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Spanish Irregular Verbs

In Spanish there are regular, semiregular and irregular verbs. We already know regular verbs. Semiregular verbs are verbs having slight modifications in their spelling, just so that they can sound phonetically easy to pronounce, like the verb pagar (to pay) yo pago (I pay), in the past instead of writing yo pag, we added a (u) after the g so that it would still sound [g] like in pago I bought= yo pagu, and not like [j] if we wrote pag. Irregular verbs are verbs which don't follow standard rules of conjugation in the different verb tenses. The bad news is that they're the most used verbs. So you need to focus on them more, the good news is that you can become familiar with them easily. We will deal with semiregular and irregular as a one subject, because semiregular verbs are considered somehow irregular too. Here we will go through types of irregularity: -First person singular present with g: decir (to say), I say= digo. caer (to fall), I fall= caigo. hacer (to do), I do= hago. salir (to go out), I go out= saglo... -First person present g changes to j: escoger (to choose), I choose= escojo. corrigir (to correct), I correct= corrijo. -Stem changes in the third person singular present (e -> ie): negar (to deny), he denies= niega. cerrar (to close), he closes= cierra. pensar (to think), he think=piensa -Stem changes in the third person singular present (o -> ue): jugar (to play), he plays= juega. mostrar (to show), he shows= muestra. dormir (to sleep),he sleeps=duerme -Stem changes in the third person singular present (e -> i): decir (to say), he says= dice. medir (to measure), he measures= mide. -When we add an e to the last letter of the stem z then (z -> c): lanzar (to throw) I threw= lanc. -When we add an a or o to the last letter of the stem c then (c -> zc): conocer (to know) I know= conozco. ORTOGRAFSKE PROMENE Sledece promene su iskljucivo promene zbog zadrzavanja pravilnog izgovora. Ove promene su uocljive samo kod pisanja (kada ne bismo znali kako se ove reci pisu mislili bismo da i nema nikakvih promena). -When we add an e to the last letter of the stem c then (c -> qu): platicar (to chat), I chatted= platiqu. bloacar (to block), I blocked= bloqu. Nakon dodavanja slova e iza c, ono bi se citalo kao s, da bi se citalo kao k pretvara se u qu. Radi se o glagolima koji zavrsavaju na -car. -When we add an e to the last letter of the stem g then (g -> gu): cagar (to shit) I shited = cagu. Nakon dodavanja slova e iza g, ono bi se citalo kao h, da bi se citalo

kao g pretvara se u gu. Radi se o glagolima koji zavrsavaju na -gar. -When we add an o to the last letter of the stem g then (g -> j): escoger (to choose) I choose = escojo. Nakon dodavanja slova o iza g, ono bi se citalo kao g, da bi se citalo kao h pretvara se u j. Radi se o glagolima koji zavrsavaju na -ger. -When we add an o to the last letter of the stem g then (z -> c): realizar (to realize) I realized = realic. Nakon dodavanja slova e iza z, ono se pretvara u c. U spanskom se iza z nikad ne pojavljuju samoglasnici e i i, a kada to mora da se desi z se pretvara u c. Pa je isto tako i kod imenica lpiz mnozina lpices, ili od faz > faces... itd. Ovde se radi o glagolima koji zavrsavaju na -zar. Svi ovi glagoli su 'po zvucnosti' pravilni, a nepravilnim se smatraju zbog ovih ortografskih promena koje su neophodne da bi se zadrzao izgovor. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x (NE)PRAVILNOSTI Nepravilni glagoli svoju nepravilnost ispoljavaju najvise u prezentu (ind. i konj.), preteritu i imperativu (forma kao u prezentu), zatim u futuru i kondicionalu (uglavnom go-go glagoli) i najmanje u imperfektu (samo tri glagola). Markeri za sva vremena U svim vremenima (indkativ i konjunktiv) nastavci su za 1.pp -mos, za -s (osim kod nekoh nepravilnih glagola u preteritu) i za 3.pp -n. U svim vremenima su i identicni osim u indikativima prezenta, futura i preterita.

