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Triple Science 47 Students 3 Classes

Aahil Mughal A06864 A06864@CONTI

Abubakar Yandiev A07969 A07969@CONTI
Adam Zeidan A08898 A08898@CONTI
Ahmed Kady A06407 A06407@CONTI
Anas Diabi A06658 A06658@CONTI
Aya Dajani A06651 A06651@CONTI
Ayesha Faisal A06401 A06401@CONTI
Badr Richeh A06135 A06135@CONTI
Bernadette Murphy A06729 A06729@CONTI
Bilal Khan A06408 A06408@CONTI
Hanzala Khera A08347 A08347@CONTI
Haya Khera A08348 A08348@CONTI
Ikram Osman A06418 A06418@CONTI
Israa Omer A06905 A06905@CONTI
Kameel Basha A07396 A07396@CONTI
Liwa Stelder A08519 A08519@CONTI
Malak Mostafa A08358 A08358@CONTI
Maria Alsabbagh A06887 A06887@CONTI
Maryam Faizulhamly A07792 A07792@CONTI
Mera Malassi A07124 A07124@CONTI
Meral Baser A07974 A07974@CONTI
Mohamed Sareer A08508 A08508@CONTI
Mohammad Tariq A08569 A08569@CONTI
Mostafa ElDesouky A07512 A07512@CONTI
Muhammad Abbas A08498 A08498@CONTI
Muhammad Yuaan A08974 A08974@CONTI
Muhammad Adrian Bin Noor Azmel A06416 A06416@CONTI
Muzammil Arain A07510 A07510@CONTI
Nawfal Farhan A07156 A07156@CONTI
Naya (Eltaji Elfarouki) A06398 A06398@CONTI
Noor Laymoun A06714 A06714@CONTI
Nour Elgendy A06857 A06857@CONTI
Ralph Alahmadieh A07745 A07735@CONTI
Reema Khashoggi A08428 A08429@CONTI
Rimas Alghamdi A08758 A08758@CONTI
Ruqayyah Aly A09094 A09094@CONTI
Ruwa Shahabaz A08819 A08819@CONTI
Saja Hallal A08869 A08869@CONTI
Saoud Sabalbal A06136 A06136@CONTI
Sarah Abid A07123 A07123@CONTI
Seif Elquadi A08065 A08065@CONTI
Taresh Srinivasan A08149 A08149@CONTI
Tarik Hashem A08242 A08242@CONTI
Taym Atassi A06390 A06390@CONTI
Thashvin Rathnagopal Kanthavanam A07514 A07514@CONTI
Yousef SayedAhmed A06757 A06757@CONTI
Zaid Chowdhury A07131 A07131@CONTI

