count down from 20. What are you doing? Angel asked. LOBE said nothing, but kept counting down, 5 4 3 2 1 duck, he mentioned nonchalantly. Angel ducked. Kirom slammed into a pillar behind him.


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Angel rushed over but Kirom was already shaking his head by the time he reached him. Kirom, do not move, thats an order, Angel commanded sternly. Angel ran and easily cleared the barricade. LOBE can we beat him? Angel asked. Sure let me just check my How to kick a gods arse for dummies, thats strange there is only a dummy version available, and it only has one page. It reads HA, HA, HA, for further reference please check First aid for dummies, for dummies. Thanks num-nut but I really need help here, Angel said as the sword of Freyr appeared in his hand, and another ten El bow bolts whistled over his head. Angel could see the monsters outline in the distance, black and ominous, with faint red lines running like veins across his body. As Angel came closer, he saw Typhons skin, which seemed to be in constant movement. The hundreds of appendices coiled up to form a head, arms and legs. The mouth seemed to be molten, like black porridge trying to overrun the pot, but never managing to fall. He saw the glowing black eyes and the two growths on its head. Geez all it needs is the pitchfork and the tail and this thing could pass as the devil in the childrens bible. I am death human, Typhon said sensing Angels emotions of dread; he then got even more annoyed when he thought about the trident that Darkel stole. You can talk? this threw Angel for a second, and obviously read my mind great!


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No, LOBE said, not read your mind, otherwise he would have said the devil, I think he senses emotions. Can this lecture wait? Angel agitatedly replied, I am kind of busy trying not to get killed here. A molten ball of magma and acid hit Angel on his shoulder. Only by fate and good fortune, LOBE saw this coming and caused Angel to twist or it would have hit him squarely in the face. Well you are doing an absolutely superb job of it, LOBE smirked, would you mind not getting hit in the face though? I kind of live there. The sword of Freyr screamed as it sliced neatly through Typhons upper body. The wound sealed as quickly as it appeared. Foolish human, you cannot harm me. Maybe not but I am sure as hell going to try, Angel warned, feinting left as Typhon swung at him. Angel lost his footing on the uneven ground. The pain that shot through his lower extremities and into his brain was unlike anything he had ever experienced. Typhon had reached and grabbed Angel by the midriff crushing his ribcage. The exposed skin smouldered. LOBE tried to dull most of the pain, but was only partially successful. LOBE noticed Angels rapid descent into unconsciousness; hit out with the sword and severed Typhons arm with the last ounce of strength he could find in Angels body. Angel dropped to the ground battling to stay cognisant. The arm simply turned to molten rock and flowed back into Typhons body. Meanwhile bolts from Laidin and fireballs from


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Guival pummelled into Typhon, but it seemed like raindrops hitting a tank. The hammer Mjolnir hit Typhon in the chest, hurled by Kirom from a great distance. Mjolnir discharged again as it made contact with a thunderous roar that shook the ground for miles around. Huge chunks of Typhon flew from his body and landed mostly everywhere. The pieces simply turned to molten rock and like filings to a magnet, became part of Typhon again. Typhon did not flinch or break his stride as the great hammer hit. He raised his leg and readied himself to place the final crushing blow to Angels head. LOBE shouted from inside Angels head, managing to get Angels voice box working. HOLD. Typhon hesitated. We are your only hope for finding your wifes killer, LOBE said. I have already found them human, Typhon replied. No, she was dead when we found her, LOBE explained. Liar, Typhon boomed. She was killed by the same thing that imprisoned us here. It was written in her eyes, when we found her. Typhon appeared to hesitate. So? Typhon sneered, I am still going to kill you all; did you think that information would save your life? What happened next caught both the devil and Angel completely off guard. A gigantic explosion happened on and around Typhon. A combination of fireball, Mjolnir and a bolt of El bow energy hit it in conjunction with a lightning bolt, which picked Typhon up and threw him miles away from where Angel lay.


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Noooo... a scream of anguish and frustration disappeared into the distance, followed by a trail of black smoke. Angel lost consciousness. His three teammates and Zeus rushed to his side; well Zeus did not rush as much as jump on the back of Kirom with a, Giddy-up. Wow those lightning bolts of yours sure pack a punch, Guival admiringly stated. Yes, but I am getting too old to make them so I have to use the few I have left sparingly. Laidin knelt next to Angel. She felt around his blackened crushed midriff and the acid burn on his shoulder. I am afraid if he does not get urgent medical attention on my cruiser, he will die, Laidin expressed deeply concerned. Is there nothing we can do for him here? Kirom asked frantically. No, all we can do is feed him Ambrosia, keep him comfortable and hope that LOBE can keep him from dying, Laidin hopelessly remarked. Guival felt anger and frustration the likes of which he has never felt before. Typhon can count his lucky stars that Ricci is not here now, he said through a clenched mind. Lets get Angel and get out of here, shall we? Zeus suggested, that thing might be back any minute. Where shall we go? Laidin asked. I think we should go to the gate and pray for a miracle, Guival suggested. Pray to whom exactly? Zeus asked, we are the gods.


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Ricci, the one-woman angry mob, paced the length of the sick bay, with the only divergence from this monotonous routine being the occasional muttering. We cant sit around like this. We have to do something. This is ridiculous; I refuse to be a victim. Gemmi sat quietly, while Loser slept completely oblivious to Ricci's traumatising protest march. I wouldnt want to be on an aircraft carrier converted to be a shark fin fishing boat with her working for Greenpeace, Gemmi thought to herself, anyone who has ever tasted shark fin soup might find it beneficial to invest in a nuclear bunker somewhere in Antarctica. While becoming a religious fanatic might not hurt either. Something caught Riccis eye, Yes! she shouted. Picking up the pace, she dashed over to the opposing wall. Dragonfang appeared as if by magic and made a loud thunder clap as it passed through the sound barrier, before connecting with an even louder scream as metal hit metal, and the stationary piece of metal came off worse. The electrical conduit cover fell to the floor in slow motion out of respect for the speed Ricci removed it, feeling anything that moved that fast, meant there must have been a breach in the space/time continuum, and it was supposed to float gently to the ground at present. Loser, get your arse over here, she shouted. Loser sleepily ambled over, dreamily wiping the sleep from its eyes with its tiny hands.


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Double time, Ricci commanded. Loser jumped and landed on the table in front of Ricci staring fearfully at her with his huge almond eyes. There were only a few things in the universe, which a Gerbit feared, and Ricci was definitely one of them. You have a plan? Gemmi inquired. We cant control those freaks because they are wearing those helmets. We cannot fight them because they have the corridor blocked off on both sides, and we would be in the crossfire. So I thought Loser might politely go over there and ask them to remove their helmets, Ricci explained. Hmmm, and the conduit is there to get him close enough, Gemmi said. She looked thoughtfully at Ricci, Im sorry to throw a spanner in the works but there are at least 10 heavily armed Sharin minions on either side of the corridor, which is more than even an angry Gerbit can safely handle. Aha but this is where it gets interesting, he will not be alone, well not after he removes the first helmet, Ricci smirked. Of course we will be able to control them then; brilliant my friend. Loser looked puzzled, but felt the excitement emanating from Gemmi and got excited as well. He chattered feverously without being entirely sure why he was supposed to be excited. Gemmi placed him upon her lap and slowly explained to him what he would need to do. Loser nodded, gave Gemmi a hug and scampered into the conduit. The pipes running inside the shaft where scalding hot.


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His tiny hands and feet blistered within the first few steps. The cramped space forced his little chest to remain in contact with the pipes more often than he could avoid. Gemmi had patiently explained to him that he needed to be very quiet. Loser quiet, no sound, loser no make noise, the little creature kept telling itself. Tears freely flowed down his cheeks. He tried to use his little knees and elbows when his hands started bleeding; slowly he inched forward. His tears dropped on the scalding pipes and instantly vaporized. He bit through his lip to stop from screaming. He kept going; Gemmi needed him to go on, he loved her so much. He concentrated on her face, to overlook the excruciating pain. The pain seared through every fibre in his tiny body. He felt himself losing consciousness. Gemmi, he projected his emotions, Gemmi friend. Gemmi help Loser. Loser hurt, Gemmi friend, help Loser. A crying Gemmi came into his mind. He felt her hold him, felt her comfort him. The blood from his tiny hands and feet now formed a steady stream onto the pipes and wires running beneath him, where the blood touched the pipes they sizzled. He struggled on. The skin boiled on his little hands and feet. Loser do, do not cry Loser friend, Loser do, Loser projected his emotions again with all the reassurance he could muster. His vision was blurred.


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For every step he took, he was sure he could not take the next one, but knew he had to; Gemmi depended on him. His friend needed him. Another panel appeared alongside him. Far enough little one, he felt Gemmis shaky voice come into his mind. Loser knew instinctively what to do; he grew his one arm and smashed the cover plate. He yelped silently as the pain from his burn wounds shot through him. He jumped and landed awkwardly as he slipped on his own blood. He mustered the will grow and then to run, from the emotions he felt from Gemmi as he had nothing left. The El barricade was only a few feet from him, just around the next corner. A noise erupted from the infirmary where Ricci and Gemmi were. They started shouting and throwing things outside the room. The distraction worked. The guards remained focused on the ruckus and they did not notice the Gerbit looming up behind them. He easily managed to remove two helmets, allowing Gemmi and Ricci to take control of the luckless El and start a little fight of their own. Loser removed another helmet as both Ricci and Gemmis mind control, managed to wrestle bewildered co-workers to the ground and remove their headgear.


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By now in the left hand corridor, the odds favoured the attackers and the rest of the guards surrendered. They removed their headgear on command and the El guards immediately fell under the spell of the manipulative two blonds. A war erupted in the corridor as El fired upon El. Loser shrunk to avoid a hit from the wild firefight. He found a little space to hide his tiny battered body from view and lost consciousness. Gemmi safe now, Gemmi safe... his last thought faded away, as a deep blue pool of his blood formed around his lifeless figure. The shots in the corridor slowly died down. The confused guards did not call for reinforcements, against whom exactly. Did they need reinforcements against themselves? They just kept on firing until only two remained standing, both on the helmet-less side. Gemmi made them run into each other, followed by a resounding crack echoing through the passage as their unwilling heads met. Gemmi ran. She had grabbed bandages and painkillers as well as burn ointment. Loser, oh my dear Loser, she cried as she saw the little crumpled body lying in the pool of blood. Open burn wounds covered more than half his body. He reeked of burned hair and charred flesh, and lay drenched in his own blood. She picked up his limp body. His heartbeat was faint and irregular.


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She cursed herself for allowing her friend to go, and started to bandage the tiny body, while Ricci checked on the guards making sure they were either dead or in the process of dying. Ricci made sure to keep her back towards Gemmi while she worked, ensuring Gemmi could not see the tears in her own eyes. She pulled the lifeless guards into the infirmary. Now to find a shuttle and get the hell off this tub, Ricci grimaced as Gemmi finished cleaning and bandaging the tiny body. Losers eyes opened slightly and he smiled, his teeth covered in blood from the wound on his lip, which made him look quite menacing, but the warmth from the emotions he projected made it seem like the smile from an angel. Even Ricci had to swallow hard. Lets go, she softly remarked and waited patiently while Gemmi carefully took Loser in her arms.


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The imposing ruins on the southern slopes of the Parnassos Mountain lay before the heroes children. Skibladne silently hovered over what they assumed were the main section of the temple of Apollo. Skibladne, please start scanning for cavities or passages below the temple, Blade requested. #please direct your attention to the hollow projector# Everybody turned to look; #the passage starts at the base of tallest pillar. A simple inconspicuous stone handle that needs to be twisted activates the entrance# How will we recognize the stone handle? Storm asked. #it is the member of Apollos stone carving on the pillar# Member of what, Storm asked. #I will rephrase, it is the external organ from the male of the specie# She means his dick, Feral cleared the confusion with a huge grin as he saw Storm blush. He had heard Ricci use the word many times and had asked her its meaning, knowing it would come in handy some day. Skibladne softly touched down a short distance from the ruins, and the team took the most direct route to the entrance of the hidden passage. Ok whos going to open the passage? Storm asked. The team casually studied the ruins with more than the required gusto, hoping to stay inconspicuous. All accept for Feral


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who had no appendices and therefore had no reason to be bashful about touching any. He calmly walked to the carving, grabbed hold and twisted to the horror of the girls. The grating sound came from the left side of the pillar and the team quickly moved in that direction. A pitch black hole greeted them. Feral, some light please, Blade requested. Feral moved into the passage and a fireball formed on his palm. The light streamed down the staircase, and the team cautiously proceeded downwards. A few steps later and the staircase opened into a room carved from stone. The opposite wall of the room looked to be the original location for the eye of the gods, as the rock had discoloured tracing an outline of the mirror. The rest of the decor in the room interested the children far more. Statues of beautiful woman adorned three of the corners. The statues of the furies, Storm breathed as she examined the quite imposing figures of the three ladies. Ok lets wake them, Feral exclaimed over eager as always. No! Phalin commanded as Feral was about the start dousing the furies with the antidote. What now? he asked irritably. Listen, what control or bargaining chips would we have if you wake up the three of them? None, but what is your point? Feral asked. Ah, I get it, Throm began, we wake up one and promise to wake up her sisters if she helps us, right?


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Exactly, Phalin agreed beaming at her stubby friend. Hmmm, good plan, Blade acknowledged, but which one do we wake? The kids studied the faces of the three statues intently, trying to ascertain if one of them looked less menacing than the other two. Blade tapped his mindcom. Skibladne, do you have any history on the furies, and which would be the best one to negotiate with? #not much, the three consist of Tisiphone the leader also called the unceasing avenger of murders, Megaera the grudging or jealous one and Alecto the unceasing in anger. I would suggest you try identifying Tisiphone, being their leader she might be the easiest to bargain with# Thanks, well try, Blade said. Well this one is Alecto, without a doubt, Storm stated and the others had to agree, those eyes and facial features belonged to a constantly angry being. The other two looked very similar, until Phalin examined the eyes more closely. Look this one has fine lines next to her eyes. That must be from squinting a lot, and I am sure jealous people narrow their eyes continuously. I think we have found Megaera. And that means that one, Phalin announced pointing to the third statue, must be Tisiphone. So is it okay if I dose this one now? Feral asked sarcastically, or do we need another weeklong debate and maybe hold a referendum? Hey we can make campaign posters and buttons with vote yes for Tisiphone Shut up you fool, and get on with it, Throm boomed.


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The antidote drops splashed on Tisiphone chest, and for a brief moment, nothing happened. Then the stone started to turn to dust, and float off the statue like fine ash. This continued for some time. The skin on the statue started changing colour and seemed to grow softer, more flexible. Without warning, the statue collapses but instead of breaking into a thousand pieces, it made the thumping noise of flesh and bone hitting the ground. The Skibladnes junior crew just stared but did not dare approach the being. She lay in the same position for what felt like hours. The kids sat down and waited. They gathered some firewood and made a fire, when the cold started to creep up on them. Suddenly the figure arose in flurry of robes, and let out a banshee howl that tore through every fibre of the children. Instantly weapons appeared in their hands. The figure looked at the six curiously, but did not attack or seem to be concerned. Blade signalled for them to lower their weapons. Where is Medusa? It asked in ancient Greek. The UGE translation device implanted in the children immediately translated this into an understandable language. Deceased, as far as we are aware, Phalin answered, apparently, her head now adorns the shield of Athena. This seemed to please the Fury. Who are you? Did you wake me from my torturous slumber? the Fury asked in the most enchanting voice the children had ever heard.


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We are the children of righteous heroes, whom have saved the earth from evil but now needs saving themselves, Blade answered. He made sure he uses the exact words Lamia anticipated he would need to convince the Furies of their virtuous nature. Save, how? Tisiphone asked. They are trapped, Throm began, they were tricked to go through the eye of the gods by Typhon and now they are stuck on Olympus. TYPHON! the Fury screamed and changed from the beautiful woman into a hideous demon beast with flaming hair and witch like features. The six took cover as a reflex action. The Fury changed back to her former state, just as suddenly as the infuriated apparition appeared. Where is Typhon? she growled in a seductive voice. He has gone through to Olympus, and now there is no one left on Earth to open the eye and let our parents back through, Storm explained. That is no concern of mine, though Typhon is, Tisiphone spat, why are my sisters still sleeping? Feral had noticed the creature probing their minds, and he could sense the confusion of the creature after it was unable to penetrate the magic barrier around his. Feral thought quickly. We do not have enough antidotes to wake them, and Medusas head is on the other side of the eye. We would need to go to Olympus to get more and then you can let us through with enough to wake your sisters. You would need to stay here else we


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cannot get back, and if you should follow Typhon you would not be able to get back either. Do not worry, she cannot read my mind, Feral projected into the thoughts of his teammates. The other friends looked at Feral with no small amount of admiration. The Fury seemed to examine the conundrum. Agreed, she said and looked at the wall behind her for the first time, where is the eye! she screamed. The eye had been moved hundreds of years ago for safe keeping. We know where it is and will take you there, Throm remarked. Show me, Tisiphone ordered and started to float from the room, goodbye for now sisters. I will see you soon and free you from your prisons.

Moment later and Skibladne had already placed a considerable distance between itself and the Parnassos Mountain. Blade pushed as hard as he safely could. The fury calmly broke the tension. You do know that your parents are deceased, do you not? What do you mean? Storm anxiously squealed. If Typhon is on Olympus, then your parents have succumbed by now. How can you be sure of that? You said your parents were virtuous heroes, right? Six heads nodded in unison. Well Typhon is the personification of malevolence and would destroy righteousness wherever he would find it.


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He hates our parents for being good? Storm asked fearfully. Assuredly, the Fury answered, he is also unstoppable. Skibladne screamed through the air, and she did not even hover to land. Blade simply looped the lady and put her down hard on the downward spiral. He had given the command for the hatch to open even before the huge landing claws on Skibladne had settled into the earth. The six ran while the Fury easily kept pace floating just behind the kids. They made short work of the tunnels leading down to the eye and anxiously stood waiting for the Fury to open the gate. The eye of the gods shimmered and for a moment, they saw themselves standing on the other side of the gate reflected in the mirror. They ran through the eye after the Fury nodded its consent, where loud booming noises greeted their arrival. That way, Phalin yelled. The team wordlessly ran. Tears of anger and helpless concern streamed down Storms face; even Blade bit hard into his lower lip as his feet raced over the ground. The noise abruptly ceased and the world became as quiet as a tomb. The kids rushed on until they eventually came upon the scene of mass devastation. Search the area, Blade commanded. What is the magic word? Feral asked. NOW, Blade screamed. Yep, thats the one, Feral agreed.


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After a fruitless search of several minutes, they had to agree that whoever had won the battle had taken the losers prisoner, or worse. The felling of trees disturbed their contemplation. An enraged shriek thundered through the valley. Someone sounds very unhappy, and I guess its with our parents. Time to go, Feral suggested hurriedly. Agreed, Phalin said and started to run in the opposite direction, away from the noise. After several minutes, Blade called a halt. I do not think we are being followed, Phalin observed while training her Elven ears in the direction the pursuits would come from. Was that Typhon? Feral asked. I suspect it was, Phalin replied. If that beast lives then our parents Storm swallowed her words. The reality was too horrific to utter aloud. Everybody knew what she wanted to say. It was not however, our parents are f#@#ed, as per popular belief. No! Blade angrily exclaimed, I will not rest until I see their bodies, and if I do, then that demon is going to wish he was never born immortal. The rest of the team agreed wholeheartedly. Lets go find our parents! Throm shouted as a simple battle cry. Dwarfs loved their battle cries. They even had one for sex, said to be an ancient prayer to the fertility gods to grant them the gift of a child. The origin of the battle cry was lost in the mist of


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time but the essence remained preserved through the generations. It sounded something like, Whoopppeee. Where shall we start? Storm asked. I suppose if our parents were able to flee, they would head in the direction of the eye, Phalin suggested, it is the most logical assumption. The others agreed and set off again at pace, taking a less direct route to the gate in case they were followed by the demon god. Sometime later near the entrance of the eye, a sombre silence had enveloped the kids. There had been no sign or sound of their parents thus far. A rustling in the forest just a little way off disturbed the night air. Instantly weapons appeared in the childrens hands. Cautiously they approached the origin of the noise. Something moved rapidly and not at all attempting to move silently. Typhon, Blade hissed, now you die monster. The bushes to their left cracked open, and Ferals fireball left his hand at the same moment. Blast it, an angry Kiroms voice arose. He had the incredible good fortune of having moved Mjolnir in front of his face just then, which took most of the fireball damage. The flames licking around the edges had caused his beard to go up in smoke and a very unimpressed dwarf required retribution for this unspeakable crime. Messing with a dwarfs beard remained punishable by death, mostly by the dwarf in question.


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A blink of an eye separated both Phalin and Laidin from discharging their formidable weapons, but managed to contain their desire to blow the living dung out of each other. Mom, Phalin, they yelled in unison. Weapons disappeared as rapidly as they appeared and arms full of family members replaced them. Storm and Blade knelt next to their father, and quickly realised the severity of his condition as he lay on his makeshift stretcher. Tears uncontrollably streamed down both their faces. Blade did not even attempt to appear brave anymore. His head jerked up suddenly, where is mom? She is safe child, looking after Gemmi, aboard my cruiser, Laidin replied unconvincingly. Your cruiser is gone, Feral interrupted. Yes we feared that might be the case, Laidin acknowledged, we needed to make haste in pursuing Sharin but unfortunately we are trapped on this world. The realization hit Laidin like a meteor shower. How did you get here? she anxiously asked Phalin. Through the eye mother, we awoke the Fury who let us through. Yes with some stunning deception from Feral, Throm beamed at his friend. Can we get back the same way? Laidin asked, while Kirom tried to salvage some of his dignity, which seemed to be smouldering. Yes mother, the Fury awaits our return. Then we must make haste, Angel will not survive much longer Laidin replied with deep concern, but without my


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cruiser we have no way of treating him. Earths medical advancement is far too primitive. Blade brightened up a little, we brought Skibladne, her regeneration chambers are state of the art. Skibladne thank Odin, Laidin exclaimed, then hurry young ones, she commanded. Who were those old people that were watching us, Phalin asked as she effortlessly ran next to her mother. By Odins beard, I forgot about them, Laidin cursed, Storm, Blade keep going with your father, the rest follow me. The confused Olympian gods stood around in the same spot they were abandoned. Everyone, grab a god, Laidin commanded. Shen did not have a passenger and functioned as rearguard. The others rushed ahead, with the two Aesir in the lead having assumed the shape of alien racehorse type creatures, followed closely by the elves. They paid no heed to their unwilling passengers curses as the branches from their mad rush slashed at the gods faces. In no time, they reached the eye, and moved through it, after giving the dwarfs a moment to catch up. Laidin cursed at the scene that met them, having hoped Angel would be safely aboard Skibladne by now. The Fury had caught Blade by his collar and he hung suspended in the air with Storm pleading in anger and desperation. Our bargain, the Fury shrieked. Go, Blade yelled to the rest of the team, I will catch up. Shen took up Blades position at the back of the stretcher and the team continued towards Skibladne at speed.


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Feral slapped the Fury on the back on his way past. He had a sly grin on his face as he did so, but the reason was not apparent to anyone but him, and maybe a deranged arctic penguin counter in a mental asylum somewhere, singing kumbaya my Lord to his pet coconut. Zeus managed a quick wave at Tisiphone in passing, but she ignored him, which upset the aged god no end. Blade fumbled around in his jacket pocket and brought forth the vial with the antidote. Here take it, he shouted angrily. The Fury dropped him and he scampered off as soon as his feet touched the ground. Tisiphone stared at the vial in her hand intently, and she slowly started drifting towards the exit. A sudden movement caught her eye, but when she turned to look nothing remained except for the shimmering eye. She waved her hand in the direction of the gate and it closed. Tisiphone left noiselessly.


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Typhon was in a word, pissed. Sharin had stolen his Trident and killed his wife. His prey had escaped, and now he found that the one human he could still torture, had managed to destroy the mind-bit he left inside her head before he crossed over. The girls fought hard after he possessed her, and he remembered her fondly. It was even more fun after her friend joined her. Typhon roared in frustration. He calmed himself. At least he managed to get back to earth before the gate closed. He had managed to cloud the minds of the heroes and none of them noticed him slipping through the gate with them. A simple task with their minds focused on their dying leader. Such pathetic shallow minds, indulging in such petty things as pity and concern for other useless beings, he thought. He would get a second chance at revenge, sweet, sweet revenge. He would find them all, kill them all no, he would torture them for all that is left of their pathetic lives. The LOBEs words echoed in his head. We are the only hope of finding your wifes killer. I have to follow them, he thought. He stole a glance from behind the pillar. Good, he thought, the blasted Fury did not see me. They cannot know about me. If they find me, they will fight and I will never know whom I should take care to destroy slowly.


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A silent figure floated over a railway line towards the southeastern part of Greece. Her ancient thoughts remained focused for the moment. Free my sisters. However, her hunger threatened to overwhelm her resolve. She had not eaten for millennia. Must free sisters to punish the wicked, bring justice to this lawless world, find sustenance. She could feel the people in the little villages around the track. She could feel their guilt, their lawlessness. Furies did not judge, they never judge, people judge themselves, they all feel guilt for breaking the rules of society. The guilt gets stored in a part of the mind that the Furies sense like steaming manure on a hot summer day. It reeked, she had to remove it, silence it purify it. Everyone had guilt, no matter how well a human ignored it. Some were just a mild annoyance, a slightly off smell. She could live with those. Guilt is a built in human function, whether you show remorse, feel ashamed or not. This is of no consequence because your subconscious knows you did wrong. It had nothing to do with the emotion you felt. The guilt remained locked within your mind, and became the stench the Furies smelled. Your own mind became the judge and jury to your execution.


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A psychopath for instance shows no remorse, no emotion but even he knows he is guilty. Same with religious fanatics, schizophrenics, bipolar all feel the guilt. Her thoughts clouded again. The hunger wanted to take control of her, she needed to punish to feed, fulfil her destiny so she could quench her hunger. Feeding remained a natural consequence to the punishment they expended on these lawless creatures, a reward for being the hands of justice. She believed this. She believed that the hunger served to keep her focused on her mission to cleanse the earth. Her belief remained unshakeable. It had to be. First, she needed her sisters. Together they would tear asunder the evil that slumber in the hearts of all humankind with the holy authority of the Furies. She focussed her mind again and picked up the pace.


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Ricci took the time to reflect on all that happened while she and Gemmi stealthily moved towards the back of the El cruiser. So many things did not make any sense. Sharin was back, that was clear. She and Gemmi both felt her but whom were they fighting in Gemmis head. The mind that trapped Gemmi was ancient and evil. Sharin hated everything and everyone, but she had an except in her design, the mind that had trapped Gemmi had no exceptions in its hatred. It was dedicated, a fanatic hater. Then there was the little matter of where that blundering fool husband of hers was. If he got himself killed, I will kill him, she thought to herself. She felt panic grip her heart as she sensed Sharins joy. That means things were going her way, and if things were going her way then it was definitely going the wrong way for her husband and her friends. Mostly one way, and that would include into concrete boots, and downward towards to the bottom of a very deep lake. She picked up the pace. The corridor ended in the aft launch bay entrance. I dont feel any minds on the other side? Gemmi commented slightly perplexed. Ricci did not catch on immediately. Her mind still clouded with the worry about her husband. She loved him to death. Angel feared this was no figure of speech where Ricci was concerned. Oh. The hanger should be a hive of activity if the cruiser is in orbit, which means Ricci turned a little whiter.


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Yes, I fear we have left orbit, Gemmi worded what they both knew to be true. So she is taking Laidins cruiser back to UGE space, Ricci deduced before continuing, and obviously Angel is not on board. Neither are the others or the Valkr. Or the mind that imprisoned us, Gemmi concluded. True, Ricci frowned, so the question is do we try stop Sharin, or go back to earth and try stop whatever is giving her so much joy, and then stop her later? Well you are welcome to stay on and stop the wicked witch my friend but I have sworn to protect earth, and earth is in trouble at the moment. I need to be with my Valkr and I still have a score to settle with a certain dark mind, Gemmi simply stated before she resumed walking towards the door. Well this is a no-brainer then. I cannot be in two minds when I have sworn to protect a husband who is always in two minds, but mostly absent minded enough to get into glorious trouble. Without me to get him out, I dont even want to know what would happen. They walked quickly towards the nearest shuttle. As they were about to get in the shuttle, Gemmi thought of something else, Hold up Ricci. What now? We need to go, Ricci pleaded. I know, but if we are not in orbit then we must be in the jump Gemmi started. and a shuttle will not have enough speed to escape in the opposite direction as per Broms theory of relative jump travel, Ricci finished the sentence.


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Yes we need to surpass the cruisers forward momentum before we leave the hangar bay so we can slingshot towards the earth gate, Gemmi remarked. We will need a fighter then, Ricci acknowledged already moving towards the nearest 2-seater El fighter. She gracefully vaulted into the pilot seat and gently held Loser while Gemmi took up the back seat. She handed Loser back and strapped in for takeoff. Ricci warmed up the engines and then she took them to maximum burn, before hitting the switch to open aft hangar bay doors. Whoooppppeee! she screamed as they rushed towards no space inside the jump, Angel would have a cow if he saw me drive like this, or rather a mad cow, Ricci started giggling, he says that PMS is called that because mad cow disease was already taken. Gemmi had to smile at that remark. Do you think they will find the guards we stuffed in the medical bay soon? Ricci asked, Not that it really matters, we are home free now, she laughed. Maybe, but I do not think any of them will have the guts to go tell Sharin that we escaped. I think they will each hope there is another sucker who would be stupid enough to go tell her, and in the end no one will. Lets hope they do, Ricci sneered, anything to piss off that bitch. I suspect we have been in the jump for a couple of days already, we might be stuck in here for a few days going back, Gemmi observed.


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Angel will love that; he said I was getting a little flabby. Well according to that coward, apparently LOBE said it. Yeah right. Anyway a few days without food will be good for me, Ricci remarked without much conviction. Loser seems to be sleeping but he will need decent medical attention soon, an extremely concerned Gemmi stroked her little friends head while a tear rolled down her cheek. We will get him some Ricci replied absentmindedly. She was quickly fading into a deep sleep. The weariness caused by the intense action of the last few days overwhelmed, or rather bludgeoned her with a blunt anvil. Ricci settled back to sleep, snuggling into the seat as best she could. This was a fighter after all and not a luxury cruiser. We will get him some soon, she whispered again before finally passing out. Gemmi stayed awake for a while longer making sure Loser was as comfortable as possible before she too succumbed to the intense fatigue. A faint shudder passed through Laidins cruiser as it emerged from the Bifrost jump close to Arken. Darkel smiled beneath the cold iron mask. She had a well-spent 2 weeks in the jump and the amplifier has been operational for the past 2 days. The pride for her fellow dark El and brethren swelled inside her chest. How can they doubt the superiority of our kind? Those pathetic UGE clowns think they can make decisions because of their weight in numbers. However, we will change all that, soon, we will change all that, she thought and let out a grating laugh.


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She stared at the familiar space now occupying the view screen. This was home, how long has it been since she last saw this? More than 2 Decades since she had been exiled and left to die on that god-forsaken planet with those demonic creatures, the Perols1. Her revenge had been denied her once before. This time however she would have her revenge, the day of the Darkel has dawned, and she was going to repay them for every single torturous moment many, many times over. Set course for Nidavellir, maximum burn, and send a subspace message to all Royal El to leave for Svartalfheimr2 immediately, she rasped at her commander. The commander did as ordered with a short curtsey. Darkels hyperactivity reawakened, the waiting drove her to insanity. She walked down to the amplifier to go check on it as she has done more than a dozen times in the past few hours. Yep, still all there, the trident and the dish thingy, she thought, good, everything checks out.

A Perol is a creature created in hell, or so rumoured, to torture the most evil of souls. However, even hell had to draw the line somewhere. The torture dished out by these creatures was so inhumane that the demon union voted them out, calling it cruel and unusual. The demons banned them from the underworld and left them on a remote planet with no life forms, the planet of the Damned.

Svartalfheimr is the secret home of the Dark El.


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She then remembered that she still had the two Valkr and the Gerbit cornered in the medical facility. A fleeting thought crossed her mind to go and kill them but she stopped herself. She had bigger fish to fry, and could not afford her ship being destroyed because of careless weapon fire. No, they would need to wait until she completed her plan.


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Grand Master Brom of the Dwar sat staring at the Digs game board. He had taught the game to Teral his lifelong friend and arch-chancellor of the Aesir. Brom remained the ruler of the Dwarfs and brother to Kirom, while Teral chaired the council of mages. Incredible, Brom exclaimed, it is as if you knew what the fate card would read before you positioned those miners Brom studied Terals blue metallic emotionless face. wait a minute, you did know what the card was going to say, didnt you. I cannot believe you cheated Teral. That must be a first for you in history. I wonder what Odin would say if he knew, his descendant used cheap parlour tricks to cheat his opponent. Shame on you, Brom roared with laughter, no matter I will still beat you, and admittedly it would make it more interesting this way. I apologize, my old friend, a grin appeared in Broms mind, the temptation overcame me and I peeked through the card. It will not happen again probably, Teral joined in his friends laughter. You have most assuredly spent too much time in the company of your nephew Feral, Brom laughed, His ways are rubbing... Brom went silent, his head shot up and he stared at Teral as if the other had killed his pet mole and now contemplated performing a castration with a blunt spoon. What? Teral shot at him, I did not cheat again? No, there is something amiss. The rocks are screaming; the earth is in pain. Nidavellir is in agony.


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Teral had long since learned not to question his friends judgement when it comes to things earth and under. The rumble approached, softly at first then it turned into a thunderous roar. Instinctively Teral cast a force field spell around him and his friend. Teral remained the only fifteenth circle ascended mage in this universe, but even he struggled to keep them safe from the millions of tons of rock falling on them. The sound moved on slowly. Seconds felt like hours as Teral summoned every ounce of energy to keep the force field in place. The rocks stopped moving and Teral collapsed. Brom erected a few makeshift support beams before he rushed to his friends side and attempted to make the mage as comfortable as possible. Thanks for saving us old friend, but what the hell was that? Nidavellir has been tectonically stable for millennia? I sensed an energy beam of sort, but unlike any I have encountered before. I also sensed a somehow familiar presence but I cannot place my finger on where I know it from, Teral explained quite frustrated. We have to get out of here, Brom urged his friend, there will be hundreds of Dwar trapped and hurt in the caverns. I I apologize, my friend I do not know how to say this, Teral turned his gaze squarely onto his friends little black eyes staring from beneath the bushy eyebrows, there is no one but us alive on this planet. I am sorry. You must be wrong Teral. That cannot be, there were nearly 8 million Dwar living on Nidavellir. All the aged that had retired


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here, the palace staff, the warriors and younglings, Brom screamed in anguish. Brom cried for all the lives lost. Teral had his arms around his comrade as the sadness threatened to consume him. It took only a couple of minutes to destroy the seat of power of the Dwar without mercy. Nidavellir did not house the biggest contingent of Dwar but it was their capital planet. The depleted ore mines on Nidavellir had run dry many millennia ago, which meant all the prospecting dwarfs had moved to other planets. It was not possible, Brom thought, yet Teral said that everyone was dead dead DEAD, he screamed in his mind, and then aloud. We need to get out Teral, we need to find out what, or who was responsible for this, the fury steadily built inside the dwarven ruler, someone needs to be held accountable! Millions of Dwar, wiped out of existence, with no warning, no chance to defend themselves. What monster could do this? What evil demon could possibly slaughter the innocent with no regards? They were the aged, the dwarfs who toiled endlessly for decades to scrape enough money together to buy a small cavern on their home world. The dream remained for those that could afford it after many years of toil, to one day retire on the home of their parents and grandparents.


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The Dwar dream, all younglings had it, all dreamed of one day retiring on Nidavellir. Now all those fortunate enough to acquire a piece of heaven died, massacred, butchered, exterminated for no reason. Brom howled again, he roared in fury and pain. Teral looked at his friend with a heavy heart, but had no news that could lift his friends spirit. Truth was they were in deep trouble. I agree, but as for the escape, I do not see any clear way of doing that my dear friend. Even if you use your hammer the area you clear would just fill with the rock from above, and my magic would be useless as well. I also do not know if I would be able to keep another rock fall from burying us alive, Terals disturbing assessment came into Broms mind. The two friends sat down in silent contemplation. Darkel examined the devastation on the planet with glee. The trident exceeded her wildest expectations. Such beautiful destruction, it brought a tear to her eye. The planet is dead my lady, the voice of the commander operating the scanning console confirmed. Excellent. You are sure the entire planet is destroyed? Yes my lady, there are a few faint signs of life but they are buried under millions of tons of rock and will be dead before any rescue is possible. They are not the lucky ones, the commander smirked. Darkel smiled. This commander seemed as heartless and bloodthirsty as she was, well in the same way you would compare a praying mantis to a great white shark. She liked him, the


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thought crossed her mind to sink to his level and to bite his head off but she did not feel like having sex right now. Did enough ships in orbit witness my I mean Laidins cruiser here. Yes my lady, at least a dozen ships sped off when the planet started shaking apart. Sharon caught something out of the corner of her eye, something she did not expect, but welcomed nonetheless. My, oh my, isnt that convenient. Terals imperial battle cruiser is simply sitting there, waiting for little old me. How can this day get any better, she crooned with a huge grin forming under her mask. She turned to her commander, I want you to go get me that cruiser, understand, and then have the amplifier moved there. Leave no one alive, I want no witnesses. The Aesir were in such a state of shock that they hardly put up any fight. The dark El slaughtered them without mercy. It was less than an hour before the message came from her commander that the Aesir flagship now flew the flag of the Dark El. Good; very, very good. She let loose a grating laughter. Ready my fighter, I am leaving for Terals cruiser. Take the amplifier across as well. Take my cruiser and set course for Svartlfar, maximum burn. She spat at a sub-commander that occupied the command deck of her cruiser alongside her. Now after all this work its time to have some fun, she sneered, all I want is revenge, is that so wrong?


