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Brief Mozakera of 6-qualities/Sifat of Sahabah Radiallahu anhum

Introduction: The Sahabah Radiallahu anhum had many outstanding qualities. Our elders have extracted six such qualities which if we bring into our lives it will be easy for us to bring complete Deen. 1. Yakeen of the Kalimah La ILaha ILLaLLah, Muhammadur Rasulullah Purpose/Maksad: La ILaha ILLaLLah, Muhammadur Rasulullah means that there is none worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammed Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the messenger of Allah. Purpose of La ILaha ILLaLLah is to bring firm Yakeen/Conviction in our hearts that everything that happens is from Allah alone, and nothing happens from the Makhluk/creation. Allah Taala does everything without the help of the creation, and the creation can do nothing without the help of Allah Taala. Purpose of Muhammadur Rasulullah is to bring Yakeen that our success of Duniya and Akhrat is in following the sunnah of Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam. Virtues of La ILaha ILLaLLah: 1. Umar ibnil khattab (RA) narrates that Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: Indeed, if you put your faith completely in Allah, as it ought to be, then surely you will be provided substance as birds are provided for. They leave in the morning with their empty stomach and return in the evening duly filled. (Muntakhab Hadith #31, Tirmidhi) 2. Abu Umamah (RA) narrates that Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: Anyone who loves for the sake of Allah alone and hates for the sake of Allah alone; gives for the sake of Allah alone and withholds for the sake of Allah alone, has indeed perfected his Iman. (Muntakhab Hadith #22, Abu Dawud) Virtues of Muhammadur Rasulullah: 1. Anas (RA) narrates: I heard Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam saying: When the Day of Resurrection will take place, I will be allowed intersession, so I will say: O my Rabb! Send to Jannah whoever had in their hearts a mustard seed of Iman (Allah SWT will accept my intersession), so they will enter Jannah. Then, I will say: Send to Jannah whoever had in his heart the smallest particle (of Iman). (Muntakhab Hadith #17, Bukhari) 2. Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: All of my ummah will enter in Jannah except he who refused. Then (the sahabah) said: O Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam, and who would refuse? He replied: He who obeyed me entered Jannah, and who disobeyed me, refused! ((Muntakhab Hadith #97, Bukhari) 3. Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates: Nabi Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: He who holds fast to my sunnah during the time of corruption in my Ummah, for him is the reward of a Sahid/Martyr. (Muntakhab Hadith #101,Tabrani ) How to bring: 4 ways to make effort 1. Learn about the quality from books of Fazail, Bayans & by contemplating over it 2. Give Dawat of the Maksad 3. Mashk/practice yourself: example, when any situation comes on me, my sight should first be on Allah, and then follow the sunnah of Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam in resolving the issues. If I am sick, first I recognize that this sickness is from Allah, and so ask Allah for cure, then follow the sunnah by taking medicine. 4. Dua : beg from Allah for the reality of Iman and ability to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam. 2. Salat Purpose/Maksad: a. Our Salat should become like the salat of Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam. b. Our salat should become such that we can take from the infinite treasures of Allah SWT c. We should able to solve our problems through Salat d. Our life out side salat should become like the life inside salat. Transfer the complete obedience (of Allah) in Salat to every action of our lives

Virtues of salat: 1. Ali (RA) narrates that the last words of Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam were: As-Salah! As-Salah;1 Fear Allah about those whom your right hand possesses (your slaves and subordinates). (Muntakhab Hadith #8 Abu Dawud. Note: 1. vigilantly observe, guard and establish the salah). 2. Jabir (RA) narrates that a man said to Nabi Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam: Verily so and so offers salah, then at the break of dawn he steals. He replied: Shortly his Salah will prevent him from that sin. (Muntakhab Hadith #15, Bazzar and Majmauz-Zawaid). How to bring: 4 ways to make effort 1. Learn about the quality from books of Fazail, Bayans & by contemplating over it. 2. Give Dawat of the Maksad 3. Mashk/practice your self: example, praying our 5 times salat with jamat, Ehtemam of sunnah, nafal salats. 4. Dua : beg from Allah for devotion and concentration in salat. 3. ILM(Deeni knowledge) and Zikir Purpose/Maksad: Purpose to ILM is to know the orders of Allah SWT at every moment of our lives and how to follow those orders according to the way/Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam. Purpose of Zikir is to create the constant remembrance of Allah SWT. Every Ammal becomes zikir with the remembrance of Allah. Relationship of ILM and Zikir: Practice/Ammal of ILM is the zikir of that ILM. ILM is the path and Zikir is its light. ILM without Zikir leads to arrogance and pride; Zikir without ILM leads to innovation/Bidah and ignorance. Explanation of Quality: what is ILM and what is not. The takazah of ILM. Category of ILM and Importance of practicing ILM as it is the zikir of that ILM. Virtues ILM:

1. Jabir (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: ILM is of two types: 1. ILM, which has
entered the heart; this ILM is beneficial, 2. ILM that is merely on the tounge; this will be Allahs evidence against the son of Adam. (Muntakhab Hadith #6, Targhib, Note: ILM of the tounge refers to the ILM without action and Ikhlas). 2. Abu Darda (RA) narrates: I heard Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam saying: the death of an Aalim is such a calamity that it can neither be made up nor compensated for; and he was a star (of guidance and due to his death) his light is lost. The death of a whole tribe is less significant than the death of an Aalim. (Muntakhab Hadith #27,Baihaqi). Virtues of Zikir: 1. Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says in Quran (more or less) Verily, in the remembrance of Allah hearts do find peace and satisfaction (Surah Ar-Rad 13: 38) 2. Muadh ibne Jabal (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: the dwellers of Jannah will not regret for anything except the moment spent by them (in the worldly life) without the remembrance of Allah. (Muntakhab Hadith #138, Tabrani, Baihaqi, Jami us-Saghir). 3. Abu Musa (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: if a person has plenty of money which he is distributing, and another is engaged in remembering Allah (zikir); (then the one engaged in) the remembrance (zikir) of Allah is better. (Muntakhab Hadith #144, Tabrani, Majma-uz-Zawaid). How to bring: 4 ways to make effort 1. Learn about the quality from books of Fazail, Bayans & by contemplating over it. 2. Give Dawat of the Maksad 3. Mashk/practice yourself: 4. Dua : beg from Allah for ILM that is beneficial, and for the ability of practicing of what we know and for the constant remembrance of Allah.

