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Actividades orales: Pon a tus alumnos a trabajar el oral (para todos los idiomas)

Miguel Prieto Rodrguez migprieto@yahoo,com Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Burgos Para qu?: Para dotar a los estudiantes de una herramienta que le permita practicar el aspecto oral dentro y fuera del aula. Cmo? : Mediante la creacin de actividades encaminadas a sistematizar una serie de preguntas, respuestas y sugerencias de aprendizaje basadas en temas sacados de los libros de texto: deporte, cine, vida diaria, tu ciudad, fiestas, etc El profesor orienta a los estudiantes para la creacin de estas actividades, proporcionndoles pautas y sugerencias. Los alumnos, en grupo, preparan las preguntas- respuestas pertinentes y sugieren aspectos gramaticales, expresiones, vocabulario a utilizar en la conversacin, etc. Los alumnos practican las estructuras en clase y el profesor evala la pertinencia de la actividad. La actividad sirve de soporte para la prctica oral fuera de la clase. Todos los alumnos se benefician del trabajo aportado por un solo grupo. Para quin? Estudiantes de idiomas de todos los niveles. Normalmente a lo largo de todo el curso, despus de cada unidad si sta est relacionada con algn tema concreto. Evaluacin: Despus de varios aos desarrollando la experiencia en clases de 1er Ciclo (1, 2 y 3 de ingls), Cundo?

los alumnos han participado siempre en las actividades y las consideran una buena ayuda para la prctica oral.

La evaluacin oral de un idioma toma varias formas dependiendo del criterio de cada Escuela de Idiomas o de cada Departamento. En algunas evaluaciones los alumnos deben hablar sobre una foto y contestar a varias preguntas, en otras deben simular una situacin, en otras deben hablar con el profesor sobre un tema o sobre s mismos y en otras los estudiantes desarrollan en parejas o grupos de tres un tema de conversacin por espacio de unos minutos. El soporte para preparar la conversacin sobre un tema suele ser una serie de ideas que se les proporcionan para que les sirvan de guin. El objetivo de las actividades orales que se presentan es ayudar al estudiante a preparar su produccin oral enfocada a hablar sobre un tema en clase y fuera de ella.

Si el estudiante ha participado en la creacin de una conversacin sobre un tema determinado, pensando en las preguntas y respuestas de acuerdo a sus intereses particulares (edad, nivel social, aficiones, ....) y practicado estas durante el curso, tendr ms seguridad y su produccin por lo tanto debera ser ms fluida y natural. La posicin del estudiante ante los exmenes orales ser ms cmoda, si tenemos en cuenta que stos conllevan cierto nerviosismo o estrs . Qu? : Cuando un libro de texto est organizado temticamente, en cada unidad suele haber una serie de ejercicios encaminados a dotar al alumno de las herramientas necesarias para conseguir los objetivos que se pretenden en cuanto a vocabulario, gramtica y pronunciacin. En el apartado de actividades orales se desarrollan varios tipos de estrategias encaminadas a que el estudiante hable sobre el tema. Suelen ser actividades de tipo trabajo en pareja o trabajo en grupos y para una duracin de unos pocos minutos. Los alumnos ms aventajados suelen preguntar al profesor y cmo digo yo esto o aquello?. Esos alumnos aprenden esa frase, mientras que los dems no se benefician de esa experiencia. Un alumno se ha motivado a aprender algo nuevo que no est en el texto. Si el resto de la clase tambin lo aprende y otras estructuras salidas de otro grupo pueden ser aprovechadas por toda la clase, el beneficio ser mayor para todos. La idea es que el estudiante piense en las estructuras y vocabulario que necesita o son de su inters para obtener las habilidades necesarias para hablar de un tema determinado segn su nivel, y plasme esto en una actividad que pueda usar en el futuro dentro y fuera del aula. La labor del profesor es dirigir al estudiante e informarle de dnde encontrar material pertinente para la actividad: estructuras y vocabulario bsicamente. As pues, el objetivo de las actividades orales que aqu se proponen son: 1. Recopilar el material que contenga el libro de texto en sus diferentes partes: (Unidades,

Libro del profesor, Actividades extras, Libro de ejercicios, Transcripciones de las cintas o cds...) y otros soportes como Internet o vdeos. 2. 3. 4. Recoger los intereses particulares de los estudiantes sobre el tema que se proponga, y que Que los estudiantes dispongan de un soporte que les permita practicar dentro y fuera del Que los estudiantes sepan donde encontrar pautas de vocabulario, gramtica u otros el estudiante plasme en ellas material propio. aula. aspectos para que puedan prepararse mejor. Por ello, las actividades contienen preguntas basadas en material del texto y otras que el alumno considere pertinentes. Las respuestas son tambin importantes, especialmente el cmo empezarlas. Y tambin

es importante incluir algunos aspectos o sugerencias que ayuden al estudiante a encontrar las estructuras adecuadas y el vocabulario pertinente dentro del libro de texto. En toda conversacin, los interlocutores necesitan una serie de preguntas para recabar informacin. Estas preguntas suelen ser de formas y estructuras sencillas en un nivel elemental cuando se refieren a un tema y ms elaboradas para niveles intermedios o avanzados. El otro interlocutor a la hora de responder lo har de acuerdo a sus ideas e intereses, por lo que, en las actividades, la columna de respuestas slo contiene el comienzo para que el estudiante acabe la frase de acuerdo con su experiencia o conocimientos sobre el tema. La columna de sugerencias tambin es relevante porque ayudar al estudiante a usar el vocabulario apropiado y la gramtica pertinente puesto que en ella se incluyen errores comunes a evitar. Cmo? : Preparacin: A lo largo del curso y una vez que el profesor haya considerado que ya hay material

suficiente y que los alumnos tienen las herramientas necesarias para preparar varios temas, necesitamos motivar al alumno para que participe en su elaboracin. Rene a tus alumnos en grupos y diles que vais a preparar unas actividades orales que les ayudarn para practicar para el examen oral. Que los alumnos escojan un tema entre los propuestos de acuerdo a sus intereses. Cada Previamente, selecciona del texto, libro de ejercicios, internet. el material que les ayude grupo prepara un tema. a preparar el tema que hayas escogido. Preguntas referentes al tema (secciones de conversacin speaking), vocabulario pertinente en las secciones de Lexis o Vocabulario. Infrmales tambin de cuales son o seran las estructuras ms adecuadas y dnde pueden hallarlas, en las secciones de gramtica o en la unidad.... Diles que se trata de elaborar una conversacin, por lo que deben pensar en la forma ms lgica de llevarla a cabo, sin saltos de una pregunta a otra que no tenga que ver con la posible respuesta...que piensen cmo se desarrollara una conversacin del modo ms natural posible. Si dispones de Sala Multimedia, pon los alumnos en grupos de cuatro en un ordenador, Si no dispones de ordenadores, que un alumno de cada grupo haga de secretario y que Luego, les proporcionas un disquette y que pasen la informacin en el archivo vaco en el Los alumnos deben copiar las posibles preguntas en la columna de preguntas. En la dales el documento que contiene la vaca (ver anexo) y que vayan escribiendo sobre la marcha. vaya copiando en cada columna lo que se acuerde en el grupo. ordenador de su casa. columna de las respuestas, slo cmo comenzar las respuestas (para continuar cada uno con su informacin personal), y, para ayudar al resto de la clase a preparar la actividad, deben rellenar la

tercera columna de notas con cualquier informacin que consideren pertinente para trabajar mejor la actividad: dnde encontrar el vocabulario, gramtica o ejercicios apropiados en el Libro de Texto o el Libro de Ejercicios, errores a evitar.. A continuacin los estudiantes pasan la actividad al profesor para su supervisin.