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Bring me the prisoners, she commanded, I need some exercise before I leave. The new twist in her plan made her laugh uncontrollably, it was so perfect it could not have worked out any better. Her mindcom beeped. What? Darkel sneered. The prisoners your highness, they are gone, a nervous voice attempting to disguise its user reached her pointy ears... well more like what would have been pointy before it became a chew toy for a Great Dane. What! Who is this? Darkel screamed. Id rather not say your majesty, the voice remarked before the mindcom went dead. Sharins mindcom shattered against the view screen. She stormed off towards Naglfar, her mood as foul as a Croman1 on speed. A luckless Dark El talking to a friend about how wonderful it was now that their queen had returned unfortunately occupied the same corridor as her. Their heads bounced against each other as they rolled down the passage. Well admittedly, she had to go into the ones room, since he saw her and ducked inside, but had been unable to lock the door in time. Naglfar sped off towards the Aesir Imperial Battle Cruiser.

The Croman was a little black ball of hatred. It despises everything. Even if the target were as big as a house and not necessarily breathing, it would still try to bite its head off out of principle. One of these agitated, hyperactive creatures once tried to kill Skibladne.


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Angel woke to a very familiar sight, the inside of the recovery chamber on his ship, Skibladne. How long was I out, he wondered. 3 days, LOBE unceremoniously answered. Aargghhh, you still here, Angel managed in mock disdain, but in truth he was truly happy to hear the voice in his head. Yes well you would not be here if not for me, so I would appreciate a little respect. And next time, try to have the semblance of a plan before attacking a god, you know, it just might hurt less. Guess you were awake then, huh. Care to fill me in on how I got back onto my ship? Angel asked, ignoring LOBEs sarcasm. Seems your kids were raised with more sense than their father was, probably got that from their mother. They found a way through the gate but more importantly, they had a way BACK to earth. So they came to rescue their helpless father and now we are merrily sitting in the hangar bay on New Valhalla. LOBE explained. How do you know where we are? Angel asked surprised. Your kids have been hanging around the chamber since you were dumped in here. I heard them speaking, LOBE explained. The kids, Angel clicked for the first time, here? Yes genius, or did you think Skibladne missed you and came looking for you all on her own, LOBE sighed. Ooh their mother must have freaked out, Angel thought with a smile.


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LOBE sighed again, You are the epitome of the responsible parent. Ha, Angel thought, there is nothing I can do or say that would come close to the lashing their mother must have dished out. They did save your life, LOBE argued, and I think they gave themselves all the reprimand they needed from what I heard. It might be a good opportunity to score a few points by treating them like adults, which in truth they are, LOBE sneered. Another thought struck Angel square between the eyes, just missing LOBE unfortunately. Where is Ricci? Is she okay? Angel asked. Im afraid she is not here, but the Valkr will have more information for you. I only know Sharin is involved somehow, LOBE explained. Why have we not gone after Sharin yet? Angel asked. I am not sure. It seems like another problem has arisen on earth. Fine, now if you would be so kind as to get Skibladne to let me out, it would be much appreciated, Angel demanded. A faint whirring noise followed as the recovery chamber door swung open. Angel tested his legs as he carefully got out of the chamber. Wobbly at first, his muscles strengthened with every step, and by the time, he left the ship of legends his legs had fully recovered. Thank you my lady, he called over his shoulder to Skibladne, you saved my life again. He was approaching the hangar entrance to New Valhalla when it opened and the entire team, young and old, encircled him.


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Blade and Storm grabbed him around the waist while the rest seemed overjoyed to see him. Dad youre okay, Storm sobbed. Even Blade had a tear running down his cheek. How did you know? Angel asked. Skibladne radioed ahead and informed us, Laidin answered, her arm tightly wrapped around her daughter Phalin. I am really happy to see you guys, Angel said with a huge grin on his face, All I had for company was him, Angel said pointing to LOBEs home inside his mind, so you can imagine the fun time had by all. Laidin, Kirom and Guival all pulled faces since they knew what Angel had to have gone through. The kids though confused were just happy to have their father back and did not question the strange comment. LOBE was conspicuous in his absence and this bothered Angel. LOBE would not let a remark like that pass, and last time he went silent like this the earth had been about to be destroyed and there was nothing that could be done about it. Kirom spoke for the first time. I should think you are famished my lord? Sure am Kirom, any suggestions? Well we do not have Loser here to play chef, but the New Valhalla kitchens are fully operational again so I am sure they will be able to rustle up some grub, as they say here on earth. Sounds wonderful, lets get going, Angel agreed as his stomach now growled and the primal instinct was overriding his brain functions.


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As they walked to the dining hall, Angel stood in awe at how quickly and efficiently the Elves had managed to rebuild New Valhalla. The Valkr home looked more impressive than ever. They upgraded the technology throughout New Valhalla to Arken standards and Angel felt he could well have been on one of the UGE planets. So LOBE told me that there is a problem on earth again? Angel asked Laidin. Yes my lord, Laidin answered quite disturbed, it seems the Furies that were awakened have gone mad. Furies...? Angel asked. The children had to wake them so that they could rescue us. Unfortunately unbeknownst to them these creatures has a dual purpose, one other than being the keepers of the gate, Laidin explained, these creatures are the dispensers of justice and vengeance and would enforce the rules of society, severely punishing those who would break these rules. That does not sound too bad? Angel remarked. Yes my lord, except society today has made it almost impossible to not break a rule or law somewhere, even if it is something simple such as speeding or littering. Also they would enforce laws of ethics, and in a morally corrupt society such as appears on earth well I assume you understand. And the punishment for these crimes would be? Angel asked alarmed. Under Furies law Death, Laidin said in a sombre tone. Shit.


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Yes, quite a dilemma my lord, Kirom interjected, we still have the Sharin problem and we have not had word from Princess Ricci either. We fear the worse. This is a dilemma, we cannot be in two places at once, and I fear we might need to be, Angels brow formed deep furrows as he pondered the conundrum. I assume Ricci and Gemmi were still aboard the cruiser when it disappeared? So they must still be there? Angel asked. Yes my lord and I shudder to think what Sharin has planned for them, Laidin acknowledged. Well I am going after her, there is no question of that, Angel stated with a determined expression on his face, but I hate leaving the Valkr in a pinch. Dad, Blade tried to get Angels attention in a barely audible tone, we should do it. Do what, Angel only half heard his sons request. Save the world of course, LOBE chipped in. Suddenly a water pipe seemed to have sprung a leak right over the spot where Angel stood because a cold shiver ran down his spine. It is our fault the Furies are free dad, Storm agreed with her brother. Over my dead body will I let you kids go after those abominations. You do not even know how to stop them, Angel tried desperately. And of course you do brainiac, LOBE mocked Angel. We have to try dad, it is what you would have done, Blade said, remember all those stories you told us, about the adventures you, mom, Laidin, Guival and Kirom went on.


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Yes but that was different, Angel replied stubbornly. Different? How was it different? Were you better trained? Storm asked. Yes! Angel shouted exasperated. Translation, you did not have overprotective parents back then to stop you, Storm grinned. Angel shot daggers from his eyes. Daddy, we have been trained in military strategy and battle techniques since before we could walk. We have had weapon training since we were old enough to hold a toothpick. We have the greatest heroes in history as parents. We can do this daddy, you know we can, Storm concluded with an earnest look on her face. Laidin smiled at Angel, Might as well stop my lord, this battle is lost. Angel mumbled a few words and then a more audible, All right, as if I dont have enough problems worrying about your mother, before stomping off to the kitchen. Angel wished Ricci were here. She would stop them; they would not dare question her. Nevertheless, in the end, they were right. They needed to take responsibility for their actions. They needed to be trusted. They were not children anymore, and they were clever, resourceful, and determined. Well Phalin and Feral were strictly still underage, but the twins were nineteen, and so was Shen, while Throm turned eighteen quite recently.


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Angel had to admit that at sixteen, Phalin, even though the youngest, definitely had the maturity and he knew she would ensure reason above rashness. Feral had succeeded in becoming the youngest ever mage to ascend to the eighth circle, having been fortunate enough to receive training from his uncle Teral, the only fifteenth circle mage in the universe. Guival even though he now belonged to the twelfth circle, had only been a seventh circle mage when they fought the Taur more than two decades ago. They would succeed. He had to believe that. This was what all parents dreaded, trusting their children to make the right decisions, to live their own lives. They were young adults, and he needed to treat them as such. Yes, they lived a sheltered live on a distant planet as the children of the rulers of the universe. Nevertheless, as Storm pointed out, in the end, they were the children of heroes, and they were extraordinary in themselves. They are better trained and more organized than his team had been two plus decades ago when they defeated the Taur. He had to trust them, his fellow parents did, why not him too. He tried to focus on his own mission. The team sat down at the long table in the dining hall. So what do you suggest we do, Angel asked Laidin, I assume you have discussed a course of action while I was asleep? Well my lord; Kirom, Guival and I feel that we should take Skibladne along with all my El fighters left on earth and go after Sharin. The kids as we just decided will then help the Valkr warriors on earth, while the Olympian gods can help and give advice from command central.


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Angel had clean forgotten about them. They are here? On earth? he asked quite surprised. Yes my lord, they are probably wandering the halls as we speak causing trouble. Zeus of course discovered cable TV and the pornographic channel, so I do not expect to see either him or Apollo anytime soon, Guival smirked. Okay; so then we leave our fighters here for the kids? Angel asked. Yes my lord. Sounds good to me, Angel agreed a lot happier now. I am afraid we will need to depart soon my lord, Laidin remarked still quite concerned, you know Sharin has a Croman1 up her arse, and the same one track mind as one. She will not wait to execute her plan. Everyone looked at Laidin. They had never heard her use any kind of strong language before. Angel cleared his throat. Er yes, let us move people. The crowd split into smaller groups of parent and children. Shen was left standing alone thinking of her father and wishing she could say goodbye. Blade noticed her and walked across putting his arm around the slight alien girl. Hey I know it is tough Shen, but we are all thankful you are here. This team would not be a team without you. I know you

The target did not matter as long as it had a head that he could remove. Statues cowered in fear. Of course males were in trouble since they tend to have 2 heads, and if the Croman got to the wrong one first well they tend to overlook this little mistake by promptly and efficiently removing the other.


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miss your father why dont you go make him a recording on Skibladne. The lady can transmit it as soon as they reach UGE space, he suggested. Shens emotionless face seemed to brighten for a moment and she quickly turned and floated off. Meanwhile a number of other significant events transpired on Valhalla. One was, Zeus seducing a young Valkr eager to bestow on her the gift of his ancient lovemaking techniques and new found blue pills. In three other significant events, Phalin received the bow of Odin. Keep it safe my child. It is the symbol of our power, and it will protect you, the queen of the El smiled proudly at her daughter. Kirom presented Throm with Mjolnir, may it serve you mightily my son. Feral received Gungnir, the spear. I want it back you hear me, it is mine, so dont get any funny ideas, Guival remarked, and then hugged Feral. The team spent the rest of the day preparing for their return voyage while Angel desperately tried to give last minute suggestions to the kids. Know your enemy plan for contingencies before attacking use the element of surprise eat all your vegetables. Good thing you thought of all this before attacking Typhon huh? LOBE sarcastically remarked. Shut up! Angel shot back wordlessly. Angel hugged the twins in turn.


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You two will be fine, I know it, Angel said trying hard to bite back a tear. He was so proud of them; he knew Ricci would be too. The El fighters were already warming their engines by the time Angel finally boarded Skibladne. One Elven fighter pilot at the back of the fleet felt his day could have gone slightly better, but the thought seemed to disappear in the fog now clouding his mind. Funny that, the weather report was for a sunny winters day, he thought absentmindedly. His fighters load reading was off as well, by a ton or two. This was less of a concern than the more pertinent question of who am I, or more exactly, what am I, that he now experienced. He continued his system checks as if in a dream, and took up position in the formation when they left without being able to focus on all that seemed to be wrong. Like for instance the huge pile of breathing black molten rock, which now occupied the copilot seat behind him.


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The kids stood staring at the departing fleet with heavy hearts, but excited for the great responsibility bestowed upon them by their parents. Any ideas on our first move, Feral asked happily. I propose we start with the elderly gods, Phalin suggested, talk to Zeus and the others so we may gain as much intelligence on these creatures as possible. I concur. Then I would suggest we invade the Valkr command centre and try track their movements, Blade added. The team hurried to where they knew the Olympian gods stayed. They had no previous encounter with the gods. Throm thought they would be a bad influence on the kids and Laidin agreed. Many signs adorned Zeuss door, that read Keep out unless you have big boobs and do not disturb unless you have a lightning rod, or danger high levels of wild discharges, and any one crossing this point will face a battery charge. The kids laughed and went in search of Athena. The old lady sat in her quarters reading a book by a young upcoming writer, which did not so much move her, but rather slowly dragged her along a very bumpy road. Her head ached as it smashed on the rocks littering her slow literary progression. It was a do it yourself guide on how to get like the hot boy to like notice you. She counted the word like 427 times and pink close to a hundred on the first 10 pages alone.


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The kids were a welcome distraction as they packed liked sardines into her small room. Hi, like wow, arent you the cutest thing ever with that big hammer strapped to your little back, she said to Throm, stroking his beard. Phalin saw Throms temperature rising to spontaneous combustion levels and quickly intervened. Greetings Athena, we were wondering if you might assist us in our investigation into the Furies. Like no problem darling, what would you like to, you know, know? At this stage anything that might be useful in stopping them, Storm interjected. Like okay. Well you already know what they are and like what they do. Fortunately, I know a little more than that about the dogs of Zeus. Like, they cannot like die until there is like no more evil on earth. Also like they are itchy, Athena explained. Huh? the kids exclaimed in unison unable to follow the strange dialect. Feral tapped the place his universal translator was injected; quite sure it must be malfunctioning. Yeah, like they each have a ragemeister a jealousy button. All you need to do is find it and push. The furies are all ambivextrous like. So what does ambivextrous mean? Blade sighed. It means they would get ticked off no matter what you do like, Athena explained. So? Storm asked.


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So you need to like use it to make them jealous of each other gimmer. Storm glared at Athena, almost convinced that gimmer was an insult in some way but could not prove it. The others got the vibe as well and started to snicker. You want them to attack each other, very clever. So how do we go about doing that? Blade asked. Athena threw her hands up in the air. What? Do I look like the oracle, you go fig it for yourselves, she replied in mock anguish. She smiled before continuing with a glimmer in her eyes. But I can tell you this. Alecto is a control freak. Tisiphone was the guardian of Tartarus, which was like a prison of the underworld. She was very good at it and proud of the fact. Megaera will probably be the easiest since she gets jealous of everything and everyone. Thanks Athena, Blade expressed his appreciation as the troop bundled out of the room. Like no prob angels, and if the little one wish to stay... Athena said in parting, but Phalin grabbed Throm by the arm and pulled him clear of the room before he could go nuclear. She got back to her book and made a mental note to not like, use the word like ever again, starting like now. A serious air of intense debate followed the children as they made their way to the Valkr command centre. What did she mean they cannot be destroyed? Storm asked no one in particular, Everything is made of matter; everything can be destroyed given enough energy, cant it?


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That is a good point sis, Blade agreed, maybe they just never had the weapons that could beat the Furies? Sure, but who says we do? Feral chipped in, we might have the most powerful weapons in existence namely Mjolnir, Gungnir and the bow of Odin but remember all these weapons existed when the Furies roamed the earth as well. And a hell of a lot of good it did against Typhon, Storm added. Blade stared glumly at his friend. That is true, but a different type of weapon, even though not as powerful might be all that is required, Phalin replied, one of Shens blasters might be enough to abolish them to the netherworld? We can only hope, Throm added. I do not think we should make this the foundation for our plan though, Phalin continued, my suggestion is we use the knowledge that Athena has imparted on us and form our primary battle strategy from that. If this should not succeed we might revert to a more brute force tactic. Nodding heads greeted this suggestion and they walked the rest of the way in silence, each occupied with his own idea of what this battle plan might be. Unfortunately, most of the battle plans consisted of waiting for one of the other team members to say something intelligent. The Valkr command centre was abuzz with running bodies and anxious faces. The Furies were a much more efficient judge, jury and executioner than most courts in the free world. They did not take time to hear arguments, set court dates for months in the future, deliberate or dismiss cases because the name on the


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charge sheet had the incorrect spelling. They did not allow for due process or plea-bargaining, and you were not even required to plead. Sentencing was swift and always the same death. Since, with the exception of Mother Theresa and a small number of other individuals, most everybody was guilty of something, and some of earths most populated regions fast became uninhabited. Las Vegas and Monaco became ghost towns overnight and if you did not die living here, it meant you probably visited your sick mother in the desert town of Nolakespringswellpondorotherwatersourcehere population 9 and some of them human according to their birth certificates. The Valkr tried their best to keep track of the furies movement, but unfortunately the most accurate coordinates they had were that the furies were probably still on earth. The young band of heroes found Carra sitting in the command chair reading reports and listening to her officers simultaneously. Multi tasking came naturally to the acting Valkr Chief, she could stress about several things all at once. Ah, about time you showed up, she exclaimed with a tired edge to her voice. Sorry Carra, we were doing research on the Furies, Blade earnestly responded sympathizing with the irritation Carra displayed. My apologies Blade, it is just that there are so many good people dying at the moment and we have no way of stopping or even getting close to those monsters. They simply move too fast. The feeling of helplessness is getting to all of us.


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I understand Carra, but without a strategy we are wasting our and your time, and would probably end up dead along with everybody else. So may I assume you have one, Carra inquired in a much more amicable tone. Not quite yet but we are working on it. What we do need is a place to start our search from, Blade answered slightly abashed for not having a battle plan. Carra smiled, and then replaced that with a serious pout of her lips. Well there is some more bad news. They have separated. The Furies are currently on three different continents. Perfect! Feral exasperated thoughts entered their heads, as if we dont have enough problems. Not necessarily a problem my friend, an opportunity I think, Phalin said while a sly smile played across her perfect lips. The others stared at her confused. Would it not be easier to enrage one of them if the other sisters were not there to defend themselves? Phalin remarked. The kids looked at one another and then nodded in appreciation at the insight shown by their young Elven friend. It was true, it would be a lot easier making the Furies jealous of each other if they could corner them one at a time. Storm still seemed unsure of this. Does that not mean that we need to split up the team? she asked. Yes. I assume that would be the case, Blade said looking at his team mates in turn, Guess Storm and I will take one, Phalin and Throm will take another and then Shen and Feral the last Fury.


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Nods of agreement followed. Okay Carra, we need locations, preferably a little more accurate than third rock from the sun please. Blade announced smiling. Seems the hot spots at the moment are Australia, Southern Africa and South America, one of the Valkr operators gave her enlightened opinion, that is unfortunately as close as we can get to a fix on their position. They would destroy a city and then disappear, just to reappear in a different city altogether. They seem to prefer the hotter climates. Its summer in those countries at the moment, Carra observed. Thats perfect, Phalin remarked happily, this cold is driving me nuts. Feral caught up with the twins as they left. I need to show you a trick on shielding your mind from the Furies, he told them while falling in step beside them. What makes you think we could master it? Blade asked confused. Uncle Teral said you have the Aesir gene, therefore you must have some magic, the young mage suggested. No harm in trying, Storm eagerly agreed, admittedly she had always envied the Aesir their magic. The trio searched for a quiet place to practice. Throms frustrated thoughts seemed quite a bit further away; something in his subconscious tried its utmost to find a willing neuron in the cerebrum. The Furies prefer hot climates. Something I saw. Why is that important?


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The memory appeared linked to Lamia somehow, of that he was sure but why and how alluded him. He dismissed the problem for now, deciding to focus instead on a more pertinent tri-nation tester.


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Skibladne gently floated out of hyperspace before racing off towards Arken with the El fighters still 7 days behind. Angels mindcom beeped. Qren, am I glad to hear from you old friend, Angel said with a smile touching his lips. I am overjoyed to find you well my Lord, we were extremely worried. Thank you, it was touch and go for most part, Angel said. Milord, did you see the children? Qren asked with his concern clearly noted by Angel. Shen is fine my friend, they are still on earth dealing with a small problem, Angel tried to sound as nonchalant as possible not wanting to worry his friend with small details. Details such as, the problems were for the most part unstoppable, and the kids were going to die trying. Shen made you a recording. I will send it through now, Angel informed Qren as he sent the file to Arken. Thank you my lord, Qren paused, I unfortunately have terrible news; the UGE is in a state of war. Fights have erupted between El and Dwar in every sector. We are trying to keep the peace but it has thus far been unsuccessful. The Dwar blame the El for destroying Nidavellir, and killing Brom and Teral. Brom is dead? Nidavellir is destroyed? Kirom wailed. Seems that our favourite evil Princess has been busy since she hijacked Laidins cruiser, Angel gritted his teeth, he felt sick. Qrens puzzled thoughts entered Angels mind.


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Sharin is back, and she is pissed my friend, Angel clarified. This is grave news indeed my lord. We shall go to Nidavellir and see what we can do to help, Laidin announced joining the conversation. You are sure they are dead? asked Kirom. There have been extensive rescue missions launched, but no sign of Brom and Teral. The planet appears to be lifeless, Qren explained with deep regret. Kiroms heart sank; he could not believe he might have lost his brother to such a cruel fate again. Yes my friend but none of them had Skibladne, she has exact DNA footprint scan abilities and sensors far more advanced than anything else in the UGE. Then Godspeed my lord, without Brom and Teral there is no hope of ending this war. My lord, Ill be sending my fighters home when they arrive, since it seems we might need to defend our home world, if we cannot stop this madness, Laidin confirmed the seriousness of the situation. I understand, Angel agreed, but if we do not end this feud I do not think even that would make any difference. There has been too much hatred between the two races to ever see this battle end if we do not end it right now. Agreed my lord, Laidin nodded, It would never cease and would just become more powerful with every passing day, until it is an out of control raging tempest fuelled by years and years of feuding. Skibladne, set course for Nidavellir, maximum burn, Angel ordered.


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The four friends flew into the back wall on the command deck of Skibladne as she jumped the gate like a thoroughbred racehorse. Dammit Skibladne, you did that on purpose, Angel angrily grimaced, rubbing the bump on the back of his head. #sorry my lord, I was simply following orders# Yes but next time wait till we are strapped in, Angel said. Did he imagine it, or did he hear a metallic snigger coming from the lady; no, that was impossible. Nidavellir appeared as one very angry gigantic ball of electric storms on Skibladnes view screen. The eerie lack of activity compared to the usual buzz around the planet filled with cruisers and trade ships, caused more than a little discomfort to the crew. Kirom stared at the screen mesmerized, as if his eyes lied to him and if he blinked enough they might start telling the truth. Skibladne, start doing a scan of the planet, if there is any life down there I want to know about it, Angel commanded. Kirom I need you to man sensors and guide Skibladne, you know all the most likely places where your brother and Teral might have been. Kirom snapped out of his trance and started giving Skibladne directions and depth coordinates for her scans, his hands moved like lighting across the intricate sensor console settings. What can we do? Guival asked. Pray, Angel earnestly replied. Laidin quietly stared at the view screen. She seemed to come to some kind of conclusion, and started flipping through all the


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outward facing cameras showing the different sections of space around Skibladne. Hmmmm, she said. Guival and Angel examined her intently, then looked at each other and shrugged. Laidin walked over to the sensor console and started fiddling with the short and long range scanners, while Kirom kept busy running infrared scans. Hmmmm, she said again. What? an exasperated duo screamed in unison. Well what is missing from this picture? Laidin asked pointing to the view screen. I dont see anything, Guival reported puzzled. Exactly, Laidin acknowledged. Angel and Guival performed their look and shrug routine a second time. Laidin sighed pretending to find them hopeless, Teral was on Nidavellir with Brom, right. They nodded. And Terals crew would do everything in their power to locate their leader, right? Laidin continued. The two bobbleheads stupidly nodded again. And only Teral can order his cruiser to depart, right? Laidin became concerned that her two friends might have hit their heads; they cannot really be this thick, can they? Angel started smiling, we got it Laidin. We were just playing with you.


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This might not be the proper time for amusement my lord, Laidin responded as the voice of reason once more. She had a pained expression as she looked over at her lifelong friend Kirom. So the only way that Terals cruiser would have departed was under duress, a guilt ridden Guival stated the obvious, wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible. Now the real question should be, what would Sharin need Terals cruiser for, she already has mine? Laidin pondered. Well she came back here to start a war, Guival added. And she managed to get the Dwar and El at each others throat using an El cruiser, Angel said. LOBE sighed. So I guess she needs the Aesir cruiser to put two other races at each others throat? Guival suggested. The Aesir and the Arks...? Angel opted. LOBE sighed again. She does hate the Arks, but the Arks are not powerful enough to take on the Aesir. They are a peaceful race and will surrender before the first shot is fired, Laidin deliberated further. The Taur, Angel and Guival screamed in unison. LOBE applauded. Took you long enough, he said. Her next target must be the Taur, oh this is terrible. Trist and his people have just managed to rebuild their home after the last devastating war, Angel expressed with a lot of emotion, ignoring LOBE. The sadness and trepidation felt by the crew grew in intensity. The war, and all the innocent Dwar that perished because of one


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sadistic inhumane monster, remained foremost in their minds, but now the Taur had become a target as well. Angel slammed on his mindcom, a little harder than he meant to. Ouch he whispered rubbing his chest. Skibladne, get me Qren. A few seconds later Qrens voice came into Angels head, and at the same moment, Kirom screamed. I found them! he shouted, two life forms, one Dwar and one definitely Aesir! Qren, just hold on a second please, Angel requested. They are deep underground, but with a tunneler, we can get to them, Kirom smiled from ear to ear. Great, see if you can find us one so we can go get them, Angel exclaimed relieved. Qren, Angel thought into the mindcom again, we got Teral and Brom, we are putting together a rescue party right away. Angel could sense the relief coming from Qren. We still have another urgent matter. It seems the evil bitch hijacked Terals cruiser, and we suspect her next target is Evergalt, he told Qren. I will inform Trist immediately, Qren replied urgently. Yes, tell him that if he spots the Aesir cruiser to destroy it immediately. Do not let it get near the planet, tell him not to even attempt to communicate with it. I will my Lord, Qren agreed. We will go after it but it has a 2 day head start, Angel added. Godspeed my Lord, Qren ended the call.


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Kirom expertly moved the short-range scanners around desperately searching for a way to save his brother. Yes! he exclaimed, found a Dwar exploration ship close by. Skibladne would you be so kind as to set a course for it please, he asked. #immediately# Skibladne answered, #and thank you for asking so nicely# Angel laughed, more from relief than joy. Guival I assume you wish to accompany Kirom on the rescue operation? Angel asked Guival. You know it! My boss is also down there, he projected. Great, then Laidin and I will pursue the cruiser. He had hardly finished this sentence before he slammed into the bulkhead as Skibladne hit the brakes hard. What the hell! he shouted, I thought I told you to warn us. #you said to warn you if I accelerate my lord, nothing about deceleration# Skibladne quipped. Angel had a thought. Guival! he screamed furiously, this is your doing isnt it? Guivals laughter came into the crews head. I couldnt resist, and Skibladne was such a willing accomplish. Kiroms hammer slammed into the wall behind Guivals head, missing by fractions of an inch. Guival turned into a pile of liquid metal, just in case an El blade also came his way. None of the crew had ever seen a puddle snigger. Get off my ship, Angel screamed in mock irritation. Going, going, gone, the puddle flowed from the bridge.


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And as for you my lady, we are going to have a little talk when we get home, Angel said to Skibladne pulling a face. #drat# she replied, like a concerned teenager. Angel smiled. He waited for the two friends to board the exploration ship, after which Kirom explained to them what he needed. Now my lady, please spare no horses in following that cruiser, Angel ordered making sure that he and Laidin had securely strapped in before giving the order. #are you sure my lord# Skibladne asked. Yes. Everything you got, Angel ordered, bracing himself. Skibladne did not disappoint.


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Throm felt like screaming from shear frustration. He missed something crucial, something important he saw. We visited Egypt. Spoke to Lamia. No, it had been before speaking to Lamia. Was it inside the Sphinx? Yes, I am getting warmer. The chamber we met Lamia. Thats it! his elated scream startled the other children who were all anxiously getting ready to depart. The hieroglyphs in the chamber, when they waited for Lamia to arrive, were the answer, or rather the question. We have to speak to Zeus immediately, he snarled and ran off, his glee disappeared as quickly as it arrived. The kids gave each other a perplexed look but followed without question. The door to the gods chambers remained locked with the, do not disturb paraphernalia covering it. Throm knocked. Go away! the agitated Zeus shouted from behind the door. Throm knocked again. We need to speak Zeus, he announced, muttering under his beard. Go away! the king of the gods exclaimed again. The kids looked at each other. Blade shrugged. Throm knocked again, this time with Mjolnir. The door exploded. Zeus looked up from the television.


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What? he screeched cantankerously. How did you control the Furies? Throm asked, just as irritated. Hmmm, so which little dwarf are you? Grumpy, Dopey, Sneezy or Ugly, Zeus laughed at his own little joke. Again, how did you control the Furies? Throm commanded, ignoring Zeuss comment. He had never seen Snow White, thus Zeuss joke was lost on him. Thats for me to know and you to find out, the old god snickered with a glint in his eye and turned his attention back to the Wet and Wild Playboy show he was watching. Electricity, Throm breathed through clenched teeth. He was suitably annoyed with this old has been, who would send them to their death while he knew how to beat the Furies. Yes! Zeus screamed swivelling around on his couch and peering at the kids over the backrest, my pets are susceptible to high doses of electricity. How did you know? Brilliant, Storm exclaimed slapping Throm on the back. Throm remained too infuriated to acknowledge the adulation. The hieroglyphs in the Sphinx where you hid from Typhon you old fart. It showed you throwing lightning bolts at three figures that looked a lot like the Furies. That and its not as if you possess any other skills. Throm now way passed the point of being a polite little dwarf, resembled a mean little hairball, and he aimed to become stuck in this vindictive little gods throat, what I want to know is why and how much is needed? Zeus looked slightly bemused. Well since you figured out my little secret, I assume there is no harm in telling you.


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Firstly I was not going to let you die. I just wanted one last chance to show I am worth something. I was going to stop them eventually. When exactly was that? Feral sneered, when we lay in body bags? Ok, so I havent figured out that part yet, Zeus sourly replied, but to answer your second question, a lot, and to completely destroy them, a hell of a lot. Even more than that wonderful hammer of yours has. Zeus started to explain, yes, my lightning bolts did control them, and was the only thing that scared them or could harm them. Never figured out how much you needed to kill them though, but I once threw one of my best at Alecto after she threw a temper tantrum. She seemed a lot happier after that. The old God seemed to think hard on something for a second and then seemed to dismiss the thought. So why did you think you could stop them this time? Phalin asked. Zeus just looked at her with vague eyes, as if he was in a dream, reliving the good old glory days as a deity, before slowly responding to nothing resembling Phalins question. We only came to this world because Olympus was so boring. Nothing ever happened there. I was ruler, yes, but ruler of what, since nothing ever went wrong. The only amazing thing I ever did on Olympus was imprison my father, Cronus, and the Titans in Tartarus. That was a very long time ago and followed by decades of boredom. My friends and I were adventurers. We loved to experience new and exciting things. Unfortunately, on Olympus we were nobodies, just a couple more crazy Olympians with a lust


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for adventure. Then we found the eye, and everything changed, Zeus explained distantly, lost in his memories. You see here, here we were gods. We were all-powerful, with incredible weapons and powers. We fought amazing battles against demons and monsters. We were revered deities. We were somebody. The humans prayed to us, they built us magnificent temples, Zeus sighed. Then one sad day we got to the eye and it would not open. We were stuck back in our lonely boring existence, Zeus sighed heavily. I am old. I will be gone soon. I just wanted one last chance to be a hero, be the god people knew and loved. Be admired again. The children suddenly felt a pang of sorrow for the aging god. Blade spoke up, okay, we will see what we can do. Ask Carra for a mindcom, we will be in touch. They departed talking among themselves. At least we have a semblance of a plan now, or at least the beginning, Feral suggested. Yes, we will need to get the Furies in one place and then zap them, Blade added. Do we still split up to find them? Throm asked. Yes, we will need to convince them to go to a specific place and take care of them all at the same time while they are fighting among themselves, Blade said, I dont think even with the hammer we can take the Furies in a head on battle, even one at a time. We will need to trap them. So we might need the old mans help after all? Feral asked.


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I think we will need all the firepower we can muster. I also dont think getting them to go to a nuclear power plant is going to happen so we will need to use portable solutions, Blade added. So what do we have? Storm asked. We will need Mjolnir fully charged, Throm please make sure it is. Then Zeuss lightning bolts, Blade hesitated. And mine, Feral added, Uncle Teral taught me how to conjure lighting and Im pretty good at it. Might I suggest we inspect the Valkr arsenal for electrical weapons, Phalin proposed. Good, now we have the how, let us get the when and where sorted too, Blade resumed the discussion. I think the gate room? Shen recommended. Outstanding proposal Shen truly inspired. If we are unable to destroy them, we might be able to compel them to enter the gate, Phalin agreed. The other kids nodded in unison, very clever indeed. So lets get cracking, Blade ordered, we will coordinate implementing our plans to get them to the gate when we are all ready. We have to make sure we get them to go there at approximately the same time. We cant have them there at different times. The others nodded again looking at each other in turn. It would not be much use if the Furies were there one at a time. Are we going to make our plans on coaxing them to the gate now? Storm asked. I think the teams should decide that among themselves. It might be necessary to use the natural resources to help improvisation, so it would be better not to have plans cast in


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stone. Also we do not know which Fury is where and I think they might need to be approached in very different ways, Blade thought pinching the bridge of his nose so he would seem more intellectual. He read that Sherlock Holmes did this in a book he found in his dads library on Arken. He loved these mystery novels. He had often spoken about the adventure of the greatest detective on earth to the others but they seemed disinterested, as they could not understand the alien world to which the stories referred. He smiled at a thought that suddenly popped into his head. So any general tips then? Throm enquired. Elementary my dear Watson, Blade began which got a seriously confused stare from everyone. Blade just smiled. Facing Alecto I suggest playing on her Anger. With Megaera, we would use her constant jealousy and with Tisiphone, the fact that she is the avenger of murder. Maybe convince her that one of her sisters murdered someone without just cause, Blade continued very proud of his insight. This got the required response from his sister mimicking their mother. No shit Sherlock. The children laughed as Blade turned a superb racing red. Might I propose we depart immediately? Phalin advised distracting everyone from Blades obvious discomfort. Agreed, Throm said, and may the gods be with you. Preferably not the ones hold up here in the Valkr base, Feral jested. They parted still laughing.


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Storm expertly piloted their mothers ship towards the tip of Africa, or more precisely the east coast of South Africa, to the city of Durban. According to the Valkr tracking the Furies, a lot of radio chatter originated there on people inexplicably dying in this coastal city, less than half an hour ago. It was the December holidays and the beach was buzzing with tourists. They landed near the city centre on top of one of the high-rise buildings, to begin their enquiries as to the whereabouts of the Fury. The heat was stifling and the humidity was through the roof. Even through the temperature regulating team suits, the twins sweat profusely. Blade had a thought. They walked into the nearest clothing outlet. My lady, would you be kind enough to provide us with the appropriate beach attire? Blade addressed the girl behind the counter. Sure, she said while crudely chewing her gum and blowing bubbles, giving Blade a funny look, as if to say, what planet are you from, dude? Light travels faster than sound, thats why my dear brother appears bright until he speaks, Storm quipped. Blade ignored his sisters sarcastic remark. Storm sulked since not only her brother but also the shopkeeper gave her comment no hint of admiration, nothing is


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more discouraging than unappreciated sarcasm. Oh well, we just have to keep on trying. The twins hurriedly changed into the clothes the shop assistant gave them. They both appeared well tanned as they often visited Phalin on Elheimr and the radiation of the planet had turned their skin into a permanent golden brown. Storm looked particularly stunning in a two-piece black bathing suit and sarong, which complemented her dark hair and blue grey eyes. Blade had a simple costume, but his rippling muscles and impeccable abs, caused many a beach babe to walk into a pole or fall off the curb in the moments following their appearance on the street. Weapons, Storm remarked. No need, they would have no effect on her in any event. So genius, how are we going to pay for this? Storm asked her brother. Blade looked at the girl behind the counter who seemed enthralled by his body, and did not attempt to hide her adoration. Wait here, he told his sister, and turned to address the shop assistant. My lady, please do not be alarmed. I simply need to depart for an instant, but I assure you that I do not intend to abscond with these garments. I mean to compensate this establishment in full. My sister will remain until my return. Please keep talking, Storm told her brother, I love the way your voice is making my ears bleed.


