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PowerShell for SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 ships with some 531 PowerShell cmdlets giving administrators ultimate power over their SharePoint server. This quick cheat sheet will help you get started with it.

Getting Started
SharePoint PowerShell snapin (command library) is installed on any server on which you performed a "complete" installation of SharePoint software (SharePoint 2010 front end server or application server). To start it locally: On the Start menu, click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell, Or in a regular PowerShell session, execute: Add-PSS napin Microsoft.SharePoint. Powershell

To grant these permissions sufficient to use PowerShell for SharePoint 2010, use Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet and specify the user and the databases to which the user needs access, e.g.

Add-SPShellAdmi n -UserName contoso\velaskec -database (Get-SPContentDatabase -webapplication http://sitename)

For details see http:// technet.mi m/en- us/li brary /ee 8068 78(offic e.14 ).aspx

Getting Help
Get help for a cmdlet:

Get-Help Get-SPSite
Get a list of all SharePoint cmdlets:

Get-Command -Module Microsoft.SharePoint.Power Shell

Wildcard search for a cmdlet:

Get-Command *Backup*
Finding out which properties and methods an object emitted by a cmdlet has:

Get-SPWeb | Get-Member

To invoke cmdlets from a remote machine (for example, your workstation rather than SharePoint server) you can use PowerShell remoting.

To enable PowerShell remoting on the SharePoint server:

Enable -PSRemoting
To connect to the SharePoint server from your workstation in interactive mode:

Enter-PSSession 'MySharePointServer' -Credential:'Domain\Username' Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell

To execute a PowerShell script on a remote server from local machine without opening an interactive session:

cheat sheet version 2.0

$session = New-Session 'MySharePointServer' Credential:'Domain\Username' Invoke-Command $session { your script }

Implicit Remoting
To execute a PowerShell script on a remote server from local machine without opening an interactive session and typing Invoke-Comma nd each time you can set up implicit remote session, in which case all SharePoint cmdlets will appear to be executing locally while in reality these will be so called "proxy functions " invoking their corresponding originals on the SharePoint server:

$session = New-PSSession 'MySharePointServer' Credential:'Domain\Username' Invoke-Command $session { Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell } Import-PSSession -session $session Get-SPSite "http://myco mpan y/ sites/mysite "

Saving the remote session to local disk

PowerShell remoting also provides a method to save the remote session to a local disk module. Using this locally saved module, you can have quick access to the SharePoint cmdlets on a remote system. You can use Export-PSSession cmdlet to do this.

$session = New-PSSession 'MySharePointServer' Credential:'Domain\Username' Invoke-Command $session { Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell } Export-PSSession -Session $session -OutputModule "SP2010" - CommandName *-SP*
This will create a module by name SP2010 at the $env:PSModulePath. You can import this module like any other PowerShell module using Import-Module and get access to the remote cmdlets as if they were on the local machine. PowerShell takes care of creating a remote session as required and you will be prompte d for the credentials to connect to a remote session, if required.

Working with Sites and Lists

To get the number of site collections: (Get-SPSite).Count To remove all site collections:

"Succeeded"} | group JobDenitionTitle

Get-SPSite | Remov e-SPSite

To remove all site collections without confirmations:

Get-SPSite | Remov e-SPSite -Conrm:$false To create a new site


New-SPSite $url -OwnerAlias $admin -Template (GetSPWebTemplate | Where {$_.Title -eq "Team Site" } )
To create new site:

New-SPWeb $url -Template (Get-SPWebTemplate | Where {$_.Title - eq "Team Site" })

To create new task list in all sites:

Get-SPWeb | ForEach {$_.Lists.Add("My Tasks", "", $_.ListTemplates["Tasks"])}

To create new task list in site:

Get-SPWeb $url | ForEach {$_.Lists.Add("My Tasks", "", $_.ListTemplates["Tasks"])}

To enumerate available workflows:

Get-SPWeb $url | Select -Expand WorkowTemplates | Select Name

To enumerate all document libraries in your site:

Get-SPWeb $url | Select -Expand Lists | Where {$_.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary"}

SharePoint Timer Jobs

SharePoint delays execution of some of its tasks using timers. These may fail or be set up to execute too often and overload the server thus making other tasks fail. To get a list of all timer jobs:

To get a list of job failures grouped by the job name:

Get-SPTimerJob | Select -Expand HistoryEntries | Where {$_.Status -ne

Working with Content

Show all items in a site:

Get-SPWeb $url | Select -Expand Lists | Select -Expand Items | select Name, Url
Show only documents:

Get-SPWeb $url | Select -Expand Lists | Where {$_.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary"} | Select -Expand Items | select Name, Url
Search for item:

$writer.Write($content) $writer.Flush() Get-SPWeb $WebUrl | ForEach {$_.Lists[$ListName]} | ForEach {$_.RootFolder.Files.Add($DocumentName, $stream, $true); $_.Updat e()} } New-SPFile -WebUrl "http://mycompany/sites/mysite" -ListName "Shared Documents" -DocumentName "MyFirstDocument" -Content "Power Blues"

Get-SPWeb $url | Select -Expand Lists | Select -Expand Items | Where {$_.Name -like "*.doc"} | select Name, Url
To create a new document in a document library:

Recycle Bin
To find an item by its name in the Recycle Bin for a site:

function New-SPFile($WebUrl, $ListName, $DocumentName, $Content) { $stream = new-object System.IO.MemoryStream $writer = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter($stream)

(Get-SPWeb "http://sp201 0dc ").RecycleBin| Where{$_.Title-match "cool"}

Then use the item ID to restore it:

(Get-SPWeb "http://sp2010dc" ).RecycleBin.Restore( "b23d2d41-cd6a-4471-a891-c86f83563e11" )

For Site Collection Recycle Bin use:


cheat sheet version 2.0

SharePoint Backup
To start a full farm backup,

Enable remote work with backend server

If your backend server is different than the frontend server to which you open remote session you need to enable CredSSP for access delegation. To enable client-side SSP for winrm, run the following lines:

Backup-SPFarm -BackupMethod Full -Directory "Destination-Directory" -BackupThreads 5

When the above command is executed, a full farm backup will be performed with five threads to perform the backup. You can specify up to 10 threads. However, the fewer the backup threads, the easier it is to read the backup log file. You can also specify "Differential" as the backup method to perform differential backup of SharePoint farm. By default, this does not show the progress of backup operation. To see the progress as backup is performed:

Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role client -DelegateComput er * To enable server-side SSP for


Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role server

You can use CredSSP as the value to -Authentication parameter of InvokeCommand, Enter-PSSession, and New-PSSession cmdlets. This will enable delegating the credentials from client system to the server and other hops as required More information available here: http://d ownlo ad.mi cros ad/9 /5/E/95EF6 6A F-902 6-4BB 0- A41DA4F8180 2D92C/%5 BMS-CSSP%5D.p df

Backup-SPFarm -BackupMethod Full -Directory "Destination-Directory" -BackupThreads 5 -Verbose

To see a list of all items included in backup:

Backup-SPFarm -ShowTree
To perform a site collection backup:

Object disposal
By default, SharePoint PowerShell tends to dispose the objects at the end of the pipeline. This means that variables assigned to pipeline output might lose data once the one-liner is finished. If you need the data to persist in memory and want to make SharePoint PowerShell store results beyond one-liners run:

Backup-SPSite -Identity "http://MySite:2131/" -Path "Path to Backup le"

To perform on site collection backup using SQL snapshots:

Backup-SPSite -Identity "http://MySite:2131/" -Path "Path to Backup le" -UseSqlSnapShot

There is no option in the central administration to perform backup using SQL snapshots. This can be done using PowerShell only. Also, using SQL Snapshots is the recommended way to perform a site collection backup. This will allow users to continue to read / write site collectio n content while the backup is in progress.

To get back to default behavior (dispose once the pipeline is finished):

Stop-SP Assignment

Useful Links
Free PowerShell community, forums, administrative and scripting/debugging tools: Get latest version of this cheat sheet at:

There are a few SharePoint gotchas to keep in mind:

Remote command may fail because of memory limits

To extend memory limits for remote sessions execute the following (on SharePoint server):

fails with "Access Deny" error.

Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Shell\MaxMemoryPerShellMB 1000

This needs to be executed under the account of local administrator. Otherwise it

Dmitry Sotnikov Mike Plavsky

Ravikanth Chaganti Konstantin Vlasenko Konstantins PowerSlim project (Fitnesse + PowerShell):
cheat sheet version 2.0

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