El archivo vaco o tabla que han de rellenar, contiene unas 20 filas, o sea espacio para unas 20 preguntas y respuestas. La experiencia es que este es un nmero suficiente para mantener una conversacin por parejas, o por tros, de aproximadamente 10 minutos, ya que los alumnos no deben limitarse a seguir las preguntas al modo de entrevista, ni simplemente contestar, sino que la actividad es un apoyo para mantener una conversacin y se deben acostumbrar a hacer preguntas de seguimiento (follow-up questions) si es necesario. Supervisin por parte del profesor: Como es muy probable que las actividades contengan errores de cualquier tipo, antes de entregarlas a los alumnos, es conveniente que el profesor las revise y corrija. A veces tambin ser conveniente incluir algunas preguntas o sugerencias que el profesor considere relevantes. Una vez que estn supervisadas, el profesor entrega las actividades a los estudiantes y estos las leen y aaden o quitan material hasta que se le da forma definitiva. Este aspecto se puede obviar y que cada estudiante lo actualice a su gusto. Prctica Oral en clase: Sugerira hacerla en tres etapas: 1. Por parejas, o en grupos de tres, leyendo las preguntas, enfatizando ms el aspecto de

aprendizaje que el de prctica oral. En esta primera etapa, los alumnos pueden corregirse unos a otros aspectos de pronunciacin, correccin gramatical. No se nos olvide recordar a los alumnos que deben hacer la misma pregunta al compaero y no slo contestar. Se trata de una conversacin, no de una entrevista. 2. Practicar una segunda vez sin leer las preguntas, slo echando un vistazo de vez en cuando a

la fotocopia para ayudarse a recordar. En esta etapa el resultado debera ser ms fluido y natural y no se tiene porque seguir el orden de la fotocopia. Si el aula dispone de proyector o de pantalla de can de ordenador , se puede proyectar la actividad para toda la clase y los alumnos se sientan de perfil a la pantalla, de tal modo que no puedan leer la actividad. En esta segunda etapa, debe primar el contacto visual entre parejas.


Si se dispone de tiempo, es aconsejable una tercera vez, esta ya sin ayuda de la fotocopia o de

la pantalla. Prctica fuera del aula: Si estas actividades van encaminadas a preparar el examen oral, deja a tus alumnos libertad para que hagan el oral con el compaero o compaeros que ellos elijan, de ese modo podrn quedar fuera del aula para profundizar en la preparacin del examen. Anmales a que se junten de vez en cuando a tomar un caf y que hagan las actividades, o a que practiquen solos en casa en voz alta. Una buena idea es que los alumnos se graben las preguntas y las contestaciones en casa o en el Laboratorio de Idiomas, si el Centro dispone de l, que se oigan a s mismos, lo que es una buena forma de comprobar la habilidad real de su competencia oral, puesto que no es lo mismo orte cuando hablas que or tu voz tal como los otros la oyen.


Normalmente, a lo largo de todo el curso, los alumnos estn motivados a practicar su destreza oral. Por lo tanto escoge el momento y el da ms propicio para hacer estas actividades. Sugerira estas pautas: 1.- Haz las actividades cuando haya al menos tres temas para hacer. De ese modo, tendremos al menos tres grupos para que cada uno haga una actividad. Haz las actividades cada ao. Si utilizas las actividades que los alumnos hicieron el ao anterior, el estudiante nuevo no participa por igual, por lo tanto no se motiva por igual. 2.- Haz que las practiquen en clase de vez en cuando por espacio de unos 10 minutos. Una actividad por da. 3.- Repasar un da antes de los exmenes parciales y finales. Haz que algn grupo o pareja practique delante de toda la clase. Para quin?: Creo que estas actividades pueden ser apropiadas para todos los idiomas, incluso para Espaol para Extranjeros. Tambin para todos los niveles, (siempre y cuando el texto est basado en unidades temticas o semi-temticas en el nivel elemental) y para todas las edades. La forma final depender de los intereses de la clase segn el tipo de alumnado mayoritario en esa clase. Las actividades de 1er Curso que se incluye como ejemplo fueron hechas por estudiantes adultos. La de 2 Curso fue hecha por estudiantes adultos tambin, pero ms jvenes y la de 3er Curso lo fue por estudiantes adolescentes de Bachillerato y primeros cursos de universidad. El resultado para las mismas unidades y mismos temas sera bastante diferente si las actividades que hicieron los adultos las hacen adolescentes y viceversa.

Evaluacin: Despus de varios aos desarrollando la experiencia en clases de 1er Ciclo (1, 2 y 3 de ingls), los alumnos han participado siempre en las actividades y las consideran una buena ayuda para la prctica oral. Creo que no corresponde slo al profesor el evaluar la pertinencia y los resultados que una actividad puede conseguir. Pregunta a tus alumnos si consideran que las actividades les han servido para mejorar su destreza oral. La creacin de las actividades por parte del estudiante exige de ellos ms responsabilidad, por lo que pueden desarrollar mejor sus capacidades y sus ideas propias, les da autonoma del libro de texto y a la vez les incita a consultarlo cuando tienen problemas de expresin.


QUESTIONS Do you like reading?


Yes, I do // Yes, I love it No, I dont What kind of books do you like? I like. Do you like going to the cinema? Yes, I do // Yes, I love it No, I dont What kind of films do you like? I like . What do you think of (actor, I like/love him/her. I hate him/her. director) Hes Shes OK Whos your favourite actor/director) My favourite is .. because .. Whats your favourite film? My favourite film is .. because What do you think of tv in Spain? I think it is . Whats your favourite programme? Its .. because Do you like shopping? Yes, I do // Yes, I love it No, I dont Do you like going to shopping centres? Yes, I do // Yes, I love it No, I dont How often do you buy clothes? I buy them Do you like dancing? Yes, I do // Yes, I love it No, I dont Can you dance hip Yes, I can No, I cant hop/rock/tango/waltz.. Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? What do you think of classical I think its music/rap? Can you sing? Yes, I can/ No, I cant / No, not very well How often do you buy Cds? I buy then .. Where do you like listening to music? I like listening to music in . What do you like doing at the I like/love . weekend? What do you hate doing at the I hate .. weekend? Whats your favourite day of the week? My favourite day is

NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCABULARY ... Dont say Yes, I like Novels, history, science fiction. Action, thrillers, love stories, horror. Adjectives: (+) interesting, funny, great, fantastic, attractive, pretty, intelligent. (-) terrible, awful, boring,

Once/twice/ three times . a month, year.