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Sure, whatever, the shop assistant answered Blade with complete indifference. Blade quickly gathered their discarded team suits and weapons, and ran to where his mothers fighter stood. He started to search the ship, leaving their clothing and swords in the main cabin. He found what he was looking for; a golden pendant, worth possibly as much as the entire shopping mall. The girls eyes sparkled as he handed it over moments later, and hurriedly opened her own purse paying for the clothes from her own funds. The pendant disappeared into her handbag. They decided to go down to the beach first. How are we going to find the Fury with all these people about? Storm asked after someone shoved her again. She reached boiling point, not only from the heat but also from the abuse at the hand of the obnoxious vacationers. They would either, undress her with their eyes and make unseemly comments, or they simply ignored her and shoved her about. She was hot and bothered, and not in a good way. I dont know yet, we just need to keep looking sis. Hell! She screamed, as another person bumped into her knocking her off her feet. The person just walked off without even a hint of an apology. Blade helped her up, bad time of year it seems. It looks like everyone is on vacation in this part of the world. Well, if its tourist season why cant we shoot them? Storm spat. More like mom every day, Blade thought silently. Lets keep looking for signs of the Fury, he tried again.


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Cant we just wait till the Fury finishes here and move to another city? Storm asked with mock pleading in her eyes. Come on sis, lets go, remember we are the heroes in this tale, Blade smiled and moved off. Storm said something under her breath Blade could not quite make out, and for some reason he was glad he could not. They could smell the ocean. The fresh sea breeze was intoxicating. Lets investigate in that direction, Storm suggested, pointing in the direction the cool breeze emanated from. Blade agreed. They finally broke through the concrete jungle away from the stampeding cattle, and as a reward they found the enticing crunch of sand under their feet, the subtle roar of the rolling surf and the screams of dying humans. Look! Blade shouted pointing down the beach. It scene was horrific. People simply keeled over, others screamed and ran in arbitrary directions without real hope, and yet others sat around crying, waiting for death. Children lay across the bodies of their parents and loved ones sobbing. Little ones aimlessly wandered around hoping to find a guardian or caretaker. Dead bodies littered the beach and in the middle, a fearsome figure silently floated a few inches off the sand. Panic formed in front of her and death followed behind her. Do you see that? Blade asked his sister. No, I was looking at the sea shells, arent they pretty, Storm scoffed drily.


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No sis, Blade remarked patiently, look at the people dying, there is some kind of energy flowing from them to her. Storm noticed in horror what Blade referred to, my word you are right brother, its like she is draining them from She looked at Blade with a puzzled expression. Their life force, Blade suggested with a shrug. Okay, we can wonder about that later, for now we need to stop her and get her going to the gate, Storm said with a determined expression and stomped off in the direction of the Fury. Wait! What if she simply kills us too? Blade asked hurrying after Storm. Want some cheese to go with that whine? Storm answered but with a lot less attitude than usual. She walked off with deliberate strides; she did not intend to show weakness in front of her brother after a comment like that. Remember to shield your mind like Feral taught us, Blade shouted after her and then joined her determined march towards the approaching Fury. The Fury hesitated, not sure what to make of people actually confronting her. People run in hopeless terror, do they not? Why did these two approach her? Only a couple of yards separated them. So which sister are you? the female called out, not Tisiphone obviously. I am Alecto, the Fury answered, slightly confused as to how they spoke her language. The twins shared a glance; the angry one, they had an unspoken mutual realization.


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Why are you interfering with my duties? she screeched. Oh we just thought we would catch up on old times, seeing as we freed your sister and gave her the means to free you. Its been long overdue that we sat down to chat, Storm growled, the grisly scene behind the Fury made her lethal. She felt like ripping this monster limb from limb. You are the ones who freed us? Alecto asked surprised, Tisiphone mentioned you. Hmmm nothing escapes you, does it? Yes, we go back a way. Tisiphone and I are like this, Storm knotted her fingers in a show of unity. I need to know why you freed her first, and not me? Alecto asked as her surprise waned replaced by her endless unceasing anger. Because she is your leader, Blade stated solemnly. WHAT? The fury screeched, I am the leader human! The twins caught on immediately and had to do everything in their power to stifle a smile. I think Ill let Storm take care of this one, Blade thought, this situation called for her finesse and soft feminine touch in sarcastic holocaust encouraging logic. Thats not what Tisiphone said, Storm began slowly warming up, she said she was the leader; that you were too incompetent to lead. She said what? the fury fumed. Sure, she said you were ugly and stupid and that she had to endure you for now, while there was work to be done but that she wished it was all over so she could take care of you. I think her exact words were, but do not quote me, you were so ugly it


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should be a crime, and the punishment is death by mirror, Storm laid it on thick. She obviously succeeded, as the Fury turned more hideous by the second. Storm kept going, yes, she said she and Megaera were the beautiful intelligent sisters and you were an embarrassment to the family. The Fury seemed to be on the brink of losing it, only one more push sis, Blade thought. I dont believe you, Alecto screamed, confused as to why she could not access their guilt centres. You dont have to Alecto; youll see when you get back to the gate. We just risked our lives to come warn you, but thats gratitude for you, Storm mimicked sincere hurt feelings to the enjoyment of Blade. They are waiting for you to return, and when you do return, you will receive your well deserved reward for all your hard work on earth. They will kill you for your trouble. It is so unfair, we know. I cannot even imagine how I would feel after such betrayal. After you have given them the best centuries of your life, Storm thoroughly enjoyed her first lead role in a Broadway production. Blade saw the Furys conflict and he knew the mind block was working. Should she continue on her quest or confront her treacherous sister? She could still convince Megaera that Tisiphone was the problem. Yes, she just needed to find her. The kids mentioned the gate, so that is where her sisters are going to kill her.


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She can prepare her own surprise for the deceitful Tisiphone now that the kids had warned her. The resolve spread across her face. The twins simply watched and smiled as the Fury furiously turned away, and headed in the direction that the kids knew the gate was. You go girl, Storm shouted after her, and dont come back. No seriously dont. Sis you were amazing! Blade exclaimed with pride when he was sure the Fury had moved out of earshot. Thank you, thanks you, Storm proclaimed bowing, and that ladies and gentlemen is how you do that. It was only now that the twins grasped the extent of the devastation the Fury caused. Their joy instantaneously replaced with deep sadness as they surveyed the scene in front of them. Small children hugged their deceased parents lifeless bodies. The sorrow around them became too much to bear. The beach quickly filled up with rescue workers, paramedics and police. We have to stop these monsters now, Storm hissed. Lets go sis, there is nothing further we can do here. Both twins shoulders drooped as they walked towards their mothers fighter. Neither of them noticed the crowd cheering them on. Time for round 2, and this time its to the death, Storm exclaimed through clenched teeth.


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The morph ship silently glided over the endless rainforest in the southeastern corner of Colombia. Because of the remote location of most of the towns in South America and the lack of proper communication equipment, the Valkr found it almost impossible to track the Fury. Shen and Feral had been following a trail of massacred village for the best part of a day. Even though neither of them shared any bond with these primitive earth creatures, they knew Blade, Storm, and their parents since birth and they loved them dearly. Shen felt physically sick having seen the trail of needless slaughter left behind by this self-righteous monster. Thus far, they had no idea if they were closing on their prey or not. The boiling heat outside made the monitoring of temperatures from the dead bodies to determine time of death an exercise in futility. They just had to keep following the path of deceased, and hope it would turn into recently deceased or more preferably not yet deceased. Shen kept a sharp eye on the scanners. The morph ship remained set on autopilot with Feral monitoring communications with the Valkr. Shen sensed that something had suddenly gone amiss. She saw the shadow from the corner of her huge almond coloured eye and spun around while the blasters appeared in her hands as if by magic.


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A Fury hovered behind her. The unmistakable stench of death hung over the huge creature with the long flowing black robes and beautiful yet terrifying face. Shen felt fear the likes of which she had never felt before. How did this creature get aboard the ship? What happened to Feral, had she killed him already? How am I going to stop this creature when much more powerful beings could not even place a scratch on it? Well she had the tachyon cannon, but at this range, the blast would destroy the ship and her with it, with no guarantee that it would destroy the creature. Shen smiled in her mind. At least she was going to die knowing she gave her life for something more important. She was going to die attempting to make the universe a better place. Her smile widened. If her friends taught her anything it is that, a selfish life is a wasted life. There was no greater fulfilment or gratification than self-sacrifice when protecting the weak and the helpless. She had listened intently to the stories her father and Noone had told her. She heard the tales of heroes and demons, of glorious quests, of valour and bravery, and friends. Since she was but a youngling it had been her dream to one day be such a hero. She was not going to live to tell the tale, but all Arks will remember her story. The Arks had no imagination of their own but they did have a deep appreciation for imagination in others and loved weird and wonderful accounts, even thought their own kind rarely no, never appear in such legends.


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Her thin long finger tightened around the blasters trigger. Goodbye dad, wish I could have said goodbye in person, but I am going to make you proud. I am going to make all Arks proud. We will have our own legend to tell. Unfortunately, a very short legend, but at least it will not keep the kids up past their bedtime. She closed her eyes and uttered one final sigh. Dont shoot! the Fury fearfully projected into her mind. Feral! Shen screamed back. Yes its me, dont shoot! Feral shrieked again, the panic clearly audible in his thoughts. How is this possible? Shen asked. If I tell you, do you promise not to shoot? Feral pleaded seeing Shen had not lowered her blaster yet, and that she did not look like she intended to either. Ill think about it, Shen projected back with a slight smile creeping back into her thoughts. Feral changed back swiftly. Do you remember when we came back through the gate? he asked. Shen nodded, placing her blaster back into its holster. Well do you also remember me touching Tisiphone when I passed her? Feral asked but saw Shen shake her head. No I cannot remember that, you were behind me. Well I did, and I absorbed her form definition when I did, Ferals pleasure took shape in her mind; I thought it would be handy at a party someday, never realizing I might actually need it on a quest.


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So now we have a way to get close to the Fury, Shen caught on to Ferals plan, that is if this is not Tisiphone. Then we will have a problem. Well we have a one in three chance, Feral smirked, and I like those odds. I dont play odds, Shen exclaimed angrily. Do you have a better idea? Feral asked. Shen seemed slightly disconsolate, no, we will go with your idea. But what is the rest of your plan? My dear Shen, my race are entertainers, the showmen of the universe, the blue metallic Aesir said with a theatrical wave of his hand, sometimes you have to create the show while you are doing the show. So you have no plan, and you want to improvise, Shen stated bluntly. Well not as such Feral remarked slightly more subdued. It is amazing your race survived as long as it did, Shen turned her attention back to the scanners. Feral felt a little dejected for Shens lack of enthusiasm in his creativity and lack of admiration for his forward thinking. Stupid Arks no imagination, he thought. It was at least another hour before Shen finally found something on the scanners. I found a village where the people are still alive, and its on the same path the Fury followed. She must not have reached it yet. Feral nodded. He set the ship down in a small clearing close to the village, well inside the dense forestation surrounding it.


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The duo took up position outside the village in a tree, providing them with a great vantage point of the town square. Indian children happily laughed and played in the great fountain on the square, which had a distinct Spanish influence. The village consisted of mostly unassuming huts with grass roofs and seemed quite primitive. They appeared to centre on the square with one building at the far side of the square the only exception to this rule. It too bore an obvious Spanish architectural design. The alien friends settled down and waited. A troop of curious black spider monkeys appeared around them for a while, but they soon dissipated when Feral turned into one too and decided to play with them. He got the size slightly wrong on purpose. The troop did not appreciate a 10-foot spider monkey playing tag with them and hurriedly made their getaway. Shen was first to spot the silent black form of the wrath floating out of the forest, on the opposite side of the clearing. Feral! she projected at the Aesir who entertained himself with a black widow spider. They watched the fury as it floated towards the village. Not Tisiphone, Feral breathed a sigh of relief. Guess you are up, Shen remarked, Ill cover you from here, the first sign of trouble and you better get out of there. Shen kept watch while Feral climbed down and turned into his rendition of Tisiphone. The Fury had reached the fountain and seemed to be ignoring the small children. They must not be guilty of any crimes yet. The children had all gone quiet.


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They intently watched the imposing figure of the Fury float across the town square. Deciding that this was nothing to be concerned about they again started splashing each other with water. One overeager boy made a dive bomb from the side. The water sprayed high into the air and over the side. It caught the Fury on her chest and she shrieked in horror. Shen sat transfixed on the events that unfolded. Small lightning bolts flowed from the Fury into the ground and she appeared to be in genuine agony. The Fury slowly turned and stretched her hand towards the child who now stared at the strange creature with his huge dark brown eyes wide with fear. The child collapsed in a heap. The rest of the children screamed and started running in every general direction. Shen saw the limp body, and it was obvious to her that the child was without question diseased. Feral, wait! she called into her friends mind. He stopped his advanced and turned his Fury head towards her. She just killed an innocent! Shen relayed, for creatures who believes in the law that must be a crime. Feral nodded. I think we have an angle, Feral agreed catching on. Yes and I think I know how to use it, Shen replied with a little grin attached to the thought. You need to convince that Fury that you have seen her crime and that you are going to find her sister so they may destroy her. Great plan! Feral said with admiration, Im on it.


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Something else had Shens mind in overdrive. Why did she react so strangely to the water? Hmmm water Shen thought, what do I know about water? It gives life. It is a good conductor. That is it! There was electricity flowing from the Fury. She must need electricity, and water causes it to leave her body. Therefore, if she needs electricity, maybe she feeds on it too. Maybe that is what happens when they kill humans; they drain the electrical energy from their bodies. It was logical. It made sense. She was quite sure of her hypothesis. A frightening thought suddenly took shape in her mind. That is why the Furies listened to Zeus. Not because he controlled them with his bolts of lightning, he fed them. It was not as if electricity was in abundant supply centuries ago, unless they found victims to drain. Zeus fed the abominations. That is why they followed his orders, why they remained his pets. He was the only one that could give them what they needed when there was no one to murder. A Shiver ran down her spine. That means their plans to destroy the Furies would fail! They would feed the Furies instead of kill them. She would need to contact the rest of the team soon. Another thought occurred to her. It never rained on Olympus and that is why no one knew of the Furies problem with water. So maybe they could use this new information to their advantage, she thought to herself. Feral was now nearing the Fury, and her attention snapped back to her friend that she needed to protect. His voice rang out across the square and Shen could clearly hear what he said to the Fury.


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Sister, what have you done? Feral shouted. Shen saw the Fury freeze. I dont know. I had to I wanted to I was hurt, I needed to feed, the Fury stammered. Good, the Fury is too confused to realise that its not her real sister, Shen thought, and to realize her sister should be thousands of miles away. Keep her off balance Feral, we need to figure out who she is, she projected to her friend. You killed an innocent, Feral exclaimed, why could you not be more like us? You are not worthy to be our sister. You are a disgrace to the name Fury. Shen smiled. What? The fury screamed, You think you are superior to me? You think you are better than I am. You always thought you were perfect. Youre not! Great work Feral, Shen projected, It is Megaera, that jealous outburst could not be from anyone else. Megaera continued, So I made a mistake, I took an innocents essence. What are you going to do about it? You are too weak to harm me. I am going to find Alecto and we will judge and destroy you together, Feral replied. And where do you propose to find Alecto? She is on her way to the gate. I came to find you because we were summoned to Olympus. Feral smiled inwardly at this ruse. So I cannot think on my feet, ha! Cant improvise; take that Shen, he thought.


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Ok, thats enough, get out of there before she sees through you, Shen instructed her companion, let's not overplay our hand. Feral agreed even though he felt he had just now managed to sink his teeth into this role, and he gave the performance of his life. Everyones a critic, he thought back as he started to retreat to the tree line. Megaera seemed to regain her composure, and with a shriek followed Feral. Shen screamed in her friends mind, shes coming for you! Feral did not think twice, he rarely did, he rarely thought once. Spider monkey it is, he laughed and vanished into a small ball of fur and limbs with a cocky monkey scream. He swung himself into the nearest tree and watched the infuriated Fury float past below him in hasty pursuit. Later, he thought, see you soon.


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The gold and the black fighters disturbed the air only slightly as they sliced a path towards Australia. The radio remained silent as Throm and Phalin contemplated the impossible task ahead of them. They had to make a detour high in the Alps for Throm to charge Mjolnir, just in case they needed to fight. The hammer seemed to be their only defence at this time. Phalin did not enjoy this excursion into the mountaintops and stayed inside her mothers fighter for the duration. The loud booming noise and flashes of lighting disturbed any chance of catching a few winks. Throm enjoyed himself immensely charging the amazing hammer of Thors lineage. The noise, accompanied by the mammoth task that lay ahead of them, caused her mood to sour noticeably by the time her friend rejoined her, and they could continue on their journey. Now as they continued their silent flight into the unknown, an intense feeling of despair slowly replaced the irritability. She appreciated the radio silence as she suspected she might snap at Throm should he decide to strike up a conversation. Fortunately, the mindcom did not come alive thus far and the two occupied themselves in contemplating their misery free from distraction. She missed her mother. She missed her advice and her strength; she always knew what to do, what was right.


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Her mother had a hard life living under Sharins rule, which ended in the fight to regain the throne the Dark El stole from them. She did not have all the amazing opportunities Phalin had, studying under the wisest tutors in the galaxy, the training with the best teachers in combat and weaponry, and how to rule. Yet she always knew what to do, and always had the right answers. Phalin was afraid. Afraid she would let her mother down, her race down, her friends down. She had so much pressure on her sixteen-year-old shoulders. She absentmindedly fingered the bow of Odin, the symbol of power for her entire race. Phalin linked her ships controls to Throms ship. Her ship would now follow him wherever he went. She sighed deeply and then assumed the position used for El battle meditation, controlling her breathing and emptying her mind. Phalin went into a deep trance, used to gain combat focus by her race. Her mindcom projecting Throms voice shook her from her abstraction. We are close, he broadcast. The Australian coastline came into view and the duo set their scanners. I would suggest that we calibrate our scanners to detect population density and do sampling at one second intervals for sudden decline in numbers, Phalin remarked feeling the time had


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arrived to attempt forming a plan. At least her mind felt focussed thanks to the meditation. Sounds good, Throm concurred sharing his companions lack of enthusiasm. Silence again followed as they calibrated their scanners. We do not have a plan do we? Throm interjected. Not as such my friend, but we do have a duty to perform and a planet depending on our success, Phalin attempted a brave attitude, but realised that at this moment their mission would have no chance of success. She wished she and Throm could shield their minds from the probe of the Fury as their friends could, even though she knew that, it would not have mattered. She would never lie, and neither would Throm, not even to an abomination. Ghmphf, was all the dwarf could muster. Another few moments of uncomfortable silence followed. I wish our parent were here, they would know what to do, Throm continued. Possibly, but they are unfortunately not here at present, thus this foreboding task lies squarely on our shoulders, Phalin replied stiffly. Ghmphf, Throm expressed a second time. Throm, it is not like you to give up, we have the blood of Thor and Sif flowing through our veins. We will prevail. We will succeed. You have to believe that my friend. Without our belief in ourselves we have no hope. As soon as Phalin uttered these words, she knew. She just knew that she would know what to do when the time comes. That she and Throm, while having the impossible odds


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that no gambler would bet on, stacked against them, they also had the lineage of kings and the destiny of heroes in their blood. Throm knew this too. Phalin was right. Throm knew she was right, but still, they had no plan. Throms scanner beeped. Found something, downtown Sydney according to the GPS maps the Valkr uploaded, he informed his elven friend. Once they had their scanners focussed on the relevant area, both were shocked at the rapid decrease in life. By Odins beard, this is horrifying, the usually composed elf girl felt the dread well up inside her. Lets go, Throm proposed without much conviction since they still had no idea how to stop the monster. As was the case with most heroic moments, and last minute events that would save the day, after the suspense had built and doom seemed inevitable, the mindcom beeped. Hi guys, Shen wants to speak to us, the urgent sound of Blades voice entered their minds. Shen youre on, he announced hastily. Shens clear calm voice entered their thoughts bringing a slight feeling of euphoria with it. Phalin always admired this trait in the girl. The tranquillity and cool calculated objectivity, which she would inject into a situation when they faced insurmountable odds, baffled the mind. Shen was Ark, a race not admired for many things, since they collected more than invented, and as such were rather boring.


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They were practical, useful, constructive, essential beings make no mistake, but they were not leaders, they did not exude destiny, purpose or any other of the qualities so admired by dwarfs, elves and mages. The stigma of millennia clinging to her race, was an exceedingly tough burden to bear and even harder to overcome. Arks though respected were never revered. Shen was. Storm and Blade did not judge the way generations of El, Dwar and Aesir caused her, Throm and Feral to see the Arks. Maybe that is why Shen was different, because she saw herself through the non-criticising, non-racial, unbiased eyes of the twins. Allowing Shen to reach her full potential free from the limitation society forced upon her, by expecting her to be, well, an Ark. This seemingly timid creature had more spirit than the rest of them put together. She was the heart of this team. Phalin felt a sudden pang of shame that she never told her friend this. She made a mental note that if they should survive this that she need to tell Shen just how important she is to all of them. Phalin snapped back to reality. Greetings my dear friends, Shen said feeling a little proud of what she was about to divulge to her friends. Feral and I made some quite startling discoveries on our trip to Colombia, which brings with it some good news and some very disturbing news.


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Firstly the bad news, electricity does not harm these creatures, they feed on it, Shen waited for a moment while a collective intake of breathe happened over the mindcom. They are like the Lamies, vampires of sorts, only they satisfy their demonic needs by draining a person from synaptic essence and not life essence? Shen continued her explanation. Huh? Throm said. They drink a humans electrical impulses not blood, Feral translated. Oh, Throm replied sheepishly. Yes my friends, and thus our plan of attacking them with electricity will not work, we will only make them stronger, Shen explained, but now for the good news. Feral and I also discovered their weakness. Shen again waited while a collective sigh of relief came from her friends. Water, Shen said, This seem to drain them of their electrical energy. But how did you discover this? Throm asked. Ah story time, Feral said, May I tell it, please, please Shen. Sure go ahead, Shen sighed mocking her overeager friend. Well it was a beautiful sunny day. The birds were singing. Monkeys were happily chasing each other through the trees. There were buzzing and chirping coming from every corner of the dense green rain forest floor. We followed the trail of destruction with steely determination, focused on the incredible task at hand, knowing that we were rushing towards our certain demise FERAL! Get to the point! Throm screamed, We have people dying here and no idea how to stop the Fury.


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Ok, ok, Feral replied crestfallen, we saw the fury get splashed with water by a kid. She was in pain while electricity drained from her body. I turned into Tisiphone and confronted her for killing an innocent. I was going to tell our sister Alecto and destroy her. The end, Feral said in a dull monotonous tone. That was brilliant Feral. Well done to you and Shen for your quick thinking and stunning observation skills, Blade remarked to which Feral immediately felt a lot happier. Well I have to confess it was Shen who deduced that they drank electricity and she also figured out that water was their weakness, Feral admitted, but I helped, he quickly added to not minimize his effort in the heroic tale. Fantastic work Shen, but it does throw all our plans out the window, he added annoyed. Yes it does, Shen remarked, but it does present another way to destroy them, which would perhaps be a little less dramatic but a lot more effective. It also gave us the perfect way to lure all the furies back to the gate. Hmmm, please continue, Blade advised not quite following the Arken girl. Well firstly, all Throm and Phalin has to do is convince Tisiphone that her sister killed an innocent, and tell her where her sister is heading. Yes! Throm shouted immensely relieved that they now had a plan. Thank you. Thank you so much my dear friend, Phalin added feeling the same relief flowing over her. My pleasure, Shen smiled in their minds.


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Secondly my plan to destroy them is to flood the gate room while Throm and Feral absorbs the electricity they discharge. Can you do that Throm, Feral? Blade asked. Sure no problem, Feral said, its simply reversing the spell. From my side too, Throm added, all have to do is empty Mjolnir and we are good to go. How will we flood the gate room? Phalin asked. Oh leave that to me, Storm said. She had a tinge of mystery hidden in her voice, which she made sure the others heard. She also had a good plan but did not want to spoil the surprise. Blade saw the glint in his sisters eyes, and knew he was not going to get anything out of her before she was ready to give up her secret. He also knew it was probably going to get him into trouble. Well guys, good luck and see you at the gate room as soon as possible, he said to the team, oh, Shen and Feral, I just wanted to say super work, yet again. The new generation of up and coming heroes said their goodbyes, while Throm and Phalin hurried to catch up with Tisiphone. It did not take them long to find the Fury. Neither of them felt any need for stealth. They simply landed their fighters in front of her approach blocking her path. What is the meaning of this! she screamed as the two heroes emerged from their fighters, and the thunderous noise from their fighters engines had died down. I think youve done enough killing for one day of humans at least, Throm proclaimed menacingly.


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Watch your tongue dwarf, Tisiphone shrieked, you have no idea whom you are dealing with. Oh I have a very good idea you murdering hell bitch, he breathed not loud enough for her to hear. Tisiphone would not have noticed in any event as a fully charged Mjolnir distracted her. What wondrous object is this? Such power, she thought, with that we would never need to drink from these humans again. She licked her lips. Tisiphone, we come bearing unfortunate news regarding your sister Megaera, Phalin interrupted the Furys fixation in her high Elven tongue as was bestowed upon the descendants of Sif. It magically captivated any audience in its harmonious presentation, and took the recipient on a peaceful yet attentive journey. Speak Elf, Tisiphone commanded her attention for the moment torn from the hammer. Phalin continued unabated. Members of our fellowship witnessed your sister committing the unspeakable act of taking the life of an innocent child, whose only crime was that of being a child, Phalin expressed in the same elven tone. I do not believe you, Tisiphone objected defiantly. Search the centres of my mind where you detect unlawful behaviour. Lying is to an El a crime of the highest magnitude, on my word as a princess of the noble house of El, Phalin decreed unwaveringly.


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You are telling the truth Elf, Tisiphone remarked, after a moment where she displayed a puzzled expressions followed by disbelief and then intense anger. Where is she? the Fury spat. On her way to the eye of the gods to meet up with Alecto presumably to influence her before you arrive, Phalin continued. I will go at once, Tisiphone said already drifting off. Farewell Fury, Phalin said, but know this, we do not agree with your self-appointed charge, and we will do everything in our power to put an end to this needless slaughter of human life. We are now, and forever will be, mortal enemies. Tisiphone spared a backward glance but said nothing as she disappeared into the distance. Her thoughts now occupied by her sister as much as the hammer whose immense power drew her like a moth to a billion watt light bulb. Throm burst with pride at his dearest friend, you were magnificent your majesty, he half jested and was rewarded with a regal smile from the gorgeous elf-girl. Shall we join our comrades? Phalin asked. For damn sure, his booming laughter filled the street. A Few grateful Australian people stared appreciatively as the light from the fighters engines vanished in the distance.


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The El fighter gracefully touched down in the hanger bay of New Valhalla. The Valkr honour guard stood at attention as Ricci and Gemmi exited the fighter, and a huge cheer erupted as if someone gave a silent command. A medical team hovered at the bottom of the stairs to the fighter, anxiously awaiting their small charge. I want an update on his condition every 10 minutes, do you understand? Gemmi ordered the lead physician. She nodded and rushed off after the medics who were running towards the medical centre with the little creature. Carra greeted her leader with a mixture of delight and relief. My lady, we are all overjoyed at your return, she said and had to fight the urge to hug Gemmi. Gemmi smiled and enfolded Carra in a tight embrace. It is wonderful to be back and I love what youve done with the place, Gemmi answered. I think you need to fill me in on what happened immediately, Gemmi continued. Hey is no one glad to see me? Ricci asked sourly. Of course we are princess, Carra smiled and gave Ricci a hug as well. Ok, ok, enough of the soppy nonsense, Ricci grinned a tired grin and ignored the hunger pains, lets get down to business. Would you not like to eat first, Carra inquired. Ok youve twisted my arm, Ricci laughed.


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As they ate, Carra descended into a long retelling of Typhon, the dark entity that enslaved Ricci and Gemmi. How Sharin duped Angel and the rest into going through the gate. About the Olympian Gods that now infest New Valhalla. How it sent the Hydras into disarray when Typhon returned to Olympus. About the Lamie vampires that helped Sharin and Typhon. How the kids went after the Furies and Angel and the crew went after Sharin. Carra intentionally left out the part where Angel almost died. Blade and Storm are here? Ricci winched. Yes princess, Carra said shying away just in case. And Angel let them stay? Ricci ground her teeth. Again, yes. He thought they were old enough to take on the responsibility of solving a problem they created, Carra explained, mindful of Riccis sword arm hovering dangerously close to Dragonfang. Have you heard from them? Ricci asked with a deep scowl. We are in constant contact with them princess, and they proved to be quite resourceful and imaginative in their approach. Ricci looked slightly more relaxed, so they are safe? Yes my lady, they have a well thought out plan to deal with the Furies. We have the utmost confidence in their success, Carra lied. The kids are well trained and have common sense, they will be fine Ricci, Gemmi encouraged her concerned friend. You know the problem with common sense is most people are morons. Especially that fool husband of mine who let them stay, Ricci growled. Well, moving on, Gemmi said before Ricci could continue her cross-examination of the beleaguered Carra.


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I have another concern. Where to find the demon who imprisoned me, Gemmi felt the hatred boil inside her when she thought of what he did to her and Loser. He is, as I said, on the other side of the eye of the gods, my lady, Carra explained. Can we go after him? Ricci asked. Yes my lady with the help of the gods, but he is indestructible, absolutely unbeatable. Your husband and his crew barely escaped last time. Ricci seemed unfazed. I dont care, Ricci exclaimed, I am going after him. Gemmi nodded. Carra prepare a team of Gentari, we are going after Typhon, Gemmi commanded. What about Loser? Carra asked, hoping this would dissuade Gemmi from her mad quest. Yes, he would have been a great help but he has already done much more than could ever be expected of him. He will be safe here. Let him rest, Gemmi hesitantly answered, knowing that without Loser their quest had very little chance of success. The hatred was unfortunately burning so bright and the thought of revenge all consuming. This monster almost killed my best friend, I will find a way to make him pay, she thought. Well then I suggest you rest now, Carra gave in, I will ask Zeus to accompany you, he has been aching to get out of New Valhalla. Both Gemmi and Ricci were desperate for a soft bed after having spent that long in a cramped fighter. Neither put up a fight


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at this suggestion. They happily walked off in silence both deep in thought. Gemmis thoughts were with Loser and Ricci was contemplating what she was going to do to her husband when she catches up with him. How could he place the twins in such jeopardy? If they get themselves killed, I am going to kill them, she thought bitterly. A few short hours later, eight Valkr fighters, Gyrfalcon1 and the El fighter left New Valhalla. Zeus, although quite happy to get out, nevertheless sulked about the fact that he had to be a door attendant, while the others were going to have all the fun. Even after Carra earlier in the day reminded him that chances were very good that none of them would return alive, this did nothing to suppress his desire to go out in one great blaze of glory. I still know a few tricks, Zeus had explained smiling. Heres one for you, Ricci snarled, play dead. But I can help, Zeus shouted. You did a bang up job last time sparky, Ricci sneered turning to the screen behind her. She had heard the story of her husbands near demise only a short while ago from one of the other Valkr, and it remained vivid in her mind. Who the hell do you? Zeus began, but Ricci interrupted him.

Gyrfalcon was originally Freyjas fighter given to her by her brother Freyr. Freya created the Valkr. Only a descendant from the house of Freyja could pilot it, thus Gemmi was the only person able to. The ship looked like a falcon, an incredibly large falcon but a falcon nonetheless with claws, beak and tail. This made it very useful in recon missions where it would be mistaken for a bird.


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Tell me, is being stupid a profession where you come from or are you just naturally gifted, Ricci asked. You insolent..., Zeus began but did not finish. I am really busy now; can I ignore you some other time? Ricci spat. Zeus started to unsheathe a lightning bolt but saw Gemmi furiously shaking her head with wide eyes, which silently screamed at him, dont do anything that rivalled shoving a lit firecracker in your ear. He slowly let it go. Good move, it would have been very hard to go potty with a lightning bolt shoved up your arse, Ricci said while still intently studying the screen in front of her, come to think of it, I do need a new nightlight, maybe we should see how it works out for you, she mocked the hapless god. Zeus stormed out. Why so mean? Gemmi asked when Zeus was out of earshot. Oh, we just have some religious differences, he thinks he is a god, and I dont, Ricci said before her demeanour became serious. Truth is Gems, I have a feeling that one way or another that old fool is going to get us killed. I just cannot shake the feeling that he is trouble. His arrogant talk is writing cheques his body, and mind cannot cash. Every time I look at him, I get this foreboding feeling I just cant explain it. You dont have to princess, I get the same feeling, but we need him. Yep, thats why he is still breathing, Ricci replied. Gems had a feeling that Ricci was not kidding.


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Gemmi spend most of the flight time interrogating Zeus on Typhon. Unfortunately, she learned nothing new, and the mission got more ominous with every new question answered. According to the god, there was no known way to defeat Typhon. Last time we were close to death and he caught us by surprise, Gemmi thought, this time he will feel the full force of the Brisingamen jewel and two minds behind it. We might not be able to attack his body but his mind is uncharted territory, and we have a very good idea what to expect this time. Even these thoughts provided little comfort, but it gave her some hope and this was enough to keep her rage fuelled. They landed a little way off from the castle and set up a cloaking device around the fighters, which would shield them from observers. The Valkr moved like ghosts towards the castle, and they would have been near invisible, had it not been for the geriatric swearing god following them. Zeus made enough noise to scare a goat in the next county from producing milk. Impressive, Gemmi said as they stood in front of the eye of the gods. Not really, Ricci smirked, Ive got a bigger mirror in my room on Arken. Really...? And does your entire ego fit? Gemmi asked with a huge smile on her face. Hmmm, now how am I going to explain to Loser that his best friend had a fatal accident? Ricci grinned dangerously. Gemmi smiled but said nothing further. She knew when not to push her luck with the obstinate princess.


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Ricci turned to Zeus. Sit Stay! she commanded as if talking to a naughty puppy before she entered the gate. Why you arrogant whelp Zeus shouted, but Gemmis stern look cut short his rant. I would not go there if I were you Zeus, she explained, you might be ruler of one world, but she rules thousands, and if she decided to stand on her own and declare war on those thousands of worlds. Trust me, they would probably surrender, and then move to another uncharted galaxy just in case. Take my word for it. Zeus opened his mouth to say something sarcastic but managed a quick glance around him at the fearful expressions on the Gentaris faces. He thought better of it and sat down, mumbling to himself. Nine silent figures disappeared through the gate, following Ricci.


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Bruxa felt ill, but it was a strange ill. Her stomach turned, which was another incongruity since Lamies had no stomach. Even though they had canines to puncture the jugular, and they then swallow the blood, it did not end up in a stomach. The blood collected in a blood sack that fed directly into the Lamies heart. A heart that now beat uncontrollably, and it ached and it longed. It longed for the hairy little man, with the big hammer. Bruxa need to think clearly. The mistress has tasked Bruxa. We cannot fail the mistress. Mistress trusts Bruxa, she thought trying to gather herself into concentrating on her charge. He is so strong, so determined; a real man, and he called Bruxa a lady no, no, Bruxa has work to do. Almost a week had passed since she and her sisters stowed away on this supply ship, and have systematically killed all the crew, after they wrecked the ships communications. Time dragged on and it would be another day before they reached Thessaloniki shipping port in Greece. Lamia trusted her with the plan. Bruxa felt proud that Lamia trusted her so much, but why did she feel that it was wrong. All her life she wanted her mistress to return, it was her dream, her vision, to one day restore Lamia to the Lamie throne, and then to serve her queen. However, what Lamia wanted to do, it was evil. It would not be what her love would want. Her love was good. He would not


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approve, but this was her mistresss bidding, he would understand. Bruxa must do this. Bruxa has no choice. Bruxa watched the stars from where she laid on her hammock the stars are pretty, wonder why I never noticed before.