Pravilni glagoli (tvorenje) Potrebno je zapamtiti prvo i drugo lice jednine. zavrsava na o u svim konugacijama (osim kod glagola saber > s, estar > estoy, ser > soy, dar > doy). zavrsava na -s. Kada odbijemo s, dobijamo i osnovu za gradnju ostalih lica > u 1.pp dodajemo -mos, a u trecem licu mnozine -n. 2.pp lice mnozine je posebno > -is (AR), -is (ER), -s (IR).


Iskazuje veliku nepravilnost. Pravilni glagoli 1.pp (nosotros) AR i IR imaju istu formu kao i u prezentu (-amos, -imos), isto se pisu i izgovaraju, pa se razlika moze ustanoviti samo iz konteksta recenice (ER imaju formu kao IR > -imos).

Futur i kondicional
Nepravilne forme su -go glagoli koji gube infinitivni zavrsetak i ispred nastavaka za futur i kondicional imaju -dr (tener > tendr, tendra; salir > saldr, saldra; poner > pondr, pondra...). Nastavci za futur su isti kao i prezent indikativ glagola haber bez h (he, has, ha, hemos, habis, han > -, -s, -, -emos, -is, -n) uz dodatak akcenta (s izuzetkom 2.pp gde se uklanja hab). Ovo je bitno znati, jer se prezent indikativ glagola haber u svakom slucaju mora nauciti zbog tvorenja slozenog vremena - perfekta. Historijski, nastavci za futur su i potekli od glagola haber; npr. kovanica koja se nekad u proslosti koristila 'amar has' znaci 'imas voleti' (voleces), sto je vremenom dalo amars; 'hablar he' > 'imam govoriti' (govoricu) > hablar; 'perder hemos' > imamo izgubiti (izgubicu) > perderemos... itd. Isto tako, nastavci za kondicional su isti kao i imperfekt indikativ glagola haber bez hab (haba, habas, haba, habamos, habais, haban > -a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an) uz dodatak akcenta. Ovo je bitno znati, jer se prezent indikativ glagola haber u svakom slucaju mora nauciti zbog tvorenja slozenog vremena - pluskvamperfekta. Nastavci za kondicional su potekli od glagola haber; npr. kovanica koja se nekad u proslosti koristila amar haba znaci 'imao si voleti' (voleo bi), sto je vremenom dalo amaras; hablar haba > 'imao sam govoriti' (govorio bih) > hablara; perder habamos > imali smo izgubiti (izgubili bismo) > perderamos... itd. Samo 12 glagola je nepravilno u futuru i kondicionalu (mozemo ih podeliti u 3 grupe): 1) decir (dir, dira), hacer (har, hara) - vrlo nepravilni, menja se glagolska osnova: decir gubi ec, a hacer ce ispred nastavka za futur i kondicional - ili jos bolje > izbacimo go iz 1.sp prezenta i dodamo nastavak za futur i kondicional 2) poner (pondr, pondra), salir (saldr, saldra), tener (tendr, tendra), valer (valdr, valdra), venir (vendr, vendra) - e, i (iz infinitivnog nastavka) postaju d ispred nastavka za futur i kondicional - ili jos bolje > izbacimo go iz 1.sp prezenta i dodamo nastavak za futur i kondicional Prve dve grupe su -go glagoli, ali ne svi. Ostali -go glagoli su pravilni u futuru i kondicionalu: caer, or, seguir i traer. 3) caber (cabr, cabra), haber (habr, habra), querer (querr, querra), saber (sabr, sabra), poder (podr, podra) - gube e iz infinitivnog nastavka ispred nastavka za futur i kondicional

Nastavci su -aba (AR) i -a (ER/IR), uz dodatak s u, mos u 1.pp, is u 2.pp i n u 3.pp. Samo 3 glagola su nepravilna u imperfektu: ser (era, eras, era, ramos, erais, eran) ir (iba, ibas, iba, bamos, ibais, iban) ver (vea, veas, vea, veamos, veais, vean) Glagol ver je nepravilan samo zato sto zadrzava 'e' iz infinitivnog nastavka