Pop, rock, salsa, reggae, folk, classical The car, my room, the street, Use ing after love/like/hate


Elementary Oxford University Press)

(topic in Unit 4 New English File

QUESTIONS How important is food in your life? What kind of food do you like? Which one dont you like? How often do you eat fast food? Have you tried Indian food/ Chinese food? How much meat, fish do you eat? How many fresh vegetables do you eat? Do you think your diet is healthy? Do you usually have breakfast? What do you usually have? Whats your favourite meal of the day, Why? Can you cook? How well? Who cooks at home? How often do you/does s/he cook? Whats your/his/her speciality? Whats the most typical food in Burgos? Whats the nicest place to eat typical food? Uhm, Im hungry. Shall we have something to eat? 2nd YEAR ORAL TOPIC: FOOD Press)

ANSWERS Really important, not very important I like Italian food I dont like .. Well, I . Yes, Ive tried. I eat fish twice a week I eat..once a day I think so, I think not

NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCABULARY... Echo questions, so, neither do I, page. 102 Which one/ones page 86 Once/twice a .. Have you ? Present Perfect page. 19 Uncountable (U) page 7 Countable(C) page 6, expressions of frequency Page 105 Frequency adverbs. Before the verbs

Expressions of frequency page 6 Yes I do. No I dont./ always , never Roast lamb, cheese,.... I usually have. Lunch, because I have more time for Shall I/we .? In offers and only interrogatives page 104 lunch Yes, I can/ No, I cant Very/Quite well. Not very well+6 I cook , My mother(cooks) About three times a day Cakes, . The most typical food in Burgos is (blackpuding) Theres a restaurant called Well, yes, why not? (topic in Unit 1 English File Pre-Intermediate Oxford University

What kind of school did you use to go to when you were a child? Where did you use to go to school? How did you get there? What was it like? Was it mixed or single sex? - Did you have to wear a uniform? / - What clothes did you wear to school? What was your favourite/least favourite subject/teacher? What subject were you good at ? How many students were there in your class? Who did you use to get on best? Were there any strict rules in your school?

I went to a : private or state school, - Used to p 49 Workbook p 28 boarding... by bus, train, car; On foot. I went to I got there It was.../There was... It was - Yes, I have to... - They didnt let me... My favourite subject/ teacher was . I was good at There were... - Adjectives - School subjects without article the. - Let somebody do something - Make somebody do something - (Not) to be allowed to do something

Do you remember any of your teachers? Did you ever do anything naughty? Were you caught and punished? Did you always do your homework?/ Did you use to do your homework? Did you cheat at exams? Were you ever caught? Did you use to have lunch at school? Did you enjoy yourself at school? What was your favourite game? What did you use to do after school? Was there one older child you particularly admired? Do you think that children are different today from the time when you were a child? When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did your life use to be very different to how it is now? What was your greatest wish?

I loved...+ ING I used to get on well with .. I hated...+ ING Yes, we had to.../ They didnt let us + Text p 49 Anecdote infinitive.../ We werent allowed to.../ No, we didnt have to.../ We were allowed to... Yes , I remember They were Yes I did/No I didnt. - I always/ never/ rarely... - I used to/ didnt use to... - Yes, No.. I .. / Yes, I was / No, never Yes I did/No I didnt - Yes, I did, no I didnt It was. I used to . Well, there was a boy/ girl who/that.. Yes I do/No I dont because Sports without article the: I played football Police officer, lawyer, journalist, doctor, fire-fighter I was afraid of the dark; I believed in ghosts; I sucked my thumb when I was tired; I had long hair; I didnt like vegetables.

I wanted to be a(n) Yes it did/No I didnt I wanted to .. (Unit 5 Inside Out Level III, Intermediate


volver a la pgina principal money tips for saving money

QUESTIONS How do you get your money



I have a job/ My parents give me some pocket money every .. How much pocket money did you Yes, I do. use to get when you were a No, I dont. child?? Because BUY, COST, GIVE AWAY, Is there anyone you wouldnt Yes, there is. INVEST, LOSE, SAVE, SELL, lend money to? No, there isnt. SPEND, WEALTHY, POOR, Who? INHERIT. Do you usually give money to I used to get people who beg in the street INCOME, BANK LOAN, A Have you ever bought a luxurious Yes, I have. SAFE, THE COST OF LIVING, thing? No, I havent. I have never boughtBANK ACCOUNT, A PIGGY any luxurious thing. BANK. How much do you spend on I usually spend lottery tickets, the football pools, I never buy lottery tickets. WASTE, EARN, WIN. etc? Hove you ever won anything on I have won once/twice... USUALLY+PRESENT SIMPLE the lottery, the pools, the lotto? No, I havent. Do you usually leave tips in bars, Yes, I usually leave restaurants? No, I dont leave tips in bars Why not? because SECOND CONDITIONAL: IF+ How much? PAST SIMPLE What would you love to buy but I would love to buy WOULD+INF (p 150) you cant afford? Do you think credit cards are a Yes, I do. PAG. 40 WORKBOOK good thing? No, I dont think credit cards are a PAG 127,123 BOOK good thing because... VOCABULARY BUILDER 7 Do you now anyone whos very Yes, I do. mean? No, I dont. My .. was stolen. Sb stole Who? my Have you ever been robbed (of Yes, I have been robbed money)? No, I havent. When? Do you think that having a lot of Yes, I think so. If I had a lot of money will change your life? money, Id No, I dont think so. Would you lend a lot of money to I would lend that person money if a person you know he would give I had it. you the money back? No, I wouldnt. travel from videojug: some videos about travel

QUESTIONS Have you ever been abroad? Where have you been? Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? Where? Who with? How long will you stay? Are you afraid of going abroad alone? Why? Could you live in another country for the rest of your life? Did your class in high school go on a trip together? Where did you go? How long did you stay? How did you get there? Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations? Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why? Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane or ship? Have you ever got lost while traveling?. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while travelling? How many times have you traveled abroad? What country do you most want to visit? Why? What was the most interesting place you have ever visited? Whats your dream holiday? What sights would you want to see? Who would your ideal companion be? Who would you like to meet there? What would you eat and drink? What would spoil your perfect holiday? Where did you go on your last vacation? What are the people like? Is there anything to do in the evening/at night? Are there any interesting festivals? What advice would you give to someone who is going to visit this place?