4. Ikramul Muslimeen: Purpose/Maksad: To bring the Akhlaq of Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam by sacrificing our needs and desires in fulfilling the needs and desires of other Muslims. To fulfill the commandments of Allah Taala regarding humanity in the way of Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam being considerate of the condition and status of each individual Muslims. Explain: How much sacrifice Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam made of us, example, Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam forgiveness in Taif and on the victory of Mekkah; sahabah dying thirsty for each other etc. Without Akhlaq, a person cannot take benefit of his own good deeds, others will take it. Virtues of Ikramul Muslim: 1. Abu hurairah (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: You will not enter Junnah until you become a Mumin and you will not be a Mu;min until you love one another. May I not guide you to something by which you will love one another? Spread Salam amongst yourselves. (Muntakhab Hadith #89, Muslim). 2. Abdullah ibne Umar (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: Do not harm Muslims; do not condemn them; do not look for their faults. (Muntakhab Hadith #277, Ibne Hibban). 3. Abdullah ibne Amr (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam was asked: Who is most excellent amongst people? He replied: Everyone whose heart is Makhmum and tongue is truthful. The Sahabah asked: We understand whose tongue is truthful, but what does a Makhmum heart mean? He replied: The one who is a Muttaqi (fearful of Allah) is pure of heart, free of sins and without injustice, hatred or jealousy for any one. (Muntakhab Hadith #173, Ibne Majah, Note: A pure heart means a heart without any attachment for anyone except Allah). 4. Jubair ibne-Mutim (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: He is not from us who calls towards Asabiyyah. He is not from us who fights out of Asabiyyah and he who dies upholding Asabiyyah. (Muntakhab Hadith #171, Abu-Dawud, Note: Asabiyyah means fanatical association on the basis of language, tribe, race or nation). 5. Abu Umamah (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: I guarantee an abode on the boundary of Jannah for him who gives up a quarrel, even if he is right; and an abode in the center of Jannah for him who abandons lying, even if its for the sake of fun; and abode in the highest grade of Junnah for him who excels in good conduct. (Muntakhab Hadith #45, Abu Dawud). 6. Anas ibne-Malik (RA) narrates that while we were sitting with Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam, he said: A dweller of Jannah will come to you now. Then a man from Ansar came, from whose beard drops of water of ablution were falling and he was holding his shoes in his left hand. The second day Nabi Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam repeated his words as the same Ansari came in the same condition he had come the first day. The third day Nabi Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam repeated the same words as that sahabi came in the same condition. When Nabi Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam stood up, Abdullah ibne Amr(RA) followed that Ansari to his house and said to him: I had a quarrel with my father and have vowed that I will not go to him for 3 days. It you allow, let me stay at your house till my oath is fulfilled? He said: very well. Anas (RA) narrates: Abdullah mentioned that he spent 3 nights with that Ansari but did not see him worshipping at night, except that when he awoke and changed his side on the bed, he praised Allah SWT and said: AllahuAkbar, until he got up for Salat-ul-Fajr from his bed. Abdullah said: I did not hear him say anything except good. When 3 nights had passed and I considered his deeds to be quite ordinary, I said to the Ansari: O slave of Allah! There was no quarrel and separation between me and my father but I heard Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam saying that the dweller of Jannahg is coming to us and you came out on all 3 occassions. So, I decided to stay with you and see what (special) deed you perform? However, I did not see you doing anything extraordinary. What is that deed which raised you to the rank mentioned by Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam? The Ansari replied: I have no deeds except that which you saw. Abdullah (RA) said: when I turned to go away, the Ansari (RA) called me back and said: I do not have any (special) deeds except for the ones you have seen. However I have no ill feelings in my heart about any Muslim and I am not jealous of anyone to whom Allah granted a bounty. Abdulullah (RA) said: this is that which has raised you to that rank, and this is that which is beyond our ability. (Muntakhab Hadith #175, Musnad Ahmed, Bazzar, Majma-uz-Zawaid). 7. Ibne Abbas (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: the Shahid (martyr) will be brought on the Day of Resurrection and made to stand for reckoning. Then the giver of Sadaqah (charity) will be brought and made to stand for reckoning. Then those people will be brought who suffered many trails and hardships in the world; for them neither the Scale (of Justice) will be established nor will any court (of accountability). They will be bestowed with such immense rewards from Allah that people who had lived (in this world) in ease and comfort would desire that their bodies had been cut with scissors (in the world)