Coordinated Science 36 Students 2 Classes

Abdulhadi Shayif A08145 A08145@CONTI
Abdullah Ghazzawi A06545 A06545@CONTI
Abdulrahman Bajunayd A08049 A08049@CONTI
Ahmad Alnuserat A06085 A06085@CONTI
Alisiya Volkova A06142 A06142@CONTI
Aliya Ulan A07432 A07432@CONTI
Dana El Natour A08678 A08678@CONTI
Dimitrios Arampatzis A08238 A08238@CONTI
Ghalia Badreddine A06890 A06890@CONTI
Jasmina Mueller A06904 A06904@CONTI
Jessica Callan A09101 A09101@CONTI
Kareem Mehdi A06412 A06412@CONTI
Kenzie Al Shdaifat A06112 A06112@CONTI
Kerem Taskin A08462 A08462@CONTI
Kinda Alsaheal A06888 A06888@CONTI
Layana Sleiman Haidar A06809 A06809@CONTI
Layla Zahid A08682 A08682@CONTI
Lina Chehab A06841 A06841@CONTI
Lina Hashem A08241 A08241@CONTI
Loulwa Alaskari A07394 A07394@CONTI
Lulwa Alrasheed A07110 A07110@CONTI
Lulwa Enany A07138 A07138@CONTI
Manel Fabra Nogues A06897 A06897@CONTI
Manna Mahdi A06716 A06716@CONTI
Marya Almutabagani A06618 A06618@CONTI
Mohamed Diop A07778 A07778@CONTI
Musa Shahrukh A06812 A06812@CONTI
Omar Chehab A06842 A06842@CONTI
Sama Alireza A08664 A08664@CONTI
Sara Al Saud A06886 A06886@CONTI
Vincenzo Lannie A09060 A09060@CONTI
Wafa/Foufa Bakhsh A06118 A06118@CONTI
Yara Elrousstom A08965 A08965@CONTI
Yousef Shoukri A06140 A01640@CONTI
Yousif Idris A08337 A08337@CONTI
Zaara Mohammed A09108 A09108@CONTI
Mughal, Aahil 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Yandiev, Abubakar 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Zeidan, Adam 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Kady, Ahmed 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Diabi, Anas 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Dajani, Aya 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Faisal, Ayesha 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Richeh, Badr 9.2 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Murphy, Bernadette 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Khan, Bilal 9.2 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Khera, Hanzala 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Khera, Haya 9.2 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Osman, Ikram 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Omer, Israa 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Basha, Kameel 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Stelder, Liwa 9.2 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Mostafa, Malak 9.2 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Alsabbagh, Maria 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Faizulhamly, Maryam 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Malassi, Mera 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Baser, Meral 9.2 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Sareer, Mohamed 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Tariq, Mohammad 9.2 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
ElDesouky, Mostafa 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Abbas, Muhammad 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Yuaan, Muhammad 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Bin Noor Azmel, Muhammad Adrian 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Arain, Muzammil 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Farhan, Nawfal 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
(Eltaji Elfarouki), Naya 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Laymoun, Noor 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Elgendy, Nour 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Alahmadieh, Ralph 9.2 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Khashoggi, Reema 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Alghamdi, Rimas 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Aly, Ruqayyah 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Shahabaz, Ruwa 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Hallal, Saja 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Sabalbal, Saoud 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Abid, Sarah 9.1 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Elquadi, Seif 9.2 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Srinivasan, Taresh 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Hashem, Tarik 9.2 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Atassi, Taym 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Rathnagopal Kanthavanam, Thashvin 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
SayedAhmed, Yousef 9.3 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)
Chowdhury, Zaid 9.4 Triple Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 3 IGCSEs)

Shayif, Abdulhadi 9.1 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Ghazzawi, Abdullah 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Bajunayd, Abdulrahman 9.1 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Alnuserat, Ahmad 9.1 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Volkova, Alisiya 9.1 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Ulan, Aliya 9.4 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
El Natour, Dana 9.1 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Arampatzis, Dimitrios 9.3 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Badreddine, Ghalia 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Mueller, Jasmina 9.1 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Callan, Jessica 9.3 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Mehdi, Kareem 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Al Shdaifat, Kenzie 9.4 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Taskin, Kerem 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Alsaheal, Kinda 9.3 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Sleiman Haidar, Layana 9.4 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Zahid, Layla 9.4 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Chehab, Lina 9.1 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Hashem, Lina 9.3 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Alaskari, Loulwa 9.3 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Alrasheed, Lulwa 9.3 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Enany, Lulwa 9.1 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Fabra Nogues, Manel 9.4 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Mahdi, Manna 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Almutabagani, Marya 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Diop, Mohamed 9.4 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Shahrukh, Musa 9.1 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Chehab, Omar 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Alireza, Sama 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Al Saud, Sara 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Lannie, Vincenzo 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Bakhsh, Wafa/Foufa 9.3 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Elrousstom, Yara 9.3 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Shoukri, Yousef 9.4 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Idris, Yousif 9.4 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
Mohammed, Zaara 9.2 Double Award Science (Students study all 3 sciences and receive 2 IGCSEs)
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