ANSWERS Yes/no Ive been to.(place) Yes/no Im not sure, I might go to.. Yes/no Yes/no. It depends. If . Yes/no

NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. To(place) For(time) By(transport) Might for probability

prefer+ to inf or ing

I prefer.. because .. I prefer.. because .. By(transport) Yes /no Well, once Yes /no Once, twice Id like to go to because it must be . The most interesting place Ive visited was Id love to go to Id .

Must for speculating

Would for imaginary situations Anecdote page 95

Workbook page 58

I went toI went byI went with They are .. friendly, nice . Well, there are some..

I would recommend to

choose another topic

tape yoursef here: Audacity

kids and schooldays

QUESTIONS What kind of school did you use to go to when you were a child? Where did you use to go to school? How did you get there? What was it like? Was it mixed or single sex? Did you have to wear a uniform? / What clothes did you wear to school? What was your favourite/least favourite subject/teacher? What subject were you good at ? How many students were there in your class? Who did you use to get on best? Were there any strict rules in your school? ANSWERS I went to a : private or state school, boarding... I went to I got there It was.../There was... It was - Yes, I have to... - They didnt let me... My favourite subject/ teacher was . NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. - Used to by bus, train, car; On foot. - Adjectives - School subjects without article the. - Let somebody do something - Make somebody do something - (Not) to be allowed to do something

Do you remember any of your teachers? Did you ever do anything naughty? Were you caught and punished? Did you always do your homework?/ Did you use to do your homework? Did you use to cheat at exams?

I loved...+ ING I was good at I hated...+ ING There were... I used to get on well with .. Yes, we had to.../ They didnt let us + infinitive.../ We werent allowed to.../ No, we didnt have to.../ We were allowed to... Yes , I remember They were Yes I did/No I didnt. - I always/ never/ rarely... - I used to/ didnt use to... - Yes, I .. once/ twice/ three times/ always,... Yes, I was / No, never Yes I did/No I didnt - Yes, I ldid, no I didnt It was. Yes I do/No I dont because Sports without article the: I played football Policeman, lawyer, journalist, doctor, firefighter I was afraid of the dark; I believed in ghosts; I sucked my thumb when I was tired; I had long hair; I didnt like vegetables.

Were you ever caught? Did you use to have lunch at school? Did you enjoy yourself at school? What was your favourite game? Do you think that children are different today from the time when you were a child? When you were a child, what did you want to be I wanted to be a(n) when you grew up? When I was a child: Did your life use to be very different to how it is Yes it did/No I didnt now? What was your greatest wish? I wanted to

choose another topic Sport read about canyoning in Spain

tape yoursef here: Audacity

QUESTIONS ANSWERS NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. Do you do any Yes, I do (tennis player, basketball player, swimmer, ...) sports? Which? How often do you I play tennis once- Unit 4 (PAG 38 anecdote 1) (PAG 34 Grading adjectives n 1) do/play/go? twice a week choose another topic (PAG 32 vocabulary) yoursef here: Audacity tape Where ? I go + ing Who do you . I play with? Have you ever won Yes, I have / No, I do+ martial arts/exercice a prize or a medal? I havent I used to/ not any more Are you a good Yes, I am / No ___? Im not Once/ twice .. Do you think Yes, I think so / everybody should No, I dont think If + past simple..would+ ing practice sports? so. Do you do any Yes, I do / No, I sports? Which? dont How often do you I play tennis once- I prefer+ing do/play/go? twice a week Not adjective Where ? Who do you . with? What do you think Football, tennis, I find it + adjective. Comparatives, superlatives Book pag is the most popular basketball sport in the world? Page 23- exercise 3-workbook What sports do you Football, tennis, Page 40-Comparatives and superlatives. follow? basketball What sports do you Football, tennis, hate watching? basketball What sports did you I used to ../didn have to do at t use to.. school? Did you enjoy it? Do you think sport Yes, I think so / is as important as No, I dont think maths or languages? so Sport is (not) as important as maths Is there any sport Id like to be able youd like to be to do karate/go able to do? cycling.. Do you think youre Yes, I think so / fit? No, I dont think so Would you like to Yes, I be fitter? would.No I wouldnt . I think .. Do you usually go Yes I do. No I don to a gym? t Which do you Ive (never) prefer, individual I won a medal sport or team when I was a sports? child Which do you One of my prefer, indoor sports favourite sport


QUESTIONS Do you believe the guy should always pay for dates? Have you ever lied about your age to attract a member of the opposite sex? Have you ever changed your hair to attract a woman/man? Do you think its Ok for men to use beauty products? Do you think its OK for men to get/ receive flowers as a present? Do you think its OK for men and women still live at home when they are over 30? Do you agree that men always talk about soccer when they get together? Do you agree that women always talk about boyfriends and clothes when they get together? Do you think men should hold doors open for women? Do you believe women have always to do the house work? Do you think women have the same rights as men in your country? Do you believe men have to make the important decisions? Do you think women make the longest phone calls? Do you think women do always the shopping? Who are better drivers, men or women? Who does the housework at your home?

ANSWERS Yes / No because Yes, I have No, I havent Yes, I have No, I havent Yes / No because Yes / No because Yes / No because I agree (with you) I dont agree / I disagree (with you) I agree (with you) I dont agree / I disagree (with you) Yes / No because Yes / No because Yes / No because Yes / No because Yes / No because Yes / No because

NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. VERB TO DO The shopping The cooking The washing-up Most of the driving The ironing The cleaning VERB TO MAKE The beds Arrangements for baby-sitters Family appointments to see doctors, dentists or teachers The biggest mess in the kitchen _ Men and women are equal, so its insulting to women if men hold doors open for them. _ Men and women are equal, but women still like having doors held open for them. PHRASES Men/Women arent/ are very good at. Woman/man like.. Women/men never The best thing about being a woman/man is .. The worst thing about being a woman/man is..

choose another topic


QUESTIONS ANSWERS NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. Listen to questions books.mp3 Whats your My favourite time books, newspapers, comics, magazines, biographies, choose another read favourite time and and place to topic is romantic novels, love stories, thrillers, best-sellers, place to read? | science fiction, historical novels, poetry ri:d| I prefer +reading in the .. because I judge the book by its cover What kind of I usually read Present Simple books do you I prefer . 2nd Conditional: If+past simple. would(not) like? Do you usually Yes, I do. I usually buy books? buy books / No I used to+inf for past habits dont . I borrow books from / I never buy books Find it + adjectives (difficult, easy, boring) Have you got a Yes, my favourite favourite book or book is .. and my author? favourite author is Past simple . No, I dont. Do you usually It depends. / I cant It has sold over a million copies read on public because .. / yes, I transports? do. It is a film based on a book by If you had a child, Yes, Id love to. Id It was disappointing. I wish I hadnt gone to see it would you like to be glad to. No, read stories for from my point of him/her in bed? view, reading to . children is .. Whats the last The last book I read book youve read? was called. |red| What was it It was about .. about? Did you enjoy it? Yes, I did / No, I didnt. I had to read it because. Who wrote it? It was written by Do you Yes/No recommend it? When did you I read it. read it? Why did you I chose it choose this book? because What did you I knew about it know about it was. beforehand? Have you read Yes, I have. No I any other books havent by the same author? Who were the The main main characters? characters were (name) and What was the It was main story?



NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. Have you got a lot of friends? Yes I have No I haventonly a Present Perfect (For+ a period of few. time) ( since + a fixed Who is your best friend? (his/her) name is point) How long have you known each other? Weve known each other for/ Weve known each other for years since ..since we were How did you first meet? I met him/her at school What was your first impression of My first impression was We hit it off (him/her)? we like the same What do you like about (him/her)? I like him/herbecause I dont like him/her because every day | once a week,at the What do you have in common? We are both weekend We havent got anything in common. Do you ever argue? What about? Sometimes. We sometimes argue Like + (verb ing) And youre still best friends, arent about To Be + (a/an) + job you? Both= A+B How often do you see each other? We usually see each other .. Neither A nor B + affirmative verb What does s/he look like? S/he is (Either)A or B + negative verb What is s/he like as a person? S/he is About + ing What is his/her hobbies and interests? They like Tall, short, good-looking, with What does s/he do? He / She is a (n) brown hair and .Shy,friendly,kind,big-headed Will you be friends for life? Yes, we will / No we wont A: Yes, think so B: So do I. Do you think Yes, think so. I dont think so .. A: I dont think so B: Neither your best friend cant be a do I member of your family. men have more close friends than women. men keep their friends longer Vocabulary: than women. Meet by chance women have more serious We didnt speak to each other conversations with their friends for about a month than men. Were very close Do you agree about I agree (with you) I disagree (with Split up What do you think of you) having a best friend of the I dont agree opposite sex. staying good friends with an expartner.


choose another topic


QUESTIONS What country/town/city did you go to the last time? How long did you stay in/there? How did you get there?

ANSWERS I went to .


a hotel/a bed and breakfast/a

I stay there for . campsite I travelled by. I by car/coach/plane/train drove there. Did you plan your trip before going there? Yes, I went to a travel agency to . Who did you go with? I went with .. How long did it take you to get to It took me/ us .. alone,on my own,by myself ____/there? Have you been there before? No, It was the first time / Yes I had been there Did you get lost on the way there? Well, I took a wrong turning and .. /a farmhouse/a youth hostel Did you have a good Yes, there were no journey/flight/trip/voyage/cruise/tour? problems .No, the exciting,boring..... was awful What was the place/the hotel/ the campsite It was .. There lovely/crowded/romantic/historic like? were the .. had a castle/a cathedral/a fountain/a museum/ a port/a statue/an art galery Were there lots of interesting places to Yes, there was/ were visit? Have a look round a town/go on day What is the local speciality? Its the Its a kind of trips . excursion/see monuments/go to the beach What is the best area to have a look The best area is . complaints/refund/speak with the round? manager What is the most famous monument? Its . Where is the best atmosphere at night? Well there are where you can . What are the typical souvenirs? Were there any places nearby to go to? Yes, theres a small town Did you have enough time to visit all the Yes/ No, I didnt . I places you wanted? wanted to visit .. but . What kind of things did you do ? We went + ing Did you have any problems if it was a Yes, I did / No, I didnt package holiday? choose another topic music

QUESTIONS What kind of music do you like/hate? Who is your favourite group or singer? Is there a group or singer you used to like but you dont anymore? How often do you listen to music? Where? Do you listen to music when you study / work / do sport/...? Why? How often do you buy music? What was the latest CD you have bought? Do you like it? Do you think buying CDs is cheap or expensive? Do you download music from the Internet? What do you think of piracy?

ANSWERS I like... I hate...

NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. (without article): pop, rock & roll, jazz, classical, reggae, blues,...

Adverbs of frequency (usually, My favourite group/singer is... very often, sometimes,...). Once a week, twice,... At night, in the morning,... I usually listen o music... At home, in the shower, on the Like / Hate + -ing train Relax, sing, dance, enjoy,... Yes, I do. I listen to music when... Borrow/ copy/ download it. No, I dont. Yes / No, because it is .../ I... I usually buy.../ I dont buy music. I ... Cheap, expensive, ... The last CD Ive bought was... Yes, I do / No, I dont A good idea, dangerous, bad,... I think its (really) ... THE+ Piano, guitar, drums, violin, flute, keyboard,... WOULD LIKE TO + INFINITIV

Yes, I do No, I dont I think its.. Yes, I do (of course) Do you copy CDs? No, I dont. Im afraid of this Yes, I do / No, I dont Do you play an instrument? / What I used to play.... / I usually is it? play.... Would you like to play any Yes, I would like to..../ No, I instrument? /Why? wouldnt What kind of music do you like dancing to? Have you ever met or spoken to a famous musician? What kind of music do you put on when you study?

celebrities wanna read about celebs? click here

QUESTIONS Have you ever seen a celebrity in person? What did you do?

ANSWERS Yes I did \ no I didnt I asked him \her for an autograph Id like to meet..... I would + inf...with him\ her


Expressions: its got nothing to do with us Its none of our business Half of the stuff is rubbish Which celebrity would you like to These people are role models meet? What would you do if you You can blame the newspapers could spend a day with this person? Do you think famous people have the Yes I think so \ I dont think so What theyre up to I dont go along with right to have a private life? Thats just too bad for them! Do you think it's moral to sell your No I dont agree with it \ yes I Know what! private life to the media? agree Have you heard about? Do you approve of people who Yes I do. No I dont Theyve split up become famous as a consequence of because Guess what! appearing again and again in the Whats the matter? media and not because of having an Whats happened? artistic career? I bet its all a big con! What do you think of the paparazzi? I believe they are Whats more Vocabulary: Why do you think there is such a Because Gossip high demand for gossip magazines Honeymoon and gossip TV programs? Engagement ring Grammar: should, must, have What are the pros and cons of being a The pros are to, be allowed to celebrity? I think that the cons are Its important to . What do you think of fans and fanIn my opinion clubs? Why do you think adolescents need I dont think teenagers need to to have heroes? have heroes because Do you think being a celebrity Its a chance Yes, always automatically means the person is intelligent? choose another topic tape yoursef here: Audacity

parties parties and celebrations around the world If you want to throw a party, look at these tips for all kinds of parties

Some videos where you can watch, listen and read at the same time: La Tomatina (Buol, Spain) San Fermn El Roco Noche de San Juan (from videojug) QUESTIONS Do you like parties? Are you a party animal? What kind of parties do you like? Whats your ideal party? Have you ever had/hold a party? ANSWERS Yes, I do/ No, I dont I like... NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. Kinds of parties. Housewarming, leaving, fancy dress(costume), 18th, surprise, Halloween, rave, reception, birthday Kinds of music: rap, techno, heavy, rock, pop, punk, house. Decoration: balloons, lights, candles, Drinks: Coke, milkshakes, tea, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, cocktails. Places for a party: At a friends, my parents at a house in ., in a pub, restaurant, on the beach, Food: olives, chips, nuts and dried fruits, pizza, sandwich, hamburgers, snacks, cake, pie, Invitations: Would you like .? Do you fancy +ing Accepting: Id love to. Great! Refusing: Sorry, Im busy. Id love to, but .