for the reward it would have bestowed them (today). (Muntakhab Hadith #19, Tabrani, Majma-uzZawaid). How to bring: 4 ways to make effort 1. Learn about the quality from books of Fazail, Bayans & by contemplating over it. 2. Give Dawat of the Maksad 3. Mashk/practice your self: 4. Dua : beg from Allah for best of Akhlaq 5. Ikhlas: Purpose/Maksad: Whatever we do, we do for the pleasure of Allah alone, without desiring any other returns from anyone. Ikhlas of a person only known to Allah SWT. Ikhlas is to do things for the pleasure of Allah, and Isthekhlas is to do things for the pleasure of Allah, and desiring no other returns but to please Allah alone. This is what desired from this quality, ie Isthekhlas. Explain: Story of the 3 men in the cave and incident of 3 type of men in day of kiyamat, Alim, Sahid, and giver of charity etc. Virtues of Ikhlas: 1. Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: Indeed Allah does not look at your faces and possessions, but he looks at your hearts and your deeds(Muntakhab Hadith #1,Muslim). 2. Malik (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: No two hungry wolves let loose amongst sheep will cause more loss (to the sheep) than a mans greed for wealth and self-esteem to his Deen (religion). (Muntakhab Hadith #37, Tirmidhi), 3. Anas (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: The things of destruction are: that miserliness which is obeyed; that sensual desires which is pursued, and the consideration of person for himself as being superior to others. (Muntakhab Hadith #58, Baihaqi) How to bring: 4 ways to make effort 1. Learn about the quality from books of Fazail, Bayans & by contemplating over it. 2. Give Dawat of the Maksad 3. Mashk/practice your self: to check 3 times, before/during/after. Hide our good deeds from publicity. 4. Dua : beg from Allah Ikhlas 6. Dawah ILLALLAH: Purpose/Maksad: As the Ummati of Rasullullah SAW we are required to learn Deen, practice Deen and to have concern/fikir on how the entire mankind would be saved from fire of Jahannam and will enter Jannah. To achieve this, we need to go out in the path of Allah with our Jan, MaL/wealth and Waqt/time, and learn to use these niyamat, according to the orders of Allah SWT and in the way of Rasullullah SAW. Explain: Purpose of this Ummat of Rasullullah SAW.. Virtues of Dawah: 1. Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: Whoever invites towards Hidayah (guidance) and virtuous deeds, his reward would be equivalent to the rewards of all those people who would follow him, without diminishing their reward in any respect. And whoever invites others towards wrong, he would be guilty of a sin equivalent to the sins all those who would follow him, without diminishing their sins in any respect. (Muntakhab Hadith #40, Muslim). 2. Aisah (RA) narrates: I heard Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam saying: when the dust from the path of Allah enters the body of a Muslim, Allah prohibits Hell-fire on him . (Muntakhab Hadith #53, Masnad Ahmad, Tabrani). 3. Anas (RA) narrates: Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: A morning or an evening spent in the path of Allah is better than the world and all it contains. (Muntakhab Hadith #59, Bukhari, Note: It means if the world and all that it contains is spent in the path of Allah, the reward of one morning or an evening in the path of Allah will be much more. Mirqat ).






Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates: I heard Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam saying: To remain in the path of Allah for a short while, is better than worshipping on the night of Al-Qadr in front of Hajril-Aswad(the black stone). (Muntakhab Hadith #78, Ibne Hibban). Abu Said Al-Khudhri (RA) narrates: Nabi Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam was asked: who amongst the Mumin has the most perfect Iman? He replied: A man who strives in the path of Allah with his life and wealth and the man who worships Allah in a valley from amongst the valleys and saves people from his evil. (Muntakhab Hadith #77, Abu Dawud). Khuraim ibne Fatik (RA) narrates that Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: He who spends in the path of Allah, seven hundred times of that is recorded in his book of deeds. (Muntakhab Hadith #109, Tirmidhi. Note: $Spend$ x 700, spend $1 in the path of Allah, get reward of spending $700 ) Muadh (RA) narrates that Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: Verily the reward of offering Salah, Siyam (fasting) and Zikir (remembrance of Allah) in the path of Allah is enhanced, seven hundred times over spending in the path of Allah. (Muntakhab Hadith #110, Abu Dawud. Note: ($Spend$ x 700) x 700 = 490,000. So the reward of salah, fasting and zikir is multiplied by four hundred ninety thousand (490,000) in the path of Allah). Muadh (RA) narrates that Rasulullah Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam said: Verily, the reward of remembrance/zikir of Allah in the path of Allah is enhanced seven hundred times over the (reward of) spending (in the path of Allah). In Another narration the reward is increased seven hundred thousand times (Muntakhab Hadith #111, Masnad Ahmad. Note:($Spend$ x 700) x 700,000 = 490,000,000 = 490 million. So Zikir is multiplied by four hundred ninety million in the path of Allah. 1 SobhanAllah is rewarded as 490 million times Sobhan Allah!).

How to bring: 4 ways to make effort 1. Learn about the quality from books of Fazail, Bayans & by contemplating over it. 2. Give Dawat of the Maksad 3. For Men: Mashk/practice your self: 4 month, 40 days, 3 days, 5-ammal of Masjid For Ladies: Mashk/practice your self: 5 ways to do Mashk a. Pray their salat at the beginning of times, b. Daily Zikir (3 tasbihat), Quran Tilwat, learning Masnun Dua, c. Establish Talim at home d. Doing Tarbiyah of children e. Send the men folks in the path of Allah for 4 month/40days/3 days and 5-Amal 4. Dua : beg from Allah for acceptance in the work of Dawah.

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