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You want to do what? Blade yelled with a desperate gawk in the direction of his sister. Sink mothers ship, Storm laughed. Are you insane? Come on brother; this ship can withstand space and I heard mom talk of surfing magma flows with it. What is the chance that a bit of water will harm it? Storm teased. Blade thought about this for a moment. Im right arent I? Storm asked her brother with a smile still playing on her lips. Suppose so, but this is all on you, Blade wagged his middle finger, if anything happens to Sleipnir you are explaining it to mom. A sudden look of fear passed over Storms cute but naughty face, followed by that ever-present glint in her eye and crooked smile she inherited from her father. Blade knew he was going get the blame. No matter what happened she would find a way to make him look like the guilty party. So we seal the inside of the cargo bay. We teleport the ship under water, open the outer cargo bay door, and flood Sleipnir. Then we simply teleport out of the water, Storm explained gesturing as she did. Her mothers ship Sleipnir had the ability to teleport short distances. It remained a strange looking ship, even with the eight legs it walked on, currently seamlessly folded away in the belly of


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the ship. The ship was broad and flat and shaped into a fin at the back with short stubby wings adorning the sides. It looked like a fish, at least according to Storm. Unbeknownst to the twins the ships design included the ability to travel under water using its legs as propulsion. This detail had unfortunately not been revealed in the tales their mother had told them, giving way to their current dilemma. This fact however was not going to deter Storm in executing her brilliant plan. Blade sighed, Lets do it. Storm winked at her brother as her hands blurred over the controls of Sleipnir. They were hovering over a lake not too far from the castle in Transylvania. The outside distorted for a moment followed by the inky blackness of the water in the lake. Opening the outside cargo bay doors, Storm announced with fingers crossed. Cargo bay full, Blade returned as the sensors measuring the contents of the cargo bay showed it reached its capacity. Teleporting now, Storm confirmed before the outside blurred again, and they were inside the storm clouds hanging in low formation over the lake. All indicators are in the green, were good, Storm smiled. Blade looked noticeably relieved. Since nothing went visibly wrong, she would probably boast of her brilliant plan, and get herself into hot water with mom if something was wrong with Sleipnir. All he had to do now was to shut-up, and ensure his sister gets all the credit.


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A faint shudder gently rocked the ship as Storm pointed it in the direction of the castle and set off. It was a gloomy morning outside the castle walls. Dark clouds have been ominously hanging overhead since they arrived, and a storm seemed sure to break soon. This would surely put a damper on their plans, as they furies would sooner hole up somewhere than brave the rain. Shen and Feral had watch duty outside the castle and monitored the entrance closely. They had observed Alecto and Tisiphone enter in the last couple of hours but no sign of Megaera. In addition, Throm and Phalin have not yet arrived, but that was understandable since Throm had to discharge Mjolnir completely. For this, he needed a lot of empty space and a lot of time. Mjolnir stored a lot of energy, and he did not have a lot of time. Unfortunately, the only empty space, empty enough for a fully charged Mjolnir not to destroy anything of any real importance that someone might miss, like the planet earth for instance, was preferably not to be on said planet. It was conceivable therefore that the new moon that appeared around Saturn that day, was in fact the work of the amazing hammer. Deniability however remained quite uncomplicated since security cameras were not as abundant on Saturn as say the New York Stock Exchange. Wonder what they are doing in there? Feral asked Shen. Not our concern, as long as they do not leave, Shen answered. Probably fighting over who is the leader, and who should punish Megaera, Feral suggested.


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Well those clouds looks heavy with rain, so get your rain dance ready just in case those two lose interest and try to leave. Oh Ive got something much better, Feral replied with a glint in his metallic eyes, Ive got a spell that will vibrate the air inside the clouds and make them shed their load. Good, Shen said without any emotion. Feral growled in his own mind at the unappreciative Ark with no understanding of his immense creativity and magical prowess. That spell he suggested was ninth circle, and he had only just ascended to an eighth circle mage, the youngest ever to do so. Most mages aspire, but rarely become eighth circle mages in an entire lifetime of trying. I swear Id get more interest performing to an audience of manikins, he thought to himself. Feral was first to spot the approaching Sleipnir, mostly because he was relaxing and looking the wrong way. Ok guys, we have two out of three inside, he told the twins. Great, well get in position so long, Storm acknowledged. She started scanning the area above the gate room but was met with only disappointed. Sleipnir could not fit into the room above the gate. Blade peered over her shoulder, look sis, the room to the right has a tunnel running down into the cavern above the gate room, if we teleport in facing north the cargo doors will open into the passage and flood the room above the gate. Storm gave her brother a huge grin and punched his shoulder. The blow rattled Blades teeth and he was sure she dislocated his shoulder. Dammit sis, he yelled while rubbing his shoulder.


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Aw, did the whittle gurl hurt her bwig bwothe? she grinned and started setting the teleporter controls. Moments later, they disappeared and reappeared in a dark room. In position, she told Shen. Affirmative, I will give the signal when you need to release the water, Shen replied. She brimmed with confidence after her encounter with the Fury. Blade smiled at his sister, they both noticed the change, and were both proud of their friend. Awaiting your signal and good luck to you and Feral, Blade answered. Shen did worry though, since Megaera still had not arrived and the rain seemed imminent. Their plan would be for naught if not all the Furies were present. The next half hour passed without incident, followed by two cloaked fighters landing a little way off from Shen and Feral. They appeared almost invisible to the naked eye and were it not for the two watchers expecting the arrival of these fighters it would have gone unnoticed. The cloaking device not only made the fighters invisible but also removed the engine noise, which it did by creating white noise with a frequency the exact opposite to the noise of the engines and thus cancelling it completely. Anything...? Shen heard the gruff dwarven voice coming from the brush behind her. Two down, Megaera to go, she responded. The elf and the dwarf took up position alongside their friends. You two take a break, well take the next watch, Throm suggested.


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Thanks little buddy, Feral gladly accepted feeling as if his eyes were going to fall out of its sockets from all the strain. His words spoken in the minds of his friends had hardly dissipated before the light became even gloomier and the already chilly air became positively frozen. The demonic silhouette of the Fury floated from the brush not 30 paces from where the kids hid. It swiftly floated towards the castle, her concern for the approaching storm more than that of facing her sisters. The Fury hovered at the huge wooden doors for a moment before disappearing into the castle. Let us proceed before they regain their balance and come to some agreement, Phalin suggested. The four heroes cautiously followed their prey into the bowels of the castle. An intense argument had already ensued as they arrived in the gate room. The furies carefully studied each other for any aggressive moves, so much so that they did not even notice the children appearing in the room. Ehem, Phalin cleared her throat. The Furies fell silent and turned to face the kids. What, Alecto started, but a determined elven princess interrupted her. You have been found guilty of crimes against humanity, Phalin spoke in the crisp clear voice of a judge, for your crimes there can be only one punishment. At the same moment as Phalin began her verdict, Shen sent a telepathic message to the twins to release the water.


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Water released, just give it a few seconds Shen. We will be joining you guys as soon as our cargo bay is empty, Blade replied eager not to miss any of the action. Ha! Tisiphone responded, who are you to judge us elf? Yes and leave us immediately, we have no time for your meddling, Alecto screeched. Make time demon! Throm sneered, we are not going anywhere. Feral knew what came next and he watched Shen attentively, but could have sworn he never saw her move but nonetheless a tachyon cannon round hit the roof of the gate room. Utter chaos followed. Water streamed through the now non-existent roof. The Furies uttered blood-curdling screams as electricity flowed from them. Throm and Feral struggled to keep up with absorbing the enormous amount of voltage discharged by the Furies. Fortunately, Shen and Phalin managed to find high ground safe from the charged water. The twins joined them to watch the spectacle. What, no popcorn? Storm joked. Feral started to glow and Mjolnir screamed with the strain of so much energy entering it, but it had become used to a lot more and absorbed everything that came its way with ease. Things were going well... but then... someone must have thought something in the line of We can do this or what can possibly go wrong now. This is of course the long recognized cue for the universe to prove that person wrong. Thus, without warning, a lightning bolt crashed into Tisiphone. No! Throm screamed as he realized what happened.


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Zeus threw bolts as fast as his arthritis-ridden limbs allowed. The Furies, with enough of their life force restored by Zeus, and since the waterfall had stopped, managed to lift themselves above the water covering the floor of the room. The water rapidly draining through the huge cracks in the ancient floor and it was obvious to the onlookers that their ploy had failed miserably. The Furies howled in unison and immediately started draining the electrical energy from the bodies of Zeus and the heroes. Feral looked around at his friends dying. He alone remained unaffected by the Furys attack as his life energy was purely magical, and he had no electrical energy except for that which he had absorbed earlier in his body. Please stop, he screams into the Furies minds as he watched his unconscious friends and their life force fast slipping away. We will stop only if you give us that hammer, Tisiphone shrieked pointing at Mjolnir. Impossible, only a descendant of Thor can lift it, Feral cried, please I beg you stop killing my friends. We need their energy to live. They tried to kill us. We have just cause. We will not stop, Alecto replied. Wait! Please just wait a minute, I have another solution, Feral screamed and rushed from the gate room. Feral ran, as fast as his legs could carry him. Outside, there, Throms fighter, he thought. Where is it, he screamed as he frantically searched the cockpit. He was getting desperate. Relief flooded over him as he found what he was looking for in a compartment below the back seat.


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He rushed back, bursting into the gate room immensely relieved to see the Furies had not started feeding on his unconscious friends again. Here, he screamed holding Throms hammer in his outstretched arm towards Alecto. He just prayed that his friend would forgive him for giving away the hammer he had since childhood. He shuddered, probably not. There is a condition though, Feral said pulling back the hammer from the eager arms of the Fury. You are in no position to make demands mage, Tisiphone scorned through pursed lips. Then, see it as a mutual beneficial arrangement, as you do not know how to recharge the hammer when it runs dry, Feral remarked slyly. Speak mage, and be quick about it. We are still quite famished. You will return to Olympus when I give you the hammer and swear never to return to Earth, Feral demanded, and added as a bonus incentive, you will be much happier there anyway since it never rains and here on this planet it constantly does. Your request is acceptable; now tell us how to recharge the hammer, Tisiphone answered after sharing glances with her sisters. You hit any rock formation with it. The hammer will absorb the energy released and recharge itself, Feral explained, quite pleased with his persuasion skills. Thats it? Then give it here so we may go, Alecto spat. What about my friends? Feral asked concerned.


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They will be fine in a few hours. We did not completely drain them. They will probably make a full recovery, Tisiphone said absentmindedly without much conviction, eagerly fondling the hammer. She waved at her sisters to follow her and disappeared through the gate. It lonely wait followed for Feral as he tried to make his friends as comfortable as possible. Shen was first to recover, as her alien physiology was slightly less dependent on electrical energy than her humanoid friends were. Phalin and Throm awoke shortly after and then Zeus. The twins showed no signs of recovery. Lets get them to New Valhalla. Phalin remarked as she gathered Storm in her arms. If they had just stayed in the fighter, then this fate would not have befallen them, she thought to herself. Zeus began to say something, but the eye of the gods unmistakable shimmer, which indicated its activation, interrupted him. Heads up, Throm said readying Mjolnir, theyre coming back. Feral and Shen took up defensive positions next to him. Feral cursed himself for not thinking of removing the old god earlier. Throm was sure he heard the old god say, Oh shit!, but dismissed this as a reaction to the Furies return. Ricci emerged first, quickly followed by Gemmi and the Gentari. She was irritated as hell, following their fruitless search of Olympus. They had found Typhons trail immediately after exiting the gate and started to hunt him.


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They followed him as he headed towards Erabus, but also noticed a trail coming back and rather followed that. This trail ended on the battlefield where they lost it for a while. The Gentari picked up the trail again a few hundred yards away and followed it to the gate. Riccis annoyance stemmed from the fact that they did not notice this on their arrival. She became even more infuriated when there was no trail leaving the gate again, which means he found a way back to earth. Unless... no, he could not be that insane. The geriatric voltage boy would not let Typhon through just so he could fight him and go out in a blaze of glory. She gave her eyes a moment to adjust to the gloom in the chamber. What the? she began, but immediately noticed her unconscious children. She ran without thinking, scooping Blade up in her arms and throwing him over her shoulder in one movement. She roughly grabbed Storm from Phalin, slinging her over her other shoulder. She ran. She could sense her childrens minds through the Brisingamen jewel in Dragonfang and what she saw made her run even faster. They were dying. Their minds fading fast. She knew she had to get them back to New Valhalla and the restoration chambers there. It might be their only chance. Shen spoke into her mind, Sleipnir is on the level directly above you. She did not bother to thank her but veered into the tunnel to her right and ascended. Where is it? Where is it? She repeated to herself.


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Shen realised that it would not be that easy to find and spoke again, follow the water. What? Riccis agitated thought came back. However, before Shen had the opportunity to explain, a simple Oh! projected into her mind. Ricci ran into the mud stream and followed it to her fighter. She unceremoniously dumped Blade and Storm into two cockpit chairs as her hands raced over the controls. The ship disappeared, and travelled at top speed towards New Valhalla while still emerging from the teleport. If they die she spoke aloud. At that exact same moment, Gemmi who had heard the story from Phalin said the exact same thing. If they die Zeus I would suggest you kill yourself before she gets hold of you, and then kill your spirit too, because she will follow you into the House of Hades. The children and Valkr left swiftly, leaving the beleaguered god far behind. Tamara, go fetch him, Gemmi said when they reached their fighters, Id love to leave him here, but it might be better to watch that old fool, before he does something else even more ludicrous. On second thought Tamara, I think you should convince him to go through the gate. I will radio ahead to New Valhalla and get them to move the rest of the gods to a safe location until we can bring them through the eye. This might be the only way to stop princess Ricci if anything should happened to the twins. Shen, would you be kind enough to bring back Riccis El Fighter? Gemmi asked the little Arken girl.


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With pleasure, Shen replied in her unemotional tone and strode off towards where the El fighter stood. A scattered procession left for the Valkr base. The mindcom beeped in Gemmis cockpit shortly after she had given her orders to the Valkr in New Valhalla. We have rounded up the gods and they are safely on a transport to an undisclosed location. We also made sure that the crew chose a safe house at random. It does not appear in any of our archives. I do not even know where it is and neither does anyone else here. The crew will make contact every few hours to receive orders, but other than that there is no way to contact them, the hesitant Valkr voice came over the communicator. So there is no one for Ricci to torture, good, Gemmi acknowledged. Yes, but But what Carra...? Gemmi asked. We cant find Apollo my lady, he must have wandered off again, Carra relayed the news of the missing god. What do you mean wandered off again? Gemmi asked. You see my lady; Apollo has an extreme Alzheimer condition. Most of the time he has no idea where he is and the rest of the time he is either pretty sure he has no idea who he is or when he is. But he is still on the base? Gemmi asked. We have search teams scouring the entire base as we speak my lady. We also know not to let princess Ricci know there is still a god here on New Valhalla, Carra replied anxiously. A few seconds of radio silence followed.


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Carra thought Gemmi had gone off the air when Gemmis thoughts came back into her mind. On second thought Carra, have all the gods moved through the eye as soon as the transport crew makes contact. And find Apollo and send him through as well, then at least no one can open that cursed thing again, Gemmi responded. As you wish my lady, Carra acknowledged.


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The only sound coming from the dank dark sewer tunnels were the shuffling of little feet. The smell would have been unbearable for even the most hardened of scavenger rats, but for these creatures, the smell was that of safety. Almost a week has gone by since they docked in Greece and left on their quest across Bulgaria. They travelled in sewers and tunnels when possible, or skulked in the shadows by day, and ran endlessly by night Bruxa cleverly left the Captain of the ship alive, even though he remained under duress, to ensure that the ships presence does not raise questions. A Few of her sisters carefully watched his every move, while the rest now followed behind Bruxa. Her thoughts went back to the one who stole her heart. He was all she could no wanted to think about on her seemingly endless journey. She thought about his strength, his righteous heart, and she wanted to be like him, for him. How could she? Bruxa must do this; so Lamia could fulfil her plan; her terrible plan. Bruxa shed a silent tear. Bruxa understand the dark master forcing Bruxa and Bruxas sisters to do unspeakable evil. However, this is Bruxas mistress, why would she want Bruxa to do such terrible things. The image of the one she loved filled her mind once more and brought warmth to her heart. The conflict between the love for one, and devotion to another, tore the little creature to shreds inside.


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He will understand, my little dwarf man who is bigger than the Sphinx and more powerful than a mountain will understand he will understand he must Bruxa cried again in silence.


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The El fighters arrived through the gate into UGE space almost seven days after Skibladne. Their leader instantly opened a channel to the UGE lords ship. We have entered UGE space, my Queen, the commanders thoughts reached Laidin over the mindcom. Impeccable timing commander, I need you to proceed to Elheimr with all possible haste. Secure the planet against possible renegade attacks from Dwar, but rather use dissuasion than brute force where possible. I also need you to detain every one of Sharins kin that attempt to leave Elheimr, Laidin commanded. My queen, the puzzled thoughts faded away. The commander knew nothing of the war that had erupted between the El and Dwar, but he would never question his queens orders. The El fighters turned towards Elheimr, and went to maximum burn. One confused El pilot seemed to hesitate. Then he seemed to make up his mind quite suddenly, or rather something made up his mind for him. The rest of the squadron did not notice a lone El fighter breaking off and head in a completely different direction. A direction, which would by the calculations of an Ark genius take it on the same bearing as the subspace transmission between the commander and Laidin.


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In a very different part of UGE space, on the other side of afore mentioned subspace transmission, Skibladne arrived just in time to witness an epic battle. The Aesir flagship, bathed in a swarm of angry little Minot, Sat and Cent fighters. A quick scan from Skibladne confirmed that the Aesir Battle Cruisers shields were almost gone. Trist, this is Angel, come in please, Angel spoke into the mindcom. My lord, good to hear your voice, a familiar friends thoughts entered his mind. Everything ok down there? Angel asked. Yes, my lord. Sharin did not have time to fire the weapon. We were keeping her occupied and out of range till you arrived, Trist replied. Appreciate it, Angel smiled, he did not want the cruiser destroyed just yet. Skibladne, any sign of them? he asked the ship of wonders. #No my lord, I have scanned the entire ship. There is no sign of princess Ricci, Gemmi or Loser aboard the vessel. They must still be on Queen Laidins cruiser# Tell your fighters to pull back a bit Trist. I dont want them caught in Skibladnes attack. Will do my lord, Trist acknowledged. Angel reset the mindcom again to the frequency of the cruiser. Whats up Sharin? Having a bad day? he jested. #$^$#*^@@$, was the only response. We found Teral and Brom, after you destroyed Nidavellir, Angel snarled.


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You are lying? I made sure no despicable Dwar survived on that planet, Sharin rasped. Where is my wife? Angel asked with contempt, ignoring her remark. On Svartalfheimr, being tortured by the royal El. Too bad you will never find her, Sharin taunted him. #she is lying, my lord. Stress levels in her voice indicates she has no idea where the princess is# Angel nodded, that at least was good news. Surrender now, he commanded. I dont know how you got here, and how you survived, or how you managed to get through the gate, but I am glad. Now I have the pleasure of ripping out your heart and feeding it to you all to myself. However, first I am going to kill everyone you love, starting with your children. Yes I know about your children, Sharins grating voice snarled at the UGE lord. Ill take that as a no then, Angel grinned dangerously. Battle mode my lady, He commanded. #Battle mode engaged# Skibladne acknowledged. The sleek streamline super ship suddenly sprouted a freakish amount of turrets and missile banks, which seemed to divide and multiply into more turrets and missile banks, which according to the rules of modern physics is impossibly. These physicists, who theorized on the improbability of the space occupied by the weapons wielded by Skibladne being contained in the space occupied by Skibladne, did have a plausible theory. The concept stemmed from the fact that Skibladne could traverse dimensions. This feature provided the proof to the


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theory on the absurd amount of weaponry Skibladne had at its disposal. Skibladne did not deploy its weapons as much as summon them from the alternate dimension. Sure you dont want to surrender, Angel asked innocently, even though he knew the answer. Go to hell! Sharin screamed. You first bitch, Angel laughed. Fire at will my lady, he commanded Skibladne. It was impossible to look at Skibladne even through welding goggles without going blind, as she released a salvo of epic destructive force. The rear end of the battle cruiser and most of its midsection disappeared. You held back didnt you? Angel asked Skibladne. #Yes my lord, I thought you would like to hear Sharin beg for mercy# Skibladne calmly suggested. Angel smiled. Sharin, you still there? he asked in his mindcom. Only silence greeted him, and then a fireball engulfed what was left of the cruiser. I surmise she set the self destruct on the ship, as an alternative to being captured again. I think, in her mind, that would have been a worse fate, Laidin remarked. Well I guess that takes care of that then, Angel smiled, Good riddance to bad rubbish. Skibladne, please start transmitting Sharins confession on all subspace frequencies. We have to stop this war now, Laidin requested. #transmitting#


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No one noticed the almost invisible midnight black ship that seemed to absorb all light around it speed away from the Aesir battle cruisers wreckage moments before it exploded. No one accept one being, still 7 days adrift from the speeding Naglfars current location. You thought you could shield you mind from mine demon, a black heap of molten rock on the back seat of a lone El fighter thought. You killed my wife, stole my trident and tried to imprison me on that god-forsaken world. I am going to enjoy killing you slowly, first your mind and then your body, it might take years, but time is all I have. Laidin and Angel pushed hard to get back to their friends Brom and Teral. News had come earlier that the rescue attempt mounted by Kirom and Guival had succeeded, and that both the Archchancellor of the Aesir and Grand Master Dwar is safely recovering on Arken. A steady stream of reports came in from all over the UGE territory of skirmishes between Dwar and El dissipating. It felt like an eternity before Skibladne finally powered down her engines in the hangar bay on Arken. The duo rushed to the medical ward, where they found their friends sitting around, calmly talking about all that transpired on earth in the preceding weeks. Guival entertaining as always made sure that everyone noted his humble part in the adventure, or more accurately his over-exaggerated and embellished to the


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point where grey areas might do well as touch up paint for Naglfar, part in the adventure. So wheres my cruiser? Teral inquired. Ehm, well, here and there, and mostly everywhere, Angel laughed. You blew up my imperial battle cruiser? Teral asked fuming. Angel shrugged, It was an accident? he replied with a genuinely innocent expression. I will show you an accident, Teral barked into the friends minds, where is Skibladne, I am going to dismantle her for spare parts for my new cruiser. Everybody broke into a cheerful chuckle, everyone except for Brom who remained heartbroken thinking back on the loss of so many innocent Dwar. Laidin gently put her arm around her dear friends broad shoulders. I am truly sorry Brom, I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain. I am unable to imagine a tragedy such as this befalling my people. I know that vanquishing the demon is of little comfort. My heart and that of the El is with you dearest Brom, and all your people. We are at your service should you ever require it. The other champions of UGE races agreed wholeheartedly. Brom attempted a brave smile, but fell back into a deep depression almost immediately.


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Ricci stared at the peaceful faces of her beloved children. There had been no change in their condition since they arrived in New Valhalla the previous day, and she had not left their sides for a moment since. Gemmi and their friends sporadically visited but she did not even acknowledge their presence. Truth is she had not spoken to anyone since the return to the Valkr stronghold. Loser felt like his old self again and took up his previous duties in the kitchen with gusto, sporadically bringing Ricci delicious platters which he later removed uneaten. He did not mind, he could sense Riccis trepidation. He understood. Ricci stayed connected to the childrens minds through the Brisingamen jewel in Dragonfang. Nothing, no improvement, she exclaimed in anguish. What can I do? Their minds are so fragile, there is barely enough cerebral energy for me to get a reading. I cannot help them without killing them. Maybe if I touch their minds gently no I must be patient, I cannot bear to be responsible for their deaths because I was reckless. Her frustration boiled over, patience not being one of her more marketable virtues. She had a thought. Maybe I am not the answer, maybe they are, they can help each other Yes, that will work hopefully.


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She pushed the twins beds together and laid Dragonfang between them. Then she gently placed each of the twins hands on the Brisingamen jewel in the hilt of the sword. The EEG monitors spiked almost immediately on both twins. The signal remained weak, but it seemed her plan could work; the twins helped each other to find their way back. Well done my babies, you keep it up, bring each other back to me, she sighed and relaxed a little. Over the course of the next few hours, the twins showed marked recovering and even though they remained in a coma, the prognoses seemed favourable for the first time. Ricci even got her appetite back much to the enjoyment of Loser, who did not fail in his efforts to provide culinary delight at every opportune and inopportune moment. The willing recycling bins for the excess, with names like Throm, Phalin and Carra never disappointed. It was early evening when Feral came to visit. Gemmi sat deep in conversation with Ricci while skilfully avoiding the subject of what really happened in the gate room. Ricci looked up and screamed. Get that thing out of here, she yelled. But its just a little salamander, Feral declared innocently with a glint in his eye. He glanced at the small reptile on his shoulder. I said; get that bonsai crocodile out of here before I take both your heads off! Ricci snarled menacingly. Feral made his theatrical exit, really wanting to extend the moment but wisely fearing for the future placement of his head. You are willing to single handily take on the entire Taur armada but you are afraid of a tiny salamander? Gemmi asked perplexed.


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They are slimy ok, and their feet stick to your hands, and then they wriggle that little body and they stare at you with those huge black eyes yuck, Ricci pulled a face. Gemmi just smiled and walked away, Ricci you are an enigma. Well dont think on it too much Gems, your head might explode, Ricci sneered still embarrassed. For the first time Ricci wondered what happened in the gate room. The worry for the twins completely overruled the desire for revenge, but now that there was hope, she wondered whom she needed to blame for her childrens situation. It was only about half an hour later when Shen floated in or rather, appeared to float in with her limbs completely hidden beneath a full-length coat in the style of the teams suits. She glided to Blades side with the grace of the Arks and softly took his hand in hers. Ricci had fallen half-asleep, sitting on her chair with her arms and head resting on Storms side of the bed. Ricci in her dream state heard Blades EEG monitor beeping more urgently and woke with a startled jolt. Shen spoke to Blade telepathically and he responded. Come back to me Bladin. You are my inspiration. I have come to depend on your strength as my will and your wisdom as my guide. I value you more than I value anyone else in my life. Please come back to me Bladin, I am unable to imagine a universe without you and Stormindal, Shen projected into Blades mind. What is he saying? Ricci yelped, when she figured out what Shen was doing.


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He is unable to speak for the moment princess, but he hears and he understands, Shen explained softly. Well, keep going Shen, whatever you are telling him is working, Ricci anxiously suggested keeping a close eye on the EEG monitor. I do not wish to fatigue Bladin further my lady. He still has a long journey ahead guiding and protecting Stormindal. She depends on him. I simply wished to encourage him. He is fighting princess, and he is giving Stormindal the confidence to fight as well. Well thank you Shen, I appreciate it, Ricci earnestly recognized the slight alien girls efforts. Shen, what happened on your mission? Why is Blade and Storm like this? Ricci asked. Shen was the perfect person to ask, as she appeared to be on a strict diet of Sodium Pentothal. Arks never lie. Shen seemed hesitant, obviously briefed by Gemmi not to tell Ricci anything. Please Shen; these are my children I deserve to know the truth. Shen came to a decision and turned her huge almond eyes to look squarely into Riccis emerald green eyes. Very well princess, I will tell you what happened, Shen agreed. Shen told Ricci about Blades plan to trap the Furies in the gate room and then bombard them with electricity from Mjolnir and Feral. She told Ricci how they discovered that the Furies actually fed on electricity. How they changed their plan, and Storm had the idea to fill Sleipnirs cargo bay with water and then teleport


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into the castle. She released the water into the chamber above the gate room. Ricci heard how brave the twins were, how quickly they thought on their feet. She told Ricci what a great leader Blade had become and how ingenious his sister reacted in impossible situations. Ricci had to swell with pride; she had no idea her babies had become fully fletched heroes. That they were more like her and Angel than she and Angel was. Then when we had them cornered in the gate room, Storm released the water and I fired a tachyon burst into the roof. Storms plan proceeded splendidly. The Furies remained trapped in the water while Throm and Feral drained them. We were winning and only moments away from destroying the Furies when suddenly out of nowhere, Zeus started hurtling bolts of lightning at the Furies. Recharged enough to break free, they immediately began to drain our bodies from its electricity. Feral thankfully remained unaffected and begged them to stop. He was splendid under pressure and offered them Throms old hammer in exchange for the lives of his friends. He also made the Furies swear to leave earth and never return. They agreed and left. Moments later you arrived, Shen concluded. That little twat, Ricci screeched with every vein in her head bulging, where is he. I am going to rip out his eyes and his balls and use his intestines to make a necklace. Ricci screamed in fury and fled the room with an overwhelming urge for arts and crafts. Stay with them, she ordered over her shoulder as she ran. Ricci managed to corner Gemmi in the command centre.


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Where is he! she screamed. Who...? Gemmi asked inching closer to Loser. Loser inched closer to the door. He might be a Gerbit but he was not stupid. Oh dont you even... That f***** thunder dolt, Ricci spat. He is on Olympus, Gemmi replied attempting to steady her voice. She had seen Ricci angry before but this bordered on the far reaches of psychopathic rage. Even Batmans arch foe Joker would not go this far, there are some lines no one should cross. I assume thats your doing? Ricci grimaced with clenched teeth. Gemmi just stared back at her, carefully. Where are the other gods? Ricci fumed. On Olympus as well Ricci, I had to protect them. Yes, that senile old fool almost killed your children... and your husband. Hmmm not doing too well in representing him am I, Gemmi cleared her throat, however, he did not know, and he tried to help. I am sorry princess but I had to put them somewhere where you could not get to them. The gate is sealed and there is no way to get to them now. Ricci flashed daggers, but her anger remained directed at Zeus and not Gemmi. She furiously marched out of the room, heading for the hangar bay. Gemmi breathed a sigh of relief, she does not know about Apollo, thank goodness. Carra, she called, redouble all efforts in finding Apollo, we need to get him to safety before Ricci returns.


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Sleipnirs failsafe, which automatically set it to planetary speed, remained active and nothing Ricci did could override this safeguard. She had no idea how she was going to get through the eye of the gods, but even if she had to bash her way through, nothing in the universe was going to stop her. When she reached the castle Ricci teleported her ship into the gate room, as landing and walking seemed a waste of time. Ricci stood and stared at an empty wall. The eye of the gods was gone. She slammed the mindcom activation switch on her chest. Gemmi you traitor, where is that gate? she shouted at a very confused Gemmi, while rubbing the welt now forming on her chest. What? What do you mean? Gemmi asked. Are you retarded or are you making a special effort today? Ricci screamed. The gate is in the castle. We did not move it, Gemmi answered perplexed. Well its gone now. She could sense Gemmi had not lied to her. This is grave news indeed, who would need to steal the gate? Gemmi asked a rhetorical question, before adding, hold on a second Ricci, as someone interrupted her. Ricci impatiently paced the room with justifiable homicide on her mind. Wonderful news Ricci, the twins came out of their coma. They asked for you, Gemmis excited thoughts entered Riccis troubled mind.


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On my way, Ricci responded. Gemmi remained concerned, where was Apollo and where was the gate? She was chastising herself for not having thought of moving the gate to New Valhalla herself. What is going on?


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The huge 18-wheeler low bed truck slowly trudged along the country road on its way to the border between Bulgaria and Greece. They had rented this truck from a shipping company in Romania and instructed it to meet them at the castle. The truck driver had seen his share of insane things in his life, but nothing prepared him for these strange creatures carrying an enormous mirror, and loading it onto the back of his rig. Only when one of them appeared on the seat next to him did he realise that he should be scared out of his wits, and revolted, so he vomited and swallowed hard at the same time, the result was interesting to say the least. The little monster quietly explained to him what he needed to do. Drive to the port in Thessaloniki. When they get near the border she and her sisters will disappear, and rejoin him after the outpost. He is to wait a few miles after the border for them to join him. If he does not do exactly what they say, his family would die an excruciating death. He knew they were not kidding. Maimed, quartered, chopped into little bits while alive, or, the horror... these creatures might force his family to look at them for extended periods.


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Bruxa stared at the road in silence. With every day passing, she got more conflicted in her feelings. She did not feel like talking or for that matter thinking anymore. She just wanted solitude. The monotonous journey did nothing to alleviate her despair. The only relief came when they had to sneak across the border between Bulgaria and Romania. For obvious reasons they had no passports1. It would be another four hours before they reach the border between Bulgaria and Greece. She sat back again and just stared at the endless broken white lines and the cat-eyes that glimmered for a brief moment every time the trucks headlights hit them. A deer next to the road, caught in the trucks headlights, triggered a flashback. They were in the forest outside the fortress of New Valhalla. They had been there for a number of days, with no clear way of infiltrating the Valkr stronghold. Ever since their previous attack, the security around New Valhalla had become impenetrable. The entire mountain had been covered by infrared and motion sensing cameras, supplemented by an immense amount of alien technology. Patrols appeared regularly, and only by luck, their sure footing and stealth did the Lamies remained undetected. Bruxa was desperate, Lamias instructions had been clear.

If you do question this, you are reading the wrong book; there are no cats or hats, in them or otherwise, used in this novel.


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Kidnap one of the gods and bring him unharmed to Egypt without arousing suspicion. It was early morning when a noise woke Bruxa from her restless slumber. Someone sang very badly. She slowly crept to the origins of the singing. Bruxa could not believe her eyes, Praise be to Lamia, she thought. Apollo stepped from behind the tree. Hallo, Bruxa said in a pleasant tone. Ollah, the god answered just as cheerfully. Bruxa was confused, Ollah? The god seemed unperturbed by her bewilderment. Od ouy wonk erew ym nekcuf esouh si, ym doog tuls? he continued happily smiling. Bruxa caught on. Do I know where your house is? Bruxa asked ignoring the profanity. Sey, the god answered. Of course Bruxa knows, follow me, Bruxa will take you right there, Bruxa happily lied. The god talked incessantly, and the more excited he got the more his deity dyslexia and consecrated Coprolalia1 acted up. Gag him. Please, please, just make him shut up, Bruxa ordered when the frustration got the better of her.

Coprolalia refers to the condition of involuntary swearing or use if profanity, mistakenly referred to by many as Tourettes syndrome.


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Apollo appeared more than just a little confused and outraged at the indignity. The Lamies guarding him bared their fangs and snarled at him. Apollo decided that this was probably all right then, and he really did not have a problem with this maltreatment. Unfortunately, his divine Alzheimer condition kicked in every five minutes or so, followed by mystified outrage at the disrespect. Thus, the mortification, dyslexic profanity, fang bearing and blissful acceptance continued the entire journey. These memories faded as Bruxa fell asleep in the truck. She dreamed of a valley of lilies, and her love bouncing towards her with open arms. They embraced and kissed. Her fangs intertwined with his beard and they struggled to separate themselves. They fell into the lilies and laughed. Bruxa had never felt happiness like this before. Nothing mattered except this moment. They held hands and watched the clouds drift by overhead. He turned his head and smiled at her. He was so beautiful. This was her perfect moment of happiness. She woke with a start as a car honked its horn at someone else on the road. Just another dream she realized. Her depression grew worse.


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Laidin cheerfully packed her belongings away for the trip to Elheimr. Her thoughts were with her beloved home. The shimmering radiated forest was beautiful this time of year. She wanted to get back to her palace, and her people. The elves needed her now. The fighting had ceased but the devastating destruction caused by the sporadic fighting needed her attention. Her monarchical duties called. A knock on the door interrupter her preparations. Enter, she commanded. A slightly more relaxed Angel entered, and plopped himself firmly down on her bed, adjusting the cushions behind his head for comfort. Ready to go your highness? he asked. Almost ready my lord. I shall depart within the hour, she replied with a smile. Cant wait to get home, huh? he grinned. I am most certainly eager to see Elheimr again my liege, I shall not deny that. Angels face turned serious even though he tried to hide the concern. Mind if I tag along? he asked. Of course not, why would you even ask that? Laidin knew his thoughts were with his wife, and even though they both knew, she was quite capable of taking care of herself, his eagerness for news did not surprise her.


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Thank you Laidin, Angel replied in earnest. He turned to go prepare for his own departure, but stopped at the door. Mind if we take the lady? You know how she hates being left behind, he asked. For a moment, Laidin looked confused, then she realised what Angel meant and smiled. 'I would be honoured if Skibladne could escort me home. Angel stared absentmindedly at the view screen on board the ship of legends. It has been some time since they left Arken and their friends behind. Laidin had retired for the night, and he remained alone to gaze at the stars and stress about his wife and what has befallen her. The children kept on slipping into his thoughts as well, but he knew that they had friends and support where they were and would be fine. Ricci, please be safe, he muttered. How could someone that gives you so many problems when she is with you, leave such an immense hole when she is gone. I feel so miserable without you, it is almost like having you here, Angel thought smiling half-heartedly at his little joke. He loved her and the children more that life itself. He remembered how brave she was when she entered Gemmis mind. She was a warrior princess, one of a kind. When she lay there with her arms folded across Dragonfang, the look of grim determination splashed across her beautiful face.


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She lay like a corpse on display, which is probably the reason his concern for her grew worse than ever before. When he last saw her, she was in a trance, helpless to protect herself. His thoughts just rumbled on. It seemed like forever before Skibladne broke the silence. #is it not time you retired as well my lord. You do not know when you will sleep again. You know how quickly events unfold in your life# Angel looked up vaguely perceptive, and left for his quarters without a word. Skibladne must have done something to the air in the ship or increased the speed slowly to ridiculous velocity, because when the two leaders appeared on the command deck again they looked at Elheimr. The beautiful emerald planet glowed brightly on the front view screen. What? they both exclaimed in unison. They were sure they both heard the ship snigger. They did not ask questions, as they were both happy to see their destination. The mindcom beeped. Welcome back my Queen, the clear voice of her most trusted advisor entered their minds. Greeting Kainen, hearing your voice fills me with joy, the El monarch replied. You are cleared to land at your private hangars your highness. My thanks, and please prepare a suite for the UGE lord.