Prvo i trece lice jednine su identicni u svim konjunktivnim vremenima. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x Click Here to see a list of about 200 irregular verbs, and the pattern they follow. These are some common irregular verbs in Spanish (check the table below to see how they are conjugated): abrir, andar, caer, cerrar, conocer, creer, dar, decir, dormir, empezar, encontrar, escoger, estoy, hacer, ir, jugar, leer, llegar, mirar, or, olvidar, pagar, pedir, pensar, perder, poder, poner, quedar, querer, saber, sacar, salir, seguir, sentir, ser, tener, traer, valer, venir, ver, volver. Smart List of Irregular Verbs in Spanish This list contains most of the common modifications that occur to verbs, it may seem confusing, but this is the easiest way to learn how a verb is modified, especially once you get used to the table. -Underlined words: refer to the stem of a verb; the root of the verb that you should keep, and modify only what comes after that stem. -Words in bold: means that the word is conjugated in an irregular way and maybe that was the reason why it was put in this irregular list. -Abbreviations: (pr part= present participle), (pa part= past participle), (Imperative has two conjugations in this table the first one is for t, the second word is for l). Spanish Irregular Verbs
Present Preterite Imperfect abra,s,-,mos,n andaba,s,-,mos,n caa,s,-,mos,n cerraba,s,-,mos,n conoca,s,-,mos,n Future abrir,s,,emos,n andar,s,,emos,n caer,s,,emos,n cerrar,s,,emos,n conocer,s,,emos, n creer,s,,emos,n abro,es,e,imos,en abr,iste,i,imos,ieron ando,as,a,amos,an anduve,iste,o,imos,ieron caigo,caes,-,mos,n ca,ste,cayo,mos,cayeron cierro,as,a,cerramos,an cerr,aste,,amos,aron conozco,es,e,mos,en conoc,iste,i,imos,ieron creo,es,e,emos,en,

Pr Part *

Pa Part * abriendo abierto andando andado ayendo cado errando cerrado onociendo conocido crendo


abre,a anda, cae,ca cierra conoc


cre,ste,crey,mos,creyeron crea,s,-,mos,n


dando dado doy,das,a,mos,n di,ste,o,mos,eron diciendo dicho digo,dices,-,decimos,n dije,iste,o,imos,eron durmiendo dormido duermo,es,e,o-imos,en dorm,iste,durmi,imos,uieron empezand empezad empiezo,as,a,ezamos,n empec,empezaste,,amos, o o aron esogiendo escogid escojo,ges,e,gemos,ge escog,iste,i,imos,ieron o n encontrand encontad encuentro,as,a,oencontr,aste,,amos,aron o o mos,an escribiendo escrito escribo,es,e,imos,en escrib,iste,i,imos,ieron estado hecho ido jugado ledo llegado mirado odo olvidado pedido

daba,s,-,mos,n deca,s,-,mos,n dorma,s,-,mos,n empezaba,s,-,mos, n escoga,s,-,mos,n encontaba,s,-,mos, n escriba,s,-,mos,n