Funny. Yes, the last party I hold was for my . Who did you invite? I invited .. What was the occasion? Birthday. Where was the party? At my friends house Were there any decorations? No/Yes there were some Were there a lot of people there? No/Yes What sort of food and drink did We had .. you have? What was the music like? Rap, Heavy, House, . Did you meet anybody nice No/Yes there? Did you dance? No/Yes What time did it finish? At . Did you have a good time? Yes, I did/ Really! Whats the last party you went I last went to a party to? Who did you go with? With my friends, . Did you know most of the No/Yes people there? Did you meet anybody nice No/Yes there? Did you stay to the end? No/Yes Have you ever met someone whos a party pooper? Would you like to come to my Yes, Id love to. Wicked! ? Where and when is the party? At Whos going there?


QUESTIONS What time do you get up in the morning? What time do you go to work or to school? When do you do your homework? And where? What time do you think high school students should go to bed? What do you do if you forget an appointment? How much time do you spend sleeping? Do you wish you could sleep more? Do you think time moves slowly or quickly? Why? What is your busiest day of the week? Do you manage time, or does time manage you? Do you prefer to take a bath in the morning or in the evening? What time do you like to go to bed at night? When do you prefer to work/study? Why? What's the most significant time of your life? If time travel were possible, which period of world history would you like to return to? Why? Do you prefer to show up late or early? In your culture, is it polite to always show up on time, or to show up a little late? Do you like to be busy, or do you like to have an easy schedule? Do you think punctuality is important? eating out

ANSWERS I have to get up at At In the evening, at night / At home, at the library I think they should go to bed at I apologise/ I say sorry/ I About Yes , I do/ No I dont It depends. When I am Its / everyday/ on week days

NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. Have to (obligation) Dont have to (no obligation/no necessity) Should (good idea)

Wish + past simple/could/would I wish I could sleep 10 hours Prefer+ to inf or -ing 2nd conditional If+past simple would+inf (Significant for any reason: because you liked it or hated it; because of your profession; because of a relationship; or because it was a turning point in your life) first communion, my first kiss/date/job. When I got married

I prefer.. because At

In the morning, in the afternoon. At night The Middle Ages, the 18th Century My I would like to travel to.

I prefer Here, we usually.. but if you . I prefer to .. because Well, if youre punctual, you ..

QUESTIONS How often do you eat out? When was the last time you ate out? What was the restaurant like? How long did you spend in the restaurant? Where do you usually go when you eat out? How much do you usually pay when you eat out? Who do you usually go with when you eat out? Do you like Western food? Japanese? Thai? Italian? Have you ever eaten at fast food restaurants? What is your favourite appetizer? Starter? Main Course? Dessert? Do you ever drink alcoholic beverages when you eat out? If so, what do you drink? Did you enjoy eating out in other countries you have visited? Do you know anyone who has owned a restaurant? Have you ever worked in a restaurant? If so, what kind of restaurant? How long did you work there? Do you ever leave a tip at a restaurant? How much? Who pays when you go out for dinner? What's the worst experience you ever had at a restaurant? Do you like to try new restaurants, or do you prefer to go to those you have already been to? Why? Do you care what a restaurant looks like, or is the food the only thing you care about? What do you prefer, to eat at home or eat out?

ANSWERS I usually/often/always eat out. Twice a week/month/year About days/weeks/months ago It was I was there for hours I usually go to a/an restaurant About euros When I went out I usually go with Yes I like/ No I dont like Yes I have / No I havent My favourite appetizer/main course/dessert is. Yes I have No, never Yes I enjoy it / no I didnt Yes I know/ No I dont know


Beautiful, quite well, big/small, horrible, dirty/clean ...

Spanish/French/American/Mexican/African food Ice cream, meat, fruit, fish, lobster, mushrooms, olives, tomatoes, lamb Coke, orange juice, wine, beer, whisky Grammar Countable nouns: not many, very few, a couple of, a few , several, not many Uncountable nouns: not much, a little, a bit of, very little Countable and uncountable nouns : any, loads of, some, lots of, a lot of

Use have for eat and drink No Ive never worked in a restaurant/ yes Ive worked in a restaurant about ... years/months/weeks Yes I have/no I havent It depends/not much Me/ My parents/ boyfriend I dont remember it very well/ when I was I dont mind it but I prefer to go to Because Both are important to me It depends I like.../ both

home and family QUESTIONS Where do you live? Do you live in a house or in a flat? Whats it like? How long have you been living there? Who do you live with? What things do you do at home? ANSWERS I live in. I live in a house / flat Its a small / medium / big I / We have been living there I live alone / with I do / I make NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. in a house outside the city in a flat near the centre Present Perfect+ for / since

I do the +ing I make the beds I like / dont mind / hate +ing

How many people are there in your family? Who are you like? How are you similar? Do you look like her / him? Have you got a lot of other relatives? Whats your position in the family? Do you like your position? What do you think about your position? Is it an advantage or a disadvantage?

There are / We are Im like my (father, mother) We both are +adj (personality) Yes I do / No I dont, I look like my Yes I have / No I havent

similar to / different from

Do you get on well with your family? Do you argue with your family? Yes I do / No I dont (because) What about? We argue about Do both your parents work? Whats the good side of it? Do you have an older relative living with you? Yes, they do /No, they dont One advantage is but on the other hand Yes, my . Lives with us. No, none

Im the oldest / the youngest / in the middle / an only child Yes / No (because) . I think its < xml="true" ns="urn:schemasBeing a first/middle/the youngest microsoft-com:office:smarttags" is. prefix="st1" namespace="">Reading page 18 for vocabulary and structures Yes I do / No I dont (because)

+ing (watching TV) +noun (money)

cars QUESTIONS Can you drive? When did you first learn to drive? How log have you been driving? Do you like driving? ANSWERS NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB..