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Already done my lady, we assumed that Lord Angel would not willingly loan the UGE crown jewel to anyone, Kainen replied. If it pleases your majesty, might we meet in the war room as soon as possible? We have news that might interest both you and Lord Angel. The two friends looked at each other and shrugged. Skibladne, land, quickly, Angel ordered. As Skibladne descended, Angel looked sheepishly over at Laidin, you know I would lend you Skibladne anytime dont you? It is just that you need the gene to pilot it and... Laidin smiled knowingly wishing to rescue Angel from this embarrassing situation, I would never ask that of you my Lord, the lady is like family, and you do not loan your family to anyone... even if you could. Angel smiled awkwardly and returned his focus back to the conversation they just had with the El advisor. He did not hear anything that raised concern in the El advisors voice but he was not taking any chances. It might be news of Ricci, he anxiously thought. Skibladne omitted her usual flamboyant entry into planetary space when she knew she would entertain admiring onlookers, and landed hurriedly. She was smoking hot and she knew it, even at her age she had no rivals in any known galaxy. The war room curtseyed deeply as the two leaders entered. Laidins eyes immediately found the one mistake in the picture. A dark El stood with his head bowed in defeat between two of her royal guards.


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Kainen approached her with a smile. We found it your majesty. Found it? Laidin enquired. Svartalfheimr, Kainen replied. Where, Angels demanded loudly. This traitor tried to flee Elheimr, but we intercepted his ship and managed to detain him before he had time to reset his navigation computer, Kainen beamed. So we have the coordinates for Svartalfheimr? Laidin confirmed with a quick glance towards Angel, or more accurately the spot Angel occupied only nano seconds ago. Angels mindcom beeped. My lord, I am transferring the coordinates to Skibladne. Good hunting, Laidin gave her support, please be careful, she added as an afterthought. Thank you Laidin, I will be, he answered. I will dispatch an El Squadron in support, but they will not be able to keep pace with Skibladne, Laidin remarked. I know, thanks again, I appreciate it. Angel tapped the mindcom again. Warm up those engines beautiful, we are departing immediately. #Yes my lord, I just received the coordinates, and I am awaiting your arrival# Angel ran, his legs moved so fast it ached. A luckless El he passed blew clear off his feet from the air Angel dragged behind him.


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He had kept his composure up to now as he had no leads, but now, he did not need to run blindly, he had a direction, he had hope. He made the jump from the bottom of the stairs clear into the ship. Now, he commanded. The lady did not disappoint. Angel felt as if every atom in his body screamed to leave the ship, without seemingly attached to any other atoms in his body. For once in his life, he did not mind. He still could not believe only a short while ago he could keep his composure and at least outwardly display a semblance of calmness. However, with this little hope, all his fears and anxiety came flooding back. Faster! he commanded softly before passing out from the gforces.


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He cannot be stopped! The dark El commander screamed in desperation. His station and whom he was addressing completely forgotten. Send in more warriors! Sharin commanded. There is no one else! The commander fearfully yelped, we threw everything we had at the monster, even the prisoners. Everyone is dead or dying. Sharin grew silent. She stared over what was left of the most amazing city in the entire universe. Most architects in the universe would not agree with this statement. Yes, it was lavish and over the top in its design, but they would all agree there was something off. Something was amiss. As if, the citys design did not include any functionality or common sense. It solely served to satisfy the dark Els desire for luxury and appease their egotistical need for excessive extravagance. A bunch of narcissistic people built this city to serve the needs of even vainer self-absorbed extremists. Therefore, nothing actually worked, but it looked great doing that... or it did before the molten juggernaut had started wandering through the city. Sharin grimaced as another flaming villa spiralled into the heart of the city. She could hear the screams of her beloved dark El brethren. She smiled zealously.


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Dying creatures always provided her with such intense fanatical pleasure. She almost felt as if she should be sad or angry or something different... hmmm, the feeling passed. I am coming for you demon, and I am having fun doing it, the ancient thoughts rumbled through Typhons head. He hurled more stones and buildings at the hapless El trying to stand in his way. He hardly noticed the energy bolts from their bows, or the fire from the heavier ion cannons mounted on the turrets surrounding the palace. His thoughts remained focussed. Another tower crumbled as he scored a direct hit with a tank that did not retreat hastily enough. He dropped a mansion on a squad of dark El that appeared on his left flank. He was in no hurry. He was sure the masked creature would fight him until she had nothing left to throw at him. More pointy ears appeared in front of him firing their bows, praying that they might hit some unknown weakness in this monsters armour. However, there was none. A squadron of El fighters came screaming from above and rained down every missile they had available. In a moment, the area where Typhon stood exploded in a ball of fire and shrapnel.


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The heat caused El on the castle battlement to spontaneously combust. The rest started to cheer as the smoke and dust cleared and only a heap of rubble remained. The rubble moved. Rocks began to fly in all directions. El died. Typhon picked up more flaming rocks and hurled them at the El Fighters. He knocked one into the path of another and they obliged by turning each other into names on the wall of remembrance. He found the mind of the squadron leader. The squadron leader saw an invasion of dragon-like creatures coming from above him. They surrounded him. He fired, killing one after the other of these monstrous creatures. He did not notice that these creatures were trying their best to avoid him rather than attack him. The last of the creatures found its way into his targeting scanner. The missile left his ship as Typhon released his mind. Noooooo... were the last words the squadron leaders wingman and best friend of the last 2 millennia heard before he left for the big forest in the sky. Typhon strode on unperturbed. Sharin knew whom he wanted. Even though she enjoyed the slaughter fest, she needed to escape... now. She ran.


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Naglfar stood on the battlement near the gardens. Typhon increased his speed. He noticed her escape attempt and knew exactly where she was heading. The few remaining stranglers in no way deterred his advance towards his target. Ah her chariot, he thought as he saw Naglfar. He boarded and waited, she would be here soon enough. He searched for minds that might alert her but found none. The faint sound of silently running feet reached him; she was here. Sharin hurriedly boarded and urgently rasped at Naglfar to take off and set course for earth. Earth, the ancient thoughts considered this. He reached a decision. He would wait for her to deliver him back in reach of the Olympians before he destroyed her. Sharin smirked underneath the mask. So he was on board, she thought. She could smell his stench. She had noticed this before she even boarded. That is why she gave the very clear and unnecessary command to Naglfar to set course for Earth. Typhon did not even notice that she had said it in ancient Greek for his ears only. She knew he might want to get back home, and this would give her the time she needed to find a way to kill him. How did he keep on finding me, she thought to herself. Of course, he knows my mind. Obviously, he can find it wherever I go. She sat down to think, ignoring the fact that the most dangerous being in existence sat only a few paces behind her intending on torturing her for eternity.


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So, I need to shield my mind, her thoughts focussed on this problem. A sinister smile appeared underneath the horror mask. She knew what to do, and she had the time to do it. Her smile grew until she could not help and let out a grating laugh. Typhon simply assumed her escape pleased her. Enjoy your moment of triumph demon; soon it will be horrortime, Typhon thought.


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Bruxa admired the setting sun from the comfort of her life raft aboard the cargo ship. The Lamies in her charge complained of hunger on a number of occasions as there were no more sailors on which to snack. Even the captain had succumbed to the hunger of the vampiric children of Lamia. Bruxa was unperturbed by this, since they were all more afraid of disappointing their unholy mother than actually contemplating mutiny. In any event, she had her own conundrum to consider. This distraction caused her to forget to resupply the ship for the return trip. She however, stayed immune to the hunger for her heart ached for another type of nourishment. They were close to the Alexandrian harbour when she finally came to a decision. She would complete her mission. She had to, since if she did not, her own kind would hunt her down for her treachery. Then she would find her love, no matter how long it took or how far she had to go. Her optimism grew. Had she known how far her object of affection actually lived from where she was, her optimism would not have reached these elated heights. She felt strength come from her decision; she even felt the tinge of joy creep into her deformed heart.


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Yes, she would find her love and then she would... She had no idea what she would say when she did find him, but this would not discourage her. She was sure that when he saw how pure her heart was and how selfless her act was to prove her love she would win his affection. She had to believe that love like this had to be. Bruxa shifted some of the lifejackets, she had made into a bed, to sleep more comfortably. She gazed at the stars through the top of the life raft for a little while longer before falling asleep. Sleep was peaceful, and she even managed a smile as her dreams turned from dread to hope.


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Approach Bruxa, the snake like voice commanded. Bruxa tentatively approached, fearing that the ancient mother would sense her thoughts of betrayal. Well done my child, the voice hissed, I am sssso proud of you. You have given me all I required for my revenge, the serpentine creature continued. How may I sssshow my gratitude my daughter, Lamia asked. Bruxa asks nothing mistress, Bruxa answered meekly. Come now my child, there musssst be ssssomething you wissssh of me? No mistress. Bruxa wish only to serve, Bruxa remained resolute not to accept a reward for her evil acts. She wanted to start being someone her love would admire. Very well, Lamia continued. For a moment, she seemed concerned about Bruxas lack of need for a boon. This did not hold with the nature her children usually displayed. Nevertheless, her plans for revenge were finally coming to fruition. To dwell on the strange behaviour of Bruxa did not feature in her list of priorities. She supervised the gate installation on the wall inside the sphinx personally.


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She now had the door and a door attendant who would open the door for her, and the best of all is there was no one who knew, or could stop her. Lamia curled into a snake pile in front of the mirror mesmerized by its simplicity and its power, while her children prepared for the final stage of her plan. All she had to do now is wait and savour this moment, a strange moment of power, of deceit, of treachery and deception. A moment every evil creature lived for. The moment where she is the only one that know what is about to happen and the rest are all going about in blissful ignorance, while she plays her game by her rules to one inevitable outcome. She wins. Oh, the other players will try play when they realize there is a game. Some might even think they have some semblance of control over the outcome of the game. That is what makes this so perfect. The gods love games. They played games with the earth and its people since the start. All they had was their games, their power struggles, one dominating the other, one betraying the other, and if you got in the way of their games, played it different, changed the rules, you found yourself cursed or killed. Now it was her game, her rules, and they were the chess pieces. Chess pieces that were already in checkmate, even before the game started, but they will not know that. They will try to play. She hissed, and then laughed. Her revenge will be perfect.


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The resplendent full moon echoed off the endless dune canvass causing an intricate montage of light and dark, mirroring the soul of the fleeing shade. A slight silhouette briefly etched itself onto the orb of night as it crested a ridge, and then disappeared, forever erased from the mosaic quilt. Lets go, lets go, the small voices of her children drifted into the room where Lamia lay. Not long after and a small very deadly army bundled into the room, and desperately tried to look organized and presentable. It was like organizing 50 babies for a photo shoot. Drugunxa pushed forward from inside the ranks. She cautiously crept towards their mother, as Lamia uncoiled and stretched. Peace mistress, your kickass army is ready, she said, eyes darting, feeling completely out of her depth. Lovely, Lamia hissed, her tongue flicking the syllables of the word into the room. She looked intently at the faces of her army. She coiled her body and snapped her snake eyes within inches of Drugunxas face. Where issss Bruxa? she hissed. Drugunxa shrugged, said she forgot something on the boat. Lamia appeared pensive for a second then recoiled back, bring Apollo. Moments later a very confused god entered the room flanked by two Lamies. He looked around like a tourist on vacation.


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Siht si nekcuf taerg1, Apollo smiled, dna ohw era uoy ym doog hctib? Closssse hissss mouth, and hold him in front of the eye of Lamia, she barked. The mirror began to shimmer. Within moments, the picture stabilized and Lamia surveyed Olympus again for the first time in hundreds of years. To Olympussss my lovelies, she happily flicked her tongue. She focused the two hypnotic black eyes on the two Lamies guarding Apollo, when the lassst of ussss have gone through, bring him through assss well. She felt a slight pang of guilt for leaving Bruxa behind, but dismissed this as indigestion from her late night rat snack. Victory was close and no one was going to make her wait a second longer.

This is f****n great, and who are you my good bitch?


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Svartalfheimr looked like a miniature version of Elheimr from the command deck on Skibladne. Although it did not have the golden shimmer from radiation like Elheimr, and in fact was a grey black, not green like Elheimr. In retrospect, it looked nothing like Elheimr. The entire planet appeared covered in a black forest, similar to the German wooden mountain range in BadenWrttemberg. It looked beautiful in a foreboding; please send me back to my happy concentration camp kind of way. The planet however did not concern Angel in the least. He carefully studied the scanner, as if it was possible for him to notice anything of interest before the ship of legends could. #I have located the cruiser my lord. She is on the far side of the planet# This only served as an informational update as Skibladne already ran at full speed towards the cruisers location. The hangar bay door stood open and Angel did not feel like announcing his presence. Skibladne had been in stealth mode since long before it reached Svartalfheimr and its approach went undetected. She extended her landing skids and gracefully landed without a sound. Angel ran noiselessly through the very familiar corridors inside the royal El cruiser. The medical bay is where they left her, I should start there, he thought.


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The scene filled him with dread, with many bodies scattered around the medical centre. There must have been a firefight, the sickening thought ran through his troubled mind. He searched through the bodies, but found no familiar faces among the dead. A fleeting thought crossed his mind, how barbaric, these dark El do not even care for their dead. He swung round and headed back the other way, with little hope of finding much else. If the battle occurred here, and they survived then they are long gone, or, he gulped, captured. Angel needed answers. He ran, with his only thought being, find someone to interrogate. Angel tapped his mindcom. Scan for life, I cannot find anybody, he commanded Skibladne. Only a few seconds passed before the ships emotionless voice entered his mind. #there are no life signs on the cruiser my lord, and I took the liberty of scanning the planet as well. There are only a minimal number if life signs detected on the planet. My scan also revealed signs of battle# You do not think Ricci could... no... Not even she is that destructive... is she? Angel asked. #my lord, I detect there are a number of structures still intact in what I surmise to be the main settlement. I therefore conclude that the princess was not responsible for this destruction# She might have been in a hurry, Angel remarked, but he was quite sure that even his wife could not be this vicious. I am on my way, Angel loudly announced as he ran towards Skibladne.


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The destruction on the planet was unbelievable. Villas and mansions lay on top of other villas and mansions. Skibladne was kind when it said there were a few structures intact. These structures were limited to what seemed to be the small apartment behind a ruined mansion that an El built for his mother in law to live in. The apartment appeared slightly smaller than most peoples spare bathroom. Apparently, the feeling towards mothers in law was universal. Skibladne guided Angel through the small streets and rubble towards any life signs it could detect. Angel rounded a corner and almost ran headlong into a group of dark El. They were clearly in bad shape; most were severely wounded and crispy. Even though they were badly in need of assistance, they still displayed their normal reverence for arrogance and contempt. What are you doing here UGE scum, one of the braver dark El muttered. Angel had no use for pleasantries. You need help. I can provide that as soon as you answer one simple question. Angel glared at them before continuing, where is my wife. For a moment, the El contemplated continuing in his arrogant tone, but then sighed, she was not on board the cruiser when we left the jump. She, along with the other human and the simian escaped mid jump. The El realised how this might sound, I am telling the truth, they were there when we entered the jump and not there when we left the jump. Angel looked pensive, I believe you.


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The El sighed with relief. Hmmmm so she used Broms theory of simply overcoming the forward momentum inside a jump to return to the point of origin. That means she is back on earth, Angel thought to himself, and Gemmi and Loser are with her. Angel suddenly found himself in a very charitable mood, with the news of his wifes escape. He tapped his mindcom, my lady, please direct the El squadron here as soon as they enter the quadrant. There are survivors that need assistance. Send a subspace transmission to Laidin. Inform her that her cruiser is ready for pick up. Angel looked around him absorbing the magnitude of the destruction for the first time. Now, would someone please tell me what happened here, or are you going to try convince me it was just a little house party? Knowing Sharin I might actually believe that. A demon, a huge beast made of fire and black rock came out of no-where. He slaughtered everyone, destroyed everything, the El said in tears. The weight of the situation suddenly overwhelmed him. Typhon is here? How is that possible? Angel spluttered. He shuddered, how did the monster get out of Olympus, and how did it get here? We do not know this Typhon, but the beast was unstoppable. We threw everything at it, our most advance and devastating weapons were useless against it. A full-scale aerial attack did not even break its stride.


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I know, I fought him once before. We had no luck either, Angel said through clenched teeth as he remembered how close he came to losing his life on their previous encounter. He ended up disappearing, along with Queen Sharin, the El muttered. To be expected, It is just like Sharin to escape with no regard for her people, Angel spat, and he must have followed her, since it was her he was after. She killed his wife, and he is out for revenge. Your precious Queen brought this on you. The El said nothing, the bitter realization visible on his perfectly chiselled face. The shock of the betrayal and the hopeless future that now faced his race caused his shoulders to slump even further. Anyway, help will be here soon, Angel announced suddenly feeling compassion for these evil elves. Even though there were absolutely no redeeming qualities to this subspecies, he had to believe they were only following orders from Sharin and would not have destroyed Nidavellir otherwise. The journey back to Skibladne was filled with questions, where was Sharin heading? Did his wife make it? Was Typhon with her? He entered the command deck on Skibladne and absentmindedly instructed her to set course for Arken. Get me a line to Kirom, Guival, Laidin and Qren please, he asked Skibladne. A few minutes later and the faces of his friends appeared on Skibladnes view screen. Friends I have some good news and disturbing news, he began and then relayed all the information he gathered in the last while.


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The dark El that was captured will be tried in Dwar court under dwarven law, Laidin announced, the El as a nation will accept any verdict passed down as final judgement. This pleased Kirom, our thanks my Queen. Angel ended off with the intelligence of Sharins escape and Typhon disappearing at the same time. Well, I understand the need to go after Sharin, and her new best friend, but it might be a little difficult right now, Kirom remarked. For me too, Guival added a little dejected fuelled by his love for experiencing strange and wonderful things. They speak the truth my lord. The Dwar has lost much, Nidavellir needs rebuilding, and as for the Aesir, with Teral recovering they will need a leader as well, Laidin added. Yes my Lord, unfortunately our duty lies here, Kirom agreed, we will not be joining you on this mission. I will be accompanying you this time if it pleases my lord, Qren suggested, I wish to see my daughter. Of course my friend, Angel smiled with a heavy heart. Angel felt alone for the first time. Never before had he embarked on a quest alone. True he did go after his wife alone, but that was personal. His friends were always by his side when he ventured into the unknown to face the monsters, to do battle with insurmountable odds. Qren, I will return to Arken shortly to fetch you. Angel out, he finished, not wanting his friends to see his distress.


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A grating laugh echoed around Naglfar. Typhon looked on confused. Even though he could sense minds and project the most horrific nightmares into said minds, he could not read thoughts. He sensed Sharins emotions but as always, these were simple arrogance and contempt. No emotions that gave away her intentions were present. He had watched her for days now from the extreme discomfort of the smugglers compartment he found. The compartment appeared huge and the stench of rotting animal excrement was unmistakable. Its construction obviously necessitated by a Grey Farren smuggling operation. They were in the jump, so there was nothing else for him to do but wait. She had removed her facial cover, and the sight of what remained beneath the horror mask filled even the bringer of nightmares with revulsion. It seemed as if Dr Frankensteins helper had sown her face back together, a cross-eyed Igor, who seemed to have taken a sowing class from a drunken rhinoceros. The placement of the facial features could be the work of the Mad Hatter on heroin, playing the Operation game, blind folded in a teacup. He however mislaid some of the more common pieces, but merrily substituted it with others he procured from different creatures. The flapping skin and scars from infection, the enormous stitches that missed most of the wounds, and the placement of


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the eyes, ears, mouth, and noses, did nothing to distract from the beauty of her personality. Whoever put all the pieces of her face back must have had a stomach made of Zellion and for his sake hopefully a neck as well. She worked unperturbed on the inside of the mask, calibrating some electronic device she installed within the frame. From time to time, he would get an emotional burst of pleasure from the demon, but mostly he observed only intense concentration. The day before they would reach on earth finally arrived, and Sharin ended her incessant tinkering, but neglected to replace the mask. Instead, she hung it from her belt and continued to prepare for her arrival on the third rock from the sun. There was barely a shudder as Naglfar broke the atmosphere somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. Typhon was used to killing time; he spent countless aeons trapped in the prison Zeus created for him. Even though he waited patiently, the thought of destroying this demonic female had become just too appetizing, to alluring. He wanted to start on having his fill of torturing pleasure immediately. Typhon came to a decision. They were inside earths atmosphere. Gravity would take him down, instead of floating in space for an eternity. He could act now. He did not need to wait any longer. He opened the secret door and stepped outside. The demon stood a few paces away grinning at him, or what he assumed was a grin on the immensely disfigured face.


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The disdainful body language of the darklord filled him with rage such as he had never felt before. Never before had anyone dared to mock him, but this wretched humanoid arrogantly taunted him. He had barely moved two steps before Sharin spoke. Goodbye Typhon, he heard the final words from Darkel before she uttered a shrill laugh. The floor beneath him disappeared and he fell. It all happened too quickly. He had no time to react. The last thing he saw of the demon while he fell was how she replaced her mask, and then she seemed to die because he could not sense her mind anymore. Sharin or rather Darkel watched as Typhon plummeted into the Pacific Ocean. She let rip another grating laugh from behind the demon mask, a mask that was now not only there to hide her disfigurement but also to protect her from Typhon. The smugglers compartment Typhon hid in had in fact housed illegally traded Grey Farren previously. Grey Farren, notorious for being almost impossible to trap, could sense thoughts and emotions, very similar to what Typhon did. In the case of the Grey Farren, this served as a protection mechanism where they would sense danger and find safety. Hunters developed a very special thought scrambler helmet to counter act this ability.


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Normal thought scramblers as used by the covert sectors of the UGE races were inadequate to mask the thoughts from the Grey Farren. Only a few immensely expensive thought scrambler helmets gave adequate protection for the hunting of these elusive creatures. These outlawed helmets had only one obvious application, and the hunting of the endangered Grey Farren remained illegal, and therefore highly profitable. Since Naglfar became the most notorious smugglers ship in the UGE, it had a fully loaded arsenal of only the most impressive criminally inclined gear. Among these a certain thought scrambler helmet of which the components now reside within Darkels mask. Try find me now you stinking pebble brain, she thought, before she flicked the switch that controlled the hatch on which Typhon previously stood, and it silently closed. The hatch, used to dump smuggled goods quickly when being tracked by the authorities, now came in handy when needing to get rid of the unwanted stowaway. She waved her hands over the controls and the stealth ship resumed its voyage towards Tokyo. In the years Darkel spent on earth, she had set up an extensive underground network and a quite lavish secret lair in Tokyo. The lair had protection from scans, be it alien or human. It remained completely undetectable, even though the concealed entrance existed in plain sight, near the centre of Tokyo. Perfect, she thought, the dusk would mask my approach, even if anyone paid enough attention to the sky to notice me.


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The shape of a cloud reminded her of Skibladne and she thought back on how many times the UGE lord messed up her plans. Time to clip the Angels wings, she thought bitterly even though her enjoyment for tricking Typhon still lingered in her mind. She had no idea how to accomplish this but she was sure that time will present a way, and she had a lot of time, since El lived for a very long time. She spread out on the couch in front of the television and immediately switched to the disaster channel. Usually this would cheer her up, but revenge remained primarily on her mind, and the volcanic eruption that destroyed an entire village did not even provide a distraction. What was however distracting was the itch inside her mask. She took it off and adjusted the component that was causing the irritation. Immediately she realised what she did and hurriedly slammed the mask back on without making sure her nose aligned with the masks imprint. This would not have been a problem if her nose resided anywhere near the normal placement of a nose, which of course the maker of the mask assumed in making it. Blood flowed freely but she did not dare remove the mask again. Typhon desperately searched for the mind that had become the bane of his existence. He slowly trudged along at the bottom of the ocean not sure in which direction he should be going to find Darkel. Then suddenly he felt an emotion, a single moment of dread from an all too familiar mind. He had a direction.


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His rage made the sea boil around him, fish that were unlucky enough to find themselves too close to him spontaneously combusted and some further away drifted to the surface Sauted with a delightful ultramafic1 seasoning. His trudges became a lumbering gait. His thoughts would have been something in the order of; karma is a bitch, if he knew what karma or bitch was. The only thing Typhon knew for a fact was in which direction he needed to travel, and that was enough for the moment. She would make another mistake, for as old as an El could get, he could get older, much older; and while she still drew a breath, he had a reason to get much older.

Ultramafic or komatiites, are or were, the hottest lava flows, but has not surfaced much since the Proterozoic time when the earths heat flow was much higher.


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Ricci strolled into the Valkr operations centre where she found Gemmi sitting in the command chair, overlooking a group of Valkr furiously running through scans, and updating strategic holographic maps, and terrain analysis. Loser happily played around her feet. He seemed fully recovered from his ordeal on Laidins cruiser. Ricci took a sip of coffee, Whats up Gems? Gemmi did not look her way, and seemed genuinely concerned. Hes back, she replied. Ricci did not need her to qualify that statement. She knew exactly to whom Gemmi referred as back. Where...? Ricci asked with a serious expression on her face. She had felt something out of place all morning but could not lay her finger on it. There must still be some residual effect from the link between her mind and Typhons. Downtown Tokyo, Gemmi answered still refusing to separate her gaze from a blank monitor. Satellite in range, Carra interrupted them. The monitor Gemmi stared at started to flicker. Zoom in, Gemmi commanded. Slowly the aerial map disappeared, and a city map replaced it, followed by people on street level, terrified people who ran for their live. Ricci and Gemmi where both glued to the scene unfolding before them, neither spoke, neither had to.


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Do we send in the fighters, a red headed Valkr, whom Ricci had not seen before, asked. Seriously...? Ricci exclaimed, You really should not drink on an empty head, Ricci scoffed, glancing in the girls direction. Gemmi gave Ricci an annoyed look, before addressing the girl who had now turned a bright red, which complimented her hair quite nicely. Typhon controls minds Sheila. He would take control of our pilots minds and make them shoot each other down. Second problem is that nothing we have can hurt him. He is immune to all know weapons. I doubt if even a Darkmoon1 can stop him. I wont sacrifice any Valkr in a futile mission. So we are just going to do nothing? the girl asked, with a fearful expression on her face. Ricci only now noticed the girls oriental features. Her bright red hair was certainly not natural. Not the brightest crayon in the box, are we? No wait I take that back, definitely the brightest with that head of hair, or are you on fire? Ricci asked and sighed sarcastically, of course, we are going to do something. We just do not plan to send lambs to the slaughter. Typhon will be stopped, we have a plan. She turned towards Gemmi, we do, dont we? Ricci did not like coming up with plans, especially ones that did not involve taking someones head off and spitting down his throat.

1 Darkmoons were moon sized weapon platforms, hence the name, with unrivalled firepower. They deployed in the earths defence against the Taur invasion in Waking the Angel: a Mindlord novel.


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Gemmi nodded but seemed unconvinced. So what are we waiting for? Lets go Gems, she said and clapped her hands in a show of urgency. Gemmi reluctantly got up from her seat and followed the eager princess, with Loser perched on her shoulder. Experience was a wonderful thing, it enabled you to recognize mistakes when you make it again, and rushing into a battle with Typhon was definitely a mistake. She knew this from experience. To Sleipnir, Ricci proclaimed and hurried off. A thought came to her and she spun around. Carra, the kids stay here. They do not move. If they are not here when I return, I will do a mosaic with your nails and use your tongue as a glue brush, she explicitly ordered the Valkr. Carra said nothing, but thought, I wonder if the aliens forgot to remove her anal probe. She smiled inwardly at her private little joke. By the time Gemmi boarded, Ricci had already warmed the engines. She managed a detour to fetch her sword Dragonfang and still beat Gemmi to Sleipnir. Gemmi sat down without a word and stared at the view screen in front of her. We dont have a plan, do we? Ricci asked without looking in Gemmis direction. We do. Unfortunately not one I am looking forward to, but I do have a plan, Gemmi responded unenthusiastically. Good, Ricci announced cheerfully.


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I am going to beat the molten snot out of him, Ricci decreed relishing the chance of a rematch. She had no idea what the plan could be but she was fine with them having a plan. Plan good, Typhon bad, Ricci grinned dangerously. Typhon knew he was close, he could feel it in every molten synapse in his body. He threw another car at a little herbal store. The vehicle exploded and the store became instantly engulfed in flames. He paid no attention to the shrieking of the frantic people running all around him. His focus remained on finding the mind he so desperately sought. He picked up two cars one in each hand. They melted where he touched them, and he nonchalantly threw them into buildings on the opposite sides of the road. One entered an apartment from where screams of terror immediately followed, the second hit the side of another building, which caused the building to collapse. Still no sign of the demon, but she was here, he knew she was here. The tar on the road melted and a flaming trail of footprints tracked his advance. The vehicles on the side of the road, which did not get an upgrade to missile status, burned from the heat of his passing. Typhon stopped. Something distracted him, a familiar mind, but not the one he sought. Typhon smiled, a welcome distraction, he thought.


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His main prey would still be here when he had his fun with this familiar consciousness. On their previous encounter, he had to let her mind go because he stepped through the gate to Olympus. He left a bit of his mind in hers but she managed to destroy it, and the girl managed to sever the connection. Disappointing, since he had such fun torturing her and her friends, but then he had much bigger fish to fry. However here she was again, back for more. She must love the attention of a god, Typhon laughed. Sleipnir landed about a mile ahead of Typhons rampage. Going to tell me what the plan is now? Ricci asked as they disembarked from Odins ship. Gemmi looked straight into her eyes with a determined expression. You are not going to like this, Gemmi remarked in a faint voice.


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Qren suffered from verbal constipation in the best of circumstances. This suited Angel, his concern for his wife and children overrode his need for companionship. The last time he had seen Shen and the twins was before they went after the Furies. He had no answers for Qrens unspoken questions and the alien engineer sensed this. Angel knew they had the protection of the Valkr and he knew he had to trust the children. The children of heroes, he thought, or rather the curse of being the children of heroes. They built their image of their parents on legends and tales. Truth remains that bards embellish legends and romanticize tales. They tend to neglect to mention, how many times the heroes were inches from death, and only escaped by luck. How many times the champions were in despair or scared out of their wits. How many times they survived because an angel watched over them, an angel without a sarcastic voice in his head. Angel felt fear; fear that the children might not know that bravery was a sure way of getting dead. That sometimes you need to retreat, to run away and wait for a more favourable encounter. Will you please, please stop these ridiculous thoughts? You are giving me a migraine, LOBE interrupted his anxiety attack. They are justified, Angel replied infuriated.


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You are going to give yourself a hernia. Worry about things that are true, not that which may be true, but most probably not, LOBE said. You are not a parent, Angel said dismissively. You want to rethink that statement? LOBE sneered. Ok, ok you are me, guess you should understand, Angel replied annoyed. I do understand, but I also understand that those children, although they dont have me, have more brains in their pinkies than all of you so called heroes put together, LOBE remarked. Angel listened. They grew up together, they had pulled pranks on you guys that you still have not figured out, LOBE suddenly seemed slightly bemused, some of which I have not even managed to completely comprehend. Angel smiled as he thought about some of the brilliant pranks that the children had managed to play through the years. They held a party on Arken, and took the entire planet hostage. They created a fake uprising in a remote sector of UGE space, which of course the UGE lord and the council had to go unravel. Then they managed to configure the defensive grid so only ships with occupants aged less than 20 years could land. Angel and Ricci were off world and could not get back on Arken to punish them for the party. They had to swear there would be no repercussions before the children returned the defensive shield to normal.


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Ricci had mentioned that they had Skibladne and could destroy the planet, but then the kids mentioned that they had Sleipnir and it would perish as well. Ricci surrendered, probably the only time ever. If she would really have destroyed the planet, Angel never knew for sure, but he had to believe that she actually loved the children too. Fine, they can take care of themselves, Angel reluctantly admitted. Yes, they can and maybe you can consult them before your next mission so you dont screw up so badly, LOBE sniggered. Qren rescued Angel from the agony of LOBEs derision session. Sorry to interrupt my lord, Qrens thoughts pushed LOBEs out of the way, but Angel was sure he could still hear LOBE laugh in the back of his skull. The trouble with life is there is no background music, Angel snidely remarked, to which LOBE started to hum. Pardon me, my lord? the Ark engineer asked perplexed. Nothing, Qren, what did you want to tell me? Angel asked. We should reach Earth shortly, Qren continued, just thought you would like to know. Thanks Qren, I should get ready. Ill see you later, Angel remarked, and started to make his way to his cabin and a shower. Qren stayed on the command deck, Arks had no need to shower, and he was excited to see earth again. To him it remained the most beautiful planet, and his daughter would be there. His joy had no bounds. If he only had the ability, he would have smiled.


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Qren stared at the moon orbiting earth as they passed it. He understood why people on earth found it magical; it was mesmerizing in some strange way. The view screen flickered and Carras face appeared, Qren, so good to see you again, Carra exclaimed, how long has it been? Close on 20 years? Qren was amazed at how little the Valkr had aged. He had analyzed earthlings in detail for many years and he had studied there aging process very carefully. Only earthlings possessed the TNRF-12 gene needed to create the UGE lord, and only one or two males per generation. In females however, the gene was much more common and all Valkr had this gene. The transformation process worked slightly differently on them, with a more physical than mental effect, but they also gained the longevity by-product of the mind transformation. The reason for the longevity was a simple cellular reconstruction caused by the mind transform technology. As soon as a cell grew old or became damaged it re-spawned itself into a healthy clone and the old cell was recycled as energy. Therefore, the mind transform artefact remained a very effective way to slow down the aging process. Qren sent a thought towards Carra, it is extremely pleasurable seeing you again my dear Carra. Is the UGE lord around? Carra enquired. He is currently in his quarters preparing for our arrival. Is there some way I may be of assistance? he asked.


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Would you tell him his wife and Gemmi went after Typhon. They left for Tokyo a little while ago, and I think they might need his help. I think he will have questions, I therefore suggest you deliver this message in person Carra. Qren activated the remote view screen in Angels quarters. Are you decent my lord? Qren asked. Yes, Qren, whats up, Angel answered sitting on the edge of the bed strapping on his soft leather black boots. Carra has news, she wishes to speak to you, Qren explained. The view screen split into two images with Qren occupying the left and Carra the right. My lord, as I just told Qren your wife and Gemmi went after Typhon in downtown Tokyo, and they might need your assistance, Carra repeated the message. Angel felt relief flooding over him. Ricci was alive. Are the children safe? Angel asked. They are fine my lord, all here and accounted for. Admittedly they are slightly irritable since your wife gave strict orders for their containment, Carra seemed a little haggard as she relayed this news. Angel smiled; the kids must be giving her a hard time. Carra addressed Qren again, you can be very proud of Shen my old friend, she is a true hero and saved the others skin on more than one occasion. Her creativity and ingenuity was the inspiration for their success. Qren beamed... on the inside. Thanks Carra, well see you soon, Angel dismissed the Valkr commander and the right hand image on the screen disappeared.


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Angel looked confused, I thought your species did not have creativity and ingenuity Qren? No offence meant, but is this not the reason you abducted the UGE lord to begin with? Angel asked. Qren seemed uncomfortable, his huge teardrop shaped almond eyes stared directly into Angels blue grey eyes. Even with showing no outward emotion, Angel could sense it. Shen... Qren began, Shen is different. Her DNA is not purely mine. She has some of the scientists DNA as well. The scientist is the only Ark that has this ability1 and I wanted to make sure it did not die with him. Shen embodies the continued existence of our specie. She is Ark-Alpha. Qren explained. Why do you not create all new Arks with this ability? Angel asked. The reason why Arks only have one child is that the process is extremely dangerous. The DNA extraction is fatal in a high percentage of child creation procedures. I had to convince the scientist to extract his DNA and fuse it with mine before creating Shen. The fact that Shen survived is a miracle in its own right. The DNA after extraction degrades within seconds. The scientist had to fuse the DNA and start the growth cycle in an impossible period of time. So Shen has two dads? Angel asked. Yes, I assume on earth that would be the logical conclusion, Qren said in a dismissive tone, please keep this between us my

The scientist was the only Ark that possessed creativity and imagination. He was an anomaly and an integral part of the Ark society.


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lord, if the Arks learned I endangered the scientist in such a way, they would see me as a traitor. I would be banished. You have my word old friend, Angel said impressed with Qrens fortitude. Skibladne, set course for Tokyo, Angel commanded and then added, sorry Qren, seems you will need to wait a bit longer to see your little girl. I understand my lord, and concur; we have a duty to perform first. #Course set# the metallic drone of Skibladnes voice filled his quarters.


