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Youll need: Felt for the eyes, mouth and tie.

[colors white, black, red, blue, pink) or a different kind of fabric which is glue-able to the yarn Glue Circular needles size 2.5cm (or any other size which will fit your chosen yarn in a way there won't be any big holes. Yarn colors; yellow, white, brown, black, and tiny bit of red and blue (for socks) Stuffing Optional; metal wire for the arms and/legs 15-30cm (6-12inch) will do Notes: usually when needed to create and icord I use the magic loop method but you can use the traditional icord method. Also, usually I use the picking up sts method (PU) because I hate knitting ten separate objects and then connecting, but if you prefer doing each part separately its just the same. Cast on your needles the number of sts meant to PU. Not a difficult pattern, methods are pretty basic and the abbservations are as usual: kfb (knit from back), co (cast on), bind off=cast off, k2tog (knit 2 together), icord, magic loop, mattress stitch... Pattern :) Body: CO circular needles size 2.5cm 64 sts. (yellow) Rnd 1: 10k, 1p, 20k, 1p, 10k, 1p, 20k, 1p Rnd 2: 10k, 1k, 20k, 1k, 10k, 1k, 20k, 1k Continue with these rnds until measures 9cm (3.5inch). As you can see 4 columns of Garter st will be created between 4 Stockinette parts: Then switch to (white) and repeat same rnds as before, only this time with purl: Rnd 1: 10p, 1p, 20p, 1p, 10p, 1p, 20p, 1p Rnd 2: 10p, 1k, 20p, 1k, 10p, 1k, 20p, 1k Repeat both rnds twice [4 rnds of white] dont forget to continue the 4 Garter columns! Then switch to (brown) and repeat the same way 6 rnds, and cast off. [Remember to keep the 4 columns of 1st as Garter ones]

What we got is a hollow squarish tube: turn it inside out and this is the right SpongeBob texture!

1st 20st

1st 10st 1st 20st 1st 10st

Now you start closing him up and filing him with fiber. PU 11 st [from one of the 10st-parts] Stockinette for 11cm (4.3inch) [or until length reaches the other side exactly]. This part is done on straight needles, or on the circular needles but as if you knit on straight. Make sure that if you start from the (yellow) part you Stockinette with wrong side out, and when working on the pants' side (brown) working on the right side of the Stockinette. Then use the mattress stitch or combination seaming to connect to the body from all sides. Now fill him up with stuffing, and if you want to put safety eyes instead of felt ones, now is a good time. Also, if you wish to square him up even more you can simply cut some hard paper like carton or anything else (doesnt even need to be that hard). Cut three straps and place inside Spongebob in the thin parts (the 10st ones) and in the bottom or the pants (brown). After filling, close up the other side in the same way. Arms: PU 8 st (white) for sleeve and start first rnd knitting. [make 2, one on each side] Rnd 2: kfb1, k3, kfb1, k3 Rnd 3: k Rnd 4: kfb1, k4, kfb1, k4 Rnd 5: k (12 st eventually) Rnd 6: Bind off 2, k3, bind off2, k3, bind off 2 (a small space is created which you can later on fill)

Now we start the arm: switch to (yellow), which will be an 8cm icord, 6st wide. If you want you can insert a metal wire so you can shape his arms afterwards. After knitting the icord=arm we start Spongebobs 4-toes-hand: [we have 6 st] I suggest dropping them onto a stitch holder or a scrap of yarn, that way it's easier to work on each finger at a time and without ten different needles to hold these 6 sts. You divide it like this: 2st for side toe, 2st other for the other side toe and the 2st in the middle will each create a different finger. The fingers: the side fingers will be shorter: 3rnds or icord, then bind off the middle fingers will be longer: 5rnds of icord, then bind off

Legs: [notice they are very long, if you want them shorter just knit less rnds then mentioned] First work on the pants. [notice the pants are not attached to the legs, just hang around them, sort of]. CO 13sts in the round [make 2, one on each side] Rnd 1-4: k Rnd 5: start Garter-stitching with a rnd of p Rnd 6: k Rnd 7: p Rnd 8: Bind off loosely and knitwise The leg itself I did separately and then inserted into the pants. CO 6sts for the shoe (black) [make 2, each will be inserted to the other side of the pants] Rnd 1: kfb1, k2, kfb1, k2 Rnd 2: k Rnd 3: kfb1, k3, kfb1, k3 Rnd 4: k Rnd 5: kfb1, k4, kfb1, k4 Rnd 6-9: k

Rnd 10: k2tog, k2, k2tog, k2tog, k2, k2tog [8 sts] Rnd 11: k Rnd 12: Bind off 4st, k4 Rnd 13: k the 4 remaining sts Cange to (white) [you can start working as icord now] Rnd 14: kfb1, k2, kfb1 [6sts] Rnd 15: k for 5 cm (2inch) Change to (red): k 2rnds Change to (white): k 4rnds Change to (blue): k 2rnds Change to (white): k for 7.5cm (3inch) Put the sts on a free needle/tapestry needle and take time to fill the shoe a bit, and start working on a nice and easy heel: PU 5 sts around the gap that was created between the sock and the shoe, anf knit as icord, 3rnds

Now you can attach the legs onto the Sponge :) [pics might assist you with this]. Pull a thread through the top of the leg and with tapestry needle pulto both sides of the pants. Then pull tight, get one of the threads to the other side and tie together. This is very easy but hard to explain, if you have a problem I could also send you an explaining video. Nose and face: Nose: PU 8 st, after checking this is the exact place for the nose. Firstly, place the other face features to see where you want the nose. Spongebob's face is devided for two parts, where half is his big eyes and the other is a wide smile, so the nose should be pretty much in the middle and very close to his eyesthat way he is the cutest. Rnd 1: k for 2cm (o.8inch) Rnd 2: kfb1, k3, kfb1, k3 Rnd 3: k Rnd 4: k2tog, k1 [to end of rnd, finish with k2tog]

Fill a tiny bit of stuffing, cut yarn, leaving a tail and pull through remaining sts.

You can see above how many layers are there and when did I think it's better to just draw the black lines with a pen. Final details: Attach eyelashes. [I used the black felt thing] If you want you can add the little white triangles on the white part of his pants [his shirt really], I didn't think it's necessary. In the brown part you can sew with a scrap of black yarn the lines he has. [hard to see in the pic but they exist] Tah Dah!

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