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ii aa ok ew "ok a a= 2 oO eh ee APOCALYPSE 1: 21-22 PHYSICA “zzz METAPHYSICA AND HyPERPHYSICA D.O.MLA. PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BE TO GOD THE ALMIGHTY FROM ETERNITY TO ETERNITY. AMEN. SIMPLE A. B. C: BOOKLET FOR THE YOUNG STUDENTS DAILY EXERCISING STUDIOUSLY IN THE SCHOOL OF THE HOLY GHOST. VERY SIMPLE, PICTURE-LIKE, PAINTED FOR THE EYES, FOR THE NEW YEAR EXERCISE IN THE NATURAL AND THEOLOGICAL LIGHT. I KNOW I WANT I CAN DO I LOVE NOTHING I GLORY IN I DELIGHT IN I SEEK I ALSO WISH FOR NOTHING IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH EXCEPT THE LIVING WORD ALONE WHICH HAS BECOME FLESH IN JESUS CHRIST THE CRUCIFIED. 1 COR. 2. THIS IS THE MOST HOLY THE HIGH- EST AND MOST COMPREHENSIBLE AND MOST HEAVENLY CHAPTER YET EVIDENTLY REVEALED TO US BY THE MERCY OF GOD IN THE LIGHT GF CORPOREAL NATURE. LOTMA JEIDVAIT Gon woRrD maT Firs Mion Fine Scbetance Quintessence Four Tiements Philosophers Stane FIRE a ue ffs oe #,f.z sate = = kz Bhd Be a” eft es ae z uA apy rmuna aug asoye popuedine ma ogy ye mde oa KNOW YE, THAT GOD GUIDES HIS SAINTS WONDROUSLY, SAYS: THE 4TH PSALM. AFTER EVERYTHING WRITTEN IN THE HOLY WRITING WAS LEFT to us for the instruction, research and memory, so that we men should learw #0 recognize our great and incomprehensible God, and His noble creation of all creatures, and mast of all ro know oteselver: and also in the Hoty Script of the wonder-numbers; Three—Fout—and Seven sometimes are oficn aptly mcationed as they, without any doubt, conceal a great secret: therefore i ask in simplicity with a pure heart: what dact the following mean? in the Highs of MATURE AS WELL AS IN THE LICHT OF MERCY? OF THE GREAT WONDER-NUMBER 3: FIRST: WHAT DO THE THREE DIFFERENT DAYS MEAN? Gans, Crarren & In which Neak let fly onc of she ark, the raven, and afterwards let the dove, cack time ojter Tamue TIMES srven days Aadt pone By? SECOND: WHAT DOES THE VERY FIRST SACRIFICE MEAN? $0 GOD THE Master commanded Abram 10 serve Him; thereof in the fifteenth chapter of Genesis: be- sides othars, wie read: Ann Gop sPoxE TO HIM? Tur pring THEOLOGY: BRING TOME: anp HE DROVERT tr, ‘Testiryi oF 1H Natoma Meacy-Licht. Paosorracan LicHt. ‘anu) 8 ve. OLo Cow Luan sim town 3 ve ous cowr Ne ‘A ie the fourth|onse| 3 va. obb MAM sy oe r4 Chapier ieee) HS rein] SS cites Tre xoor Jussi Te me oe act Merats iia A Rien ala ee Ewca's Cuese Seestu A rus dean pagney 1 yu Suk crxcen = Pas Seocnece Sarsaxviae aca ore = Carey Menreme Hrameris LITTLE Win ¥ ALSO FATS THE DEAD ooy, AND ELIES OTF WITH Ef; FINALLY Tris CAUGHT BY THE FEMLasoPHes, CHIORED AND KEALKD. THIRD: WHAT KIND OF A WONDROUS FIRE WAS IT? OF WHICH WE read: Leviticns, chapter 9, And in the second back of Croniclet, chapser 7. ik felt from heaven, ignited and consumed ihe sacrifices om she altar; which five the priests afterwards took along as they were taken into the Babylonion priron: And the prophet Nehemizh (who is also called Jeremiah) commanded them ta hide the haly fire in a bole on sheir wuy, wnsil they would return: Afterdeards the priests looked for it and food thick water instead of the fire: But when they poured if on the sacrifice and the sod, it was lit By the sun, and burned and consumed the whole sacrifice together with the wood, In the ather book of the Maccabees, the first chap- ter, eve read more extensively Bow this wondrous fire and water is to be looked for and found even today. FOURTH: WHAT DO THE THREE GREAT WONDER-BIRTHS IN THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT MEAN? Agaix and in the course of Nature it happened, as God the Master Himself announced; afterwards he also let His angels announce and indicate: First of isaac: as in Genesis, the E5th, 18th, and 28h chaptert. Then of Sam- son, at in the book of Judges 13. Pursher of John the Baptist: as is to be read explicitly i Luke. Aud lastly the mast wonderful birch of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, the Virgin's som, which far excels the ather three births. We read