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Typhon rapidly approached the blond duo. We need that plan now Gemmi! Ricci screamed. Gemmi sighed. Remove the jewel from the swords hilt, she commanded. Ricci caught on. No Gemmi, you know that almost killed you last time. I know princess, but we need it to enter that monsters mind. You want us to go inside his mind? Are you insane? Ricci asked. Please trust me Ricci. Now hurry, Gemmi exclaimed. Ricci Qrenched the jewel from the hilt of the sword. It started to glow as if anticipating the events to follow. Now grab my hand. Loser, hang on, Gemmi ordered. Loser was still perched on Gemmis shoulder, his little hands fearfully clasped tightly around Gemmis neck. Now I need the two of you to focus all you thoughts on Typhon, try seeing his mind, Gemmi explained. Hold up the jewel Ricci, quickly now, we need to get into his mind before he enters ours, Gemmi anxiously commanded. Ricci complied hurriedly, whispering through clenched teeth, you know I would agree with you that this is a good idea, but then we would both be wrong. Ready, here we go, Gemmi proclaimed resolutely. Typhon had moved close enough for them to smell his ghastly breath.


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She forced the piece of the Brisingamen jewel in her hands into the half of the jewel Ricci held, their hands tightly clasped each other covering the jewel. The jewel had no objections to being one again, and seemed to scream in delight. It burst into an ominous pulsating red light. The orb that formed by the two halves joining spun on Gemmis palm, looking like something you would find at a demented satanic disco party. The trio were however unable to observe this unholy display of colour and light, as their consciousness forcibly detached from their bodies and plunged deeply into the demon gods mind. Gemmi kept a tight grip on Riccis hand even in astral form while the blocked memories of their previous encounter surfaced again. Ok Typhon, here I am, what are your other two wishes, Ricci sneered courageously. Typhon appeared in a sickly grey vision. Welcome to my humble abode, come closer so I may give you a piece of my mind, Typhon sadistically roared. Oh no, I really cannot take the last piece, Ricci grinned, unsheathing Dragonfang which she had conjured up from memory in her astrophysical state. Is that supposed to scare me? Typhon mocked. Im smiling arent I? That alone should scare you, Ricci answered with contempt. Typhon waved his hand, I am being an ungracious host, please make yourselves comfortable. The inside of Typhons mind changed.


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Imagine every image from a late night horror movie you have ever seen, demons with rotting skin, demented creatures that appeared hundreds of feet tall, tore at other putrid creatures and horrifying demons. Completely distorted shapes and images that changed, flowed, and made you nauseous to look at. Everything in his mind he had fashioned to instil fear. Every nightmare created in the minds of humans through the centuries Typhon kept in here, twisted and made more horrific. Little baby bunny rabbits caught and eaten by cute tiny toddlers, with blood dripping from their one and two little baby teeth mouths as they tore at the flesh of the bunnies. Tiny toddlers were sauted by demonic apparitions as snacks; their soul-destroying screams tore through flesh and bone as the little ones cooked in the huge frying pans. A huge boogie monster hid under the table clinging to something resembling Freddie Kruger, while they both trembling in fear. Kids on giant torture machine, their limbs ripped off as their pleas and cries deafened the trio. These images came and went. Some were far away, and then zoomed into their faces. Some images remained distorted others so vivid that it felt like they sucked in your soul, made it even more terrifying. Ricci looked around, love what you done to the place, she mocked, although it is a little bland, ever considered using more contrast? Oh and their attire is so last season, she said pointing at some wraths, not very convincing, but what do you expect from a has-been over the hill Olympian who thinks he is a god.


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Typhon roared again, you think you cannot be hurt here? Think again human. This is not a nightmare. Here everything is real and can and will kill you, again, and again. This will be your tormented home for all eternity. What is the rest of your plan Gems? Ricci whispered to Gemmi through pursed lips. Gemmi seemed different, possibly the effect of the Brisingamen jewel. She seemed possessed and scary even to Ricci. Gemmis eyes glowed with a blood red light. Loser jumped to Riccis neck and chattered furiously. What is the one thing you do not see here, Gemmi asked. Ricci looked around at the fear, despair, pain and torture around her. A good fast food restaurant, Ricci nervously joked, a built in defence in a desperate situation. Love, Gemmi said. So? Ricci did not follow. Loser is pure emotion. We will use his emotion, amplify it and use it against the demon, Gemmi explained. At this exact moment, Loser jumped from Riccis neck and stood in front of them with a fearful expression on his face, he looked from Ricci to Gemmi and looked scared out of his wits. This place must be affecting his mind, he must be seeing us as monsters, Gemmi suggested. He does not have the jewel to protect his mind, Ricci added, although even with the jewel your face is scaring the hell out of me. We better get out of here quickly before the jewel fry both our minds. Loser, close your eyes, Gemmi said.


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Now feel my heart. Dont look, just feel, Gemmi softly instructed her friend. Typhon seemed amused. He knew nothing could harm him here. He was home, in his amazing Tortureland theme park, with nightmares born through generations of creative human minds. Sometimes, even he stood amazed at the demonic horrors human minds could think up. New rides and carnival tents sprung up all the time upgrading and replacing less terrifying ones; it was a work in progress getting better every day. Loser closed his eyes and he used his emotion senses. He slowly inched closer to Gemmi and hesitantly put his little paw in her hand. Take his other hand, Ricci, she commanded. They formed a circle. Now Ricci I want you to project every bit of love you can muster to Loser, Gemmi ordered, Loser will do the rest. Ricci thought it an insane plan, but she ran through the images of her husband and children anyway. Overcome by the love she felt for them, she silently shed a tear. Her brave arrogant facade completely obliterated by the emotions she felt, enhanced by Losers abilities. The loved flowed from the girls into Loser, and from Loser into them. The emotions grew stronger and stronger with every passing second. Loser started to glow in an angelic light, a light so beautiful, so pure, so holy it made your heart ache. Typhon attacked. He rushed at the circle but could not get close. The light expanded and enveloped him in a force field of love.


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Typhon screamed. He had felt love before in people he destroyed, but it had served as fuel for the despair and fear he instilled on them. It made it so much more satisfying killing a child while his parents watched so that the love they felt turned into terror, anguish and pain. He hated this emotion, this and hope, it made him nauseous. He loved destroying it. This love was different, it grew inside his mind, it wanted to destroy hate and fear and evil, it wanted to destroy him. He felt fear for the first time in his existence. It tore into every fibre of his being, the phantom image of himself he projected into his own mind wrung in agony. He wanted to run but the light surrounded him, and he had no idea which way was out. They had him trapped. In the real world, Typhon clawed at his own face, tearing off chunks of molten rock, trying to scratch out his brain. Now what do we do? Ricci asked Gemmi, we cannot keep this up forever, and forever is as long as we will need to. Gemmi hesitated, I thought we could destroy him with this plan, unfortunately it seems we have only incapacitated him. The light faded slightly. Keep going! Gemmi screamed, trust our friends. We must trust in good conquering evil. This is the only way, keep going! The light strengthened again.


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As all tales of heroes goes, it is required that all rescues and victories happen at the last possible moment. This is an indisputable requirement of any legend. Unfortunately, this is not a legend, it is a story, and stories do not always have happy-ever-afters. Angel stood over the bodies of his wife, Gemmi and Loser. They lay in a trance hands tightly clasped in each others. The Brisingamen jewel slowly spun on Gemmis chest. Blood seeped through the spot where the jewel pivoted and burrowed into her skin. Typhon laid a few paces off wringing in pain scratching at his face, quite oblivious to everything around him. Angel did not know what to do. As Qren explained, from the images he was able to gather from the girls minds, they were keeping him a prisoner there. They could not remove the jewel or revive the girls because that would cause Typhon to escape. The girls could not keep it up forever; their bodies needed sustenance and sleep. They need to come up with a plan to imprison Typhon permanently, somewhere where he could not control a mind to rescue him, some place from which he cannot escape. Anxious oriental faces cautiously appeared behind dumpsters, wrecks and from ruined buildings. Was it really all over? They thought. They did not dare approach as they could see Typhon was not dead yet, but the show was clearly too good to miss.


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Angel had no idea what to do; he simply could not tear his mind away from his wife and her situation. Ah hell, just look up, LOBE interjected forcibly. Angel looked up into the blinding midday sun. What? I cant see anything, the damn sun is too bright, He said irritated with the voice in his head. Thats what I meant genius, the sun, dump him into the sun, LOBE haughtily sighed. Angel brightened up. Thats brilliant, even if he could control a mind, no one could get close enough to him to rescue him. Well Skibladne could with her Zellion hull but everyone inside would still be pressure cooked. Of course it is brilliant, LOBE jeered, everything I say is. Skibladne, teleport Typhon inside, he commanded the ship of legends. #would that not break the connection my lord# Skibladne asked. Skibladne although able to teleport inanimate objects, could not safely teleport living creatures. Typhon, they did not care for, but the girls and Loser could not be teleported. Sleipnir was the only ship able to teleport with human or aliens inside it. Scientists speculated this to be more Aesir magic than technology and no one had been able to replicate this remarkable attribute. Dammit, I did not think of that, Angel replied agitated. #if it pleases my lord, might I offer suggestion#


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The plan though simple remained eloquent, whereby Skibladne would lift the four bodies with her tractor beam while Angel used Sleipnir to teleport around them. The girls, the Gerbit and Typhon materialized behind Angel as Sleipnir finished its teleport sequence. The landing bay on Skibladne opened and Angel docked his wifes fighter inside. Skibladne set course for the sun and zoomed off as swiftly as was possible without disturbing the unconscious teammates on Sleipnir. It took only a few minutes for Skibladne to achieve a safe orbit around the sun. The sweat dripped from Angel in buckets. The heat, even at this distance, and with the cooling systems running at full blast, remained unbearable. Angel was about to tell Skibladne to teleport Typhon into the sun when the irritating voice inside his mind appeared again. Stop you idiot, LOBE commanded. What now? Angel asked. The girls and Losers consciousness are still trapped inside that monster, if you teleport him now, you will kill them, LOBE explained. So what do you suggest we do, Angel asked in desperation. Scenes of his wifes funeral swam in front of his eyes, having the preview of her wake in progress right now. Simple choices really, if you sever the connection now, Typhon wakes and destroys us all, if you dont, Typhon gets imprisoned and your wife and her friends die, LOBE gave the options.


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I meant a suggestion where no one dies, Angel screamed. #Skibladne, get ready to teleport Typhon on my mark# LOBE commanded the ship of legends after liberating Angels vocal cords. Okay, Im going to explain this slowly so you can follow. Take the sword of Freyr and get in position to knock that jewel away from Gemmi, he told Angel. We might only have a second, so do not mess this up, LOBE jabbed at Angel. I wont, Angel answered through clenched teeth in grim determination. Now, LOBE commanded both Skibladne and Angel. Angel swung the sword of Freyr as Typhon started to dematerialize. The flat of the blade caught the Brisingamen jewel dead centre. It flew into the hull with such force it dented it. Gemmi and Ricci both started to groan, and Loser silently lay there with his eyes fluttering open and shut. What happened? Ricci spluttered. She focussed on her husbands face, flew up and embraced him so tightly it knocked the wind out of him. Ricci, is that you? Angel asked bemused as she kissed him all over his face. Yes you idiot, what took you so long, Ricci yelled holding onto him even tighter. Yep, Its you all right, Angel laughed. Gemmi sat groggily supporting herself on her arms. Where is Typhon? she asked. View screen, my lady, Angel commanded Skibladne.


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The screen flickered and turned to a scene showing Typhon plummeting into the sun, still screaming. Welcome to your new eternal home, Ricci laughed, being immortal is a bitch. Loser grew a little in size and helped Gemmi to her feet, holding her tightly to make sure she did not fall. Where is my sword? Ricci asked accusingly. Right behind you my dear, Angel smiled. He knew in what trouble he would have been had he forgotten to take the sword. Ricci picked it up and walked over to the jewel, splitting it in one motion. A deafening scream followed and this time Ricci and Gemmi joined in, having had their minds connected through the jewel that long, it felt like someone stabbed ice picks into their brain. Loser held Gemmi even closer. After a few seconds, the pain subsided and the two halves of the jewel lay on the deck inside Sleipnir. Ricci attached her halve to the hilt of her sword and Gemmi mounted hers on the chain around her neck. Ricci hugged Angel again. Residual effect from Losers emotion energy, dont get used to it, Ricci joked. Gemmi shook her head, knowing that the emotions they projected dissipated as soon as they left Typhons mind. You are squishing me, Angel breathed desperately, the wind knocked out of him. Ah, suck it up big boy. She let go as she saw Qren enter Sleipnirs command deck.


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Qren, am I happy to see you, she shouted and hugged him too before Angel could warn him to run. You have one amazing little girl down there, Ricci said pointing in the direction of earth. Thank you my lady, and now if it pleases my lord may I go see her, Qren projected. Was that an attempt at sarcasm Qren? Angel smiled. I think so my lord; did I succeed? he asked. Nope, still need some work, Ricci remarked, while walking off her ship onto Skibladne. Angel and Gemmi laughed, the queen of sarcasm had spoken. By the way Gems, next time you use love as a weapon; count me out! Ricci yelled over her shoulder. I know princess, thats why I did not tell you the plan until the last moment. But havent you been using it for years? Gemmi mischievously called after her. Ricci growled to the amusement of the others. Screw you Gems, she shouted. Now dear, that wasnt very nice, Angel carefully berated her. Okay, okay, I take it back. Un-screw you Gems, Ricci laughed. Bitch, Gemmi giggled. You say bitch like it is a bad thing Gems, Ricci said as she walked away with swaying hips. Are these your eyeballs I found stuck in my tight butt dear? Ricci teased without looking back. Stop being a smartass dear. Well looking at your arse, you must be a freaken genius, she shot back. Damn, Im on fire tonight, her laughter faded into the distance.


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Angel knew he loved her and could never love anyone as much as he did his wife. He sighed happily and followed her.


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Angel sat bolt upright in bed. The dream he had, woke him with a start. Whats wrong dear, he heard Riccis sleepy voice drift up from the pillow beside him. I forgot something important, Angel said. Well can you keep on forgetting it till morning, it is the middle of the night, Ricci sleepily replied again. Dont you want to know what Typhon was after in downtown Tokyo, Angel asked. No babes, I only asked whats wrong to be polite, I really dont care, Ricci announced turning her back on him and pretended to snore. With the excitement of seeing his wife and kids again, he had completely forgotten whom they were originally pursuing. He got out of bed and headed over to the Valkr command centre. He was surprised to find so many Valkr awake going over scans and satellite images. Angel was even more surprised to find that the images were of downtown Tokyo. Whats going on? Angel asked. We are searching for Darkel, Carras voice came from the door she just entered. She pushed one of the cups of coffee she carried into his hand. Thanks, he smiled, so are you going to keep me in suspense forever, or are you going to tell me how you knew she was here?


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Qren told us you were following her, Carra explained, we assumed she must be hiding in Tokyo since this is where Typhon attacked, and we know how much he hates her. Too bad we could not leave him to finish her off, Angel looked pensive. Yes my lord, but you know our objective here on earth is saving lives. We could not let those innocent people die, Carra explained. I know, Angel replied, but it would have been nice though. We will find her my lord, she cannot hide forever, Carra decreed with determination. Any news on Apollos whereabouts, Angel asked sipping his coffee, remembering that the god went missing as well. No my lord but we have every available Valkr searching for him. He could not have gotten far. Great, then I am going back to bed, Angel decreed before remembering the cup of coffee he just drank. Carra saw his unease, do not worry my lord, it is decaf, youll sleep just fine. Thanks Carra, have a pleasant evening.


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Two weeks had passed. Angel, Ricci, and the children had decided it was time for a holiday and they, along with Qren and the other kids, travelled all over South America, visiting the most picturesque places. The Cacahuamilpa grotto in Mexico fascinated Throm, while Phalin loved the rain forests and Feral thought the Rio Carnival must be heaven brought to earth. The children had a closer bond than ever before. Shen blossomed into a confident young alien. Feral seemed to have grown up as well, even though as a descendant of Loki the trickster god, the prank gene remained imbedded in his DNA. His pranks were somehow more entertaining and less childish, and he maintained it was part of his training to become a ninth circle mage. Throm and Phalin resembled their parents more with every passing day. Their destiny to become rulers of their races was obvious to everyone in their regal mannerism. Feral had the same destiny but he unfortunately resembled Guival more than Archchancellor Teral. Angel could only marvel at the childrens transformation after they were giving the freedom and faith to handle the Furies on their own. Skibladne skimmed across the Atlantic Ocean on its way back to New Valhalla. The children happily chatted in the chairs behind Angel.


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Ricci, sitting in the command chair next to him, turned her head and smiled at him. Angel wanted to freeze this moment in time; it was perfect. The Valkr hanger was quiet, too quiet; there were no support staff or ground crew insight. Angel and the rest of his entourage instinctively went into combat mode. He gave no order; he did not need to. Weapons appeared out of nowhere as they formed a semi circle, each intently listening for the slightest sound, the slightest indication of trouble. Angel sighed as he thought back to only a few minutes ago. The peace, the happiness, he had the perfect moment. It could never last. Feral moved a few paces forward, his hand outstretched in front of him. His other hand held Gungnir in a defensive grip. Something seemed just a little off and slightly supernatural. He felt the magical field and was about to throw a spell at it when he heard someone roar with laughter in his mind. Knew I could not fool you, he heard a familiar voice. Dad, uncle Teral! he screamed. The hangar started to shimmer and the occupants slowly appeared, hidden from sight with Aesir magic. The entire crew was present, Laidin, Kirom, Guival, even Brom and Teral were there along with Kirom and Guivals spouses. We thought you could use a ride home, Kirom laughed, as Throm grabbed his mom and dad in a warm embrace.


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Feral was about to comment on the little hairball, but a sharp look from his mother ended that idea quickly. Guival and Terals sister were married, and even though Teral never had children, he had always thought of his nephew Feral as his own. Feral had always been very proud of the fact that he descended from the two most powerful mages in Aesir history, namely Loki and Odin, until Storm pointed out that he must have been the result of inbreeding since they were in fact brothers. Unfortunately, Phalins father could not make it as he oversaw the process of dark El rehabilitation. Laidin created this program for the non-military dark El, not responsible for the destruction of Nidavellir. The elven girls happily gossiped as only girls could. Glad to see you have not lost my spear yet, Guival said pointing to Gungnir. Kirom ruffled Throms hair while his uncle Brom, Kiroms older brother, came over for another family hug. Even though the Valkr briefed the new arrivals on the events that preceded the reunion, they still seemed to have much to discuss. Well met my friend, Angel greeted the Arch Chancellor of the Aesir. And you my lord, Teral replied. I thought you guys were too busy to come? Angel asked the arch mage. Truth is we felt bad having the UGE lord come out here alone when we owe him so much, Teral answered.


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Brom joined them, Laidin felt the UGE council needed more responsibility, and she decided they could oversee the rest of the work that needed to be done. She did ask Vadenin to return from his deep space exploration mission to oversee the rehabilitation project. All the UGE members were too busy helping the Dwar and El rebuild to cause trouble again. We could take a small break and come make sure you did not get yourself into any serious trouble, the Grand Master Dwar explained. Vadenin, now there is a name I have not heard in many years, Angel remarked. Well he has always been a free spirit. I guess that is what attracted Laidin to him. I do not think Phalin will miss him not being here though. She had seldom seen him growing up and their relationship was almost nonexistent. Poor girl, Brom added. He had a very low opinion of Phalins dad, for continuously abandoning his family to go on his ridiculous explorations. These quests would continue for years at time, and he missed almost all of Phalins childhood. For a Dwar there was nothing more important than his family. Vadenin, even though he was married to Laidin had renounced his title as king so he may pursue his passion for deep space exploration. Well I am truly overjoyed to see you all, Angel beamed. A small figure appeared in the hangar entrance flanked by Gemmi and Carra. Noone, is that really you? Angel squinted to make sure his eyes were not deceiving him. Ah, my lord, good to see you, the ancient being remarked. You are on earth? Angel asked in disbelief.


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Noone pretended to pinch himself, I guess I am. Imagine that. Geez seems I need to keep all you guys away from Ricci, he scoffed. Angel laughed and hugged his old mentor. Qren was even more elated than Angel was at seeing Noone. Gemmi cleared her throat, lords and ladies. May I have your attention? The room went silent. In honour of the most revered and distinguished guest in the universe gracing us with your presence on our humble planet, we of the Valkr decided to hold a ball in your honour. A ball, Feral asked confused, thats silly, why hold a ball, why not a golden standard or a symbolic sword? he asked innocently. A ball is a dance you moron, Storm and Ricci exclaimed in unison. The hangar bay erupted with uncontrolled laughter. What, you think Im stupid? Feral asked and blushed, turning a deep blue. Its not your fault, but I must admit, as always, you have a very strong grasp of the obvious, Storm jested. Now listen here... Guival began. I am ready to listen, are you ready to think? Ricci interrupted him. Well I think... Feral interjected before Storm interrupted him. Shhh... Do you hear that? Thats the sound of nobody caring what you think, Storm added to her mothers pestering of the two Aesir. Oh no, ancients protect us, now there are two of them... we are doomed, Noone screamed in mock anguish.


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The friends retired to ready themselves for the ball that evening. Angel suggested they invited dignitaries from all over the earth to join them in the festivities. This pleased the female warriors since it meant the guests would bring guards and secret service boys for them to enjoy the evening with. Angel wore his formal Skibladne designed attire, as were all the boys. The girls however decided to wear more eloquent ballroom gowns. Each trying to outdo the other while making sure they do not outdo Ricci. Just to make sure no one was going to show Ricci up, Gemmi had requisitioned a gown made from pure gold thread. It was styled to hug Riccis amazing figure accenting her striking features. Her hair that looked as if woven from gold flowed over the gown in perfect harmony. Her full breasts lifted and showed more cleavage than most men could handle without embarrassing themselves. When she entered the room Angels jaw physically dropped, and he stammered to find suitable or even any words. Is it that bad? Ricci joked knowing she looked amazing. My love, you look... you look... WOW! Ricci giggled and grabbed him around the neck kissing him passionately. The great hall, where the banquet and ball was to take place looked like something out of a fairy princesss handbook. Ice sculptures and glass structures swept across the room. White lilies


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seemed to grow along the walls and faint golden lights ran from every corner. Since the UGE lord was the guest of honour, all other dignitaries and friends were already present in the great hall. The entire room turned quiet to admire the princess of the UGEs entry. The normal pleasantries continued where everyone pretended to be very happy to see everyone else. Most had no idea whom the other was, but they were still happy to see them... again, and how are the children, and it has been so long since we last had time to catch up... who are you again? Angel made Ricci swear to behave and not insult or gods forbid kill anyone. She reluctantly agreed when he promised her she could attack the next planet that threatened the UGE stability. Angel was quite surprised to see the heads of state of so many countries around the world in attendance. The children looked delightful in the same attire as the UGE lord. They were overjoyed that they were now able to wear the robes of honour as they referred to it. Even the girls, after finding that some essential accessories did not quite fit their gowns, quickly settled for the Skibladne designed formal tunic. The accessories of course referring to weapons like Tyrfing strapped to the back of Storm, the bow of Odin and the twin blasters, which the girls argued were status symbols and deserved the honour of the ball as much as they did. In any event, there was no way that the boys were going to the ball fully armed and they were not.


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Blade, Throm and Feral were showing off their best imitation of their parents position, by strutting down the aisle in the most kingly fashion they could think of, while the girls judged them. Throm won by an enormous margin and Blade and Feral decided to attack, while Throm defended the fair maidens honour. The battle that ensued almost caused an international incident. The girls not to feel left out joined in the attack, and a lot of glass and ice shattered in the initial onslaught, as well as some dignitaries receiving some nasty bumps and bruises. Angel had his hands full persuading Ricci not to join the battle. The situation only subdued after Storms blade accidentally nicked Losers jacket and he grew to a supersized premenstrual guerrilla. He grabbed each of the twins and Throm in turn stuffing them under his arm like a bunch of stolen bananas. The children knew better than to anger him any further and did not struggle. Feral turned into a metallic puddle and proceeded to flow from the room avoiding the same indignity. Shen and Phalin surrendered laying down their weapons. The prompt banishment of the children from the proceedings followed, and they had to spend the evening in the hangar bay with Skibladne. The kids still brooded over their misfortune and unfair treatment, when they heard a commotion in the corridor outside the hangar.


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They rushed from the room only to find an unkempt little creature dragged between four Gentari warriors. The beleaguered creature barely able to move her head from the fatigue looked up and shyly smiled at Throm. Something passed between them; the look in her eye stirred something strange in his dwarven heart. He felt such empathy well up inside him for this bedraggled deformed creature, that his stocky dwarven body was hardly able to contain it. Bruxa, Throm exclaimed rushing to her aid. You know this creature? the Gentari commander enquired. Yes, unhand her immediately, he ordered. Are you all right? he asked the Lamie who from exhaustion and hunger appeared unable to speak. She still managed a smile at her beloved but collapsed immediately after. Where did you find her? Blade asked. She was skulking in the woods, the Gentari commander explained, she must have been driven mad with hunger and thirst because she ranted and raved about wanting to see the bearded king of the mountain. I assume that must be you? The Gentari deduced pointing at Throm. Throm ignored her, picked Bruxa up and carried her to his quarters. The others crowded around, but Throm instructed them to get water and clean clothes for the little creature. The girls decided to give her a bath while the boys waited outside the room. They had to fill the tub six times to get rid of the layers upon layers of filth that covered little Bruxa.


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They had no idea how to feed her, until Throm closed his eyes and offered her his arm. She refused at first but the thirst and hunger overwhelmed her. Bruxa is sorry my lord, and thankful, but sorry, she said blushing as she gently sipped the blood from the cut Throm had made on his arm using Tyrfing. Even though the creature was horribly deformed, her humble demeanour and friendly face, won the hearts of all the children and since she had been willing to help them on their quest, they remained in her debt. She finished dinking, what could not have been nearly enough to sustain her. She gently touched the rough bearded face of Throm with her strange little hand. Thank you my king, she said, and fainted again. Phalin would you mind fetching blood from the infirmary, we need to feed it directly into her blood sack, Throm requested. Throm had studied the anatomy of these creatures after they had attacked New Valhalla. He was a firm proponent of know thy enemy. He never imagined it would be to save one of their lives as an ally. Phalin presented him with the two pints of blood, which he fed via tube directly into her blood sack. Lets go, Throm ordered, let her rest, we can talk to her tomorrow. They left the room. Storm, not entirely convinced of her good intentions, ordered two Gentari to stand guard. She convinced Throm that they were there just in case Bruxa needed anything during the night. Throm was not happy about it, but agreed reluctantly.


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The following morning Ricci lay in bed refusing to take her head from beneath her pillows. She complained about a headache from the huge amounts of champagne she had to consume due to her forced vow of peace. The previous evening she had maintained that the only way she was going to be able to keep her smile without inciting an incident was if Angel allowed her to drink. No one argued then, but this morning she was thinking of hunting everyone that did not tell her to stop. To beat the princess was never an option, mostly trying to look cute and cuddly and hoping she would overlook you remained the best course of action. Angel quietly snuck out of the room hoping to find a secure hiding place before she regained mobility. The twins almost flattened him as they hastily rounded a corner. Dad, dad, you have to come listen to this, Blade screamed. What could be so important that it cant wait until I had had my coffee, he asked bitterly. Bruxa is here, and boy does she have news, Storm continued. Who...? Angel asked confused. Bruxa dad, the Lamie, who helped us locate the Furies, Blade explained. Angel was intrigued, one of Darkel and Typhons little helper here? What could be the meaning of this? Okay, hold your horses, I am coming, he sighed while the twins manhandled him down the passage.


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The Valkr quickly transformed the ballroom into a makeshift council room. All the council members currently on earth were present and accounted for, except for Ricci who was still thankfully out of action. The children were excited, as this was the first council meeting Angel allowed them to attend. The tables still decked out in white satin cloth formed a half moon. Throm, who had barely slept, woke his friends very early to go check on Bruxa. She was sitting upright in bed. She smiled as she saw her young acquaintances, and her smile broadened considerably when she saw the sturdy features of Throm emerge from behind the twins. The team had to admit that this was a completely different Bruxa to the one from last night. The blood drip they gave her served as a miraculous reviver. You look much better, Storm observed, still suspicious of this little vampiric creatures arrival at the sanctuary. Yes my queen, Bruxa thanks you, Bruxa replied blushing with all the attention. Queen, Huh? She does act like a queen most of the time, Feral laughed. Feral, behave! Shen admonished the Aesir sternly in the minds of all the children but did not project her thoughts towards Bruxa, she sees all of us as gods or royalty. Her mind does not


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differentiate. We, in her eyes, are kind, generous, and inspire loyalty and command. The only people she knows with those qualities are royal blood. The friends looked at her in amazement. It was completely unlike Shen to firstly give an emotional response, and secondly actually confront one of the others. Well, we are all related to the leaders of our races, so I guess she was not far off, Throm smiled enjoying Ferals reprimanding by the little alien girl. Storm smirked, or the leaders of the leaders. Blade gave his sister a stern look, only because their parents allow our parents to be Stormindal, he retorted. Storm winched, the only time her brother would use her real name is if she had gone too far. Sorry, she mumbled. So my little Bruxa, would you be kind enough to enlighten us as to why you came to New Valhalla, Phalin asked. The childrens eyes widened as the story unfold. Two hours later and the council convened ready to listen to Bruxas tale. She looked quite presentable in a small frock Gemmi used to wear when she first arrived on earth. She stood in the middle of the semi circle of tables behind which the most important and imposing figures in the known universe sat. The children had taken up seating on the side, in a space where you would find the nerds and unpopular girls at the dance. Bruxa was frightened out of her wits.


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She visibly shook, and fearfully looked around at the faces until she found Throm. He smiled at her and nodded. She immediately felt slightly more at ease and smiled at him timidly. Angels voice interrupted the moment. Bruxa, welcome to this UGE council meeting, he smiled at her. Thank you your holiness majesty sir, she stammered. Just Angel will be fine, Bruxa, Angel corrected her with a friendly smile. He quickly introduced the rest of the council members being Kirom, Guival, Laidin, Gemmi and Noone. Brom and Teral were also in attendance, as honorary members, even though Guival and Kirom were the ambassadors, and council members, of their respective races. Bruxa nervously smiled and waved. Would you be kind enough to reiterate the accounts you regaled our brood with recently, Laidin asked. Bruxa stared at her completely baffled. She means, would you tell us the story you told our children Bruxa, Angel restated the request when he saw the little creatures discomfort. Bruxa cleared her throat. With gladness, your lordiness Angel Sir, Bruxa stammered. Her story began with her encounter of the darklord. She told the council how she made the Lamie clan do her bidding. How Darkel woke Typhon from his slumber. How the darklord forced the Lamies with the help of Typhon to attack New Valhalla.


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Gemmi felt nauseous as she relived the events and had to leave the room. Bruxa told the council how Typhon helped their evil master to create the hydra army. Bruxa explained how she slipped away to find the cure for their mistress, from the head of medusa on the shield Aegis. Little Bruxa explained to them how Lamia was revived, and moved to Egypt. How the darklord and Typhon one day disappeared. Then the kings and queens showed up, and she helped them with finding the Furies. Bruxa not know that her mistress was evil. Bruxa only want to help sisters, the little creature explained. Mistress had terrible plan for revenge on other gods from beyond the eye, for cursing mistress and her children, Bruxa explained. She make Bruxa capture god and take eye, she continued. So you took Apollo? Gemmi asked. She had returned a short while ago, after spending some time in the rest rooms. She was extremely happy that Ricci was not there to hear the Lamie talk about the attack on New Valhalla, since the little creature would not have survived the retelling. Bruxa not want to, Bruxa not bad, Bruxa had no choice. Mistress kills Bruxa if Bruxa say no, she told the council. Bruxa escape to warn mountain king, and other god-kings and god-queens. Mountain king kind to Bruxa, make Bruxa see the bad things, make Bruxa be good, she continued pointing at Throm. Mistress Lamia took Bruxas sisters to Olympus to kill Zeus and other gods, she concluded.


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Serves them right, Riccis strained voice drifted in from the door, having caught Bruxas last statement. So this is where youve been hiding, she remarked sourly while rubbing her forehead, and what in heavens name is this thing? she asked pointing in the general direction of Bruxa. Bruxa is a Lamie, Angel said, realizing his mistake as he said it, but by that time, Riccis hands already choked the life out of Bruxa. He dove over the table grabbing his wifes arms and pinned it behind her. Let me go right now, Ricci screamed in fury, she killed my friends; I will rip her to shreds! Angel started to sweat, as he barely held on to his wife. Her rage was intense and she fought him with everything inside her. Darling listen, she is not responsible. It was Sharin and Typhon. They were unwilling pawns forced to do the dirty work, otherwise they would have ended up dead. Bruxa came all this way risking her life, both from her own sisters and us, to warn us. Please calm down, Angel pleaded with his wife to see reason. Bruxa sat on the ground coughing and wheezing, her wide fearful eyes staring at Ricci. The children formed a defensive line in front of her, but prayed that Angel would have enough strength to keep holding on. They were in no mood to face an enraged Ricci. Okay, fine, let me go, she hissed at Angel a minute later, I wont kill her. Angel tentatively let go. Ricci shook him off and lunged at Bruxa again, but at that same moment, a tranquilizer dart bit into her neck.


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Ricci had enough time to slap at the dart, turn her head and say, YOU! before she went numb. Carra stepped through the door with a tranquilizer gun in her hand. I thought you might need this when I found Princess Ricci had left her room. The council stared at her in amazement. No one could believe anyone would have the balls to tranquilize Ricci. Thank you, Angel said, but I suggest you take an urgent vacation before Ricci comes to. Two Gentari appeared, and returned Ricci to her room. Bruxa, we need you to show them where the eye is and bring it back here, Angel ordered while pointing to the children. His main thought being, get Bruxa off the base as soon as possible. Blade, I need you to lead a recovery operation, are you up to it? Angel asked. Of course dad, we are so on it, Blade stated proudly. Gemmi, could you supply a Valkr recovery crew and Gentari fighter escort? Angel asked. Of course my lord, Gemmi said turning to Carra, Carra, could you handle this please. I am placing you in charge of the Valkr effort, under Blades command. Gemmi had the same thought on Carra that Angel had about Bruxa. Get them off the base before the princess regained consciousness. Carra curtsied and left to carry out her orders.


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In the meantime, the council will debate our course of action on the intelligence we just received, Angel decreed while returning to his seat, take Skibladne Blade, he told his son. Come Bruxa, you need to show us where the eye of the gods is, Blade remarked helping the little creature to her feet.


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This is not good, not good at all, Zeus murmured miserably while sitting in the stone cage with the other gods. Yes this is wacked yo, Athena acknowledged. Several days ago, the gods were sitting down to a feast. This was the usual Hermday1 feast right after Athenas afternoon yoga classes, and evening Bingo. From nowhere the attack came. The gods had no time to ready themselves. They complained bitterly afterward that someone should have given them at least a day warning. Im not wearing my good teeth? My hair is a mess, Ill show you where you can put that walker, Where are my mandamn2 bolts? Slow down Schumacher, this is a wheelchair not a F1 car, The Lamies unceremoniously dragged, wheeled, and pulled the gods into the cage. Apollo, where did you come from? Zeus shouted as he found his old friend already inside the stone cage. Os ohw eht kcuf era uoy,3 Apollo asked utterly confused as to where he was, and who he was.

1 The gods decided to name the days of the week after themselves, Zeusday, Apoday, Hermday, Athday, Aphday, Aresday and Heraday. 2 damn for gods 3 So who the f*** are you?


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Zeus had become used to this and he took a seat next to his friend to explain where he was. Why I cannot tell you. I dont know these creatures, Zeus remarked. Kcuf swonk fi I od. I evah reven nees meht erofeb1 Apollo replied. Oh, but you do, a familiar voice hissed from the gloom outside the cage. Zeus thought hard, he knew that voice. Echidna, no she was dead. Zeus still racked his brain when the voice continued after a brief pause. Lamia you old fool, she hissed severely annoyed that he did not know who she was. Oh shit, Athena said. Hera is the one you want, Ares tried. What? Speak up, I cant hear you? Hera said after she saw Ares point at her. Just nod your head like this, Ares suggested nodding his head. Why? she asked again, nodding her head involuntarily. Oh, no need for thissss, you will all die eventually when we are through playing with you, Lamia proclaimed. We have friends, they will help us, Zeus exclaimed adamantly. You are misssstaken Zeussss, she spat, the eye issss ssssealed. No one will come for you. All your friendssss and petssss, who are able to open the eye, are on thissss sssside.

F*** knows if I do. I have never seen them before.


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So what do you want from us, Zeus asked now completely petrified. Nothing... jusssst need you to die, when I am ready, Lamia remarked with an evil smile playing around her happily flicking forked tongue.