estando haciendo yendo ugando eyendo egando mirando oyendo olvidando pidiendo

estoy,as,a,amos,an estuve,iste,o,imos,ieron estaba,s,-,amos,an hago,haces,-,mos,n, hice,iste,hizo,imos,ieron haca,s,-,mos,n voy,vas,a,mos,n fui,iste,e,imos,eron iba,s,-,mos,n juego,as,a,jugamos,an jugu,aste,,amos,aron jugaba,s,-,mos,n leo,es,e,emos,en le,ste,ley,mos,leyeron lea,s,-,mos,n llego,as,a,amos,an llegu,llegaste,,amos,aron llegaba,s,-,mos,n miro,as,s,amos,an mir,aste,,amos,aron miraba,s,-,mos,n oigo,oyes,-,omos,n o,ste,oyo,mos,oyeron oa,s,-,mos,n olvido,as,a,amos olvid,aste,,amos,aron olvidaba,s,-,mos,n pido,es,e,pedimos,pide ped,iste,pidi,imos,pidieron peda,s,-,mos,n n pagando pagado Pago,as,a,amos,an Pagu,aste,,amos,aron Pagaba,s,-,mos,n pensando pensado pienso,as,a,pensamos, pens,aste,,amos,aron pensaba,s,-,mos,n an perdiendo pedrido pierdo,es,e,perdemos,e perd,iste,i,imos,ieron perda,s,-,mos,n n podiendo podido puedo,es,e,podemos,e pude,iste,o,imos,ieron poda,s,-,mos,n n poniendo puesto pongo,pones,-,mos,en puse,iste,o,imos,ieron pona,s,-mos,n quedando quedado quedo,as,a,amos,an qued,aste,,amos,aron quedaba,s,-,mos,n queriendo querido quiero,es,e,queremos,e quise,iste,o,imos,ieron quera,s,-,mos,n n abiendo sabido s, sabes,-,mos,en supe,iste,o,imos,ieron saba,s,-,mos,n acando sacado saco,as,a,amos,an saque, sacaste,,amos,aron sacaba,s,-,mos,n aliendo salido salgo, sales,e,imos,en sal,iste,o,imos,ieron sala,s,-,mos,n iguiendo seguido sigo,ues,ue,seguimos,u segu,iste,sigui,imos,siguier segua,s,-,mos,n en on intiendo sentido siento,es,e,sentimos,en sent,iste,sinti,imos,sintiero senta,s,-,mos,n n iendo sido soy,eres,es,somos,son fui,iste,e,imos,eron era,s,-,mos,n eniendo tenido tengo,tienes,-,tenemo tuve,iste,o,imos,ieron tena,s,-,mos,n s,n rayendo trado traigo,traes,-,mos,n traje,iste,o,imos,ieron traa,s,-,mos,n valiendo valido valgo,vales,e,emos,en val,iste,i,imos,ieron vala,s,-,mos,n viniendo venido vengo,vienes,-,venimo vine,iste,o,imos,ieron vena,s,-,mos,n s,n viendo visto veo,s,-,mos,n vi,ste,o,mos,eron vea,s,-,mos,n

dar,s,,emos,n da,da dir,s.,emos,n di,dec dormir,s,,emos,n duerm d empezar,s,,emos, empie n Escoger,s,,emos, Escog n encontr,s,,emos, encue n escribir,s,,emos, escrib n estar,s,,emos,n esta,e har,s,,emos,n haz,h ir,s,,emos,n ve,id jugar,s,,emos,n juega leer,s,,emos,n lee,le llegar,s,,emos,n llega, mirar,s,,emos,n mira,m oir,s,,emos,n oye,o olvidar,s,,emos,n olvida pedir,s,,emos,n pide,p

Pagar,s,,emos,n Paga, pensar,s,,emos,n piensa

perder,s,,emos,.n pierde podr,s,,emos,n


pondr,s,,emos,n pon,p quedar,s,,emos,n queda querr,s,,emos,n quiere sabr,s,,emos,n sacar,s,,emos,n saldr,s,,emos,n seguir,s,,emos,n

sabe, saca,s sal,sa sigue,

sentir,s,,emos,n siente

ser,s,,emos,n s, se tendr,s,,emos,n ten,te

traer,s,,emos,n trae,t valdr,s,,emos,n vale/v vendr,s,,emos,n ven,v ver,s,,emos,n




vuelvo,es,e,volvemos,e volv,iste,i,imos,ieron n


volver,s,,emos,n vuelv

This is a list of about 200 common irregular verbs in Spanish, and the rules they follow, you will also find some verbs that don't follow any pattern, usually they're the most used verbs, for more explanations please check the irregular verbs page. U sledecoj tabeli grupa oznacena plavom bojom predstavlja ORTOGRAFSKE nepravilnosti, a u crvenom ostale. List of Spanish Irregular Verbs: When the last syllable is a vowel (u > ) * prezent (ind), prezent (konj), imperativ (-AR) tj. -UAR (Ne mesaj sa nastavkom -GUAR, vidi nize) acentuar (stress, accent) acento, acentas actuar (act) acto, actas avaluar (value) valo, valas conceptuar (consider, judge) concepto, conceptas continuar (continue) contino, continas devaluar (devalue, fall) devalo, devalas discontinuar (discontinue) discontino, discontinas evacuar (evacuate) evaco, evacas evaluar (evaluate) evalo, evalas exceptuar (except) excepto, exceptas extenuar (exhaust, drain) exteno, extenas fluctuar (fluctuate, flow) fluctom fluctas graduar (adjust, calibrate) grado, gradas habituar (get somebody used to) habito, habitas insinuar (insinuate) insino, insinas interactuar (interact) interacto, interactas perpetuar (perpetuate) perpeto, perpetas puntuar (grade, mark, punctuate) puncto, punctas situar (site, locate) sito, sitas tatuar (tattoo) tato, tatas When the last syllable is a vowel (i > ) * prezent (ind), prezent (konj), imperativ (-AR) tj. -IAR (Ovo pravilo vazi samo za pojedine glagole koji zavrsavaju na -IAR) agriar (turn sour, make bitter) agro, agras confiar (confide) confo, confas