Have you got a car? What make is it? Have you ever Yes, I have got really lost in a car? No, I havent run out of petrol? had a puncture? broken down? missed something important because of traffic problems? been stopped in a car by the police? stopped to pick up a hitch-hiker? Whats your dream car? Id like to have (would) My dream car is a. What do hate the most about other I hate drivers who . drivers? What kind of drivers make you Drivers who drive mad? hooting, slowly, fast

Yes, I can ( but I dont have a licence) /No, I cant. Past simple + ago present perfect + SINCE FOR I learnt/ got my license . ago. I like + ING I have been driving. Yes, I do, No, I dont, I hate it Its a (Ford, BMW, Renault.)


Do you ever go over the speed I usually. limit? Ive gone/ I havent gone. Have you ever gone over the speed limit?

traffic QUESTIONS Have you got a driving licence ? Has anybody in your family got one? How long have you had it? How long has he/she had it? Have you got a car / Has your . got one? What car make do you have? does your. have Would you like to have a driving licence Whats your dream car? What do you hate most about other drivers? Have you or your family ever got lost in a car? .. run out of petrol? .. had a puncture? Have you ever been stopped by the police? What happened? How do you usually get to work/school? How long does it take you? Do you have any problems? Whens the rush hour in your town? Are there enough car parks? Are there any cycle lanes in your city? Do people use them? Why (not) What do you think of driving laws? Do you ever go over the speed limit? ANSWERS NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB..

-Yes, I have -No, I havent. but my .. has Voc Builder 7 p 136 got one Present Perfect + for or since -Yes I havesince 1995/for 2 p 68 ex 2 colours months -Yes, I have -No, I havent Yes, he/she has a -Traffic jam, parking, spaces.. -I have a Ford My father/ a friend of mine was Yes, I would. When Im . stopped once and.. -(a)few + countable My dream car is a .because .. Present Perfect for experience. I hate drivers who .. -I drive/cycle/walk to Yes, once we .. -from __to__ -at 6:00 / at night -in the morning/afternoon -enough+noun adjective + enough -Yes, I have -No, I havent -I usually get to work/school by bus /on boot -It takes me about -The main problem is.. -The rush hour in my town starts -Yes, there are -No, there arent -Yes, there are -No, there arent -Yes, they do -No, they dont -I think driving laws Well I .. -people-(plural) are/ have -People over 18(+) -People under (-) should (not)

dating videos with scripts: how to be the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend dating tips QUESTIONS ANSWERS NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. kind/friendly /nice/interesting /generous/sensitive/ loyal/sensible/ modest/reliable /patient/hard-working/ open-minded/ committed/sincere/ witty/talkative/ cheerful/faithful/ broad-minded/ out-going/romantic handsome/tall/ slim/ /cute with dark or fair hair/ restaurant/pub /school/university /job

Have you got a boyfriend/girlfriend? Whats your boyfriend/girlfriend like? What characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend? Where did you meet him/her? What does he/she look like? How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend? o Where did you go? o What did you do? o Who did you go with? What are some popular places to go on a date? Would you mind if your boyfriend/girlfriend went out to a party without you? Do you think a boy should pay for everything on a date? What would you consider "the perfect date" for you? Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you ever had a crush on someone? Do you think that you can find eternal love through the Internet? Do you know what a 'blind date' is? Have you ever been on a blind date? If you had to marry either a poor man you really loved, or a rich man you did not love, which would you choose?

Yes I have/ No I havent He/She would be I look for a/an person I met him/her She/He is I was 15.

Some popular places to go on a date are I would/ I wouldnt mind because Yes,I think so because. No,I dont think so because My perfect date would be Yes /No because. Yes I had. Yes/ no because.

Yes / No. Do you? Yes I have/ no I havent I would choose the rich one because I would choose the poor one because Would you move to a place far from your Yes, I would /No, I wouldnt family and friends to be with the person you because. loved? Why or why not? Have your parents ever disapproved of any of your relationships? Do you think it is okay for a couple to live together before getting married? Why or Why not? Yes/No Yes/no because..

Holding hands/ stare at each other/ kissed/

My parents are very understanding open-minded

relax QUESTIONS How do you relax? Do you think you are a relaxed person? Do you prefer going for a walk in the country or in a park? Do you do tai-chi/yoga? How often? How often do you go running? Do you prefer a shower or a hot bath? Do you like spending time alone? Do you like changing your routine? Do you dream in colour or black and white? How often do you have a massage? Do you usually have a short nap during the day? How often do you have a lie-in? Do you usually go shopping? Do you usually take a different route to school? Do you usually drink coffee? What kind of music do you like? Do you prefer staying in or going out? What kind of films do you like? Do you prefer seen films at home or at the cinema? Do you do any activities after school/work? How do you relax before an exam? Do you get stressed during the exam? How many hours do you sleep? Have you read The little book of Calm? ANSWERS Watching TV / Listening to music/ Reading a book. Yes ,I do No, I dont I prefer Adverbs positions Before Sometimes/ Never/ Not very the main verb often.. After Hardly ever/ Dont ever/ Often. the verb to be I prefer. After Yes, I do No, I dont the first auxiliary Yes, I do No, I dont Adverbs phrases I usually dream in.. positions: Sometimes/ Never/ Not very often.. Yes, I do No, I dont On Saturday/ When I dont have a class. Yes, I do No, I dont Yes, I do No, I dont Tired, depressed, Yes, I do No, I dont I like listening to. I prefer when I am . I like watching I prefer . I usually do Listening to music / Watching TV Yes I do / No I dont I usually sleep Yes, I have No, I havent Have you? Rock / Pop/ Reggae / HipHop / Rap / Chill out.. Romantic comedies, entertainment movies, thrillers, westerns, gangster films, science fiction.. At the beginning or end of a clause Like , Prefer + ing NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB..

films everything about the latest films around the world:
QUESTIONS Do you like going to the cinema? How often do you go to the cinema? What is the last film youve seen? When did you see it? Where did you see it ? Who did you see it with? Why did you choose this film? What did you know about it beforehand? Do you know who directed the film? Who are the actors? /Whos in it? What type of film is it? What is the main story? What is the soundtrack like? Are there any special effects? What did you think of the especial effects? Does it have a happy ending? Did you enjoy the film more or less than you expected? Whats the best film you have seen this year? Would you recommend this film? Whos your favourite actor / actress? Do you prefer seeing films at home or in the cinema (or in the big screen)? Do you prefer dubbed films or with subtitles? What kind of films do you prefer? Which films do you prefer, Spanish or American? What do you usually do after going to the cinema? ANSWERS Yes, I do No, I dont because I go to the cinema ..... I saw it.... I saw it at I saw it with.... Alone I chose it because... Somebody told me it was.... Yes, I do... No, I dont... The actors are... It is a (n)... It is about.... It has songs by It is rock/pop. I think Yes, it did No, it didnt. At the end the . Yes, I did because.. No, I didnt because... (I think) the best film Ive seen this year is Yes, I would because.... No, I wouldnt because.... My favourite actor / actress is It depends on the film I dont mind Both of them I prefer watching I prefer . Because . I love NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. once / twice / three times a week / a month Students book page 23, 22 On video/DVD/TV