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A hesitant Valkr guard interrupted a lively discussion in the council room. Lords, ladies, please excuse the intrusion but we have a request from some of the heads of state to address the council, she announced. This is strange, Angel thought, what could they possibly want to discuss with the council at this time? He looked at the rest of the council and shrugged, show them in, he announced. Five of the dignitaries from the previous evening entered the room. The Valkr guards escorted the presidents of France, Russia, America and China along with the prime minister of England, into the council chambers. They hurriedly placed tables and chairs in front of the half moon occupied by the council. Welcome my friends. What can we do for you? Angel asked with burning curiosity as the 5 leaders took their seats. The heads of state seemed to have elected the President of the United States as their spokesperson. Honoured council members, I apologize for the intrusion. We saw the occasion of having the UGE council here as the most opportune time to address an issue of importance to the entire earth. Please continue, Angel instructed. The earth has been constructing our own ships for interstellar travel in secret. In a joint initiative from the most brilliant


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scientists on earth, we managed to reverse engineer some of the ships we captured in the war on earth 20 years ago. Two prototype ships have been developed with jump drive capability and we are hoping to have more soon, the president continued. Angel looked at Gemmi questioningly, how was the Valkr not aware of this and why was he not informed. Gemmi smiled, I knew about this my lord, but Valkr law prohibit us from interfering in the development of humankind. I am as surprised as you are to find that they are so far along though. We had estimated at least another 5 years before the earth would be ready. The president continued, the prototypes have been completed, and we are ready to start trail runs. That is good news mister president, but I am still unsure why you needed to address the council. The president took a deep breath, we came to petition our entry into the United Galactic Empire, he said. Angel looked at his fellow council members, who all nodded in turn giving their approval to hear this appeal. Honoured guests, earth has long been a vital part of UGE culture, and the earth has been represented on the UGE council for the last 2 decades in the form of the Valkr, Angel said gesturing towards Gemmi, even though up to this point your seats were only there to ensure the safety of the planet. We understand this, but our petition is to be included as a member race. We would like to introduce trade routes, undertake exploration missions and perhaps establish small colonies on different planets, the president concluded his petition.


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Angel considered this and determined that this was not up to him to decide. He addressed the council, the earth has hereby formally submitted their request for entry into the UGE. There are enough of the voting council members here to reach a quorum, what is the councils decision. A chorus of Aye flowed from around the table like a Mexican wave. Angel smiled. Then mister president, it is my honour to welcome earth as an official member of the UGE, Angel proclaimed, we will have our Ark engineers assist with the final configuration of your ships and provide aid with the navigation equipment and star maps. If it pleases my lord, I would like to stay as an advisor, Noone interjected. Angel looked at the heads of state. Noone is one of the Ancients and founders of the UGE. His knowledge and guidance has brought the UGE to where it is today. I assure you, there is no one better than Noone to take you safely forward, Angel gave his appraisal of the Ancient being. The presidents huddled together discussing this request. Finally the president of the United States looked up, Mr Noone, we would be greatly honoured if you would assist us. We understand that our scientist could not foresee everything that could endanger our ships and people. Your assistance would be invaluable and appreciated beyond words. Then I think at this time the only point we still need clarity on is who will represent you on the council? Angel asked and continued in the same breath.


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I suggest you keep the Valkr as you ambassadors as they are already familiar with UGE law and structure. They have also represented earth admirable in the past, Angel suggested. We agree that the Valkr would be an unbiased impartial entity, who would represent the entire earth and not just certain nations, the president continued, we would however need them to form part of the United Nations, so we may convey points we would like the raise in the council meetings. Then we are agreed, and again, may I extend my warmest welcome to the earth as official member of the United Galactic Empire. The council members all left their seats to congratulate and welcome the heads of state into the UGE. A Valkr announced that they were ready to serve lunch and Angel disbanded the council meeting, which would reconvene afterwards. The party left for the dining hall still merrily chatting. Brom ever the opportunist discussed mining deals with the President of the USA. Angel overheard and quickly put an end to this discussion. He had seen firsthand what was left of a planet once the Dwar had burrowed into it. As I said before Mr President, all deals will be handles with the Valkr and the UGE council as intermediaries. Even though this is an amazing opportunity for the advancement of earth, the destruction that you could invite upon the planet once the rest of the UGE knows about you could be catastrophic. You have to remember up to this point we had kept the location and as far as possible the existence of earth a secret. However, now that you


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will start trading with the UGE that will not be the case anymore and, unfortunately, there are bad elements in the UGE as well, which would exploit and even destroy the earth. Just as a protective measure, I have decided to send the darkmoons here again. They will serve as deterrent for any pirates or smugglers that might decide to try their luck with this planet, Angel said as they walked to the dining halls. The president was well pleased with these suggestions, as he was concerned about the same points Angel raised. He had not been President then, but everyone that lived two decades ago remembered the two ominous new moons that appeared in orbit around the earth. Their incredible firepower saved the earth from utter annihilation on that occasion. To a long and prosperous future together, the President exclaimed. Amen to that, Angel laughed.


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A Shadow darted across the rooftops and landed silently in an abandoned alley, except for a nervous person pacing up and down. The person looked completely out of place in his expensive Armani suit and well-groomed features. This did not appear to be his first choice in meeting venue. An air-conditioned boardroom would have been nice, preferably in China, since downtown Tokyo is not where this Chinese person would like to be. Possibly because of Anti-Chinese sentiment flaring up all over Japan. Maybe it was because the Japanese Yakuza ruled these streets. Probably being that he was a dragonhead, a boss in the Chinese Triad. Most definitely because he was ordered to come alone by the only person he feared. He stopped his restless pacing and watched as the strange person walked up to him with an easy nonchalant gait. Everything about this person was in balance and screamed, fear me, the devil does, and he should know. The shadowy figure could have been mistaken for a comic book hero, until you stared into the soulless black eyes, and hoped to die quickly. As she came close, he bowed and offered her his thumb, which he severed, as this was the Triad way for failure. He had been late for their meeting on the previous occasion.


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He hoped that this would appease her. Darkel took the thumb, and flipped it over her shoulder into an open dumpster. What information do you have? Darkel commanded. We are closing in on the prize my lady, the man nervously spoke. You have not found it? Darkel asked in a reproving tone. It has been lost for many centuries your ladyship, we are doing our best, the man shakily replied. You disappoint me Shukuan, Darkel rasped in perfect Mandarin. Shukuan shuddered when he thought about how easily this masked figure infiltrated his sanctuary. No, not infiltrated, she strolled into his fortified stronghold through the front door. While on her sightseeing exploration through his mansion, she killed 17 of his best men by accident, seemingly without noticing. She politely knocked on the door to his panic room. The 5-inch thick metal door repositioned itself on the opposite wall. He tried to shoot her, but she never seemed to be in the place his bullets headed. She had walked up to him, grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground as if he was weightless. She said she was looking for an object that was a myth to begin with and according to legend lost many thousands of years ago. The small number of his bodyguards that survived called her Oni, the ghost demon.


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Shukuan, at our next meeting, if you do not know where the artefact is, I will show your two little children what I have learned about torture in my time in hell, Darkels hollow voice stated. He believed her.


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A confounded council debated the next step in their plan to liberate the Olympian gods. We dont even know if they are still alive? Guival interposed. If you were in their situation, would you not be hoping that your friends would try everything possible to help you? Kirom asked. Yes, but this seems hopeless, Guival stated glumly. No one had any idea how to reopen the gate; save to rescue Typhon from the sun, and the council severely dismissed that option. The children had piled into the meeting thirty minutes earlier, after safely recovering the gate from Egypt. They were minus Bruxa who now vacationed with Carra in an undisclosed location. There was always a slim chance, which no one was prepared to take, of Ricci torturing the children for the information. This was the reason why no one knows where the two went on their retreat. Are we sure there are no more Olympians left on earth? Brom asked in desperation. A semi rhetorical question answered several times before. Positive. Zeus was quite adamant that they were the last survivors, Angel concluded. The council room went dead silent. Ricci groggily emerged through the door, Dragonfang in hand. The Brisingamen jewel in the hilt of the sword had a deadly glow about it.


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She leaned against the doorframe to steady herself. Who tranqed me? she asked through clenched teeth. No one spoke. Angel felt relieved that she did not remember Carras heroic actions. One more time, then I am taking a rolling head count. Who tranqed me? she asked again. Angel rounded the table and walked towards his wife. It was me, Angel lied. Could not have been you, you were holding me back, Ricci retorted, seriously annoyed with her husband. It was me, Storm said catching on. No it was me, Blade said, following his sisters lead. I apologize profusely cousin, but I did it, Kirom added. Qren was the next person to confess. Ricci burst out laughing, You Qren, seriously you will have me believe you tranquilized me? Qren simply looked at her with his emotionless face. Fine, she sighed giving up, so what are we talking about, Ricci asked now quite finished with her vendetta. Angel smiled, his wife had a quick temper but she cooled down as quickly as she heated up. Olympus has been overrun with Lamies. We are thinking of a way to go help them, Angel explained. Why? Let those useless freaks rot, Ricci scowled, her temper flaring again, they almost got you and my babies killed, she reminded the council. It does not matter darling, we still need to help. Thats what we do, Angel stated in a way that served to say this point was not open for discussion.


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Ghmph, Ricci returned. You might still get your wish princess, Guival spoke, there is no way for us to open the gate again. Ricci brightened for a moment, but then seemed to fall back into misery. Yes there is, she whispered through clenched teeth. Sorry? Angel said imagining he must have heard his wife wrong. I said, there is a way to open the gate again, actually several million ways, Ricci raised her voice. The council stared at her in amazement. No one had a clue. Well its a good thing you guys are good looking, otherwise you would have had nothing to trade on, she smiled without humour. Teral took offense to this. By now, he had had enough of Riccis obnoxious disruptive behaviour, Ive heard enough. She obviously has not idea and is simply wasting the councils time, he said agitatedly. Say that again, Ricci glared dangerously, Ill hit you so hard everyone that looks like you will show bruises. That would be your entire race buddy, if you have not looked in the mirror lately. Angel quickly stepped between them as he saw Teral creating a fireball burning white and blue. The table in front of him started to melt and Broms beard began to smoulder as he had the misfortune of sitting next to Teral. Feral looked on in awe, he had never seen a conjured fireball burning white hot. Enough! Angel ordered, while Brom desperately tried to douse the flames. Ricci, your plan, now, he ordered.


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Alright, keep your wig on, Ricci answered, disappointed that she did not get to fight Teral, as she was still in the mood for a fight. Mythology, she simply stated. Huh? Angel replied. Who do you know that are part of Greek mythology? Ricci asked. Not following you, Angel asked again. Think bigger darling. UGEly in fact, she smiled. The Taur, of course, Angel exclaimed. Care to explain to the rest of us, Teral demanded. The Taur are not part of Norse mythology, my friend. They are part of Greek mythology. Therefore, they must have originated on Olympus. It stands to reason if they originally came through the gate that they would be able to open it again, Angel replied. So you are suggesting we bring the Taur here? Kirom asked. Hmmmm, I do not think that would be a great idea, Brom remarked, the earth might still take offense to the fact that the Taur almost annihilated the planet last time. I have a better idea, Angel said with a twinkle in his eye, we are going to take the gate there. Splendid idea my lord, Laidin smiled, Olympus is part of the Taur heritage, and would be well protected on Evergalt. Ricci seemed to enjoy this idea. She could just imagine the guided tour groups, and on your right you have Zeuss temple, if you look closely you can see the old fart trying to throw rocks at us. Feeding the gods remains strictly prohibited. Souvenirs will be available at the end of the tour, so please do not pick stuff up off the ground as you do not know where it has been.


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The council burst out laughing; even Teral had to crack a smile in each of their minds. Not trying to be pessimistic, but will the gate actually function that far from earth? Brom asked. The eye is a gate between dimensions. I do not think it matters where in this galaxy it is. Skibladnes dimensional shift seems to work just fine here on earth and in UGE space, Angel remarked. The council agreed. Angel disbanded the meeting until morning when they would start with final preparations.


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It was some time after dinner that the junior team cornered Angel in the tranquillity lounge. The amazing water features on the walls and the incredible exotic plants, some not even indigenous to earth were cleverly woven into the design of the room. Laidin and Phalin felt most at home here and this is where they spent most of their time. Brom, Kirom and Throm preferred the lower levels, in the caverns where they had created their own quarters. Dad we gotta talk, Storm demanded. Oh no, why do I get the feeling I need your mother right now? Angel jested. Daddy, this is serious, Storm said with a stern look on her face. Fine, what is on your mind, Angel inquired hesitantly. We want a crack at Sharon, Storm answered. Uhuh, right, okay... no, Angel firmly replied. Father, we have learnt much. We took on and beat the Furies... Blade said but was interrupted by Angel, and almost died. Daddykins, you know we will be careful. We promise to let the Valkr know immediately when we know where she is hold up. We will not move without backup. Dont you trust us daddy? Storm solicited in her sweetest most charming voice. Angel looked at her with a sly smiled, go ask your mother. He knew what the answer would be if they ever got up enough nerve to go ask her.


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But daddy, Storm pleaded, we would just be in the way when you attack the Lamies, and really, seeing the slaughter of all of those innocent little creatures, cant be good for our fragile young impressionable minds. Angel smiled widely; he suddenly caught on. Sharin is not the only reason you wish to stay is it? No my lord, we wish to stay here, and later when this is all over, help Bruxa reunite with her people. Or what is left of them, Throm interrupted before Storm could continue. And thats the main reason you cant ask your mother, because she would never agree to that? Angel had a knowing smile. No, she wont, Storm said sulkily. Alright, you promise to be careful, with constant, and I mean hourly check-in with the Valkr and I will agree to this. I am serious; you miss one check-in and not only is this mission scrapped but you will be confined to quarters until we get you back to Arken, Angel explained. Thank you, thank you daddy, Storm screamed hugging her father, but what are we going to tell mom. Angel looked pensive for a moment. Hmmm, Ill just tell her you guys are tired of war and fighting, and you want to extend your vacation here. You want to learn more about the cultural heritage of your parents. I think she will buy that. If we are lucky she will think you are kept out of danger instead of me sending you into danger, Angel swallowed hard, I hope! The children beamed. We promise to take the utmost care my Lord, Phalin pledged. And check in like clockwork, Shen added.


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And make sure your daughter does not get us into serious trouble, Feral teased. Angel laughed and sent them off to bed. Get some sleep; you will need an early start to move out before your mother become suspicious.


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Time issss growing sssshort for you Zeussss, Lamia hissed with pleasure, very sssshort indeed. Zeus had to watch the numbers in the cages grow steadily for the past couple of weeks. The Lamies hunted all over Olympus for any Olympian they could find, while others built more cages. There were now at least two hundred of them cramped into the cages. Your fight is with us Lamia, why are you capturing all the rest of these people? Zeus asked. Oh you will die eventually, but firsssst you will witnessss the biggesssst sssshow Olympussss hassss ever seen. It wont be to your tasssste but it will definitely be to ourssss, she gurgled with the sound a hungry snake makes. Just get it over with you viper! Zeus screamed. Patience, my dear Zeussss. You will firsssst ssssee how weak and usssslessss you are. Powerlessss to help your sssso called godssss. You will go to Hadessss, and live an eternity knowing you are worthlessss, Lamia barked, but do not desssspair... yet, for tonight it will all end. Zeus slumped back down and watched the light slowly starting to fade away.


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From his cage, Zeus could hear the chanting. He tried to peer into the dark, to see what was happening, but he only saw outlines of deformed creatures in the fire light. A voice rose above the noise. My precioussss children, the time hassss come to fulfil the prophecy. We will have our revenge on thesssse sssso called godssss for what they did to ussss. We feed tonight and rule tomorrow! Lamie barked. The cheers and chants rose to deafening roar. Zeus could smell the blood lust coming from the creatures. The hissing and snarling were sickening. Let the blood-fesssst begin, Lamia hissed. All the cages around his opened, all except theirs. The Olympians frantically scrambled in all possible directions. They blindly stumbled around, trying to run without being able to see in which direction to go. Zeus listened to the screams as blood sprayed across his robe; a Lamie ripped an Olympian to shreds right in front of him. He listened to the pleading that changed to gurgling. The cries of fear drowned in the cries of demonic lust. The white marble of his temple changed to red; even in the low firelight, it was clearly visible. Zeuss cellmates all cowered in the far corner of the cell. Hera looked in a trance as she tried to pick brain matter out of her hair without seeming to comprehend what it was. Athena muttered to herself incoherently and tried to stick knitting needles in Aress eyes.


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Apollo had no idea what was happening, and he tried to explain to everyone that the play they were watching seemed a little fake and the cast were definitely overacting. Zeus remained quiet, he simply watched with tears streaming down his face. The Lamie bloodlust grew so intense that they started ripping their own flesh from their bodies. Even frenzied sharks in baited water, could be confused with day old fish jerky in little Johnnys pocket at a Catholic Church sermon, compared to these sisters unholy communion. All except for one small corner of Zeuss temple, a corner that currently featured Drugunxa and less than a dozen of her sisters. They looked at the blood-fest not daring to move but utterly revolted at the same time with what their sisters did. Drugunxa thought Olympus would be a new start for her and her kind. She thought this beautiful place would accept them and let them live in peace. She had heard from Bruxa that Ambrosia not only tasted better than blood but could also sustain her kind much better. Bruxa was right. She and the few who would listen to her only drank Ambrosia since they came to Olympus and they felt stronger and more alive than ever before. They could live here and not be monsters but a part of Olympian society. They only hunted to live, as animals do. No one sees a lion as a monster when he kills a buck. They did not kill for pleasure, never for pleasure. Not feared but accepted. Not anymore,


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She never saw her kind as monsters, not until today. She understood why Bruxa left. She knew, Drugunxa thought, she knew all along and said nothing. She had convinced a few of her sisters that Lamias plan was wrong, but they were powerless to stop it from happening. Bruxa left because she felt this way, Drugunxa thought, powerless and alone with no one she could trust. Lamia had changed my sisters. We must stop our mistress. Lamia held an Olympian by his upper arms and ripped his jugular out with one swift bite. She threw her head back and laughed as the blood sprayed over her face. She made sure that every kill she executed was more gruesome than the previous and in full view of Zeus and his friends. Mistress! an urgent call sounded from the path leading to the eye. What? she hissed irritated with the interruption. Its the gate mistress. It is starting to activate, the Lamie explained. Impossssible, Lamia spat. I swear mistress, it started to shimmer, the Lamie said again. Lamia had the foresight to post guards at the gate. Even though she thought this would be redundant, she never took chances. Lamia threw her head back in anguish and screamed to the heavens. Bring them, she hissed urgently pointing to Zeus and his friends. The guard reacted immediately.


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Children, we musssst go, NOW! she barked over the shouting and dying. It was near impossible to control the feeding frenzy, but some responded and followed her. The rest trickled after the main entourage, as they regained some semblance of control. Some Olympians still alive, managed to limp or crawl away. Others, who were lucky enough to find hiding places and remain undiscovered, escaped unscathed. These were few in number, and the better part of the captured Olympian contingence now found their way to Hades in shade form, which was not the preferred way for an Olympian to join the netherworld. Drugunxa thought quickly, stay here, she ordered the few Lamies that did not join in the murderous rampage. She caught up with Lamia a little way down the road. Where are we going mistress, she asked innocently. Lamia had a gleam in her slit eyes. The one place where we will find the friendssss we need. Where no Olympian would ever willingly enter, where the mosssst dangeroussss and monssssteroussss beingssss are kept, she hissed, Tartarussss. Ah, very good mistress, Drugunxa concluded before slowing and then altogether stopping. She watched as the procession disappeared in the distance with a heavy heart. Drugunxa knew what she needed to do.


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Where the hell do you think you are going? a very angry princess appeared on Skibladnes view screen. On holiday, Storm answered meeting her mothers stern gaze. Without saying goodbye...? Ricci fumed. We did leave you a letter mom, and dad said it was okay if we stayed a little longer, Blade explained. The children had left holo-messages for their parents. Throm, Feral and Phalin had attached these to their parents weapons, Mjolnir, the Bow of Odin and Gungnir the Spear. They hoped this would convince their parents that they were not planning to attack anything. I dont care what he said; you get your butts back here. We are going home! Ricci raged. Mom, you guys are off on another mission, and we just want some peace and quiet for a while. We will be back on Arken before you and dad get back from Evergalt. We promise, Storm said so sweetly that Feral contemplated collecting the honey dripping from her voice. Ricci thought for a second, here they would be out of harms way, they have Skibladne and they are on vacation. What could possibly go wrong? Ricci appeared to be unaware of the peril in asking that specific question of the universe. Fine, Ill see you on Arken soon. However, you had better stay out of trouble. If I have to go into the underworld to fetch your sorry behinds there is going to be hell to pay.


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Love you too mom, Blade concluded and Storm blew a kiss before the landscape they travelled across replaced the image of their mother. Less than an hour had passed since their heartfelt goodbye to their mother. The small shack they approached looked in a serious state of disrepair from all observable vantage points. Situated deep in a canyon next to a river, it was nestled in the trees and completely overgrown by vines and other plants. Blade double-checked the coordinates given to him by Gemmi; this was definitely the place. Anybody home, he called after knocking on the door. He got no response. He heard a faint click as he turned the door handle. The team entered cautiously, and froze in stunned amazement. The inside, which looked as old and run down as the outside changed before their very eyes. Advanced sensor and monitoring equipment sprung from the floor. Comfortable quarters and a state of the art kitchen replaced broken beds and battered cooking utensils. What the hell? Storm managed. It is gene activated, a voice from the brush clarified. Carra and Bruxa emerged both carrying fishing rods and a bucket filled with salmon. Blade activated it when he touched the door. Only someone with the TNRF-12 gene will cause the change, others will only find a rundown shack, she explained when she saw the confused expressions in front of her.


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Well we are glad to see you guys are alive and well, Blade smiled. I assume, since you are here, that the hunt had been called off? Carra grinned. Not quite, Storm answered, but mom is leaving today, and we have another mission for which Bruxa will be well suited. Bruxa is ready, the excitable little vampire gleefully announced. She was going to go with her beloved; she did not care where they went or what they did. Well then, I think Ill extend my holiday for another day before heading back to New Valhalla, Carra mull over her options. Think that would be a good idea. Mom does not hold a grudge forever, everybody dies eventually, Storm laughed. The team and Carra parted ways with Bruxa in tow. Skibladnes engines roared to life as they approached, and they set off immediately towards Sharins last known location. #I have something for you in the materialization chamber# Skibladne broadcast mysteriously. The children ran, eager to see what the amazing ship had cooked up for them. Bruxa shyly stood at the back in the shadows hoping that the children would not notice her. She did not want to be in the way and obviously, this moment was for them. On the materialization platform lay six gauntlets almost identical to the one the children al wore on their left wrist. The old gauntlets housed their navigation, research data, scanners, their personal shields and all other kinds of toys imaginable.


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The children eagerly grabbed their new gauntlet although no one could ascertain its use. Its beautiful Skibladne, but what is it for? Storm asked burning with curiosity. Bruxa could not see past the children, but she was happy nonetheless for simply being able to share this moment. #they are cloaking devices# Skibladne declared in her usual metallic drone. You mean it can make us invisible? Blade asked. #it is a receiver for my cloaking ability. While you are in a 5-mile radius of me, I can project my cloak around the wearer# Skibladne explained. This is so cool! Storm shouted. Suddenly a weird mechanism popped from the ceiling and bathed the little creature hiding in the shadows in an eerie green light. Bruxa was scared out of her wits. She stared wide eyed at the children hoping for some indication of what was happening. The materialization platform started to glow again. The junior team parted to form an honour guard, three on each side of the terrified Bruxa. Bruxa looked nervously at the crews faces not entirely sure what they expected of her. Approach my dear Bruxa, Blade said in his most formal voice. On the platform lay the same outfit the team wore. Bruxa timidly hunched her shoulders as she slowly walked between the people she admired so much.


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All the children smiled kind-heartedly and this helped Bruxa to get over most of her anxiety. You are now officially part of Skibladnes crew. Congratulations, Blade smiled as he handed her the uniform. Bruxa had never seen anything more beautiful in her life. She stroked the material to make sure it was real. This is for Bruxa... the little creature began to splutter before the emotions overwhelmed her. Nobody has ever been kind to Bruxa, nobody has given Bruxa anything before, she thought while she quietly wept. Throm gently put his arm around her. She buried her face in his chest, so no one could see her shameless display of emotion. The children quietly turned and left after each in turn laid a gentle hand on her shoulder as a welcome gesture, leaving Throm to comfort the little creature. This was the happiest day of her life. Whats up with Throm? Blade asked when they were out of earshot. Phalin and Storm looked at each other and let out a collective sigh. Men, Storm exclaimed in mock anguish. Blade and Feral shared a moment of confusion. Bruxa adores Throm and he seems to be developing a fondness for her as well, Phalin explained relieving their bafflement. The children having grown up in an alien world with a diversity of creatures and beings had never been prejudiced towards outward appearance. Even though Bruxa was hideous to behold, her kind heart had managed to break through the most stubborn


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of races temperament; because it is said that to win the affection of a dwarf, could be likened to eating soup with a single chopstick, blindfolded, in a hurricane, using only your left foot. #nearing destination# Skibladnes voice interrupted the conversation. Set us down on a rooftop near the area where mom and dad fought Typhon, Blade commanded. The engines gentle hum changed to a thunderous roar as Skibladne applied the airbrakes and softly landed on a rooftop. So what is the plan dear brother? Storm asked. Well, I was thinking that since you and I are human we should dress as tourists and talk to the locals. Throm, Phalin and Bruxa will try picking up Sharins scent, since I assume she moves around unseen using rooftops and alleys. Shen and Feral will monitor communications and run scans on the surrounding area from Skibladne. Search for energy signature from Sharins ship or a residual ion trail. See if you can pick up any application of UGE tech, Blade suggested. Any questions? he asked. None was forthcoming. Well then, lets get to it, Blade ordered and the team dispersed.


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You want me to what! Are you insane? Those monsters killed my friends, murdered the only family I knew growing up... and you want me to stay on board the ship? Ricci fumed, try and stop me. Please, please, try and stop me! Angel knew when he reached the point where pushing would become dangerous. His wife was so much fun when they were not in danger. She was unpredictable and witty, always ready with a joke. She had this amazing imagination and could make a memory from the most mind-numbing situation. Unfortunately, when she had a vendetta to settle or family to protect she became, well a handful. She tends to take things too far, too extreme, like making popcorn in a nuclear reactor because it would be quicker. Her heart was pure but her execution sucked. Angel sighed. He wished his wife had rather accompanied Brom, Teral and Qren back to Arken, but he had no genii around to call on. The shuttles doors closed and then slowly made its way out of the hangar bay on Laidins cruiser. A second shuttle closely followed them carrying the eye of the gods, and two more filled with Gentari who like Ricci had lost many close friends and wanted revenge. Angel stared out the little window of the shuttle and marvelled at how much Evergalt had changed since they were here last. The


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city was in ruin back then but now it had become a thriving metropolis. Trist had done an amazing job, Angel thought. The shuttles made a beeline for the Taur council tower, where Trist waited for them. Welcome, Trist greeted them as the shuttle bay doors swung open. Angel had given him a full briefing and Trist felt excitement such as he had not experienced in a long time. Angel had perhaps given them the opportunity to see their origins, to reconnect with their roots. Six Minot warriors unloaded the gate, from where they took it to the hall of artefacts, which was Trists pet project. All remnants he could find from early Taur history remained preserved here. When Angel and his friends entered the hall of artefacts, the Minot warriors were doing the final installation of the gate against the tower wall. Three armed platoons came smartly to attention when Angel and Trist entered. The Minot were heavily armoured and wielded their weapon of choice, namely battle-axes. Both the Cent and Sat carried plasma rifles. My lord, I am curious, what makes you think Zeus and the other gods are still alive? Trist asked. This is just a theory but when we met Zeus he told us he was 539 years old, yet he walked the earth more than 1500 years ago. So I have to assume that time moves slower on Olympus than in this universe, Angel explained. It is a sound theory my lord. Let us hope you are correct, Trist smiled.


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Now how does this gate work? Trist asked. Angel led the ruler of the Taur to take up position in front of the gate. Can you see Olympus? Angel asked. Trist concentrated, and the image in the mirror began to swim. Yes, yes I see it, Trist proclaimed triumphantly. Good, now just imagine you stood on the other side. This will activate the gate and allow the rest of us to pass, Angel explained. The gate began to glow. Perfect, it worked! Angel exclaimed happily. Trist called one of his Sat advisors over. You saw how it is done. I will need you to open the gate for us on our return. You may only open the gate for people in this company, no one else, he ordered, turning to Angel he motioned in the direction of the gate, after you my lord. Angel entered first followed by his team and the Gentari. The Taur Company followed with Trist in the lead. A short while later they left the forest and saw the temple of Zeus perched on the hill less than half a mile from where they were. Angel could see they had done some repair work since Typhon destroyed it; it was right side up for one thing. At the bottom of the hill stood a small group of Lamies with Drugunxa at the head obviously awaiting their arrival. Lamies, Ricci snarled and without warning charged. Angel only saw the movement from the corner of his eye but he had anticipated this. Ricci let out a war cry not as ancient as the dwarven one but as effective.


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Die you mother-sucker, she screamed. The sword flashed in its arc, traced by the Brisingamen jewel in the hilt. A swing with which she intended to split Drugunxa from head to toe. Riccis entire body shook as Dragonfang made contact not with flesh as anticipated but with metal. The flat of the sword of Freyrs blade lay inches above Drugunxas head blocking her attack. Angel managed to reach them with nano seconds to spare. In a fit of rage, she swung Dragonfang to her left in the direction of the person holding the sword that denied her, her revenge. By pure luck and the intervention of LOBE, the sword of Freyr1 managed to deflect her attack, less than a hairs breadth from removing Angels head. Ricci froze. She looked around at the faces of her friends watching her in shocked horror. She saw the look of pained sadness on her husbands face. It only took an instant to create a moment, a single moment that would proxy a lifetime of memories. The realization set in.

Because of the nano-technology used to create the Sword of Freyr, in the hands of the UGE lord, it seemed the sword had a will of its own. This was because it reacted to brain impulses rather that the user actually moving the sword. Since no faster brain exists than the UGE lords it seemed as if the sword was always in the right place at the right time without actually ever occupying the space preceding the right place. See Waking the Angel.


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She almost killed her husband. Ricci ran. Wait! Angel screamed and turned to rush after her, but she had already disappeared from sight. Laidins hand rested on his arm, holding him firmly. She needs time my lord, let her go, Laidin softly spoke. Thank you sir for saving my life, Drugunxa meekly said. Angel seemed oblivious, and walked off a few pace, staring into the distance, in the direction his wife had vanished. Drugunxa does not mean to sound insensitive but if you want to save Zeus and his friends you must hurry, Drugunxa urgently suggested. They are still alive? Kirom asked. Yes, but not for long, Drugunxa explained, Lamia has taken them to Tartarus. Come quickly, she motioned. While they walked, Drugunxa filled in all the missing pieces. She explained how they found Ambrosia sustained them better than blood, but all Lamia could think of was vengeance and did not care that they did not need to feed on the living anymore. To the horror of the company, she described the events on the night of the blood-fest. She told them how she and the few Lamies with her escaped to bring them the news of Zeus and his friends. The Gentari were unsure what to do now that their leader had left. Laidin ordered them to go back to Zeuss temple and take care of the survivors. She did not fancy a repeat of the performance Ricci gave from them.


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The party moved swiftly, but had to wait several times for Angel who brought up the rear and seemed to be in some kind of trance. The road to Erabus was unguarded; the Sphinx seemed to have deserted its post. Who are these strange warriors following us? Drugunxa asked Laidin. They are the Taur, warriors from Olympian mythology, but who seemed to have ended up very far from home, she explained. Taur, you mean as in Minotaur, Centaur and Satyr? Wow, Drugunxa exclaimed, she loved stories and history and smelled a new one close by. Yes my dear Drugunxa, they are those creatures from your mythology, but until now no one on our worlds knew where they originated from. For just over a thousand years ago, they were not there one day and there the next. They themselves did not know their origin as whatever brought them to us wiped their memories. They only had a few artefacts and references that gave clues but no specifics. Anyway until Trist took over as their leader they were hell bent on destroying us, so no one really cared to find out. Enormous iron gates in the side of the mountain loomed in front of the party. The gates were at least 25 feet high with ironwork as thick as a mans arm. Behind the gates were solid metal doors with iron spikes mounted on them. An experimental tap from Mjolnir ascertained that the mountain would fall before the gate. Ancient magic seemed at work here, Guival could sense it.


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A strange thing happened when Trist approached the gates. It started to open. The gates will only open for an Olympian, Drugunxa explained. Why? Guival asked. Well once an Olympian enters they can never return to the outside world. If they do try, their souls will separate from their bodies and go to the fields of shades1. No Olympian would go to the fields willingly after living on the Isle of the Blessed2. However, for a non-Olympian this is not the case, they may return from the underworld. Therefore to protect the secrets and treasures of the underworld, no mortal or other is permitted to enter... unless they get an Olympian to open the gates for them, Drugunxa clarified. I assume that means that Trist and his troops will need to stay here then? Would have been nice to know that beforehand, Kirom muttered. Yes, that is true, only the four of you along with Drugunxa and her sisters will be able to enter with the hope of return, Drugunxa acknowledged. Laidin sensed the hope of return just went from average to particularly slim. Trist, I need you to set up ambush positions around the perimeter. If anyone or anything should return but us... well you know what to do, Laidin suggested. Be safe my lady, Trist smiled and hugged the elf queen, we will see each other again soon.
1 The Plains of Asphodel, home of the shades, ghosts without memories. 2 The Elysian Fields, home of the Olympians who will live forever.


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Laidin turned to the brave little creature standing next to her. Drugunxa, I cannot ask you to join us. We will be fighting your sisters. I am sorry but you will need to wait here with Trist, she told Drugunxa. Drugunxa understand your queenship, you do not know Drugunxa and her sisters and fear an ambush. Drugunxa would do the same. Take this highness, Drugunxa said producing a small golden coin, you will need this to pay the ferryman, so you may cross the river Styx.


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Im hot, my feet hurt and we have nothing... Storm complained. I know sis. These people either know nothing or are too scared to talk, Blade mused. We are outsiders, what did you think was going to happen? Storm sniffed agitatedly. Ok, lets go back to the ship and wait for the others. We can discuss our new strategy for tomorrow, Blade agreed. He felt a little exasperated that his plan failed so miserably. Shen and Feral found no trace of Sharin, and the rooftop team had no luck either. Blade and Storm patiently waited for Skibladne to decloak before they boarded. The other team were making their way back across the rooftops from the other side of Tokyo. They used the two hover-cycles Skibladne stored in her hangar bay, to jump from rooftop to rooftop. Both the twins had already showered and changed when Blades mindcom beeped. An excited Throms voice filled their minds. Bruxa found her scent. We were looking in the wrong part of town. We assumed because of Sharins arrogant pride she would be in upper Tokyo, but she actually made her nest in Yakuza territory. We came back in a roundabout way and picked it up. We are following the scent right now. Will let you know when we find the hideout. You might


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want to bring Skibladne closer to our position, and keep her cloaked. We are cloaking as well, Throm finished. Minutes later Skibladne silently touched down on the rooftop where their three friends waited. We lost it, Throm exclaimed irritably when Blade, Feral and Storm joined them. The scent got mixed up with the slums down there. All the cooking and the unsanitary living masked the smell quite effectively, Phalin explained. I think I might have something, Shen said as she slowly floated towards the team holding a holo-tablet. She pointed to a building in the distance. See that building, Shen asked. The others nodded. Well what is strange about that building is not so much what is there, but what is not there. Huh? Storm asked. I did not pick up any UGE tech there, but that is not what got my attention. It is the lack of any human tech, which is strange. The top three floors have no technology what so ever, and it seems that it is completely isolated from the lower levels of the building, she explained. Makes sense, Storm said, when Sharin masked the UGE tech she must have masked all technology. Since we know now that the building has a technology shield, Skibladne and I have started to hack it. We do not want to go in there blind. Knowing Sharin, it is riddled with traps, Shen gave them the update.


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It was almost midnight before Shen confirmed they were ready. We may land on the roof of the building. I have full control of its defence grid. I disabled all the rooftop sensors and weapons. We will be safe, she explained softly. Skibladne silently lifted off and made the short hop to the offending rooftop. They followed Shen towards a section of the roof, which seemed to house absolutely nothing. She made a few intricate movements on the holo-tablet she carried. A section of the roof slit open and a platform rose up to their level. The team bundled on, and the platform quietly and swiftly descended into the building. Everyone armed hurriedly and took up defensive positions, circling each other, listening for the slightest sound or a hint of movement. Shens voice entered their minds while she continued to study her tablet. The place is clear; there are no other life forms present. I am disabling all sensors and monitoring equipment. Feel free to move around. Ok guys, spread out and search for clues, Blade ordered. Documents and research material covered the table in the living area, all pertaining to a specific artefact. None explained what it did but it appeared in the shape of an enormous sphere. It


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seemed that Sharin had been researching this for a couple of months, long before the meeting with Bruxa. It also mentioned someone named Merlin. Phalin and Storm gathered up as much of as they could carry. Blade and Feral searched east and Throm, Bruxa and Shen followed the stairwell to the west. We found nothing else, Blade stated a few minute later after they returned to the living area. Blades mindcom beeped, come look what we found, Throm boomed excitedly. They ran to where Throm and the girls ogled something so black it made their eyes hurt. That is Naglfar, Phalin exclaimed astounded, the most notorious and illusive smuggling ship the UGE has ever know. I know, Throm roared, isnt it amazing. This is the only none living entity in the universe with a bounty on its... nose. Even among thieves and smugglers this ship has become an urban legend, a myth, like dragons. So what shall we do? Destroy it? Blade asked. Are you insane? Throm bellowed, his voice echoed around the hangar area. This is a one of a kind masterpiece Bladin. No one knows where it originated or who had enough money to requisition it. The technology, believed to be dwarven, used to create this is astounding, Shen explained while walking around the ship running scans. You know how our parents ships can cloak making them invisible to the naked eye? Feral asked, well this ship is invisible


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to any sensor or scanner the UGE has ever developed. No one can explain it. How is it everyone knows about this ship except me? Blade asked glumly. And me brother, first Ive heard of it too, Storm added. Well, if we cant destroy it, we should give it to... Blade thought for a second and then smiled, the only one of us who does not have a ship he or she could reappropriate from their parents, Shen! Hey, what about me? an indignant Storm screamed. Ok sis, if you want to give up your claim on Skibladne, I dont mind, Blade had an evil grin playing across his face. Storms face fell, Er, okay, no, fine, Shen, she is all yours. Shen had no visible emotion, but the children felt such warmth and happiness emanating from the alien girl, they were almost sure Loser must be around somewhere. Thank you my dear friends, she managed. She had never had anything to call her own except for the blasters her friends gave her. Now she had her own ship, a place to keep her private things. She gently stroked the ships hull. You are mine, and together we will do great things. We will give you a new reputation, one of reverence instead of notoriety, Shen whispered. So, back to our mission, Blade requested the attention from his team, where is Darkel and how do we find her? Phalin held up a nondescript piece of paper with only the words, we found it, written in Chinese. I think she found it, Phalin remarked.