thereof im Matthew and Luke, chapter 1 ond several ashers, FIFTH: WHAT THE THREE PARTS OF MAN—i. THE SPIRIT: 2. THE SOUL: 3 the bodys of which the holy apostle Paud soriles in I Thessalonians, S—mean and indi cate in the light of Nature as well as in the light of Merey? ASD THIS If SOMETHING OF THE SECRETS OF THE WONDER-NUMBER Ly SAY Lint or WOE WOE WoE 4, Eumaunt ee ms, -L From. 5 4.Foz A. 1 Nar. AMP A, 3.Am YY. 2. MECODMES Ay - seen sukcey 2 Xe : Bye as < Le \UINTESSENCE— Mirecury $3. | Fonane\ Ppa Surcearonan | sone Wik RE ‘To YOU FRone z Or Naruse | Or Mera ETEANETY 20 Mazev WII AND 1 CYLAGHT Y Gon Parser Sow Hovy Guosr Hien a, MENT To YOU. G P W M OF THE GREAT WONDER-NUMBER 4 FIRST: WHY THE LORD GOP GAVE THT FIRST WORLD THREE TIMES FORTY— OR THIRTY TIMFS FOUR FEARS—THAT MAKES ONE HUNDRED TWRNTY YEARS—RRSPITE AND TIME 1D PO PENANCE? So we Bap in Genuais 6. From THE OLD AND: Naw Testament: Iv TRE Orn Tustassexr Tw tHe Now TestaniNt 40. Dave aNp NiGHTS rr BaINED Trexs CHWST, THR HIGHEDPRATSED as the deluge catae over all oj God (like olf men) war farmed the earth. in the womb. 40. Days avrem THE DELUGE Hab 40. Mosras Cxmist, 1 Lorn eanacten AND abated, Noah opened the preformed wonder: ou earth and in ark, the Jewish country. 40, Dags ann NIGHTS 40, Days aNp wiorts ow Hr rast in THE Moses was on desert, end war templed by Monat Sinai. the devil. 40. Yeans vas Cemtonen oF 40. Hours Canist THE Israel were in the Lord ly i the desert, tomb. 40. Das axp NIGHTS, ALS0, 40. Days arren Hes erecnescriow ow He the prophet Elias was tay on earth, and was seen its Jasting in che desert, an illuminated Sody. 40. Days Niveven Hab TIME 40. Yeaus arTEn Ceuusz’s ascension, and space to do Jerusalem was destroyed by penance. the Romans, Sum: 3 Toes 4 mes 4: 1s THE SECRET LNTURPRETATION, ORs Ge ‘Wor 1s aes, T sex, £08 MY Les Aer iM PURE TO svuak THE secenrs, batanr 6. THEOLOGICAL LIGHT 0! MAN, KNOW GOD AND THYSELF, AND YOU KNOW WHAT IS IN HEA’ EN, AND ON EARTH. Wuar was Goo wirmour means? Wir Wirnour Bacvwind mais Wrrecur Exo What was Gon aerone THE What Was MAN BITORE THE BECENNING TM ETERNITY? ‘THE BREATH OF ALL 15 EVERYTHING WHat Was Maw IN THE What was Gon iw THE EGINNAN REGINNING? Exowins Oursinz of Narorr Surraue\, Tar wares ow Whick Tr ‘Wor Sreor Waar ts Man in Tumse? Srierr Hosanirr Man SouL Hoct Guosr Bone ‘Wear is Gop arrer ans Wrint ts Maw AFTER Tow? Au Tra? Paver Booy ano Seinrr Tare OSTO Howry Guosy, Sox of Man THREE WORLDS DWELL IN ONE WORLD ‘THe CREAT WORLD WITH ‘THE ETIRNAL HEAVENLY ALL CREATURES WORLD Hravexty Burwos Gop tHe FATHER Goo THe Hoty Guost ‘THE LITTLE WORLD AS THREE NATURAL SUNS IN THE WORLD: ‘THe Lance Son w Heaven Tue swat Sun 1n Farnes ano Movuen or att CREATURES Man Rro ‘Tue towsst Sow me . ‘ra Earrst ta Fne b THERE ARE ALSO 3 TIMES 7 PLANETS, OR. REGENTS IN THE WHOLE WORLD: Govsanors oF Tae Woarn, In THe Great Urree Wou> In tee Mioove Won i on Earner Heaven CABALISTIC FIGURE, THE REAL FOUNDATION OF GOD'S WONDER-NUMBER 1, 2, 3. 4 SHIN ELOHIM by KR LL e 4 OISECRET OF SECRETS ‘Tu emanaL ove Goo Mantrests ov aes A’ TRINITY er ee REAR wires a : ‘a ON EARTH! G. Wi Ts poo re ree she | AND To Sa AccOMDOsG 10-1 HEAVENLY ETERNEPY a nace TOs na. TAL IN HEAVEN... ON EARTH ‘THE HIDDEN ROSE-CHOSS 2. 2... OF WHICH THE WORLD PROPHESIES APPARENT TO THE EYE, EVIDENT, AND THE SE- CARLY OP ALL SECRETS IN HEAVEN AND ON BARTEL. Tae Tvcareney meToaRt eresial im ayer ware Teron THE 7 four |eneain Se m5 1 feu Pee “rus GOD 1m Tae cauEW Est et rowan OD ‘OF rrmasane seneve LY C2GHTT PATTERNTD AUTEN TH HEAYAMLY LIGHT ATTEENED mH TC WATERAL Licocr AMD 222, Trnsecoe ivan ceaeunett cam ara aan [,.C, OOMNERSTONE ae 16 PARAGEGPICY EF wane GROAT MYSTERY CREAT MYSTERY cca 90 THE ME wine Rot CABALA THEOLOCY Accanoawe ro stucic PHILOSOPHY rwres vuy rtounas accoaones Te ane £2. 1 (a owe axiec ip Dos eee Sea tg see baah iene STU HEAVENEY PEARS ‘THE ETERNAL AND TRIUNE GOD IS A PATTERN OF ALL NATURE IN ALL HIS WORKS AND CREATURES aw wera} pec O! seceer ABGVE ALL secaers|

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