criar (breed) cro, cras desvariar (be delirious, talk nonsense) desvaro, desvaras enviar (send) envo, envas espiar (spy on) espo, espas esquiar (ski) esquo, esquas fotografiar (take a photograph of) fotografo, fotografas liar (tie up, wrap, roll) lo, las When we add an e to the last letter of the stem c then (c > qu) * preterit, prezent (konj), imperativ (-AR) tj. -CAR acercar (bring closer) acerqu abdicar (abdicate) abdiqu amplificar (amplify) amplifiqu aparcar (park, shelf) aparqu atacar (attack) ataqu autenticar (authenticate, attest) autentiqu autentificar (authenticate, attest) autentifiqu blocar (block) bloqu buscar (look for) busqu clarificar (clarify) clasifiqu clasificar (sort, put in order) clasifiqu complicar (complicate) compliqu cualificar (qualify) cualifiqu cercar (surround, enclose) cerqu certificar (confirm) certifiqu complicar (complicate) compliqu comunicar (conect, comunicate) comuniqu criticar (criticize) critiqu edificar (build) edifiqu educar (teach, educate) eduqu embarcar (board, embark, load) embarqu diagnosticar (diagnose) diagnostiqu electrificar (electrify) electrifqu explicar (explain) expliqu fabricar (manufacture, build, make) fabriqu falsificar (forge) falsifiqu fortificar (fortify) fortifiqu glorificar (glorify) glorifiqu indicar (indicate) indiqu intensificar (intensify) intensifiqu justificar (justify) justifiqu marcar (mark) marqu mascar (chew) masqu

mistificar (mistify) mistifiqu modificar (modify) modifiqu multiplicar (multiply) multipliqu notificar (notify) notifiqu pescar (catch, get, fish) pesqu picar (bite, punch) piqu platicar (chat) platiqu planificar (plan) planifiqu practicar (practice) practiqu pronosticar (forecast) pronostiqu provocar (provoke, incite) provoqu ratificar (ratify, confirm) ratifiqu refrescar (refresh, chill) refresqu sacar (take out, get out) saqu sacrificar (sacrifice) sacrifiqu secar (dry) sequ suplicar (plead, beg) supliqu tocar (touch, play on an instrument) toqu unificar (unite) unifiqu vacar (be left vacant) vaqu verificar (establish, verify) verifiqu vivificar (refresh, revitalize) vivifiqu When we add an e to the last letter of the stem z then (z > c) * preterit, prezent (konj), imperativ (-AR) tj. -ZAR aterrorizar (terrorize) aterroric abrazar (embrace) abrac amordazar (gag, muzzle) amordac adelgazar (lose weight) adelgac aterrizar (land) aterric analizar (analyze) analic alcanzar (reach) alcanc civilizar (civilize) civilic alzar (lift, raise, hoist) alc cazar (hunt) cac cotizar (quote, price) cotic generalizar (spread, generalize) generalic gozar (enjoy) goc hipnotizar (hypnotize) hipnotic humanizar (humanize) humanic inicializar (initialize) inicialic individualizar (individualize) individualic industrializar (industrialize) industrialic instrumentalizar (instrumentalize) instrumentalic