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That could mean she has left with the artefact, or she is studying it, or any number of things, all meaning she wont be back soon, Throm suggested. At least we know she is on the planet, Feral added pointing at the ship, and probably close by. Then we have to decide if we are going after her? Blade asked. Go where? Storm asked. True, Blade acknowledged. I suggest we alert the Valkr to this location and return to our home, Phalin suggested, echoing the sentiments of the entire team. They were all feeling a little homesick, and this adventure although seemingly exciting at first had somehow lost its appeal. Could we drop you off somewhere Bruxa? Blade asked. The little creature stared wide-eyed at the children, not knowing what to say. Throm understood. Bruxa has nowhere to go, we are her family now, she is coming with us, he announced defiantly. Blade rolled his eyes, thats fine Throm. I just wanted to give her the option. Bruxa would have much joy if she could come with lords and ladies, Bruxa said, much joy indeed. Blade gave her a friendly smile. Then it is settled. We will take back the research material to Arken and try figure out what Sharin is up to, while having the Valkr monitor this place in case Sharin returns. Lets move people, Blade ordered. Shen made a few intricate movements on her tablet, and a part of the roof silently opened.


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Anybody needs a lift, she asked while seemingly floating aboard her new ship. The team laughed and rushed in after her. They involuntarily grabbed their noses as soon as they entered. Whats that horrible smell? Storm asked. Most probably from those cages, Phalin pointed out. This ship is going to need one serious valet and makeover once we get her home, Blade acknowledged sputtering. Shen just smiled; she had great plans for Naglfar. Before we continue friends, we need to make a pact that no one tells anyone about our little adventure. This remains our secret from our families, Blade suggested, his mother foremost in his thoughts, are we all in agreement? A chorus of Aye went up around the pirate ship. Good, then lets go home. A dark figure watched the two departing ships from a nearby rooftop and cursed silently.


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Oh Shit, we are in trouble now, Zeus exclaimed recognizing the group approaching the cage. The prison boxes stood in a corner of some kind of amphitheatre resembling an underground coliseum in its heydays but on a smaller scale. The caged gods had all regained their youth since they entered the house of Hades. Zeus stood almost seven feet tall. His athletic build and rippling muscles would easily land him the mister universe title. The girls looked like the goddesses of old and Ares had turned back into a lumbering behemoth, taking up as much space in the cage as the rest added together. Zeuss brother Hades and his wife Persephone had involuntarily joined the six other gods, before Lamia and her children had disappeared into Tartarus. Now Zeus understood why. As I promissssed Cronussss, your freedom and Zeussss, Lamia indicated as she approached the cage. Lamia, flanked by Cronus and six other titans who made Ares look like an action figure, halted in front of the prison. Hello my son, good to see you again, Cronus said with an evil smile playing across his lips. Father, cannot say the feeling is mutual, Zeus fumed. I have been waiting for 2000 years to have my dessert, while you and your little friends played gods, Cronus snarled, trust me, I am going to enjoy every moment of this.


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Zeus shuddered as he remembered how Cronus swallowed his brothers and sisters. A prophesy that one of his children would destroy him one day, caused him to eat his children. Zeus only escaped because his mother had replaced him with a rock, which Cronus ate instead. He later managed to slip his father an emetic, which caused his father to vomit thereby freeing his brothers and sisters. With the help of his brothers, Hades and Neptune, he imprisoned his father in Tartarus. You will honour our deal? Lamia asked. Yes, Cronus answered, now leave me so I may savour this moment.


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I thought it would be warmer? Kirom miserably observed shivering from the chill in the air. They had been following a path covered in a dense fog and riddled with skeletons, probably from Olympians trying to escape the underworld and having their souls stripped from their bodies. Laidin did not bother to answer, as she was not too happy about being underground. What are we going to do about him? Kirom asked motioning in the direction of Angel, who dragged himself along behind the trio, quite oblivious to where he was or what they were doing here. He wont be much use in a fight in the condition he is in, Kirom concluded. Laidin turned around and walked back towards Angel. She looked into his eyes, and saw the pain. LOBE, if you can hear me, we need you, she whispered, not only for the fight ahead but also to protect our friend. Angel did not respond; he simply trudged onward without any affirmation to his friends words. Kirom and Guival watched him walk between them. Guival shrugged, and prepared to follow, when Angel suddenly stood up straight and stretched. Never fear, LOBE is here, LOBE exclaimed cheerily. The trio of friend smiled; relieved that they had their leader and most prolific fighter back amongst their ranks... of sorts. How is Angel doing? Laidin asked.


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He has retreated deep inside me, but he will be fine, LOBE explained, so what are we waiting for, let us get going, Im not getting any younger. They soon reached the docks, where the ferryman dutifully waited. After Laidin produced the gold coin given to her by Drugunxa, he seemed quite happy to ferry the quartet across the river Styx. As they crossed, the fog lifted and they started to notice their surroundings. They were in an enormous underground cavern with the walls not visible in any direction and the roof probably about 3000 feet above them. This lifted Laidins spirits immensely as she could not stand enclosed spaces. The trail on the other side of the river led up a hill and into a little village. With the fog having lifted, the heroes were easily able to track their prey, as the Lamies made no effort to hide their progress. The Olympians living in the village curiously watched them pass, but did not attempt to communicate with them. A few hours later, they reached the entrance to a coliseum. From the outside, they could hear loud talking and the voices obviously belonged to Zeus and the other gods. They crept inside staying in the shadows while gathering intelligence on their target. The coliseum looked empty except for the cage and the gods inside.


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Kirom was about to make his way to the imprisoned gods when Laidin pulled him back into the shadows, her keen Elven ears having picked up a noise from the other side of the coliseum. They watched the titans and Lamia with an army of Lamies approach the cage. The band of heroes listened intently at the conversation between Zeus and Cronus. They knew they could not delay any longer, and at the same moment in which Cronus ordered Lamia to leave him, the dwarf let out a booming battle cry that filled the arena. Kirom charged the closest titan with Angel, or rather LOBE, in tow. The Lamies rushed towards them, with Laidin firing bolts as fast as the bow of Odin could produce them. Lamies went down in droves, but they were quick and nimble and they advanced rapidly on her position. Guival threw fireballs at the heads of the titans, which only seemed to irritate them. At least it gave Kirom the opportunity to get under the first Titans defence. He smashed Mjolnir into the shin of the Titan crushing its leg. The Titan doubled forward and as he did, Kirom swung the hammer upwards with terrific force at the jaw of the Titan, which now appeared in range. Mjolnir discharged on impact and the shattering of jawbone and vertebrae echoed through the Coliseum. The Titan fell backwards and lay unmoving. Kirom swung around in time to see the swords of Freyr rip through the torso of the second Titan.


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In the same motion, he threw Mjolnir at the knee of the off balance Titan. The Titans leg folded into a quite unnatural design. It stumbled, and this gave LOBE enough time expertly remove its head from its body. Kirom however did not notice Lamia sneak up behind him. She swiftly coiled her snake body around him and started to squeeze the life out of him. The Titans, having recovered from the surprise attack, had Angel surrounded. The vampires reached Laidins position and now faced the bow of Odin wielded as a bladed staff, whirling and slashing at near invisible speeds. Deep gash marks appeared on Laidins legs and arms where some of the Lamies managed to penetrate her defences, but she quickly cut them down before they could inflict any serious wounds. She gracefully glided forward as if doing a beautiful dance, accompanied by the whirling blades of the bow of Odin as her dance partner. She noted Kiroms predicament and swiftly closed the distance between them. She adjudged the distance close enough and planted the bow vaulting high above the heads of the Lamies swarming around her. She had perfect aim, and as she glided above Lamia, the staffs blade flashed and neatly severed the snake princesss head from her torso. Lamias body uncoiled involuntary and Kirom stood on all fours sputtering and gasping for air.


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Laidin landed lightly in front of a Titan, she whirled the blade and struck, but unfortunately hit the Titan on his gauntlet, which deflected the blade knocking her severely off balance. The Titan swung his giant arm and hit her on her right shoulder. Laidin flew through the air, her arm crushed by the superhuman blow she received. Laidin fell heavily and vampires immediately beset her. They tore and slashed at her skin. She managed to fend off a few but their numbers were too great. Guival created a whirlwind on the position Laidin lay, which sucked up the Lamies and spat them in all wind direction. Some ended up unconscious but most just sprang up and ran back into battle. LOBE saw Kirom stumble to Laidins side from the corner of Angels eye. He tried to keep two Titans at bay by using his speed and agility. He ducked, twirled, slashed then ducked again. One Titan blindsided him and landed a blow to his side, which shattered several ribs. LOBE managed to ignore the pain by switching off all pain receptors. He tucked and rolled and left another deep gash in one of the Titans calve muscles. The Titan roared in pain and frustration. LOBE slowly parried his way towards Laidin and Kiroms position. Another one of Guivals fireballs hit the Titan in front of LOBE, allowing him to take several more steps in the direction his friends fought for their lives.


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The second Titan had moved away, and as LOBE whirled expecting another sneak attack he saw the Titan had snuck up on Kirom. Watch out! he screamed, but to no avail. The giant hand of the Titan connected with Kiroms head with earth shattering force. There were no illusions about the severity of the injury. Kirom slumped forward with blood streaming from his ears, his skull fractured. A Lamie managed to slink up on Guivals position from above. His full focus remained with maintaining the whirlwind above Laidin and Kirom and with the other hand throwing lightning to help LOBE. He knew nothing of the attacker or the statue that fell on top of him. Laidin managed to crawl towards Kirom, and cradled her friends head in her unbroken arm. The flesh had been torn and slashed from most of her body and she was almost unrecognizable as the beautiful elf queen from a few minutes earlier. LOBE felt something looming up behind him. He spun Angels body around and struck his sword upwards with inhuman speed. The surprise in the Titans eyes was evident as the sword of Freyr entered his throat and exited his crown. LOBE dragged Angels bruised and battered body into a defensive position in front of his friends. He gasped for air with a broken rib having punctured his lung and he could barely keep the sword upright.


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The attackers had backed off slightly knowing victory was in their grasp and they did not need to take any more chances with injury or death. Only about 20 Lamies and 4 Titans left, he thought, no problem. The attackers circled and waited. They knew who ever went first would most probably die. They could wait for somebody else to sacrifice themselves, or simply wait for Angel to fall over. Cronus, who did not bother to take part in the battle walked in between his troops, who smartly parted to let him through. That was mildly entertaining, Cronus smiled. Well, come a little closer and Ill give you a real show, LOBE spluttered bravely attempting to keep upright. Defiant even in the face of death, how amusing, Cronus said, but futile none the less. Kill him, he ordered his minions. Not so fast, Zeuss clear voice echoed through the arena. Zeus had escaped the cage, and armed with his quiver of lightning bolts, flanked by the other gods, took up position behind his Father. Who freed you? Cronus asked more out of curiosity than actual concern. They did, Zeus said casting his eyes upward. The Coliseums upper parapets, all the way around the arena had filled with Gentari sword in one hand and shield in the other. Drugunxas sisters stood in between the Valkr, each wielding a Taur plasma rifle. Attack, Cronus yelled. With pleasure, Zeus answered.


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Plasma ordnance rained down on the enemy. The Valkr climbed on their shields and to LOBEs great surprise flew down from the parapets. Like angry hornets, they swarmed the Titans stinging and retreating. The Titans had no defence, the Valkr simply moved too fast. Ares and the other gods helped as much as they could but without weapons, their efforts were limited against the monstrous Titans. The Drugunxa and her sister easily picked off the remaining evil vampires, as they remained grouped in a single area around Angel. Zeus found Cronus flaying wildly at the Gentari. Cronus, Zeus yelled, I want you to say hello to my little friend. I named her, whos your daddy, oh yeah; it is that smouldering heap of ash. I have been saving her especially for you. Zeus drew a gigantic lightning bolt from his quiver. He threw it in one smooth motion and it exploded on Cronuss chest. It instantly enveloped him in a lightning storm running across his body. He collapsed and lay shaking on the ground while the electricity dissipated. Seeing they had no one left to lead them the remaining Titans surrendered. Fetch Asclepius... Hades shouted. Angel felt the last bit of resolve drain from his body before collapsing next to Laidin and Kirom.


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Laidin awoke from a deep slumber. She was dressed in white robes and lay on white linen. She remembered the fight vividly but to her surprise showed no battle scars. Her skin felt smooth as silk and she had no broken bones. Im dead, she thought calmly. Kirom lay on a bed across from her and seemed to be sleeping. Neither Angel nor Guival were anywhere in sight. She stood up and slowly walked to the door. Everything appeared bathed in a dim white glow. She walked down the hall almost disappointed that neither Sif nor Odin came to welcome her. Surely, an El queen deserves a reception when arriving in Valhalla, she thought. She walked into the room at the end of the passage, where Guival unceremoniously accosted her. You are here too? she asked surprised. Where else would I be? he asked just as surprised. Did we all die? We are not dead Laidin. We are in the house of Hades under the care of his personal physician. This guy is amazing. Look, he fixed you up good as new. He even managed to mend Kiroms impossibly thick dwarven skull. Where is Angel? she asked. Guival led her to a balcony overlooking the underworld. He retreated back into his deep depression after the battle, Guival remarked sadly.


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Angel sat with a vacant expression staring into the city below him. So what happened? Laidin asked, not used to needing to prod at Guival for a story. It seems we all missed the end of the battle. They knocked me unconscious with a statue. You were bleeding to death and Kirom had a fractured skull. Angel tried to protect us but he stood alone against an army. Fortunately, for us, Trist had the presence of mind to send for the Valkr. He knew we would need back up. He also trained Drugunxa and her sisters in the use of plasma rifles. But how did the Valkr get across the river? We had the only gold coin remember, Laidin asked. Thats the cool thing. Apparently, Noone and Qren messed with their energy shields while we stayed on earth. They turned the Valkr shields into hover-boards. The Valkr, each with a Lamie in tow, simply flew over the river, Guival explained. So in the end, they rescued Zeus, and gave him back his lightning bolts. He took care of Cronus who turned out to be his father. Drugunxa and her sisters showed real guts, and the Valkr were amazing as always. All the bad guys that survived are again locked up in Tartarus, Guival grinned in her mind. Kirom has not woken up yet but we expect him to regain consciousness any day now, Guival concluded. Where is the rescue party? Id like to thank them personally, Laidin asked. Zeus took them to some kind of weird temple here in the underworld. The Valkr went with. He was going to perform some kind of ceremony. Probably to thank them, Guival shrugged.


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We will probably find out soon enough, Laidin said, would you mind finding me some food, I am famished. Im going to sit with Angel for a while. Sure, see you in a bit, Guival acknowledged and walked off. Laidin quietly took a seat next to her best friend. She will be back, Laidin said after a long uncomfortable silence. Why did she run? Angel finally asked, still staring into nothingness. The shock was too great Angel, she realized her temper had almost caused the death of the one she loved most, Laidin explained. But we could have worked it out? Angel retorted defiantly. This is something she has to do on her own. She needs time. When she is ready, when she is sure she will not be a threat to her loved ones, she will return. I swear it my lord. Laidin felt unsure that all Ricci needed was time. Ricci had been getting progressively worse in the last couple of months, Laidin thought. She seems to have no control over her emotions anymore. Laidin feared there was a more serious problem than just an emotional breakdown. I miss her so much, Angel said with a single tear rolling down his cheek. I know my dearest friend. Keep the faith, Laidin said squeezing his hand.


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Skibladne silently glided through no-space in the jump. It would be another 4 days before they would reach UGE space and the kids were all looking forward to seeing their home again. Throm and Bruxa had become close friends in the last couple of days. He had taught her the dwarven board game of Diggs and they spent hours playing. What does he see in her, Feral had asked Shen when they were alone on the bridge one afternoon. Bruxa embodies everything a dwarf values in a person Feral. Bravery, strength of character, loyalty, a kind spirit, endurance and the fact that she is very clever and loves to listen to his stories does not hurt either, Shen had explained. The children littered the recreation room reading and chatting. Throm and Bruxa occupied a dark corner, away from the others, playing Diggs. What! That is not possible! Throm roared, threw back his chair and stomped off to his cabin. The children jumped up and ran to where Bruxa sat, curious as to what the creature had done to upset Throm so badly. Phalin started to chuckle. What? the twins asked in unison. She won, Phalin laughed. Bruxa was in tears, Bruxa sorry, Bruxa wont do it again, she cried. Bruxa, Phalin said as she put her arm around the little creature, this game is not only a dwarven pastime, its their


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universal sport. Being a Diggs master is what every little dwarf dreams of and longs to become one day. Throms uncle Brom is the best Diggs player in the universe. Do not take it personally it is a dwarven pride thing. And they can stuff a helluva lot of pride into that little body, Feral joked. Bruxa understands, Bruxa play bad next time, she said with tears still streaming from her eyes. Good, but not too bad. When you see you are about to win then lose narrowly, Phalin smiled. She had hardly finished her sentence when Throm stormed back into the room. I want a rematch. Now! he growled in the gruff manner of an angry dwarf that they all adored. Bruxa sat looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Well just see if your luck holds a second time, Throm barked. Phalin standing behind Throm winked at the little creature. Bruxa will try her best, the little creature said while trying to wink at Phalin but failing miserably because of her severe deformity. The children watched the game intently but lost interest after the first hour. It was not until Throm cried victory a few hours later that they relaxed. The morning of the day they would leave the Bifrost jump broke with a terrifying scream coming from Bruxas quarters. The children rushed to her aid. Whats going on? Storm yawned still rubbing the sleep from her eyes.


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Blade shrugged and knocked on the door. The door opened and the children had to take a step back. Bruxa, is that you? Throm stared dumbfounded. Bruxas deformity and hunch had disappeared. The children stood in silent admiration of the beautiful creature, no, girl with the huge doe eyes. They were golden and shone with their own light. Her smooth auburn hair gently accented her slight facial features. She stood slightly taller than Throm. Her muscles appeared beautifully sculpted from years of intense workout. Because of her short stature, her muscles looked even more arresting than it would, had she been taller. Throm stared at her with stars in his eyes. There were no denying that the El were the most beautiful, graceful and noble creatures in creation, or that the Valkr all resembled athletic deadly super-models. However, this girl could convince you to give your heart to her with only a wink and a smile. Im hungry, Bruxa said, I want cereal, she smiled. The kids laughed not knowing what happened, but they were happy. The twins wrapped their arms around her and led her to the kitchen. Throm just stood frozen in front of her cabin, with a gaping mouth, staring after the disappearing party. Bruxa looked over her shoulder, winked and smiled. If he was fond of her previously, he was head over heels now. Wait for me! Throm shouted and ran after them. Skibladne ran all known scans, but could not explain the transformation. All she could tell the children was that Bruxas


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physiology now resembled the twins. She was as human as they were. She definitely did not need blood to survive anymore. Their arrival on Arken was quite nondescript, except for Shen needing to hide her ship on one of Arkens moons as they passed it. Throm and Ferals uncles, namely Brom and Teral, welcomed the children. Shens father Qren hugged his daughter tenderly as was the way of his race. So guess mom and dad are not back yet? Storm asked the elders. No children, there has been no word, Brom remarked. Have you seen Noone around? Blade asked. He stayed on earth to help with their jump ships, Teral answered. Oh, Phalin, your father Vadenin is here, he is exploring the old ruins on the far side of Arken. Brom said. Father, Phalin exclaimed, If I may beg your leave my lords. She is becoming her mother with every passing day, Brom laughed, those damn El just cannot help being haughty highborn, can they. Feral and Throm remained with their family. Bruxa nudged Throm and pointed to the vial hanging around her neck. Throm slapped his forehead, how is the brave Valkr doing, he urgently asked. We placed her in stasis till a cure could be found, Qren announced, she is in the infirmary. Lets go, Throm motioned to Bruxa to follow him.


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The healer opened the stasis pod for them and Bruxa let one drop slowly drip from the vial onto the girls forehead. She will be fine now, Bruxa announced as colour started to seep back into the face of the Valkr. That evening at dinner, Throm found himself seated next to Brom. Uncle, Bruxa is an amazing Diggs player, Throm told Brom. She is? Brom asked, well see about that, he laughed. Bruxa blushed. Lets retire to the hall of records and you can show me, Brom roared in sheer delight. He loved the game, but seldom found anyone to play with. Dwarfs hate losing and Brom never lost. Teral started to show Feral a new magic spell he had been working on. The twins thought they would look through the archives for information on the artefact since they were here anyway. Brom set up the intricate game board. The game started and the two combatants shared the intense concentration needed to master all the hundreds of elements they needed to control to win the game. Phalin returned accompanied by her father, catching up on many years of adventure. It was the longest recorded game of Diggs in history; not only that but it was the first time since Brom became Universal Diggs Champion that one of his games ended in a mine shootout. This is where there is no outright winner; the winner is determined by tallying the number of mines owned by each player. If this is still a draw, they calculate the ore production from each mine.


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Brom won by the narrowest of margins on the last count. Bruxa and Throm walked over to where the twins and Phalin looked over documents they found in the hall of records. Records they hoped might possibly pertain to the artefact Sharin so desperately sought. Phalins father, a renowned archaeologist, decided to help them. He was fascinated with the research material they uncovered on earth. Bruxa played her hardest, Bruxa said with a glint in her eye as she got to the table. We know you did, Phalin smiled knowingly. Wait. She was amazing. I am so proud of her. I have never seen such brilliant strategy. She only made one little rookie mistake in the entire game, but uncle Brom is brilliant at causing his opponents to make mistakes, that is why he is the best, Throm beamed. The children burst out laughing. What? Throm asked not being able to share in the joke. Bruxa tired, sleep now, Bruxa wearily stated, and left with Throm escorting her back to her quarters. Laidins cruiser arrived on Arken less than a week after the children. Where is mom? a puzzled Storm asked her father. Storm could sense something was amiss; her father seemed distant. Your mother decided to take a little vacation of her own, Angel remarked without much conviction hugging the twins. Shes okay though? Blade asked sharing his sisters concern.


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She is fine Bladin, in perfect health, Laidin answered, she just needed a little time to sort through a few personal issues. Will she be gone long? Storm asked. Angel just shrugged and left for his quarters. Laidin saw the twins desperate expressions following their fathers retreat. Bladin, Stormindal, you need to give your father support without burdening him further. Your mother left suddenly and your father feels he is at fault. Until your mothers return, you must be there for him. Understand? Laidin asked. The twins nodded. What happened? Storm asked. I think your father will tell you when he is ready, Laidin answered, and changed the subject. Ah, I see the ceremony worked even all the way out here, Laidin exclaimed, noticing Throm and Bruxa happily chatting with his dad, Kirom. What ceremony? Blade asked intrigued. Zeus lifted the curse on the Lamies, Laidin answered. So that is why Bruxa transformed? Storm observed, her father forgotten for the moment. Yes, after some of the other Lamies helped us defeat Lamia and free the gods, he removed the curse as a display of his gratitude, Laidin answered. So where are the Olympians? Phalin asked. They were unable to leave the underworld, and the Lamies who helped decided to stay on Olympus. They felt they belonged there more than they do here with us, Laidin answered, they are helping the Taur explore their heritage, and rebuild what is left of Olympus.


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So how was your vacation? Laidin asked. Oh nothing special happened. A lot of sightseeing, Storm lied without blinking, we would rather hear of your adventure, she smiled. Morning broke on Arken. Breakfast started quite uneventful as usual. The dwarfs were conspicuous in their absence. Bruxa just started on her fourth bowl of cereal when the doors to the hall opened. Brom walked in wearing his ceremonial attire flanked by Kirom and Throm. He carried a wooden case that looked both ancient and valuable. Friends, may I have your attention for a moment, Brom said after clearing his throat. This was unnecessary as everyone had curiously watched the procession enter, and he had everybodys undivided attention in any event. Bruxa please approach, Brom requested of the little girl and waited patiently for her to take up position in front of him. For her service to dwarven traditions, her valour and courageous spirit, it is my great pleasure to bestow upon Bruxa the title of honorary Dwar. We welcome her into the Dwar family with open arms if she should accept, Brom solemnly announced, presenting her with the box. This is your own Diggs board, an artefact rumoured the have been played on by Thor himself. Bruxa heard the collective intake of breath behind her. She looked at Throm who nodded with a huge grin on his faces.


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Bruxa accepts, and thanks his kingliness a lot, she sputtered taking the valuable wooden box from Brom with shaking hands. A deafening applause went up around the room, with fireworks exploding around the hall courtesy of Feral. Teral was sure Broms only motive for this announcement was so that he could allow Bruxa entry into the next Universal Diggs Championships. The children swarmed around Bruxa, congratulating the shy girl. Laidin seemed to remember something, and quickly left the room, returning moments later. My apologies, it slipped my mind Bruxa. Zeus sent this as a token of gratitude for saving their lives, Laidin announced handing Bruxa a quiver filled with lightning bolts. Bruxa thank you, your queenliness, Bruxa blushed. He said you are welcome to visit and replenish your supply whenever you wish, Laidin concluded. Peace and joy again descended on Arken, accept for one person deep in the archives having just made a terrible discovery. Oh no, Vadenin whispered. Sadly, this is a story for another time. THE END


Eye of the Gods

Vanir (Humans)
Planet: Earth (Vanaheimr) Deity descendant from: Freyr

Position: UGE lord Age: 55 Weapon: Sword of Freyr (Sword) Ship: Skibladne; the ship of legends and the crown jewel of the United Galactic Empire; enough said Description: the hero; he would have preferred to be consulted on this career change Brother: Mark (twin) Companion: LOBE, angels sarcastic migraine who could figure the amount of nose hair needed to fill a room in seconds; an unstable truce exists between it and Angel most of the time Deity descendant from: Odin, Frigg, Thor and Sif

Position: First Princess of the UGE Age: 45 Weapon: Dragonfang (Sword, equipped with half Brisingamen Jewel) Ship: Sleipnir Description: a Valkr warrior with a fast blade and an even faster tongue; she causes the strange fluttery feeling in Angels stomach; LOBE calls it heartburn


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Blade (Bladin)
Father: Angel Mother: Ricci Age: 19 Weapon: Gram (Sword, Magic, Power of cold) Ship: (Skibladne) Description: One of the twins, and leader of the junior crew

Storm (Stormindal)
Father: Angel Mother: Ricci Age: 19 Weapon: Tyrfing (Sword, Magic, power if heat) Ship: (Skibladne) Description: One of the twins, and Blades twin sister


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Valkr (Humans)
Planet: Earth (New Valhalla) Deity descendant from: Freya

Position: Valkr Commander (New Valhalla) Age: 30 Weapon: Half Brisingamen Jewel Ship: Gyrfalcon Description: The Valkr leader, who has the weight of worlds on her tiny shoulders. Loser is Gemmis pet and generally the other weight on her shoulders Companion: Loser (shape changing blue Gerbit)


Position: Valkr 2 in command, Gentari Age: Unknown Weapon: Valkr sword, Valkr energy shield (hover-board) Ship: Valkr fighter Description: A Valkr warrior, second in command to Gemmi, when Ricci is not around, its complicated



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El (Elves)
Planet: Elheimr (El), Svartalfheimr (dark El) Deity descendant from: Sif

Position: El Queen Age: 234 Weapon: Bow of Odin (Bow-Staff, fire 10 bolts consecutively) Ship: Golden El Fighter Description: the Elven voice of reason and guidance; she is more than she appears to be and apparently even more than that. She is Angels best friend in this unreal world

Father: Vadenin Mother: Laidin Age: 16 Weapon: (Bow of Odin) Ship: (Golden El Fighter) Description: One of the junior crew Deity descendant from: Unknown

Sharin (Darkel, Darklord)

Position: El Princess, evil bitch Age: 200+ Weapon: El Bow-Staff Ship: Royal El Cruiser, Naglfar Companion: Seriously? Description: is an arrogant self-centred Elf princess, egotistical to a degree that on her death would make the devil wonder if he came at a bad time


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Dwar (Dwarfs)
Planet: Nidavellir Deity descendant from: Thor

Position: Grand Master Dwar Age: 167 Weapon: Mjolnir (Hammer) Ship: Dwar Battle Cruiser Description: Leader of the Dwar

Position: Ambassador to the UGE Age: Unknown Weapon: Dwar War Hammer Ship: Royal Dwar Fighter Description: portraits the hardcore adventuring dwarf and is trying his best to get out of his brother Broms shadow as well as the hip-hop pants Angel gave him

Father: Kirom Age: 18 Weapon: Dwar War Hammer Ship: (Royal Dwar Fighter) Companion: Bruxa (Vampire) Description: One of the junior crew


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Aesir (Mages)
Planet: sgarr, Asgard, City of Dreams Deity descendant from: Odin

Position: Arch-Chancellor of Aesir Age: Unknown Weapon: Magic Ship: Aesir Battle Cruiser Description: Leader of the mages Deity descendant from: Loki

Position: Ambassador to the UGE Age: Unknown Weapon: Gungnir (Spear, Magic) Ship: Morph ship Description: the unfortunate Aesir spy who would rather be doing stand-up comedy and magic tricks than the inevitable dying he is currently employed to do; but the danger pay is great. At least it is rumoured to be, since no one has actually claimed it. One of the senior crew Deity descendant from: Odin and Loki

Father: Guival Mother: Terals sister Age: 17 Weapon: Magic Ship: (Morph ship) Description: One of the junior crew


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Ark (Aliens)
Planet: Arken Deity descendant from: Unknown

Position: First Ark Engineer Age: Unknown Weapon: None Ship: Ark Cruiser Description: has no desire to be in command but frequently becomes burdened with the responsibility; he would be happy if they would just let him abduct people in peace

Father: Qren Age: 19 Weapon: Twin blasters crafted by her friends Ship: (Naglfar) Description: One of the junior crew

Dnari (Ancients)
Planet: Unknown Deity descendant from: Unknown

Position: Advisor Age: Several Millennia Weapon: None Ship: Cruiser Description: a mystery but speaks with the wisdom of the ancients


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Taur (Creatures)
Planet: Evergalt Deity descendant from: Minotaur, Satyr, Centaur

Position: Emperor Race: Sat (Satyr) Weapon: None Ship: Taur Sovereign Destroyer Description: main ambition in life is to become older. He is intelligent, but profusely denies such groundless accusations

Lamies (Vampires)
Planet: Earth Deity descendant from: Lamia

Position: Mistress of Lamies (technically not a Lamie) Weapon: Snake abilities Ship: None Description: She is the ruler of the Lamies

Position: Main advisor to darklord Weapon: Vampiric abilities Description: confused vampire

Position: Story Teller (bard) Weapon: Vampiric abilities Description: Lamie entertainer sort of like a vampire with verbal diarrhoea


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Olympians (Gods)
Planet: Olympus Deity descendants from: themselves

Position: Ruler Weapon: lightning bolts Description: in charge

Position: goddess of marriage Weapon: Knitting needles Description: Zeuss wife

Position: goddess of wisdom Weapon: False teeth Description: old bimbo

Position: god of war Weapon: Walker Description: old

Position: goddess of love Weapon: Venereal disease Description: dead

Position: messengers of the gods Weapon: Walking sticks Description: old


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Position: god of light Weapon: Blasphemy Description: he is in an advance state of Dyslexic, Tourettes, Alzheimers syndrome

Position: God-killer Weapon: Mind, fireballs Description: one seriously evil indestructible badass god

Other Norse gods mentioned:

Skirnir (Skern): Servant to Freyr Magni: Son of Thor and bloodline of the Dwarfs Modi: The crazy son of Thor and Sif Thrud: Daughter of Thor and Sif Baldur: Son of Odin Ullr son of Sif: Pure royal bloodline of the Light Elves and so Laiden Brunhild: Most famous Valkyrie Gersemi: Daughter of Freyja and Odur

Other Greek gods Mentioned:

Echidna: Typhons wife Sphinx: Demon creature born from Typhon Medusa: Demon creature born from Typhon Hydra: Demon creature born from Typhon Furies: Zeuss pets Poseidon: ruler of oceans (Weapon: Trident) Hades: Ruler of the underworld (weapon: Helm of Darkness) Asclepius: Physician to the gods Cronus: Father of gods Titans: Ancient gods


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They could change from a spider monkey size to a bus size gorilla in seconds if it was angry enough. They communicate with emotions and are immune to magic.

Grey Farren
They are highly sought after bear-like creatures with enormous spines running from their backs. Its head more closely resembles an insect with thousands of eyes. The biggest problem with hunting this creature is that it would sense brain wave patterns except through the most protective scrambler helmets. When it sensed you wish to kill it, it would simply run away or roll on you impaling you on the spines. Oh and it should be mentioned that these creatures at full gallop have been heard to break the sound barrier.

These remain creatures of legend, rumoured to have originated in hell to torture the most evil of souls. However, even hell had to draw the line somewhere. The torture dished out by these creatures became so inhumane that the demon union voted them out, calling it cruel and unusual. The demons banned them from the underworld and left them on a remote planet with no life forms, the planet of the Damned.

This is a little black ball of hatred. It despises everything. Even if the targets were as big as a house and not necessarily breathing, it would still try to bite its head off out of principle. One of these agitated, hyperactive creatures once tried to kill Skibladne.

A furry little rat creature. However, he has a much more relaxed temperament and is a heck of a lot faster. They created their own tunnel structure in the Dwar mines and train easily, thus they were the preferred carrier of information, since radio waves did not travel well in ore-rich caverns.


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Stupid alien ducks, that cannot fly and cannot run fast either. This is a blessing since they always run towards the threat instead of away. Only reason they have survived this long is that they taste worse than their manure.

A warthog like creature, shy and retiring and quite the pacifist. That is until you threaten its little ones. They would retreat into their holes dug in solid rock, and you would be extremely brave to continue with the capture effort. Their armoured hide and razor sharp barracuda like teeth would deter even the most avid hunter. Whatever you place down the hole generally remains down the hole.

The black bullet like creature, which seems to propel itself with a fart, it could travel extremely fast on this gaseous propulsion method generated in its stomach.

A large bee like creature, about as big as a house cat. Very fast, very poisonous with a stinger like a cattle prod. They do not like anything other than another lerok breathing their air.

Are as would be expected the size and shape of bees, but with teeth. Not very poisonous and it requires a few thousand bites from them to die. Only problem is they always travel in swarms and these swarms number in their millions. They have the same problem with air as the lerok.

When this animal wants some loving, it goes literally insane, and NOTHING will stand between it and the object of its affection. Unfortunately, this nothing would sometimes include ravines and chasms. They appeared on the endangered species list.

An extremely poisonous snake that could become near invisible when asleep; it seemed to fade out of existence when unconscious and then seem to come back into being when it awoke.


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Igor Swann

The Author
Shortly after he hatched, the author proceeded to lead the life that would constitute the fantasies of most parentally supervised mental midgets. He managed a miraculous escape from the festivities at university with his mind mostly intact. He then became an instructor on special weapons, attended the Military Academy and survived Special Forces. An epiphany or two later he found that he preferred the life of a successful nerd dodging viruses to a poor jock dodging bullets. He descended into the world of bytes where he soon reached the top of his profession as a senior systems architect. He got bored, became a lecturer, got bored, and became a quant. He is now happily doing extreme maths, and according to rumour mastered multiplication in addition to addition. In an attempt to appear more interesting he found time to raise cheetahs, race huskies, do modelling, fling himself from serviceable airplanes, and scuba with those teeth with fish. After someone, presumed to be his mother, told him that he actually lived a quite interesting life for a hamster, he began to write his autobiography. This factual account of his life encountered more than the expected scepticism so he decided to reposition this book for publication in the genres of fantasy, science fiction, science and mystery. He unfortunately lives on; and has vowed to deposit more of these literary masterpieces on the unsuspecting public.


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