in the twentieth century/ in this century / in the 60s / on a plane / on a ship

Workbook page 13: love story, westerns, cartoons. Thrillers, entertainment movies

food and diet

QUESTIONS Do you eat enough of everything? Do you eat too much of everything? How many sweets do you have a day? Do you eat much/ enough/--any fruit? Which type of fruit? Do you drink much alcohol-coffee-tea? What do people in you country usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Do they eat at other times? Have you ever been on a diet? Do you think women are more worried than men about their diet? Do you think your diet is healthy? Why? Why not? Do you like vegetables? And, what about? Do you usually eat junk food? How often? Do you think children really like vegetables? Do you think being overweight is a problem? Do you usually have a siesta/nap after lunch? Do you think it is healthy? Have you got a fix timetable for meals? ANSWERS Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I dont like or I usually I eat a lot of I love No, I dont eat fruit. No, I dont. No, none. Yes, I usually drink I used to, but now People usually have NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. COUNTABLE----------------------UNCONTABLE A few-----------------------------------------a little Many------------------------------------------much BOTH

What is your favourite food?

A lot of/a Yes, they usually eat al(time) lot. No, they dont. They eat at similar hours. To have + meals Yes, I have. Im on a diet. I eat/dont To have + food or drinks eat No I havent. Too + adj. Yes, women are more worried about diet too much/many + nouns because Enough (coffee)/ hot enough No, they arent. Nowadays men are worried Yes, it is. I have enough . Its too fattening No it isnt. I think I eat too much.. tooBoiled many .. Backed I like . but I dont like Grilled No, not al all. Fried Yes, I eat it once-twice a week. Disgusting No, I dont it. Bribe Yes, they do. Mixture No, they dont like them because Spoonful Yes, I think it is, because Put on weight No, I dont think so. To be overweight To work overtime Yes, I do. No, I dont I think it is healthy/unhealthy because To oversleep Because of +noun / because I + verb Yes I always eat at the same times. No, I cant have meals at the same times I dont likeor because When I was younger I used to have Question: Do you like. ? lunch at the same time but now Answer: Yes, I do./No I My favourite food is dont.

work QUESTIONS What (exactly) do you do? Where do you work? What does your job involve? What do you have to do? Whats the job like? What did you do to get the job? Whats the good/bad side of it? Whats the worst thing for you? How long have you been working? What are your plans for the future? ANSWERS NOTES ABOUT GRAMMAR, PHRASES, VOCAB.. Vocabulary Builder 6

Im a + noun I work in + place / for + company I have to It involves+ ing I have to Its Adj.: exciting, boring, stressful, I had to .. Send a CV apply for have an interview Its a Permanent job, part time job, Work conditions To get promoted Ive worked since / for Pr. perfect going to If you work hard youll get promoted A degree/ a course in .. use a computer

What qualifications do you need To get this job it is important to for your job? have a degree and some experience. What are the most important You need to . Be good at + ing qualities you need for your job? Be able to What about your working The salary is . conditions? I have to do overtime The holidays Have you ever had a bad My worst experience was/ experience at work? happened when I was / went / I cant remember a bad experience Did you have a job before? Yes, I used to work as a .. No, this is my first job How do you get to work? I drive/ walk/ take a bus . How long does it take you to get It takes me there? If you could choose another job, Im happy with my job 2nd conditional If+ past what job would you like to have? Id like to be a . If I simple would (not)




What kind of school did you use to go to when you were a child? What was it like? Was it mixed or single sex? - Did you have to wear a uniform? / - What clothes did you wear to school? What was your favourite/least favourite subject/teacher? What subject were you good at ? How many students were there in your class? Who did you use to get on best? Were there any strict rules in your school?

I went to a : private or state school, boarding... It was.../There was...


- Yes, I have to... - They didnt let me... - Vocabulary Builder 5: My favourite subject/ teacher was . subjects - Subjects without article I was good at the. There were... - Let somebody do something I used to get on well with .. - Make somebody do Yes, we had to.../ They didnt let us + something Page infinitive.../ 40 We werent allowed to.../ No, we - (Not) to be allowed to didnt have to.../ We were allowed do something to...

Did your teachers make you memorize everything? Did your parents make you go to extra classes? Did you always do your homework?/ Did you use to do your homework? Did you cheat at exams? Were you ever caught? Did you use to have lunch at school? Did you enjoy yourself at school? What sports did you use to play?

They make me... - I always/ never/ rarely... - I used to/ didnt use to... - Yes, I .. once/ twice/ three times/ - Sports without article always,... the: I played football Yes, I was / No, never - Yes, I liked/ loved...+ ING - No, I hated...+ ING


QUESTIONS How do you get your money



I have a job/ My parents give me some pocket money every .. How much pocket money did you Yes, I do. use to get when you were a No, I dont. child?? Because BUY, COST, GIVE AWAY, Is there anyone you wouldnt Yes, there is. INVEST, LOSE, SAVE, SELL, lend money to? No, there isnt. SPEND, WEALTHY, POOR, Who? INHERIT. Do you usually give money to I used to get people who beg in the street INCOME, BANK LOAN, A Have you ever bought a luxurious Yes, I have. SAFE, THE COST OF LIVING, thing? No, I havent. I have never boughtBANK ACCOUNT, A PIGGY any luxurious thing. BANK. How much do you spend on I usually spend lottery tickets, the football pools, I never buy lottery tickets. WASTE, EARN, WIN. etc? Hove you ever won anything on I have won once/twice... USUALLY+PRESENT SIMPLE the lottery, the pools, the lotto? No, I havent. Do you usually leave tips in bars, Yes, I usually leave restaurants? No, I dont leave tips in bars Why not? because SECOND CONDITIONAL: IF+ How much? PAST SIMPLE What would you love to buy but I would love to buy WOULD+INF (p 150) you cant afford? Do you think credit cards are a Yes, I do. PAG. 40 WORKBOOK good thing? No, I dont think credit cards are a PAG 127,123 BOOK good thing because... VOCABULARY BUILDER 7 Do you now anyone whos very Yes, I do. mean? No, I dont. My .. was stolen. Sb stole Who? my Have you ever been robbed (of Yes, I have been robbed money)? No, I havent. When? Do you think that having a lot of Yes, I think so. If I had a lot of money will change your life? money, Id No, I dont think so. Would you lend a lot of money to I would lend that person money if a person you know he would give I had it. you the money back? No, I wouldnt. tips for saving money

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