lanzar (throw, fling) lanc legalizar (legalize) legalic maximizar (maximize) maximic memorizar (memorize) memoric minimizar (minimize) minimic modernizar (modernize) modernic nacionalizar (nationalize) nacionalic normalizar (normalize) normalic optimizar (optimize) optimic organizar (organize) organic paralizar (paralize) paralic polarizar (polarize) polaric polemizar (argue) polemic politizar (politicize) politic privatizar (privatize) privatic punzar (prick, stab) punc racionalizar (rationalize) racionalic radicalizar (radicalize, toughen) radicalic rozar (rub, brush, graze) roc utilizar (use) utilic When we add an a or o to the last letter of the stem g then (g > j) * prezent (ind), prezent (konj), imperativ (-ER) tj. -GER acoger (welcome, take in, receive) acojo coger (take) cojo converger (converge) converjo escoger (choose) escojo encoger (shrink) encojo proteger (protect) protejo recoger (pick up) recojo When we add an e to the last letter of the stem g then (g > gu) * preterit, prezent (konj), imperativ (-AR) tj. -GAR agregar (add) agregu apagar (put out, put off, extinguish) apagu cagar (have a shit) cagu castigar (punish) castigu centrifugar (spin) centrifugu chocar (crash) chogu delegar (delegate, appoint) delegu derogar (abolish, repeal) derogu fatigar (tire, weary) fatigu halagar (flatter) halagu

jugar (play) jugu juzgar (judge) juzgu llegar (arrive) llegu madrugar (get up early) madragu obligar (br obliged to, force) obligu navegar (sail, navigate) navegu negar (deny) negu pagar (pay) pagu prolongar (extend, prolong) prolongu purgar (purge) purgu rogar (beg, pray) rogu segar (cut) segu segregar (segregate) segregu tragar (swallow) tragu vengar (take revange, avenge) vengu When we have an e in an accented syllable then (e -> ie) * prezent (ind), prezent (konj), imperativ (ER/-IR) alentar (encourage) aliento, alientas atender (attend to) atiendo, atiendes calentar (heat up, warm up) caliento, calientas comenzar (start, begin) comienzo, comienzas confesar (confess) comienzo, confienzas defender (defend, stand up for) defiendo, defiendes descender (go down) desciendo, desciendas despertar (wake, arouse) despierto, despiertas empezar (begin, start) empiezom empiezas encender (light, inflame) enciendo, enciendas encerrar (shut up, shut in), encierro, encierras extender (stretch out) extiendo, extiendes mentar (mention), miento, mientar pensar (think) pienso, piensas perder (lose) pierdo, pierdes quebrar (break) quiebro, quiebras sentar (sit, seat) siento, sientas When an o occurs in a stressed syllable then (o -> ue) * prezent (ind), prezent (konj), imperativ (-AR/ER) acordar (hacer algo) (agree do something) acuerdo, acuerdas acostarse (go to bed) me acuesto, te acuestas

aprobar (approve) apruebo, apruebas concordar (agree, reconcile) concuerdo, concuerdas contar (count, tell) cuento, cuentas costar (cost) cuesto, cuestas desaprobar (disapprove of, reject) desapruebo, desapruebas descontar (deduct) descuento, descuentas encontrar (find, encounter) encuento, encuentas engrosar (swell) engrueso, engruesas mostrar (show) muestro, muestras recordar (remember) recuerdo, recuerdas tronar (thunder) trueno, truenas devolver algo (give something back) devuelvo, devuelves disolver (dissolve, break up) disuelvo, disuelves doler (hurt) duelo, dueles envolver (wrap up, wind) envuelvo, envuelves llover (rain) lluevo, llueves morder (bite, eat into) muerdo, muerdes When an o occurs in a stressed syllable then (o -> ue) or (o -> u) * prezent (ind), prezent (konj), imperativ (-IR) dormir (put to bed) duermo, duermes dormirse (go to bed) me duermo, te duermes morir (die) muero, mueres When an o occurs in a stressed syllable then (e -> ie) * prezent (ind), prezent (konj), imperativ and (e -> i) (-IR) * preterit, imperfekt (konj), futur (konj) (IR) consentir (allow, permit) consiento, consintieron digerir (digest, assimilate) digiero, digirieron divertir (entertain, amuse) divierto, divirtieron hervir (boil) hiervo, hirvieron invertir (reverse, invert) invierto, invirtieron mentir (lie) miento, mintieron preferir (prefer) prefiero, prefirieron referir (tell, recount) refiero, refirieron No pattern followed for this verbs whose e becomes i (e -> i) * prezent (ind), prezent (konj), imperativ,

