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Major Concepts & Definitions Watson bases her theory for nursing on the following 10 carative factors.

Each has a dynamic phenomenological component that is relative to the individuals involved in the relationship as encompassed by nursing. As Watsons ideas and values have evolved, she treanslated the 10 carative factors into caritas process. Carative Factors Definitions Caritas Process DEVELOPMENT OF HELPING-TRUST RELATIONSHIP became DEVELOPMENT OF A HELPING-TRUSTING, HUMAN CARING RELATION -The development of helping-trust relationship between the nurse and patient is crucial for transpersonal caring. -Effective communication cognitive, affective, and behavior response components Developing and sustaining a helping trusting authentic caring relationship.


Humanistic and altruism values are learned early in life but can be influenced greatly by nurse educators. Satisfaction through giving and extension of the sense of self.

Practice of lovingkindness and equanimity(evenness) within the context of caring consciousness.


-Facilitates the promotion of holistic nursing care and positive health w/in the patient population. -Describes the nurses role in developing effective nursepatient interrelationship & in promoting wellness by helping the patient adopt healthseeking behaviors.

Being authentically present and enabling and sustaining the deep belief system and subjective lifeworld of self and one being cared for.


-Sharing of feelings and experience is a risk-taking experience for both nurse and patient. -nurse must be prepared for either positive or negative feelings. -nurse must recognize that intellectual and emotional understandings of a situation differ.

Being present to, and supportive of, the expression of positive and negative feelings as a connection with deeper spirit and self and the one being cared for.

SYSTEMATIC USE OF THE SCIENTIFIC PROBLEM-SOLVING Became CULTIVATION OF SENSITIVITY TO SELF AND TO OTHERS -Recognition of feelings leads to selfactualization through self-acceptance for both the nurse and patient. -as nurse acknowledge their sensitivity and feelings they become more genuine, authentic, and sensitive to others. Cultivation of ones own spiritual practices and transpersonal self going beyond the ego self. SYSTEMATIC USE OF A CREATIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING CARING PROCESS

-Use of the nursing process brings a scientific problemsolving approach to nursing care that dispels the traditional image of a nurse as doctors handmaiden.

Creative use of self and all ways of knowing as part of the caring process; to engage in the artistry of caring-healing practice.

> Watson believes that nurses have the responsibility to go beyond the 10 carative factors and to facilitate patients development in the area of health promotion through preventive health actions. This goal is accomplished by teaching patients personal changes to promote health, providing situational support, teaching problem-solving methods, and recognizing coping skills and adaptation to loss. > Watson's philosophy of nursing, with its emphasis on ten creative factors such as the installation of faith and hope in patients and the assistance with gratification of human needs, takes nursing from the realm of being a task that can be performed by robotic machines, as some science fiction writers have suggested, to that of much more. Watson describes nursing as "the process of human-to-human caring illuminates the mystery of humanity and the possibility of a higher power, order or energy in the universe that can be activated through the nurse caring process, that can in turn potentiate healing and health and facilitate self-knowledge, self-reverence, self-control, and possibly even self-healing."

Case scenario Jim was a patient at the VA Medical Center, diagnosed with colon canc having a bowel resection four months ago. Unfortunately, the doctor wa to remove all of the affected bowel at the time of the surgery and Jim an increasing amount of pain. Nurse Sandy was caring for Jim on the d and upon reassessing Jim's pain, which was eight out of ten on the pa Sandy realized by talking with Jim that his increased dose of morphine controlling his pain. Sandy requested someone from pastoral care come a with the patient in attempt to ease his anxiety and discomfort. Jim's anx lessened but Sandy still felt compelled to advocate for Jim as he was restless and exclaiming he was ready to die. Sandy remembered they had practitioner on staff that practiced therapeutic touch, and with Jim's p she called nurse Debbie to come see the patient. Although Sandy did no in the therapeutic touch therapy, she was willing to try anything to ea anxiety and fear that was related to death. As nurse Debbie entered t she dimmed the lights and started the CD player. As the soft, naturalis flowed, Debbie began to perform therapeutic touch. With Debbie's man of therapeutic touch, Sandy observed Jim beginning to relax. After appro twenty minutes, Sandy noticed Jim was resting quietly. Although Sandy believe in this technique, it certainly was appropriate for Jim. Some nurses we need to look beyond our own beliefs and approach the patien holistic and caring attitude, and look at what will benefit each individu encompassing their mind body and soul.

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