preterit, imperfekt (konj), futur (konj) (-IR) henchir (fill, fill up) hincho, hinchieron expedir (send, dispatch, issue) expido, expidieron impedir (prevent) impido, impidieron pedir (ask for, order) pido, pidieron When add an a or o to the last letter of the stem c then (c > zc) * 1. ps prezent (ind), prezent (konj), imperativ (ER) tj. -CER agradecer (thank) agredezco amanecer (dawn) amanezco comparecer (appear) cpmparezco aparecer (appear, show up) aparezco crecer (grow) crezco decrecer (decrease, decline) decrezco conocer (know) conozco When we add an (a/e/o) then (u > ) * preterit, prezent (konj), imperativ (-AR) tj. -GUAR aguar (water down) ag amortiguar (cushion, absorb) amortig apaciguar (calm down) apacig atestiguar (testify to) atestig averiguar (find out) averig desaguar (water down) desag fraguar (forge) frag No pattern followed here (ui > uy) * prezent (ind), prezent (konj), imperativ (-IR) tj. UIR * preterit, imperfekt (konj), futur (konj) (IR) tj. -UIR atribuir (atribute) atribuyo, atribuyeron circuir (circulate) circuyo, circuyeron confluir (converge, meet) confluyo, confluyeron conseguir (achieve, maintain) conseguyo, conseguyeron construir (build, manufacture) construyo, construyeron contribuir (contribute) contribuyo, contribuyeron derruir (demolish, knock down) derruyo, derruyeron destituir (dismiss) destituyo, destituyeron destruir (destroy, wreck, demolish) destruyo, destruyeron

disminuir (reduce, decrease) disminuyo, disminuyeron distinguir (distinguish) distinguyo, distinguyeron distribuir (distribute) distribuyo, distribuyeron excluir (exclude) excluyo, excluyeron fluir (flow) fluyo, fluyeron incluir (include) incluyo, incluyeron influir (influence) influyo, influyeron instituir (establish) instituyo, instityeron instruir (establish) instruyo, instruyeron intuir (sense) intuyo, intuyeron obstruir (block) obstruyo, obstruyeron perseguir ( perseguyo, perseguyeron proseguir (continue) preseguyo, proseguyeron prostituir (prostitute) prostituyo, prostituyeron reconstituir (reconstitute) reconstituyo, reconstityeron reconstruir (rebuild, reconstruct) reconstruyo, reconstruyeron redistribuir (establish) redistribuyo, redistribyeron rehuir (avoid) rehuyo, rehuyeron restituir (restore, return) restituyo, restityeron retribuir (pay) retribuyo, retribyeron seguir (follow) seguyo, seguyeron sustituir (replace) sustituyo, sustituyeron substituir (substitute) substituyo, substituyeron Miscellaneous Irregular verbs (usually no pattern followed) (-AR/-ER/-IR) andar (walk) desandar (go back over, retrace the trail) caer (fall) recaer (relapse) dar (give) decir (say) estar (be ) deshacer (undo, unpack, destroy) hacer (do, make) rehacer (do again, rebuild) satisfacer (satisfy, quench) ir (go) or (hear) poder (be able to) querer (want) saber (know) salir (go out) prevaler (prevail)

valer (value) Traer family (-ER) tj. -TRAER contraer (contract, acquire, catch) distraer (amuse, entertain) extraer (extract) maltraer (maltreat) traer (bring) Tener family (-ER) tj. -TENER abstenerse (abstain) contener (contain, restrain, hold back) detener (arrest, stop, hold up, delay) obtener (get, win) sostener (support) Venir family (-IR) tj. -VENIR convenir (be suitable) devenir en (become, turn into) intervenir (take part, get involved) prevenir (prevent) provenir de (come from)

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